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09-23-2020, 06:13 PM
13 + 18 = 31
In Pi, the 31st occurrence of 31
completes at digit # 3 5 8 5
1 5 9 0 + 1 9 9 5 = 3 5 8 5
I looked for the first occurrence's of 4 5 0 6 6 6 and 6 6 6 4 5 0
Post # 243
hoping my name 1 5 9 0 would occur in the vacinity of one
of the strings of digits, it didn't, but, my birth year that i was
born on the first day of, made an occurrence about 2.5 million digits
down the line right before the first occurrence of, 6 6 6 4 5 0,
1 9 6 3 6 6 6 4 5 0
09-25-2020, 06:32 AM
1 9 6 3 + 1 5 9 0 + 3 1 = 3 5 8 4
1 9 6 3 + 1 5 9 0 digits after the decimal point, leaves
3 1 digits to reach the first digit{digit # 3584) of the 3 1st
occurrence of the number 3 1
Revelation chapter Thirteen verse Eighteen = 2 5 9 8
A=6 B=12 C=18....Z=156
2 5 9 8 + 9 8 7 = 3 5 8 5
7 5 1 5 9 0 6 completes its first occurrence at digit # 4 8 7 0
^P.21 post # 204
First occurrences of 8 6 and 3 5 8 5,
3 . 1 4 1 5 9 . . . . . (8 6 . . . . . 4 8 7 0 + 4 8 7 0 . . . . .)3 5 8 5
8 6 completes its first occurrence at digit # 7 5
3 1 + 3 1 + 1 3(=75) + 3 1 + 3 1 = 1 3 7
3 1 begins its first occurrence at digit # 1 3 7
09-28-2020, 05:36 PM
Rev. 1 3 : 1 8, Ivan Panin's translation,
Here is the wisdom, who hath understanding, let him
count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man,
and his number is Six hundred sixty six
= 8 6 5 8
The location of the First occurrence of 1 5 9 0, in relation to digit # 8 6 5 8,
3 . 1 4 . . . . . .(1 5 9 0 . . . . 6 6 6 + 1 1 0 7 + 2 0 2 0 . . . . .){digit # 8 6 5 8
Those 6 6 6 digits divide into 4 5 0 and 2 1 6{post #'s 189, 209, 243),
right at the 8 in the first occurrence of the number 1 3 1 8
3 . 1 4 . . . . . .(1 5 9 0 . . . . 4 5 0 . . . . 1 3 1 8)
Page 24 post # 235, bottom segment
09-29-2020, 09:39 AM
1 6 5 6 years, The Flood, clearly God wants us to believe that,
whether it makes sense to everyone or not!
1 6 5 6 yrs + 6 6 6 + [ 6 6 6 + 2 3 6 8 ] + 6 6 6 yrs
= 6 0 2 2 years,....right about where we are now!
1 6 5 6 + Count the number of the beast{1 6 8 0) + 6 6 6 + 2 0 2 0 = 6 0 2 2
1 6 5 6 + 1 5 9 0 + 7 5 6 + 2 0 2 0 = 6 0 2 2
Matthew 2 4 : 3 7
09-30-2020, 04:30 PM
The sum of the English alphabet, (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 . . . + 36 = 666)
a=6, b=12, c=18, d=24, e=30, F=36, g=42, h=48,
i=54, j=60, k=66, l=72, m=78, n=84, o=90, p=96,
q=102, r=108, s=114, t=120, u=126, v=132, w=138,
x=144, y=150, Z=1 5 6
= The # of year's preceding The Flood, 1 6 5 6, + 4 5 0, The length in feet of Noah's Ark
1 6 5 7 yrs. + 4 5 0 yrs = yr. 2 1 0 7, God makes The Covenant with Abraham.
1 2 3 + 6 6 6 = 7 8 9
6 x 6 x 6 = 2 1 6
6 6 6 - 2 1 6 = 4 5 0
Immediately after the first 1 7 6 verses of The Bible, the 4 5 0 ft. Ark
is "Lift Up above the earth".
The last 1 7 6 verses begin with instructions to compute the number 6 6 6
123 45 6 789
8 6 + 1 1/0 7 + 2 0 2 0 = 3 2 1 3
1 5 9 0 + 5 1 6 = 2 1 0 6
516, P.20, post # 195
2106, P.25, post # 248
The first occurrence of 1 5 6{God/English) completes at digit # 2 3 2 9
Digit # 2 3 2 9 + 2 0 2 1 digits = digit # 4 3 5 0
The first occurrence of number 2 0 2 1 begins at digit # 4 3 5 1
So the first occurrence of 1 5 6 and the first occurrence of 2 0 2 1,
are separated with 2 0 2 1 digits.
Including the digits of the first occurrence of 8 6{Elohim/Hebrew), to digit # 4 3 5 0,
a span of 1 5 9 0 + 6 6 6 + 2 0 2 1 digits are covered.
10-01-2020, 06:52 PM
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . . 1 5 6(. . . . . . 2 0 2 1 digits . . . . . .)2 0 2 1
1 3 : 1 8 + 6 6 6 + 2 3 6 8 digits = digit # 4 3 5 2 { 2 0 2 1 )
Just so we know those measurements are not a coincidence,
1 5 6 completes its first occurrence at digit # 2 3 2 9,
2 0 2 1 completes its first occurrence at digit # 4 3 5 4,
[ 1 5 6 + 2 0 2 1 ] + [ 1 5 6 + 2 0 2 1 ] digits = digit # 4 3 5 4
10-05-2020, 01:07 PM
1 9 4 7 is the completed year before the 7 0 year generation began, which ended
in 2 0 1 8, shortly after the 4 Blood Moon's, a very special Solar Eclipse, Rev.12 Sign,
and unprecedented Meteor shower's!
Here are the first occurrence's of number's 1 9 4 7 and 2 0 1 8,
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . . . . .(1 9 4 7 . . . . . . . 2 0 1 8 digits . . . . . . . 2 0 1 8)
The 9 in 1 9 4 7's first occurrence(middle of 1947) is digit # 2 0 5 5
We are now 6 0 2 2 years from Adam,
2 0 5 5 + 1 9 4 7 + 2 0 1 8 = 6 0 2 0
2 0 1 8 was 6 0 2 0
10-07-2020, 06:49 AM
6 6 6 completes its first occurrence in Pi
at digit # 2 4 4 2
November Eighth Two Thousand Sixteen = 2 4 4 2
6 6 6 + 1 1 1 0 + 6 6 6 = 2 4 4 2
Donald John Trump = 1 1 1 0
6 6 6 + 6 1 4 + 6 6 6 = 1 9 4 6
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . (8 6 . . . . . 1 3 1 8 + 6 6 6 digits . . . . . 1 9 4 7)
10-08-2020, 12:07 PM
6 x 6 x 6 = 2 1 6
1 5 9 0 + 6 6 6 + 2 1 6 = 2 4 7 2
6 6 6 completes its first occurrence at digit # 2 4 4 2
The words in Ivan Panin's Rev. 1 3 : 1 8
have a sum of 8 6 5 8
Revelation chapter Thirteen verse Eighteen + 8 6 5 8 = 1 1 2 5 6
Digit # 6 6 6 + 1 0 5 9 0 digits = digit # 1 1 2 5 6
Now, here's the measurement in digits from the first occurrence
of the number 6 6 6, to the completion of the first occurrence of 2 4 7 2,
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . . . . 6 6(6 . . . . . 1 0 5 9 0 digits . . . . . 2 4 7 2)
Factors of 1 5 9 0,
2 x 3 x 5 x 5 3 = 1 5 9 0
2 3 5 5 3 - 1 1 9 6 3 = 1 1 5 9 0
10-13-2020, 10:24 AM
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 . . . . + 3 6 = 6 6 6
3 6 begins its first occurrence right after digit # 2 8 4
6 6 6 completes its first occurrence at digit # 2 4 4 2
3 .(1 4 . . . 2 8 4 . . .)(3 6 . . . . 2 8 4 + 1 5 9 0 + 2 8 4 . . . . 6 6 6)
6 6 6 begins its first occurrence at digit # 2 4 4 0
8 8 2(or, 6 6 6 + 2 1 6) begins its first occurrence
right after digit # 3 7 4,
3 .(1 4 . . . . 3 7 4 . . . . )(8 8 2 . . . 3 7 4 + 1 3 1 8 + 3 7 4 . . . . 6)6 6
10-19-2020, 01:42 PM
The sum of my name 1 5 9 0 completes its first
occurrence at digit # 4 8 6 9
The first 1 5 1 2 digits end with Enoch's Rapture year,
9 8 7{p.11,post # 102)
The last 1 5 1 2 digits begin with 1 9 8 4,
or, 1 3 1 8 + 6 6 6
The number of digits between those 2 groups of 1 5 1 2, are,
6 6 6 + 1 1 7 9
1 1 7 9 + 6 6 6 + 1 1 7 9 + 6 6 6 + 1 1 7 9 = 4 8 6 9
1179, p.21, bottom of post # 202
The number 1 5 1 2 completes its first occurrence at digit # 5 2 2 3
9 + 2 3 + 2 0 1 7 + 1 1 7 9 + 1 9 9 5 = 5 2 2 3
10-26-2020, 09:08 AM
First occurrence's of 1 4 8 0, 1 9 4 7, and 8 8 8,
3 . 1 4 . . . 1 4 8 0(. . .1947. . .)(1 9 4 7 . . .86 + 666 + 1948. . . 8 8 8)
1 9 4 7 + 8 6 + 6 6 6 + 1 9 4 8 digits
from completion of Christ to completion of Jesus,
with the first occurrence of 1 9 4 7 starting 1 9 4 7 digits
after the first occurrence of Christ.
In Greek,
Jesus = 8 8 8{Amos 9:15 is the last verse of Bible chapter 8 8 8)
Christ = 1 4 8 0
= 2 3 6 8
3 . 1 4 . . . . 8(6 . . . .2 3 6 8. . . . . 6 6 6)
11-01-2020, 10:08 AM
The first occurrence of 1 9 1 7
completes at digit # 1 9 4 8.
The first occurrence of number 1 9 4 7,
and the first occurrence of 2 0 1 8 {End of Generation),
cover a span of 2 0 1 8 digits.
The Sign in the Star's that was to happen before
the generation completed, was the Revelation 12 Sign
John wrote about, in what is the 1179th chapter
of The Bible, that took place on 9 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 7
3 3 days after the total Solar Eclipse that created
two Hurricanes when it dissipated over the ocean.
They were named Maria{Mary) and Jose{Joseph).
September / + Twenty Third / + Two Thousand Seventeen
= [ 9 + 2 3 + 2 0 1 7 + 1 1 7 9 ]
A=6 B=12 C=18.....Z=156
The total number of chapters in The Bible, are
1 1 7 9 chapters short of matching what God decided
would be the Greek numeric sum of his Son's name, 2 3 6 8
11-03-2020, 06:09 PM
The number 1 9 1 7 completes its first occurrence at digit # 1 9 4 7
11-06-2020, 11:39 PM
The number 1 9 1 7 completes its first occurrence at digit # 1 9 4 7.
Digit # 1 9 1 8 is the completion of the second occurrence of the number 1 9 4 9
The 70 weeks of years began 3 5 1 6 years after Adam's creation.
2 3 6 8 completes its first occurrence at digit # 7 4 8 4
3 5 1 6 + 1 9 4 8 + 2 0 2 0 = 7 4 8 4
3 5 1 6 + 1 9 4 7 + 2 0 2 1 = 7 4 8 4
11-08-2020, 12:49 PM
Christ was born "in" the year 4 0 0 0
The number 1 9 4 7 starts its first occurrence at digit # 2 0 5 4
Digit # 2 0 5 3 + 1 9 4 7 digits = digit # 4 0 0 0
Digit # 4 0 0 0 is the first 6 in the
3rd occurrence of the number 6 6 6
11-15-2020, 11:17 PM
First occurrence of 2 0 2 1 and 2 3 6 8,
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . . . 2 0 2(1 . . . . . .1 1 0 7 + 2 0 2 1. . . . . . 2)3 6 8
11-17-2020, 12:55 PM
6 x 6 6 6 = 3 9 9 6 {1590 + 2406)
The number 3 9 9 6 completes its first occurrence at
digit # 2 1 1 6
The first 3 9 9 6 digits of Pi, end with this string of digits,
2 1 1 1 6 6
3 .(1 4 . . . . .2 1 1 6. . . . 3 9 9 6)
3 .(1 4 . . . . . . . . . . . .3 9 9 6. . . . . . . . 2 1 1 1 6 6)
Counting backwards 2 0 2 1 digits from digit # 2 1 1 7
puts us at digit # 9 6, and digit # 9 6 is the completion of the
first occurrence of the number 2 1 1 7
11-19-2020, 02:54 PM
The only 2 words in the Bible having a gematria sum of 2 1 1 7
are found in the Greek New Testament,
"Centurion" {Strongs concordance, G 1 5 4 3
"Crucify" { Strongs concordance, G 4 7 1 7
The first occurrence of 1 5 4 3 in Pi,
3 .(1 4 . . . . .4717 + 4716. . . . . 1 5 4 3)
4 7 1 7 first occurs starting at digit # 1 5 4 9 3
11-20-2020, 06:19 PM
Digit # 1 5 9 0 is the 2nd 7 in the first occurrence
of the number 7 7 7, which is also the first occurrence
of the number 7 7 7 7,
3 .(1 4 . . . . . .1590 . . . . . 7 7)7 7
1 5 9 0 + 7 7 8 = 2 3 6 8
1 5 9 0> 7 7 7 <2 3 6 8
I decided to use the first occurrence of my name, 1 5 9 0,
as the first 4 digits of 7 7 8 digits, and those 7 7 8 digits
ended with the 6th occurrence of 7 7 8, which is followed by a 7,
and the 6th occurrence of the number 2 0 1 9,
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . . .(1 5 9 0 6 . . . . .7 7 8. . . . . 7 7 8)7 2 0 1 9
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . . . 1 5 9 0 6(. . . . .7 7 8. . . . . 7 7 8 7 2 0 1 9)
Jesus Christ = 2 3 6 8 / Greek
Jesus Christ = 9 0 6 / English
11-22-2020, 11:33 AM
7 7 7 + 3 6 + 7 7 7 = 1 5 9 0
7 + 7 + 7 x 3 6 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 7 7 7
At digit # 3 6 + 6 6 6{702) the number
2 0 1 9 begins its 2nd occurrence.
3 6 + 6 6 5 + 1 3 1 8 digits puts us at digit # 2 0 1 9
3 6 + 6 6 6 + 1 3 1 8 digits = digit # 2 0 2 0
The first occurrence of 2 0 2 1,
2 0 2(1 . . . . . .1107 + 2021. . . . .{digit # 2 3 6 8
November Seventh Two Thousand Twenty One = 2 9 2 8,
so i counted 2 9 2 8 digits using the 1 in 2 0 2 1's first occurrence
as digit #1 of the 2 9 2 8 digits, and it brought me to the
last digit of the first occurrence of 1 5 5 9 0,
which is closely followed by the first and second occurrence
of 2 0 2 0,
2 0 2(1 . . . . . . 2928. . . . . . 1 5 5 9 0)7 4 2 2 0 2 0 2 0
1 5 5 9 0 occurs first starting at digit # 7 2 7 7
11-25-2020, 09:47 PM
I looked for my birth date thats coming up, 0 1/0 1/2 0 2 1, and it
doesn't make its first occurrence until well over 141 million digits, but
sure enough the number 6 6 6 makes an occurrence
almost immediately after,
3 .(1 4 1 5 9 . . . . . . .141,346,377 . . . . . . . .)0 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 4 6 6 6
4 0 0 0 + 6 6 6 = 4 6 6 6
The 3rd occurrence of 6 6 6 starts at digit # 4 0 0 0
The first Advent was in year 3 9 9 9.
4 6 6 6 is what you see at the first occurrence
of 6 6 6 which completes at digit # 2 4 4 2
January First = 9 7 2
1 5 9 0 + 9 7 2 = 2 5 6 2
0 1 0 1 begins its first occurrence after the decimal point
at digit # 2 5 6 2.
I was born Jan. 1 / 1 9 6 3, right after the completion of the year 1 9 6 2.
1 9 6 2 completes its first occurrence at digit # 9 0 8 0
2 5 6 1 + 1 5 9 0 + 2 3 6 8 + 2 5 6 1 = 9 0 8 0
3 .(1 4 1 5 9 . . . .2561 + 1590 + 2368 + 2561. . . . 1 9 6 2)
1 9 6 3 + 1 9 9 5 = [1 5 9 0 + 2 3 6 8]
11-27-2020, 01:31 PM
The night i first read what Panin claimed about numerics
declaring not only the year, but even the blessed day and hour,
and felt it had something to do with the number 6 6 6 being intelligently
structured into the core of the number set so to speak, and believed
that Jesus Christ(2 3 6 8) was preparing to show me something,
communicating with me in fact, i was 1 0 3 1 0 days old.
1 5 9 0 makes its first occurrence right after
.digit # 4 8 6 5
If i add the segments of what has been my family phone number for just
over 50 yrs, the sum is 3 7 2 7
3 7 2 7 + 1 5 9 0 + 6 6 6 + 2 1 6 digits = digit # 6 1 9 9
The 4 digit # that occurs for the first time starting digit # 6 1 9 9,
is 3 7 2 7
Count the number of the beast (= 1 6 8 0 ) + 6 6 6 = 2 3 4 6
2 3 4 6 begins first at digit # 2 6 0
2 6 0 + 6 6 6 + 2 1 6 + 3 7 2 7 digits = digit # 4 8 6 9,
Digit # 4 8 6 9 is the completion of number 1 5 9 0.
As ive shown many times now, my name 1 5 9 0 which
consists of 7 , 5 , and 6 letters, is tucked inside 7 5 6
when it first occurs,
7 5 1 5 9 0 6
7 5 6 + 1 5 9 0 = 2 3 4 6
Digit # 4 8 7 0 + 6 6 6 + 6 6 6 digits = digit # 6 2 0 2
Digit # 6 2 0 2 is the last digit of the first occurrence of number 3 7 2 7
.Digit # 4 8 6 5 + 2 3 6 8 + 4 8 6 5 digits = digit # 1 2 0 9 8
the number 1 0 3 1 0 makes its first occurrence right after digit # 1 2 0 9 8
2 nights later he showed me that only 1 number larger than 9 8 7{Enoch)
had the same features as 9 8 7,
1 9 9 5
1 x 9 x 9 x 5 = 4 0 5
5 7 makes its first occurrence at digit #'s 4 0 4 and 4 0 5
The number 1 9 6 3 has 5 7 digits standing between it and
the number 1 5 9 0's first occurrence's.
1 9 9 5 - 4 0 5 = 1 5 9 0
First that same night, he showed me this,
6 x 6 x 6 = 2 1 6
6 6 6 - 2 1 6 = 4 5 0
11-28-2020, 09:32 PM
First occurrence of 1 3 1 8,
(3 . 1 4 . . . . . .3 7 2 7 + 1 5 9 0 positions. . . . . . . 1 3 1 8)
Counting 6 6 6 digits and using the first occurrence
of my name as the first 4, the 6 6 6 digits will
divide into 4 5 0 and 2 1 6 right at
the 8 in the first occurrence of the number 1 3 1 8
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . . (1 5 9 0 . . . . .4 5 0. . . . . 1 3 1 8)
3 .(1 4 . . . . .4869. . . .1 5 9 0)(. . . .1590 + 1 3 1 8. . . ..{digit # 7 7 7 7
post #'s 218,219,220
4 8 3 {6 9 x 7)
First occurrence of 1 5 9 0 and 4 8 3,
1 5 9 0(. . . . .1318 + 2368. . . . . 4 8 3)
4 9 0 occurs first right after digit # 9 0 6
4(9 0 . . . . .2368 + 1590. . . . .)1 5 9 0
8 8 8 - 4 8 3 = 4 0 5
11-30-2020, 12:52 AM
First occurrence of 1947 and 2018,
(1 9 4 7 . . . . . . .2018. . . . . . . 2 0 1 8)
Using English gematria,
May Fourteenth Two thousand Eighteen = 2 4 2 4{70th anniversary of Israel)
Israel = 5 4 1 in Hebrew
When we look for the first occurrence of either 2 4 2 4 or 5 4 1, we see this,
2 4 2 4 5 4 1
Count the number of the beast = 1 6 8 0
1 6 8 0 + 6 6 6 = 2 3 4 6
1 5 9 0 + 7 5 6 = 2 3 4 6
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . 2 3 4 6(. . . . .2346 + 1590 + 666. . . . . .)1 5 9 0
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . 2 3 4 6(. . .666 + 1590 + 1680 + 666. . . .)1 5 9 0
12-01-2020, 11:35 AM
First occurrence of 8 6 and 1 5 6,
3 . 1 4 . . . . .(8 6 . . . .1590 + 6 6 6. . . . . 1 5 6)
First occurrence of 1 5 6 and 2 0 2 1
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 6(. . . .2021. . . . .)2 0 2 1
12-08-2020, 01:27 PM
5 4 1 days after The Revelation 12 Sign, God showed me
that "ISRAEL" = 5 4 1 in Hebrew, and that The 70th
anniversary date for Israel adds to 2 4 2 4 using English Gematria,
and that its first occurrence in Pi is immediately followed by the first
occurrence of 5 4 1, and, that 5 4 1 days after 2 4 2 4 was Nov.7th 2019.
