Rennie Helder
02-26-2018, 06:38 PM
Bible number meanings 1-101 + revelation of the elect bride. Number meanings apply to scripture and Strong's Concordance Hebrew numbers. Enjoy and share, if led. God bless everyone.
HEBREW Strong's only; but, number meanings apply to the NT scriptures as well as the Old Testament.
Explaining "reflections" this way...
Chet, Vav and Reish in "Chur" (Hur, as in the movie, "Ben Hur") are the same three letters in "Ruach", meaning "spirit". You may have heard of the Ruwach ha Chodesh (holy spirit).
Well, dig... this! Chur means "hole". Ben Hur is "son of (the) hole". The bride becomes lowly in this world, going down such that she becomes a well-spring; (John 7:38) living waters flowing from our bellies, "covering" others who did not call upon the name of the Lord to be saved... Our "wells" will counter the coming "dryness" (desolation). It is a mystery of the "elect" bride of Christ. (Luke 3:6, Isa 49:21, Oba 21, Isa 54:1, Isa 54:7,11, Isa 59:19, Rev 12:11).
Please watch Ben Hur again with this understanding. 41 means "glory of God"... Charlton Heston became prisoner 41? Yes, a prisoner (the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord;.. many shall be purified and made white Dan 12:10)
Not everyone is "chosen". "Many are called, few are chosen"..This is a "mystery" of the elect bride with the "hour of trial" coming upon the whole world.
חור Chur. 214 רוח Ruwach. 214
Example: Strong's #5975 ARISE............ (59-Havilah, 75-Priest) (in Est. 4:14)
................Strong's #3259 LET US MEET (32-Heart, 59-Havilah) (in Neh. 6:10)
If you invert #5975 to #7559 you have, TO INSCRIBE, NOTE (our testimonies, Rev 12:11, 2Thes 2:8) see 66
If you invert #3259 to #5932 you have, OF INIQUITY (bride's sacrifice, Isa 54:7, 11)
(Moses was raised in "Egypt" "Sodom")
In Job 38:32
Mazzaroth and Arcturus are the elect bride: #4216 Mazzaroth (distinction, Zodiac) reflects #1642 Gerar "lodging place" (elect bride hosting the holy spirit, Ps 18:11)
#5906 Arcturus (Great Bear constellation -- of migration) reflects #0659 epha "of nought" (bride carrying her cross)
(Gematria: Zeph 3:9)
Mazzaroth =252 (25 shall be, 52 son)
Arcturus = 386 (38 uncover, 86 Elohiym)
Gerar = 403 (40"robbed" 03"come to Father")
epha = 151 (15 YAH, 51 Raw -- "multitude")
(151 and the kings, 151 multitudes)
#4216 (42 Troubled, 16 Look, with you)
#5906 (59 Havilah, 06 man)
Job 38:32 (38 uncover, 32 heart)
Strong's #1070 is "YOUNG CAMEL" (3rd Hebrew letter, like the MINISTERS lifting, carrying others) see 636
Invert #1070 to Strong's #7010, DECREE, STATUTE (again refering to a STANDARD being raised against the enemy and overcoming him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies, Rev. 12:11, Isaiah 59:19, 2Thes 2:8)
The Spice of the Torah by Gutman Locks
Bible number meanings 1-101 for your enjoyment. A way of rightly dividing the word. Check the "gematria" box at
Rennie List:
1. YHWH, (God). 11. Hid, woe (see 111, 1111)
Rev 3:12 "pillars in the temple" see 32, 444
1st letter, Aleph; head, Ox, strength 1 א
2. House, choice (which head)
2nd. letter, Beit, 2 ב
3. Come to ABBA (Father, Son, Holy-spirit)
3rd letter, Gimel, Ministers;
the "Camel" lifting, carrying. 3 ג
4. Jesus' return to earth -- 4
(Bride -- 4, thru the "Door", from "3 to 4")
Strong's #3478 Israel (and from "7 to 8")
4th letter, Dalet (Door) 4 ד
5. Grace (Isaiah 53)
5th letter Hei in YHWH 5 ה
6. Man (conjunction, vessel)
vav--vav spells "hook" in Hebrew, 6+6=12
Mal 3:1, 1Cor 6:20 (see 62)
6th letter, Vav 6 ו
7. Rest, dwell (7 to 8) sustenance, warfare
Strong's #3478 Israel
7th letter, Zayin 7 ז
8. Eternal (see 395, 888)
8th letter, Chet 8 ח
9. Coming forth, new beginning (19, 29, 39)
9th letter, Tes 9 ט
10. Separate, alone (law, standard) see 100
10th letter, Yud. God's place, omnipresence. 10 י
11. Hid, woe (hidden with God) see 83, 44
11th letter, Kaf (value 20, "earthly headship") the "closed palm" (כ 20 (כף
12. Learn, teach (see 74) 21. vision
12th letter, Lamed 30 ל - (reaching higher)
