View Full Version : MYSTERY 17

Mad Mick
06-05-2017, 12:24 PM
Hello guys, it's been a while.
Here's a blast from the past which is one of the two studies that I put together which I've chosen to Vet this year.
All thanks to this site
Thanks Richard

Mystery 17, The Return of Jesus Christ &
Revelation of Daniel's 70th Week Prophecy

Everything I'm about to reveal did not come by chance, for it took years of extensive study, dedication prayer and fasting, coupled with the inspiration and revelation of many peoples life time accumulated works, that by my reasoning, could only have been made possible by the Divine Will of the One and Only Sovereign LORD God, creator of the Heavens and Earth and Author of the Holy Bible.

In the month of May 1987 I began my endeavour to study science and scripture; for the purpose of expanding my knowledge of God and to prove my belief in that "All that Exists," is Unified.
Along the way I came to the same conclusion as many others have come before me; which is that in principal, though there appears to be an existence of random acts of chance, in this reality, there exists something much more profound; which is The Mystery Of Synchronicity.

Following is the result of one of those very rare moments in one's life, when in just one brief passage of time, everything just so Divinely Clicked.
Thank you Lord; thank you.

Michael Banjanin

It was around '93 or there about, while I was reading the book of Revelation for the umpteenth time, I began to wonder about what I call the Mystery Pyramid in chapter 17 verse 5 (Rev 17:5). Well I was reading an NIV copy at that time which words and displays this particular verse in a triangular pictogram as such,
Babylon the Great
Mother of all Prostitutes
and of the Abominations of the Earth

It intrigued me why it was put in this order. During that period I was also working on the development of a new periodic table design which at that time was already in a triangular format,
(see www.goodperiodictable.com (http://www.goodperiodictable.com)). Since I was looking for a Universal Building Block I thought maybe God was revealing something here to me personally, by bringing it to my attention, especially with the heading being "Mystery." So I pondered on it for a bit then asked God in prayer believing that one day he would reveal it to me and continued with my research.

Well, many years later in September '09, I attempted my second real attempt to quit smoking both tobacco and pot. After a month I was doing a bible study with my wife and my cognitive skills at recalling and finding interesting anomalies in the bible, began to improve. Two months later, being seasoned at fasting over the years, I had decided to attempt the longest fast yet. Inspired by Daniel I chose to not eat any food for 21 days, to both detox and loose some kilo's as well as connect spiritually with God. So I took some time off work and monitored my progress. Out of concern from my wife, agreed to get a health check on day 17 which turned out fine and continued to day 21 then gave thanks to the Lord and broke my fast yet continued to stay away from smoking.

To keep myself occupied I began to spend some time online searching some interests which inspired me to start writing my first book titled,
1, 2 ∞
G.O.D.'s Prime Objective
Introducing Geometric Organised Dimension

which was predominately about my accumulated works in Unified Theory and part biography (a work in progress). Well for the first time in my life I started writing profusely but by the time I reached about page thirty I got side tracked. It was early Jan 2010 and I was revisiting the works of Ivan Panin. 'The Seventh Seal,' by F.C.Payne if I remember correctly, was introduced to me by a Christian I'd met in '95 regarding Gematria (numerical patterns in the Bible) and the works of Ivan Panin. I decided to do a search online for more of Panin's work when I came upon a link to an amazing site called the Bible Wheel. It was designed by Richard Amiel McGeogh whom also hosted a forum where like minded people could converse. Well thats when the inspiration really started to kick in. It wasn't long before the interaction online unlocked a cascade of unexercised Biblical knowledge I'd accumulated over the years. Which resulted with the production of some of the most profound as well as prolific writings I had ever achieved. I mean it felt like my mind was on steroids and in those first few months answered about 150 posts (which was unheard of for me). On top of that I'd discovered some missing links to my scientific theory which prompted me to redesign the original table that I'd printed in '97, to double the size!

All that in just a few months. It was remarkable and all because I'd decided to take one step closer to God as well as do the right thing by my flesh. That was truly the most Divinely Synchronous moment in my life. Yet what stood out the most to me or should I say what left the greatest impact and gave me the greatest satisfaction was the revelation I'd received regarding the Mystery Pyramid. God answered my prayer 17 years later, pertaining to a time 17 years in the future, based on the number 17!

Well needless to say by May of that year I'd finally reached burnout at the age of 45 (which was inevitably building up for years), experienced mid life depression, regressed back to smoking cigi's and pot and have truly struggled to get back on track ever since.
Looking back. If it wasn't for that moment of synchronic bliss, that little spark from God, I don't know.
I seriously couldn't tell you. One things for sure, this most probably would never had seen light of day if it wasn't for the grace of God to spare and carry me through tough times. So before whatever, buckle up. I'm gonna take you for a spin!

going back there was really hard for me yeah. Took me Seven Hours to (w)right that wrong. If it's the last thing I ever write so be it. Just remember, I don't even consider myself as a real Christians arshole ok! I would just like to get through this, I hope;
One bastard day at a time)

Mystery 17

I'll recite this in the order it came. In the mid to late 1970's I watched a program hosted by a well known Australian Actor John Waters regarding Nostradamus' Prophecies, I was round 12 at the time and distinctively remembered these dates:
- That World War 3 and the battle in the Mid East (by the latest) would be over by the year 2027
- This would usher in the age of Aquarius and a 1,000 year reign of peace and prosperity
- Then Finally this world would end in the year 3127 AD.

Having strong interest in prophecy, I focused on the year 2027, pondering, If Nostradamus is correct then the duration of time from the birth of Jesus to 2027 should align or be significantly related to the final week in Daniel's prophecy in the Bible. So I did some division and saw that 7 divides evenly into 2023 and 2030. Then I thought a 3 1/2 year tribulation period as in the book of Revelation prior to 2027 fits within the year 2023. So I focused on the divisors,

2023 / 7 = 289. Automatically 289 stood out like a sore thumb, It's 17 squared.

I've heard many arguments regarding date setting either for or against calculating the time of when Jesus promised that he would return and make Heaven on Earth. To put an end to war and suffering.
Some quote," No one will know the Day nor the Hour of his return," and that ". . . only God will Know,"
(thus trying to delegitimise and thwart any attempt at the idea of trying to calculate when Jesus shall return.)

This is so, yet Jesus also states regarding the time of his return, " to look to the heavens for there will be signs as with a fig tree when it drops its leaves, you know that summer is drawing nearer, so too will be the coming of the son of man."
N.B. (I'm paraphrasing for the sake of expediency, if your reading this version it means you've obtained an earlier manuscript of which I still haven't added the references)

Indeed the narrative throughout the whole Bible insists that the reader. chews the words like a cow chews the cud, they regurgitate it! Never does it say not to look forward, unless the Time was not pertaining to the person being spoken to in the text, but I'll move on.

Knowing the season or the round about time as far as this last quote is concerned is a clear indication to me that the elect, will notice these things that will come to pass.

So recognising 289 to be 17 squared I looked to see if there was any correlation in Chapter 17 of the book of Revelation in the Bible, when I came across that elusive Mystery Pyramid or Triangle again;
only this time 17 years later under a new light. At that moment I was just getting accustomed to The Bible Wheel website and realised Richard had a Gematria generator that could calculate the numerical value of the script in both the Hebrew and in the Greek.
Take note that the numerical count in both the Hebrew and the Greek alphabets double up on some of the letters with slight variations to distinguish the larger number from the smaller and that both counting systems used 27 symbols to denote 1 to 9, 10 to 90 and 100 to 900.
No big deal you might think.
But when you consider the book of Daniel is the 27th Hebrew Text and the book of Revelation is the 27th Greek text, The phrase "First for the Jew and then for the Gentile," rings loud and clear, the synchronicity becomes apparent.
The understanding of the Mystery conveyed by Paul refers to the addition of the Gentile Harvest, thus the Rev. Mystery refers to the fulfilment of this harvest. Now the word Mystery only appears in the Second testament, 22 times, the word Mysteries also only appears in the Second testament 5 times. This is a total of 27 times.
Both Alpha/Numeric languages, both books, both words = 27

So I calculated the text as such:

Mystery 1178
Babylon the Great 1380
Mother of all Prostitutes 2764
and of the Abominations of the Earth 3535
Total = 8857 = 17 x 521

N.B. 521 happens to be the 99th Prime Number. Now this is highly significant, in Mathematics going back to antiquity, Prime numbers especially amongst the scholars and scribes were always held in the highest importance and to this day still remain a Mystery.