Page 17 post # 164
Page 21 post # 202
Nov.7th 2020 was 9 0 7 days after 2 4 2 4.
There is no 2 4 2 4 9 0 7 in the first 200 million digits of Pi,
but, the number 9 0 7 occurs first right after the first
5 4 1 digits of Pi.
1 5 0 6 days after The Revelation 12 Sign{Sept.23rd 2017)
is Nov.7th 2021, and 1 5 0 6 occurs first with the first
occurrence's of 2 4 2 4 and 5 4 1, and is connected to 5 4 1,
2 4 2 4 5 4 1 5 0 6
"The Body of Jesus Christ" = 1 5 0 6
This string, 2 4 2 4 9 0 6 does occur in the first 200 million digits of Pi,
2 4 2 4 9 0 6 6 6
7 7 7 + 5 4 1 = 1 3 1 8
12-11-2020, 12:54 AM
If we look for the First occurrence of 2 3 6 8 {Jesus Christ/Greek)
followed by 1 1 1 0 {Donald John Trump/English), we see thats its followed by,
whether we like it or not, occurrence of 2 0 1 7, his year of Inauguration!
What could this mean if it's not happening by chance?
I have a feeling we're about to find out!
3 .(1 4 . . . . . .7 5,8 6 6,0 7 7. . . . . .)2 3 6 8 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 7
12-12-2020, 12:08 AM
3 . 1 4 . . . . .8 6(. . .666 + 450 + 3675 digits. . . . . 3 6 7 5 1)5 9 0 6
3 . 1 4 . . . . .8(6 . . .666 + 450 + 3675 digits. . . . . 3 6 7 5)1 5 9 0
The number 1 9 9 4 completes its first occurrence at digit # 3 6 7 5
My name 1 5 9 0 completes its first occurrence at digit # 4 8 6 9
4 8 6 9 + 5 4 1 = 5 4 1 0
123 + 666 = 789
6 x 6 x 6 = 216
666 - 216 = 450
123 - 45 - 6 - 789 { 3 2 1 3 )
5 4 1 + [5 4 1 + 1 5 9 0] + 5 4 1 = 3 2 1 3
12-13-2020, 02:05 PM
"Count the number of the beast"{= 1 6 8 0/English)
1 9 9 5
= 3 6 7 5
12-14-2020, 02:35 PM
The first 1 5 9 0 completes at digit # 4 8 6 9
Digit # 1 5 9 0 is the 2nd 7 in the first occurrence
of 7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7 - [1 5 9 0 + 4 8 6 9] = 1 3 1 8
7 7 7 7 is the first occurrence of 7 7 7 as well.
1 5 9 0 > 7 7 7 < 2 3 6 8
7 7 7 + 5 4 1 = 1 3 1 8 {post # 279)
4 8 6 9 + 5 4 1 = 5 4 1 0
12-17-2020, 12:48 AM
6 6 6 + 2 1 6 = 8 8 2
8 8 2 begins its first occurrence right after digit # 3 7 1
Digit # 3 7 1 + 5 1 6 digits = digit # 8 8 8
Digit # 3 7 4 + 1 9 9 4 digits = digit # 2 3 6 8
3 5 1 6 + 5 1 6 = 4 0 3 2
3 5 1 6 + 4 8 3{69x7) + 3 3 = 4 0 3 2
5 1 6 explained on Page 20, post # 195
12-20-2020, 11:15 AM
1 5 9 0 - [6 6 6 + 2 1 6] = 7 0 8
1 9 9 5 completes its first occurrence at digit # 7 0 7
1 x 9 x 9 x 5 = 4 0 5
1 9 9 5 - 4 0 5 = 1 5 9 0
The first book of the New Testament has 1 0 7 1 verses
The last book of the New testament has 4 0 4 verses
4 0 4 >6 6 6< 1 0 7 1
7 0 7 + 4 0 4 = 1 1 1 1
2 4 2 4 completes its first occurrence at digit # 1 1 1 1,
digit # 1 1 1 2 is the first digit of the first occurrence of 5 4 1{ISRAEL/Greek)
2 4 2 4 5 4 1 Post # 277
1 9 9 5, post # 200
12-23-2020, 10:59 AM
The second occurrence of the first 6 digits of Pi is over 800,000 digits down the line,
so i looked for the second occurrence of the first 5 digits, and they completed their
second occurrence at digit # 6 9 5 9, and
they were followed by the first occurrence of 5 7 8 1
1 4 1 5 9 5 7 8 1
5 7 8 1 is the Hebrew year for the year 2 0 2 1
The last 4 digits of the first 6 9 6 3 digits are,
5 7 8 1
The last 4 digits of the first 3 6 9 6 < digits are,
2 8 9 0
2 8 9 0 . 5 + 2 8 9 0 . 5 = 5 7 8 1
12-24-2020, 06:32 PM
Hebrew year 5 7 8 1 {The year 2 0 2 1),
occurs in Pi before the number 1 8 7 5<
5 7 8 1 begins right after digit # 6 9 5 9
1 8 7 5 completes at digit # 9 0 7 3
Digit # 6 9 5 9 + 2 1 1 4 digits = digit # 9 0 7 3
The number 2 1 1 4 first occurs starting at digit # 4 3 5 1
The number 2 0 2 1 first occurs starting at digit # 4 3 4 9
2 0 2 1 1 4
Matthew begins with the geneology of Jesus Christ, The Messiah,
it contains 1 0 7 1 verse's
1 0 7 1 digits after the completion of the first occurrence
of 2 3 6 8, is the last digit
of the first occurrence of 4 8 3 {69x7)
12-25-2020, 11:16 PM
My name, 1 5 9 0, completes at digit # 4 8 6 9
4 8 6 9 - 1 9 9 5 = 2 8 7 4
The number 2 8 7 4 first occurs right after the first occurrence of
the number 1 9 1 7
The number 1 9 1 7 completes its first occurrence at digit # 1 9 4 7
Digit # 1 9 4 7 + 6 6 6 + 1 5 9 0 + 6 6 6 = digit # 4 8 6 9
3 . 1 4 . . . . .8 6(. . . . .6 6 6 + 2 1 6 + 1 9 1 7. . . . . .{digit # 2 8 7 4
God led me to discover that the number 1 9 1 7 completes its first
occurrence at digit # 1 9 4 7
page 27, post # 265, 1917-1947
page 11, post # 102, 1995
12-28-2020, 01:21 PM
Mattthew begins with the geneology of Jesus Christ who was born at
the end of the 4 8 3 years just like the
angel Gabriel told Daniel he would be.
The book of Matthew contains 1 0 7 1 verses.
The book of Revelation contains 4 0 4 verses.
4 0 4 >6 6 6< 1 0 7 1
The 4 8 3 years ended in the year 3 9 9 9.
1 0 7 1 + 2 9 2 8 = 3 9 9 9
The only words God has shown me so far that have 2 9 2 8
for their English gematria sum, is,
November Seventh Two Thousand Twenty One
Digit # 3 3 3 3 + 1 5 9 0 + 1 9 1 7 digits = digit # 6 8 4 0
digit # 6 8 4 0 is the first 6 in the 6th occurrence of 6 6 6
2 9 2 8 begins its first occurrence at digit # 3 3 3 3 (3 3 3 3 + 6 6 6 = 3 9 9 9)
Digit # 4 0 5 + 2 9 2 8 digits = digit # 3 3 3 3
digit # 3 3 3 3 + 2 3 6 8 + 1 9 9 5 digits = digit # 7 6 9 6
digit # 7 6 9 6 is the completion of the first occurrence of 1 0 7 1
In Greek, "The Bread of God" = 1 9 9 5
1 x 9 x 9 x 5 = 4 0 5
1 9 9 5 - 4 0 5 = 1 5 9 0
1 5 9 0 + 1 5 6 + 1 5 9 0 = digit # 3 3 3 6
digit # 3 3 3 6 is the completion of the first occurrence of 2 9 2 8,
which is followed by the first occurrence of the number 1 9 1 8
1 9 1 7 completes first occurrence at digit # 1 9 4 7
1 9 4 9 completes second occurrence at digit # 1 9 1 8
1 0 7 1 digits after the completion of the first occurrence of 2 3 6 8 at digit # 7 4 8 4
is the completion of the first occurrence of 4 8 3 at digit # 8 5 5 5
A more in depth explaination of 4 8 3 in the, "Daniel's 70 week's were fulfilled in 70 AD"
thread in the Christianity section, in post # 406
Throughout page's 7-11, 2 6 | 1 1 / 0 7 / 2 0 2 1
is 2 6 years from 1 1 / 0 7 / 1 9 9 5
Including 1 1 / 0 7 / 1 9 9 5, 1 1 / 0 7 / 2 0 2 1 is the 27th November 7th
I knew at the time that it was God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit that
helped me make the 1 9 9 5 discovery{post # 102), then about 18 years later i
learned about English gematria, and found that my name added to 1 5 9 0.
I was born January 1st / 1 9 6 3, and the following math equation proved to me
i was right years earlier,
1 9 6 3 + 1 9 9 5 = [ 1 5 9 0 + 2 3 6 8 ]
So of course,
1 9 6 3 + 2 0 2 1 = [ 1 5 9 0 + 2 3 6 8 + 2 6 ]
I'm now inclined to think the meaning of the 2 6,
may mean Nov.7th's, and year's, that need to pass after and including 1 1 / 0 7 / 1 9 9 5.
I know there's something strange going on with "Donald John Trump"{= 1 1 1 0), and he seemingly
lost the election on 1 1 / 0 7 / 2 0 2 0
1 1 / 0 7 / 2 0 2 0 was Nov.7th # 2 6 including Nov.7th 1 9 9 5
This Nov.7th 2 0 2 1 will be 2 6 years after Nov.7th 1 9 9 5
2 3 x 6 8 + 2 6 = 1 5 9 0
Trump won his first election on 1 1 / 0 7 / 2 0 1 6, and was officially Inaugurated as President in 2 0 1 7.
If we look for the first occurrence of 2 3 6 8 1 1 1 0 in the digits of Pi
we see this,
2 3 6 8 1 1 1 0 2 0 1 7
The Flood, God clearly insist's that you believe even if you think its impossible,
ended 1 6 5 7 years after Adam and Eve, which he also insist's we believe!
1 6 5 7 + 2 3 6 8 + 1 9 9 5 years
puts us in the year of Israel's 70th anniversary as a Reborn Nation, 2 0 1 8,
which has a connection with The Rev. 12 Sign that took place in 2 0 1 7, which has
to do with the Rebirth of The Body of Jesus Christ,, the believers who have sincerely
accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and King, and are caught up to the Throne of God before
being devoured by The Dragon.
The end of 2 0 2 0, and Year 2 0 2 1 is really in the year 2 0 2 4 according
to God's accurate timeline.
November Seventh = 1 1 2 2
Here's the first occurrence of 2 0 2 0 and 1 1 2 2,
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . (2 0 2 0 . . . . .2 0 2 4 + 1 5 9 0 + 1 1 2 2. . . . . . 1 1 2 2)
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . (2 0 2 0 . . . . . . . . .2 3 6 8 + 2 3 6 8. . . . . . . . 1 1 2 2)
12-29-2020, 02:10 PM
Two Thousand Twenty One = 1 8 0 6
November Seventh = 1 1 2 2
1 8 0 6 + 1 1 2 2 = 2 9 2 8
In the Hebrew O.T. "Jesus Christ" has a gematria sum of, 7 5 4
In the O.T. the angel Gabriel told Daniel The Messiah would be born in 4 8 3 year's
In the Greek N.T. "Jesus Christ" has a gematria sum of, 2 3 6 8
Here is the measurement in digits covered by the first occurrence of 1 8 0 6 and 1 1 2 2,
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . .(1 8 0 6 . . . .7 5 4 + 4 8 3 + 2 3 6 8 + 2 9 2 8. . . . . . 1 1 2 2)
12-30-2020, 12:03 AM
1 9 1 7 completes its first occurrence at digit # 1 9 4 7
As far as i can see, there's only what would appear to be 5
reasons for this, including one from the standpoint of an atheist,
and two that someone who does't trust God might use,
1. It happened by chance because God, even though he created Pi,
is unaware of what the digits of Pi are doing, or, because there is no
creator God.
(according to The Bible this is not a possibility!)
2. God made it do this, just for the sole purpose of showing us, (even though
he knew it would confuse many that are watching for the start of the final generation,
is the problem with this reason), that he's aware of world events, and the
years they are taking place.
This would mean, 1917 completing at digit # 1947 may actually have nothing to
do with the final generation leading to Jesus Christ's return.
3. God is trying to deceive us with the digits of Pi, knowing it would look like he was
confirming our belief, that the beginning of the struggle to restore the nation of Israel
in 1917, and accomplishing it at the end of 1947, was the beginning of the generation
that would see Jesus Christ's return, when in fact that's not true at all.
(according to The Bible this is not a possibility!)
4. God did this to assure us that it is in fact true, 1947/48 really was the beginning of
the last generation leading up to the return of Jesus Christ.
5. Maybe God isn't the creator of all thing's, because it looks like Satan created numbers and Pi
for the purpose of deception.
(according to The Bible this is not a possibility)
Reason's 2 and 4 are the only two real possibilities.
I think many of the other measurements in the digits of Pi
that i found, and have shown, seem to be confirming reason # 4
I believed, and still do, that it was The Lord leading me to these measurements in
the digits of Pi, and that he chose this website for me to display them!
I thought 9 1 1 would be an appropriate title.
My name, 1 5 9 0 completes its first occurrence at digit # 4 8 6 9.
Month's after i started the thread i discovered this,
2 3 6 8 + 9 1 1 + 1 5 9 0 digits = digit # 4 8 6 9
1 5 6 is the English gematria sum of "GOD"
9 0 6 is the English gematria sum of "JESUS CHRIST"
If i do the same thing with 4 8 6 9 as i did with 6 6 6 years ago,
4 x 8 x 6 x 9 = [ 1 5 6 + 9 0 6 + 6 6 6 ]
4 8 6 9 - [ 1 5 6 + 9 0 6 + 6 6 6 ] = 3 1 4 1 {3 . 1 4 1
12-31-2020, 12:21 AM
First occurrence of 8 6{"Elohim"/Hebrew), 1 5 6, and 2 0 2 1,
1 5 6 completes at digit # 2 3 2 9 after decimal point,
3 . 1 4 . . .(8 6 . . .1590 + 666. . . 1 5 6)(. . . .2021. . . .)2 0 2 1
3 .(1 4 . . . . . . . . . .156 + 2021 + 156 + 2021. . . . . . . . . .2 0 2 1)
3 and decimal point included, makes 2 3 3 1 positions to completion of 1 5 6,
(3 . 1 4 . . . . .777 + 777 + 777. . . .1 5 6)
November 7th is the 311th day of the year except in a leap year,
3 1 1 + 2 0 2 0 = [ 777 + 777 + 777 ] {= 2 3 3 1)
3 1 0 + 2 0 2 1 = [ 777 + 777 + 777 ]
2 0 2 1 completes its first occurrence at digit # 4 3 5 4
3 1 1 + 2 0 2 1.5 + 2 0 2 1.5 = 4 3 5 4
3 .(1 4 . . . .310 + 2021 + 2021. . . . . . 2 0)2 1
(3 . 1 4 . . . .314 + 2021 + 2021. . . . . 2 0 2 1)
I knew HE was showing me something last week about the connection between 2021 and 5781,
so i counted the number of digits my name completes its first occurrence at, but used
the first occurrence of 8 6 as digit #'s 1 and 2 of
the 4 8 6 9,
3 . 1 4 . . . . .(8 6 . . . . .4 8 6 9 + 2 0 2 1. . . . . . 5 7 8 1)
5 7 8 1, Post #'s 284, 285
If you haven't yet accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior and King, then you need make
the best observation you can of your universe consisting of billion's of galaxies, the planet you're on
and the things that are taking place on it, good and bad, and you must decide if The Bible,...the only
sensible explaination offered to us, is in fact, the message sent from The Creator of all
thing's to all his people that he created...flesh machine's that can reproduce themselve's, who are
capable of experiencing intense love for each other and all the other living creature's as well!
There's only 2 option's,...It is,...or it isn't!
If it is, this Creator would want to interact and engage with all of us in some way!
The being who created us, and we were definitely created, created us to love , so he must love us,
and if he love's us he would explain to us what's going on !
You need do this very soon!
01-01-2021, 12:21 AM
November Seventh Twenty Twenty One = 2 6 1 0
2 6 1 0 completes its first occurrence at digit # 1 5,4 8 3
and an occurrence of 1 9 9 5 follows right after 2 6 1 0.
1 5 9 0 + 6 6 6 digits after digit # 2 6 1 0
is the first digit of my name, 1 5 9 0, at digit # 4 8 6 6
I've seen this so many times, like hundred's, special little details
that i seem to never draw attention to, where God gives clues that
he is aware of the 4 digit numbers that are occurring at different
digit #'s after the decimal point. It's difficult to show all the detail's
in each thing i've posted without creating confusion for the reader,
so there's many i've never shown!
If you're looking close enough you'll notice them in quite a few of my
post's, here's one example, although not as striking as some,
My full name 1 5 9 0 + 7 5 6 the # of letter's each consist of
1 5 9 0 + 7 5 6 = 2 3 4 6
Count the number of the beast{1 6 8 0) + 6 6 6
1 6 8 0 + 6 6 6 = 2 3 4 6
2 3 4 6 occurs first starting at digit # 2 6 0
and completes at digit #2 6 3
digit # 2 6 1 put's us in the middle of the first occurrence of 2 3|4 6
10 x 2 6 1 digits = digit # 2 6 1 0
digit # 2 6 0 9 - 2 3 4 6 digits = digit # 2 6 3
digit # 2 6 3 + 2 3 4 6 digits = digit # 2 6 0 9
I was born January 1st 1 9 6 3.
If i count the digits after the digit # that resembles the chapter and verse #
in Revelation that says to count the number 6 6 6,
3 .(1 4 . . . . .1 3 1 8. . . . .)(. . . . .1 9 6 2 + 1 5 9 0. . . . . 7 5 1 5 9 0 6)
When my name, 1 5 9 0, first occurs, it's inside 7 5 6
Here's how many digits to the completion of the first occurrence of
the actual number 1 3 1 8, when i use
the first occurrence of my name as the first 4 digits of 6 6 6 digits,
(1 5 9 0 . . . .4 5 0. . . . 1 3 1 8)
which i believe has to do with what i found in the number set
when this all began for me almost 30 yrs ago,
1 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 - 7 8 9 - 0
1 2 3 + 6 6 6 = 7 8 9
6 x 6 x 6 = 2 1 6
6 6 6 - 2 1 6 = 4 5 0
01-02-2021, 10:28 PM
On my last 4 birthdays, including this last one, God has shown
me something special!
Here's what he led me to find on my 58th,
My name 1 5 9 0 occurs first inside of 7 5 6,
7 5 1 5 9 0 6
That string of digits completes at digit # 4 8 7 0
When i checked the occurrence of this number again for about the 4th or 5th time
since i started this well over a year ago, the first occurrence of the number 4 8 7 0,
i noticed for the first time, in the text version-Beta that runs below the line of digits,
that 7 digits to the right of the first occurrence of 4 8 7 0, these letters,
d r e y b occur.
