View Full Version : Weak Nuclear Force proves God created 'Atoms'
08-17-2017, 07:59 AM
Demented perverted scientifically dumb evolutionists assume everything just happened by chance rather than by intelligent design.
But do ponder and prove for yourself that the Creator of the Universe, The macocosm, also created the micro-cosm in the first place before going UNIVERSAL.
An atom is the basic stable building block, as it combines together to form molecules.
But there is a problem 'Houston' when putting together protons in a nucleus, the positive charge of a proton repels away from the positive charges of all other protons in that nucleus. Hence it is absolutely impossible for protons to bind together in a nucleus and life is stymied right from the start.
There has never been an exception to this rule, that likes repel, and yet in the nucleus, protons bind together. In other words an exception was made and created...a force was created to make atoms bind together. 'The weak' nuclear force was created by our Creator, so that at very short ranges or distances, alike charges attract one another and bind together. Its literally a miracle, a force that violates other forces right inside our very being, at our center at the nucleus level. The Lord created the weak nuclear force.... For as you should have known or studied by now, the Theory of Everything is Right, all forces are ONE at the ultimate level, making ONE FORCE...called God ..otherwise known as the Lord of Lords, or JESUS. So the theory of everything is actually the LAW OF EVERYTHING.
Did it happen by luck and chance at the very beginning before anything was created. No, not a chance. Its all by DESIGN from the very BEGINNING and I do mean the very begiing when the Lord created atoms and protons with electrons spinning around them at near the speed of light.
How does it work, study and learn from the Lord.... He is amazing !
Demented perverted scientifically dumb evolutionists assume everything just happened by chance rather than by intelligent design.
Oh, the irony of your comments.
You just described yourself perfectly. The only difference between you and scientists(besides gross ignorance) is that you posit a god magically created something from nothing with ZERO evidence to support your claims.
But there is a problem 'Houston' when putting together protons in a nucleus, the positive charge of a proton repels away from the positive charges of all other protons in that nucleus. Hence it is absolutely impossible for protons to bind together in a nucleus and life is stymied right from the start.
There is no problem other than your ignorance of the science you are rejecting. That link totally debunks your theory.
Yes, positive protons do repel each other because of the electromagnetic force. However, inside the nucleus, the strong nuclear force is able to OVERCOME this electric repulsion to allow the protons to bind together even though their charges repel each other.
From your link: [COLOR="#FF0000"]What holds the nucleus together? The strong nuclear force. At extremely short range, it is stronger than electrostatic repulsion, and allows protons to stick together in a nucleus even though their charges repel each other. Remember that the size of the nucleus is really small compared to the size of an atom. Since it operates only over distances comparable with the diameter of an atom, it isn?t felt at longer distances, and for the purposes of chemistry, we ignore it.
Your god theory is debunked.
08-17-2017, 08:59 PM
Oh, the irony of your comments.
You just described yourself perfectly. The only difference between you and scientists(besides gross ignorance) is that you posit a god magically created something from nothing with ZERO evidence to support your claims.
(I and we and everyone has a multitude of evidence to support design and intelligence. Evolutionists have nothing but luck and chance, .
SEE and the 1,000 or so articles that prove design and creation.)
There is no problem other than your ignorance of the science you are rejecting. That link totally debunks your theory.
(Semantics is not denial or prrof against design. Design always wins over lack of design.... your theory of evolution is a secular religion where you hope you can intimidate people into accepting your theory of everything happened by accident. The strong and intelligent see your lack of proofs, and the fearful and weak get intimidated by your language. Not me, not the strong and bright. SEE )Yes, positive protons do repel each other because of the electromagnetic force. However, inside the nucleus, the strong nuclear force is able to OVERCOME this electric repulsion to allow the protons to bind together even though their charges repel each other. (How did this happen, did the explosion just c5reate the forces magically because of the lucky explosive forces creating lucky forces that just happen to work and create the laws of physics and the laws of the Universe. Please state what deity in evolution or if Evolution itself just happened to do this by accident so atoms could be formed ?)
