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Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 04:15 PM
Haha lol, those picks were hilarious. Thanks for the good laugh :lol:

We will check those values tomorrow and see if God also chooses those picks for the verses reflecting the values of certain methods there.

"The Seal of the Devil" was the funniest. It should be "The Seal of Satan" (if he has a Seal at all and that should be 666 in that case)
Sorry Alex, but you can't say what the Devil should or should not do with HIS codes! He's the Ancient Serpent with more wisdom than any human could ever know.

So quit fighting it. You can't win by blindly rejecting the truth that you have been shown.

Do you really think all these codes could have just happened by chance?

Remember, that's the only reason you think your codes are real, right? You think that their "harmony" is beyond "chance." Well, you've been proven wrong on that a thousand times now.

Wake up dude. The sun is shining.


07-30-2019, 04:28 PM
Alright Richard. We can start with the first method. And we will do the rest tomorrow. Its late here.
I will mark my picks in blue and yours in red.
- Nr.W = 13 "Alpha" (Heb red) = "The Dragon" (Gr red)

In Vs(13) we see
- Nr.W = 6 "and" ו
- Nr.L = 22 = Pri-ord(73 "Wisdom of") =1 "α" (ord) [Alpha] + 21 "φ" (ord) [Phi]
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 28 = Tri(7 = Pri(5 "The" ה = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal" (Eng ord))
- TV = 1342 "In the beginning God created" (Heb ord + sta) [Alpha] = CW of Vs(1 "α") + Pri(161 (φ))
= 729 (Alpha) + 613 "In the Torah" בתורה
= ("The" 5 X 113 Universe" (Eng ord) = CW of Vs(913 "In the beg.") = CW of Vs(137 "In the beg.)) + (777 = CW of Vs(729 (α))
= (11X43 "Seal" (Heb ord) = 22X86 "of God" (Heb sta)) + ("777" (A=26) = CW of Vs(10 "Alpha" (Heb red)))
- FLL = 16 "π" (ord) [Pi]
- CL = 12 "and" ו (Full)
- FLCL = 28 = Tri(7 = Pri(5 "The" ה = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal" (Eng ord))
- L. surr. CL = 105 = Tri(14 "Golden" זהב) [Because the CL is also = 12 "and" FONT=Times New Roman]ו[/FONT] (Full) = 2X 6 "The" ה (Full)]
- 4 CL = 133 = 13 "Alpha" (Heb red) with extended digit
- FLL + 4 CL = 100 + 49 "The Alpha" (Gr ord) = "The Secret Codes" (Eng ord)
- FLW = 681 "Knowledge" (Eng sta) ["Knowledge" (Eng ord + sta) = 777)
- CW = 333 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Eng ord) [The Heart of "Alpha" Ladies and gentlemen --- CW of Vs(729 (α)) = 777]
- FLCW = 1014 "Seal" σφραγις sphragis
- W. surr. CW = 328 "The Seven Seven Seven Holograph" (Eng ord) [Because the CW = "777")
- 4 CW = 661 "Riddles of Gematria" (Eng sta) = with extended digit: 61 "Seven" שבעת (ord) = The Seal of God אל החתם (ord)
- W.nr 1 + W.nr 3 [13 "Alpha"]= 62 "the heaven" (Heb ord) [the universe]
- W.nr 1 "α" counted by rot. hits nr 13 "Alpha" (Heb red)
- W.nr 13 by rot. = 31 "Alpha" (Heb ord)
- W.nr 3 "c" [The Speed of Light is denoted as "c"] when counted by rot. hits the order of 729 (α)
- Value of W.nr 729 by rot. = 31 "Alpha" (Heb ord)
- Adding words from nr 1 to 3 [13 "Alpha"] = 334 = 34 "Alpha" (Gr ord) with extended digit
- Adding the 13 "Alpha" first letters = 436 "and" (Heb ord + sta) = CW of Vs(297 "Treasures" (Heb sta))

Well I don't know how you are going to convince yourself that I cherry picked in this verse but there are still more verses to check.
I think we can safely say here that I win.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 04:35 PM
Well I don't know how you are going to convince yourself that I cherry picked in this verse but there are still more verses to check.
I think we can safely say here that I win.
You cherry picked every word you connected in that verse, fool! I could do exactly the same and cherry pick only words that connected to Satan and the Devil just like I've done dozens of times now.

Your claim that you win is totally insane. You haven't even answered any of the proofs I've given.

It's time to quit playing your moronic game. You need to ANSWER the PROOF I have given that your numerology is TOTAL BULLSHIT.

You can't run and hide any more. You can't pretend to be an idiot. You KNOW that I have PROVEN that I can find connections to Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, and Hell to match every connection you make to God, Jesus, Light, and Heaven.

You cannot deny this truth because the numbers overlap.

For example, I can say that Satan designed the Bible using the numbers 37 and 73 because they represent his domain HELL.

HELL (Eng ord) = 37
HELL (Eng std) = 73

I have PROVEN your numerology is TOTAL BULLSHIT and you do nothing but IGNORE the proofs.

I have fulfilled your demand to use all your methods, and you still refuse to DISCUSS why your method fails?

Now you want to check more verses? That's NUTS.

Time to wake up Alex. I got your number!


07-30-2019, 05:01 PM
Hey Richard guess who is deluded here ? Not me because we see:
- CW of Vs(729 (α)) = 777
- CW of Vs(13 "Alpha" (Gr red)) = 333 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- CW of Vs(10 "Alpha" (Heb red)) = 396 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=26 B=25 C=24)

And 333 + 396 = 729 (Alpha, the fine-structure constant)

So to your deluded mind I say:
Riddle Riddle Richard, for tomorrow we will see, how you stumble and fall because you can not see; the treasures that be.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 05:10 PM
Hey Richard guess who is deluded here ? Not me because we see:
- CW of Vs(729 (α)) = 777
- CW of Vs(13 "Alpha" (Gr red)) = 333 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- CW of Vs(10 "Alpha" (Heb red)) = 396 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=26 B=25 C=24)

And 333 + 396 = 729 (Alpha, the fine-structure constant)

So to your deluded mind I say:
Riddle Riddle Richard, for tomorrow we will see how you stumble and fall
Are you on medication? This is a serious question, because your answers are totally irrational, to the point of looking like you are literally insane.

You know I can make connections to Satan and the Devil for every connection you make to God and Jesus. Do you think I'm cherry picking?

Wake up Alex. I have proven my point. I have been cherry picking words you don't like to help you see that you all you are doing is cherry picking words you do like.

Why can't you see this obvious fact?

Please answer this question.

Why can't you see that you are cherry picking?

Can you see that I am cherry picking?

If my connections are just "by chance" why aren't your connections also just "by chance."

It's time to quit playing the game of hiding under a mountain of cherry picked numbers and begin to discuss why anyone with any brains would every believe a word of your claims.

Come on Alex, you can do it.


Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 05:12 PM
Hey Richard guess who is deluded here ? Not me because we see:
- CW of Vs(729 (α)) = 777
- CW of Vs(13 "Alpha" (Gr red)) = 333 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- CW of Vs(10 "Alpha" (Heb red)) = 396 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=26 B=25 C=24)

And 333 + 396 = 729 (Alpha, the fine-structure constant)

So to your deluded mind I say:
Riddle Riddle Richard, for tomorrow we will see, how you stumble and fall because you can not see; the treasures that be.
Hummm ... why did you cherry pick vs 13 and vs 10? Are you a secret Satanist?

Remember 10 = SATAN (Eng red) and 13 = THE SERPENT (Gr red)

And 333? Ha! That's 3 x 111 SATAN'S SEAL (Eng ord). In other words 666 = 6 x SATAN'S SEAL (A = 1, B = 2, etc)

And we have SATAN'S SEAL = 666 (A = 6, B = 12, etc)

And to confirm, we look at vs 666

TV(vs 666) = 3590 = SATAN (Eng red) 10 x 359 SATAN (Heb std)

And it has 13 letters! 13 = THE SERPENT (Gr red)

WOW! Total confirmation that the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK!


Thanks for the inspiration! You must truly be a secret Satanist to be guiding me in His Wicked Codes (= 137, Eng ord) with such alacrity!

Once again, the codes prove that the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK!


But seriously ... I could easily cherry pick more numbers connecting to Satan and the Devil. Your method SUCKS big time. :lol:

07-30-2019, 05:46 PM
No i am not on medication. And that little rhyme was nearly not as absurd as you ignoring every single result in these codes.
Just think about the level of ignorance we are talking about here.

Now God connects in many ways in these codes. Even the word orders & letter orders when you count from nr 1 are coded.

Can you give me the letter counting program for Chp. 1 again ? Lost it in a format of windows.

But you see results like:
- Word nr 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) starts with letter nr 137 "of God" (Eng sta)
- Word nr 137 (inv. α) starts with letter nr = 521 "φ" (ord + sta)
- Word nr 194 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb ord) starts with letter nr = 754 "Alpha" (Heb, Gr & Eng sta)
- The order of the first letter of this word is letter nr 37 Seal" (Eng ord) of Vs(16 "Seal" (Heb red))
- The value of word nr 194 = 10X 84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord or Eng ord, both works)
- Word nr 194 is W.nr 10 "Alpha" (Heb red) of Vs(16 "Seal" (Heb red))
- Letter nr 777 of the bible is found in W.nr 15 "The" Ο (ord) of Vs(16 "Seal" (Heb red))
- Letter nr 777 is found in word nr 199 "Inverse Alpha" Αντιστροφος Αλφα (ord)
[Because Inverse Alpha is approximately = 100 + 37 "Seal" = 137 "of God"]
- The value of the word that has letter nr 777 = (Heb red) "Alpha" 10 X 84 "Seal of God" אלהים חתם (ord) = Same word as W.nr 194
- Both words that is W.nr 194 "seven hundred seventy and seven" & has letter nr 777 is the word "to rule" לממשלת

So these results and many many others I have given you of the codes shows us that you are absurd. There is no debate on that.
There is no way God picked your satanic picks for Vs(27) & Vs(117). Only a fool would believe that.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 06:02 PM
No i am not on medication. And that little rhyme was nearly not as absurd as you ignoring every single result in these codes.
Just think about the level of ignorance we are talking about here.

Just as crazy as you ignoring all the connections I've shown? LOL

This is your problem Alex. The connections prove nothing. They are totally meaningless because your methods create so many numbers they all overlap. Any connection you make with God I can make with Satan. I've explained this a million times. I've demonstrated it with examples a billion times. But you refuse to even DISCUSS it? What kind of madness rules your mind?

Now God connects in many ways in these codes. Even the word orders & letter orders when you count from nr 1 are coded.

Not true. It is the DEVIL who designed the Bible using His Own Number 666 from the very beginning. That's why he coded it as a TRIPLE 666 in in Genesis 1:1

And he designed Genesis 1:1 to be 37 x 73 because those the the ord and std values of his domain HELL.

Can you give me the letter counting program for Chp. 1 again ? Lost it in a format of windows.

Why? You know that the numbers don't prove anything.

You need to discuss the flaw in your method. It's time Alex. No more running and hiding under mountains of chaotic numbers. You know I can cherry pick as easily as you so you know that your results are meaningless.

But you see results like:
- Word nr 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) starts with letter nr 137 "of God" (Eng sta)
- Word nr 137 (inv. α) starts with letter nr = 521 "φ" (ord + sta)
- Word nr 194 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb ord) starts with letter nr = 754 "Alpha" (Heb, Gr & Eng sta)
- The order of the first letter of this word is letter nr 37 Seal" (Eng ord) of Vs(16 "Seal" (Heb red))
- The value of word nr 194 = 10X 84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord or Eng ord, both works)
- Word nr 194 is W.nr 10 "Alpha" (Heb red) of Vs(16 "Seal" (Heb red))
- Letter nr 777 of the bible is found in W.nr 15 "The" Ο (ord) of Vs(16 "Seal" (Heb red))
- Letter nr 777 is found in word nr 199 "Inverse Alpha" Αντιστροφος Αλφα (ord)
[Because Inverse Alpha is approximately = 100 + 37 "Seal" = 137 "of God"]
- The value of the word that has letter nr 777 = (Heb red) "Alpha" 10 X 84 "Seal of God" אלהים חתם (ord) = Same word as W.nr 194
- Both words that is W.nr 194 "seven hundred seventy and seven" & has letter nr 777 is the word "to rule" לממשלת

So these results and many many others I have given you of the codes shows us that you are absurd. There is no debate on that.
There is no way God picked your satanic picks for Vs(27) & Vs(117). Only a fool would believe that.
I can produce the same "codes" that say SATAN IS GOD.

Do you really think that's just a mere coincidence?

You think random chance made 666 = SATAN'S SEAL (A=6, B=12)?

My codes are a billion times better and more powerful than yours Alex. Your codes SUCK.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 06:07 PM
There is no way God picked your satanic picks for Vs(27) & Vs(117). Only a fool would believe that.
Are you deaf? Are you blind? Or just stupid?

I never said GOD picked those satanic connections.

I said SATAN designed the Bible to slander God and exalt himself and that he designed it so people could pick those connections.

Grow a brain already.

This is the second time I've had to correct you on this point.

PS Since you don't really read my comments very carefully, I feel I should remind you that I don't believe in either God or the Devil. My thesis about the Bible being SATAN'S BOOK is just my way of showing you how easy it is to make up TOTAL BULLSHIT using your methods.

07-30-2019, 06:14 PM
Are your codes better than mine ? Not a chance.
My name is Alexander Marcussen, and I found the 777 Holograph as we all know.

1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" מאות ושבע ושבעים שבע (Heb sta)
= CW of Vs(7) + CW of Vs(729 (α))
= 7 + 1618 (φ)
= CW of Vs(84 "Seal of God"/"Alexander" (Eng ord)) + CW of Vs(113 "Universe"/"Marcussen" (Eng ord)) + CW of the 777 Holograph
= FCLW of Vs(703 = Tri(37 "Seal")) + FLCW of Vs(86 "of God")
= FLCW of Vs(431 = Pri(84 "Seal of God") = 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) merged with 31 "of God" (Heb sta))

Now you admit that nothing matters in the codes anyway so why bother discuss anything with you ?
It's a waste of time so this discussion is over.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 06:21 PM
Now you admit that nothing matters in the codes anyway so why bother discuss anything with you ?

Why bother? Because you need to free your mind from your delusion, and I"d love to help. I know a lot about numerology and self-delusion because I was lost in that delusion for over a decade.

So let me help! Let's quit all this empty back and forth with competing codes and try to have a rational conversation about the validity of your methods.

07-30-2019, 07:17 PM
How matrix do you want it Richard ?

- "Richard" (Eng ord) = 61
- "Amiel" (Eng ord) = 40
- "McGough" (Eng ord) = 74
(You innovated the codes when it comes to words and total values in some verses. Your Golden integration was Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 which is Tri(112 "The Lord God" or "Alpha"))

- "Alexander" (Eng ord) = 84
- "Marcussen" (Eng ord) = 113
(I innovated the codes in many ways, I have firmly establied methods and the fact that English gematria is important and Physics + 777)

So there are resons why God maybe would put a code concerning us, we see in verse nr 5 "The" ה
- Word nr 46 "Codes" (Eng ord) has letter nr 175 "Richard Amiel McGough" (Eng ord)
- Word nr 52 "Codes" קודים (Heb ord) ends with letter nr = 197 "Alexander Marcussen" (Eng ord)

Now if you check those results single handedly then I would not connect our names to them. But it is very intriguing to see them together like this.

Now Check this out: You were first out of us so your result should be shown first:
- CW of Vs reflecting your 3 names (61, 40, 74) = 916 = 900 + 16 "Seal" (Heb red) = Comp(759 = Star(7) + Star(7) + Star(7))
- CW of Vs reflecting my 2 names (84, 113) = 913 = 900 + 13 "Alpha" (Heb red) = "In the beginning" (Heb sta) = W.nr 1/729 (α) by rot. of Vs(1 "α") = Comp(756 = 700 + 56 "created" (Eng ord) = 27 "Riddles of" + 729 (Alpha))

- CW of Vs ord. at: 61, 40, 74, Gen 1:1 & John 1:1
= 1375 = 137 (Inverse Alpha) --- 5 "of" ה [the 5th letter can also mean "of"]
- CW of Vs ord. at: 84, 113 & the 777 Holograph
= 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)

1375 + 1625 = 3000
= (The Speed of Light is noted as c) "c" 3X(1000 = 271 (27 "riddles" (Heb ord) merged with 71" riddles" (Eng ord)) + 729 (α))
= 299 (3 digits of the speed of light) + TV of Vs(1 "α") = 1 "α" + ord & sta of Vs(1 "α")
= 686 (68 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb red) merged with its mirror 86 which = 2X 43 "Seal" (H o) = "of God" (H s)) + TV of Vs(777)
= TV of Vs(1995 (195 "Seven Seven Seven" (Eng ord)) = A=37 B=38 C=39 of Gen 1:1)
= TV of Vs(4765 = 1 "α" + TV of Vs(26 "The Lord"/"God") = ה "The" 5 X Pri(163 = Pri(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7))))
= TV of Vs(10632 = 1000X9 "and" δε + 7 ("The Seal") + 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven")
= TV of Vs(17370 = 10X(1737 (17 "Precious" --- 37 "Wisdom") = "Alpha of Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb sta)))

- "Alpha" (Heb sta) = 112
- "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven"(Heb sta) = 1625
- 112 + 1625 = 1737

This discussion is truly over.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 07:40 PM
This discussion is truly over.
Yes, I understand.

