And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall
raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
James 5.15
And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden
censer; and there was given unto him
much incense, that he should offer it
with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the
Revelation 8.3
There are two closely related Greek words that mean prayer. I first look at the
word used in
James 5.15 above, euche. Its value is:
Euche |
= 1013 |
The Number 1013 is prime, and is also the the value of the phrase much incense from Revelation
8.3. We have the identity:
Much Incense
thumiamata polla |
= 1013 = Prayer (Euche) |
It should not go unnoticed that these ideas are intimately related in the text of
The other word is proseuche, from the root euche prefixed
with "pros" which
conveys the idea of drawing near. Euche may be used with either a human or God
as its object, whereas prosuche is used only with reference to the Lord. This word
is numerically identical to the word translated as censer in Revelation 8.3:
Libanotos |
= 1463 = Prayer (Proseuche) |
These identities should serve as a constant reminder of the meaning of prayer, and
its value to the Lord God who designed these identities. Other associated words
and phrases are listed in the table below:
The Number 1013 |
Prayer [James 5.15]
Much Insense [Rev 8.3]
thumiamata polla
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart [Deut 6.5]
V'Ahavtah Et YHVH Elohikah B'Kol Levavkah
Factors: Prime
Related Numbers: 515, 1463