From your link: What holds the nucleus together? The strong nuclear force. At extremely short range, it is stronger than electrostatic repulsion, and allows protons to stick together in a nucleus even though their charges repel each other. Remember that the size of the nucleus is really small compared to the size of an atom. Since it operates only over distances comparable with the diameter of an atom, it isn?t felt at longer distances, and for the purposes of chemistry, we ignore it.
Your god theory is debunked.
(Design wins again, even from the very beginning as the Designer had to have HIS/HER FORCES act as one to enable an atom to exist. Luck and chance did not form the laws that govern the Universe. Evolution did not evolve atoms with forces or via forces. Atoms have not evolved, electrons did not evolve into their orbits, life did not evolve. Evolution is and was and is forever debunked as the BIGGEST LIE ever forced on students. )
But go ahead tell us how the nuclear forces and all forces evolved separately or together or magically, or via mutations or via multiple shakes of the dice. The stage is yours.... prove your evolutionary theory on how it created atoms and the forces within that make them possible.
PS) Evolutionists get out of control mentally and semantically when their religion is challenged...
08-17-2017, 09:14 PM
Note to readers, most evolutionists will usually limit themselves to saying life when alive and making magical beneficial mutations, is only capable of evolving into other forms of life. Most wont venture into physics or the beginning or non living matter as it gets almost absurd to state that non living things evolved and hence they stay far away from such wild speculation that their religious theory of evolution has anything else to do with any other science. So this thread will be interesting to hear how this evolutionist will justify how evolution evolved laws to create atoms, limited the forces, that seemingly would have counteracted the possiblity of life.
Hence crazy unscientific evolutionists might try to say everything just WAS or it IS, and thats when their evolution took over. They have to start with lets say cell walls..... because they can't explain the design of cell walls, how matter developed cell walls to make living things exist, let alone how atoms can exist.
Evolution is a dead end street, with no applications to any other science, no value to any connection or other truths, just a secular religion posing as science, to keep the obvious design and DESIGNER out of the minds of any and all. They succeed, only with the weak and the lazy and the intimidated. They have nothing and are nothing and have no explanations, so get very angry.
08-18-2017, 07:48 AM
As per usual, evolutionists are speechless (meaning confounded) and usually know when they are beaten and have gotten into territory they know nothing about. So lets further humble and humiliate them.
If evolutionists venture out of their living matter evolved theory, then by their theory non living matter must have also evolved. Why because the only other alternative is that it was designed by a higher intelligence, in one GO, from the Beginning. They might try and state that it was just all there, it just existed... but that dumb non answer, leaves out their god of evolution. Hence usually evolutionists stay away from the field or science of cosmotology, and say they just don't know. Mind you they dont know anything about living so called evolution either.
But lets go further as forces proceeded matter as the forces within the very basic building block of atoms, had to exist before matter composed of molecules, composed of atoms could exist. Did evolution evolve the structure of atoms
But previously did evolution evolve forces so that the repulsion electrostatic force of two like charges have a force to make them attract at very small distances. IE inside the nucleus of an atom. The answer Yes.
Did this contradiction and balance just happen. According to evolution, Yes. According to evolution theory, this would have happened by accident via a mutation, that caused this beneficial change and the chance for an atom to form a nucleus and then an atom and then a molecule and then living matter.... all by chance.
Evolution in its insanity, predicts that forces have been shaped by times mutations, and hence they have to be forming new laws as time goes on. Evolution in their warped minds would have to be present today, forming new laws. Not just living forms evolving magically, but also evolving laws.
They can't just hinge their theory on created laws and created matter that has already existed and then their magic mushroom and god, evolution stepped in to modify it and upgrade it, according to new selection processes by the God of Selection.... but most of them do. Why because it is insane to dsay laws evolved, or that forces evolved and counter-balanced themselves, and seemingly contradicted themselves, all for the benefit of life that would come to 'life' thereafter via the god of evolution.
Evolution is an insane unscientific LIE, a secular religion forced on secular students for the benefit of secular easily manipulated society.
[COLOR=#ff0000](Design wins again, even from the very beginning as the Designer had to have HIS/HER FORCES act as one to enable an atom to exist. Luck and chance did not form the laws that govern the Universe. Evolution did not evolve atoms with forces or via forces. Atoms have not evolved, electrons did not evolve into their orbits, life did not evolve. Evolution is and was and is forever debunked as the BIGGEST LIE ever forced on students.
