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04-08-2017, 07:58 PM

I promised Richard to show him some examples of verses that are integrated.
And the image above is my version of the Creation Holograph.
I found the English connections in it but Richard found the main connections here including the Greek phrase of "God the Father"
He discovered that number 37 is the "Heart of Wisdom" through the Hebrew words in the Creation Holograph,
and he discovered the Triangular connections here found in Gen 1:1. But the Heart of Wisdom was all about God creating Alpha here and not the number 37.
The Heart of Wisdom reflects Triangle nr 37 & 73 here since 37 + 73 = 110 "Alpha".
And 37 has the value of "Seal" (Eng ord) & 777 is the Seal of God. So 37 is really central to this since it is a code number for 777.

For those who do not know, Hebrew is read from right to left which is the opposite direction of how we read English.

But before we start, know that i am using number 1 as the first Prime all the way. Here is some of the proof-
37 = Prime nr 13--- 73 = Prime nr 22
- 13 is the value of the words in Hebrew: "one"/"Love" = Prime nr 7 = ordinal of "God" (singular-form)
- 22 = Nr of letters in the Hebrew Alphabet = Composite nr (13 = Prime nr 7 = Prime order of 37)

In the first verse (Gen 1:1)
- Nr of words & letters added is: 7 + 28 = Prime order of 37 (13) + Prime order of 73 (22) = Pri-ord(7) X 7
- Nr of words & letters added with factors is: 7 +28 + 37 + 73 = 13 + 37 + 22 + 73
- Center word of Gen 1:1 = 401 "Aleph & Tav" = Prime nr 80
- The words surrounding the center word is: "God" (86) + "the heaven" (395) = 80 + 401 = 13X37
- Prime order of 7 = 5 "Hey" (5th Hebrew letter that is seen 2X times in the Hebrew spelling of "The Lord" & it is the center letter in "God") = Nr of letters of "God" = Nr of verses that describes the first day = Value of letter nr 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) of the bible = Value of letter nr 137 "of God" (Eng sta) of the bible. (number 5 is also said to represent grace)
- Value of "God" in ordinal hebrew = 41 = Prime nr 14 "Gold"/"Golden" (Hebrew)
- Value of "God" in standard Hebrew = 86 = 2X Prime nr 15 --- 2X15 = 30 "Bible" (In English A=1 B=2 C=3...)
- Prime orders added of: 7 (5), 37 (13) & 73 (22) = 40 (this number stands for testing) = "miracle" אלט

Number 1 is related to God, since there is one God. But when we find number 1 in the codes; it actually stands for the first letter of the Greek alphabet: α "Alpha". Which again points to the fine-structure constant since it is being noted as α. We wlll read more about this later in this thread

Mathematical terms:
- Pri = Prime nr (Numbers that can only be divided by 1 or itself. The 10 first primes are: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23)
- Pri-ord = Prime order of
- Compo = Composite nr (Numbers that are not primes. The first 10 composites are: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18)
- Compo-ord = Composite order of
- Tri = Triangle nr (figurate number, and very easy to find since you just need to add all natural numbers up to the order you want to find. Example: Tri(3) = 1+2+3)
- Squ = Square nr (figurate number, also easy to find as you just need to multiply the order you want with itself. Example: 37X37 = Squ(37))
- Star = Star nr (figurate number)
- C.Hex = Centered hexagons (figurate number)
- Palin = Palindrome nr (Numbers that are the same read forwards and backwards. The 20 first are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 111)
- Pytha.Pri = Pythagorean Primes (The 15 first Phytagorean Primes are: 5, 13, 17, 29, 37, 41, 53, 61, 73, 89, 97, 101, 109, 113, 137)
- Happy = Happy numbers (See link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy_number)

Pythagorean Primes are special since the special numbers of this thread: 37, 73 & 137 are Phytagorean Primes of the orders: 5 (37), 9 (73) & 15 (137).

So if I want to write Triangle nr 7 (28) then I write: Tri(7). And if I want to write prime number 7, I write: Pri(7).

- Vs = Verse nr and it will be termed as Vs(n)

Gematria terms:
- ord = ordinal value (placement orders of the letters)
- sta = standard value
(ordinal & standard methods are the main systems to use in the codes)
(Here is the Link for the Alphabet table of this website incase you don't understand how these numerical systems work:
- red = reduced (goes from 1 to 9 and starts over on 1 in cycles) (a known system used in both Hebrew & English)
- 4 basic (4 English gematria systems added: ordinal, standard, reduced & Base 6 (A=6 B=2X6 C=3X6)
- Full = Words/letters fully spelled out (Example: the first Greek letter Alpha α is fully spelled out like this: Αλφα with a ordinal value of 34 & standard value of 532)

The Full method on the Greek letters is noted as just ord or sta in several cases by me but you see that it the letter is fully spelled out in every case, In Hebrew I only use the standard values and this is because the Greek letters are way more important here because they are the notifications of physics.

Now if you think that using A=1X6 B=2X6 C=3X6 is wrong or strange then let me tell you that God definitely uses that system.
Here is a link for a site that gives you many connections between phrases using this system. http://prophecy.landmarkbiblebaptist.net/6=AGematria.html

Language terms:
- Heb = Hebrew
- Gr = Greek
- Eng = English
(I use both ordinal & standard systems on words of these languages)

Now because of the lack of space in the pictures, I may only write just (Heb), (Eng) or (Gr), instead of (Heb ord) etc..
Where (Heb) & (Gr) is always standard & (Eng) is always ordinal (A=1 B=2 C=3).
Think of it that standard is the main system of Hebrew & Greek. But ordinal is the main system in English.

For the sake of being effective i write: 110 "wisdom" (Heb ord + sta)
instead of writing: 37 "wisdom" (Heb ord) + 73 "wisdom" (Heb sta) = 110
And if i add the values of the same words of two languages then i write: 370 "God" (Heb & Gr)
instead of: 86 "God" (Heb) + 284 "God" (Gr) = 370
(The Greek word for "God" can be found in John 1:1 which is the first verse of book nr 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) = Factor of "God"))

There are methods I use in each verse that are very important in these codes. These methods are:
- Total value (TV)
- Center word(s) (CW) --- If a verse has a number of words that hits a odd number, then it has 1 center word. If it has a even number of words; then it has 2 center words, and if so you add them.
(Center words represents the heart of each verse, so this method stands a bit out like the total values in my opinion, and I do have some codes that points to it.)
- First & last words added (FLW)
- First, last & center words added (FLCW)
These methods are my favorites because I have found special hits on them.

But God uses several methods also & the ones I use are:
- Nr of words (Nr.W)
- Nr of letters (Nr.L)
- Words surrounding the CW (W. Surr. CW)
- And if a verse has 1 center word then you may add it to the 2 words surrounding it so it becomes the 3 center words of that verse. (3 CW of)
- Center letter(s) (CL)
- First & last letters (FLL)
- First, last & center letters (FLCL)
- Letters added up to center letter or the first center letter if the verse has 2 center letters. (W. up to CL)
- Letters added from the CL (or 2nd CL) to the last letter (W. from CL)
- Words added up to the CW (W. up to CW)
- Words added from & inc. the CW to the last word (W. from CW)

The 4 last methods here involving adding up to CW or CL can collide with each other because words added up to CW = Words added up to CL in several verses, or the other way around where all words from CW = letters from CL. So its no use using all the 4 last methods on every verse.

You should also know the values of the central names of God.
- 3 = "Father" (Heb ord) = "Father" (Heb sta)
- 26 = "The Lord" (Heb ord) = "The Lord" (Heb sta) = "God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- 86 = "God" in Hebrew = CW of Vs(27 = 1 (A) + 26 (Z))
- 112 = "The Lord God", which is the Full Central Name

Richard found out that if you add the TV of the only 2 verses that starts with "In the beginning" (Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1) in the Bible we get:
37X73 + 39X93
= Triangle nr 112 "The Lord God"
A lot more can be written about these two verses but I try to focus on the English connections here.
But I found out that if you add the FLCL of these two verses we get: 133 + 355
= 468 "The Lord God" in English Standard

I have noticed that God likes to use these methods to hide a lot of his codes. But I won't include every method in every verse here, and i wont use every method in the book btw.

Here is the results for the Hebrew Gen 1:1 which is the first verse.
- Nr.W = 7 = Pri(5 "The" = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal" (Eng ord))
- Nr.L = 28 "of God" אלהי (ord) ---- This word is really spelled like "God of"/"The God of" but since God loves riddles so much it seems he is using it as "of God" also, you will not find that in any dictionary because I found it out. I have checked the verses and it works.
- Nr.L + Nr.W = 35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red)
- TV = 37X73 = Tri(73 "wisdom of") --- 37+73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng ord)
- FLL = 92 "riddles of" (Eng ord)
- CL = 41 "God" (Heb ord)
- FLCL = 133 = 13 "Alpha" אלפא (red) with extended digit
- L. surr. CL =10X 41 "God" (Since this method should always connect to the CL)
- 4 CL = 451 "everything" (Heb sta) = 137 (Inv. Alpha) + 314 (Pi)
- FLW = 1000 + 209 "scatter" (Heb sta)
- CW = 401 "Aleph & Tav" = Pri(80 "Pi" π = "Universe" (Gr ord)) = W.nr 137 by rot.
- FLCW = 10X 161 (3 digits of Phi aka The Golden Ratio)
- W.surr. CW = 481 = Pri(13) X Pri(7) = Pri(80 "Pi") + 80 "Pi" = "Alpha" 13 X 37 "Wisdom"/"The Heart"
- 3 CW = 882 = Comp(729 (α)) = "The Golden Ratio" (Eng ord + sta)
- All words added except the CW = 100X23 "Aleph & Tav" (ord)
- FLL + FLW = 1301 = Pri(213 "the" (Eng stand) = "ultimate connection" (Eng ord)) = 113 "universe" (Eng ord) + 137X3 (Eng Gen 1:1 in A=1 B=2 C=3) + 777 (Eng Gen 1:1 in A=26 B=25 C=24)
- CL + CW = Pri-ord(37 "Seal" (Eng ord)) X Pri-ord(137 "of God" (Eng sta)) = CW of Vs(3773)
- FLCL + FLCW = 7X (249 "Finger of God" (Heb) = FLW of Vs(99 "Physics" (Eng ord)) = Letters added from 13 to 7 in Gen 1:1)
= 100 + 137 (Inverse α) + 729 (α) + 777
- TV + its mirror is: 2701 + 1072 = 3773 = Palin(137 "In the beginning" (Eng ord))
- TV & its mirror + CW & its mirror = Tri(3 "Father") X 713 "Wisdom" (Eng sta)
- Add letters from nr 3 to 7 = 713 "Wisdom" (Eng stand) = All primes added from 1 to 73 "wisdom" (Heb sta)
- Add letters from nr 1 to 26 (Heb) "The Lord"/"God" (Eng ord) = 2000 + 137X3 (English Gen 1:1 in A=1 B=2 C=3) = Pri(359 "Torah" (Eng stand) = Pri(73 "Wisdom")
- Add letters from 2 (86th when counted by rot.) to 26 = (Eng ord) "the" 33 X 73 "wisdom" ("The Lord" = 26 --- 86 = "God")
- Counting the 3rd word "God" of this verse by rotation by the nr of words of this verse hits the order of = 73 "wisdom" --- "one" 13 + 73 "wisdom" = 86 "God"
- Add the orders of all letters that has the value of 1 "Aleph" in this verse = 86 "God"
- Add the order of all letters that has the value of 400 "Tav" in this verse = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord)
- Orders added of letters that has the value of 1 & 400 = 39+93 (Total value of John 1:1 (which is the main verse to integrate with Gen 1:1) = 39X93)
- Count letter nr 18 by rotation by the nr of letters & it hits the order of = 46 "codes" (Eng ord)
- All letters added to nr 18 = Comp(1 "α") X 477 "Divine" (Eng stand)
- First & last letters added of "God" (86) = 41 "God" (Heb ord) = CL of Gen 1:1
- Center letter in "God" = 5 = Pri-ord(7) = Value of letter nr 37 of the bible = Value of letter nr 137 "In the beginning" (Eng ord) of the bible
- First, last & center letters added of "God" = 46 "codes"
- The 4th letter of "God" has the order of = 13 "one" = Pri(7) = Pri-ord(37 "wisdom")
- Values of the 4 first letters in "God" = 46 "codes"
- Orders added of the 4 first letters in God" in this verse = 46 "codes"
- Center letters added of "God", "the heaven", "and" = 46 "codes" = FLL of Vs(777) = CL of Vs(26 "The Lord"/"God") = CW of Vs(927 = mirror of Alpha) = mirror of "Israel" (Both Eng & Heb ord)
- "In the beginning" is a signature God is using since it is the first word of the Bible. First, last & center letters added of this word = 703 = Tri(37)
- "created" & "Aleph & Tav" added with their mirrors is: 203 + 302 + 104 + 401 = 307 + 703 (Tri(37) & its mirror)
- 2 last words added which is "and the earth" = 703, while their ordinal values 73 (God uses this method where He removes a 0 from a number)
- Ordinal value of "In the beginning" = 76 "Bible Codes" (Eng ord) = 37 + 39 (Factors added of Gen 1:1 & John 1:1)
- Standard value of "In the beginning" = 913 = (Heb) "Hide" 11 X 83 "wisdom" (Eng ord)
- Ordinal of "in the beginning God" = 117 = 7 + 37 + 73 (Triangular orders added that are found in this verse) = "God the Father" (Eng ord)
- Standard of "In the beginning God" = 999 = (Heb ord) "Riddles" 27 X 37 "of Wisdom" (Heb ord)

God is all knowing and his capabilities are endless. He demonstrates it in the Codes. One thing you will notice is that God loves to focus in beginnings, ends & centers/middle. But everything is literally coded.

Now Jesus is encoded in the CW of Genesis 1:1. Since he is the first & last.
That is why we see the value of the first half of the verse: "In the beginning" (913) + "God" (86) + "created" (203)
="Aleph & Tav" 401 + 801 "Alpha & Omega"
- Aleph & Tav = First & Last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet (Jesus)
- Alpha & Omega = First & Last letters of the Greek Alphabet (Jesus)
- The Bible is written in Hebrew (Old Testament) & Greek (New Testament)

Dr. Ivan Panin was the first person in modern times to deal with gematria codes in the Bible. He wrote several books about it and went through the whole Bible. What he did not do was check English connections.
But he found 31 codes of 7 & 23 multiples of 37 in Genesis 1:1 which were the first codes he found.
God uses references to these numbers in His codes.

31 codes of 7 in the First verse Genesis 1:1 by Dr. Panin
1. The 7 words of Genesis 1:1 has 28 (7X4) letters.
2. The value of the first and last letters of the first half of the verse = 42 (7X6).
3. The value of the first and last letters of the second half = 91 (7X13).
4. The three nouns (God, Heaven and earth) is made up of 14 letters (7X2).
5. The sum of the three nouns (God, heaven and earth) equals 777 (7X111).
6. The place value of these three nouns is 147 (7X21).
7. The Hebrew verb created has a gematria value of 203 (7X29).
8. The first 3 words contain the subject and are made up of14 letters.
9. The place value of these letters equals 140 (7X20).
10. Of these 14, the place value of the silent letters equals 28 (7X4).
11. And the place value of the non-silent letters equals 112 (7X16).
12. The odd numbers among the 14 = 42 (7X6).
13. Even numbers among the 14 sums to 98 (7X14).
14. Multiplying the 14 place values of letters by their order is 1,008 (7X144).
15. The four last words contain the object and also is made up of 14 letters.
16. The object ?The Heavens + the untranslatable word has seven letters, as does the object ?and the earth?.
17. The value of the first and last letters of all words = 1,393 (7X199).
18. The sum of the first and last letters of the first and last words = 497 (7X71).
19. The value of the first & the last letters of each word between= 896 (7X128).
20. The sum of the factors of 896 = 21 (7X3).
21. The first letters of the first and last words has the value of 7.
22. The value of last letters of the first and last words equal 490 (7X70).
23. The middle word and the one before it are made up of 7 letters.
24. The middle word and the one after it are made up of 7 letters.
25. The value of the first, middle, and last letters = 133 (7X19).
26. The two digits added of the value of (86) ?God? (8 + 6) = 14 (7X2).
27. The values of the letters in God added (1, 30, 5, 10, 40) = 14 (7X2).
28. The sum of the place value in the letters of ?God? (1,12,5,10,13) = 14 (7X2).
29. The number of these place-values is 7.
30. Because of contractions in Hebrew (similar to the English isn't), the vocabulary of Gen. 1:1 is larger than the seven words of the verse. The nine-word vocabulary of Gen. 1:1 has the value of 2275 (7X325).
31. The place value of the vocabulary = 259 (7X37).

- A interesting connection to these 31 codes of 7 is the fact that the CW of Vs(108 "The Lord God" in A=1 B=2 C=3)
= 317 (31 & 7 merged)

The 23 multiples are found in the word combinations of the 7 words in Gen 1:1, except for the 2 last words & the total value.
1. 296 = 37X8
2. 407 = 37X11
3. 86 + 395 = 37X13
4. 407 + 296 = 37X19
5. 86 + 395 + 296 = 37X21
6. 86 + 395 + 407 = 37X24
7. 913 + 86 = 37X27
8. 203 + 401 + 395 = 37X27
9. 86 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 37X32
10. 203 + 401 + 395 + 296 = 37X35
11. 913 + 86 + 296 = 37X35
12. 913 + 86 + 407 = 37X38
13. 203 + 401 + 395 + 407 = 37X38
14. 913 + 203 + 401 = 37X41
15. 913 + 86 + 407 + 296 = 37X46
16. 203 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 37X46
17. 913 + 203 + 401 + 296 = 37X49
18. 913 + 203 + 401 + 407 = 37X52
19. 913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 = 37X54
20. 913 + 203 + 401 + 407 + 296 = 37X60
21. 913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 296 = 37X62
22. 913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 = 37X65
23. 913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 37X73

- There are 127 word combinations which are made up of 37 or not in this verse.
Finding 23 multiples that sums up to 37 in these 7 words of Gen 1:1 has the expected probability of:
127/37 = 3,4...
So we should find right over 3 combinations here, but we see 23 multiples instead; which is nearly X7 times over the expected probability.

The reason why we see 23 of these combinations is because the ordinal value of "Aleph & Tav" = 23

Here are some codes I found around the 23 multiples of 37:
- Adding the Prime orders of 23 & 37 is: 10 + 13 = 23
- 23 + 37 = "Word" (A=1 B=2 C=3) (The "Word" is Jesus & it is the central word of John 1:1)

Each word is used exactly 12 times each in these combinations. (a detail that is not found by me)
- Add all letters in Genesis 1:1 from nr 12 to 21(mirrors) = 23X37
- Letter nr 12 = Center letter in "God"
- Letter nr 21 = last letter in "the heaven"
- Adding values of letter nr 12 & 21 is: 5 + 40 = Center letters added of "God" & "the heaven"
= 45 "Treasure(s)" (Heb ord) = (Heb) = CW of Gen 3:7
- The only mirrored pair of orders of the 28 letters of Gen 1:1 is ordered at: 12 & 21
- Count by rotation & add word nr 12 & 21 of Gen 1:1 gives: "the heaven" 395 + 296 " the earth" = Pri(2X3 X 3X7)
- FLW of Vs(2337) = 12X21
- 12 stands for the 12 Tribes of Israel
- Adding combination nr 12 & 21 of the 23 multiples of 37 in Gen 1:1 = 3700 (value of the 12 Tribes of Israel on The Breastplate of the High Priest)
- FLW of Vs(3700) = 967 = Pri(164 "a hundred and thirty and seven" (Heb ord)))
- CW of Vs(3700) = 254 "light" (Eng sta)
- FLCW of Vs(3700) = 1221 = CW of Vs(13703) + CW of Vs(7297) = CW of Vs(370 "to see" (Eng stand)) + CW of Vs(71 "God" (Eng stand))
(check out the fine structure constant later in this thread to understand the significance of number 13703 & 7297)

- Nr.W of Vs(23X37) = 19 "and"
- Nr.L of Vs(23X37) = 72 (2 digits of α)
- FLW of Vs(23X37) = 742 = 13 "one" (Heb) + 729 (a)
- CW of Vs(23X37) = 321 = 23 "Aleph & "Tav" (Heb ord) + 298 (TV of Heb ord Gen 1:1) = 7 + 314 (π)
- FLCW of Vs(23X37) = 1063 "seventy and three" ושלשה שבעים
- The first verse in the bible that has the TV of 23X37 is Vs(2X 1063)
- FLW of Vs(273 "Gematria" in Hebrew) = 1063
- W. up to CW in Vs(254 "light" (Eng sta) = 1063
- 3 CW of Vs(137X3) + 4 CW of Vs(37X73) = 2X 1063 = Vs order of the first verse made up of 23X37
- TV of the last verse in the book of Genesis (Gen 50:26) = (A=1 B=2 C03) "The God of Truth" 167 + TV of Vs(137 "The God of Truth" (Heb)) = 3X 1063
- TV of Vs(58 = CW of John 1:1 = "Science" (A=1 B=2 C=3)) = TV of Vs(801 ("Alpha & Omega" = "A & Z" (Eng stand))) = 1000 + 1063
- TV of Vs(198 = Primes added from 1 to 37) + TV of Vs(1989 = Primes added from 1 to 137)
= 7X 1063

- TV of Vs(1063) = 7X 227 (27 "riddles" (Heb ord) with extended digit)
- First word of Vs(1063) = 37 "of wisdom"
- Last word of Vs(1063) = 10X 56 "created" / "light" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = "God" in both Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 in reversed Hebrew & Greek gematria
- CW of Vs(1063) = 319 (Mirror of 913 "In the beginning")
- FLCW of Vs(1063) = 916 "Father in the beginning" (Heb)) = 1 + 137 + 1 + 777 = Comp(759 = 3 X Star(7))
= FLW of Vs(86 "Triangle" (Eng ord)) + FLW of Vs(392 "Triangle" (Eng stand))
= CW of Vs(851 = 23X37) + CW of Vs(158 = mirror of 23X37)
= FLCW of Vs(7 + 28 + 37X73 = Nr.W + Nr.L + TV of Gen 1:1)
= Words ordered at 2, 3, 7 of Vs(7) & Vs(23)

Adding words ordered at: 2, 3, 7
- Vs(12) = 742 = "Golden" 14 X 53 "Torah" = FLW of Vs(23X37)
- verses ordered at: 7, 23 & 37 = 1171 = Factor of Vs(23X37)
- Vs(37X73) = 800 + 72 (α)
- Vs(851 = 23X37) = 2X3 X 3X7
- Vs(158 = mirror of 23X37) = 777

- Word nr 851 (23X37) of the Bible is the 2nd word of verse nr 63 (7X9) [7 stands for spiritual perfection & number 9 stands for completion)
- The value of word nr 23X37 = 10X 14 "Gold" (Heb)
- Adding word nr 7 & 23X37 of the bible gives: 296 + 140
= 436 "and" (Heb ord + sta) = 400 + 36 "Hide" (Heb) = CW of Vs(297 "Treasure(s)" (Heb) = Factor of 1188 (137X3 + 777))
- Adding words nr 12 & 23X37 of the bible gives: 334 + 140 = 474 "knowledge" (Heb)
- Adding word nr 23 & 37 of the bible gives: 86 "God" + 212 " the light" = 298 (ordinal of Heb Gen 1:1)
- Verse orders added where these words are found is: 3+4 = 7
- Adding words of the bible ordered at: 7, 23 & 37 is: 296 + 86 + 212 = 594 "God the Father" (Eng sta)

Connections of 37 & 137
- TV of Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 37X73
- TV of English ordinal of Genesis 1:1 (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 137X3
- The value of the words in the English Gen 1:1 that reflects the first word of the Hebrew Gen 1:1 is "In the beginning" = 137 (factor of English Gen 1:1) = "The God of Truth" (Heb)
- English reverse ordinal of Genesis 1:1 (A=26 B=25 C=24) = 777 (3X7X37)

- Adding the Hebrew words of "Gold" זהב & "Silver" כסף is: 14 + 160 = 37 + 137 (pointing to the Hebrew Gen 1:1 as main (Gold) & English Gen 1:1 as secondary (silver))
- CW of Vs(46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)) + CW of Vs(89 "Codes" (A=26 B=25 C=24)) = 37 + 137

The word "Gold" in Hebrew can also be translated as "Golden" and I found out that is you translate the word "codes" in English to Hebrew in Google translate it just happens to hit 160. Here is the word: קודים,
SO you can write "Golden Codes" קודים זהב in Hebrew and get: 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) + 137 "of God" (Eng sta)

I view the codes as a mix between riddles and puzzles. Words are usually the keys but many words has the same value, so how do you know which one is right ? Well you have to go to the different verses and check. I will give you guys a example in this.
I discovered that there are usually messages (not always, many times connections too) in the different verses encoded in small steps like 123. They can be a bit vague sometimes but you see what God is doing without any problem once you know the words.

So for the example: Go to verse nr 55 "heaven" (Eng ord) & you see:
- (1) FLW = 113 "universe" (Eng ord)
- (2) CW = 407 "and" (Heb sta)
- (3) FLCW = 520 = 10X 52 "earth" (Eng ord)

Beautiful, isn't it? & this is a drop of God's wonderful codes.
And remember that the earth is in the center of the universe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrJNbVIEFKs

But there are more messages to understand here also in verse nr 55. The words sourrounding the CW shound connect with the CW like in Gen 1:1.
- (4) W. surr. CW = 66 "gematria" גימטריא (ord) = "of" (Eng sta)

Adding the CW with the words surround the CW should give us a 5th connection:
- (5) 3 CW is: 407 + 66 = 400 "Tav" + 73 "wisdom"

And you can get the next message if you add the FLW with the 3 CW, which gives: 113 + 473 = 586
= 1 "α" + 5 "e" + 80 "π" + 500 "φ" (Physics)

And you can even get further here if you add the 5 CW which = 986 "In the beginning wisdom" (Heb sta)

And further if you add the FLW with the 5 CW which gives: 113 + 986 = 7X Pri(38 "Alpha" (Eng ord))

The Rotation method

There are 2 rules I have to make:
1. When I count a letter by rotation in cycles in a verse; then it is always by the nr of letters in that verse
2. When I count a word by rotation in cycles in a verse; then it is always by the nr of words in that verse
(I will term in as "rot." instead of writing "by rotation in cycles...")

- So Genesis 1:1 has 7 words & 28 letters. And counting the 2nd word "created by rot. hits the orders of: 2+7+7+7+7+7 = 37 "wisdom"
Not only this but his word also hits other significant orders like: 23 "Aleph & Tav" (ord), 86 "God" & 401 "Aleph & Tav" !
- The 2nd word (203) which is the 37th by rot. starts with letter nr 7 & ends with letter nr 9 (37th letter by rot.) !
- The 4th word (401) is the Center Word & when this word is counted by rot. it hits the orders of: 46 "Codes" (Eng ord) & 137 "In the beginning" (Eng ord)
- Adding values of both letter & word nr 37 "wisdom (of)" by rot. is: 1 + 203 = 204 "Reward from God"/"Ultimate Codes" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- Adding values of both letter & word nr 137 "In the beginning" by rot. is: 5 + 401 = 406 (46 "Codes")
- Ordinal of "created" = 23 = "Aleph & Tav" --- Added instead is: 23+23 = 46 "Codes"
- Standard Values added is: 203 + 401 = 604 (mirror of 406) = "Wisdom" (Full) = 2X 302 (Mirror of W.nr 37 by rot.)
- TV of Vs(1 + 203) + TV of Vs(5 + 401) = 6500 = 10X 650 (46 + 604) (65 = "Seven" (Eng ord))
- 203+302 = 505 (55 = Tri(10 "Alpha" Αλφα (reduced)) = 104+401
- TV of Vs(203) + TV of Vs(401) = 5005 (505 with extended digit)
- Values added of words & letters hitting the orders of 37 & 137 in Gen 1:1 is: 1 + 203 + 5 + 401
= (Heb ord) "seven" 61 X 10 "Alpha" (Gr red) = CW of Vs(610)

"Aleph & Tav" is the only word made up of a Prime in Gen 1:1. Its Prime order is 80 "Foundation".
"created" = 7X29 (The Fine structure constant is: 1/137... = 0,00729...)
- Prime orders added of the factors in "created" & "Aleph & Tav" is: 5 (7) + 11 (29) + 80 (401) = 96 "Knowledge" (Eng ord)
- CW of Vs(96 "knowledge") = 318 "The Fine Structure Constant" (Eng ord)
- Factors added of "created" + Aleph & Tav is: 7+29+401 = 400 + 37 "wisdom of" = CW of Vs(314 (Pi)) = CW of Vs(611 "Torah")
(God uses "Tav" & "Omega" as ends in His codes)

- FLW of Vs("created") = 462 (46 "codes" (Eng) merged with "Torah" (Eng))
- The CW of Vs(203 "created") = 596 "The Riddle of the Golden Ratio and the fine-structure constant" (Eng ord)
- The CW of Vs(401) = (Gr ord) "Pi" 16 X 23 "Aleph & Tav" (Heb ord)
- CW of Vs(401) + 401 = Pri(137 (Inverse Alpha)) [401 = W.nr 137 by rot.ation of Gen 1:1)
- CW of Vs(203+302 = 104+401) = = 400 + 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord) = (Factor of Heb Gen 1:1) 37 + 401 "Aleph & Tav" = "A & Z" 27 + 411 (Eng Gen 1:1)
- CW of English Genesis 1:1 in A=1 B=2 C=3 is: "created the" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 89 = "codes" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- CW of Vs(89+98) = "created" 203 + 401 "Aleph & Tav" = W.nr 37 + W.nr 137 of Vs(1 "α")
- CW of Vs(89+98) + CW of Vs(104+401) = 1042 = 142 "riddle" (Eng sta) with 0 removed]

- Total value of verse nr 37 = 1574 = 100X(15 = Pytha.Pri-ord(137)) + 74 "In the beginning" (Gr ord) = 2X(10 (Nr, W of Eng rev ord Gen 1:1) + 777)
- Total value of verse nr 137 = 3022 (302 = Happy(46 "codes") = 32 "Heart" (Heb ord) with 0 removed) = 2X((1+3+7)X100 + 137X3)
- Center word in verse nr 37 = 416 "the Holy One" (Heb) = "Riddles" (Gr) = 100 + CW of Vs(777)
- Center word in verse nr 137 = 428 = 1 (A) + 26 (Z) + 401 (Aleph & Tav) = First & last letters of both the Hebrew & English Alphabet

The nr of words in Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 7 = Pri(5 "The" = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "wisdom of))
The nr of words in English Genesis 1:1 = 10 "Alpha" (Gr red)
- added = 17 "good"/precious" טוב towb (words can have several meanings in Hebrew)

Word nr 37 of the bible is the word "the light" האור in verse nr 4.
- Order of the first letter of this word counting from the first letter of the bible = 137
- The value of W.nr 37 ("Wisdom of") "the light" = 212 = 21 "of" (Eng ord) merged with its mirror = Palin(31 "God" in singular Heb)

Word nr 137 of the Bible is found in verse nr 12 as the word "the earth", which is the same as the 7th word of Gen 1:1 which hits nr 777 by rot.
- Order of the first letter in this word = 521 "created the" (Eng sta) = CW of Eng sta Gen 1:1 = 21 "Phi" (Gr ord) + 500 "Phi" (Gr sta)
(Phi φ is the 21st Greek letter with a value of 500. The Golden Ratio (1,618...) is denoted as φ, you will see more of this number later)
- Counting the first letter of "the earth" by rotation by the nr of letters in Gen 1:1 hits the order of = 137

So lets take a look at 6 interesting verses that are integrated and connected.
The 777 Holograph was the main feature of this thread and it's really special, I did not understand nor know how special it was when I found it, but boy do I now.
A large part of my upcoming book will be about the 777 Holograph because it is so much more to it that is not shared here.
But my holographs here are literally work in progress, which means that things may be altered in time due to new connections that I did not see before. The 666 Holograph is now remade but its the most difficult integration since its hard to discern when God gives you good or evil connections here.

So staring with the 666 Holograph we need to read Revelation 13:16-18 first:

Revelation 13:16-18
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

"And he couseth all" talks about the antichrist.
The Mark of the beast is well known by christians and it is the feared challenge humanity faces in the future. Everyone then has to choose between taking the mark of the beast and joining satan's world government, or refuse taking it and not be able get to buy or sell anything. By taking it ensures ones punishment in hell in the presence of the Lamb and his angels.
There is a lot more that could be said on this subject but God will assemble his people when that time comes and they will live in the wilderness outside of that satanic government.


- There are 4 verses in the bible that mentions the number 666, and all of them are marked with 13:
(1) 1Ki 10:14 (1014 =6X13X13) --- (2) 2Chro 9:13 --- (3) Ezra 2:13 --- (4) Revelation 13:18
- Verse order of the only verse made up of 666 is: 4009 = 13 + 6X666
- Word nr 13 of the bible starts with the letter Ayin which means "eye". (The all-seeing eye of lucifer)
- Verse nr 13 = 1342 (13 --- 42 "six hundred threescore and six" (Gr ord))
- The nr of words in Rev 13:18 = 22 = Comp(13)
- The nr of words in verse nr 13 = 6
- The nr of words in verse nr 13 = 22 = Comp(13)
- The nr of words in verse nr 666 = 13
- "thirteen" שלוש in Hebrew = 60 (ord) = "evil" (A=26) = 636 (sta) = 63 & its mirror 36 "evil
- "thirteen" (Eng ord + sta) = 666

- CW of Vs(36 "evil") + CW of Vs(666 = Tri(36 "evil" (Heb ord))) = 48 "evil" (Eng ord)

TV of Vs(359 "Satan" (Heb sta)) = 10X Pri(55 "Satan" (Eng ord))
- CW of Vs(359 "Satan") = 55 "Satan"

Satan is considered as the god of this world, since the world is given to him and he is the unseen commander here. But Satan cannot affect people personally without getting permission by God which we see described in the book of Job.

2 Corinthians 4:3-4
But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

- The word "antichrist" is first mentioned in 1John 2:18 (2X18 = 36 "evil")

1 John 2:18
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

Another interesting connection worth mentioning here is the Greek ordinal value of "six hundred threescore and six" (666) that equals 42.
- The nr of months that the first beast of Revelation 13 was to have domance was 42 months

Revealtion 13:5
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
- 42 is also the nr of months that the antichrist will have control over the earth trough Satan and his mark of the beast.

Revealation 11:2
But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.

Now the 42 months of the first beast has passed and that was from when Emperor Justinian ressurected the Holy Empire in 554 A.D and it ended in 1814 with Napoleon putting the pope in prison and ending The Holy Roman Empire.
The nr of years from 554 to 1814 = 1260 (And the days of 42 moths in this prophecy stands for 1 year each. Go here for more in depth info on the Day/Year principle http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/one-prophetic-day-does-not-always-equal-one-year/)
And each month in God's calendar has 30 days each. So 42 months is then: 30X42 = 1260.

But the 42 months where antichrist has power has not yet happened and those are litteraly days and not years. So the mark of the beast will be implemented in the start of the tribulation which will last for 42 moths or 3 and a half years & the nations will invade Jerusalem and trample it under "their foot" under the reign of the antichrist in the tribulation After that Jesus comes back with his angels and ends Mystery Babylon & The antichrist.

Revealtion 17:1-5
And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

Number 777 is mostly known because of the 3 nouns added of Genesis 1:1:
"God + "the heaven" + "the earth" = 777
I have heard from some Hebrews that number 777 represents
the 7 days of creation, the 7th day (Sabbath) & the 7 annual holy days (mentioned in Lev 23).
I think that it is a very possible, which makes this number a very special finger print that God is using.
He did after all use this fingerprint on his whole creation along with himself.
But after some years of research and seeing how important number 777 is, I have now come to the conclusion that this number is the Seal of God. It has a major place in the codes and even Genesis 1:1 is extremely connected to it, since number 37 is a code number for 777. Remember that number 36 is connected to 666 since it is its Triangular order.
So its not hard to see that God is using number 37 as a code number for 777.
It is a number that displays the two numbers 3 & 7.
Here are a some clues that points to the fact that number 777 is the Seal of God. There is more though, but it can wait for the book.

"Seal" (Eng ord) = 37
"of God" (Eng sta) = 137

- CW of Vs(401) = 368 = "π" 16 X 23 (ord of "Aleph & Tav")
- 401 + 368 = 769 = Prime nr 137 (Counting "Aleph & Tav" in Gen 1:1 counted by rot. hits the order of = 137. "Aleph & Tav" is the only word made up of a Prime in Gen 1.1)

- TV of John 1:1 = 39 (Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)) X 93 (mirror)
- FLCW of John 1:1 = 486 "The Seal of God" (Eng stand)
- CW of Vs(486) = 291 "earth" (heb) (Counting the 7th word "the earth" in Genesis 1:1 by rot. hits the order of = 777)
- 486 + 291 = 777(The Seal of God)


The Hebrew word for "seven" is usually spelled like this: שבע with a ordinal value of 39 & standard value of 372.
Now if you go to verse nr 194 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb ord) then you find a special "seven" there written like this: שבעת with a ordinal value of 61 & standard value of 772.
This "seven" has a extra "Tav" ת in the end of the word. "Tav" ת is also said to mean "mark", so this version of "seven" is "marked". And this is probably why it is favorized in the 777 Holograph. It's total value is then: 3091 =11 X 281= Pri(Tri(3)) X Pri(61 "seven"), which is most probably the main connection to the TV of the 777 Holograph. It took me over 2 years after finding this Holograph to figure out that one.

Now I decided to display the the mathematical connections of the 5 first combinations in this Holograph. But these are messages also:
- Combo nr 1 = 137 "In the beginning" (Eng ord)
- Combo nr 2 = 474 "Knowledge" דעת
- Combo nr 3 = 628 "The Seal of God" (Heb ord + sta)
- Combo nr 4 = 444 "The seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- Combo nr 5 = 414 "Reward" (A=6 B=12 C=18)
- Combo nr 6 = 338 (38 "Alpha" (Eng ord))
- Combo nr 7 = 591 "and Phi" (Gr ord + sta) = "Ark of God" (Heb & Eng sta) = mirror of 195 "seven seven seven" (Eng ord)
- Combo nr 8 = 561 "Thirty Seven" (A=37 B=38 C=39) [37 = "Seal" (Eng ord) & it displays numbers 3 & 7]
- Combo nr 9 = 160 "Codes" קודים

There are only 2 verses with the total value of (3091 = TV of 777 Holograph)
1. Vs("A & Z"/Riddles of" 27 X (146 "Genesis one one" (A=1 B=2 C=3) + 137X3 (Eng Gen 1:1 in A=1 B=2 C=3))
2. Vs(Pri(2212))
- 2212 = 2000 + 212 "the light" (Word nr 37 that starts with letter nr 137 of the Bible)
- 2212 = 2X (137X3 + 139X5 = Eng Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1)
- 2212 = 7X CW of Vs(777)

281 = Factor of the TV of 777 Holograph
- TV of Vs(281) = 2X (1063 "seventy and three" (Heb) = (FLCW of Vs(23X37)) (2X73 = 146 "Genesis one one")
= Verse order of the first verse made up of 23X37
= TV of Vs("Genesis one one" 146 + 137X3 + 777)

I think the 777 Holograph is amazing, I consider it the peak of my discoveries. And I don't think I will find anything as special as it again.
There is a lot more incredible connections to it, both in the Holograph & especially around it. But the rest will be released when my book is complete.

