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07-19-2019, 12:41 PM
So you can't really see the "hidden light" after all?

sometimes I think I see it, or thought I saw it

It is also about forgiveness.

07-21-2019, 12:49 AM
Also Noach a cherry picker

Genesis 6:7-8,

And the Lord said, "I will blot out man, whom I created, from upon the face of the earth, from man to cattle to creeping thing, to the fowl of the heavens, for I regret that I made them." But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

favor = "chen" = 58

"yod'ei chen" == the knowers of 58 = kabbalsits, experts.



07-21-2019, 07:16 AM
brilliance = Hebrew "zohar"

Zohar = the book of kabbalah presumed to have been written in the thirteenth century by Rabbi Moshe de Leon

so called after Spanish "que haya luz"

Spanish "luz" = light

"luz oculta" hidden light = Hebrew "or ganuz"

https://books.google.nl/books?id=8O5x8sSAx4MC&pg=PA213&lpg=PA213&dq=zohar++hidden+light&source=bl&ots=d2p5qsEkAv&sig=ACfU3U3CGOHiwlchMUmZnSQDIhdKTv3a2g&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjO7Mmal8bjAhUHEVAKHRSLDV0Q6AEwEHoECAUQA Q#v=onepage&q=zohar%20%20hidden%20light&f=false

Hebrew "luz" = (hazel) nut

Name of the place where Jacob dreamt of the ladder to heaven .
And also name of the bone that cannot decay and from which the resurrected man is built.

Daniel 12:2-3,
And many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awaken-these for eternal life, and those for disgrace, for eternal abhorrence. And the wise will shine like the brilliance of the firmament, and those who bring the multitudes to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.

so you can see how all comes together :winking0071:

07-21-2019, 08:07 AM
You should not talk about cherry picking Richard. You don't qualify to judge in the codes.
Because your understanding of these codes is maybe in the bronze league while i'm platinum now and going for grandmaster. I will be the first in history to achieve that level.

And I can tell you that you don't have a clue.

Desmild, I have a question for you. I've tried several times to read a little of your claimed code, and every time I do that I get a headache. Can you point me to a clear, understandable piece of your work, something I can read (hopefully without it precipitating a migraine) and say "now I see why he thinks he has a code"?

I'm thebluetriangle, by the way. For some reason I can't post under my usual name.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-21-2019, 09:00 AM
Also Noach a cherry picker

Genesis 6:7-8,

And the Lord said, "I will blot out man, whom I created, from upon the face of the earth, from man to cattle to creeping thing, to the fowl of the heavens, for I regret that I made them." But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

favor = "chen" = 58

"yod'ei chen" == the knowers of 58 = kabbalsits, experts.


Again, that has nothing to do with the cognitive error of cherry picking (selection bias).

Are you actually confused about the meaning of this term, or are you just pretending?

07-21-2019, 09:02 AM
Again, that has nothing to do with the cognitive error of cherry picking (selection bias).

Are you actually confused about the meaning of this term, or are you just pretending?

you pick what suits you and the rest you ignore

07-21-2019, 09:25 AM
Daniel 12:3,

And the wise will shine like the brilliance of the firmament

the wise are the cherry pickers :winking0071:

you call them fools

which is a wordplay

the wise "hamaskilim" הַ֨מַּשְׂכִּילִ֔ים

"seichel" ("sin- kaf-lamed") = prudence, understanding

"sechel" ("samech-kaf- lamed") = foolishness.

We all are cherry pickers :winking0071:

Richard Amiel McGough
07-21-2019, 09:33 AM
you pick what suits you and the rest you ignore
Sure, that's great when it comes to personal preferences like food, friends, and music. But when it comes to claims about truth, then it is the path to deception and delusion.

07-21-2019, 09:45 AM
Sure, that's great when it comes to personal preferences like food, friends, and music. But when it comes to claims about truth, then it is the path to deception and delusion.

Can't you cherry pick truth?

Is truth not cherrypickable?

Makes think of:

God did cast truth to the ground.

Rabbi Simon said, ?When the Holy One, blessed be He, came to create Adam, the ministering angels formed themselves into groups and parties, some of them saying, ?Let him be created,? whilst others urged, ?let him not be created.? Thus it is written, Love and Truth fought together, Righteousness and Peace combated each other (Ps. 85:11). Love said, ?Let him be created, because he will dispense acts of love;? Truth said, ?Let him not be created, because he is compounded of falsehood;? Righteousness said, ?Let him be created, because he will perform righteous deeds;? Peace said, ?Let him not be created, because he is full of strife.? What did the Holy One do? He took Truth and cast it to the ground.? (Genesis Rabbah, 8:5)

Why then is truth so scarce?

Nobody stoops to raise it up

( I cannot find back the source of that )

Richard Amiel McGough
07-21-2019, 10:00 AM
Can't you cherry pick truth?

Is truth not cherrypickable?

Not if there's only one truth.

You could cherry pick if there were many contradictory "truths" but then you'd have no reason to believe the "truth" that you picked was actually true.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-21-2019, 10:05 AM
Makes think of:

God did cast truth to the ground.

Rabbi Simon said, ?When the Holy One, blessed be He, came to create Adam, the ministering angels formed themselves into groups and parties, some of them saying, ?Let him be created,? whilst others urged, ?let him not be created.? Thus it is written, Love and Truth fought together, Righteousness and Peace combated each other (Ps. 85:11). Love said, ?Let him be created, because he will dispense acts of love;? Truth said, ?Let him not be created, because he is compounded of falsehood;? Righteousness said, ?Let him be created, because he will perform righteous deeds;? Peace said, ?Let him not be created, because he is full of strife.? What did the Holy One do? He took Truth and cast it to the ground.? (Genesis Rabbah, 8:5)

Seems like a silly quote. You could just as well say that Love opposed the creation of Adam because his children would hate and kill each other (e.g. Cain and Abel), and Truth wanted him to be created because men would expose falsehood and express truth.

This is why Rabbinical writings seem so silly to me. They're fine as stories and imaginations, but they really don't have much authority as far as I can tell.

07-21-2019, 10:26 AM
Seems like a silly quote. You could just as well say that Love opposed the creation of Adam because his children would hate and kill each other (e.g. Cain and Abel), and Truth wanted him to be created because men would expose falsehood and express truth.

This is why Rabbinical writings seem so silly to me. They're fine as stories and imaginations, but they really don't have much authority as far as I can tell.

the Hebrew word for truth "emet" is related to "emunah"= belief

in English "true"/ "truth" you can hear Dutch "trouw" = faithfull and "vertrouwen" = to trust

Scientific truth is always doubtful, since something is only true until the contrary is proven.

I do believe that what I found by chance might be or even is the ultimate truth :yo:

Richard Amiel McGough
07-21-2019, 12:36 PM
the Hebrew word for truth "emet" is related to "emunah"= belief

in English "true"/ "truth" you can hear Dutch "trouw" = faithfull and "vertrouwen" = to trust

Scientific truth is always doubtful, since something is only true until the contrary is proven.

I do believe that what I found by chance might be or even is the ultimate truth :yo:
Those are good points about the relation between truth and belief. The online etymological dictionary says pretty much the same thing:

truth (n.)

Old English triew? (West Saxon), treow? (Mercian) "faith, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty; veracity, quality of being true; pledge, covenant," from Germanic abstract noun *treuwitho, from Proto-Germanic treuwaz "having or characterized by good faith," from PIE *drew-o-, a suffixed form of the root *deru- "be firm, solid, steadfast." With Germanic abstract noun suffix *-itho (see -th (2)).

But I would say that not only "scientific truth" but rather almost all "truth" articulated by humans with language is doubtful. Are you suggesting that that you have some "absolute truth" that is beyond doubt?

07-21-2019, 12:38 PM
Scientific truth is always doubtful, since something is only true until the contrary is proven.

famous example Exodus 17:7 expresses the people's disbelief/ lack of trust

He named the place Massah [testing] and Meribah [quarreling] because of the quarrel of the children of Israel and because of their testing the Lord, saying, Is the Lord in our midst or not?

next verse Exodus 17:8,
Amalek came and fought with Israel in Rephidim


He [God] juxtaposed this section to this verse, ["Is the Lord in our midst or not? "] implying: ?I am always among you, and [I am] always prepared for all your necessities, but you say, Is the Lord in our midst or not?? By your life, the dog will come and bite you, and you will cry out to Me, and [then] you will know where I am ?

Gematria of Amalek is 240 same as of "safeik"= doubt ; "suppak" = to hesitate, to be in doubt.


07-21-2019, 12:41 PM
But I would say that not only "scientific truth" but rather almost all "truth" articulated by humans with language is doubtful. Are you suggesting that that you have some "absolute truth" that is beyond doubt?

I am

Richard Amiel McGough
07-21-2019, 01:10 PM
famous example Exodus 17:7 expresses the people's disbelief/ lack of trust

He named the place Massah [testing] and Meribah [quarreling] because of the quarrel of the children of Israel and because of their testing the Lord, saying, Is the Lord in our midst or not?

next verse Exodus 17:8,
Amalek came and fought with Israel in Rephidim


Gematria of Amalek is 240 same as of "safeik"= doubt ; "suppak" = to hesitate, to be in doubt.

Interesting article. It makes some very doubtful claims about the "absolute truth" ...

In the words of the Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak: ?The numerical value (gematria) of the Hebrew letters that spell Amalek (240) is equivalent to that of the letters that spell safek, ?doubt.? All things holy are certain and absolute. Torah is absolute, the mitzvot are absolute, divine providence is absolute. Amalek is doubt; baseless, irrational doubt that cools the fervor of holiness with nothing more than a cynical shrug.?

I have some very good reasons to doubt the validity of those claims. Even the most famous Rabbis can't agree on meaning of the Torah. Don't you remember the famous saying "Where there are two Jews there are three opinions (http://www.tfdixie.com/parshat/korach/013.htm)"? :winking0071:

And what does it even mean to say that the Torah is "absolute" when it supposedly has "70 interpretations"? Here's a quote from the article Teaching the Seventy Faces of Torah (https://prizmah.org/teaching-seventy-faces-torah):

It is not unusual in a Tanakh class to encounter two conflicting interpretations. If we teach even two parshanim, we will inevitably present two conflicting readings. Each teacher has a choice about how to approach conflicting interpretations. Rather than seeking resolution, I choose to suspend my students between both readings. I actively encourage my students to refrain from siding with a particular commentary in my classroom and to consider what is compelling about each. I do not give my students steps to figure out which reading is right. I do not give them criteria for determining which interpretation of the textual ambiguity is better, be it textual criteria, moral criteria, or theological criteria.

Where again was that "absolute truth"? :lol:

07-21-2019, 01:20 PM
Desmild, I have a question for you. I've tried several times to read a little of your claimed code, and every time I do that I get a headache. Can you point me to a clear, understandable piece of your work, something I can read (hopefully without it precipitating a migraine) and say "now I see why he thinks he has a code"?

I'm thebluetriangle, by the way. For some reason I can't post under my usual name.

First you need to understand how God does his codes. So God connect things either you add words, verses or even letters.
Now the reason I say I'm platinum now and not grandmaster is because I need more values of more words/phrases berfore I will claim that.
I cant make sense of everything in the codes but lets say around 90%. But let's talk about the proof that is right in front of you, you will probobly not accept it since you ignored everything else I shared here putting yourself in the same position of Richard; claiming that you don't see any design.

So number 1 is the first prime.
- 5 "The" ה = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal"))
- 7 = Pri(5 "The" ה = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal"))

Now God can use either "The", or "Seal" or "The Seal" here. This is just a part of the riddle in how he does these codes.

and here is some proof of that:
- 5 ("Seal") first letters of Vs(1 "α") = 513 = 5 "The" --- 13 "Alpha" אלפא (red)
- 5 "The" words letters of Vs(1 "α") = 1998 = 198 (Sum Pri up to number 37 "Seal") with extended digit
- First 7 ("Seal") letters added of Genesis 1:1 = 915 = "The" 5 X 183 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord)
- 7 first words aka TV = 37X73 ---- 37+73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng sta)
- TV of Vs(5 "The" = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal")) = 2141 = 21 "of" (Eng ord) --- 41 "God" (Heb ord)
- CW of Vs(5 "The") = 75 = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal") X Pytha.Pri-ord(137 "of God")
- TV of Vs(7 ("Seal")) = 4541 = (Eng ord) "and" 19 X 239 "Crowned Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb ord)
- CW of Vs(7 ("The")) = 848 = 84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord) merged with its morror

So I mean how can I take you guys serious when you just keep ignoring the truth ? I can't. It's impossible at this stage since I have shared so much here that it's not any question here if this is valid or not. It harmonizes to well to be random. And yes I can share so much more here but what is the point ? I can't get through to you anyways.

