In the Scriptures especially mothers appear again and again. The word mother, on the one hand, is mentioned almost 300 times. Grandmother, on the other hand, is mentioned only once.

Let's take a closer look at two mothers:

Chavvah, the first mother, and Sarah, the wife of Abraham and also the mother of Isaac.

And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. Gen 3:20

8. ח Chet 8
6. ו Vav 6
5. ה He 5
Σ 19

And Sarah was an hundred and seven and twenty years old: these were the years of the life of Sarah. Gen 23:1

21. שׂ שׁ Shin/Sin 300
20. ר Resch 200
5. ה He 5
Σ 505

What is the mathematical connection between Sarah and Eve?

Both numbers belong to a series of integers. The first 29 numbers in this sequence are:

1, 5, 11, 19, 29, 41, 55, 71, 89, 109, 131, 155, 181, 209, 239, 271, 305, 341, 379, 419, 461, 505, 551, 599, 649, 701,

Thus, Eve is the 4th and Sarah the 22nd digit in the so-called series of Eve numbers.

The geometric figure with which each number in this series can be drawn resembles an hourglass (X-type)

and is mainly connected with the statement of Jewish sages about the physique of the woman

The woman is built differently; she is broad at the bottom (to carry the child) and narrow at the top, while the man is broad at the top and narrow at the bottom.

In addition, the first four numbers show a clear indexing of the name Eve, חַוָּ֑ה.

The sum of the first two numbers is 6, the gematria of the letter

6. ו Vav 6

as the middle letter of her name.

The third number is 11

5. ה He 5
6. ו Vav 6

and finally the fourth number is 19, the gematria

8. ח Chet 8
6. ו Vav 6
5. ה He 5

or Eve.

Eve becomes the

mother of all living

The Gematria of em, mother, is

1. א Alef 1
13. מ Mem 40
Σ 41

which occurs in the 6th place of this series

1, 5, 11, 19, 29, 41, 55, 71, 89, 109, 131, 155, 181, 209, 239, 271, 305, 341, 379, 419, 461, 505, 551, 599, 649, 701,

The Gematria of Expression

mother of all living

is 109

אֵ֥ם כָּל חָֽי
1. א Alef 1
13. מ Mem 40
11. כ כּ Kaf/Khaf 20
12. ל Lamed 30
8. ח Chet 8
10. י Yud 10
Σ 109

which corresponds to the 10th digit of the so-called Eve numbers.

Some additional peculiarities within the number series are closely connected with the feminine, e.g.

kallah, daughter-in-law, bride

5. ה He 5
12. ל Lamed 30
11. כ כּ Kaf/Khaf 20
Σ 55

1, 5, 11, 19, 29, 41, 55, 71, 89, 109, 131, 155, 181, 209, 239, 271, 305, 341, 379, 419, 461, 505, 551, 599, 649, 701,

The sum of the first 7 numbers is

1+5+11+19+29+41+55 = 161

161/7 = 23

161 corresponds to 7 times the verb live,

8. ח Chet 8
10. י Yud 10
5. ה He 5
Σ 23

The name Eve is associated with before she was seduced by the serpent and therefore means the animate one.

For the verb to live, the same word as life is used as a noun in Hebrew. It expresses a dynamic becoming. Therefore it is also part of the name of G-d YHVH.

The sum of the first 13 numbers is

1+5+11+19+29+41+55+71+89+109+131+155+181 = 897

897 = 23*13*3

The 16th digit is 271.

1, 5, 11, 19, 29, 41, 55, 71, 89, 109, 131, 155, 181, 209, 239, 271, 305, 341, 379, 419, 461, 505, 551, 599, 649, 701,

The Hebrew word for pregnancy is herayon

5. ה He 5
20. ר Resch 200
10. י Yud 10
6. ו Vav 6
14. נ Nun 50
Σ 271

it has the same gematria as the average duration of human pregnancy, namely 271 days.

The sum of the first 20 numbers is

1+5+11+19+29+41+55+71+89+109+131+155+181+209+239+2 71+305+341+379+419 = 3060

3060/10 = 306

3060 is ten times the word ishshah, dt. woman, wife, female

1. א Alef 1
21. שׂ שׁ Shin/Sin 300
5. ה He 5
Σ 306

The sum of the first four numbers is

1+5+11+19 = 36,

which in turn corresponds to the gematria of the matriarch Leah, one of the two wives of Jacob,
who is described as happy

12. ל Lamed 30
1. א Alef 1
5. ה He 5
Σ 36

The sum of the first 26 numbers is

1+5+11+19+29+41+55+71+89+109+131+155+181+209+239+2 71+305+341+379+419+461+505+551+599+649+701 = 6526

6526 = 13*502.

13 is the gematria of the Hebrew word ahabah, meaning love.

1. א Alef 1
5. ה He 5
2. ב בּ Bet/Vet 2
5. ה He 5
Σ 13

as well as 502, the gematria of the expression

Shechina between them

שכינה ביניהם
21. שׂ שׁ Shin/Sin 300
11. כ כּ Kaf/Khaf 20
10. י Yud 10
14. נ Nun 50
5. ה He 5
2. ב בּ Bet/Vet 2
10. י Yud 10
14. נ Nun 50
10. י Yud 10
5. ה He 5
13. מ Mem 40
Σ 502

which is the essential description of the marital peace between a man and a woman. According to the Jewish view, if a man and a woman deserve it, the Shechina is between them. If not, fire consumes them.

In classical Jewish thought, shechina is the divine presence; in some sources, shechina represents the feminine attributes of G-d's presence.