Vs(37 "Seal" (Eng ord)) & Vs(137 "of God" (Eng sta)) integrated
- Nr of words & letters added = 89 = "created the"/"codes" = Pri(25 "Pi")
- TV = 1505 "a hundred and thirty and seven" ושבע ושלשים מאת + TV of the 777 Holograph
- FLL = 417 "The fine-structure constant physics" (Eng ord) = FLW of Vs(86 "God")
- CL = 315 "The Lord God created" (Heb) = 7X 45 "Man" (Heb) = 1 + 314 (Pi)
- FLCL = 732 (73 "wisdom" merged with "the riddle" (Heb))
- FLW = 7X 79 "Pi" (Eng stand) = 7X Pri(23 "Aleph & Tav") = FLW of Vs(26 "The Lord"/"God") = FLW of Vs(151 "Jesus Christ" (A=1 B=2 C=3))
- CW = 844 (84 "Seal of God" אלהים חתם (ord)) (God uses this method where is adds a extra digit either before, after & even center digit)
= Mirror of 448 "Seal" חתם
- W. Surr. CW = 1000 + 23 "Aleph & Tav" (Heb ord) + 401 "Aleph & Tav" (Heb sta) = (Gr ord) "Pi" π 16 X Pri(25 "Pi" (Eng ord))
- 3 CW = 2268 = "Riddles(s)" 27 X 84 "Seal of God" (Eng ord)
- 37th word by rot. added of both verses = 101 = Pri(27 "riddles of")
- 137th word by rot. added of both verses = "God" 86 + 401 "Aleph & Tav" = 76 "Bible codes" (Eng) + 3X137 (Eng Gen 1:1)
- W.nr 37 by rot. + W.nr 137 by rot. added = 7 X 84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord)
- W.nr 777 by rot. added in both verses = 455 "In the beginning the fine structure constant" (Eng ord) = "The Riddles" (Eng sta)
- W.nr 37 by rot. + W.nr 777 by rot. = 556 = 145 "created the light" (Eng ord) + 3X137 (Eng Gen 1:1)

Here is some info on the fine structure constant that is foundational to light. And God is light.

1 John 1:5
This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

John 8:12
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Info from wikipedia

Arnold Sommerfeld introduced the fine-structure constant in 1916.

Info from Richard Feynman about the fine-structure constant

There is a most profound and beautiful question associated with the observed coupling constant, e ? the amplitude for a real electron to emit or absorb a real photon. It is a simple number that has been experimentally determined to be close to 0.08542455. (My physicist friends won't recognize this number, because they like to remember it as the inverse of its square: about 137.03597 with about an uncertainty of about 2 in the last decimal place. It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it.) Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to pi or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It's one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the "hand of God" wrote that number, and "we don't know how He pushed his pencil." We know what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately, but we don't know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out, without putting it in secretly

So i will try for the last time to explain why Alpha is so important to the best of my knowledge since this is very advanced physics after all.

From Wikipedia
In physics, the fine-structure constant, also known as Sommerfeld's constant, commonly denoted by α (the Greek letter alpha), is a dimensionless physical constant characterizing the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles. It is related to the elementary charge e, which characterizes the strength of the coupling of an elementary charged particle with the electromagnetic field.

Based on the precise measurement of the hydrogen atom spectrum by Michelson and Morley,[21] Arnold Sommerfeld extended the Bohr model to include elliptical orbits and relativistic dependence of mass on velocity. He introduced a term for the fine-structure constant in 1916.The first physical interpretation of the fine-structure constant α was as the ratio of the velocity of the electron in the first circular orbit of the relativistic Bohr atom to the speed of light in the vacuum. Equivalently, it was the quotient between the minimum angular momentum allowed by relativity for a closed orbit, and the minimum angular momentum allowed for it by quantum mechanics. It appears naturally in Sommerfeld's analysis, and determines the size of the splitting or fine-structure of the hydrogenic spectral lines.

So in short words here, Alpha is is about physics concerning particles & it is connected to physics of electons, speed of light + more
Now go to this link in Wikipedia and read everything under "Physical interpretations" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fine-structure_constant

The fine-structure constant is considered the most mysterious number in Physics & the most important one also.




Now let's proceed to the 888 Holograph

The name "Jesus" is only found in the New Testament which is written in Greek.
- Greek spelling of: "Jesus" Ιησους = 888 = (8+8+8) X 37 "wisdom"
- Greek spelling of: "Christ" Χριστος = 1480 = (Testing) 40 X 37 "wisdom"
- Greek spelling of "Jesus Christ" Ιησους Χριστος = 2368 = (Heb ord) "wisdom" 37 X 64 "Israel" (Heb ord)

The triple eight's in the name of "Jesus" does not seem random because we know that number 8 stands for restoration.
And seeing how important number 777 is in these codes makes this seem even more like divine design.

- The words added in Genesis 1:1: "God" (86) + "the heaven" (395) + "and" (407) = 888 "Jesus" (Gr)
- Add all letters in Gen 1:1 from the first letter in "God" to the first letter in "and" = 888 "Jesus"
- Add all letters in Gen 1:1 from the 2nd letter in "God" to the 2nd letter in "and" = 888 "Jesus"
- 37X73 - 37 = 3X 888 "Jesus" --- 37 + 37X73 = (Heb ord) "wisdom" 37 X 74 "Jesus" (Eng ord)
- The difference between the centers of gravity found in Tri(37) & Tri(73) is: 1201 - 313 = 888 "Jesus"
- CW of Vs(137 "In the beginning") + (10X46 "Codes" = Value of W.nr 137X3 & W.nr 777 of the Bible added (430+30)) = 888 "Jesus"
- CW of Vs(137X3) + CW of Vs(777) + CW of Vs(271 (e)) = 888 "Jesus" (TV of Vs(137X3 + 777) = 12X271))
- CW of Vs(113 "universe" (Eng ord)) + CW of Vs(37X73) = 888 "Jesus"


- 801 can either be "Alpha & Omega" or the standard of "A & Z". I had my suspicion that God may be using this number as "A & Z" but it was first here in the 888 Holograph I found a indication to it in the codes.
- 86 + 401 = Factor of Vs(888) = (Heart of hexagons in the Logos Star) 114 + 373 (the Logos Star)
- 114 + 373 + 401 = 888

Now the Hebrew phrase of "seven hundred seventy and seven" with a value of 1619 found in this holograph is the modern (שבע מאות שבעים ושבע) spelling of it, and not the scriptural spelling.
The only difference between the modern and scriptural spelling is 1 letter which is the 6th letter Vav ו

- Count letter nr 18 by rot. in Gen 1:1 & it hits the order of = 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Count the CW of Gen 1:1 by rot. & it hits the orders of = 46 "Codes", 137 "In the beginning"
- Value of letter nr 18 & the CW added is: 300 + 401 = 701[/B]
= CW of Vs(23 "Aleph & Tav" (Heb ord)) + CW of Vs(401 "Aleph & Tav" (Heb stand))
= CW of Vs(298 = TV of Heb ord Gen 1:1)
= TV of Vs(321 = CW of ord Gen 1:1 (23) + TV of ord Gen 1:1 (298))
= FLW of Vs(703 = Tri(37)) + FLW of the only verse made up of 703 [Job 30:31]

- TV of Vs(37X401) = 2X 701

My thoughts on the 888 Holograph is that I have never seen anything that points more to Jesus Christ as effectively as it, I am truly amazed by it just like the 777 Holograph.

- FLCW of Vs(27 "A & Z") = 746 "In the beginning" (Hebrew standard reverse) = 2X 373 "Word" (Central word in John 1:1 which is Jesus Christ)
- FLW of Vs(401 "Aleph & Tav") = 397 "Jesus" עושוהי = FLW of Vs(801 "Alpha & Omega")
- There are 3 different spelling variations of the Hebrew name of Jesus (386, 391 & 397) and it seems like Jesus is using all 3 of them in the codes if you ask me.

It is very confirming to see that the First & Last words of the verses that reflects the First & Last letters of both Hebrew & Greek reflects each other & that their value is 397 "Jesus" (Heb) !
That is amazing because Jesus is the First & Last

Another incredible thing here is the FLCW of Vs(27 "A & Z") that equals 746 "In the beginning"
- Verse order of the first verse made up of: 27 "A & Z" + 401 "Aleph & Tav" + 801 "Alpha & Omega" = 746 "in the beginning"

Jesus said in Revelation 22:13 (Prime orders of 37 & 73)
"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last."
He said these words in Hebrew, so what he really said was "I am Aleph & Tav" since he spake it in Hebrew.
But it was translated to Greek. But we see Jesus uses the First & Last letters of Hebrew, Greek & English so it makes no difference.

Adding the first & last Words of:
- verse nr 666 & 777 = 639 = Composite order of 777
- Verse nr 777 & 888 = 2X CW of verse nr 296 ("the earth", 7th Word of Genesis 1.1)
- Verses ordered at: 666, 777 & 888 = 2X Pri(114 = Mirror of 137X3) --- 2X 114 = 228 "God created the universe" (Eng ord)
- verses with a total value of: 777 & 888 = 596 "GODHEAD" (Gr)
- Verses With a total value of: 666, 777 & 888 = 809 (89 "created the" = "codes" = CW of Eng Gen 1:1)

Adding the center Words of:
- Verses ordered at nr: 666 & 777 = 334 (34 "Alpha" Αλφα (ord) with extended digit)
- Verses With a total value of: 666 & 777 = 10 + 44 + 137X3 = Nr of Words, letters & the ordinal value of the English Genesis 1:1
- Verses ordered at nr: 666, 777 & 888 = 419 = Mirror of 914 (137 + 777)
- The only verses With a total value of: 666, 777 & 888 = 496 = CW of Vs(137X3) + CW of Vs(777)
- All 6 verses linked to 666. 777 & 888 = 1 "α" + 137 + 777 = FLCW of Vs(137) = "the" 5 X 183 "seven seven seven"

Adding the first, last & center Words of:
- verse nr 777 & 888 = 1193 = Pri(197 = Pri(46 "codes")) = CW of Vs(37) + 777
- Verses ordered at: 666, 777 & 888 = (Heb ord) "and" 29 X 57 "heaven" (Heb ord)
- verses With a total value of: 666 & 777 = 880 = 10X 88 "the heaven" (Eng ord)
- verses With a total value of: 666, 777 & 888 = 1305 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=37 B=38 C=39)
- verses ordered at & has the total value of: 666, 777 & 888
= 1000 + 181 (CW of Eng rev Gen 1:1) + 1000 + 777 (TV of Eng rev Gen 1:1)

Now check this out: the 3 first digits of: 137 (inverse Alpha) --- 729 (Alpha) --- 314 (Pi) --- 271 (e)
- The first Words added in the verses ordered at these 4 numbers = "In the beginning" 137 + 137X3 English Genesis 1.1
- Add Words of the order: 1, 3, 7 in verses ordered of these 4 numbers above =
5X487 (Total value of verse nr 888) + 487 (7th combination in the 888 Holograph) !
- 487 = "God" 86 + 401 "Aleph & Tav"

There are no verses that has a total value of 555 or 999. There are only 1 verse each with a total value of 666, 777 & 888.
So it seems to me that the codes are laid up like a riddle.

Word nr 37 starts with letter nr 137 in the bible, & this word is"light" with a value of 212.

And concerning the numbers, 10, 100, 1000.

- "The Lord" (Heb ord) = 26 = "God" (Eng ord)
- Letter nr 10 is the first letter of "God" in Gen !:1, which is also W.nr 10 by rot. in Gen 1:1
- Word nr 26 ("The Lord"/"God") of the bible ends with letter nr 100.

- 10 = 10X 1 "α" = 3+7 = Nr of words in Eng Gen 1:1 = Nr of commandments written personally by the finger of God
- 100 = "The codes of" (Eng ord) = 26 "God" (A=1 B=2 C=3) + 74 "Jesus" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- 1000 = 112 "The Lord God" (Heb sta) + 888 "Jesus" (Gr sta)

Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 37X73
English Genesis 1:1 = 3X 100+37

Greek John 1:1 = 39X93
English John 1:1 = 5X 100+39

See this i quite interesting, And this gives good reason for God to use these connections, and he definitely does. It is in-fact incredible that that these verses are connected in this way, because we know God uses the +1 method.
There are many examples of God using this method. But i will just give you one here since there are many more in this thread.
- TV of Vs((1+7) X (1+37)) = 3X(10 + 37X73)

The fine structure constant is connected to the speed of light & it's inverse value (137...) is seen in the English Genesis 1:1

It is quite remarkable that this number is connected to these points:
- 137 "In the beginning" (Eng ord) =100 + 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) = "of God" (Eng sta) = 100 + 37 "wisdom" = CW of Vs(913 "In the beginning" (Heb)) = 3 digits of Alpha
- 137X3 = English Genesis 1:1 (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- 3X 137 "In the beginning" = English Genesis 1:1

& it is seen so much in the bible that it is mind boggling here are some pints:
- The counter order of the Mid-Point of the center row in Tri(37) = "The" 5 X 137 (Inverse Alpha)
- Word nr 37 of the bible starts with letter nr 137
- Verse nr 137 is the only verse that litterally mentions 777
- And the first Words added of verse nr 777 & the only verse that is made up of 777 = 137
- There is only 1 verse with a total value of 777

Now that is some interesting connections and that seems like divine design with any doubt from me.

04-08-2017, 08:19 PM

The Hebrew letters has 3 properties.
1. It is a letter
2. It has a numeric value
3. It has a symbolic meaning or can be used for a word like the fifth letter "Hey" ה can mean "the".
(The symbolic meanings are quite riddled you might say so there are definitely tables that are better to use here than mine.)

Sylvius a member of this website says there are alternative values to the Full method in several letters of Hebrew, I only use the full method on very few words and the ones you see here in this thread is found by using the values from the table above.
But here is what Sylvius said about this:

"yud" can be "yud-dalet" = 14 and "yud-vav dalet"= 20

"hey" can be "hey-alef" = 6, and "hey-hey"= 10, and "hey-alef-hey" = 11 and "hey-alef-yud" = 16

"vav" can be "vav-vav"= 12 and "vav-yud-vav" = 22

Here are the Genesis 1:1 values that are important.
(Note that Hebrew is read from right to left (reverse of English) and I reversed the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 in the Image below so that it would be easier for me to find connections in it)
The full version of the English standard Gen 1:1 is not that important to share here but it's total value is: 2094




Now take a look at this.
The sum of the 7 total values is quite remarkable, It demonstrates his accuracy which is supreme.
And don't mind if its +1 or +100. It is still connected because it is a method God is using.
And we know 1 stands for both God and Alpha.

Richard Amiel McGough
04-08-2017, 08:30 PM
Hey there Desmild,

I'm glad to see that the image upload works for you now.

Also, your graphics are looking much better now that you are using smaller fonts.

Thanks for sharing. I'll let you know what I think after reviewing them.

All the best,


04-08-2017, 08:36 PM
Yeah it Works like a dream now. Its a pleasure sharing the codes Richard.
And i am vey glad that you are so helpful that you are.

And i found a great program for changing the resolution for the Images so i will stick to this size.
You wont be seeing the gigantic pics anymore :)

Now this is what I call the "Firmament Holograph". I called it the foundation holograph before but I changed my mind.

- Genesis 1:1 = 1st verse of the first book of the Old Testament & the first of two creation verses
- John 1:1 = the 2nd & last Creation verse & its the 1stverse of John (who baptized Jesus)
- Matthew 1:1 = 1st verse of the New Testament
- Revelation 1:1 = 1st verse of the last book of the Bible

About e which is a mathematical constant found in the base of the natural logarithm. You guys can read more about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_(mathematical_constant)
This number is approximately : 2.71828... and is the limit of (1 + 1/n)n as n approaches infinity.
Which means that it is acceptable of it hitting 5 digits of e in John 1:1 even if it hits: 2,7183... like we see.

quote taken from www.Biblegematria.com
What are the odds? Using the same methodology, π and e are calculated to five significant figures from the first verses in the Books of Genesis and John respectively. The decimal system has ten digits, so the probability of matching a single digit is 1/10, except the first digit which can't be zero. Extrapolating, the probability of matching five digits becomes 1/9 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10, or 1/90,000 (one chance in ninety thousand). The probability of calculating π and e from these two "In the beginning" verses, to five significant figures and using the same methodology, therefore becomes 1/900,000 x 1/90,000 or one in 8.1 billion! The likelihood of this being purely random chance therefore becomes almost ridiculous.

I did not find all codes in it like:
- 5 digits of Pi & e in Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 with the same calculation
- 5 digits of Alpha in Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 by merging TV & multiplying
- 3 digits of inverse Alpha in Revelation 1:1 by using square root of the TV
- The first word of Matthew 1:1 = 314 (Pi)
And I don't know who found those codes. Let me know if someone knows.

And here is something to think a little about since the TV of Gen 1:1 = 2701 = 271 (e) with 0 removed !
And consider these connections in the Hebrew words of:
- "Aleph & Tav" = 401 (41 "God" (Heb ord) with 0 removed)
- "created" (2nd word of Gen 1:1) = 203 (23 "Aleph & Tav" (Heb ord) with 0 removed)
- "light" = 207 (27 "riddle"/"Light" (Heb ord) with 0 removed)
- "Word" = 206 (26 "The Lord"/"God" with 0 removed)
- "and the earth" = 703 = Tri(37 "the heart") = 73 "wisdom" with 0 removed

- 271 (e) = "for the light" למאר

Number 5 is the number of verses which describe the first day, in which light is created.
- 5 = Pri-ord(7) = 5th Fibbonacci Nr (every 5th Fibbonacci nr is divisible by 5)
- Word nr 5 of the Bible is "the heaven"/"Universe" & its center letter is nr 19 (Physical manifestation)
- The nr of verses in the 5 first Chapters = 1 + 137
- The value of word nr 15 (Tri(5)) of the bible = (a) 137 + 314 (Pi). The order of its first letter = 54 = Compo(37) = Nr.W + Nr.L of Eng Ge n1:1. Letter nr 56 "light" in A=1 B=2 C=3 is found in this word,
- Word nr 25 (Square(5)) of the bible is the first occurrence of "light". The order of its center letter = Pri-ord(73) + 73 = "The Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Letter nr 25 of Genesis 1:1 when counted by rot. by the nr of letters in this verse hits the order of = 137
- Number 5 is very mathematically connected to Fibonacci numbers which again is connected to Pi & The Golden Ratio.
- The first Pythagorean Prime is number 5.

In verse nr 5 "the" ה
- TV= Pri("Father" 3 X 108 "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3))
- Nr.W = 13 "one" אחד
- Nr.L = 49 "Lord" (Eng ord)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- FLW = 330 "the fine structure constant" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- CW = 75 = Pythagorean Prime orders of 37 "Seal" & 137 "of God" multiplied = Pythagorean Primes added of the orders: 1, 3, 7
- FLCW = 405 "Seal" (4 Basic)
- W. surr. CW = 332 "Codes" (Heb & Eng sta) = "The Lord" (A=37 B=38 C=39)
- 3 CW = 407 "and" (47 with 0 removed = Pri-ord(37 "Seal") + Pri-ord(137 "of God"))
- FLW + 3 CW = 737 (73 "wisdom" merged with 37 "wisdom") = Palin(83 "wisdom" (Eng ord))
- L. up to CL = Pri(219 "In the beginning God created" (Eng ord))
- L. from CL = 781 "Wisdom" σοφια
- Words added by the orders of: 1, 3, 7 = (Heb red) "The Lord" 17 X 37 "The Lord" (Eng red) = (Heb ord) "Precious" 17 X 37 "wisdom" (Heb ord)
- Words added by the orders of: 7, 2, 9 = 433 (43 "Seal" (Heb ord)) = Pri(85 "The Riddle" (Eng ord))
- Words added by the orders of: 1, 3, 7, 7, 2, 9 = 1062 "Wisdom and Knowledge" (Heb ord + sta) = 162 "The Lord God" (A=26) with 0 removed
- CW when counted by rot. hits the order of = 100 + 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) + 137 "of God" (Eng sta) = 3 digits of Inv. α
- W.nr 729 (α) by rot. = 317 = Pri(67 "The codes of" (Eng ord)) = Anagram of 137 (inv. α)
- W.nr 777 by rot. = 31 "God"
- W.nr 137 by rot. + W.nr 729 by rot. = 392 = 7X 56 "Created"/"Light" (Eng ord) = W.nr 777 by rot. of the 777 Holograph

The CW here gives us a 7-7-7 code here because number 5 = Pri-ord(7). So we see the CW of Vs(5 = pri-ord(7)) = Pri-ord(7) X Tri(Pri-ord(7)).
- The CW of this verse is word nr 46 "Codes" (Eng ord) of the Bible.
- The order of the first letter of this word = 37 "Seal" + 137 "of God"

Incredible right ? Well that's not all since the last letter of word nr 45 "Man"/"and God"/"treasures" (word before W.nr 46 "codes")
has the order of = 172 "codes" (Eng sta)

And here is how God encodes Pi in verse nr 5 "e"
- The 2nd word is W.nr 314 by rot. & it is the word 86 "God"
- Word nr 12 (3X1X4) is W.nr 25 "Pi" by rot. & the value of this word = 56 "created" (Eng ord)
- The center letter of this verse has the order of 25 "Pi"
- The value of letter nr 25 = 1 --- 1 + 25 = 26 "The Lord"/"God"
- Add words ordered at: 3, 1, 4 = 296 "the earth" + 314 (Pi)
- Count backwards from the last word & add words ordered at: 3, 1, 4 = 346 = CW of Vs(296 "the earth")

Now about number 1.618 (The Golden Ratio) which is found so many places in the universe and earth. If you do not know about this number then you should watch this video:

It is one of the most important numbers of our universe after all and that is why our designer: God put it so many places.

And here are some of Richard's work concerning number 137



Its very interesting how numbers 27 "riddles" & 73 "of wisdom" connects to number 137 here.



And i am sharing this Picture which should come first of all the Pictures here last in case some new people to the codes reads this.
Richard discovered the Triangle connections in Genesis 1:1, which are foundational in the codes of God.
But I have found additional things that I wanted to include in the Creation Holograph. Again this is not a final version.

Note that the TV of Vs(3773) is not = 10X CW of Vs(703). I mixed number 332 there with number 322. But the rest of the connections there should be correct.
The correct connection to the TV of Vs(3773) = 3320 = 10X 332 "codes" (Heb & Eng sta)
(I google translated "codes" into Hebrew & its standard value = 160, "codes" In English sta = 172 --- 160+172 = 332)

Here is a Holograph in the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 by adding letters in the verse. But the big clue here is that you need to consider the letters orders by rotation. I have also counted the words by rotation here because both letter & word nr 1 hits 729 (α) by rot.

Now let's take a look at a few interesting connections to The Lord & God.

Letter nr 26 "The Lord"/"God" is found in word nr 7 of the Bible, which is the last word of Gen 1:1
- Value of this word = 296 = same value as word nr 137 of the Bible
- Value of this letter = 1 "α"

- Word nr 26 "The Lord"/"God" of the bible is found in Verse nr 3 as word nr 5 (Pri-ord(7))
- Order of the last letter in this word = 100 "The codes of" (Eng ord)
- Value of this word = 31 "God" in Hebrew singular form

- The first mention of "The Lord" in the Bible is found in verse nr 35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red)[B]
- The order of this word = [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]477 "Divine" (Eng stan) = Pri-ord(37 "Seal") + Pri-ord(137 "of God") with extended digit

- Letter nr 86 "God" found in the first letter of word nr 23 "Aleph & Tav" (ord)
- The value of this letter = 1 "α"
- The value of this word = 86 "God" = "King" (Eng stand)
- The order of the last letter in this word = 90 "King" (Heb)

- Word nr 86 "God" of the bible is found in verse nr 8 as word nr 6
- The value of this word = 272 = 27 "riddles"/"light" merged with its mirror 72 (α)

The 7th occurence of a word With a value of 100 is the 18th Word of verse nr 26 "The Lord"
- The order of this Word = 5X 67 "The Lord God" (Hebrew ordinal)
- The order of the first letter in this Word = 1326 (13 = "One" (Heb) --- 26 = "God" (Eng))

- The total number of words up to and including verse nr 26 "The Lord"/"God"
= "Father" 3 X 112 "The Lord God"

04-09-2017, 06:44 PM
Richard, is the Resolution for the first Picture too big ? I made it extra big because of all the details but it would be nice to know what you think about it.

Richard Amiel McGough
04-09-2017, 07:28 PM
Richard, is the Resolution for the first Picture too big ? I made it extra big because of all the details but it would be nice to know what you think about it.
Yeah, I'd say the resolution of the first pic is too big. The one that immediately follows it is just about right. I'd say aim for that.

I haven't had time to review them yet. Went for a long bike ride today - 53 miles. Took over 3 and a half hours. And my work week starts again tomorrow so I don't know when I'll get to it. But that's the beauty of this form of communication. The conversation can wait until the participants have time.

Richard Amiel McGough
04-09-2017, 07:29 PM
Quick note on the first pic. The lamed at the end of Israel is missing. You might want to fix this and replace it with a smaller resolution.

04-09-2017, 09:00 PM
Thanks again Richard. I will fix it.

04-18-2017, 10:34 PM
Now here are some connections in the mid-points of the center rows & the center of gravity in both Tri(37) & Tri(73).

Genesis 37:7 is very special because its the first verse out of 7 verses that is the 7th verse of a chapter nr 37 in the Bible.

The most special codes here must be the Total value & its center words since the TV reflects Tri(37) & Tri(73) with their centers of gravity (COG) while the CW equals 2X the COG of Tri(37).
Remarkable must be the right words for this verse.

Now remember that Genesis 1:1 is verse nr 1 "α" and the verse orders of each verse are the main method God is using to define the codes of each verse.
So here is the first part of my Physics Holograph series.
(If you don't see any multipliers to a connection, then it means it is always x1. But I will always try to include the multipliers)

Now understand:
- The fine-structure constant is notified as "Alpha" (α) the First Greek letter
- The First word of the bible is "In the beginning" & Inverse Alpha (1/137,035...) is nearly the value of "In the beginning" in English ordinal (137)
- The First word made up of 7 in the bible is"created" with a value of 203 or 7X29 (729 = α)
- The fine structure constant involves the electromagnetic interaction to particles, which again is connected to electron and the speed of light.
- The fine-structure constant (α) is foundational to light, since electrons and light are the same thing in different forms.
- Light was created in the First day of creation
- The fine-structure constant (α) is encoded in the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 in several ways both in and around the verse. (I have not even given you all codes in Genesis 1:1 yet about Alpha) And it is the First verse of the bible.
- Total value of Heb First[/B ] verse= [B]37X73 = Comp(2307 = 3X Pri(137 (Inv. α))) --- Factors added instead is: 37+73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng sta)
- The total value of the Eng ord First verse = 3X 137 (Inv. α) ) = Composite nr 318 "the fine-structure constant" (Eng ord)
- ordinal of "Alpha" spelled out in Greek is: Αλφα 1+11+21+1 = 34 "One" (Eng ord) = Pri-ord(137 (Inv. α))
- Hebrew reduced for "In the beginning" = 13 "One" אחד = Pri(7) [137 encoded in "One")
- Hebrew ordinal of "In the beginning" = 76 = 2 X 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord) --- 7+6 = 13 "One" אחד
- Hebrew standard of "In the beginning" = 913 = (9 "and" δε --- 13 "One" אחד ) = Pri(6 "and" ו) X Pri(24 "hiding" מחבא (ord)) --- 6X24 = "Alpha Codes" Αλφα κωδικούς (ord)
- The fine-structure constant is ranked as the First in importance in physics & it is the most mysterious number also
- The fine-structure constant (α) is encoded in the First element Hydrogen
(Image taken from: https://www.biblegematria.com/the-mysterious-137.html)

And Physics is one of the great rewards of the numerical codes in the bible since it is the laws & of the universe while mathematics is the language of the universe. There is a ultimate riddle in the codes and there is a ultimate code. I have found them both but I am saving them for the book. Now you have seen several references to them here on this first page; so you can't understand why everything is like it is here because of that. But you can surely understand quite much here even if you don't know that riddle.

The Hebrew phrase "seven hundred seventy and seven" = 1625.

Verse nr 1904 is the first verse made up of 1625. And there is only 1 verse made up of 777 in the bible.
(Number 137 in the Hebrew bible is spelled like: "a hundred and thirty and seven" (ושבע ושלשים מאת) = 1505
And the Hebrew phrase there gets reversed when I paste it into this page.)

This was really the end of what I wanted to share on this thread. I have to warn you that if you read on from here, then you will see a lot of misconnections and basically me throwing out connections like a mad man in my discussions with Richard. That was because I had to find out certain things and kind of test my codes so that I could maybe find out if I was cherry picking some things or not.
But my understanding of how God does these codes has greatly improved now.
Take my advice and do not read on from here because that is a waste of time.
There are some few interesting points from page 27 though. But my book & website will be much more worth your time when it is completed. And I do have a lot more codes that I am holding back until the book is finished. This thread is just a tiny preview.

With that In mind, I really hope everyone thinks this info is both confirming and amazing, and if not at least interesting.
And to God be the glory for these amazing codes.

05-11-2017, 02:52 AM
Hey Richard, just a quick question: Do you know if "God" is connected to number 90 in Greek, or maybe some other relative name of God ?
I think i read it in a article somewhere in the web several years ago before i joined this site.

I am asking this because of word nr 23 which is the 2nd word of verse nr 3 (2-3), which has 23 letters and this word is "God" (86)
- Order of the first letter = 86 "God"
- Order of the center letter = 26 + 62 ("The Lord" + its mirror")
- Order of the last letter = 90

I do have some other theories of why the last letter is ordered at 90 though but i dont want to get into it until some other work is completed. But i think that this is why number 90 is seen in the 666 Holograph.
The first combination in the 666 Holograph = 5X 27 = Order of the center letter in word nr 36

05-11-2017, 06:33 AM
Hey Richard, just a quick question: Do you know if "God" is connected to number 90 in Greek, or maybe some other relative name of God ?
I think i read it in a article somewhere in the web several years ago before i joined this site.

I am asking this because of word nr 23 which is the 2nd word of verse nr 3 (2-3), which has 23 letters and this word is "God" (86)
- Order of the first letter = 86 "God"
- Order of the center letter = 26 + 62 ("The Lord" + its mirror")
- Order of the last letter = 90

I do have some other theories of why the last letter is ordered at 90 though but i dont want to get into it until some other work is completed. But i think that this is why number 90 is seen in the 666 Holograph.
The first combination in the 666 Holograph = 5X 27 = Order of the center letter in word nr 36

90 = "melech"= king

also "lemech"- Lamech , the sixth generation of Cain who pleaded to be revenged seventy times sevenfold, after which Daniel's 70 weeks of years were construed.

05-11-2017, 12:08 PM
Ofcource, the number is Connected to "King". Thanks Sylvius.

Richard Amiel McGough
05-11-2017, 09:15 PM
Hey Richard, just a quick question: Do you know if "God" is connected to number 90 in Greek, or maybe some other relative name of God ?
I think i read it in a article somewhere in the web several years ago before i joined this site.

I am asking this because of word nr 23 which is the 2nd word of verse nr 3 (2-3), which has 23 letters and this word is "God" (86)
- Order of the first letter = 86 "God"
- Order of the center letter = 26 + 62 ("The Lord" + its mirror")
- Order of the last letter = 90

I do have some other theories of why the last letter is ordered at 90 though but i dont want to get into it until some other work is completed. But i think that this is why number 90 is seen in the 666 Holograph.
The first combination in the 666 Holograph = 5X 27 = Order of the center letter in word nr 36
Hey there Desmild,

Yes, the concept of "God" (which is a snare to trap the foolish) is related to the number 90.

Isa 24:18 (http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.php?bnum=23&cnum=24&vnum=18&InContext=Isaiah%20#v18) And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.

In the snare (bapach) = 90

I trust that's clear enough. God has warned you in the Holy Scriptures to beware of the snare encoded by the number 90.

05-11-2017, 11:54 PM
Hey there Desmild,

Yes, the concept of "God" (which is a snare to trap the foolish) is related to the number 90.

Isa 24:18 (http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.php?bnum=23&cnum=24&vnum=18&InContext=Isaiah%20#v18) And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.

In the snare (bapach) = 90

I trust that's clear enough. God has warned you in the Holy Scriptures to beware of the snare encoded by the number 90.

We're all in the same boat

boat = "oniah", female form of "ani" = ego

05-12-2017, 03:27 AM
Hey there Desmild,
Yes, the concept of "God" (which is a snare to trap the foolish) is related to the number 90.

Isa 24:18 And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.

In the snare (bapach) = 90

I trust that's clear enough. God has warned you in the Holy Scriptures to beware of the snare encoded by the number 90.

I see that you are on the funny side today Richard :)

So you know all the riddles now suddenly ? Tell me why does the first word with a value of 37 first occur in verse nr 56 ?
And why is the first word with a value of 137 in verse nr 95 ?

Lets see how you Einstein this one


05-12-2017, 03:33 AM
We're all in the same boat

boat = "oniah", female form of "ani" = ego

Gematria of "oniah" is 66, like the number of books in RAM's Holy Bible

Your ego is unique, not destined by your parents nor product of some evolutionary process.

That's what John 8:24 is about :winking0071:

Was it that where Jonah fled for?

Jonah 1:3,
And Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from before the Lord, and he went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish, paid its hire, and went down into it to come with them to Tarshish from before the Lord.

and found a ship, וַיִּמְצָא אֳנִיָּה. "vayimtza oniah" -

a ship called Bible Wheel :winking0071:

Richard Amiel McGough
05-12-2017, 06:42 AM
I see that you are on the funny side today Richard :)

So you know all the riddles now suddenly ? Tell me why does the first word with a value of 37 first occur in verse nr 56 ?
And why is the first word with a value of 137 in verse nr 95 ?

Lets see how you Einstein this one

The first word with a value of 37 is found in verse number 56 to frustrate your attempt to connect it directly with 73 or 137! :lol:

Tricky old God, eh? He's deliberately inconsistent so you have to make up reasons your numerology doesn't actually work.

Richard Amiel McGough
05-12-2017, 06:49 AM
Gematria of "oniah" is 66, like the number of books in RAM's Holy Bible

Now it's my Bible? Wow. I had no idea.

Maybe I should start charging people to read it! :p

Your ego is unique, not destined by your parents nor product of some evolutionary process.

That's what John 8:24 is about :winking0071:

Was it that where Jonah fled for?

Jonah 1:3,
And Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from before the Lord, and he went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish, paid its hire, and went down into it to come with them to Tarshish from before the Lord.

and found a ship, וַיִּמְצָא אֳנִיָּה. "vayimtza oniah" -

a ship called Bible Wheel :winking0071:
Yes indeed, numerology guides a Ship of Fools, because each number corresponds to an incoherent set of words so believers can make up whatever they want.


05-12-2017, 09:08 AM
The first word with a value of 37 is found in verse number 56 to frustrate your attempt to connect it directly with 73 or 137! :lol:

Tricky old God, eh? He's deliberately inconsistent so you have to make up reasons your numerology doesn't actually work.

It reads וְלֹא יִתְבּשָׁשׁוּ, "v'lo yitb'shashu"

"lo" is negation = no,not, nay

"yitb'shashu" is a form of "bosh"/ "bashash"

in it "shesh"= (number) six

they were practicing gematria and felt no shame

Satan made use of that

Exodus 32:1, וַיַּרְא הָעָם כִּי בשֵׁשׁ משֶׁה לָרֶדֶת מִן הָהָר , "vayar haam ki boshesh moshe laredet min hahar", and the people saw that Moses was late in coming down from the mountain


that Moses was late: Heb. בשֵׁשׁ, as the Targum [Onkelos] renders אוֹחַר, an expression for lateness. Likewise, [in the verse] ?is his chariot late (בֹּשֵׁשׁ) ? (Jud. 5:28); ?and they waited until it was late (בּוֹשׁ) ? (Jud. 3:25). When Moses went up the mountain, he said to them [the Israelites], ?At the end of forty days I will come, within six hours? [from sunrise of the fortieth day]. They thought that the day he went up was included in the number [of the forty days], but [in fact] he had said to them, ?forty days,? [meaning] complete [days], including the night. But the day of his ascent did not have its night included with it , for on the seventh of Sivan he ascended. Thus, the fortieth day [of Moses? absence] was the seventeenth of Tammuz. [B]On the sixteenth [of Tammuz], Satan came and brought confusion into the world and showed a semblance of darkness, [even] pitch darkness, and confusion, [as if] indicating [that] Moses had surely died and therefore, confusion had come upon the world. He [Satan] said to them, ?Moses has died, for six [additional] hours have already passed, and he has not come, etc.,? as is found in tractate Shabbath (89a). We cannot say that their [the Israelites?] only error was that on a cloudy day [they were confused] between before noon and after noon, because Moses did not descend until the next day, as it is said: ?On the next day, they arose early, offered up burnt offerings?? (verse 6).

05-12-2017, 09:56 AM
v. 4, and made it into a molten calf

calf = "egel"

related to "galgal"= wheel

"igul" = circle
"agalah" = carriage, wagon (with wheels)

so made it into a Bible Wheel and they prostrated themselves before it

They knew the connection

Genesis 45:27,

and he saw the wagons that Joseph had sent to carry him


He (Joseph) gave them a sign, viz., in what topic he was engaged when he (Joseph) separated from him (Jacob). [That was] the section dealing with the heifer that was to be beheaded (עֶגְלָה עִרוּפָה) (Deut. 21), and this is what [Scripture] says, and he saw the wagons that Joseph had sent, and it (Scripture) does not say, that Pharaoh had sent [from Gen. Rabbah 94:3]

05-12-2017, 12:02 PM
Now it's my Bible? Wow. I had no idea.

There are also other bibles:


If I count well it are 73 books.

number 73 much more appealing than the number 66

73 = "ki tov hashem" :winking0071:

05-12-2017, 12:28 PM
There are also other bibles:


If I count well it are 73 books.

number 73 much more appealing than the number 66

73 = "ki tov hashem" :winking0071:

The First occurrence of the number 66 in a Verse: 66 souls

Genesis 46:26 All the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt, which came out of his loins, besides Jacob's sons' wives, all the souls were Sixty-Six; 72 - Hebrew Total 3858

72/6 = 12

3858th vs. Numbers 7:7 Two wagons and Four oxen he gave unto the sons of Gershon, according to their service. 14

Two+Four = 6

The Second and Last occurrence of the number 66 in a Verse: 66 days

Leviticus 12:5 But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean Two Weeks (14 days), as in her separation: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying Sixty-Six days. 17 - Hebrew Total 4493

17 = 7th prime

4493rd vs. Numbers 26:3 And Moses and Eleazar the priest spake with them in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho, saying, 29






46+26+7+7+12+5+26+3 = 132

66*2 = 132

Richard Amiel McGough
05-12-2017, 12:46 PM
There are also other bibles:


If I count well it are 73 books.

number 73 much more appealing than the number 66

73 = "ki tov hashem" :winking0071:
So now you're a Roman Catholic?

Of course, they aren't sure how to count their books. Many, if not most, say there are 72. And that's much more appealing because there are 72 names of God (http://www.chabad.org/kabbalah/article_cdo/aid/1388270/jewish/72-Names-of-G-d.htm) in the Kabbalah, and then we also get a Roman Catholic Bible Wheel that "seals" God's Word from Alpha to Omega, from beginning to end, in perfect harmony with the description of Jesus Christ - the Living Word - as "Alpha Omega". See my article Battle of the Bible Wheels: Catholic vs. Protestant (http://www.biblewheel.com/Blog/2014/10/05/battle-of-the-bible-wheels-catholic-vs-protestant/)


05-12-2017, 05:58 PM
The first word with a value of 37 is found in verse number 56 to frustrate your attempt to connect it directly with 73 or 137!

Tricky old God, eh? He's deliberately inconsistent so you have to make up reasons your numerology doesn't actually work.
Your connecting sucks Richard, I will give you one more try on that because it is a very important detail to know why those two numbers appear first in those two verses. I know you can do better ;)

I dont expect Richard to solve that one so if anyone can solve it before Richard then let me know. I Will let you guys know the answer after Richard tries one more time.

