View Full Version : Connecting up the Lords Design of Gold with Superconductivity, Levitation and Spirits
08-17-2017, 07:42 AM
This thread is on many topics concerning our divine bodies and the design of our brain, so lets put it in this Neuroscience Forum, although it could be put in a number of different forums.
I'm researching PHI, the Golden Section, our Bodies Design, and Brain, and have many times come across mono-atomic gold as a so called elixir, and difference maker.
OK, first of all, taking mono atomic gold has not brightened up any reptilian scientists or 'dark sided' researchers or mono-atomic gold guzzlers, as they are as dumb as ever and certainly are dying off like the rest of us. So it is not, the end all be all when we are in the flesh ...... but lets study gold and why it is so important and referred so much to in the Lord's Bible and connect it up spiritually.
Well, its perfection, it paves the Lords temple and palaces, and is pure as the Lord Himself, Herself is pure and holy...
Hmmm... but whats this fine gold written about.... it surely is more than 10/24's pure, it is surely more a stable vibrating, never decaying metal that is superconductive....
SOHERE we go, as I write and research, and ponder and try to make headway... of you have comments or information or science or chemistry or physices, do add them HEREON.
Put on your alchemy hats.... and lets start those bunsen burners.
Gold is 79 electrons...
Shells of
8 (total 10)
18 (total 28)
32 (total 60)
18 (total 78)
1 (total 79)
And seeing physics of Creation concerns space, we have to understand the geometry of gold... and its perfect STABLE shape
2 electrons makes a pole
8 makes the points of a square ...Hence the orbits are stable, as equality in distances stablilizes it
18 is the outer points or vertices of cube and octahedron
32 being the vertices and face duality of dodecahedron and the icosahedron
18 is the outer points or vertices of cube and octahedron (repeated)
1 available electron - making a mono or dual atomic molecule of gold possible
So why is gold so valued by the Lord in His heavenly realm, well simply put it is perfection, rare and stable...non corruptable just like HIM, and so He made it so, for His purposes.
Yes, its pretty and shiny, etc etc for jewelry, money etc in our HERE and NOW.... but the original post above mentions how monoatomic gold has superconductivity properties, meaning possibility for greater brain power if we have it internally.... via the Lords power... (obviously NOT through ingestation).
SEE again
(translate into English)
For it states that monoatomic gold can make its weight levitate, tunnel through walls... and so on...
So relate this back to the spiritual realm, where spirits can levitate and pass through walls.
Do you catch the possible connections or real connections.
Are we turned into 'gold' at death, or a form of gold processing at death..
The two outer shells are duals... of each other. So do the outer rings, vibrate as in the music of the spheres. Is this the harmonic frequency if reached that unites us with all of creation ?
Dual polyhedra[edit]
A dual pair: cube and octahedron.Every polyhedron has a dual (or "polar") polyhedron with faces and vertices interchanged. The dual of every Platonic solid is another Platonic solid, so that we can arrange the five solids into dual pairs.
The tetrahedron is self-dual (i.e. its dual is another tetrahedron).
The cube and the octahedron form a dual pair.
The dodecahedron and the icosahedron form a dual pair.
So do the shells of outer electrons in gold vibrate or go from shell to shell in perfect stability according to the equality and perfect geometry of these two platonic shells points.
Interesting, but it must be realized that the Lord of Creation, created electrons, protons and the design of the stable atom as the building blocks of all life before He created the larger life and ALL LIFE and ALL MATTER.
More later...
08-19-2017, 08:35 AM
Before going further and further..... do consider that centrifugal force would automatically send electrons flying into outer space or away from the nucleus of an atom, whose protons would be attracting these electrons. They are almost at the speed of light, spinning around the nucleus, in an almost exact shell distance (although spin rates can vary as we shall mention, and go into a high spin state).
So demented unscientific bogus evolutionaries, how is this possible ? Think about it. Is it sheer magic and luck, that the attractive force is abolutely equal to the centrifical force that would be propelling the electrons away from the nucleus. Is it sheer luck and chance that atoms exist, and the FORCES balance out at long distances (electron to proton distances, and yet at short distances, compact distances, compressed (almost black hole distances... protons are attracted to each other so they themselves ALSO so in tact...and all the forces work together for good in creating an ATOM that is stable, and able to be built upon as a rock, and as a foundation for addition.
Tell us, evolutionaries, how many shakes of the dice and magic mutations, these forces took before perfecting the exact balance required.
We await your answers, but expect your absolute ignorance.
08-19-2017, 08:47 AM
Anyway now that you know that atoms were not by chance but by design and by the design of created FORCES, by the ALMIGHTY FORCE or UNIFIED INTELLIGENT ALL KNOWING FORCE, let us proceed back to math and physics and the chemistry of gold. His perfect GOLD.
To understand chemistry, to understand the smallest of building blocks or rocks of creation upon which our houses are built, we have to comprehend space, the demensions of space. In physics its three demensions plus time, as material needs time in which to exist. The Universe is divided up into cubes, whether macro or micro. The micro atomic cube has a center of the nucleus with electrons circulating or spinning around the nucleus.
(This is why a three demensional magic square configuration or firing order of equality yet with motion can be studied for benefit and understanding. Its motion in time in a cube, can still make it stable
For do notice, how again levitation, teleportation are involved whether on a macro scale or our human scale, and so surely can start at the micro level, within the cube of an atom)
In other words, it is greatly greatly beneficial to know geometry, or space before comprehending the chemistry and design of an atom.
If you think its luck and chance, LEAVE NOE and go away screaming, if not stay and research and lets figure out gold and stability and leviatation and more.
LIJ (love in Jesus)
Anyway now that you know that atoms were not by chance but by design and by the design of created FORCES, by the ALMIGHTY FORCE or UNIFIED INTELLIGENT ALL KNOWING FORCE, let us proceed back to math and physics and the chemistry of gold. His perfect GOLD.
Really? When did you provide this proof?
08-22-2017, 11:15 AM
Really? When did you provide this proof?
HereIn and HEREON are my written proofs...
You have none because you have only luck and at most you have two pages.
