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The Bible Wheel Book
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Divine Seal and Capstone of the Holy Bible
The Rosetta Stone of Biblical Hermeneutics
BibleWheel FAQ
Statement of Faith
Intro to the Bible Wheel
Canon Wheel Explanation
Great Cloud of Witnesses
Aleph-Tav: First and Last
The Capstone Signature of God's Word
Divine Synergy of the Four Symbols
The Wheel of Revelation
Rolling Thunder
Fulfillment of Ezekiel's Prophecy of the Wheels
Fulfillment of Zechariah's Capstone Prophecies
Alphabetic Integration with the History of the Kingdom
Symmetries on the Wheel
Probabilities: What are the Chances?
Answer Thou Me
OT Citations in Romans
An Ancient Witness
Golgotha - The Axis of the Wheel
The Three Cycles
The Eternal Circle
The 231 Gates
View the Bible Wheel
HyperText Bible Wheel
Stained Glass Wheel
Seven and Scripture
The Sevenfold Light of God's Word
The Bible Sealed with Seven Seals
The Bible as Menorah
Mathematical Derivation of the Sevenfold Symmetry from First Principles
Links and KeyLinks
Modular Notation
Projective Links (1)
Projective Links (2)
Three Levels: Self-Similarity over Scale
Alphabetic KeyLinks
Alphabetic Verses
Alphabetic Verses by Letter
Ps 111: Verse by verse
Ps 145: Verse by verse
The BW pattern manifests on all levels in the Biblical text. This section traces out correlations between the large-scale structure of the Bible and the chapter sequences of various Books.
Amazing correlations suggest that God guided the course of History in accordance with the design of the Wheel.
Related Sites
John J. Parsons - an exellent introduction to Hebrew from a Christian point of view, with explanations of the meanings of the 22 Hebrew Letters.
Vernon Jenkins - an extremely deep and mathematically precise exploration of the Biblical text.
Hebrew Alphabet on Wikipedia
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