Now back to the Bible Wheel, what Richard had discovered was that there were geometrical links between the books of the Bible when put into 3 concentric Rings, (see biblewheel.com)
Through the numerous conversations that were taking place on his sight we learn that observations had been made by others as well regarding dividing the bible into two groups, where the emphasis was particular to the relationship between the First book Genesis and the Last Book Revelation
Previously at the Bible Wheel I'd constructed a combined organisation which not only divides the Bible into 2 and 3 groups but in a Multi Dimensional Rotating Wheel form resembling to a tee Ezekiel's Whirling Wheels. Below is the two dimensional representation of some of the main groups that I have compiled that been identified in the Bible Wheel,

01. Gen. 66. Rev.
02. Exo. 65. Jud.
03. Lev. 64. 3Jo.
04. Num. 63. 2Jo.
05. Deu. 62. 1Jo. ___ Group of 5

06. Jos. 61. 2Pe.
07. Jud. 60. 1Pe.
08. Rut. 59. Jam. ___ Sub Group of 3 (Total Both Sides 6)

09. 1Sa. 58. Heb.
10. 2Sa. 57. Phm.
11. 1Ki. 56. Tit. ___ Group of 6, 3 + 3 (Total Both Sides 12) ___ Sub Group of 3 (Total Both Sides 6) ___ 1st. Tri Group of 11 (Total Both Sides 22)

12. 2Ki. 55. 2Ti.
13. 1Ch. 54. 1Ti.
14. 2Ch. 53. 2Th.
15. Ezr. 52. 1Th.
16. Neh. 51. Col. ___ Group of 5

17. Est. 50. Php.
18. Job 49. Eph.
19. Psa. 48. Gal. ___ Sub Group of 3 (Total Both Sides 6)

20. Pro. 47. 2Co.
21. Ecc. 46. 1Co.
22. Son. 45. Rom. ___ Group of 6, 3 + 3 (Total Both Sides 12) ___ Sub Group of 3 (Total Both Sides 6) ___ 2nd. Tri Group of 11 (Total Both Sides 22)

23. Isa. 44. Act.
24. Jer. 43. Joh.
25. Lam. 42. Luk.
26. Eze. 41. Mar.
27. Dan. 40. Mat. ___ Group. of 5

28. Hos. 39. Mal.
29. Joe. 38. Zec.
30. Amo. 37. Hag. ___ (Sub Group of 3 (Total Both Sides 6))

31. Oba. 36. Zep.
32. Jon. 35. Hab.
33. Mic. 34. Nah. ___ Group of 6, 3 + 3 (Total Both Sides 12) ___ Sub Group of 3 (Total Both Sides 6) ___ 3rd. Tri Group of 11 (Total Both Sides 22)

Automatically you can see the many symmetries that exist. (For more insight into the development of the Whirling Bible Wheel go to conversations on the Forum dating round January 2010 between Richard and myself).

So back to Mystery 17, I figured, therefore if there is some mirror imaging existing between the books then what shall I find in Genesis chapter 17?
Well it opens with "When Abram was 99 years old the Lord Appeared to Abram." This is the chapter when God changes Abram's name to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah and claims within One Year Sarah will bear Isaac .
So now Abraham 99, has a direct link in this chapter 17 with the 99th prime number associated with the mystery calculation in chapter 17 of Revelation.
Therefore after realising there may be more than coincidence here I began to dig deeper to see what I could find. What came to mind was to see what year he was born and when I did the calculations from Adam or Creation it added up to 1948! So what you may say. Well it just so happens to coincide with the year the Jews returned to Jerusalem in the largest Exodus since Moses, as prophesied numerous times in the Bible. Ok then, now there are two links to this puzzle.
Well prior to chapter 17, God First spoke to Abram in his 75th year.
Therefore God First spoke to Abram in the year 2023! Which is 1948 + 75 = 2023

At this stage I was at Least convinced there was some synchronicity going on, but hold on, if the birth of Isaac was to herald symbolically the return of Jesus then he should not return until the year 2048. As well as this I was told of a Jewish prophecy which stated that from one of the Kings 70 Jubilee's or 70 x 50 years or 3500 years until their Messiah should come which also coincides with the 2048 timeline with a possible discrepancy of 10 years.

But when we analyse carefully what Jesus said regarding his return was that,
"if he did not come back Before his Appointed time, ALL would Perish," which In my mind brings us back to 2023 a wake up call from God proclaiming 3 1/2 years of 42 Months or around 1277 days of Tribulation!

So back to Mystery 17. When we study the meaning of the chapter 17 it talks about the Judgement about to come upon the Prostitute and of the Scarlet Beast she rides with 7 heads and 10 horns, again this adds to 17. The chapter Later confirms the meaning of the Seven Heads referring to Seven Leaders or kings of seven different nations with an Eighth head joining them. Well in the 1960's the western world trade alliance had the elite group of countries known as the Global six highest grossing economies of the western world, by the 1970's it was increased to Seven including Japan, by the early 1990's Perestroika broke down the barriers in place by the cold war and included Russia even through
huge successive divisions amongst the wealth of the USSR crippled the country, it still remained one of the top seven richest economies and thus entered into the newly formed G8. Never in history has the entire world been so accurately described in this chapter 17 prophecy as it appears in our current political time. Even up to the symbolic hit to the head which not only depicted the break up of the USSR but also the wine stain blemish on Premier Mikhail Gorbachov"s head.

Why Square 17?
Here is an excerpt from a letter I posted back in 2010 on the Bible Wheel to a colleague regarding the Link between scripture, triangular numbers, square numbers and the final catch, I quote:

"Why square 17?
There are 3 places in the Bible that I recollect which highlight the primary order of geometric stacking, ie. triangulated numbers
1. The parable of the sower in Mark 4:8 - 20 ". . .30, 60, 100 . ."
NB. the order in Matt. is reversed and in Luke only 100 is mentioned.

The sequence 30, 60, 100 are proportionally the same as 3, 6, 10 which are Triangular Numbers

2. The counting of the fish in John 21:11 "153"

153 is the 17th Triangular number

3. The word triangle of Rev 17:5 beginning with the word MYSTERY.

You don't have to be a brainiac to realise God is hinting at something with this last verse in Point 3. But when you tie in the fact that the first two verses are pertaining to the harvest, in both cases he explains to his disciples at different occasions that the he is the sower and people are the fruit and that he will make them fishers of men.

The Mystery verse then appears at the time after Rev 14:14 where Jesus himself is being conveyed a message by an Angel from God, to take his sickle and reap.
(I did a rough calculation and came to the minimum figure of 1 billion gallons of blood or approx. 1 billion averaged sized men, but this is besides the point I'm making.)

Back to Genesis, God created the world in 6 days. God Spoke to Abraham 6 times.
After the 6th Seal is opened the 7th Seal reveals 7 Trumpets
After the 6th Trumpet blasts the 7th Trumpet reveals 7 Bowls of the incense of God's wrath
After the 6th Bowl of incense is poured the 7th reveals the Last great Earthquake the World has never seen. Also ushering the time of the Destruction of "Babylon the Great" and the Final Battle in the valley of Megiddo or better known as the Battle of Har Megeddon.
A total of 6 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 19 things that happen not 7 + 7 + 7 = 21 things as many people misinterpret the text. This puts an even greater light to the meaning of Creation in 6 days and restitution in the culmination of man/beasts number being 666. As all historians will tell you when a number is repeated in the Bible its significance is greater, when it is tripled it becomes more highly significant again.
Three times and it is sealed, the contract cannot be revoked, this is the Law,
Therefore when God said that 666 is also mans number we must pay attention that after the 6th day God said that it was Very Good, this can only happen when Jesus Returns as promised to restore the Earth and rule accordingly, the 666 refers to the final hour before his return or the literal
3 1/2 years or
42 months or
1280 days,
again a time period repeated three times all pertaining to the exact period of time, so that there can be no arguments as to how long the tribulation shall endure.
Now as to relevance of 19, Revelation Chapter 19 begins straight after the Destruction of Babylon the Great and the completion of the 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 bowls of incense which as previously discussed really amounts up to 6 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 19.
19 years represents the moon cycle, where moon worship refers to Satanic influence.
When Israel split after the third king Solomon Both Judah and Israel had a total of 19 Kings each.
The end of the cycle 19 tends to depict the end of a trial, judgement or trying times.
Chapter 19 depicts Jesus coming with multitudes behind him and by the power of his Word (the sword in his mouth) defeats the entire army. The synchronicity here is that previously Judah's 19 king was carried away by Nebuchadnezzar King of the Babylonians. Now the Roles are REVERSED (classic Atbash Jewish study) where Jesus the King of Kings (and of Judah) destroys the armies and the Kingdom of Babylon the Great.

Now to understand 289 you need to understand this geometric order of triangulation. For when you stack spheres they add as you know 1 + 2 + 3 . . This in itself is not complete. Its like trying to speak Hebrew without the knowledge of vowel pronunciation. There are Gaps between the spheres.

Well when you draw straight lines between the spheres you get an equilateral triangular grid. Check out Diagram 2 in the Points Of Interest on my website www.goodperiodictable.com (http://www.goodperiodictable.com)
you'll see the shaded triangles pointing up with the corresponding triangular numbers to its right. You will also notice the white triangles pointing down they represent the missing Gaps between the spheres.

When you count the total area per level the shaded and white triangles (up and down) you will find it will match the numbers of the squares per level on the left of the diagram.

THE KEY now get this. Is found in phasing the two together. It's like male and female, up and down, right and left, sheep and goats, good and evil. Jesus says not to pull out the weeds until the harvest is ripe! The down triangles are one level behind the ups, or you could say the ups are "One step beyond!" So therefore when you add any two consecutive T No's together such as: 136 (T16) + 153 (T17) = 289 = 17^2 , it equals the square of the latter or higher T No.

Therefore the LAST TWO (II) complete the full picture. There is a similarity with the Fibonacci sequence which also focus' on consecutive numbers where the difference to the process is that the any two consecutive numbers sum the total of the next thus fully expressing the code. In both sequences the last two are synonymous with the first two, which just so happen to represent the first and the last or from Adam on the 3rd day to Eve on the 6th day. The first of the living which contains both codes to the last of the living. The A and the Ω. The beginning and the end.

