04-20-2019, 05:43 AM
I have been watching some of Tovia Singer's videos on why Christians are wrong to worship Jesus as God. In one of them, he challenges anyone to show him one verse in the Tanakh that says the Messiah will be God. Of course he knows that there are no explicit examples, and that he can simply dismiss any passages that hint at the deity of Christ. There are many passages that do this. Too many to ignore if you ask me. A day or two after watching these videos, I came across one I had never noticed before. I was reading Psalm 2 in Hebrew and when I got to v.12 I realized that it contains a hint at the deity of the Messiah that isn't obvious in a translation. Verse 12 pronounces a blessing on all who "trust in the Son". The words "trust in" are translated from the Hebrew words "Kho-say Voh". The "kho-say" is used many times in scripture, and nearly always refers to trusting and waiting in faith for help from God. The only exceptions are the first two instances of its usage, Deuteronomy 32:37, and Judges 9:15, neither of which can be considered examples worthy of following. So according to Tovia Singer, in Psalm 2:12 we have the only instance in the Hebrew bible where men are blessed for trusting in another man, when in the 34 other instances of a "positive" usage of the word it is always speaking of trusting in God. I'm sure Mr. Singer would respond that the Son, while not being God Himself, was "adopted" and commissioned directly by God (v.6-9) so this is why it is okay (and safe) to "kho-say" in a man the same way we "kho-say" in God. I would say that God must have really done a lot of transforming of that man for it to be considered safe to put that kind of trust in him. It also puts a huge potential stumbling block in front of a man to have people trusting him the same way they trust God.