13. Jesus, (echad ONE, 4+8+1,אחד ) Fountain of Living Water (Jer 2:13, 17:13, ICor 13, Isa 13)
13th Hebrew letter is Mem, water 40 מ
14. Hand (of God) beloved, "open-hand" "yad", gold. (Gen 2:11, Pro 25:11)
14th letter, Nun (those in need of an "open hand") 50 נ
15. YAH (a name of God) 5x3 Isaiah 53.
15th letter, Samech 60 ס (see 360)
16. Look, with you. 61. captive, prisoner
16th letter, Ayin 70 ע (see 370)
17. Sacrifice, good. 71. fill, fulfill, lift
17th letter, Pei, Fei (mouth, preach) 80 פ
(see 117, 711)
18. Living, lives, sin. 81. Anokiy (a name of God) 18th letter, Tzaddi (attaining righteousness) 90 צ
19. Begin, nation, slaughter. 91. Messenger, Angel 19 letter, Kuf (standard) 100 ק
20. Desert, wilderness, dry, desolate. 20th letter, Reish (earthly leadership; good or bad). 200 ר
21. Vision (3 to 4). 12. Learn, teach
(see 121, 212) 21st letter, Shin (which head? cross-section of the heart and the shape of Jerusalem, looking down from above) 300 ש
22. Hooks, grace, the cross, end cycle (the LAST 22nd Hebrew letter is, Tav. "Aleph and Tav" Jesus) "22" looks like hooks... for catching "fish" (the unsaved, lost souls). 400 ת
23. Rest (Psalm 23). 32. heart
24. Elders (God's hands). 42. troubled
25. Be (shall be). 52. son
26. YHWH. 62. between (Yud10,Hei5,Vav6,Hei5)
26/2=13 Abiy, "my Father" (1+2+10) אבי
27. Pure. 72. went (crossing-over, cloud)
28. Mire, mud. 82. serve, whiten
29. Planted, placed. 92. wash, splendid, weaver
30. Praised (shall be praised) "praise the Lord thru the storm" See Jer 30:6,7 "Jacob's trouble" (see 36 and 37)
31. El (unto you) a name of God
32. Heart. 23. rest
33. as One
34. To Redeem. 43. Sick, multitude
(Zech 3:4 Joshua, Sol 5:10 "ruddy". Gen 49:12)
(17 + 17 = 34, see 304)
35. Lifetime. 53. blot-out (Isa 53)
36. To Shine (is) not? 63. of One, Prophet
37. Breach. 73. trust
38. Uncover. 83. hidden
39. Coming forth. 93. strange-work, threshing-place (13+26=39)
40. Destroy, has robbed
41. Hand of, Glory of God. 14. open-hand, beloved (Ben Hur, "prisoner 41")
42. Troubled (My heart) 24. elders
43. Sick, multitude 34. to redeem
44. Flame, end, travail
45. Mankind, Adam. 54. at the hand, tribe of God (Isa 54:1, 7, 11)(Isa 49:21)
46. Elohe (a name of God). 64. judgement
47. YHWH. 74. learn, teach
48. Increase,nations. 84.knowledge, profane
Abram=243 +5(grace)=Abraham, 248
49. Beautiful, Complete. 94. vanity
50. Unclean, noise
51. Raw, separated, consuming. 15. Yah (a name of God) 5x3 (Isa 53)
52. Son. 25. be. (Billy Graham passed on the 52nd day of the year at 99 -"assembled",bride.)
53. Blot-out 35. lifetime (Isaiah 53)
54. At-the-hand (of God) tribe, staff, rod (Isa 54) 45. mankind, new Adam, (a beginning)
55. To be moved, yoked (to YHWH, Abba, Father)
56. With the rod (of God) reaching-out.
65. Adonai (a name of God)
57. Altar. 75. priest
58. Grace, favor. 85. time-passing
59. Havilah, Eden, marriage, ring, circle.
95. ministering
60. Wandering, vessels, taxing, shall be as still
61. Captive, prisoner 16. Look, with you
(Isaiah 61)
62. Between. 26. YHWH
63. and-of-One, Prophet, lead. 36. to shine, (is) not?