Yet we creationists learn precept by precept about the design and intell;igence of the Lords Creation.
And are always a step or two or thousand ahead of evolutionists that faltered at step one and complain they have no proofs to ..take their first step.
Prove it, Prove it, Prove it...!!!
Prove it Yourselves !!!
To the people who keep saying, Prove it, prove it or we ain't going to believe it.. Forget it. Prove it to yourselves and find
out for yourselves and do the homework and study yourselves. Nobody else can do prove things to you but YOU !!.
Besides most people that say prove it, prove it, over and over again .... disregard the proofs they have already been given
and are closed minded and don't want proofs and truths because their minds are already made up. It's usually just their way
of trying to confuse the issue like the jewish trick of saying why, why, why ....until finnally only God knows why. (And
they don't have the nerve or guts to ask Him why) . And therefore thesebablers think they can win an argument by saying
Why, why, why, or prove it, prove it, prove it when sufficient proofs already are there.
It's as shallow and as delorable a tactic as ever imagined. For nobody can prove it except the individual themselves. It is
their responsibility, and not the posters or the debaters. because real life is not a word twisting contest but a reality we have
to get right. Who wins an argument is NOT who wins in life.
Get it together whimps and answer your own questions which is why Jesus kept reversing their stupid accusing questions
back at them. As He only answered questions of the scribes and pharisee's when it was a benefit of the true seekers who
were listening nearby and recording his words in their memories.
Jesus wanted and wants sincere questions because He wants to teach us. As we are suppose to ask questions in order to
seek and find as Jesus said so many times. For he expects us to use the God-given brains He gave us in finding out the
Mystery of Life.
But that in no way excuses those that ask questions without wanting answers. I mean, even Abraham, the Father of Faith,
told a dead soul in hell that wanted to go back and tell his relatives what the other side was really like so they would have
proof of the After-life and understand it via this miracle of his returning ...NO, No WAY. Absolutely Not, They have
Moses and the prophets let them hear them, for if they believe not them neither shall they believe though one came back
from the dead. (Luke 16)
For people in this lifetime who asked Jesus real questions with a sincere heart, the Lord always answered them just as we
are compelled to, as well. (1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to
every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:)
Why with meekness and fear, because we should realize that we are judged by our words, and whether we have studied and
whether we can answer questions about life to others and direct them to the Answer Giver ...Jesus. And we are responsible
if we say nothing and don't speak up as well. For by our words we are excused or condemned.
Mathew 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of
judgment. Mat 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words (or lack of them) thou shalt be condemned.
Mat 12:38 Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. (Prove
it, Prove it, Prove it !!)
Mat 12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no
sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: (And that sign was the sign of JESUS' birth and life and death. That's
the only sign they need to find the truth)
So we have no liability or responsibility to answer questions of prove it prove it prove it to those that don't want proofs.
Let them find out life for themselves and get respect for others themselves. WE all responsible for our own actions and
thoughts via our choices, so we each have to 'examine ourselves', and be honest with ourselves, for we shall meet our Maker,
and He knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts, and knows we have all had the opportunity to find out His Answers.
And if they don't want to seek and find out .... Tough
That's their choice and their responsibility.
In His Service
PS) So if any true seekers and sheep want to prove whether Jesus is real or not, and they have a sincere heart, it is
proveable. All they have to do is ask Jesus to prove himself to them in prayer. If they do, He will give them the proof and
the faith they need. Therefore if interesting in finding out. Do it and prove it for yourselves !! (Rim)
(SEE Salvation)
08-22-2017, 11:33 AM
Lets advance the research into gold rather than getting stuck in proving something to people that dont want proofs.
I know some chemistry, some physics and lots of math and lots of biology, and have had experiences in proving the Lords principles as a missionary, so let me suggest...... that atoms, have phi ratioed orbits.... golden sectioned shells...just as our planets have approximate phi ratioed orbits.
And when we combine this, with the template of creation called the Golden Section, it means size is not a determining factor for the Lord, who created the micro and macro, then Yes, the shells are probably phi ratioed and FURTHERMORE must obey the laws of space, and time, and hence be in equal balance, and fully take up a cube of space via the Platonic Solids (please refraim from thinking Plato created these solids. No the Creator created geometry in the first place)
So now we know why a full shell in golds second shell is 8, a square is equally balanced, so that eight electrons circling at almost light speed so that the atom does not go beyond light speed and stays in the material realm.... is balanced and full, and awaiting electrons to fill its next shell at (surely phi ratio) and then the 32 shell of electrons or docathethron shell.
But its high spin state as written about in my FIRST POST is when in fluctuates between its inverse Platonic State.. a isocahedron (probably mis-spelled) and back to the decathedron state of 32 electron configuration.
And packaged by the final 18 electron shell configuration.
Not your ordinary atom, a special atom with special perfect characteristics.. for a perfect LORD of the Universe.
Anyway again be reminded that nothing is too hard for the Lord, or too small, or too fast, as the Creator surely had the electrons spinning in exact shell ratios and configurations of equality and balance even when they are soooooo small and insignificant...ALL in order to create life, and more LIFE.
The Lord of ALL, created the building blocks of LIFE...rational, mathematical, consistent templates of beauty and strength.... the Golden Section Template of LIFE....
Now when seeing gold you might think more of the beauty of its MAKER and why it is incorruptible and beautiful.... and so how much more at its mono-atomic purest level, the monoatomic gold atom... Hmmmm worth a contemplation.
Next..Consider the long forgotten fact or suggestion, I once read that again the density of an atom is the same density as the Solar System's matter density.. Micro and Macro are the same ? A truth in one can carry over to the other, and to the middle cosm... Hmmmm.. lets check it out...
Also, where did gold come from....
Must look into that....
HereIn and HEREON are my written proofs...
You have none because you have only luck and at most you have two pages.
Yet we creationists learn precept by precept about the design and intell;igence of the Lords Creation.
And are always a step or two or thousand ahead of evolutionists that faltered at step one and complain they have no proofs to ..take their first step.
Prove it, Prove it, Prove it...!!!
Prove it Yourselves !!!
