How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God!
how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number
than the sand:
Psalm 139.17f
The Full Text Hebrew/Greek Bible Gematria Database
This tool will allow you to analyse the alphanumeric structure of every verse of the Holy Bible.
It displays the numerical equivalent of every word of the Old and New Testaments and automatically calculates the
sum of any combination of words in the original languages. It also has links to the corresponding
entries in Strong's Concordance, so the tool can be used by everyone, even those without
specialized knowledge in the orginal Hebrew and Greek. Here is the link.
UPDATE (09/12/08): I recently discovered that my database was the target of a
SQL injection attack which
added malicious javascript to the webpage and cause the pages to load very slowly. It also caused antivirus
programs to raise an alert. I have found all the malicious code and removed it from the database, and have locked it down
so it should never happen again. The pages now load instantly (if you have a high-speed connection). Please report any
problems to
Articles on various Numbers in the Bible
These links will bring up various interwoven articles discussing the meaning of the numbers in the Bible. They will be integrated
with the new Full Text Database as time permits.
801 = Alpha Omega = The Creator = Dove = Of Love = My Exceeding Joy
808 = The Faith = Abraham (Sof) = Mercy (Sof) = Brazen Serpent = In Thy Salvation = Innocence
810 = Comforter = Friend = Brother = The Holy = The Mountain
813 = And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. = And God divided the light from the darkness = And God said, Let us make man = Priest of the Most High God (Full) = The Ark = The Darkness (Sof) = You are cursed
833 = The Mediator = For it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. = The Words of the Covenant
857 = God's Word = Living = To Be Amazed = Because we have trusted in His holy name = I will rejoice in thy salvation = Great King (Full)
880 = The Testimony = Sum, Pattern = Solid, Sure = Is Righteous = The Annointing (Full) = David; Beloved (Full) = Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God. = I am the LORD: that is my name: (Full)
888 = JESUS = The Salvation of our God = I am the Lord, I change not = The heavens declare the glory of God = Opened = Our God forever and ever (Sof) = Messiah (Full) = My Beloved (Full)
Current Database Statistics:
- Numerical Categories: 305
- Total Record Count: 2399