64. Judgement. 46. Elohe (YHWH)
65. Adonai, master-of (a name of God)
56. with the rod
66. Spirited, a wheel rolling (Isa 66:8)
(Eze 1:16 "wheel within a wheel" -- (scroll within a scroll) 2Thes 2:8, Joe 2:5, Sol 6:13, Heb 12:29, Job 37:18, Rev 12:11, 2Cor 5:18, Sol 4:3, Isa 41:23, 44:26, Job 37:15,16 41:3,4 Ps 40:7 Joe 2:11, Sol 6:4, Gen 49:9,10
(יון JOHN, יון WINE both 10+6+50=66) John 1:23 "..the voice of one crying in the wilderness..." Gen 49:12, Sol 5:10, Sol 4:2 (teeth washed white)
*John -- Wine. *cast STONE -- sent SON. *white TEETH -- tried word that CUTS, divides. *JESUS donkey -- CARRY'S burden. *SINK lower -- WELL water to drink *white RUDDY -- pure while TRAMPING a way in the earth. *LEVIATHAN net-work -- BIG FISH fishing for men. *Hebrews' bruised HEELS -- Hebrews HEAL holder (Gen 12:1, Luke 23:26, Jer 30:6,7, Isa 6:8, 66:8) *TREE cut -- WOOD Carpenter (Potter and clay)
67. Restrained. 76. servant
68. Sent-sons, His. 86. Elohiym
Isaiah 6:8. (2 becoming 1)
68+68=136. (see 136)
69. Compasses, love. 96. darkness, murmuring
70. Recline, night
71. Fill, fulfill, lift. 17. sacrifice, good
72. Went, "crossing-over" (cloud) 27. pure, (sacrifice). Isaiah 7:2 " the trees of the wood are moved with the wind". Strong's #7272, feet. #7200, to see.
73. Trust. 37. breach (act of war)
74. Learn, teach (12th letter, Lamed) 47. YHWH
75. Priest. 57. altar
76. Servant. 67. restrained
77. Strength, You consecrate
78. His mercy. 87. found
79. Forsake, left. 97. iniquity, enemy
80. Heaven
81. Anokiy (a name of God) 18. living, lives, sin
82. Serve, whiten. 28. mire, mud
83. Hidden (Psalm 83:3) 38. Uncover
84. Knowledge, profane. 48. Increase, nations
85. Time-passing. 58. grace
86. Elohiym (2 becoming 1) 68. sent-sons, His (Ps 82:6) see 82
87. Found. 78. His mercy
88. Who? where... (Gen 27:33)
89. Complete, fruits. 98. Stars, army
90. King
91. Messenger, Angel. 19. begin, nation, slaughter
92. Wash, splendid, weaver. 29. planted, placed
93. Strange-work, threshing-place. 39. coming forth
94. Vanity. 49. beautiful, complete
95. Ministering. 59. Havilah, Eden, marriage (Gen 2:11) (95+95=190) see 190
96. Darkness, murmuring. 69. compasses, love
97. Iniquity, enemy. 79. forsake, left
98. Consuming-fire, stars. 89. complete, fruits
99. Assembled (bride of Christ). Billy Graham passed away at 99. (see 992)
100. toward vessels, (a standard, water)
Gen 49:10
101. commanded
111. wonders, measure, yoked together (learn, teach, head of family, thousands) Aleph, Ox, YHWH. see 1111, 444
121. of His vision (mouth-utter Job 15:5 wait-look Job 7:2) Gen 12:1. (see 212)
117. We are not, Gen 30:33. (see 333)
(we are not, the chief, harm, by strength)
136. After it's kind. 136+136=272 (see 272)
153. to touch, Passover (Lamb of God)
(Net, net-work) "fishers of men"
172. It's heel (in the cloud) (Gen. 3:15)
172 = as fullers'...(soap) (Malachi 3:2)
172 half part, shekel of the sanctuary,
172+172=344. see 34, 44
190. End (kuf100, zaddi90, "qetz") קץ
207. light. אור
210. longed, desires (to the mountain)
(pregnant, sword)
212. Wheel (Strong's #0212, Gen 2:12)
(to shine Ps 80:3, multiply Gen 1:22)
speech Ex 4:16, shoot-teach 1Sa 20:20,
word 2Sa 14:15, sword Ex 5:3, "unto.
Jacob" Gen 25:33)
see Eze 1
221. length. (Billy Graham passed on 2/21)
222. bless, blessing
248. Abraham (father of many nations)
248 + 248 = 496 (see 496) אברהם
271. conception, pregnant
272. Hebrew. 727. and your wife (Gen
273. Four, (your sojournings, their foot, moment, I will pass through. #3478 Israel (see 636, 772, 395)
304. Lazarus (as the bride, 4th day, 3 to 4)
(304+304=608, see 68 and 608)
311: called
312. dwell
333. darkness ("hidden" Jer. 33:3, Ps 18:11, 83:3)
338. Send (13?26=338) (3+3,8 -- 68) see 68
(Isa 6:8, 66:8)
360. Second, two, scarlet (Gen 1:8, 1:16, 38:28) שני. (Jos 2:21, Sol. 4:3)
Jos 2:21 "And she said, According unto your words, so be it. And she sent them away, and they departed: and she bound the scarlet line in the window."
