Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love
the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
Deuteronomy 6.4f
When Jesus was asked to declare the greatest
commandment, he quoted this verse. Its name, the Shema, is taken from
the first word which means Hear. Modern Jews consider the recital of the Shema
both evening and morning to be one of their most sacred duties, and heroes of
the Jewish faith have been said to have died with the final letter Dalet still on their
lips. Mystics refer to its recital as the Unification of the Name, and see it as
one of the most direct routes to union with God.
The Shema opens with a statement of Unity followed by a Threefold
commandment. The pattern based on One and Three is
reiterated in the numerical weight of two of the fundamental terms used in the
verse. In accordance with the Alphabet Table, we
Echad |
= 13 = |
Ahavah |
This reiterates the intrinsic relation between 1 (Unity) and 3 (Trinity)
which is the divine basis for the triad I-You-They that includes all possible
interpersonal relationships. The Number 13 is the first non-trivial hexagonal
Star Number:

The Jews have long recognized the profundity of this link between Love and
Unity and have integrated
it in their understanding of the Shema. For example, in the fifteenth century,
Rabbi Meir Ibn Gabbai wrote:1
For the perfect adoration worship demanded of the true
worshipper is the service of the Unity, that is, the unification of the glorious
and Only Name. But the essence of Love is the true Unity, and the true
Unity is what is termed Love...
Obviously, we are not the first to note these identities. In fact, these
ideas are linked so strongly in the Jewish tradition that we find them expressed
even in the Daily Prayer Book:2
Our Father, merciful father, ever compassionate, have mercy
upon us ... Thou hast chosen chosen us from all peoples and tongues, hast bought
us near unto thy great name forever in faithfulness, to thank thee and proclaim
thy Unity in Love ...
These identities also relate directly to God as our Father, which is not only
a Christian, but also a very Jewish way to refer to God. Consider the words of
Dr. Schechter:3
the term "Father," or "our Father, who is in
heaven," or "My Father, who is in heaven," is one of the most
frequent in the Jewish Prayer Book and the subsequent liturgy. The latter seems
to have been a favorite expression with the Tanna of the School of Elijah who
very often introduces his comments on the Bible ... with the words "My
Father in heaven, may thy great name be blessed for all eternity, and mayest
thou have delight in thy people Israel."
The fundamental Hebrew word expressing this relation is:
(Avi, My Father) = 13
The influence of Gematria thoroughly
suffuses the entire Rabbinical tradition. Moses Maimonides, considered by many
Jews to be one of the greatest Rabbis ever to live, undoubtedly had these and
many other such relations in mind when he codified Judaism as
Articles of Faith, implying that the essence
of the faith is Love and Unity. He also wrote an exposition entitled "26
Propositions Employed by the Philosophers to Prove the Existence of God."
Why 26? This is the numerical weight of the most holy personal name of God:
= 26 = 2 x 13 = Love + Unity |
All of this adorns the doctrine that "God is love" with simplicity
and grace. Furthermore, when this name is combined with the word one, as it is
in the Shema, we have:
The LORD is One
YHVH Echad |
= 39 = 3 x 13 = 3 x ONE |
That these two ideas, Love and Unity, are subsumed in one
numerical category is tremendously significant, but that the uniting number is itself composed
of a One and a Three is nothing less than divine.
God used these relations in the design of
I Corinthians 13, which is commonly
known as the Bible's magnificent Love Chapter. There is no greater statement of the nature of
love to be found
in the Bible, or anywhere else, for that matter. And how was it designed? It is the 13th
chapter consisting of 13 verses with the 13th verse
explicitly built on the pattern of Three and One: "And now abideth faith,
hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." (Charity
being the translation of Agape, Love).
Yet there is more. Calculating the sum of the entire Shema yields yet another
multiple of 13:
Sum of Shema = 1118 = 13 x 86
And what is the significance of the Number 86? This is the value of the name
of God given in the first verse of the Bible:
Elohim |
= 86 |
Thus, the sum of the entire Shema has the obvious interpretation:
Sum of Shema = 1118 = 13 x 86 = ONE x GOD!
Remember, these identities are incontrovertible, and this is the verse that Jesus declared to be
greatest commandment! The plain meaning of the text of
this Scripture is fully coded in its intrinsic
alphanumeric structure. These relations are represented in the following diagram:
Yet there is still more! Turning to the New Testament, we find the title Jesus
Christ used most frequently to refer to God:
The Father
Ho Pater |
= 559 = 13 x 43 |
As an aside, this word links to the
First Word of the Bible through the identity:
God the Father
Ho Theos Ho Pater |
= 913 = |
In the beginning
Berashith |
And now we can behold the most amazing fact of all. The three names of God, The
Father, Elohim, and YHVH, are not independent! They
share a common set of three prime factors:
Divine Name |
Value |
Prime Factors |
The Father |
559 |
- |
13 |
43 |
God (Elohim) |
86 |
2 |
- |
43 |
26 |
2 |
13 |
- |
Consider what this means. The numerical values of these three names are generated from a single
set following a single rule: They are generated by multiplying pairs of primes
from the set (2, 13, 43). And where have we seen this set? It is the set of
the unique prime factors of the Shema!
Sum of Shema = 1118 = 2 x 13 x 43
There are exactly three numbers generated from this set in this fashion, and these
three numbers mathematically interlock to form a self-contained, closed algebra
of God's names. This set - the
Unity Holograph Generating
Set - is a variation of the theme of
the Holographic Generating Set (27, 37, 73), and can be derived from it.
All of this conspires to show that the Shema, the first and greatest
commandment - the greatest declaration of God unity to be found in all Scripture - mathematically
declares the doctrine of the Trinity:

As it turns out, there is a large body of Jewish literature that uses the Shema as a starting point for the
discussion of the "mystery of the threefold singularity" that is the Godhead. A brief introduction to this
in found in my review of Yehuda Liebes "Studies in the Zohar."
The relations between the Numbers in the Shema and the Persons of the Holy Trinity has
been detailed in the article The Shield of the Blessed Trinity.
Here is a brief overview of the relation between the three primes and the Trinity:
The Number 13 and God the Father
The Number 13 This is the value of "My Father". It is reflected (x 2)
in the value of the name of the Lord (26 = 2 x 13).
The Number 2 and God the Son:
This is the Number of the Son, as discussed at length in various articles relating
to Spoke 2. In particular, we have this
identity based on the Beyt
Ben |
= 52 = 2 (Image/Reflection) x 26 (YHVH, The LORD) |
The Number 43 and God the Holy Spirit:
There are numerous relations to the Holy Spirit based on the Number 43. It is the value of
(Gheel, Exceeding Joy) which is the gift of the Holy Spirit
(Cf. also 710 and this word is found in Psalm 43 in conjuction
with the name Elohim (= 2 x 43).
The 43rd Triangular Number is 946 = 22 x 43 = (,
and we have the pair of identities:
The Spirit
To Pneuma |
= 946 = |
HaRuach |
1) Quoted in.phpects of Rabbinical Theology, pg. 75.
2) ibid. pg 22
3) ibid. page 55