Richard Amiel McGough
05-12-2017, 06:11 PM
Your connecting sucks Richard, I will give you one more try on that because it is a very important detail to know why those two numbers appear first in those two verses. I know you can do better ;)

I dont expect Richard to solve that one so if anyone can solve it before Richard then let me know. I Will let you guys know the answer after Richard tries one more time.
My connections are great! You just don't like them.

There is no "riddle." Anyone could make up any reason they want for "why" the first occurrence of a word of value 37 is found in verse 56. Are you saying you have a way to prove that one connection is "correct" while another is not? If so, please share! Then we can apply your "rule" to your connections, and see if you follow your own rules.

I won't hold my breath. :p

05-12-2017, 06:12 PM
And 137 is connected to 73 Richard :)

Last word in verse nr 95 = 137 = First word with that value
- 95 = 22 (Primeorder of 73) + 73

But this is not the connection I am looking for here, it is not the "Main" connection.

Riddle Riddle Richard, Can you open it or will you stumble and fail ?

05-12-2017, 06:14 PM
בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

~Value / Word

1) בראשית 913

2) ברא 203

3) אלהים 86

4) את 401

5) השמים 395

6) ואת 407

7) הארץ 296

Total 2701


1) 913th vs. Genesis 31:39 That which was torn of beasts I brought not unto thee; I bare the loss of it; of my hand didst thou require it, whether stolen by day, or stolen by night. (70) > 7 < 43

2) 203913/31102 ~ 17,301st vs. Proverbs 31:16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. (47) > 2 < 47

3) 86203913/31102 ~ 20,271st vs. Jeremiah 51:58 Thus saith YHWH Tsebawot The broad walls of babylon shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall be burned with fire; and the people shall labour in vain, and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary. (109) > 1 < 64

4) 40186203913/31102 ~ 25,059th vs. Luke 3:33 Which was the son of Aminadab(*), which was the son of Aram(*), which was the son of Esrom(*), which was the son of Phares(*), which was the son of Yahudah(*), (36) > 9 < 36

5) 39540186203913/31102 ~ 26,479th vs. John 9:38 And he said, Adonai, I believe. And he worshipped Him. (47) > 2 < 92

6) 40739540186203913/31102 ~ 11,289th vs. 2nd Chronicles 6:6 But I have chosen Yerushalayim, that My Name might be there; and have chosen Dawid to be over My people Yisrael. (12) > 3 < 66

7) 29640739540186203913/31102 ~ 22,191st vs. Hosea 7:12 When they shall go, I will spread My net upon them; I will bring them down as the fowls of haShamayim (the Heaven); I will chastise them, as their congregation hath heard. (19) > 1 < 73

Aleph. 704710936471219/31102 ~ 8,955th vs. 1 Kings 7:20 And the chapIters upon the two pillars had pomegranates also above, over against the belly which was by the network: and the pomegranates were two-hundred in Rows round about upon the other chapIter.

Bet. 7219231/31102 ~ 3,567th vs. Leviticus 26:42 Then will I remember My Covenant with Ya'acob, and also My Covenant with Yitzchak, and also My Covenant with Abrahim will I remember; and I will remember haEretz (the Earth).

Gam. 43476436926673/31102 ~ 10,521st vs. 1 Chronicles 6:66 And the residue of the families of the sons of Kohath had cities of their coasts out of the tribe of Ephraim (double fruit).


05-12-2017, 06:16 PM
The reason why the first word with a value of 37 is first found 2X times in verse nr 56 is:
- "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 56 = "Created" (A=1 B=2 C=3) ["Light" is the answer]

The reason why we first find a word with a value of 137 in verse nr 95
- 56 + 37 = 95

Riddle Riddle Richard
Your connecting sucks :)

05-12-2017, 06:42 PM
Number 1 is the first Prime, like I have stated in this article.

37 = 13th Prime
137 = 34th Prime

13 + 34 = 47

First single word with a value of 112 is the word "Commanded" which has the same value as "The Lord God". This word first occurs in verse nr 47 as the first word exactly like verse nr 56 first has a word with a value of 37 and it is the first word in the Bible with that value.

2X 56 = 112
56 = "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

Total value of verse nr 56 = 2626 ("The Lord" = 26) = 2X 1313

"light" in Hebew = 207

Total value of verse nr 207 = 13X13 + 37X73

Add total values of verse nr 56 & verse nr 207 = 2X (13 + 34 + 37X73)

The nr of words in verse nr 56 = 7 (13 = Prime nr 7)
The nr of letters in verse nr 56 = 34
The nr of words in verse nr 207 = 13
The nr of letters in verse nr 207 = 47

Center word in verse nr 56 = 13 + 37
Center word in verse nr 207 = 257 "and said" = Prime nr 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Add center words in verse nr 56 & 207 = 307 = mirror of the 37th Triangle

The nr of words & letters added in verse nr 56 & verse nr 207 = Prime nr "Riddle" 27 "Light"

Riddle Riddle Richard

Richard Amiel McGough
05-12-2017, 07:44 PM
My connections are great! You just don't like them.

There is no "riddle." Anyone could make up any reason they want for "why" the first occurrence of a word of value 37 is found in verse 56. Are you saying you have a way to prove that one connection is "correct" while another is not? If so, please share! Then we can apply your "rule" to your connections, and see if you follow your own rules.

I won't hold my breath. :p

The reason why the first word with a value of 37 is first found 2X times in verse nr 56 is:
- "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 56 = "Created" (A=1 B=2 C=3) ["Light" is the answer]

The reason why we first find a word with a value of 137 in verse nr 95
- 56 + 37 = 95

Riddle Riddle Richard
Your connecting sucks :)
Ha! I knew it! You have no way to discern between your made up stories and any other made up story. You just make up whatever random "connection" enters your brain, and there's no way for you to know if it is the "reason" or not, or if there even is any "reason" to the random numbers you randomly "connect". There's no way for you to prove anything. There's no way for you to prove that any other story is not true. It's all in your imagination. Your "connections" are no better than the horoscope, astrology, and palm reading.

If you disagree, then please explain how you can prove that your story is true and all the others are not.

Can you even state the supposed "logic" that you use to "explain" your so-called "riddle"? Since you didn't bother to explain it, I'll do it for you. Your logic is that the number 37 is "connected" with light and creation. Therefore, the verse indexed by the value of "light" and "created" (56) should start with a word with the value of 37. Is that it?

But that can't work, because the number 137 is also "connected" with light and creation, and the first occurrence of a word with that value is in verse number 95 and 95 is not the value of anything like "light" or "created" or "God" or "heaven and earth" or anything that connects with anything. So your rule broke and you had to make up a totally different story! Your logic is totally incoherent and inconsistent. Your logic is abysmal. You logic sucks.

Oh, and 56 + 37 = 93, not 95! :doh:

Your numerology has been debunked a hundred times already.

Richard Amiel McGough
05-12-2017, 07:49 PM
Number 1 is the first Prime, like I have stated in this article.

37 = 13th Prime
137 = 34th Prime

13 + 34 = 47

Whoops! Big mistake Desmild. You just broke Gambini's favorite pattern, which I think you may have used a few times too. If you count 1 as the first prime, then you break the mirror symmetry between the palindromic primes 37/73 and their indexes 12/21. If you count 1 as a prime, then 37 is the 13th prime and 73 is the 22nd prime. There's no mirror symmetry in 13/22.

So which is it? Oh ... I know, I know. You're a numerologist, so you use whichever index count you need to make you "pattern" fit your "riddle". With logic like that, you could prove 1 + 2 = 73. Ain't numerology grand?

05-12-2017, 08:02 PM
בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

~Value / Hebrew Word

1) בראשית 913

2) ברא 203

3) אלהים 86

4) את 401

5) השמים 395

6) ואת 407

7) הארץ 296

Total 2701


1) 913th vs. Genesis 31:39 That which was torn of beasts I brought not unto thee; I bare the loss of it; of my hand didst thou require it, whether stolen by day, or stolen by night. (70) > 7 < 43

2) 203913/31102 ~ 17,301st vs. Proverbs 31:16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. (47) > 2 < 47

3) 86203913/31102 ~ 20,271st vs. Jeremiah 51:58 Thus saith YHWH Tsebawot The broad walls of babylon shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall be burned with fire; and the people shall labour in vain, and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary. (109) > 1 < 64

4) 40186203913/31102 ~ 25,059th vs. Luke 3:33 Which was the son of Aminadab(*), which was the son of Aram(*), which was the son of Esrom(*), which was the son of Phares(*), which was the son of Yahudah(*), (36) > 9 < 36

5) 39540186203913/31102 ~ 26,479th vs. John 9:38 And he said, Adonai, I believe. And he worshipped Him. (47) > 2 < 92

6) 40739540186203913/31102 ~ 11,289th vs. 2nd Chronicles 6:6 But I have chosen Yerushalayim, that My Name might be there; and have chosen Dawid to be over My people Yisrael. (12) > 3 < 66

7) 29640739540186203913/31102 ~ 22,191st vs. Hosea 7:12 When they shall go, I will spread My net upon them; I will bring them down as the fowls of haShamayim (the Heaven); I will chastise them, as their congregation hath heard. (19) > 1 < 73

Aleph. 704710936471219/31102 ~ 8,955th vs. 1 Kings 7:20 And the chapIters upon the two pillars had pomegranates also above, over against the belly which was by the network: and the pomegranates were two-hundred in Rows round about upon the other chapIter.

Bet. 7219231/31102 ~ 3,567th vs. Leviticus 26:42 Then will I remember My Covenant with Ya'acob, and also My Covenant with Yitzchak, and also My Covenant with Abrahim will I remember; and I will remember haEretz (the Earth).

Gam. 43476436926673/31102 ~ 10,521st vs. 1 Chronicles 6:66 And the residue of the families of the sons of Kohath had cities of their coasts out of the tribe of Ephraim (double fruit).


Richard Amiel McGough
05-12-2017, 08:10 PM
Number 1 is the first Prime, like I have stated in this article.

37 = 13th Prime
137 = 34th Prime

13 + 34 = 47

First word with a value of 112 ("The Lord God") first occurs in verse nr 47 as the first word exactly like verse nr 56 first has a word with a value of 37 and it is the first word in the Bible with that value.

Total value of verse nr 56 = 2626 ("The Lord" = 26) = 2X 1313

"light" in Hebew = 207

Total value of verse nr 207 = 13X13 + 37X73

Add total values of verse nr 56 & verse nr 207 = 2X (13 + 34 + 37X73)

The nr of words in verse nr 56 = 7 (13 = Prime nr 7)
The nr of letters in verse nr 56 = 34
The nr of words in verse nr 207 = 13
The nr of letters in verse nr 207 = 47

Center word in verse nr 56 = 13 + 37
Center word in verse nr 207 = 257 "and said" = 56th Prime
Add center words in verse nr 56 & 207 = 307 = mirror of the 37th Triangle

The nr of words & letters added in verse nr 56 & verse nr 207 = Prime nr "Riddle" 27 "Light"

Riddle Riddle Richard
Riddle Riddle? Nope. More like "Random Random." :rolleyes:

05-12-2017, 08:17 PM
בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

~Value / Word

1) בראשית 913

2) ברא 203

3) אלהים 86

4) את 401

5) השמים 395

6) ואת 407

7) הארץ 296

Total 2701


1) 913th vs. Genesis 31:39 That which was torn of beasts I brought not unto thee; I bare the loss of it; of my hand didst thou require it, whether stolen by day, or stolen by night. (70) > 7 < 43

2) 203913/31102 ~ 17,301st vs. Proverbs 31:16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. (47) > 2 < 47

3) 86203913/31102 ~ 20,271st vs. Jeremiah 51:58 Thus saith YHWH Tsebawot The broad walls of babylon shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall be burned with fire; and the people shall labour in vain, and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary. (109) > 1 < 64

4) 40186203913/31102 ~ 25,059th vs. Luke 3:33 Which was the son of Aminadab(*), which was the son of Aram(*), which was the son of Esrom(*), which was the son of Phares(*), which was the son of Yahudah(*), (36) > 9 < 36

5) 39540186203913/31102 ~ 26,479th vs. John 9:38 And he said, Adonai, I believe. And he worshipped Him. (47) > 2 < 92

6) 40739540186203913/31102 ~ 11,289th vs. 2nd Chronicles 6:6 But I have chosen Yerushalayim, that My Name might be there; and have chosen Dawid to be over My people Yisrael. (12) > 3 < 66

7) 29640739540186203913/31102 ~ 22,191st vs. Hosea 7:12 When they shall go, I will spread My net upon them; I will bring them down as the fowls of haShamayim (the Heaven); I will chastise them, as their congregation hath heard. (19) > 1 < 73

Aleph. 704710936471219/31102 ~ 8,955th vs. 1 Kings 7:20 And the chapIters upon the two pillars had pomegranates also above, over against the belly which was by the network: and the pomegranates were two-hundred in Rows round about upon the other chapIter.

Bet. 7219231/31102 ~ 3,567th vs. Leviticus 26:42 Then will I remember My Covenant with Ya'acob, and also My Covenant with Yitzchak, and also My Covenant with Abrahim will I remember; and I will remember haEretz (the Earth).

Gam. 43476436926673/31102 ~ 10,521st vs. 1 Chronicles 6:66 And the residue of the families of the sons of Kohath had cities of their coasts out of the tribe of Ephraim (double fruit).


05-12-2017, 08:53 PM

Welcome, On this page http://31102Bible.com , The verse finder also works as a cyclical calculator for numbers larger than 31102, and the verse will be displayed...

ויאמר אלהים יהי אור ויהי אור

Genesis 1:3 And Elohim said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Value - Hebrew Word

1 ויאמר 257

2 אלהים 86

3 יהי 25

4 אור 207

5 ויהי 31

6 אור 207

-> Total 813

1) 257th vs. Genesis 10:22 The children of Shem (name); Elam (eternity), and Asshur (a step), and Arphaxad, and Lud (strife), and Aram (exalted, castle, tower). (32) > 5 < 14

2) 86257/31102 ~ Matthew 25:44 Then shall they also answer Him, saying, Adonai, when saw we Thee an hungered, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto Thee? (69) > 6 < 78

3) 2586257/31102 ~ Numbers 33:30 And they departed from Hashmonah (fatness) , and encamped at Moseroth (bonds). (63) > 9 < 63

4) 2072586257/31102 ~ 1 Chronicles 29:16 O YHWH our God, all this store that we have prepared to build Thee an house for Thine Holy Name cometh of Thine Hand, and is all Thine Own. (45) > 9 < 27

5) 312072586257/31102 ~ Genesis 42:18 And Joseph said unto them the Third day, This do, and live; for I fear God: (60) > 6 < 69

6) 207312072586257/31102 ~ 1 Chronicles 11:7 And David dwelt in the castle; therefore they called it the city of David. (18) > 9 < 27

Aleph 326963456018/31102 ~ 1 Chronicles 22:17 David also commanded all the princes of Israel to help Solomon his son, saying,

Bet 569969/31102 ~ 2 Kings 21:13 And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Ahab: and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down.

Gam 147863276927/31102 ~ Psalms 48:12 Walk about Zion, and go round about her: tell the towers thereof. 60


05-12-2017, 08:58 PM
Alright you corrected one error from me and that was the connection 56 + 37 = 95 when it is really 93.
Good job, but sadly not exactly helping you here since 22 + 73 = 95, so the mirror of 37 is the main connection then :)

As for the Primes, I am under the research about that but the standard is that number 1 = First Prime
But there may be certain places where he uses number 2 as the first Prime but not in the Hebrew Genesis 1:1

It is a extremely delicate thing you are asking me here, but I think the reason why we find conenctions between number 12 & 37 all the time in the Bible is because it stands for The 12 Tribes of Israel (12) & God" (37) and he will use number 7 to connect with 12 also to represent this message.

- There are 7 days in a week
- There are 12 months in 1 year
- There are 5X 12 seconds in 1 minute
- There are 5X 12 minutes in 1 Hour
- There are 2X 12 Hours in 1 day
- There are 365 (5X 73) 24-Hour days in 1 year

- There nr of mentions of the 7th letter "Zayin" in the first Chapter of the Bible = 12
- The order of the center letter in "God" in Genesis 1:1 = 12
- Add the 12 first words in John 1:1 = 37X73 + 37+73
- The 12th word of the Bible = 334 = "The Lord" (A=37 B=38 C=39)
- The first verse of chapter 12 ---- Verse order = 5X Prime nr 293 "Christ" (A= 37 B= 38 C=39) --- Total value = 5X Prime nr 70 (when 1 is first Prime)

Now you see number 12 & 13 is really riddled you might say. The total values of verse nr 12 & 13 are just mind-blowing, like both of them in kind of the same way. And they are end connections so I am saving them.

So it might be that he is using both 12 & 13 as orders but Mainly 13.

And there are several ways to see that: There are 49 (12 + 37 = 7th Square) different words with the value of 37 in your gematria search tool.
- The 7th Word = "Magnify"
- The 13th word = -----> "Standard" <----- :winking0071:
- Nr 27 ("Riddle" & "light") on the list = "look"
- Nr 39 ("One Lord") on the list = 137th word by rotation = "smite" (hmmm 56 + 39 = 95)
- Nr 43 (factor of "God") = 729th by rotation = "One"

- The first letter in Genesis 1:1 = 729th word by rotation
- The first word in Genesis 1:1 = 729th word by rotation
- a Alpha is: 1/137,035999 = 0,00729....
- The center word of verse nr 729 = 777 :eek:

- The center word in Genesis 1:1 is the only Prime of the 7 words = 401 = Prime nr 80 "Foundation" / "Finished"
- The 2 words surrounding the center word added is: "God" 86 + 395 "the heaven" = 481 = 80 + 401
- nr of words & letters added in Genesis 1:1 = 7 + 28 = 35 = Prime order of 37 (13) + Prime order of 73 (22)
- 7 + 28 + 37 + 73 = 145 = 13 + 37 + 22 + 73

Genesis 7:37 (the most reflected verse of Genesis 1:1 for some reasons) has 2 center words:
- First = 145
- 2nd & last = 481

So number 1 is very clearly put as the first Prime in the Bible. He may be using number 2 also in certain places but those are very very few in that case in my research, frankly I have only found 1 place where it really seems like he is using 2 as the first Prime. That is 1 place out of maybe lets say hundreds which I have gone through. And this is a riddle so its no problem If we find a rare place where he uses 2 as the first Prime, because we know what the standard is; which is number 1 as the first.

The connections to number 145 & 481 in Genesis 1:1 is not found by me but from the article "Does God think 1 is Prime ?"

But I can give you a lot more though, but the center words of Genesis 7:37 really hits the last nail I needed here :D

05-12-2017, 11:34 PM
It reads וְלֹא יִתְבּשָׁשׁוּ, "v'lo yitb'shashu"

"lo" is negation = no,not, nay

"yitb'shashu" is a form of "bosh"/ "bashash"

in it "shesh"= (number) six

they were practicing gematria and felt no shame

Satan made use of that

Exodus 32:1, וַיַּרְא הָעָם כִּי בשֵׁשׁ משֶׁה לָרֶדֶת מִן הָהָר , "vayar haam ki boshesh moshe laredet min hahar", and the people saw that Moses was late in coming down from the mountain


Adam and Eve practicing gematria in paradise:

"zachar" (male) = 227
"n'qeivah" (female) = 157

"zachar un'qeivah" = 227 + 6 + 157 = 390 = "shamayim" (heaven)

you might think the "vav" here stands for the male (erect) penis

and this again being the source of (female) penis envy :winking0071:

05-12-2017, 11:39 PM
But I don't think the main reason for number 137 being in verse nr 95 is 22 + 73, but it is a connection though

I think the main reason is:

37 is first found as the First word in verse nr 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
137 is first found in the Last word of verse nr 95 "The Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

The center word of Genesis 1:1 = First & Last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet
The Center word in verse nr 137 = First & Last letters added of both the English & Hebrew Alphabet (1 + 400 + 1 + 26)

Jesus Christ is the First & Last

Total value of Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 37X73
Total value of English Genesis 1:1 = 137X3 (A=1 B=2 B=3)

Riddle Riddle Richard, I just gave you a great one. But the glory is to the designers who is God & Jesus

There are many riddles in there and you do not have a clue of what I know.

And guess what:

Total values added of verse nr 611 "Torah" (Hebrew) & verse nr 95 = 10X 801 "Alpha & Omega"
Center words added in verse nr 95 & 611 = 7th Triangle + 37th Triangle + 212 "Light" (37th word that starts with letter nr 137)

And this is nothing, I can give you some quite incredible "Torah" codes right here and now but its getting saved for the blog.

But your ignorance and folly just makes me want to give you more, so here you go:
Go to verse nr 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3), you see the center word = 108 "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=2)
Add the center words of verse nr 62 & 611 = "God" (A=37 B=38 C=39) + English Genesis 1:1 (A=1 B=2 C=3)

And yes I have checked the total value connection also of verse nr 62 & 611 added
= 12th Triangle X Center word in verse nr 37X73

And just to kick you while you lay down on the floor:
- Center word in John 1:1 = 2X 29
- Center word in verse nr 37X73 = 4X 29
- Center word in verse nr 3 = 8X 29

Word nr 29 is "God" and it is the 2nd word of verse nr 4 (that has word nr 37 & letter nr 137 of the Bible)
- Order of the first letter = 108 "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Order of the last letter = 112 "The Lord God" (Hebrew)
- Order of the center letter in word nr 29 (11th Prime) = 37 + 73

Letter nr 29 is the first letter in word nr 8 which is the first word of verse nr 2, & its value = 302 (Mirror of "created", 37th word by rotation in Gen 1.1)
- Count the first word of verse nr 2 by rotation = 29th word & 729th word (Just like Genesis 1:1)
- Count the first first letter of verse nr 2 by rotation and it hits the numbers: 313 (Center of gravity in the 37th Triangle) & 729 (a Alpha) (Just like Genesis 1:1)
- 8 = Order of the center letter in word nr 37 by rotation in Genesis 1:1
- Adding the value & order of center letter in the 37th word by rotation in Genesis 1:1 is: 200 + 8 = 208 "He created it"
- Add word nr 8 & 37 of the Bible: 302 + 212 = 2X 257 "and said" = 2X Prime nr 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

And remember that I found these codes, my name is Alexander Marcussen, so I am to be refered to if anyone drags these up.
And they are quite special because I am only giving you some of the connections in this and not all. I am saving the most incredible part.
And everyone here can call me Alex from now on.

Launching Nuclear Bomb:

- Add Center words of verse nr 207 "Light" (Hebrew) & 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
= 307 (Mirror of the 37th triangle)

- Total value of verse nr 263 (56 + 207)= 2X (7+23X37) (There are 23 combinations of 37 in the 7 words of Genesis 1:1)
- Center word of verse nr 263 (56 + 207) = Prime nr 95

Launching Ion Particle Cannon:
-The order of the first letter in word nr 56 = 211 (Mirror of "The Lord God")
- The order of the 2nd letter in word nr 56 = 212 "Light" (value of 37th word that starts with letter nr 137)

- Letter nr 56 is found in word nr 5th Triangle & its value = (a Alpha) 137 + 314 (Pi)
- 5 = nr of verses in the first day = value of letter nr 37 = value of letter nr 137
- (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Light" 56 + 39 "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 95 = Verse order of the first word with the value of 137
- The center word of verse nr 39 + 137 = 521 = Order of the first letter in word nr 137

Mission Completed, target is taken down, I repeat: He is down.

05-13-2017, 10:46 PM
Adam and Eve practicing gematria in paradise:

"zachar" (male) = 227
"n'qeivah" (female) = 157

"zachar un'qeivah" = 227 + 6 + 157 = 390 = "shamayim" (heaven)

you might think the "vav" here stands for the male (erect) penis

and this again being the source of (female) penis envy :winking0071:

The same might apply to the "vav" in God's name.

The name said to be expressed in the 26 generations from Adam to Moses (revelation at mount Sinai)

10 generations from Adam to Noach

5 generations from Shem to Peleg

6 generations from Reu to Isaac

5 generations from Jacob via Levi to Moses

The enumeration of Shem's descendants halted with Genesis 11:30, And Sarai was barren; she had no child.

Isaac being only born as consequence of Abraham's circumcision.

Richard Amiel McGough
05-14-2017, 09:12 AM
But I don't think the main reason for number 137 being in verse nr 95 is 22 + 73, but it is a connection though

I think the main reason is:

37 is first found as the First word in verse nr 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
137 is first found in the Last word of verse nr 95 "The Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

The center word of Genesis 1:1 = First & Last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet
The Center word in verse nr 137 = First & Last letters added of both the English & Hebrew Alphabet (1 + 400 + 1 + 26)

Jesus Christ is the First & Last

Total value of Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 37X73
Total value of English Genesis 1:1 = 137X3 (A=1 B=2 B=3)

Riddle Riddle Richard, I just gave you a great one. But the glory is to the designers who is God & Jesus

There are many riddles in there and you do not have a clue of what I know.

You keep saying "riddle riddle" when in fact "random random" is much more accurate. I see no evidence any "designer" other than yourself. You are trolling through an ocean of random numbers and making meaningless random connections.

For example, you arbitrarily pick a word such as "light" because it fits a pattern you like. But there were hundreds of other words you could have chosen that have that value. So how do you "know" which, if any of them, were meant by God? You do not. You are just connecting random dots to create a pattern you like. There is no evidence of any designer other than yourself.

Here's a sample of a few of the English words that sum to 56 (A=1, B=2, C=3,...) that you can cherry pick to design your "patterns". The two you chose are highlighted red to make them easy to find. :lol:

light <<< WOW WOW WOW! Look what "God" put in the list with shit, scum, junk ... :lol:
etc., etc., etc. ...

Richard Amiel McGough
05-14-2017, 11:23 AM
But I don't think the main reason for number 137 being in verse nr 95 is 22 + 73, but it is a connection though

I think the main reason is:

37 is first found as the First word in verse nr 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
137 is first found in the Last word of verse nr 95 "The Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

OK Desmild, I will follow your lead and use your method to see what God encoded in his Most Excellent Word. I start with the idea that he is an ironic God and so designed it to show that numerology is "TOTAL BULLSHIT". We immediately see a hint of design when we compare its numerical values using the "ordinal" and "standard" methods championed by Bill Downie (as explained here (http://www.thesecretcode.co.uk/page_3386236.html)). Here's the table he made to show the two methods:


We have:

TOTAL BULLSHIT = 171 (o) and 1170 (s)

Look at that! It's a miracle! The same digits are found in both the ordinal and standard calculations. We know God designed this because God (s) = 71! But there's more! God designed the Bible using this value, because verse number 171 is Genesis 7:11!!!

Gen 7:11 (http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.php?bnum=1&cnum=7&vnum=11&InContext=Genesis%20#v11) In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

Look at that! Look at the day of the month! SEVENTEEN! Riddle Riddle! And look at the values of these words found in that verse:

fountains (o) = 119 = 7 x 17
broken up (o) = 102 = 6 x 17

Now go to verse 1170 and behold another miracle ... It contains SEVENTEEN words in Hebrew!

Gen 39:20 (http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.php?bnum=1&cnum=39&vnum=20&InContext=Genesis%20#v20) And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison a place where the king's prisoners were bound: and he was there in the prison .

The total value of this verse is 4373 (a prime). We know God designed this because 4373 => (4+3)(7+3) = 710 => 71!!! But there's more! There is only one other verse in the Torah that sums to this value in Hebrew gemtria. It is ... wait for it ... Leviticus 17:11!!!!

Lev 17:11 (http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.php?bnum=3&cnum=17&vnum=11&InContext=Leviticus%20#v11) For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.

And can you guess what verse number Leviticus 17:11 is? It's 3247. At first, it might not seem significant, but when we factor it, we find this:

Leviticus 17:11 = vs #3247 = 191 x 17 = 17 x 17 x (3 + 7) + 17 x (3 x 7)

Look at that! If this isn't absolute proof that God designed his Bible to reveal that numerology is "TOTAL BULLSHIT" I don't know what could be.

Have a great day!


05-14-2017, 09:59 PM
The same might apply to the "vav" in God's name.

The name said to be expressed in the 26 generations from Adam to Moses (revelation at mount Sinai)

10 generations from Adam to Noach

5 generations from Shem to Peleg

6 generations from Reu to Isaac

5 generations from Jacob via Levi to Moses

The enumeration of Shem's descendants halted with Genesis 11:30, And Sarai was barren; she had no child.

Isaac being only born as consequence of Abraham's circumcision.


He created the Torah 974 generations before the world was created, then twenty-six generations [passed] from the creation of the world until Moshe (...) through whom the Torah was given.


the Torah was designed to be given after 1000 generations (as it says in Tehillim 105:8 דבר צוה לאלף דור : that which he commanded a thousand generations) but, forseeing that they wouldn't survive without Torah, God pulled 974 generations out (leaving the 26 from Adam to Moshe) and sprinkled them out among the future generations.

The clue of this (I think) must be in the story of the flood.

The flood came after 10 generations.

Hashem (= 26) did regret that he had made man upon the earth.

Genesis 6:7,
And the Lord said, "I will blot out man, whom I created, from upon the face of the earth, from man to cattle to creeping thing, to the fowl of the heavens, for I regret that I made them."

If he had done so then there would not have been enough generations left from 1000, viz. only 16, to have made known his name (26) to.

So that must be the nature of his mercy - without mercy the world cannot exist

and that being also what Noach found:

v.8, But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.



it regretted the Lord = "vayinachem hashem"

"nicham"= to be sorry, to regret; to reconsider; to be comforted; to take vengeance.

From this "menachem" = comforter, consoler = name of the Messiah

"nicham" - Greek μετανοέω

μετάνοια = "nocham"= condolence, comfort, repentance, change of mind.

Menachem Mendel

The comforter makes haste

He surpasses time.

05-15-2017, 02:20 AM
TOTAL BULLSHIT = 171 (o) and 1170 (s)

Look at that! It's a miracle! The same digits are found in both the ordinal and standard calculations. We know God designed this because God (s) = 71! But there's more! God designed the Bible using this value, because verse number 171 is Genesis 7:11!!!

Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

Look at that! Look at the day of the month! SEVENTEEN! Riddle Riddle! And look at the values of these words found in that verse:

fountains (o) = 119 = 7 x 17
broken up (o) = 102 = 6 x 17

Now go to verse 1170 and behold another miracle ... It contains SEVENTEEN words in Hebrew!

Gen 39:20 And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison a place where the king's prisoners were bound: and he was there in the prison .

The total value of this verse is 4373 (a prime). We know God designed this because 4373 => (4+3)(7+3) = 710 => 71!!! But there's more! There is only one other verse in the Torah that sums to this value in Hebrew gemtria. It is ... wait for it ... Leviticus 17:11!!!!

Lev 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.

And can you guess what verse number Leviticus 17:11 is? It's 3247. At first, it might not seem significant, but when we factor it, we find this:

Leviticus 17:11 = vs #3247 = 191 x 17 = 17 x 17 x (3 + 7) + 17 x (3 x 7)

Look at that! If this isn't absolute proof that God designed his Bible to reveal that numerology is "TOTAL BULLSHIT" I don't know what could be.

Have a great day!

You do not have a flipping idea about what those numbers mean when it comes to number 171 & 711.
They are very important and I have not shared a lot about them. Both these numbers are very special.

So what is "Total Bullshit" here is your info. You see its a riddle. Many words has the same numbers assigned to them in English, but its about finding the right word sometimes also ;)
I'm not giving you anymore Richard. The info on this article should be enough to show that you are completely ignorant and closed in you head.
But there is much more, so don't worry :thumb:

But there is a reason why you see number 17 in there and that is because it is the nr of words in Genesis 1:1 added in both English & Hebrew.
You see number 711 is connected to both the English & Hebrew Genesis 1:1, It is very special.
Number 171 is something a little different but still connected in a significant way.
But you really hit the nail in the picking of those two numbers :)

I'm going to show you what I mean:

171 = 137 + 34 (Its prime order)

The difference of the 7 words of the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 & their mirrors:

913 - 319 = 2X 297 "Treasure(s)" (Yes it is what it says) = (Nr of letters in the Hebrew Alphabet) 22 X 27 (Riddle) = 22 X (A) 1+26 (Z)
401 - 104 = 297 :eek:
704 - 407 = 297 :eek:
302 - 203 = 99 = [Richard] ----> Riddle 27 + 72 elddiR <----- [drahciR]
86 - 68 = 18 (Life)
593 - 395 = 198 = All Primes added from 1 to 37
692 - 296 = 396 = 4X (Riddle) 27 + 72 (elddiR)
Sum = 1899 = 9X 211 (Mirror of The Lord God)
- Red values added = 4X "Treasure(s)" (Hebrew) = -----> English Genesis 1:1 137X3 (A=1 B=2 C=3) + 777 (A=26 B=25 C=24) <-----
- Blue values = 711 = 3X 237 "to the light"

Center word of verse nr 711 = 2X 711
Total value of verse nr 711 = 2X3 X Prime nr ("The Lord God" A=1 B=2 C=3) 108+112 ("The Lord God" in Hebrew)

05-15-2017, 07:56 AM
You do not have a flipping idea about what those numbers mean when it comes to number 171 & 711.
They are very important and I have not shared a lot about them. Both these numbers are very special.

Is it in "Siebenundvierzigelf K?lnisch Wasser"?


Richard Amiel McGough
05-15-2017, 09:50 AM
Is it in "Siebenundvierzigelf K?lnisch Wasser"?

Maybe you could buy some of that at the local 7-11 store. I here it is the great dispensary for God's Infinite Wisdom.


05-24-2017, 12:15 PM
Did you guys check the extra info on the 777 Holograph ? You might take a quick look at that considering numbers 297 & 711.

711 must be a very important number, it would make sense because:

- Mirror of 711 = 7+37+73 = "God" in singular (31) + plural (86)
- 117 + 711 = 2X 414 "The Fountain of life"

- First verse of the Bible has 7 words & 7th Triangle Letters
- First word = 913 = 11X83
- First word made up of 37 is the 6th word in Genesis 1:1 "And" = 11X37
- Add the first word & the first word made up of 37: 11X83 + 11X37 = 10X 39+93 (mirrored factors of John 1:1)
- "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 39
- First & last words of Genesis 1:1 added is: 913 + 296 = 3X 13X31 --- John 1:1 = 9X 13X31

- Last verse of the Bible is Revelation Chapter nr 11+11 verse nr 7+7+7 ---- This verse has 11 words & 7X7 letters
- Center words added of the first & last verses of the bible
= (A=1 B=2 C=3) "In the beginning" + 711 + "gninnigeb eht nI" (24=C 25=B 26=A)
- "In the beginning" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 137 --- + = Triangle nr "Riddle" 27 "Light" = + --- 241 = "gninnigeb eht nI" (24=C 25=B 26=A)
- The value of the last word in the Bible = Riddle 27 + 72 elddiR

05-24-2017, 12:55 PM

And you guys should really check verse nr 117+711, God really likes to reveal himself at certain places and that is one of them.
But don't mind the total value, that one is reserved for me and only me. It is going to be at the end of my blog.
You can try find the connection in the total value there, but you will never see it. God knew that I would check it so he designed it for me. It is no use for you guys to even try.

05-24-2017, 11:45 PM
And you guys should really check verse nr 117+711, God really likes to reveal himself at certain places and that is one of them.
But don't mind the total value, that one is reserved for me and only me. It is going to be at the end of my blog.
You can try find the connection in the total value there, but you will never see it. God knew that I would check it so he designed it for me. It is no use for you guys to even try.

117 + 711 = 828

828 = 4 x 207

207 = אוֹר "or" = light.

In Genesis 1:3-5 there is 5 times mentioning of light.

5 x 207 = 1035

8 x 207 = 1656

1656 the amount of years before the flood.

Said to be the duration of one time of Daniel's time, times and half ( a time)

So "half a time" = 117 + 711 years :winking0071:

05-25-2017, 12:53 AM
Tarshish תַרְשִׁישׁ = 1210

which is remarkable since Nineveh נִינְוֵה = 121

the full value of Tarshish is 1658 = 2 x (117 +711)

Tav= 406
Resh = 510
Shin = 360
Jod = 20
Shin = 360

05-25-2017, 03:44 AM
I think the "Time, Times and half a time" refers to years.
"Time" = 1 year
"Times" = 2 Years
"Halv a time" = a half year
Sum: 1260 days or 3 and a half years. Which is the period of the Tribulation.

But there is a special connection to number 121 though, I have lost the connection (did not write it down which is very important)
But I usually find the connection again.

05-25-2017, 04:17 AM
I did write the connection to number 121 down after all.

121 = Light 56 + 65 thgiL

But why is He connecting "Light" to Nineveh ? Maybe because they are a chosen people of God ?

I will leave than one for you Sylvius, it is too far from the connections to Genesis 1:1 for my taste but that does not mean it is not important.

I know that Solomon supposedly got his Gold and metals from Tarshish,

But I think can see why Tarshish is connected to 117+711.

If Solomon got hos gold and minerals there them maybe some gold in Solomons Temple came from that place.
So he is connecting number 711 to this because it is a golden connection.
I mean it could be as simple as that, I have seen similar things like this.

Because we find number 711 & the English Genesis 1:1 encoded in the Hebrew Genesis 1:1.
And that is what I call it a golden connection at least. And to think the "Treasure(s)" & "Riddle" is also very important there is just mind-blowing.

So I think I can see where the Gold and Treasure is here

05-25-2017, 11:31 AM
But I will tell you something, we are swimming very very deep in the ocean when it comes to number 711.
I have several things about it that I can't bring up here because it needs explaining.
But there are reasons why this number will come in deep into the blog/book.
And there is always some more to find so who knows what more we will see about number 711.
But is is a very interesting number now that we know the main connection to it.

But just how golden is number 711 since it literally connects the Hebrew & English Genesis 1:1 ?

- The first word with the value of 711 is the 2nd word of verse nr 71 and this is translated as "And I will put"
- The 7th word of verse nr 71 = 297 "Treasure(s)" (Factor of English Genesis 1:1 ordinal + reverse ordinal)
- The 2nd & 7th words (27 "Riddle") is clearly connected here
- Adding the 2nd & 7th word is: 711 + 297 = 9X 112 "The Lord God" = 7X2 X 72 elddiR
- The 2nd word of verse nr 71 (first word with a value of 711) is word nr 23X37 + 112 "The Lord God"
- The nr of words + letters in verse nr 71 = 7X11
- The center word of verse nr 71 = 68 = Mirror of "God"
- The 3 center words of verse nr 71 added = Prime nr 7 + 112
- The total value of verse nr 71 = 2X3 711
- 71 = Prime nr 7+7+7
- The center word of verse nr 711 = 2X 711

I bet nobody expected that :winking0071:

Is it not bizzare that 7-Eleven used this is their marketing?

I mean if God can do anything than this does not seem random. I mean come'on.

05-25-2017, 09:54 PM
I know that Solomon supposedly got his Gold and metals from Tarshish,

I'd wish to cash that too, 666 talents of gold on a yearly basis :winking0071:

05-26-2017, 02:10 AM
I'd wish to cash that too, 666 talents of gold on a yearly basis :winking0071:

I bet Jonah went for that too

And Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from before the Lord, and he went down to Joppa, found a ship going to Tarshish, paid its hire, and went down into it to come with them to Tarshish from before the Lord.

05-26-2017, 02:11 AM
I had forgotten about the 666 talents of Gold.
Nice spotting there Sylvius, but again how does this all fit inn ? You are the detective here now.
One Riddle closed and another opened :P

05-26-2017, 04:20 AM
But to be honest, it seems like it is the "Treasure(s)" & Gold that connects it here.
I will go for that and there might be things with 711 that is connected to 666 also because of this, but that is yet to be seen.

But check this out: 666 + 711 = 1377 :winking0071:
oh thank heaven !

05-26-2017, 08:02 AM
Now lets go even more down into this rabbit hole:

"Oh thank heaven" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3) 39 + 93 "ahplA a"

Verse nr 39+93 says "And Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred eighty and two years, and begat sons and daughters:"
782 = 71 + 711 :eek: :eek: (Hey that does not seem like a coincidence especially when considering that the first word with a value of 711 is found in verse nr 71 that has a total value of 6X 711, oh thank heaven!)