I exposed your gross error, and then you declare that design wins again.:lol: You're still the same lying hack that was banned here months ago because you were a pathological liar.
Prove your case for design. You know you can't prove it. Any reasonably intelligent person KNOWS you cannot prove it. That's why you chose the path of LYING about science you know nothing about because you have no evidence. This is what all dishonest creationists do. You proved beyond all doubt that you are ignorant because your own link you provided debunked your claims.
But go ahead tell us how the nuclear forces and all forces evolved separately or together or magically, or via mutations or via multiple shakes of the dice. The stage is yours.... prove your evolutionary theory on how it created atoms and the forces within that make them possible.
The stage is NOT mine. I never made any claims. YOU did. I simply debunked your erroneous claim from your own link. You claim that everything was designed. Prove it. I won't hold my breathe for that because no creationist has any evidence that god designed anything. You can also prove that everything wasn't created through natural forces since you are claiming it never happened.
Note to readers, most evolutionists will usually limit themselves to saying life when alive and making magical beneficial mutations, is only capable of evolving into other forms of life. Most wont venture into physics or the beginning or non living matter as it gets almost absurd to state that non living things evolved and hence they stay far away from such wild speculation that their religious theory of evolution has anything else to do with any other science.
So much ignorance crammed into one post.
You don't get to change the definition of evolution by lying to serve your perverted agenda. Evolution only deals with life AFTER it has arose. Nothing more. No honest person that understood the theory has ever claimed otherwise. Dishonest people such as yourself try to pollute the argument by convoluting what the theory even says.
So this thread will be interesting to hear how this evolutionist will justify how evolution evolved laws to create atoms, limited the forces, that seemingly would have counteracted the possiblity of life.
Evolution didn't evolve any laws in the context you are trying to say it did. WE created laws to explain the observed phenomena. Thanks for proving your gross ignorance of the matter.
Hence crazy unscientific evolutionists might try to say everything just WAS or it IS, and thats when their evolution took over. They have to start with lets say cell walls..... because they can't explain the design of cell walls, how matter developed cell walls to make living things exist, let alone how atoms can exist.
Nobody can explain how life got started. Not even you. Simply asserting that some primitive war god did it doesn't advance the argument one bit. At least my side is honest enough to admit we don't know the exact moment life got started.
Evolution is a dead end street, with no applications to any other science, no value to any connection or other truths, just a secular religion posing as science, to keep the obvious design and DESIGNER out of the minds of any and all. They succeed, only with the weak and the lazy and the intimidated. They have nothing and are nothing and have no explanations, so get very angry.
Complete and total IGNORANCE. Evolution plays a huge role in the advancement of modern medicine that everybody benefits from. That's more than can be said for your imaginary sky god.:lol:
As per usual, evolutionists are speechless (meaning confounded) and usually know when they are beaten and have gotten into territory they know nothing about. So lets further humble and humiliate them.
So much hilarity in this post.:lol: The liar who was EXPOSED with his own link as not knowing anything is telling other people they know nothing about evolution. What a hoot.:hysterical:
If evolutionists venture out of their living matter evolved theory, then by their theory non living matter must have also evolved. Why because the only other alternative is that it was designed by a higher intelligence, in one GO, from the Beginning. They might try and state that it was just all there, it just existed... but that dumb non answer, leaves out their god of evolution. Hence usually evolutionists stay away from the field or science of cosmotology, and say they just don't know. Mind you they dont know anything about living so called evolution either.
No scientist has ever claimed any of the ludicrous bullshit you are spewing.
But lets go further as forces proceeded matter as the forces within the very basic building block of atoms, had to exist before matter composed of molecules, composed of atoms could exist. Did evolution evolve the structure of atoms
Your questions aren't even coherent. Try again.
But previously did evolution evolve forces so that the repulsion electrostatic force of two like charges have a force to make them attract at very small distances. IE inside the nucleus of an atom. The answer Yes.