You love your delusion and so you hate the truth.

But I suspect the conversation will continue because you know that you've been lying to yourself (and me) for a very long time.

That's why you REFUSE to even attempt to give logical justification for your irrational and incoherent "codes." You know that I can prove my words so you refuse to even discuss them.

You do nothing but blindly deny facts that everyone can see.

In any case, I obviously enjoy pursuing truth so I'll probably be happy to talk when you feel able.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 07:53 PM
(I innovated the codes in many ways, I have firmly establied methods and the fact that English gematria is important and Physics + 777)

Bullshit. Your "firmly established methods" allow anyone to make up anything they want and call it a "code."

Your "methods" can be used to show that the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK which he designed with a TRIPLE 666 in the very first verse because 666 = SATAN'S SEAL (A = 6, B = 12, etc)


And your "methods" show that Satan marked vs 666 with his own name because TV(vs 666) = 3590 = SATAN (Eng red) 10 x 359 SATAN (Heb std)

And CW(vs 666) = 18 = 6 + 6 + 6

And remember this harmonizes with Satan designing the Bible on the numbers that define his Kingdom of Hell

HELL (Eng ord) = 37
HELL (Eng std) = 73

How could anyone who believes in your "methods" deny the obvious fact that Satan must be the author of the Bible because obviously God would not sign and seal his book with a TRIPLE 666 in the first verse!

And on and on it goes. Your "firmly established methods" are TOTAL BULLSHIT and that's a proven fact.

And you can't answer a word of this? How pathetic. Wow.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 08:59 PM
Bullshit. Your "firmly established methods" allow anyone to make up anything they want and call it a "code."

Your "methods" can be used to show that the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK which he designed with a TRIPLE 666 in the very first verse because 666 = SATAN'S SEAL (A = 6, B = 12, etc)


And your "methods" show that Satan marked vs 666 with his own name because TV(vs 666) = 3590 = SATAN (Eng red) 10 x 359 SATAN (Heb std)

And CW(vs 666) = 18 = 6 + 6 + 6

And remember this harmonizes with Satan designing the Bible on the numbers that define his Kingdom of Hell

HELL (Eng ord) = 37
HELL (Eng std) = 73

How could anyone who believes in your "methods" deny the obvious fact that Satan must be the author of the Bible because obviously God would not sign and seal his book with a TRIPLE 666 in the first verse!

And on and on it goes. Your "firmly established methods" are TOTAL BULLSHIT and that's a proven fact.

And you can't answer a word of this? How pathetic. Wow.
So now we see the full flowering of your "firmly established methods" - Satan designed his favorite verse, the verse he designed on his own number 666 = SATAN'S SEAL (A=6,B=12,etc) on the value of the word "codes" (Eng ord) = 46!

In vs 666 we see
Nr. W = 13 THE SERPENT (Gr red)
Nr. L = 46 CODES (Eng ord)
Nr. W + Nr. L = 59 = LUCIFER RULES (Eng red)!!! = THE SERPENT (Gr red) 13 + 46 CODES (Eng ord)
FLL = 46 CODES (Eng ord)
FLCW 460 = SATAN (Eng red) 10 x 46 CODES (Eng ord)
CW = 18 = 6 + 6 + 6

Obviously, the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK!


Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 09:24 PM
How matrix do you want it Richard ?

- "Richard" (Eng ord) = 61
- "Amiel" (Eng ord) = 40
- "McGough" (Eng ord) = 74
(You innovated the codes when it comes to words and total values in some verses. Your Golden integration was Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 which is Tri(112 "The Lord God" or "Alpha"))

Yes, my name in English ordinal gematria sums to 175. Just like these two titles:

175 = The Angel of the Lord (Eng ord)
175 = A Prophet of Satan (Eng ord)

Do I get to pick which one I like?

Or do your "codes" say I am both at the same time?

Or are your "codes" TOTAL BULLSHIT?

07-30-2019, 10:06 PM
Desmild found out that the 666th verse is written with thirteen words of which the middle word is "chai" = living, alive, active, fresh, raw.

Genesis 25:7,
וְאֵ֗לֶּה יְמֵ֛י שְׁנֵֽי־חַיֵּ֥י אַבְרָהָ֖ם אֲשֶׁר־חָ֑י מְאַ֥ת שָׁנָ֛ה וְשִׁבְעִ֥ים שָׁנָ֖ה וְחָמֵ֥שׁ שָׁנִֽים

And these are the days of the years of Abraham's life that he lived: one hundred years and seventy years and five years.

That was a sign!

Since Abraham died five years too early

Genesis 25:30,
And Esau said to Jacob, "Pour into [me] some of this red, red [pottage], for I am faint"; he was therefore named Edom.


some of this red, red [pottage]: red lentils. And on that day, Abraham died, lest he see Esau, his grandson, falling into bad ways, for that would not be the ?good old age? that the Holy One, blessed be He, had promised him. Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, shortened his life by five years, for Isaac lived one hundred and eighty years, and this one (Abraham) [lived] one hundred and seventy-five years, and Jacob cooked lentils to feed the mourner (Isaac).

Esau's guardian angel seeming to be Satan

(since "ya'akov"+ "satan" = "yisrael" (182 + 359 = 541) ).

Rashi further:

But why lentils? Because they are [round as] a wheel, for mourning is like a wheel revolving in the world

which alluded already to RAM's biblewheel :winking0071:

07-30-2019, 10:25 PM
Then still it's about darkness

The famous verse Isaiah 45:7,

Who forms light and creates darkness, Who makes peace and creates evil; I am the Lord, Who makes all these.

Many christians have difficulty with that

The woman who is now professor in Nijmegen, Ellen van Wolde (at least if she still is) argued that "bara" does mean to separate. she wrote her dissertation about that

So she made of it "who separates the darkness from the light and the evil from the peace"

What you think of that?


(she's a witch :eek:)


Ellen van Wolde & Martin Baasten

Beresjiet-Genesis 1:1

Eind 2009 ontstond in Nederland ophef over de de ?nieuwe? interpretatie van het woord bara in Beresjiet-Genesis 1:1. Prof. Ellen van Wolde van de Radboud Universiteit te Nijmegen stelde in haar oratie in oktober 2009 dat dit woord vertaald zou moeten worden met ?scheiden? in plaats van met ?scheppen?.

De Leidse hebra?cus en taalkundige dr. Martin F.J. Baasten schreef een antwoord op deze stelling in het kwartaalblad Met Andere Woorden van het Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap. Daarin laat hij stap voor stap zien dat Van Woldes argumentatie de toets der kritiek niet kan doorstaan en dat haar omgang met de teksten ?selectief?, ?onjuist? en soms ?misleidend? is; de teksten worden aangepast om ze te laten kloppen met de theorie. Hij concludeert: ?Het oordeel over Van Woldes omgang met de bijbelteksten (?), moet helaas ondubbelzinnig negatief zijn.?

De oratie van Ellen van Wolde had als titel ?Terug naar het begin. Waarom Genesis 1:1 niet gaat over Gods schepping van hemel en aarde?.

In januari 2010 werd haar oratie ook gepubliceerd in het Engels: Why the Verb ברא Does Not Mean ?to Create? in Genesis 1.1-2.4a?, in The Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 2009 34:3

Martin Baasten reageerde op de oratie in Met Andere Woorden 2009-4.

Hierna reageerde ook Ellen van Wolde op Martin Baasten, in Met Andere Woorden 2010-2.


Maar in Jesaja 45:7 (en op 11(!) andere plaatsen) wordt van God gezegd dat hij de "schepper" (bo-re-) is, namelijk "schepper van de duisternis?" en "schepper van het kwaad" (en elders van andere zaken). "Nee," zou Van Wolde kunnen zeggen, "want dit woord betekent niet schepper", maar dat is nu juist wat bewezen moet worden.Van Woldes vijfde "toets" ten slotte ligt in het gebruik van de term ba-ra- in de Hebreeuwse Bijbel. Hiertoe bespreekt ze Jesaja 45:6-7, Numeri 16:30 en Jeremia 45:18. De twee Jesajateksten zal ik hier behandelen.De passage inJesaja 45:6-7 luidt:Ik ben de HEER, er is geen ander, die het licht vormt (ya-tsar) en het donker schept (ba-ra-), die de vrede maakt (?a-s ́a-) en het kwaad schept (ba-ra-). Ik ben de HEER die al deze dingen maakt ('a-s 'a-).Opnieuw valt op dat Van Wolde de vertaling aanpast aan haar opvattingen. Teneinde de betekenis "scheiden" vol te kunnen houden, moet ze, net als bij Genesis 1:27 hierboven, twee objecten hebben. Die cre?ert ze dan ook, weer met een onmogelijke vertaling tot gevolg: ... die het licht vormt en van het donker scheidt, die de vrede maakt en van het kwaad scheidt.Door de toevoeging van het woordje van lijkt het inderdaad net of hier wordt gezegd dat het licht van het donker en de vrede van het kwaad worden gescheiden. Maar dat staat er niet en het kan er grammaticaal ook niet staan. Het tegendeel is weer waar: uit de laatste zin van Jesaja 45:6-7 blijkt dat alle eerder genoemde handelingen worden samengevat

Although his criticism is right he failed to point out the satanic impact.

Since also he, like most scholars, has no idea of the hidden light, (of the god that made darkness his secret place)

Richard Amiel McGough
07-31-2019, 07:02 AM
Desmild found out that the 666th verse is written with thirteen words of which the middle word is "chai" = living, alive, active, fresh, raw.

Genesis 25:7,
וְאֵ֗לֶּה יְמֵ֛י שְׁנֵֽי־חַיֵּ֥י אַבְרָהָ֖ם אֲשֶׁר־חָ֑י מְאַ֥ת שָׁנָ֛ה וְשִׁבְעִ֥ים שָׁנָ֖ה וְחָמֵ֥שׁ שָׁנִֽים

And these are the days of the years of Abraham's life that he lived: one hundred years and seventy years and five years.

That was a sign!

Since Abraham died five years too early

Genesis 25:30,
And Esau said to Jacob, "Pour into [me] some of this red, red [pottage], for I am faint"; he was therefore named Edom.


Esau's guardian angel seeming to be Satan

(since "ya'akov"+ "satan" = "yisrael" (182 + 359 = 541) ).

Rashi further:

which alluded already to RAM's biblewheel :winking0071:
Funny how the Jews, so famous for their high intelligence. also made up so much silly gematria!

07-31-2019, 07:20 AM
Funny how the Jews, so famous for their high intelligence. also made up so much silly gematria!

What was silly about this?

Richard Amiel McGough
07-31-2019, 07:57 AM
What was silly about this?
Making up stories about why Abraham died when he did, as if they knew what God was thinking.

And the reason they made up was really silly, because it suggests that the Almighty was forced by circumstances to kill his friend to keep a word he never should have given if that's what it would lead to, Makes God look really stupid.

07-31-2019, 08:28 AM
Making up stories about why Abraham died when he did, as if they knew what God was thinking.

And the reason they made up was really silly, because it suggests that the Almighty was forced by circumstances to kill his friend to keep a word he never should have given if that's what it would lead to, Makes God look really stupid.

That was about the lentils, a mourners food.

mourning for what? Abraham's death.

Abraham "to whom the promises were made"

But Esau didn't give a fuck for that.

Genesis 25:34,

And Jacob gave Esau bread and a pottage of lentils, and he ate and drank and arose and left, and Esau despised the birthright.

why five years?

That's about the letter "hey" that was added to Abraham's name, and also to "yom hashishi" and to which alluded the word "b'hibaram" (with the letter "hey"they were created), the 474th word from the beginning.

Esau didn't give a fuck for that, and also not all of his descendants (among whom professor Ellen van Wolde, who learned Hebrew from the same teacheer as I did, pater Nelis) and the Roman catholic church and all other christian denominations, and also the author of the Biblewheel :yo:

07-31-2019, 08:30 AM
Making up stories about why Abraham died when he did, as if they knew what God was thinking.

I thought you didn't believe in God :eek:

Richard Amiel McGough
07-31-2019, 08:43 AM
Making up stories about why Abraham died when he did, as if they knew what God was thinking.
I thought you didn't believe in God :eek:
I don't, but they do and I was talking about how it was silly for them to make up stuff about what their God was thinking.

It's funny, I had anticipated this confusion but didn't want to clutter up my comment with explanations that shouldn't be needed because they go without saying. :winking0071:

Richard Amiel McGough
07-31-2019, 08:52 AM
That was about the lentils, a mourners food.

Mourner's food? Where did you get that idea?

mourning for what? Abraham's death.

So you can just hop around making any random connection? Why not say they were mourning for the future death of the Messiah?

Abraham "to whom the promises were made"

But Esau didn't give a fuck for that.

Genesis 25:34,

And Jacob gave Esau bread and a pottage of lentils, and he ate and drank and arose and left, and Esau despised the birthright.

But the lentils had nothing to do with Abraham's death.

why five years?

That's about the letter "hey" that was added to Abraham's name, and also to "yom hashishi" and to which alluded the word "b'hibaram" (with the letter "hey"they were created), the 474th word from the beginning.

Ah yes ... the object of your obsession! The human mind is a curious thing. Folks get obsessed with one little thing and soon it becomes the center of their universe.

07-31-2019, 09:02 AM
I don't, but they do and I was talking about how it was silly for them to make up stuff about what their God was thinking.

The holy ghost was speaking

It's funny, I had anticipated this confusion but didn't want to clutter up my comment with explanations that shouldn't be needed because they go without saying. :winking0071:

But wasn't the gematria of Genesis 1:1 proof of divine design?

07-31-2019, 09:09 AM
Mourner's food? Where did you get that idea?

From Rashi:

why lentils? Because they are [round as] a wheel, for mourning is like a wheel revolving in the world. (Also, just as lentils have no mouth [no crack], as other beans have, so does the mourner have no mouth, for he is prohibited from speaking. It is therefore the custom to feed the mourner eggs at the beginning of his meal, since they are round, and have no mouth. So too does a mourner have no mouth, as is discussed in Mo'ed Katan (21b): "A mourner, for the entire first three days, may not respond to anyone's greeting, and may surely not initiate a greeting. From the third day to the seventh, he may respond, but may not greet, etc." [This is found] in an old [edition of] Rashi.)- [From Gen. Rabbah 63:12, B.B. 16b]

So you can just hop around making any random connection? Why not say they were mourning for the future death of the Messiah?

Because that's nonsense

Ah yes ... the object of your obsession! The human mind is a curious thing. Folks get obsessed with one little thing and soon it becomes the center of their universe.
That's it

(I am the only one in my world)

Richard Amiel McGough
07-31-2019, 09:10 AM
The holy ghost was speaking

Why would you assume that?

Are you a Pentecostal Christian? Here's what they say the Holy Ghost sounds like


But wasn't the gematria of Genesis 1:1 proof of divine design?
I thought it was. But not anymore because now I understand that mere coincidences can't prove design. People must begin with a belief in the text as from God, then they convince themselves that the coincidences they find in the text are "evidence" for what the already believe. This is a textbook example of the cognitive error called "Confirmation Bias." That's why coincidences never convince anyone who doesn't already believe.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-31-2019, 09:15 AM
Because that's nonsense

One man's "nonsense" is another man's "pearl of wisdom." :lol:

(I am the only one in my world)
Then who are you talking to?

07-31-2019, 09:35 AM
Why would you assume that?

Are you a Pentecostal Christian? Here's what they say the Holy Ghost sounds like

that's cheap

words and phrases have deeper meaning than the superficial -- you must have an ear to hear (as written many tines in NT scriptures.)

I thought it was. But not anymore because now I understand that mere coincidences can't prove design. People must begin with a belief in the text as from God, then they convince themselves that the coincidences they find in the text are "evidence" for what the already believe. This is a textbook example of the cognitive error called "Confirmation Bias." That's why coincidences never convince anyone who doesn't already believe.

Genesis 1:1 was not the only instance.

Also f.e. the 1:4 ratio of the two trees.

07-31-2019, 09:41 AM
One man's "nonsense" is another man's "pearl of wisdom." :lol:

That they were mourning for the death of Christ?