The layers are infinite. Thus as I have quoted last year and have also read here in this forum all scripture is not just made up of singular or dual meanings but rather a plurality of meanings, links and instances. This is why history seems to periodically repeat itself and is so often mistaken as the complete picture when in actual fact it is part of the complete.

Now we go back to Daniel and the writing on the wall. I find it interesting that the only two pictograms that are in the Bible appear most mysteriously in Daniel as a Square or rectangle and in Revelation a Triangle, geometrically the message reads either square the triangle or triangulate the Square either Left to right or right to left, the link is always 17.

A common Jewish term in study is called atbash where the sequence or word appears in a different order (in this case reversed) revealing a code, or a spiritual finger print again showing synchronicity
Also for the prime lovers, the total sum for the first stage of the difference engine regarding Rev.17:5 is as follows:

Mystery 1178
Babylon the Great 1380 1380 - 1178 = 202
Mother of all Prostitutes 2764 2764 - 1380 = 1384
and of the Abominations of the Earth 3535 3535 - 2764 = 771
Total = 8857 Total = 2357 = 351st Prime

So 351 = (T17) or 153 reciprocated, in reverse order (rearranged or atbashed)
2357 also numeralises into 17.

A few more interesting factors:
17(Prime 8) x 521(P99) links to Gen 17 Abe's 99th year = 8857
17 △ = 153 links the mystery pyramid or △ to the catch John 21 and the triangular numbers to the parable of the sower (30, 60, 100)
(8 x 17 = 136) + (3 x 19 x 153 = 8721) = 8857
(3^2 x 23^2 = 69^2 = 4761) +
(2^12 = 8^4 = 4^6 = 64^2 = 4096) = 8857, numeralised 28 or 7 △.
The link with 69 above and the 69th week.
64 + 69 = 133 = 7 x 19, the 19 year moon cycle links with 28 day month cycle and in particular with the 19 head Demons who formed the rebellion. (Book of Enoch, the source of which was quoted in Jude)
(4761 numeralised =) 18 + (4096 numeralized =) 19 = 37, 13th prime
(17 reciprocated 71^2 =) 5040 + (17th prime 53 x 72 =) 3816 = 8857
Rev 17, 7 heads + 10 horns = 17

Another interesting point is the 66 books of the Bible, when we go back to the biblical division of books I portrayed earlier, one division 6 x 11 books showed the Dynamic of SPIN in the shape and design of Ezekiel's Whirling Wheels where the fourth wheel acts on the horizontal linking the three pairs of 11 books together. Follow my posts at The Bible Wheel.

N.B. 11 is also the 6th Prime Number, where as 66 is also the 11th Triangular Number

11 which numeralises to 2 written as such 11/2 is known as the prophets number; in Rev. 11 it speaks of the two prophets witnessing to the world. when we count 11 as 2 and multiply it by 6 we get, 2 x 6 = 12. Again back to the previous bible book order after Daniel appears 12 final Prophets that end the First Testament and usher the Second or the new.

Indeed the number 11 is strewn throughout the Bible, is always prophetic and is linked to completion,
from the first divisions and complete balance in creation, to the pillars before the temple and resting on the final two witnesses in the so called 11th hour before judgement and complete restoration. Understanding how according to todays interpretation when discussing the modern day concept of the doomsday clock, the time duration over the decades has shifted from the Eleventh Hour to 11:56, and is slowing down or everything else is speeding up depending on your viewpoint. what is interesting is how similar it is to the observance of Revelation, basically the closer we get to
Zero Point or Ground Zero the more accurate the forecast as well as the more corroborating evidence is found, both are (according to time) traveling on the same rate of exponential increase, prior to the tipping point. It?s a long discussion based on the Universal Dynamic explained in The GOOD Theory, somewhat similar to your time as compared to mine when one is observing the other fall into a Black Hole. More evidences of Devine Design on yet another more Deeper Level.
Indeed they are infinite!

Finally I?ll briefly touch on the Prime objective again by revealing these numbers,
Primes: 1, 3, 5, 11, 17 and 41 (P)
1st 3rd 4th 6th 8th 14th

They all belong to the same group associated with this formula:

n(n - 1) + (P) = (P) number of Prime numbers in sequence,

To me the linking of 41 to this group shows promise in a different study I'd done earlier regarding Jesus' Genealogy and the mystery of the 3 missing Kings, 41 is also the total number of the Kings of Israel, Saul + David + Solomon = 3 + 19 Kings of Judah + 19 Kings of Israel = 41.
This particular study in it's self is as epic as this exercise has been if not more so.
I'll do what I can to rewrite these findings asap into a palatable piece of text that people can comprehend and show some interesting patterns you may not be familiar with yet will be able to see that they are both real and revealing.

So now lets summarise over the key points or Synchronicities:

Nostradamus predicted that world war 3 and the great tribulation will have ended by the year 2027 at the latest and the 1,000 year reign of peace (age of Aquarius) shall begin

Rev 17:5 MYSTERY triangle tells the reader.
- There is something Jesus is revealing here, a hidden secret Mystery referring to the time(s) of when the destruction of Babylon the Great will take place.
- Gematria adds up to 8857 = 521(99th prime number) x 17

Bible scholars agree similarity exists between Genesis and Revelation

Gen 17:1 God confirms his Promise to Abraham in his 99th year links to 521 (99th prime Rev 17)

Abraham is born in the year 1948 from Adam

Isaiah's prophecy fulfilled, Jews return to Israel in the year 1948 from Jesus

God first speaks to Abraham in his 75th year or the year 2023 from Adam

2023 divided by 7 equals 289 or 17^2

2023 + 3 1/2 year tribulation period aligns with Nostradamus predicting the war is over by 2027

Daniels proven 69 week prophecy accurately predicts the Birth of Jesus,
The Final Week Duration depicting the Return of Jesus remains a Mystery to scholars

Daniel prophecies about the times immediately preceding the return of Jesus

Revelation predicts the same times

The book of Daniel is the 27th book of the First Testament in Hebrew (27 letter alpha/numeric system)

The book of Revelation, 27th book of the Second Testament in Greek (27 letter alpha/numeric system)

The word Mystery appears 22 times only in the Second testament and the word Mysteries appears 5 times only in the Second testament. Thats 22 + 5 = 27 times and only pertaining to the message revealed in the Second testament.

Daniels pictogram Square plus Revelations pictogram Triangle refers to numerical geometric function
to Square and Triangulate the code

The number 17 is the clear key number in Revelation 17
- MYSTERY triangle divides by 17
- Also reveals Global government of 7 heads and 10 horns adds to 17
- 7 and 8th head in Revelation links exactly to G7 to G8 global transition in the late 1980?s
- Squaring 17 reveals one day 289 x 7 (Daniels final week) equals 2023
- Mystery triangle appears in Rev 17:5, 17 + 5 = 22 coincides with the number of times the word Mystery appears in the Bible

Jesus Reveals Triangular numbers regarding the parable of the sower and the HARVEST

Jesus tells his disciples in John 21:11 to count the fish being 153, the 17th Triangular number
and John 21:11 numerically can be interpreted as 21 + 1 + 1 = 23 coincides with the year 2023

From a different perspective The Irish Catholic Pope Malachi predicted accurately 111 popes with synonymous aspects regarding each pope then refers to Peter of Rome the 112th as being the Last Pope before the return of Jesus. Ironically the Irish use the term Malarkey as pertaining to lies, which is the complete opposite from what we can see here with this very different Popes revelation.

To conclude I?d like to express the purpose of why I chose to share this information, well it?s not just for material gain but could do with some financial help so I?ve decided to keep it short, sweet, straight to the point and cheap to purchase online, but if what I share can save a life and get people motivated to join the world wide Disclosure Movement headed by people like,
Stephen M Greer, Foster Gamble, Stephen Quayle, L A Marzulli, Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan, David Wilcock, Max Kieser, William Milton Cooper and Nikola Tesla (God bless their souls) Richard Hoagland, John Searl, Marko Rodin, Richard Dolen, Eric Von Danikan, Jacque Fresco, Eric P Dollard, John Hutchinson and Thousands of Fellow researchers and witnesses who have blazed the trail of exposing the truth for the Benefit of Mankind,

then I can surely be rest assured that these efforts were not done in vain!
For these are surely tumultuous times and this whole world not only needs to get their head out of the sands and wake up to what is going on, but also need to be guided to a solution.
I figured during the stock market protests world wide back round 2010, if the Group Anonymous had a political Platform with Reps. that people could have voted for then all that exposure would have converted into votes and their message would have made an impact.
Instead their views fell on deaf ears.

So I've decided to create a New Political System and Platform called
Constitutional Law Examination and Reform or The CLEAR Party, a place where we can make a difference through the power of the VOTE, a system designed to enforce Transparency and invert the Power structure,
Very Simple and Effective. So keep your eyes and ears open and if it's the Sovereign LORD Gods will, then the website will be up and running soon. www.clearparty.com.au (http://www.clearparty.com.au)

So come and join me and Billions of fellow disgruntled voters to put an end to this dog eat dog annihilative system and make this transition to the coming Golden Age.

