That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with
our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
1 John 1.1
The advent of the iota subscript unlocked the supernatural design of the
Divine Prologue in one fell swoop.
Never have I experienced anything more like a key opening a door -
and that with a door I had been rattling for over a decade!
There are five iota subscripts in first five verses of John 1. The one that sparked the discovery is found
in the archei (beginning) of John 1.1:
Beginning (dative case)
archei |
= 719 |
The iota subscript transforms the value of arche from 709 (a prime - its value in
the nominative case) to 719 (also a prime - its value in the dative case).
Inclusion of the iota subscript in John 1.1 is what revealed its geometric integration with Genesis 1.1
and the Divine Name LORD GOD (112), as discussed in the last article - John 1.1.
Exactly the same word is repeated in John 1.2. In this case, inclusion of the iota subscript transforms the entire
verse into a self-reflective holographic fragment. We have the identity:
The same was in the beginning with God.
Outos en en archei pros ton theon |
= 2876 = 4 x 719 |
This is represented in the figure below:

Yet this is but the beginning! Calculating the sum of the entire Divine Prologue yields the value:
Sum of John 1.1-5 = 26715 = 5 x 39 x 137
We have already encountered the prime Number 39 in the analysis of John 1.1 and the
Unity Holograph.
The prime Number 137 is extremely significant - it is the value of the divine title:
The God of Truth
Elohi Amen |
= 137 |
It is also the sum of the elelements of the Holographic Generating Set (27, 37, 73):
137 = 27 + 37 + 73
The Number 137 is well-known throughout the physics community as the approximate inverse
of the Fine Structure constant that governs
the interaction of Light and Matter, the subject of the Divine Prologue.
It has fascinated physicists and mystics alike during the last century
because it is one of the few fundamental dimensionless constants in physics, and it is very near an
integer - not just any integer - but a beautiful prime at that!
The Number 137 appears again in John 1.3, in the central claim of the Divine Prologue:
All things were made by him
panta di autou egeneto |
= 2055 = 15 x 137 |
Thus, we have the self-reflective identity uniting the entire Divine Prologue, exposing its doubly reiterative
Sum of Divine Prologue = 26715 = 13 x 2055 (All things were made by him)
This plays an essential role in the
integration of the Divine Prologue with the
Logos Holograph that results in the
Divine Logos HyperHolograph.
The modulating factor - the Number 13 - is the prime Star Number
upon which the Unity Holograph is built! Glory!

Yet for all this, we have just begun. The entire Prologue divides into two pieces that are each a multiple of
the Number 39 (ONE LORD)which we examined in some detail with regards to John 1.1.
This division strictly follows the intrinsic grammatical structure oif the verse:
| Sum of John 1.1 | = 39 x 93 |
| Sum of John 1.2-5 | = 39 x 592 |
The Number 592 is composite and so its meaning is established as
by the array of harmonics
ringing off its multiples and divisors, most notably 37 (592 = 37 x 16).
The Number 37 is the central member of the Generating Set and is embedded in the very heart
of the Creation HyperHolograph. It is therefore with some awe that we behold this fundamental identity:
Theotes |
= 592 |
Thus, we may write:
Sum of John 1.2-5 = 23088 = 39 (ONE LORD) x 592 (GODHEAD)
We have here two of the most significant semantic elements in all the Bible, joined together in
the intrinsic alphanumeric structure of the Divine Prologue. The ramifications of this identity are
too rich to explore here - they will be developed
in the next article Jesus and YHVH.
Before we collect all these identities into a single image of this holographic fragment, we need to note yet
two more identities:
The same was in the beginning
Outos en en archei |
= 1872 = 39 x 48 |
This integrates with the other identities based on the Number 39. The modulating factor, the Number 48,
is the numerical weight of (Gedulah, Majesty) and
(Kokav, Star). It plays a central role
in the structure of John 1.1.
Thus we have these three grammatical divisions of the Divine Prologue that are each a significant
multiple of the Number 39 (ONE LORD):
John 1.1 | = 39 x 93 (LOVE) |
John 1.2-5 | = 39 x 592 (GODHEAD) |
The same was in the beginning | = 39 x 48 (MAJESTY/STAR) |
These three identies place a central role in the integration with the Unity
Holograph to form the
Divine Unity HyperHolograph.
Finally, to we need to note this most significant self-reflection in John 1.1:
Logos |
= 373 = |
and God was
kai Theos hen |
This is the only self-reflective fragment of the Divine Prologue independent of the iota subscript.
It encodes the geometric form of the Logos as a fractal snowflake built on
Seven Stars of Wisdom. See
The Divine Tapestry of John 1.1 for the derivation.

It is extremely important to realize that without the
iota subscript, everything except the Logos identity completely disappears.
It is also important to consider the depth of divine integration revealed in this image.
The blue triangle represents the
full set of relations derived in the first two Creation HyperHolograph articles and the small image
of the Unity Holograph shows the integration with the Shema - the greatest Commandment. Yet for all this,
we have only just begun! The entire Divine Prologue is also integrated with the Logos Holograph! Glory and
Praise to the everliving always loving infinitely wise Lord God Almighty!
Next Article: Divine Unity HyperHolograph