Are you guys jealous that I figured this stuff out ? I can't understand how you keep ignoring the results.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-21-2019, 01:51 PM
First you need to understand how God does his codes. So God connect things either you add words, verses or even letters.
Now the reason I say I'm platinum now and not grandmaster is because I need more values of more words/phrases berfore I will claim that.
I cant make sense of everything in the codes but lets say around 90%. But let's talk about the proof that is right in front of you, you will probobly not accept it since you ignored everything else I shared here putting yourself in the same position of Richard; claiming that you don't see any design.

So number 1 is the first prime.
- 5 "The" ה = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal"))
- 7 = Pri(5 "The" ה = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal"))

Now God can use either "The", or "Seal" or "The Seal" here. This is just a part of the riddle in how he does this codes.

and here is some proof of that:
- 5 ("Seal") first letters of Vs(1 "α") = 513 = 5 "The" --- 13 "Alpha" אלפא (red)
- 5 "The" words letters of Vs(1 "α") = 1998 = 198 (Sum Pri up to number 37 "Seal") with extended digit
- First 7 ("Seal") letters added of Genesis 1:1 = 915 = "The" 5 X 183 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord)
- 7 first words aka TV = 37X73 ---- 37+73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng sta)
- TV of Vs(5 "The" = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal")) = 2141 = 21 "of" (Eng ord) --- 41 "God" (Heb ord)
- CW of Vs(5 "The") = 75 = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal") X Pytha.Pri-ord(137 "of God")
- TV of Vs(7 ("Seal")) = 4541 = (Eng ord) "and" 19 X 239 "Crowned Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb ord)
- CW of Vs(7 ("The")) = 848 = 84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord) merged with its morror

So I mean how can I take you guys serious when you just keep ignoring the truth ? I can't. It's impossible at this stage since I have shared so much here that it's not any question here is this is valid or not. It harmonizes to well to be random. And yes I can share so much more here but what is the point ? I can't get through to you anyways ??

Are you guys jealous that I figured this stuff out ? I can't understand how you keep ignoring the results.
Hey there Alex,

Why do you continue to ignore the explanation I have given? Any child in kindergarten could "harmonize" things the way you do with any set of random numbers because you have created a ocean of random numbers for each word. Take for example the values you use for "alpha" (highlighted red). In previous posts you gave alpha many other values. I explained this in post 641 (https://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?6196-Some-Holograph-Materieal&p=72055#post72055):

In Revelation 7:3
- Verse order = 30 000 + 37 "Seal" + 777
- Nr.W = 23 = Pri(10 "Alpha" (Gr red))
- Nr.L = 107 "Treasure" (Eng ord) = Pri(29 "and" (Heb ord))
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 130 "Inverse Alpha" (Eng ord)
- TV = 16387 = "Riddles of" 27X(607 = Pri(112 "The Lord God") = ordinal of the 777 Holograph)
= 207 "The Seal of God" (A=26 B=25 C=24) + 16180 (5 digits of Phi)
- First word = 888 "Jesus" (Gr sta) = "Seal" 37 X 24 "Treasure" (Heb ord)
- Last word = 1551 "God created the universe" (Eng sta) (151 "Jesus Christ" (A=1) = "The Universe" (A=26))
- FLW = 2000 + Pri(86 "God") = 37 "Seal" + 777 + 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)
- CW = 911 "the beginning" (Heb sta) (91 = 13X7) = Pri(157 = Pri(38 "Alpha" (Eng ord)))
- FLCW = 10X 335 (35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red))
- W. surr. CW = 634 (6 "and" (Heb ord) --- 34 "Alpha" (Gr ord))
- 4 CW = 1545 "In the beginning Universe" εν αρχηι Συμπαν

This is an excellent example of why your code is so obviously absurd. In this one little section, you associated three different numbers with the word "Alpha"

10 "Alpha" (Gr red)
13 "Alpha" (Gr red)
34 "Alpha" (Gr ord)
38 "Alpha" (Eng ord)

And here are few more of the values you used in this thread:

110 = Alpha (Eng std)
729 = Alpha (physics approximation)
49 = "The Alpha" Ο Αλφα (Gr ord)
532 = Alpha (Gr std)

Etc., etc., etc. ... ad infinitum ... ad absurdum!

Anyone could make up anything they want using your methods. They are obviously completely meaningless.

You need to answer this point.

Great chatting!



Look at all those random numbers you can choose from! And you do this for every word! This means that it would be almost impossible NOT to "harmonize" a random text just like you do.

Why can't you understand this point?

Why do you refuse to even answer this point?

As long as you ignore this fact, why would anyone think that your patterns were anything but random?

PS: I just noticed that you used two different values 10 and 13 for Alpha (Greek red). But when I calculate it I get A (1) + L (2 = 1 + 1) + Ph (3 = 2 + 1) + A (1) = 7

How did you calculate it? I see you can get 10 from summing the digits of the Greek std value = 532 because 5 + 3 + 2 = 10. I thought maybe you were adding the reduced values of each letter before summing them but that gives you 7. So how did you get 13? Was that just a mistake?

07-21-2019, 02:02 PM
That was not a mistake Richard, I knew that connection would get your attention.

"Alpha" in Hebrew is: אלפא
- red = 13 "One" אחד (See, it was all a riddle Richard, God knows how to connect)
- ord = 31 "God" אל
- sta = 112 "The Lord God" אלהים יהוה

Just look at this. Here we have the Full name of God that = "Alpha".
Riddle Riddle Richard

Richard Amiel McGough
07-21-2019, 02:16 PM
That was not a mistake Richard, I knew that connection would get your attention.

"Alpha" in Hebrew is: אלפא
- red = 13 "One" אחד (See, it was all riddle Richard, God knows how to connect)
- ord = 31 "God" אל
- sta = 112 "The Lord God" אלהים יהוה

Just look at this. Here we have the Full name of God that = "Alpha".
Riddle Riddle Richard
Ah, my mistake. I saw the Hebrew but thought of Greek because "alpha" is a Greek word corresponding to the Hebrew Aleph. It's really weird that you took a Hebrew transliteration of a Greek word derived from a Hebrew to go looking for "divine design." Looks like quite the whack-a-doodle stretch to me.

In any case, your example proves my point, in spades. Using your methods, anyone could connect any random set of words and numbers they want. Your results are exactly what we would expect from a random set of words and numbers. Look at all the different numbers you use as references to the one word "Alpha" -

10 = "Alpha" (Gr red)
13 = "Alpha" (Heb red)
31 = "Alpha" (Heb ord)
34 = "Alpha" (Gr ord)
38 = "Alpha" (Eng ord)
49 = "The Alpha" Ο Αλφα (Gr ord)
110 = Alpha (Eng std)
112 = "Alpha" (Hebrew standard of Alpha transliterated from the Greek version of the Hebrew word)
532 = Alpha (Gr std)
729 = Alpha (physics approximation)

And then you use those numbers as indexes of Triangles and Primes and composites etc., etc., etc. so it would be almost impossible to NOT find a connection in any random text.

How do you answer this point?

Richard Amiel McGough
07-21-2019, 02:21 PM
That was not a mistake Richard, I knew that connection would get your attention.

"Alpha" in Hebrew is: אלפא
- red = 13 "One" אחד (See, it was all a riddle Richard, God knows how to connect)
- ord = 31 "God" אל
- sta = 112 "The Lord God" אלהים יהוה

Just look at this. Here we have the Full name of God that = "Alpha".
Riddle Riddle Richard
Let's put this the other way around.

According to your logic, we have this mathematical absurdity

Alpha = 1 = 10 = 13 = 31 = 34 = 38 = 49 = 110 = 112 = 532 = 729 = 902 = etc., etc., etc. ad infinitum, ad absurdum :dizzy:

If that's not nuts, I don't know what is!

07-21-2019, 02:50 PM
First you need to understand how God does his codes. So God connect things either you add words, verses or even letters.
Now the reason I say I'm platinum now and not grandmaster is because I need more values of more words/phrases berfore I will claim that.
I cant make sense of everything in the codes but lets say around 90%. But let's talk about the proof that is right in front of you, you will probobly not accept it since you ignored everything else I shared here putting yourself in the same position of Richard; claiming that you don't see any design.

There's nothing like getting me on your side before we begin!

So number 1 is the first prime.

2 is the first prime, but I'll let that go for now.

- 5 "The" ה = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal"))
- 7 = Pri(5 "The" ה = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal"))

What? I asked you for a non-impenetrable explanation.

Now God can use either "The", or "Seal" or "The Seal" here. This is just a part of the riddle in how he does these codes. It's clarity I'm looking for here, not riddles.

and here is some proof of that:
- 5 ("Seal") first letters of Vs(1 "α") = 513 = 5 "The" --- 13 "Alpha" אלפא (red)
- 5 "The" words letters of Vs(1 "α") = 1998 = 198 (Sum Pri up to number 37 "Seal") with extended digit
- First 7 ("Seal") letters added of Genesis 1:1 = 915 = "The" 5 X 183 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord)
- 7 first words aka TV = 37X73 ---- 37+73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng sta)
- TV of Vs(5 "The" = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal")) = 2141 = 21 "of" (Eng ord) --- 41 "God" (Heb ord)
- CW of Vs(5 "The") = 75 = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal") X Pytha.Pri-ord(137 "of God")
- TV of Vs(7 ("Seal")) = 4541 = (Eng ord) "and" 19 X 239 "Crowned Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb ord)
- CW of Vs(7 ("The")) = 848 = 84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord) merged with its morror
My head is starting to ache again.

So I mean how can I take you guys serious when you just keep ignoring the truth ? I can't. It's impossible at this stage since I have shared so much here that it's not any question here if this is valid or not. It harmonizes to well to be random. And yes I can share so much more here but what is the point ? I can't get through to you anyways.

Are you guys jealous that I figured this stuff out ? I can't understand how you keep ignoring the results.

The whole point of cracking a code (should one exist) is to make clear what was hidden - and clarity is what I asked for, not this impenetrable crap. Others can judge for themselves whether or not you revealed anything here, but all I see you doing is keeping your code from view. What is the point of finding a code if you don't clearly communicate what you've found? At the very least it's insulting to people who are trying to make sense of it.

What exactly is this code about? What is it telling us?

07-21-2019, 03:22 PM
It's not my problem that you get a headache, what God pointed to there was 777 (The Seal of God).
Finding 777 though is more rare since it is so special. It's more like a reward when you find it.

There are plenty of clear codes here and the fact that you ignore them answers your question.
You are simply objecting to the results and connections that I have "cracked".
And the fact that you think number 2 is the first just shows how much you have gone through the verses.

07-21-2019, 03:51 PM
10 = "Alpha" (Gr red)
13 = "Alpha" (Heb red)
31 = "Alpha" (Heb ord)
34 = "Alpha" (Gr ord)
38 = "Alpha" (Eng ord)
49 = "The Alpha" Ο Αλφα (Gr ord)
110 = Alpha (Eng std)
112 = "Alpha" (Hebrew standard of Alpha transliterated from the Greek version of the Hebrew word)
532 = Alpha (Gr std)
729 = Alpha (physics approximation)

You forgot 20 there and why include 49 here ? It should be:
10 = "Alpha" (Gr red)
13 = "Alpha" (Heb red)
20 = "Alpha" (Eng red)
31 = "Alpha" (Heb ord)
34 = "Alpha" (Gr ord)
38 = "Alpha" (Eng ord)
110 = Alpha (Eng sta)
112 = "Alpha" (Heb sta)
532 = Alpha (Gr sta)
729 = Alpha (physics approximation)

Now TV added the verses that reflects "Alpha" (10, 34, 532) in Greek = 9303 = (43 "Seal" (Heb ord)) 443 X 21 "of" (Eng ord).
= 933 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb, Gr & Eng rev ord) with 0 removed
And Greek is the most significant language when it comes to physics. That should be clear.

Now add verses that reflects it in Hebrew (13, 31, 112) = 7505
= "The" 5 X (1501 (English ordinal of the 777 Holograph) = 1000 + 1"α" + 500 "φ") = (Eng ord) "and" 19 X 395 "the heaven" = 208 "He created it" (Heb) + 7297 (α)

Now add verses that reflects it in English (20, 38, 110) = 10241 = 10 000 + 241 "In the beginning" (A=26)
(Heb sta) "Scatter" 209 X 49 "The Alpha" (Gr ord) = "and" 19 X 539 "The Seal of God" (Heb sta)

It just happened to align (like everything else). You need to accept that God is using those numbers and methods simply because he can.
I do not care for 1 second if you, Sylvius or thebluetriangle objects. Because I have endless of results that will harmonize with what I claim here.