To the people who keep saying, Prove it, prove it or we ain't going to believe it.. Forget it. Prove it to yourselves and find
out for yourselves and do the homework and study yourselves. Nobody else can do prove things to you but YOU !!.
Besides most people that say prove it, prove it, over and over again .... disregard the proofs they have already been given
and are closed minded and don't want proofs and truths because their minds are already made up. It's usually just their way
of trying to confuse the issue like the jewish trick of saying why, why, why ....until finnally only God knows why. (And
they don't have the nerve or guts to ask Him why) . And therefore thesebablers think they can win an argument by saying
Why, why, why, or prove it, prove it, prove it when sufficient proofs already are there.
It's as shallow and as delorable a tactic as ever imagined. For nobody can prove it except the individual themselves. It is
their responsibility, and not the posters or the debaters. because real life is not a word twisting contest but a reality we have
to get right. Who wins an argument is NOT who wins in life.
Get it together whimps and answer your own questions which is why Jesus kept reversing their stupid accusing questions
back at them. As He only answered questions of the scribes and pharisee's when it was a benefit of the true seekers who
were listening nearby and recording his words in their memories.
Jesus wanted and wants sincere questions because He wants to teach us. As we are suppose to ask questions in order to
seek and find as Jesus said so many times. For he expects us to use the God-given brains He gave us in finding out the
Mystery of Life.
But that in no way excuses those that ask questions without wanting answers. I mean, even Abraham, the Father of Faith,
told a dead soul in hell that wanted to go back and tell his relatives what the other side was really like so they would have
proof of the After-life and understand it via this miracle of his returning ...NO, No WAY. Absolutely Not, They have
Moses and the prophets let them hear them, for if they believe not them neither shall they believe though one came back
from the dead. (Luke 16)
For people in this lifetime who asked Jesus real questions with a sincere heart, the Lord always answered them just as we
are compelled to, as well. (1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to
every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:)
Why with meekness and fear, because we should realize that we are judged by our words, and whether we have studied and
whether we can answer questions about life to others and direct them to the Answer Giver ...Jesus. And we are responsible
if we say nothing and don't speak up as well. For by our words we are excused or condemned.
Mathew 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of
judgment. Mat 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words (or lack of them) thou shalt be condemned.
Mat 12:38 Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. (Prove
it, Prove it, Prove it !!)
Mat 12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no
sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: (And that sign was the sign of JESUS' birth and life and death. That's
the only sign they need to find the truth)
So we have no liability or responsibility to answer questions of prove it prove it prove it to those that don't want proofs.
Let them find out life for themselves and get respect for others themselves. WE all responsible for our own actions and
thoughts via our choices, so we each have to 'examine ourselves', and be honest with ourselves, for we shall meet our Maker,
and He knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts, and knows we have all had the opportunity to find out His Answers.
And if they don't want to seek and find out .... Tough
That's their choice and their responsibility.
In His Service
PS) So if any true seekers and sheep want to prove whether Jesus is real or not, and they have a sincere heart, it is
proveable. All they have to do is ask Jesus to prove himself to them in prayer. If they do, He will give them the proof and
the faith they need. Therefore if interesting in finding out. Do it and prove it for yourselves !! (Rim)
(SEE Salvation)
You wasted all that time writing a long winded rant when you could have said I have no evidence to support my claims. Telling people to find the evidence themselves debunks your illusion of self grandeur.
You have ZERO evidence and this post proves it. Hey, look at the bright side. You gave it your best shot!:hysterical:
08-23-2017, 07:49 AM
You wasted all that time writing a long winded rant when you could have said I have no evidence to support my claims. Telling people to find the evidence themselves debunks your illusion of self grandeur.
You have ZERO evidence and this post proves it. Hey, look at the bright side. You gave it your best shot!:hysterical:
Real researchers RESEARCH, and make progress. Evolutionists only have luck, and chance and/or lucky chances.
So lets progress further, as the truth of "AS ABOVE, SO BELOW, rings true once again, in this application.
For nothing is too small for the Lord, and nothing to big for the Lord of Creation. He made the smallest building blocks, atoms, neurons, protons, electrons, and sub atomic particles swirling in and out of existence (Above and Below the speed of light in phi spirals) as well as making the stars and UNIVERSE.... For He created all and everything.
Or as Jesus said and prayed, As on Earth as it is in Heaven.... whether Up or Down, small or large, MICRO or MACRO, the principles remain the same and apply. The Middle cosm is not the totality, blinded man sometimes thinks concerns himself ONLY with.
If we know the principle of AS ABOVE, so BELOW, then we aren,t afraid of atoms, diseases, etc.. becauise the Lord is Master of the smallest realm, as well as the largest. In other words, we also dont have to worry about asteroids etc.... hitting the Earth. The Lord controls it ALL and is the Designer of it ALL.
Having established this principle, lets get back to out gold atoms and its amazing shells. Shells at phi ratios outward, all these shell pathways of electrons speeding at almost the speed of light, yet staying in their orbits without flying outward. STOP and THINK about that miracle. Just below the speed of light and an electron flies around a miniscule atom, and stays in orbit.
And this retaining the separation and balance and equality of the perfect geometric forms of the dodecathedron and isocahedron, and square etc. whether downward or upward in these extremely small shell distances. So again STOP, and consider the amazing creative power of the Creator in BALANCE and EQUALITY... to make the atomic structure, and the perfect one for GOLD.
08-23-2017, 08:16 AM
Dull witted and dumb evolutionists can't sharpen their minds or their swords, because they dont have the basic ingredients and principles or grindstone on which to sharpen their thinking. Neither do they have the time to do so, as their attention spans are so limited and nothing connects their neurons together.
So lets face it, passing through walls like Jesus demonstrated after He was resurrected, is very possible mass wise. tion&hl=en-CA&gbv=2&oq=Jesus+passed+through+walls+after+resurrection&gs_l=heirloom-serp.12...508703.521938.0.524235. .5467.0j10j9j3j1j1.24.0....0...1.1.34.heirloom-serp..36.9.2764.Q8KCHk0E5PQ
The distribultion of mass in an atom is very small, because as mentioned it is just like ABOVE with the Solar System. It is extremely spread out in its mass distribution of planets around a central Sun or a central nucleus. The principle is the same, hence one solar system passing through another with the forces neutralized, mass wise would mean that the masses or heavenly bodies would not directly hit each other and collide. Similarly, atoms with forces neutralized would also be able to pass through each other without colliding.
