And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ,
the law, which was four hundred and thirty years
after, cannot disannul, that it should make
the promise of none effect. For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of
promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.
Galatians 3.17f
The Law that Paul spoke of in the verse above is specifically the Ten Commanmdents which were recieved
430 years after the the children of Israel entered into Egypt. This is extremely
significant in light of this fundamental identity (cf. Gematria and Scripture):
Nomos |
= 430 |
This number - the value of Law as reiteritively established in a) the history of Israel, b) the text
of Scripture, and c) the numeric weight of the word itself - is also integrated the the internal
alphanumeric structure of the Decalogue itself! With the defininite article (0, Ho), the Law
integrates with Light through the Number 500:
Phos |
= 1500 = 3 x 500 (The Law, ) |
One of the striking.phpects of the Decalogue is that its structure is built on many large multiples of
Ten - its defining Number. Now we see that the number of the The Law is itself
a multiple of ten squared (500 = 5 x 100)! We also see a reiteration of the theme of Law and Light discovered
in the first article - The HoloDec. This theme continues in the identity
derived from the integration of the HoloDec with the Divine Prologue, discussed in the last article,
The Spirit Shines:
HoloDec(Ib, X) = 13 x 3430 (THE LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS) + 1370
This equation can be easily expressed in terms of the Holographic Generating Set (A = 27, B = 37, C = 73):
HoloDec(Ib, X) = 13(A2 + BC) + 10D
To appreciate the depth of divine integration, we should recall Genesis 1.1 = BC, and that
D = 137 (The God of Truth, The Sum of the GenSet) and that this prime number appears in the
Unity, Logos, and Divine Prologue Holographs! In fact, it is the large prime number that unifies the
Divine Prologue, which is where we find the phrase "the light shineth in the darkness!" Endless glory!
Now taking a look at the two equations above, we imediately note a relation between and 430,
which allows us
to right the sum in terms of the numerical value of what it is - the Law:
HoloDec(Ib, X) |
= 39000 + 13 x 430 + 10D |
= 1000 x 39 + 13 x 430 (LAW) + 10D |
= 1000 x (ONE LORD) + (ONE/LOVE) x (LAW) + 10D |
The Number 1000 = Ten Cubed.
It is the value of Him That Overcometh, which
in its ultimate sense points to the Lord Jesus Christ, and in a derived sense, to all who trust in Him.
We should recall the fundamental integrateion
of this number with the sum of Exodus 20.2-3:
HoloDec(Ia, Ib) = (THE EVERLASTING GOD) + 1000
Another imediately obvious and profound insight into the divine design of the HOloDec is found by simply
summing the terms that follow the 39000 in the expression above:
HoloDec(Ib, X) |
= 39000 + 13 x 430 + 10D |
= 1000 x 39 + 6960 |
Now this identity should cause any living soul to tremble! The Number 6960 is linked to the Foundation of the
Torah (696), the First Commandment (696), the words of the Lord Jesus (6960) and the
fundamental title of the Everlasting God (232),
modulated by the Number Three!
Multiples of 232 |
232 = 1 x 232 |
The Everlasting God
Elohim Olam |
696 = 3 x 232 |
Thou shalt have no other gods before me
Lo yiyeh lakah elohim echrim ul pani |
696 = 3 x 232 |
The Foundation of the Torah
Yesod HaTorah |
2320 = 10 x 232 |
The One who is, and who was, and who is to come
Ho On kai Ho Hen kai Ho Erkomenos |
6960 = 30 x 232 |
Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Kurion ton Theon sou proskuneseis kai auto mono latreuseis |
These are discussed in the context of the Number Ten as a modulator between Hebrew and Greek in the article
called Multiples of Ten.