Sol. 4:3 "Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely: thy temples are like a piece of pomegranate within thy locks.
370. as dust, (Salem, to count, ruler)
395. Eight, (the heavens, to make one wise)
#3478 Israel (see 39, 95)
411. Look within (the heart)
441. truth, "emet" אמת
444. sanctuary (human body as "temple") מקדש. "miqdash"
496. לויתן. Leviathan = (Abraham ? 2)
"and his testimonies"= 496
(Deu 6:17, 2Ki 17:15)
"and give"= 496, (Neh 4:4)
"and cover"= 496, (Deu 23:13)
Leviathan, a "big fish", catching more fish, cast abroad, weaving a net-work
(4-earth, and bride. 96-darkness, murmuring) refering to being hidden and testifying. Isa 59:19, Rev 12:11, Isa 59:19, Sol 4:3, Heb 12:29, Isa 41:14, Ps 83:3, Sol 6:4, Job 41
49-beautiful, 6-man
The "fire-breathing Chinese Dragon" must be a mockery of the bride's future "consuming-fire"..."Leviathan" (glorified)... (Ps 102:16, Mal 3:1, 4:2, Isa 60:1, Dan 12:3, Job 41:21, Ezekiel 1's "wheels" and the Joel 2 army) ...which takes back the earth, binding the enemy in hell. Amen. 496+496=992, see 992
511. Happy ("tops" "rosh" Israel)
555. the eagle (shine forth) "Christ" mentioned 555 times in NT
608. Station, it's half (you have sojourned, to multiply) see 68
611. girded (to bare)
636. Three, (to search out) see 36, 63, 273
666. advantage, hidden, "most high" ("666" is of the enemy, mocking the bride of Christ)
711. "falls", placed. (the bride as "water falling" for healing) Oba 21, Isa 49:21 (covering the desolation, dryness).
Strong's #5200 "dropping" (dew, moisture)
52 is Son (ben) בן
The Hebrews as a wandering "cloud" covering, "sacrificially" bruising heels, (Isa 54:7,11)
Zechariah 11:7 Beauty-Jesus, Bands-Bride: see 117 (bride--bands--cord--one accord)
"Hebrews" (sons) is the elect "bride" of Christ (men and women) "virgins" = undefiled with "doctrines of men"/last days church.
727. and your wife (Gen. 6:18) see 68
772. Seven, set in order, will return me
(#7597 Shieltiel, "I have asked of God")
see 77, 72
777. "Who is of God" Methuselah Gen 4:18
(Billy Graham is a type of "Methuselah")
811. rise, (to cover, increase) see 81
888. eternal path, (Jer 6:16) place of fire
...The poetry here is the Hebrews "bruising" their heels (Gen 3:15) sojourning, set-apart in the "wilderness" marks a path over time; similar to wildlife tramping a trail in a forest. A "trying" "heated" journey (a "burning bush") and once transformed, becoming the "consuming fire", in Ezekiel 1's "wheel within a wheel", crushing satan's head, "headship". The bride "supplants" the enemy; she is the "heal"-holder, playing on Jacob as, "heel-holder". (The bride is also a "Joseph", the 11th Onyx stone) Gen 2:12. And if Moses is a "Jesus", then the bride would be a "Joshua" crossing-over the Jordan. Also, the bride is like SIMON the Cyrenian "coming out of the country" "...and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus". (Luke 23:26). "SIMON" =176 in gematria value where 76 is servant. Or, 17-6 where 17 is "sacrifice" and 6 is "man".
Luke 2:26 "... SIMEON would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ"
CYRENE, (Cyrenian) = 315 (see 35, lifetime. 53 blot-out). See Genesis 3:15. סרנה
911. beginning. ר א ש י ת. " reysheeth "
(2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th letters in Gen.)
ב beit, building your house with God is 1st.
992. trumpets; which are burned; and I will fasten: Jos 6:4, Neh 4:2, Isa 22:23
see 64, 42, 22, 23.
1111. foundations, beauty ("pillars in the temple" - Rev 3:12, unity, "One with God")
1 Kings 7:23 reads as if God didn't know Pi! But, the ratio is miraculously hidden within the Hebrew words qav and qaveh meaning "line".