Passing through material is possible, physics wise, and mass wise.
(But obviously, we would have to have elevated our game via the Creators exact harmonies, frequencies etc... either after death, or possibly even before death..... as some have done. For do remember at death, our spirits go to our Maker at light speed and beyond to the LIGHT. Light speed being the barrier, we surpass when our below light speed lives are over and we have to face our MAKER and the Light)
Lets check out levitation next....
08-23-2017, 08:29 AM
You wasted all that time writing a long winded rant when you could have said I have no evidence to support my claims. Telling people to find the evidence themselves debunks your illusion of self grandeur.
You have ZERO evidence and this post proves it. Hey, look at the bright side. You gave it your best shot!:hysterical:
L67, I must give you credit for at least having a good signature, a good quote after your posts.
Lets magnify it..and color it RED for clarity.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace - Jimi Hendrix
To this I totally agree, but we can't just have that as an aim and goal, we have to have the method to get from the love of power to the power of LOVE. We can't just dream a dream without knowing how to accomplish or fulfill that dream. We have to make progress, rather than be complainers and deniers and doubters. We have to get the power of LOVE. How do we do it. People can try man's love, which always seems to come up short, mixed with the various emotions and motivations of fear, jealousy, insecurities, etc etc....
If their testing, shows man's love is unreliable and untrustworthy in the long run, then as good scientists they should try the LOVE OF GOD, as God is said to be LOVE by many of those that have tested HIM/HER out, and put this eternal love to the test.
SEE Ungodly selfish romantic love
SEE (This fits in with this thread, as LOVE is a literal harmonic wave, it is not spiritual double talk but a literal wave.)
But those with battered hearts and minds at the hands of the ungodly damnable religious systems who love the praise and money and power of man, can many times intimidate and frighten away searchers for real LOVE.
Dont you agree L67 ?
As for Jimi Hendrix, it seems he didn't entirely learn this lesson, but at least now, he knows in FULL that his quote was true.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace - Jimi Hendrix
Yes until the world receives the power of Jesus love there will be no peace !
Real researchers RESEARCH, and make progress. Evolutionists only have luck, and chance and/or lucky chances.
This isn't an answer. This is the type of rhetoric someone spews when they have nothing else to say to the facts. Nothing bu denial on your part. Sorry, you're not competent enough to declare that the entire unified body of science that accepts evolution as true to be liars. Our understanding of disease has expanded ten fold thanks to the studies of evolution. That's why we have new antibiotics every year to combat viruses that evolve. Companies spend billions every year using directed evolution to produce these cures. It's a win for all. Yo
For nothing is too small for the Lord, and nothing to big for the Lord of Creation. He made the smallest building blocks, atoms, neurons, protons, electrons, and sub atomic particles swirling in and out of existence (Above and Below the speed of light in phi spirals) as well as making the stars and UNIVERSE.... For He created all and everything.
You would love nothing more than to be able to point to some kind of evidence to support your assertions. We all know by now that you have none. All you have is words on page from a primitive book that has been debunked on a thousand points.
Having established this principle, lets get back to out gold atoms and its amazing shells. Shells at phi ratios outward, all these shell pathways of electrons speeding at almost the speed of light, yet staying in their orbits without flying outward. STOP and THINK about that miracle. Just below the speed of light and an electron flies around a miniscule atom, and stays in orbit.
You didn't establish anything. All you did was make baseless assertions with no evidence.
08-24-2017, 08:40 AM
This isn't an answer. This is the type of rhetoric someone spews when they have nothing else to say to the facts. Nothing bu denial on your part. Sorry, you're not competent enough to declare that the entire unified body of science that accepts evolution as true to be liars. Our understanding of disease has expanded ten fold thanks to the studies of evolution. That's why we have new antibiotics every year to combat viruses that evolve. Companies spend billions every year using directed evolution to produce these cures. It's a win for all. Yo
Aha...a cornerstone of evolutionary faith. Viruses change in their attacks on the original design. And so evolutionists who so want their not to be an original design and want changes to occur in the original DNA of mankind and life, cling to this invader or cancer, or disease as their cornerstone of truth that diseases change.
Life gets destroyed by germs and cancers and viruses, as sin and disease entered the world because of man's and woman's sins.
Read Genesis, as mankind has left the Garden where all the healing leaves of the Lord were and are... for even today almost every medicine that heals comes from living created matter...... whereas the rest are man made cooctions usually made for moeny, made for FDA approval, made to take from mankind, or keep therm alive so the medical field pharmacies and drug companies can steal from the fearful and dying.
Yes, virusses change and adapt, it is their modus operandi as allowed by the Lord, according to the curse on the Earth. Yes, thats how the Lord created them, to be a leech, not a living independant organiosm, but a sucker, a life drainer, as with all the devils perversions and the devil Himself. For the Lord created even Him as well. The Lord created even the dark side for His LIGHT SIDE PURPOSES
I assume you mean, medicine quessing where viruses traits would try to attack human beings away from the original DESIGN next.
Cause Yes, humans are so fearful and lack so much faith, and abuse their body with GMO foods and gluttoness, and not enough work etc... that mankind does get diseased...and then frets that they are going to die... buck up mankind, we all die...
Its part of the Design, the Plan... a time to get eternal life and eternal wisdom in selecting the ETERNAL ORIGINAL LIFEGIVER.
But do note viruses as with the devil always try new tactics to invade living cells... Yes, they change lies like cancer, as they are dependant on life to live, They have no life of their own, so must attack to stay alive... Yes, they are devilish, and they invade those that are weak. Viruses are leeches and evolutionists use their tactics in destruction and mayhem as proof of evolution, when it is proof of disease destroying and trying to kill living cells. Viruses like cancer (which is a lie in the replication of original designed structure of living cells, are diabolical, and they do change tactics as in a war of deception and false replication etc etc.. If you base viruses as your proof of evolution, go for it, its your life. Viruses dont evolve, but have been given the ability to adapt and change their lies, and structure, so as to attack and kill and destroy.
