View Full Version : 4440

06-22-2007, 04:10 AM
Here's a little something from one of John's epistles that has some special gematrical qualities.

At 1 John 1:7 we read of "the blood of Jesus Christ [the] Son". In the original Greek of the Textus Receptus, this set of words transliterates as "to haima Ihsou Xpistou tou uiou". (Sorry I don't have Greek fonts, folks, but the details are readily available at the Blue Letter Bible website). The import of these words is clear to all believers, for 'the blood of Jesus Christ the Son' is the object upon which all scripture turns. Nothing could be more important! Remarkably, these very words are undergirded by a unique numerical signature.

The gematria of each word breaks down as:

(a) to = 370
(b) haima = 52
(c) Ihsou = 688
(d) Xpistou = 1680
(e) tou = 770
(f) uiou = 880

The following features may be observed:

1) The first word = 370 = 37 x 10.

2) The second and third words sum to 740 = 37 x 20, double the value of the first word.

3) The first three words therefore sum to 1110 = 37 x 30. They translate as 'the blood of Jesus'.

4) Words four, five and six sum to 3330 = 37 x 90, three times the value of the first three words. They translate as 'Christ the Son'.

5) The third and fourth words sum to 2368 = 37 x 64. They translate as 'of Jesus Christ'.

6) Words one, two, five and six - translated as 'the blood of the Son' - sum to 2072 = 37 x 56.

7) Words two, five and six - translated as 'blood of the Son' - sum to 1702 = 37 x 46.

8) All six words sum to 4440 = 37 x 120. 4440 = 5 x 888 (Jesus) = 3 x 1480 (Christ). 4440 is the LCM of 888 and 1480.

There is a deep underlying numerical structure supporting these most fundamental words. It initially resides in the integer 37, but goes beyond that through the manner in which the values successively increment.


06-22-2007, 04:43 AM
This is an incredibly nested holograph!! It is based on ascending multiples of 37!!!! I'm dumbfounded!

The root ideas:
37 = HaYachid = the only-begotten Son
44 = Dam = Blood

06-22-2007, 06:26 AM
Hi Victor,

I'm glad you like that one! It's quite amazing to see something of ultimate import - and nothing is more important than the blood shed by Jesus Christ for the remission of sin - being backed up by such numerical integrity.

There are, according to a word search performed at Blue Letter Bible, only three instances in which the words 'blood of Jesus' appear in a string in the whole of the NT. Each instance is grammatically distinct from the others. The other two are at Hebrews 10:19, and 1 Peter 1:2. The second of these two also has a revelatory aspect in relation the breastplate of the High Priest. To see it, you will have to go to another thread that I will eventually start which will be filed under 'The Work of Vernon Jenkins'. As Vernon is currently updating his website, the relevant pages that we require are currently unavailable.



PS: The third occurrence of 'the blood of Jesus' at Hebrews 10:19 is itself not without numerical significance. The three Greek words are: (a) toi (= 1110); (b) haimati (= 362); and (c) Ihsou (= 688). These sum to 2160 = 2 x 1080 (the Holy Spirit). 2160 is also the diameter of the Moon in miles, as well as the length of an astronomical Age in years. The number itself also has many interesting factorisations.

06-22-2007, 10:25 AM
There are so many things to say!

444 = Dam Shaphak = To shed blood
444 = Sarx kai haima = Flesh and blood
444 = Miqdash = Sanctuary (the body of Jesus is his Temple)
4440 = The Blood of Jesus Christ the Son
4440 = LCM (888,1480) = LCM (Jesus Christ)

4440 = 5 x 888 (Jesus) = 3 x 1480 (Christ).

Note the numbers that multiply Jesus and Christ. They are the neighbors of the Number Four. The 5:3 ratio is found in the Mercy Seat:

Exo 25:17 And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof.