The short version of my first name that my family and friends use, is "d r a y",
and my last name begins with a b, and they call my wife d e b for short.
7 digits after 4 8 7 0's completion, is the beginning of the 4 digit number, 4 3 5 6,
appearing under 4 3 5 6 are the middle letters of d r e y,
---------------d----- r e ----y b
When the number you look for appears, the computer will leave a space to the left
and right of the number so its stands out more, and the same with the letters
appearing underneath.
Here's how many positions there are to reach the completion of the first occurrence
of the number 2 0 2 1
(3 . 1 4 . . . . . 3 1 4 + 2 0 2 1 + 2 0 2 1 position's . . . . . .2 0 2 1)
3 is position 1,
. is position 2,
the last digit of the first occurrence of 2 0 2 1 is position 4 3 5 6
Post # 290
Page 16, post # 1 5 6, is what i found right after my wife went to bed,
after her and i had just finished a conversation about how miraculous
it was that we met, and also the miraculous timing that was involved!
The hair's on my body stood straight for a few minutes after that!
"The Pi-Search Page"
01-05-2021, 12:48 AM
This 4 digit number occur's for the first time in Pi, after the first occurrence of 1 4 1 5 9,
3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3
This 4 digit number occur's for the first time in Pi, after the second occurrence of 1 4 1 5 9
3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 1 5 9 5 7 8 1
2 6 5 3 + 3 1 2 8 = 5 7 8 1
If we subtract 1 1 0 7 from 3 1 2 8, we find it's paired with 2 0 2 1
Post #'s 284, 285, 290
2 3 6 8 occurs first starting right after digit # 7 4 8 0
The reverse of 2 3 6 8 occurs first starting at digit # 1 0 1 8
and completes at digit # 1 0 2 1
Digit # 1 0 2 1 + 1 5 9 0 + 4 8 6 9 = digit # 7 4 8 0
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6 3 2( . . . . . 1 5 9 0 + 4 8 6 9 . . . . . . )2 3 6 8
2 3 x 6 8 + 2 6 = 1 5 9 0
1 5 x 9 0 + 1 0 1 8 = 2 3 6 8
2 6 post # 287
01-05-2021, 09:39 PM
6 6 6 + 2 1 6 = 8 8 2
The measurement in digit's from the first digit of the first
occurrence of 8 8 2, to reach the start of the first
occurrence of 1 5 9 0
Panin explained in his Bible Chronology book that our timeline is more
than 3 years behind God's accurate timeline, therefore the christian era
was set too late, and our start of 2 0 2 1 is really, the completion of year 2 0 2 3,
and already in the year 2 0 2 4
The start of the 70th week on our timeline, which God also had planned
and is utilizing as well, would be the middle of the 70th week on His timeline,
The middle of the 70th week on our timeline would be the end of the
70th week on His timeline which he is definitely utilizing!
The Rapture could take place somewhere from the middle of
God's 70th week, to the end of God's 70th week.
What if somehow, its possible that we are now somewhere near the
middle of our 70th week, and The Great Tribulation is soon to begin, but
in God's mind the 70th week is finished, and The Rapture takes place, and then
at the end of the 70th week on our timeline, which would really be the
year 2 0 2 7 on God's timeline, Christ return's with
ALL of his saints{like the book say's) and every eye see's him!?
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . 8(8 2 . . . . 8 8 2 + 1 5 9 0 + 2 0 2 1 . . . . .)1 5 9 0
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . 8 8 2( . . . . 8 8 2 + 1 5 9 0 + 2 0 2 3 . . . . . 1 5 9 0)
2 0 2 1 could be the year of the start of the 70th week on our timeline,
which would end sometime before the end of year 2 0 2 7
3 . 1 4 . . . . . .(8 8 2 . . . . 8 8 2 + 1 5 9 0 + 2 0 2 7 . . . . 7 5 1 5 9 0 6)
01-07-2021, 12:46 AM
6 6 6
6 6 6
6 6 6
1 9 9 8 { occur's first at digit # 2 9 8 8 8
The string of digit's that follow after the first
occurrence of 1 9 9 8
1 9 9 8 9 5 2 3 6 8 8 4 8 3 0 9 9 9 3
2 3 6 8 was born at the end of the
4 8 3 years(69 weeks of years) in the year 3 9 9 9.
4 8 3, post # 406 in the
"Daniel's 70 week's were(not)fulfilled in 70 AD" thread
The first 9 5 0 digits of Pi end with the second occurrence
of the Jewish year for the year 2 0 1 8, Israel's 70th,
and it's followed by, 1 8 , and the 3rd occurrence of 5 7 7 8,
which completes at digit # 9 5 6,
5 7 7 8 1 8 5 7 7 8
The 3rd occurrence of 6 6 6 in Pi
begins at digit # 4 0 0 0,
4 8 3 + 2 3 6 8 + 4 8 3 + 6 6 6 digits = digit # 4 0 0 0
4 8 3 + 2 3 6 8 + 6 6 5 + 4 8 3 = 3 9 9 9
01-08-2021, 02:50 PM
I added the sum of my name, 1 5 9 0, to [6 6 6 + 2 1 6]
i've known the total for a long time now, but just now
i subtracted 1 3 1 8 from the center of 2 4 7 2, which if
it were a straight line of object's it would leave 5 7 7 objects
flanking each side of an empty space.
So i thought i would just check the last 4 digit's of the first 2 4 7 2 digit's,
0 5 7 7
The first occurrence of 1 5 9 0 is followed by a 6 (Jesus Christ = 9 0 6/English)
The first occurrence of 1 5 9 0 6 begins at digit # 4 8 6 6
The first occurrence of 4 8 6 6 1 5 9 0 is also followed by a 6
The first occurrence of 4 8 6 6 1 5 9 0 6 completes
at digit # 9,2 7 4,8 6 6
4 8 6 6 1 5 9 0 6
3 .(1 4 . . . . 4,866 . . . . 1)5 9 0 6 . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 6 6 1 5 9 0 6)
A total of 9,2 7 4,8 6 6 digits.
Searching for the second occurrence of 1 5 9 0 6 but this
time, preceded by the number that matches the digit # where
it began its first occurrence, allowed the total of digits it completes
at to stay with the 4 8 6 6 theme.
4 8 6 6 1 5 9 0 6 is followed by 3 5 8
6 3 5 8 occurs first right after digit # 6 9 6 6
combined with the second occurrence of my birth year,
1 9 6 3 5 8
The second time 6 3 5 8 occurs it's followed by 1 5 5 9 0
6 3 5 8 1 5 5 9 0
From digit # 4 8 6 6 , to this underlined digit in the first
occurrence of the number 4 8 6 6, covers this many
4 8 6 6 + [ 4 8 6 6 + 2 3 6 0 8 ] + 4 8 6 6
01-11-2021, 12:20 PM
The first 1 5 9 0 digits of Pi land in the
middle of the first occurrence of the number 7 7 7 7
7 7 7 6 + 6 6 6 + 2 1 6 = 8 6 5 8
8 6 5 8 is the English sum of the word's in Ivan Panin's
translation of Rev. 1 3 : 1 8
The first 3 6 0 digits of Pi end with the number 3 6 0.
3 6 0 + 2 3 6 8 + [ 7 7 x 7 7 ] = 8 6 5 7
1 5 9 0>7 7 7<2 3 6 8
1 5 9 0 completes it's first occurrence at digit # 4 8 6 9
4 8 6 9 + 1 5 9 0 + 1 3 1 8 = 7 7 7 7
3 6 0 + 2 3 6 8 + 5 0 4 8 = 7 7 7 6
Digit # 5 0 4 8 + 1 5 9 0 + 2 0 2 0 = digit # 8 6 5 8
Jewish nationalist's struggled to restore the State of Israel,
from 1 9 1 7 to 1 9 4 7.
The number 1 9 1 7 caps off the first 1 9 4 7 digits of Pi
when it first occurs.
At digit # 2 0 5 7, 1 9 4 7 completes its first occurrence.
2 0 5 7 + 1 9 4 7{Nov.29) = [ 1 3 1 8 + 6 6 6 + 2 0 2 0 ]
2 0 5 7 + 1 9 4 8{May 14) = [ 1 3 1 8 + 6 6 6 + 2 0 2 1 ]
8 6 {Elohim/Hebrew) occurs first at digit #'s 7 4 and 7 5
Digit # 7 3 + 1 5 9 0 + 6 6 6 + 2 0 2 1 = digit # 4 3 5 0
The first occurrence of the number 2 0 2 1 begins right after digit # 4 3 5 0
1 5 6 {God/English) completes its first occurrence at digit # 2 3 2 9,
Digit # 2 3 2 9 + 2 0 2 1 = digit # 4 3 5 0
2 0 5 3 + 1 9 4 7 + 2 0 2 1 = 6 0 2 1
As Ivan Panin Proved, God is insisting that we believe, whether anyone has a
problem with the whole thing or not, that we have completed 6 0 2 1 year's
from Adam's creation, and soon to be 6 0 2 2 year's!
01-12-2021, 03:17 PM
1 5 9 0 + 2 0 2 1 = 3 6 1 1
3 6 1 1 completes its first occurrence at digit # 1 6 5 7{the year The Flood end's)
Digit # 1 6 5 7 + 3 2 1 3 = digit # 4 8 7 0,
3 . 1 4 . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 1 5 9 0 6 {digit # 4 8 7 0
3 2 1 3, post # 279 and several other's.
(3 . 1 4 . . . . 3 6 0 + 1 5 9 0 + 6 6 6 + 1 5 9 0 + 6 6 6 positions . . . . . 7 5 1 5 9 0 6)
Digit # 3 5 8 is position # 3 6 0, and the number 3 6 0
begins its second occurrence starting at position # 3 6 0,
but its completing at digit # 3 6 0
(3 . 1 4 . . . . 1 5 9 0 + 6 6 6 + 3 6 0 + 1 5 9 0 + 6 6 6 positions . . . . . 7 5 1 5 9 0 6)
The 4 digit number that occurs for the first time at digit(not position)
# 1 5 9 0 + 6 6 6 + 3 6 0{=2 6 1 6),
is 5 9 8 5
It begins at digit # 2 6 1 3 and completes at digit # 2 6 1 6
and the very next 5 digit number to occur for the first time after 5 9 8 5,
is 2 6 1 3 6, which is also the first occurrence of the number 2 6 1 3.
01-14-2021, 11:04 AM
I just experienced what might be one of the most bizzare, disturbing and unsettling nights of my life,
and today wasn't looking much better, so, i just had to look for todays date, 0 1 /1 4 / 2 1
0 1 1 4 2 1 occurs first with the 0 starting on digit # 1 1 1 1 4 2 1
I was hoping a special number that i'm familiar with would occur beside
or in the vacinity, that might indicate some significance with today's date,
...wasn't expecting that,...but I sure feel much better seeing it!
Now, a couple of hour's later, I had to check, for the first time because i hadn't thought
of it till now, for the date when i knew God was in some still way, telling me that i was
to do something special, which is when i read Ivan panin's (1938) chronology book,
which by the way, is Ivan's own personal copy, and was given to my mother
many years ago by a man who, when he was younger, was an assistant to
Ivan Panin in some way.
Up to this point in my life, the date shown below, was the most significant day of my life!
Immediately after he writes that the word "the" was supposed to appear
before the word "wisdom" in Rev.13:18 to
"ring a bell in the reader's mind to the importance of this verse"
Panin claimed, and this stepped on the toe's of many christian's,
that "Bible numerics clearly declare not only the year, but even,
the blessed day and hour, but the writer{meaning himself) does
not feel free to announce it. The meek who are promised to be guided
by HIS eye may therefore discover it for themselve's........"
Here's the date this all began, the date that i knew God had made a
special connection with me,
0 3/2 4/1 9 9 1
0 3 2 4 1 9 9 1
These letters appear below those digit's, in the beta text version of Pi.
The computer will separate the digits to the left and right of the number
you are searching for when it occurs, and does the same with the letters.
These are the letters that go with the first occurrence of that number,
--0 3 2 4 1 9 9 1--
-------d y t n-------
Myself, my family and closest friends, would not be able to look at those letters in
that order, without seeing my first name!
d r a y t o n
The first occurrence of 7 5 1 5 9 0 6 completes at digit # 4 8 7 0
The number 4 8 7 0 begins its first occurrence at digit # 5 4 6 6
The number 5 4 6 6 completes its first occurrence at digit # 2 4 4 1
The first occurrence of the number 6 6 6 completes at digit # 2 4 4 2
Their first occurrence's are meshed together, 5 4 6 6 6
The english sum of my last name = 5 4 6
01-18-2021, 01:18 AM
Adam was created 4 0 0 3 years B.C.
He died at 9 3 0 years of age.
9 3 0 + 5 0 9 2 = 6 0 2 2 {Right about Now!
In Pi, digit # 5 0 9 2, takes us right back
and shows the connection with the time the
first Adam's 9 3 0 years began, which is, the
first digit of the first occurrence of the number
4 0 0 4, and, at the same time, shows a connection
with the 6 0 2 2 years after Adam's creation
Not much time between 4 0 0 3 years B.C.,
and "in" the year 4 0 0 4 B.C.
01-21-2021, 01:16 PM
The 3rd occurrence of the number 6 6 6 begins after digit # 3 9 9 9 {Birth year of Christ)
and completes at digit # 4 0 0 2
If i count backwards 4 0 0 2 digits starting at digit # 4 8 7 0 {7 5 1 5 9 0 6)
i land on digit # 8 6 8,
Here's the 4 digit number that begins its first occurrence after digit # 8 6 8,
8 6 5 8 {The sum of the words in Ivan Panin's translation of Rev. 1 3 : 1 8
See post # 2 9 7
The 3rd occurrence of the number 6 6 6 begins
right after digit # 3 9 9 9{<Birth year of "Jesus Christ" = 2 3 6 8
and completes at digit # 4 0 0 2
3 .(1 4 . . . . . 6 6 6 . . . . . 6 6 6 . . . . 3 9 9 9 digits . . .)6 6 6
The first occurrence of the number 4 0 0 2 begins at digit # 4 3 6 6,
3 .(1 4 . . . . . . . . 6 6 6 + 6 6 6 + 6 6 6 + 2 3 6 8 digits . . . . . . . . . 4)0 0 2
2 3 6 8 was Born at the end of the 4 8 3 years,
in year 3 9 9 9,
6 6 6
6 6 6
6 6 6
1 9 9 8
3 .(1 4 . . . . . . . . 2 9 8 8 8 digits . . . . . . . 1)9 9 8 9 5 2 3 6 8 8 4 8 3 0 9 9 9 3
See post # 2 9 5
The first occurrence of 6 6 6 1 5 9 0 is connected with an occurrence of 4 8 6 6,
3 .(1 4 . . . . . . . . . 1 2 1 6 4 7 2 3 digits . . . . . . )4 8 6 6 6 6 1 5 9 0
See post # 2 9 6
A Long Journey
01-21-2021, 07:10 PM
The Offence
Luke 19:44
And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.
Hosea 5:15
I will go and return to My place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek My face: in their affliction they will seek Me early.
Hosea 6:2
After two days He will revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight.
2 Peter 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with The LORD as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Two Days = 2,000 Years
The Third Day = 1,000 years
Revelation 20:4
And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of JESUS, and for the word of GOD, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Messiah a thousand years.
01-22-2021, 01:42 PM
7 0 weeks of year's{490 yrs), year 1 is year 3 5 1 7 from Adam
according to the word of God, which explains what's happening in God's creation of Pi,
3 5 1 6 + 5 1 6 = 4 0 3 2 year of The Cross
3 5 1 6 + 4 8 3 + 3 3 = 4 0 3 2
3 5 1 6 + 4 8 3 = 3 9 9 9
The first 3 5 1 6 digits of Pi complete on the center
digit of the first occurrence of the number 5 1 6
4 8 3 + 2 3 6 8 + 4 8 3 + 6 6 5 = digit # 3 9 9 9
The 3rd occurrence of the number 6 6 6 begins at digit # 4 0 0 0
4 8 3, Page 41 post # 406 in the
"Daniel's 70th week was(n't) fulfilled in 70 AD" thread.
The Magi{wise men) and other watcher's knew the year of The First Advent,
because they knew that the Angel Gabriel had told Daniel almost 4 8 3 years
earlier, that The Messiah-Prince-King, would be born in 4 8 3{69x7) years,
and when they saw The Star at around the 4 8 1 year mark, they knew it had to
do with the Birth of Jesus,...the King they were expecting!
When they arrived at their destination, they asked, "Where is the one born King of the Jew's"
They knew that in the mind of God, Jesus was already considered Messiah-Prince-King when he
was conceived in the womb of his mother Mary!
What is considered to be, and a rare occurrence, the Bethlehem Star, appeared in Dec.2020,
and was at it's peak Dec.21st
01-24-2021, 01:21 AM
God stops the 4 9 0 year time clock at 4 8 3...Christ is born.
Knowing what the lengthy gap in time will be till the last 7 years
begins, God therefore connects the entire life of Jesus up till he's cut off,
to his birth, as if everything in his life, and even up till now, is only a moment,
as if it's all attached to the completion of the 4 8 3 yrs{6 9 weeks) which is
where the 4 9 0 year clock stopped, because He was saving the last 7 years
to begin around now!
I seem to picture his 33 yrs of life that extends out the 4 8 3 yrs,
plugging its last 7 yrs, into the future 7 year Tribulation.
2 6 + 7 = 3 3
2 6 yrs + 7 yrs
2 6 yrs this side of the 7 yrs Tribulation.
Nov.7th 2 0 2 0 was 2 6 yrs after Nov.7th 1 9 9 5
2 6, page 29, post # 287
I see something here but can't yet explain what i'm seeing, so i'll take a closer look.
01-24-2021, 08:05 AM
God stops the 4 9 0 year time clock at 4 8 3...Christ is born.
Knowing what the lengthy gap in time will be till the last 7 years
begins, God therefore connects the entire life of Jesus up till he's cut off,
to his birth, as if everything in his life, and even up till now, is only a moment,
as if it's all attached to the completion of the 4 8 3 yrs{6 9 weeks) which is
where the 4 9 0 year clock stopped, because He was saving the last 7 years
to begin around now
There was no stoppage of the 490 year prophecy. I guess if one's been indoctrinated into that thought line, it's easy to say those things.
But when reading Daniel chapter 9 as a whole and understanding that Daniel was living in the captivity prophesied by Moses in Deuteronomy chapter 28 and 29 and that he is the first one to make the confession that was prescribed in Deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 1 through 3 as Daniel himself explained in the earlier parts of Daniel chapter 9, then one must understand that the covenant prophesied by the angel to be confirmed with many in Jerusalem and Judea is the everlasting covenant that's prophesied from time eternal and fulfilled by Christ's teaching and ministry for three and a half years followed by the crucifixion and followed by the indwelling of those teachings in the disciples first in Jerusalem and Judea for the second three and a half years.
Thus Christ continued in a holy Spirit and fulfilled the seven years left off from your understanding. I will post a link to an article called let God be true which explains the fulfillment of The seven year prophecy.
01-24-2021, 08:50 AM
01-24-2021, 11:57 AM
Panin's very sensible explaination of the timing of the completion of the 69th week
established by God's word and the obvious clue's he provided, seems to be confirmed
in God's creation of Pi, and the timing of the 70th week as well, and because God intended
for a gap of at least 2 0 2 3 years that we've seen so far, it is plausible that from the birth of
Jesus {the second Adam) whom the wise men considered as God did, was
King at his birth, to 70 AD, is a representation of the timeline from the first Adam
to the yet to be fulfilled 70th week of years,...sometime around now!
The events unfolding in the world right now that are better explained if the 4 8 3
years end with Christ's birth, followed by a gap, also seem to clearly confirm the timing
of the 70th week!
I will give it a lot more thought, but i'm inclined to think that everything thats happened
from Christ's birth up to 70 AD, may in some way, be a condensed representation of the
the timeline from the first Adam who brought death to all mankind, to the 70th week of years!
I won't continue to go roundy round in circle's with you guy's, there's absolutely no need to!
