View Full Version : Micah: who is like unto God ?

04-28-2009, 02:44 AM
I found this on Micah:

The name 'Micah (http://www.christnotes.org/dictionary.php?dict=hbn&id=1726)' means poor; humble
Is that true?

The name 'Micaiah (http://www.christnotes.org/dictionary.php?dict=hbn&id=1727)' means who is like to God?

04-28-2009, 06:29 PM
I found this on Micah:

Is that true?

I think it's not true. I had never heard this before. Micah has the same meaning as Micaiah...

04-28-2009, 07:02 PM
Micah is the shortened form of Micaiah, (actually it is Mikayah) and as Victor said, they mean the same thing.
Mikayah means "who is like Yah" (shortened form of the divine name.) This word is related to Michael (Miykael), which is the one that actually means "who is like God."