Blood was sprinkled on the mercy seat:

Lev 16:14 And he shall take of the blood of the bullock, and sprinkle it with his finger upon the mercy seat eastward; and before the mercy seat shall he sprinkle of the blood with his finger seven times.

The mercy seat is alluded to a few verses after the text in consideration:

1Jo 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

The 3:5 ratio is also found in the names Jesus Christ - 888 : 1480.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-22-2007, 11:58 AM
Here's a little something from one of John's epistles that has some special gematrical qualities.

At 1 John 1:7 we read of "the blood of Jesus Christ [the] Son". In the original Greek of the Textus Receptus, this set of words transliterates as "to haima Ihsou Xpistou tou uiou". (Sorry I don't have Greek fonts, folks, but the details are readily available at the Blue Letter Bible website). The import of these words is clear to all believers, for 'the blood of Jesus Christ the Son' is the object upon which all scripture turns. Nothing could be more important! Remarkably, these very words are undergirded by a unique numerical signature.

The gematria of each word breaks down as:

(a) to = 370
(b) haima = 52
(c) Ihsou = 688
(d) Xpistou = 1680
(e) tou = 770
(f) uiou = 880

The following features may be observed:

1) The first word = 370 = 37 x 10.

2) The second and third words sum to 740 = 37 x 20, double the value of the first word.

3) The first three words therefore sum to 1110 = 37 x 30. They translate as 'the blood of Jesus'.

4) Words four, five and six sum to 3330 = 37 x 90, three times the value of the first three words. They translate as 'Christ the Son'.

5) The third and fourth words sum to 2368 = 37 x 64. They translate as 'of Jesus Christ'.

6) Words one, two, five and six - translated as 'the blood of the Son' - sum to 2072 = 37 x 56.

7) Words two, five and six - translated as 'blood of the Son' - sum to 1702 = 37 x 46.

8) All six words sum to 4440 = 37 x 120. 4440 = 5 x 888 (Jesus) = 3 x 1480 (Christ). 4440 is the LCM of 888 and 1480.

There is a deep underlying numerical structure supporting these most fundamental words. It initially resides in the integer 37, but goes beyond that through the manner in which the values successively increment.

Magnificent! A whole new holograph. Thanks Stephen!

As for the textual variations:

1) The pattern you noted is intrinsic to the Greek, whether it was written in the Bible or not, because the Greek is perfect. Of course, its appearance in Scripture adds greatly to its inherent significance!

2) The NU usually, but not always, has inferior readings because that is the PRINCIPLE they use when deciding between variant readings. Can you believe it? Their basic assumption goes something like this: "The scribes had a natural inclination to elevate Christ, so any variant with the "higher Christology" is probably a later inovation and should be excluded on that basis!" The "Jesus Seminar" took this to the extreme and voted to exclude almost every word of Christ recorded in the Gospel of John. That shows the fruit of their methods with perfect clarity. But don't get me wrong, I believe that textual criticism is essential for a proper understanding of the text. I have not problem with that at all. I just have a problem with the fundamentally atheistic assumptions that most textual critics seem to follow. The current verse is a case in point. The word Christ appears in the vast majority of texts. They deleted it because it doesn't appear in a few of their "favorite" texts, namely Aleph, B, and C, according to the Majority Text by Hodges and Farstad.

As for your discovery: I think it quite beautiful that it divides in terms of large multiples of 37:

The blood of Jesus = 1110
Christ the Son = 3330

There's that "3 + 1" pattern we were just discussing in another thread! And this leads to another pattern we find when we look at the entire phrase at the end of the verse based on the prime number 31:

The blood of Jesus Christ His Son = 5611 = 181 x 31
cleanses us from all sin = 1705 = 55 x 31

So the last clause symmetrically divides in accordance with its grammatical structure.


PS: Did you notice that "in the light" = 2775 = 3 x 5 x 5 x 37?

Richard Amiel McGough
06-22-2007, 08:47 PM
Hey guys,

I tried drawing the holograph, but its too complicated and so will take a little time. Just look at these elements!