You guys can simply only utter your opinion, you can't change facts/results.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-21-2019, 04:33 PM
You forgot 20 there and why include 49 here ? It should be:
10 = "Alpha" (Gr red)
13 = "Alpha" (Heb red)
20 = "Alpha" (Eng red)
31 = "Alpha" (Heb ord)
34 = "Alpha" (Gr ord)
38 = "Alpha" (Eng ord)
110 = Alpha (Eng sta)
112 = "Alpha" (Heb sta)
532 = Alpha (Gr sta)
729 = Alpha (physics approximation)

I included 49 because you used that value. Are you saying there is a difference in meaning when you make a connection with "Alpha" vs. "The Alpha"? If not, then you need to included all the values of "The Alpha" in the list too.

Now TV added the verses that reflects "Alpha" (10, 34, 532) in Greek = 9303 = (43 "Seal" (Heb ord)) 443 X 21 "of" (Eng ord).
= 933 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb, Gr & Eng rev ord) with 0 removed

So what? You can find random connections like that in any random text using your methods because you create an OCEAN of random numbers from which you pick and choose. Why would anyone think there is any meaning to any of it? It is exactly what we would expect using your methods.

Why can't you answer this question?

You guys can simply only utter your opinion, you can't change facts/results.

Actually, you are the one who merely utters his "opinion" and I am the one who presents facts you cannot answer. Case in point: You say your "harmonizations" can't be random but you have NEVER given any evidence supporting that claim, so your claim is utterly unfounded. It is nothing but your opinion.

You know this is true, so your claim that you have "proven" your results is a LIE. A ludicrous LIE. An absolutely inexcusable LIE.

These are the real facts that YOU refuse to admit, let alone answer.

You know my words are true. You know you have not presented any evidence that your "harmonizations" are not random. You merely ASSERT YOUR OPINION that they are not random.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-21-2019, 04:38 PM
It just happened to align (like everything else). You need to accept that God is using those numbers and methods simply because he can.
I do not care for 1 second if you, Sylvius or thebluetriangle objects. Because I have endless of results that will harmonize with what I claim here.

You guys can simply only utter your opinion, you can't change facts/results.
Your forgot the most revealing "alignment" of all:

TOTAL BULLSHIT = 10 x 117 (The Seal of God)

And nobody can argue with that fact!


07-21-2019, 04:42 PM
Yeah right Richard. Here is The Seven Seven Seven Holograph.


Adding TV of the Seven Seven Seven Holograph & the 777 Holograph is: 4821 + 3091
= (Eng ord) "Codes" 46 X 172 "Codes" (Eng sta)
= TV of Vs(37 "of Wisdom" (Heb ord)) + TV of Vs(73 "of Wisdom" (heb sta))

And the 777 Holograph added with this Seven Seven Holograph is what I call the Hyper 777 Holograph.
I used to call it The Golden Holograph but I changed my mind.

07-21-2019, 04:43 PM
It's not my problem that you get a headache,
Yes it is. If you want people to understand what you've found, you have to present it clearly and concisely. You have done neither.

what God pointed to there was 777 (The Seal of God).
Finding 777 though is more rare since it is so special. It's more like a reward when you find it.

Let's look at the evidence you have for this seal.

- 5 ("Seal") first letters of Vs(1 "α") = 513 = 5 "The" --- 13 "Alpha" אלפא (red)
So you're saying 5 is the value of Hey, meaning 'the', which you interpret as 'seal'? Yes? Now 'the seal' or 'seal' might reasonably be regarded as pointing to a seal, but 'the'? I'm afraid not, Desmild. Next you take 513 and split it into 5 - 'hey' again - and 13, the reduced value of the Hebrew for 'alpha'. So what is this saying? The alpha seal? It's the first word, so yes, alpha might be apt there. But it all hangs together rather loosely.

- 5 "The" words letters of Vs(1 "α") = 1998 = 198 (Sum Pri up to number 37 "Seal") with extended digit You're taking liberties here, equating 198 with 1998.

- First 7 ("Seal") letters added of Genesis 1:1 = 915 = "The" 5 X 183 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord) So 'seven' equates to 7 and both are code for 'seal', because 7 is the 5th prime (by your reckoning, rather than that of the mathematical community, who would regard it as the 4th prime). 5 is code for 'the' (hey) which also denotes 'seal', because 'the, 'seal' and 'the seal' are all equivalent. And so you interpret 915 as 'the seal seal seal', or something of that sort. Crap, Desmild, pure crap.

- 7 first words aka TV = 37X73 ---- 37+73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng sta)
- TV of Vs(5 "The" = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal")) = 2141 = 21 "of" (Eng ord) --- 41 "God" (Heb ord)
- CW of Vs(5 "The") = 75 = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal") X Pytha.Pri-ord(137 "of God")
- TV of Vs(7 ("Seal")) = 4541 = (Eng ord) "and" 19 X 239 "Crowned Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb ord)
- CW of Vs(7 ("The")) = 848 = 84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord) merged with its morror

There are plenty of clear codes here and the fact that you ignore them answers your question.
You are simply objecting to the results and connections that I have "cracked". I do object to what I've seen so far, because it seems to be coming from your imagination.

And the fact that you think number 2 is the first just shows how much you have gone through the verses. The number 1 seems to satisfy the conditions for being prime, but the fact that you had to adopt what is very much a minority opinion on whether or not 1 is prime so your code would work is another in a long and growing list of reasons for dismissing it. You obviously have some facility with numbers and an interest in codes, but you are using them to serve your ego, not the higher good. Get off your unicorn, Desmild, and put your talents to good use. I believe there are codes in the Bible, but this doesn't look like one of them.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-21-2019, 04:51 PM
Yeah right Richard. Here is The Seven Seven Seven Holograph.

Adding TV of the Seven Seven Seven Holograph & the 777 Holograph is: 4821 + 3091
= (Eng ord) "Codes" 46 X 172 "Codes" (Eng sta)
= TV of Vs(37 "of Wisdom" (Heb ord)) + TV of Vs(73 "of Wisdom" (heb sta))
Your "holograph" looks exactly like what we would expect from a random text using your methods because you methods generate an OCEAN of random numbers for every word.

Why can't you answer this point?

07-21-2019, 10:01 PM
Interesting article. It makes some very doubtful claims about the "absolute truth" ...

I have some very good reasons to doubt the validity of those claims. Even the most famous Rabbis can't agree on meaning of the Torah. Don't you remember the famous saying "Where there are two Jews there are three opinions (http://www.tfdixie.com/parshat/korach/013.htm)"? :winking0071:

And what does it even mean to say that the Torah is "absolute" when it supposedly has "70 interpretations"? Here's a quote from the article Teaching the Seventy Faces of Torah (https://prizmah.org/teaching-seventy-faces-torah):

Where again was that "absolute truth"? :lol:

"absolute truth" is that truth knows "70 interpretations"

70 = "ayin" = eye

Name Amalek can be read as "ayin malak"= the severed eye.


The name 'Amalek' can also be broken up into two parts: ayin-malak (mem-lamed-kuf), which means 'severed eye.'

Amalek is promoting one of the seventy interpretations as "absolute truth". If you don't accept you'll have to die.

07-22-2019, 02:07 AM
Your "holograph" looks exactly like what we would expect from a random text using your methods because you methods generate an OCEAN of random numbers for every word.

Why can't you answer this point?

Nope, you see pretty clear connections in that Holograph that i would not call random. Can you show me similar results if you add Vs(1625) with the first or only Vs made up of 1625 in the Koran (if it exists) ?
You need to show me this if your claim is going to have any foundation.

But again this is more like your opinion. Like thebluetriangle who has this webiste about codes that are not exatly clear and consistent.
But rather complains to me that my codes are not "clear". My codes are twice or three times more clear than his.
He does not even mention the Seal of God, 777 (the most important number of the codes). And i he thinks i want him on my side :P

07-22-2019, 02:15 AM
And you need to show us that 777 written in Arabic is very connected to Alpha and the Golden Ratio also :) Good luck with that Richard.

07-22-2019, 03:34 AM
He does not even mention the Seal of God, 777 (the most important number of the codes).

you've just been deluded by some wicked christian fundamentalists


God's seal is an important part of being identified as one of His own servants, because for one, those that have His seal will be protected, especially in the end times that are coming soon. Without it, there will be great suffering.

The seal of God is his name in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim" ( last two words of Hebrew Genesis 1:31 and first two words of Genesis 2:1)- also after the writer of Revelation

Revelation 13:18- 14:1

Here is the wisdom: the one who has understanding let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666. Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads

When you leave out the letter "hey" of "yom hashishi" you're left with "yom shishi" with gematria 666 and no name hidden in the initial letters of the last two words of Genesis 1:31 and the of the first two words of Genesis 2:1.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 07:22 AM
Nope, you see pretty clear connections in that Holograph that i would not call random.

The fact that YOU would not call them random is nothing but your own uninformed opinion. And since you have given NO EVIDENCE of any kind to support your opinion, your opinion is completely unfounded and therefore meaningless.

Here's the problem you need to answer. If there are more than a dozen numbers associated with each word, how could you NOT find connections like yours in any random text?

Your integrations are exactly what we would expect to find in any random text using your methods.

Can you show me similar results if you add Vs(1625) with the first or only Vs made up of 1625 in the Koran (if it exists) ?
You need to show me this if your claim is going to have any foundation.

The world is filled to overflowing with numerologists finding connections like yours in other texts. I've presented a lot of it to you in the past and you ignored it just like you ignore the problems I have exposed with your numerology.

Here's what you need to do Alex. You need to explain how to tell the difference between your numerology and the meaningless random connections we could find in any random text using your methods.

You need to quit dodging and answer this question. No one with any brains will ever believe your claims if you cannot answer it.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 07:50 AM
Nope, you see pretty clear connections in that Holograph that i would not call random. Can you show me similar results if you add Vs(1625) with the first or only Vs made up of 1625 in the Koran (if it exists) ?
You need to show me this if your claim is going to have any foundation.

But again this is more like your opinion. Like thebluetriangle who has this webiste about codes that are not exatly clear and consistent.
But rather complains to me that my codes are not "clear". My codes are twice or three times more clear than his.
He does not even mention the Seal of God, 777 (the most important number of the codes). And i he thinks i want him on my side :P
Here ya go Alex. Explain why this numerology doesn't prove the Quran was designed by Allah:


07-22-2019, 08:16 AM
The seal of God is his name in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim" ( last two words of Hebrew Genesis 1:31 and first two words of Genesis 2:1)- also after the writer of Revelation

Revelation 13:18- 14:1

Here is the wisdom: the one who has understanding let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666. Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads

When you leave out the letter "hey" of "yom hashishi" you're left with "yom shishi" with gematria 666 and no name hidden in the initial letters of the last two words of Genesis 1:31 and the of the first two words of Genesis 2:1.

The 144,000 seem to coincide the ones whose names are written in the book of life of the lamb who has been slain from the foundation of the world -- after Revelation 13:6,

καὶ προσκυνήσουσιν αὐτὸν πάντες οἱ κατοικοῦντες ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς, οὗ οὐ γέγραπται τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ ἐν τῷ βιβλίῳ τῆς ζωῆς τοῦ ἀρνίου τοῦ ἐσφαγμένου ἀπὸ καταβολῆς κόσμου

which seems to be about the lamb that Abel brought as present to the Lord, which pleased Him, and because of which Abel was killed by his brother, since when his bloods were calling from the ground

Rashi on Genesis 4:10,

Your brother's blood: Heb. דְּמֵי, the plural form. His blood and the blood of his descendants.

which is the blood of Christ

cf. Matthew 23:35,
so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah,

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 10:44 AM
Nope, you see pretty clear connections in that Holograph that i would not call random.
Why wouldn't you call them random?

It's easy to prove they are random.

Here's how you do it.

You have more than dozen numbers you can use to make a connection to Alpha:

Alpha = 1 = 10 = 13 = 31 = 34 = 38 = 49 = 110 = 112 = 532 = 729 = 902 ... etc., etc., etc.

Likewise, you have an endless ocean of numbers you can derive from the verses using TV, FW, LW, CW, Prime order, Triangular order, etc., etc., etc.

So what are the chances you could find a connection using any random text?

The answer is ... 100%

07-22-2019, 11:06 AM
Why wouldn't you call them random?

It's easy to prove they are random.

Here's how you do it.

You have more than dozen numbers you can use to make a connection to Alpha:

Alpha = 1 = 10 = 13 = 31 = 34 = 38 = 49 = 110 = 112 = 532 = 729 = 902 ... etc., etc., etc.