Scientists quess wrong on the new...keep'em alive flu vaccines' almost every year, as new damnable strains try and kill off the old and weak... but science is not paid to keep people alive and healthy, just alive and draining of their finances.
But then again modern medicine derives almost all their truely healing compounds back to life itself and the leafs that heal straight from the Lords remedies and GARDEN.. And man's vaccinations, are used to give disease rather than cure disease for the most part, as man's medicine is money based and not based on health and happiness and life. (FDA, altuism, etc etc etc..)
But if you love man, and Jimi Hendrix, rather than the healing power of the Lord, and if you think you can stop aging and death, then you hasve the right to worship your evolution and wait for it to change you. Your choice.
You would love nothing more than to be able to point to some kind of evidence to support your assertions. We all know by now that you have none. All you have is words on page from a primitive book that has been debunked on a thousand points.I already have thousand or more pages of PROOFS~already, and am progressing, you have nothing written.
You didn't establish anything. All you did was make baseless assertions with no evidence.
You should be my set up man, as you lead me into more I am always way ahead of you, because with the Lord and His Laws, which you have evaded again as I caught you again in your semantic twistings and denials...... I and any true researcher goes from precept to precept as we study the Lords Creation, truth by living proveable truth. (Eight Pages of proofs)
Just ask for more proofs and I shall deliver...... you will give the automatic without researching answer of "you didnt prove anything" because proof destroys your religion and worship of luck and chance in your god of evolution. But just ask for further proofs....
In His Scientific Service
08-24-2017, 08:48 AM
L...L...L.... as mentioned do revise or change your signature, its overall intent is valid and TRUE.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace - Jimi HendrixThe world has to get away from the love of power, and get into the power of love before they will find the same goes for you personally. It is a TRUTH.
Love and power are diametrically opposed. To have love, real love, a person and the world has to be unselfish, rather than selfish and self centered.
Jesus is that love, demonstrated and PROVED that LOVE, and is the LOVE OF GOD as He sacrificed ALL because of His LOVE for us.
But as He said in Pslams, When I speak of love, they are for war. In other words, the world hates His love and the mention of His love and Design.
Jimi Hendrix, might have realised this truth, but Jimi Hendrix did not have the power to live his life in love and descended into drugs and failure because, he failed.
So maybe drop the name of Jimi Hendrix and find a similiar quote, without the reference to Jimi. He knows now, how he failed and why he failed.
Only Jesus LOVE succeeds.
08-24-2017, 09:05 AM
Back to the topic and away from the negativity and closed mindedness of non researching evolutionists who deny everything..
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Gold is incorruptable, it stays shiny, WHY because it does not combine with other materials or other elements. Its perfection, does not need others to bring it down and tarnish it.
Its Platonic Shells of micro distances of swirling electrons at almost light speed, are so stable and sufficient and perfect and so exactly balanced that it need not combine with other elements. In its mono atomic and diatomic state it is ETERNAL, in a sense.
No wonder the Lord designed it to show His GLORY 0...1.1.34.heirloom-hp..24.0.0.-M_MHcGtG6k
Then a true researcher starts going through this links step by step, maybe selecting this one for further study
So now consider the amazing property or balance of an electron spinning around a nucleus, at almost light speed, yet it does not fly outward, but retains that orbit, as a moon around a planet does. The forces being EQUAL, how does this happen.
Well as we found out evolution did not create any forces, and also was not available to balance these forces or counterbalance forces (as with the nuclear weak force counterbalancing the strong force) Why because evolution is not a force and was never alive nor ever has changed anything....
The balance and equality and stability of an atom had to be designed at ONCE in all its details with all the other atoms, and in accordance with all the FORCES and their balances and implications at ONCE. They have not deviated since the Lord created them in the BEGINNING.
Prove it, we are HERE and the elements are HERE and working and viable. Life works, atoms work...they did not happen by chance. If they happened by chance, prove it...evolutionists. Sit down with your protons and electrons, and wait for an atom to get created by luck and chance and take as much TIME as you want...waiting.
Creation wins, evolution loses
We win because the Lord designed atoms, and the configurations of an atom.
Aha...a cornerstone of evolutionary faith. Viruses change in their attacks on the original design. [COLOR="#FF0000"]And so evolutionists who so want their not to be an original design and want changes to occur in the original DNA of mankind and life, cling to this invader or cancer, or disease as their cornerstone of truth that diseases change.
You need to stop lying. That is NOT my position. I have said over and over that there "could" have been a supernatural being that created everything. It's just that there is no evidence to support that belief. You have spewed NOTHING but bullshit for days in your replies to me, and not once have you provided one shred of evidence that would convince a rational skeptic. There is no peer reviews scientific evidence to support your baseless assertions. The writings on your website are not proof of anything. The only thing they prove is that you have an vivid imagination.
The rest of your post in an unintelligible mess. I have no idea what you are trying to say with that word salad. I don't even think you know what you are trying to say.
You should be my set up man, as you lead me into more I am always way ahead of you, because with the Lord and His Laws, which you have evaded again as I caught you again in your semantic twistings and denials...... I and any true researcher goes from precept to precept as we study the Lords Creation, truth by living proveable truth.
These are more of your putrid lies. You haven't caught me twisting anything. If you really did catch me twisting words, then you could easily point to the post where I have done so. The fact that you make so many baseless assertions only proves that your arguments are as empty as your head. (Eight Pages of proofs)
Just ask for more proofs and I shall deliver...... you will give the automatic without researching answer of "you didnt prove anything" because proof destroys your religion and worship of luck and chance in your god of evolution. But just ask for further proofs....
In His Scientific Service
:lol: Yea, that will convince a rational skeptic. Where is your physical scientific proof of your imaginary friend? Imagine my shock when you NEVER provide any.
L...L...L.... as mentioned do revise or change your signature, its overall intent is valid and TRUE.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace - Jimi HendrixThe world has to get away from the love of power, and get into the power of love before they will find the same goes for you personally. It is a TRUTH.
