The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is
the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1
Photo of the author with the stained glass
Bible Wheel from the review in the
Yakima Herald-Republic (12/30/2006) |
The articles, digital graphics, and code for this website were all designed and composed by me, Richard
Amiel McGough, the sole owner and operator of
I remain eternally grateful to my Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe,
for shedding His Light upon me
and guiding my path - usually without my knowledge - and giving me both the burning desire and the
ability to proclaim the neverending wonders of His Holy Word. Oh! The wonders of His Grace!
Had He left me
to myself, doubtless I'd be dead or wandering aimless and lost through this dark world. Thank you,
my Lord!
I am now available to give presentations on the structure of Scripture at no cost except for travelling
expenses if outside the greater Seattle area.