For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the
former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which
I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.
Isaiah 65.17f
Added December 18, 2002

Spoke 12
The Master Teacher
Master Teacher, Age 12: The meaning of Lamed as Teaching and Learning is
seen in the Life of Christ who sat in
the temple as the Teacher of teachers at age 12. The wonders never cease.
Teach! Exhort! Rebuke!: Paul's letter to Titus on Spoke 12, while consisting of only 46 verses,
has the hightest density of the words teach or taught in the Bible.
Titus - Verse by Verse: The Book of Titus is displayed with the most prominent Lamed-words
highlighted in red. Nearly a third of the verses contain highlighted words. The
divine perfection of Scripture shines like the noontime sun in a cloudless sky.
Spoke 12 Inner Wheels and Cycles
I have added eight articles relating to Spoke 12 on Inner Wheels and Cycles. Here are my three favorites.
Links to the rest are on the Spoke 12 sidebar.
Psalm 34 - I Will Teach!: The depth of integration of this Alphabetic Psalm with
various Lamed KeyWords and Inner Cycles forced me to write the article on the Three Levels
and introduce a new graphic style to represent the Wheels with the Wheel.
Genesis 12 - Lech Lecha: One of the most astounding links on the Inner Cycle of Genesis
is based on the fundamental Lamed KeyWord Lechu from the Alphabetic Psalm 34.
Isaiah 34 - Nahum: Numerous KeyLinks between Isaiah 34 and Nahum, Book 34 of the Bible.
Wheels within Wheels
Three Levels: The three dimensional structure of Scripture gives rise to three fundamental levels of
alphabetic sequences. This is the root of the idea of Inner Wheels and Inner Cycles. This article defines
and clarifies these ideas.
What's the Chance?
Probabilities: What is the probability that the symmetric sevenfold structure of the Canon
Wheel could happen by chance? In this article I calculate the various probabilities and
mathemtically confirm the painfully obvious conclusion that the Bible is not the product of chance
nor human ingenuity. This is an indepth article, consisting of about 3200 words.
Research and Reviews
Fearful Symmetry: The fundamental importance of Symmetry in the foundation of Physics is
explained with great beauty and clarity in A. Zee's Fearful Symmetry. In this article, I discuss
its relation to the sevenfold symmetric perfection of the Holy Bible.
Tyger! Bible! Tyger! Bible!: The Bible is the Father's Song revealing the fearful glory of
His great act of Creation. It can not be fully appreciated without an appeal to the
poetic soul that is part of us all as Images of God. This article reviews William Blake's poem that
inspired Anthony Zee's title, Fearful Symmetry.
Added December 6, 2002
Supernatural Symmetry
Symmetries of the Bible Wheel: The supernatural sevenfold symmetric perfection of the
Canon Wheel
is just the beginning of wonders! This article - based on a detailed graphic - explores many
symmetric patterns found within the
seven canonical divisions. For example, the OT
History and Minor Prophets both divide between
Spokes 14 and 15, punctuated by the Babylonian exile. This integrates with the structure of Matthew's
More Spoke 17 articles
Purim: All the elements of Spoke 17 manifest in the most astounding Book of Esther.
God's Name Despised: The relation between the letter Peh and the common theme of
in-your-face comtempt running through Esther, Malachi, and II Peter is discussed.
The Brazen Whore: The appearance of the Great Whore with names of blaspeme written on her
forehead is profoundly integrated with fundamental Spoke 17 themes and KeyWords,
most notably Pritzuth (whoredom, wanton impudence), a Rabbinical description of Vashti.
Hyperlinked Strong's Numbers
To facilitate the study of God's Word and the Wheel, I have begun linking
Greek and Hebrew words to the online Concordance found at Anytime
you click on a number like S# H0430, a window with lots of information relating to
that word should pop up, including its definition, etymology, a real audio file of
its pronunciation, hyperlinks to all the verses it is found in.
Gematria Reference
There are now 1837 identities subsumed in 255 numerical categories online.
The Second Commandment: The integration of the Second Commandment with the King of Glory
from Psalm 24 on Spoke 2 of the
Inner Cycle of the Psalms is discussed in the context of God's Glory which is deeply
related to ascending multiples of the prime Number 127.
Added November 27, 2002

Spoke 17
The Promise of His Coming!
Parousia - The Promise of His Coming: I have added more than a dozen articles to display
the overwhelming wonder
bursting forth from Spoke 17. It all relates to the coming of the Lord - questioned by scoffers in II Peter and
proclaimed by God Himself through the Prophet Malachi!
