12-22-2008, 04:00 PM
Have you ever wondered about time….just what is it? Was there 'time' in the beginning when the earth was formless and void? In a static world is there time?
I say God established 'time' on the first day when He divided the light from the darkness. Without a passage of events (like from light to darkness) there is no sense of time, there is no motion…things are static. Time is motion, the moving from one event to another.
If all things were created by God, and God created all things to follow certain laws then 'time' would also follow the laws of God’s universe. In the following of laws the outcome of a specific chain of events is always known.
So if we start with the foundation of 'time' being the motion from one event to another we can maybe begin to understand the concept of how God knows all time. If we think of 'time' as links on a chain, somewhat like the building blocks of life 'Amino Acids' that form chains which in turn are used to form proteins. These chains of Amino Acids have all the elements of the specific protein they will form, but are in an inactive state until they are folded in a specific way. The Protein is known by the specific order and type of Amino Acids in the chain, while the Protein is yet unformed. At the proper time the chain of Amino Acids become activated into a protein, and thus becomes complete. If we apply that same principle to time, we could conceivably see how God could know what is going to happen by the sequence of events in the chain of time.
When we read the creation account in Genesis an interesting design emerges in the way God created the heavens and the earth… us an idea of the concept of 'time'.
Gen. 2:1-4 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
The first thing I note is the phraseology 'these are the generations' and 'in the day' God made the heavens and the earth, using plural 'generations' and the singular 'day' to denote the 'time' in which God created the heavens and the earth. Why I mention this is because once in Psalms and once in the New Testament the term 'one day with the Lord is as a thousand years' and 'a thousand years is as one day' is used giving us a sense of Gods perception of time being much different than ours.
Secondly, we see that All things that were made by God were finished in six units of time, and on the seventh unit of time God rested from All His work. If we look at this as all of created time as we know it being contained within those six units of 'time' we can begin to see how God can know all 'time', because it is all part of the design of His creation. All of God’s creation operates within the fixed parameters (framework) of the 'six days' of creation, with the seventh day of rest filling up the center of the framework.
Heb. 11:3 'Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.'
Of course the Bible Wheel fits very nicely with this framework, having the six units on the outer two cycles and the seventh unit on the inner cycle. We see that in the 'fullness of time' the correct number and order of books came into being to create the chain of books that we know as the Bible. The Wheel then displays the Bibles completeness by rolling up the chain of books revealing the sevenfold symmetry and the emergence of the 'Tri Radiant Halo' when it is connected at the Aleph and the Tav….thus revealing Gods seal on the fullness of time contained within the circle of the Bible. It is nothing less than Gods Word (the Bible) framing time.
God Bless,
I say God established 'time' on the first day when He divided the light from the darkness. Without a passage of events (like from light to darkness) there is no sense of time, there is no motion…things are static. Time is motion, the moving from one event to another.
If all things were created by God, and God created all things to follow certain laws then 'time' would also follow the laws of God’s universe. In the following of laws the outcome of a specific chain of events is always known.
So if we start with the foundation of 'time' being the motion from one event to another we can maybe begin to understand the concept of how God knows all time. If we think of 'time' as links on a chain, somewhat like the building blocks of life 'Amino Acids' that form chains which in turn are used to form proteins. These chains of Amino Acids have all the elements of the specific protein they will form, but are in an inactive state until they are folded in a specific way. The Protein is known by the specific order and type of Amino Acids in the chain, while the Protein is yet unformed. At the proper time the chain of Amino Acids become activated into a protein, and thus becomes complete. If we apply that same principle to time, we could conceivably see how God could know what is going to happen by the sequence of events in the chain of time.
When we read the creation account in Genesis an interesting design emerges in the way God created the heavens and the earth… us an idea of the concept of 'time'.
Gen. 2:1-4 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
The first thing I note is the phraseology 'these are the generations' and 'in the day' God made the heavens and the earth, using plural 'generations' and the singular 'day' to denote the 'time' in which God created the heavens and the earth. Why I mention this is because once in Psalms and once in the New Testament the term 'one day with the Lord is as a thousand years' and 'a thousand years is as one day' is used giving us a sense of Gods perception of time being much different than ours.
Secondly, we see that All things that were made by God were finished in six units of time, and on the seventh unit of time God rested from All His work. If we look at this as all of created time as we know it being contained within those six units of 'time' we can begin to see how God can know all 'time', because it is all part of the design of His creation. All of God’s creation operates within the fixed parameters (framework) of the 'six days' of creation, with the seventh day of rest filling up the center of the framework.
Heb. 11:3 'Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.'
Of course the Bible Wheel fits very nicely with this framework, having the six units on the outer two cycles and the seventh unit on the inner cycle. We see that in the 'fullness of time' the correct number and order of books came into being to create the chain of books that we know as the Bible. The Wheel then displays the Bibles completeness by rolling up the chain of books revealing the sevenfold symmetry and the emergence of the 'Tri Radiant Halo' when it is connected at the Aleph and the Tav….thus revealing Gods seal on the fullness of time contained within the circle of the Bible. It is nothing less than Gods Word (the Bible) framing time.
God Bless,