Abraham's death is mentioned in the same chapter 25

in the 666th verse from the beginning.

So it is not that strange that they were mourning for Abraham.

And not only that , the reasoning of Rashi makes very much sense.

Esau despised his birthright -- the right he derived from his great-grandfather, who got the letter "hey" added to his name as sign of the covenant.

Then who are you talking to?

To my friend who died (Pater Nelis)

Richard Amiel McGough
07-31-2019, 10:07 AM
that's cheap

and gross

words and phrases have deeper meaning than the superficial -- you must have an ear to hear (as written many tines in NT scriptures.)

That's true. And meaning is in the ear of the beholder so why try to convince others of your interpretation?

Genesis 1:1 was not the only instance.

Also f.e. the 1:4 ratio of the two trees.
Sure, there are plenty of coincidences that you could put in your lentil stew to help get over your sadness.

07-31-2019, 10:31 AM
That's true. And meaning is in the ear of the beholder so why try to convince others of your interpretation?

to work it out

08-02-2019, 06:16 AM
Yes, my name in English ordinal gematria sums to 175.

which happens to coincide the amount of Abraham's years of life mentioned in the 666th verse of teh bible.

08-02-2019, 07:32 AM
https://www.academia.edu/37365531/Revelation_13_11-18_-Who_is_afraid_of_the_number_666_Be_wise?email_work _card=view-paper

Revelation 13:11-18
- Who is afraid of the number 666? Be wise! -
Author: Evert Jan Hempenius

Who is afraid of the number 666 (Revelation 13:18)?
I'm not! It is not the number of Satan, the
devil, the serpent, the dragon. It is not the number of the Antichrist. It is just the number of man. It is the number of a man or human, who has godly aspirations. The number 666 is a so-called triangle number. This means that a triangle can be made by using for instance 666 pebbles, just like a triangle can be made from three, six or ten pebbles. Within the context of Revelation, triangle numbers refer to the godly realm.

Revelation 13:11-18 describes the mechanisms of persecution when the political powers and ideologies ask the predominant religion od atheism for support of their agenda. This calls for wisdom not for fear. The main question is, how to deal as Christian with a man, an Emperor, a government, an ideology with godly aspirations and requesting worship and total obedience from the people of a nation. A Christian and the church must know that Christ has overcome all powers, and all ideologies (Revelation 11:15).

Revelation 13:1-18 opens our eyes to the mechanisms of past and modern-day persecutions.

but he has no idea of 666 being the number of "yom shishi" , sixth day ....

Richard Amiel McGough
08-02-2019, 10:50 AM
which happens to coincide the amount of Abraham's years of life mentioned in the 666th verse of teh bible.
Yeah, and ...

175 = The Angel of the Lord
175 = A Prophet of Satan

So that proves what exactly?


Richard Amiel McGough
08-02-2019, 10:50 AM
https://www.academia.edu/37365531/Revelation_13_11-18_-Who_is_afraid_of_the_number_666_Be_wise?email_work _card=view-paper

but he has no idea of 666 being the number of "yom shishi" , sixth day ....
So someone dogmatically declares his dogma ... not too compelling.

08-02-2019, 11:01 AM
Yeah, and ...

175 = The Angel of the Lord
175 = A Prophet of Satan

So that proves what exactly?


that there is more under the sun

Richard Amiel McGough
08-02-2019, 11:03 AM
that there is more under the sun
Which doesn't contradict the verse that says there is nothing new under the sun?

08-02-2019, 11:05 AM
So someone dogmatically declares his dogma ... not too compelling.

it's all about the entrance of Sabbath Satan didn't allow

Richard Amiel McGough
08-02-2019, 11:06 AM
it's all about the entrance of Sabbath Satan didn't allow
Wow - you've really invented an elaborate mythology!

08-02-2019, 11:06 AM
Which doesn't contradict the verse that says there is nothing new under the sun?

the more was already centuries old ...

08-02-2019, 11:07 AM
Wow - you've really invented an elaborate mythology!


08-02-2019, 11:08 AM

no, I picked it up from Genesis Rabba

08-02-2019, 11:18 AM
no, I picked it up from Genesis Rabba

when God said "Let us make man" the angels started to quarrel under each other. Some said: "Let him be made" . others (amongst whom Satan): "he must not be made" -- while they were quarreling God created man, on the sixth day. When man was made creation was completed. and God took rest, leaning back in his chair. But Satan was really fucked up and went out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth

Richard Amiel McGough
08-02-2019, 11:22 AM
when God said "Let us make man" the angels started to quarrel under each other. Some said: "Let him be made" . others (amongst whom Satan): "he must not be made" -- while they were quarreling God created man, on the sixth day. When man was made creation was completed. and God took rest, leaning back in his chair. But Satan was really fucked up and went out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth
Reminds me of the mythology that found it's way into the Quran (which copied most of its stuff from Christians and Jews):

[Quran 2:34] When we said to the angels, "Fall prostrate before Adam," they fell prostrate, except Satan; he refused, was too arrogant, and a disbeliever.

[Quran 7:12-13] He said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I ordered you?" He said, "I am better than he; You created me from fire, and created him from mud." He said, "Therefore, you must go down, for you are not to be arrogant here. Get out; you are debased."

08-02-2019, 11:36 AM
Reminds me of the mythology that found it's way into the Quran (which copied most of its stuff from Christians and Jews):

[Quran 2:34] When we said to the angels, "Fall prostrate before Adam," they fell prostrate, except Satan; he refused, was too arrogant, and a disbeliever.

[Quran 7:12-13] He said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I ordered you?" He said, "I am better than he; You created me from fire, and created him from mud." He said, "Therefore, you must go down, for you are not to be arrogant here. Get out; you are debased."

Satan was jealous:

Hebrews 1:5-6,

For to which of the angels did God ever say:

"You are my son; this day I have begotten you"?

Or again:

"I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me"?

And again, when he leads the first-born into the world, he says:

"Let all the angels of God worship him."

Richard Amiel McGough
08-02-2019, 11:46 AM
Satan was jealous:

Hebrews 1:5-6,

For to which of the angels did God ever say:

"You are my son; this day I have begotten you"?

Or again:

"I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me"?

And again, when he leads the first-born into the world, he says:

"Let all the angels of God worship him."

Yeah, but it's funny how the Quran (and not the Bible) has Satan explicitly rebelling against the command to worship Adam, and funnier yet that that verse does not appear in the Hebrew scriptures, but rather the LXX.


Richard Amiel McGough
08-02-2019, 12:19 PM
Satan was jealous:

It was very bad for Satan to be jealous! That's God's defining characteristic ...

Exo 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:

So hard to keep the Biblical characters straight! Which is which and who is who? :lol:

08-02-2019, 12:58 PM
It was very bad for Satan to be jealous! That's God's defining characteristic ...

Exo 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:

So hard to keep the Biblical characters straight! Which is which and who is who? :lol:

god and satan are very close, kind of intimate friends

Satan was right when he said that man better should not be made, because man would destroy all of the beautiful creation God had made that far.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-02-2019, 08:14 PM
No Richard, I am going to show everyone here how a platinum crushes a bronze.

So give us the rest of the methods and believe me, I will go all inn now.
Since when did running and hiding constitute "crushing"? :lol:

08-02-2019, 08:34 PM
I have crushed you. Not everyone sees that here but the ones who has read everything knows that I am right.
There will always be people who will agree with you. But I know that many people sees what I am doing here and that there is a lot of meaning in these codes. I consider the codes like a golden treasure. And I hope people can see that, if they don't do it here then they will in the book.

But I did not go all inn since you said it yourself: "Nothing has meaning" because of your presumptions about these codes.

08-02-2019, 08:46 PM
And the fact that you have to continue this debate makes me thing you intimated or something and you are just barking back.
Your simple logic works on a lot of guys here. But not me, telling us that "Nothing has meaning in the codes since there can be many words to a value" and that I "cherry picked those results".

Listen, I have not spent years and years of time on what you call "bullshit". So you are calling me a "idiot".
And I call you a ignorant blind Bronze.
You need to understand that if God decided to encode the bible then he has to pick a letter/word/phrase for each of those verse orders. He did not have to do it, God could have encoded the bible in different ways; and he does.
But he selected this way because it was the perfect way to do it.

No one cares about your feelings when I have all the results I need + more since God exists either you like or not.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-02-2019, 09:44 PM
I have crushed you. Not everyone sees that here but the ones who has read everything knows that I am right.
There will always be people who will agree with you. But I know that many people sees what I am doing here and that there is a lot of meaning in these codes. I consider the codes like a golden treasure. And I hope people can see that, if they don't do it here then they will in the book.

Hey there Alex, :yo:

I'm glad you have chosen to continue the conversation.

Please explain exactly what you mean when you say you "crushed" me. That doesn't make sense to me because as far as I can tell, you never even tried to answer my primary challenge to your numerology. Here it is again:

You claim that the "proof" of your patterns is that they "harmonize." I responded by asserting that any child could make "harmonious" patterns contrary to yours using your methods because the numbers overlap, and I gave mountains of examples. The truth of my argument is obvious and it is fatal to your claims, but you NEVER responded! So how can you say you "crushed" me when you never even tried to answer my devastating critique of your method?

But I did not go all inn since you said it yourself: "Nothing has meaning" because of your presumptions about these codes.

I never said "nothing has meaning" per se. I was speaking specifically of your claims. They have no meaning because you can make them say anything you want because the numbers overlap. You need to explain how to resolve this problem or no one with any brains will believe your claims.

And your claim that you "did not go all in" seems like a lame excuse for failing in light of the mountains of codes you've posted here. I can't imagine how you could have gone any further "in."

And the fact that you have to continue this debate makes me thing you intimated or something and you are just barking back.

No, that's not it. It seems you and I have something in common. I'm obsessed with exposing delusional numerology and you are obsessed with defending it. So the battle continues. The only frustrating thing is that you REFUSE to answer the questions I've been asking for years now. How is it possible you could imagine you "crushed" me when you didn't even try to answer my critiques?

Your simple logic works on a lot of guys here. But not me, telling us that "Nothing has meaning in the codes since there can be many words to a value" and that I "cherry picked those results".

Are you suggesting there is something wrong with my "simple logic"? If so, then GREAT! All you need to do is EXPLAIN where I went wrong and I will agree! What could be easier than that?

Also, you need to explain why you reject the obvious FACT that the overlapping numbers make your codes meaningless. Cherry picking is a cognitive error that leads to DELUSION. Cherry picking is the foundation of your method, so your method is a recipe for delusion. You need to answer this point, not blindly reject it.

Listen, I have not spent years and years of time on what you call "bullshit". So you are calling me a "idiot".

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the worst I said was "Why are you acting like an idiot?" and that was because you were IGNORING my questions while claiming you had "crushed" me. I'm sorry, I certainly don't mean to offend. But you have not been playing by the rules of honest intellectual discourse. I've asked the same question a million times and you refused to answer. Then you demanded that I play your game of cherry picking matches before you'd answer, and when I did that, you quit the conversation and refused to answer again.

Do you see the pattern here? You shout "I win! I win! I win" when in fact you have not answered any of the challenges to your claims.

And I call you a ignorant blind Bronze.

Name calling doesn't help anything. It doesn't even mean anything. And you wouldn't need to do it if you could just answer the challenges I have presented that prove your numerology is invalid.

You need to understand that if God decided to encode the bible then he has to pick a letter/word/phrase for each of those verse orders. He did not have to do it, God could have encoded the bible in different ways; and he does.
But he selected this way because it was the perfect way to do it.

Not true! There are millions of ways God could encode a text. But your "code" isn't really a "code" at all because there's no way for anyone to know what God intended. A real code is exact and complete, like letter shifting A => B, B = C, etc. Using that code I could write:

Ep zpv voefstuboe? Xjmm zpv botxfs?

When decoded, it says

Do you understand? Will you answer?

The code accounts for each and every letter without any ambiguity. That's what mere humans (with limited intelligence) call "codes". I would expect God's codes to be at least as good. Your numerology is not a "code" at all because different people can come to different conclusions and there's no way to discern between a "coded" text and a meaningless random text.

This is the point you must answer: How would anyone tell the difference between your numerology and what we would expect to find in any meaningless random text using your methods?

No one cares about your feelings when I have all the results I need + more since God exists either you like or not.

Feelings? Who is talking about feelings? I'm talking about LOGIC - pure and simple .... and irrefutable (or so it seems). And that's the whole point - you claim to have some sort of evidence of divine patterns in the Bible, but can't for the life of you explain why anyone should believe any of it.

Great chatting!


08-03-2019, 06:15 AM
god and satan are very close, kind of intimate friends

Satan was right when he said that man better should not be made, because man would destroy all of the beautiful creation God had made that far.

God is the creator, creator also of Satan.

God created man in his image

Creation only was complete with man being created.

Without man the universe would have been senseless, or even non-existent, since man is the image of the creator-God.

The creator-God is the four letter name that appeared at the completion of creation in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vay?hulu hashamayim", transfigurating "yom shishi" with gematria 666.

after which Mark 9:2-3,
And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became radiant, intensely white, as no launderer on earth could bleach them

Rashi on "yom hashishi" - the sixth day

It was added a "hey" on the sixth [day], at the completion of the Creation, etc.

That's the secret , hiding place, "seter", root of all mysteries :winking0071:

08-03-2019, 07:26 AM
Alright maybe you did not say "Nothing has meaning" but you definitely show us that, since you ignore every single result.
Therefore there is no reason to continue this debate.
So if you are not happy with my results here and you need more explanations then you can wait for the book.

I have told and showed you that the verses of the bible has codes that reflects it's verse order.
And that is a fact, I discovered that. And the fact that Alpha and 777 comes on top of the codes tells us that this is intelligent design.

So wait for the book if you want to see me go all inn. I am not wasting that energy.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-03-2019, 07:55 AM
Listen, I have not spent years and years of time on what you call "bullshit". So you are calling me a "idiot".

Hey there Alex,

No, I am not saying you are an "idiot" for believing in your codes. On the contrary, people with a high intelligence often believe "weird things." You should read this article by Michael Shermer called "Smart People Believe Weird Things (https://michaelshermer.com/2002/09/smart-people-believe-weird-things/)." I quoted it in my article called Debunking Myself: What A Long Strange Trip It's Been (https://www.biblewheel.com/Blog/debunking-myself-what-a-long-strange-trip-its-been/).

For those of us in the business of debunking bunk and explaining the unexplained, this is what I call the Hard Question: Why do smart people believe weird things? My Easy Answer will seem somewhat paradoxical at first: Smart people believe weird things because they are skilled at defending beliefs they arrived at for non-smart reasons.

That is to say, most of us most of the time come to our beliefs for a variety of reasons having little to do with empirical evidence and logical reasoning (that, presumably, smart people are better at employing). Rather, such variables as genetic predispositions, parental predilections, sibling influences, peer pressures, educational experiences, and life impressions all shape the personality preferences and emotional inclinations that, in conjunction with numerous social and cultural influences, lead us to make certain belief choices. Rarely do any of us sit down before a table of facts, weigh them pro and con, and choose the most logical and rational belief,regardless of what we previously believed. Instead, the facts of the world come to us through the colored filters of the theories, hypotheses, hunches, biases, and prejudices we have accumulated through our lifetime. We then sort through the body of data and select those most confirming what we already believe, and ignore or rationalize away those that are disconfirming. All of us do this, of course, but smart people are better at it through both talent and training. Some beliefs really are more logical, rational, and supported by the evidence than others, of course, but it is not my purpose here to judge the validity of beliefs; rather, I am interested in the question of how we came to them in the first place, and how we hold on to them in the face of either no evidence or contradictory evidence.

What do you think about this Alex?

08-03-2019, 07:59 AM
I mean just look at the center word of Vs(1 "α")
= 401 = Aleph & Tav את --- God created Alpha אלפא ברא אלהים --- Pure/Clear καθαρος katharos --- Time καιρος --- Curse ארר
Riddles of Alpha and seven hundred seventy and seven מאות ושבע ושבעים שבע ואת האלפא חידה (red + ord)

"Curse" is there since Aleph & Tav is Jesus. He was cursed since he put all of mankind sin on him.

But God can and will use different words on same values in these codes. He uses 37 as both "Wisdom" & "Seal".
And the FLW of Vs(1) is also = 129 "light" φωστηρες (ord) with 0 removed.
And the CW of the first verse can be "God created Alpha".

And I found the "God created Alpha" phrase yesterday. So now i think there are 2 different meanings in verse nr 1 to the FLW & CW at least. Because it can't be 2 different meanings with the FLCW or 3 CW. Those are too clear.
Because if i am wrong here about there being 2 meanings there then i think the ones I found are the right connections to that verse.