Well I hope I didn't Lose you along the way, but by no doubt I'm sure you will agree with me on this one thing;
which is that there is definitely a lot of cud for you to chew on here for a while at least.

May God Bless Your Endeavours and bring revelation to the fullest,
in the name of Jesus Christ his son I pray,

Michael Banjanin
PO Box 980 Melton VIC 3337 Australia
+ 61 431 44 11 44

(C) Copyrite Michael Banjanin 2017
All Rights Reserved

Was looking for an Eschatology section not sure if you still have it operating,
So I placed it here since it's based on Gematria

Mad Mick
12-24-2017, 06:28 AM
Abraham born in 1948 from Adam
The Jews return 1948 from Jesus!

Genesis Chapter 17 opens in Abrahams 99th year
Revelation Chapter 17 Mystery Pyramids Gematria equals 17 x the 99th prime number

17 x 17 = 289
289 x 7 = 2023 = Duration of Daniels 70th week (cryptically 17 can read 10 x 7)
2023 is the year God first Speaks to Abraham

Revelation 17 Explains the meaning of the MYSTERTY Babylon
and the 7 heads and 10 horns = 17

Nostradamas states that by 2027 by the latest that WW3 will have ended
Jesus stated that Unless he comes sooner than his appointed time All will Perish

Global 7 in the 1980's Global 8 includes Russia in the 90's
Russia's President Mikhael Gorbachov has wine stain resembling a crack to the head
as Perestroika dismantles the USSR

Pope Malachi accurately predicts aspects regarding 112 popes before the return of Jesus,
the current being Pope Francis (aka Peter of Rome) which I doubt will live another 30 years!
(2048) The appointed time.

7 CLEAR synchronous Links!

Random or Synchronicity?

In this Universe there is no such thing as Random!
Indeed, Random is a mathematically constructed tool from Hell.
It ONLY exists in Theory!

Am I wrong?

How is it that Johnathon Kahns Harbinger series sells millions and becomes a NYTimes best seller
Yet I can't GIVE this AWAY?!

I know
I'll do a Desmild
And keep it at the forefront until I get enough clicks the rest of the sheep will follow Right?

Of course I'm being sarcastic but also brutally honest
Remember, I first aired this at this very forum 7 years ago and No Where Else.

Richard Amiel McGough
12-25-2017, 08:13 PM
Abraham born in 1948 from Adam
The Jews return 1948 from Jesus!

Hey there Mick!

It's been way too long since we chatted. As you've probably noticed, I've been AWOL for quite a while from my own forum.

It's not easy to answer your long (though interesting) post. So lets start with something simple. Why would anyone believe that there was really an Adam who lived roughly 6000 years ago? Where's the evidence? And more importantly, how did you come up with the number 1948? Adding the genealogies doesn't work because they are all rounded to the nearest year which means on average there is an error of six months per generation. Thus, there is an uncertainty of about ten years in the date of Abram's birth, even if you assume biblical inerrancy (which is demonstrably false anyway).

Genesis Chapter 17 opens in Abrahams 99th year
Revelation Chapter 17 Mystery Pyramids Gematria equals 17 x the 99th prime number

Finding random "connections" like that is the root of all delusional numerology. The problem is that you didn't start with any general principles - you just look for "matches" and if they aren't there, then you ignore them. This is the opposite of science which must account for all the data.

Well, that's enough for now. If you'd like to have a principled discussion of your claims, I'm up for it.

Merry Christmas!


12-26-2017, 02:48 AM
they are all rounded to the nearest year

how did you come to that?

Richard Amiel McGough
12-26-2017, 08:08 AM
how did you come to that?
Because only the year is listed in the genealogies. The text doesn't say which month and day on which they were born. Thus, with each generation there is an error of six months on average. The only way the numbers could be exact would be if all the people in the genealogy had the same birthday, and there's no reason to think that is true.

Think about what this means. The tens of thousands of hours people have spent adding up the years of the genealogies was a meaningless waste of time.

12-26-2017, 08:50 AM
Because only the year is listed in the genealogies. The text doesn't say which month and day on which they were born. Thus, with each generation there is an error of six months on average. The only way the numbers could be exact would be if all the people in the genealogy had the same birthday, and there's no reason to think that is true.

Think about what this means. The tens of thousands of hours people have spent adding up the years of the genealogies was a meaningless waste of time.

But how you come to the idea that the Bible should relate historical data?

Richard Amiel McGough
12-26-2017, 09:03 AM
But how you come to the idea that the Bible should relate historical data?
Doesn't matter if it is historical or not. My point stands. The numbers calculated from the genealogies are off by six months per generation on average, unless you assume that everyone in the list has the same birthday.

12-26-2017, 09:34 AM
Doesn't matter if it is historical or not. My point stands. The numbers calculated from the genealogies are off by six months per generation on average, unless you assume that everyone in the list has the same birthday.

The given ages might tell something else


Adam lived 130 years until he fathered Set

After that he lived 800 years

So he lived 930 years.

930 is 70 from 1000

70 = lettervlaue of "ayin" - Coinciding Greek Omikron

130 = wordvalue of "ayin" - coinciding Greek Omega

1000 = "elef" -- which as letter is "alef" -- coniciding Greek Alpha.


12-26-2017, 09:36 AM
Or do you think Adam lived an historical 930 years (+/- 1-6 months)?

Richard Amiel McGough
12-26-2017, 10:19 AM
Or do you think Adam lived an historical 930 years (+/- 1-6 months)?
Do you think Adam was a real person who actually existed at a time in the past?

12-26-2017, 10:23 AM
Do you think Adam was a real person who actually existed at a time in the past?

you evade the question

Richard Amiel McGough
12-26-2017, 10:23 AM
you evade the question
You evade the question.

Richard Amiel McGough
12-26-2017, 10:25 AM
Adam lived 130 years until he fathered Set

After that he lived 800 years

So he lived 930 years.

Do you believe that Adam was a real person who actually lived 930 years?

12-26-2017, 10:27 AM
You evade the question.

The name Adam does mean "ani domeh" = I am ike, I do resemble.

Name given by God to the man he created.

12-26-2017, 10:30 AM
Do you believe that Adam was a real person who actually lived 930 years?

We all are Adam

Richard Amiel McGough
12-26-2017, 10:31 AM
The name Adam does mean "ani domeh" = I am ike, I do resemble.

Name given by God to the man he created.
Where did you get that? Most people say Adam means "earth" (adamah) from which he was supposedly made.

But still ... you evade the question.

Richard Amiel McGough
12-26-2017, 10:31 AM
We all are Adam
I'll take that as a "no."


12-26-2017, 10:33 AM
Where did you get that? Most people say Adam means "earth" (adamah) from which he was supposedly made.

But still ... you evade the question.


Adam and Adamah

Linguistically the word Adam, ?man?, is often related to the word ?earth?, viz. adamah. It is said (as linguists often conclude superficially) that Adam was so called because he had been taken from the earth. Yet this is essentially completely wrong, also linguistically. Indeed, the word ?man?, Adam, comes from the word ?I resemble?, so resemblance. This means to say that man was made in the likeness of God. The word ?likeness? has the same stem as ?man?; so the essential of man is not that he was taken from the earth but that he resembles God, like God said at Creation that He would create man to his image and likeness. Accordingly the word ?adamah?, earth, comes from ?man?. It is the feminine form of ?man?, and the woman is always younger than the man, comes after the man, and through man the earth is indeed deified, brought to God. It is not so that the earth forms man, but man must form the earth.

It is typical to see that this linguistic error is made in times of materialism, when the feminine side of man, this earthly life, is emphasized. But in times when it is known that man is also divine, that indeed the divine in man is the determining factor, it never occurred to people to say that Adam comes from adamah, because it was very well known that the feminine was derived from the male, and that the man does not have to conform to the woman.

12-26-2017, 10:36 AM
I'll take that as a "no."


Why then he should have lived a literal 930 (+/- 1-6 months) years?

Richard Amiel McGough
12-26-2017, 10:48 AM

It is typical to see that this linguistic error is made in times of materialism, when the feminine side of man, this earthly life, is emphasized. But in times when it is known that man is also divine, that indeed the divine in man is the determining factor, it never occurred to people to say that Adam comes from adamah, because it was very well known that the feminine was derived from the male, and that the man does not have to conform to the woman.

Ha! Well known fact? That's hilarious. :lol:

I agree that it is a well known ASSUMPTION common to ancient mythological/symbolic systems, but it certainly is nothing like a "fact." Men quite literally come from women (their mothers). And it could be argued that the fetus begins as female and later differentiates to be male because of the x chromosome (though this point can be debated).

Why do you think men have nipples? :winking0071:

Paul stumbled over his own words on this point when he was trying to justify the patriarchal hierarchy of Christianity when he said (1 Cor 11:12) "For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman."

12-26-2017, 11:39 AM
Ha! Well known fact? That's hilarious. :lol:

I agree that it is a well known ASSUMPTION common to ancient mythological/symbolic systems, but it certainly is nothing like a "fact." Men quite literally come from women (their mothers). And it could be argued that the fetus begins as female and later differentiates to be male because of the x chromosome (though this point can be debated).

Why do you think men have nipples? :winking0071:

Paul stumbled over his own words on this point when he was trying to justify the patriarchal hierarchy of Christianity when he said (1 Cor 11:12) "For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman."

it says : the feminine was derived from the male,

maybe better the feminine is derived from the masculine.

