[Topics] > Word Distributions |
Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning?
I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he
Isaiah 41.4
The reality of the supernatural design of the overall structure of Scripture in
the form of the Wheel is most clearly seen in the way God distributed His Words thoughout the
Bible. The degree of integration is astounding. Not only are the books on each Spoke
inextricably united with
profoundly powerful themes, but the themes themeselves are integrated with the
meaning of the associated
Hebrew Letters as revealed in the av and the very structure of the Hebrew
language! There is no end to the wonders of our God!
Biblical word distributions display two significant features. The most important is the
relation between the ThemeSet (a word, set of words, or phrase) and the
Spoke where its distribution is maximized. This
simply shows where God has used the ThemeSet with the greatest frequency. It is a
mathematical measure of the relation between a Theme and a given Spoke.
The second feature, that appears in many but not all distributions, is the correlation
between the distributions on different Cycles. This relation is measured by the
cc. When this number is large (close to unity) it shows
how God designed the word distribution so that not only
is it maximized on a given Spoke, but the sub-distributions on each Cycle rise and fall
together across multiple Spokes! It is the most astounding proof of the overall
divine design of Scripture in the form of the Wheel and gives great insight into the ebb and flow
of God's everlasting story.
The graphs below display a few of the most significant distributions I have discovered
to date. It should be remembered that this is but the beginning. New wonders appear
each time I open the Bible.
Spoke 1 - Aleph |
Theme: Creation
Creation is one of the most obvious themes uniting the Books on Spoke 1.
This graph is extremely significant. It shows how the the distribution of the Hebrew and
Greek words denoting creation
are found on Spoke 1 nearly ten times above average. Furthermore, the
cc calculated pairwise for the three Cycles has the the following values:
Cycles 1 and 2: CC12 = .90 Cycles 1 and 3: CC13 = .50
Cycles 2 and 3: CC23 = .60
Simply stated, such magnitiudes do not happen by chance.
We have solid scientific evidence of God's divine design of the Bible in the form of
the Wheel.
Theme: Father Abraham
Just as God the Father is the first Person of the Trinity, so the first word of the
Hebrew language is Av - Father. It is the root of the name
Abraham (or rather Avraham), the Father of the Faith, whose name means Father of a multitude,
The graph shows the distribution of all verses that contain the words father and
The cc calculated
for each pair of distributions has the following values:
Cycles 1 and 2: CC12 = .25 Cycles 1 and 3: CC13 = .92 Cycles 2 and 3: CC23 = .24
Note the extremely large value of CC13 = .92 calculated between
Cycle 1 and Cycle 3. The
values are smaller for correlations involving Cycle 2 because Isaiah doesn't play
a very strong role in this theme. The primary correlation
is between
Genesis and Romans.
On the other hand, Genesis and Isaiah are most strongly linked
with the theme of Creation as shown above with CC12 = .90. What this all means is that we
have a beautiful mathematical measure
of the themes uniting the Spokes of the Wheel that also distinguishes between the
individual books involved with each theme! The fact that any of this is even possible
beyond all doubt that the Lord God Almighty is the Author of the Holy Bible.
Praise His Holy Name!
Spoke 2 - Beyt |
Theme: Prophecy
The Number 2 and the Letter Beyt are deeply integrated with the
Word and the Second Person of the Trinity, God the Son (Ben) whose name is called
the Word of God. As it is written (Rev 19.10) "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of
The cc calculated
for each pair of distributions has the following values:
Cycles 1 and 2: CC12 = -.24 Cycles 1 and 3: CC13 = -.22 Cycles 2 and 3: CC23 = .67
The relatively small negative values involving Cycle 1 gives an
example of how distributions of ThemeWords that are maximized on a given Spoke are
not always correlated throughout the entire span of the 22 Spokes. The significant value
of CC23 = .64 between Cycle 2 and Cycle 3 is discussed in the article
Theme: The Word
As with the distribution of "Prophecy" on the Wheel, so the
Word also is maximized on Spoke 2. This all integrates with the nature of the
Holy Trinity. In particular, the Second Person, God the Son, "whose name
is called the Word of God."(Rev 19.13)
Theme: The Land of Egypt
The great events of Exodus are referenced in Jeremiah more than anywhere else in Scripture.