And it's not so far fetched when you consider this:
- TV of Vs(1) = "The Heart" 37 X 73 "of Wisdom" --- 37+73 = "Alpha" (Eng ord) (2 meanings in harmony)

- TV of Vs(401) = 1601 = Pri(253 "Inverse Alpha and Alpha" αντιστροφος Αλφα και Αλφα (ord) = 161 (Phi) with 0 removed
- FLW of Vs(401) = 300 + 97 "Alpha" (A=26)
- CW = 368 --- 36 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb red) merged with 68 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb red)
- FLCW = "of" 5 X 153 "The Golden Ratio" (Eng ord)

These codes are so deep that i am still learning. I have never thought that there can be 2 different meanings to any of the methods in a verse before. And if so then i think it only applies to Genesis 1:1. I can't think of any other verse that has that quality.

This is another reason of why you should wait for the book, i can still misconnect or overlook something since i don't have all the numbers i need yet. I am not far from that but this is how this works.

08-03-2019, 07:59 AM
God is the creator, creator also of Satan.

God created man in his image

Creation only was complete with man being created.

Without man the universe would have been senseless, or even non-existent, since man is the image of the creator-God.

The creator-God is the four letter name that appeared at the completion of creation in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vay?hulu hashamayim", transfigurating "yom shishi" with gematria 666.

after which Mark 9:2-3,
And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became radiant, intensely white, as no launderer on earth could bleach them

Rashi on "yom hashishi" - the sixth day

That's the secret , hiding place, "seter", root of all mysteries :winking0071:

So without man being created also no Satan and no God.

08-03-2019, 08:08 AM
"Curse" is there since Aleph & Tav is Jesus.

How you came to that?

Richard Amiel McGough
08-03-2019, 08:10 AM
Alright maybe you did not say "Nothing has meaning" but you definitely show us that, since you ignore every single result.
Therefore there is no reason to continue this debate.
So if you are not happy with my results here and you need more explanations then you can wait for the book.

Yes, I ignore the results that you present, and you do exactly the same thing with my results! You ignore every result I present. So how can you say I'm wrong for ignoring your results when you do the same with mine?

This is why presenting long lists of results doesn't prove your point. Any child could make up results like yours and mine. They are trivial. They are truly "idiotic" in the sense that they require no intelligence to make.

This is the heart of my criticism of your method. You have no way to prove if any given result was "chosen by God" or "chosen by Satan" or totally random and meaningless.

If you can't tell the difference between divine, satanic, or random results, then how can the results have any meaning?

I have told and showed you that the verses of the bible has codes that reflects it's verse order.
And that is a fact, I discovered that. And the fact that Alpha and 777 comes on top of the codes tells us that this is intelligent design.

Not, it is not a fact and you have shown no such thing. All you have shown is that you can cherry pick random numbers to make a pattern that YOU think reflects the verse order. And I have replied by doing exactly the same thing with opposite results. We can't both be right, so you need to show how to determine the which pattern is "real" and which is the product of cherry picking from random numbers.

777 does not "come" on top the codes - YOU put it there by your own choice! You are the one who picks and chooses, so you are the one who designs all your "codes." You could just as well start with the FIRST VERSE of the Bible and say that Satan designed it with a TRIPLE 666 because 666 = SATAN'S SEAL (A =6, B = 12, etc). You know you would be doing this if the first verse was designed on a triple 777. So you are merely picking the bits you like and ignoring the rest, which is the recipe for delusion.

So wait for the book if you want to see me go all inn. I am not wasting that energy.
Please don't run and hide! If you can't answer here, what makes you think you will be able to answer in a book?

I think this is your primary error. You believe that your book will be proof because you have so many examples. But that's not true. You cannot make TRUTH from big piles of errors. I have shown that your methods are erroneous, so giving more examples only confirms that they are false.

Why can't you understand such a simple point? You don't want to waste your life on falsehood. You don't want to feel like "an idiot." So why can't you respond to the PROOF I have given?

All the best, my friend,


08-03-2019, 08:12 AM
Deuteronomy 21:22-23
And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree:
His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God; ) that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-03-2019, 08:16 AM
"Curse" is there since Aleph & Tav is Jesus.
How you came to that?
You don't know that Aleph & Tav corresponds to Alpha and Omega, a title of Christ in Revelation? :rolleyes:

Richard Amiel McGough
08-03-2019, 08:22 AM
I mean just look at the center word of Vs(1 "α")

How can examples of cherry picked coincidences prove that they are not cherry picked coincidences?

Come on Alex, you need to respond to this fact. Your method is flawed.

Your method can be used to prove that the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK which he SIGNED AND SEALED with his own number using a TRIPLE 666 = SATAN'S SEAL in the very first verse! Do you have any example directly from the first verse that is this clear? I doubt it, and even if you did, it would only prove that your methods cannot discern between truth and error because they produce contrary results.

Please stop with the examples. How can they prove anything if they also prove the opposite?

Come on Alex! Wake up! Please respond to this point.

08-03-2019, 08:28 AM
No no no Richard. I have a lot of reasons of why I pick the connections I do.
You don't have that. That logical. God would not pick those satanic words/phrases to those verses.

And I have endless of proof that my connections are valid. You have Nada but your opinions.
You are like a rookie in the ring against a professional boxer here.
I can kick you around exactly how I like.

So you tell me that I cherry picked the fact that the CW of Vs(729 (α))
= 777

Well did I cherry pick that the W. surr. CW = 375 = "The" 5 X Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal") X Pytha.Pri-ord(137 "of God") also ??
Of course I did not, do you think I am playing here ?? No I am kicking you around:

CW of Vs(5 "The" ה) = 75 = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal") X Pytha.Pri-ord(137 "Seal of God")
And this CW is word nr 46 "Codes" (Eng ord) of the bible that starts with letter nr 174 (37 "Seal" + 137 "of God")

This is why I don't respect you anymore. You are like this little child that refuses to accept facts and results for what they are.

And you know the only verse that mentions "seven hundred seventy seven" is ordered at:
137 = 100 + 37 "Seal" = "of God" (Eng sta)

You don't have anymore to say Richard, except your opinions. And I don't care about them; only facts and what kind of proof you can come with. And your satanic picks does not work because God won't use them in the codes.
There are codes pointing to Satan and antichrist there but they are there to reveal them and not glorify them.

"Let him that hath wisdom; count the number of the beast...."
is what it says, It does not say "Let him that hath wisdom glorify Satan"

Richard Amiel McGough
08-03-2019, 08:28 AM
But God can and will use different words on same values in these codes. He uses 37 as both "Wisdom" & "Seal".
And the FLW of Vs(1) is also = 129 "light" φωστηρες (ord) with 0 removed.
And the CW of the first verse can be "God created Alpha".

Yes, you can pick wisdom and seal if it pleases you, just as I can choose HELL (Eng ord) = 37 and HELL (Eng std) = 73 and all the other words contrary to your codes that I've shown in this thread.

You ignore my results, so why shouldn't I ignore yours?

How can you call your results a "code" if they can say opposite things?

What good are your codes if they can be used to show that the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK = 117 = DEVIL'S CODES that he signed and sealed with a triple confirmation using his own number 666 =SATAN'S SEAL (A = 6, B = 12, etc) in the very first verse? Why would God put a code like that in the Bible if it was really his book?

Why can't you answer these basic questions?

How can you ignore the fact that these are the questions that INTELLIGENT people will be asking when they see your book?

How can you imagine that your results are true when you refuse to answer these most basic questions?

08-03-2019, 08:32 AM
Are you brain dead or somthing ?

Verse nr 137 = 100 + 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) = "of God" (Eng sta) is the only verse that mentions
"seven hundred seventy and seven" of all the 31102 verses of the bible.

Word nr 37 "Seal" of the bible starts with letter nr 137 "of God"

CW of Vs(37) = 400 + 16 "Seal" חתם (Heb red)
CW of Vs(137) = 400 + 28 "of God" אלהי (Heb red)

08-03-2019, 08:35 AM
You don't know that Aleph & Tav corresponds to Alpha and Omega, a title of Christ in Revelation? :rolleyes:

1) Omega doesn't correspond to Tav

2) and if meant so, then it still doesn't follow that every time in Hebrew scripture the word "et" is used , it should be an allusion to the one who said "I am the alpha and the omega"

So it is complete nonsense to read Jesus Christ mentioned two times in Genesis 1:1

08-03-2019, 08:38 AM
1) Omega doesn't correspond to Tav

2) and if meant so, then it still doesn't follow that every time in Hebrew scripture the word "et" is used , it should be an allusion to the one who said "I am the alpha and the omega"

So it is complete nonsense to read Jesus Christ mentioned two times in Genesis 1:1

Well Aleph & Tav is the First & Last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet and you know who is the First and Last.
Just read the TV of the 888 Holograph and you see many verifications on that. It's on page 1 of this thread.

08-03-2019, 08:55 AM
Well Aleph & Tav is the First & Last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet and you know who is the First and Last.
Just read the TV of the 888 Holograph and you see many verifications on that. It's on page 1 of this thread.

Omega is the third eye

08-03-2019, 09:00 AM
Omega is the third eye

What makes you say that ?

Richard Amiel McGough
08-03-2019, 09:05 AM
No no no Richard. I have a lot of reasons of why I pick the connections I do.
You don't have that. That logical. God would not pick those satanic words/phrases to those verses.

Why do you keep repeating the same error? You KNOW i am not saying that God picked anything. On the contrary, I am proving that I can use your methods to make patterns that supposedly "confirm" that SATAN designed the Bible. And my patterns are a thousand times better than yours. You have nothing like the clarity of my pattern that shows Satan signed and sealed the very first verse of the Bible which a TRIPLE SEAL of 666 = SATAN'S SEAL (A=6, B=12, etc).

You have nothing like this. My patterns are a million times more powerful than yours.

And I have endless of proof that my connections are valid. You have Nada but your opinions.

Get real Alex! How can you say you have "proof" when you can't answer the most basic question about how to tell the difference between divine patterns, satanic patterns, and meaningless random patterns?

And as for the patterns, everyone can see mine are a billion times more powerful than yours because I found a way to show that Satan signed and sealed the first verse of the Bible with a TRIPLE 666 = SATAN'S SEAL (A=6, B=12, etc). You got nothing like that. I win dude! :lol:

You are like a rookie in the ring against a professional boxer here.
I can kick you around exactly how I like.

Alex, you words are utterly delusional and unfounded. My patterns are a trillion times more powerful than anything you have ever seen. I have a TRIPLE ENCODING of SATAN'S SEAL in the first verse of the Hebrew Bible! You think you can touch that? You have nothing like that. And now you are sounding quite desperate, like a wounded animal. You are on the mat dude. The referee is counting 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... you better get up and try to answer soon.

666 = SATAN'S SEAL (A = 6, B = 12, etc)


So you tell me that I cherry picked the fact that the CW of Vs(729 (α))
= 777

Well did I cherry pick that the W. surr. CW = 375 = "The" 5 X Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal") X Pytha.Pri-ord(137 "of God") also ??
Of course I did not, do you think I am playing here ?? No I am kicking you around:

Yes, you CHERRY PICKED those coincidences from an OCEAN of other possibilities. Nothing could be more obvious. Nothing could be more certain. That fact that you deny this basic fact makes you look utterly delusional and/or ignorant. Like you don't even know what the term "cherry picking" means (after all these years of discussion).

CHERRY PICKING is when you REJECT all the facts contrary to what you want to believe and ACCEPT only facts that fit what you want to believe.

This is all you are doing. This is the heart and soul of your "codes." Nothing but utterly meaningless cherry picking from an ocean of random numbers.

I have proven this by doing my own cherry picking to make patterns contrary to yours. But you BLINDLY ignore my examples and fail to see that they are PROOF that you numerology is fatally flawed.

This is why I don't respect you anymore. You are like this little child that refuses to accept facts and results for what they are.

WOW! WOW! WOW! You just gave the PERFECT DESCRIPTION of yourself!

This is why I have been showing you contrary patterns. You now MUST SEE that you are doing EXACTLY the same thing that you say I am doing. You are like a child that refuses to accept facts and results for what they are. I have presented you a mountain of codes that show the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK that he signed and sealed with his own number in the very first verse. You IGNORE these results like a little child, holding on to his favorite toy codes.

And you know the only verse that mentions "seven hundred seventy seven" is ordered at:
137 = 100 + 37 "Seal" = "of God" (Eng sta)

So what? You know that 37 also is the value of HELL (Eng ord) which is Lucifer's domain and Lucifer = 74 = 2 x 37!

I can match each and every one of your "divine patterns" with my own "satanic pattern" because the freaking NUMBERS OVERLAP! You need to address this point.

You need to address this point.

Why are you so blind? How can you ignore something so obvious?

You need to answer this point.

You don't have anymore to say Richard, except your opinions. And I don't care about them; only facts and what kind of proof you can come with.

Sorry Alex, but empty assertions like that are utterly meaningless. I have presented facts how can you call them opinions? I have presented PROOF and you have done nothing but ignore it.

And your satanic picks does not work because God won't use them in the codes.

Why do you keep repeating this error? I didn't say GOD picked them. On the contrary, my whole point is that SATAN picked them. I've explained this to you four times now. Why can't you understand such a simple point?

At least now I can see why you remain blind. You cannot even understand the arguments I am presenting, because you assume that the Bible was designed by God regardless of the codes. And this explains the real reason you believe the codes ... they confirm what you want to believe. And that, my friend, is the essence of DELUSION caused by confirmation bias and selection bias (cherry picking).

There are codes pointing to Satan and antichrist there but they are there to reveal them and not glorify them.

"Let him that hath wisdom; count the number of the beast...."
is what it says, It does not say "Let him that hath wisdom glorify Satan"
Oh really? That's why God would put a TRIPLE 666 = SATAN'S SEAL in the very first verse of his bible? I don't think so! :lol:

Doesn't sound like a very smart "god" to me! :lmbo:

08-03-2019, 09:08 AM
What makes you say that ?

Greek knows Omikron and Omega, little eye and great eye.

Omikron corresponds to Hebrew letter Ayin, 16th letter of Hebrew alphabet with numerical value 70.

As a word "ayin" means eye or well, with gematria 130.

Omega is said to correspond to the missing 23rd letter of Hebrew Alphabet, the 13th of the 12 simple letters mentioned in the Sefer Yetzirah.

(and Tav corresponds to Greek Tau)

Richard Amiel McGough
08-03-2019, 09:15 AM
1) Omega doesn't correspond to Tav

2) and if meant so, then it still doesn't follow that every time in Hebrew scripture the word "et" is used , it should be an allusion to the one who said "I am the alpha and the omega"

So it is complete nonsense to read Jesus Christ mentioned two times in Genesis 1:1
1) Yes it does, in the sense that it is the last letter of the Greek alphabet like Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew. But your are correct that it does not correspond phonetically, like Dalet and Delta. But that's not how it was being used in Revelation, where it is explicitly used as an example of "first and last" in which case Omega certainly corresponds to Tav.

2) Correct, that is a common mistake. Very similar to the way you hijack every occurrence of the number 5 and the letter heh as evidence of your pet obsessions.

So it is complete nonsense to read everything as connecting to yom hashishi.

08-03-2019, 09:18 AM
Greek knows Omikron and Omega, little eye and great eye.

Omikron corresponds to Hebrew letter Ayin, 16th letter of Hebrew alphabet with numerical value 70.

As a word "ayin" means eye or well, with gematria 130.

Omega is said to correspond to the missing 23rd letter of Hebrew Alphabet, the 13th of the 12 simple letters mentioned in the Sefer Yetzirah.

(and Tav corresponds to Greek Tau)

In Jewish tradition it is known as the "four legged Shin' -- which is on the Tephilin shel Rosh -- black box on the forehead with inside certain passages from the Torah.



"four legged Shin" should be the white space surrounding the black letters with which the Torah is written (on white parchment)

"black fire on white fire"


08-03-2019, 09:20 AM
1) Yes it does, in the sense that it is the last letter of the Greek alphabet like Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew.

It doesn't say "I am the first and the last letter"

2) Correct, that is a common mistake. Very similar to the way you hijack every occurrence of the number 5 and the letter heh as evidence of your pet obsessions.
That's simply not true, a false accusation

08-03-2019, 09:43 AM
Yeah but this is the codes. You need to read between the lines here.

Have you not understood how much God loves riddles yet ??

