Spoke 19
Psalms, Mark, II John
For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not
that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
Spoke 19, Cycle 3 (II John 7)
Quph, Apes, and the Flesh
Of the various meanings associated with the Nineteenth Letter Quph, the Rabbis traditionally
note two that are prominent. The first and most significant is based on Quph KeyWord
(Qedosh, Holy)
which God used in the Quph Alphabetic Verse in Psalm 111.
This integrates with the great Holiness Movement of the Nineteenth Century
The second meaning is derived from the name of the Nineteenth Letter (Quph)
which literally denotes an
Eye of a Needle but which also is a close pun on the
word for a monkey or an ape (Qoph, S# H6971).
It is this latter meaning that then integrates with the
idea of the Flesh (Sarx, = n361 = n19 x n19),
the Body of Jesus (John 19), and the
the Grace Manifest Holograph. This integrates with the great upsurge
of Materialism in the Nineteenth Century.
Rabbi Michael Munk discusses the apparent contradiction between Holiness and an Ape
on page 198 of his excellent book The Wisdom of the Hebrew Alphabet:
The fact that the same letter repesents both kedushah [holiness]
and an animal [ape] that is a parody of humanity offers a deep insight about man's role. Man is
created in the image of God and is only a little lower than the angels (Psalms 8:6).
Though he can never attain God's holiness, he is charged with emulating Him and is assured
that he can scale celestial heights. But he can do so only if his efforts are concerted and sincere. If man
acts as an "image of God," his potential is boundless. If he is merely a poor imitation of what man should be,
he is hardly better than a primate.
Charles Darwin and Evolution
was in the middle of the Nineteenth Century (1859) that Darwin published his Origin of Species
that convinced the world man was "hardly better than a primate." Indeed, it was Darwin's work that has
offered the greatest assistance in the degradation of man
from the image of God to that of an Ape - a close pun on the name of the Nineteenth
Hebrew Letter.
The cartoon was produced
in 1871. The significance of this "coincidence" can not be overstated. It would be hard to find any historian
who would argue against Darwin's book as anything less than the "most important book of the [nineteenth]
century" as
William Irvine stated it in his
Apes, Angels, and Victorians: The Story of Darwin, Huxley, and Evolution .
Consider what this means! We have here yet another direct, top level, super obvious threefold integration of
1) The Meaning of the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, 2) The Structure of the Bible Wheel, 3) The Course of
World History.
This evidence from History is unlike anything ever seen in all History! We have come full circle, and
have received the full revelation
of God's Holy Word and its integration with everything, from Aleph to Tav. Praise His Holy Name
now and forever!