The first part is perfectly symmetric around the word hos (as) = 1000:

4311 = But if we walk in the light,
1000 = as
4311 = he is in the light,

Is that not beautiful?

The next part yields the fifth power of 5:

5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 3125 = we have fellowship one with another,

And the first few words takes us back to Enoch in Genesis 5 (http://www.biblewheel.com/InnerWheels/Genesis/Genesis05.asp) via the prime 1831:

1831 = we have fellowship = And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

The theme of "five" is reiterated in the first two Hebrew words:

555 = And Enoch walked

And this is all based on the root halak (walk) = 55.

This is a Spoke 5 theme that I have had documented for years in the article called "Walking with God (http://www.biblewheel.com/Wheel/Spokes/Heh_walk.asp)".

Now for the second part. There is another pattern completely independent of the one Stephen saw.

31 x 1 = and
31 x 90 = the blood of Jesus Christ
31 x 91 = His Son
31 x 55 = cleanseth us from all sin.

Note that the numbers follow the natural grammar of the verse.

Note also we have another exact identity:

and the blood of Jesus Christ = 31 x 91 = His Son

There is much more in this amazing holograph. The challenge now is to find a way to present these results so their integrity is both beautiful and visually obvious.


06-22-2007, 10:00 PM
There you go again, Richard! It's always been this way. Whenever I've shared something gematrical with you, you've always been able to come back with profound insights that exponentially expand on the original insight. Praise the Lord!

This is going to be an amazing new holograph! I'm dying to see what it's going to look like. The number 31 is one of those absolutely fundamental God numbers, and the symmetries you are finding are truly something to behold. I get a real buzz out of this kind of thing! For me, I probably enjoy gematria more than debating the pros and cons of other views I hold in relation to Scripture. Every time something like this comes up, it's like opening a Christmas present. May the Lord bless you with even greater understanding and insights as you work on this new holograph!


PS: I double-checked everything you wrote, and came to exactly the same numbers as you in each part. There's some really deep numerical symmetry going on in this verse. And, as you say, it follows the natural grammatical divisions within the verse. And if that don't beat all, what about the content of the verse itself?! Such a beautiful verse! Dontcha just love it!
PSS: John's epistle is fascinating from its opening statement, the first clause summing to 1118 = the Shema! 1118 is an interesting number, being half the square root of 5 (by approximation, and multiplied by 1000 of course). This means it is also the midpoint between phi (or tau) - 0.618 - and Phi (or Tau) - 1.618.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-23-2007, 05:56 PM
There you go again, Richard! It's always been this way. Whenever I've shared something gematrical with you, you've always been able to come back with profound insights that exponentially expand on the original insight. Praise the Lord!
I've always been blessed by your insights Steven. You seem to have a knack for finding the gem in the gematria. And, yes, yes indeed! Praise the Lord!

This is going to be an amazing new holograph! I'm dying to see what it's going to look like. The number 31 is one of those absolutely fundamental God numbers, and the symmetries you are finding are truly something to behold. I get a real buzz out of this kind of thing! For me, I probably enjoy gematria more than debating the pros and cons of other views I hold in relation to Scripture. Every time something like this comes up, it's like opening a Christmas present. May the Lord bless you with even greater understanding and insights as you work on this new holograph!

I totally agree. We can wear ourselves thin trying to "prove points" back and forth too much. We need some plain old fashioned fellowship in things that we both delight in. That's what made us friends in the first place! So here is my gift that I have for you, because of the insight you shared with me; the first part of the new holograph.


We will have to wait for "Part 2" before I can incorporate your amazing insights about the 3330 + 1110 = 5 x Jesus = 3 x Christ, since I had to reduce the "clutter" of the this fragment of the holograph so folks could easily see the symmetry of the whole verse.

