And God said unto Moses,
I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children
of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
Exodus 3.14
The Divine Name I AM THAT I AM (GR 543) is God's memorial name unto all
generations. God defined it this way so that when the Lord Jesus Christ came to earth and declared
this name, there would be no question as to His identity as Almighty God.
God actually gave two names in Exodus 3.14. The long form I AM THAT I AM and the short form I AM.
We have the identity:
(Ehyeh, I AM) = 21
The significance of this relation is overwhelming: The Gospel of John, the I AM Gospel lies on
Spoke 21! It also integrates with the Isaiah 43 - John connection,
as discussed in the Inner Wheel article
The Eternal I AM. Furthermore, it integrates with the Shin KeyWord
(Shem, Name)! And beyond that, the pronoun "Asher" is synonymous with the
pronomial particle indicated by the letter Shin, which is maximized on Spoke 21 in the
Book of Ecclesiastes!
Endless wonder! Divine Perfection!
The Number 21 is the sixth triangular number,
which means it is the sum of all the digits up to and including six:
21 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = T(6)
Likewise, six is the third triangular number:
6 = 1 + 2 + 3 = T(3)
And 3 is the second triangular number:
3 = 1 + 2 = T(2).
Thus, 21 is a triple triangular number:
21 = T(T(T(2)))
The Number 21 factors as:
21 = 3 x 7
The Numbers 3 and 7 are a kind of division of Unity in the sense of 10 = 3 + 7. They play an essential
role in Creation. Most notably in the value of Genesis 1.1:
Sum Genesis 1.1 = 2701 = 37 x 73
The Number 2701 is the 73rd triangular number, and both 37 and 73 are prime. In fact, they
are palindromic primes!
The Number 21 |
I AM [Ex 3.14]
Meditation [S# 1901]
Joyful, Good [S# 3190]
Surely, Truly [Ps 23.6]
Factors: 3 x 7
Related Numbers: 37, 73, 543, 2701