When I first designed this website between 2001-2003, and during the time I wrote the Bible Wheel book during 2003-2005, I identified myself
in my FAQ as follows:
Are you a Christian? Protestant? Catholic?
Praise God, I am a man saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesian 2:8).
I am a non-denominational blood-bought Bible-believing Trinitarian Christian. I believe that the
true "faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3) is well stated in the early creeds of the church that Christ founded.
As you can see, I was quite the "fundamentalist" at that time. Things have changed a lot since then.
I no longer identify myself as a Christian, but I include my old statement of faith so that folks will know the perspective I held while
producing this site and writing the Bible Wheel book. I explain some of the reasons for the change in my forum article
Why I Quit Christianity. I invite you to register on
the forum (it's fast, free, and easy) if you would like to discuss this, or anything else I have written, with me.