If you concede to Panin's very sensible explaination for the completion of the 4 8 3 years,
the timing of all the events, including what's been happening in the world lately, are easily
explained and settle into place much more harmoniously!
The Greek sum of "Jesus" = 8 8 8
The 8 8 8 th bible chapter is Amos 9.(verse 15)
The last date of the 8th and final Bible period,
and the last date obtainable from The Word of God, is, 4 0 3 2,
the year of The Cross, which many Bible chronologists except for
Ivan Panin, haven't figured out yet!
3 9 9 9 + 3 3 = 4 0 3 2, post #'s 301, 302
1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 = 4 0 3 2 0
01-24-2021, 04:13 PM
Scott, if you stop the 70-week prophecy or 490 year prophecy at his birth which I also agree as the starting point of the 70th week then impose a gap, you eliminate the everlasting covenant from being delivered during the 70th week. We have no New covenant then. And yet the New covenant was prophesied from Genesis 3:15 through Noah, through Abraham Isaac and Jacob, and expressed as a circumcision of the heart in Deuteronomy chapter 30. Again Daniel confesses to living in a time of captivity prophesied by Moses. This refers to the first few verses of Deuteronomy chapter 30. That's Daniel in his prayer is likely reading Deuteronomy chapter 30 right before he prays for he says I calculated the number of years and realized that we had not yet made our confession. The confession is prescribed in Deuteronomy 30:1-3.
The idea that the New covenant is referred to as the circumcision of the heart in Deuteronomy 30 is expressed by Paul in Romans 10 verses 6 through 8 and following. Paul quotes from Deuteronomy 30 verse 11 through 14 indicating that it is fulfilled in their present day.
The 483 years are interjected between verse 5 and verse 6 of Deuteronomy chapter 30. If we stop the time frame after 483 years then the circumcision of the heart which is confirmed by Paul to be established it's not established as the covenant made with many. The time period for the covenant made with many is the seven years of jesus's ministry crucifixion and indwelling in the apostles and disciples all within Jerusalem and Judea.
Trying to explain this to make it worthy of your consideration as I think you mentioned you will study this some more.
One of the greatest prophecies in all of the old testament is this section in Daniel chapter 9 and the promise of messiah's covenant. In Isaiah 54 verse 10 it's called a covenant of peace and Jesus in Matthew 24 kind of reiterates Isaiah 54:10 saying having an earth or the mountains and the hills from Isaiah 54:10, May depart, but my words, the covenant of peace shall remain forever.
Many of us here are somewhat of the pretorist perspective and if you're not familiar with that I invite you to become familiar. I didn't become a preterist from preterist teachers or books. I became a gradual preterist from inductive study and a few pinpointing articles that I read. The first one was an article by a Charles samples titled the greatest talks. In it he explains how the Scofield bible says that it's defining the word jania for generation in Matthew 24 but then he actually defines or uses the definition of the word genos in his notes.
Anyhow becoming a preterist was a five to six year process and not as Paul would say consulting with any one particular or any book but rather seeking answers from god.
Philip marou is a 20th century attorney and turned Bible historian who did a work called The Anders of Bible chronology.. In it he also arrives at the date of Jesus baptism as the end of the 69th week in beginning of the 70th week. His understanding is scholarship are challenged by few.
All the best to you.
01-24-2021, 04:49 PM
Scott, I indeed think you're going to something when you use the 70 years of jesus's completed lifespan as a second Adam. We know that Adam's lifespan was shortened 70 years from a complete 1,000 year lifespan. Jesus in having a effective lifespan of 70 years fulfilled and completed the 1,000 year lifespan of Adam and humanity.
Isaiah 60:21 and 22 contains an idea. It says that a little one shall become one thousand and a small one a great nation. The little one is other places a reference to Christ as in a little child shall lead them. So here in Isaiah 60, though some disagree saying that is simply a way of saying that a small group will expand in numbers, I believe that a little one becoming a thousand is a reference to Christ 70 years fulfilling Adams 1,000 year lifespan. Additionally through the disciples he becomes a great nation.
This 1,000 year period of Adam's fulfilled lifespan during the 70 years from minus 3.5 to 66.5 ad or they're about is, I believe, one of the four measurements of a thousand cubits depicted in Ezekiel 47. All four measurements of a thousand cumulated or for fulfilled congruously in the time period of 30 through 70 ad. Two other measurements are the time from the reign of David to the cross and the time of the rain a Solomon to a 70 AD. those two measurements of time are roughly a thousand years.
If you have any interest in reading an article I wrote about the four measurements of a thousand let me know. It is at fulfilled prophecy studies. with fulfilled prophecy studies being one word. Searching for four measurements of 1,000 will likely bring up the article.
01-24-2021, 05:22 PM
I might do that....thats really striking, thanks for bringing my attention to it,
im headed to work tonight but ill toss that around in my head while i am!
Its hard to articulate right now, but simply put, im seeing a smaller picture(or story)
inside the heart of our timeline, which is inside, and perfectly connected by a very
intelligent God with no limit to what he can do, or keep intact, or Tie together,
to a much larger picture(story) surrounding it.
Thank you!
01-24-2021, 06:08 PM
Here is my latest version of the article on that topic. I've since come to reconsider that the fourth measurement of a thousand made just as likely be a thousand year watch that is prophesied by I think it's Jeremiah, saying a watch in the night is like a thousand years etc. But it has the same connotations that a long period of time passes by quickly and it has the same culminating end coming to fruition in the time of the desolation of the temple.
01-25-2021, 01:53 PM
1st Adam(----------(2nd A.---30 AD------70 AD)-------------)2021, 70th week?
70 AD was actually 73 years after the Birth of Jesus Christ.
86 {Elohim/Hebrew) occurs at digit # 74 and 75
2368 {Jesus Christ/Greek)
73 + 1948 = 2021
Post #'s 262, 265
In pi the first occurrence's of 86 and 666 cover a span of 2368 digits.
Ivan Panin "Bible Chronology"
The year of The Lords birth, 3999 from Adam,
is 4 BC, 4 yrs before year 1 of the Christian Era.
3999 and 4 give 4003 as the year before which
Adam can be said to be 1 year old, he is 1 year old
in 4002, and the sum of the two reckonings is 4003.
He is 2 years old in 4001 and 130 in 3873, the sum
of the two always being 4003. For the years after BC,
the years AD(anno domini), the years of the christian Era,
3999 being 4 BC, 4002 is 1 BC, and the next year 1 AD
is 4003.
4003 - 1 = 4002
4032(Cross) - 30 AD = 4 0 0 2
4072 - 70 AD = 4002
The difference as we go forward in time is always 4002
This year 2021 is year 6023 from Adam
6023 - 2021 = 4002
The 3rd occurrence of 666 in Pi completes at digit # 4002(Post # 301)
"Jesus" in Greek = 888, and the date Panin was led to by scripture
that he was crucified, is 4032, and this is the last date that can be derived
from scripture.
Not a single date from the New Testament data can be obtained beyond
the Ascension in 4032, though the whole history of The Church of Christ
is contained therein, from its Pentecostal rise in Acts to its dispensational
end in Revelation, covering a period of some 2000 years, nearly half the
time from Adam.
1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 = 40320
Study these next two segments very closely, and thoroughly,
they're the clincher's!
Amos 9 is the 888th chapter of The Bible,and the last verse,
verse 15, "I will plant them upon their land{1947/48), and they shall no more
be pulled up out of their land which i have given them, saith The Lord thy God"
Jewish Nationalist's began their struggle to restore the State of Israel,
and return Jew's to their homeland in 1 9 1 7, and by Nov.29th 1947 ,
and especially by May 14th 1948, it became a reality!
The number 888 completes its first occurrence in Pi this many digits
after the decimal point,
1 9 1 7 + 1 9 4 8 + 8 8 8 digits {post # 297)
3 .(1 4 . . . . . 1917 + 1948 + 888 digits . . . . . 8 8 8)
The number 1 9 1 7 completes its first occurrence at digit # 1 9 4 7
The number 1 9 4 9 completes its first occurrence at digit # 1 9 1 8
The Word of God points to year 3517 as year 1 of the 70 weeks of years,
or, year 1 of 490 years,
3516 + 516 = 4032
3516 + 483 + 33 = 4032
In Pi, the first 3516 digits finish at the 1 in the first occurrence of the number 516
The first 3517 digits finish at 516
These are definitely the date's i'll be sticking with!
I can't wait to give Ivan Panin a great big Hug when
i see him after The Rapture,...and that will be soon...real soon!
To EndtimesDeut32/70AD,
God will not let the everlasting covenant be eliminated{post # 307),
he knows very well, if it were a problem, how to keep it intact even if we don't!
01-26-2021, 03:54 PM
The message of salvation has nothing to do with knowing whether or not the
7 years Tribulation, is the 70th week of years(good thing), its about coming
to know Christ and accepting him as our savior before we die, like the one thief
on the cross did as he was being crucified with Jesus, and, before the mark of
the beast is being forced when the time comes, into those who still remain on
earth (for not doing the simple thing the thief did) during the 7 years Tribulation,
which clearly appears as though its about to begin if it hasn't already!
01-26-2021, 10:01 PM
The Greek sum of "Christ" = 1 4 8 0
The Greek sum of "Jesus" = 8 8 8
1 4 8 0 + 8 8 8 = 2 3 6 8
1 4 8 0 completes its first occurrence at digit # 1 0 6
8 8 8 completes its first occurrence at digit # 4 7 5 3
Digit # 1 0 6 + 4 6 4 7 digits = digit # 4 7 5 3
This is what follows the first occurrence of the number 4 6 4 7
which completes at digit # 2 1 9 9 2,
4 6 4 7 2 3 6 7
A completed number 2 3 6 7 puts us "in"
the number 2 3 6 8, but we just can't see it.
What separates 2 3 6 7 from 2 3 6 8 ?
God the Creator of all things including numbers, is aware,
that from the completion of the first occurrence of the number
he chose for Christ, to the completion of the number he
chose for Jesus, is 4 6 4 7 digits, because he is the one
that arranged the digits!
The KJV was finally published in 1611 which was 1614 to God.
Jesus = 7 5 4 in Hebrew
7 5 4 + 1 6 1 4 = 2 3 6 8
1 6 1 4 completes its first occurrence at digit # 1 6 1 3
Digit # 1 6 1 4 + 6 6 6 + 2 3 6 7 digits = digit # 4 6 4 7
Digit # 1 6 1 3 + 6 6 6 + 2 3 6 8 digits = digit # 4 6 4 7
3 5 1 6 + 1 9 4 7 + 2 0 2 1 digits,
brings us to the completion of the first occurrence of the number 2 3 6 8
01-27-2021, 10:40 PM
Study these next two segments very closely, and thoroughly,
they're the clincher's!
Amos 9 is the 888th chapter of The Bible,and the last verse,
verse 15, "I will plant them upon their land{1947/48), and they shall no more
be pulled up out of their land which i have given them, saith The Lord thy God"
Jewish Nationalist's began their struggle to restore the State of Israel,
and return Jew's to their homeland in 1 9 1 7, and by Nov.29th 1947 ,
and especially by May 14th 1948, it became a reality!
To EndtimesDeut32/70AD,
God will not let the everlasting covenant be eliminated{post # 307),
he knows very well, if it were a problem, how to keep it intact even if we don't!
Amos 9:11 and following was declared to be fulfilled in the first century as it is quoted by one of the apostles in Acts 15:16.
The Tabernacle of David referred to a time when David opened the Tabernacle to all peoples of all lands to come and worship God in the tabernacle. I don't think the ark of the covenant was present then and David substituted numerous songs and Psalms and dances and so forth which drew the people into worship the monotheistic god. That is the Tabernacle of David. Amos is saying that there would be a Time coming when all of Israel all of Edom and anyone associated in the area with a monotheistic God would again come To worship God through Jesus christ.
In the New covenant, Israel is a reference to the sons of God through faith in christ. Galatians 6:6 calls it the Israel of god. Other places refer to it as my people Israel. I think Ezekiel 38/39 use that phrase if not then it's just a few chapters earlier. If there is any significance to Amos 9 being the 888th chapter and Jesus name in the Greek being represented by 888 then that should confirm that Amos 9 was fulfilled in the first century in jesus's coming. The apostles further confirmed that fulfillment.
The land of Israel was promised to Abraham and the recipients of that promise are eventually those of like faith that Abraham had in a future seed who would bless all nations. And that future seed is Christ. And the time of that blessing as a firm by all the apostles is the life and ministry of Jesus and the continuation of that ministry within subsequent generations of believers. The land of the New covenant is as much referring to a person's individual body where Christ cannot be plucked out of as much it is is to a particular landmass. But we will also note that after 70 AD it is known that some Christians came back into Judea and Jerusalem reinhabited David's house and continued to worship there until at least 132 ad.
so you are right that God keeps his everlasting promise and the everlasting come covenant was made to all humanity through faith in Christ like Abraham had. As Paul notes in Galatians 3, if you be in Christ then you be Abraham seed and inheritors of the promise. So if there was a land promise associated with the promise to Abraham then the recipients of that promise are christians. But I personally believe the intent of the typology in the old covenant where ordinances govern a land is fulfilled in the ordinances of Christ governing each person's human life who seek to follow him and receive him in freedom. But that's just my take on it.
01-28-2021, 10:52 AM
Post # 420, in the "Daniel's 70 week's were(not) fulfilled in 70 AD" thread
in the "Christianity section", "Eschatology"
01-29-2021, 11:27 AM
The letters of "Jesus Christ" in Greek = 2368
2368 completes its first occurrence at digit # 7484
The first occurrence of 7484, is followed by 42360800,
That was the first occurrence of 23608 and 2360800
3 .(1 4 . . . . . . . 7484 . . . . . . 2368)
3 .(1 4 . . . . . . . . 8651 . . . . . . . . . . . )748442360800
It's not by chance that the digits of Pi God created, are
confirming the date's Ivan Panin obtained from The Bible!
02-05-2021, 05:22 PM
The first occurrence of 987{Enoch's Rapture) starts at
digit # 1510 and completes at digit # 1512
The number that shows up next, to its right, is the first
occurrence of 2027
The 6th + 6th + 6th occurrence
of 987 completes at digit # 21824.
The number to it's left is the first occurrence of 1107
2027 + 1107 = 3134 (7 yrs after 11/07/2020)
This string of digits precede the first occurrence of 11072027,
Post # 293
1510 digits + [ 6 x 3134 digits ] + 1510 digits = digit # 21824
The timeline God had us keep for a reason is about 3 to 3.5 yrs
behind the accurate timeline he's keeping, but he would certainly
be utilizing both!
We are now roughly, "about" halfway maybe more, into the
year 2024 on His timeline.
3.(14 . . .1510. . . 9)(872027. . . .6 x 3134. . . .)(. . .1510. . . 1107987)
1510 digits to reach the first digit of the first occurrence of 987,
then 6 x [2027 + 1107 digits], then 1510 digits to reach the
last digit of the 18th occurrence of 987
At each of the last 6 + 6 + 5 occurrence's of 987, not one 4 digit number
that occurs to its left can represent a month and day, except at the 18th occurrence.
Only the first occurrence of 987 has a number to its right that shows a year
that we come close to being in the vacinity of!
02-06-2021, 07:55 PM
1509 digits + 2027 digits + [6 + 6 + 5 x 987 digits] + 1509 digits = digit # 21824
I was still 57 when God showed me all that, but it took about 7 weeks before
i decided to show it, even though i don't fully understand it or know how to interpret it.
The only part i didn't know until just 2 days ago, is that the first occurrence of 11072027
some 92 million digits down the line, is preceded by an occurrence of the first five digits of
Pi, which connects with an occurrence of my name and the number 57,
I'd been thinking about how i found the Jewish New Year for
the year 2020/21, 5781, immediately following the second occurrence
of 14159, so i typed in the five digits and
added a 0 to make my name, followed by 57
because that's how old i was when i found what i posted in my last comment,
and this is what followed,
I was born Jan.1st 1963
The first occurrence of 1963
and the first occurrence of my name 1590
are separated in Pi with 57 digits.
Of the 245 dates to be obtained from God's word, 987
is the most notable because all the other dates(years)
are birth and death years, but 987 is the year of
the First Rapture, Enoch's!
There is no year to be obtained in scripture for Elijah's departure.
The first occurrence of 987 is immediately followed the first occurrence of 2027.
The 6 + 6 + 6th occurrence of 987 is preceded by the first occurrence of 1107
I really like the idea of being Raptured much sooner than that date, and i really hope we are,
but i can't ignore the fact, and keep it to myself, that the first occurrence of my birth year and the first occurrence of my name
in Pi, are separated by 57 digits, and cover a span of 65 digits, which would be my age at the end
of 2027 if i'm still living, and on earth, and definitely by 11/07/2027 from my conception.
When i had existed for 57 years and roughly 5 months from my conception, i suddenly found myself
back on this site after almost 7 yrs, posting what i was just starting to find in the digits of Pi, but wasn't aware
at first that 57 digits stood between my birth year and name.
I'm now 58
1590 - 58 = 1532
digit # 1533 is the first digit of the first occurrence of 911
digit # 1533 + 57 digits = digit # 1590
digit # 1532 + 58 digits = digit # 1590
09/11 + 57 days = 11/07
09/10 + 58 days = 11/07
In English, A=6 B=12 C=18....Z=156,
Count the number of the beast = 1680
1680 + 666 = 2346
2346 completes its first occurrence at digit # 263
Digit # 263 + 666 + 216 + 666 + 216 digits = Digit # 2027
6 x 6 x 6 = 216
The first occurrence of 156{God) completes at digit # 2329
The first occurrence of 156 and the first occurrence of 2021
are separated from each other with 2021 digits.
987 explained on page 11 post # 102 and throughout the thread.
This is a journal of what i've been finding as the days weeks and months have been unfolding,
and everything i'm showing has been recorded "only" on this website!
If it's ever deleted i have only my memory to rely on!
02-08-2021, 02:52 PM
2346 begins its first occurrence at digit # 260
Digit # 259 + 1995 digits = digit # 2254
Digit # 2254 is the first digit of the second occurrence of the number 987
The first occurrence of 987 completes at digit # [756 + 756], and is followed by
the first occurrence of 2027,
The second occurrence of 987 completes at digit # [1590 + 666]
That's 2 occurrence's, and 16 more till the 6 + 6 + 6th occurrence.{1107987)
3213 digits + 666 + 987 digits = digit # 4866
123 + 666 = 789
utilize the first 3 digits, skip the next 2, utilize the 6 to utilize the last 3 {3213),
6 x 6 x 6 = 216 / 666 - 216 = 450
1590 begins its first occurrence at digit # 4866
Digit # 2368 + 911 + 1590 digits = digit # 4869
This is what God led me to discover immediately after finding 666
structured into the core of the number set,
798's digits multiply to 504{798-504 = 294
and add to [8+8+8]
798 divides evenly by 7
987's digits multiply to 504{987-504 = 483{69x7)
and add to [8+8+8]
987 divides evenly by 7
They are the only 2 numbers having those 3 features, and 1995
is the only number that comes anywhere close,and very close
to having the same 3 features,
1995's digits multiply to 405{1995-405 = 1590)
and add to [8+8+8]
1995 divides evenly by 7
I didn't know at that point in time, that my name added to 1590,
so that number meant nothing to me after i did with 1995 as i did with 666
294 + 483 = 777 (+ 1590 = 2367
1963 + 1995 = [1590 + 2368]
Digit # 1590 is the second 7 in the first occurrence of 777,
which is also the first occurrence of 7777
2368 completes its first occurrence at digit # 7484
This is what we see at the first occurrence of 7484,
2368 + 5116 = 7484
5116 + 666 + 1995 = 7777
The 70 weeks of years began 3516 years after Adams creation.
[3 x 516] + 2020 + [3 x 516] = 5116
Digit # 3516 is the 1 in the first occurrence of 516
Spring of 2027 is 6028 years from Adam.
86 completes its first occurrence at digit # 75
Digit # 75 + 1590 + 2368 + 1995 digits = digit # 6028
Not digit # 6028, but the first occurrence of 6028 completing at digit # 2397
leaves 1590 + 666 + 216 digits to reach digit # 4869
From Adam to the year 2018 A.D.{Israel's 70th year anniversary) is 86 x 70 years.
