Spoke 10
John 10 My Father's Hand
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish,
neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father,
which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of
my Father's hand.
John 10
John 10 is perfectly integrated with the Hebrew Alphabet. It is the only place in all of John
where Christ speaks of His Father's Hand, which links to the literal meaning of the
name of the Tenth Letter Yod.
The same phenomenon is seen in John 2 in the theme the House (cf.
My Father's House). Consider what this means: In John 2
Jesus first speaks of His Father's
House (Beyt) and in John 10 he first speaks of His Fathers Hand (Yod).
This is another example of the endless, miraculous, divine integration of God's Holy Word - we have
wheels within wheels within wheels. The meaning of Yod as Hand is also integrated in
with the Inner Wheel of Revelation in Revelation 10 where it is maximized on Spoke 10.
It also manifests significantly in Psalm 10.
On anther level, the verse above forms a KeyLink between the Inner Wheel of Isaiah and the Bible Wheel
as discussed in Isaiah 43 - John article called
The Eternal I AM.