Words added from nr 2 to 7 (27 "Ridde(s) of") in Vs(1 "Alpha") = 1788 (178 = Comp(137 = 37 "Seal" = "of God"))
Letters added from nr 2 to 7 in Vs(1 "Alpha") = 913 "In the beginning" = 900 + 13 "Alpha" (Heb red)
Sum: 1788 + 913 = "The Heart" 37X73 "of Wisdom" --- 37+73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng sta)

- 110 "Alpha" = Tri(7) + Tri(2) + Tri(9) + Tri(7) + Tri(3) [72973 = 5 digits of Alpha]
= CW of Vs(1617 = 7X Tri(7+7+7) = Value of word nr 194 which is also the same value as the word that has letter nr 777 of the bible (840) + 777)
= CW of Vs(948 = 3 X 316 "Zeta" Ζ (Full) [7th Greek letter]))
- 316 "Zeta" Ζ (Full) = 300 + 16 "Seal" = Pri(2) X Pri(2) X Pri(23) --- 2X2X23 = 92 "riddles of" (Eng ord) = CW of Vs(777)

Richard Amiel McGough
08-03-2019, 10:43 AM
It doesn't say "I am the first and the last letter"

It says the first and last letters are symbols of God as the first and last, beginning and ending.

That's simply not true, a false accusation
Any more false than when you accuse others in a similar way?

08-03-2019, 10:52 AM
It says the first and last letters are symbols of God as the first and last, beginning and ending.

it doesn't say that

Any more false than when you accuse others in a similar way?

yes much more, because it's about the very essence of my findings

and I didn't accuse others in a similar way.

You just can't read the word "et" as if it stands for Jesus Christ. That's complete nonsene, evangelical bullshit

Richard Amiel McGough
08-03-2019, 11:01 AM
it doesn't say that

Yes it does. It says straight up I am the Alpha and the Omega which are the first and last letters.

and I didn't accuse others in a similar way.

Sure you do. You call accuse others of spouting "nonsense"

You just can't read the word "et" as if it stands for Jesus Christ. That's complete nonsene, evangelical bullshit
Why not? How is it any different than what you do when you read your symbols into the text?

08-03-2019, 11:07 AM

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end

[22:13] Christ applies to himself words used by God in Rev 1:8.

"first" isn't synonym with "beginning" and "last" not with "end"


end = τέλος

from τελέω (fe in John 19:30, ὅτε οὖν ἔλαβεν τὸ ὄξος [ὁ] Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν, Τετέλεσται: καὶ κλίνας τὴν κεφαλὴν παρέδωκεν τὸ πνεῦμα.)

and you have also συντελέω

which is in LXX Genesis 2:1,
και συνετελεσθησαν ο ουρανος και η γη και πας ο κοσμος αυτων

08-03-2019, 11:13 AM
Yes it does. It says straight up I am the Alpha and the Omega which are the first and last letters.

Revelation 1:8 doesn't say that, and also not Revelation 21:6

"first and last" in Revelation 22:13 might allude to the first and last letters of the alphabet, but then still Greek and not Hebrew

Sure you do. You call accuse others of spouting "nonsense" which is just the truth

Why not? How is it any different than what you do when you read your symbols into the text?

which symbols?

Richard Amiel McGough
08-03-2019, 11:15 AM
Yeah but this is the codes. You need to read between the lines here.

Have you not understood how much God loves riddles yet ??

Words added from nr 2 to 7 (27 "Ridde(s) of") in Vs(1 "Alpha") = 1788 (178 = Comp(137 = 37 "Seal" = "of God"))
Letters added from nr 2 to 7 in Vs(1 "Alpha") = 913 "In the beginning" = 900 + 13 "Alpha" (Heb red)
Sum: 1788 + 913 = "The Heart" 37X73 "of Wisdom" --- 37+73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng sta)

God isn't the only one who loves riddles! Satan knows physics too so he used alpha in his satanic codes of HELL

HELL (Eng ord + std) = 37 + 73 = 110

THE SEAL OF SATAN (Eng ord + std) = 913

So your "divine codes" are really satanic!

Letters added from nr 2 to 7 in Vs(1 "Alpha") = 913 "In the beginning" = THE SEAL OF SATAN (Eng ord + strd)
Sum: 1788 + 913 = "HELL" 37X73 "HELL" --- 37+73 = 110 "HELL" (Eng ord + sta)

And now we see that SATAN signed and SEALED his book in many powerful ways in the very first verse!

THE FIRST WORD: IN THE BEGINNING (Heb std) = 913 = THE SEAL OF SATAN (Eng ord + std)



And what about the central number 703? It points to ...

703 = 666 + 37 = "SATAN'S SEAL" 666 + 37 "OF HELL"!!!

My codes are a quadrillion times more clear and powerful than yours Alex. Time to wake up dude!

08-03-2019, 10:46 PM
"I am the Alpha and the Omega"

Alpha = "alef", name of the first letter with value 1

Omega = "ayin" = name of the 16th letter with value 70 ( be it "ayin gadol"- big 70)

So numerical difference between "alef" and "ayin" is 69

(That the author of Revelation reckoned with Hebrew gematria might be clear from Revelation 13:18 :yo: )

"alef" and "ayin" constitute the difference between "or" (light) = 207 and "or" (skin) = 276

276 - 207 = 69

276 = 4 x 69 (= 12 x 23)

So 4 x light = 3 x skin = 828 = "tzafnat pa'neiach" = 828 צָֽפְנַ֣ת פַּעְנֵ֒חַ֒, revealer of hidden things

I made nice thoughts about it


Jan 12, 2018
Replying to
Hebrew is the historic follow-up to Edenic. So Hebrew-speakers will absorb words from the nations. Edenic is not one of the 70, but ALL 70. The pre-scrambled source of any human language. Would you like evidence from the Amazon jungle, Australia or Papua New Guinea?


But still am not circumcised

08-03-2019, 11:10 PM
"I am the Alpha and the Omega" is (also) about the number of 153 fish mentioned in John 21:11

The fishermen of Ezekiel 47:10 surely are fishers of men, since it is about the number 153 as triangle 17

And it will be [a place] beside which fishermen will stand, from Ein-gedi to Ein-eglaim; a place for spreading nets they will be; their fish will be of many kinds, like the fish of the Great Sea, very many.

from Ein-gedi to Ein-eglaim = מֵעֵ֥ין גֶּ֙דִי֙ וְעַד־עֵ֣ין עֶגְלַ֔יִם

Omikron = "ein-gedi" = the eye 17

Omega = "ein-eglayim" = the eye 153


08-04-2019, 05:42 AM
"I am the Alpha and the Omega" is (also) about the number of 153 fish mentioned in John 21:11

The fishermen of Ezekiel 47:10 surely are fishers of men, since it is about the number 153 as triangle 17

And it will be [a place] beside which fishermen will stand, from Ein-gedi to Ein-eglaim; a place for spreading nets they will be; their fish will be of many kinds, like the fish of the Great Sea, very many.

from Ein-gedi to Ein-eglaim = מֵעֵ֥ין גֶּ֙דִי֙ וְעַד־עֵ֣ין עֶגְלַ֔יִם

Omikron = "ein-gedi" = the eye 17

Omega = "ein-eglayim" = the eye 153


Which is less strange than you might think, since Revelation 22 is after Ezekekiel 47:1-12



08-04-2019, 06:53 AM
Back off Richard, you are defeated.

Your weak attempt to disprove my codes is useless since I have all the verses I need to prove that I am right.

You need to accept the facts as they are.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 07:30 AM
Back off Richard, you are defeated.

Your weak attempt to disprove my codes is useless since I have all the verses I need to prove that I am right.

You need to accept the facts as they are.
Alright Alex, you've convinced me. You've left no room for doubt that you have some sort of serious mental disorder. I'm no psychologist, but if I had to guess I'd say it seems to be a mix of ignorance, arrogance, and autism.

Your numerology is literally the most ludicrous, absurd, stupid, moronic, and insane that I have ever seen. Not one person with any intelligence would think there is any meaning to it for a minute. It is a meaningless game of matching random numbers that any five year old child could play. The fact that you have spent years playing this moronic child's game means you have been willfully acting like an idiot for years now which is especially egregious since I explained your errors years ago and yet you chose to continue in your error without even attempting to respond.

Obviously, there is nothing more to discuss because you refuse to admit the most basic facts that have been proven beyond any shadow of doubt. And worse, you declare yourself a "winner" when in fact you have not even tried to answer the devastating criticisms I have presented. Your behavior is utterly delusional.

These are the facts. You have chosen the path of darkness, ignorance, arrogance and lies. You exalt yourself and insult others who try to help you see the error of your ways. From a Christian perspective, you have chosen the path of Satan, and rejoice in it. Wow.

There are few things more sick and pathetic than to see a grown man play a MORONIC child's game of matching random numbers and thinking himself some sort of freaking "Grandmaster." Wow.

Hope you recover soon. I've done my absolute best to help. Obviously, there's nothing more I can do.

08-04-2019, 08:04 AM
Back off Richard, you are defeated.


Revelation 2:17,

to the one who is victorious (...) I will give a white pebble

τῷ νικῶντι (...) δώσω αὐτῷ ψῆφον λευκὴν

1) stone, pebble 1a) in the ancient courts the accused were condemned by black pebbles and the acquitted by white 2) a vote

1) count with pebbles, to compute, calculate, reckon
2) give one's vote by casting a pebble into the urn
3) decide by voting

Revelation 13:18,
ὁ ἔχων νοῦν ψηφισάτω τὸν ἀριθμὸν τοῦ θηρίου

let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast :winking0071:


08-04-2019, 09:36 AM
Alright Alex, you've convinced me. I have no doubt that you have some sort of serious mental disorder. I'm no psychologist, but if I had to guess I'd say it seems to be a mix of ignorance, arrogance, and autism.

don't the same words apply to yourself?

"The Bible Wheel" is a complete crazy insane book produced by someone who was both ignorant and arrogant and loved most of all himself, up to the present day, although he declared the bible wheel to be debunked (by which he denied responsibility for his claims and avoided to have to answer painful questions)

on p. 121 (of all numbers :winking0071:) it reads:

I am the Alpha and the Omega (ΑΩ), the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 1:8 (Spoke 22, Cycle 3)

(but you got that from KJV I see https://biblehub.com/revelation/1-8.htm -- beter called KJP :winking0071: -- "the beginning and the ending" , ἡ ἀρχὴ καὶ τὸ τέλος, was not in the original handwritings and was derived from Revelation 21:6 and 22:13) -- and "which" is perverse translation of ὁ = who -- referring to the Lord God )

Next it reads:
He engraved these Letters (capital L)in His Capstone Signature (ΑΩ/את) which declares by its very nature that it is a miracle (ot), a Sign (ת) from God (א)

You still hang on that, the very capstone of your wheel

you have spent years playing this moronic child's game.

You did spent a lot of energy on it, all for waste...

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 10:13 AM
don't the same words apply to yourself?

"The Bible Wheel" is a complete crazy insane book produced by someone who was both ignorant and arrogant and loved most of all himself, up to the present day, although he declared the bible wheel to be debunked (by which he denied responsibility for his claims and avoided to have to answer painful questions)

on p. 121 (of all numbers :winking0071:) it reads:

I am the Alpha and the Omega (ΑΩ), the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 1:8 (Spoke 22, Cycle 3)

(but you got that from KJV I see https://biblehub.com/revelation/1-8.htm -- beter called KJP :winking0071: -- "the beginning and the ending" , ἡ ἀρχὴ καὶ τὸ τέλος, was not in the original handwritings and was derived from Revelation 21:6 and 22:13) -- and "which" is perverse translation of ὁ = who -- referring to the Lord God )

Next it reads:
He engraved these Letters (capital L)in His Capstone Signature (ΑΩ/את) which declares by its very nature that it is a miracle (ot), a Sign (ת) from God (א)

You still hang on that, the very capstone of your wheel

you have spent years playing this moronic child's game.

You did spent a lot of energy on it, all for waste...
Hey there sylvius :yo:

I've answered in a new thread. Please continue the conversation there: Was the Bible Wheel a "completely crazy insane book"? (https://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?6552-Was-the-Bible-Wheel-a-quot-completely-crazy-insane-book-quot)

08-04-2019, 11:22 AM
Oh the old "You are crazy" card. I call it that when people say you need mental help because they don't get their way.

Well we disagree and I have given you thousands of results.
I am not perfect Richard, but I do not ignore everything in these codes like you.

I am just convinced in my case, do I have a mental disorder for that ? Nope.

I have a close family member who uses this card often, so I have much experience with this attitude.

Don't sink into this level Richard. It does not suit you.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 12:26 PM
Oh the old "You are crazy" card. I call it that when people say you need mental help because they don't get their way.

Well we disagree and I have given you thousands of results.
I am not perfect Richard, but I do not ignore everything in these codes like you.

I am just convinced in my case, do I have a mental disorder for that ? Nope.

I have a close family member who uses this card often, so I have much experience with this attitude.

Don't sink into this level Richard. It does not suit you.
Hey there Alex, :yo:

I'm glad you are pursuing the conversation.

I am not using any "crazy card." When I say that you appear to have a mental disorder, I mean it most sincerely. I don't know if its induced by a bad habit of confirmation bias and selection bias, or something more serious, but I know the numerology makes it worse. And sense I am partial responsible for you fall into numerology, I am very interested in helping you free yourself from it. I have avoiding talking about it in these terms because I had hoped you would show some rationality and prove me wrong. But your refusal is such that I can't think of any other approach. Your numerology is demonstrably absurd, insane, idiotic, and moronic. I have proven this ten thousand times and you have ignored all the proofs. And then you declare that you have "defeated" me when in fact you have not even RESPONDED to my arguments at all.

If you want to convince me you are rational, all you need to do is RESPOND to the many PROOFS I have given that your numerology is delusional. When you IGNORE all the proofs I have given and then declare that you have "defeated" when in fact you never even engaged my argument, there is no room for any other conclusion but that you are extremely delusional.

The solution is very simple. Explain to me how a person can discern between your "divine codes" and meaningless random crap we can always find in the Bible using your methods.

And please explain why you IGNORE all the results that I present which are contrary to yours. You complain that I ignore your results, but then you do exactly the same thing. BUT THAT'S THE VERY REASON I PRESENT CONTRARY RESULTS! To show that your methods are inconsistent and incoherent and so cannot be a "code" from God. You need to respond to this point. I have brought this to your attention before and you refused to answer, as usual.

This is why I say you are "delusional." You ignore all the evidence I present and then declare "victory" without presenting any evidence at all.

Can you explain why God would encode THE SEAL OF SATAN (Eng ord + std) = 913 = IN THE BEGINNING (He std) in the very first word of his Bible?

Can you explain why God would encode a Triple 666 = SATAN'S SEAL (A=6, B=12, etc) in the very first verse of his Bible?

Can you explain why we should ignore those stunning "coincidences" while believing all the convoluted cherry picked coincidences that you call "codes"?

08-04-2019, 12:45 PM
And sense I am partial responsible for you fall into numerology, I am very interested in helping you free yourself from it. I have avoiding talking about it in these terms because I had hoped you would show some rationality and prove me wrong.

You are definitely not responsible for my interest in codes.
I was very interested in codes before I come to this website, but it was here my journey into the bible codes started.

It was your website that I used to decode the verses, and I truly misconnected a lot in the first years.
And verse nr 1 was the hardest verse, the most riddled of them all.

I got some help from both you and Sylvius to figure details in Hebrew and that was Key to getting the words & phrases.
And I am very grateful for that, you will get a special thanks for it in the book.

And I have rationally proved you wrong in my way, the same way as God does to it in these codes; by spreading the connections all over. So you see a lot of connections here that makes very much sense and you know it.

I am not revealing all the riddles here so wait for the book if you want more "explanations" of why this and that.
And the ultimate riddle is a very good explanation to why some important things are like they are here.
I showed you that ultimate riddle but it might be that there is more to it than what I showed you and I am working on it now.
It might even be that I need some help of either you or Sylvius on it, if so then I will let you know.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 01:15 PM
You are definitely not responsible for my interest in codes.
I was very interested in codes before I come to this website, but it was here my journey into the bible codes started.

It was your website that I used to decode the verses, and I truly misconnected a lot in the first years.
And verse nr 1 was the hardest verse, the most riddled of them all.

That's why I said I was "partially responsible".

And I have rationally proved you wrong in my way, the same way as God does to it in these codes; by spreading the connections all over. So you see a lot of connections here that makes very much sense and you know it.

And that's the root of all your errors. You believe that your "connections" are "proof" if you can find enough of them. But I proved you wrong because I can find a contrary connection for every connection you make. Therefore, either the connections mean nothing or they mean two contradictory things. But if they mean contradictory things, then they are self-contradictory and therefore meaningless.

In either case they are meaningless. This is a logical proof that your numerology is meaningless. Why can't you answer it?

How can you believe your connections are proof if others can find just as many contrary connections?

The whole method is quite literally idiotic and moronic. There is not one person with half a brain who would believe any of it for half a second. You are like a defective child who merely matches random numbers and thinks himself a "Grandmaster of codes." Why can't you see the absurdity of this?

I am not revealing all the riddles here so wait for the book if you want more "explanations" of why this and that.

