How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God!
how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number
than the sand:
Psalm 139.17f
The Full Text Hebrew/Greek Bible Gematria Database
This tool will allow you to analyse the alphanumeric structure of every verse of the Holy Bible.
It displays the numerical equivalent of every word of the Old and New Testaments and automatically calculates the
sum of any combination of words in the original languages. It also has links to the corresponding
entries in Strong's Concordance, so the tool can be used by everyone, even those without
specialized knowledge in the orginal Hebrew and Greek. Here is the link.
UPDATE (09/12/08): I recently discovered that my database was the target of a
SQL injection attack which
added malicious javascript to the webpage and cause the pages to load very slowly. It also caused antivirus
programs to raise an alert. I have found all the malicious code and removed it from the database, and have locked it down
so it should never happen again. The pages now load instantly (if you have a high-speed connection). Please report any
problems to
Articles on various Numbers in the Bible
These links will bring up various interwoven articles discussing the meaning of the numbers in the Bible. They will be integrated
with the new Full Text Database as time permits.
The online database now contains 2399 interlocking identities
from 305 numerical categories
that are woven throughout all three threads of the Bible Wheel site.
Here are a few of my favorite identities that encode the essence of some of the
fundamental doctrines of the historic Christian Faith: Alpha Omega = 801 = The Creator
Gospel = 577 = God's Love
Love = 13 = Unity (Note the interplay of 1 and 3)
Jesus = 888 = The Salvation of our God
The Body of Jesus = 2869 = And they shall look upon me whom they have pierced ...
Let there be light = 232 = The Word of the Lord
Covenant (B'rit) = 612 = Scripture (Graphe)
Wheel (Galgal) = 66 = The Number of Books in the Wheel!
Table of Gematria Reference Identities