Likewise, you have an endless ocean of numbers you can derive from the verses using TV, FW, LW, CW, Prime order, Triangular order, etc., etc., etc.

So what are the chances you could find a connection using any random text?

The answer is ... 100%

God himself was a random phenomenon

Exodus 5:3,

The God of the Hebrews has happened upon us. אֱלֹהֵ֥י הָֽעִבְרִ֖ים נִקְרָ֣א עָלֵ֑ינוּ "elohei ha'ivrim nikra aleinu"

we met him by happenstance

Same kind of thing in Leviticus 1:1, "vayikra el-moshe" וַיִּקְרָ֖א אֶל־משֶׁ֑ה

In Torah-scrolls the "alef" of "vayikra" is written diminished.

As if Moses wanted to state that he met God in a wet dream - but that was part of his humbleness, it is said.


To the prophets of the nations of the world He revealed Himself through expressions denoting coincidence and impurity, as the verse says, "and God happened to [meet] (וַיִּקָּר) Balaam" (Num. 23:4). - [Bemidbar Rabbah 52:5] [The expression וַיִּקָּר has the meaning of a coincidental happening, and also alludes to impurity. [See Deut. 23:11, regarding the expression מִקְרֵה לַיְלָה.]

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 11:38 AM
God himself was a random phenomenon

Exodus 5:3,

The God of the Hebrews has happened upon us. אֱלֹהֵ֥י הָֽעִבְרִ֖ים נִקְרָ֣א עָלֵ֑ינוּ "elohei ha'ivrim nikra aleinu"

we met him by happenstance

So what?

What does that have to do with our discussion about the meaninglessness of random numerology?

07-22-2019, 12:19 PM
So what?

What does that have to do with our discussion about the meaninglessness of random numerology?

Makes think of German "umsonst"

"umsonst"= gratis, for free, for nothing; also: in vain.

We played with numbers for no reason, just for fun; or maybe to prove something (that i am a genius)--

And then suddenly we met God in the gematria of Genesis 1:1 :winking0071:

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 12:51 PM
Makes think of German "umsonst"

"umsonst"= gratis, for free, for nothing; also: in vain.

We played with numbers for no reason, just for fun; or maybe to prove something (that i am a genius)--

And then suddenly we met God in the gematria of Genesis 1:1 :winking0071:
I still think that the gematria of Genesis 1:1 is very striking, especially when combined with John 1:1. But it's not enough to make me believe because the text of the Bible says stuff that I do not believe.

And I see very little value in gematria at all since most people who play with it look like total fools who just make up ludicrous meaningless crap and declare it is "God's code."

07-22-2019, 01:08 PM
I still think that the gematria of Genesis 1:1 is very striking, especially when combined with John 1:1. But it's not enough to make me believe because the text of the Bible says stuff that I do not believe.

And I see very little value in gematria at all since most people who play with it look like total fools who just make up ludicrous meaningless crap and declare it is "God's code."

Also striking was that the first chapter of Genesis is written with 434 words, "hashishi" being the 434th, since 434 is gematria of "delet" = door and I by that time was a fan of The Doors-

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61AJCQv0GZL._SY355_.jpg :winking0071:

and also that it is written with 1671 letters, clearly with one letter too much, the letter "hey" of "hashishi", aince 3,5 x 1670 = 5845, the (traditiional) amount of verses of the whole Torah,

07-22-2019, 01:44 PM
He brought up one verse from the quran with some patterns and no physics, no Alpha and no Golden Ratio which are very important numbers of our universe.

Please show us that the Quran has significant codes pertaining Physics. We can do a contest here to see which book wins.
The maker of our universe would use those numbers in numerical codes.

And I want to see 777 connected to physics in Arabic since you say its random. Prove it.

07-22-2019, 02:05 PM
Also striking was that the first chapter of Genesis is written with 434 words

Yes that is striking since it is chp. nr 1 "α"
- Nr of words in Chp. nr 1 = 434 = 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) merged with its mirror 34 "Alpha" (Gr ord)
- Nr of letters in Chp. nr 1 = 1671 = (46 "The God of" (Heb ord) = "Codes" (Eng ord)) + 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)

- CW of the first & last verses of Chp. nr 1 = 418 "created Alpha" (Eng sta)
- CW of the center verse (16) = 882 = Comp(729 (α)) = "The Golden Ratio" (Eng ord + sta)

07-22-2019, 02:08 PM
I still think that the gematria of Genesis 1:1 is very striking, especially when combined with John 1:1. But it's not enough to make me believe because the text of the Bible says stuff that I do not believe.

Ahh so you do admit that you base your judgement upon feelings here and not rationality.
You don't like God since you don't agree with him with what he says in the bible.

Thanks for letting us know Richard. Finally some truth.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 02:12 PM
Thanks for letting us know Richard. Finally some truth.
I've given you nothing but truth.

The fact that the gematria of Genesis 1:1 is striking has nothing to do with the moronic crap numerology you have produced.

07-22-2019, 02:15 PM
You just admitted that you cannot accept the codes of Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 since God tells us things you don't agree with.

You just broke your poker face there. Everyone that has a sober mind can see that now.

And it was like I said, nothing is valid of the codes according to you no matter what kind of results you get.

The truth will prevail Richard.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 02:16 PM
Ahh so you do admit that you base your judgement upon feelings here and not rationality.
You don't like God since you don't agree with him with what he says in the bible.

Your comment is absurd. My judgement is based on REASONS not feelings. The Bible says things that are self-contradictory and so cannot be true. It also says things that directly contradict demonstrable facts relating to physics.

It is impossible that God could have written the Bible because says God did immoral things.

There are a thousand REASONS intelligent people reject the Bible. It has nothing to do with feelings.

Please try to grow a brain already.

07-22-2019, 02:19 PM
Okey so this is clearly not about the codes then, just your feelings.

tell me what kind of immoral things did God do in the bible ? We have to discuss this.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 02:23 PM
You just admitted that you cannot accept the codes of Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 since God tells us things you don't agree with.

Not true. Your "codes" are total bullshit. Nothing could be more obvious. The gematria that I said was "striking" is totally different than your crap gematria.

The mere fact that it is "striking" does not mean it is "coded by God." It could be a coincidence. There are striking coincidences in the Quran but I don't it proves Allah coded it.

Your logic is very weak Alex.

You just broke your poker face there. Everyone that has a sober mind can see that now.

I broke nothing. I have told you from the BEGINNING that the gematria I worked on MAY have some significance, but I wouldn't discuss it with you until you cleaned out the CRAP of your numerology because if you can't see that your numerology is crap then there is no way to have a meaningful discussion of other aspects that might be significant. You know this is true. I've explained this many times. I have not changed at all.

And it was like I said, nothing is valid of the codes according to you no matter what kind of results you get.

The truth will prevail Richard.
The truth is prevailing now as we speak. I have proven your numerology is CRAP and you know you cannot answer so you don't even try. You merely assert your OPINION without any logic or facts to back it up.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 02:25 PM
Okey so this is clearly not about the codes then, just your feelings.

tell me what kind of immoral things did God do in the bible ? We have to discuss this.
Not true. It is not about my "feelings." It is about the many FACTS that prove the Bible cannot be true. If you want to discuss my REASONS we could start another thread.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 02:32 PM
Okey so this is clearly not about the codes then, just your feelings.

tell me what kind of immoral things did God do in the bible ? We have to discuss this.
Get real Alex.

Your "codes" are TOTAL BULLSHIT = 10 x 117 (The Seal of God). That is the only issue you and I need to discuss.

The fact that there are some intriguing coincidences in the gematria of Genesis 1:1 is not worth discussing as long as you are deluded about your numerology which is obviously absurd.

That's the thing that we should discuss. Why do you think your codes are not random? Have you done any statistical analysis?

Think about this: When you create a ten thousand random numbers in the range of 1 to 5000 then there will necessarily be many meaningless matches. You know this is true, because you think that "TOTAL BULLSHIT" = 10 x 117 (The Seal of God) is one of those meaningless matches. But if you have so many meaningless matches, why would anyone believe any of them are meaningful? And how can you tell the difference between those that are meaningful and those that are not? And how do you settle disagreements, like between you and Gambini who bases his patterns on primes starting with 2 rather than 1? The fact that you two can each find "patterns" using contradictory assumptions exemplifies the fact that there is no meaning to any of it.

Why can't you answer this point? Why can't you even discuss it? Because you KNOW you cannot answer and you KNOW that it proves your numerology is TOTAL BULLSHIT.

07-22-2019, 02:56 PM
Alright then, back to the codes.

So you are telling us that all the values of "Alpha" are insignifant since there are so many of them.

You can find values of "Alpha", "The Alpha", "and the Alpha", "and Alpha" and get them to suit your codes.

And I kow that you can get a very long list of numbers there of values to something with or "Alpha".
But there are 31102 verses in the bible. And it's a long time since I have done probability calculations now but lets say you integrate verses redlecting the ordinal and standard of "Alpha" in Greek . You will get significant results.

Now if you add verses two in the bible we can find 31102 X 31102 combinations of this in the bible. (if I remember correct on about probabilities, correct me if I am wrong)
And if we add three by three we can find 31102X31102X31102 verses so its more of less a infinite number of possible verse combinations we can do.

But it will hit in meaning everytime, even the individual verses are codes in harmony with what I claim.

Lets take number 49 "The Alpha" Ο Αλφα (ord) that you say is insignificant.

Well let's check out verse nr 49 "The Alpha" because every single "Alpha" verse has codes that go in harmony.
- Nr.W = 12 "and" ו (Full)
- Nr.L = 45 "Crowned" (Heb ord)
- TV = 1702 = "Codes" 46 X 37 "of Wisdom"
- FLW = 10X 34 "Alpha" (Gr ord) = "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Gr rev ord) = CW of Vs(99 "physics" (Eng ord))
- CW = 400 + 71 "riddles" (Eng ord)
- FLCW = 811 (81 "In the beginning seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb red)) = Pri(142 "riddle" (Eng sta))
- W. surr. CW = 59 "God said" (Eng ord) --- since the CW = 71 "riddles" (Eng ord) (God said Riddles)
- 3 CW = 10X 53 "of Torah" (Heb ord)
- FLW + 3 CW = 10X 87 "Phi" (Eng sta)

See that harmonizes Richard. God is very good at doing this but you have to kind of figure out what words & phrases he likes to use. And the methods.
And it harmonizes in every verse so you can't come with anything against my claims. bring it on, show us the Arabic codes of physics in the Quran.
I'm the platinum league so good luck.

Do you really think that you, thebluetriangle or Sylvius have anything at all to come with against my claims ?
I tell you right now that you do not. And I know that it can sound a bit high minded or narcissistic but it's all about what you can understand in the codes.
And I have not seen much from the bible from you guys. Richard comes on top there but he only used Total values and mostly connections through words or phrases. He missed a lot.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 03:02 PM
Alright then, back to the codes.

So you are telling us that all the values of "Alpha" are insignifant since there are so many of them.

You can find values of "Alpha", "The Alpha", "and the Alpha", "and Alpha" and get them to suit your codes.

And I kow that you can get a very long list of numbers there of values to something with or "Alpha".

AWESOME! You are finally talking about this point!


But there are 31102 verses in the bible. And it's a long time since I have done probability calculations now but lets say you integrate verses redlecting the ordinal and standard of "Alpha" in Greek . You will get significant results.

Now if you add verses two in the bible we can find 31102 X 31102 combinations of this in the bible. (if I remember correct on about probabilities, correct me if I am wrong)
And if we add three by three we can find 31102X31102X31102 verses so its more of less a infinite number of possible verse combinations we can do.

But it will hit in meaning everytime, even the individual verses are codes in harmony with what I claim.

Lets take number 49 "The Alpha" Ο Αλφα (ord) that you say is insignificant.

Well let's check out verse nr 49 "The Alpha" because every single "Alpha" verse has codes that go in harmony.
- Nr.W = 12 "and" ו (Full)
- Nr.L = 45 "Crowned" (Heb ord)
- TV = 1702 = "Codes" 46 X 37 "of Wisdom"
- FLW = 10X 34 "Alpha" (Gr ord) = "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Gr rev ord) = CW of Vs(99 "physics" (Eng ord))
- CW = 400 + 71 "riddles" (Eng ord)
- FLCW = 811 (81 "In the beginning seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb red)) = Pri(142 "riddle" (Eng sta))
- W. surr. CW = 59 "God said" (Eng ord) --- since the CW = 71 "riddles" (Eng ord) (God said Riddles)
- 3 CW = 10X 53 "of Torah" (Heb ord)
- FLW + 3 CW = 10X 87 "Phi" (Eng sta)

See that harmonizes Richard. God is very good at doing this but you have to kind of figure out what words & phrases he likes to use. And the methods.
And it harmonizes in every verse so you can't come with anything against my claims. bring it on, show us the Arabic codes of physics in the Quran.
I'm the platinum league so good luck.