Revealing the Hidden: The huge rabbinical tradition concerning the Book of Esther is shown - through
the testimony of their own mouths - to integrate with the meaning of the letter Peh and the great themes common
to Malachi and II Peter.
Before the King: The great theme of Spoke 17 - the Coming of the Lord whose face will shine like the
sun in all its strength - manifests in the distribution of the phrase L'Pani HaMelek (Before the King),
which is greatly maximized in the Book of Esther. This then integrates with Transfiguration.
The Transfiguration: II Peter is the only book outside the Gospels to mention the Transfiguration.
This generates many profound KeyLinks that reiterate the fundamental Peh KeyTheme of the coming
of the Lord and the revelation of His Shining Face.
Two Theophanies: Genesis 17 and Matthew 17 are linked by Theophanies in which the
believers fall on their faces. In both cases, these linked verses contain the
first occurrence of a person falling on their face - manifesting the fundamental Peh KeyWord Panim.
God's Lot for His Enemies: The supernatural integration of Isaiah 17 and Esther (Book 17)
manifests in a KeyLink based on the central theme of Esther - the Peh KeyWord Pur (i.e. the Lot) cast
by the wicked Haman. After discovering this KeyLink, I then found a pun on wicked Haman's name
used by God to represent the enemies of His people
in Isaiah 17! Glory! How awesome is His Word! It makes me tremble.
Swift Destruction: The sudden coming of God's Day of Judgment is a strong theme in the
Bible. It is based on many Peh KeyWords - most notably Pithom used in Malachi 3.1.
Peh Alphabetic Verses: God's Wisdom encoded in the Hebrew Alphabet is revealed in the
Alphabetic Verses. This page contains a systematic survey of the Peh KeyWords God
used, with many links to the articles listed above.
Spoke 1
Spoke 1 Themes: This page displays seven of the most obvious Spoke 1 KeyThemes with the associated
Scriptures in context to make the links very obvious.
Spoke 2
Spoke 2 Themes: This page displays eight of the most obvious Spoke 2 KeyThemes with the associated
Scriptures in context to make the links very obvious.
Beyt Alphabetic Verses: God's Wisdom encoded in the Hebrew Alphabet is revealed in the
Alphabetic Verses. This page contains a systematic survey of the Beyt KeyWords God
used, with many links to the articles listed above.
The Second Commandment: This is the beginning of what will be a fairly comprehensive article
documenting the integration of the great themes of Spoke 2 with the Second Commandment.
Glory! Enter into the Rock: This article continues to trace the pattern of God's Glory and
its manifestation on the Second Spoke.
The Idols Stoop: Interwoven themes from [Inner Wheels] > Isaiah 46 linked
to Jeremiah on Spoke 2 of the Bible Wheel are shown to be integrated with the meaning
of the Second Commandment and other fundamental Beyt themes.
The Idols Bow Down: Internal Inner Wheel KeyLinks between Isaiah 2 and Isaiah 46 that are
very similar to the links found in the article above "The Idols Stoop." Its all integrated
with Spoke 2 themes.
Inner Wheel of Revelation
Gathered to Battle at Armageddon: I have written a large article detailing many of the
extraordinary KeyLinks connecting Revelation 16 to Zechariah. The divine integration is
simply astounding.
New Heaven and New Earth: The supernatural integration of the Inner Wheels of Isaiah and Revelation
manifests with perfectly clarity in this Spoke 21 article.
Inner Cycle of the Psalms
The Heathen Raged: This is the basis of an Inner Cycle KeyLink between Psalm 2 and Psalm 46
linked with fundamental Spoke 2 KeyThemes based on the nature of the Second Person of the Godhead,
the Second Commandment, and the Second letter.
The King of Glory: This links with the Spoke 2 theme based on the Second Commandment and God's Glory.
Hear My Prayer O Lord!: Inner Cycle KeyLink between Psalm 17 and Psalm 39 based on the root of Prayer -
the Peh KeyWord Palal.
I Will Bridle My Mouth: Great Wisdom from God concerning the correct use of the Peh
KeyWord Peh (Mouth), with integration to the fundamental Spoke 17 theme revealed in the
distribution of L'Pani HaMelek.
Amalek's Tumult: The pun on wicked Haman's name in conjunction with the only reference to
his ancestor Amalek in the Psalms is supernaturally integrated with
Isaiah 17 and Esther.