So you admit evolution is real? I know you don't really believe that because your mind is a mess.
Did this contradiction and balance just happen. According to evolution, Yes. According to evolution theory, this would have happened by accident via a mutation, that caused this beneficial change and the chance for an atom to form a nucleus and then an atom and then a molecule and then living matter.... all by chance.
What contradiction? Your incoherent argument didn't show any contradiction. Your intellectual ability has overwhelmed your mental capacity by spewing bullshit you don't understand.
]Evolution in its insanity, predicts that forces have been shaped by times mutations, and hence they have to be forming new laws as time goes on.[/COLOR] Evolution in their warped minds would have to be present today, forming new laws. Not just living forms evolving magically, but also evolving laws.
It does? Show me where it says this.
They can't just hinge their theory on created laws and created matter that has already existed and then their magic mushroom and god, evolution stepped in to modify it and upgrade it, according to new selection processes by the God of Selection.... but most of them do. Why because it is insane to dsay laws evolved, or that forces evolved and counter-balanced themselves, and seemingly contradicted themselves, all for the benefit of life that would come to 'life' thereafter via the god of evolution.
Evolution is an insane unscientific LIE, a secular religion forced on secular students for the benefit of secular easily manipulated society.
Damn the rotten luck. If only you could just prove that god created everything with physical evidence. Unfortunately for you, you can't do it. There would be no need for your unintelligent psycho babble if you could actually prove your case.
08-20-2017, 09:10 AM
I exposed your gross error, and then you declare that design wins again.:lol: You're still the same lying hack that was banned here months ago because you were a pathological liar.
Prove your case for design. You know you can't prove it. Any reasonably intelligent person KNOWS you cannot prove it. That's why you chose the path of LYING about science you know nothing about because you have no evidence. This is what all dishonest creationists do. You proved beyond all doubt that you are ignorant because your own link you provided debunked your claims.
The stage is NOT mine. I never made any claims. YOU did. I simply debunked your erroneous claim from your own link. You claim that everything was designed. Prove it. I won't hold my breathe for that because no creationist has any evidence that god designed anything. You can also prove that everything wasn't created through natural forces since you are claiming it never happened.
Cal;ling me a lying hack and a pathological liar shows you cant answer the questions I asked of you evolutionaries, and so you avoid answering, as per usual and try personal attacks, tp try and put fear in the hearts of any that would oppose your secular religion of evolution.
Answer the questions..... and state how the fources conspired together to form atoms, before the nucleus could be put together ?
Was it again by your magical god of luck and chance..... try after try until they finally conceived of a new force to counter the electrostatic force of likes repelling.
No, thats insane, but do go ahead and explain your luck and chance theory once again, but do show some class and stop your rants about me being a liar.
Its a debate and you are suppose to answer the questions from your perspective, otherwise I win again, because design and intelligence always wins.
08-20-2017, 09:21 AM
So much ignorance crammed into one post.
You don't get to change the definition of evolution by lying to serve your perverted agenda. Evolution only deals with life AFTER it has arose. Nothing more. No honest person that understood the theory has ever claimed otherwise. Dishonest people such as yourself try to pollute the argument by convoluting what the theory even says.
(Exactly, Evolution only rides on the coat-tails of life that has already come into existence. It has no answers in its luck and chance theory that explains, cell walls or forces working together to form atoms. Evolution and evolutionaries are dumb founded in any other area of true science. They get angry when they shallowness is revealed.
Therefore their gig is up, their god is limited and restricted, whereas real science and laws interconnect. )
Evolution didn't evolve any laws in the context you are trying to say it did. WE created laws to explain the observed phenomena. Thanks for proving your gross ignorance of the matter
.[/COLOR](NO, laws existed and we only give them a name. We did not create any laws, the laws are there. The forces are there and were there, a name in French, English etc does not change the parameters of a law. The laws of thermodynamics are the same in all countries, regardless of language and semanatics.)
(Exactly, evolution did not evolve any laws, or create any forces. Evolution does not explain anything in any area of science, let alone physics Its a secular religion for atheists restricted only to life that already existed and has no explanations for anything else in science, and hence evolutionists get very angry when confronted with this truth. Luck and chance is not part of science, it is the motivation of gamblers.)