This theme is deeply integrated with the life of the Saviour, as it is written in
Matthew 2,
"Out of Egypt I have called my son."
There is only one cc for this distribution
because the ThemePhrase does not appear on Cycle 3.
Its value is an astounding CC12 = .79, which is particularly significant in light of it
being a very common phrase found 227 times in Scripture. All of this is greatly amplified
by its
profound theological
ramifications relating to the Trinity.
Spoke 3 - Gimel |
Theme: Holy Fire
Spoke 3 reveals the nature of the Holy Spirit Who is deeply integrated
with the idea of fire as when He baptized the believers at
Pentecost, resting on their heads in the form of tongues of fire, and
in Matthew 3 when John the Baptist said Christ would baptize with
"the Holy Ghost and fire."
Theme: Nakedness
This theme orginates in Genesis 3, is greatly amplified in Leviticus,
is seen in stark horror in Lamentations, and resolved in
II Corinthians. It is all based on the Gimel KeyWord Galah, which
means "to uncover, make naked, reveal."
Spoke 4 - Dalet |
Theme: Door/Gate
The name of the Fourth letter
(Dalet, cognate with Delet = Door) is the basis
of one of the most astounding integrations of the Hebrew alphabet
with the structure of the Bible. The graph shows how the distribution
of the English words "door[s]" and "gate[s]" in the KJV are significantly
maximized on Spoke 4. This pattern is repeated in the chapter structure of Genesis, with
the debut of the word "Door" in Genesis 4.
Likewise, this integrates with the Inner Wheel
of Revelation, with Revelation 4
opening with "behold, a door was opened in heaven".
Theme: Numbers
The graph shows that the distribution of the English word "number*" in the KJV on the
Wheel. The extremely large maximum is from the Book 4, the Book of Numbers.
Theme: In the Wilderness
The graph shows that the distribution of the English phrase "In the wilderness" in the KJV on the
Wheel. This is the Hebrew name of the Fourth Book. Thus, the distribution of both the English
and the Hebrew names
of Book 4 are maximized on Spoke 4. This further integrates with the chapter
sequence of Matthew - where we see Jesus "in the wilderness" for 40 days (cf.
Each Day for a Year in
Matthew 4. Endless wonder!
Theme: Know that I am YHVH
The graph shows the distribution of the phrase "know that I am the Lord" on
the Wheel. The massive peak is all from Book 26, the Book of Ezekiel. This
corresponds to the value of the Tetratragrammaton - YHVH.
Theme: The Four Directions
The graph shows that the distribution of the words north, east, west, and south are
maximized on Spoke 4.
Spoke 5 - Heh |
Theme: Well with thee
This graph shows the distribution of the phrase "well with thee" which is part of the
promise given in the Fifth Commandment and uniquely reiterated on Spoke 5 in
Ephesisans (vs. 6.1): "Honour thy father and mother;
(which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee,
and thou mayest live long on the earth." This demonstrates the
integration of the Fifth Commandment with Deuteronomy and Ephesians.
There is only one cc for this distribution
because the ThemePhrase does not appear on Cycle 3.
Its value is an incredible CC13 = .96. This is as close
to absolute proof as science is able to come.
Theme: Mighty Hand
The graph shows the distribution of all verses containing the phrase
"mighty hand" in the KJV. The absolute maximum occurs in Book 5, Deuteronomy which
geometrically correlates with the only
occurrence on Cycle 2 in Daniel. This graph manifests the same theme as that
exhibited in the distribution of the words "might*" and "power*" shown below.
Theme: Mighty Power
The graph shows the distribution of all verses containing the words might* and power*.
All three books contribute to the maximum on Spoke 5.
Likeswise, all three books contribute to the secondary maximum on Spoke 1. This gives rise
to relatively large values for the ccs:
Cycles 1 and 2: CC12 = .33 Cycles 1 and 3: CC13 = .64 Cycles 2 and 3: CC23 = .66
It is important to remember that we would expect these values to be closer to zero rather
than unity if the distributions were truly random.
