How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God!
how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number
than the sand:
This tool will allow you to analyse the alphanumeric structure of every verse of the Holy Bible.
It displays the numerical equivalent of every word of the Old and New Testaments and automatically calculates the
sum of any combination of words in the original languages. It also has links to the corresponding
entries in Strong's Concordance, so the tool can be used by everyone, even those without
specialized knowledge in the orginal Hebrew and Greek. Here is the link.
These links will bring up various interwoven articles discussing the meaning of the numbers in the Bible. They will be integrated
with the new Full Text Database as time permits.
401 =
Aleph + Tav = Isaiah [Isa 1.1] = The Lord hath done it = I was there = Upon the rock = Like God (Full) = Clean = From Mount Zion
403 =
And God called = Message, Ambassage = Reasonable, Of the Word = By all that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD = In Everlasting Remembrance = I will seek = Thy salvation comes! = The Fiftieth year = Winepress
404 =
Holy = Law, Decree = A perfect heart = Almond = shall there be one LORD, and his name one.
406 =
Tav (Mark, Cross) = Thou (Atoh) = For a memorial in the temple of the LORD = I am the Almighty God = The Name of Thy God = The Lord Preserved = With a Perfect Heart = Eve (Greek)
407 =
Sign = Cursed = Perished, Lost, Destroyed = Ark = The Circuit of Heaven
412 =
Beyt (House) = The Ark = The Sign = And God divided the light = Break of Day = Desire = Favor from the LORD = I will make (for) him = In His Holiness = Seeks = Sit, Dwell = utmost bound
414 =
Fountain of Life = Saint, Holy One = My Holy One = Generation of the Righteous = And thou shalt love = Approved, Tried = Virtue, Moral Goodness = Increase, Fruit = Meditation = Sorrow, Mourning = Heaviness, Sorrow
419 =
Tet (Name of 9th Letter) = To Judge = David = Thou art my Father! = A thing was revealed unto Daniel = The Wellspring of Wisdom = I AM sent me = I will send = Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet ... = The Nail = My Sister
430 =
Law = Number = The Righteous is an Everlasing Foundation = Numbers = Perfect (plural) = Weigh, Pay = Shekel = Cleave, Cleft = According to = Elishaphat = Alone, Only = Formless and Void = From of old, from everlasting = He is God (Full) = Rejoicing the heart = Soul = Treasure = Twilight, Dawn = Wild Olive Tree
434 =
The Seat of God = Yea, the LORD sitteth as King = The Judgment = To sanctify = Thy holy things = Shall be holy = He hath known my name = shall bear (a child) = To keep watch
440 =
Praise, Psalm = Perfect, Integrity = The House = Mountain = In the House of the LORD = To keep it holy = My soul = And gave birth = Labour, Trouble = Sufferings = Bitter = Cup of Trembling = Five = Four Fourscore, Eighty = Little, Least = Horse
441 =
TRUTH = The Work of the LORD = The God of Heaven = Infinite = Joined
443 =
The Word = Bethel, The House of God = What is his son's name? = And I knew you by name = Beginning = The Tablets (of stone) = The Annointed Priest = A voice calling = In Truth = The Way of the Just = The Way of the Spirit = Virgin = Bridle, Bit = Declaration = Good Man = I will praise the LORD = Jordan = Shall rejoice = Sincere, Pure
444 =
Perfect Love = I Love the LORD = to love Aleph Tav = Thou, even thou, art LORD = throughout all generations = The Way of thy Precepts = And the Glory of the LORD abode = Temple = In the hieght of Zion = The Captivity = The Field = The Judges = Damascus = Flesh and Blood = He has shed blood = Upon the tree (Full) = Life (Full)
448 =
He that is True = The Lord hath sworn = As it is written = 7 x Truth
451 =
Everything = The Man (acc) = The Deep = Death = Deed, Work = And they that be wise = Ishmael
457 =
The Devil = The Cursed (Plural) = Theologian = The Way to the Tree of Life = To Eat
463 =
The Giving of the Law = The Will = Commandment = We see light = The Lord Loveth Judgment = In Thy Truth = Crystal = Sins = The Leaven = Whoredom = The Altar = Supplication = He Was Gracious
473 =
Genesis/Birth = Thy Son = Beloved (plural) = The house of the LORD = As the Stars of Heaven = Invisible = One Shepherd = Office of a Bishop = Peaceable = On the Eighth Day = He is despised and rejected of men
474 =
Knowledge (Daath) = Law and Judgement = His Wisdom = And Understand = thou art wiser = thou shalt know = As a Signet = To be revealed = To consecrate them = The Sins = two = all the sins = To be tempted = The D.phpora = to shed blood. = I have begotten thee = my sister, my spouse
476 =
Her iniquity is forgiven = The Calling
477 =
Repentance = Forgiving iniquity = No death = God face to face = Lead me in the Paths of Righteousness! = The Dove = Vengence,Punishment
481 =
The Genesis = The Voice of God Almighty = Thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb = Thou art a Priest = Ring = Loaves
488 =
Your sins = The Abomination = You shall not eat = With its life, which is its blood = Till thou return unto the ground = His body (accursed) = To Open
490 =
Perfect, Complete = Let your heart therefore be perfect = My nativity = Bethlehem = Flour = Food = Gift = He is God in heaven = Sons = To love them = Manifold, Varied
499 =
One God = Worshipper of God = Throne = Until Messiah the Prince = Hosts = And at that time = And Jacob called = Pergamos = Write the vision
500 =
The Law = Be Fruitful and Multiply = To Give = Number = Ruler/Prince = Let me be weighed