Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
Deuteronomy 6.4f
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1.1
The Number 39 forms a fundamental link between the Creation Holograph
(John 1.1) and the Unity Holograph. We have
the identities:
The Lord is one
YHVH Echad |
= 39 = 3 x 13 (One / Love) |
Sum of John 1.1 = 39 x 93 (Love / Will)"
The miracle of the Unity Holgraph is that it unifies the three funamdamental names of God - YHVH, Elohim, and
The Father. This integrates with the ordinal value of the Hebrew phrase HaShem that is used
to avoid uttering God's Holy Name (YHVH):
The Name (Ord)
HaShem |
= 39 |
Note that Moses - whom God chose to reveal His great name,
I AM THAT I AM - is an anagram
of HaShem.
The Number 39 |
The Lord is one [Deu 6.4]
The Name (Ord)
Truth - Faithfulness (Ord) [Deu 32.4]
Redemption [S# 1353]
Moses (Ord)
Myrrh [S# 3910]
Dew [Ps 110.3]
Softly-Secretly [S# 3909]
The Spirit (Ord)
Thy Brother [Gen 4.9]
Factors: 3 x 13 (One / Love)
Related Numbers: 26 (YHVH), 1118 (Sum of Shema)