OK, you say you could "harmonize" that verse you tried.

I say you can "harmonize" any random text that way using your methods.

So you can prove me wrong in a heartbeat. All you need to do is present a text that cannot be harmonized using your methods.

That's all you gotta do. If you can show me a text that can NOT be harmonized, then I will know what your rules are.

Got it?


07-22-2019, 03:05 PM
You do understand Richard that you need a book with verses for this, and the verse orders has to define the codes in each verse in harmony like we see in the bible.

What book do you suggest exactly ?

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 03:12 PM
You do understand Richard that you need a book with verses for this, and the verse orders has to define the codes in each verse in harmony like we see in the bible.

What book do you suggest exactly ?
Let's do the Book of Mormon? It's only English, but that should be enough to prove the point.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 03:12 PM
You do understand Richard that you need a book with verses for this, and the verse orders has to define the codes in each verse in harmony like we see in the bible.

What book do you suggest exactly ?
Or you could use the Catholic Bible if you think that God designed the 66 Books.

07-22-2019, 03:15 PM
Alright, give me the book of Mormon or a link with verse orders please so that there is no debate on the version (if there are different versions at all)

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 03:17 PM
Alright, give me the book of Mormon or a link with verse orders please so that there is no debate on the version (if there are different versions at all)
I'll accept whatever links you find assuming they are legit.


07-22-2019, 03:25 PM
Hmmm maybe the book of mormor is not the best choice because Joseph Smith was a freemason. So there are probably codes there but freemasonic codes. A Norwegian guy found that in the writings of shakespear. To be honest, it would be more fair to use a ancient text here. But the freemasonic codes are very different from God's codes in the bible anyway so we can do the book of Mormon, but there are better alternatives in my opinion. But I will go for the book of mormon now.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 03:28 PM
Hmmm maybe the book of mormor is not the best choice because Joseph Smith was a freemason. So there are codes there but freemasonic codes. A Norwegian guy found that in the writings of shakespear. To be honest, it would be more fair to use a ancient text here. But the freemasonic codes are very different from God's codes in the bible anyway so we can do the book of Mormon, but there are better alternatives in my opinion. But I will go for the book of mormon now.
Well, the point of this exercise is to show how to tell the difference between a real code and a random text, using your methods.

Let's use an English Quran? There's plenty online. And they list the verse numbers. Should be a good exercise.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 03:30 PM
Well, the point of this exercise is to show how to tell the difference between a real code and a random text, using your methods.

Let's use an English Quran? There's plenty online. And they list the verse numbers. Should be a good exercise.
Or here's an even better idea? We could compare different English versions of the Bible and then you could tell which one was designed by God? That would be cool.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 03:43 PM
Or here's an even better idea? We could compare different English versions of the Bible and then you could tell which one was designed by God? That would be cool.
Actually, comparison with other versions is something we should do after we establish how to tell the difference between random and coded texts. So let's go with the Quran?

07-22-2019, 04:14 PM
I used this version because that website was more convenient for me to count verses. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/moro/9?lang=eng
(don't think there are different versions of the book of Mormon anyway but I might be wrong, its not that old so that's why I presume that)

So verse nr 777 should be Moroni 9:14 "How can we expect that God will astay his hand in judgment against us?"
- Nr.W = 14 "Golden"
- Nr.L = 56 "light" (Eng ord) ??? That should usually be "codes", "seven seven seven" or "seven hundred seventy and seven".
- TV = Tri(7) X 7X29 (Alpha) (hit) = 4907 (497 "riddles of God" (Eng ord + sta)) + 777 = 4509 (459 = "Precious" 17 X 27 "Riddles") + 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven"
- FLW = 100X9 "and" δε + 68 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb ord)
- CW = 1571 = Pri(249 "Finger of God" (Heb sta)) (Why is the finger of God here ? That should be the CW of Vs(729) or something with "Alpha")
- FLCW = 200 + 539 "The Seal of God" (Heb sta) (Hit)
- W. surr. CW = 188 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb ord in modern spelling)
- 3 CW = 2727 --- 27+27 = 54 "and Alpha" (Gr ord)
- FLW + 3 CW = "The" 5 X (10 "Alpha" + 729 (α)) (I don't think I have seen God use "The" 5 with the +1 pattern like this before)

Now lets do verse nr 777 in the bible
- Nr.W = 9 "and"
- Nr.L = 36 "seven seven seven" (Heb red)
- TV = 2000 + 314 "seven hundred seventy seven" (Eng ord) [modern spelling] = "God" 26 X 89 "created the"/"codes"
= Pytha.Pri(7)X29 + 777 = 689 (6 "and" --- 89 "created the") + 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)
- FLW = 197 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb rev ord)
- CW = 316 "and the bible" (Eng sta) = 31 "God" merged with 16 "Seal" (Heb red) = 4X Pri(23) --- 2X2X23 = 92 "riddles of" (Eng ord) = FLCL of Vs(37 "wisdom") = ord of Vs(37 "wisdom")
- FLCW = 513 = 5 "The" --- 13 "Alpha" (Gr red)
- W. surr. CW = 659 = 6 "and" --- 59 "God said" (Eng ord)
- 3 CW = "The" 5 X 195 "Seven Seven Seven" (Eng ord) = (Heb ord) "seven" 39 X 25 "Pi" (Eng ord) --- 1625 = (Eng ord) "seven" 65 X 25 "Pi" (Eng ord)
- FLW + 3 CW = 1172 "Universe" (Eng sta)

Okey that is impressive but this was the worst example we could use here and I will tell you why:
- Joseph Smith was a freemason and they are satanic at the highest level.
- That means that Satan and his angels could have had from 1500 B.C to 1827 A.C to counterfeit the bible codes with the book of mormon. That's a really long time.

But the fallen angels can't beat God, I refuse to believe that. We will check verse nr 1 & 729 tomorrow and go further into this since this is far to little to judge.
But I think verse nr 777 of the bible wins here in harmony.

07-22-2019, 04:15 PM
The Quran sounds much better but I can't read Arabic. I can try to learn it though.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 04:33 PM
The Quran sounds much better but I can't read Arabic. I can try to learn it though.
You could just look for patterns in any of the English translations. That should be enough to test the codes. Just like with the Book of Mormon.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 04:35 PM
Okey that is impressive but this was the worst example we could use here and I will tell you why:
- Joseph Smith was a freemason and they are satanic at the highest level.
- That means that Satan and his angels could have had from 1500 B.C to 1827 A.C to counterfeit the bible codes with the book of mormon. That's a really long time.

But the fallen angels can't beat God, I refuse to believe that. We will check verse nr 1 & 729 tomorrow and go further into this since this is far to little to judge.
But I think verse nr 777 of the bible wins here in harmony.
OK - So your feeling is that the "codes" you found in this example are strong enough to suggest that the Devil did it?

Seems like you could say the same thing with any codes you find in the Quran, so it probably would help to compare that text.

And couldn't a Muslim say the same thing about the codes you find in the Bible?

How is anyone supposed to tell if the Devil did it or if God did it or if it's just random?

07-22-2019, 05:23 PM
The Torah was first of all of those so I guess Satan could have had a long time to encode his counterfeits.

But lets go for the book of mormor. Satan and his Angels should not be able to match God in codes anyway.

And here is a interesting fact about the Quran. It has 6236 verses.

While the bible has 31102 verses
- 31102 = 3112 with 0 removed = 37X73 (Hebrew standard Genesis 1:1) + 3X137 (English ordinal Genesis 1:1)
That has a lot of meaning. while number 6236 can be connected to "The Speed of Light" and "the fine-structure constant", your only problem here is that it is in English phrases.
The Language of the unbelievers that Allah hate. It seems absurd that Allah would use English gematria because his enemies are English.
While the English language is in contrary the language of the two tribes of Israel: "Ephraim" and "Manasseh".

Anyways that's just my thoughts about the Quran; but can you give me the results for verse nr 1, 729 & 777 in the Quran ? I will use Hebrew, English & Greek Gematria in the codes of those verses but it does not make sense to use values from words in those 3 languages. Only in the bible does that make sense and not in the Quran. Arabic phrases would make a lot more sense to use in the Quran. So I think this is harder then I expected.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-22-2019, 08:08 PM
While the bible has 31102 verses
- 31102 = 3112 with 0 removed = 37X73 (Hebrew standard Genesis 1:1) + 3X137 (English ordinal Genesis 1:1)
That has a lot of meaning. while number 6236 can be connected to "The Speed of Light" and "the fine-structure constant", your only problem here is that it is in English phrases.

Quick question. You are using the KJV for the English, correct? Do you think God designed that specific translation? If so, that presents an interesting challenge. Bill Downie (TheBlueTriangle) believes that God encoded the NIV which differs by one letter in Genesis 1:1 to give the value 430 for the whole verse. He also believes there are 31086 verses in the Bible, not 31102. And he thinks these numbers were designed by God to "Seal" the Bible with the number 888 = JESUS in Greek.


Genesis 1.1 + Revelation 22.21 (o)= 430 + 458 = 888


So his "seal" contradicts your "seal" ... hummmm ... :sCo_hmmthink:

07-22-2019, 08:50 PM
The quick answer to that is that the KJV should stand strongest in Torah. I use that one.

The KJV was released in the year 1611 = 37 "wisdom" + TV of Vs(37 "wisdom)
- 1611 = 161 with 0 removed = 3 digits of Phi

- TV of Vs(1611) = 6474 = 1000X6 "and" + 474 "knowledge of" (Heb sta) = (Eng ord) "Genesis" 78 X 83 "wisdom" (Eng ord)

And since 1611 is 37 + TV of Vs(37) means that we can integrate it with the Vs reflecting the 777 Holograph since it is: 777 + TV of Vs(777)

- Vs(1611) & Vs(3091)
- TV = 10X(968 = 9 "and" --- 68 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb red) = 171 "The Seven Seven Seven Holograph" השבע שבע שבע הולוגרף (ord) + 777)
- FLW = 1000 + 539 "The Seal of God" (Heb sta)
- CW = 448 "Seal" (Heb sta)
- FLCW = 1987 = Pri(301 "of God" (Full))
- W. surr. CW = 1332 (132 "Thirty Seven" (A=26)) --- 37 = "Seal"
- 3 CW = 1780 = 10X Comp(137 "of God")
- FLW + 3 CW = 3319 = 319 "Alpha, Phi and Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven Αλφα φι και επτακόσιες εβδομήντα επτά (ord) with extended digit

So God put number 1611 in a special place in the codes. Maybe it's not any proof that the KJV is specially selected but there are a lot more things in the codes that points to the fact that the KJV version is important.

And the CW of Vs(968) = 37 "Seal" + 137 "of God" + 777

07-22-2019, 09:19 PM
The quick answer to that is that the KJV should stand strongest in Torah. I use that one.

Imho (in my humble opinion) Prof. Mordochai ben-Tziyyon rigthly called it King James Perversion.

Genesis 1 KJV

the first day -the second day - the third day - the fourth day - the fifth day - the sixth day

so ignored completely the accents in the Hebrew text , which has "yom echad" = day one

"yom sh'ni" second day, "yom sh'loshi" third day, "yom r'vi'i" fourth day, "yom chamishi" fifth day

and then "yom hashishi" - the sixth day (with which the name of God appears to be prominent in the first story of creation)

"yom echad" by the sages was read as : "yom hayachid" =day of the only one ; "hayachid"= 37 :winking0071:

07-23-2019, 12:46 AM
So KJV is from stretch on an anti-semitic pamphlet

Anti-semitic in the sense of anti-the-name-of-God, anti-hashem.

They postulate some earthtly ruler somewhere high above in the skies as being God.

Ignoring the fact that the God of Israel is a scriptural being, that his name is a with four letters written word.

Although in their new testament ( that should have made the old testament superfluous) the Gospel of John starts with: "In the beginning was the word, and the word was directed towards God and God was the word"

As to me KJV was directed by Mr. Satan himself :yo:

Satan the guardian angel of Esau, etc.

The anti-semite is the denier, Hebrew "soter" of which gematria is 666

Richard Amiel McGough
07-23-2019, 06:55 AM
So KJV is from stretch on an anti-semitic pamphlet

Anti-semitic in the sense of anti-the-name-of-God, anti-hashem.

They postulate some earthtly ruler somewhere high above in the skies as being God.