Theme: Pentecost
The graph shows the distribution of S# H7620, usually translated as
"week" or "weeks". It most strongly associated with the Feast of Weeks, Pentecost, which
is on the 50th Day after Passover. The cc between Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 attains a
very large value of .85.
Spoke 6 - Vav |
Theme: Ephraim
The distribution of the name Ephraim is maximized on Spoke 6 in the books of Joshua and Hosea. This
integrates with the links between Isaiah 28 and Hosea (Book 28) based on the name Ephraim. It is
also interesting that Joshua's original name was Hosea (Hoshea), as seen in Deut. 32.44.
Spoke 9 - Tet |
Theme: How thou art cut off!
The density of the phrase "cut off" is greatly maximized in the little book of Obadiah
on Spoke 9. This then integrates with its first occurrence in
Genesis 9,
Isaiah 9,
and its great manifestation in Daniel 9 with the cutting off of the Messiah.
Spoke 12 - Lamed |
Theme: Teaching
The density of the words teach* and taught is maximized in the Pastoral Epistles, with the
absolute maximum appearing in Titus on Spoke 12 corresponding to Lamed which means to teach!
Truly, there is no end to the wonders of God's Word!
Theme: Think Soberly
This graph shows the distribution of all cognates with Sophroneo
(To Be Sober, S# H4993). It is profoundly integrated with the great
Spoke 12 theme of Teaching and Learning, and the Romans 12.
Spoke 14 - Nun |
Theme: The Passover
The Passover is one of the most significant symbols in all the Bible. It is prefigured in
Genesis 14 in the appearance of Melchizadek
who brought forth Bread and Wine. The Book
of Hebrews on Spoke 14 then explains how Melchizadek relates to Christ, our eternal
Priest. The date of the Passover integrates with the maximization of the word
"passover" in Book 14 (II Chronicles), as shown in the graph. Note also that the word
"passover" appears twice on Cycle 3: once in I Corinthians (Spoke 2) which corresponds to
Exodus where the Passover was introduced, and once in Hebrews (Spoke 14) which corresponds
to II Chronicles where "passover" is maximized. This divine integratkion is measured by the
cc between Cycle 1 and Cycle 3, which attains the unusually large value
of CC13 = .72.
Spoke 15 - Samekh |
Theme: Haggai
The distribution of the name Haggai appears in only two books of the Bible: Ezra and Haggai.
The distribution is perfectly correlated on the Wheel, with the cc between Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
CC12 = 1.0 - the absolute maximum. This is but one of the many KeyLinks between these two books.
Spokes 15, 16 - Samek, Ayin |
Theme: Zerubbabel
The distribution of the name Zerubabbel is strongly correlated on the Wheel, linking
two sets of books: Ezra and Nehemiah on Cycle 1 are linked with Haggai and Zechariah on Cycle 2. The
correlation coefficient is .91! The relation amongst these books has been
expounded upon at length by various scholars long before the discovery of the Wheel. The primary theme,
that of laying the foundation of God's House, integrates with the meaning of Samek (Support/Uphold)
where the maximum is found.
Spoke 16 - Ayin |
Theme: Shepherd
The idea of the Shepherd is a primary theme of Spoke 16 that manifests with extreme clarity
in Zewchariah and I Peter. The graph shows the distribution density of "shepherd throughout the
Bible, confirming existence of the rather obvious common theme.
Spoke 17 - Peh |
Theme: Before the King
The distribution of the phrase L'Pani HaMelek (Before the King) is significantly maximized in
the book of Esther. This coheres with the associated Peh KeyWord Panim (Face) and the
great themes of Spoke 17, such as the Promise of Christ's Coming and the return of the
Lord to judge the world.
Spoke 18 - Tsaddi |
Theme: Ten Righteous?
The fundamental Tsaddi KeyWord Tsaddik (Righteousness) is maximized
on Spoke 18 of the Inner Cycle of Genesis. There are numerous
links with other primary Spoke 18 themes discussed
in the article.
