04-25-2009, 01:08 AM
A few years ago Prophecy in the News ( ran an article within a few monthly magazines. Off the top of my head I don't remember which months. I don't fully agree with their views but this one I found interesting.
God told through Moses for Israel to build a Tabernacle while they were in the desert for 40 years. The reason for that is to present their sacrifices, to gather for the feasts and I think also to hear the law.
The Tabernacle looks like this model:
The coverings are made of sacrificial animal skins. Many parts and objects are made up of gold, silver, brass and wood.
As you enter through the gate the first stop is to present your sacrifice at the BRAZEN ALTAR. Even though God showed Moses the patterns of the Tabernacle in Exodus this reminder of when sacrifices originated goes back to the GARDEN OF EDEN when Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God. God himself sacrificed animals to use their skins for a covering of man's nakedness.
The next stop is the Brazen Laver. It's a pool of water. The priests would ritually wash themselves before entering the inner chamber or the HOLY PLACE. When man multiplied the world became corrupt at the time of Noah. Noah entered the ark God sent a worldwide flood. God gave the warning though at the span of 120 years.
As you go in the chamber or the HOLY PLACE you have to pass a veil or curtain. I found this interesting. Maybe there's more to this than what I know. God told Abram to go to another country. God promised to give him the land of Canaan (this promise hasn't been fulfilled yet because while Abram lived he never owned the land. At the resurrection!) Lot, his nephew was with him. But since they both became rich in cattle and workers the land was too small for them. So they split up. Lot went towards Sodom. LOT means VEIL. Once LOT left God gave further promises. It's as if Abram entered the HOLY PLACE. This was in Genesis 13.
In Genesis 14 there was a war and Lot was taken captive. Abram led a group of men and took captivity captive, in other words brought all the captives back. At the end a priestly king by the name of Melchizedek, king of Salem (today known as Jerusalem) brought Abram bread and wine (like the bread and wine of the passover that Jesus ate, the last supper before his crucifixion). Jesus is the king of the New/Heavenly Jerusalem. SALEM means peace. I think JERU means foundation. MELCHIZEDEK means RIGHTEOUS KING. So Melchizedek is a type of Jesus Christ. According to its' interpretation in Hebrews, since the bible doesn't have a record of Melchizedek's birth and death, nor does show any ancestry of descendants from him, he is likened unto the Son of God who is of heavenly origin.
Coming back to the Tabernacle, the first stop after the VEIL in the HOLY PLACE is the TABLE OF SHEWBREAD where there are 12 loaves of bread and I think there was wine too. Now you see the connection to Melchizedek the priest offering bread and wine to Abram.
God told through Moses for Israel to build a Tabernacle while they were in the desert for 40 years. The reason for that is to present their sacrifices, to gather for the feasts and I think also to hear the law.
The Tabernacle looks like this model:
The coverings are made of sacrificial animal skins. Many parts and objects are made up of gold, silver, brass and wood.
As you enter through the gate the first stop is to present your sacrifice at the BRAZEN ALTAR. Even though God showed Moses the patterns of the Tabernacle in Exodus this reminder of when sacrifices originated goes back to the GARDEN OF EDEN when Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God. God himself sacrificed animals to use their skins for a covering of man's nakedness.
The next stop is the Brazen Laver. It's a pool of water. The priests would ritually wash themselves before entering the inner chamber or the HOLY PLACE. When man multiplied the world became corrupt at the time of Noah. Noah entered the ark God sent a worldwide flood. God gave the warning though at the span of 120 years.
As you go in the chamber or the HOLY PLACE you have to pass a veil or curtain. I found this interesting. Maybe there's more to this than what I know. God told Abram to go to another country. God promised to give him the land of Canaan (this promise hasn't been fulfilled yet because while Abram lived he never owned the land. At the resurrection!) Lot, his nephew was with him. But since they both became rich in cattle and workers the land was too small for them. So they split up. Lot went towards Sodom. LOT means VEIL. Once LOT left God gave further promises. It's as if Abram entered the HOLY PLACE. This was in Genesis 13.
In Genesis 14 there was a war and Lot was taken captive. Abram led a group of men and took captivity captive, in other words brought all the captives back. At the end a priestly king by the name of Melchizedek, king of Salem (today known as Jerusalem) brought Abram bread and wine (like the bread and wine of the passover that Jesus ate, the last supper before his crucifixion). Jesus is the king of the New/Heavenly Jerusalem. SALEM means peace. I think JERU means foundation. MELCHIZEDEK means RIGHTEOUS KING. So Melchizedek is a type of Jesus Christ. According to its' interpretation in Hebrews, since the bible doesn't have a record of Melchizedek's birth and death, nor does show any ancestry of descendants from him, he is likened unto the Son of God who is of heavenly origin.
Coming back to the Tabernacle, the first stop after the VEIL in the HOLY PLACE is the TABLE OF SHEWBREAD where there are 12 loaves of bread and I think there was wine too. Now you see the connection to Melchizedek the priest offering bread and wine to Abram.