Spoke 2 - The Bet Prefix - Trust IN the Lord
O my God, I trust in thee (b'ka batach): let me not be ashamed,
let not mine enemies triumph over me.
AV Psalm 25:2
The literal meaning of Bet as a house (a place to go in) exemplifies its grammatical function as
the prefix signifying the prepositions in, within, with, or by (BW book pg 110). Likewise, the pronouns you
and yours are signified by suffixing a Kaph (Open/Giving Hand). When these Letters are combined,
their symbolic powers unite to spell b'ka, in thee, or in modern terms, in you.
This is the KeyWord God used in the Alphabetic Verse above. And as often is the case, God used alliteration to
emphasize its meaning by immediately following it with the KeyWord batach (trust), which He also
used, again alliteratively, in AV Psalm 37:3:
- AV Psalm 37:3 Trust in the LORD (Batach B'YHVH), and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land,
and verily thou shalt be fed.
This simultaneously teaches the meaning of Bet and the essence of trust –
we trust IN the Lord.
IN God we trust. God used the same alliterative pattern in this Bet verse:
- AV Proverbs 31:11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her (batach bah), so that he shall have no need of spoil.
As a suffix, the fifth letter Hey (ה) indicates "her" or "hers" and so combines with Bet to form bah
(in her). Most of Bet's Alphabetic Verses are based on its function as a prefix. God used this grammatical
function of Bet in a stunning Spoke 2 KeyLink between Jeremiah and 1 Corinthians as discussed in
Glory IN the Lord.