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Alphabetic KeyLinks

Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.

Isaiah 42:9

Alphabetic KeyLinks are defined as unique links between the content found on the Spokes with the content found in the corresponding Alphabetic Verses (those portions of Scripture explicitly designed upon the pattern of the Hebrew alphabet). During first ten years of research on the Bible Wheel, I understood that God designed the Alphabetic Verses as a general template for the large-scale geometric and thematic structure of His Word [see the online version of Chapter 1 of the Bible Wheel book]. This site is filled with hundreds of examples of the profound correlation between the meanings of the Hebrew Letters and the content of the books on their corresponding Spokes. But up until the year 2004 I had only a hint of the true significance of what God had accomplished when He designed the Alphabetic Verses. As it turns out, the Alphabetic Verses are not merely a general template for the Bible Wheel - they contain unique links to specific details found only in books on their corresponding Spokes! A few of the more stunnning examples are reviewed below. Set the Table of Alphabetic Links and KeyLinks for the current complete list of links spanning the entire structure of the entire Bible Wheel.

Ayin: The Eyes of the Lord

The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.

AV Ps 34:15

Spoke 16 Alphabetic KeyLink
The Eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
Ayin Verse (Ps 34:15)1 Peter 3:12

Until just last year (2004), I knew of only one example of an Alphabetic KeyLink. It is based on the Ayin verse of AV Psalm 34 quoted above. [AV stands for Alphabet Verses]. The name of the 16the Letter Ayin literally denotes an Eye, which is how it is used in this alphabetic passage. This is an example of how God revealed the names and meanings of the 22 Letters within the text of the Bible itself, thereby establishing an everlasting foundation for the large-scale structure of His Word. But there is much more going on here. This verse is quoted in one and only one Book of the Bible - 1 Peter 3:12 - which resides on Spoke 16, corresponding to the 16th Letter Ayin [see The Eyes of God]. It is an Alphabetic KeyLink that shows that the exact placement of 1 Peter in the canon was prophetically anticipated a thousand years before advent of Christ! [Note that the Ayin verse is numbered "15" because the Vav verse is absent in Psalm 34.]

Shin: He Keepeth All His Bones

He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.

AV Psalm 34:20 (Shin Verse)

Spoke 21 Alphabetic KeyLink
He keepeth all His bones, not one is broken!
Shin Verse (Ps 34:20) John 19:36

The discovery of the above Alphabetic KeyLink prompted me to look for more, but a superficial reading of the Alphabetic Verses didn't yield any immediate results and I had many other areas to work on that I knew would be fruitful, so I put the idea on the shelf. It wasn't until I was under the intense pressure of trying to faithfully produce a complete Synopsis of the 22 Spokes for the Bible Wheel book that I was forced to look much more intently at the Alphabetic Verses. I recalled the KeyLink to 1 Peter, and so I began with AV Psalm 34. When I came to the verse corresponding to Shin (quoted above), I was simply dumbstruck! How could I have missed it?

The Shin KeyWord is shamar (keepeth). This verse is cited in one and only one book of the Bible, the Gospel of John on Spoke 21! And not only that, but the verse is a prophecy of the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, the central event of all Scripture, the very axis of the Wheel! Here is the passage from John's Gospel:

For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.

John 19:35f (Spoke 21, Cycle 2)

This KeyLink is documented on page 361 of the Bible Wheel book. It is reproduced for this site here. With the discovery of this KeyLink, I now had two verses from a single alphabetically structured passage that are uniquely linked to Books on their corresponding Spokes! I knew there would be more. So I went back to the beginning of AV Psalm 34 ...

Aleph: I will bless the Lord!

I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

AV Ps 34:1

This verse opens with the Aleph KeyWord avarakah (I will bless), which is formed from the root barak, (to bless) prefixed by an Aleph to indicate the first person imperfect, the idea of "I will." This is an example of the beautiful self-coherence of Hebrew as a building-block language. As the first of the Letters, Aleph signifies the intent to act, the idea of "I will." This role of Aleph in Hebrew grammar is discussed in the analysis of the first verse of AV Psalm 145.

The exact form of the KeyWord avarakah is very rare. It is suffixed with the 5th Letter Hey to indicate the "cohortative" form which is the Hebraic way of adding emphasis, like saying "I really mean it!" This exact form appears only two other verses in the Bible. We find it once as a secondary KeyWord in the opening passage of AV Psalm 145 linked above. And the one other occurrence? It is found in the Blessing of Abram in Genesis on Spoke 1, corresponding to Aleph! And its not in just any old verse. It is in the very verse in which God began His whole Gospel program with the initial calling of Abram! A closely related form avarekekah (I will bless thee) that is formed by suffixing a Kaph (the sign of you or yours) also appears in this passage:

Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee (avarekekah), and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless (avarakah) them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Genesis 12:1ff (Spoke 1, Cycle 1)

Spoke 1 Alphabetic KeyLink
Aleph Verse (Ps 34:1) Genesis 12:3

We have therefore a third Alphabetic KeyLink from AV Psalm 34 to a corresponding Spoke of the Wheel! The discussion of this KeyLink fills pages 128-130 in the Bible Wheel book. It is impossible to explain what it was like to make these discoveries after so many years of research. How did I miss them? I don't know, but I suspect that God just chose to open my eyes in His own time. Praise His name!

Resh: The Beginning of Wisdom

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom:

AV Psalm 111:10 (Resh)

Spoke 20 Double Alphabetic KeyLink
The Beginning of Wisdom (Reshith Chokmah)
Resh Verse (Ps 111:10a)Prov 4:7, 9:10

As a final example - perhaps the most significant of them all - we have the unique appearance of the phrase Reshith Chokmah (Beginning of Wisdom) found only in the Resh verse of AV Psalm 111 and the Twentieth Book, Proverbs, the premier "Book of Wisdom" to be found in the Bible. It is actually a double Alphabetic KeyLink, as discussed at length in the Synopsis of the Twenty-two Spokes in the Bible Wheel book and on this site in the Spoke 20 article The Beginning of Wisdom.

These four examples should be enough to convince any one of the Divine Design of the Bible in the form of the Wheel. But there are many other Alphabetic Links and KeyLinks that I have documented in the Bible Wheel book. I will move them to this website as I find time. In the meanwhile, you can read about them either in the eBook or in the hardbound version.

Definition: AV is used throughout this site to refer to Alphabetic Verses, that is, passages that God designed on the pattern of the Hebrew Alphabet. E.g. AV Psalm 119.

Related Article: Table of Alphabetic Links and KeyLinks