PS: I double-checked everything you wrote, and came to exactly the same numbers as you in each part.
I'm really glad you did that, since we all err all the time. Your confirmation is very much appreciated.

There's some really deep numerical symmetry going on in this verse. And, as you say, it follows the natural grammatical divisions within the verse. And if that don't beat all, what about the content of the verse itself?! Such a beautiful verse! Dontcha just love it!
Yes I do! I love it because it simultaneously reveals God's Love, God's Forgiveness, God's Wisdom, and God's Artistry! Praise be to our Lord for ever and ever!

PSS: John's epistle is fascinating from its opening statement, the first clause summing to 1118 = the Shema! 1118 is an interesting number, being half the square root of 5 (by approximation, and multiplied by 1000 of course). This means it is also the midpoint between phi (or tau) - 0.618 - and Phi (or Tau) - 1.618.

Yes, 1.118 is a very good approximation to root(5)/2. The exact value to six digits being 1.11803. The relation to phi = (1 + root(5))/2 is intriguing, especially since the structural numbers of the Canon Wheel - 5, 12, 22 - are sequential pentagonal numbers.


06-23-2007, 07:23 PM

Look at the beautiful symmetry in the new holograph. Praise God that He's given you this talent to map things out in this way! I have no idea how you plan to incorporate the other group of findings into the holograph, but I know God will guide you.

Amen to all your comments on our fellowship, and to God's Love, Forgiveness, Wisdom and Artistry! :thumb: You're a blessing to us all, Richard.

Your bro in the Lord,


PS: Suppose you already know this, but the numbers 55 and 91 are successive terms in what Vernon calls the G-Triangles. 91 embraces 55. They are also successive terms in the pyramid series of numbers.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-25-2007, 09:51 PM

Look at the beautiful symmetry in the new holograph. Praise God that He's given you this talent to map things out in this way! I have no idea how you plan to incorporate the other group of findings into the holograph, but I know God will guide you.

Amen to all your comments on our fellowship, and to God's Love, Forgiveness, Wisdom and Artistry! :thumb: You're a blessing to us all, Richard.

Your bro in the Lord,


PS: Suppose you already know this, but the numbers 55 and 91 are successive terms in what Vernon calls the G-Triangles. 91 embraces 55. They are also successive terms in the pyramid series of numbers.

Thanks for the encouragement bro! It really warms my heart and gives me a much strength to carry on. Praise our God for the gifts He gives to each of us, to serve the Body.

As for the numbers 91 - 55 - 91, believe it or not, I hadn't noticed that they were Gen-triangles. There's just too much for one man to see, that's why we need each other. So now I need to redraw the diagram so as to indicate the triangular nature of those numbers. The symmetry and beauty goes ever deeper!

I haven't had time to work on the integration of your 3330 + 1110 results yet. I hope to get them done tomorrow.

God bless bro! And if you have any other numerical insights (I know you have many), start a new thread! I love it when you share these gems with us. :thumb:


07-14-2007, 06:21 AM
Hello Richard and others reading this thread!

There seems to be a proliferation of strings summing to multiples of 37 within this verse. Here are a few consecutive examples:

(a) Words 8 to 10 read 'autos estin en' and sum to 1591 = 37 x 43
(b) Words 10 to 12 read 'en toi photi' and sum to 2775 = 37 x 75
(c) Words 12 to 14 read 'photi koinonian echomen' and sum to 3441 = 37 x 93

From within this set, above, we also find that:

(d) Words 8 to 11 sum to 2701 = 37 x 73
(e) Words 11 to 14 sum to 4551 = 37 x 123
(f) Words 8 to 14 sum to 6142 = 37 x 166

These seven consecutive words have the phrase 'en toi photi' at their centre. Indeed, even this phrase has the word 'toi' at its centre, which word = 1110 = 37 x 30. It's difficult to say for sure that this additional feature is meaningful. However, with the later six-word string summing to 4440 (words 18 to 23), there sure seems to be a lot in there!


