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Contributed by Stephen Kolk: Published 03/08/2003

Bible Reading Plan

Stephen has put together a reading plan that follows the pattern of the Wheel. The Inner Wheels of Isaiah and Revelation and the Inner Cycle of the Psalms is included in the plan. The right column shows the number of chapters on each Spoke (including chapters from the Inner Cycles). Reading the Bible this way really helps bring the thematic flow of each Spoke into focus.

Cycle1 Cycle2 Cycle3 Isaiah Rev Psalms Chpts Chp Cnt
Gen (Isa) Rom Isa 1, 23, 45 Rev 1 Psa 1, 23, 45, 67, 89, 111, 133 77
Exo Jer 1Co Isa 2, 24, 46 Rev 2 Psa 2, 24, 46, 68, 90, 112, 134 119
Lev Lam 2Co Isa 3, 25, 47 Rev 3 Psa 3, 25, 47, 69, 91, 113, 135 56
Num Eze Gal Isa 4, 26, 48 Rev 4 Psa 4, 26, 48, 70, 92, 114, 136 101
Deu Dan Eph Isa 5, 27, 49 Rev 5 Psa 5, 27, 49, 71, 93, 115, 137 63
Jos Hos Phi Isa 6, 28, 50 Rev 6 Psa 6, 28, 50, 72, 94, 116, 138 53
Jdg Joe Col Isa 7, 29, 51 Rev 7 Psa 7, 29, 51, 73, 95, 117, 139 40
Rut Amo 1Th Isa 8, 30, 52 Rev 8 Psa 8, 30, 52, 74, 96, 118, 140 29
1Sa Oba 2Th Isa 9, 31, 53 Rev 9 Psa 9, 31, 53, 75, 97, 119, 141 46
2Sa Jon 1Ti Isa 10, 32, 54 Rev 10 Psa 10, 32, 54, 76, 98, 120, 142 45
1Ki Mic 2Ti Isa 11, 33, 55 Rev 11 Psa 11, 33, 55, 77, 99, 121, 143 44
2Ki Nah Tit Isa 12, 34, 56 Rev 12 Psa 12, 34, 56, 78, 100, 122, 144 42
1Ch Hab Phm Isa 13, 35, 57 Rev 13 Psa 13, 35, 57, 79, 101, 123, 145 44
2Ch Zep Heb Isa 14, 36, 58 Rev 14 Psa 14, 36, 58, 80, 102, 124, 146 63
Ezr Hag Jam Isa 15, 37, 59 Rev 15 Psa 15, 37, 59, 81, 103, 125, 147 28
Neh Zec 1Pe Isa 16, 38, 60 Rev 16 Psa 16, 38, 60, 82, 104, 126, 148 43
Est Mal 2Pe Isa 17, 39, 61 Rev 17 Psa 17, 39, 61, 83, 105, 127, 149 27
Job Mat 1Jo Isa 18, 40, 62 Rev 18 Psa 18, 40, 62, 84, 106, 128, 150 86
(Psa) Mar 2Jo Isa 19, 41, 63 Rev 19 Psa 19, 41, 63, 85, 107, 129 27
Pro Luk 3Jo Isa 20, 42, 64 Rev 20 Psa 20, 42, 64, 86, 108, 130 66
Ecc Joh Jud Isa 21, 43, 65 Rev 21 Psa 21, 43, 65, 87, 109, 131 44
Sol Act (Rev) Isa 22, 44, 66 Rev 22 Psa 22, 44, 66, 88, 110, 132 46
          Total 1189