From the end of The Flood to 2018 is 2368 + 1995 years.
"The Bread of God" = 1995 in Greek
708 + 666 + 216 = 1590
In Pi, 1995 completes its first occurrence right before digit # 708.
Number 778 completes its 5th occurrence right before the first occurrence of number 708.
778's 5th occurrence is the last occurrence before the first occurrence of my name 1590,
and 1590 begins to occur 1590 + 216 digits after the completion of 778's 5th occurrence.
Digit # 778 + 1590 digits = digit # 2368
02-09-2021, 04:17 PM
The first occurrence of 1995 is connected to the second occurrence of 2019,
and 2019 is the year i started finding these things in Pi, and the year i started this thread,
1 x 9 x 9 x 5 = 405 / 1995 - 405 = 1590
708 + 666 + 216 = 1590
30 years ago I took a closer look at Enoch's 987, and made the 1995 discovery
immediately after the 666, 216, and 450 discovery in the number set!
The 2 is digit # 702{666 + 36 / 1+2+3....+36 = 666)
First occurrence of 1995,
3.(14 . . . . . 708 . . . . 2019956)(. . . . 666 + 216 . . . . . .{digit # 1590
The Second occurrence of 1995 is connected to an occurrence of 911,
3.(14 . . . . . . . . . 5 x 2368 + 2021 digits . . . . . . . . . .)911995
3.(14 . . . . . . . . . 5 x 2368 + 2027 digits . . . . . . . . . . 911995)
5th occurrence of 778, and First occurrence of 708 and 1590,
3.(14 . . . . . 3059 . . . . .778)(708 . . . . . 1590 + 216 . . . . . 75)15906
5 x 778 = 3890, the first occurrence of 3890 is right
before the second occurrence of 8658.
The third occurrence of 8658 is followed by the first
occurrence of 516.
8658 is the English sum of the words in Ivan Panin's
translation of Rev.13:18.
7776 + 666 + 216 = 8658
3.(14 . . . . . 778 . . . .)(. . . . . 1590 . . . . . . .{digit # 2368
A fully completed 708 is "in" the number 709
708 + 666 + 216 puts us "in" the number 1591
708 + 1318 puts us "in" the number 2027
11/07/2027 is "in" the year 2027
2020 to 2027 appears to be an important span of time!!
02-11-2021, 10:06 AM
The number 1159 + 4869 = 6028{2027
The first occurrence in Pi of the number 1159 completes at digit # 924
digit # 924 + 666 digits = digit # 1590
The first occurrence of the number 1590 completes at digit # 4869
I was 57 years plus from conception when i began discovering these
intelligent arrangement's in Pi's digits, and started posting them in 2019,
then shortly after i find this in the digits,
First occurrence of 1963 and 1590,
1963(. . . . . 57 . . . . .)1590
(1963 . . . . . 65 . . . . . 1590)
02-12-2021, 07:35 PM
I found this in Pi just before i turned 58,
First occurrences of 2027 and 1107,(post # 317)
9872027 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107987
Here's what precedes my birth date for 2027,
Here's what precedes 11/07/2027,
7202 begins its first occurrence starting on the
last digit of the first occurrence of 987
02-13-2021, 11:52 PM
450 makes its first occurrence right after
the first 156 digits of Pi.
The second group of 156 digits in Pi
begin with 450, and end with 6606
Ivan Panin's translation of Rev13:18,
Here is the wisdom, who hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast, for
it is the number of a man, and his number is Six hundred sixty six = 8658
Here is the wisdom, who has understanding, let him count the number of the beast, it is
the number of a man, his number is (= 6606 so far) Six hundred sixty six = 8256
6 x 6 x 6 = 216
The first occurrence of 216 is followed by, 4201989
That was the third occurrence of 2019, and 2019 AD.
is 1989 years after Christ's Crucifixion.
The second occurrence of 2019 begins at digit # [666 + 36] / 1 + 2 + 3....+ 36 = 666
A=6 B=12 C=18.....Z=156{God = 156
Coronavirus Disease = 1302(Covid-(20)19)
The first occurrence of 1302 is right after the
fourth occurrence of 2019,
02-15-2021, 12:08 PM
123 - 45 - 6 - 789 { 3213, Page 24 post #'s 233, 238, 319
3213 completes its first occurrence 1590 + 2027
digits after the decimal point. { Page 32 post # 320
The year of the Crucifixion from Adam's creation, is 4032
I found 4032 occurring for the first time starting at digit # 7632
That's the reverse of 2367, and a fully completed number
2367, is in, or entering, number 2368
2304 the reverse of 4032, begins its first occurrence at digit # 14777
Digit # 7632 + 4777 + 2368 = digit # 14777
778 + 3999{Christ's y.o.b) = 4777
778 + 1590 = 2368
Digit # 7632 + 2368 digits = digit # 10000 (+ 4777 = 14777
Digit # 5223 + 4777 digits = digit # 10000
The number 1512 completes its first occurrence at digit # 5223
The number 987 completes its first occurrence at digit # 1512
1318 + 666 + 36 = 2020
02-17-2021, 12:11 AM
1590 completes its first occurrence at digit # 4869
7515906 completes at digit # 4870
4870 - 36{35 times,
= 3610
The 36th 36 is being taken from [1590 + 2020]
02-18-2021, 01:02 AM
God = 156
156 + 666 = 822
822 begins its first occurrence at digit # 134, and completes at digit # 136.
Digit # 133 + 2368 + 2368 digits
lands on, the last digit in the first occurrence of the number 1590
(822 . . . . . . 2368 + 2368 digits . . . . . .1590)
I found the 3rd occurrence of 666 starting right after digit # 3999{Birth yr. of Jesus)
I found the 3rd occurrence of 2368 occurring almost immediately after the
first occurrence of 1998{666 + 666 + 666) which starts at digit # 29888,
2368 was born at the completion of the 483 yrs(69x7), in the year 3999
156 completes its first occurrence at digit # 2329
Digit # 2329 + 950 digits , leaves 1590 digits to reach the
completion of the first occurrence of the number 1590
I checked the difference between the Hebrew sum
of "Jesus Christ", 754, and the Greek sum, 2368{ 888 + 1480),
the difference is 1614, and i found 1614 completing its first occurrence at digit # 1613,
so i counted the digits from digit # 1613 to the last digit of the first occurrence of 1590,
Digit # 1613 + 888 + 2368 digits = digit # 4869{1590)
1613 separates the number 754 and the number 2368,
but their occurrences in Pi, are separated by this many digits,
754(. . . . 754 + 1613 + 1590 + 2368 . . . .)2368
English, God = 156
Hebrew, Elohim = 86
Greek, Jesus Christ = 2368
English, Jesus Christ = 906
The combined total of those 4 sums = 3516 {yrs from Adam 70 weeks began)
I found digit # 3516 right at the 1 in the first occurrence of the number 516
3516 yrs + 516 yrs = the year of The Crucifixion 4032
3516 yrs + 483 yrs + 33 yrs = 4032
02-21-2021, 12:33 PM
156 + 906 + 1590 + 666 + 216 = 3534
After the first 2368 digits of Pi the number 3534
begins to occur for the first time.
86 + 2368 + 1590 + 666 + 216 = 4926
The number 8658{sum of Panins Rev.13:18) makes its 5th occurrence
right before the first occurrence of the number 4926
3.(14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16532 digits . . . . . . . . )86584926
3.(14 . . . . 2368 digits . . . . 3)534
3534 + 1590 + 3534 = 8658
02-22-2021, 02:07 PM
Digit # 2368{3534) + 86 + 1590 + 666 + 216 digits = digit # 4926
Count the number of the beast = 1680 (a=6 b=12 c=18...)
1680 completes its first occurrence at digit # 13801
My name, 1590, completes its first occurrence at digit # 4869
Digit # 4869 + 4063 digits + 4869 digits = digit # 13801
The number 4063 completes its first occurrence at digit # 2368
The first occurrence of 4062 is right before the first occurrence of 86
1590 + 666 + 216 + 1590 = 4062
02-23-2021, 05:34 PM
My first, middle, and last name have 7, 5, and 6 letters, and a combined sum of, 1590.
This is what we see at the first occurrence of 1590,
7515906{digit # 4870
The number 1995{P.32, post #'s 319, 320) completes its first occurrence at digit # 707
The first 756 digits of Pi end with the first occurrence of the number 707
Digit # 756 + 1995 digits + 4870 digits = digit # 7621
The second occurrence of the number 2346{1680 + 666)
completes at digit # 7621
1590 + 756 = 1680 + 666
86 completes its first occurrence at digit # 75
Digit # 75 + 3138 digits = digit # 3213
so i looked for the first occurrence of the number 3138 and found it connected to
the second occurrence of 3213,
Digit # 75 + 666 digits + [1590 + 666 + 216] = digit # 3213
Digit # 1590 + [123 + 45 + 666 + 789] = digit # 3213
(P.24 post #'s 233, 238 /post # 319
02-24-2021, 10:16 PM
God{Elohim=86) placed digit # 3213 3138 digits
after the first occurrence of the Hebrew sum of his name,
and he knew that the day would come, that i would think the number 3213
represents the grouping of the digits of the number set after what i did with it,
and he knew that in time i would be checking the measurement in digits from his
name, 86, to digit # 3213, and that i would then check for the
first occurrence of the number 3138! {previous post
123 - 45 - 6 - 789 | 0
123 + 666 = 789
6 x 6 x 6 = 216
666 - 216 = 450
He also knew long in advance i would look for a number larger than 987{Enoch's Rapture),
and discover that there is only one, that has the same numeric features as 987, and that i
would repeat the same procedure with it as i did with 666,
1 x 9 x 9 x 5 = 405 / 1995 - 405 = 1590
"Nine hundred eighty seven and One thousand nine hundred ninety five are connected"
= [ 987 + 1995 + 1590 ]
There is only one number smaller than 987 with the same
numeric features as 987,
"Seven hundred ninety eight, Nine hundred eighty seven, and One thousand nine hundred ninety five are connected"
= [ 2442 + 798 + 987 + 1995 ]
Digit # 2442 is where 666 completes its first occurrence.
I began looking for a number('s) that matched 987 immediately after
finding the 666, 216, and 450 design in the number set.
"The 666 and 450 code" = 1590
If i count the first occurrence of my name, 1590, as the first 4
of 666 digits, then the last digit of the first
occurrence of the number 1318{Rev.13:18) is digit # 450
He knew i would be in my 57th year of life when i started posting what i found in Pi
on this website!
57 completes its first occurrence at digit # 405
He knew that 56 and 57 were going to be significant{=666)
years for me, that's why he separated the first occurrence's of my
Birth year, 1963, and my name, 1590,
with 57 digits in Pi,....He knew i would go there to look shortly after i
came on this site to show these thing's!
1963 + 1995 = 1590 + 2368
The first occurrence of 56 in Pi is also the first occurrence of 756
56 + [ 756 + 56 + 666 ] + 56 = 1590
He knew before i did that in my 57th year i was going to begin and title this thread 911,
911 begins its first occurrence at digit # 1533 (+ 57 digits = digit # 1590
I'm now 58 and the first occurrence of 911, is the first 3 digits of the 58
to reach digit # 1590
2368 + 1590 + 911 digits after the decimal point
the number 1590 completes its first occurrence.
He knew that eventually i would know that the difficult task of restoring the State of Israel
began in 1917 and was accomplished at the end of 1947 and became
a reality May 14th 1948, and he placed the completion of the first occurrence
of 1917 at digit # 1947, knowing i would be looking for it!
In English,
Scott = 462
Christ = 462
My first and last name combined = 1128
1128 - 462 = 666
The date this all began, the date that i knew God was making a very special connection with me
when i discovered the 666 450 code, was 03/24/1991,
so 29 yrs later i looked for the first occurrence of that string of digits in Pi{"The Pi-Search Page"),
and these are the letters that appeared underneath in the beta text version,
drayton is my first name.
02-27-2021, 01:59 PM
Jesus Christ = 2368 {Greek sum
Elohim = 86 {Hebrew sum
Year 6020 from Adam is 2018 A.D.
2018 A.D. was the year of the State of Israel's
70th Birthday, an important Birthday,
86 x 70 = 6020
The 86th group of 70 yrs is from 1948 to 2018
In Pi, the first occurrence's of 1947 and 2018 cover a span of 2018 digits.
86 occurs first in Pi right after digit # 73
The State of Israel was reborn in 1948, + 73 yrs. = 2021
The first occurrence's of 86 and 666,
3.14 . . . . . . . 8(6 . . . . . . 2368 digits . . . . . . 666)
02-28-2021, 03:59 PM
Count the number of the beast = 1680 {A=6 B=12 C=18....Z=156
1680+666 = [1590+756]
1680+36+(7+7+7 x 36) = [1590 + 666 + 216]
7+7+7 x 36 = 756
7+7+7 x 36 + 7+7+7 = 777
777 + 36 + 777 = 1590
Digit # 1590 in Pi, is the second 7 in the
first occurrence of the number 777 which
is also the first occurrence of the number 7777
7776 + 666 + 216 = 8658 {post #'s 323, 327
1590 <777> 2368
86 begins its first occurrence at digit # 74
33 x 74 digits after the decimal point is the
3rd 6 in the first occurrence of number 666
03-01-2021, 09:43 PM
Coming up soon will be the 9th + 11th 09/11, since, but not including, 09/11/01
The first occurrence's of 911 and 666,
3.14 . . . . . . . . . . . . .(9911 . . . . . . . 911 digits . . . . . . . 666)
03-06-2021, 04:06 PM
1590 + One thousand five hundred ninety{2034) = 3624
Here are the first occurrence's of the number's 3624, 2034, 1590,
and the number of digit's separating their first occurrence's,
3.(14 . . .511. . 3624)(. . .1590. . . .2034)(. . .666 + 2101. . . 159)0
So the completion of the first occurrence of the number that is 1590 + 2034, is
1590 digits short of the completion of the first occurrence of 2034
The 4 in the first occurrence of 2034
is digit # 2101 after the decimal point, leaving 666 + 2101 digits to
reach the 9 in the first occurrence of the number 1590.
The number 2034 begins its first occurrence at digit # 2098
Here are the first occurrence's of the number's 511, 2021, and 1590,
3.14 . . . . . . 511(. . . . .2368 + 1590. . . . 2021)(. . . .511. . . .)1590
3.(14 . . . . . . . . . .511 + 1590 + 666 + 1590 + 511. . . . . . . . . . . 159)0
Here are the first occurrence's of the number's 86 and 2098,
3.14 . . . . . .(86 . . . . .666 + 216 + 4869. . . . .)2098
511 + [1590 + 4869 + 511 + 666] + 511 digits = digit # 8658
8658 is the English sum of the words in Panin's translation of Rev.13:18
The number 1590 completes it's first occurrence at digit # 4869
Digit # 2098 + 3213{post # 330) digits = digit # 5311
1318 makes its first occurrence starting at digit # 5312
Counting the first occurrence of 1590 as the first 4 of 666
digits, the last digit of the first occurrence of 1318 will be digit # 450{+ 216 = 666
03-08-2021, 12:11 AM
Rev. 13:18 "666"
The first occurrence the number 1318 completes at digit # 5315
3.(1415926 . . . . .5315. . . . . . 1318)
This is what we see at the first occurrence of the number 5315
3.(145926 . . . . . .5315. . . . . . 1318)(. . . .10800. . . . . 6665315)
God ended the first occurrence of the number that he decided would
represent 13:18, at digit # 5315, and placed the 12th occurrence
of 666 right before the first occurrence of the number 5315
If we count the first occurrence of the number 1963{my birth year, Jan.1st)
as being the first 4 digits of 511 digits, the 511 digits finish at digit # 5315
If we count the first occurrence of my name, 1590, as being the first
4 digits of 666, we will be at 450 digits on the last digit
of the first occurrence of 1318, which is digit # 5315
1680 + 666 = 2346
1590 + 756 = 2346
2346 digits after the first occurrence of the number 2346, leaves
666 + 1590 digits to reach the first occurrence of 1590,
3.1415926 . . . . . . . . . . 2346)(. . . . .2346 + 666 + 1590. . . . .)1590
6 x 6 x 6 = 216
666 + 216 = 882
The first occurrence of 882 and 1590,
and the number of digits their first occurrence's cover,
3.1415926 . . . . . . .(882 . . . . . .1590 + 1318 + 1590. . . . . . . . 1590)
03-12-2021, 02:59 PM
Ivan Panin's translation,
Revelation chapter Thirteen verse Eighteen = 2598
Here is the wisdom, who hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast,
for it is the number of a man, and his number is Six hundred sixty six. {= 8658)
= 10590 + 666
666 begins its 9th occurrence immediately after the first 10590 digits of Pi,
3.(14 . . . . . 10590 digits . . . . . .)666
10590 + 666 = 11256
3.(14 . . . . . . . 11256 digits . . . . . . . .)83644 {first occurrence of 83644
Here's the first occurrence of 10590, and the second occurrence of 83644,
3.(14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44586 digits . . . . . . . . . . .)1059083644
The 4 digit number that occurs right after the first 83644 digits of Pi is 6181
Digit # 6181 of Pi, is 4863 + 1318 digits.
The first occurrence of 7515906{post # 329) begins right after digit # 4863
3 and the decimal point, are positions 1 and 2 of Pi.
The number 23608 begins its first occurrence right after position 8658
God's word makes it very clear that Salvation is a Free Gift
because we don't and never will deserve it, and because he love's us
By human standards we can see what we consider good people
and bad one's....and sometimes we're wrong, but God has such a
high standard of good, that it's impossible for us to reach that level!
Jesus Christ is the one we trust to save us, and we live our lives the way
he wants us to out of gratitude for him measuring up to God's standard
for us, and dying for us!
We don't earn Salvation by enduring a long and painful lifespan, or
by sincere repentence and living the way he instructs us to to
the best of our ability while we endure the long and painful
lifespan, or, by rejecting the mark of the beast even though
your loved one's are being threatened with death unless you
do accept it!
Does that mean christian's can just take the mark to save
themselve's believing they will still be saved by of the free gift
they were promised,...absolutely not, because
God's word also makes it very clear that "everyone" who
takes the mark are cast into the lake of fire!
Rejecting the mark in the "last day's" is not The Lord's message of
Refusing the mark even though your children will die before your
very eye's, which many christian parents understandably would fail to do,
would be, in an extremely difficult way to say the least, playing a major
role in helping Jesus Christ save you,,so you can receive the free gift
you're not supposed to have to earn, because it isn't possible to earn!!?
This mean's, true christian's are no place on earth when the mark
is forced on those who are!
03-13-2021, 03:07 PM
The christian's that believed God(the true author)when he made it clear that our Salvation could not be earned
by our own doing in any way, and promised that whoever believes in his son Jesus christ would not perish but have
everlasting life, would be very confused and frightened because now the prospect of entering Heaven seems to rest solely on
the incredibly heavy decision they have to quickly make, and maybe they would even consider taking the mark to buy themselves and
their loved ones a little more time!
Some christian adults would have an easier time with this decision to be beheaded rather than end up in the lake of fire, than
those who have children who might be the ones threatened first....if they were still here at that point,...but shouldn't be according
to God's promise that Jesus payed the price for all of our sin's by taking the punishment intended for us!
Christians are members of the new body of Jesus Christ who allowed his first body to be horribly marred and murdered for our sake
to defeat satan and death, and because he's been there and done that once already....he's not doing it again with his new body
at the time the mark is being forced on those who chose earth as their place to dwell!
God doesn't say, we will be saved solely(not involving anyone or anything else) by the shed blood of
Jesus Christ....if...we'll be brave enough to resist taking the mark of the beast no matter what method they
use to try to force us into doing so!
Post # 336
In English, Ivan Panins translation of,
Revelation chapter Thirteen verse Eighteen
8658{the combined sum of its words)
= 10590 + 666 {11256)
10590 digits after the decimal point, the number 666 occurs.
10590 digits + 666 digits = digit # 11256 after the decimal point.
So those 666 digits begin with these 3 digits, 666
digit # 11256 is followed by the 1st occurrence of the number 83644
The 1st occurrence of the number{not digits)10590, 44587 digits after
the decimal point, is followed by the 2nd occurrence of the number 83644,
revealing the connection of 10590's first occurrence, with the 9th occurrence of 666
right after the first 10590 digits, and also with the first 10590 digits + 666 digits of Pi.