About Adam it says, Genesis 1:27, male and female he created them.

12-26-2017, 11:44 AM
A stunning thing about the given ages is

Abraham was born 1948

Isaac 2048

Exodus from Egypt with consequent giving of Torah ( ten commandments) took place in 2448, i.e. 500 years after Abraham's birth = 400 years after Isaac's birth.

Richard Amiel McGough
12-26-2017, 11:46 AM
it says : the feminine was derived from the male,

maybe better the feminine is derived from the masculine.

Yes, it would be better to say "masculine" rather than "male" since the one is an adjective and the other a noun.

But it doesn't make sense to me to say that one derives from the other. Male and Female are mutually dependent, like Yin and Yang. You can't have one without the other. You can't have hot without cold, etc.

About Adam it says, Genesis 1:27, male and female he created them.
Yes, it is common knowledge that "adam" can refer to humanity. But it also refers to an individual. Of course, you are free to interpret things any way you want.

Richard Amiel McGough
12-26-2017, 11:49 AM
A stunning thing about the given ages is

Abraham was born 1948

Isaac 2048

Exodus from Egypt with consequent giving of Torah ( ten commandments) took place in 2448, i.e. 500 years after Abraham's birth = 400 years after Isaac's birth.
None of those dates are exactly accurate unless you assume that all the people in the genealogy had the same birthday.

12-26-2017, 12:07 PM
None of those dates are exactly accurate unless you assume that all the people in the genealogy had the same birthday.

They were all born on the first of Nisan :winking0071:


Richard Amiel McGough
12-26-2017, 12:27 PM
They were all born on the first of Nisan :winking0071:

Well there you go! I'm convinced now. :thumb:

12-26-2017, 11:26 PM
The given ages might tell something else


Adam lived 130 years until he fathered Set

After that he lived 800 years

So he lived 930 years.

930 is 70 from 1000

70 = lettervlaue of "ayin" - Coinciding Greek Omikron

130 = wordvalue of "ayin" - coinciding Greek Omega

1000 = "elef" -- which as letter is "alef" -- coniciding Greek Alpha.


That this is right might be clear from the fact that Adam's fall had to do with seeing

Genesis 3:6-7,
And the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes, and the tree was desirable to make one wise; so she took of its fruit, and she ate, and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate. And the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves and made themselves girdles.

It is also in Ezekiel 47:10,
And it will be [a place] beside which fishermen will stand, from Ein-gedi to Ein-eglaim; a place for spreading nets they will be; their fish will be of many kinds, like the fish of the Great Sea, very many.

Ein-Gedi עֵ֥ין גֶּ֙דִי֙ = "eye 17" = Omikron

Ein-eglaim עֵ֣ין עֶגְלַ֔יִם = "eye 153" = Omega

See also


Mad Mick
12-27-2017, 11:14 PM
If we get over 7,000 clicks I'll be satisfied cause I'm a staunch believer in the Hundred Monkey
experiment; only when there's so much going on in the world it's easy to forget yesterdays Block Buster.
So some extra exposure would be highly appreciated.

RAM I agree with you on the appearance of randomness, though I'm a strong believer that
everything in this Universe is not only Unified but also Harmonically linked and affected by
everything else. eg. random generator anomaly.

However I understand your viewpoint and am focussing on specifics related to prophecy
regarding our time in Question and merely highlighting how many of these synchronicities
may be found. As you may have read in the Hologram thread I'm trying to persuade researchers
like Desmild to think more outside of his box and to try to understand and prove the numerology
within context of the scripture, now I didn't mean to be nasty by calling his answers Dribble
but to the layman all these figures are just confusion and appear to them as "So What."

Now I can see he's put a lot of time and effort into his work and I'm not detracting from that
in the least for I've studied the Occult enough to realise Harmonics Exist and in Numerical fashion.

Numerology has always been canned by the Establishment purely for the reason of keeping
this relatively simple tool of prediction to themselves. My honest Opinion.

However I'm one of few who actually made tables of multiple different counting systems ranging
from counting in threes through to I think 12's or 13's before I stopped.
I'd found some things would be the same as in the case of 9, where the sum always added
to 9. Well when 9 becomes the Decimal 8 reacts like the 9, or when 8 becomes the decimal
7 becomes like the 9.

I'd moved on from the study round 1990 after making a minor discovery regarding specific
isotopes that were created during Super Novae, by counting the 'Up' and 'Down' Quark
combinations per isotope I'd recognised out of 27 different combinations every isotope
belonged to 1/9th of the total either being a 3:3, 6:6 or a 9:9. Just a simple observation
which reflected an obvious explanation to this particular group associated with the pairing
of 3's where each proton consists of 2 up's and 1 down quark and each neutron consists
of 1 up and 2 down quarks. Biology, crystal structure, you know it's all simple counting process'
that show periodic harmonics.
(happy to post my first theses (strictly amateur of course) if anyones interested; about 10 pages)

What the huff was about Numerology had me stumped for years. I couldn't understand why
mainstream math were so opposed to it, till by 1990 it dawned on me that All of the
Sciences had been purposely Dumbed Down, World Wide to keep the masses Stupid
and willing to Kill their Brothers in War, Poison themselves beyond belief and to keep
paying for POWER while swimming in sea of Infinite Energy! It still makes me FUME to date!
We've all heard these sayings,
"Water water everywhere, yet not a drop to drink!" or the classic "Can't see the Forest for the Tree's!"

Nothing wrong with basic simplification, Numerology just takes it to it's lowest degree.
Babbage's Difference Engine, same thing. It has a purpose and Everything in the Universe
Applies it!

Lets move on,

Now I'm sure due to the Mayan Records that around 6,000 years ago Man knew the difference
between One season and the next. In fact the Asian Indian records supposedly went back
100,000+ years.

Therefore it is beyond reasonable doubt to think that an entire educated society who could read
and write would have misplaced an entire year. Not by a long shot.

So the argument of adding months and days between generations does not come into account,

It only does when dealing with specific numbers of Days, weeks and months. No argument there!
Even if there were 360 days per year prior to the deluge or Flood, would make no difference
to the year count thus Abrahams Birthday, according to the chronicle more than likely was
within 6 months of the year 1948, (unless I added it up wrong, in which the chances of that
happening are far greater and my own personal debunking would have to begin! ;)

Richard Amiel McGough
12-28-2017, 02:43 PM
If we get over 7,000 clicks I'll be satisfied cause I'm a staunch believer in the Hundred Monkey
experiment; only when there's so much going on in the world it's easy to forget yesterdays Block Buster.
So some extra exposure would be highly appreciated.

Hey there Mick,

Why are you a "staunch believer" in the Hundredth Monkey Effect? Have you seen any scientific evidence for it? The original story is not well established at all.

I understand that its nice to imagine that the world operates on magical/mystical principles, but I really don't think there's evidence to support that. Of course, I've had many fascinating and moving experiences with synchronicities and dreams and things like that, but it's pretty difficult to discern between things like that and random chance. But I do try to keep an open mind ...

The problem, of course, is that the world is filled to overflowing with people deluding themselves with unfounded mystical beliefs. I try to avoid that.

RAM I agree with you on the appearance of randomness, though I'm a strong believer that
everything in this Universe is not only Unified but also Harmonically linked and affected by
everything else. eg. random generator anomaly.

I used to think the same thing, and I still find it a very appealing world view. But there are lots of things I find appealing that are not real. So again, the question comes down to evidence.

I'm familiar with the random number generator anomaly but haven't really studied it enough to have an opinion. I'll have to review the data.

One thing that tempers my enthusiasm about the experience of unity is that all my experience is created by my brain, and so I would expect it to feel "unified".

However I understand your viewpoint and am focussing on specifics related to prophecy
regarding our time in Question and merely highlighting how many of these synchronicities
may be found. As you may have read in the Hologram thread I'm trying to persuade researchers
like Desmild to think more outside of his box and to try to understand and prove the numerology
within context of the scripture, now I didn't mean to be nasty by calling his answers Dribble
but to the layman all these figures are just confusion and appear to them as "So What."

Now I can see he's put a lot of time and effort into his work and I'm not detracting from that
in the least for I've studied the Occult enough to realise Harmonics Exist and in Numerical fashion.

Numerology has always been canned by the Establishment purely for the reason of keeping
this relatively simple tool of prediction to themselves. My honest Opinion.

Prediction? Have you ever seen a successful prediction? I can list a thousand FAILED predictions based on numerology, but can't think of a single successful one.

However I'm one of few who actually made tables of multiple different counting systems ranging
from counting in threes through to I think 12's or 13's before I stopped.
I'd found some things would be the same as in the case of 9, where the sum always added
to 9. Well when 9 becomes the Decimal 8 reacts like the 9, or when 8 becomes the decimal
7 becomes like the 9.

Yeah, you discovered how bases work in mathematics, though I wouldn't call the different bases "decimal" since that word refers specifically to the number ten (decade).

