And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was
good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the
darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Genesis 1.3-5
Variations on the pattern of the Wheel emerge from essentially every aspect of the Biblical
revelation. Like the spiral that unites galaxies and DNA, so the the minute details
of the text reflect the large-scale structure of the Word. A striking
example of this is seen in the Hebrew text of Genesis 1.3-5:
When this text is arrayed as a matrix of twenty-two columns, 12 of the 25 Hebrew words
are seen to be autocorrelated (lined up in the same column):

The most striking correlation appears amongst four of the five occurrences of the
word (Aur, Light), which are separated
by exactly n22 letters. These four words, highlighted in yellow, are aligned with the
word Orev, Evening). The one other occurrence of Aur is aligned with Boker, Morning, so that all
five occurrences of Aur are aligned with either evening or morning.
In addition, the two occurrences of
(Choshekh, Darkness) are also separated by 22 letters (grey), as are two of the three
occurrences of the divine name (Elohim, God) highlighted in
light blue.
A slight variation of this theme appears in the placement of the verbs
(yahi, let there be) and
(v'yahi, and there was). Each occurs twice,
separated by exactly 88, or 4 x n22 letters.
This means that 12 words comprising 42 letters are auto-correlated on a cycle of 22 letters
(or a multiple thereof.) This amounts to 33% of the text. The figure below displays these
results in the form of the Wheel.
Note that this is a Flash object, so you can right click to zoom in.
Yet there is more. Calculating the numerical weight of all
the letters comprising the Wheel of Light yields:
Sum of Genesis 1.3-5 = 4730 = 10 x 473 = 10 x (Genesis)
This Greek word arose as the title of the first
book of the Bible over two thousand years ago when the
Hebrew Scriptures were translated into Greek. It literally means birth or beginning
and is related to such words as generate, genius, engine, and so forth. It is found translated
as generation in the first verse of the first book of the New Testament (cf.
Matthew 1). The factor of Ten
is typical in the transform from Greek to Hebrew (cf.
Multiples of Ten).
This structure is part of the First Day
fragment of the Creation Holograph. It is deeply integrated with
the Divine Prologue.