Ignoring the fact that the God of Israel is a scriptural being, that his name is a with four letters written word.

Although in their new testament ( that should have made the old testament superfluous) the Gospel of John starts with: "In the beginning was the word, and the word was directed towards God and God was the word"

As to me KJV was directed by Mr. Satan himself :yo:

Satan the guardian angel of Esau, etc.

The anti-semite is the denier, Hebrew "soter" of which gematria is 666
Perfect! You have really helped fill out the picture.

As an unbeliever looking in from the outside, this is what I see with all the "codes" and "secret messages" that believers find in the Bible: We see sylvius saying the KJV is perverse whereas Desmild says it contains codes that were designed by God. TheBlueTriangle says his codes prove God designed the NIV (1984) version which is significantly different than the KJV. Gambini says his codes based on indexing primes starting with the number 2 prove the Bible but they contradict Desmild's codes which start by counting at 1.

And on and on it goes. The most fervent believers cannot agree amongst themselves. And this is just in the area of "codes." The problem is much greater when it comes to interpreting the meaning of the Bible which has triggered endless conflict and spawned countless denominations.

This is why it seems to me to be quite foolish to believe God had anything to do with any of this. It's obviously people just making up their own ideas - potsherds striving with potsherds! I'm so glad to be free from it all.

07-23-2019, 07:24 AM
Perfect! You have really helped fill out the picture.

As an unbeliever looking in from the outside, this is what I see with all the "codes" and "secret messages" that believers find in the Bible: We see sylvius saying the KJV is perverse whereas Desmild says it contains codes that were designed by God. TheBlueTriangle says his codes prove God designed the NIV (1984) version which is significantly different than the KJV. Gambini says his codes based on indexing primes starting with the number 2 prove the Bible but they contradict Desmild's codes which start by counting at 1.

And on and on it goes. The most fervent believers cannot agree amongst themselves. And this is just in the area of "codes." The problem is much greater when it comes to interpreting the meaning of the Bible which has triggered endless conflict and spawned countless denominations.

This is why it seems to me to be quite foolish to believe God had anything to do with any of this. It's obviously people just making up their own ideas - potsherds striving with potsherds! I'm so glad to be free from it all.

So after all you are right and the best of all (the best horse in the stable) :thumb:

Richard Amiel McGough
07-23-2019, 07:27 AM
So after all you are right and the best of all (the best horse from the stable) :thumb:
That's very kind, but considering how long I was in the stable, and how long it took to find my way out, I doubt I am anything like the "best" :lol:

07-23-2019, 07:51 AM
That's very kind, but considering how long I was in the stable, and how long it took to find my way out, I doubt I am anything like the "best" :lol:

hey how do you like Jeff Beck, he is also like some best horse

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBPEr4DqTcs&fbclid=IwAR3FuRdFc4AJmYNiqET_6J4XbCJt2jFdeZoEQbSuU w6aEsMfJFMakauxnRE

I always wished to be an electrical guitar-player too
But i never got one

Richard Amiel McGough
07-23-2019, 07:55 AM
hey how do you like Jeff Beck, he is also like some best horse

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBPEr4DqTcs&fbclid=IwAR3FuRdFc4AJmYNiqET_6J4XbCJt2jFdeZoEQbSuU w6aEsMfJFMakauxnRE

I always wished to be an electrical guitar-player too
But i never got one
Awesome! :thumb:

Richard Amiel McGough
07-23-2019, 08:01 AM
Please show us that the Quran has significant codes pertaining Physics. We can do a contest here to see which book wins.
The maker of our universe would use those numbers in numerical codes.

Here ya go. This is a page where they claim to derive the speed of light from the Quran.


They have lots of claims about physics being coded in the Quran on that site.

07-23-2019, 08:51 AM
Yeah the fallen Angels could have known that one. But fair enough.

I can also play this game Richard since that was not codes.

Here is a verse that describes electrical communication in the time of Job. Since God told him:

Job 38:35
Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?

light and electricity is the same thing in different forms. What God told us here was communication through electricity is possible.
that did not come to us until the late 1800's.

But ok. That was one code of the speed of light.

I will counter that with Vs(38 "Alpha" (Eng ord))
which has a TV of = 2999 (299 with extended digit = 3 digits of the speed of light) = ordinal + standard of Vs(1 "α")
- FLW = 339 (39 "the light" לאור (ord) = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7))
- CW = 159 "The Speed of Light" (Eng ord)
- FLCW = 498 = 400 + (98 = (ord) η "The" 7 X 14 "Golden" (Heb ord) = "Codes" (Heb & Eng ord)) = FLW of Vs(159 "The Speed of Light")
- W. surr. CW = 100 + 89 "created the" (Eng ord) [Speed of Light, because of the CW]

Now it does not connect too much more to the speed of light here but have so much more on the speed of light that you are not going to believe it until you see it.

I mean just look at this:
"The Speed of Light and Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Eng sta) = 777 + TV of the 777 Holograph

And here is the best one:

And here is a really good one. So we saw the fine-structure constant connected to the speed of light in the 20th century.
In the 21st century today; we see Alpha & The Speed of Light connected to 777 for the first time ever. The speed of light is 299792458 m/s

729 (Alpha) + 299792458 (Speed of Light) = Pri(16241724 =
= Pri(71"Riddles"/"Seal"/"God") X (228757 = Pri(20326 = 2X Pri(10163 = 2X Pri(1249) --- 2X 1249 = 7 + 137 + 729 + 1625)))))

And Inverse Alpha (1/137,03599) hits right over number 137 "In the beginning" = 100 + 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) = "of God" (Eng sta)
While this connection hits right under the value of 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta) X 9994...(right under 10 000) (94 "Created Alpha" (Eng ord))

Lets calculate the accuracy of how close Inverse Alpha is to number 137 "In the beginning": 137/137,035999 = 0,99737...
Accuracy = 99,737%
- 737 (73 merged with 37 --- 37 + 73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng sta)) = Palin(83 "wisdom" = mirror of 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord))

Now lets do see how close Alpha added with the speed of light is to 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven": 1624,1724/1625 = 0,99949
Accuracy: 99,949%
- 949 = (172 "codes" (Eng sta) = 100 "The codes of" (Eng ord) 72 (α)) + 777

So my discovery here hits closer to the wanted value between number 137 & 1625.
- FLW of Vs(137) + FLW of Vs(1625) =(110 "Wisdom of" (Heb ord + sta) = "Alpha" (Eng sta)) + 137 (α) + 729 (Inv. α)
- CW of Vs(137) + CW of Vs(1625) = 1000 + 299 (3 digits of the speed of light)
Last edited by Desmild; 06-21-2019 at 06:29 PM.

These are not purely "The speed of light" codes but in connection to "Alpha" and "seven hundred seventy and seven" also. But you find 777 there when you dig deeper. So the speed of light is very important in the codes of the bible. Is the same true in the Quran ?

PS fixed some misconnections in the Seven Seven Seven Holograph and made it better. It was a long time since I have worked on it. And there are still a couple of numbers there that I am not 100% sure about.

07-23-2019, 09:08 AM
Now it does not connect too much more to the speed of light here but have so much more on the speed of light that you are not going to believe it until you see it.

I mean just look at this:
"The Speed of Light and Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Eng sta) = 777 + TV of the 777 Holograph


Eternal things go quicker than light, they don't need time to go from here to there

Richard Amiel McGough
07-23-2019, 09:13 AM
Yeah the fallen Angels could have known that one. But fair enough.

I can also play this game Richard since that was not codes.

Here is a verse that describes electrical communication in the time of Job. Since God told him:

Job 38:35
Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?

light and electricity is the same thing in different forms. What God told us here was communication through electricity is possible.
that did not come to us until the late 1800's.

But ok. That was one code of the speed of light.

It seems to me that lightning could say "here we are" because it is visible, not because electricity can be used to send messages with modern technology.

Is there a reason we should think it was speaking about modern technology?

It is interesting that Muslims use the same kind of interpretation as you to claim that the Quran is full of ancient prophecies of modern technology. I've never seen even one example from any ancient text that I thought was legitimate.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-23-2019, 09:17 AM
Eternal things go quicker than light, they don't need time to go from here to there
From the point of view of a photon, it takes no time at all to travel from point A to point B because the proper time is ZERO.

In other words, photons do not experience "time" ...


07-23-2019, 10:05 AM
Here is a question if there is a correlation between light and electricity https://www.quora.com/Is-there-a-correlation-between-light-and-electricity

Here is the answer

I really like this question since you have picked two of the most different forms of energy known to science. Let?s start with electricity since it?s the simplest and most useful form of energy. In fact, most of the world as we know it, would end without electricity. The electron is the key here, of course. It?s best understood as a relatively light negatively-charged atomic particle. But it can also exist as a waveform , but let?s stay with the discrete particle mode and the planet-like atom model (phyicist may be groaning). Electrons are zipping around the central and positively charged nucleus. The atom is neutral but we want electricity. If we agree that electricity is just the flow of electrons, we need to pry them away from the atom and let them flow through a conductor. We will also admit that electricity can be defined as the flow of positive charges, such as ions, but let?s stay with just the electron.

Light, Photons, Electricity are connected to each other. So I guess that verse in Job is debatable since you don't agree.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-23-2019, 10:25 AM
Light, Photons, Electricity are connected to each other. So I guess that verse in Job is debatable since you don't agree.
I'm glad you think it's debatable, though I don't see it that way. I think there is no reason whatsoever to think that Job was talking about modern wireless communications. The fact that things are "connected" does not mean that the ancient writing was speaking of the connection that modern people with modern knowledge can see. If we assume they were, then almost all ancient writings could be read as "prophecies" which would be quite ridiculous.

This actually seems to be the primary error in your logic in general. You seem to think that any "connection" implies intent. So when you find "connections" in a book you reject, like the Book of Mormon, you still think they were intentional, but that Satan rather than God did it. I think it is much more rational to recognize that those connections are mere coincidences that could be found in any random text. There is no reason to think any of it was intentionally designed.

07-23-2019, 10:34 AM

This guys disagrees and he has all the technical details here. It starts at 7:20

07-23-2019, 10:46 AM
From the point of view of a photon, it takes no time at all to travel from point A to point B because the proper time is ZERO.

In other words, photons do not experience "time" ...


I don't get that

When they do not experience time they cannot disappear.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-23-2019, 10:58 AM

This guys disagrees and he has all the technical details here. It starts at 7:20
Yeah, but those arguments are easy to debunk.

The Muslims do the same thing with the Quran but you don't think it proves that book.

Do you think you have a double standard?

07-23-2019, 10:58 AM
i thought this statement of Rashi on Genesis 1:1 was about time verus eternity

"God created" -- why was it not written "Hashem created"?

For in the beginning it was His intention to create it with the Divine Standard of Justice, but he perceived that the world would not endure; so He preceded it with the Divine Standard of Mercy, allying it with the Divine Standard of Justice

he preceded it = "hikdim" from "kadam"= to precede, come before.

he preceded time with eternity.


Richard Amiel McGough
07-23-2019, 10:59 AM
and don't get that

When they do not experience time they cannot disappear.
The only "disappear" to beings that experience time. Google it.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-23-2019, 11:01 AM
i thought this statement of Rashi on Genesis 1:1 was about time verus eternity

he preceded it = "hikdim" from "kadam"= to precede, come before.

he preceded time with eternity.

That doesn't make sense because to "precede" implies time, so you seem to be saying that you had time before you time ... :dizzy:

07-23-2019, 11:59 AM
The Muslims do the same thing with the Quran but you don't think it proves that book.

Do you think you have a double standard?

No I am looking at it with real eyes.
Both books mentions the speed of light there since communication through electricity travels at the speed of light.

But you can't change the fact that the Old Testament is way more older than the Quran.

Quote from www.livescience.com
The Prophet Muhammad is thought to have lived between A.D. 570 and A.D. 632, and according to Muslim tradition, he received the revelations that make up the Quran between A.D. 610 and A.D. 632

And the Torah is from around 1500 B.C. So the Torah is around 2100 years older than the Quran.

I would say that makes a big difference if we look at the big picture. Because if the bible is right then Satan and his angels are here on this planet working against God.
And Muhammed, the muslim prophet of Allah was given the Quran through a Angel that visited him and claimed to be Gabriel.
But Muhammed attempted to take suicide before he accepted that this Angel was from God because was sure it was demonic first.
And then proceeded to conquer Arabia through conquest and make them muslims.

