The Bible Wheel had been debunked by its author. Read all about it: Debunking Myself: What A Long Strange Trip It's Been
Spoke 15
Ezra, Haggai, James
Gesenius, in his Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament, connects the root of the word (Yesod, Foundation) to the Samekh KeyWord sad
View Spoke Spoke 1 - Aleph Spoke 2 - Bet Spoke 3 - Gimel Spoke 4 - Dalet Spoke 5 - Hey Spoke 6 - Vav Spoke 7 - Zayin Spoke 8 - Chet Spoke 9 - Tet Spoke 10 - Yod Spoke 11 - Kaph Spoke 12 - Lamed Spoke 13 - Mem Spoke 14 - Nun Spoke 15 - Samek Spoke 16 - Ayin Spoke 17 - Pey Spoke 18 - Tzaddi Spoke 19 - Quph Spoke 20 - Resh Spoke 21 - Shin Spoke 22 - Tav View Inner Wheel / Cycle General Introduction Genesis 2 Chronicles Psalms Isaiah Matthew John Romans Revelation
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Read Selected Chapters Table of Contents PART I Ch 1: Genesis of the Bible Wheel Ch 2: The Canon Wheel Ch 3: Sevenfold Symmetric Perfection Ch 4: For Glory and for Beauty Ch 5: The Bible Sealed from Aleph to Tav Ch 6: Divine Design of the 22 Spokes Ch 7: Divine Design of the Hebrew Alphabet PART III Ch 1: The Wheel of Revelation
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Symbol of Help and Support
Samek and Spoke 15
Book 15 - Ezra
Ezra the Helper
Three Decrees of Support
Book 37 - Haggai
Prophet of the Restoration
Zerubbabel and the Foundation of the Temple
Book 59 - James
Support your Brethren!
סמך Samek: 15th Letter
סמך Samak: Support, Uphold
סעד Sa'ad: Uphold, Sustain
סבל Sabal: Carry, Bear
ספר Sepher: Book
ספר Sopher: Scribe
Literal Meanings:
Support, Uphold
Symbolic Meanings:
Support, Help
Numeric Values:
15 (Ordinal Value)
60 (Standard Gematria)
120 (In Full)
Cycle 1: 151 = 15
Gen 15: Eliezer
2Chr 15: The Lord Helps
Ps 15: Speaking Truth+ Works Righteousness
John 15: Supporting Vine
Rom 15: Uphold the Fallen
Cycle 2: 152 = 37
Cycle 3: 153 = 59
Ps 59: Lying Lips
Isa 59: Lying Tongue+ Works Righteousness+ Cycle of Sin
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