A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.
Proverbs 11.1
The symmetries of the Bible Wheel never cease to astonish me. It is an endless delight to see what the Lord
has done in His Word - all the while keeping my eye upon Golgotha - the axis
about which the entire revelation
revolves. Oh! The wonders of God's Wisdom! The image above outlines the primary substructures - broken
symmetries - found beneath
the perfect radial and bilateral symmetry of the traditional sevenfold Christian Canon.
Three Cycles
- The Five - Twelve - Five Pattern: Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 each subdivide into canonical divisions containing 5, 12, and 5 books.
These two Cycles exhibit perfect radial and bilateral symmetry.
- Twenty-Two Books: Cycle 3 consists of 22 Epistles with no subdivisions at this level of categorization.
- These three Cycles unite to form the supernatural sevenfold symmetric perfection
of the traditional Christian Canon (see The Canon Wheel).
The Five/Four Pattern
- Five Books - Four Writers: The Major Prophets are bilaterally symmetric
with the New Testament History books. They both consist
of Five Books composed by Four Writers.
- Five Books - Four Churches: The Major Prophets align with
the first five Pauline Epistles which are addressed to Four Churches.
- Five Books - Four from one Writer: The New Testament History books are radially symmetric
the last five letters on Cycle 3, four from the pen of John. This is the inverse of the pattern found
in the Major Prophets and NT History.
- Five Books in Four Canonical Divisions: The
Canon has seven divisions: Four have Five books each, Two have Twelve books each, and One
has Twenty-Two Books.
Groups of Three
- Three Post Exilic OT History and Minor Prophets: Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther are the Post-Exilic OT History. They correspond both historically and
geometrically with the three Post-Exilic Minor Prophets Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
- Three Epistles to the Scattered: James and I . II Peter are each addressed
to those "scattered abroad." They are radially symmetric with
the Post-Exilic OT History and Minor Prophets.
Epistles to the Scattered: |
James |
I Peter |
II Peter |
Post-Exilic Minor Prophets: |
Haggai |
Zechariah |
Malachi |
Post-Exilic OT History: |
Ezra |
Nehemiah |
Esther |
This triplet of triplets is discussed in more detail in
A Great Cloud of Witnesses. It also plays a significant role
in the Sixteenth Century history of the Church.
- Three Synoptic Gospels and Epistles of John The three synoptic Gospels and the three Epistles to the Scattered are the only books on Cycle
2 that naturally form a contiguous triplet. Likewise, the only such books on Cycle 3 are
John's Epistles. These two triplets are radially symmetric, being aligned on Spokes 18, 19, and 20.
- Three Pairs of Numbered Books: Comparing the OT History with the
12 corresponding Books on Cycle 3 reveals that each
set contains three pairs of numbered books:
- 3 on Cycle 1: 1 . 2 Samuel, 1 . 2 Kings, 1 . 2 Chronicles
3 on Cycle 3: 1 . 2 Thessalonians, 1 . 2 Timothy, 1 . 2 Peter
Groups of Nine
- Nine (3 x 3) Pre-exilic OT History and Minor Prophets:
The first nine OT History books and the first nine Minor Prophets were written before the
Babylonian exile. These two subdivision are radially symmetric. They end on Spoke 14 with the Babylonian
Exile. The Number 14 and the Babylonian Exile are used in the structure of Matthew's genealogy.
Nine . Five: Fourteen Pauline Epistles
- Cycle 3 consists of 22 Books, the first 14 being Pauline Epistles. These align with the
subdivision between Spokes 14 and 15 found in both the OT History and Minor Prophets. This means
that there is a line between Spokes 14 and 15 dividing all three Cycles (see
A Triplet of Triplets and Bible Wheel book pp. 97-101)
Pauline Epistles: |
14 Books, Romans – Hebrews |
Major and Pre-Exilic Minor Prophets: |
14 Books, Isaiah – Zephaniah |
The Law and Pre-Exilic History: |
14 Books, Genesis – 2 Chronicles |
This has an interesting impact on the question of the authorship of Hebrews, which
is sufficiently "Pauline" to have been identified as such by much
of the Church throughout its history. Any categorization of the NT Epistles will necessarily have
an ambiguity with regards to Hebrews because of its anonymity.
The symmetry arising from its traditional assignation to Paul -
as in the KJV, for example - naturally inclines me to prefer this position. But a very slight
expansion of the categorization from "authored by Paul" to "Pauline in character" avoids these issues
and results in the symmetric structure above. Of course, the extreme and ungodly assertions
of many "scholars" denying traditional authorship of many NT books is simply not worth addressing at any
length, the perpetrators being self-condemned. For example, they have delighted in raising doubt about the
authorship of Luke - not knowing the profound supernatural integration of his Gospel with the theme of
Health and the Great Physician.
There are probably many other patterns to be found on the Bible Wheel. I would be very grateful
to receive any insights the reader may have.
Next article: Probabilities