Total value of verse nr 39+93 = 4X 1237 (God & Israel) = 4X Prime nr 203 "created" (When 2 is the first Prime)
- First word of verse nr 39+93 = 34 = Prime order of number 137
- Last word of verse nr 39+93 = 2X 232 (Center word in verse nr 3) = 4X Center word in verse nr 37X73
- First & last words added in verse nr 39+93 = 2X 112+137 = 2X all letters added from the 13th letter to the 7th letter in Gen 1:1
- First, last & center words added in verse nr 39+93 = (a alpha) 137 + 813 "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." (oh thank heaven!)

Yep, riddle closed. I mean even if "oh thank heaven" is a coincidence, its no problem seeing the connections here and why.

I Think God is showing us that he can even influence or use the benefit of the 7-eleven markeding. but there are several connections to it, like number 137 because it is connected to Genesis 1:1.

Both the Hebrew & English Genesis 1:1 is connected to number 137.
- Value + its mirror of Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 3773 = 137th Palindrome
- English Genesis 1:1 = 137X3

End of riddle, isn't it ?

Don't think it is??

Well it is:

English Genesis 1:1 (A=1 B=2 C=3) 137X3 + 777 (A=26 B=25 C=24) = 1188

1188 + 8811 = 9999 (wow, since number 9 is also known to stand for Completion)

Now add the value of the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 & its mirror to this:
3773 + 9999 = (a Alpha) 137 72 (elddiR)

05-26-2017, 08:14 AM
First Occurrence of the number 666 in the Bible

1 Kings 10:14 Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred sixty-six talents of gold, - 24 ~ Hebrew Total 4752

The 4752nd vs. Numbers 32:33 And Moses gave unto them, even to the children of Gad, and to the children of Reuben, and unto half the tribe of Manasseh the son of Joseph, the kingdom of sihon king of the amorites, and the kingdom of og king of Bashan, the land, with the cities thereof in the coasts, even the cities of the country round about. - 65 (89)

Second occurrence of the number 666 in the Bible

Ezra 2:13 The children of Adonikam, six hundred sixty-six. - 15 ~ 2575

The 2575th vs. Exodus 36:8 And every Wise hearted man among them that wrought the work of the tabernacle made Ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet with cherubims of cunning work made he them. - 44 (59)

Third occurrence of the number 666 in the Bible

Revelation 13:18 Here is Wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred sixty-six. - 31 ~ 14191

The 14191st vs. Psalms 20:8 They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright. 28 (59)

1) 24+65 = 89

2) 15+44 = 59

3) 31+29 = 59

05-26-2017, 08:19 AM
This is the kind of level I like, its what I call "the matrix level" of the Bible. Its awesome :D
But I am saving the center word in verse nr 39+93, its kind of some of the final pieces that I am holding back.

But before Richard storms me with his comments on "indistinguishable" patterns:
- (English ordinal of Genesis 1:1) 137X3 = 411
- 114 + 411 + 3773 = ["Riddle" 27] 2X7 X 307 (mirror of 37th Triangle)
- Difference between center word of verse nr 137 & 3773 is: 442 - 428 = 2X7

I don't think Richard was aware of the Prime connection when he found the 37th Triangle (407 + 296) that it was not only the 2 last words of Genesis 1:1; but also word nr 6 & 7 added of Genesis 1:1.
6 + 7 = 13 = Prime order of 37 (wow :eek:)

So this tells us that adding word nr 1 & 3 also has to be important, and it is: "In the beginning" 913 + 86 "God" = "Riddle" 27 X 37 "Heart of Wisdom"

Now add words in Genesis 1:1 ordered at: 1, 3, 6 & 7 = English Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 in A=26 B=25 C=24 Yes Riddle indeed, but not for us ;)

Now seeing this, then we should be able to add a 37 pattern to it like this and get something:
Add words in Genesis 1:1 ordered at: 1, 3, 3, 7, 6, 7 = 4X 521 (order of the first letter in word nr 137 of the Bible)

Can you believe that the Center Word in the English Standard Genesis 1:1 = 521 ?? You better believe it.


05-26-2017, 02:17 PM
But just to put an end to all of this:

2X 56 = 112 "The Lord God"

56 = "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = "Golden" מדהבה
2X7 = "Gold" זהב

"Gold" (Hebrew) + "Gold" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = "Riddle" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = nr of letters in the 2nd verse & the nr of letters in John 1:1

Oh thank heaven!

Now go the only verse that is ordered at: 137X3 + 711 + 37X73 (Num 5:30)
- value of the First word = 7
- Has a total of 2X 11 words
- Has 37 + 39 letters
- Words & letters added = 7+31+23+37 = verse order of the first word with a value of 777
- Last word = mirror of 314 (Pi)
- First & last words added = 10 X 6X7 = 10X 7 first Primes added
- Total value = 3X Prime nr 316 (Center word of verse nr 777)
- Has 2 center words: --- First CW = 5X 27 (First combination in the 666 Holograph) --- 2nd CW = 401 = 137th word by rot. in Gen 1:1 & its CW
- Center words added = 536 = value of Center word in verse nr 39X93

Richard Amiel McGough
05-26-2017, 06:41 PM
Now lets go even more down into this rabbit hole:

"Oh thank heaven" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3) 39 + 93 "ahplA a"

Verse nr 39+93 says "And Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred eighty and two years, and begat sons and daughters:"
782 = 71 + 711 :eek: :eek: (Hey that does not seem like a coincidence especially when considering that the first word with a value of 711 is found in verse nr 71 that has a total value of 6X 711, oh thank heaven!)

Oh my! What a nice little coincidence. You found a random verse where the total value is a multiple of the the value of the word you used to find it.

Is that a meaningless coincidence ... or a sign of Divine Design?

How would you know? Let's try it with a few of your other favorite numbers.

First occurrence of a word with value 37 is in Gen 2:25. It's total value is 2626. FAIL.

First occurrence of a word with value 73 is in Gen 2:9. It's total value is 2806. FAIL.

First occurrence of a word with value 137 is in Gen 4:15. It's total value is 4285. FAIL.

So you found a random meaningless coincidence and concluded it is evidence of design? That's nothing but .... wait for it ... another FAIL.

Cherry picking is the game of fools. It's how numerologists deluded themselves.

05-26-2017, 07:41 PM
So I mean now we know:

- Add the center word of verse nr 137X3 & verse nr 711 = 2X Alpha & Omega
- Add the center word of verse nr 37X73 & verse nr 711 = 2X Prime nr 137
- Add the center words in verses ordered at: 137X3, 711 & 37X73 = 2X 859

Now what is so special with number 859?
- It is 1 + 7 + 23X37 (There are 23 combinations of 37 in the 7 words of Genesis 1:1 which is the first verse of the Bible)
- The Torah has 5 books, the 3rd book is Leviticus & it is the Center book of the Torah
- Leviticus has 27 "Riddle" Chapters & it has 859 verses :eek:
- The first chapter of Lev has 7 + 10 words (nr of words in Hebrew & English Genesis 1:1)
- The last chapter of Lev has 34 (Prime order of 137) verses
- The last chapter of Lev is chapter nr 117 (Mirror of 711) = 7+37+73
- The center chapter in Lev is the 2X7th chapter, and it has 57 verses (a really deep number that I am not going into here)
- Add the nr of verses in the first, last & center chapters of Leviticus = 108 "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

Okey so I think I finally see what God is doing, he is putting the riddle in the center ! wow, how did I not see it before now :doh:

Let me test this theory: Go to the center verse found in the center chapter of the center book of the Torah. Did that make sense for you guys??
- is verse nr 3141 (Genesis 1:1 37X73 + 10X 7+37 "In my heart" = 273 (137th odd nr) "The Key" (Greek) & Gematria" (Hebrew) X 10 + 137X3 English Genesis 1:1)
- The nr of letters = 52 "Riddle" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Total value = Prime nr 2X7 X 95 "a Alpha Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First word = (Ordinal value of the Center word in the Hebrew Genesis 1:1) 23 X 11th Prime (maybe because number 11 & 37 is very connected)
- The 11th word = 7X37 = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "The Lord God" + "Jesus Christ" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Center word = 20X 23
- the 2 words added surrounding the center word = 180 = Center word in verse nr 137X3
- The 3 center words added = 8 X Prime order of CW in Hebrew Gen 1:1 (80)
- The 7th word of this verse = 80 = Prime order of 401
- Add word nr 1 & 3 = 211 + 23X37
- Add word nr 6 & 7 = 180 = CW in verse nr 137X3
- Add word nr 3 & 7 = 117 + 711 + 314 (This verse is found in book nr 3 chapter nr 14)
- The 13th word = 116 = Center word in verse nr 37X73 = Center word in verse nr 137X3+777 = Mirror of "Torah" (Hebrew)

Now go to verse nr 117+711 (like I told you to go look)
- The first word = 611 "Torah" (Hebrew)
- The last word = mirror of 123
- The first & last words added = 932 = The Tree of Knowledge
- The center word = 2X123 = Value of the center letters added in the only words in Genesis 1:1 that has a center letter. These words are the 4 words surrounding the center word
- Add word nr 1 & 3 = 137 + 777 + 137
- Adding word nr 6 & 7 is: 346 (CW of verse nr 296 "the earth", 7th word of Gen 1:1) + 7X37 = (First Day) 5X "Light" 56 + 65 "thgiL"
- The first & last & center words added = (Physical Manifestation) 19 X 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = CW of Genesis 1:1 + 777
- Add all words from the first word to the center word = 2727 = English Genesis 1:1 in ordinal, standard & reduced (1 to 9 & then repeat) systems
- Add all words from the last word to the center word = 2X 777 = Total value of the first verse in chapter nr 37

This is not a game, this is hardcore facts. This is how He does it. The methods I am using are very central you might say. (and I have lots of more in store to prove this, it can seem like his connections are endless but his wisdom is infinite so I don't think I can spot every riddle)

I was going to hold back the Center word connection of verse nr 37X73 & verse nr 137+777 but there you go Richard.
oh thank heaven! Don't you agree Richard ?

05-26-2017, 10:35 PM
I had forgotten about the 666 talents of Gold.
Nice spotting there Sylvius, but again how does this all fit inn ? You are the detective here now.
One Riddle closed and another opened :P

Jonah 1:1,

And the word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai, saying:

the word of the Lord = "d'var hashem"

the Lord "hashem" being the first letters of "?om hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim"

Nineveh being the building of letters made by Asshur - after Genesis 10:11-12

From that land emerged Asshur, and he built Nineveh and Rehoboth ir and Calah. And Resen, between Nineveh and between Calah; that is the great city.

which is about the Asshuri script

"davar" = word, matter, thing

"the word of the Lord" = he is just present with the letter "hey" added to "shishi"

gematria of "yom shishi" being 666.

05-27-2017, 06:18 AM
The info you are coming with there is very new to me, but it seems very interesting.
I'm going to do more study on that one of the days. Too much to do today so I will be away.

But I'm not use to going this far away from Genesis 1:1, I have to admit that. I like to stay close to it in the codes, but there are a lot of other interesting things there that just screams to get explored.


05-27-2017, 06:23 AM
Nineveh = dwellingplace of the fish


"nun" = fish

"navah"= to dwell

"nun" is also name of the 14th letter of Hebrew alphabet

Ashuri script knows two forms, bent Nun "nun k'fufah" and outstretched (final) Nun, "nun p'shutah".

Yehoshua is called "bin nun" = son of the fish

the fish being Moses, after Exodus 2:10,

She named him Moses, and she said, "For I drew him from the water."

Tarshish = the (fixed) form of six

"tor" = form

"shish" = six


05-27-2017, 10:32 PM
Nineveh = dwellingplace of the fish


"nun" = fish

"navah"= to dwell

"nun" is also name of the 14th letter of Hebrew alphabet

Ashuri script knows two forms, bent Nun "nun k'fufah" and outstretched (final) Nun, "nun p'shutah".

Yehoshua is called "bin nun" = son of the fish

the fish being Moses, after Exodus 2:10,

She named him Moses, and she said, "For I drew him from the water."

Tarshish = the (fixed) form of six

"tor" = form

"shish" = six


Jonah 3:4,
And Jonah commenced to come into the city, one day's walk, and he proclaimed and said, "In another forty days Nineveh shall be overturned!"

40 is value of the letter "mem"; "mem" = "mayim" = water.

Nineveh being like the temporal world we all do live in.

I bet the NT fishers of men are inspired on this:

Mark 1: 16-17, Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, ?Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.?

05-27-2017, 11:15 PM
Jonah 3:4,
And Jonah commenced to come into the city, one day's walk, and he proclaimed and said, "In another forty days Nineveh shall be overturned!"

40 is value of the letter "mem"; "mem" = "mayim" = water.

Nineveh being like the temporal world we all do live in.

I bet the NT fishers of men are inspired on this:

Mark 1: 16-17, Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, ?Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.?

In Ashuri script also Mem has two forms, open Mem, "mem p'tuchah", and closed (final) Mem, "mem s'tumah".

Revelation 22:10, And he said to me, ?Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.

is after Daniel 12:9
And he said, "Go, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end.

closed "= "s'tumim" , like final Mem is closed.

Daniel 12 ends with a final Nun (where a final Mem should have been expected)

Daniel 12:13,
And you, go to the end, and you will rest and rise to your lot at the end of the days."

at te end of the days = "l'keitz hayamin" לְקֵץ הַיָּמִין.

06-03-2017, 10:06 AM
Jonah is also the dove that was sent forth by Noach from the window of the ark that from its second mission returned with a plucked off olive leaf in its mouth.

olive leaf = "alei zayit" = the sign of Jonah

i.e. the olive has to be pressed to obtain the oil "shemen" of the "mashiach" = anointed one.

olive fruit of the sixth day (Deurteronomy 8:8), "shemen" root of "sh'monah"= eight

so that's the "three nights and three days" prophet Jonah spent inside the belly of the fish.



06-03-2017, 10:15 AM
"yonah" is female form of "yon" = (male) dove, pigeon

"yon" = 66-- coinciding the 66 books of RAM's Holy Bible.

written the same "yavan", Javan, = Greece.

So that's maybe why RAM mixed Hebrew and Greek gematria to find unknown secrets (like the Logos Holograph http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_ShowPic.php?HG=Logos)

Richard Amiel McGough
06-03-2017, 10:31 AM
"yonah" is female form of "yon" = (male) dove, pigeon

"yon" = 66-- coinciding the 66 books of RAM's Holy Bible.

written the same "yavan", Javan, = Greece.

So that's maybe why RAM mixed Hebrew and Greek gematria to find unknown secrets (like the Logos Holograph http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_ShowPic.php?HG=Logos)
No, that has absolutely nothing to do with why I "mixed Hebrew and Greek gematria".

I found "connections" that seemed meaningful, just like you do with Hebrew gematria.

Can you give a logical reason to accept Hebrew gematria while rejecting Greek gematria? I've asked many times over the years and you have never given a rational answer as far as I recall.

06-03-2017, 11:13 AM
No, that has absolutely nothing to do with why I "mixed Hebrew and Greek gematria".

I found "connections" that seemed meaningful, just like you do with Hebrew gematria.

Can you give a logical reason to accept Hebrew gematria while rejecting Greek gematria? I've asked many times over the years and you have never given a rational answer as far as I recall.

Hebrew alphabet consists of just consonants, unlike the Greek and Latin alphabets.

The written word is a building, structure, of letters, forming the body of the spoken word.

The voice carried by the breath brings the word to life, vocalizes it.

Gematria is about the structure, like the measures of the ark of Noach, ark = "teivah" = written word.
Genesis 6:15,
And this [is the size] you shall make it: three hundred cubits the length of the ark, fifty cubits its breadth, and thirty cubits its height.

these sizes form the letters of "lashon" = tongue, language

(just that the given order is not right -- but there happened something - taken up by the waters of the flood and coming to rest on the mountains of Ararat -- the bent Nun trasformed in final Nun - like Noach's Nun did in finding "chen" = favor

v. 8, But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. )

By the way, I tried to explain this many times before :sad:

Richard Amiel McGough
06-03-2017, 07:14 PM
Hebrew alphabet consists of just consonants, unlike the Greek and Latin alphabets.

So what? Why would that make Hebrew gematria valid over the other languages? Is it not the same game of cherry picking "connections" that "confirm" what you want to believe?

The written word is a building, structure, of letters, forming the body of the spoken word.

The voice carried by the breath brings the word to life, vocalizes it.

Gematria is about the structure, like the measures of the ark of Noach, ark = "teivah" = written word.
Genesis 6:15,
And this [is the size] you shall make it: three hundred cubits the length of the ark, fifty cubits its breadth, and thirty cubits its height.

these sizes form the letters of "lashon" = tongue, language

(just that the given order is not right -- but there happened something - taken up by the waters of the flood and coming to rest on the mountains of Ararat -- the bent Nun trasformed in final Nun - like Noach's Nun did in finding "chen" = favor

v. 8, But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. )

So what? That doesn't distinguish between different forms of gematria. You could say the same kinds of things about Greek gematria.

By the way, I tried to explain this many times before :sad:
Yes, it is sad that you've tried so many times and failed.

You have never given any rational reason to reject Greek gematria while accepting Hebrew gematria.

06-03-2017, 09:45 PM
So what? Why would that make Hebrew gematria valid over the other languages? Is it not the same game of cherry picking "connections" that "confirm" what you want to believe?

What's wrong about cherry picking? Cherries are delicious. Fruits from heaven ...

http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q262/suivlys/IMG_0049.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/suivlys/media/IMG_0049.jpg.html)

So what? That doesn't distinguish between different forms of gematria. it does

You could say the same kinds of things about Greek gematria. no

Yes, it is sad that you've tried so many times and failed. because you ever were preoccupied with (debunking) your wheel


You have never given any rational reason to reject Greek gematria while accepting Hebrew gematria.

I just gave ...
ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς ἀφεὶς φωνὴν μεγάλην ἐξέπνευσεν.

06-03-2017, 10:19 PM
Biblical cherry picking:

Genesis 8:11,
And the dove returned to him at eventide, and behold it had plucked an olive leaf in its mouth


it had plucked: Heb. טָרָף,?he plucked.? The Midrash Aggadah explains it טָרָף as an expression of food, and interprets בְּפִיהָ as an expression of speech. It [the dove] said: Let my food be as bitter as an olive in the hands of the Holy One, blessed be He, and not as sweet as honey in the hands of flesh and blood. ? [Sanh. 108b]

06-04-2017, 03:22 AM

Noah?s ark, called teivah in Hebrew, contained a microcosm of all creation. Besides meaning ?ark,? teivahalso means ?word.? In one of the most all-inclusive teachings of the Ba?al Shem Tov, he explains that God?s directive to Noah to ?enter the ark? is also a directive to all mankind to enter the ?word.?

Genesis 7:1.16
And the Lord said to Noah, "Come into the ark, you and all your household, for it is you that I have seen as a righteous man before Me in this generation (...) and the Lord shut him in.

καὶ εἶπεν κύριος ὁ θεὸς πρὸς νωε εἴσελθε σὺ καὶ πᾶς ὁ οἶκός σου εἰς τὴν κιβωτόν ὅτι σὲ εἶδον δίκαιον ἐναντίον μου ἐν τῇ γενεᾷ ταύτῃ
καὶ ἔκλεισεν κύριος ὁ θεὸς ἔξωθεν αὐτοῦ τὴν κιβωτόν

cf. Matthew 6:6,
σὺ δὲ ὅταν προσεύχῃ, εἴσελθε εἰς τὸ ταμεῖόν σου καὶ κλείσας τὴν θύραν σου

06-04-2017, 04:29 AM
Matthew 6:6,
σὺ δὲ ὅταν προσεύχῃ, εἴσελθε εἰς τὸ ταμεῖόν σου καὶ κλείσας τὴν θύραν σου πρόσευξαι τῷ πατρί σου τῷ ἐν τῷ κρυπτῷ:

But when you pray, go into your inner room and shut the door and pray to your Father the one who is in secret,

hidden in the first letters of "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim" and also in the waterlevel at the moment the ark came to rest at the mountains of Ararat (Genesis 8:4) - viz. 26 cubits above the earth divided in the 11 cubits the ark was submerged in the waters and the 15 cubits of the height of the mountains


Richard Amiel McGough
06-04-2017, 07:50 AM
What's wrong about cherry picking? Cherries are delicious. Fruits from heaven ...

The fact you ask such a question reveals you don't care about truth at all.

Cherry picking is a well known LOGICAL FALLACY that leads to DELUSION. :doh:

So what? That doesn't distinguish between different forms of gematria.

it does

No it does not it. And you apparently know you can not justify your words since you didn't even try.

Yes, it is sad that you've tried so many times and failed.

because you ever were preoccupied with (debunking) your wheel

Not true. Your failure to justify your numerology has nothing to do with my debunking of the wheel.

You have never given any rational reason to reject Greek gematria while accepting Hebrew gematria.

I just gave ...
ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς ἀφεὶς φωνὴν μεγάλην ἐξέπνευσεν.
That's not a rational answer. That's just the Greek of Mark 15:37 -

Mark 15:37 And Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and breathed His last.

Why can't you answer such a simple question?

06-04-2017, 08:43 AM
I had to go through a lot of info just to clarify if I was cherry picking or not.
And after finding Riddle all over this, I have concluded that the codes is a Riddle and he does not connect things like one would expect.
But there are a lot of significant connections there, that is for sure.

What do you guys think about the first, last & center words added in verse nr 62 "Torah" = 71 + 711 ? :eek:
The center word in verse nr 62 = 108 "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

Number 711 is very very important, its almost like the English connections are on the top ;)

Oh Thank Heaven !

06-04-2017, 09:22 AM
That's not a rational answer. That's just the Greek of Mark 15:37 -

Mark 15:37 And Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and breathed His last.

Why can't you answer such a simple question?

The consonants form the body of the word

The voice carried by the breath brings the consonants to life

Richard Amiel McGough
06-04-2017, 09:28 AM
The consonants form the body of the word

The voice carried by the breath brings the consonants to life
So what? That's just a story in the tradition you follow. It doesn't prove that Hebrew gematria is valid or that Greek gematria is not.

You cannot answer my question because there is no way for you to justify your rejection of Greek gematria while accepting Hebrew gematria. Both are numerology based on the twin cognitive errors of cherry picking and confirmation bias.

06-04-2017, 09:52 AM
So what? That's just a story in the tradition you follow. It doesn't prove that Hebrew gematria is valid or that Greek gematria is not.

You cannot answer my question because there is no way for you to justify your rejection of Greek gematria while accepting Hebrew gematria. Both are numerology based on the twin cognitive errors of cherry picking and confirmation bias.

The proof that Hebrew gematria is valid is in the 1:4 ratio of the two trees.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-04-2017, 10:05 AM
But there are a lot of significant connections there, that is for sure.

Yes, like "TOTAL BULLSHIT" = 171 (o) and 1170 (s).

What do you guys think about the first, last & center words added in verse nr 62 "Torah" = 71 + 711 ? :eek:
The center word in verse nr 62 = 108 "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

I think that's a totally random meaningless connection because there are thousand of words and phrases that sum to 108. You just picked one that you liked out of an ocean of random numbers. Like the name of the band Abominator = 108. Here's a video of their album called "Evil Proclaimed"


And then there's the band called Desecrator = 108 with their album called "Into the Abyss of Hell"


I'm sure you find these connections to be loathsome = 108 and perverse = 108 but that doesn't mean they don't exist! So please explain why your connections prove something but these connections do not.

06-04-2017, 10:09 AM
Furthermore, (Hebrew) gematria proves that the Hebrew bible is authetic,

viz. the gematria of Genesis 1:1 that returns in Genesis 8:14

And also that Koran is a falsification

since Abram = 243

Hagar = 208

208 + 243 = 451 = Ismael

Richard Amiel McGough
06-04-2017, 10:10 AM
The proof that Hebrew gematria is valid is in the 1:4 ratio of the two trees.
How is one coincidence "proof" of anything?

And if a coincidence in Hebrew gematria is proof, why do you reject coincidences in Greek gematria?

And what about the connections between Hebrew and Greek gematria, like the way Genesis 1:1 fits with John 1:1 (link (http://www.biblewheel.com//GR/GR_Creation_John1.php))?


If you accept Hebrew gematria, by what principle do you reject Greek gematria?

06-04-2017, 10:19 AM
How is one coincidence "proof" of anything?

Coincidence is ruled by lot -- Hebrew "goral" --

Greek κλῆρος , root of κληρονομέω = inherit and κληρονόμος= heir

Mark 12:7,

Οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ κληρονόμος: δεῦτε ἀποκτείνωμεν αὐτόν

"This one is the heir, come on let's kill him"

06-04-2017, 10:22 AM
And if a coincidence in Hebrew gematria is proof, why do you reject coincidences in Greek gematria?

Name one

Richard Amiel McGough
06-04-2017, 10:24 AM
Furthermore, (Hebrew) gematria proves that the Hebrew bible is authetic,

viz. the gematria of Genesis 1:1 that returns in Genesis 8:14

And also that Koran is a falsification

since Abram = 243

Hagar = 208

208 + 243 = 451 = Ismael
By that logic, you must accept the Quran as designed by Allah, because it has a verse that says "Over it are nineteen" and then goes on to say that those 19 are put there to convince unbelievers and People of the Book (Jews and Christians) of the truth of the Quran. Here are the verses (Quran 74:31):

Over it are Nineteen. And We have set none but angels as Guardians of the Fire; and We have fixed their number only as a trial for Unbelievers,- in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty, and the Believers may increase in Faith,- and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the Believers, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say, What symbol doth Allah intend by this? Thus doth Allah leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth: and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than a warning to mankind.
Muslims have developed a mystical lore about the number 19 over a span of centuries, just like Christians with the number 666. Its easy to see why Muslim numerologists would be impressed to find that the Quran consists of 114 = 6 x 19 surahs (chapters) and that the number 19 is a centered hexagonal number so the number 114 can be arranged in a perfectly symmetrical hexagonal pattern of six hexagons:


Muslim numerologists use this pattern to analyse the phrase Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim (In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful). This phrase occurs exactly 114 times in the Quran and is composed of 19 Arabic letters which can be laid out in a hexagonal form as in this screenshot from this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvWAO_y3TNM) which proves the miraculous divine design of the Quran based on the number 19:


If you want to justify your use of Hebrew gematria, you need to explain how it differs from Greek and Arabic gematria.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-04-2017, 10:27 AM
Name one
Already did. See post #84 above.

06-04-2017, 10:31 AM
How is one coincidence "proof" of anything?

And if a coincidence in Hebrew gematria is proof, why do you reject coincidences in Greek gematria?

And what about the connections between Hebrew and Greek gematria, like the way Genesis 1:1 fits with John 1:1 (link (http://www.biblewheel.com//GR/GR_Creation_John1.php))?

Do you think John worked with that, i.e. that he knew about the gematria of (Hebrew) Genesis 1:1 and did hide this in his (Greek) openingsverse?

06-04-2017, 10:38 AM
By that logic, you must accept the Quran as designed by Allah, because it has a verse that says "Over it are nineteen" and then goes on to say that those 19 are put there to convince unbelievers and People of the Book (Jews and Christians) of the truth of the Quran. Here are the verses (Quran 74:31):

Muslims have developed a mystical lore about the number 19 over a span of centuries, just like Christians with the number 666. Its easy to see why Muslim numerologists would be impressed to find that the Quran consists of 114 = 6 x 19 surahs (chapters) and that the number 19 is a centered hexagonal number so the number 114 can be arranged in a perfectly symmetrical hexagonal pattern of six hexagons:


Muslim numerologists use this pattern to analyse the phrase Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim (In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful). This phrase occurs exactly 114 times in the Quran and is composed of 19 Arabic letters which can be laid out in a hexagonal form as in this screenshot from this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvWAO_y3TNM) which proves the miraculous divine design of the Quran based on the number 19:


If you want to justify your use of Hebrew gematria, you need to explain how it differs from Greek and Arabic gematria.

I do think it is a cheap trick.

19 = "chavah" = Eve

midpoint of 37 = "hevel"= Abel

present in Genesis 1:1

06-04-2017, 10:42 AM
If you accept Hebrew gematria, by what principle do you reject Greek gematria?

As said above,
Greek alphabet consists of consonants and vocals, so kind of mixture

06-04-2017, 10:49 AM
I think that's a totally random meaningless connection because there are thousand of words and phrases that sum to 108. You just picked one that you liked out of an ocean of random numbers. Like the name of the band Abominator = 108. Here's a video of their album called "Evil Proclaimed"

Richard, you are boring. Its about picking the right words also because humankind is not created stupid.

Did you not see that number 37 in a word is first found in verse nr 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
And number 137 in a word is first found in verse nr 95 "Light a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

How about 116 = CW of verse nr 37X73 = CW in verse nr 137X3+777 ?

What about word nr 37 starting with letter nr 137 & this word is "Light" ?

We see what He is doing here but denial is also a alternative :P


06-04-2017, 11:18 AM
Even letter nr 212 (value of "Light", the 37th word) is found in word nr 56 "Light"

You are truly willingly ignorant.

06-04-2017, 11:38 AM
Do you think John worked with that, i.e. that he knew about the gematria of (Hebrew) Genesis 1:1 and did hide this in his (Greek) openingsverse?

I seems likely that he was acquainted with Hebrew gematria since he has the number 153

"and the word became flesh" = got a tongue

06-04-2017, 12:08 PM
Richard, you are boring. Its about picking the right words also because humankind is not created stupid.

Did you not see that number 37 in a word is first found in verse nr 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
And number 137 in a word is first found in verse nr 95 "Light a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

How about 116 = CW of verse nr 37X73 = CW in verse nr 137X3+777 ?

What about word nr 37 starting with letter nr 137 & this word is "Light" ?

We see what He is doing here but denial is also a alternative :P


Genesis 2:25,
Now they were both naked, the man and his wife, but they were not ashamed.

וַיִּהְיוּ שְׁנֵיהֶם עֲרוּמִּים הָאָדָם וְאִשְׁתּוֹ וְלֹא יִתְבּשָׁשׁוּ

וְלֹא, "v'lo" = 37

06-04-2017, 12:13 PM
Thanks sylvius :)

Ill drop the bomb now:

- The first word with a value of 26 which is "The Lord" is found in verse nr 7+28 (nr of letters & words added in Hebrew Genesis 1:1)
The first word with a value of 26 "The Lord" starts with letter nr 1899 = 137X3 + 711 + 777 = The sum of the differences added in the 7 words of Genesis 1:1 & their Mirrors !!
- The last word of verse nr 7+28 = 396 = Difference of the Last word in Genesis 1:1 & its mirror
- Add word word nr 7 & 11 in verse nr 7+28 is: 776 + 396 = "the heaven" 395 + 777
- The first, last & center words added in verse nr 7+28 = 89 (Center word of English Genesis 1:1 + 401 (Center word in Hebrew Genesis 1:1)

Time to convert back Richard.

The difference of the 7 words of the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 & their mirrors:

913 - 319 = 2X 297 "Treasure(s)" (Yes it is what it says) = (Nr of letters in the Hebrew Alphabet) 22 X 27 (Riddle) = 22 X (A) 1+26 (Z)
401 - 104 = 297
704 - 407 = 297
302 - 203 = 99 = [Richard] ----> Riddle 27 + 72 elddiR <----- [drahciR]
86 - 68 = 18 (Life)
593 - 395 = 198 = All Primes added from 1 to 37
692 - 296 = 396 = 4X (Riddle) 27 + 72 (elddiR)
Sum = 1899 = 9X 211 (Mirror of The Lord God)
- Red values added = 4X "Treasure(s)" (Hebrew) = -----> English Genesis 1:1 137X3 (A=1 B=2 C=3) + 777 (A=26 B=25 C=24) <-----
- Blue values = 711 = 3X 237 "to the light" = 9X Prime nr 23 (ordinal value of the Center word in Genesis 1:1|)

- Word nr 711 is found I in the 2nd word of verse nr 71 (2 first digits of 711)
- The 7th word of verse nr 71 = 297 "Treasure(s)"
- Adding the 2nd & 7th word in verse nr 71 is: 711 + 297 = 9X 112 "The Lord God" = (Life) 18 X 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Total value of verse nr 71 = 2X3 X 711
- Center word of verse nr 711 = 2X 711
- Total value of verse nr 711 = 2X3 X Prime nr ("The Lord God" A=1 B=2 C=3) 108+112 ("The Lord God" in Hebrew)
- Verse nr 132 ("a Alpha" 39 + 93 "ahplA a" = "Oh Thank Heaven" in A=1 B=2 C=3) literally mentions number 71 + 711 by words
- Add first, last & center words in Verse nr 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 71 + 711

06-04-2017, 04:57 PM
I'm going to call the difference of the 7 words in Genesis 1:1 & their mirrors "The Treasure Holograph" from now.

I found it so I decide the name.

06-04-2017, 10:23 PM
The best proof of the validity of Hebrew gematria and of the authenticity of the Hebrew bible is the Tetragrammaton hidden in the initials of "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim", since without "hey" it would have read "yom shishi" of which gematria is 666, the number of the denier


http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q262/suivlys/yom%20hashishi%20vayculu%20hashamayim.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/suivlys/media/yom%20hashishi%20vayculu%20hashamayim.jpg.html)

The name hidden in the the beginletters of "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim" is also kind of autograph or seal that validates the whole of creation, by which it was acquired.

06-05-2017, 04:22 AM
You guys know I hit the Jackpot here, check out Element nr 56 in the Periodic Table.

The molecular weight of Element nr 56 ("Light") = 137.327

We don't need the Matrix movie anymore. We can just come here from now on.
I would love to hear what Richard has to say about this :)

I remember some stuff about the last element that they can create (because several Elements in this table is created/Manipulated by Man) would be Element nr 137 or 138.
And that was because the movement of the electrons would reach than the speed of light at that level.

Seems kind of logical now that we know the connections here

And don't mind if its number 138 (1 + 137) that is the final element because that is also the total number of verses in the 5 first chapters.
When I read about it, it was uncertain if the last element is 137 or 138 (don't know if they know which one today as of this date)

So we know the First word with a value of 37 = First word in verse nr 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
And we know the first word with a value of 137 = Last word in verse nr 95 "Light a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

Now is it not strange that the molecular weight of Element nr 95 = 243 "but have everlasting life" (A=1 B=2 C=3) which is the last words of John 3:16 (The most read verse in the Bible of them all and this can be checked here: https://www.biblegateway.com/blog/20...iblegatewaycom)

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

And I have showed you guys before that:
316 = Center word of verse verse nr 777 = "God" (A=7 B=7X2 C=7X3 + A=37 B=28 C=39)
316 = The 3 first combinations of Triangles, Centered Hexagons & Stars added (1+3+7+13) 24 = 8+8+8 + (1+3+7+13+6+19+37) 86 "God" + (1+3+7+13+6+19+37+10+37+73) 206 "Word")

And the number of natural elements in the Table is 98 (7X+(7+7) = 7+31+23+37) = The verse order where the first word with a value of 777 is found.
Hmmm since there are 31 codes of 7 & 23 multiples of 37 encoded in the words of Genesis 1:1 which was found by Dr. Panin.
It all makes sense now... How did we not see it :doh:

06-05-2017, 03:25 PM
I think the reason why we see the connection to Everlasting life there in Element nr 95 is because Light & Life is connected.

2X 207 "Light" (Hebrew) = "The Fountain of Life" (Hebrew)


Now if we add the molecular weight of Element nr 56 & 95 and round the sum we get: 137,327 + 243 = 10X 38 (1 + 37) "Uncover" גלה / "Reprove" יכח

Maybe I should change my nickname here to Neo ? You can be agent Smith Richard :pop2:


06-06-2017, 08:23 AM
The best proof of the validity of Hebrew gematria and of the authenticity of the Hebrew bible is the Tetragrammaton hidden in the initials of "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim", since without "hey" it would have read "yom shishi" of which gematria is 666, the number of the denier


http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q262/suivlys/yom%20hashishi%20vayculu%20hashamayim.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/suivlys/media/yom%20hashishi%20vayculu%20hashamayim.jpg.html)

The name hidden in the the beginletters of "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim" is also kind of autograph or seal that validates the whole of creation, by which it was acquired.

There are 434 words in Genesis 1.

434 = "delet" = door, the name of the fourth letter "dalet"

Psalms 23 "The Lord (Tetragrammaton) is my shepherd" -- יְהֹוָה רֹעִי

This must be why John 10:7,

ἐγώ εἰμι ἡ θύρα τῶν προβάτων - "I am the door of the sheep"

06-06-2017, 11:54 AM
There are 434 words in Genesis 1.

434 = "delet" = door, the name of the fourth letter "dalet"

Psalms 23 "The Lord (Tetragrammaton) is my shepherd" -- יְהֹוָה רֹעִי

This must be why John 10:7,

ἐγώ εἰμι ἡ θύρα τῶν προβάτων - "I am the door of the sheep"

Genesis 1:11,
And God said, "Let the earth sprout vegetation, seed yielding herbs and fruit trees producing fruit according to its kind in which its seed is found, on the earth," and it was so.

fruit trees producing fruit = עֵץ פְּרִי עֹשֶׂה פְּרִי, "etz p'ri oseh p'ri"

And the earth gave forth vegetation, seed yielding herbs according to its kind, and trees producing fruit, in which its seed is found, according to its kind, and God saw that it was good.

trees producing fruit = עֵץ עֹשֶׂה פְּרִי, "etz oseh p'ri"

So the earth gave forth something with one word too little.

yet it says next "and God saw that it was good", וַיַּרְא אֱלֹהִים כִּי טוֹב, "vayar elohim ki tov"

This word "tov" being the 153rd word from the beginning.
That's remarkable since 153 = triangle 17 and more since 17 is gematria of "tov"

When the earth would have brought forth "etz p'ri oseh p'ri" instead of "etz oseh p'ri" then there would have been 435 words in Genesis 1. So then it wouldn't have been a door.

Since John has both the number 153 and the door of the sheep, you might be sure that it is about this.

John is said to be also author of Revelation, which has the number 666 -- gematria of "yom shishi".

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2017, 06:14 PM
Even letter nr 212 (value of "Light", the 37th word) is found in word nr 56 "Light"

You are truly willingly ignorant.
If I were ignorant, you could explain why. But you can't do that. You don't even try to justify your numerology. You just blindly assert that every random coincidence is proof of God's design.

You know that the world is filled to overflowing with false numerology that people believe proves their religion. Why should I believe any of it?

06-06-2017, 06:48 PM
There are 434 words in Genesis 1.

434 = "delet" = door, the name of the fourth letter "dalet"

Psalms 23 "The Lord (Tetragrammaton) is my shepherd" -- יְהֹוָה רֹעִי

This must be why John 10:7,

ἐγώ εἰμι ἡ θύρα τῶν προβάτων - "I am the door of the sheep"

Thanks sylvius, now I have to reveal yet a calculation that I was going to save for later...

434 = 7X 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Center word of verse nr 62 = "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

If I were ignorant, you could explain why. But you can't do that. You don't even try to justify your numerology. You just blindly assert that every random coincidence is proof of God's design.

You know that the world is filled to overflowing with false numerology that people believe proves their religion. Why should I believe any of it?

Because we now see that the English Connections was the last part. I have not given you guys everything. There are certain connections in my work that I has posted here that has been held back.

But we see what God is doing now, how Genious was it not to put English connections in the Hebrew Bible ?? :)

I was right in my Theory and this stands as proof that the God of the Bible is the one and only God; and there is none like Him.

Just consider this wonderful calculation I found:

Total values added in verses ordered at: 1, 37, 137 is: 37X73 + 2X 10+777 + 2X 137X3+777+112+211
= 7297 = 4 first digits of a Alpha X 1 Million

a Alpha = 1/137,035999...

So what is the chance of that ?

