Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth:
unite my heart to fear thy name.
Psalm 86.11
The image below reveals the sevenfold symmetric perfection of the Holy Bible.
Each colored section corresponds to one of the seven traditional divisions of the Christian Canon, which
span Three Cycles containing 22 Books.
This sevenfold structure exhibits both radial and bilateral symmetry and naturally integrates
with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
The axis of bilateral symmetry divides between
and (Tav),
the first and last
letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This is
discussed in the Canon Wheel Explanation.
The Bible Wheel is introduced in
the article called The Wheel of God.
To appreciate the spiritual wonder revealed in the geometric form of God's Word, I would
suggest viewing the images of the stained glass Bible Wheel
made by my wife.
The threefold cruciform structure of the Canon Wheel is particularly striking
in light of Christian Iconography which has traditionally used a
threefold cruciform halo to indicate Deity, as in this icon of Christ:

This is a Russian icon of Christ Pantocrator (Ruler of All). He holds an open book in His
hand, representing the Holy Scripture which now is recognized as isomorphic
to His halo. Remember, this structure has been discovered, not imposed. It has
been implicit in the structure of the Canon since the day God sealed it.
The relation between the Canon Wheel and icons of Christ is discussed in the
article Art, Theology, and Prophecy.