It will make no difference when you finally reveal your "ultimate riddles" because your riddles are utterly absurd. It doesn't matter what numbers and words you use because your numbers and words overlap with all the other numbers and words so anyone can transform your "codes" into contrary codes, matching one for one. So if you codes are "proof" because you have many of them, then the contrary codes are proved the same way, and we see that your method is logically incoherent and self-contradictory and so meaningless.

Again, this is a logical proof that your numerology is meaningless. You need to respond to this point.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 01:17 PM
The solution is very simple. Explain to me how a person can discern between your "divine codes" and meaningless random crap we can always find in the Bible using your methods.

And please explain why you IGNORE all the results that I present which are contrary to yours. You complain that I ignore your results, but then you do exactly the same thing. BUT THAT'S THE VERY REASON I PRESENT CONTRARY RESULTS! To show that your methods are inconsistent and incoherent and so cannot be a "code" from God. You need to respond to this point. I have brought this to your attention before and you refused to answer, as usual.

This is why I say you are "delusional." You ignore all the evidence I present and then declare "victory" without presenting any evidence at all.

Can you explain why God would encode THE SEAL OF SATAN (Eng ord + std) = 913 = IN THE BEGINNING (He std) in the very first word of his Bible?

Can you explain why God would encode a Triple 666 = SATAN'S SEAL (A=6, B=12, etc) in the very first verse of his Bible?

Can you explain why we should ignore those stunning "coincidences" while believing all the convoluted cherry picked coincidences that you call "codes"?

Can you please answer these questions?



08-04-2019, 01:21 PM
Why should I give you any answers? You just renamed this thread that I made from
"Some Holograph Materieal" to "The Delusional Numeriology of Alexander Marcussen".

I would never think you would sink to this level Richard.

What happened to your "Freedom of Speech" ??
You certainly have uttered your opinions here freely from the start of this thread, did you have to rename it also without my permission ?

Grow up.

08-04-2019, 01:24 PM
And i have given you over a thousand results that gives meaning and you ignore them.
End of story. It does not matter if you change the name of my thread, these results are still here.
Will you delete the thread now that you don't get your way ?

08-04-2019, 01:31 PM
And you removed my access to what I shared on that first page so that I can't update the images if I misconnected something.

Take it easy now, take a long walk in the park and get some air. You don't have to "take control" just because you are angry.

Are you going to ban me for "not sharing your views" next ?
Have we gone world war 2 Germany here ??

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 01:42 PM
Why should I give you any answers? You just renamed this thread that I made from
"Some Holograph Materieal" to "The Delusional Numeriology of Alexander Marcussen".

I would never think you would sink to this level Richard.

What happened to your "Freedom of Speech" ??
You certainly have uttered your opinions here freely from the start of this thread, did you have to rename it also without my permission ?

Grow up.
After your endless insults, lies and refusals to answer the most basic questions, followed by your LUDICROUS and utterly unfounded assertion that you have "defeated" me, I thought it an appropriate title.

The fact that you now refuse to answer on the pretext of the changed title is another ludicrous dodge. You refuse to answer because you KNOW you cannot answer. I have been challenged you with the same questions for years and you refuse to answer! And then you declare that you "crushed" my arguments when you never even tried to answer them?

You delusion is as deep as the ocean Alex.

08-04-2019, 01:43 PM
Can't we just agree to disagree and leave it like that ?
I really appreciate this website and admire parts of your work.

But we don't have to debate all the time.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 01:44 PM
Can't we just agree to disagree and leave it like that ?
I really appreciate this website and admire parts of your work.

But we don't have to debate all the time.
Absolutely not. YOU have REFUSED to answer the most basic questions I have been asking for YEARS and then you declared that you "crushed" me?

I'm not gonna give you a pass on that degree of arrogance.

You behavior is absolutely inexcusable Alex.

08-04-2019, 01:45 PM
And I have given you many many results. Now I can live with the fact that you changed the name of this thread and took control now.

But I think I have given you enough answers and please respect that and I will be silent.

08-04-2019, 01:49 PM
And yes I declared I "crushed you" but I did not go all inn there. So that is debatable.
But i think all these results I have given crushes your presumption about God not picking a Letter/Word/Phrase for every verse.

Is that wrong since it is my oppinion, just like you have your oppinion. You are free to believe what you want, right ?

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 01:56 PM
And you removed my access to what I shared on that first page so that I can't update the images if I misconnected something.

I have returned to my old policy that allowed editing for 24 hours. It's normal policy on many if not most forums to lock down posts after a certain about of time so they cannot be change. This keeps the conversation honest and the record clear. Itr prevents people from changing things that other users may challenge. It's good to have a record of what was originally written (allowing, of course, for some initial editing).

If you want to update something, you can add another post.

Take it easy now, take a long walk in the park and get some air. You don't have to "take control" just because you are angry.

I'm not angry and have no need to "take control."

All the power is in your hands Alex. All you need to do is be honest and ANSWER the challenges I have been presenting for years.

How can you think you are honest when you REFUSE to answer the most basic challenges I have presented?

How can you think you numerology has any meaning when I have proven it produces incoherent and self-contradictory results?

How can you think you are nearly a "Grandmaster" when do nothing but match random numbers like a five year old child?

Are you going to ban me for "not sharing your views" next ?

No. I have no intent on banning you. But I'm not going to let your ludicrous lies go unchallenged. You repeatedly claim that you have "crushed" me and "defeated" me when in fact you have not even tried to answer my challenges. Words have consequences. In this case, the consequence is that I have renamed the thread to match your behavior. I will change it to something more palatable for you if you honestly answer my challenges.

Have we gone world war 2 Germany here ??
Nope. I just thought you needed a wake up call because your delusional ravings were getting a little out of hand.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 01:59 PM
And I have given you many many results. Now I can live with the fact that you changed the name of this thread and took control now.

And I have given you many results.

So why are your results "proof" of your "codes" but not mine?

It appears that you just declare yourself "King of the Codes" and then ignore any criticism. That is delusional Alex. it's painful to watch.

But I think I have given you enough answers and please respect that and I will be silent.

Don't be absurd Alex. You have never answered my central challenges. You have ignored almost all the results I've presetented.

Why are you so terrified? Why can't you answer my questions? They are the most basic questions any child would ask when confronted with your ludicrous numerology.

08-04-2019, 02:01 PM
So you can tell me that I have a mental disorder but I can't say I crushed you in a debate ?

How do you explain that ?

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 02:02 PM
So you can tell me that I have a mental disorder but I can't say I crushed you in a debate ?

How do you explain that ?
Easy. You have presented a MOUNTAIN of evidence that you have a mental disorder, and have never presented any evidence that you "crushed" me.

My words are justified by the facts. Your's are not.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 02:07 PM
And yes I declared I "crushed you" but I did not go all inn there. So that is debatable.
But i think all these results I have given crushes your presumption about God not picking a Letter/Word/Phrase for every verse.

Is that wrong since it is my oppinion, just like you have your oppinion. You are free to believe what you want, right ?
It is good to be talking about the facts Alex.

And it is good to admit that your claims are really just your opinion.

But the same is not true about my claims. I can prove my claims with logic and facts. You cannot.

Let's see if we can have a real conversation.

You say that God picks a set of letters, words, phrases for every verse. How do you know that? What is your evidence?

Is this a good place to start?

08-04-2019, 02:27 PM
No I actually refuse to debate anything here now that you just changed the name of this thread without my permission.

08-04-2019, 02:29 PM
But I see that you renamed it again to something more proper so you are going in the right direction here.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 02:41 PM
But I see that you renamed it again to something more proper so you are going in the right direction here.

So let's try to have an actual discussion about your claims.

You think that the patterns you pick using your many methods are actually "picked" by God to communicate a "code". Is that correct?

Do you have any evidence supporting that belief?

08-04-2019, 02:57 PM
The name of this thread should be "Some Holograph Material", change it or no debate.

08-04-2019, 03:02 PM
and you have to promise not to change it again.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 03:07 PM
The name of this thread should be "Some Holograph Material", change it or no debate.

and you have to promise not to change it again.
I will promise to not change it again as long as you actually engage in a rational debate without obviously refusing to answer my basic questions.


08-04-2019, 03:16 PM
Fair enough, but how many pages or examples of feedback do you require ?

08-04-2019, 03:31 PM
Another interesting thing about the Greek spelling of "Jesus Christ" is the fact that it is: 2368
= 2000 + CW of Vs(401 "Aleph & Tav")

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 03:32 PM
Fair enough, but how many pages or examples of feedback do you require ?
I don not want any examples. You have provided more than enough examples. And I provided more than enough counter-examples. You ignored my examples and complained that I ignored yours, so obviously the presentation of "examples" will never resolve this issue.

I want an answer to my questions written in English words so we can have an actual discussion.

I want you to answer my question: Do you have any evidence that God picked the patterns that you picked? If so, please explain the evidence using complete English sentences. If you say that the examples are the evidence, then you will need to explain why my examples are not evidence.

Got it?


08-04-2019, 03:33 PM
The name of this thread should be "Some Holograph Material", change it or no debate.

Is it alright if he at least corrects the spelling??? :D

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 03:47 PM
ANother interesting thing about the Greek spelling of "Jesus Christ" is the fact that it is: 2368
= 2000 + CW of Vs(401 "Aleph & Tav")
Please STOP with your examples. They are completely meaningless because I can present many counter-examples for each of your examples. And this leads to my primary argument that I would like you to answer:

My Argument:
It seems that you think your examples are "evidence" because you have lots of them. But I have proven that I can make a contrary patterns for each of your patterns. So if having many examples is "evidence" then I have as much evidence as you. This leads to a logical contradiction because it means we have "evidence" for contrary conclusions. This means that your methodology leads to incoherent and self-contradictory results. This means that the conclusions derived from your numerology cannot be valid.

Please answer this argument with logic and facts stated with complete English sentences.



Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 03:59 PM
Heads up to everyone reading this thread,

I moved the posts specific to Leo's (aka Gambini) web site to it's own thread called Conversations with Leo from Mathematical Monotheism (https://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?6553-Conversation-with-Leo-from-Mathematical-Monotheism).

See ya there!


08-04-2019, 05:11 PM
Yes I guess "Some Holographic Material" is more correct. So that is fine.

Alright Richard, my answer to you concerning the question if God chose English Gematria in this codes is: Yes he did.

God uses mainly English, Greek & Hebrew in these codes.

Here is some proof of the fact that God uses English Gematria:

- 137 = "In the beginning" (Eng ord) = 100 + 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) = "of God" (Eng sta) = Pri(34 "Alpha" (Gr ord))
- 461 = "In the beginning" (Eng sta) = "The Ark of God" (Heb sta) = Pri(90 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb red))

Now God considers several connections to one word even though he picks a letter/word/phrase for each verse.
Therefore you can zoom into the phrase you want by adding the verses that reflects the ord + sta of this word/phrase.
THis works to a degree because God will not do this to words or phrases that are absurd. But he gives clear response if you pick important things. He will usually respond to a lot of different words & phrases using this method.
This is why I picked "In the beginning" here. But all results integrating these verses will not be English connections.

Integration of verse nr 137 & 461
- Nr.W =25 "The Seal of God" אל החתם (red)
- Nr.L = 94 "In the beginning" εν αρχηι (rev ord)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 119 = 19 "and" (Eng ord) with extended digit
- TV = 6205 = (Eng ord) "The Riddle" 85 X 73 "of Wisdom" = 625 "In the midst" (Eng sta)
= "of" 5X(1000 + 241 "In the beginning" (A=26)) = "And" 6X1000 + 205 "Genesis one one" (A=26)
- FLL = 418 "Created Alpha" (Eng sta)
- CL = 20 "Alpha" (Eng red) = 10X CL Vs(137 "In the beginning")
- FLCL = 438 = 400 + 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord) = "and" 6 X 73 "wisdom"
- FLW = δε "and" 9X100 + 46 "codes" (Eng ord)
- CW = 100 "Riddles of Wisdom" (Heb sta) + 777
- FLCW = (Gr red) "Alpha" 10X100 "Riddles of Wisdom" + 46 "codes" + 777
- W. surr. CW = 1138 (138 = 1 "α" + 137 (Inv. α))
- 3 CW = 2015 "Heaven of Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb sta) = "The" 5 X 403 (43 "Seal" (Heb ord))

So did I misconnect the CL there ? No because we see that the TV of Vs(20 "Alpha" (Eng red))
= 3906 = 396 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (A=26) with 0 removed = TV of Vs(36 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb red))

Well it really seems God loves English Gematria here. Even the CW of Vs(20 "Alpha" (Eng red))
= 162 "The Lord God" (A=26) --- And we know "Alpha" = "The Lord God" in Hebrew.

Can it be that God loves riddles here ??????

Further more we go to verse nr 333 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Eng ord)
& its TV just happens to be = 4015 = "The" 5 X 803 (83 "Wisdom"), but hey what can you do about it since God loves English.

Okey so lets turn to verse nr 83 "Wisdom" (Eng ord) to see if I have any wisdom or If I am just a "moronic idiot wasting my time".
- Nr.W = 9 "And" δε
- Nr.L = 36 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb red)
- Nr.L + Nr.W = 45 "Treasures" (Heb ord)
- TV = 1084 (184 "Thirty and Seven" (Eng ord) [37 = "Seal"/"Wisdom"] = 1000 + 84 "Seal of God" (Eng ord)
= 307 (37 "Seal") + 777 = All the values from the Hebrew Alphabet that are found in the letters of Gen 1:1 added.
- FLW = 87 "Phi" (Eng sta)
- CW = 160 "Codes" (Heb sta)
- FLCW = 247 "Crown Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" מאות ושבע ושבעים שבע כתר (ord) = "The Ultimate Codes" Ο τελευταίος κωδικούς (ord)

Hmmm it still seems like God like English gematria, lets check verse nr 713 "Wisdom" (Eng sta)
- Nr.W = 16 "Seal" (Heb red)
- Nr.L = 57 "Golden" (Eng ord)
- Nr.L + Nr.W = 73 "Wisdom" (Heb sta)
- TV = (Heb red) "Alpha" 13 X 333 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Eng ord)
- FLW = (Gr red) "Alpha" 10 X 35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red)
- CW = 181 "created the" (A=26)
- FLCW = 531 "Torah Codes" (Eng sta)

He really loves that English Gematria and we even know the CW of Vs(729 (Alpha, the fine-structure constant)) = 777

But its not only Alpha and 777 in the these codes that are important:
Integration of Vs(83 "Wisdom" (Eng ord)) & Vs(713 "Wisdom" (Eng sta))
- Nr.W = 25 "and the Golden" (Heb sta) = Squ(5 "The")
- Nr.L = 93 "Gematria Riddles" חידה גימטריא (ord) = "Seven Seven Seven" שבעת שבעת שבעת (rev ord) = "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" επτακοσιες εβδομήντα επτά (red)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 118 "Riddles of God" (Eng ord)
- TV = 5413 = Pri(715 "Aleph Tav" (Eng sta) = "of" 5 X 143 "The Son of God" האלהים בן)
- FLW = 437 = 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) merged with 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) = CW of Vs(314 "Seven Hundred Seventy Seven" (Eng ord)) = 400 + 37 "Seal" (Eng ord)
- CW = 341 "God, the heaven the earth" (A=26) = 300 + 41 "of God" (Heb ord)
- FLCW = 1 "α" + 777

Now you see God uses a lot of English Gematria here, and how exactly do you counter that ?

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 05:44 PM
Yes I guess "Some Holographic Material" is more correct. So that is fine.

I just fixed the spelling. I thought you would appreciate that.

Alright Richard, my answer to you concerning the question if God chose English Gematria in this codes is: Yes he did.

God uses mainly English, Greek & Hebrew in these codes.

That's not the question I asked. Please quote the actual question (or argument) I present when answering. That should help a lot.

Here is some proof of the fact that God uses English Gematria:

- 137 = "In the beginning" (Eng ord) = 100 + 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) = "of God" (Eng sta) = Pri(34 "Alpha" (Gr ord))
- 461 = "In the beginning" (Eng sta) = "The Ark of God" (Heb sta) = Pri(90 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb red))

That is not proof. I've already explained why it fails a million times. Why do you have to make this so difficult? Why are you pretending to answer when you know you are not? I have been extremely clear with my argument. I even used bold font to help you see it. Please stop avoiding the truth and answer the actual argument I have presented. Here it is again:

My Argument:
It seems that you think your examples are "evidence" because you have lots of them. But I have proven that I can make a contrary patterns for each of your patterns. So if having many examples is "evidence" then I have as much evidence as you. This leads to a logical contradiction because it means we have "evidence" for contrary conclusions. This means that your methodology leads to incoherent and self-contradictory results. This means that the conclusions derived from your numerology cannot be valid.

Please answer my argument using complete English sentences.


All your "examples" will remain meaningless until you answer my argument.

