Spoke 22Spoke 22


Spoke 22 - Tav

Song of Songs, Acts, Revelation

Consummation of God's Plan of the Ages

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

Revelation 21:1ff (Spoke 22, Cycle 3)

With insuperable logic and in perfect harmony with the symbolic meaning of the Last Letter, the great themes of the whole Bible are consummated on the Last Spoke. As noted in the section called Sealed with the Sign of the Cross (BW book pg 37), the last Letter Tav (ת = cross) represents the ideas of Consummation, Completion, Covenant, and Sealing. Rabbinic tradition calls it the Seal of Creation and the Seal of Truth and the Franciscans say that it represents "the fulfillment of the entire revealed word of God." It is, therefore, an incomparable wonder to behold that just as three Books of Commencement align to form the First Spoke, so three Books of Consummation align to form the Last:

This alignment brings another level of God’s manifold Wisdom into clear focus. In the section called Aleph and Tav, First and Last (BW book pg 40) we saw that the Lord revealed Himself as "First and Last" only on the First and Last Spokes. Now we see that He followed exactly the same pattern in the themes of the Books on those Spokes! Oh! The glory of God’s Word! He designed the entire Bible on multiple levels to give a reiterative revelation of His own eternal character as the Lord of History and His Plan of the Ages from its inception in Genesis to its consummation in Revelation . Praise His name now and forever!

We are now gazing into the very heart of God's purpose for all creation, the Holy of Holies of the entire Biblical revelation where we can actually see the Lord's ultimate intent displayed in His Map of Heaven, telling us exactly where we are going and how to get there. God is love (1 John 4:8) and from the beginning He has been working to restore the communion He had with His people before sin entered the world in Genesis 3. This is what the Bible is all about. Each Book on Spoke 22 shines as star in the Heaven of God's Word and their threefold union forms a brilliant constellation that has led many a Christian soul through this world's stormy seas with the guiding light of the blessed vision of the glorious consummation of the Divine Love Story known as the Holy Bible.

Next article: The Song of Songs: Union of Christ and His Church

This article is essentially identical to page 69 of the Bible Wheel book. It reviews the profound correlation of the three books on Spoke 22 with the symbolic meaning of the Twenty-second letter Tav.

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