"The Pi-Search Page"
03-15-2021, 07:02 PM
I was about 13 years old when i first thought about what
was meant by counting the number of the beast, and it
seemed to me that something was to be done with the
number 666 itself.
Subtracting the digits, 6 - 6 - 6 doesn't work,
dividing the digits doesn't work,
adding the digits only gives 18.
So i multiplied the digits to achieve the largest answer, 216,
and thought to myself..."now what"?
I was in my grade 9 math class in the spring of 1979 when
i noticed for the first time that the climb from the first 3 numbers, 123,
to the last 3, 789, is 666, and thats as far
as it went till i was 28 in the year 1991 and found this,
123 -45 - 6 - 789 - 0
6 x 6 x 6 = 216
666 - 216 = 450
2 nights ago i counted 1590 + 1318 digits after the decimal point
and landed on the last digit of the first occurrence of the number 1979{digit # 2908)
Count the number of the beast = 1680 (+ 666 = [1590 + 756] , or, 2346
2346 completes its first occurrence at digit # 263
Digit # 263 + [666 + 1979] digits, is digit # 2908{1979)
1979 is connected to the second occurrence of 911,
1991 completes its first occurrence at digit # 8358
8358 completes its first occurrence at digit # 8557
Digit # 4870{7515906) + 2368 + 1318 digits = digit # 8556
post # 330
1318 + 666 = 1984
1984 completes its first occurrence at digit # 3361
216 completes its first occurrence at digit # 993
Digit # 993 + 2368 digits = digit # 3361
777 + 216 = 993
03-16-2021, 12:00 PM
This is in regards to post # 334,
1590 - 666 = 924
The completion of the first occurrence of 924 leaves
666 digits the reach the start of the first occurrence of 2034
3.14 . . . . . .924(. . . . . .666. . . . )(2034 . . . 2101 + 666 . . . . . . 7)515906
God picked the perfect spot, as he always does, for the location of the
first occurrence of 924.
03-18-2021, 11:17 AM
This experience began for me in March 1991.
It's about to turn 1991 from The Crucifixion.
The completion of the first occurrence of the
number 1917 is followed by digit # 1948
Elohim = 86 /Hebrew
HE placed the sum of 86 at digit's # 74 and 75
Digit # 73 + 1948 digit's = digit # 2021
Israel's 70th was in 2018,
86 sets of 70 years since
Adam and Eve's creation.
Using the first occurrence of 1947 as the first
4 digits of 2018 digits, the 2018th digit is the last
digit of the first occurrence of the number 2018
03-19-2021, 09:34 PM
Elohim = 86
86 occurs first at digits #'s 74, 75 after the decimal point.
Digit # 75 + 2293 digits = digit # 2368
Digit # 2293 after the decimal point is,
703 digits + 1590 digits after the decimal point.
1995 begins its first occurrence at digit # 704
and completes it at digit # 707.
Digit # 707 after the decimal point, and digit # 1590 after the decimal point,
are separated with 666 + 216 digits
1995, post #'s 319, 320, 330
666 begins its first occurrence at digit # 2440,
digit # 2440 + 2368 digits = digit # 4808
1963 completes its first occurrence at digit # 4808
1963 + 1995 = 1590 + 2368
03-21-2021, 12:37 AM
One thousand nine hundred sixty three = 2430
666 begins its first occurrence right after digit # 2439
digit # 2439 + 2430 = digit # 4869
1590 completes its first occurrence at digit # 4869
03-22-2021, 09:45 AM
666 + 911 = 1577
The first occurrence of 1577 begins right after digit # 3279
2368 digits + 911 digits = digit # 3279
Digit # 3279 + 1590 digits(first 4 are 1577),
lands on digit # 4869, which is the completion of
the first occurrence of the number 1590.
One thousand five hundred ninety
= [666 + 911 + 666 + 911 + 666 + 911]
1590 + 3141 {3.14115926)
47 x 31 + 911 digits = digit # 2368
Digit # 2368 + 911 + 1590 digits = digit # 4869
The number 911 completes its first occurrence at digit # 1535
Digit # 1535 + 833 digits = digit # 2368
47 + 31 + 833 digits = digit # 911
I was completely unaware of all this when i first started
and titled this thread a year and a half ago, but i did
believe at the time, that The Lord Jesus Christ
definitely had something to do with me finding these
things in Pi!.
I knew 30 years ago that he had planned for me to count 666,
and 30 years later i found this,
666 completes its first occurrence at digit # 2442
Digit # 2442 + 4869 + 666 + 216 digits,
brought me to the first digit of the first occurrence of the number 10310, which is
how many days old i was the first night i decided to seriously attempt to count the number 666
The date was 03/24/1991
The first and only occurrence of 03241991 in the first 200 million digits of Pi,
have these letters appearing underneath it in the beta text version of Pi,
d y t n
My first name is drayton
03-24-2021, 05:00 PM
The number 666 completes its first occurrence at digit # 2442
after the decimal point.
5 x 2442 digits + 1590 digits after the decimal point puts us at digit # 13800,
which is the 8 in the first occurrence of the number 1680,
Count the number of the beast = 1680 {A=6 B=12 C=18....)
The number 6168 makes its first occurrence meshed with the first occurrence of 1680,
2442 + 1590 = 4032{Crucifixion year)
The first occurrence of the number 4032 begins at digit # 7632{2368)
Digit # 7632 + 6168 digits brings us to the last digit of the first occurrence
of the number 6168 {61680)
03-27-2021, 02:56 PM
1590 + 778 = 2368
The number 1590 completes its first occurrence at digit # 4869
The number 778 occurs first in Pi starting right after digit # 620
digit # 620 + 4869 + 1995 digits = digit # 7484
digit # 7484 is where 2368 completes its first occurrence.
digit # 620 + 666 + 1995 + 1589 digits = digit # 4870
3.14 . . . . . . . . . 7515906{digit # 4870
digit # 620 + 665 + 1994 + 1590 digits = digit # 4869
Post #'s 319, 330, 341
Counting the first occurrence of the number 1590
as being the first 4 of 778 digits, the 778th digit
will be the last digit of the 6th occurrence of the number 778
The first 360 digits of Pi end with these 3 digits, 360 {360 degree's in a circle{Pi
* Digit # 358 + 1590{my name) digits = digit # 1948,
which i found, is right after the completion of the first occurrence
of the number 1917. The struggle to restore the State
of Israel began in 1917, and they succeeded in 1948.
My birthday, "January first Nineteen sixty three" = 2406
* Digit # 1948 + 2406 digits = digit # 4354
Digit # 4354 is where the first occurrence of the number 2021 completes.
GOD = 156 {A=6 B=12 C=18....Z=156}
156 completes its first occurrence at digit # 2329,
Digit # 2329 + 2021 digits = digit # 4350, and the next 4 digits are, 2021
The Greek sum of "Jesus" = 888
The 888th chapter of The Bible is Amos 9, read the last verse, verse 15.
Here's the first occurrence of the number 888,
3.(14 . . . . . .1917 + 1948 + 888 digits. . . . . . . . 888)
If God is the one that placed the first occurrence of 888 in that location(and he most certainly was),
then the last verse of Amos 9 is most certainly referring to the year 1948 A.D., and he wanted me
to find these things because he knew i would be looking,
1590 + 666 digits after the decimal point leaves
1948 + 666 + 1948 + 666 digits
to reach the completion of the first occurrence of the number 2368 at digit # 7484.
Digit # 4870 + 1948 + 666 digits = digit # 7484
666 + 1590 + 1948 + 666 digits = digit # 4870
3.14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7515906 {digit # 4870
03-28-2021, 11:29 PM
It's easy to think of 3.14 when we look at the number 314
Digit # 314 is the 1 in the first occurrence of the number 315
This is what we see at the first occurrence of 315,
(3.14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 006606{position # 314
(3.14 . . . . . . . .2021 + 314 + 2021 positions. . . . . . . . . 2021)
(3.14 . . . . . . . .314 + 2021 + 2021 positions. . . . . . . . . 2021)
13 + 18 = 31
31 x 314 = [ 4865 + 4869 ]
8632 begins its first occurrence at digit # 1018
and completes at digit # 1021
digit # 1021 + 1590 + 4869 digits = digit # 7480
The first occurrence of 2368 begins right after digit # 7480
The first occurrence of 1021 begins at digit # 2749
Digit # 2749 + 4731{post # 343) digits = digit # 7480
4731 - 1590 = 3141
First occurrence of 3141 and 2368,
3(141 . . . . . .1590 + 26 + 2368. . . . . . . . .)2368
15 x 90 + 1018 = 2368
23 x 68 + 26 = 1590
1995 + 26 = 2021
03-29-2021, 11:38 PM
3.14 . . . . . . .(1590 . . . . .778 digits. . . . . . . 778)72019 {6th 778 and 6th 2019
1590 + 778 = 2368 {Jesus Christ, Greek)
04-04-2021, 12:44 AM
I was just coming to the completion of the 10311th day of my life{about to turn 10312)
when i read Ivan Panin's translation of Rev. 13:18,
and knew nothing about English gematria at the time.
The words in that translation add to 8658 i discovered 18 yrs. later.
Also in his Bible chronology book he claimed that Bible numerics clearly declared
not only the year, but even the Blessed day and hour! But in the sentence right before that
he said the word "The" was supposed to precede the word "Wisdom" in Rev. 13:18, to ring
a bell in the readers mind to the importance of the verse.
Right after reading this i remembered that 123 + 666 = 789, which i had noticed in grade 9 math class,
and decided to take it a little bit further, as ive shown several times now in this thread.
3 days later, immediately after finding the 666 450 and 216 design in the
number set, i decided to examine the number God used for the year of the first Rapture, Enoch's year 987,
and decided to look for any numbers having the same features as 987,...there is only 1 number greater
than 987 having the same features, 1995, so i did the same with it as i did with 666,
1 x 9 x 9 x 5 = 4 0 5
1995 - 405 = 1590{didn't know then that my name had this sum, it didn't mean anything at the time.
8658 + [666 + 987] day's = 10311 day's
3:06 a.m., Jan.1st 1963 + 10311 day's = 3:06 a.m., March 27th 1991
Correction with post # 330, I was entering day 10310 when i began taking a serious look at the 666 i had noticed
years before in the number set, because i had just read what Panin had written, and i knew that God was telling me 666
was designed into the core of the number set for a reason, and just before it turned 10312 days,
i found the 666 450 and 216 design, and began examining the number 987.
The date i began examining the number set was 03/24/1991 {post # 330
The first 1590 + 666 digits of Pi end with these 3 digits, 987 {2nd occurrence
3213{post # 319) + 666 + 987 = 4866
1590 begins its first occurrence at digit # 4866
3.14 . . . . . . . . . . 7515906{digit # 4870
3.(14 . . . . . . . . . . . .3213 + 666 + 1590 digits . . . . . . . . . 4870{digit # 5469
Nine hundred eighty seven and One thousand nine hundred ninety five are connected
= [ 987 + 1995 + 1590 ]
A=6, B=12, C=18 . . . . Z=156
04-05-2021, 09:24 PM
3.(14 . . . . . . . . .4870 digits. . . . . . . . 7515906)
The number 4870 begins its first occurrence at digit # 5466,
3.(14 . . . . . . . . . . .5466 digits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4)870
The number 5466 makes its first occurrence connected
to the first occurrence of the number 666,
3.(14 . . . . .2437 digits. . . . . .)54666
When there are 666 digits left to reach digit # 4863(digit # 4864}7515906),
there will be at the same time, 21496 digits left to reach the first digit of the first
occurrence of the number 4864
I'll be 21496 day's old Nov.7th 2021
1995 + 26 = 2021
23 x 68 + 26 = 1590
1963 + 1995 = [ 1590 + 2368 ]
so of course,
1963 + 2021 = [ 1590 + 2368 + 26 ]
04-07-2021, 10:31 PM
The first 1590 digits of Pi end in the middle of
the first occurrence of the number 77|77 which
also is the middle digit of the first occurrence of
the number 777, which also is the
first digit of the second occurrence of 777
1590 + 4869 + 1318 digits = digit # 7777
7776 + 666 + 216 digits = digit # 8658
36 + 777 + 777 = 1590
777 stands between 1590 and 2368
450 + 216 = 666
When i count the first occurrence of the number 1590 as being the
first 4 of 666 digits, the first 450 of the 666 digits finish
on the last digit of the first occurrence of the number 1318, and
216 digits after that is the completion of the second occurrence
of the number 3278 at digit # 5531 after the decimal point.
Digit # 1020 is the first digit of the first occurrence of the number 3278
Digit # 1019 + [ 1590 + 666 ] + [ 1590 + 450{1318) + 216 ] digits = digit # 5531
So the first occurrence and second occurrence of 3278 cover a span of exactly
1590 + 666 + 1590 + 666 digits.
The second group of 1590 digits in the equation above, end right
before the first occurrence of the number 1590
The first group of 666 digits in the equation above divide at 450 and 216
on the last digit of the 5th occurrence of 778, and from there, there are,
1590 + 666 + 216 digits to reach digit # 5531{3278)
The first occurrence of the Hebrew sum of "Israel", 541, and the
5th occurrence of 778{digit # 3059), cover a span of 1948 digits
1318 - 777 = 541
Digit # 1022 + 1590 + 666 digits = digit # 3278
Digit # 3278 + 1590 digits = digit # 4868 {3.(14 . . . .159)0
04-09-2021, 12:00 AM
First occurrence of the number 3278,
3.14 . . . . . . 327(8 . . . . .1590 + 666 digits. . . . . .{digit # 3278
First occurrence of 1590 in relation to digit # 3278,
Digit # 3278(. . . . . . . . . . . 1590 digits. . . . . . . . . . . 159)0
First and second occurrence of the number 3278,
3.14 . . . . . .(3278 . . . . . .1590 + 666 + 1590 + 666. . . . . . . . 3278)
The first 666 splits at 450 and 216 at the completion of
the 5th occurrence of the number 778, the second 666 splits at
450 and 216 at the completion of the first occurrence of the number 1318
1590 + 778 = 2368
post # 350
Count the number of the beast, his number is Six hundred sixty six = 4152,
First occurrence of 4152,
3.(14 . . . . . . . . . . .7777 + 1590 digit's. . . . . . . . . . 4152)
1590 + 4869 + 1318 = 7777
7776 + 666 + 216 = 8658
post # 350
04-11-2021, 09:33 AM
When counting the first digit of the first visible occurrence of 3278 as being digit # 1,
it is, 1590 + 450{778) + 216 + 1590 + 450{1318) + 216 digits to reach the
completion of the second occurrence of 3278.
When counting the last digit of the first visible occurrence of 3278 as digit # 1,
it is, 1590 + 666 digits to reach digit # 3278 in Pi.
Digit # 3278 + 1590 digits, lands on the 9, of the first visible occurrence of 1590
The 666 digits that finish at the completion of the second visible occurrence of 3278,
divide at 450 and 216 right at the completion of the first visible occurrence of 1318
04-12-2021, 11:47 AM
3.14 . . . . .(3278 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .digit # 3278. . . . . . . . 3278)
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 . . . .+ 36 = 666
First occurrence of the number's 36 and 666,
3.(14 . . . .284 digits. . . .)(36 . . . .284 + 1590 + 284 digits. . . . . 666)
284 + 1022 + 284 = 1590
Digit # 1022{3278) + 1590 + 666 digits = digit # 3278
Using the first occurrence of the number 1590 for the first 4 digits of 666 + 216 digits,
leaves 1023 digits to reach the first digit of the first occurrence of the visible
number 1023{digit # 6770 in Pi
04-16-2021, 08:06 PM
09/06/2019 i started this thread to post what i felt The Lord was leading me to find in
the digits of Pi, and decided to title it 911 because of what i found that was shown
in the first few posts, but he did not show me this until about 5 months later,
The first occurrence of the English sum of my name, 1590, completes
2368 + 911 + 1590 digits after the decimal point.
3.(14 . . . . . . . . .2368 + 911 + 1590. . . . . . . . . .1590)
2368 + 1590 = 3958
3958 divided by 2 = 1979
1318 + 1590 digits after the decimal point is the last
digit of the first occurrence of the number 1979
This explains to me(somewhat) why 1979 was such a brutal year for me, and the beginning
of the most painful and confusing period of my life, that i almost didn't make it through!
The second occurrence of 911 is connected to the first occurrence of 1979,
3.(14 . . . . .1318 + 1590. . . . . .911979)
1590 + 756 = 2346
Count the number of the beast{1680) + 666 = 2346
2346 completes its first occurrence at digit # 263
Digit # 263 + 666 + 1979 digits = digit # 2908,
and digit # 2908 is the completion of the first occurrence of 1979
In English "Christ" = 462
"Scott" = 462
Drayton Bonyun - 462 = 666
"Jesus" = 444
Drayton Bonyun - 444 = 684
The first occurrence of 09062019 over 22 million digits down the line in Pi,
has an occurrence of the number 1050 connected to it, and 1050 is the English sum of,
Richard Amiel McGough,
1590 - 906{Jesus Christ/English, A=6 B=12 C=18...) = 684
The first 684 digits of Pi end with the first occurrence of 1050 starting at digit # 681
1050 + 1318 = 2368{Jesus Christ/Greek)
Counting the first occurrence of 1050 as being the first 4 of 3278 digits{post 351, 352, 353),
brings us to digit # [2368 + 1590]
04-18-2021, 12:38 PM
10501590 occurs once in the first 200 million digits of Pi,
after almost 42.5 million digits,..this is what follows,
04-19-2021, 09:30 PM
Revelation chapter Thirteen verse Eighteen{2598)
the sum of the words it contain's{8658/Panin's translation) {P.34, post # 336)
= 11256
Digit # 10590 + 666 digits = digit # 11256
Digit # 8888 + 2368 digits = digit # 11256
Count the number of the beast{= 1680) + 666 = 2346
1590 + 756 = 2346{P.33, post # 329
The visible number 2346 begins its first occurrence right after digit # 259
Digit # 259 + 1590 + 666 + 216 + 4750 digits = digit # 7481
The visible number 8888 begins its first occurrence right after digit # 4750
The visible number 2368 begins its first occurrence at digit # 7481
The visible number 4754 begins its first occurrence at digit # 7208
Digit # 7208 + 1680 digits = digit # 8888
The visible number 1590 begins its first occurrence right after digit # 4865
Digit # 4865 + 2346 digits = digit # 7211
The first visible occurrence of the number 666 completes at digit # 2442
Digit # 2442 + 666 + 216 digits,
leaves 1991 digits to reach the last digit of the first visible occurrence of the number 1318
It was the 86th day of the year(March 27th) 1991 when i found
the 666, 216, and 450 design in the number set, and also that 1995 is the only number
larger than 987 having the same features as 987{Enoch is Raptured)
Counting the first occurrence of 1590 as being the first 4 digits of 666 digits,
the 666 digits split at 450 and 216 right on the 8 of the first visible occurrence of
the number 1318{digit # 5315 - 450 = digit # 4865, 1590 begins at digit # 4866
04-21-2021, 10:49 PM
According to Ivan Panin's Bible chronology, it recently turned 1991 years
from the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which means we are now about
1994.5 years from when he established His Church at the start
of his ministry, which was approximately the last 3.5 years of his life.
I believe God is telling me there's a very significant span of 1995 years(post # 348)
somewhere inside our timeline from Adam, and i'm wondering if this could possibly be it?
04-22-2021, 11:07 PM
The first occurrence of the reverse of the number 2368, 8632,
occurs before the first occurrence of 2368
8632(. . . . . .1590 + 4869 digits. . . . . . .)2368
8632 begins at digit # 1018 (15 x 90 + 1018 = 2368),
and completes at digit # 1021 {bottom half of post # 346, P.35
The first occurrence of the visible number 1022 completes its first
occurrence at digit # 6402
Digit # 6402 + 1590 + 666 digits = digit # 8658
Digit # 1533 + 4869 digits = digit # 6402
Digit # 1533 is the first digit of the first occurrence of the visible number 911
First occurrence of the visible number 1590,
3.(14 . . . . . .2368 + 911 + 1590 digits. . . . . . 1590){digit # 4869
04-24-2021, 06:45 PM
373 + 1995 = 2368
The number 373 begins its first occurrence right after digit # 5228
Digit # 5228 + 1590 + 666 digits = digit # 7484
The number 2368 completes its first occurrence at digit # 7484
737 + 1631 = 2368
The number 1995 completes its first occurrence at digit # 707
The number 1631 completes its first occurrence at digit # 5023
Digit # 707 + 2368 + 1948 digits = digit # 5023
Theodoric explains 37 and 73 in the "I AM THAT I AM explained" thread in
the Christianity section.
