And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city,
through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark [Tav]
upon the foreheads of the men that
sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. ...
Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come
not near any man upon whom is the mark [Tav] ; and begin at my sanctuary.
Ezekiel 9.4f
The Tav (Cross) is used of God to mark those who have received his grace. It is used
twice in the passage above. This integrates with
the Rabinnical tradition that calls Tav "King over Grace." Tav is the perfection of Grace,
as encoded in this fundamental relation:
(Tav, Mark/Cross) = 406 = 7 x 58 (Chen, Grace)
When we receive this grace, we are given the Spirit of Adoption, and can call unto God as "Abba"
and boldly approach the Throne of Grace, speaking to the Lord face to face (391),
calling Him (Atoh, Thou/You). Atoh is an Aleph KeyWord found
in the Aleph section of the
alphabetic Psalm 119 (vs. 4). It unites the Aleph with the Tav teaching that
through the Cross (Tav) we return to right relationship with God (Aleph).
The Number 406 |
Tav [Ezek 9.4]
THOU [Ps 119.4]
For a memorial in the temple of the LORD [Zech 6.14]
L'Zakron B'Hikel YHVH
I am the Almighty God [Gen 17.1]
Ani El Shaddai
The Name of Thy God [Lev 18.21]
Shem Elohikah
The Lord Preserved [2 Sam 8.6]
Yashah YHVH
With a Perfect Heart [1 Chr 12.3]
B'Levav Shalom
Eve [2 Cor 11.3]
Factors: 7 x 58 (Grace)
Related Numbers: 28, 523, 1967