Love and power are diametrically opposed. To have love, real love, a person and the world has to be unselfish, rather than selfish and self centered.
Jesus is that love, demonstrated and PROVED that LOVE, and is the LOVE OF GOD as He sacrificed ALL because of His LOVE for us.
But as He said in Pslams, When I speak of love, they are for war. In other words, the world hates His love and the mention of His love and Design.
Jimi Hendrix, might have realised this truth, but Jimi Hendrix did not have the power to live his life in love and descended into drugs and failure because, he failed.
So maybe drop the name of Jimi Hendrix and find a similiar quote, without the reference to Jimi. He knows now, how he failed and why he failed.
Only Jesus LOVE succeeds.
There is no proof that Jesus is love or truth. You are a prime example of that. You are one of the most piss poor representatives of Christ I have ever witnessed. You spew nothing but lies, contradictions, and absurdities in the name of Christ. You have spewed endless lies at me in every post you have made to me. Sorry, you and your ilk only solidify my position that there is no Jesus guiding your life. I thank you for that.:thumb:
08-25-2017, 09:42 AM
There is no proof that Jesus is love or truth. You are a prime example of that. You are one of the most piss poor representatives of Christ I have ever witnessed. You spew nothing but lies, contradictions, and absurdities in the name of Christ. You have spewed endless lies at me in every post you have made to me. Sorry, you and your ilk only solidify my position that there is no Jesus guiding your life. I thank you for that.:thumb:
You're welcome,.... as atheists and agnostics and evolutionists always look for excuses for their lack of courage in going straight to the SOURCE... JESUS to find out whether or not He created all things or whether or NOT He Loves them.
They always try to blast those that know the Lord for being imperfect so they can justify their errant ways. They always say there is not enough proof, always..excuses excuses.
"It is the Lords glory to hid a matter \but the honor of kings to find it out...." Bible verse
Seek and ye shall find and quite whining about their not being enough proof, thats ludicrous, insane, untrue, and simply an excuse.
Thanks for proving my point...
Now back to the design of GOLD.....
08-26-2017, 10:22 AM
Back to Gold and its unique structure.... research research research, for if we search we shall Jesus said...
Amazingly yesterday Michael wrote me once again as we lost connection through email, and as it so happens HEREIN I was again studying chemistry, and the electron shells....Michael putting his GOOD PERIODIC TABLE online and on video.
Its at
But do note, how he also mentions over and over again about T.O.E and about the phi ratio.
I must look into it further and see if we are on the same page
Because HERE
The first blue highlighted graph does mention mathematically the limit of electrons or full shell mathematics, and theres gold's shells
2-8-18-32-18 and add the last electron to make 79.
More later, study and find and search and find, its all mathematics and exactness if we get it right, not mere observed phenomena, that mesmerizes, but exact laws that dictate an exact design for exact purposes.
Mad Mick
09-05-2017, 09:37 AM
That which defines us as complex biological sentient beings is not made by only the observation of how we're put together
Rather we are better defined by our thought processes, how we respond and function as well as how we spend our time outside
of our need for survival mode.
For instance, I'm here right now because of the combined effort of the human community. If I was on my own I could never
have the time nor ability to be able to contemplate such extravagances as being that well fed, clothed and housed that I could
get on this contraption and converse and conject with people all over the globe.
Now that in itself is profound. Yet many tend to overlook the enormous efforts it has taken millions of us to get to this position.
I cant help but recognise more than two sides to most arguments, because I've managed to absorb a lot of what I've recieved.
Unfortunately we humans tend to Forget the past and tend to delve in extravagances like:
"This is MY Human Right to be an unbelieving piece of crap and ALL I want to do is get off on whatever I WANT and the rest of
YOU can go F@#K Yourselves!!! I am pushy and will ridicule anything you say against me because I'm spoilt and can't recognise it.
I'll kill whatever whenever I LIKE and there aint a god damn nigger wog wop gook spac nerd dog faggy dike champ thing you
can do about it! You know why? According to Dennis Leary, "CAUSE WE STOLE I MEAN GOT THE BOMB!(and all the other little goodies)"
David, it's not for us to convince anyone here or anywhere about Gods existence. What defines us from robots is
OUR FREEDOM OF CHOISE and our ability to make really really stupid decisions at times. Now if you believe then thats accredited
to your good fortune for I can see the benefits in that, yet there are others who disagree and for GOOD reason.
See for millenia at least we have been fighting a spiritual war where Evil People have Entered OUR most honoured and sacred
places and Homes and have Abused us in the name of JESUS. Wolves in sheep clothing.
Personally I've had enough. I hate where the church has gone and understand why people don't believe.
I'm OK with that.
History MUST repeat,
It's prophesied and both you and I KNOW the source to be both ACCURATE and TRUE.
You know God prefers One who believes without seeing,
So . . . let it go.
There's enough proof for Gods existence and design on this site,
Richards early works, Vernon Jenkins and Craig Paardekoopers works are phenomenal. Still to this date there are certain Anomalies
that Richard still agrees may show intelligent design. Yet he remains Agnostic, thats HIS choice Alone and I thank God for that.
For I'd hate it to be any other way.
What I recommend is next you speak to an uninformed, send them to the proofs here on this site
or guide them to Kent Hovinds countless arguments over circular reasoning, his face book address is
I,ve heard hours of his early stuff and it was truely eye opening and well delivered. Well in a nutshell he ended up in jail because he
wanted his children to recieve a balance of teaching which would not rule out Creationism.
or if they want facts with undeniable odds guide them to Chuck Misslers 66/40 program and his site
If they're family orientated guide them to 'Focus on the Family,' at
If you sense hurt and abuse then link them to 'Insight for Living' with Chuck Swindol and his site
I've never heard a more profound and deeply moving address to his own church when it was found that one of the ministers were
involved with peadophilia (abuse of children).
Let the Holy Spirit convict and move as He pleases
I don't argue anymore, no offence mate but L67 was part right, for most of what you wrote was almost entirely pointless.
