How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God!
how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number
than the sand:
This tool will allow you to analyse the alphanumeric structure of every verse of the Holy Bible.
It displays the numerical equivalent of every word of the Old and New Testaments and automatically calculates the
sum of any combination of words in the original languages. It also has links to the corresponding
entries in Strong's Concordance, so the tool can be used by everyone, even those without
specialized knowledge in the orginal Hebrew and Greek. Here is the link.
These links will bring up various interwoven articles discussing the meaning of the numbers in the Bible. They will be integrated
with the new Full Text Database as time permits.
204 =
Righteous (Tsaddik) = Innocent Blood
206 =
Word = The Great House = His Bone = Strong/Mighty = And God spake all these words (Ord) = And thy teachers
207 =
Light = Lord of the Universe = In Glory = Pure = Refined = Behold = I shall appear = I shall speak = Great in counsel = He loveth righteousness = And they shall be my people = And in righteousness = As silver tried in a furnace of earth (Ord) = I will give thanks to thee forever = Great = Proud = Secret = Crown
208 =
He Created It = Lawgiver, Decree = Crown of the Head = Explain, Prove = Majesty, Greatness = Noble = But the LORD shall endure for ever = I will multiply = Isaac = Wind, Breath (of life)
211 =
The Word = Reason, Cause = The Seer = See, Look = Looking Glass = Clean (Plural) = Counsel, Principal = Counsellor = Lion = Mighty Man = Fear = Afraid, Shake in fear = His heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD. = Gird = I am with thee = River, Stream = Water, Soak = Wet
214 =
Spirit, Wind = Clean, Pure = White = Travelling Company = O Lord our shield = Thy Righteousness = Food, Meal = Beauty, Honour = Descend = Girdle = and will multiply = I will raise up a Prophet = Jared = Many (Full)
216 =
Davir (Holy of Holies) = My Word = Lion = Fear = The Mighty = Might, Strength = At his right hand = Chosen, Young Man = Faithful Priest = I am he; I am the first, I also am the last. (Ord) = It is the LORDs Passover = The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool (Ord) = The LORD revengeth = The LORD will judge His people = Breadth = from him = Habakkuk = They are the eyes of the LORD = Vanity of vanities, all is vanity! = Leprosy
220 =
A sure foundation = Chosen, Elect = Clean, Pure = Thy Precepts = Forever = Deep, Profound = Doorkeeper = Tender, Soft
222 =
The Voice of God = Firstborn = His Words = Bless = Aquire Understanding = Between your eyes = Chariot = Contend, Strive = God created the heavens and the earth (Ord) = He divided the sea = I will show you
227 =
Birthright, Firstborn = Blessing = Memorial = Male, Man = Thy Light
232 =
The Word of the Lord = Let there be light! = My Firstborn = Mighty, Strong = Eternal God = It is established forever = I lay (found) in Zion = The writing of God, graven upon the tables. (Ord) = The Blessing = The Memorial = Mighty = The eyes of the Lord thy God = Health = Salt
233 =
The Tree of Life = The Firstborn = Firstfruit = A Passover sacrifice to the LORD = The Light of the LORD = His Memorial = Memorial = Remember! = The LORD your God commanded = I am God, your God! = Answered = In the mountain of the Lord = Oracle = Foot = The Cherub
238 =
The Mercy of the Most High = And He blessed = And there was light
242 =
The God Who Sees = Zechariah = Jehovahjireh = Mighty God = The spirit of the living creature
244 =
To cleanse = Righteous Ones = The Blood of Innocents = Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, = Rebellion
248 =
Mercy = In the Image of God = Abraham = A Good and Honest Heart = The Voice of the Lord God
250 =
The Way of the LORD = A Great Light = Lamp = Guide, Ruler = God of my righteousness = Choicest, Best = Trees of Righteousness = Before, Above
271 =
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Ord) = The day from the night = Birth, Nativity = Jeremiah = Prisoner
272 =
Foursquare = The word of the LORD came expressly = Lie Down = Beyond, Over = Evening = Famine = Raven = And they will mourn for Him = The Spirit of Grace
273 =
THE KEY = Gematria = Immortality = From the Tree of Life = Unto Zechariah = The Righteous will enter = The Lord is light for me = The Stone which the builders rejected = Four = Tomb = He Shuts
281 =
Weakness, Infirmity = Physician, To Heal = His Friend = Doctrine = Lamb = Beauty = Ashes
284 =
God = Holy = Good = My King (Full) = For his mercy endures forever
287 =
The Spirit of Wisdom = Wonderful Counselor = My Help
294 =
The God of Abraham = The Great Light = My Son, My Firstborn = The Key of David = Melchizedek = Divine = Church = City of David = The faithful from among the sons of men = The Tabernacle = The Mouth of the Righteous = Good Teacher(vocative) = Purple = SweetAroma = To the Saints (acc.) = My heart shall not fear
296 =
The Earth = The Mountain of God = Rock, Stone = Coverings of Tapestry = For a Light of the Gentiles
300 =
The Spirit of God = The Letter Shin = The Great, The Mighty God = My Fruit (of Wisdom) = The Parable = The Wheel (Full) = The Lion of the Tribe of Judah = The Lord trieth the righteous = The Lord's Lot