Nobody can explain how life got started. Not even you. Simply asserting that some primitive war god did it doesn't advance the argument one bit. At least my side is honest enough to admit we don't know the exact moment life got started.
(Yes, creation is understandable, when you know the basics, the scenario, and the Creator. Yes, the Creator created the forces at ONCE and in UNITY and counter BALANCE so that He could create atoms wih nucleuses that dont repel and explode outward. You cant explain it, but Creationists can, because the TOE, dictates that the Ultimate FORCE or CREATOR is greater than all the forces, and hence can create the FORCES themselves. All you have is luck and chance. We have the ULTIMATE FORCE that created all forces. Study SET LAW MATHEMATICS.
Creation wins.
Complete and total IGNORANCE. Evolution plays a huge role in the advancement of modern medicine that everybody benefits from. That's more than can be said for your imaginary sky god.:lol:
Evolution does not advance medicine, medicine is a healing process, not done through waiting for millions of years of luck and chance to see a development made. Creation demands study and the mind and testing and proving precepts..... evolution means sitting on your hands and doing nothing and expecting a beneficial mutation to change things for the better. Buck up evolutionaries and get busy and learn the basics and the Lord's laws.
Cal;ling me a lying hack and a pathological liar shows you cant answer the questions I asked of you evolutionaries, and so you avoid answering, as per usual and try personal attacks, tp try and put fear in the hearts of any that would oppose your secular religion of evolution.
Did you or did not exemplify good moral integrity by admitting your error AFTER I pointed it out? No. You FALSELY declared victory when I pointed out your error. You CANNOT claim victory on a falsehood. That's lying. A good honest person would have admitted their mistake to advance their argument. Have you or have you not dishonestly represented what the theory of evolution actually says? YES!
Thanks for proving over and over again that you are a pathological liar. This is the exact behavior you were banned for months ago.
Answer the questions..... and state how the fources conspired together to form atoms, before the nucleus could be put together ?
Why? It wouldn't do any good. You're not interested in a debate. All you care about is misrepresenting science in service of your perverted agenda. Besides, you IGNORED my refutation of your blatant error. So it is you who did not answer my reply in an honest fashion by admitting your mistake. You don't get to pile on questions to be answered until YOU admit your error. That's how a debate works. But we both KNOW you could care less about a debate.
Was it again by your magical god of luck and chance.....
You just summed up your entire belief system.
You're the one who believes in some imaginary sky god.
You're the one who can't provide any evidence for design or else you wouldn't be wasting everyone's time attacking evolution.
That is why you attack evolution. Because your claims of design are worthless without evidence and you know it.
try after try until they finally conceived of a new force to counter the electrostatic force of likes repelling.
Yes, scientists made up something that was demonstrable such as the strong nuclear force.
Sorry bonehead, you don't get to bullshit me with such nonsense.
No, thats insane, but do go ahead and explain your luck and chance theory once again, but do show some class and stop your rants about me being a liar.
You are a pathetic liar and I have proven it. I find it hilarious that you a telling someone to show some class.
Look at the first FIVE words you wrote in this thread. Demented perverted scientifically dumb evolutionists
Real classy David. I guess now I can call you a lying hypocrite.
Its a debate and you are suppose to answer the questions from your perspective, otherwise I win again, because design and intelligence always wins.
I gave you an honest reply to your gross error. You went on to declare victory by doubling down on a falsehood. I can see where that would be a big win for you David.
(Exactly, Evolution only rides on the coat-tails of life that has already come into existence.
So you admit that is all evolution is. Thank you admitting that. That means all your misrepresentations beyond this point are lies. You just admitted in your own words that you are a pathetic liar with a perverted agenda.
Evolution and evolutionaries are dumb founded in any other area of true science. They get angry when they shallowness is revealed.It has no answers in its luck and chance theory that explains, cell walls or forces working together to form atoms. Evolution and evolutionaries are dumb founded in any other area of true science. They get angry when they shallowness is revealed.
Now you have contradicted yourself from your above statements.