Gematria Reference
There are now 1794 identities subsumed in 252 numerical categories online. Most are linked to many articles since
that is the reason I put them online.
At the Last Day: Since discovering the significance of the
iota subscript and updating the Greek text in my Gematria Database,
I found that the phrase "at the last day" - which contains three iotas - is mathematically identical
to the prophecy of Elijah given in the last chapter of the last book of the Old Testament. This is
the alphanumeric counterpart to the Peh revelations revealed in the last couple weeks.
General Site Updates
Research and Reviews: This section is designed to give me a place to post articles reviewing other peoples
biblical research or other article that has some relevance to the Bible Wheel. It contains three new articles.
Links and Resources: This page holds links to a few of the amazing resources available on the net,
including links to audio files so you can hear the
Greek and Hebrew being read by those who know it best.
I have added a dropdown list of the five Inner Cycles that have been integrated with the Bible Wheel.
This allows for quick navigation by removing one mouse click (you used to have to
navigate to the Inner Wheels page to get to these links).
I also reworked the navigation sidebars for all the Inner Wheels and Inner Cycles. I have gathered
all the elements under Spoke headings and any selected article
is now cycled to the top of the sidebar so it is easier to know where you are.
Added November 15, 2002
Spoke 18
To Fulfill All Righteousness: When discussing my discoveries with an old buddy from college who now is
a theology professor, he challenged me by suggesting that any number of books would fit with the
theme of righteousness, which
is "obviously" a widely diffused theme throughout Scripture. Upon touching the question, the
Bible flowered yet again, and
I discovered that Matthew speaks of Righteousness 4 to 20 times as much as each of the other three Gospels!
This had a very strong impact on me because I discovered this after writing the dozen articles
relating the books on Spoke 18 to the idea of Righteousness. This proves, yet again, the overwhelming
predictive power of the Wheel - predictive in the sense that constantly leads us to new biblical knowledge.
This is, of course, the essence of the scientific method.
Justified by thy Words: When researching the theme of Righteousness in Matthew, I discovered another
KeyLink between it and the Book of Job.
Spoke 2
Is Christ Divided?: The theme of division is naturally subsumed in the category defined by the
Number 2 and the Second Letter. It also saturates Spoke 2. This article traces it through I Corinthians with
links to many other articles.
Glory in the Lord: The profound geometric KeyLink between Jeremiah and I Corinthians based on the
command "He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord" is discussed, with a big thematic spin-off into
the Foolishness of God and His promised destruction of the "wisdom" of the world.
Added November 9, 2002

The Gospel of God's Righteousness!
Spoke 18 - Tsaddi: I have added 11 new articles detailing the supernatural integration of Spoke 18
with the Letter Tsaddi, which stands for Tsadek (Righteousness). A few of the central articles are
listed below.
The Gospel Goes Forth!: The supernatural integration of the 66 chapters of Isaiah with the
66 Books of the Bible shines with an incomparable brilliance in the links between Isaiah 40 and
Matthew. If you have any doubts about the divine design of Isaiah and its integration with the
Canon - read this article!. [Note - this is a complete reworking of the article
that has been online for the last year. The best material had to wait until I found time to publish the rest of
the Spoke 18 articles. This is why this web site is such a challenge, everything integrates with everything
else! But it also is why the web is the perfect medium
for the study of the infinite depth of the Holy Bible, where everything is linked to everything else!]
The Great Commission: The elemental force of Tsaddi is seen in the command (Tsey!, Go Forth). This
manifests in the Great Commission given in Matthew on Spoke 18.
Jesus Christ the Righteous!: This divine title of the Lord Jesus Christ appears in one and only one book
of the Bible, in 1 John on Spoke 18.
Righteous Job: The great question "Why do the righteous suffer?"
Psalm 40 - Behold I Come!: The Bible, the Inner Wheel of Isaiah, and the Inner Cycle of the Psalms
all converge with the proclamation of the Gospel!
Other new articles:
Every Word of God: This article discusses the interesting fact that only the KJV and NKJV display the
KeyLink based on the phrase "every word of God."
Jesus Coming with Clouds: This article discusses the Spoke 22 link between Acts and Revelation
based on the ascension and return of Jesus Christ "with the clouds."
Added October 21, 2002
Two New Collaboration Articles: Craig Paardekooper has contributed two new articles exploring
the interweaving of all three Threads on Spokes 21 and 22.