And the bible warned about False/Fallen Angles coming with a different message around 500 years before the Quran, if only Muhammed had read these two verses:

Galatians 1:8-9
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

You can read about Muhammeds suicide attempts and a comparison of what the prophets of the Bible did when they got contact with a Angel or God here:

So the Quran just happens to be given to a guy called Muhammed by a angel who calls himself Gabriel, 600 years after Gabriel comes to Maria in the Bible.
Not only this but this Gabriel comes around 1000 years after he met Daniel of the Old Testament. Wow do you believe that the Quran has any validity at all ?
I don't. because it's clear that it is from fallen angels if you ask me.
Muhammed does not reflect the Prophets of the O.T in any way. He was a warlord that conquered Arabia.
And even he doubted that this angel that called himself "Gabriel" was a angel of God. It took quite long time before he accepted that it was a angel from God.

07-23-2019, 12:11 PM
That doesn't make sense because to "precede" implies time, so you seem to be saying that you had time before you time ... :dizzy:

He preceded the beginning of time

For in the beginning it was His intention to create it with the Divine Standard of Justice, but he perceived that the world would not endure; so He preceded it with the Divine Standard of Mercy, allying it with the Divine Standard of Justice

in the beginning = "bat'chillah" -- which is from the same root as "chol" (= profane); as distinct from "kodesh" (= holy)

cf. Rashi on Genesis 2:5, "terem"

Every טֶרֶם in Scripture has the meaning of ?not yet,? and it does not mean?before,? and it cannot be made into a verb form, to say הִטְרִים, as one says הִקְדִּים

When He had not yet preceded the divine standard of justice with the divine standard of mercy he perceived that the world would not endure .. :yo:

07-23-2019, 12:34 PM
This was the moment of doubt, hesitation , "safeik"= 240, when he had not yet preceded the divine standard of justice wirth the divine standard of mercy

Genesis 1:26,
And God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness,

He didn't immediately create man, but first overlooked the possible consequences of his deed, in consultating his heavenly court, among whom was Satan, who tried to prevent the success of the whole enterprise.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-23-2019, 12:54 PM
He preceded the beginning of time
The word "preceded" implies time, so it seems you are saying that time began before it began.

07-23-2019, 01:26 PM
The word "preceded" implies time, so it seems you are saying that time began before it began.

No that's not true

another Hebrew word that matches to precede is "shakad"

"shakad" = to be alert, wakeful, make haste

there is a wordplay with "shaked", almond in Jeremiah 1:11-12

almond is Yiddish Mendel

Name Menachem Mendel should mean: the comforter makes haste, i.e. he surpasses time


The almond is said to bloom before all other trees.

But i would say it is the hazelnut , Hebrew "luz", that blooms already in winter.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-23-2019, 01:36 PM
No that's not true

another Hebrew word that matches to precede is "shakad"

"shakad" = to be alert, wakeful, make haste

there is a wordplay with "shaked", almond in Jeremiah 1:11-12

almond is Yiddish Mendel

Name Menachem Mendel should mean: the comforter makes haste, i.e. he surpasses time

Yeah, I really liked the wordplay in those verses:

Jer 1:11 Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an almond tree.
Jer 1:12 Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.

I made a connection between shaked/shakad (almond/hasten) and the rod as a symbol of the word (like the sword). I talked about this in my old Spoke 2 article called The Word of Prophecy (https://www.biblewheel.com/Wheel/Spokes/Bet_word_prophecy.php)

07-23-2019, 11:09 PM

the three letters of "kedem" are also in "d'meshek"= Damascus

"d'meshek"= "kedem" + "shin"

"shin" = 300 , like "ruach elohim" -- spirit of God

"and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters"

"to hover" = "rachaf" = 288 = 2 x 144


Rashi on Genesis 2:5,

[no tree] was yet on the earth when the creation of the world was completed on the sixth day before man was created.

(not) yet = "adayin"

before = "kodam"


The three letters of "shaked", almond, are also in "d'meshek"

So via Damascus "kedem" and "shaked" are related



07-24-2019, 01:13 AM
So I think the conversion of Paul has to do with this

Acts 9:3,
As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him

ἐν δὲ τῷ πορεύεσθαι ἐγένετο αὐτὸν ἐγγίζειν τῇ Δαμασκῷ, ἐξαίφνης τε αὐτὸν περιήστραψεν φῶς ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ,

ἐγγίζω = approach, come or draw near Hebrew "karav"

cf. Deuternomy 30:14, "ki karov eileicha hadavar m'od" - for very near to you is the word

ἐξαίφνης = suddenly, unexpectedly

like we were hit by the gematria of Genesis 1:1 :winking0071:

so again:

Damascus = "d'meshek" brings together "kedem"= origin, source, "shaked" = almond, etc. and "mashkeh" = drink

"to the thirsty I will give to drink"


07-24-2019, 08:37 AM
Eternal things go quicker than light, they don't need time to go from here to there

The word "light" goes quicker than light

Maybe that's the secret

"and God saw the light that it was good", which is not about the physical light (since sun, moon and stars weren't created yet)

Isaiah 40:8,
The grass shall dry out, the blossom shall wilt, but the word of our God stands forever.

Matthew 24:35,
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

07-24-2019, 10:42 PM
Acts 22:6-9,

Ἐγένετο δέ μοι πορευομένῳ καὶ ἐγγίζοντι τῇ Δαμασκῷ περὶ μεσημβρίαν ἐξαίφνης ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ περιαστράψαι φῶς ἱκανὸν περὶ ἐμέ, ἔπεσά τε εἰς τὸ ἔδαφος καὶ ἤκουσα φωνῆς λεγούσης μοι, Σαοὺλ Σαούλ, τί με διώκεις; 8ἐγὼ δὲ ἀπεκρίθην, Τίς εἶ, κύριε; εἶπέν τε πρός με, Ἐγώ εἰμι Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος ὃν σὺ διώκεις. οἱ δὲ σὺν ἐμοὶ ὄντες τὸ μὲν φῶς ἐθεάσαντο τὴν δὲ φωνὴν οὐκ ἤκουσαν τοῦ λαλοῦντός μοι.

On that journey as I drew near to Damascus, about noon a great light from the sky suddenly shone around me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me,
"Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" I replied, "Who are you, sir?" And he said to me, "I am Jesus the Nazorean whom you are persecuting." My companions saw the light but did not hear the voice of the one who spoke to me.

So not just the light but also the voice

Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος = Yeshu haNotzri , gematria 671 = 666 +5 ---

The essence of the hidden light ( I said) was the oil pressed from the olive in Getsemane (= oilpress) on the sixth day , "yom hashishi" gematria 671.


NIV, the holy bible of the blue triangle, has Jesus of Nazareth, flat out wrong:

About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, "Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?"
"Who are you, Lord?" I asked. "I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting," he replied. My companions saw the light, but they did not understand the voice of him who was speaking to me.

KJV does the same

almost all

07-25-2019, 06:12 AM
Now the parable of the olivettree, Romans 11, becomes more clear:

Romans 11:13,

Now I am speaking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am the apostle to the Gentiles, I glory in my ministry


do not boast against the branches. If you do boast, consider that you do not support the root; the root supports you.

You Gentiles, including nowadays American evangelicals, have no idea of these gematrial things.

you have gotta accept the Jewish premiership.

Paul himself was a jew. like also Jesus, "the king of the Jews"

07-25-2019, 09:40 AM
So forget about Desmild's holograph materieals :weep:

The only instance where gematria comes tot the surface of the text is Genesis 14:14

The number of Abram's 318 trained servants forms the gematria of the name Eliezer, Eliezer of Damascus.


in our Talmud (Yoma 28b), it (the word דַּמֶּשֶׂק) is interpreted as a notarikon [acrostic for דּוֹלֶה וּמַשְׁקֶה]: he drew and gave to drink from his master?s teachings to others.

07-25-2019, 12:05 PM
Yeah, then what about verse nr 137 that mentions "seven hundred seventy and seven" ?

07-25-2019, 12:07 PM
Yeah, then what about verse nr 137 that mentions "seven hundred seventy and seven" ?

do you know more?

07-25-2019, 12:08 PM
Yes, verse nr 137

Gen 5:31 = Vs(137)
And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died.

It's the only instance where we find "seven hundred seventy and seven" in the text.

07-25-2019, 12:12 PM
Yes, verse nr 137

I wouldn't think so

It needs interpretation

07-25-2019, 12:15 PM
Ok, here is the interpetation:

In Vs(137 "In the beginning" (Eng ord) = 100 + 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) = "of God" (Eng sta))
we find the only mention of "seven hundred seventy and seven"

07-25-2019, 12:19 PM
Ok, here is the interpetation:

In Vs(137 "In the beginning" (Eng ord) = 100 + 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) = "of God" (Eng sta))
we find the only mention of "seven hundred seventy and seven"
But 777 is gematria of what?

O yes, of the name Methushael מְת֣וּשָׁאֵ֔ל, the father of Lamech in Genesis 4:18

07-25-2019, 12:37 PM
The Seal of God

777 = (Eng ord) "Seal" 37 X 21 "of" (Eng ord) = Comp(639 = 9X 71 "God" (Eng sta) = 100 + 539 "The Seal of God" (Heb sta))
= 349 "The Seal" (Eng sta) + CW of Vs(137 "of God" (Eng sta))
= (163 = Pri(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)) = CW of Vs(163)) + CW of Vs(539 "The Seal of God" (Heb sta))
= CW of Vs(486 "The Seal of God" (Eng sta)) + 486

07-25-2019, 12:51 PM
The Seal of God

777 = (Eng ord) "Seal" 37 X 21 "of" (Eng ord) = Comp(639 = 9X 71 "God" (Eng sta) = 100 + 539 "The Seal of God" (Heb sta))
= 349 "The Seal" (Eng sta) + CW of Vs(137 "of God" (Eng sta))
= (163 = Pri(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)) = CW of Vs(163)) + CW of Vs(539 "The Seal of God" (Heb sta))
= CW of Vs(486 "The Seal of God" (Eng sta)) + 486

that's just crap.

Hey but Genesis 4:18

418 was an Aleister Crowley number par excellence.

Because of what I don't know, must look after.

418 at least is value of "chet" -- the 8th letter of Hebrew alphabet.

07-25-2019, 12:57 PM
Well, how many verses have you been through ? How many riddles have you cracked ?
I am quite convinced on my claims, can you say the same ?
Do you have anything to counter my claim ?

By the way, CW of Vs(349 "The Seal" (Eng sta)) = 71 "God" (Eng sta) :yo:

07-25-2019, 01:08 PM
Aleister Crowley:


Also "beit hey" = the house of hey

ABRAHADABRA should be combination of Pentagram and Hexagram

Hexagram R-A-B-R-A-B = 406
Pentagram A-A-A-H-D = 12


07-25-2019, 01:12 PM
Who cares about what Aleister Crowley says ? He claimed to meet Satan and stuff.
Keep your garbage out of this thread please. it's about bible codes.
Not your satanic perverted bull.

07-25-2019, 01:16 PM
Let me say it again:
You are polluting this thread with satanic, perverted, despicable garbage

07-25-2019, 01:17 PM
Who care about what Aleister Crowley says ? He claimed to meet Satan and stuff.
Keep your garbage out of this thread please. it's about bible codes.
Not your satanic perverted bull.

The name with gematria 777 happened to be mentioned in Genesis 4:18

So the devil was playing with it .... :winking0071:

07-25-2019, 01:21 PM
This is why it's hard to take you serious in the codes. You just love to mix the occult with the bible.
At least you verify it.

Aleister Crowley was a self proclaimed Satanist who claimed to be named "The Beast" by a Demon who claimed to be a Alien. That was really Satan. Mixing him with things in the bible is as absurd as it gets. Aleister Crowley loved the number 666 also.

07-25-2019, 01:27 PM
Abraham is said to be the author of the Sefer Yetzirah


So where Rashi said:

(the word דַּמֶּשֶׂק) is interpreted as a notarikon [acrostic for דּוֹלֶה וּמַשְׁקֶה]: he drew and gave to drink from his master?s teachings to others

he probably alluded to that

07-25-2019, 01:27 PM
Here we have a connection: You really like 666 since you call it the Key.
Aleister Crowley liked 666.
Antichrist is to have 666 in his name
"Satan" (Heb sta) is found in the total value of the verse nr 666

That's some scary correlations, are you a satanist Sylvius ?
Are you a member of any cult ?

Richard Amiel McGough
07-25-2019, 01:35 PM
Well, how many verses have you been through ? How many riddles have you cracked ?
I am quite convinced on my claims, can you say the same ?
Do you have anything to counter my claim ?

By the way, CW of Vs(349 "The Seal" (Eng sta)) = 71 "God" (Eng sta) :yo:
We still need to talk about why your numerology is obviously meaningless.

You have dozens of numbers for each word. Thus you multiply your chances of getting a number you like by chance.

