Spoke 7
Psalm 51 Psalm 73
Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Psalm 51 (Inner Cycle: Spoke 7, Cycle 3)
Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a
clean heart.
Psalm 73 (Inner Cycle: Spoke 7, Cycle 4)
The highlighted phrase ("clean heart") [Verify] forms a Spoke 7 KeyLink between
Psalm 51 and Psalm 73 in the Inner Cycle of the Psalms:
 | KeyLink: 'Clean Heart' | PPsalms( 73 ) PPsalms( 74 ) |
Here I used modnotation to write 51 = 73 because the Number 51 is on Spoke 7, Cycle 3, and
73 = 74 because it is on Spoke 7, Cycle 4
Note that both verses also contain the word "God", so we also have a more detailed KeyLink based on
the set ("clean heart", God) [Verify] . This leads to a third KeyLink set based just on the
words (Clean, Heart, God) [Verify]. This link is very strong.
Note that the ritual purification of the Priests were saturated with the Number 7.