Did you know that there are 10 kinds of people? Those who understand base 2 and those who do not. :lol:

I'd moved on from the study round 1990 after making a minor discovery regarding specific
isotopes that were created during Super Novae, by counting the 'Up' and 'Down' Quark
combinations per isotope I'd recognised out of 27 different combinations every isotope
belonged to 1/9th of the total either being a 3:3, 6:6 or a 9:9. Just a simple observation
which reflected an obvious explanation to this particular group associated with the pairing
of 3's where each proton consists of 2 up's and 1 down quark and each neutron consists
of 1 up and 2 down quarks. Biology, crystal structure, you know it's all simple counting process'
that show periodic harmonics.
(happy to post my first theses (strictly amateur of course) if anyones interested; about 10 pages)

Feel free to post anything you like - within reason, of course! :winking0071:

What the huff was about Numerology had me stumped for years. I couldn't understand why
mainstream math were so opposed to it, till by 1990 it dawned on me that All of the
Sciences had been purposely Dumbed Down, World Wide to keep the masses Stupid
and willing to Kill their Brothers in War, Poison themselves beyond belief and to keep
paying for POWER while swimming in sea of Infinite Energy! It still makes me FUME to date!
We've all heard these sayings,
"Water water everywhere, yet not a drop to drink!" or the classic "Can't see the Forest for the Tree's!"

Nothing wrong with basic simplification, Numerology just takes it to it's lowest degree.
Babbage's Difference Engine, same thing. It has a purpose and Everything in the Universe
Applies it!

It seems to me that "mainstream math" is opposed to numerology because it tends towards absurdity and delusion. Note that I say "tends" - there could be a disciplined numerology, but it's very rare. I strove mightily to base my numerology on principles, but did not entirely succeed.

Lets move on,

That's what I gotta do. My lunch break is over.

Talk more soon,


12-30-2017, 05:30 AM


Adam and Adamah

Linguistically the word Adam, ?man?, is often related to the word ?earth?, viz. adamah. It is said (as linguists often conclude superficially) that Adam was so called because he had been taken from the earth. Yet this is essentially completely wrong, also linguistically. Indeed, the word ?man?, Adam, comes from the word ?I resemble?, so resemblance. This means to say that man was made in the likeness of God. The word ?likeness? has the same stem as ?man?; so the essential of man is not that he was taken from the earth but that he resembles God, like God said at Creation that He would create man to his image and likeness. Accordingly the word ?adamah?, earth, comes from ?man?. It is the feminine form of ?man?, and the woman is always younger than the man, comes after the man, and through man the earth is indeed deified, brought to God. It is not so that the earth forms man, but man must form the earth.

It is typical to see that this linguistic error is made in times of materialism, when the feminine side of man, this earthly life, is emphasized. But in times when it is known that man is also divine, that indeed the divine in man is the determining factor, it never occurred to people to say that Adam comes from adamah, because it was very well known that the feminine was derived from the male, and that the man does not have to conform to the woman.

Paul did hold the same

1 Corinthians 15:45-47,

So, too, it is written, ?The first man, Adam, became a living being,? the last Adam a life-giving spirit. But the spiritual was not first; rather the natural and then the spiritual. The first man was from the earth, earthly; the second man, from heaven.

only that the second is eternal and in thus precedes the first.

12-31-2017, 01:21 AM
Paul did hold the same

1 Corinthians 15:45-47,

So, too, it is written, ?The first man, Adam, became a living being,? the last Adam a life-giving spirit. But the spiritual was not first; rather the natural and then the spiritual. The first man was from the earth, earthly; the second man, from heaven.

only that the second is eternal and in thus precedes the first.

After Luke 3:23-38 Jesus was as son of Adam (via Enos and Set) the son God

Ἰησοῦς (...) ὢν υἱός (...)τοῦ Ἐνὼς τοῦ Σὴθ τοῦ Ἀδὰμ τοῦ θεοῦ

12-31-2017, 03:55 AM
Proverbs 22:9,

He who has a good eye will be blessed, for he gave of his bread to the poor.

He who has a good eye = טֽוֹב־עַ֖יִן "tov- ayin" = "17-130"


Additional meditation on the years of Jacob reveal that the division between the 17 good years in Egypt and the 130 years until then completely fit the expression tov ayin, ?(bearer of) a good eye?. Tov = 17, ayin = 130. In other words, Jacob himself is the bearer of a good eye, as alluded to in the blessing of Moses: ?Vayishkon Yisrael betach badad ein Yaakov? ? ?And Israel dwelled in safety, alone the eye of Jacob.?

130 was the age of Adam when fathering Set.


?Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said, ?The cup (of wine) for the blessing is not given to any other than the bearer of a good eye, as it says, ?The bearer of a good eye will be blessed for he has given of his bread to the poor?. Do not read it as yevorach, ?will be blessed?, but rather as yevarech, ?will bless?.? It is a person who bears a good eye is worthy of blessing. Others bless him and he has the power to bless others.

It counts as well for Jesus ...


ψυχή = Hebrew "nefesh" "nefesh" = 430 = 5 x 86 = "kos" cup ?And he took a cup (....) and said to themThis is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many"

12-31-2017, 04:23 AM
Genesis 4:25, And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son, and she named him Seth, for God has given me other seed instead of Abel, for Cain slew him.

other seed, instead of Abel וַיֵּ֨דַע אָדָ֥ם עוֹד֙ אֶת־אִשְׁתּ֔וֹ "vayeida Adam od et-ishto"


Lemech came to the first man (Adam) and complained about his wives. He (Adam) said to them, ?Is it for you to be so strict concerning the decree of the Omnipresent? You perform your commandments, and He will do His.? They [the wives] said to him, ?Correct yourself first. Haven?t you separated from your wife already 130 years since death was decreed because of you?? Immediately,?And Adam knew, etc.? What is the meaning of עוֹד [again]? This is to say that his desire [for Eve] was increased above his previous desire

other seed instead of Abel for Cain slew him זֶ֣רַע אַחֵ֔ר תַּ֣חַת הֶ֔בֶל כִּ֥י הֲרָג֖וֹ קָֽיִן "z?ra acheir tachat Hevel ki harago Kayin"

cf. Matthew 23:35,
so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah

other seed

"acheir" also: strange, from another world "olam acheir"

12-31-2017, 04:50 AM
Abel הֶ֔בֶל of course has this strange RAM-number 37


12-31-2017, 07:05 AM
Name Seth שֵׁ֑ת "shet" explained as "ki-shat li elohim z?ra acheir" כִּ֣י שָׁת־לִ֤י אֱלֹהִים֙ זֶ֣רַע אַחֵ֔ר

"shat" / "shit" = to put, place. lay, fix, appoint

"shat" = basis, foundation

"shatah"= to drink

"sh'tiyah" =1) drinking 2) basis foundation

"even sh'tiyah"= foundation stone (on which the temple was build -- and nowadays the dome of the rock) = the stone of Jah's drinking .

Scripture doesn't know no more of him than that Adam fathered him in his likeness and after his image and did call him Seth
and that he fathered Enosh (= man, human being - name from which derived "anashim" =people) when he was 105 years old (so when Adam was 235 years old) and died when 912 years old (so in the 1042nd year of creation)

12-31-2017, 08:53 AM
Weinreb about the name Shet/Seth in "De bijbel als schepping":


"shet" is also in the first word of the bible of course "b'reishit"

"shit" is Aramaic for six.

The Zohar does explain "b'reishit" as "bara shit" = he created six.

https://books.google.nl/books?id=gHXqB_ITcDoC&pg=RA1-PA114&lpg=RA1-PA114&dq=bara+shit+he+created+six&source=bl&ots=Gmo599aZai&sig=6vdoAR-MymI6UJWQ_2tOmd7Pak4&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiJwcO4zbTYAhULKFAKHZghA_gQ6AEIPTAH#v=on epage&q&f=false

12-31-2017, 10:09 AM
Hey, the foundation stone "even hash'tiyah"אבן השתיי ה‎ is also called סֶּלַע‏‎ , "s?la" , which is Aramaic כֵּיפָא , "keifa", after which Simon was called Peter Κηφᾶς Cephas



so that's how the foundation stone gives forth water, is it "stone of Jah's drinking"


In ancient times when the holy temple still existed, once a year and only on the holiest of days, Yom Kippur, The day of atonement, The great Cohen (High Priest) dressed in white would enter the holy of holies, the inner sanctuary of the holy temple. The people waited outside the temple. This was the only time when the COHEN entered the Holy of Holies ? The "Dvir" where in laid the original Ark of the Covenant. '"Dvir" in Hebrew gematria equals 216. It is located above the drinking stone (EVEN HASHTIA). The word HASHTIA in Hebrew gematria is 720 meaning 72. The COHEN would say the 72 names of g-d in the specific formula passed from COHEN to COHEN only. If his heart was pure he would live, if his heart was not pure he would die. It said: ?They would here the great name out of the great COHEN? and also ?what marvelous sight was it to see the great COHEN go out of the holy of holies?.

Richard Amiel McGough
01-01-2018, 09:45 PM
Hey, the foundation stone "even hash'tiyah"אבן השתיי ה‎ is also called סֶּלַע‏‎ , "s?la" , which is Aramaic כֵּיפָא , "keifa", after which Simon was called Peter Κηφᾶς Cephas



so that's how the foundation stone gives forth water, is it "stone of Jah's drinking"

Doesn't keifa refer to any old rock? Is every reference to "keifa" a reference to the "foundation stone"?