Added October 16, 2002
The Fine Structure Constant: The iota subscript unlocked the supernatural structure of the
Prologue (John 1.1-5) revealing its extremely deep reiterative structure. Of central
importance is the incomparably beautiful prime Number 137 which occurs twice in the Holograph.
Simultaneously, this structure was revealed to be fully integrated with the
First Day Holograph (Genesis 1.1-5)
thereby forming the
Creation HyperHolograph.
Further analysis then revealed the entire holographic structure
to be generated by an underlying set of three beautiful
geometrically integrated numbers - the
Holographic Generating Set (A = 27,
B = 37, C = 73) -
whose elements sum to 137. Over 40 fundamental identities relating to the Creation HyperHolograph
can be written as simple GenSet expressions, e.g.
Genesis 1.1 = 2701 = BC
Genesis 1.1 + John 1.1 = 6328 = C2 + AB
Then - after all this, after writing huge articles about
the Generating Set - I
discovered that the unique continued fraction expansion of the experimental value of the inverse Fine Structure
Constant - 137.0359997, the number governing the interaction of Light and Matter -
determines the values of the Generating Set! Glory! Endless wonder!
Spoke 15: Zerubbabel and the Foundation of the Temple: The
distribution of the name "Zerubbabel" is maximized on Spoke 15, with
a very strong correlation between the distributions on Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 - the cc = .91! This is
a mathematical measure that demonstrates how very, very improbable it is that the Wheel just happened by chance -
Added October 8, 2002
The Iota Subscript: A Primary Revelation!
The Iota Subscript: On June 19, 2001 Vernon Jenkins published an article -
From First Principles
- demonstrating the divine integration
of Genesis 1.1 with John 1.1. His calculations included the smallest of all Greek letters -
the iota subscript - which I had never
considered in the ten years of my diligent study of Gematria. The impact was immediate and overwhelming. Vast
new holographic domains instantly opened before my eyes, with ten thousand ramifications - a blast
of light unlike anything I have ever experienced, save the discovery of the Wheel. Truly,
a key opening a door! It has
taken me nearly three months of daily labour to document nothing but the most basic and fundamental
insights flowing from this revelation.
Gallery of Biblical Holographs: The advent of the iota subscript unlocked and opened so many Scriptures that I
now have a Gallery displaying thumbnails of a dozen or so of the most significant holographs.
The Logos Star: Collaboration has proved very fruitful. Iain Strachan discovered the Logos Star
encoded in the text of John 1.1 (Cf
Divine Tapestry of John 1.1).
When he first shared it with me, I couldn't appreciate it because I hadn't done my
figurate number homework. But after delving into
the geometric structure of the Creation HyperHolograph, I reread the Logos Star email from Iain
and immediately recognized its significance. It is a fractal variation on the pattern of Creation, consisting
of Seven Stars of Wisdom surrounding a heart of Six Hexagons of Physical Manifestation. This is the
everlasting Logos of
God's divine revelation, coming down to us like snow from heaven!
The Creation HyperHolograph: With the discovery of the iota subscript, I have had to define an
additional category - the HyperHolograph - which denotes superstructures spanning vast portions of
Scripture (e.g. Genesis 1.1-5 & John 1.1-5) built from
individual self-standing Holographs. The Gallery of Biblical Holographs contains many examples
of such. Documentation of just the most basic elements of the
Creation HyperHolograph required eleven pages. The Gates of Heaven have been opened! The light of
God is pouring fourth!
The Holographic Generating Set: The discovery of the Creation HyperHolograph finally brought three central
geometrically integrated numbers into perfect focus: (27, 37,
These numbers - and their sum 137 - reveal the underlying divine unity of the holographic
structure of Holy Scripture.
The Holographic Decalogue: The Ten Commandments are unique in the history of the Universe -
they are the only words we know to have been directly written by God Himself. It is little surprise then
to find their 620 letters to perfectly reveal the Heart of God and the Crown of the Torah! The holographic
structure of the Decalogue - the HoloDec - is the ultimate core of all the HyperHolographs in the Bible. It
integrates with the Logos Holograph and the Creation HyperHolograph! Glory!
Gematria Reference: My efforts to document the superabundant overflow of revelation required the addition
of hundreds of entries in the Gematria Reference. It now contains over 1700 entries subsumed in over 240 Numerical
Categories. Hundreds of articles are now linked to the Gematria Reference. This enforces extreme consistency
on this study. Any time you see a hyperlinked number anywhere on this site, it will always point to the
same article in the GR.
Old News: The old "What's New" page has been moved to the Old News page. It contains all my announcements since
September 2001.