Spoke 14Spoke 14


Spoke 14 - Nun

2 Chronicles, Zephaniah, Hebrews

Jesus Christ: High Priest of the Everlasting Faith

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Hebrews 13:8 (Spoke 14, Cycle 3)

Nun KeyWordsThe name of the Fourteenth Letter is both a verb and a noun. As a verb, it means to continue, flourish, increase, sprout, or propagate. It appears this way only once in Scripture, in the great prophecy declaring the eternal endurance of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:

His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued ינון, yinon) as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed.

Psalm 72:17

The Jews have long recognized the messianic character of this Psalm. The Talmud notes that when yinon is read as a noun, the verse can be understood as saying "His name shall endure forever; his name has been Yinon since before the sun was created." This was an early rabbinic glimpse of the eternal nature of the Messiah, a central theme of the Book of Hebrews on the third Cycle of Spoke 14. This tradition has endured to the present day, and appears in every rabbinic commentary on the Hebrew Alphabet I have encountered.

As a noun, Nun means both perpetuity and posterity, the latter arising from the idea of the continuance of the family line. This manifests in the cognate neen (son/offspring), which appears three times in Scripture, always in conjunction with another KeyWord of similar meaning, neked (posterity). Rabbi Munk, in his Wisdom of the Hebrew Alphabet This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window, commented on the relation between neen and Nun in his section titled "The Word Nun Means Perpetuation," which he followed with a section called "The Everlasting Nun." This understanding is universal in the rabbinic tradition; the Letter Nun is the symbol of posterity, perpetuity, and eternality. The word nun also denotes a fish because it is so prolific. Most dictionaries list this as the meaning of its name.

God united the idea of posterity with the Number Fourteen in the structure of Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus Christ:

So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations;
and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations;
and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.

Matthew 1:17

The amazing thing is that God also combined the Babylonian Exile with the Number 14 in the correlated substructure marked by the end of the pre-exilic Books on both Cycle 1 (2 Chronicles) and Cycle 2 (Zephaniah) of Spoke 14 (BW book pg 101), so that Written Word exhibits the same united thematic and numerical pattern as the genealogy of the Living Word!

The ideas of continuity, perpetuity, and posterity naturally flow into another set of fundamental KeyWords that originates in the great Alphabetic Psalm 119:

  • AV Psalm 119:111 Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage (nachal) for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart.

This KeyWord is an exact pun on nachal (river), which paints the picture of a heritage as flowing like a river from one generation to the next. This logically extends the metaphor of people as water discussed on Spoke 13 (Mem = water, BW book pg 265). It also encapsulates one of the most significant themes of the Book of Hebrews: Christ as Heir of all things. Finally, all these ideas combine to form a picture of true faithfulness, which Webster's Dictionary aptly defines as "steadfast in allegiance, loyal, firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty." This KeyWord appears in two of Alphabetic Verses:

  • AV Psalm 111:7b ... all his commandments are sure (ne'eman).
  • AV Psalm 145:13b (NRSV) The Lord is faithful (ne'eman) in all his words ...

Ne'eman means steadfast, sure, firm, trustworthy and faithful. It is based on the Aleph KeyWord emunah (faith, BW book pg 130). Scripture uses ne'eman to describe our "faithful God" (Deut 7:9), His servant Moses whom He said "was faithful in all my house" (Num 12:7), and Jesus Christ as the prophesied "faithful priest" (1 Sam 2:35). It defines the central theological emphasis of both 2 Chronicles and Hebrews. These ideas are seen in their utmost clarity in the articles Jesus Christ: High Priest and Heir of All Things and A Priest Forever after the Order of Melchizedek

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