Evolution has no explanatory power beyond what the theory actually says. It never did. Only dishonest fools like you insist that it must state something that it doesn't.
Therefore their gig is up, their god is limited and restricted, whereas real science and laws interconnect.
Good one David. Makes perfect sense. Only an idiot would think evolution is related to biology, paleontology, etcc....:lol:
David for the win!
(Exactly, evolution did not evolve any laws, or create any forces. Evolution does not explain anything in any area of science, let alone physics Its a secular religion for atheists restricted only to life that already existed and has no explanations for anything else in science, and hence evolutionists get very angry when confronted with this truth. Luck and chance is not part of science, it is the motivation of gamblers.)
These are all lies since you admitted evolution only deals with life AFTER it has begun.
:lol: at evolution doesn't explain anything in any area of science. :lmbo::hysterical::rofl:
There it is folks. This is what mindless bullshit religion does to your brain.
(Yes, creation is understandable, when you know the basics, the scenario, and the Creator. Yes, the Creator created the forces at ONCE and in UNITY and counter BALANCE so that He could create atoms wih nucleuses that dont repel and explode outward. You cant explain it, but Creationists can, because the TOE, dictates that the Ultimate FORCE or CREATOR is greater than all the forces, and hence can create the FORCES themselves. All you have is luck and chance. We have the ULTIMATE FORCE that created all forces. Study SET LAW MATHEMATICS.
Total bullshit! You have no evidence and you know it. No creationist has any evidence or else this debate would have died long ago.
I can see why you would cling to an unproven theory of everything since that is where your god sits. He's totally unproven like the theory you cling to.
And lol at you telling me to study SET LAW MATHEMATICS. That's funny David.
Evolution does not advance medicine, medicine is a healing process, not done through waiting for millions of years of luck and chance to see a development made. Creation demands study and the mind and testing and proving precepts..... evolution means sitting on your hands and doing nothing and expecting a beneficial mutation to change things for the better. Buck up evolutionaries and get busy and learn the basics and the Lord's laws.
:lol::lmbo::hysterical::rofl: Peer reviewed papers are clearly wrong.
Companies like Creative Biomart who make a living doing this are wrong. :lol: Creative BioMart is a leader in applying directed molecular evolution to improve healthcare by discovering, optimizing and developing human biotherapeutics
Here is what they do for those interested.
Evolution is the bedrock of biology. You cannot discuss discoveries in biology without attributing it to evolution one way or the other. Only dishonest ignorant fools believe otherwise.
I'm getting tired of all this winning David.:lol:
08-21-2017, 09:59 AM
Peer reviewed papers of evolutionary thinking by evolutionary peers, all competeing for a breakthrough in evolutionary theoretical thinking that will bring them honor and glory and funding, is not science but a con and a deception.
Evolutionists have absolutely no answer for how protons got the ability to bind through a 'force' that a larger distances make protons repel. Forst of all, they admit their insane theory of luck and chance, ONLY applies within organisms that already came into beingand admit they know nothing outside of living.... and hence they have no idea, how they or anything came into being. IE they are dumb and ignorant about cell walls and cells, let alone molecules, and atoms and forces.
Hence all they can do is rant and rave and complain and call me and creationists liars, etc etc... Why to cover up their ignorance... they have no answers, and refuse to make any statements so try character assasination.
Facts wins, principles win, intelligence wins, design wins... The Lord created the weak nucleur force so He could put together protons in a nucleus, and make atoms, to create molecules to create living organisms and LIFE.
Do note how evolutionists have no answers.
And admanantly refuse to stand on anything or explain anything, according to their theory. Besides as they admit, thier luck and chance theory does not apply to physics, so their comments can NOT be valid HERE, because again luck and chance does not apply, and hasn;t created anything.
I repeat, evolution did not create the weak nuclear FORCE
The ULTIMATE FORCE, or ALMIGHTY FORCE which created all forces harmoniously for His Design created the weak nuclear FORCE.
Peer reviewed papers of evolutionary thinking by evolutionary peers, all competeing for a breakthrough in evolutionary theoretical thinking that will bring them honor and glory and funding, is not science but a con and a deception.
