View Full Version : Evil spirit and swine flu

04-29-2009, 08:04 PM

In the modern world, we all know that many diseases caused by "evil spirit" are caused by germs which include viruses, bacteria, fungus. I have found an interesting topic for discussion in Matthew 12 :43-45 in which Lord Jesus uses the analogy of evil sprit and compared it with the wicked generation:

43"When an evil[a] spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation."

Using the interpretation of evil spirit = germs, this is what I get:
"When germs is discharged from a person (through cough, sneezing, body fluids), it travels through the air and other media to lie dormant and wait to infect a suitable host. When the germs can't find any, it tries to re-infect the original host. When the germs found the original host already cured but still capable of being re-infected (perhaps the host is still weak), it gets several other virulent types of germs to propagate and evolve itself to become a new more virulent and resistant strain (so as to re-infect the original host). The original host will become more sick than he was before when he is re-infected. This is analogy of how this wicked generation will become more wicked."

This is what happened with swine flu The swine flu evolved from several flu virus strains from pigs, human and birds and become a new virulent and resistant strain worse than what it formerly was.

Anyway, I don't expect the swine flu to be a serious pandemic problem because the time is yet to come. The 4th Seal of Revelation in which there is massive death due to diseases or diseases by means of wild animals is yet to be unleash. This is partly due to the fact that the world is well prepared this time to prevent the spread of flu pandemic. It will end the same way as SARS.

Many Blessings.

alec cotton
05-01-2009, 12:44 PM
I love my microscope. I even feel an affinity with the protozoa which I so often observe. Scientists will tell you that the brain is the mind. That is a misconception to begin with. But for the the moment we will go along with the idea. The scientists (so called) tell us that the brain is composed of countless millions of cells. These in combination make thoughts and actions possible. I look through my microscope and observe a tiny creature called amoeaba. It consists of one cell. It cannot therefore have a brain:and yet I can see that it has purpose ,determination and direction. If it has no brain but has direction ,then there must be a director. Some will say that such a power is "nature". That is to admit that God is. When we realise that God is, then we know instinctively that we are accountable. Accountability demands restraint. To most people ,that is a very slippery slope. Now let us consider the case of the virus. The virus is not even a cell. It is not much more than a packet of protien . It exists almost on the molecular level,and yet it has purpose ,direction and determination. It is capable of adapting . It is capable of cicumventing man made antibiotcs. In passing let me remind you that maliaria is becoming reisitant to man made quinine. It does not have the same resistance to "natural"quinine. Now by the standards of the scientist the virus cannot have a mind, therefore it must be directed by a mind. That mind we call evil,Satan,the devil. When I consider these things I am convinced that God is in complete control of every aspect of life.