PS: Because words 8 to 12 sum to 4311, the same sum as words 1 to 6, the addition of words 13 and 14 - whose sum is 1831 - to either of them will produce 6142 = 37 x 166.
PSS: A similar phenomenon occurs with words 2 to 6. Words 3 to 5, which lie at the heart, sum to 2775 = 37 x 75, while words 2 and 6 - which straddle words 3 to 5 - sum to 1480 = 37 x 40. The sum of the five words is 2775 + 1480 = 4255 = 37 x 115. Again, the word 'toi' lies at the centre of the five-word string, and sums to 1110 = 37 x 30.

07-14-2007, 08:40 PM
Following on from yesterday's post, were it not for the elision of the final letter from the 15th word - 'meta' becoming 'met' due to the following pronoun 'allelon' beginning with a vowel - the numerical pattern being discussed in the last post would be further extended. If the preposition 'meta' retained its original form - which, from what I have understood regarding Tischendorff, might conceivably be allowable, even in these circumstances - then words 15 and 16, now 'meta allelon', would sum to 1295 = 37 x 35. This would then alter the sum of the entire verse from 20094 to 20095, which latter factorises as 5 x 4019, or 5 x 555th prime! Regrettably, perhaps, no surviving texts that I am aware of show a reading 'meta allelon', so this will have to remain a moot point.

Also following on from yesterday's post, the numerical structure of words 2 to 6 displays symmetry around nested multiples of 37. This can be shown as:

(a) Words 2 and 6 sum to 1480 = 37 x 40
(b) Words 3 and 5 sum to 1665 = 37 x 45
(c) Word 4 = 1110 = 37 x 30

As previously alluded to, (a) straddles (b) which straddles (c). A similar structure was to be found in the 4440 phenomenon which began this thread. However, the 4440 phenomenon also had another structural principle, which also was found to be dependent on multiples of 37. Recapping that structure, we had:

(d) Word 18 = 370 = 37 x 10
(e) Words 19 and 20 sum to 740 = 37 x 20
(f) Words 21 to 23 sum to 3330 = 37 x 90

Within this structure we had another subset:

(g) Words 20 and 21 sum to 2368 = 37 x 64

From this, we see that words 18, 19, 22 and 23 - which sum to 2072 = 37 x 56 - straddle (g), which is symmetrically nested within them. Yesterday's post was found to contain exactly the same kind of nested structure, where words 10 to 12 - sum of 2775 = 37 x 75 - were nested between words 8, 9, 13 and 14 - sum of 3367 = 37 x 91. That makes three examples of consecutive word-strings from within this one verse showing nested structures of multiples of 37. There does appear to be a genuine confluence of multiples of 37 functioning as a structural principle within this verse.


07-15-2007, 06:22 AM
Yet another addition to the last two posts!

We saw that words 2 to 6 of 1 John 1:7 sum to 4255 = 37 x 115. We then observed that words 8 to 14 of the same verse sum to 6142 = 37 x 166. Both subsets were found to contain internal symmetries organised around multiples of 37.

It transpires that we may unite these two subsets by including word 7 and words 15 and 16 in the calculation. These three words sum to 2294 = 37 x 62. Thus words 2 to 16 sum to 12691 = 37 x 343, or 37 x 7^3.

Another observation, and one which began this thread, concerned words 18 to 23, which sum to 4440 = 37 x 120. These may be incorporated into the feature, above, by including words 1, 17 and 24 into the calculation. Words 1, 17 and 24 sum to 1258 = 37 x 34. Thus, words 1 to 24 sum to 18389 = 37 x 497.

Again, it is hard to look past the probability of there being an organising principle within this verse, one which functions according to multiples of 37. It will also be observed that the three subsets enounced earlier also represent meaningful linguistic subsets within the verse. These in addition to the features that Richard discovered within this verse a few weeks ago!