This isn't an answer. These are you unintelligent opinions. So the entire unified body of science is wrong about evolution?:lol: Intelligent people are suppose to believe the lunatic ravings of an insane creationist that evolutionary biology is a con?:lol: This is the typical ill informed unintelligent rhetoric typical of all insane creationists. Yes, you are insane.
Evolutionists have absolutely no answer for how protons got the ability to bind through a 'force' that a larger distances make protons repel.
Neither do you. Making baseless assertions with no evidence doesn't help your cause. We know you don't have any evidence to support your claims or else you would present it. All you have are empty assertions and you know it.
Forst of all, they admit their insane theory of luck and chance, ONLY applies within organisms that already came into beingand admit they know nothing outside of living.... and hence they have no idea, how they or anything came into being. IE they are dumb and ignorant about cell walls and cells, let alone molecules, and atoms and forces.
Again, neither do have any clue how things came to be.
You constantly are conflating evolution with abiogenesis. That's typical of all creationist morons. The theory of evolution states very clearly what it is. For you to rave like a lunatic that it should have an answer for how life came to be is totally dishonest and moronic. Both of which describes you perfectly.
Hence all they can do is rant and rave and complain and call me and creationists liars, etc etc... Why to cover up their ignorance... they have no answers, and refuse to make any statements so try character assasination.
I didn't just call you a liar. I PROVED you were a liar.
I have plenty of answers. None of which have anything to do with your lunatic rants.
Facts wins, principles win, intelligence wins, design wins... The Lord created the weak nucleur force so He could put together protons in a nucleus, and make atoms, to create molecules to create living organisms and LIFE.
None of those describe your side of the argument. In fact, your empty assertions actually weaken you case because you have ample opportunity to support your assertions with demonstrable evidence. And why don't you provide any evidence? Because you have none and you know it.
Do note how evolutionists have no answers.
That's not true. Your unintelligent rants are not valid questions. You some how mistake your silly rants as legitimate questions. I assure you they are most certainly bullshit.
And admanantly refuse to stand on anything or explain anything, according to their theory. Besides as they admit, thier luck and chance theory does not apply to physics, so their comments can NOT be valid HERE, because again luck and chance does not apply, and hasn;t created anything.
That's a total lie. I told you exactly what the theory of evolution states. You are the unintelligent person who keeps lying about what evolution actually is. Just take a good look at these unintelligent ramblings. You admitted yesterday that evolution only pertains to life after it had begun. Now you are ranting again how evolution hasn't created anything or has nothing to do with physics. It's just plain lunacy. There is no depth to your absurdity. You quite obviously lack the intelligence to speak competently around any kind of science. It's that obvious.
I repeat, evolution did not create the weak nuclear FORCE
That's great, because you are the only nut spewing that bullshit.
The ULTIMATE FORCE, or ALMIGHTY FORCE which created all forces harmoniously for His Design created the weak nuclear FORCE.
The ULTIMATE baseless assertion with no evidence. Bravo!
08-25-2017, 09:53 AM
The ULTIMATE FORCE, or ALMIGHTY FORCE which created all forces harmoniously for His Design created the weak nuclear FORCE.
The ULTIMATE baseless assertion with no evidence. Bravo!
Any educated person, KNOWS that T.O.E. also known as the LAW of EVERYTHING by those in the know....... understand that this theory which is a LAW, states clearly that all forces are ONE, all forces work together as ONE, all forces are literally ONE at the very highest level or magnitude.... meaning that there is only ONE FORCE, and all other forces stem from it, as they are a product of it.
In other words, the creator has to be above the creation. The Teacher has to be above the students. In math, you might use the >, GREATER THAN SYMBOL
The CREATOR of the weak force or strong force, or electromagnetic force HAS to be GREATER THAN or > than these individual forces, and be > than the whole summation of ALL FORCES. The ULTIMATE FORCE designed the forces to be harmonious and balanced. Proof asked for, proof given !!
Jesus wins again !
I realize you don't know math or physics only luck and chance, so I easily understand your wrath and persistent name calling. But my true science defeats your false science...and your lack of math shows you have ZERO understanding, until you lose your wrath, and close mindedness.
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