And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ,
the law, which was four hundred and thirty
years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.
Galations 3.17
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:
for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Revelation 13.18
The supernatural reality of the divine design of the Greek and Hebrew languages is nowhere more
evident than in the relation between the Law and the Number 430. These concepts, which are directly
related in the text of Scripture are also integrated through
the intrinsic alphanumeric value of the word Law itself:
Law [Gal. 3.17]
Nomos |
= 430 |
And why does the New Testament connect the Number 430 with the Law? It is because it was physically enacted
in the history of God's people, as discussed in Gematria and Scripture.
The Number 430 serves as the foundation for the entire art and science of Gematria which is self-reflectively
established in the identity:
Number [Rev 13.18]
Arithmos |
= 430 |
Indeed, LAW = 430 = NUMBER! This identity is on the same level
of divine self-reflective integrity as One = 13 = Love, and Alpha Omega = 801 = The Creator! Endless Glory - Divine Wisdom!
Yet this is but the beginning of wonders. In Galations 3.17, the Law that Paul was refering to was
specifically the Holographic Decalogue, which itself is built
upon the Number 430!
The Number 430 |
Law [Gal 3.17]
Number [Rev 13.18]
Weigh, Pay [S# 8254]
Shekel [S# 8255]
According to [S# 2526]
Cleave, Cleft [S# 8156]
The Righteous is the Foundation of Eternity [Pro 10.25]
Perfect (plural) [Mat 5.48]
Rejoicing the heart [Ps 19.8]
Soul [Gen 2.7]
Formless and Void [Gen 1.2]
Tohu V'Bohu
Elishaphat [S# 478]
From of old, from everlasting [Mic 5.2]
He is God (Full) [Ps 100.2]
Alone, Only [S# 3441]
Treasure [S# 8226]
Twilight, Dawn [S# 5399]
Wild Olive Tree [Rom 11.17]
Factors: 10 x 43
Related Numbers: 86