01-01-2018, 11:01 PM
Doesn't keifa refer to any old rock? Is every reference to "keifa" a reference to the "foundation stone"?


כֵּיפָא , "keifa", translates Hebrew "has?la" הַסֶּ֛לַע= "the rock" in Numbers 20 , that gave forth water after Moses did hit it with his staff, instead of speaking to it, because of what he wans't allowed to enter the promised land.

In Exodus 17 there is also a rock that gave forth water after Moses did hit it with his staff, but this rock is Hebrew "hatzur" הַצּוּר֘, translated into Aramaic "tinara"

צוּר occurs much more often than סֶ֫לַע


סֶ֫לַע literally cliff, crag Judges 6:20; Isaiah 2:21; Isaiah 7:19; Amos 6:12; Numbers 20:8 (twice in verse); Numbers 20:10 (twice in verse); Numbers 20:11(compare Nehemiah 9:15; Psalm 78:16, and contrast the צוּר of Exodus 17:6)

01-01-2018, 11:50 PM

He created them with the letter ?hey,? as it is written (Isa. 26:4): ?for in Yah (יָהּ), the Lord, is the Rock of eternity.? כִּי בְּיָ֣הּ יְהֹוָ֔ה צ֖וּר עֽוֹלָמִֽים


01-02-2018, 12:04 AM

He created them with the letter ?hey,? as it is written (Isa. 26:4): ?for in Yah (יָהּ), the Lord, is the Rock of eternity.? כִּי בְּיָ֣הּ יְהֹוָ֔ה צ֖וּר עֽוֹלָמִֽים



Gives me new respect for dandelions...



what is this Hey? it was not with effort and not with toil that the Holy One created the world


These are the generations of the heaven and of the earth w-he-n they were created, in the day that the LORD God made earth and heaven. (Genesis 2:4)
אֵלֶּה תוֹלְדוֹת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְהָאָרֶץ, בְּהִבָּרְאָם: בְּיוֹם, עֲשׂוֹת יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים?אֶרֶץ וְשָׁמָיִם

When they were created ? BeHebaram ? Rabbi Abahu in the name of Rabbi Yochanan said: BeHibaram, With [the letter] Hey He created. And what is this Hey? All the letters require the tongue and this [the Hey] does not require the tongue. Similarly, it was not with effort and not with toil that the Holy One created the world, rather, (Psalms 33:6) ?By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.? Bereshit Rabbah 12:10

01-02-2018, 07:59 PM
Alright Mad Mick. Let me get into the biggest question of them all; which is when Jesus comes back.
You found some interesting details in your study. Instead of debating all of the details, let me show you how I came to the conclusion about the same question. I believe I found the answer in rcg.org (The Restored Church) which is the church (in my opinion) who knows the Bible best out of all chuches. (And I do not follow that church).

So first off let's try to find out what starts the "last days".
I believe there is a direct verse on this in the Old Testament that mentions when we see Israel becomes a nation again, then we are in the last days. I tried to find that verse again after around a half an hour of google searches and searching on rcg.org. I failed to find it so it might be my memory failing me.
But I found this though; from freshlightsource.com

Shortly after this, the disciples ask the Lord about what will happen at the end of the age, when he returns. In the middle of his answer about the future, Jesus gives them another parable about a fig tree, and once again it's clear he's using this figure as a symbol for Israel. He says: ?Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know his return is very near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place." (Matthew 24:32-34 NLT).

Now this fig is different from the fig in the first parable and the tree that he's just cursed, because both of those trees didn't have any fruit or buds. But this tree has buds, indicating that fruit is beginning. So in this parable, the Lord is talking about Israel developing green leaves and also fruit buds. In nature, he says, when you see these signs you know what season you're in. In a prophetic sense, when you see Israel "bud" you know that "his return is very near, right at the door." Then Jesus gives an important timing clue. He says: "I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place."

So he's saying that you know what season you're in, when you see the buds of the fig tree; and, the generation that sees this won't pass away until all the things he's been talking about take place. So let's summarize: 1) the season is the last days before the Lord returns, 2) the budding fig represents Israel beginning to blossom again (or become a nation in the land), and 3) the generation who sees this won't pass away until the end times events the Lord is talking about have come to pass.

For the fig tree to truly bud would mean that Israel would have to become a nation. Just a few Jews living in Palestine didn't qualify for this to be the budding. Jesus had already predicted that Israel wouldn't be able to become a nation again until the time of Gentile rule over the land was fulfilled. That means, because Israel has indeed become a nation, that we are in the last days.

So how long is one generation ? See Psalms 90:10 for than answer

The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

Ok so one Generation is 70 or 80 years.

Now lets presume the last days starts when Israel is born again which was in 1948.
1948 + 70 = 2018 (this year) and let's get real; its not this year because of several reasons.

So its probably 80 years then.
1948 + 80 = 2028

So what Jesus is trying to tell us is that he will come in or around the year 2028.

This is the approach I learned by the rcg.org on this subject. Hope you found it interesting.

01-03-2018, 04:59 AM
The serpent, the subtlest of all the beasts of the field, had observed with interest the humans? sexual intercourse in Paradise. He saw that Adam calmly willed his penis to stiffen and then gently inserted it into Eve?s vulva. The act caught his attention in part because he thought that Eve was extraordinarily beautiful and in part because he had already noted a certain resemblance between Adam?s penis and his own body, which he could also harden or soften at will. One day, he approached Eve?Adam was away surveying a different part of the garden?and proposed that he stiffen his body and enter her, as Adam did. Lacking any knowledge of good or evil, Eve gladly consented. The snake made himself hard and penetrated the woman, moving his head this way and that to see what might be of interest. But it was dark inside and, after a while, concluding that Eve was more beautiful without than within, he withdrew. Eve, however, had experienced something intensely pleasurable, and she determined that when Adam returned she would teach him how to imitate what the snake had done. (Williams 57?58; Slavonic Enoch)


The newly created humans were not only physically beautiful but also supremely wise. Fashioned in the image of God and appointed king over all the earth, Adam?s nature was entirely without passion. There was not a single moment in which he felt a hint of the irrational, the slightest trace of anger or of lust. Indeed had our first parents continued in the state of innocence and righteousness in which they had been created, they would certainly not have generated offspring through the sexual intercourse in which humans now engage. Our race instead would have been propagated in an altogether noncarnal way, a way suited to the supremely rational, unimpassioned creatures we once were. And as befitted their original perfection, Adam and Eve fully grasped from their inception the difference between good and evil and hence fully understood the divine commandment not to eat of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. To believe otherwise would be the height of madness. For how could God have prohibited transgression to one who was ignorant that transgression was a bad thing? (Gregory of Nyssa)


?And the two of them were naked, the human and his woman, and they were not ashamed.? How did they show that they were not ashamed? By having intercourse in the open, in the eyes of all the creatures around them. The serpent, the most cunning of all the beasts in the field, was aroused by the spectacle. He desired the woman and began to converse with her.


The human had sexual intercourse with his companion, just as he had had sexual intercourse with many of the animals God had brought to him to name. The intercourse was in all of the cases entirely without pleasure or interest. It was calm, deliberate, and rational. What was exciting to the human was to live with a being that came from his own body: ?This one at last, bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.?


The human had sexual intercourse with his companion, just as he had had sexual intercourse with many of the animals God had brought to him to name. The intercourse with the animals was calm, deliberate, and rational, to test whether one or another of these animals was a suitable companion. But with the human companion, it was different: it continued to be rational, as it had been before, but it was now also intense, passionate, and deeply pleasurable. What was exciting to the human was to merge with a being that came from his own body: ?This one at last, bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.?


Surrounded by the animals, grazing and playing and on occasion mating, Adam and Eve lay down to mate for the first time. Adam willed his penis to become erect, and it did so exactly as he had directed it to. And he inserted his penis quietly, gently, almost imperceptibly into Eve and released his seed within her. The couple then arose and continued with their gardening.


Noticing with some distress that the gardening labor was exceeding their power, Adam and Eve lay down to mate, to produce offspring to help them with their tasks. Adam assumed the act of mating would be like his walking and other motor skills, that is, subject to his will. He knew?the way he knew everything, just by innate understanding?that he needed to insert his penis into Eve and release seed. He tried to do so, but his penis was too soft and small to enter her. He looked about with some perplexity, but there was no one he could turn to for advice. He tried again and again, but still no success. He finally had the idea that if his penis were stiff, it might be able to enter Eve. So he willed it to become stiff, just as he willed his legs to walk or his mouth to chew his food. But in this one instance, his will did not seem to move his member. It remained soft and small.


Adam attempted to will his penis to enter Eve, just as he willed his legs to walk or his mouth to chew his food. But in this one instance, his will did not seem to move his member. It remained soft and small. As he poked it gently, Eve, seeing his distress, joined in the enterprise, kissing it, and as she did so, it became stiff. But just as Adam?s failure was out of his control, so too his success was not fully of his own volition. After all, it was Eve who had brought his penis to life, making it as hard as bone. It occurred to him then that his penis was somehow not quite his own, that it was Eve?s bone.