- There are 7 verses with a value of: 37X73 (Value of the first verse)
- There are 8 verses with a value of: 2X 10+777 (value of 37th verse)
- There are 4 verses with a value of: 2X 112+211+137X3+777 (Value of the 137th verse)

There are 31102 verses in your database
- The chance of Genesis 1:1 having this value is then: 31102 / 7 = 4443, 14..
- The chance of verse nr 37 having this value is then: 31102 / 8 = 3887, 75
- The chance of verse nr 137 having this value is then: 31102 / 4 = 7775,5 (lets round it up to 7777 because it gets nearly correct)

The chance is then:
4443 X 3887 X 7777 = 1 out of 134 308 331 157

So there is your "Proof", don't worry because there is alot more but it is getting saved for later.

And dont even try to say anything on the relevance of those verses. They are as relevant as they can possibly be.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2017, 06:56 PM
Thanks sylvius :)

Ill drop the bomb now:

- The first word with a value of 26 which is "The Lord" is found in verse nr 7+28 (nr of letters & words added in Hebrew Genesis 1:1)
The first word with a value of 26 "The Lord" starts with letter nr 1899 = 137X3 + 711 + 777 = The sum of the differences added in the 7 words of Genesis 1:1 & their Mirrors !!
- The last word of verse nr 7+28 = 396 = Difference of the Last word in Genesis 1:1 & its mirror
- Add word word nr 7 & 11 in verse nr 7+28 is: 776 + 396 = "the heaven" 395 + 777
- The first, last & center words added in verse nr 7+28 = 89 (Center word of English Genesis 1:1 + 401 (Center word in Hebrew Genesis 1:1)

There's a mistake in your calculations. Letter number 1899 is the last letter of the word "terem" (before) in verse 36.

You are correct that the first occurrence of a word with value 26 is in verse 35 (= 7 + 28), but the first letter of that word (y) is letter number 1849. Here's the data from the program I wrote:


Gen 2:4

Gen 2:4

Gen 2:4

Gen 2:4

But besides that, your "connection" is totally meaningless because there a millions of ways to write the number 1899 as a combination of other numbers. You could literally make up any connection you want! How then can there be any meaning to it? I could take the weight of a dog turd and write it as a "combination" of the numbers you like. It is utterly meaningless crap. Sorry for the strong language, but I've explained this to you a million times and you keep repeating the same idiotic error. What is wrong with you? How is it possible you could think there is any meaning to such obvious randomness?

Time to convert back Richard.
Convert to what? Blatantly absurd numerological madness? I don't think so Desmild.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2017, 07:05 PM
Because we now see that the English Connections was the last part. I have not given you guys everything. There are certain connections in my work that I has posted here that has been held back.

But we see what God is doing now, how Genious was it not to put English connections in the Hebrew Bible ?? :)

I was right in my Theory and this stands as proof that the God of the Bible is the one and only God; and there is none like Him.

Just consider this wonderful calculation I found:
I haven't seen "God" do anything. Your numerology is just as nuts as the Muslim numerology. Why would anyone think that making random connections in random data is proof of anything?

06-06-2017, 07:08 PM
There's a mistake in your calculations. Letter number 1899 is the last letter of the word "terem" (before) in verse 36.

You are correct that the first occurrence of a word with value 26 is in verse 35 (= 7 + 28), but the first letter of that word (y) is letter number 1849. Here's the data from the program I wrote:

Gen 2:4
Gen 2:4
Gen 2:4
Gen 2:4

But besides that, your "connection" is totally meaningless because there a millions of ways to write the number 1899 as a combination of other numbers. You could literally make up any connection you want! How then can there be any meaning to it? I could take the weight of a dog turd and write it as a "combination" of the numbers you like. It is utterly meaningless crap. Sorry for the strong language, but I've explained this to you a million times and you keep repeating the same idiotic error. What is wrong with you? How is it possible you could think there is any meaning to such obvious randomness?

Great, now I know that I can scrap the papers I scribbled that down on. At least its correct up to word nr 729 (which we checked)
Thanks again Richard but sadly, its only 1 calculation out on many many other in here which is correct :)

The only place I am really weak is the letter orders of words that are ordered high.

But that is going to get fixed once I learn the programming part :) And I can scribble down the 100 or something first verses in Microsoft office this time to avoid the errors if I want those numbers faster. There are a lot of ways :) Some are better than others.

Now I know there are several typing errors (Since I hate my current keyboard, its awful) but no critical ones except that I wrote 395 = 5X 23 (and forgot to write Prime since 395 = 5X 23rd Prime) in the 7 verses that reflects Genesis 1:1

And I did the error of saying that number 95 = 56 + 37 (when it is 56 + 39), mixed the factors of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 there, a real classic.

But good luck finding so many other Richard, except spelling errors since I am doomed with a lot of those because of this keyboard.

It will be interesting to see how many you can spot :)

06-06-2017, 07:26 PM
- The first, last & center words added in verse nr 7+28 = 89 (Center word of English Genesis 1:1 + 401 (Center word in Hebrew Genesis 1:1)
There's a mistake in your calculations. Letter number 1899 is the last letter of the word "terem" (before) in verse 36.

You are correct that the first occurrence of a word with value 26 is in verse 35 (= 7 + 28), but the first letter of that word (y) is letter number 1849. Here's the data from the program I wrote:

Does it not worry you that it starts with letter nr 1849 = 43rd Square --- 2X43 = "God" (Hebrew)
And ends with letter nr 1852 = 2X 926 (39X93 - 37X73) Difference of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 = 4X Prime nr 13X7

I bet it does not do that, but this should worry you:

- First word with a value of 26 is found in verse nr 7+28 = (Prime factor of 37) 13 + 22 (Prime factor of 73)
- First word with a value of 86 is found in the 3rd word = 10th word & 73rd word by rotation, This word even starts with letter nr 10
- First word with a value of 112 is found in verse nr (Prime order of 37) 13 + 34 (Prime order of 137)

10 = the nr of words in the English Genesis 1:1
- Word nr 10 is found in the 2nd verse of the Bible & its value = 411 = 137X3 English Genesis 1:1 (Do you see this Richard ?)
- The center word of verse nr 2 =(180) Center word of verse nr 137X3 + 137X3 (Do You See This??)

Its everywhere Richard, don't be foolish because you can pretend and deny all you want, but hardcore facts does not care about your feelings.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2017, 07:28 PM
Great, now I know that I can scrap the papers I scribbled that down on. At least its correct up to word nr 729 (which we checked)
Thanks again Richard but sadly, its only 1 calculation out on many many other in here which is correct :)


You really need to wake up. Your number was WRONG and therefore MEANINGLESS but you found a way to make the WRONG number fit your pattern, and you thought the proof was so strong that I should repent and believe! Now you say "So what?" when I show it was TOTAL BULLSHIT and you continue in your delusion.

Wow. How is it possible you can't see that you just PROVED that your numerology is TOTAL BULLSHIT?

You can find "patterns" in anything you want! You used a WRONG number but found a pattern you thought was PROOF!


Now I know there are several typing errors (Since I hate my current keyboard, its awful) but no critical ones except that I wrote 395 = 5X 23 (and forgot to write Prime since 395 = 5X 23rd Prime) in the 7 verses that reflects Genesis 1:1

Dude, if there are typos in this modern age with all our powerful technology, how many more were there in the old manuscripts that you think are coded down to the very letter? One typo by an old scribe and most of your patterns are instantly destroyed. And we KNOW there are many typos because we have the manuscript evidence to prove it. Your entire program is based on unreliable data. It is utterly delusional.

How is it possible you can't see the truth? I've explained it a million times, and you just ignore it.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2017, 07:31 PM
Does it not worry you that it starts with letter nr 1849 = 43rd Square --- 2X43 = "God" (Hebrew)
There you go! Proving again that your numerology is total bullshit, because you can find a "pattern" with ANY RANDOM NUMBER!

WAKE UP DUDE! You are making up patterns on the fly. They are obvious bullshit.

You need to explain how to tell the difference between totally meaningless random bullshit and your numerology. If you can't do that, your numerology is literally no different than meaningless random bullshit.

06-06-2017, 07:43 PM
You see Richard, there is a difference between me and the people who wrote the Bible.
I don't think God directs my finger like he did with the Prophets.

And I try to concentrate in the codes of the Torah which we know is quite waterproof except the 9 differences of 9 letters.

And guess what Richard:

verse nr 137X3, 777, 37X73, 39X93 is all found in the Torah. Yes even verse nr 4918 is in there, which is the value of the most special Genesis 7:37 of all the reflected verses.

And guess what the total value of verse nr 4918 is? its = 1223 + 37X73
Verse nr 12 = 1223 + 137X3 + 37X73 :O
Verse nr 13 = 86 + 137X3 + 777 + 68

And don't even mention what number 1223 means & its connections that I sent you on e-mail. Because we are the only ones who knows about that number in this website. Its our secret for now since nobody will find the main connection anyways.

But that one was specially for you :)

06-06-2017, 08:05 PM
And guess what:

Adding the total values of verse nr 12 & 23 is: 4335 + 1060 = 4918 Genesis 37:7 + 477 (word order of the first mention of "The Lord" 26 in verse nr 7+28) :winking0071:

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2017, 08:29 PM
You see Richard, there is a difference between me and the people who wrote the Bible.
I don't think God directs my finger like he did with the Prophets.

Why would anyone think that God directed the pens of the "prophets" since he obviously didn't make sure that the texts were preserved? We don't have the originals, and all copies have textual variations. So no one has any knowledge of the exact letters that were actually written.

This is common knowledge to anyone who knows anything about the Bible.

And I try to concentrate in the codes of the Torah which we know is quite waterproof except the 9 differences of 9 letters.

You do nothing of the sort! You have filled this forum with utterly random meaningless "connections" based on writing a number like 1899 as a combination of numbers you like such as 137x3 + 711 + 777 which turned out to be TOTAL BULLSHIT!

How can you be so blind? Why do you so freely speak lies? I explained this to you years ago. If you want to discuss the potentially meaningful patterns, like those that I worked on, then you need to clean out the CRAP from your presentation. But you refuse, and so all your work is corrupted with utterly meaningless crap. There is not one mathematician on the planet who would agree with 90% of the ludicrous garbage you have collected.

And guess what Richard:

verse nr 137X3, 777, 37X73, 39X93 is all found in the Torah. Yes even verse nr 4918 is in there, which is the value of the most special Genesis 7:37 of all the reflected verses.

What are you babbling about? Of course there is a verse numbered 777 in the Torah. Duh!

And guess what the total value of verse nr 4918 is? its = 1223 + 37X73
Verse nr 12 = 1223 + 137X3 + 37X73 :O
Verse nr 13 = 86 + 137X3 + 777 + 68

So what? You have proven that you can find those kinds of "connections" with any random number, like 1899 = 137x3 + 711 + 777. There are MILLIONS of ways to write numbers as combinations of numbers you like. It is utterly meaningless.

And don't even mention what number 1223 means & its connections that I sent you on e-mail. Because we are the only ones who knows about that number in this website. Its our secret for now since nobody will find the main connection anyways.

But that one was specially for you :)
I don't recall 1223 having any special meaning. Are you sure you got that right?

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2017, 08:32 PM
And guess what:

Adding the total values of verse nr 12 & 23 is: 4335 + 1060 = 4918 Genesis 37:7 + 477 (word order of the first mention of "The Lord" 26 in verse nr 7+28) :winking0071:
So what? You can always find random connections in a large set of random numbers. You need to explain how to tell the difference between totally meaningless random bullshit and your numerology. If you can't do that, there is literally no difference between your numerology and totally meaningless random bullshit.

06-06-2017, 08:37 PM
In verse nr 12 & 23 integrated
- the first words added: 503 + 31 = 123 + 137X3 (We know that the center letters added in the only words that has a center letter in Gen 1.1 added = 2X 123 and its special since it is the 4 words surrounding the center word also)
- The first & last words added = 37th Triangle + 216 (Perimeter of the 73rd triangle)
- The center words added = 2X 499 "One God" (Greek)
- The first, last & center words added = 3X 777th composite nr

In verse nr 23 (Hebrew ordinal of the Center Word in Genesis 1:1)
- The first word = Prime nr 12
- Total value = 5X 212 (Value of the 37th word "Light" that starts with letter nr 137 a Alpha) And hey we know that letter nr 212 is found in word nr 56 "Light"
- The 5th word (Light was created in the first day which is described in the 5 first verses) = 56th word when counted by Rotation & its value = 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Hmm that does not seem like a coincidence when we know that the CW of Gen 1:1 = 401 "Aleph & Tav" = 137th word by rotation & the first & last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. While the CW in verse nr 137 = 401 + 27 (A+Z) = First & last letters of both the Hebrew & English Alphabet ! You know that gives us a quite good indication of some details in this riddle.)
- the center words added is: 31 + 302 = 9X 37 (Letter nr 9 in Genesis 1:1 = 37th letter by rotation --- Word nr 9 ends with letter nr 37 --- 2nd word in Gen 1:1 = 9th words & 37th word when counted by rotation --- Word nr 37 ends with the 9th last letter of verse nr 4 --- 9 = factor in "Light" 207 = 9X23 )
- The last word = 368 = Center word in verse nr 401 WoW! (its just random probably) = (Order of the last letter in the first Aleph & Tav) 16 X 23 (Ordinal of Aleph & Tav)
- The first & last words added = 3X 7X23 = 3X First. last & center letters added in Genesis 1:1 (Whoops! It does not seem like a coincidence now)
- The first, last & center words in Genesis 1:1 = 7X 7X23 Hmmmmmmmm definitely not a coincidence
- The first, last & center words added in verse nr 23 = Mirror of 123 + 137X3 :eek:

I don't understand you Richard, I think you are cherry picking what is relevant or not.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2017, 09:28 PM
I don't understand you Richard, I think you are cherry picking what is relevant or not.
Dude, you have spewed out a river of random numbers. There is no logic to your "connections." You find "connections" with numbers that are later proven to be WRONG and so you have demonstrated that your numerology is meaningless crap.

You need to explain how to tell the difference between totally meaningless random bullshit and your numerology.

If you can't do that, there is literally no difference between your numerology and totally meaningless random bullshit.

How many times do I need to explain this to you? Why do you not respond?

06-06-2017, 09:33 PM
See Richard, I am not playing this stupid game you are doing now.

The total value of verse nr 703 (37th Triangle) = First, last & center words of Genesis 1:1 + Total value of Genesis 1:1
Is that also just random ??

Are you completely out of you mind ?


Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2017, 09:43 PM
In verse nr 23 (Hebrew ordinal of the Center Word in Genesis 1:1)
- The first word = Prime nr 12

Your assertion depends upon your choice of counting the number 1 as the first prime, contrary to the modern mathematical definition of a prime number. There are good reasons mathematicians do not count the number 1 as a prime. And other Bible numerologists, such as Gambini on this forum, based a lot of their patterns on counting primes starting with 2 rather than 1. The most obvious is that there is a mirror symmetry between the indexes and the primes in the factors of Genesis 1:1

37 is the 12th prime
73 is the 21st prime

Your method of counting destroys this pattern.

But you don't care, because you feel free to make up whatever rules you want to make up whatever patterns you want. So you'll call 37 the 12th prime when convenient, and you'll call 31 the 12th prime when convenient. And so you reveal, yet again, that your numerology is logically inconsistent. No serious thinker with any brains would ever be convinced by numerology like yours. I would have been appalled by you numerology even when I was a firm believer that God had designed the Bible.

Why don't you understand? You numerology is total bullshit. I have proven it a thousand times, and you have never been able to answer.

06-06-2017, 09:49 PM
Do you know what the definition of insanity is Richard ?

its doing the same thing over and over without any change, and that is you in a nutshell.

Every Prime number connection in this article points to number 1 as the first Prime. I don't need to give you examples.

The first word with a value of 112 (The Lord God) is the first word of verse nr (Prime order of 37) 13 & 34 (Prime order of 137)

I do not care for one little second about the 12 & 21 pattern when I have the info I have and it all points to number 1 as the first Prime.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2017, 09:51 PM
Do you know what the definition of insanity is Richard ?

its doing the same thing over and over without any change, and that is you in a nutshell.

Everything in this Article points to number 1 as the first Prime.

The first word with a value of 112 (The Lord God) is the first word of verse nr (Prime order of 37) 13 + 34 (Prime order of 137)

I do not care for one little second about the 12 & 21 pattern when I have the info I have and it all points to number 1 as the first Prime.
You don't care about the symmetry of the indexes of the symmetry primes? There is no logic to anything you say.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2017, 09:54 PM
Do you know what the definition of insanity is Richard ?

its doing the same thing over and over without any change, and that is you in a nutshell.

Everything in this Article points to number 1 as the first Prime.

The first word with a value of 112 (The Lord God) is the first word of verse nr (Prime order of 37) 13 + 34 (Prime order of 137)

I do not care for one little second about the 12 & 21 pattern when I have the info I have and it all points to number 1 as the first Prime.
yeah, and the number 34 is the value of "BABEL" which aptly describes the logic of your numerology.

You need to explain how to tell the difference between totally meaningless random bullshit and your numerology.

If you can't do that, there is literally no difference between your numerology and totally meaningless random bullshit.

How many times do I need to explain this to you? Why do you not respond?

Richard Amiel McGough
06-06-2017, 10:02 PM
Do you know what the definition of insanity is Richard ?

I'm pretty sure "Desmild's numerology" would be listed as an example.

its doing the same thing over and over without any change, and that is you in a nutshell.

Actually, the quote you appear to be thinking of says "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

And in that sense, I am acting a bit insane, since I keep repeating basic explanations to you in the hope you will WAKE UP. But no, you persist your mindless delusion without any hint of responding to the logic and facts that I present. I have proven you wrong on many points, but you keep repeating the same errors over and over and over again.

Everything in this Article points to number 1 as the first Prime.

What "Article"? You post has no logic to it at all. You merely state some random connections and declare "PROOF" without explaining why any of it means anything. You have not shown that the patterns you make up have any meaning at all. You can find patterns like yours in any random set, as you yourself have PROVEN by finding a "pattern" in a WRONG NUMBER! YOU HAVE PROVEN YOUR NUMEROLOGY IS BULLSHIT! You found "patterns" in a WRONG NUMBER. WAKE UP!

WAKE UP! You have proven your numerology is bullshit by finding a "pattern" in a WRONG NUMBER. And this isn't the first time you have found fake "connections" in wrong numbers.

06-06-2017, 11:20 PM
Thanks sylvius, now I have to reveal yet a calculation that I was going to save for later...

434 = 7X 62

434 = 7 x 62 = "dalet" name of the fourth letter

186 = 3 x 62 = "kuf" name of the nineteenth letter.

Dalet and Kuf are eachother's Atbash, Dalet 4th letter from the beginning, Kuf 4th letter from the end.

together they spell "dak"= thin, root of "dikdeik" = to examine, to observe carefully.

"dakkah" = minute

1 Kings 11:12-13,
After the earthquake fire, not in the fire was the Lord (Tetragrammaton), and after the fire a voice of minute silence. And as Elijah heard, he wrapped his face in his mantle, and he went out and stood at the entrance to the cave, and behold voice directed at him him and said: "What are you doing here, Elijah?"

voice of minute silence = קוֹל דְּמָמָה דַקָּה, "kol d'mamah dakkah"

"kadkod" קָדְקֹד = crown of head, skull; vertex https://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/images/vertex.gif

06-07-2017, 03:00 AM
434 = 7 x 62 = "dalet" name of the fourth letter

186 = 3 x 62 = "kuf" name of the nineteenth letter.

Dalet and Kuf are eachother's Atbash, Dalet 4th letter from the beginning, Kuf 4th letter from the end.

together they spell "dak"= thin, root of "dikdeik" = to examine, to observe carefully.

"dakkah" = minute

1 Kings 11:12-13,
After the earthquake fire, not in the fire was the Lord (Tetragrammaton), and after the fire a voice of minute silence. And as Elijah heard, he wrapped his face in his mantle, and he went out and stood at the entrance to the cave, and behold voice directed at him him and said: "What are you doing here, Elijah?"

voice of minute silence = קוֹל דְּמָמָה דַקָּה, "kol d'mamah dakkah"

"kadkod" קָדְקֹד = crown of head, skull; vertex https://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/images/vertex.gif

Noach's ark is said to have had the form of a pyramid, derived from Genesis 6:16,

You shall make a skylight for the ark, and to a cubit you shall finish it to the top


and to a cubit you shall finish it to the top: Its covering slanted upwards until it narrowed at the top to one cubit (Gen. Rabbah 31:11), so that the rain should run down (the following does not appear in certain editions) (from both sides) (Sanh. 108b, Maharsha).

http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q262/suivlys/IMG_0104.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/suivlys/media/IMG_0104.jpg.html)

since the ark was submerged 11 cubits in the water and the mountains appeared to have been 15 cubits high
(Rashi on Genesis 8:34,
on the seventeenth day: From here you learn that the ark was submerged in the water eleven cubits, for it is written: (verse 5) ? In the tenth [month], on the first of the month, the mountain peaks appeared.? That is [the month of] Av, which is the tenth month counting from Marcheshvan, when the rains fell, and they were fifteen cubits higher than the mountains. They diminished from the first of Sivan until the first of Av fifteen cubits in sixty days, at the rate of a cubit in four days. The result is that on the sixteenth of Sivan they had diminished only four cubits, and the ark came to rest on the next day. You learn [from here] that it was submerged eleven cubits in the waters [which were] above the mountain peaks. ? [ )

the ark must have touched with it's skylight the 50th cubit above the earth

http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q262/suivlys/IMG_0105.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/suivlys/media/IMG_0105.jpg.html)

The 50th cubit being the missing (or invisible) "kadkod" of the ark.

06-07-2017, 05:42 AM
You asked the Prime number question in page 4 of this thread. I gave a answer and you just became silent ! Hmmm

And there are several ways to see that: There are 49 (12 + 37 = 7th Square) different words with the value of 37 in your gematria search tool.
- The 7th Word = "Magnify"
- The 13th word = -----> "Standard" <-----
- Nr 27 ("Riddle" & "light") on the list = "look"
- Nr 39 ("One Lord") on the list = 137th word by rotation = "smite" (hmmm 56 + 39 = 95)
- Nr 43 (factor of "God") = 729th by rotation = "One"

- The first letter in Genesis 1:1 = 729th word by rotation
- The first word in Genesis 1:1 = 729th word by rotation
- a Alpha is: 1/137,035999 = 0,00729....
- The center word of verse nr 729 = 777

- The center word in Genesis 1:1 is the only Prime of the 7 words = 401 = Prime nr 80 "Foundation" / "Finished"
- The 2 words surrounding the center word added is: "God" 86 + 395 "the heaven" = 481 = 80 + 401
- nr of words & letters added in Genesis 1:1 = 7 + 28 = 35 = Prime order of 37 (13) + Prime order of 73 (22)
- 7 + 28 + 37 + 73 = 145 = 13 + 37 + 22 + 73

Genesis 7:37 (the most reflected verse of Genesis 1:1 for some reasons) has 2 center words:
- First = 145
- 2nd & last = 481

So number 1 is very clearly put as the first Prime in the Bible. He may be using number 2 also in certain places but those are very very few in that case in my research, frankly I have only found 1 place where it really seems like he is using 2 as the first Prime. That is 1 place out of maybe lets say hundreds which I have gone through. And this is a riddle so its no problem If we find a rare place where he uses 2 as the first Prime, because we know what the standard is; which is number 1 as the first.

The connections to number 145 & 481 in Genesis 1:1 is not found by me but from the article "Does God think 1 is Prime ?"

And there is more things that points to number 1 being the first Prime:

Number 1 is the first Prime, like I have stated in this article.

37 = 13th Prime
137 = 34th Prime

13 + 34 = 47

The First single word with a value of 112 is "Commanded" & this is the same value as "The Lord God". This word first occurs in verse nr 47 as the first word exactly like verse nr 56 first has a word with a value of 37 and it is the first word in the Bible with that value.

2X 56 = 112
56 = "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

Total value of verse nr 56 = 2626 ("The Lord" = 26) = 2X 1313

"light" in Hebew = 207

Total value of verse nr 207 = 13X13 + 37X73

Add total values of verse nr 56 & verse nr 207 = 2X (13 + 34 + 37X73)

The nr of words in verse nr 56 = 7 (13 = Prime nr 7)
The nr of letters in verse nr 56 = 34
The nr of words in verse nr 207 = 13
The nr of letters in verse nr 207 = 47

Center word in verse nr 56 = 13 + 37
Center word in verse nr 207 = 257 "and said" = Prime nr 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Add center words in verse nr 56 & 207 = 307 = mirror of the 37th Triangle

The nr of words & letters added in verse nr 56 & verse nr 207 = Prime nr "Riddle" 27 "Light"

The definition of insanity.... is doing the same thing... over and over... without change.
And all the people can come here and see that now.

That quote was taken from a computer game I played long ago when I played games. It suits perfectly here.

06-07-2017, 07:40 AM
First word with a value of 112 ("The Lord God") first occurs in verse nr 47

How you can say that, since the first occurence of "The Lord God" is in Genesis 2:4, which is the 35th verse from the beginning?

06-07-2017, 07:47 AM
How you can say that, since the first occurence of "The Lord God" is in Genesis 2:4, which is the 35th verse from the beginning?
I forgot to write as a single word. sorry, its corrected now. Thank you for clarifying that detail.
I was used to just writing "The First Word with a value of...." I should have taken into account that this time it was a little tricky since "The Lord God" is really two words but we consider it as a word since it is his Full Name.

06-07-2017, 08:18 AM
I forgot to write as a single word. sorry, its corrected now. Thank you for clarifying that detail.
I was used to just writing "The First Word with a value of...." I should have taken into account that this time it was a little tricky since "The Lord God" is really two words but we consider it as a word since it is his Full Name.

47th verse Genesis 2:16,
first word וַיְצַו, "vayitzav" indeed sums up to 112, just that it is a verbal form with prefixed "vav".

06-07-2017, 09:03 AM
The First single word with a value of 112 is "Commanded" & this is the same value as "The Lord God". This word first occurs in verse nr 47 as the first word exactly like verse nr 56 first has a word with a value of 37 and it is the first word in the Bible with that value..

I see you just follow RAM's gematria data base:


and don't read the Hebrew.


06-07-2017, 09:21 AM
Well it was the first single word with a value of 112 which was the point. So the connections I have given around there stands.

Thank God for it since it all points to number 1 as the first Prime.

Lets take another look at verse nr 47

- So the first word of verse nr 47 (13 + 34) = 112
- The last word = (a Alpha) 137 + 314 (Pi)
- The center word = 271 (e)

Now that is just random, right Richard ?? :P or not...

- First & last words added = Prime nr 104 (Mirror of CW in Genesis 1:1) --- Hey did you also know that word nr 104 starts with letter nr 401 ?? and that is correct since I have the first chapter in a word/letter count program that you gave me you know :)
- First, last & center words added = 57 + 777 (And word nr 777 should be found in verse nr 57 as word nr 7+7 "Gold" (Hebrew) of that verse. And the chance of that being wrong is very very unlikely since it is the letter counts that gets tricky when it comes high enough, when I did it that way)

And Sylvius, what is worng about the version of the Bible Richard is using on his website ? Its really not any problem here with it from my side, I try to stick to the Torah.
And I dont know Hebrew, but that is the beauty of this website. It shows translations and you can find out what the words mean and check definitions. So much credit to Richard for making this website.

06-07-2017, 09:38 AM
But since I don't know Hebrew I can get detals wrong. But I am going to ask you guys of something that I am wondering about:

Like the first word of verse nr 57 = is "Now the serpent" נחש

But it is written like this in the verse: והנחש
So is that when I say that it has a prefixed Vav & He as the 2 first letters ??

Please tell me

06-07-2017, 09:45 AM
But since I don't know Hebrew I can get detals wrong. But I am going to ask you guys of something that I am wondering about:

Like the first word of verse nr 57 = is "Now the serpent" נחש

But it is written like this in the verse: והנחש
So is that when I say that it has a prefixed Vav & He as the 2 first letters ??

Please tell me

"nachash" = snake

"hanachash" = the snake

"v'hanachash"= and the snake

Letter "vav" binds it to the beforegoing verse (Genesis 2:25)

Gematria "nachash" is 358, same as of "mashiach" -- anointed one, christ.

06-07-2017, 10:02 AM
Yes those bindings with the letter Vav, I remember those, but should that not apply to all verses? or was it chapters ?
I though it was left out in the version on this site. But please fill me inn, its a while since I read about it.

06-07-2017, 10:26 AM
Yes those bindings with the letter Vav, I remember those, but should that not apply to all verses? or was it chapters ?
I though it was left out in the version on this site. But please fill me inn, its a while since I read about it.

first verse doesn't begin with "vav"

"b'reishit bara elohim etc."

all the following verses start with "vav"


and also the first three verses of Genesis 2


Genesis 2:4 does not begin with "vav",

"eleh toldot hashamayim v'haaretz, etc."

Next verses all start with "vav", except for

v.11, "shem haechad pishon, etc."

and v.24, "al ken yaazav haadam , etc."

Chapter 3 http://www.chabad.org/library/bible_cdo/aid/8167/jewish/Chapter-3.htm

All verses start with "vav" except for verses 5.16.19

06-07-2017, 01:12 PM
first verse doesn't begin with "vav"

"b'reishit bara elohim etc."

all the following verses start with "vav"


and also the first three verses of Genesis 2


Genesis 2:4 does not begin with "vav",

"eleh toldot hashamayim v'haaretz, etc."

Next verses all start with "vav", except for

v.11, "shem haechad pishon, etc."

and v.24, "al ken yaazav haadam , etc."

Chapter 3 http://www.chabad.org/library/bible_.../Chapter-3.htm

All verses start with "vav" except for verses 5.16.19

Well, those numbers kind of makes sense.

Number 5 points to the first day
Number 16 is the center verse of Genesis 1
Number 19 = Physical Manifestation

5+16+19 = 40 = "Victory"

But this Riddle is probably deeper than this. I don't know I have not done any study in it.

But thanks for the info :)

06-07-2017, 02:16 PM
And Richard tells me all the way that my work here in this thread is indistinguishable patterns.

Well I don't know If I agree with that. But I am holding back a lot of connections in here. Since something has to be left that is new in my own work.
I want to write a book and make a website myself.
But this Thread was never about proving the English Genesis 1:1 is encoded in the Hebrew bible anyways. That part is really reserved for my own work.
And lot of things has been spotted that is not made yet. But I am convinced that it is put up as a riddle now after seeing different things.

But look at the wonderful Riddle:

- The 2nd word of Genesis 1:1 = 203 = 37th word by rotation
- The center word of Genesis 1:1 = 401 = 137th word by rotation
- 203 + 302 = 505 = 104 + 401
- The 2nd mention of Aleph & Tav is the 3rd word of verse nr 4 (3 + 4 = 7)
- The 3rd word of verse nr 4 hits the following numbers when counted by rotation: "Riddle" 27 "Light" [ord], 39 "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3), 27+72, 207 "Light" (Hebrew), 137X3 English Genesis 1:1
- the first word of verse nr 4 = 7X31 (There are 31 codes of 7 found by Dr. Panin in Genesis 1:1
- The first word of verse nr 4 = 37th word by rotation
- The 5th word of verse nr 4 (The First day which Light was created in is described in the 5 first verses) = 30 "Judah" (Since Judah & Benjamin has the Light in them) = 137th word by rotation
- Add word nr 37 & 137 by rotation in verse nr 4 = 37 + 137 + 73
- The 7th word of verse nr 4 = 52 "Riddle" (A=1 B=2 C=3) & when counted by rotation this word hits number 115 (5X23) --- Its curious because this is the first word with a value of 52 --- It is word nr 34 (prime order of 137) --- This word starts with letter nr 124 (4 first Stars added up to 73: 1+13+37+73) --- The first word with a value of 212 (same value as the 37th word "Light") starts with letter nr 115 --- Verse nr 27 "Riddle" (Hebrew) = 115 + 37X73 --- 115 = "Strong" חזק = "Intelligence" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = "The miracle of" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- The next word after this word in verse nr 4 is the 8th word = 86 "God"
- The next word in verse nr 4 is the 9th word = 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- The next word is Word nr 37 of the Bible and this word is "Light" & it is word nr 10 of this verse. When counted by rotation = 34 = Prime order of 137
- Word nr 37 starts with letter nr 137
- Word nr 137 starts with letter nr 37 + 137X3 + 73
- Word nr 137 = "the earth" = same word as the 7th word of Gen 1:1 that starts with letter nr 137 by rot.
- Add word nr 37 & 137 of the Bible = 137 + 371 (anagram of 137)
- Total value of verse nr 137 = 2X 137X3+777 + 112+211 (see the play with mirrors & mirrored Gematria systems he does there ?)
- Center word of verse nr 137 = 27 + 401 = First & Last letters of of both the Hebrew & English Alphabets
- The first word of the Bible is "In the beginning" = 913 = Count from number 137 as 1 and then count to number 777
- "In the beginning" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 137
- Center word of verse nr 913 = 137
- The center word in verse nr 7 = 4X 212 (value of the 37th word "Light" that starts with letter nr 137)
- Center word of verse nr 26 "The Lord" = "Riddle" 27 "Light" [ord] + 137
- The center word of verse nr 86 "God" = Prime nr 37 "Jesus Christ" (A=1 B=2 C=3) + 137
- The center word of verse nr 112 "The Lord God" = (The order of the 37th letter by rotation in Genesis 1:1) 9 + 37 + 401 (137th word by rotation in Genesis 1:1)
- Total value of verse nr 37 = 2X 10+777
- Total value of verse nr 137 = 2X 100+1000+137X3
- English Genesis 1:1 = 137X3
- English Genesis 1:1 In reverse ordinal = 777

And there is a lot more.

06-07-2017, 04:59 PM
You do nothing of the sort! You have filled this forum with utterly random meaningless "connections" based on writing a number like 1899 as a combination of numbers you like such as 137x3 + 711 + 777 which turned out to be TOTAL BULLSHIT!

How can you be so blind? Why do you so freely speak lies? I explained this to you years ago. If you want to discuss the potentially meaningful patterns, like those that I worked on, then you need to clean out the CRAP from your presentation. But you refuse, and so all your work is corrupted with utterly meaningless crap. There is not one mathematician on the planet who would agree with 90% of the ludicrous garbage you have collected.

I don't think it is junk like you.

Ever checked the total value of verse nr 137th Triangle (9453) ??
= 7X207 "Light" (Hebrew) + 137X3 + 711 + 777 :sEm_oops:

Just random Right ? Lets dig a bit deeper in to verse nr 137th triangle since hey let's get real. If I am right. Then there should be some really special things here. Right ?? I mean God seems to like his Triangles.... Right ?? Because of Genesis 1.1, John 1:1 & Genesis 7:37


- The 7th word = 137X3 + 7X11 :sCo_hmmthink:
- And the 11th word = "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3) 56 + 65 "thgiL"
- Add the 7th & 11th word = 3X 203 "created" (Hey no need of any explanation here)
- The center word = 9X 37 (9 is a factor of "light" (Hebrew) and we know that word nr 9 ends with letter nr 37)
- 9X 37 = Center word of verse nr 13 (Prime order of 37) = Center word of verse nr 19 (Factor of the 37th Triangle) = Center word in verse nr 23 (ordinal value of the Center word in Gen 1:1 & the nr of multiples of 37 in the 7 words of Gen 1:1)
- Add the verse orders of these verses that has a center word with a value of 333 (9X 37) in the first Chapter: 13+19+23 = 23 + 32
- The total nr of words & letters added in this verse = 80 = Prime order of Center word in Genesis 1:1
- The first, last & center words added = 12X 80
- The last word = (English Genesis 1:1 (777) & John 1:1 (37+888) in A=26 B=25 C=24) - (English Genesis 1:1 (137X3) & John 1:1 (139X5) in A=1 B=2 C=3) (Its nothing to worry about, probably random)
- Add word nr 37 & 137 by rotation in this verse which is the 2nd & 7th word (27 = "Riddle" & "Light") is: 209 + 488 = 401 (Center word of Genesis 1:1) + 296 "the earth" (7th word of Genesis 1:1) (This is a magic number, it just magically appears at some really important places I have not shared here, but its probably random) :dontknow:
- Add words ordered at: 1, 3, 7 = 37th Triangle + 7X11 :sCo_hmmthink:
- Add word nr 13 & 7 = 500 = 89 + 137X3 = English Genesis 1:1 added with its Center Word :woohoo:

The definition of insanity is calling everything random when it is not.

06-07-2017, 05:18 PM
The difference of the 7 words of the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 & their mirrors:

913 - 319 = 2X 297 "Treasure(s)" (Yes it is what it says) = (Nr of letters in the Hebrew Alphabet) 22 X 27 (Riddle) = 22 X (A) 1+26 (Z)
401 - 104 = 297
704 - 407 = 297
302 - 203 = 99 = [Richard] ----> Riddle 27 + 72 elddiR <----- [drahciR]
86 - 68 = 18 (Life)
593 - 395 = 198 = All Primes added from 1 to 37
692 - 296 = 396 = 4X (Riddle) 27 + 72 (elddiR)
Sum = 1899 = 9X 211 (Mirror of The Lord God)
- Red values added = 4X "Treasure(s)" (Hebrew) = -----> English Genesis 1:1 137X3 (A=1 B=2 C=3) + 777 (A=26 B=25 C=24) <-----
- Blue values = 711 = 3X 237 "to the light" = 9X Prime nr 23 (ordinal value of the Center word in Genesis 1:1)

- Word nr 711 is found I in the 2nd word of verse nr 71 (2 first digits of 711)
- The 7th word of verse nr 71 = 297 "Treasure(s)"
- Adding the 2nd & 7th word in verse nr 71 is: 711 + 297 = 9X 112 "The Lord God" = (Life) 18 X 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Total value of verse nr 71 = 2X3 X 711
- Center word of verse nr 711 = 2X 711
- Total value of verse nr 711 = 2X3 X Prime nr ("The Lord God" A=1 B=2 C=3) 108+112 ("The Lord God" in Hebrew)
- Verse nr 132 ("a Alpha" 39 + 93 "ahplA a" = "Oh Thank Heaven" in A=1 B=2 C=3) literally mentions number 71 + 711 by words
- Add first, last & center words in Verse nr 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 71 + 711

Hey guess what just magically connected in verse nr 711 & 137X3+777 ?
- Add the total values and Center words in these 2 verses = "The Lord God" 112 X 116 (Center word of verse nr 37X73 & verse nr 137X3+777)

Its almost as magical as the center word added with the center letters in Genesis 1.1 = Center word of verse nr 3773


06-07-2017, 09:16 PM
Now I am going to play Richard:

"Its all Random and indistinguishable patterns !"

Let me show you Desmild:

"indistinguishable patterns" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 295

"Now go to verse nr 295 and we see the total value is = 2940 !! See it should have been 2950 if you were right! Random ! Junk !"

"Now check the center words added = 627 = 3X11X19 = Crap!"

And that is when I retaliate and tell you:
- 2940 = 2X3 X Center word of Hebrew Genesis 1:1 + Center Word of English Genesis 1:1
- 627 = 137 + Center word of Hebrew Genesis 1:1 + Center Word of English Genesis 1:1

And then you would say something like this I guess: "So what?? What does God mean by encoding Genesis 1:1 with "indistinguishable patterns? He is clearly a "indistinguishable God that uses indistinguishable methods, its junk!"

And I would tell you this: Maybe he did that because he could ? You know since he has encoded Genesis 1:1 in many many other places as well ?
For all I know, God can be laughing at us (or at least you) since he has encoded the English Genesis 1:1 so much in the Hebrew Bible that he was just Trolling us a bit in verse nr 295 ? I mean there might be other connections that are significant to number 295 also so it does not have to be him trolling us here, but it feels like it. Maybe God has some Humor and this is his taste ? I
You know since the English Genesis 1:1 is massively encoded (not just encoded) in the Hebrew Bible?