Spoke 19 - Quph |
Theme: Psalms: A Cry unto God
The use of two fundamental Quph KeyWords, Qere (Cry) and Qol (Voice)
in in the first person sense of "I call" and "I cry"
are greatly maximized in the Book of Psalms on
Spoke 19.
Theme: Mark: The Gospel of Action
This graph shows the distribution of verses that contain
words from the set {immediately, straightway, forthwith} in the
KJV. They correlate with the Quph KeyWord Qal, which means
swift or quick, which are maximized in Mark on Spoke 19, despite it
being the smallest Gospel.
Spoke 20 - Resh |
Theme: Luke: Health
The placement of Doctor Luke's Gospel on Spoke 20
integrates with the Resh KeyWord Ropha, which means Physician. It comes
from the root rapha which means "to heal." This manifests in the
maximization of words relating to "heal" and "health" on Spoke 20.
It also integrates with
the chapter sequence of Genesis where we find the first
occurrence of rapha in Genesis 20.
Theme: Friend
The Gospel of Luke is addressed to Theophilos, which means
Friend of God. This integrates with the Resh KeyWord Ra'ah (Friend). This manifests
in the distribution of "friend" on the Wheel where it is
greatly maximized on Spoke 20.
The cc calculated pairwise for the three Cycles has the the following values:
Cycles 1 and 2: CC = .78 Cycles 1 and 3: CC = .38 Cycles 2 and 3: CC = .38
The large value of .78 displays the profound integration of Proverbs with Luke's Gospel.
The values involving Cycle 3 have the same value because they depend almost entirely
on the two hits found in the tiny book of III John. This is one of the great signs of God's
design. Remember, we would expect values near zero if the distribution were random.
Spoke 21 - Shin |
Theme: Sent
The Shin KeyWord (Shelach, Send)
sets the basis of John's Gospel. This manifests in the miracle at the Pool of Siloam,
which John explicitly defines as meaning "Sent." Likewise, Christ's reference to God
the Father in John's Gospel is characterised by the phrase "him that sent me" or
"he that sent me." The graph shows the distribtion of the phrase "sent me" throughout
Scripture. It is greatly maximized in the Gospel of John on Spoke 21.
Theme: Sun/Light Of The World
The Shin KeyWord
(Shemesh, Sun) manifests brilliantly in the
book of Ecclessiastes which is marked by the phrase "under the sun."
And just as
the physical Sun is the light of this world, so Jesus claimed this title in
the Gospel of John on Spoke 21.
Theme: The Letter Shin
The Letter Shin
functions as a pronomial particle in the Hebrew grammar. When prefixed to a
verb, it indicates "who", "whom", "which", "what" or "that." The distribution of all
words in the Hebrew Bible that are prefixed by Shin is significantly maximized on Spoke 21.
The evidence for the divine design of the Bible in haromony with the Hebrew Alphabet is
Theme: Labour
The Book of Ecclesiastes speaks of the great pain of labour people suffer under
the sun. This theme manifests in the distribution of "labour*" which is maximized
on Spoke 21.
Spoke 22 - Tav |
Theme: Worship
Creation is consummated in the great outpouring of Worship from all God's creatures. This
magnificent Spoke 22 theme orginiates in Genesis 22
where we find the first occurrence
of the word "worship" (... in asscoiation with the sacrifice of Abraham's "only son" whom he loved!).
It is amplified in Psalm 22 - the Psalm of the Cross -
and Psalm 66 which
integrates with Isaiah 66 and Book 66 (Revelation).
Theme: The Seal of God
Just as the theme of Creation dominates Spoke 1, so the word "Seal" dominates the
final book of Spoke 22. Such Perfection! Such Grace! Such Glory in God's Word!
Theme: Resurrection
The word "resurrection is maximized on Spoke 22, which means that the geometric
structure of Scripture teaches exactly the same message as its plain text:
there will be a resurrection of the dead at the end of time.
Likewise, exatly the same pattern
is found in the distribution in the chapter sequence of Matthew, where it is maximized
in Mathhew 22. The cc between these two graphs is .74!
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