These Threads represent three fundamentally independent Biblical studies. Each can
be studied in complete isolation of the others, standing alone as a coherent, self-integrated witness
to the Divine Light shining through its facet of the Biblical Jewel.
As such, each Thread yields an overflowing abundance of
insight into the Mind, Thoughts, and Will of Almighty God, thereby glorifying God and His Word beyond
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Yet a glory ten thousand times greater breaks forth when one discovers that these
three Threads are inextricably interwoven, with vast structures - derived independently from
each Thread - interlocking to form a divine superstructure, a holographic house of infinite wonder and
delight, feeding the soul with the only food sufficient unto Everlasting Life - the knowledge of God the Father
and His Son Jesus Christ.
The interplay of independence and integration
establishes an unbreakable Threefold Cord bearing
witness to the divine design of the Holy Bible. This knowledge opens many doors in
the glorious House of God. For the Christian, it opens unto nothing less than God's own treasure house of
Wisdom and Understanding, yielding endless insight
into the manifold polychromatic Fountain of Living Light that is the blazing miracle of God's everlasting
Word. For the unbeliever - especially the highly intellectual mathematically inclined unbeliever -
it offers yet another witness of the truth of God's Gospel, perhaps to be used of God to
open the Door of the Heart so that ...
... ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that
believing ye might have life through his name. John 20:31
The purpose of this website is as plain and simple as it gets:
To this end I labour, to glorify the Triune God; to glorify the Father Almighty, Creator of all,
to glorify His Son Jesus Christ
my Saviour and Hope, and to glorify the Giver of all divine gifts, my Comforter, Guide, Teacher and Friend, God the Holy Spirit.
To You be the glory, thrice holy blessed God of Eternity! To You be the glory, now and forevermore.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Please send me your thoughts, criticisms, questions, and corrections. Also, I am very
interested in finding like minded people to collaborate with. There is so much work to do!
There are four ways to contact me:
You can write to me on the Bible Wheel Forum.
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use my web-based Feedback Form. This form will also
let you send anonymous messages if you so desire.
You can contact me on the Bible Wheel Ministries phone line at 509-961-0911