And then you would ask me of results of the English Genesis 1:1 (which I have given some of in this thread)
And then we are back to back, because I am holding a lot of them back on purpose. I will not waste all those diamonds here.

06-09-2017, 12:33 PM
Okey guys, I asked a question for Sylvius here but I think I got most of it now:

- The first word with a value of 37 is found in verse nr 56 "Light" (A=1 V=2 C=3), as the first word. And this word is: ויהיו "was". But "was" is really written like this: היה hayah
- The first word with a value of 34 (Prime order of 137) is found In verse nr 109 as the first word. And this word is: ויחי "live". But "live" is really written like חיה chayah

These two words are quite similar, the only difference in their original form (if that is the correct way of putting it) is the first letter which are Heh (ה) & Chet (ח). And those two letters look kind of identical.

But look at their Textual form in how they appear in verse nr 56 & 109: --- ויהיו --- ויחי
- Now the difference of these 2 words is the Heh & Chet but "live" (34) is missing the final Vav.
In this way, "was" (37) looks like it has a complete type of symmetry because it is the same word read forwards and backwards, it has 5 letters & the center letter is Heh (5), Even both letter nr 37 & 137 of the Bible is the letter Heh (5).
- The Inversed part of this: (original-form, has a Heh & Chet that surrounds a Yod as a center letter) היה hayah --- ויהיו (Textual -form, has 2 Yods surrounding the center letter Heh)

But I'm not a Hebrew expert so I can't see everything. So please me know Sylvius if you see something I don't here.

But this is really interesting since there are 19 (Prime factor of the 37th Triangle & Physical Manifestation) verses that starts with word nr 34 or 37 from verse nr 109 (19 with 0 removed) to verse nr 127 (The nr of possible combinations of the 7 words of Genesis 1:1 either made up of 37 or not.)

The first word of:
- Verse nr 109 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 110 (37 + 73) = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 111 (3X37) = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 112 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 113 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 114 (Mirrror of 137X3 & the of Hexagons in the Logos Star) = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 115 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 116 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 117 (7+37+73) = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 118 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 119 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 120 = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 121 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 122 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 123 = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 124 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 125 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 126 = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 127 = 34 ויחי

And guess what, its the same two words all the way, which are the ones I mentioned in the beginning in this Post.

We see 7 verses that starts with 37 & 12 verses that starts with 34.

Is this what you call a very very clear Pattern ? What do you think Richard ? I guess number 37 & 137 was really important after all, Right ?
What do you think Syvius ?

I have a proposal Richard:

Why don't you tell us the probability of this one ? Since you are the Computer Scientist here and since you love Truth.
Because this is the Truth.

And by the way:
- The last word of verse nr 109 (First verse on the list) = 700
- The last word of verse nr 127 (Last verse on the list) = 7 + 777 = 7X 112 "The Lord God"
- The center verse on the list is verse nr 7 + 112 & the last word of that verse = 4X 116 (Center word in verse nr 37X73 & 137X3+777) = 2X Center word in verse nr 3

Richard Amiel McGough
06-09-2017, 05:24 PM
But this is really interesting since there are 19 (Prime factor of the 37th Triangle & Physical Manifestation) verses that starts with word nr 34 or 37 from verse nr 109 (19 with 0 removed) to verse nr 127 (The nr of possible combinations of the 7 words of Genesis 1:1 either made up of 37 or not.)

The first word of:
- Verse nr 109 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 110 (37 + 73) = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 111 (3X37) = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 112 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 113 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 114 (Mirrror of 137X3 & the of Hexagons in the Logos Star) = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 115 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 116 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 117 (7+37+73) = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 118 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 119 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 120 = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 121 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 122 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 123 = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 124 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 125 = 34 ויחי
- Verse nr 126 = 37 ויהיו
- Verse nr 127 = 34 ויחי

And guess what, its the same two words all the way, which are the ones I mentioned in the beginning in this Post.

We see 7 verses that starts with 37 & 12 verses that starts with 34.

Is this what you call a very very clear Pattern ? What do you think Richard ? I guess number 37 & 137 was really important after all, Right ?
What do you think Syvius ?

I have a proposal Richard:

Why don't you tell us the probability of this one ? Since you are the Computer Scientist here and since you love Truth.
Because this is the Truth.

Hey there Desmild,

Yes, that is a very clear pattern but it does not seem to have anything to do with the numerical values but rather the literary form that the human writer of Genesis deliberately used as a pattern. Here's an image of the Hebrew text with the relevant words highlighted. Note that the pattern continues again after verse 5:22 so there are more than 19 ....


There is no meaning to the "probability" of this pattern since it was deliberately designed by the human writer. It's like if I wrote "123456789" and you asked "What is the probability that those numbers would happen in order by chance?" The question is irrelevant because it is obvious that an intelligent agent (me) deliberately put them in that order.

06-09-2017, 10:57 PM
These two words are quite similar, the only difference in their original form (if that is the correct way of putting it) is the first letter which are Heh (ה) & Chet (ח). And those two letters look kind of identical.

Rabbi Munk:

http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q262/suivlys/IMG_0137.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/suivlys/media/IMG_0137.jpg.html)

The tiny opening that makes the difference between Heh (ה) & Chet (ח) is said to coincide the difference between "yom shishi" (a sixth day) and "yom hashishi" (the sixth day)

It be "the narrow gate", Matthew 7:13,

?Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.

06-10-2017, 07:52 AM
Hey there Desmild,

Yes, that is a very clear pattern but it does not seem to have anything to do with the numerical values but rather the literary form that the human writer of Genesis deliberately used as a pattern. Here's an image of the Hebrew text with the relevant words highlighted. Note that the pattern continues again after verse 5:22 so there are more than 19 ....

Okey, I though that there was a little chance of that.

But I find the first word with a value of 37 very interesting. But thank you for the reply. I will let this one go.
And that is the great thing here, if I am uncertain of something then I can always ask here :)

The tiny opening that makes the difference between Heh (ה) & Chet (ח) is said to coincide the difference between "yom shishi" (a sixth day) and "yom hashishi" (the sixth day)

It be "the narrow gate", Matthew 7:13,

?Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.

Very interesting :) Thank you very much Syvlius.

But Richard. Why did you now tell us which word in verse nr 36 that has letter nr 1899 (137X3+777 + 711), what value it has, and its word order ? I checked in a hurry (and you are a sneak for not letting us know) and I will count again tomorrow, too much to do today, going to a birthday party of my friend that gets 30 years old. I will give you a chance to redeem yourself until tomorrow. You found it first so you have the honor since I counted wrong, though that really irritates me to oblivion because the connection was golden)

Richard Amiel McGough
06-10-2017, 09:33 AM
Okey, I though that there was a little chance of that.

But I find the first word with a value of 37 very interesting. But thank you for the reply. I will let this one go.
And that is the great thing here, if I am uncertain of something then I can always ask here :)

You are welcome. I am always glad to help.

But Richard. Why did you now tell us which word in verse nr 36 that has letter nr 1899 (137X3+777 + 711), what value it has, and its word order ? I checked in a hurry (and you are a sneak for not letting us know) and I will count again tomorrow, too much to do today, going to a birthday party of my friend that gets 30 years old. I will give you a chance to redeem yourself until tomorrow. You found it first so you have the honor since I counted wrong, though that really irritates me to oblivion because the connection was golden)

Here is the information again. Letter #1899 is the last letter mem in the word terem which means "before" -


Gen 2:5

Gen 2:5

Gen 2:5

I understand that it "irritates you to oblivion" to find out that your "golden" connection was based on a mistake and so completely meaningless. The thing I don't understand is why you don't can't see that this reveals a fundamental error of all your numerology. You have no way to discern between meaningless random coincidences and connections you think are meaningful. You found a "golden" connection in random data! And this isn't the first time it has happened. I have explained your error many times, but you continue to ignore it. So let me repeat: There are literally MILLIONS of ways to write numbers like 1899 as combinations of numbers you like, so you can literally make up any pattern you want. Therefore, the patterns you make up are meaningless.

You need to answer this point.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-10-2017, 09:42 AM
Rabbi Munk:

The tiny opening that makes the difference between Heh (ה) & Chet (ח) is said to coincide the difference between "yom shishi" (a sixth day) and "yom hashishi" (the sixth day)

It be "the narrow gate", Matthew 7:13,

?Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.
If the space in the letter heh is the "narrow gate" what part of what letter represents the "gate" that is "wide"? And how do you know?

And why would the space in the letter heh represent the narrow gate? How is one supposed to move through it to "enter into the kingdom"? It seems you make superficial connections that have no real meaning.

06-10-2017, 09:53 AM
Here is the information again. Letter #1899 is the last letter mem in the word terem which means "before" -


Every טֶרֶם in Scripture has the meaning of ?not yet,? and it does not mean?before,? and it cannot be made into a verb form, to say הִטְרִים, as one says הִקְדִּים This verse proves this, as well as another verse (Exod. 9:30): ?כִּי טֶרֶם תִּירְאוּן, You will not yet fear.? This verse too should be explained to mean that [no tree] was yet on the earth (Targum Onkelos) when the creation of the world was completed on the sixth day, before man was created.

This comment carries the inner meaning of scripture, i.e. the secret of God's name (hidden in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim")

Rashi on Genesis 1:1,

in the beginning it was His intention to create it with the Divine Standard of Justice, but he perceived that the world would not endure; so He preceded it with the Divine Standard of Mercy, allying it with the Divine Standard of Justice

He preceded it = "hikdim" הקדים, same word that he used in explaining the word "terem"

Quintessence of Passover, Exodus 12:34,
The people picked up their dough when it was not yet leavened

when it was not yet leavened = "terem yechmatz"

טֶרֶם יֶחְמָץ

"yechmatz" written with Chet :yo:

06-10-2017, 10:08 AM
If the space in the letter heh is the "narrow gate" what part of what letter represents the "gate" that is "wide"? And how do you know?

And why would the space in the letter heh represent the narrow gate? How is one supposed to move through it to "enter into the kingdom"? It seems you make superficial connections that have no real meaning.

Heh and Chet also mark the differnce between "halal"/ "hilleil"= to praise --"halleluyah"= praise the Lord = Hashem hidden in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim"

and "chalal"/"heicheil" = to profane; to begin; "chilul"= desecretion; "chilul hashem" = desecration of the name that is hidden in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim"

The quantitative difference between "yom shishi" (= 666) and "yom hashishi" (= 671) is very small, but qualitative it is a world of difference

06-10-2017, 10:29 AM
I understand that it "irritates you to oblivion" to find out that your "golden" connection was based on a mistake and so completely meaningless. The thing I don't understand is why you don't can't see that this reveals a fundamental error of all your numerology. You have no way to discern between meaningless random coincidences and connections you think are meaningful. You found a "golden" connection in random data! And this isn't the first time it has happened. I have explained your error many times, but you continue to ignore it. So let me repeat: There are literally MILLIONS of ways to write numbers like 1899 as combinations of numbers you like, so you can literally make up any pattern you want. Therefore, the patterns you make up are meaningless.

First of all, yes I have had mistakes in a few my calculations, specially the letter counts since I scribbled them down on a paper. Stupid me. And the chance of my calculations being wrong is higher when I just throw them in this thread outside of the pictures. So I am learning from those mistakes.

And you did it again now. You did showed us results but you DID NOT give us the connections.

How can you say its meaningless when:

- letter nr 1899 is found in word nr 490 = Center word of Genesis 1:1 (Hebrew) + Center Word of Genesis 1:1 (English ordinal) = 10X 7th Square ????
- How can you say its random when this is found in word nr 10 of this verse ? (Word nr 10 of the Bible = 137X3 (English Genesis 1:1) --- the English Genesis 1:1 has 10 words
- When word nr 10 is counted by rotation it hits numbers: 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3) --- 56+207 ("Light" Hebrew) --- 401 (CW & 137th word by rot. in Gen 1:1) --- (e) 271 + 314 (Pi) --- Prime nr 137 --- 7X31 + 23X37 --- 37X73 :eek:
- Now since this verse is special (because it has letter nr 1899) we see the first word = 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- The 2nd word = 318 = Mirror of total value the 3rd verse
- The 3rd word = 314 (Pi)
- The 4th word = "The Lord God" 112 + 137 "The God of Truth" = Add letters in Genesis 1:1 from letter nr 13 to 7
- The 4th word is the same word as the 10th word with letter nr 1899 ! & it is the first word of the Bible with this value.
- Count word nr 4 by rotation = "Riddle" 27 "Light" [ord] & 73 "Wisdom" & the Triangular order of Genesis 1:1
- The 4th word starts with letter nr 137X3 + 777 + 688 "Jesus" in Greek ! = 7th Triangle X 67 "The Lord God" [ord] = "Gold" 14 X 134 "God" (A=37 B=38 C=39) = "God" the 12th word in John 1:1 --- The 12 first words added in John 1:1 = 37X73 + 37+73
- The 4 first words added of verse nr 36 = 937 (we know that letter nr 37 is the last letter of word nr 9)
- The 10 first words added = Prime nr 3X112 "Genesis John Matthew Revelation" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Add the word orders of the 4th word & the 10th word = 14 "Gold" (Hebrew)

I have to go now. we can chat more tomorrow :)

Oh almost forgot:

- Now this is the 36th verse (666 = 36th Tringle) so one should expect to find something about this here.
And the 6 first words added = 1260 = The nr of days in the Tribulation = The nr of days (years) the first Beast of Revelation should have power and continue its reign (Revelation 13:5)

06-10-2017, 10:35 AM
I expected at least that you would give us the connection to the word order & the value of that word. Because I think you knew that. I might be wrong though.

06-10-2017, 11:56 AM
You're still at it ?

Has anybody made any progress ?

Richard Amiel McGough
06-10-2017, 02:07 PM
You're still at it ?

Has anybody made any progress ?
Hey there Issac! :yo:

As I recall, you were going to publish your work on calendars and numerology a year or two ago. Any progress?

Richard Amiel McGough
06-10-2017, 04:51 PM
I expected at least that you would give us the connection to the word order & the value of that word. Because I think you knew that. I might be wrong though.
What "connection" do you think you see? The word order is 490 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 7. The value of that word is 249 = 3 x 83. They have no factors in common. They are not the same by "rotation" (i.e. 490 mod 7 = 0 whereas 249 mod 7 = 4). They are not mirrors of each other. Etc., etc., etc.

06-10-2017, 10:58 PM
The tiny opening that makes the difference between Heh (ה) & Chet (ח) is said to coincide the difference between "yom shishi" (a sixth day) and "yom hashishi" (the sixth day)

It be "the narrow gate", Matthew 7:13,

?Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.


The Talmud informs us that the hei also represents teshuvah?repentance. To appreciate how the form of the letter hei embodies the concept of teshuvah, compare the hei, ה, to the ches, ח, the eighth letter of the alef-beis. Both forms look very much alike. Each is made up of three lines. The one conspicu*ous difference is the small aperture atop the hei?s left limb. What does this have to do with teshuvah? G‑d declares to Cain after he kills his brother Abel, ?Sin (chatas) lies at your door.? The opening (or door) on the bottom of both the hei and the ches represents sin. With the ches, there can be no escape from the ?door of sin? without transgression (i.e., without exiting through the bottom of the ches). But the hei has another open*ing, another possible course of action. The little opening at the top of the hei allows for the possibility of teshuvah, or return.

Mark 1:15 surely alludes to that:

and saying, ?The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.?

See https://twitter.com/Minkmaat/status/857211411663134720

The flood came because the Lord ("hashem") regretted that He had made man upon the earth (Genesis 6:6)

it regretted the Lord = "vayinachem hashem"

"nicham"= to be sorry, to regret; to reconsider; to be comforted; to take vengeance.

From this "menachem" = comforter, consoler = name of the Messiah

"nicham" - Greek μετανοέω

μετάνοια = "nocham"= condolence, comfort, repentance, change of mind.

06-11-2017, 12:50 PM
Hey there Issac! :yo:

As I recall, you were going to publish your work on calendars and numerology a year or two ago. Any progress?

Yes, Richard

Just like I said in my pm to you, I decided to make my own forum, necessary for covering the scope of the topics

From my experience, you were so hell bent on not listening it was impossible to even teach you the truth about the things you apparently think you grasp

There is a little bit on my forum about numerology, mainly why numerologists, even the great Isaac Newton, have so many holes in their presentations ( Something you and I agree on ), but also an exploration into the history of gematria, starting with procedural and omen texts, something you apparently have no experience with ?

If you want to " debate " something, lets start with " flood " terminologies in classical Mesopotamian literature, because I do not recall seeing such a discussion on your website

You up for it, old man ?


06-11-2017, 03:26 PM
What "connection" do you think you see? The word order is 490 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 7. The value of that word is 249 = 3 x 83. They have no factors in common. They are not the same by "rotation" (i.e. 490 mod 7 = 0 whereas 249 mod 7 = 4). They are not mirrors of each other. Etc., etc., etc.

Still playing more stupid than you really are Richard ?

490 = Center word of Genesis 1:1 (Aleph & Tav 401) + Center words of English Genesis 1:1 ("created the" = 89)

You see that this is not a coincidence because it is the word order of letter nr 1899, which is the total value of the Treasure Holograph.

The Treasure Holograph is found in the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 & it has the English Genesis 1:1 encoded into it :)

And as for 249 = 112 + 137 = All letters added from 13 to 7 In Genesis 1:1

Now before you say something Richard consider adding words in Genesis 1:1 ordered at: 1, 3, 7 = All letters added from letter nr 37 to 137 when counted by Rotation :D

Is it just me or does it seem like Center Words and number 137 are really important ? Since everything points to it.
Now before we go further in this discussion Richard, can you please tell me if the 3rd word of verse nr 197 is word nr 37X73 ??

If you want to " debate " something, lets start with " flood " terminologies in classical Mesopotamian literature, because I do not recall seeing such a discussion on your website

It would be really cool if you guys discussed the garden of eden also in other cultures. Quite interesting stuff.
The sumerians supposedly believed that the snake (Called Enki/Ea) was the good guy ion the garden of eden story, while the God was Evil. Hmmmm since that sounds like it contradicts the Bible, and If I were Satan then I would do this.

06-11-2017, 10:13 PM

This comment carries the inner meaning of scripture, i.e. the secret of God's name (hidden in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim")

Rashi on Genesis 1:1,

He preceded it = "hikdim" הקדים, same word that he used in explaining the word "terem"

Quintessence of Passover, Exodus 12:34,
The people picked up their dough when it was not yet leavened

when it was not yet leavened = "terem yechmatz"

טֶרֶם יֶחְמָץ

"yechmatz" written with Chet :yo:

Genesis 2:5, וְכֹל | שִׂיחַ הַשָּׂדֶה טֶרֶם יִהְיֶה בָאָרֶץ, "v'chol siach hasadeh terem yiyeh baaretz"

"siach" = bush, shrub; also: conversation, talk; meditation

וְכָל עֵשֶׂב הַשָּׂדֶה טֶרֶם יִצְמָח, "v'chol esev hasadeh terem yitzmach"

"esev" = grass, herb , weed


כִּי לֹא הִמְטִיר יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהִים עַל הָאָרֶץ וְאָדָם אַיִן לַעֲבֹד אֶת הָאֲדָמָה, "ki lo himtir hashem elohim al haaretz v'adam ein laavod et haadamah"

https://www.tokeofthetown.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/craig20beresh20out20standing20in20his20field203312 15_1911222416619_1123646313_31619437_5100689_o.jpg

06-11-2017, 10:40 PM
Mark 6:39,

καὶ ἐπέταξεν αὐτοῖς ἀνακλῖναι πάντας συμπόσια συμπόσια ἐπὶ τῷ χλωρῷ χόρτῳ.

and he ordered them to sit down all groups by groups on the green grass

Jesus priest of the most high?

06-11-2017, 10:51 PM
Genesis 2:6,

וְאֵד יַעֲלֶה מִן הָאָרֶץ וְהִשְׁקָה אֶת כָּל פְּנֵי הָאֲדָמָה

"v'ed yaaleh min haaretz v'hishkah et kol p'nei haadamah"

and "ed" went up from the earth and gave to drink all the surface of the ground

"ed" - gematria 5 (1+4), coinciding the lettervalue of "hey"

Most high knowledge?

like expressed in Genesis 2:4,
These are the generations of the heavens and the earth ("b'hibaram"=) with "hey" they were created

"b'hibaram" is 474th word from the beginning.

474 gematria of "daat"= knowledge.

06-12-2017, 10:40 AM
Mark 6:39,

καὶ ἐπέταξεν αὐτοῖς ἀνακλῖναι πάντας συμπόσια συμπόσια ἐπὶ τῷ χλωρῷ χόρτῳ.

and he ordered them to sit down all groups by groups on the green grass

Jesus priest of the most high?

The clue of the stories of the multiplication of bread might be that the word has a body = bread = food

That might be also the reason why Jewish scriptures are buried:

http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q262/suivlys/p%20nun.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/suivlys/media/p%20nun.jpg.html)

The body of the word is formed by the letters.

Bread = "lechem" = 78

Five loaves of bread = 390 = "shamayim" = heaven

06-12-2017, 10:49 AM
So you might think that the word can be resurrected :yo:

06-12-2017, 08:41 PM
The body of the word is formed by the letters.

Bread = "lechem" = 78

Five loaves of bread = 390 = "shamayim" = heaven

390 = "zachar un'keivah" = male and female.

Mark 6:42,

And they all ate and were satisfied.

06-14-2017, 12:25 AM
390 = "zachar un'keivah" = male and female.

Mark 6:42,

And they all ate and were satisfied.

Genesis 39:6,

And he left all that he had in Joseph's hand, and he knew nothing about what was with him except the bread that he ate; and Joseph had handsome features and a beautiful complexion.

except the bread כי אם הלחם

That is his wife, but [Scripture] speaks euphemistically. [From Gen. Rabbah 86:6]

So bread is quintessential heaven :winking0071:

And the stories of the multiplication of illustrate the letter "hey" that was added to "shishi"so that the sixth and the seventh day became joined together in the Tetragrammaton, "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim"

Mark 10:6-8,
But from the beginning of creation, ?God made them male and female.? ?Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife,[a] and the two shall become one flesh.? So they are no longer two but one flesh. 9 What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.?

The story of the seven (loaves of) bread Mark 8:1-10 must be about the same unification of the sixth and seventh day

7 x 78 = 546 = 2 x 273

273 = "rega" = smallest union of time, (Paul's) indivisible (moment), ἄτομος

273 is also "arba" -(female) four.

273 = 21 x 13 - so an expresion of the (male) oneness ("echad") of the female four.

Mark 8:19-21,
When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?? They said to him, ?Twelve.? ?And the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?? And they said to him, ?Seven.? And he said to them, ?Do you not yet understand??

Do you not yet understand = Οὔπω συνίετε;

οὔπω matches Hebrew "terem"

They still had to cross over to the other side ...

Mark 8:13, καὶ ἀφεὶς αὐτοὺς πάλιν ἐμβὰς ἀπῆλθεν εἰς τὸ πέραν

beyond, on the other side

cf. https://twitter.com/mozeson



06-14-2017, 12:23 PM
The age of Hebrewless etymology is soon over

Genesis 10:25,

And to Eber were born two sons: one was named Peleg, because in his days the earth was divided, and the name of his brother was Joktan.

Eber = עֵבֶר, "eiver" --


was divided: The tongues became confused, and they were scattered from the valley and were dispersed throughout the entire world. We learn that Eber was a prophet, since he named his son for a future event [i.e. פֶּלֶג resembles the word נִפְלְגָה meaning ?dispersed?]. And we learned in Seder Olam (ch. 1) that at the end of his [Peleg?s] days, they were dispersed. For if you say that [they were dispersed] at the beginning of his days, behold his brother Joktan was his junior, and he begot many families before that, as it is said (verse 26): ?And Joktan begot, etc.,? and [only] afterwards [is it written] (11:1): ?And the whole earth was one language.? Now if you say [that they were dispersed] in the middle of his [Peleg?s] days, [this is not so, because] Scripture does not come to make things obscure but to explain. Hence, you learn that in the year of Peleg?s death, they were dispersed.


06-15-2017, 03:18 AM
The seven days of the week with their two parents on the Ringvaart Amsterdam


Two together that makes one baby :winking0071:


06-15-2017, 08:50 AM
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DB_CH0JWsAA09_-.jpg The age of Hebrewless etymology is (soon) OVER

It comes to mind that that Greek παράγω and παρέρχομαι are cognate to Hebrew "avar"

Mark 13:30-31,
ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν ὅτι οὐ μὴ παρέλθῃ ἡ γενεὰ αὕτη μέχρις οὗ ταῦτα πάντα γένηται. ὁ οὐρανὸς καὶ ἡ γῆ παρελεύσονται, οἱ δὲ λόγοι μου οὐ μὴ παρελεύσονται.

(soon) OVER

Mark 1:15,
?The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has drawn near; repent and believe in the gospel.?

Revelation 1:1,
Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place.

Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near.

06-15-2017, 09:55 AM
It comes to mind that that Greek παράγω and παρέρχομαι are cognate to Hebrew "avar"

Mark 13:30-31,
ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν ὅτι οὐ μὴ παρέλθῃ ἡ γενεὰ αὕτη μέχρις οὗ ταῦτα πάντα γένηται. ὁ οὐρανὸς καὶ ἡ γῆ παρελεύσονται, οἱ δὲ λόγοι μου οὐ μὴ παρελεύσονται.

Mark 1:15,
?The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has drawn near; repent and believe in the gospel.?

Revelation 1:1,
Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place.

Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near.

Preterism being pure anti-Semiticism :D

Dee Dee Warren in "It's not the end of the world!":

https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19149059_751378811710818_1438512482825126506_n.jpg ?oh=69e8a5b83012f062f26e3f999f14feab&oe=599F202F

06-15-2017, 07:26 PM
What about word nr 37X73 of the Bible Richard ? Is it the 3rd word of verse nr 197 ?
Or is the problem that your counting program does not go that far ?

As for number 711 folks, the main connection to it is actually in the 777 holograph. I had to include it there. and I had forgot about it : But the answer is because we see the First occurrence of "Zayin" (7th Hebrew letter) is found in the 7th word of verse nr 11. Yep, see to believe is what they say and indeed, we have seen now.

06-15-2017, 08:13 PM
I can really understand you if you don't want to confirm it though. Because if it is then its not fun to be you, you know since you say no proof :)
But don't worry I wont shoot out all connections since I will be saving some for my work.

Give us the letter orders of that word also while you are at it; since we both love Truth. ;)

Richard Amiel McGough
06-15-2017, 08:34 PM
What about word nr 37X73 of the Bible Richard ? Is it the 3rd word of verse nr 197 ?
Or is the problem that your counting program does not go that far ?

Your counting is off by seven verses Michael. Here's the data:


Gen 8:20

Gen 8:20

Gen 8:20

Gen 8:20

Word #2701 is the first word of verse #204. It means "And built".

As for number 711 folks, the main connection to it is actually in the 777 holograph. I had to include it there. and I had forgot about it : But the answer is because we see the First occurrence of "Zayin" (7th Hebrew letter) is found in the 7th word of verse nr 11. Yep, see to believe is what they say and indeed, we have seen now.
What is a person supposed to believe when they see that random coincidence? That pattern doesn't work with any of the other letters, so why should we think this one coincidence is anything but a random coincidence?

Muslims find coincidences in the Quran and think it proves Allah designed it. How is there numerology any different than yours?

Richard Amiel McGough
06-15-2017, 08:37 PM
I can really understand you if you don't want to confirm it though. Because if it is then its not fun to be you, you know since you say no proof :)
But don't worry I wont shoot out all connections since I will be saving some for my work.

Give us the letter orders of that word also while you are at it; since we both love Truth. ;)
Why were you interested in verse #197? It looks like you think it is Genesis 8:14 because that verse has the value of 2701 = 37 x 73. But if so, your counting is off again, because verse #197 is Genesis 8:13.

So again your pattern didn't work. Your counting was off. This is yet another example of you finding "patterns" in random data, which proves that the only thing your patterns prove is that you can find patterns in meaningless random numbers. You've done my work for me. Thanks! :thumb:

Richard Amiel McGough
06-15-2017, 09:03 PM
The difference of the 7 words of the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 & their mirrors:

913 - 319 = 2X 297 "Treasure(s)" (Yes it is what it says) = (Nr of letters in the Hebrew Alphabet) 22 X 27 (Riddle) = 22 X (A) 1+26 (Z)
401 - 104 = 297 :eek:
704 - 407 = 297 :eek:
302 - 203 = 99 = [Richard] ----> Riddle 27 + 72 elddiR <----- [drahciR]
86 - 68 = 18 (Life)
593 - 395 = 198 = All Primes added from 1 to 37
692 - 296 = 396 = 4X (Riddle) 27 + 72 (elddiR)
Sum = 1899 = 9X 211 (Mirror of The Lord God)
- Red values added = 4X "Treasure(s)" (Hebrew) = -----> English Genesis 1:1 137X3 (A=1 B=2 C=3) + 777 (A=26 B=25 C=24) <-----
- Blue values = 711 = 3X 237 "to the light"

Center word of verse nr 711 = 2X 711
Total value of verse nr 711 = 2X3 X Prime nr ("The Lord God" A=1 B=2 C=3) 108+112 ("The Lord God" in Hebrew)
Your numerology is really very silly Michael. Your emoticon :eek: reveals your gross ignorance of basic arithmetic. Taking the difference of mirrored numbers always results in a multiple of 9 if there are two digits, or a multiple of 99 if there are three. This is trivial:

ab - ba = 9(a-b)

abc - cba = 99(a-c)


913 - 319 = 99(9-3) = 2 x 297

You get the same number no matter what the middle digit is:

923 - 329 = 933 - 339 = 943 - 349 = 953 -359 ... etc., etc., etc.

The only thing that makes any difference is the difference between the first and last digits. Thus, you get the same result for all these numbers:

9*3 - 3*9 = 8*2 - 2*8 = 7*1 - 1*7

As usual, your "amazement" at these trivial patterns is based on gross ignorance of basic arithmetic.

Your numerology is totally meaningless.

06-16-2017, 01:15 AM
Well to be honest, it was because of several things. I had to check with you first if I had counted right.
But I have still found some intriguing things. I mean, if you think I am dependent on word nr 37X73 to prove any thing here then think again :)
I already have the info I need, but I am always curious. But don't mind number 197 since I am not 100 % sure about that number yet.

06-16-2017, 05:34 AM
Preterism being pure anti-Semiticism :D

Dee Dee Warren in "It's not the end of the world!":

https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19149059_751378811710818_1438512482825126506_n.jpg ?oh=69e8a5b83012f062f26e3f999f14feab&oe=599F202F

Luke 13:1-5 even is anti-preterist.


Preterists do maintain the same thing as "those some present" , viz. that the destruction of Jerusalem was the Jews own fault and served them right.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-16-2017, 06:53 AM
Preterists do maintain the same thing as "those some present" , viz. that the destruction of Jerusalem was the Jews own fault and served them right.
That's what the Jews themselves said because that is what the Bible says. It is one of the most common themes in the Bible:

Jeremiah 7:20 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, mine anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place, upon man, and upon beast, and upon the trees of the field, and upon the fruit of the ground; and it shall burn, and shall not be quenched.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-16-2017, 06:55 AM
Well to be honest, it was because of several things. I had to check with you first if I had counted right.
But I have still found some intriguing things. I mean, if you think I am dependent on word nr 37X73 to prove any thing here then think again :)
I already have the info I need, but I am always curious. But don't mind number 197 since I am not 100 % sure about that number yet.
So was I correct when I guessed that you had mistaken verse 197 for Genesis 8:14 when in fact it is Genesis 8:13?

06-16-2017, 07:35 AM
Yes i admit that I counted wrong on word nr 37X73. You know I scribbled it down so that is why I asked you, I don't trust them anymore after you helped me see that I had counted wrong far into it.

I have a good idea. Why don't you put the files in that word counting program into a zip or WinRAR file and send it to me ??
My birthday is in 13 days. It would be the best gift ever :)

06-16-2017, 08:32 AM
Your numerology is really very silly Michael. Your emoticon reveals your gross ignorance of basic arithmetic. Taking the difference of mirrored numbers always results in a multiple of 9 if there are two digits, or a multiple of 99 if there are three. This is trivial:

ab - ba = 9(a-b)

abc - cba = 99(a-c)


913 - 319 = 99(9-3) = 2 x 297

You get the same number no matter what the middle digit is:

923 - 329 = 933 - 339 = 943 - 349 = 953 -359 ... etc., etc., etc.

The only thing that makes any difference is the difference between the first and last digits. Thus, you get the same result for all these numbers:

9*3 - 3*9 = 8*2 - 2*8 = 7*1 - 1*7

As usual, your "amazement" at these trivial patterns is based on gross ignorance of basic arithmetic.

Your numerology is totally meaningless.

First off, who is Michael ? My Name is Alexander (call me Alex if you will)
And ok so you explained number 99 in there but what about 297 ?? What is the probability of 3 of the 7 words goes up in 297?? And it is quite incredible also that when we add the 3 words made up of 297 "Treasure(s)" we get the English Genesis 1:1.
And it won't really matter if the odds of 3 words adding up to 297 is incredible or not, because God has connected this in other places in the Bible also, like word nr 490 that has latter nr 1899.

I don't know how you are thinking, maybe you think that you are winning on that one but no... not as long the word order & value of that word is significant like it is.

06-16-2017, 08:50 AM
I mean have you even checked verse nr 1899 ?? Since you are so sure ?

06-16-2017, 11:50 AM
That's what the Jews themselves said because that is what the Bible says. It is one of the most common themes in the Bible:

Jeremiah 7:20 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, mine anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place, upon man, and upon beast, and upon the trees of the field, and upon the fruit of the ground; and it shall burn, and shall not be quenched.

No, I tell you; but unless you change your mind, you will all likewise perish.

06-16-2017, 01:39 PM
And we can go into more detail on number 297 also if you think it is just "Random", because we know some other interesting facts about it that I have not mentioned here. And I know some extra things about it that you don't even know :)

I have not even released the full version of the Treasure Holograph ;)


06-16-2017, 05:05 PM
Verse nr 1899
- Total value = 41X 115 = 1899 + 115 + 37X73
- Center words added = "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3) 39 + 137 a Alpha

I guess Christmas came early this year :D

You know since 115 + 37X37 = Total value of verse nr 27 "Riddle" & "Light" [ord]

115 = "Strong" (Hebrew) = "Intelligence" (A=! B=2 C=3) = Order of the first letter of the first word with a value of 212 (Composite nr 27+137) which is the value of the 37th word "Light" that starts with letter nr 137

Hey guess this was a riddle after all... How did I not see it until now :doh:
Oh right, that's what I have been saying here all along :P

06-16-2017, 05:13 PM
So you really need to snap out of it ;)


Richard Amiel McGough
06-16-2017, 05:21 PM
First off, who is Michael ? My Name is Alexander (call me Alex if you will)

Ooops! Sorry Alex, I usually refer to folks by their screen names in the forum but by their real names in emails and PMs and I mixed you up with someone else. I'm used to calling you Desmild, but I prefer Alex. By the way, I've always wondered how you came up with Desmild. Does it have any meaning?

And ok so you explained number 99 in there but what about 297 ?? What is the probability of 3 of the 7 words goes up in 297??

The probability is 34%. Let's call the difference between a number and its mirror the "Mirrored Difference", or MDiff for short. It is easy to calculate the probability that the MDiff of a three digit number will be a multiple of 297 = 99 x 3 because we know that the difference is always a multiple of 99, and the middle digit makes no difference at all:

MDiff(abc) = abc - bca = 99(a-c)

Therefore, MDiff(abc) will be a multiple of 297 for any number that satisfies a-c mod 3 = 0, where 0 ≤ a,c, ≤ 9. This will include two digit numbers if we treat them as three digit numbers that begin with zero: e.g. 086-680 = 594 = 2 x 297.

So how many three digit numbers have this property? Here's the answer. For each a, there there are 40 numbers if a mod 3 = 0 because then c can have four possible values (0,3,6,9) and b can have any value between 0 and 9. Likewise, there are 30 numbers if a mod 3 = 1 (because then c can be 1,4,7) and 30 when a mod 3 = 2 (because then c can be 2,5,8). Thus, there are 4 x 40 + 6 x 30 = 340 three digit numbers for which MDiff(abc) will be a multiple of 297, and the probability is:

340/1000 x 100% = 34%.

The probability that 3 (or rather 4 if you include 086) out of 7 random three digit numbers would be multiples of 297 is given by the binomial probability function. You can put the numbers in here: http://www.danielsoper.com/statcalc/calculator.aspx?id=71.

The answer is ... there's no evidence of any design in the four occurrences of Mdiffs that are multiples of 297 in the seven words of Genesis 1.

06-16-2017, 05:27 PM
Yeah I checked some numbers and saw that 297 was common.
But verse nr 1899 & word nr 1899 is on my side here :)

How I came up with the nickname Desmild is just a name that popped up time when I decided my nickname on the web.
And it's a good nickname since nobody thinks of it :) But I though about how I came to that name and then I recalled a episode on the TV Series "Lost". A guy there was called Desmild. But this must have been in my unconscious part of my memory when I found the name because I was not aware that I had it from Lost. I actually thought I was being creative there :P

And we know that if we go to the gematria search tool on this website and search 703 (37th Triangle), we see 3 out of 26 "The Lord" words there are "Treasure(s)", in fact no other words gets mentioned more there. 3 words just like the Treasure holograph of Genesis 1:1 has 3 words made up of 297 hmmmm Seems a lot like deliberate Design. Just take a look right here:

Guess "Treasure(s)" is what it sounds like suddenly now eh?

Richard Amiel McGough
06-16-2017, 05:42 PM
Yeah I checked some numbers and saw that 297 was common.

That's good. But its even better if you can understand why they are common. The math is really simple. If you understood it, you wouldn't believe most of your numerology. There's still some intriguing bits here and there, but they are buried under a mountain of very foolish and childish numerology that is obviously meaningless. You need to "clean house" if you want anyone with any knowledge of math to believe anything you say.

But verse nr 1899 & word nr 1899 is on my side here :)

I can see why you think so, but what is the significance of verse number 1899? You focused on that number because you thought the appearance of 297 in your "Treasures holograph" was very significant. Now we see it is not. So the whole house of cards falls because you have no reason to care about verse number 1899 over any other verse. And besides, what does that verse have to do with Genesis 1:1? It's about something altogether different:

Exo 14:9 (http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.php?bnum=2&cnum=14&vnum=9&InContext=Exodus%20#v9) But the Egyptians pursued after them, all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his army, and overtook them encamping by the sea, beside Pihahiroth, before Baalzephon.

It sure looks random to me.

How I came up with the nickname Desmild is just a name that popped up time when I decided my nickname on the web.
And it's a good nickname since nobody thinks of it :) But I though about how I came to that name and then I recalled a episode on the TV Series "Lost". A guy there was called Desmild. But this must have been in my unconscious part of my memory when I found the name because I was not aware that I had it from Lost. I actually thought I was creative there :P
That's interesting. Thanks for sharing.

06-16-2017, 05:49 PM
Richard, snap out of it:

Total values added of:
Verse nr 37X73 + Verse nr 1899 is: 1981 + 4715 = 2X Total value of verse nr 137th Triangle

Total value of verse nr 137th Triangle (9453)
= 7X207 "Light" (Hebrew) + 1899


Richard Amiel McGough
06-16-2017, 06:33 PM
Richard, snap out of it:

Total values added of:
Verse nr 37X73 + Verse nr 1899 is: 1981 + 4715 = 2X Total value of verse nr 137th Triangle
So what? You can always find random connections in random data sets. There is no general pattern showing any design. Every "pattern" is different than every other. Is there any consistent logic?

I think it would help if you started using better notation to report your patterns. Rather that "Verse nr 37x73" we could write Vs(2701). That's nice and clear.

Likewise, rather than writing "137th Triangle" we should denote it as Tri(137). This is how mathematicians denote things. Clear notation is key to clear thinking.