G + O + D = 156 {A=6 B=12 C=18 . . . Z=156
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 . . . . + 36 = 666
1948 + 36 yrs = year [1318 + 666] + 36 yrs = 2020
# 1948 + 36 = [1318 + 666] + 36
= a fully completed # 2020, not, in the number 2020
3.14 . . . . . 156( . . . . . .2021 digits. . . . . . .)2021
That first occurrence of the number 2021 begins right after
digit # 4350 of Pi, and,
156 + 2021 + 156 + 2021 = 4350
Digit # 2021 of Pi + 36 digits = digit # 2057
The number 1947 completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 2057,
and the year they began the difficult struggle to restore the State of Israel was 1917,
and the first visible occurrence of the number 1917 completes at digit # 1947
The first full year of the struggle was 1918 and Israel's first full year as a nation was 1949.
The second visible occurrence of the number 1949 completes at digit # 1918
Counting the first occurrence of 86 as being the first 2 digits of 1948 digits,
the 1948 digits land on digit # 2021 / 73 + 1948 = 2021
04-25-2021, 10:13 PM
7515906{digit # 4870
Digit # 4870 + 1948 + 666 digits = digit # 7484
Digit # 7484 is the last digit of the first visible occurrence of 2368
1590 + 666 + 1948 + 666 digits after the decimal point is digit # 4870
See P.35,post # 345
The last 3 digits of the first 360 digits of Pi, are 3, 6, and 0
Counting these 3 digits as being the first 3 of 1590 digits,
the 1590 digits land on digit # 1947 of Pi
04-27-2021, 12:12 AM
Revelation 13:18, "666"
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 . . . . + 36 = 666
1948 + 36 = [1318 + 666] (+ 36 = 2020 {year 2020 recently completed
The Greek sum of the letters for "Jesus Christ" = 2368
The first visible occurrence of the number 2368 completes
it's occurrence at digit # 7484 in Pi,
3.(14 . . . . . . . .7484 digits. . . . . . . 2368)
The first visible occurrence of the number 7484 beginning at
digit # 8652{position 8654) in Pi has an extra 4,
and is followed by the first occurrence of this,
Daniel's 70 week's of year's began 3516 year's after Adam was created.(Ivan Panin)
Digit # 3516 + 1948 + 2020,or,1947 + 2021 = digit # 7484
Digit # 7484 + 23618 digits = digit # 31102{# of verses in The Bible
04-28-2021, 11:14 PM
Regarding P.36 post # 354, the first visible
occurrence of the number 1979
389 + 1590 = 1979
389 + 1590 + 389 = 2368
2368 + 1590 = 1979 + 1979
389 begins its first visible occurrence right after digit # 1076
2368 completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 7484
[1076 + 1590 + 1076] + [1076 + 1590 + 1076] = 7484
05-02-2021, 11:40 PM
1979 + 1979 + 911 = 4869
The second visible occurrence of 911 is connected with
the first visible occurrence of 1979, which completes
1318 + 1590 digits after the decimal point,
The first visible occurrence of 1590 is inside
the number 756,
P.33, post # 329
7515906{digit # 4870
In English "Jesus Christ" = 906
1590 + 1590 + 1590 = 4770
4770 begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 12108
4870 + 2368 + 4870 = 12108
Digit # 707 and digit # 1590 are separated by 666 + 216 digits.
The number 1995 completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 707 (P.35,post # 348
If i finish a span of 519 digits on the last digit of the first
visible occurrence of the number 1590, then the first
visible occurrence of the number 2021 would be the first 4 digits of the 519.
The number 519 begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 389
05-05-2021, 12:44 AM
God = 156 in English
Elohim = 86 in Hebrew
First occurrence of 86 and 156,
3.14 . . . .(86 . . . . .1590 + 666 digits. . . . . 156)
First occurrence of 86 and 666,
3.14 . . . . 8(6 . . . . . . . . . .2368 digits. . . . . . . . . . 666)
36 >2331< 2368
First occurrence of 156,
(3.14 . . . . . . . . . . . .2331 positions. . . . . 156)
777 + 777 + 777 = 2331
The night this whole experience began, i had found this,
123 + 666 = 789
6 x 6 x 6 = 216
666 - 216 = 450
which divides the number set into a group of 3, 2, 1, and 3 / 0,
123 45 6 789 / 0
and then i spent until dawn trying to find a number(s) that had
the same features that 987{Enoch's Rapture year) has,
and discovered there is only 1 number larger that does, so i counted it
just like i did with 666,
1 x 9 x 9 x 5 = 405 / 1995 - 405 = 1590{sum of my name)
29 years later i discovered that the first occurrence of my name in Pi
begins this many digits after the decimal point,
666 + 3213 + 987
and ends this many digits after the decimal point,
2368 + 1590 + 911{4869 digits)
which i didn't know until shortly after i started this thread!
The number 4870 completes its first visible occurrence in Pi
this many digits after the decimal point,
666 + 3213 + 1590
(5469 digits )
My name consists of 7, 5, and 6 letters,
and the first visible occurrence of 1590 is inside of a 756,
7515906{ digit # 4870
05-06-2021, 09:29 PM
First visible occurrence of the number 1995,
3.(14 . . . .707 digits. . . . 1995)(. . . .666 + 216 digits. . . .).{digit # 1590
666 + 216 digits separate the first visible occurrence of
the number 1995 from digit # 1590
In April 2021 it turned 1991 years since Christ's Crucifixion.
It is now approximately 1994.5 years since Jesus began
his ministry and established his Church.
05-07-2021, 11:55 PM
First visible occurrence of 1984 { 1318 + 666 ),
3.(14 . . . . . . . .3357 digits. . . . . . . .)1984
First visible occurrence of 987 and 1590,
3.14 . . . . . . 987(. . . . . . .3357 digits. . . . . . . . . 1590)
987, P.32 post # 320
The 4 digit number making its first occurrence immediately
after the first 666 + 987 digits of Pi, is 3611,
1590 + 2021 = 3611
26 x 26 + (26 + 1318) = 2020
P.35, post #'s 347, 350(26)
05-10-2021, 09:54 AM
483{69 x 7, 1st advent) + 1107 + 2021 = 3611 {post # 367 ^
Richard was logged in yesterday for the first time in a
long time....that i've noticed, and now i can't color code
my number's making them easier to sort out!
He may or may not have disabled this feature intentionally...i really don't
The miraculous catch{The Rapture) of 153 fish {John 21
1 + 2 + 3 . . . . . + 17 = 153
The first visible occurrence of 17 begin's at digit # 95
The fifth visible occurrence of 17 end's at digit # 343{7x7x7)
and is immediately followed by the first visible occurrence of 153
Digit # 95 + 153 + 95 digits = digit # 343
The first visible occurrence of 343 begins at digit # 666
Digit # 666 - 343 digits = digit # 323
The first visible occurrence of 323 completes at digit # 17
Digit # 17 + 153 + 17 digits = digit # 323
05-11-2021, 11:03 PM
Elohim = 86 / Hebrew
Jesus Christ = 2368 / Greek
3.(14 . . . . . . 666 + 216 + 86 + 2368 digits . . . . . . 2928)
3.(14 . . . . . . 1590 + 156 + 1590 digits . . . . . . . . . 2928)
That's the first visible occurrence of 2928
November Seventh Two Thousand Twenty One = 2928
November Seventh Twenty Twenty One = 2610
The first visible occurrence of 2610 is followed by the
third occurrence of 1995,
11/7/1995 + 26 years = 11/7/2021
86 + 2368 = 2454
2454 makes its first visible occurrence starting at digit # 1110
in the first occurrence of 2424541 {P.17, bottom half of post # 164
Digit # 1110 + 911 digits = digit # 2021
Digit # 1109 + 911 digits = digit # 2020 {year completed)
05-14-2021, 12:06 AM
Second visible occurrence of 987,
3.(14 . . . . . . . .1590 + 666 digits. . . . . . . . .987)
Post #'s 365, 366, 367
987 completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 1512
Digit # 1512 + 483{69x7) = digit # 1995
The third visible occurrence of 987 and the first visible occurrence
of 1590 are separated by 777 digits.
The number's 1590 and 2368 are separated by 777 digits.
CHRIST = 1480 in Greek
ISRAEL = 541 in Hebrew
1480 + 541 = 2021
Jesus = 888 in Greek
Jesus Christ = 2368 in Greek
2368 begins its first occurrence right after digit # 7480
This is what we see at the first visible occurrence of 888
which begins at digit # 4751,
The number of digits separating the first occurrence of
888 from the first occurrence of 2368 is 2727
Digit # 707 of Pi{completion of the first visible occurrence of 1995)
+ 2021 digits = digit # 2727 of Pi.
9+8+7 = 8+8+8
9x8x7 = 504{consists of 4,5, and 0
987 divides evenly by 7
Only 2 other numbers have those 3 features,
7+9+8 = 8+8+8
7x9x8 = 504
798 divides evenly by 7
1+9+9+5 = 8+8+8
1x9x9x5 = 405
1995 divides evenly by 7
798 - 504 = 294
987 - 504 = 483{69x7)
294 + 483 = 777
1995 - 405 = 1590
777 + 1590 = 2367{putting us face to face and entering 2368
05-15-2021, 12:24 AM
I{1590) was born Jan.1st 1963
1963 + 1995 = 1590 + 2368
When i first discovered 30 yrs ago that there is only 1 number greater
than 987 having the same 3 features as 987, and repeated the same
procedure with it as i did with 666, i didn't know 1590 was the English
gematria sum of my name until about 18 yrs later,
1 x 9 x 9 x 5 = 405 / 1995 - 405 = 1590
A=6, B=12, C=18, D=24, . . . . Z=156
Ivan Panin proved that the 70 weeks of years began 3516 yrs from
Adam's creation!
Digit # 3516 of Pi, is the 1 in the first visible occurrence of the
number 516
3516 + 516 = 4032 the year of the cross from Adam.
483{69x7) + 33 = 516
The final 70th week begins before and very near the end of the
final generation,
and that generation began 1947/48,
Digit # 3516 + 1947 + 2021 digits = digit # 7484
Digit # 7484 is where 2368 completes its first occurrence in the
digits of Pi.
The first visible occurrence of the number 7484 and 74844 is
followed by the first occurrence of, 23608
05-18-2021, 12:34 AM
7777 + 777 = 8554
Digit # 8554 is the 8 in the first visible occurrence of 483
*294 + *483 = 777
798 - 504 = *294
987 - 504 = *483
1995 - 405 = 1590
*294 + *483 + 1590 = 2367 {post # 370
2368 completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 7484
7483 + *294 = 7777
3516 + 1947 + 2021 = 7484 ( + 1071 = 8555
3516 + 1948 + 2020 = 7484 ( + 1071 = 8555
# of verses in Rev. 404 >666< 1071 # of verses in Matthew
05-19-2021, 12:00 AM
Digit # 1590 + 666 + 3213 digits = digit # 5469 {post # 365
The first 5469 digits of Pi end with the completion
of the first visible occurrence of these 4 digits, 4870
3.(14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5469 digits . . . . . . . . 4870)
God knows that i know the connection between 666 and 3213
because he's the one who showed it to me!
3.(14 . . . . . . . . 4870 digits . . . . . . . . 7515906)
05-24-2021, 05:28 PM
666 + 216 = 882
707 separates the number 882 from the number 1590
707 begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 754 {Hebrew sum of Jesus Christ)
and completes at digit # 756{my name consists of 7, 5, and 6 letters)
1995 completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 707 of Pi
First visible occurrence of 987 and 1590,
3.14 . . . . . . . 98(7 . . . . . . . 2368 + 987 digits . . . . . . . . 1)590
882 + 708 = 1590 ( + 778 = 2368
708 begins its first visible occurrence right after the fifth visible occurrence of 778,
05-25-2021, 09:14 PM
541 days after The Revelation 12 Sign God showed me these things,
Israel = 541 in Hebrew
May Fourteenth Two Thousand Eighteen = 2424
The first visible occurrence of 2424 is followed by
the first visible occurrence of 541 which is connected
to the first visible occurrence of 1506,
That ^ string of numbers begin at digit # 1108
May 14 / 2018 + 541 days = Nov.7 / 2019
May 14 / 2018 + 907 days = Nov.7 / 2020
begins its first visible occurrence more than
17.5 million digits after the decimal point.
This is a first occurrence,
The leap year added a day to what would've been 906 days
Jesus Christ = 906 in English
907 begins its first visible occurrence right after digit # 541 of Pi.
Revelation 12 Sign, Sept.23 / 2017 + 1506 days = Nov.7 / 2021
"The Body of Jesus Christ" = 1506 ?? / a=6 b=12 c=18 . . . .Z=156
And again it was 541 days after The Rev.12 Sign that i was shown
these things!
Post #'s 275, 277, and 279
The year 2018 A.D. is 86{Elohim) groups of 70 years from Adam,
and the 70th Anniversary of the Reborn State of Israel.
541 + [541 + 1590] + 541 = 3213 {123 - 45 - 6 - 789)
Nov.7 / 1995 + 26 years = Nov.7 / 2021
The 25th and 26th visible occurrence of 26 are side by side,
The 26th 26 begins 1590 + 666 + 26 digits after the decimal point.
23 x 68 + 26 = 1590
15 x 90 + 1018 = 2368 { post # 359
05-27-2021, 11:44 AM
2282 + 86{Elohim/Hebrew) = 2368 {Jesus Christ/Greek)
Digit # 2282 + 86 digits = digit # 2368
Digit # 2282 is the 2 in the 26th visible occurrence 26
1590 + 666 + 26 = 2282
The number 27 appears first right after the first 27 digits of Pi.
Rev.13:18, Count 666
6 x 6 x 6 = 216
666 + 216 = 882
First visible occurrences of 882{starting at Digit # 372)
and 1590{completing at digit # 4869),
3.14 . . . . . .(882 . . . . .1590 + 1318 + 1590 digits. . . . . . 1590)
Digit # 372 + 1590 digits = digit # 1962
I was born a few hours after the completion of 1962
05-28-2021, 08:37 PM
666 + 216 = 882
Digit # 373 {the second 8 in the first visible occurrence of 882)
1995 digits
= digit # 2368
1963 + 1995 = [ 1590 + 2368 ]
post # 366{1995)
05-30-2021, 11:29 AM
1995 completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 707
707 >666 + 216< 1590
798 . 987 . 1995 {post # 370
The last 3 digits of the first 2256{1590 +666) digits of Pi, are 987.
The first visible occurrence of 2256 is connected with the 11th
visible occurrence of 882{666 + 216),
Twenty Twenty One =[666 + 156 + 666]
3.14 . . . . . 156(. . . . . . . 2021 digits . . . . . . )2021
3.(14 . . .156 + 2021 +156 +2021 digits . . . . .2021)
A=6 B=12 C=18 . . . . Z=156 / GOD =156
November Seventh Twenty Twenty One = 2610
The first visible occurrence of 2610 is right before
the third visible occurrence of 1995
05-30-2021, 11:40 AM
November Seventh Two Thousand Twenty One = 2928
First visible occurrence of 2928,
3.(14 . . . . . 86 + 2368 + 666 + 216 digits . . . . . . 2928)
Jewish Nationalist's began to restore the State of ISRAEL in 1917
1917 completes its first visible occurrence right at digit # 1947....right before digit # 1948
1947 begins its first visible occurrence right after digit # 2053
1918 is the first full year trying to restore the State of Israel
1949 is their first full year as The Reborn State of Israel.
The second visible occurrence of 1949 completes at digit # 1918
The first visible occurrence of 2053 and the first visible occurrence of 1918
are flanking the first visible occurrence of the English sum of , Nov.7th 2021 ??
Those two numbers that have that connection with first visible occurrence of 1947,
digit #'s 1947 and 1948, and digit #'s 2053 and 1918, appearing so close together,
were separated, by The Creator, with these 4 digits,
See post # 360
06-01-2021, 01:53 PM
Twenty Twenty One = [666 +156 + 666] {1488
1488 begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 19467
and completes at digit # 19470
06-02-2021, 06:15 PM
The first visible occurrence of 2021,
and the first visible occurrence of 2368
have 3128 digits connecting them,
3.14 . . . . . . . . 202(1 . . . . . . . 3128 digits . . . . . . .2)368
1107 + 2021 = 3128
2021 begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 4351 of Pi
My name, 1590, completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 4869
26 digits{post #'s 375, 376) separate digit # 4869 from the first visible
occurrence of 4351 which begins right after digit # 4895
Counting the first visible occurrence of my name, 1590, as the first 4 of 666 digits{450+216),
the 450th digit lands on the 8 in the first visible occurrence of 1318 {Rev.13:18),
so the last 4 digits of those 450 are, 1318.
The last 4 digits of the next 216 digits are, 3278.
3.14 . . . . .(1590 . . . . 450 digits . . . . .1318)(. . . . . 216 digits . . . . 3278)
1590 + 3278 = 4868, which is "in" the number 4869.
My name completes at digit # 4869
Counting 1590 as the first 4 digits of 666 + 216 digits, the 216 digits end
with these 4 digits, 1470{1st occurrence).
1590 + 1470 = 3060
2368 + 666 + 26 = 3060
Now let's take a look at digit # 3060
Digit # 3060 - 778 digits = digit # 2282{1590 + 666 + 26 )
778 completes its 5th visible occurrence at digit # 3059
Digit # 2282 is the digit # where 26 begins its 26th visible occurrence.
The 25th and 26th visible occurrence of 26 are side by side,
3.14 . . . . . . . 262(6 . . . . . . . 778 digits . . . . . .}digit # 3060
Counting the first visible occurrence of my name as the first 4 digits
of 778 digits, the last 3 digits of the 778 digits are, 778
1590 + 778 = 2368
The 5th visible occurrence of 778 begins at digit # 3057
The number 3057 completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 405 of Pi,
1 x 9 x 9 x 5 = 405 / 1995 -405 = 1590
1963 + 1995 = 1590 + 2368
06-04-2021, 06:05 PM
2368{JC) begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 7481
and completes at digit # 7484
The first visible occurrence of 7484 is in this string of digits,
That's also the first visible occurrence of 23608
The 3 in that string is digit # 8658{position 8660 including 3 and decimal point)
which is the sum of the word's in Ivan Panin's N.T. translation of Rev.13:18 based
on bible numeric's, and he claimed it to be the most accurate English translation.
Here is the wisdom, who hath understanding, let him count the number
of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is Six hundred sixty six
Here is the wisdom, who has understanding, let him count the number
of the beast, it is the number of a man, his number is Six hundred sixty six
= 8256
The first 8256 digits of pi are followed by the second visible occurrence of 7481
I took my name, 1590, and my wife's maiden name, 918, from 8256,
8256 - [1590 + 918] = 5748
So i looked for the first visible occurrence of 5748 in Pi,
and found it starting at digit # 8256 of Pi.
Last year i looked for the first visible occurrence of 918 in Pi,
and found it starting at digit # 2219 flanked with 559,
I counted the digits after the completion of the first visible
occurrence of 86{Elohim) to the last digit of the second 559
flanking 918,
3.14 . . . . . 86(. . . . . . 1590 + 559 digits . . . . . 559918559)
Digit # 2218 + 156{God) + 906{Jesus Christ) + 1590 digits = digit # 4870
Here's the first occurrence of my name 1590 that consists of 7,5,and 6 letters,
this string of digits completes at digit # 4870
The first occurrence of my name starts right after digit # 4865,
Digit # 4865 + 666 + 216 digits{post # 381) = digit # 5747
06-06-2021, 11:18 PM
My wife's maiden name = 918, it's first occurrence begin's at digit # 2219 of Pi.