Looking forward to your answer! :thumb:

Now God considers several connections to one word even though he picks a letter/word/phrase for each verse.
Therefore you can zoom into the phrase you want by adding the verses that reflects the ord + sta of this word/phrase.
THis works to a degree because God will not do this to words or phrases that are absurd. But he gives clear response if you pick important things. He will usually respond to a lot of different words & phrases using this method.
Your argument is circular and therefore logically fallacious. I agree that if there is a God who coded the Bible, he would not "do this to words or phrases that are absurd." But the question is whether or not God is doing anything at all with codes in the Bible. So you can't start by ASSUMING God is doing it and then use that ASSUMPTION to prove God is doing it!

Get it? Your codes are supposed to be proof of God. But they look like random chance, and if they are random chance then they are not proof of God.

And this brings us back to my central argument that you must answer:

My Argument:
It seems that you think your examples are "evidence" because you have lots of them. But I have proven that I can make a contrary patterns for each of your patterns. So if having many examples is "evidence" then I have as much evidence as you. This leads to a logical contradiction because it means we have "evidence" for contrary conclusions. This means that your methodology leads to incoherent and self-contradictory results. This means that the conclusions derived from your numerology cannot be valid.

Please answer this argument using complete English sentences (and with NO examples of your codes since they can't prove anything until you answer my argument).

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 06:12 PM
Here again is the question I have asked a million times and you have never answered.

The Question:
How can anyone tell the difference between real "codes" and meaningless random "codes" that anyone could find in the Bible using your method?

Please answer with complete English sentences (and no examples because the examples can't prove anything until you answer this question).

Got it?

What could be easier?



08-04-2019, 06:12 PM
It seems that you think your examples are "evidence" because you have lots of them. But I have proven that I can make a contrary patterns for each of your patterns. So if having many examples is "evidence" then I have as much evidence as you. This leads to a logical contradiction because it means we have "evidence" for contrary conclusions. This means that your methodology leads to incoherent and self-contradictory results. This means that the conclusions derived from your numerology cannot be valid.

Please answer my argument using complete English sentences.

No because you can't get everything to fit in these codes with that claim. God picked specific Letters/Words/Phrases to reflect each and every verse of the bible since he is almighty and he moved the finger of the prophets through his Holy Spirit.
But these codes are the ultimate riddle of this universe alright so they are golden. A Golden Riddle where God uses a lot of different methods with references to riddles and it is deeper than you can imagine. And you are the detective to figure this out.

Now if you don't like the way God does these codes and riddles + referances to riddles then ok. It's your free will.
If you want to think God picks Satanic phrases for his very special verses then alright.
But I disagree, God is all-knowing and he gives us endless of proof in these codes IF you are diligent and try to figure out what he does and why he does it.

And there are no one else who can go and decode the verses like me, maybe you can do several verses after reading everything here because now you guys know which words are important.

Does God use English Gematria ? That is evident because we see in the first verse that:
- FLL = 92 "Riddles of" (Eng ord)
- CL = 41 "God" (Heb ord)

CW of Vs(92 "Riddles of") = 71 "Riddles" (Eng ord) + 729 (Alpha) = 800 "Omega" = 10X 80 "Universe" (Gr ord)

What is the CW of Vs(41 "God"/"of God") ?
= 58 "The Seal" (Eng ord) ["of God"]

CW of Vs(92 "Riddles") + CW of Vs(41 "God") = 858 = Palin(95 "The Universe" (Gr ord))

OK so exactly how important is 777 (The Seal of God) & English Gematria ??
More important than you can understand:
CW of Vs(117 "The Seal of God" (Eng ord)) + CW of Vs(486 "The Seal of God" (Eng sta))
= 1039 = 100X5 "of" + 539 "The Seal of God" (Eng sta) = English ordinal of Vs(777)
= 139 "Alpha Riddles" (Heb sta) with 0 removed

So believe me and respect me when I say this discussion is over now. What you do or think about these results is not of my concern; I am convinced in my judgement of the codes.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 06:32 PM
No because you can't get everything to fit in these codes with that claim. God picked specific Letters/Words/Phrases to reflect each and every verse of the bible since he is almighty and he moved the finger of the prophets through his Holy Spirit.
But these codes are the ultimate riddle of this universe alright so they are golden. A Golden Riddle where God uses a lot of different methods with references to riddles and it is deeper than you can imagine. And you are the detective to figure this out.

Excellent! You are finally trying to actually answer my argument! Awesome!


It's great that you now admit that merely having lots of examples is insufficient. Unfortunately, you have not yet explained what would be evidence. Until you do that, all the examples in the world won't mean anything because any child could make up "connections" like yours with contrary meanings. You really need to answer this point.

Now if you don't like the way God does these codes and riddles + referances to riddles then ok. It's your free will.
If you want to think God picks Satanic phrases for his very special verses then alright.
But I disagree, God is all-knowing and he gives us endless of proof in these codes IF you are diligent and try to figure out what he does and why he does it.

Whoops! Look like I spoke too soon! This has nothing to do with what I like or don't like. My argument is that your numerology is absurd because it looks exactly like random chance. I've explained this a million times. Please stop acting like you don't understand. You know perfectly well what I am saying. You need to answer this point.

And again, I never said that "God" picks satanic verses. Please stop acting like a freaking moron. I've corrected you on this point at least half a dozen times now. My point is that the patterns are all due to RANDOM CHANCE so I can make up "Satanic codes" just as easily as you make up "Divine codes." It is trivial. It is idiotic. Any mentally disabled child could make patters using your methods. You need to answer this point.

You say that God has given "evidence" but you can't even state what that evidence is? I have already proven that I can create a satanic code for every divine code you make up. So merely having lots of codes is evidence of nothing, except how easy they are to make up. You need to explain why your codes are "evidence" by my contrary codes are not.

ANd there are no one else who can go and decode the verses like me, maybe you can do several verses after reading everything here because now you guys know which words are important.

Ha! Like hell! My codes are ten thousand times better than anything you've found. I have shown how Satan encoded the very first word and the very first verse and you can't answer a word!

THE FIRST WORD: In the beginning (Heb std) = 913 = THE SEAL OF SATAN (Eng ord + std)
THE FIRST VERSE: Sealed with a Triple 666 = SATAN'S SEAL (A=6, B =12. etc)

And I did that only playing around for a few minutes while you've spent years looking for your codes. I'm obviously much better at this game than you are.

Does God use English Gematria ? That is evident because we see in the first verse that:
- FLL = 92 "Riddles of" (Eng ord)
- CL = 41 "God" (Heb ord)

What is the CW of Vs(41 "God"/"of God") ?
= 58 "The Seal" (Eng ord) ["of God"]

No, that is not "evidence" at all because I have shown that the codes say the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK and I proved it by showing that Satan put his seal on it multiple times in the first verse!

And again, I didn't ask if God used English gematria. Please quote and answer what I actually wrote.

OK so exactly how important is 777 (The Seal of God) & English Gematria ??
More important than you can understand:
CW of Vs(117 "The Seal of God" (Eng ord)) + CW of Vs(486 "The Seal of God" (Eng sta))
= 1039 = 100X5 "of" + 539 "The Seal of God" (Eng sta) = English ordinal of Vs(777)
= 139 "Alpha Riddles" (Heb sta) with 0 removed

So believe me and respect me when I say this discussion is over now. What you do or think about these results is not of my concern; I am convinced in my judgement in these codes.
I know you are "convinced" by these codes. But you can't answer the most basic challenges that prove they are invalid, so your "conviction" is demonstrably delusional.

You know the consequences if you quit without even trying to answer the questions I've asked. You got 24 hours (unless you need more time, let me know).

08-04-2019, 06:38 PM
No, that is not "evidence" at all because I have shown that the codes say the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK and I proved it by showing that Satan put his seal on it multiple times in the first verse!

Many Triangles are made up of other Triangles.
The TV of Vs(1 "α") = Tri(73 ""Wisdom")

The reason why you see Triangles ordered at 36 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb red) surrounding Tri(37) in Tri(73) is because 37 is also = "Seal" (Eng ord)

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 06:43 PM
All Triangles are made up of other Triangles.
The TV of Vs(1 "α") = Tri(73 ""Wisdom")

The reason why you see Triangles ordered at 36 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb red) surrounding Tri(37) in Tri(73) is because 37 is also = "Seal" (Eng ord)

You said 36 meant EVIL (Heb ord). Please make up your mind. :lol:

Oh .. wait ... is this supposed to be your answer to the question of why we find a triple 666 = SATAN'S SEAL in Genesis 1:1? If so, nice work. But not convincing. It seems much more likely that Satan put it there to seal his book with his own name 666 = SATAN'S SEAL.

And this is confirmed by the value of the first word 913 = THE SEAL OF SATAN.

And many other codes.

Why would an almighty God allow these codes to pollute his first verse? The whole Bible must be the work of Satan. :sSW_emperor:

This also explains all those codes that show Jesus = 666 = Lucifer, "and his number is 666" = 2368 (Jesus Christ), etc., etc., etc.

So how is anyone supposed to use the codes to tell if they are from God or from Satan? There are endless codes that say things like SATAN IS GOD = 532 = Alpha etc, etc, etc.

If we can't tell who actually designed the codes, what good are they?

Of if you don't like this, you could just admit that the codes are incoherent and self-contradictory and therefore meaningless. That's the position I would take.

And while we're here, could you please answer this question?

How can anyone tell the difference between real "codes" and meaningless random "codes" that anyone could find in the Bible using your methods?

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 06:54 PM
Here's a good question Alex,

Please explain how to tell if your codes were designed by God, were designed by Satan, or are the result of random chance.

It's a very simple question, right?

I look forward to your answer.


08-04-2019, 07:00 PM
Yes he uses number 36 for "Evil" also since it is the triangular order of 666.
But like I have stated before: "God uses several connections to one value"

In Vs(36 "Seven Seven Seven" שבע שבע שבע (red) = "Evil" (Heb ord))
- Nr.W = 23 "Alpha" (Heb & Gr red)
- Nr.L = 80 "Pi" (Gr sta) or maybe "Universe" (Gr ord) not very sure there since both aligns
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 103 "Alpha" (Heb, Gr & Eng ord) or "Universe" (A=26)
- TV = 3906 = 396 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=26) with 0 remved --- And we know why God loves to use that value since A=26 of English Gen 1:1 = 777
- FLW = 111 = 1 "α" [The Greek letter Alpha that stands for the fine-structure constant] with extended digit
- CW = 30 "Phi" φι (ord) [The Greek letter Phi that stands for The Golden Ratio]
- FLCW = 141 "Alpha and Phi" Αλφα και φι (rev ord)

- And why do we find "Alpha" and Phi" in verse nr 36, is it because it is "Evil" ??? No
- Is it because 666 is related to Alpha and Phi ??? No because you only see that in the 666 Holograph and he loves to spread those messages because of the next point.
- It is because Alpha and Phi is found in the Hebrew spelling of "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" that is only found in verse nr
137 "In the beginning" = 100 + 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) = "of God" (Eng sta)
- The value of this phrase is 1625 = CW of Vs(7) + CW of Vs(729 (Alpha)) = 7 + 1618 (Phi aka The Golden Ratio)

Now come with your threats as much as you want but God picked "Seven Seven Seven" for verse nr 36 since it is his Seal.
But this discussion is over now. So just change the name of this thread once again if that was the consequence about the 24 hour notice.
You ignore everything I have given you and I don't want to waste more time. Respect that.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 07:23 PM
Yes he uses number 36 for "Evil" also since it is the triangular order of 666.
But like I have stated before: "God uses several connections to one value"

But that's inconsistent and leads to incoherent and self-contradictory codes. That doesn't seem like a very wise thing to do.

And what evidence do you have that "God" is involved at all? Your codes look EXACTLY like what we would find from random numbers. You really need to answer this point.

In Vs(36 "Seven Seven Seven" שבע שבע שבע (red) = "Evil" (Heb ord))
- Nr.W = 23 "Alpha" (Heb & Gr red)
- Nr.L = 80 "Pi" (Gr sta) or maybe "Universe" (Gr ord) not very sure there since both aligns
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 103 "Alpha" (Heb, Gr & Eng ord)
- TV = 3906 = 396 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=26) with 0 remved --- And we know why God loves to use that value since A=26 of English Gen 1:1 = 777
- FLW = 111 = 1 "α" [The Greek letter Alpha that stands for the fine-structure constant) with extended digit]
- CW = 30 "Phi" φι (ord) [The Greek letter Phi that stands for The Golden Ratio]
- FLCW = 141 "Alpha and Phi" Αλφα και φι (rev ord)

- And why do we find "Alpha" and Phi" in verse nr 36, is it because it is "Evil" ??? No
- Is it because 666 is related to Alpha and Phi ??? No because you only see that in the 666 Holograph and he loves to spread those messages because of the next point.
- It is because Alpha and Phi is found in the Hebrew spelling of "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" that is only found in verse nr
137 "In the beginning" = 100 + 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) = "of God" (Eng sta)
- The value of this phrase is 1625 = CW of Vs(7) + CW of Vs(729 (Alpha)) = 7 + 1618 (Phi aka The Golden Ratio)

Now come with your threats as much as you want but God picked "Seven Seven Seven" for verse nr 36 since it is his Seal.

And I can say that Satan picked it because Tri(36) = 666 = SATAN'S SEAL. How are you going to prove me wrong? How is anyone going to prove anything with your "codes" when your "codes" can be made to say anything anyone wants?

It's totally obvious that its totally NUTS Alex.

Why do you bother with the "examples" when all you are really doing is blindly screaming "GOD DID IT THE WAY I SAID HE DID IT BECAUSE I SAY SO!"

You've got no logic to support you assertions. You are like a child who merely says "I'M RIGHT. YOU'RE WRONG" without any evidence or logic at all.

But this discussion is over now. So just change the name of this thread once again if that was the consequence about the 24 hour notice.
You ignore everything I have given you and I don't want to waste more time. Respect that.
Ha! There you go again! Complaining that I ignore your "examples" even as you admit that you ignore all of mine! That's what I'm trying to help you see. You have an UNRIGHTEOUS DOUBLE STANDARD. You complain if others do exactly what you do! The Bible has words for you:

Romans 2:1 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

Now here's the real problem. You have been IGNORING the questions that you promised to answer. I have repeated them to you a million times and you NEVER try answer. I'll give you time to think about this. You know my word is true. Here are the questions you need to answer. They are very simple.

You think that the patterns you pick using your many methods are actually "picked" by God to communicate a "code". Is that correct? Do you have any evidence supporting that belief? Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to think that you are the only one doing any "picking" and that God has nothing to do with any of it?

Do you have any evidence that God picked the patterns that you picked? If so, please explain the evidence using complete English sentences. If you say that the examples are the evidence, then you will need to explain why my examples are not evidence for my contrary position.

How can anyone tell the difference between real "codes" and meaningless random "codes" that anyone could find in the Bible using your method?

Why do your codes count as "evidence" by mine do not? Why do ignore all my codes but complain when I ignore yours? Why can't you see the hypocrisy of your behavior?

Please explain how to tell if your codes were designed by God, were designed by Satan, or are the result of random chance. Remember, you explained the "codes" in books like the Book of Mormon and the Quran as "designed by Satan." Why now do you deny that Satan could have designed patterns in the Bible?

How can you think you numerology has any meaning when I have proven it produces incoherent and self-contradictory results?

My Argument:
It seems that you think your examples are "evidence" because you have lots of them. But I have proven that I can make a contrary patterns for each of your patterns. So if having many examples is "evidence" then I have as much evidence as you. This leads to a logical contradiction because it means we have "evidence" for contrary conclusions. This means that your methodology leads to incoherent and self-contradictory results. This means that the conclusions derived from your numerology cannot be valid.

My Argument:
My argument is that your numerology is absurd because it looks exactly like random chance. I've explained this a million times. Please stop acting like you don't understand. You know perfectly well what I am saying. You need to answer this point.

When are you going to answer these questions Alex?

If nothing else, please at least answer the one I highlighted red.

08-04-2019, 07:48 PM
My Argument:
My argument is that your numerology is absurd because it looks exactly like random chance. I've explained this a million times. Please stop acting like you don't understand. You know perfectly well what I am saying. You need to answer this point.

Oh but I have given you so many good codes now that shows us that I am right.
You are not in the demanding position here.

This is your last code & Proof since we saw Alpha & Phi in "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven":
- TV of Vs(1 "α" (Alpha)) + TV of Vs(500 "φ" (Phi))
= 4390 = (Gr red) "Alpha" 10 X Pri(86 = 2X 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) = "of God" (Heb sta))

Don't think I am stupid since I have a very good detective skill. And a really good taste for riddles apparently.
So I have given you plenty Richard.

Great chatting with you and maybe we can chat sometime in the winter when I have had a very long break from discussing with you.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-04-2019, 08:59 PM
Oh but I have given you so many good codes now that shows us that I am right.
You are not in the demanding position here.

