And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness
was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Genesis 1.2
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold,
it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Genesis 1:31
Grammarians teach that the sign Aleph Tav indicates the object of a transitive verb. While this
is true, the Rabinic tradition expands it to include the symbolic meaning of Aleph Tav.
Thus they teach that a word prefixed by Aleph Tav signifies the essence of that thing, everything
about it, from beginning to end, from Aleph to Tav
(see The Capstone Signature of God's Word).
This interpretation of Aleph Tav is particularly interesting in the
verse above, where the word
prefixed by Aleph Tav is the word (Kol, Everything), so that the
words written are (Et Kol, Everything from Aleph to Tav).
This word is symmetric with Aleph Tav on the Wheel, linked by the figure 8 -
the mobius symbol of infinity:

What a beautiful image of everything! The value of this then integrates with that of the primordial sea:
The Deep
Tehum |
= 451 |
Note the relations to Sea (natural!) and The Man (Et-HaAdam, God's pinancle of Creation).
This same figure governs the symmetric pattern of all history from Abraham to Christ and from Christ to the
prestent age (see Aleph Tav: The Key to the Kingdoms).
With the sofit value (Mem = 600 = Cosmos) many of these identities are
transformed to 1011 = The Heaven and Earth.
The Number 451 |
Everything [Gen 1.31]
The Deep [Gen 1.2]
The Man (acc) [Gen 2.7]
The Sea (acc)
Death [Is 25.8]
Deed, Work [S# 4234]
Ishmael [Gen 17.18]
And they that be wise [Dan 12.3]
Factors: 11 x 41