Finally, we need a way to denote the value of a verse. I think it would be OK to use Vs(n) to represent either the verse itself or its value since the intent should be clear from context. If we need to be explicit, we could write Val(Vs(n)).

Using this notation, we can state the pattern you found:

Vs(Tri(73)) + Vs(1899) = 2 x Vs(Tri(137))

Let's check that:

Vs(2701) = 1981
Vs(1899) = 4715
Vs(9543) = 3348

So yes, Vs(2701) + Vs(1899) = 2 x Vs(9543)

But the verses have nothing to do with Genesis 1:1 or each other. They look completely random. Here they are:

Vs(2701) = Exo 39:36 The table, and all the vessels thereof, and the shewbread

Vs(1899) = Exo 14:9 But the Egyptians pursued after them, all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his army, and overtook them encamping by the sea, beside Pihahiroth, before Baalzephon.

Vs(9543) = 1Ki 21:1 And it came to pass after these things, that Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard, which was in Jezreel, hard by the palace of Ahab king of Samaria.

So you want me to believe that God encoded numbers using inconsistent numerology while ignoring the meaning of the words? That really doesn't make any sense to me, especially since it's not a general pattern based on a consistent rule. It's just one random data point in an ocean of random numbers.

I really don't see any consistent logic to your numerology, let alone divine wisdom or proof of design.

06-16-2017, 06:38 PM
So I was thinking about a little deal. How about you give me that letter/word counting program of yours that goes beyond the first chapter and I share the Divinity Holograph right here and now ?? Since it has our favorite 37th Triangle in it ;)

I bet you would absolutely love it. But If there are any copyright issues when I am putting it into a book then I trust that you can remove it from here, but it will be on my website anyways when that time comes.

How does that sound ?

Richard Amiel McGough
06-16-2017, 06:45 PM
Richard, snap out of it:

Total values added of:
Verse nr 37X73 + Verse nr 1899 is: 1981 + 4715 = 2X Total value of verse nr 137th Triangle

Total value of verse nr 137th Triangle (9453)
= 7X207 "Light" (Hebrew) + 1899

Ha! Get real Alex. You could have chosen from thousands of numbers to make a "connection" so there's no "checkmate." You could have found a connection with 56 (the value of light in English gematria) or 2 x 56 or 3 x 56 or 37 or 73 or 37 x 73 or any one of thousands of other possibilities. Therefore, the fact that you found a "connection" with a number you like is meaningless.

Here's the problem. You have connected so many numbers to Genesis that you now have the ability to connect any random number you want, so the fact that you found a connection is completely meaningless.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-16-2017, 06:47 PM
So I was thinking about a little deal. How about you give me that letter/word counting program of yours that goes beyond the first chapter and I share the Divinity Holograph right here and now ?? Since it has our favorite 37th Triangle in it ;)

I bet you would absolutely love it. But If there are any copyright issues when I am putting it into a book then I trust that you can remove it from here, but it will be on my website anyways when that time comes.

How does that sound ?
Well, here's the deal. I like you to share your results that you got by hand because you think they are so improbable that they are evidence of design when in fact they are full of errors and so PROVE that you can find "connections" that seem meaningful in a random data set. This is what I've been trying to explain, but you refuse to hear. So I will keep the program to myself for now in the hope that you will finally see and submit to the truth you claim to love.

Let's do it with you "Divinity Holograph." I'll check your results. Should be very interesting.

06-16-2017, 06:50 PM
Okey so I agree with the notifications and I will use them from now on.

But the verses has nothing to do with each other....

Are you serious ?? or are you just playing ? Ok so I will explain:

- Vs(2701) Has a order that is derived from the total value of Gen 1:1, which is made up of Tri(73) & has the Tri(37) encoded in the 2 last words which are the only words made up of 37 in that verse.
- Vs(1899) has a order that is derived from Gen 1:1 when the difference of the 7 words & their mirrors are added. 3 of these words are encoded with "Treasures(s)" which just happens to be 137X3+777 which is the English Genesis 1:1 ordinal + reverse ordinal
- Vs(Tri(137) has a order where its triangular order is a factor of the English Genesis 1:1

Like you don't know all the connections I have shared here of 37 & 137 ??

Come'on man, this is ridiculous.

06-16-2017, 07:05 PM
The Divinity holograph will be only be shared if you give me that Program.
And my word countd are only in the small numbers since I knew that it was only correct up to word nr 729. That is why I have been asking you. But I did think that word nr 1899 was correct, so I did a mistake there. But my memory is refreshed. At least I have the first Chapter of Gen at disposal which you gave me. Thank you very much for that program:)

Take a look at this if you think I am playing:
- Total value of Vs(297) = 2X 10+711
- Total value of Vs(37) = 2X 10+777
- Total value of Vs(73) = 10 + Tri(112)

Just random ?? Nope, No way.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-16-2017, 07:07 PM
Okey so I agree with the notifications and I will use them from now on.

Are you serious ?? or are you just playing ? Ok so I will explain:

- Vs(2701) Has a order that is derived from the total value of Gen 1:1, which is made up of Tri(73) & has the Tri(37) encoded in the 2 last words which are the only words made up of 37 in that verse.
- Vs(1899) has a order that is derived from Gen 1:1 when the difference of the 7 words & their mirrors are added. 3 of these words are encoded with "Treasures(s)" which just happens to be 137X3+777 which is the English Genesis 1:1 ordinal + reverse ordinal
- Vs(Tri(137) has a order where its triangular order is a factor of the English Genesis 1:1

Like you don't know all the connections I have shared here of 37 & 137 ??

Come'on man, this is ridiculous.
Dude, I was talking about the VERSES, not the numerical values of the verses. The VERSES have nothing to do with Genesis 1:1 or each other. They look totally random.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-16-2017, 07:14 PM
The Divinity holograph will be only be shared if you give me that Program.

No deal. Sorry. You need to see, understand, and acknowledge that fact that you can't tell the difference between your numerology and totally meaningless random connections based on WRONG NUMBERS. You've presented results as if they were very strong evidence and when I showed they were wrong, you say "OK, forget that. Look at this other thing I found!" And on and on it goes. You have no way to tell if there is any meaning to any of the patterns you find.

And my word countd are only in the small numbers since I knew that it was only correct up to word nr 729. That is why I have been asking you. But I did think that word nr 1899 was correct, so I did a mistake there. But my memory is refreshed. At least I have the first Chapter of Gen at disposal which you gave me. Thank you very much for that program:)

You're welcome. I'm glad to help. But to really accomplish my purpose, I need to have a way to help you see that you can't tell the difference between your numerology and totally meaningless random numbers. This is the key. You must open your eyes. You must see, understand, and admit the truth.

Take a look at this if you think I am playing:
- Total value of Vs(297) = 2X 10+711
- Total value of Vs(37) = 2X 10+777
- Total value of Vs(73) = 10 + Tri(112)

Just random ?? Nope, No way.
Excellent use of the notation. But I would suggest using a small "x" with a space on either side to make multiplication clearer. E.g. 2 x 10 + 711.

But why do you say it's not random? It looks totally random. The probability that you could find a connection with some numbers you like is near certainty because there are many, many numbers you like and you allow yourself to make combinations with other numbers like multiplying by 2 for no good reason (except that it creates the illusion of design in your mind).

06-16-2017, 07:22 PM
Yes, that's right. My mistake.
Well that is the really hard part because I have found some codes where the words in a verse is relative, but not all of them. More like a special word in that verse that signifies something.

The codes go deep both in meanings and connections. I like to see a verse like a package. This package has codes alone, sometimes it seems like the verse alone is the full package. But I have found verses that are ment to be integrated too, where the codes does not go up in one of them single handedly.

But if you think the meaning of the words in the verses are really relative to the stuff in this article and my connections.
Then maybe you can explain why Vs(2) Is encoded with the English Genesis 1:1 ???

Genesis 1:2
- Total value = 2X3 X 180 (Center word of verse nr 137X3) + 137X3
- Center words added is: 7X20 (Ordinal of the first half of Gen 1:1) + 451 (a Alpha 137 + 314 Pi) = 180 + 137X3
- The 3rd word is the 10th word of the Bible & its value = 137X3 English Genesis 1:1 (A=1 B=2 C=3) and hey we know that the English Genesis 1:1 has 10 words

How does this fit in with the English Genesis 1:1 ???
"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

It's the Million Dollar Question of the century

Hmmm oh that right ! Riddle is encoded into this all the way. Now I see, the words & theme of the verse does not have to have anything to do with the gematria codes of that verse. The Verse orders is clearly important. And sometimes even other details can be important like word nr 711 is found in verse nr 71, which has a total value of = 2X3 X 711

So I believe that there is a God and that he is the designer of this. He inspired this.

I guess you think Moses had a time machine and took a trip to America or England and read the King James bible ??
Ever tried to add the total values of verses ordered at: 1, 3, 7: 2701 + 813 + 4541 = 5X 1611 (The year the King James was written)

So Moses, he really had to spend some time in England or America. How long do you think he was here before he decided to jump back into ancient time ?? Do you think he took any selfies also and binged them back to Israel also ?? Must have been quite a trip :rofl:

Richard Amiel McGough
06-16-2017, 08:32 PM
Well that is the really hard part because I have found some codes where the words in a verse is relative, but not all of them. More like a special word in that verse that signifies something.


First, your use of the word "relative" makes no sense in English. I've explained this many times over the past few years. The word you are looking for is "relevant" not "relative." Here's the definition Google puts at the top when you search for the definition:

relevant: closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered.

Second, the reason some parts seem significant but "not all of them" is because you are cherry picking, which is the primary cause of delusions like numerology.

The codes go deep both in meanings and connections.

There are no "codes." A real code is logically consistent. For example, consider this code:

Uijt ufyu jt dpefe cz tijgujoh fbdi mfuufs gpsxbse cz pof. F.h. b jt sfqmbdfe cz c boe c jt sfqmbdfe cz d.

When it is decoded, it says:

This text is coded by shifting each letter forward by one. E.g. a is replaced by b and b is replaced by c.

This is a real code. The code is logically consistent and every letter of the code is accounted for. Your "codes" are nothing like this. They are completely inconsistent. They follow no rules. You just randomly make "connections" and think that proves something. Your numerology is utterly delusional. Why can't you see and understand this fact?

I've explained this a million times and you have ignored my words, which is really weird since you claim that you "love the truth".

I like to see a verse like a package. This package has codes alone, sometimes it seems like the verse alone is the full package. But I have found verses that are ment to be integrated too, where the codes does not go up in one of them single handedly.

There are no codes. You just make random connections without any logical consistency and call whatever you like in the random numbers a "code." It is utterly meaningless. Why do you ignore the truth?

But if you think the meaning of the words in the verses are really relative to the stuff in this article and my connections.

Again, the word you appear to be searching for is "relevant" not "relative."

I guess you think Moses had a time machine and took a trip to America or England and read the King James bible ??
Ever tried to add the total values of verses ordered at: 1, 3, 7: 2701 + 813 + 4541 = 5X 1611 (The year the King James was written)

So Moses, he really had to spend some time in England or America. How long do you think he was here before he decided to jump back into ancient time ?? Do you think he took any selfies also and binged them back to Israel also ?? Must have been quite a trip :rofl:
No, I don't think Moses had a time machine, and there's no reason to think so because there are no codes. You just make random connections with no logical consistency and delude yourself with the idea that it is a "code." You need to wake up.

06-16-2017, 08:47 PM
Well Richard. I think we will end this right here. Since you have gotten a lot of gems from me here.

And the fact that you just ignored verse nr 2 of the Bible (which you went through in you book) just shows the level of blindness.

137X3 = English Genesis 1:1 in A=1 B=2 C=3
180 = Center word of Vs(137X3)

Total value of Vs(2) = 2X3 X 180+137X3 = 18 X 197 (Guess how many letters my name has)
Center words added of Vs(2) = 180 + 137X3 = 3X 197

My name is Alexander Marcussen

A=1 B=2 C=3 of: Alexander Marcussen = There is no coincidence = 197

And yes I am real, this is me 3 years ago when I was working on a boat & when we stopped by a town and I went to the one and only disco there . I met a random guy (The drunk guy on the picture with the shirt) who was also a fisher. And we took a selfie. I wanted a memory from the town. We were only there around 6 hours before we left and we were only waiting anyways. It was Saturday also.

And you know what they say, 1 thing is a coincidence, 2 things is also random, but after 3 things it get improbable of being random.
I think I have found 4 places where I am encoded. This was 2 of them. The 2 others are quite something, but its going to get saved for my work. And I did not search for it. I just came over it.

Have a nice day Richard.

06-17-2017, 10:03 AM
137X3 = English Genesis 1:1 in A=1 B=2 C=3
180 = Center word of Vs(137X3)

Total value of Vs(2) = 2X3 X 180+137X3 = 18 X 197 (Guess how many letters my name has)
Center words added of Vs(2) = 180 + 137X3 = 3X 197

My name is Alexander Marcussen

A=1 B=2 C=3 of: Alexander Marcussen = There is no coincidence = 197

Genesis 11:9, עַל כֵּן קָרָא שְׁמָהּ בָּבֶל כִּי שָׁם בָּלַל יְהֹוָה שְׂפַת כָּל הָאָרֶץ, "al ken kara sh'mah bavel ki sham balal hashem sh'fat kol haaretz"

Therefore her name was called Babel, for there the Lord confused the language of the entire earth

"balal" = mingle, mix, confuse, confound

Like you are mixing the original Hebrew with English translations and Hebrew alphabet (gematria) with Latin alphabet.

LXX Genesis 11:9,

διὰ τοῦτο ἐκλήθη τὸ ὄνομα αὐτῆς σύγχυσις ὅτι ἐκεῖ συνέχεεν κύριος τὰ χείλη πάσης τῆς γῆς

verb συγχέω


from συν and χέω (to pour)

to pour together

"pour together" -- like also RAM did (with Hebrew and Greek gematria)

LXX Genesis 11:1, καὶ ἦν πᾶσα ἡ γῆ χεῖλος ἕν καὶ φωνὴ μία πᾶσιν

φωνὴ = a sound, noise, voice, language, dialect.

would this be the great voice with which Jesus blew out his last?

Mark 15:37,

ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς ἀφεὶς φωνὴν μεγάλην ἐξέπνευσεν

06-17-2017, 10:36 AM
LXX Genesis 3:8,

καὶ ἤκουσαν τὴν φωνὴν κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ περιπατοῦντος ἐν τῷ παραδείσῳ τὸ δειλινόν

And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the paradise towards the evening

Same voice?

(The name of God consists of just consonants)

06-17-2017, 11:13 AM
LXX Genesis 3:8,

καὶ ἤκουσαν τὴν φωνὴν κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ περιπατοῦντος ἐν τῷ παραδείσῳ τὸ δειλινόν

And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the paradise towards the evening

Same voice?

(The name of God consists of just consonants)

Hebrew Genesis 3:8,

וַיִּשְׁמְעוּ אֶת קוֹל יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהִים מִתְהַלֵּךְ בַּגָּן לְרוּחַ הַיּוֹם, ""vayishm'u et kol hashem elohim mithaleich bagan l'ruach hayom"


And they heard: There are many Aggadic midrashim, and our Sages already arranged them in their proper order in Genesis Rabbah and in other midrashim, but I have come only [to teach] the simple meaning of the Scripture [and such Aggadah that clarifies the words of the verses, each word in its proper way.

Thus he maybe does express that this voice is the most secret thing of the bible

"but I have come only [to teach] the simple meaning of the Scripture " -- אני לא באתי אלא לפשוטו של מקרא "v'ani lo bati ela lifshuto shel mikra"

is on the Rashi statue in Worms on the river Rhine in Germany


06-17-2017, 11:32 AM
Next verse Genesis 3:9,

And the Lord God called to man, and He said to him, "Where are you?"

where are you = אַיֶּכָּה, "ayekkah"


Rebi Shimon ben Pazi said: The word aiyeka is only used as a gematria equaling thirty-six .. . Midrash Zuta, Eichah 1:1

06-17-2017, 01:28 PM
Genesis 11:9, עַל כֵּן קָרָא שְׁמָהּ בָּבֶל כִּי שָׁם בָּלַל יְהֹוָה שְׂפַת כָּל הָאָרֶץ, "al ken kara sh'mah bavel ki sham balal hashem sh'fat kol haaretz"

Therefore her name was called Babel, for there the Lord confused the language of the entire earth

"balal" = mingle, mix, confuse, confound

Like you are mixing the original Hebrew with English translations and Hebrew alphabet (gematria) with Latin alphabet.

Syvius, I have understood that you don't accept Greek Gematria ??
On what basis exactly ? The Tree of Life & Knowledge ?

And God (The Almighty) has seen everything. Do you think he did not put English codes in the Hebrew Bible ?
I am very very very sure of it you see. But again, I have checked more than the 5 first verses also.

06-17-2017, 07:54 PM
I got curious if Richard was Encoded in the Bible. But the interesting part is when I get integrated with Richard.
Now Richard stands for some central connections in the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 since he found the Triangular connections.
I stand for the English Genesis 1:1 but I have also found some codes in the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 as well.

But before I start: I just have to say I like the word "Relative"
Definition of Relative
a person who is connected with another or others by blood or marriage.
something having, or standing in, some relation or connection to something else.
something dependent upon external conditions for its specific nature, size, etc. (opposed to absolute).

A=1 B=2 C=3
Richard Amiel Mcgough = 175
Alexander Marcussen = 197

Verse nr 175 (Gen 7:15 --- 715 = Anagram of 175)
- Has 13 words & 42 letters --- 42 = 6X7 --- 6+7 = 13 hmmm
- The nr of words & letters added is: 13 + 42 = 55 = Mid-point between 37 & 73
- Total value = 7+37 "In my Heart" (Heb) + 37X73 Gen 1:1 (Heb)
- Add word nr 13 & 7 = "The Lord God" (A=37 B=38 C=39)
- First word = 25 (Center letters added of English Genesis 1:1)
- Last word = 68 = mirror of "God" (Heb) = Same value as word nr 37X73, which you found Richard :thumb:
- First & Last words added = 93 "ahplA a" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 37 + 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Center word = 400 (Not significant as far as I can see)
- First, last & center words added = letters added in Gen 1:1 (Heb) from letter nr 37 to 73 when both are counted by rot.
- Word nr 7 & 11 = word nr 37 & 137 when counted by rotation. When added = 7 + 401

Verse nr 197 (Gen 8:13 --- Value of Vs(3) = 813)
- Total value = Prime nr 5X145 --- 145 = 7+28+37+73 = 13+22+37+73
- Add word nr 13 & 7 = 291 "earth" (Heb)
- First word = 31 (Mirror of the Prime order of 37) = "God" in singular
- Last word = 55 = Mid-point between 37 & 73
- First & last words added is: 31 + 55 = 86 "God"
- Center words added is: 20X7 + 8X37 = 7 + 28 + 401
- First, last & center words added = 3X37 + 137X3 --- One of my favorite numbers
- The 2nd word in this verse = 137X3
- The 7th word of this verse = 5th Triangle
- Add word nr 2 & 7 (Riddle) = Center word of Gen 1:1 (Heb) + Center letters in Gen 1:1 (Eng)

- The nr of words in Vs(175) = 13 = Prime order of 37
- The nr of words in Vs(197) = 22 = Prime order of 73
- The nr of letters in Vs(175) = 42 = Mirror of 24
- The nr of letters in Vs(197) = 83 = Prime nr 24

Verse nr 175 & 197 integrated
- First words added 25 + 31 = 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Last words added 68 + 55 = 123 (And this number just radiates design, the 4 center letters added in the 4 words surrounding the Center word in Gen 1:1 = 2X 123) --- Its easy like 123 or abc.
- First & last words added = 67 + 112 = "The Lord God" in Hebrew Standard & Ordinal added
- Total values = 32 X 257 "and said" (Heb) = 32 X Prime nr 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 32 X Center word of Vs(207 "Light")
- Center words = 2X 7+137X3 --- Letter nr 1618 (Golden Ratio) is found in word nr 7+137X3 --- Letter nr 7+137X3 is found in word nr 108 "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First, last & center words added = 2X 203 "created" (37th word by rotation in Gen 1:1)

And let me guys tell you something about the Golden Ratio. It is the most rare code of them all in my research. I have only found 1 singe clean Golden Ratio code that gets 1618. He usually uses references to it like number 7+137X3.
I thought I had found it more often but no, I checked.

And we know word nr 37X73 is found 7 verses after nr 197. I mean it's hard to prove that this is really relative/relevant. At least to in the academic world :P And that is probably because they don't like God.
But I mean we know what the numbers mean. I decoded a lot of them. But so did you Richard. I personally think that this information is relative. You believe what you want. But consider the hits.

Even the difference of the total values of these 2 verses = 2X Prime nr 108+112

But hey, look what I found:

- Letter nr 175 is found in word nr 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Letter nr 197 is found in word nr 52 "Riddle" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Order of the last letter in word nr 175 = 10X 68 = 10X value of last word in verse nr 175
- Order of the last letter in word nr 197 = 3X 257 = 3X Factor of total values added of Vs(175) & Vs(197)

But it gets even better, since Richard went through the 5 first verses of both Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 in his work.
- Letter nr 175 is found in the center word of verse nr 5 which has a value of = 5X 5th Triangle. This word is the 7th word of this verse & the letter is ordered as the 27th letter of this verse.
- Letter nr 197 is found in the 13th word of verse nr 5 (last word of this verse) as letter nr 7th Square of this verse. The value of the word where this letter is found = 13 (Prime order of 37) --- This letter is also the last letter of this verse.
- Values of letter nr 175 & 197 added is: 10 + 4 = 2X7 "Gold" (Heb)
- Add word nr 13 & 7 of Vs(5) which has both letter nr 175 & 197 in them = "The Lord" 26 + 62 (Mirror)
- Add the first, last & center word of Vs(5) = 5X "God" (A=1 B=2 C=3 + A=26 B=25 C=24)

- Word nr 175 is found in the 16th word (last word) of verse nr 14
- Word nr 197 is found in the 14th word of verse nr 16 :O
- Value of word nr 175 = Triangle nr 28 --- 28 = 7th Triangle = Nr of letters in Gen 1:1
- Value of word nr 197 = "Riddle" 27 "Light" + 137 a Alpha = First, Last & Center words added of the English Genesis 1:1
- Values added of word nr 175 & 197: 406 + 164 = 10 X 57 (Value of word nr 307 & verse order of word nr 777)

- Values added of words & letters ordered at 175 & 197 is: 10 + 406 + 4 + 164 = 1+7 X 73

Now while I wrote this I also noticed:

- Total value of Vs (175) = "In my Heart" 7+37 + 37X73 Genesis 1:1
- Total value of Vs(14) (that has word nr 175) = "In my Heart" 7+37 + 3700 (Total value of the 12 Tribes on the Breastplate of The High Priest) :eek: You must be really special Richard.
- So I don't have that same property in my 2 verses but if you add values of Vs(16) & Vs(197) = Prime nr 1367 --- 1367 = Prime nr 108+112

Now add the total values of verse nr 14 & 16 that has the word orders of our names and we get the 2 most rare numbers in my research = 1618 + 112th Triangle + 1618 :pray:
Since I have not found a clean 112th Triangle outside of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 yet if I recall correct.

Is funny that the nr of letters in our names = 37

Welcome to the Matrix, I mean reality Richard. Happy to have you onboard here :)

06-17-2017, 09:09 PM
Syvius, I have understood that you don't accept Greek Gematria ??
On what basis exactly ? The Tree of Life & Knowledge ?

And God (The Almighty) has seen everything. Do you think he did not put English codes in the Hebrew Bible ?
I am very very very sure of it you see. But again, I have checked more than the 5 first verses also.

didn't he put codes in any written text?

06-17-2017, 10:54 PM
Oh I don't know If you will find codes in let's say the book of Enoch or Jasher.
I have not checked them.

But I do know that there are a lot of codes in the original languages in the Bible. Like the version that is on this website.

Not everything connects just like we want and expect. But He connects.

And I have not found everything there, I feel that I have worked myself some levels up but there are probably a lot more.
I would need to learn programming to reach the level I want.

And if you don't accept Greek Gematria, then consider:
- The reason of John 1:1 having the value of 39X93
- 39 = "One Lord" (Heb) = "a Alpha" (Eng)
- And now we see why verse nr 7 = 137 + 777 + 39X93 (Not John 1:1 but "a Alpha" and it took some years before I figured that out)
- How is it that "Word" = 373 (37 & 73 merged) = Prime nr 75 --- CW of Vs(5) = 75
- And "the Word" = 443 = (86+86) 172 + 271 (e) = Prime nr 87 (Mid-Point between nr 37 & 137)
- Total value of Vs(39X93) = 112th Triangle + Center word of Vs(137X3) + Center word of Vs(777)

Yes, it all gets logical now.

Center word of Vs(39X93) = 137X3 + 125 "Genesis John" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

So I mean you have read probably everything on this thread. And I don't think there are so many threads in the whole world that has this kind of info on the Hebrew Bible. Nothing is a coincidence, that is my understanding of the codes of the Bible, and I hope people are able to see it here.

06-20-2017, 06:44 PM
Let's talk about something interesting Richard. We have gone trough a lot of connections to the English Genesis 1:1 & number 137 here with a lot of other stuff.

Values added of word nr 175 & 197: 406 + 164 = 10 X 57 (Value of word nr 307 & verse order of word nr 777

I think I just found the main connection to number 57.

57 in A=1 B=2 C=3 = "Golden" = "Bible Code" :yo:
Do you think this is Random ??

If you think it is then I am ready to debate it, since I don't think so :fencing:

Richard Amiel McGough
06-22-2017, 06:07 PM
Let's talk about something interesting Richard. We have gone trough a lot of connections to the English Genesis 1:1 & number 137 here with a lot of other stuff.

I think I just found the main connection to number 57.

57 in A=1 B=2 C=3 = "Golden" = "Bible Code" :yo:
Do you think this is Random ??

If you think it is then I am ready to debate it, since I don't think so :fencing:

A random coincidence? No way! I know it is not a coincidence because the Bible Code proves that I am the Angel of the Lord!

Richard Amiel McGough = 175 = The Angel of the Lord

Do you think this is random?

06-23-2017, 11:22 AM
A random coincidence? No way! I know it is not a coincidence because the Bible Code proves that I am the Angel of the Lord!

Richard Amiel McGough = 175 = The Angel of the Lord

Do you think this is random?

Haha, excellent reply :)

Lets start with the first signs that number 57 is special.
- Total value of Vs(57) = 37 + Total value of Vs(37th Triangle)
- Vs(37th Triangle) = First, middle & last words of Gen 1:1 + Total value of Gen 1:1
- First, & last words added of Vs(57) =5th Centered Hex X 7 = 7X 61 "Richard" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Center words of Vs(57) = Center words of Vs(86)
- First, last & center words added = 715 = (Pi) 314 + 401 --- --- Richard Amiel McGough= 175 (A=1 B=2 C03) & verse nr 175 is Gen 7:15
- Word nr 57 = First word with a value of = 27 + 401 = First & last letters of both the English & Hebrew Alphabets = Value of Center word in Vs(137)

Word nr 57 is found in verse nr 6
- First & last words added of Vs(6) = 377 --- I just got a new sim-card that I opened 30 minutes ago, guess what the Pin-code was ? It was 3770 :O But that was probably random. Just like when I took my last flight, which was from Scotland to Norway because my ticket was nr 77707. And my new passport I got 18 months ago starts with 3737 on the serial number in the back. Its all random... We live in a incredible random reality- What else can you call it ?? Because these numbers are incredible.
- Center word of Vs(6) = 95 "Light a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First, last & center words added = Mirror of 2X137

Do you still think its random ??

I mean Moses had to be a pretty smart guy. He managed to encode Pi, a Alpha & e into the Torah, as well as the Golden Ratio.And he put English messages in there too !
Einstein is kind of boring now compared to Moses, he knew advanced Physics 3500 years ago. Or maybe it was God


06-23-2017, 02:58 PM
The values of word nr 175 & 197 (values of our names) = 570
57 = "Golden" = "Bible Code" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

Total value of Vs(570) = 9X 373 "Word"
And there was Jesus too !

I guess both God & Jesus both verified this one :pray:

And there is a another message in Vs(570) if we look at both center words, since this verse has 10 words
- First = 407 "and"
- 2nd = 414 "The Fountain of Life" = 2X 207 "light"

And the other details of Vs(570)
- First word = 407 "and" = First word made up of 37 in the Bible
- Last word = Prime nr 86 "God" (Heb)
- Adding word nr 3 & 7 is: 407+407 = 37 + 777
- Adding words ordered at: 1, 3, 7 is: 407+407+407 (Same words) = 1221 --- 407 is made up of 37 so it connects to the 12 Tribes. But adding all lettes in Gen 1.1 from letter nr 12 to letter nr 21 = 23X37 --- Letter nr 12 in Gen 1:1 = Center letter in "God" --- Letter nr 21 in Gen 1:1 is letter nr 777 when counted by rotation in cycles
- First & last words added = 100 + 2X373 "Word" (Greek)
- Nr of words = 10
- nr of letters = 34 = Prime order of 137
- Nr of words + letters= 7+37 "In my Heart" (Heb)
- Center words added = 777 + 7+37 "In my Heart"

I am personally starting to think that number 777 comes very high on the list of important codes to God.
When I started writing this thread than I believed that the most golden code in the Bible was the 37th Triangle.
I am not sure about that anymore.

But hey at least we know that word nr 777 is found in verse nr 57, So we know why number 777 is seen is Vs(570) ;)

06-23-2017, 05:33 PM
Talking about random stuff here, have I mentioned that I am born in the year:
(Hebrew) "Jesus" 397 + 37th Triangle + 888 "Jesus" (Greek)

Yep, It's all.... just.... Random :)

But check out which verse has the value of my year ;) That is one incredible random thing, like super-incredible.

What year is you born Richard ? God probably throwed your year in there also if I know him right, but its not easy to predict Him. So where he puts it is another question.

But I can't make this stuff up either so go check that verse now.

Richard Amiel McGough
06-23-2017, 06:07 PM
Talking about random stuff here, have I mentioned that I am born in the year:
(Hebrew) "Jesus" 397 + 37th Triangle + 888 "Jesus" (Greek)

Yep, It's all.... just.... Random :)

But check out which verse has the value of my year ;) That is one incredible random thing, like super-incredible.

What year is you born Richard ? God probably throwed your year in there also if I know him right, but its not easy to predict Him. So where he puts it is another question.

But I can't make this stuff up either so go check that verse now.
So you really believe I am the Angel of the Lord because this can't be a random coincidence?

Richard Amiel McGough = 175 = The Angel of the Lord

06-23-2017, 06:26 PM
First off, it's about choosing the rights words also since mankind is not created stupid :yo:

Now I am born in the year 1988.

I am probably the one who discovered most connections to English Genesis 1:1 in the Hebrew Bible. (and I have a lot that I have not shared)
- The first verse with a value of 1988 (397+703+888) is in fact verse nr 89 !!!
- 89 = Center words added of the English Genesis 1:1 !!!
- I am probably the one who was the first to see just how incredibly important the center words are and I found patterns to them !
- The Center word of verse nr 89 = 39 "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3) I discovered many English Connections ! and specially "a Alpha" !
- First & last words added of this verse = 13X26 "The Lord"
- The First, Last & Center words added = 377 !!!
- I was the one who discovered the significance of the total value & center word(s) in Genesis 37:7 !!!

Well now you know at least and everyone else here. I can even give you the telephone number to my mother on mail here if you do not believe I am born in 1988.

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 137X3
- Center words of English Gen 1:1 is "created the" = 89

So yeah, God exists, eternal life is possible and Jesus is the Messiah.

And you were right when you wrote this book Richard, you can go and remove that "Debunked" delusion from this website and your book.

07-17-2017, 01:38 PM
Richard, snap out of it:
Total values added of:
Verse nr 37X73 + Verse nr 1899 is: 1981 + 4715 = 2X Total value of verse nr 137th Triangle

Total value of verse nr 137th Triangle (9453)
= 7X207 "Light" (Hebrew) + 1899


Ha! Get real Alex. You could have chosen from thousands of numbers to make a "connection" so there's no "checkmate." You could have found a connection with 56 (the value of light in English gematria) or 2 x 56 or 3 x 56 or 37 or 73 or 37 x 73 or any one of thousands of other possibilities. Therefore, the fact that you found a "connection" with a number you like is meaningless.

Here's the problem. You have connected so many numbers to Genesis that you now have the ability to connect any random number you want, so the fact that you found a connection is completely meaningless.

And you should know that I am one step ahead of you most of the time :) But I like to save some stuff for my work also but I will end with this:

Total values added of Vs(37th Triangle) + Vs(137th Triangle) is: 4311 + 3348 = 37 X 207 "Light"

Some say "see to believe" and we have seen. And there is a lot more.

Its quite interesting that the center words added of Verses ordered at: 7T, 37T, 73T & 112T = 2017 (found that one today)
- The date today is: 7/17/17
- Nr of words in Gen 1:1 = 7 --- Nr of words in John 1:1 = 17
- Nr of words in both the Hebrew & English Genesis 1:1 is: 7 + 10 = 17
- 2017 = Prime nr 307 (mirror of the 37th Triangle)
- Center words added of Vs(7th Triangle) = 17X37
- Center words added of Vs(17) = 777 = "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (A=26 B=25 C=24)

07-26-2017, 10:52 AM
I have to admit that I find number 1899 very interesting. Checked some connections yesterday and it really seems to add up.
I know you think that I am being selective on what is relevant or not. And I do respect that, but I don't think so like I have stated before.

You also mentioned that I found so many connections to Genesis 1:1 that you can find something in everything.
But there are endless of very meaningful connections there. Too meaningful to be random all the way. And he definitely uses a lot of methods.

I have also done some research into number 377 to see if it reflects Genesis 1:1 or Genesis 37:7.
And it seems to point more to Genesis 1:1, so I don't think it points to Genesis 37:7 anymore.
And Genesis 37:7 is probably not the most reflected verse of Genesis 1:1. (Like I have stated before)
I have been given it a lot of though and the special thing with Genesis 37:7 is that it is the first of 7 verses that is found in a chapter 37 as verse nr 7. That is the big clue. Now since it has 7 & 37 in their verse & chapter orders, it points to Genesis 1:1.
I jumped on the "most reflected verse" train too fast there.
But that verse is pure gold in the codes so its still one of my favorite verses.

Total value of Genesis 37:7 = 4918 = 37(T) + its center of gravity (313) + 73(T) + its center of gravity (1201)

So I was wondering (because of my curiosity) if you would like to give me the results of word nr 1899 & 4918 ?
and if you are in a good mood then maybe you could throw in the results for the letter order of 4918 also ?

I will give you the best code I know where you see the English Genesis 1:1 is encoded into the Hebrew Bible in exchange for it.
It is quite a diamond.

08-07-2017, 08:31 AM
Well, I guess you were not in the mood for that then... But since you like those 23 multiples of 37 found in Genesis 1:1 so much then I thought I had to share this with you:

Total value of verse nr 137 = Center word of verse nr 23X37 + 37X73

Have you ever checked the first verse that has a word with a value of 23X37 ??
- It is verse nr 2X (Prime nr 3X7 + 401) --- 401 is the only Primed word in Genesis 1:1 & its CW
- Total value = 52 X 112 "The Lord God" (Heb)
- 52 = "The Lord" ord + Stand in Heb.
- First word = 123 = Mirror of the Center Word in Vs(23X37) = the 37th word when counted by rot. in this verse
- Last Word = 575 = Center Word in Vs(114 = Mirror of 137X3) = Center word in Vs(7297 = 4 Digits of a Alpha)
- There are 2 Center words in this verse: (1) = 112+211 --- (2) = 3X112 (Which are the codes that signify start and end in the 888 Holograph)
- Center Words added = Prime nr 56+65 --- 56 = "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3) --- 112/2 = 56
- First & last words added = 2X 137+212 --- Word nr 37 that starts with letter nr 137 & this is the word "light" with a value of = 212
- First, last & center words added = 23 X 18th Prime ---- 23X18 = "The Fountain of Life" = 2X 207 "light"
- The 5th word is the 137th word by rotation in this verse = 2X 7X7X7
- Add the words ordered at 37 & 137 when counted by rotation = 809 = Prime nr 3X47 --- 47 = Prime order of 37 + Prime order of 137

I mean it can seem like a jump since I connected 137 & 23X37 in the total value of Vs(137), but I don't think so since these numbers are quite big in the codes. The 23 multiples of 37 is after all a very exclusive feature to Genesis 1:1.

Lets take a look at verse nr 23X37
- First word of this verse = Prime nr 7+112
- Last word = 95 "Light a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = The verse order where we find the first word with a value of 137
- When we count the CW by rot. & we hit the numbers: 428 = CW in Vs(137) --- 447 = CW in Vs(112)
- First & last words added = 2X 371 (anagram of 137)
- First, last & center words added = Prime nr 180 --- 180 = Center Word in Vs(137X3)
- The 5th word of this verse = 137X3 = English Genesis 1:1 (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Count the 5th word by rotation in this verse & it hits the numbers: 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3) --- "a Alpha" 39+137 --- 442 = CW in Vs(3773) --- (Eng) "In the beginning" 137 + 913 "In the beginning" (Heb)
- The 7th word of this verse = 7 + 10 = Words added in both the Hebrew & English Genesis 1:1
- Add word nr 3 & 7 = 90 "King" (Heb)
- Add words ordered at: 1, 3, 7 = 737 --- The Center word in Vs(737) = 27 Riddle" & "light" = (A) 1 + 26 (Z)

Adding the center words of Genesis 1:1 & Vs(737) = 428 = Center word in Vs(137)

The total value connection in Vs(23X37) is getting saved for my work.
But at least wee see that it was not a jump at all when I found the total value connection in Vs(137).

And here is something you can think about when it comes to the Treasure Holograph:
- Total value of Vs(137X3 + 777) + Total value of Vs(711) = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Codes" 46 X 112+137
- The value of the word where we find letter nr 1899 (137X3+777+711) = 112+137
- Center word in Vs(23X37) = 3 X 107 "Treasure" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- The Center word of Vs(37th Triangle) = 7 X 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

Now since I just gave you some incredible stuff, then maybe you would like to give us those results for word & letter nr 4918 & word nr 1899.
Because those two numbers are very important. I trust you understand that by now.

08-09-2017, 07:29 AM
I have to clarify another thing I just found out.

So my name = 197 in A=1 B=2 C=3
And the total value 2nd Verse = (Nr of letters in my name) 18 X 197 = 2X3 X (CW in Vs(137X3) + 137X3)

But number 197 is also prime nr = 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
So I think that may be the connection and not my name.

Let's take a look at verse nr 197 again
- The total value = Prime nr 314+137X3 (Pi is found down to 5 digits in the Hebrew Genesis 1:1)
- When we count by rotation the 2nd word = 46th & its value = 137X3 English Genesis 1:1 (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- The nr of words in this verse = 22 = nr of letters in the Hebrew Alphabet
- The nr of letters = 83 = Factor of "In the beginning" (Heb)
- The nr of words & letters added = Triangle 7+7
- First & lasts words added of this verse = 86 "God"
- Center words added = 7 + 28 + 401
- First, last & Center words added = 3X37 + 137X3
- Add word nr 1 & 3 = "In the beginning" 137 + 89 (CW of English English 1:1) + 137X3 (English Genesis 1:1)
- Add word nr 3 & 7 = 3X 207 "light"
- Add words ordered at: 1, 3, 7 = 4X Prime nr 39 "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- The 7th word = 5th Triangle (light is created in the first day which is described in the 5 first verses) = 73rd word by rotation in this verse
- The 37th word by rotation = 401 = Center word & word nr 137 by rotation in Genesis 1:1
- The 137th word by rotation = 5X Prime nr 3X7 --- Prime nr 3X7 = "God" in English standard
- Add word nr 7 & 37 by rot. = Center word in verse nr 37
- Add the words that hits the numbers 37 & 137 when counted by rotation = 7 X 108 "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

I have to admit that its quite hard sometimes to spot the right meaning of a numbers at times. But I always make sure to do reality checks.
But I am not sure if the total value of verse nr 2 points to me or its prime order: 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3).
But I think verse nr 197 points to "Codes".