You created your own argument without clearly defined proofs.
Now when we elevate matter such as gold and add Gods mystique to it then it gets a bit Airy Fairy and you loose your audience.
You have to choose the right style. Clear and succinct; speak what you know and clearly define what you conject.
Back to the subject: Gold is a better conductor than Copper and Silver. Simplest mechanical way to Levitate is John Searls rotating Roller Bearing Style Magnets
My way utilises inertia propulsion and perpetual motion, just springs cogs and bearings.
The mystics use meditation which I don't practice enough but can prove via my understanding of electro magnetics eg.
Marco Rodins Coil as well as Victor Schaubergers vortex field mechanics and John Searls works; tied in with the merkaba chakra fields,
my own Pulse Effect Theory (Pole Shift - rotating tetrahedrons) and basic torsion physics.
Think of it this way, we are related to the Sphere which is Primary. Once a dynamic is applied ie. Spin, then a Field is created. The field
is in the shape of a Torus, Donut or Apple, electrons go in one way and come out the other. This is Torsion Physics, the Anomalies Associated with Field Amplification.
Only Faith and exercise (in this case meditation) can increase the conduit that runs from your Head to your Ars to allow enough energy to lift you.
An amoeba propells itself this way as do Solar Systems. Utilising sound and standing waves centred over a person or object can also propel
or create lift. Capacitors do the same thing. The Wad in the Great Pyramid is a series of rings or discs stacked on top of one another act like a capacitor.
My favorite though is Victor Grabenikovs flying box. Worth the read and will reinforce the Flying Straw Broom myth to fact. Definitely worth taking a
day off work to do the search, read then contemplate, plenty of clues and enough biological proofs for a keen observer to reach an affirmative conclusion
Hey L67 so your a Cat Person
Have you ever met any Cat People? I did a Terrance McKenna.
Workshopped with DMT about 10 times and entered into what I call the Virtual Space for All living Beings. Very Interesting
Well on two occasions I'd come across these cat like people, very, actually highly seductive they were.
The landscape in their realm was deep red and I kept seeing beings of the Everready type Black Cat.
Now I was well greeted by them, being a 4/9 Aquarian, but my link to the Serpentine's, born in the year of the snake didn't seem to phase them,
Well I don't know why. These Serpentines and Cat People seemed not only to get along but were somehow connected like neighbors or something.
Do you have any insight or are your feet planted firmly on the ground?
Mad Mick
09-05-2017, 12:37 PM
PS David
Are you familiar with David Sereda's work. When you've got time on a nice cold rainy night,
invite your soulmate to snuggle up and watch
"Quantumn Communication" on Utube Parts one and two. it goes for about 2.5 hours
It's a melancholy move through the world of what people refer to as the
LAW OF ATTRACTION yet much more informative and extrapolated
This version I believe is not pirated cause of the high Quality
You'll Love Davids work and will see what I mean about communicating styles.
The research is backed and cross linked by fellow Accredited Scientists across the Globe.
What should interest you is their findings regarding faster than light frequencies associated
with the transmission of LOVE from person to person, where you can actually see the force
leave the region of the heart and enter the other person.
Well I got to chat with him and sent him a copy of my table, in return he sent me an ebook
titled 'Gods Great Pyramid,' which is right up our alley of harmonics and ratio's. Now in the movie
you wouldn't think him as much of a bible scholar but when you read his book he gets deep
into Linguistics which I've been bang'n on for years.
Now I'll say this again
When you started this thread you openly attacked Atheism without provocation
No offence, but there's no Love of Jesus in that. L67 picked up on that but you went on like
a chook without a head. You were vague and sorry, but harmonics and Phi ratios to a lay person
wont prove God. Let alone your ridicule!
Now I know statistics and Logic and you just cant tell someone to check out pages of your
own work if they already disagree with you. If you want to reveal something make it simple,
concise and MOST importantly without that retaliative attitude.
We're here to learn and share what we know, so that we may All grow!
Back to Gold, yes it's an amazing Element and keep up the research I'm sure you'll uncover
a few nuggets of your own and when you do then I'll definitely salute you. But for now I'm
not sure whats your own discovery and what isn't. I know we tend to see snippets here and
there and forget to write down the source but at least let the reader know whether you've
compiled it on your own bat or you've made links to other peoples work. Both works are
commendable but without that knowledge makes me not want to read it.
No offence but we All have better things to do than to read over works that we're familliar
with. Be reader friendly and highlight at least what you think is new. If someone else in the
world picks up that that article was done by someone else prior to you then GOOD. Update that
information online which costs us nothing to correct and move on. Seriously some of the best
editing will come from ur readers. You brought me to one of my own just last Week!
Point 4 (c) Should read the Number of Elements with same Outer Shell, not
The maximum number of electrons that exist per shell,
Talk about EGG ON FACE! And it took me 20 years to spot that one. Oh I'll get there one of
these days, but you see what I mean about humility and automatically self correcting ones
self the right way, without trying to cover it up, for when we do we can cause our Own Mandela Effect
that just plain confuses everyone. The world is confusing enough as it is without people
like us throwing our own spanners in the work.
Keep going your amassing some good work, haven't checked it all out yet but we're definitely
on the same track,
PPS thanks for your feedback the other day and noted
09-06-2017, 07:01 AM
Mad Max, a few too many questions to answer, this is a research thread, rather than a normal thread..... or a debating thread.
And I differ as I am being as exact in a research thread as I can be..... until I honn in on something important, whether in my own progression or an inputted fact or suggestion.
As for the purpose, its called chemistry.... not just biology or physics.... as everything we learn has an application.
But whats lost in chemistry, secular chemistry is sacred geometry, for geometry is physics, and deals with space, three demensions and time.
Similarly what is also missing in the study of matter is that micro and macro are the same.... the same Creator and the same ratios... nothing new under the Sun.
The amount of matter percentage in the macro cosm, or lets say the Solar System or star systems is the same percentage as in atoms. A principle in either micro or macro should and does apply in the other cosmos, or our middle cosmos.
Here we are talking about the micro-cosmos of gold the perfect element and WHY.
