Spoke 20Spoke 20


Spoke 20 - Resh

Proverbs, Luke, 3 John

Every Word of God

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.

Proverbs 30:5f (Spoke 20, Cycle 1)

And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

Luke 4:4 (Spoke 20, Cycle 2)

Searching all seven versions for ("every word of God") [Verify] yields exactly two hits in both the KJV and NKJV, and only one hit in each of the others. We have therefore this Spoke 20 KeyLink unique to the KJV textform:

keyKeyLink Phrase: 'Every Word of God'

It is impossible to ignore the self-descriptive nature of this KeyLink. What is missing from all modern versions? Nothing less than the KeyLink based on every word of God! This is especially cogent in light of the admonition - found in the immediate context! - not to add to (or, by implication, to alter or delete) "his words."

The "natural" reason for this ommission is that modern scholars who gave us the NU text (the basis of all modern versions) have a preference for a certain set of documents which happen to omit it. If this were an isolated occurrence, we could perhaps understand it as due to their intellectual rigour. But there are too many KeyLinks with this same supernatual self-descriptive quality - found only in the KJV textform - to ignore the implication that God has done something special in the KJV. Two premier examples are Johannine Comma (cf. Three Witness for 1 John 5.7) and the phrase that ye may know and believe that links Isaiah 43 and the Gospel of John.

The Greek word used in Luke 4.4, pic (Rhema, Word) is the phonetic reversal of the Hebrew used in Proverbs 30.5 אמרה (Imrah, Word). This is a very simple metathesis which mimics the reversal of reading direction, suggesting the words are related. If we ignore the vowel eta in Rhema, and map the remaining letters to their Hebrew equivalents we arrive at the fundametal Hebrew root אמר (Omer, To speak). It also appears that Rhema is a Resh KeyWord characteristic of Lukan authorship. Of the 70 occurrences of this word in the New Testament, 33 are from the pen of Luke with 19 hits in his Gospel and 14 in Acts. This accounts for 47% of the total, with the maximum being found in the Gospel of Luke on Spoke 20:

The only other book to approach this frequency is the Gospel of John which differs markedly from Luke in that Rhema is not characteristic of John's other writings. This is contrasted with the word Logos, for example, which marks most of his writings, (cf. John 1.1, 1 John 1.1, Revelation 19.13).

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