See, "Pi in the bible. The bride waiting in the "measuring line" Rennie Helder channel
(Zephaniah 3:9... gematria is part of YHWH's "pure language")
Then said I, Lo, I come: In the volume of the book (scroll) it is written of Me. Jesus is coming soon. God bless everyone! Ps 40:7
see 47
HEBREW Strong's only; but, number meanings apply to the NT scriptures as well as the Old Testament.
Explaining "reflections" this way...
Chet, Vav and Reish in "Chur" (Hur, as in the movie, "Ben Hur") are the same three letters in "Ruach", meaning "spirit". You may have heard of the Ruwach ha Chodesh (holy spirit).
Well, dig... this! Chur means "hole". Ben Hur is "son of (the) hole". The bride becomes lowly in this world, going down such that she becomes a well-spring; (John 7:38) living waters flowing from our bellies, "covering" others who did not call upon the name of the Lord to be saved... Our "wells" will counter the coming "dryness" (desolation). It is a mystery of the "elect" bride of Christ. (Luke 3:6, Isa 49:21, Oba 21, Isa 54:1, Isa 54:7,11, Isa 59:19, Rev 12:11).
Please watch Ben Hur again with this understanding. 41 means "glory of God"... Charlton Heston became prisoner 41? Yes, a prisoner (the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord;.. many shall be purified and made white Dan 12:10)
Not everyone is "chosen". "Many are called, few are chosen"..This is a "mystery" of the elect bride with the "hour of trial" coming upon the whole world.
חור Chur. 214 רוח Ruwach. 214
Example: Strong's #5975 ARISE............ (59-Havilah, 75-Priest) (in Est. 4:14)
................Strong's #3259 LET US MEET (32-Heart, 59-Havilah) (in Neh. 6:10)
If you invert #5975 to #7559 you have, TO INSCRIBE, NOTE (our testimonies, Rev 12:11, 2Thes 2:8) see 66
If you invert #3259 to #5932 you have, OF INIQUITY (bride's sacrifice, Isa 54:7, 11)
(Moses was raised in "Egypt" "Sodom")
In Job 38:32
Mazzaroth and Arcturus are the elect bride: #4216 Mazzaroth (distinction, Zodiac) reflects #1642 Gerar "lodging place" (elect bride hosting the holy spirit, Ps 18:11)
#5906 Arcturus (Great Bear constellation -- of migration) reflects #0659 epha "of nought" (bride carrying her cross)
(Gematria: Zeph 3:9)
Mazzaroth =252 (25 shall be, 52 son)
Arcturus = 386 (38 uncover, 86 Elohiym)
Gerar = 403 (40"robbed" 03"come to Father")
epha = 151 (15 YAH, 51 Raw -- "multitude")
(151 and the kings, 151 multitudes)
#4216 (42 Troubled, 16 Look, with you)
#5906 (59 Havilah, 06 man)
Job 38:32 (38 uncover, 32 heart)
Strong's #1070 is "YOUNG CAMEL" (3rd Hebrew letter, like the MINISTERS lifting, carrying others) see 636
Invert #1070 to Strong's #7010, DECREE, STATUTE (again refering to a STANDARD being raised against the enemy and overcoming him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies, Rev. 12:11, Isaiah 59:19, 2Thes 2:8)
The Spice of the Torah by Gutman Locks
Bible number meanings 1-101 for your enjoyment. A way of rightly dividing the word. Check the "gematria" box at
Rennie List:
1. YHWH, (God). 11. Hid, woe (see 111, 1111)
Rev 3:12 "pillars in the temple" see 32, 444
1st letter, Aleph; head, Ox, strength 1 א
2. House, choice (which head)
2nd. letter, Beit, 2 ב
3. Come to ABBA (Father, Son, Holy-spirit)
3rd letter, Gimel, Ministers;
the "Camel" lifting, carrying. 3 ג
4. Jesus' return to earth -- 4
(Bride -- 4, thru the "Door", from "3 to 4")
Strong's #3478 Israel (and from "7 to 8")
4th letter, Dalet (Door) 4 ד
5. Grace (Isaiah 53)
5th letter Hei in YHWH 5 ה
6. Man (conjunction, vessel)
vav--vav spells "hook" in Hebrew, 6+6=12
Mal 3:1, 1Cor 6:20 (see 62)
6th letter, Vav 6 ו
7. Rest, dwell (7 to 8) sustenance, warfare
Strong's #3478 Israel
7th letter, Zayin 7 ז
8. Eternal (see 395, 888)
8th letter, Chet 8 ח
9. Coming forth, new beginning (19, 29, 39)
9th letter, Tes 9 ט
10. Separate, alone (law, standard) see 100
10th letter, Yud. God's place, omnipresence. 10 י
11. Hid, woe (hidden with God) see 83, 44
11th letter, Kaf (value 20, "earthly headship") the "closed palm" (כ 20 (כף
12. Learn, teach (see 74) 21. vision
12th letter, Lamed 30 ל - (reaching higher)