Her married name = 1092, it's first occurrence begins at digit # 9918
3.14 . . . . . . . . . (559918559 . . . . . . . . . . 7707 digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1092)
3.14 . . . . . . . . . 5(59918559 . . . 2368 + 1590 + 1380 + 2368 digits . . . . 1092)
My Son's name = 1380
The Greek letters spelling "Jesus Christ" = 2368
3.14 . . . . . . . 86( . . . . . . 1590 + 559 digits . . . . . . 559918559)
06-07-2021, 11:36 PM
Correction, my wife's married name, 1092, begins its first
visible occurrence "right after", not at, digit # 9918
and the first visible occurrence of 9918 is connected
to the first visible occurrence of my wife's maiden name, 918
778 + 1590 = 2368
In Pi the first visible occurrence of number 778 is separated from
the first visible occurrence of 2368, by 4866 and 1991 digits.
From the completion of the first visible occurrence of 778 to the
completion of this string of digits which contain the first visible
occurrence of my name, 1590,
7515906){the 6 is digit # 4870),
is 4866 + 1995, or, 4870 + 1991 digits
I was shown the connection between Enoch's 987 and the number
1995{post # 365) on the 86th day of 1991.
1590 and 2368 are separated by 777
In Pi the first visible occurrence of 1590 and the first visible occurrence
of 2368 are separated by 2611 digits, which is 1590 digits paired with
1021 digits.
The first 1021 digits of Pi end with these 4 digits,
which is the first visible occurrence of the Greek sum of the name of
"Jesus Christ" in reverse.
Digit # 1590 of Pi, is the middle 7 in the first visible occurrence of 777
The first 777 digits of Pi end with the first visible occurrence of this 4 digit number,
8049 {digit # 774 to digit # 777)
Digit # 1590 + 4869 + 1590 digits = digit # 8049
The first visible occurrence of 1590 completes at digit # 4869 of Pi
06-09-2021, 01:52 PM
Correction again, second segment of my previous post, my apologies!
The 4866 + 1995, or, 4870 + 1991 digits after the first visible occurrence
of 778 completing at digit # 623, brings us to digit # 7484 (not digit # 4870).
2368 completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 7484
3.14 . . . . . 778(. . . . . . . . 4866 + 1995 digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2368)
3.14 . . . . .(778 . . . . . . . . 4869 + 1995 digits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2368)
778 + 1590 = 2368
1 x 9 x 9 x 5 = 405 / 1995 - 405 = 1590
From the completion of the first visible occurrence of 778 at digit # 623,
to digit # 4870, is, 1590 + 666 + 1991 digits,
3.14 . . . . . 778(. . . . . 1991 + 1590 + 666 digits . . . . . 7515906)
75(15906) covers digit # 4866 to digit # 4870
My name, 1590, consisting of 7, 5, and 6 letters completes at digit # 4869
I was born Jan.1st 1963, and in 1991 i was waiting for 11/7/1995 after
being led by The Lord to see the unique connection between 987 and 1995.
1963 + 1995 = 1590 + 2368
1995, post #'s 331, 349, 358, 365, 366, 370
The Rev.12{Bible chapter 1179) Sign took place on 9/23/2017
and it represented the very soon Rapture!
The King planet Jupiter was moving around in the stomach area of the
constellation Virgo for 266 days before exiting from between her leg's.
The virgin Mary gave birth to the Messiah,Prince,and King, and that body
was tortured mutilated and nailed to a cross, but christian's are
the members of his new body, and Christ, the head of this new body
will not allow his Bride who is to become one with him, which is what
the union between a man and woman represents here on earth, the
two become one flesh, be subjected to the brutality he allowed
Satan to inflict on his first body, which he allowed in order to save his Bride!
9/23/2017 + 1506 days = 11/07/2021
1506{post # 375)
"The Body of Jesus Christ" = 1506 { A=6 B=12 C=18....Z=156)
"September Twenty Third Two Thousand Seventeen"
= [ 9 + 23 + 2017 + 1179 ]
Think about it,...why would the most loving Groom of all, set up a
gauntlet of abuse for his precious Bride to pass through as she makes her way
to meet him at the altar?
The number's 344 and 987{Enoch) make their first visible occurrence right after
the first 1506 digits of Pi.
The number 153 {post # 368) begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 344
7 x 7 x 7 = 343
06-11-2021, 10:43 AM
I was born Jan.1st / 1963 {Nineteen Sixty Three = *1434)
The sum of my full name = 1590
My name consists of 7, 5, and 6 letters.
My name's first occurrence is in the number 756
and completes at digit # 4870,
7515906{ 4870 digits
My last name has a sum of 546
and the number 4870 first visibly occurs starting right
after digit # 5465 at digit # 5466
The first visible occurrence of 5465 is immediately
followed by the fifth visible occurrence of 1963.
The first visible occurrence of 5466 is connected
to the first visible occurrence of 666, which completes
at digit # 2442,
Digit # 2442 + 1590 + *1434 digits = digit # 5466
1 x 9 x 9 x 5 = 405 / 1995 - 405 = 1590 {post #'s 365, 370
The first visible occurrence of 405 completes at digit # 597
Digit # 597 + 4869 digits = digit # 5466
06-13-2021, 09:55 PM
1 + 2 + 3 . . . + 36 = 666
702 {36 + 666) completes its first visible occurrence
at digit # 546 of Pi.
Digit # 546 + 156 digits = digit # 702
First visible occurrence of the Hebrew year 5782
which begin's Sept.7th 2021,
3.(14 . . . . . . 1590 + 2021 + 1590 digits . . . . . .)5782
The first 5 digits of Pi are 14159
I found the first visible occurrence of 5781 right after the
second visible occurrence of 14159,
06-14-2021, 10:08 PM
Revelation 13:18 gives instructions to count 666
1318 + 36 + 666 = 2020
We're "in" the year 2021 in mans timeline God had
us keep, and approximately year 2024 completed in
God's accurate timeline.
Digit # 344 + 2024 digits = digit # 2368
Digit # 343 + 2025 digits = digit # 2368
The number 153{post # 368) begins its first visible
occurrence at digit # 344
The first visible, "calculated", occurrence of 153 and digit # 2368 {J.C./Greek)
are separated with 2021 digits or 2022 from the completion
of 153 to digit # 2368
God = 156 {A=6 B=12 C=18 . . . Z=156
The first visible occurrence of 156 is separated from the
first visible occurrence of 2021, by God, with 2021 digits.
The first visible occurrence of 2021 completes this many digits after
the decimal point,
156 + 2021 + 156 + 2021
798 + 987 + 1995 = 3780
"First Thessalonians chapter Four verse Seventeen" = 3222
The first visible occurrence's of 3222 and 2368 are
separated with 4044 digits.
The first visible occurrence of 4044 is followed by the first
visible occurrence of 3780,
86 + 2368 + 1590 = 4044
The sum of my Wifes maiden name makes an occurrence
right before the first occurrence of 4044,
"The Pi-Search Page"
06-17-2021, 01:05 PM
918 + 3126 = 4044 / 4044 - 3780 = 264
3126 + 264 = [ 918 + 1590 + 666 + 216 ]
15 x 90 + 1018 = 2368 {Jesus Christ/Greek)
Digit # 1018 is where the first visible occurrence of 8632< begins
23 x 68 + 26 = 1590
86 + 1590 + 666 + 26 = 2368
The 25th and 26th visible occurrence of 26 in Pi, occur side by side,
The first visible occurrence of 27 is right after digit # 27 of Pi.
1590 + 666 digits after the completion of the first
27 digits of Pi, is the completion of the 26th visible
occurrence of 26.
The 2 in the 26th visible occurrence of 26 is digit # 2282.
Digit # 1590 + 666 + 26 digits = digit # 2282
Digit # 2282 + 86 digits = digit # 2368
1995 + 26 = 2021
1590 - [26 x 26] = [ 26 + 888 {Jesus/Greek)]
2368 - [26 x 26] = [26 + 1666]
Sometime closer to the end of this year, 2021, it will be 1995 years
since Jesus was baptized, began his ministry, and established his Church.
I can't help but wonder, and hope, if at the beginning of 1996 as i was dealing with the
disappointment of no Rapture in 1995, God was thinking to himself,
"You have 26 years left"
In Pi 2368 completes its first visible occurrence right at digit # 7484
3.(14 . . . . . . 7484 digits . . . . . . . 2368)
The number 7484 begins its first visible occurrence right after digit # 8651
and this is what follows,
3.(14 . . . . . . . . . . . 8651 digits . . . . . . . . . . . .)748442360800
06-18-2021, 11:15 PM
The number 2626 completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 2283
Digit # 343 + 2283 digits = digit # 2626
The number 153 begins its first visible occurrence right after digit # 343
The number 343 begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 666
17 x 153 + 26 digits = digit # 2627
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 . . . . + 17 = 153
The first visible occurrence of the number 153 is preceded by the fifth
occurrence of the number 17,
26 + 101 + 26 = 153
26 x 101 = 2626
26 + 26 + 26 digits after the first visible occurrence of
86{Elohim/Hebrew), is digit # 153 of Pi.
There's a striking connection between 2626 and 153!
153, bottom segment of post # 368
06-20-2021, 11:00 PM
1234567890 divided by 2021, leaves a remainder of 1641
1641 begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 1422{756 + 666)
Digit # 1422 + 1506{"The body of Jesus Christ") + 1422 digits = digit # 4350
2021 makes its first visible occurrence right after digit # 4350
Digit # 1422 + 2928 digits = digit # 4350
"November Seventh Two Thousand Twenty One" = 2928
Digit # 1422 + 2021 + 1422 digits = digit # 4865
1590 makes its first occurrence starting at digit # 4866
06-22-2021, 11:38 AM
In the year 1995, is 1994 completed.
1318 + [ 26 x 26 ] = 1994
26 years later
in the year 2021, is 2020 completed.
1318 + [ 26 x 26 ] + 26 = 2020
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 . . . + 36 = 666
1318 + 36 + 666 = 2020
1948 + 36 = [ 1318 + 666 ] + 36 = 2020
666 + 26 + [ 86{Elohim) x 26 ] = 2928
Digit # 1422 + 1506{The body of Jesus Christ) digits = digit # 2928
Equadistant Letter Sequences code's,
Exodus 19:17 in Hebrew, starting at the 5th letter of the 9th word
every 26th letter, 4 times, spell the word "CODE"
1917 + 26 + 26 + 26 + 26 = 2021
The first visible occurrence of 1917 occurs right before digit # 1948 of Pi
The words "Rapture" and "Bride" are also encoded 4 times in Exodus 19:16 - 20
26, see post #'s 375, 376, 389, 390
06-23-2021, 10:19 PM
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 . . . . + 17 = 153
The number 17 precedes the first visible occurrence of the number 153,
3.14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17153
9 x 17 = 153, and 917 precedes the first visible occurrence of the number 153,
3.14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917153
153 + 153 + 153 + 153 + 153 + ....152 = 917
17 x 153 + 26 digits = digit # 2627 of Pi
The number 153 first occurs starting right after digit # 343, at digit # 344
3.(14 . . . . 343 digits . . . . . . 917)153
The number 343 begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 666 of Pi
The number 344 begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 216 of Pi
153 completes its first occurrence at digit # 346
346 + 1590 + 346 digits after the decimal point is digit # 2282
The second 2 in the first visible occurrence of 2626 is digit # 2282 of Pi
1590 + 666 + 26 digits after the decimal point is digit # 2282
So The Lord definitely intended for me to discover the connection
between 153 and 2626.
23 x 68 + 26 = 1590
15 x 90 + 1018 = 2368
The reverse of 2368, 8632 occurs first starting at digit # 1018 of Pi.
26 occurs first right in here,
The second occurrence of 14159 is followed by the present Hebrew year 5781,
5781 - 2653 = [ 1107 + 2021 ]
5782 beginning Sept.7th 2021, occurs first this many digits after the decimal point,
1590 + 2021
1995 + 26 = 2021
Edited 6/24/2021,
If there's only a few thing's in everthing i've written, that you want to understand,
please make sure it's whats written in this post, these 4 other post's, these 3 numbers 798 987 1995, and understand
that i{1590) have been claiming that Jesus Christ for the last 30 years(he began in the darkest time in my journey as a christian)
has been communicating with me with mathematics, and its intensified and come into focus these last 2 years
what he's been leading me to see!
153, 26, post #'s 368, 388, 390, 394
06-24-2021, 10:17 AM
Correction in the previous post, the Hebrew year 5782 occurs
1590 + 2021 + 1590 digits after the decimal point.
It hit me like a ton of bricks today, 6/24/2021,
so i looked to see how many digits the first occurrence's of
numbers 624 and 2021 cover,
(624 . . . . . . . . . 1590 + 666 + 2021 digits . . . . . . . . . 2021)
June Twenty Fourth Two Thousand Twenty One = 3276
The first visible occurrence of 3276 and the first visible occurrence of 1590,
are separated by 156{God) digits + 911 digits
My name, 1590, begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 4866
Digit # 4866 - 1590 digits = digit # 3276
Digit # 2368 + 1590 + 911 digits = digit # 4869
The Lord is making it all very clear to me now!
The last 4 digits of the first 3276 digits of Pi are 9515
So i started with digit # 9515 of Pi, and went backwards 3276 + 2368 + 1590 digits,
and it put me right at digit # 2281 which is right in the middle of the first
visible occurrence of the number 26|26 which is the 25th and 26th visible occurrence
of the number 26.
Digit # 4866 + 2368 + 2281 digits = digit # 9515 of Pi.
06-25-2021, 04:50 PM
Number 2626 completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 2283 of Pi
The Hebrew year 5782 begins its first visible occurrence
right after digit # 5201 of Pi
Digit # 2283 of Pi + 5201 digits = digit # 7484 of Pi
The Greek sum of "JESUS CHRIST" (2368) completes its
first visible occurrence at digit # 7484 of Pi
This is what follows the first visible occurrence 7484 which
begins at digit # 8652 of Pi,
Number 153 begins its first visible occurrence right after digit # 343 of Pi
Digit # 343 of Pi + 2283 digits = digit # 2626 of Pi
These 2 verses, Deuteronomy 39:28-29, are verse's 5781 and 5782 of The Bible,
5781} For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any understanding in them.
5782} O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their "latter end"!
06-26-2021, 01:49 PM
I made a mistake in that last post, my apologies,
Deuteronomy 32:22 is verse # 5781 {The Hebrew year now almost completed),
7 verses later,
Deuteronomy 32(not 39):29 is verse # 5788
O that they were wise, that they understood this,
that they would consider....their "latter end"!
If the 7 years of Tribulation begin this year, 5781(year 5782 begins 09/07/21),
then they would end in the Hebrew year 5788
"In" the year 2021, + 7 years, is "in" the year 2028
The Code = 360 {A=6 B=12 C=18 . . . Z=156
1 + 2 + 3 . . . . + 17 = 153
153 first occurs right after digit # 343
preceded by an occurrence of 17,
and the first occurrence of 917,
9 x 17 = 153
Digit # 17 + 343 digits = digit # 360
The last 3 digits of the first 360 digits of Pi are 3, 6, and 0
06-27-2021, 03:17 PM
5709 {1948) + 73 years = 5782 {starting Sept.7 2021)
Elohim = 86 in Hebrew
Elohim placed the first visible occurrence of 86 right after digit # 73 of Pi.
5709 begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 2028 of Pi.
So the Hebrew year at the time of the Rebirth of Israel, 5709, is found starting
at digit # 2028 of Pi, hinting strongly of the end of the final generation
that begin's in 1948, and Israel's "latter end" {end of 70th week) sometime after 2027
is completed, which is in the Hebrew year 5788.
Year 5708 completed + 80 years = year 5788 completed
Year 5781 is completed before the end of 2021, 7 years later, 5788 is completing.
The first visible occurrence of 153 and digit # 2368(J.C./Greek) have 2021 digits
standing between them.
3.14 . . . . . . . . 153( . . . . . . 2021 digits . . . . . . . *{digit # 2367
Hebrew year 5707 occurs first at digit # 26429 of Pi
Hebrew year 5708 occurs first at digit # 11462 of Pi
Hebrew year 5710 occurs first at digit # 10777 of Pi
Hebrew year 5709 occurs first at digit # 2028 of Pi
This is what we see at the first visible occurrence of the number 2028 which
begins at digit # 29958 of Pi,
The reverse of 2368{J.C. / Grk. sum) makes an occurrence right before 2028
06-29-2021, 12:37 PM
The struggle to restore the State of Israel ran from 1917 to Nov.1947 / May 14 1948
1917 completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 1947, right before digit # 1948
1948, Hebrew year 5708 ends + 80 yrs = Hebrew year 5788, ending in 2028
The number 5709 begins its first occurrence at digit # 2028 of Pi.
Bible verse's # 5787 and # 5788 are Deuteronomy 32:28, 29
28. "For they are a nation without counsel, neither is there any understanding in them"
29. "O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider...."their latter end"!
1 + 2 + 3 . . . + 36 = 666
1948 + 36 = [ 1,3:18 + 666 ] + 36 = 2020 | 2021 + 36 = 2057
The first visible occurrence of 1947 completes at digit # 2057 of Pi.
The Hebrew year for 1995 was 5756, here's its first occurrence,
(3.1415926 . . . . . . . 666 + 1995 positions . . . . . .)5756
3.(1415926 . . . . . . . 666 + 1995 + digits . . . . . . . 57)56
06-30-2021, 11:20 PM
God(156) + Jesus Christ(906) + the sum of my full name(1590) = 2652*
I was born Jan.1st 1963, and on the 86th day of 1991 The Lord led me
to see the 666, 216, and 450 design in the number set, and, to discover
the unique connection between the number 1995 and Enoch's Rapture year, 987.
So i repeated the same procedure with 1995 that i did with 666,
1 x 9 x 9 x 5 = 405
1995 - 405 = 1590
and didn't realize i was looking at the sum of my name because
i knew nothing at the time about English gematria. (A=6 B=12 C=18 . . . Z=156)
2652* begins its first occurrence right after the first 1963 + 2021 digits of Pi.
1963 + 1995 = [1590 + 2368]
When i first discovered in the number set, 666 - 216 = 450, and
discovered 1995, it was a few months into Hebrew year 5752,
5752 {1991) completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 477
Digit # 477 + 1995 digits = digit # [1590 + 666 + 216]
Digit # 477 + 2368 + 2021 digits = digit # 4866
Digit # 477 + 2368 + 1991 + 30{yrs) digits = digit # 4866
1590 begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 4866 of Pi.
07-02-2021, 12:27 AM
0101 begins its first visible occurrence at digit # 2562 of Pi
156{God) + 2406 = 2562
156 + January First Nineteen Sixty Three = 2562
January First + 1590 = 2562
156 + Nineteen Sixty Three{1434) = 1590
My name, 1590, consists of 7, 5, and 6 letters.
756 represent's = 1590
Count the number of the beast = 1680 (+ 666 = 2346
1590 + 756 = 2346
This is what we see at the first visible occurrence of 1590,
7515906{The 6 is digit # 4870 of Pi)
405{1x9x9x5) completes its first visible occurrence at digit # 597 of Pi
Digit # 597 + 4869 digits = digit # 5466, my last name = 546
The number that begins its first occurrence at digit # 5466
is 4870
The number 5466 makes its first visible occurrence in Pi connected to
the first visible occurrence of the number 666 which completes at digit # 2442 of Pi,
Digit # 2442 + 1590 + Nineteen Sixty Three{1434) digits = digit # 5466
One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Three = 2430
When counting the first occurrence of 666 as being the first 3 digits of 2430 digits,
the 2430 digits will finish on digit # 4869 of Pi.
07-03-2021, 08:56 PM
God{156) + Jesus Christ{906) + 1590 = 2652
2652 begins its first visible occurrence, after this many digits of Pi,
3.(14 . . . . . 666 + 2652 + 666 digits . . . . .)(2652 . . . . 666 + 216 digits . . . . 1)590
3.(14 . . . . . . 1963 + 2021 digits . . . . . . . .)(2652 . . . . 666 + 216 digits . . . . 1)590
3.(14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2652(. . . . 666 + 216 digits . . .7515906)
156 + 906 + 1590 + 666 + 216 = 3534
The first visible occurrence of the number 3534 begins at digit # 2368{J.C./Greek) of Pi.
666 + 3534 + 666 digits after the decimal point 1590 begins its first visible occurrence.
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