Sorry Alex, but your empty assertions are ludicrous bullshit. You have not given any "codes" that have any meaning at all. They are exactly what we would expect from random chance.

And worse, they are not half as good as the Satanic codes I made up, because my codes link the first word and the first verse to The Seal of Satan and to Satan's Seal. You have nothing like this. My codes are a billion times better than anything you made up.

This is your last code & Proof since we saw Alpha & Phi in "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven":
- TV of Vs(1 "α" (Alpha)) + TV of Vs(500 "φ" (Phi))
= 4390 = (Gr red) "Alpha" 10 X Pri(86 = 2X 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) = "of God" (Heb sta))

Ha! You call that random incoherent mess a "proof"? Nothing could be more absurd.

Your "proofs" look exactly like what we would expect from random chance. A mentally defective five year old child could find "proofs" like yours because they are based on nothing but picking random matches from an ocean of meaningless random numbers. Your numerology is utterly pathetic. Nothing could be more absurd.

Don't think I am stupid since I have a very good detective skill. And a really good taste for riddles apparently.
So I have given you plenty Richard.

Bullshit. A trained pigeon could pick random matches from random numbers like you do. There's no meaning to any of it. Your arrogance is pathetic.

Great chatting with you and maybe we can chat sometime in the winter when I have had a very long break from discussing with you.
Maybe you could try to answer the challenges I have presented? No. Of course not. You are on a mission to prove that you are too stubbornly stupid to even TRY to answer my challenges to your brain-dead moronic numerology.

Have a nice life.


Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 07:20 AM
Oh but I have given you so many good codes now that shows us that I am right.

Sorry Alex, but your "good codes" are not really that good, and even if they were they'd be MEANINGLESS because you CHERRY PICKED them from a random set while ignoring all the "codes" you don't like.

It's like you flipped 100 pennies, got fifty heads and fifty tails, and then said that the 50 heads were proof of God because he "picked them" and you can't get 50 heads by chance!

Your numerology is moronic. You numerology is idiotic. You numerology is meaningless.

And you can't answer a word?

That's pathetic.


Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 11:47 AM
Sorry Alex, but your "good codes" are not really that good, and even if they were they'd be MEANINGLESS because you CHERRY PICKED them from a random set while ignoring all the "codes" you don't like.

It's like you flipped 100 pennies, got fifty heads and fifty tails, and then said that the 50 heads were proof of God because he "picked them" and you can't get 50 heads by chance!

Your numerology is moronic. You numerology is idiotic. You numerology is meaningless.

And you can't answer a word?

That's pathetic.

Come on Alex. It's a very simple question.

Please explain the difference between your codes and the example I gave about flipping 100 coins.

It is an exact analogy with your codes. Your methods generate an ocean of random numbers. You cherry pick a small number of "hits" and then declare the they are proof of God because they could not have happened by chance.

Anyone with half a brain can see that this is both a proof and an explanation of why your numerology is meaningless.

If you refuse to answer this proof, everyone will know why.

08-05-2019, 11:49 AM
It's all about riddles, wisdom, knowledge & 777. And knowing the connections.
That's how I know.

TV of Vs(46 "Codes" (Eng ord)) + TV of Vs(172 "Codes" (Eng sta))
= TV of Vs(1 "α") + 500 "φ"

Now leave me alone Richard. We do not agree in these codes.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 11:55 AM
It's all about riddles, wisdom and knowledge. And knowing the connections
That's how I know.

TV of Vs(46 "Codes" (Eng ord)) + TV of Vs(172 "Codes" (Eng sta))
= TV of Vs(1 "α") + 500 "φ"

Now leave me alone Richard. We do not agree in these codes.
That's not an answer, and you know it.

This has nothing to do with "agreement." I have presented you a proof and you know you cannot refute it, so you repeat your moronic "codes" like a mentally defective child.

If you want me to leave you alone, so be it. All you have to do is quit spewing your nonsense here on the forum. But if you choose to continue spewing your moronic idiocy, I will continue to expose you for the arrogant fraud that you have revealed yourself to be.

08-05-2019, 12:03 PM
Well it is a accurate statement since:
- the "Riddles" part is the fact that God used a letter/word/phrase for every verse and the fact that he uses many methods in one verse. + the integrations and more stuff.
- "Knowledge" of the phrases, physics and 777
- The "Wisdom" of the fact that God crowned physics and 777 putting them in the midst of these codes. Which is some of the "Wisdom of God" in these codes.

- "Wisdom of God" (Heb sta) = 159 "The Speed of Light" (A=1) = "Seal of God" (A=26)

08-05-2019, 12:07 PM
Just look:
- 27 "Riddle(s)" (Heb sta)
- 474 "Knowledge" (Heb sta)

27 + 474 = "Riddles of Knowledge" = 1 "α" + 500 "φ"

Goodbye and I am happy to say that I have answered you many many times with logical codes.
If you are convinced that you are so right here then why not put up a voting table so people can vote on what they think about my codes.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 12:34 PM
Well it is a accurate statement since:
- the "Riddles" part is the fact that God used a letter/word/phrase for every verse and the fact that he uses many methods in one verse. + the integrations and more stuff.
- "Knowledge" of the phrases, physics and 777
- The "Wisdom" of the fact that God crowned physics and 777 putting them in the midst of these codes. Which is some of the "Wisdom of God" in these codes.

- "Wisdom of God" (Heb sta) = 159 "The Speed of Light" (A=1) = "Seal of God" (A=26)
No, your statement is not accurate. You have not presented any evidence that God has done anything at all.

All your examples are nothing but a few "heads" you picked from a huge ocean of random coin tosses. They are utterly meaningless.

I have proven this. You need to respond to my proof. Here it is again:

Your "codes" are like flipping 2 million pennies, getting a million heads and a million tails, and then picking a thousand heads and saying that they are proof of God because "God picked them" and you can't get a thousand heads by chance!

This is proof that your numerology is completely irrational and meaningless.

As long as you refuse to answer it, you only confirm that you are willfully ignorant and delusional.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 12:37 PM
Just look:
- 27 "Riddle(s)" (Heb sta)
- 474 "Knowledge" (Heb sta)

27 + 474 = "Riddles of Knowledge" = 1 "α" + 500 "φ"

Goodbye and I am happy to say that I have answered you many many times with logical codes.
If you are convinced that you are so right here then why not put up a voting table so people can vote on what they think about my codes.
IF you are so convinced you are right, why do you refuse to answer any of my challenges that prove your numerology is delusional? :lol:

Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 12:40 PM
Goodbye and I am happy to say that I have answered you many many times with logical codes.

Stop acting like an idiot Alex. You know your "codes" cannot be an "answer" to my challenge because my challenge proves that your "codes" are bullshit!

You could post ten thousand "codes" and it wouldn't prove they had any meaning because they were cherry picked from an ocean of a million random numbers!

This is trivial. Any child could understand this basic logic.

Grow a brain already. You can't be as stupid as you pretend. It must be your arrogance that is forcing you to pretend to be too stupid to understand such basic logic.

And you like to think of yourself like a "Grandmaster of Codes" when you can't understand elementary logic? WOW.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 12:43 PM
Sorry Alex, but your "good codes" are not really that good, and even if they were they'd be MEANINGLESS because you CHERRY PICKED them from a random set while ignoring all the "codes" you don't like.

It's like you flipped 100 pennies, got fifty heads and fifty tails, and then said that the 50 heads were proof of God because he "picked them" and you can't get 50 heads by chance!

Your numerology is moronic. You numerology is idiotic. You numerology is meaningless.

And you can't answer a word?

That's pathetic.

Come on Alex. It's a very simple question.

Please explain the difference between your codes and the example I gave about flipping 100 coins.

It is an exact analogy with your codes. Your methods generate an ocean of random numbers. You cherry pick a small number of "hits" and then declare the they are proof of God because they could not have happened by chance.

Anyone with half a brain can see that this is both a proof and an explanation of why your numerology is meaningless.

If you refuse to answer this proof, everyone will know why.
You need to answer this proof Alex.

08-05-2019, 12:47 PM
No Richard I think that every result I give you has great meaning.
So if you don't accept that then I guess you just have to claim that I have given you no proof of intelligent design.

Everyone can read all the results here and the connections. I don't care about your repeating demands when I have given you a ocean of results.

Yes these codes are the deepest riddle that exists when you think about how extensive they are.
But I have certainly given you enough spoilers here for the people who are going to read my book.

Do you really have the nerve to demand more ??
Like that is going to happen.

08-05-2019, 12:50 PM
So this is how this is going to work. I Demand and you give me what I want; and you get more codes.

I want the Letter/Word counting program with whole book of Genesis in it.

08-05-2019, 12:59 PM
So you went back on your words and changed the name of my thread again here.

Now I need the Word/Letter counting program for the whole Torah instead since I will go back on my words also then.

08-05-2019, 01:04 PM
Do we have a deal ? Give me that and change the name again and we can discuss for another 10 pages.
It seems like a good trade.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 01:12 PM
No Richard I think the fact that every result I give you has great meaning.

Not true. Your results have no meaning at all because you cherry picked the ones you like from an ocean of random numbers while ignoring all the others with contrary meanings.

Why would the ones you picked have meaning while the ones you ignored don't? Why would anyone think your random connections had any meaning at all?

Anyone can use your methods to make up an codes that say anything they want. I proven this and you could not answer, so my proof stands, and you claims have been proven false.

It doesn't matter if you refuse to admit the truth, everyone can see that you don't give a shit about truth.

So if you don't accept that then I guess you just have to claim that I have given you no proof of intelligent design.

Ha! You got that right! Your random bullshit is proof of nothing but a malfunction of your own brain.

Everyone can read all the results here and the connections. I don't care about your repeating demands when I have given you a ocean of results.

And everyone can see that you cannot answer any of the PROOFS I have given that show your numerology is TOTAL BULLSHIT.

Yes these codes are the deepest riddle that exists when you think about how extensive they are.

Yes, they are exactly as extensive as the random lines between the RANDOM NUMBERS you generate using your moronic methods.

But I have certainly given you aenough spoilers here for the people who are going to read my book.

Do you really have the nerve to demand more ??
Like that is going to happen.
Wow, you really are an idiot, aren't you? I told you to STOP answering me with your moronic "codes" because they are total bullshit! And you kept posting them after I told you to stop! Now you ask if I want more? You actually are a moron, aren't you? Are in an institution for the mentally disabled? Have you been diagnosed?

It doesn't really matter. You've convinced me. You really are a true idiot. I guess I should delete this thread and ban you because it looks bad for me to be beating up mentally incompetent people like you.

Let me know if there is any reason I should treat you as an intellectually competent person. If not, I probably should delete this thread and prevent you from embarrassing yourself any more on this forum.

08-05-2019, 01:19 PM
You've convinced me. You really are a true idiot. I guess I should delete this thread and ban you because it looks bad for me to be beating up mentally incompetent people like you.

Let me know if you agree.

Why should you do that ? Do you delete the threads of everyone else who you claim to "debunk" here in your forum ?

Do you think he should ban me and delete this thread Sylvius ?
What do you think Gambini ?

And to all the other readers:
Let us know what you think, should I and these codes be banned or allowed to stay ?

Let's see what the other people think about that idea Richard.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 01:20 PM
Do we have a deal ? Give me that and change the name again and we can discuss for another 10 pages.
It seems like a good trade.
You broke the deal. You refused to answer any of my challenges.

I told you to stop answering with codes and you ignored what I wrote. Then you had the audacity to ask if I wanted more codes!

Sorry. I'm pretty sure that you are mentally defective. If you want to convince me otherwise, all you need to do is engage the challenges I've presented.

I won't be holding my breath. I'm pretty sure basic logic and basic honesty are beyond your mental and emotional abilities.

08-05-2019, 01:24 PM
Well how else do you prove things in the codes Richard ??
It's all messages, phrases, physics, 777...

It is what it is and I have given you endless results, explanations, connections.
So if that is not enough then I disagree. It should be enough.

To ban me for the fact you think what I gave you was not enough does not seem fair to me.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 01:28 PM
Why should you do that ? Do you delete the threads of everyone else who you claim to "debunk" here in your forum ?

I would do that for the reasons stated. It looks very bad for me to be beating up a mentally defective person.

08-05-2019, 01:29 PM
Is it not enough that you have stated your opinions on this all over this thread + changed it's name to describe your conclusion on this; without even notifying me or people here that you changed the name. At least state that in the beginning of this thread.

08-05-2019, 01:31 PM
I would do that for the reasons stated. It looks very bad for me to be beating up a mentally defective person.

Well Sylvius said I looked "smart already" so I think he disagrees on that claim.

08-05-2019, 01:35 PM
If you decide to delete the thread then give me a 48 hour warning so I can store the codes into my computer.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 01:40 PM
Well how else do you prove things in the codes Richard ??

Why has it taken you this long to ask that basic question?

I've been asking you this question for years and you have consistently ignored my request for an answer.

It's all messages, phrases, physics, 777...

Yes, it is "messages, phrases, physics, 777" made up from RANDOM WORDS AND NUMBERS that you cherry pick from an ocean of random words and numbers.

That's why there's no meaning to any of it. I've explained this a million times and you have never responded.

This is why I have concluded that you must be mentally defective.

But perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe it's just a horrible mental illness caused of arrogance, ignorance, and delusion fueled by years of abusing your mind with endless selection bias and confirmation bias.

It is what it is and I have given you endless results, explanations, connections.

You have given nothing but meaningless bullshit cherry picked from an ocean of random words and numbers.

So if that is not enough then I disagree. It should be enough.

No, it should not be and you know it because you rejected all the "connections" I made using your methods. So by your own word, your methods are not proof of anything. You merely PICK random words and numbers that you like and then arbitrarily declare that "God picked them." You claims are utterly moronic.

To ban me for the fact you think what I gave you was not enough does not seem fair to me.
I would never ban you because your response does not "seem" to be "enough." I would ban you because you appear to be actually mentally defective and it's not good for me to give you a platform to propagate your delusions.

I've given you ten thousand chances to defend your position. But you have stubbornly refused to respond to my challenges. So the ball is in your court, as it always has been.

Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 01:44 PM
If you decide to delete the thread then give me a 48 hour warning so I can store the codes into my computer.
Why would I do that? Your codes are your delusion. Why would I want to help you preserve your delusion?

Of course, I don't want to cause you any pain, so I don't know what would be best for you.

If I were you, I would probably start saving stuff now.

It appears you are admitting that you do not have the intellectual ability to even discuss the challenges I have been presenting all these years. How then is is possible for you to imagine you are a "Grandmaster of Codes"? I mean this most sincerely. How can you imagine you have "won" when in fact you cannot even discuss the proofs I've given?

How can you be so blind?

Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 01:49 PM
Well Sylvius said I looked "smart already" so I think he disagrees on that claim.
And I responded by sharing with you the article that explains how "smart people" delude themselves.

I see three possibilities.

1) You are incapable of understanding basic logic.

2) You refuse to answer basic challenges to our numerology because you know you cannot answer.

3) You cannot answer because you are truly delusional.

It really doesn't matter which of those options is true. The effect is the same. There seems to be no value in keeping this conversation going. But I am in the habit of leaving a record of all my history, which is why I've left this site up. Maybe that's a mistake. Maybe I should delete it all. I've been wondering about this for a while. It's not good that I let people delude themselves with my Bible database and all the work I did on gematria.

08-05-2019, 01:53 PM
If you decide to delete the thread then at least let me use your website.
I will certainly not share any more codes of my supposed "delusion" or make any more threads here.

But I will happily pay you for using the website. How much do you want for a period of 5 years ?

Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 02:08 PM
If you decide to delete the thread then at least let me use your website.

Why would I want to enable your delusion? How would that be good for you? Look what it's done to your mind.

You are not the first who deluded themselves with the help of my database. I don't know how much responsibility I bear, but I don't want any.

I will certainly not share any more codes of my supposed "delusion" or make any more threads here.

But I will happily pay you for using the website. How much do you want for a period of 5 years ?
I'm sorry to see how worried you are. It's like the database is a drug and you're an addict. Makes me feel I really need to take it down.

08-05-2019, 03:43 PM
Well it's your website, you are the boss here.
I will make a database in the future anyway. You can't stop me from doing the codes.

And people will find my website that will be up in the future, they just need to Google "Alexander Marcussen Gematria"

Richard Amiel McGough
08-05-2019, 04:10 PM
Well it's your website, you are the boss here.
I will make a database in the future anyway. You can't stop me from doing the codes.

And people will find my website that will be up in the future, they just need to Google "Alexander Marcussen Gematria"

I've decided to close this thread and ban Desmild. He has refused absolutely to engage in anything like rational discourse, and I cannot think of any reason to provide him a platform to spread his delusions since they are doing no good for anyone, including himself.