Looking up, Adam saw God bringing Eve toward him. He felt something he had never experienced before. Everything he had seen had pleased him, but nothing he had seen?neither the plants nor the animals nor God himself?had aroused him. Even the animals that God brought before him to name?though many of those were quite beautiful and put him in mind of the fact that he was missing something in his life?had left him unmoved in the way he now felt moved. The woman, and the woman alone??This one,? as he ecstatically declared?kindled in him an excitement that ran through his body like the current he felt when he had touched an electric eel. He found that his penis, which had served him until now as a vehicle for urine, was erect and leaning up and out toward Eve. He found that it entered quite easily into her, and he felt himself releasing his seed within her. But the fact that he did not and could not will this physical movement, as he had willed everything else, was strange. The experience left him with a peculiar sensation of longing and love, and a small undercurrent of anxiety.

Stephen Greenblatt is the Pulitzer Prize? and National Book Award?winning author of The Swerve and Will in the World. His latest book, published this week by W. W. Norton, is The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve.

01-03-2018, 08:57 AM

so this explains:

?And Adam knew again etc.? What is the meaning of עוֹד [again]? This is to say that his desire [for Eve] was increased above his previous desire :winking0071:

Mad Mick
09-22-2019, 08:43 PM
Thanks for the reply Desmild.
I'm more inclined to decipher the word "Generation," spoken by Jesus, as referring to the age of Pisces, approx. 2160 years.

Sorry to see you got banned.
However after leaving such an impression I'm sure you'll drop by occasionally and check on the replies and views.
125K clicks on your Genesis Hologram thread is a real milestone; for that alone you should be very pleased.
I mean, I wish I had that kind of exposure!

I'm glad Richard didn't delete it, although changing it's name in my view smells a bit like socialist censorship.
A bit rough in my eyes, but again that's how it is. Maybe over time he'll come around. I mean I was banned for being rude but graciously reinstated,
however when it comes to English Gematria and Cherry Picking,
Well let's just say you lasted longer than most.

What I do recommend to our smiley moderator is that at the very end of this section <The Bible Wheel Website>
he creates a new section <Delusional Biblical Holographs and Gematria in English>
I mean why not. It'll generate a lot of views and not hurt anyone. It's Obviously more Popular amongst the masses and would expose the Bible Wheel
to a much wider audience. (Food for thought? At least consider.)

Alex, If you had of gone over the past posts regarding English Gematria you not only would've gained good insight, but also would've
realised RAM has no tolerance for Pure Ignorance. Come on, He's debunked his own work, how else did you expect him to react to yours,
especially when there's no comparison. Pragmatic as opposed to Sporadic.

Though I agree with RAM on the Cherry Picking
I still encourage you to proceed.
Your work is one of the most in depth attempts at English Gematria I've come across so far
incorporating the understanding of the Hologram.

Keep it up. Others will find you and add to your work. You need to build your own network of like minded people.
I hope you do find the Key as to when certain words apply to a specific Number.
Now I'm not sure if your familiar with the work of SerialBrain2 on YouTube
but that would be a start.
They decipher US Secret Service Code linking QAnon with Pres. Trumps Tweets.

Now I never learnt code and can't confirm how accurate SB2's interpretations are, but if you search for ex MKUltra Victims I'm sure some of the most passionate and adept may shine light on the code behind the Cherry Picking which will finally legitimise your work to your peers. Also try Kerry Cassidy at "Project Camelot" for sources.
You see, I recognise that Synchronicity is everywhere and but rarely see it before the fact. I'll give you an example:

Last Month, 31st Aug 2019 there was a planetary conjunction Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Moon in Virgo. Now my wife is a 8/5 Virgo and asked me prior to help sell Pizza's at an Event down the Great Ocean Road past Lorne. I was fully aware of the alignment prior but had to read up on the significance each planet had with Virgo. For each planet varies in significance per sign. It wasn't until the day before, that I could read the exact degree of the planets via the app I use, which revealed about 8 x 5's 4 x 8's and 4 x 2's in the planets Degrees (2, 5, 8 belong to the same group) I knew it was going to be intense. So I was prepared, physically, mentally and most Importantly spiritually. I didn't sleep that night (couldn't), rose at 4am still didn't arrive till 8:30 am 1 hour late with children in tow, mind you breakfast was projected at 30% of the takings. The winds reached 50 to 60 kms through a most unusual WNW which intensified due to the ravines. Every where else in the state the winds never got over 25 kms. Everything flew, including the Paramedics Tent next to us. As the Joggers lined up per marathon event it only intensified. One of the main runners tried to stop our food containers from entering the river only to slip and do his coccyx, my son fell into the river during the busiest time, my daughter had head aches (rare) and I'm cooking bacon and egg muffins in a little wood fired portable BBQ in atrocious winds. Normally the event and food vendors would've cancelled but because of the distance from home and tenacity of the marathon runners we stuck with them through the 9 hour ordeal, by lunch I'm cooking chorizo's and chevapi's while Mariana's doing pizza's and jacket potatoes. We were the only food vendors there so we couldn't abandon them. People need to eat especially after intense exercise all day. Now we do not get along on half of all occasions yet the foresight and prep I put in before hand made it work. Otherwise it would've been a disaster for not only us but the 300+ joggers and families. Instead we turned over $1,500 and the Boobytraps that predominantly follow my wife were Countered by her Absolutely Awesomely Well Prepared Husband! (An Extremely Rare Event, normally we argue and piss each other off)
This required Intense Discipline, with at least 6,000 years of recorded knowledge including thousands of variables.

Trying to identify English Gematria though is a highly complex exercise because we don't fully understand the variables. The English Language is very young, yes it's roots go back to antiquity but at most unless you dedicate your life to it only a haphazard chance pigeon interpretation could ever be achieved eg. like as often as the Newspapers Astrology gets it right and I don't mean the vague readings, 12 readings cannot, will not ever, identify 7 and a half billion people. For Gematria is related to Chinese Astrology (Years) Western Astrology (Months) and Numerology (Days, Hours, Minutes etc.). Why? Because the same Spirit that moves the planets moves us and All Matter. Which is the same spirit that moves our mouths to name names
& places the Nouns, not to mention the Verbs, Adjectives, Synonym's, Acronym's and the list goes on. It's at least as complex as our neurology. The only difference is it's easier to prove our brains do what they do.
What was shunned over the last Hundred years by the arrogant, anti theology, Quantum Physicist Cowboys, has only just started to make it's way back into legitimacy, thanks to people like Ronald Reagan and the increase in public disclosure regarding Adept Knowledge, Freemasonry and the Mystery schools over the past 30 years.
And yes, It's as confusing as trying to understand the geometries while on DMT or LSD.
Just remember that we're floating in an infinite number of waves within waves of different sizes and structures. Think of Music and Light, then Touch, Smell and Taste and that is just within our sense limit.
But Start with those and Do Not Digress, for if the word was written for Us, then we not only conject (Hypothesise) but can prove (Theorise) that It Is Written Through Us.

If Gematria exists in one language there can be no doubt that it exists in All Languages. I watched a program on Chladni Waves (Cymatics); think it was one of David Sereda's, where the researchers claimed that the Hebrew letters would appear on the sand, when large numbers of people came together and spoke in unison.
They also claimed that they found this effect appeared in the Arabic language amongst their groups as well.

I Believe as we the collective species, mature to the point where this information will will not hinder our spiritual progress, only then will we begin to understand. As we are; too many people would use this information for selfish/evil means.
(Frankly I'm in no hurry for this information to be disclosed, for the current Enemies of Mankind would use it against us. Just keep this in mind, Adepts Hate Disclosure. Should you ever, if ever, reveal Anything New or Hidden; expect great opposition from the most powerfully corrupt people in the world. To the Esoteric this would be like you giving ABomb's to rest of the world. If I were you, I would not proceed unless I lived like a Prophet and Submitted totally to your Faith in God; FAST and PRAY REGULARLY. Hear from the Lord. Maybe God doesn't want this. Consider my plight, I've had to wait 32 years to prepare for "My time under the Sun" and it wont be some stroll in the park, that I assure you. My One Question to you is this, "Are you convicted and willing to Die for it?! If yes, "Then Go For It and Don't Stop." For it's a far greater sin to have a talent and bury it, than to express it.
On the Contrary,
ever more so,
what's the point in living
if you forfeit your soul!
Or trading eternal life
for a taste, a trinket
and a hole!

God Bless You Man
Michael Banjanin aka Prof. Mad Mick

PS I searched Alexander Marcusson Gematria, clicked on the "miraclesonpaper/blogspot" but couldn't leave a msg and ur facebook was shutdown.
If you proceed could you send me a link to your new site.

P2S Check out: https://www.truth-revelations.org
My friend Moshiya van den Broek is a Dutchman living in France. He's not big on Gematria but has made some very interesting Esoteric discoveries and will be
lecturing in Holland in November. He may be worth catching up with. Tell him I sent you.

P3S Strangely enough when you search for English Gematricians the main contemporary names that appear are Donald J Trump (SB2 calls him the maestro), James Comey and Aleister Crowley. Steer well Clear of Comey, Crowley and Dee. Oh Lordy!

Mad Mick
09-19-2020, 02:04 PM
For those interested,
I finally finished and self published "Mystery 17" on the 29th of February 2020.
It's 60 pages, Totally Raw and Unedited,
with Expletives and the Odd rant. $30 each
For those of you who enjoy my posts and would like a copy send me a request email at
and we'll sort it out.

PS Richard if you'd like a free signed copy let me know
It would never have seen light
without your si(gh)te!