13. Jesus, (echad ONE, 4+8+1,אחד ) Fountain of Living Water (Jer 2:13, 17:13, ICor 13, Isa 13)
13th Hebrew letter is Mem, water 40 מ
14. Hand (of God) beloved, "open-hand" "yad", gold. (Gen 2:11, Pro 25:11)
14th letter, Nun (those in need of an "open hand") 50 נ
15. YAH (a name of God) 5x3 Isaiah 53.
15th letter, Samech 60 ס (see 360)
16. Look, with you. 61. captive, prisoner
16th letter, Ayin 70 ע (see 370)
17. Sacrifice, good. 71. fill, fulfill, lift
17th letter, Pei, Fei (mouth, preach) 80 פ
(see 117, 711)
18. Living, lives, sin. 81. Anokiy (a name of God) 18th letter, Tzaddi (attaining righteousness) 90 צ
19. Begin, nation, slaughter. 91. Messenger, Angel 19 letter, Kuf (standard) 100 ק
20. Desert, wilderness, dry, desolate. 20th letter, Reish (earthly leadership; good or bad). 200 ר
21. Vision (3 to 4). 12. Learn, teach
(see 121, 212) 21st letter, Shin (which head? cross-section of the heart and the shape of Jerusalem, looking down from above) 300 ש
22. Hooks, grace, the cross, end cycle (the LAST 22nd Hebrew letter is, Tav. "Aleph and Tav" Jesus) "22" looks like hooks... for catching "fish" (the unsaved, lost souls). 400 ת
23. Rest (Psalm 23). 32. heart
24. Elders (God's hands). 42. troubled
25. Be (shall be). 52. son
26. YHWH. 62. between (Yud10,Hei5,Vav6,Hei5)
26/2=13 Abiy, "my Father" (1+2+10) אבי
27. Pure. 72. went (crossing-over, cloud)
28. Mire, mud. 82. serve, whiten
29. Planted, placed. 92. wash, splendid, weaver
30. Praised (shall be praised) "praise the Lord thru the storm" See Jer 30:6,7 "Jacob's trouble" (see 36 and 37)
31. El (unto you) a name of God
32. Heart. 23. rest
33. as One
34. To Redeem. 43. Sick, multitude
(Zech 3:4 Joshua, Sol 5:10 "ruddy". Gen 49:12)
(17 + 17 = 34, see 304)
35. Lifetime. 53. blot-out (Isa 53)
36. To Shine (is) not? 63. of One, Prophet
37. Breach. 73. trust
38. Uncover. 83. hidden
39. Coming forth. 93. strange-work, threshing-place (13+26=39)
40. Destroy, has robbed
41. Hand of, Glory of God. 14. open-hand, beloved (Ben Hur, "prisoner 41")
42. Troubled (My heart) 24. elders
43. Sick, multitude 34. to redeem
44. Flame, end, travail
45. Mankind, Adam. 54. at the hand, tribe of God (Isa 54:1, 7, 11)(Isa 49:21)
46. Elohe (a name of God). 64. judgement
47. YHWH. 74. learn, teach
48. Increase,nations. 84.knowledge, profane
Abram=243 +5(grace)=Abraham, 248
49. Beautiful, Complete. 94. vanity
50. Unclean, noise
51. Raw, separated, consuming. 15. Yah (a name of God) 5x3 (Isa 53)
52. Son. 25. be. (Billy Graham passed on the 52nd day of the year at 99 -"assembled",bride.)
53. Blot-out 35. lifetime (Isaiah 53)
54. At-the-hand (of God) tribe, staff, rod (Isa 54) 45. mankind, new Adam, (a beginning)
55. To be moved, yoked (to YHWH, Abba, Father)
56. With the rod (of God) reaching-out.
65. Adonai (a name of God)
57. Altar. 75. priest
58. Grace, favor. 85. time-passing
59. Havilah, Eden, marriage, ring, circle.
95. ministering
60. Wandering, vessels, taxing, shall be as still
61. Captive, prisoner 16. Look, with you
(Isaiah 61)
62. Between. 26. YHWH
63. and-of-One, Prophet, lead. 36. to shine, (is) not?
