Spoke 20
Proverbs, Luke, III John
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health,
even as thy soul prospereth.
Spoke 20, Cycle 3 (III John 2)
Medical Miracles
Few human achievements in the History of the World compare with the impact of
Twentieth Century Medicine. It would be impossible to count the lives saved and the suffering
alleviated. This integrates with many aspects of the Bible Wheel. Genesis 20 contains the first
occurrence of the
root (Rapha, Heal, S# H7495) which is an example of the
Inner Cycle of Genesis following the general pattern of the Bible Wheel and the Hebrew Alphabet. These
same three letters also spell the fundamental Resh KeyWord Ropha
(Physician) which descibes
Dr. Luke, whose Gospel resides on Spoke 20. The theme of Health dominates Spoke 20, as
discussed in some detail in the article The Great Physician.
This is an important example of the power of the Bible Wheel and its integation with
Worlk History. The relation between Health and Spoke 20 was published on this website for over two years before
I even conceived of the relation between the Spokes and the Centuries. I simply looked and saw what was there.
The Twentieth Century was the most prosperous in all human history. J. Bradford DeLong describes the
"explosion of material wealth" in his The Shape of Twentieth Century History but he
also notes that the "relative gulf between rich and poor economies has grown steadily over
the past century." This all integrates with the connection between Resh and both
Wealth and Poverty, as will be discussed in a future article.