Its by design the Lords design, as showing each shell is according to the design of the platonic soldis, as that is the only geometric shape that is balanced. Balnce is essential, and balance can not be by luck and chance. Electrons must be balanced even at almost light speed, and at micro distances.
Cat people and serpentine people, Yea meet a few, they are possessed, and try to cause no end of trouble, but can be averted and stopped via discernment and the power of the Lord.
We've had about three instances in the last month, with these critters doing small dastardly deeds outside our house. Nothing catastrophic but like demons, childish and prankish.... as if they are frustrated, angry and teething like the gnashing of their teeth. Yea, trans genetics is also evil, but the Lord will prevent that's culmination, and yet the demons shall abound more and the wicked Earth is becoming the cage of every foul bird as the Lord prophesided... and it means this LITERALLY.
SEE `Solar Eclipse.
Note 4, maximum shell meaning maximum FULL complete Platonic Shell of electrons.. balance balance balance,,, stable and shiny and uncorruptible Gold.
The Lord loves balance, stability, and equality.
09-06-2017, 07:05 AM
Cat people, serpentine people...... if we are talking exactly about possessed people with animal qualities, then we are not talking about the divine spirit of the one who got possessed by thse devilish demons of cats and serpents. Yes, as missionaries, we had to deal with maybe three or four... Thats a lengthy story or stories.... but the possessed are very real..... evil spirits are very real, and sometimes takes the form of cats and serpents, etc....
But do start a different thread for that discussion if you choose.
09-09-2017, 09:14 PM
I hate wasting time and prefer researching... rather than squabbling with people who deny prophecy, deny design, deny the power of the Lord of Lords.
Anyway read
And I really dont know much about cones and their design. So lets get going..... in ancient Egyptian hierogylphs....
"The Sothic Triangle, forming the ancient hieroglyph for Sirius (Sothis) was constructed by using a cord 22 units long, with markers at 9 and 13 units from the start.
Then, with the cord pulled taut at these markers, and the end meeting the beginning, the triangle denoting sothis was formed as the drawing shows; the base being 4 units wide and each sloping side 9 units from a corner of the base to the vertex, in 4-to-9 proportion (see for example the inscriptions at Abydos)."
From the 4/9 ratio can deduce that the vertex angle is 32.727272... degrees or roughly 33 degrees.
OK, I know about 33 degrees
And Jesus life, Jacobs ladder, sexual references, brain co-relations..... etc
And it does involve the magnification by the Number 11, which can be explained, and grapghed etc..
But the cone apparently has an angle of 32.727272727272727
(A knotted equal segmented rope of 22 units)
But wheres the exactness .....
well if you multiply 11 by 32.72727272 degrees you get 359.99999999 degrees ... a full circle ... 360 degrees
Mystery starting to be solved
In other words, a full array of 11 cones together would make a complete circle... and it would be a geometeric figure... never heard of that one before...... He a bible circle....
The text on-line and via the Egyptian's doesn't mention more.... but the math is rather simple, and my background articles makes it make sense.
This must be the conical spiral upwards inside a phi pyramid !!!
Notice the ankh next to the cone...... female.
Think equality and again think sexuality and power design, hence cone must be male
For male and female must cojoin as one to make the elixir... interesting...
There I said it and can proceed.....
09-09-2017, 09:43 PM
So next it states that ..
In personal communications Dr. Philip Callahan has suggested that the pyramid structure and certain cone topped round towers are open resonance antennas tuned to a resonance frequency of the earth.
Resonant chambers, Yes, but they had to be exact, and apparently they were by DESIGN...
So study the Earths Resonance
Now relate it to 33 hertz and check the wave [patterns
Yes, there is a design from the Earth s Resonance which is created by the lightning strikes around the world because of the exact distance around the Earth and the speed of light design which I have stated is by DESIGN. arassing this Earth Resonance is a power source.... rather than the stupidity of saying the Egyptians used millions of slaves to drag millions of stones up inclines in building the Pillar of Enoch also called the Great Pyramid.
Hence the Dr.s comments is very possible concerning these cones gathering the power of the Earth's Resonance.
Must study Sothic cones further... even though already it seems a better name would be a 22 cone.
22 is the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet, maybe a co-relation there... lets keep going
09-09-2017, 09:51 PM
PS David
Are you familiar with David Sereda's work. When you've got time on a nice cold rainy night,
invite your soulmate to snuggle up and watch
"Quantumn Communication" on Utube Parts one and two. it goes for about 2.5 hours
It's a melancholy move through the world of what people refer to as the
LAW OF ATTRACTION yet much more informative and extrapolated
This version I believe is not pirated cause of the high Quality
You'll Love Davids work and will see what I mean about communicating styles.
The research is backed and cross linked by fellow Accredited Scientists across the Globe.
What should interest you is their findings regarding faster than light frequencies associated
with the transmission of LOVE from person to person, where you can actually see the force
leave the region of the heart and enter the other person.
Well I got to chat with him and sent him a copy of my table, in return he sent me an ebook
titled 'Gods Great Pyramid,' which is right up our alley of harmonics and ratio's. Now in the movie
you wouldn't think him as much of a bible scholar but when you read his book he gets deep
into Linguistics which I've been bang'n on for years.
Sorry for the belated relook of your post Mad Max....
Agreed, Yes, love does go faster than light speed, love has no bounds, and extrapolates beyond light speed, meaning also time. Love is eternal and only is possible if it is Gods Love.... Jesus. He has to give it to us, and we have to receive it and use it wisely, but its not us its HIM.
And Yes, the answer to some of these queries and mysteries is attraction, including sexual attraction... two becoming one as in the First be fruitful and multiply (do math)...I mean get it together, male and female, and reproduce
And agreed, there is a literal force coming from our hearts, that can be seen (or felt in or under the right conditions, because love is real and the Lord can measure it and give it according to our literal heart condition) All parts of our body are by design, and the heart is no different, we are unique and divinely made in His Image. The heart is more than a mere organ, a mere blood pumper.....
I'll try to read more not so Mad Max
09-13-2017, 07:32 AM
Taking my posts elsewhere and saving.... them for online
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