64. Judgement. 46. Elohe (YHWH)
65. Adonai, master-of (a name of God)
56. with the rod
66. Spirited, a wheel rolling (Isa 66:8)
(Eze 1:16 "wheel within a wheel" -- (scroll within a scroll) 2Thes 2:8, Joe 2:5, Sol 6:13, Heb 12:29, Job 37:18, Rev 12:11, 2Cor 5:18, Sol 4:3, Isa 41:23, 44:26, Job 37:15,16 41:3,4 Ps 40:7 Joe 2:11, Sol 6:4, Gen 49:9,10
(יון JOHN, יון WINE both 10+6+50=66) John 1:23 "..the voice of one crying in the wilderness..." Gen 49:12, Sol 5:10, Sol 4:2 (teeth washed white)
*John -- Wine. *cast STONE -- sent SON. *white TEETH -- tried word that CUTS, divides. *JESUS donkey -- CARRY'S burden. *SINK lower -- WELL water to drink *white RUDDY -- pure while TRAMPING a way in the earth. *LEVIATHAN net-work -- BIG FISH fishing for men. *Hebrews' bruised HEELS -- Hebrews HEAL holder (Gen 12:1, Luke 23:26, Jer 30:6,7, Isa 6:8, 66:8) *TREE cut -- WOOD Carpenter (Potter and clay)
67. Restrained. 76. servant
68. Sent-sons, His. 86. Elohiym
Isaiah 6:8. (2 becoming 1)
68+68=136. (see 136)
69. Compasses, love. 96. darkness, murmuring
70. Recline, night
71. Fill, fulfill, lift. 17. sacrifice, good
72. Went, "crossing-over" (cloud) 27. pure, (sacrifice). Isaiah 7:2 " the trees of the wood are moved with the wind". Strong's #7272, feet. #7200, to see.
73. Trust. 37. breach (act of war)
74. Learn, teach (12th letter, Lamed) 47. YHWH
75. Priest. 57. altar
76. Servant. 67. restrained
77. Strength, You consecrate
78. His mercy. 87. found
79. Forsake, left. 97. iniquity, enemy
80. Heaven
81. Anokiy (a name of God) 18. living, lives, sin
82. Serve, whiten. 28. mire, mud
83. Hidden (Psalm 83:3) 38. Uncover
84. Knowledge, profane. 48. Increase, nations
85. Time-passing. 58. grace
86. Elohiym (2 becoming 1) 68. sent-sons, His (Ps 82:6) see 82
87. Found. 78. His mercy
88. Who? where... (Gen 27:33)
89. Complete, fruits. 98. Stars, army
90. King
91. Messenger, Angel. 19. begin, nation, slaughter
92. Wash, splendid, weaver. 29. planted, placed
93. Strange-work, threshing-place. 39. coming forth
94. Vanity. 49. beautiful, complete
95. Ministering. 59. Havilah, Eden, marriage (Gen 2:11) (95+95=190) see 190
96. Darkness, murmuring. 69. compasses, love
97. Iniquity, enemy. 79. forsake, left
98. Consuming-fire, stars. 89. complete, fruits
99. Assembled (bride of Christ). Billy Graham passed away at 99. (see 992)
100. toward vessels, (a standard, water)
Gen 49:10
101. commanded
111. wonders, measure, yoked together (learn, teach, head of family, thousands) Aleph, Ox, YHWH. see 1111, 444
121. of His vision (mouth-utter Job 15:5 wait-look Job 7:2) Gen 12:1. (see 212)
117. We are not, Gen 30:33. (see 333)
(we are not, the chief, harm, by strength)
136. After it's kind. 136+136=272 (see 272)
153. to touch, Passover (Lamb of God)
(Net, net-work) "fishers of men"
172. It's heel (in the cloud) (Gen. 3:15)
172 = as fullers'...(soap) (Malachi 3:2)
172 half part, shekel of the sanctuary,
172+172=344. see 34, 44
190. End (kuf100, zaddi90, "qetz") קץ
207. light. אור
210. longed, desires (to the mountain)
(pregnant, sword)
212. Wheel (Strong's #0212, Gen 2:12)
(to shine Ps 80:3, multiply Gen 1:22)
speech Ex 4:16, shoot-teach 1Sa 20:20,
word 2Sa 14:15, sword Ex 5:3, "unto.
Jacob" Gen 25:33)
see Eze 1
221. length. (Billy Graham passed on 2/21)
222. bless, blessing
248. Abraham (father of many nations)
248 + 248 = 496 (see 496) אברהם
271. conception, pregnant
272. Hebrew. 727. and your wife (Gen
273. Four, (your sojournings, their foot, moment, I will pass through. #3478 Israel (see 636, 772, 395)
304. Lazarus (as the bride, 4th day, 3 to 4)
(304+304=608, see 68 and 608)
311: called
312. dwell
333. darkness ("hidden" Jer. 33:3, Ps 18:11, 83:3)
338. Send (13?26=338) (3+3,8 -- 68) see 68
(Isa 6:8, 66:8)
360. Second, two, scarlet (Gen 1:8, 1:16, 38:28) שני. (Jos 2:21, Sol. 4:3)
Jos 2:21 "And she said, According unto your words, so be it. And she sent them away, and they departed: and she bound the scarlet line in the window."