I am sorry for the back and forth here, but the codes are very delicate and I hope everybody understands the complexity of this so the chance of taking a wrong step is easy.

08-17-2017, 07:03 PM
So its riddle time again.

In Genesis 1:1
- Nr of letters = 7th Triangle
- 2 last words = 37th Triangle
- Total value = 73rd Triangle

7 (T) + 37 (T) + 73 (T) = 3432

Now why does verse nr 3432 have a total value of = 2698 = 3X7th Prime X 38 ???
I would not call that connection a major connection.

So what do you think the major connection is ??
I mean it should be something big, right ?
Because those 3 Triangular codes in Gen 1:1 does not seem exactly random.

I will give you the first clue to find it:
- The center word in verse nr 3432 = English Genesis 1:1 137X3 + its mirror

It should be enough to find the main connection that is in the total value.
But it's not a easy one, Good luck.

I will give you the next clue if you fail.

08-17-2017, 07:20 PM
And if Richard does not reply in lets say 48 hours, then the riddle goes to the public

But I will give the answer even though I want to save it for my work.
But it feels good, so why not & It's always fun to share the big stuff :)

I just found this out, and the best part is that I found the answer first which is a connection. Then I searched the number in the gematria search bar and arrived at this verse. Incredible is a understatement when you see the main connection to this.

08-19-2017, 07:10 PM
Behold, here is the answer:

Total value of verse nr (7T + 37T + 73T) = 2698

Total value of verse nr 137X3 + Total value of verse nr 37X73 - 137X3 - 37X73 = 2698

The middle word/Center word of this verse = 137X3 + its mirror.

English Genesis 1:1 = 137X3
Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 37X73

I think I hit a jackpot :)

08-23-2017, 10:44 PM
I just corrected some spelling-errors in the first part of the first page.
Which is the most important one of this Thread. So its not a nightmare to read it now :)

I added a few codes to the patterns of 9 & 37. Quite interesting results I have to say.
There was also a error with the 777 Holograph that is fixed. The "112th Square" was not in the picture for some reason when I uploaded it here. Sorry for that guys.

08-24-2017, 04:58 PM
But i know people always want some more proof.

So now take a look at this, i dont think it is the "Golden Hit" (which is a theory i am having) which you find in some other details other than the total values of these 7 verses that reflects the 7 Words of Genesis 1:1
But the sum of the 7 total values is quite remarkable. It demonstrates his accuracy which is supreme.
It is one of my favirite finds of all the codes i have found.




Now the Breastplate of the High Priest which has the 12 names of Israel, has a total value of 3700 (37X100)
Interesting ? Well take a look at the value of Israel (541) = Star nr 10.

So the numbers 1, 10, 100 & 1000 is very important to God. They all connect to number 1 & 10
- 1 X 10 = 10 (4th Triangle) = 3+7 = Nr of Words in English Genesis 1:1 = Nr of Commandments = Order of the Star of Israel (541)
- 100 = 10th Square = English ordina added of the names of: "God" (26) + "Jesus" (74)
- 1000 = 10th Cube = The added values of: "The Lord God" (112) + "Jesus" (888)

I have also noticed a lot of conenctions between the numbers 10 & 37 in the Bible.
Adding their figurate orders is: 3 (10) + 4 (37) = 7
- The first Word with a value of 112 in the Bible is the first Word of verse nr 10 + 37
- 112 = "The Lord God" (Full central name of God)

Yes Desmild, everybody always wants more proofs, when sufficient proofs are already available.

Anyway there is only about four members HEREON, and maybe twenty non responding readers. (Forget the stats, they are padded to the max.)
So consider this more of an open email to yourself, seeing that at least you are HERE sometimes.

Agreed, Genesis 1, is gematria in its pure form... and shows that Hebrew and English were mathematical in their divine origins.

Hopefully you have explained in detail, how the Lord speaks mathematically perfect words, that balance and harmonize together.... if you are trying to write a book etc... He spoke and every created force, law, light, photon obeyed because they had to obey their Creator. And all vibrations or matter made, had to be connected mathetically to all other matter and forces and LAWS.

For Genesis 1, is exact and shows perfection...with Creation unfolding from this perfection of math and created Universe and created things and LIFE itself. The heathen and the unscientific evbolutionists would hate this and do hate this.

Therefore do consider, writing about the WORD, how the summation of letter values to add up to a creation.... in your writings.

I dont get completely into gematria because other than a few places like Genesis 1 does the spelling NOT change and is exact. For as you note, spelling mistakes or errors makes gematria easily manipulated.... but Genesis 1 is a GIVEN and a solid building block.

Hence, I shall say Yes, 37 is important...whoops all numbers in sequence are important and the Lord went through them one by one in order


(thats sacred geometry) and 47 is the point in his physics which is called the Fine Structure Constant which incorporates and expands 37, and 137.. Just ask I shall expand....and 73 is a mirror..... of 37 and it seems to be the vibrating opposite.... as with what I was talking about with the electron shells of gold... maybe we shall go in that direction....

OK, so now I am trying to comprehend Hologram and mathematics and what I have discovered in case that helps you in any way.

A hologram is not just two demensional but three demensional.... as speace composes three demensions and must have time to exist..

Consequently going back to magic squares which are balanced and can be used for sequential firing according to a created pattern..... I was thinking in terms of the Magic Square of the Sun/Son



And amazingly we are back to leviatation .. http://www.davidjayjordan.com/LevitationandMagicSquares.html as it relates to gold and how it relates to levitation

Yet the magic square of the Sun is 37 times 3 in all directions making 111 (gateway) and adds up to 666 in two demensions, whereas the Lords creations are even more complicated mathematically with its three demensions of mathematics and additions.

Beyond what my mind can calculate, off hand but what surely can be found out if our basics are correct and we proceed properly with His guidance.

So go for it.... but do get the spellings right... as the Great I am, is perfect in His MATH and LAWS and Additions, He and even more so in His multiplications or re-productions or re-Creations via Gensis reproduction of Adam and Eve uniting. Ahh sweet union of creations, to obey the first LAW of the Lord...reproduction through love and union.

08-24-2017, 05:03 PM
Yes, Desmild... the Lords Breastplate on the Lords perfected Priest/Priestess was mathematically perfect, so as to incorporate all those that choose Him as their Messiah.


Yahwehs Numbers and Breast Plate

Because the Torah like the rest of the Bible was written under the inspiration of God, it has to be remembered that it was
written in an alphanumeric language. Hebrew, like Greek has numeric values associated with each of its letters. This isn't
new age mysticism but an old age truth.

Yahweh's sacred and intimate name of YHWH, or Yod-He-Vau-He numerically adds up 10+5+6+5 = 26. In its sacred
triangular or trinity form of unfoldment, it adds up to the GREAT Number 72. Therefore by studying the numbers created
even in the very first sentence of Genesis and through-out the Bible, a person with an open mind has to be truly amazed at
the multiples, correlations and balance of the numbered words. As said before, knowing such truths gives faith even to
someone who might have started out as a skeptic. Numbers don't lie, and can give a solid foundation of not just belief but
knowing the truth, so as to set you free as well as others. If interested check out gematria, or in other words geometry, via
an internet search. Even try http://ortk.org/gematria.htm. This site is a little complicated and advanced whereas the simple
facts I will be getting at is there.

And because this web-site is Old Testament oriented, and under the impression that Yahweh is going to miraculously
convert All Israel, you might be interested in learning this concept as a witnessing tool so as to mentally lead even a
skeptic Jewish person into realizing that the name of Jesus Christ was written on the BREASTPLATE of the High Priest.

It's true you could show them Daniel 9 and the numbers and Time Line that show the true Messiah had to die in 30A.D.
which is the year of Jesus's crucifixion, but let's look even further into the Torah into Exodus 28:17-20, From the
above-mentioned web-site, Page 4. You'll notice the names and corresponding numbers associated with each tribal name.

Dan is 54, Asher 501, Issachar 830 and Zebulon 95, they add up to 1480. While the last three Ephraim 331, Manasseh
395 and Benjamin 162 add up to 888. Then when you consider that Jesus Christ in Greek , Isesous Xristos, yields a value
of exactly the same numbers 1480 and 888. You get an exact correlation between Greek and Hebrew. And because with
your basic study of the truths of the Genesis numbers, you soon realize, rationally and logically that the name of Jesus
Christ was written right on the BreastPlate of the Priesthood, because He was the High Priest.

The more you study Yahweh's number of 26 and his great Number 72, with the correlation with Jesus full number of
3168, when the word Lord(Kurios in Greek)is added before his sacred Name, the more your mind and heart will start to
connect up truths of his Creation and how all his creation unfolded. The Lord truly can boggle your mind with his
amazing balance, consistency, and exactness even within his revealed mysteries.

So if you might want to gain faith, so as to be beyond the up's and downs of religious feeling, emotions, social
acceptability etc. etc. If you may want to get beyond mere hope check out the Lord's numbers. They are true everyday and
can even persuade any open-minded, show me and I'll believe, skeptic, even those of Jewish heritage.

True science and true math, always leads to true religion and the ultimate Creation by Yahweh or the Lord of Lords.
IMO What do you reckon?

Shalom in His Mathematical Name

David Jay Jordan

For advanced mathematics on this SEE Pentagrammaton and 444

Written by myself long ago.... or discovered by me long ago, when researching gematria.

Whatever each vibration or stone was vibrationally made to all add up to the GRAND TOTAL.

Ha probably divisable by 144... worth a check

Got to fly, literally and we will literally.

And the unbelievers and evolutionists will be stuck in the mud and pits of their own making.



08-24-2017, 07:59 PM
Hello DavidJayJordan

You went into a lot of subjects in you two replies there.
But you mentioned some codes that would be worth showing on this website like the 666 magic Square & the first Prime magic square that sums to 111 in every angle. Which is x8 times so that it equals 888. Even number 37 is in the center of it.

But this thread was mainly focused on the English Genesis 1:1 & the Holographs of 666, 777 & 888.
They are gems. But I have not given you guys all connections, yet.

but my book is far from complete, but I feel like I am done in my understanding on the codes now. At least most of it.
There are still a few numbers that I have to pin down but I think I will figure out their connections.

but you said this:

Hopefully you have explained in detail, how the Lord speaks mathematically perfect words, that balance and harmonize together.... if you are trying to write a book etc... He spoke and every created force, law, light, photon obeyed because they had to obey their Creator. And all vibrations or matter made, had to be connected mathetically to all other matter and forces and LAWS.

And I am not going to talk about vibrations in my book. I think my codes will be quite enough to show people that God is the creator. And I will acknowledge him as the Creator in my book. So It should be enough.
But my favorites are the Holographs, I have a Holograph that I named the Divinity Holograph. Its quite beautiful and I think that it will be the diamond of my book.
Its not a Holograph where I use the method of the 666. 777 or 888 Holograph's but there will come a lot of like those too.

But they say that God created the universe through the Hebrew Alphabet. I have not read the source of that info, so I don't really know about that.
But I have seen some codes that might point to it.
But if you have a quote about this part where God, vibrations and creation comes into play then please share it and it will be considered.

Yeah the spelling errors are a little pain but I'm rather sloppy in here.
I don't take this thread too serious because it was really a thread to Richard only because I promised to show him some examples of Holographs.
I could have chosen other verses that the ones marked by 666, 777 & 888 but I just could not resist giving you those.
So I have given you guys some quite big gems here that will be in my book. The values added of the 7 verses that reflects Gen 1:1 (1+7 X100+37X37) are also a very unique diamond.
But there is always more like you say & I am determined to make a book that we have never seen before.
But after checking so many things now. I am quite confident that I will be satisfied with the result now. And that means that people will see that God is the Creator when they read it.

But the question for me is: How long shall I make my book ?
Shall I go through the 5 first Chapters ?
or 10 first Chapters ?
or 500 first verses ?
But I will go into many other verses beyond 500 also so I was thinking about maybe just taking the 5 or 10 first chapters.
But the book will be quite big I think. Maybe over 500 pages if I really want to push it. And I will have to print it in colors with some of the pages with black backgrounds.
And my book cant be small. It has to be big in dimensions also since certain Holographs has so many details. And its hard to read if its a tiny book.
I think the book will be very expensive in other words... but I will make a website like Richard did and make everything of it available for free too.
So I don't really think people will be willing to give lets say 50$ for a book (I don't know how expensive it will be). Since the coloring will be expensive.

But I will be learning computer programming this year. So I am ordering some books on programming next week.

08-25-2017, 07:17 AM

Hello DavidJayJordan

You went into a lot of subjects in you two replies there.
But you mentioned some codes that would be worth showing on this website like the 666 magic Square & the first Prime magic square that sums to 111 in every angle. Which is x8 times so that it equals 888. Even number 37 is in the center of it.

The magic square of the Sun/Son is HERE http://www.davidjayjordan.com/MagicSquareoftheSun.html

01 - 35 - 34 - 03 - 32 - 06 = 111
30 - 08 - 28 - 27 - 11 - 07 = 111
24 - 23 - 15 - 16 --14 - 19 = 111
13 - 17 - 21 - 22 - 20 - 18 = 111
12 - 26 - 09 - 10 - 29 - 25 = 111
31 - 02 - 04 - 33 - 05 - 36 = 111

All Columns = 111 times 6 = 666

And Yes it adds up to 111 in all directions, in other words balanced...which is why mathematically it can be a firing order in filling space. Physics concerns space and matter in a cube, or lets say a squared square meaning a magic square that also has a depth to it. Ha, that makes it almost incomprehensible for our little minds to comprehend.

Nevertheless a square, that is magical, adds up in two demensions and makes 111

(This being the main reason or confirmation that 111 is the gateway, making 111 hertz the creative balanced equal GATEWAY and pathway to creation.

http://www.davidjayjordan.com/111Gateway.html )

But this thread was mainly focused on the English Genesis 1:1 & the Holographs of 666, 777 & 888.
They are gems. But I have not given you guys all connections, yet.

Agreed, English is an alphanumeric language, designed by the Lord, just like Hebrew... Genesis 1 is exact mathematically as of course the Lord created the heavens and the special unique Earth

but my book is far from complete, but I feel like I am done in my understanding on the codes now. At least most of it.
There are still a few numbers that I have to pin down but I think I will figure out their connections.

My understanding is that all numbers in their sequence or additive numbering all, are connected, all must be fired, because all creation was made by the Lord. All numbers must be harmonic, basically meaning they all must have a prime number that fits into them. Primes all must be reached in order, and doing so means all numbers/vibrations have been tuned together with 1, and the ONE of Creation.

http://davidjayjordan.com/PrimeNumberFrequencyPropulsion.html Credit to Dutch

but you said this:
Hopefully you have explained in detail, how the Lord speaks mathematically perfect words, that balance and harmonize together.... if you are trying to write a book etc... He spoke and every created force, law, light, photon obeyed because they had to obey their Creator. And all vibrations or matter made, had to be connected mathematically to all other matter and forces and LAWS.

And I am not going to talk about vibrations in my book. I think my codes will be quite enough to show people that God is the creator. And I will acknowledge him as the Creator in my book. So It should be enough.

Stick to your area of expertise, but usually people will not understand the math and not connect it up, even though in the minds of math types it might be understandable, even if they cant put it in words. Ha, so maybe the solution is to put the math into words, just as the Lord literally did. A number represented a creation, and all creations were joined as one.. T.O.E. In other words, THE LORD SPOKE, and matter was created because the Lords WORDS were divine and powerful and creative, balanced, harmonic and designed etc. etc... Its the WORD or LOGOS LAW. Just a hint of this, might be helpful.

But my favorites are the Holographs, I have a Holograph that I named the Divinity Holograph. Its quite beautiful and I think that it will be the diamond of my book.
Its not a Holograph where I use the method of the 666. 777 or 888 Holograph's but there will come a lot of like those too.

But they say that God created the universe through the Hebrew Alphabet. I have not read the source of that info, so I don't really know about that.
But I have seen some codes that might point to it.

But if you have a quote about this part where God, vibrations and creation comes into play then please share it and it will be considered.

Nah, stick to what you know.. as it might get confusing if you dont understand it. Its basic is that everything has a basic resonate frequency. Do an internet search...everything. Vibration is not a semantic term but a scientific one, everything must harmonise and it does ...simply by the power and creative abilities of the Lord. But you can;t comprehend vibration, hertz per second clearly unless you understand that time is by design, vibrations per SECOND, is time design. Seconds are by DESIGN...sacred geometry shows this conclusively http://www.davidjayjordan.com/SacredGeometry.html
Its the ancient truth that distances, speeds and times are all related. Knowing this makes understanding vibrations simple... a complete wave of a particle in a specific time frame called a SECOND. Its actually an exact mixing of numbers with creation, a firing order, a logical sequence in creating all matter and all life. SEE basic book Creating your own Universe... a horrible title, but great teacher.... who wrote it even though he misses the greatest point in the end.)

As for Jesus, He is the ultimate of 111 ... http://www.davidjayjordan.com/Jesus888111.html Some good websites for that one



Keep going Bro..... if I can be a help, let me know....



08-25-2017, 07:29 AM
Sorry about the color coding mess above.... but you can figure it out.

The last hyper or LINK interests me..... http://www.davidjayjordan.com/Pentagrammatonand444.html ..... as I am working on the structure of Gold.... Ha alchemy

37 is the fine structure constant, the boundary between .....

Whoops just saw something http://www.davidjayjordan.com/VibratingVowelsofYHWH.html

Desmild, there is HIS ALL-POWERFUL NAME again, that in the NAME OF JESUS we can have power..... if our hearts are Right and the timing is RIGHT and our motivation is RIGHT etc etc.... it is a vibration, when we hit the right vibrating vowels of His most sacred name the Tetragrammaton.... or 72 lettered name.

Or its the triangular pyramidal name of YHWH that adds up to 72.... thats gematria again... at http://www.davidjayjordan.com/Pentagrammatonand444.html

So there be more insight about vibration, a literal vibration in our voice, straight from the heart (not counterfeited with attempted resonances from our brain or study, but an input a true vibration of the heart and soul to our Lord and Creator) determines our power in prayer and changing things.

Whoops my darling just woke up and so must finnish up...

Coffe Time

09-11-2017, 11:20 AM
Ok guys, so I misconnected a couple of things in the 666 Holograph & 1 thing in the 888 Holograph.
But its corrected through commentary under the images marked in Red
So the Holographs makes a bit more sense now at least.

And David. I won't focus on vibrations in my book at least. There are far many other interesting things to bring up there.
And like you said: "Focus on what you know" and I totally agree.

09-14-2017, 06:57 AM
Ok guys, so I misconnected a couple of things in the 666 Holograph & 1 thing in the 888 Holograph.
But its corrected through commentary under the images marked in Red
So the Holographs makes a bit more sense now at least.

And David. I won't focus on vibrations in my book at least. There are far many other interesting things to bring up there.
And like you said: "Focus on what you know" and I totally agree.

Desmild, go with what you know...... a hologram is a three demensional image made from light.

Its a creation of the Lord, after He made LIGHT... an expansion into three demensions... again thats physics, three demensions...a cube, a division of space.... a quantum of space (as size matters not, only ratios and properties matter).

And magic squares are an additive mathematical balance of a firing order, that is stable.

(Do consider the KNIGHTS MOVE not just in a square but in a cube...)

111 is the additive of a 1-36 numbered side, and the total is 666 in adding all the sides together...

Consequently, the numbers can have meaning, and show a design...rather than just numbers added for seemingly no reason, and a center point or points avergaed magically without explanation.

An explanation of why you do a mathematical procedure, might make people consider the design of the Lord in His CREATION, but just manipulated numbers, seem like a slight of hand to me.... and therefore not of much value.


Thats my input



09-19-2017, 08:26 PM
Ok guys. I have a dilemma.

I missed a lot of connections in the 777 Holograph.
That Holograph is maybe the most incredible Holograph i have found to this date.
The version of it that is in this thread now is far from done.

So i have worked on this the last days. And its something else now.
And i am not finished with it yet, you guys wont believe how many connections there are.

So is it wrong of me to let you guys just stick with the old version, or should i re-upload it to you guys and give you its true glory as it is now ? It will get better in time, but that Holograph is not just 1 day or 2 with work like i foolishly believed.

I plan of making the book finished within a year, so it would not take too long until you will see it. And the 777 Holograph is now the main punchline of the whole book, I don't really think that I will ever find anything that can beat it either.

So should i share it or wait ?? What do you guys think ?
If i share it now, much of the rest in the book will seem boring compared to it.

Richard Amiel McGough
09-23-2017, 05:48 PM
Ok guys. I have a dilemma.

I missed a lot of connections in the 777 Holograph.
That Holograph is maybe the most incredible Holograph i have found to this date.
The version of it that is in this thread now is far from done.

So i have worked on this the last days. And its something else now.
And i am not finished with it yet, you guys wont believe how many connections there are.

So is it wrong of me to let you guys just stick with the old version, or should i re-upload it to you guys and give you its true glory as it is now ? It will get better in time, but that Holograph is not just 1 day or 2 with work like i foolishly believed.

I plan of making the book finished within a year, so it would not take too long until you will see it. And the 777 Holograph is now the main punchline of the whole book, I don't really think that I will ever find anything that can beat it either.

So should i share it or wait ?? What do you guys think ?
If i share it now, much of the rest in the book will seem boring compared to it.
Hey there Desmild, :yo:

How ya doing? It's been a while since we chatted.

As for your question, I think it's always best to present your best evidence. Why wait? If it's real, don't you want the world to know?

It may be interesting to discuss.

All the best,


09-23-2017, 06:36 PM
Hey :yo:, good to hear from you again Richard and thank you for your response.

I am currently dealing with some codes in a particular special "place" in the codes if you will.

I think that part I am working on now would be a great pick to start from.
But its massive. We can start with the first part of it and go from there if you will.
I am working on part nr 2, 3 & 4 of it also, I have done a lot on those parts already so it should now be many days until completion I hope. But don't mind the minor grammar errors on the punctuations; those details come at the end when the codes are written.

(I found out that black backgrounds and the yellow writing may make the reading a bit difficult so I have decided to change my images it to dark blue instead)

Richard Amiel McGough
09-23-2017, 07:02 PM
Hey :yo:, good to hear from you again Richard and thank you for your response.

I am currently dealing with some codes in a particular special "place" in the codes if you will.

I think that part I am working on now would be a great pick to start from.
But its massive. We can start with the first part of it and go from there if you will.
I am working on part nr 2, 3 & 4 of it also, I have done a lot on those parts already so it should now be many days until completion I hope. But don't mind the minor grammar errors on the punctuations; those details come at the end when the codes are written.

(I found out that black backgrounds and the yellow writing may make the reading a bit difficult so I have decided to change my images it to dark blue instead)
Hey there Alexander,

Your graphics are getting better. They were much too large in the past. Your current ones are easier to view.

A lot of your work is obviously derived from what Vernon Jenkins and I developed, which I called the Creation Holograph (https://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Creation.php). Here are some graphics from my article that make this clear:



So what is it about your work that adds anything new?


09-23-2017, 07:38 PM
Yes the graphics are at a better size now. But what do you think about the background color; should it be black or dark blue ?

So what is it about your work that adds anything new?

Not everything is new like we know. But I have not read all of Jenkins work.
And I bet he did not check the patterns of this like I did.

Like for example:
First, last & center letters + center word of Gen 1:1 = Center word of verse nr 3773
I don't think mr. Jenkins or you spotted that one, maybe I'm wrong.

So lets say Jenkins spotted that one.

Do you think he spotted that the total value of verse nr 37 = 2X 10+777 = also?
And that the total value of verse nr 2X 10+777 = 7 X Center word of verse nr 3773 ?

I don't think so...

Its obvious to me that these codes has a lot of numbers you need to understand.
To understand them is quite the task, extremely tedious and complex in my opinion. You need to scan a lot of verses and know center words.
You wont have a chance in the codes if you don't.
You also need to check English Gematria & the English Genesis 1:1 also. + the Traditional Hebrew & Greek, but you did a excellent job on the last part. Your work has to be included into my work because its part of his grand design.
He highlights what Hebrew words are important to look for in your Holographs.
But we see number 137 there also which is connected to English.
But I won't judge you for not spotting the English parts of this.

I have not read any thing from anyone about Center words in other verses of except in Genesis 1:1.
And people ignored the center word(s) in verses. Boom, you are done. You wont make it far.
So do you think mr. Jenkins knows the center word(s) of the different verses ?? I don't think so.

I am not claiming to see it "all" but I see very far now, so I think I have a lot to offer in the codes.
It would be kind of sad if I did not have something to offer, since I have dedicated years to this.

09-24-2017, 10:21 AM
But we don't have to discuss my version of the creation Holograph.
Since you was the discoverer of it, I can only add to it anyways. Its going to be your name in my book who gets the honor of that discovery. Not me.

So we can always discuss the 777 Holograph, its fresh, newly discovered so why not.

This is without doubt one of my best discoveries. And it is my favorite now.


09-25-2017, 08:23 PM
If you are not impressed by this, then lets discuss the matrix of our reality like the people in physics does these days.

33 = "the" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
85 = "Matrix" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
46 = "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

Add total values of verses ordered at: 33 ("the") + 85 ("matrix") + 46 ("codes")
= 37 X 220

220 = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "The Lord God" 108 + 112 "The Lord God"

So do you want to discuss this one ? or should be take the 777 Holograph ?

Richard Amiel McGough
09-25-2017, 08:46 PM
If you are not impressed by this, then lets discuss the matrix of our reality like the people in physics does these days.

33 = "the" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
85 = "Matrix" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
46 = "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)

Add total values of verses ordered at: 33 ("the") + 85 ("matrix") + 46 ("codes")
= 37 X 220

220 = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "The Lord God" 108 + 112 "The Lord God"

So do you want to discuss this one ? or should be take the 777 Holograph ?
Hey there Alexander,

Let's start with the most important question of all. Why would any be impressed by your blatant cherry picking? There are thousand upon thousands of three word combinations in which the three words have the values 33, 85, and 46. You picked just one out of those many thousands. Why would anyone think there was any meaning to the one you happened to pick?


09-26-2017, 07:59 AM
Well, i was not prepared for that one. But its not exactly hard to find some arguments of why someone should care.

Total value of Vs(220) = 2000 + 413 (mirror of Pi)
Total value of verse nr 777 = 2000 + 314 (Pi)

Center word of the only verse that has a total value of 777 (Lam 3:52) = 396 = 100 + 296 "earth" = 692 + 296
Center word in verse nr 220 = 396

First & last words added in Lam 3:52 = All Primes added to 37
First & last words added in Vs(220) = All Primes added to 37
First, last & CW added of Lam 3:52 = First, last & CW added of Lam 3:52

But that does not help about proving anything about "Matrix". But I think this will be more interesting for you:

118 = "The Matrix" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Total value of verse nr 118 = 2X Prime nr 151
151 = "Jesus Christ" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = Prime nr 37
Center word of verse nr 118 = 5X "God" in English Standard = 5X Prime nr 3X7

27 = "Riddle" & "Light" [ord] = "Code" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Total values added of verse nr 118 & 27 = 10 X 443 "the Word"
Center word added of verse mr 118 & 27 = Square nr 3X7

Richard Amiel McGough
09-26-2017, 10:36 AM
Well, i was not prepared for that one. But its not exactly hard to find some arguments of why someone should care.

Those new cherry picked connections don't do anything to answer my questions. Here they are again:

Let's start with the most important question of all. Why would any be impressed by your blatant cherry picking? There are thousand upon thousands of three word combinations in which the three words have the values 33, 85, and 46. You picked just one out of those many thousands. Why would anyone think there was any meaning to the one you happened to pick?

Richard Amiel McGough
09-26-2017, 10:41 AM
Well, i was not prepared for that one. But its not exactly hard to find some arguments of why someone should care.

Total value of Vs(220) = 2000 + 413 (mirror of Pi)
Total value of verse nr 777 = 2000 + 314 (Pi)

Center word of the only verse that has a total value of 777 (Lam 3:52) = 396 = 100 + 296 "earth" = 692 + 296
Center word in verse nr 220 = 396

First & last words added in Lam 3:52 = All Primes added to 37
First & last words added in Vs(220) = All Primes added to 37
First, last & CW added of Lam 3:52 = First, last & CW added of Lam 3:52

But that does not help about proving anything about "Matrix". But I think this will be more interesting for you:

118 = "The Matrix" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Total value of verse nr 118 = 2X Prime nr 151
151 = "Jesus Christ" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = Prime nr 37
Center word of verse nr 118 = 5X "God" in English Standard = 5X Prime nr 3X7

27 = "Riddle" & "Light" [ord] = "Code" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Total values added of verse nr 118 & 27 = 10 X 443 "the Word"
Center word added of verse mr 118 & 27 = Square nr 3X7
Here's the problem Alex. Finding more random "connections" proves nothing because you can find those kind of connections in any random data set. You proved this quite gloriously when you used the WRONG NUMBERS and declared that the pattern you found was obviously designed by God. Remember that? It shows the fundamental flaw in your numerology. You have no way to discern between random chance vs. design. So all your "patterns" will remain meaningless until you can do that.

09-26-2017, 11:14 AM
I did miscalculate Things before. But i have done a lot of reality checks now.

And you can't be afraid to fail in the start, what else can you expect ?

But i will agree that it can seem like i am cherry picking, but do you think i cherry picked the 777 holograph also ??

Richard Amiel McGough
09-26-2017, 12:16 PM
I did miscalculate Things before. But i have done a lot of reality checks now.

And you can't be afraid to fail in the start, what else can you expect ?

But i will agree that it can seem like i am cherry picking, but do you think i cherry picked the 777 holograph also ??
It's good that you can see you are cherry picking, but I don't understand how you can see that error and yet continue in it.

As for the so-called "777 Holograph" that you displayed in the OP of this thread, yes, that is a massive collection of cherry picked coincidences that show no sign of any design in my estimation. Take for example the big yellow box at the top:

112th Triangle = 139 x 5 + 137 x 3 + 100 + 139 x 5 = 112th Square

There are literally MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of ways you could write that number as combinations of other numbers. There is absolutely no meaning to the one you cherry picked. It's totally meaningless absurdity. No one with any knowledge of mathematics would be impressed by such a silly game.


09-26-2017, 02:15 PM
As for the so-called "777 Holograph" that you displayed in the OP of this thread, yes, that is a massive collection of cherry picked coincidences that show no sign of any design in my estimation. Take for example the big yellow box at the top:

112th Triangle = 139 x 5 + 137 x 3 + 100 + 139 x 5 = 112th Square

I think you missed that calculation a bit. It is supposed to say:
112th Triangle + 139x5 + 137x3 + 100 + 137x3 + 139x5 + 112th Square
(you also missed a 137x3)

So the millions of millions of ways just got diminished there.

But let me explain why that calculation is so intriguing:
- 112th Triangle = (Genesis 1:1) 37X73 + 39X93 (John 1:1)
- 137X3 = English Genesis 1:1
- 139X5 = English John 1:1
- The 112th Square is there to make the "house of God" (something i read from mr. Jenkins), which is a Triangle on the top of a Square making it illustrate a house.

Now the +100 marked in blue in the middle of the calculation might seem like it is "cherry picked" but let me share some other calculations which make it seem more like design.

Total values of verses ordered at:
10 (3+7) = 2X 1000 + 37
100 (30+70) = 2X 1 + 777
1000 = 16 X 112+211 = 1000 + 1+7 X 521 (Word nr 137 starts with letter nr 521 = 37+73 + 137X3)
37 = 2X 10 + 777
73 = 10 + 112 (T)
1+3+7 = 5X 1000 + (1+3+7)X3
137 (Inverse a Alpha) = 2X 100+1000+137X3
729 (a Alpha) = 7th C. Hexagon X 29
137+731 = 100 + 1000 + Total value of verse nr 137
729+927 = 7 X 443 "the Word"

Ok so what do we see here ? Well he really likes his + 1, 10, 100, 1000 codes. That's for sure.
But he did not use it in the last calculation. And maybe there is a reason for why he used 7 X "the Word" there.
But it has meaning at least, even if it does not his the +1... patterns.

Center words of verses ordered at:
3+7 = 100 + 296 "the earth" (Word nr 7 of Gen 1:1 = 296 "the earth" = Word nr 137 of the Bible)
37 = 100 + Center word of Vs(777)
But i have not found a lot more of the +1... patterns in the CW of verses.

And there is probably no other codes better to give you a examples of the +1... patterns than this image:

So do you still think that calculation was "cherry picked" ?

09-26-2017, 02:38 PM
I am so stupid sometimes....

The last calculation is 7 X 443 because it is:
7 X 100 + 7X7X7

Also forget to mention the total value of verse nr 777
= 2X1000 + 314 (pi)

Richard Amiel McGough
09-26-2017, 03:18 PM
I think you missed that calculation a bit. It is supposed to say:
112th Triangle + 139x5 + 137x3 + 100 + 137x3 + 139x5 + 112th Square
(you also missed a 137x3)

So the millions of millions of ways just got diminished there.

The exact number of the millions of millions may be slightly different if you demand that the form be symmetric, but that's totally irrelevant because there's still millions of millions. Your cherry picking is meaningless because you can write any random number using other numbers you like.

But let me explain why that calculation is so intriguing:
- 112th Triangle = (Genesis 1:1) 37X73 + 39X93 (John 1:1)
- 137X3 = English Genesis 1:1
- 139X5 = English John 1:1
- The 112th Square is there to make the "house of God" (something i read from mr. Jenkins), which is a Triangle on the top of a Square making it illustrate a house.

Now the +100 marked in blue in the middle of the calculation might seem like it is "cherry picked" but let me share some other calculations which make it seem more like design.

I can see why you would like that coincidence. And I can see how you manipulated the numbers to make it happen. I'm pretty sure you started with four numbers you liked, and then when fishing for a way to create a "connection" by looking at the difference. In other words, here is what I think you did:

Sum of Verse indexes = 777 + 20407 = 21184

Sum of values you like = 112th Triangle + 139x5 + 137x3 + 137x3 + 139x5 = 8540

Then you took the difference to find the number you could manipulate to make your "connection" -

21184 - 8540 = 12644

Then you tried various things until you found a "connection" with 112 by squaring it:

12644 = 1122 + 100

You could have created a million other arbitrary and meaningless "connections" playing the same game. It's totally meaningless because you can make any number fit your "pattern" because you have no rules.

So do you still think that calculation was "cherry picked" ?
I don't merely "think" it. I know it and have proven it, ten thousand times now. But you refuse to open your eyes and see.

09-26-2017, 05:51 PM
Ok, so lets say I cherry picked that number.
The sum is still equal to 21184 = 8X8 X Prime nr 68

- 68 = mirror of "God"
- 68 = Value of word nr 37X73 of the Bible.

But I am sticking with the old calculation for now. I might change my mind though.

Its very interesting that the total value of Vs(21184) = 4X1000 + 777
So I think I did something very right in that Holograph.

And I finished the 7 reflected verses of Genesis 1:1, at least the image. Still no proof of design with the +1... patterns ??

Richard Amiel McGough
09-26-2017, 06:46 PM
Ok, so lets say I cherry picked that number.
The sum is still equal to 21184 = 8X8 X Prime nr 68

- 68 = mirror of "God"
- 68 = Value of word nr 37X73 of the Bible.

So what? You have proven that it doesn't matter what random numbers you pick. You will always be able to find "connections" so your game is totally meaningless and absurd.

Its very interesting that the total value of Vs(21184) = 4X1000 + 777
So I think I did something very right in that Holograph.

Another random coincidence proves nothing. You are playing a childish game of "match the numbers". If the value didn't fit a pattern you like, would you take that as evidence that there is no design? Of course not. You only collect the "hits" and ignore all the misses, and that's why your numerology is delusional. Please take no offense, but these are the facts. Your numerology is delusional.

And I finished the 7 reflected verses of Genesis 1:1, at least the image. Still no proof of design with the +1... patterns ??
Why would that be proof of design? You have proven you can make "connections" like those with totally meaningless RANDOM numbers. The only thing you have proven is that your numerology is meaningless. And you have proven that with great certainty.

09-27-2017, 09:45 AM
You have proven that it doesn't matter what random numbers you pick. You will always be able to find "connections" so your game is totally meaningless and absurd.

Well it cant be so absurd when we see the total value of Vs(7 +37X73) = 10X 7+401

And there are some other pretty clear signs in those 7 reflected verses.

Now have you even considered the chance of those 7 verses hitting the sum of: 1+7 X 100+37X73 ??

You see if it were -1 or+1 one more in that calculation then it would not be that intriguing.

The probabilities of that one is just off the charts.

And don't come with excuse of saying it could be many other numbers also & it could still signify something.
Yes indeed but we see what God is doing here. Here are other signs too like Vs(7 + 37X73) but its not written yet.

And the fact that the total value of Vs(203 "created" the 37th word by rot.) = 37 (T) + 73 (T) = Toal value of Vs(7 X 37X73) is not something I would call a sign. But proof.

Think about the chances of this Richard.

Richard Amiel McGough
09-27-2017, 10:44 AM
Well it cant be so absurd when we see the total value of Vs(7 +37X73) = 10X 7+401

How does that prove anything? If the numbers were different, you'd just make a different connection if you could, or you would just ignore it. This is why your numerology is delusional. I've explained this point a million times. You need to answer it. Tossing out more "connections" proves nothing because you have proven that you can make "connections" with totally RANDOM and MEANINGLESS numbers that are in fact WRONG.

You need to answer this point. Tossing out more random connections proves nothing.

09-27-2017, 10:55 AM
Ok, I will respect your opinion for now. But I have more in store for this, but its not written yet.

So lets continue this debate until I have that part ready. It will take some time though but not too long.

Richard Amiel McGough
09-27-2017, 11:00 AM
Ok, I will respect your opinion for now. But I have more in store for this, but its not written yet.

So lets continue this debate until I have that part ready. It will take some time though but not too long.
I don't want you to respect my opinion. I want you to understand and respect the truth. I have shown why your numerology is delusional. You need to answer that point.

09-27-2017, 03:04 PM

So to start off the point of Cherry Picking.

Its very obvious that I am not Cherry Picking. When we read the Bible we see God likes to deal with signs.
Not God likes to use different methods of writing a number. It can be Triangular, squared, Primes... and so on.

Even +1, +10,

Total values ordered at:
10 (3+7) = 2X 1000 + 37
100 (30+70) = 2X 1 + 777
1000 = 16 X 112+211 = 1000 + 1+7 X 521 (Word nr 137 starts with letter nr 521 = 37+73 + 137X3)
37 = 2X 10 + 777
73 = 10 + 112 (T)
1+3+7 = 5X 1000 + (1+3+7)X3
137 (Inverse a Alpha) = 2X 100+1000 = 137X3
729 (a Alpha) = 7th C. Hexagon X 29
137+731 = 100 + 1000 + Total value of verse nr 137
729+927 = 7 X 100 + 7X7X7

Vs(37 Triangle = 703) = Genesis 1:1 (37X73) + First, last & center words of Genesis 1:1 (913+401+296 = 10X 7X23)
Vs(37th Square = 1369) = 10X Prime nr 78 "Genesis" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 10X 389 (Triangle nr 777 = 389X777)
Vs(37th Centered Hexagon = 3997) = Total value of verse nr 777 & Total value of verse nr 1000+27 = Total value of Vs(37+401)
Vs(37th Star = 7993) = (Hebrew) "Riddle" 27 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3) X 137 = (Value of The Breastplate of the High Priest with the 12 Tribes) 3700 - 1 (God)

Total values added of verses:
Vs(37th Triangle) + Vs(37th Square) = 10X 1+37th Triangle
Vs(37th C. Hexagon) + Vs(37th Star) = 1 + 37 + 137 + 729 + 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha X 1 000 000)