Sol. 4:3 "Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely: thy temples are like a piece of pomegranate within thy locks.
370. as dust, (Salem, to count, ruler)
395. Eight, (the heavens, to make one wise)
#3478 Israel (see 39, 95)
411. Look within (the heart)
441. truth, "emet" אמת
444. sanctuary (human body as "temple") מקדש. "miqdash"
496. לויתן. Leviathan = (Abraham ? 2)
"and his testimonies"= 496
(Deu 6:17, 2Ki 17:15)
"and give"= 496, (Neh 4:4)
"and cover"= 496, (Deu 23:13)
Leviathan, a "big fish", catching more fish, cast abroad, weaving a net-work
(4-earth, and bride. 96-darkness, murmuring) refering to being hidden and testifying. Isa 59:19, Rev 12:11, Isa 59:19, Sol 4:3, Heb 12:29, Isa 41:14, Ps 83:3, Sol 6:4, Job 41
49-beautiful, 6-man
The "fire-breathing Chinese Dragon" must be a mockery of the bride's future "consuming-fire"..."Leviathan" (glorified)... (Ps 102:16, Mal 3:1, 4:2, Isa 60:1, Dan 12:3, Job 41:21, Ezekiel 1's "wheels" and the Joel 2 army) ...which takes back the earth, binding the enemy in hell. Amen. 496+496=992, see 992
511. Happy ("tops" "rosh" Israel)
555. the eagle (shine forth) "Christ" mentioned 555 times in NT
608. Station, it's half (you have sojourned, to multiply) see 68
611. girded (to bare)
636. Three, (to search out) see 36, 63, 273
666. advantage, hidden, "most high" ("666" is of the enemy, mocking the bride of Christ)
711. "falls", placed. (the bride as "water falling" for healing) Oba 21, Isa 49:21 (covering the desolation, dryness).
Strong's #5200 "dropping" (dew, moisture)
52 is Son (ben) בן
The Hebrews as a wandering "cloud" covering, "sacrificially" bruising heels, (Isa 54:7,11)
Zechariah 11:7 Beauty-Jesus, Bands-Bride: see 117 (bride--bands--cord--one accord)
"Hebrews" (sons) is the elect "bride" of Christ (men and women) "virgins" = undefiled with "doctrines of men"/last days church.
727. and your wife (Gen. 6:18) see 68
772. Seven, set in order, will return me
(#7597 Shieltiel, "I have asked of God")
see 77, 72
777. "Who is of God" Methuselah Gen 4:18
(Billy Graham is a type of "Methuselah")
811. rise, (to cover, increase) see 81
888. eternal path, (Jer 6:16) place of fire
...The poetry here is the Hebrews "bruising" their heels (Gen 3:15) sojourning, set-apart in the "wilderness" marks a path over time; similar to wildlife tramping a trail in a forest. A "trying" "heated" journey (a "burning bush") and once transformed, becoming the "consuming fire", in Ezekiel 1's "wheel within a wheel", crushing satan's head, "headship". The bride "supplants" the enemy; she is the "heal"-holder, playing on Jacob as, "heel-holder". (The bride is also a "Joseph", the 11th Onyx stone) Gen 2:12. And if Moses is a "Jesus", then the bride would be a "Joshua" crossing-over the Jordan. Also, the bride is like SIMON the Cyrenian "coming out of the country" "...and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus". (Luke 23:26). "SIMON" =176 in gematria value where 76 is servant. Or, 17-6 where 17 is "sacrifice" and 6 is "man".
Luke 2:26 "... SIMEON would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ"
CYRENE, (Cyrenian) = 315 (see 35, lifetime. 53 blot-out). See Genesis 3:15. סרנה
911. beginning. ר א ש י ת. " reysheeth "
(2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th letters in Gen.)
ב beit, building your house with God is 1st.
992. trumpets; which are burned; and I will fasten: Jos 6:4, Neh 4:2, Isa 22:23
see 64, 42, 22, 23.
1111. foundations, beauty ("pillars in the temple" - Rev 3:12, unity, "One with God")
1 Kings 7:23 reads as if God didn't know Pi! But, the ratio is miraculously hidden within the Hebrew words qav and qaveh meaning "line".
See, "Pi in the bible. The bride waiting in the "measuring line" Rennie Helder channel
(Zephaniah 3:9... gematria is part of YHWH's "pure language")
Then said I, Lo, I come: In the volume of the book (scroll) it is written of Me. Jesus is coming soon. God bless everyone! Ps 40:7
see 47