It's like this:

What are the chances you will get heads if you flip one coin? One in two (50%).

What if you flip two coins? Three in four (75%).

What if you flip n coins? The chances of getting at least one head (connection) will be (1 - 2^-n) x 100%.

In other words, if you have a dozen coins, you will have a chance of (1 - 1/4095) x 100% = 99.975% of getting at least one "heads" (random "connection").

This is the mathematical reason your numerology is TOTAL BULLSHIT. It is essentially IMPOSSIBLE to NOT find "connections" using your methods because you create so many random numbers with your many methods (Eng std, Eng ord, Eng red, Heb std, Heb ord, Heb red, Gr std, Gr ord, Gr red, prime indexes, triangular indexes, etc., etc., etc.)

This is a mathematical proof that your numerology is indistinguishable from random chance and therefore meaningless.

07-25-2019, 01:49 PM
Here we have a connection: You really like 666 since you call it the Key.
Aleister Crowley liked 666.
Antichrist is to have 666 in his name
"Satan" (Heb sta) is found in the total value of the verse nr 666

That's some scary correlations, are you a satanist Sylvius ?
Are you a member of any cult ?

Aleister Crowley also liked the number 777.

I thought you picked it up from him

Richard Amiel McGough
07-25-2019, 01:56 PM
Here we have a connection: You really like 666 since you call it the Key.
Aleister Crowley liked 666.
Antichrist is to have 666 in his name
"Satan" (Heb sta) is found in the total value of the verse nr 666

That's some scary correlations, are you a satanist Sylvius ?
Are you a member of any cult ?
But the Bible says that "darkness" is God's "secret place" and "his secret place" = 666.

He [God] made darkness his secret place (666); his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.

And the Holy Ark was kept in the darkness in the Temple

The Holy Ark = 666

And The Holy Crown = 666

This is all "FROM GOD" (para theou) = 666

I wrote about this on my old 666 page (https://www.biblewheel.com//GR/GR_666.php).

So if you believe in numerology, you might want to rethink the meaning of 666.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-25-2019, 02:28 PM
Here we have a connection: You really like 666 since you call it the Key.
Aleister Crowley liked 666.
Antichrist is to have 666 in his name
"Satan" (Heb sta) is found in the total value of the verse nr 666

That's some scary correlations, are you a satanist Sylvius ?
Are you a member of any cult ?
Talk about scary correlations ... how do you like this one?

And his number is 666 (Gr std) = 2368 = Jesus Christ (Gr std)

That's the actual value of the Greek phrase in the version that uses gematria (chi xi sigma) to represent the number 666. Here's what the text looks like:


And since you believe in English gematria, this identity is confirmed:

JESUS = 666 = LUCIFER (A = 9, B = 18, etc.)

Richard Amiel McGough
07-25-2019, 02:38 PM
Talk about scary correlations ... how do you like this one?

And his number is 666 (Gr std) = 2368 = Jesus Christ (Gr std)

That's the actual value of the Greek phrase in the version that uses gematria (chi xi sigma) to represent the number 666. Here's what the text looks like:


And since you believe in English gematria, this identity is confirmed:

JESUS = 666 = LUCIFER (A = 9, B = 18, etc.)
And this is confirmed yet again ...

"and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" (Eng std) = 3168 + 100 = THE LORD JESUS CHRIST (Gr std) + 100

And all this is confirmed yet again by adding the Eng ord and std values because 100 = (3 + 7) x (3 + 7) and ...

"and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" (Eng std + Eng ord) = 3737

Jesus = 666 = (6 + 6 + 6) x 37 = LUCIFER

Given the divine codes, how could anyone doubt the fact the Jesus is the Devil? That's why the Bible says God makes darkness "his secret place" = 666 and that's why God designed the first verse of the Bible with a triplet of 666 triangles.


Richard Amiel McGough
07-25-2019, 03:26 PM
And this is confirmed yet again ...

"and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" (Eng std) = 3168 + 100 = THE LORD JESUS CHRIST (Gr std) + 100

And all this is confirmed yet again by adding the Eng ord and std values because 100 = (3 + 7) x (3 + 7) and ...

"and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" (Eng std + Eng ord) = 3737

Jesus = 666 = (6 + 6 + 6) x 37 = LUCIFER

Given the divine codes, how could anyone doubt the fact the Jesus is the Devil? That's why the Bible says God makes darkness "his secret place" = 666 and that's why God designed the first verse of the Bible with a triplet of 666 triangles.


And now I reveal the greatest proof of all encoded in Revelation 12:9

Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Who was "the one called the Devil and Satan" (Gr std = 2197 = 13 x 13 x 13)? None other that JESUS OF NAZARETH (Gk std, John 19:19).

The one called the Devil and Satan (ὁ καλούμενος Διάβολος καὶ ὁ Σατανᾶς) = 2197 = 13 x 13 x 13 = Jesus of Nazareth (Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος)

And as a final indisputable confirmation, God revealed his own identity as the one who decieveth the whole world (in the same verse, no less!)

The one who deceiveth the whole world (ὁ πλανῶν τὴν οἰκουμένην ὅλην) = 2320

We find this number in Revelation 1:8 when Jesus Christ reveals himself ...

Rev 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is and which was and which is to come the Almighty.

The one who is, and was, and which is to come (ὁ ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν καὶ ὁ ἐρχόμενος) = 2320 = The one who deceiveth the whole world (ὁ πλανῶν τὴν οἰκουμένην ὅλην)

If you believe numerology proves anything, then why wouldn't you believe that Jesus is the Devil who deceives the whole world?

07-25-2019, 10:13 PM
I thought Luke played with Greek "soter" = savior, versus Hebrew "soter", denier, opposer

Luke 2:11,
ὅτι ἐτέχθη ὑμῖν σήμερον σωτὴρ ὅς ἐστιν Χριστὸς κύριος ἐν πόλει Δαυίδ:
For there is born for you today a "soter" who is Messiah lord in city of David

Luke 2:34,
καὶ εὐλόγησεν αὐτοὺς Συμεὼν καὶ εἶπεν πρὸς Μαριὰμ τὴν μητέρα αὐτοῦ, Ἰδοὺ οὗτος κεῖται εἰς πτῶσιν καὶ ἀνάστασιν πολλῶν ἐν τῷ Ἰσραὴλ καὶ εἰς σημεῖον ἀντιλεγόμενον
and Simon blessed them and said to Maria his mother, See this one is set for fall and uprising of many in Israel and for a sign that is opposed


Hebrew "soter" mirrors Greek σωτὴρ = savior

Hebrew reads from right to left and Greek from left to right

even Hebrew letter "samech" mirrors Greek "sigma"

it's written as kind of a snake that bites it's own tail

Our "S" also a snake , or spiral

07-26-2019, 06:26 AM
Acts 22:6-9,

Ἐγένετο δέ μοι πορευομένῳ καὶ ἐγγίζοντι τῇ Δαμασκῷ περὶ μεσημβρίαν ἐξαίφνης ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ περιαστράψαι φῶς ἱκανὸν περὶ ἐμέ, ἔπεσά τε εἰς τὸ ἔδαφος καὶ ἤκουσα φωνῆς λεγούσης μοι, Σαοὺλ Σαούλ, τί με διώκεις; 8ἐγὼ δὲ ἀπεκρίθην, Τίς εἶ, κύριε; εἶπέν τε πρός με, Ἐγώ εἰμι Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος ὃν σὺ διώκεις. οἱ δὲ σὺν ἐμοὶ ὄντες τὸ μὲν φῶς ἐθεάσαντο τὴν δὲ φωνὴν οὐκ ἤκουσαν τοῦ λαλοῦντός μοι.

On that journey as I drew near to Damascus, about noon a great light from the sky suddenly shone around me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me,
"Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" I replied, "Who are you, sir?" And he said to me, "I am Jesus the Nazorean whom you are persecuting." My companions saw the light but did not hear the voice of the one who spoke to me.

So not just the light but also the voice

Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος = Yeshu haNotzri , gematria 671 = 666 +5 ---

The essence of the hidden light ( I said) was the oil pressed from the olive in Getsemane (= oilpress) on the sixth day , "yom hashishi" gematria 671.


NIV, the holy bible of the blue triangle, has Jesus of Nazareth, flat out wrong:

About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, "Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?"
"Who are you, Lord?" I asked. "I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting," he replied. My companions saw the light, but they did not understand the voice of him who was speaking to me.

KJV does the same

almost all


07-26-2019, 07:23 AM
666 is mainly the number of Antichrist, and since he represents Satan then 666 also represents Satan.

Now there are always several words/phrases connected to 1 number.

And I think number 666 has some riddles to it. Because you find it spread out like it is important. You don't find it as much as 777 but it is definitly there. And i have wondered why God does that. There can be different reasons of why God uses 666 in the codes.

666 = 6 "and" ו with extended digit
777 = 7 = Pri(5 "The" ה = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal")) with extended digit

TV of Vs(666) + TV of Vs(777) is: 3590 + 2314 = (Heb ord) "The Seal" 48 X 123 "Seven Seven Seven" (Gr ord)

07-26-2019, 07:43 AM
666 is mainly the number of Antichrist, and since he represents Satan then 666 also represents Satan.

how you came to that?

07-26-2019, 07:57 AM
666 is gematria of "meah sh'arim", a hundredfold (Genesis 26:10)

Satan prevented that the seed sown by the sower (seed = the word) could produce hundredfold (parable of the sower)

07-26-2019, 08:05 AM
Revelation 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 08:26 AM
Revelation 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

But that verse encodes the fact that Jesus is the Antichrist!

And his number is 666 (Gr std) = 2368 = Jesus Christ (Gr std)

That's the actual value of the Greek phrase in the version that uses gematria (chi xi sigma) to represent the number 666. Here's what the text looks like:


And since you believe in English gematria, this identity is confirmed:

JESUS = 666 = LUCIFER (A = 9, B = 18, etc.)

And this is confirmed yet again ...

"and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" (Eng std) = 3168 + 100 = THE LORD JESUS CHRIST (Gr std) + 100

And all this is confirmed yet again by adding the Eng ord and std values because 100 = (3 + 7) x (3 + 7) and ...

"and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" (Eng std + Eng ord) = 3737

Jesus = 666 = (6 + 6 + 6) x 37 = LUCIFER

Given the divine codes, how could anyone doubt the fact the Jesus is the Devil? That's why the Bible says God makes darkness "his secret place" = 666 and that's why God designed the first verse of the Bible with a triplet of 666 triangles.


And all of this is confirmed again in Revelation 12:9

Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Who was "the one called the Devil and Satan" (Gr std = 2197 = 13 x 13 x 13)? None other that JESUS OF NAZARETH (Gk std, John 19:19).

The one called the Devil and Satan (ὁκαλούμενος ΔιάβολοςκαὶὁΣατανᾶς) = 2197 = 13 x 13 x 13 = Jesus of Nazareth (Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος)

And as a final indisputable confirmation, God revealed his own identity as the one who decieveth the whole world (in the same verse, no less!)

The one who deceiveth the whole world (ὁπλανῶν τὴνοἰκουμένηνὅλην) = 2320

We find this number in Revelation 1:8 when Jesus Christ reveals himself ...

Rev 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is and which was and which is to come the Almighty.

The one who is, and was, and which is to come (ὁ ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν καὶ ὁ ἐρχόμενος) = 2320 = The one who deceiveth the whole world (ὁ πλανῶν τὴν οἰκουμένην ὅλην)

If you believe numerology proves anything, then why wouldn't you believe that Jesus is the Devil who deceives the whole world?

This explains why the god of the Bible is so evil, commanding the Israelites to MURDER women and children.

This too is encoded in Revelation 1:8

Rev 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is and which was and which is to come the Almighty.

The Almighty (Gr std) = 1820 = MURDERER (Gr std)

And who is the MURDERER? The answer is obvious ...

John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

See that? When the Devil designed the numbers in the Bible, he encoded his identity everywhere! He calls himself the "Almighty" but then brags about being a murderer!

He really did some good work here. Look at this!

John 8:44 (whole verse Eng std) = 2238 = he was a murderer (Gr std)!!!

And there's more!

666 = Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. (Eng red)

WOW! It's amazing to see how the Devil coded the Bible. He told us that "darkness" is "his secret place" = 666 in Psalm 18!

Is there no end to the subtle wisdom of the wicked one?

07-26-2019, 08:46 AM
And his number is 666 (Gr std) = 2368 = Jesus Christ (Gr std)

What you forget is that might be the value of a phrase that is significant to antichrist or Satan that we don't know that has the value of 2368.

See I have digged just a little bit into the evil codes and phrases, there is probably tons that I have not found yet.

If you look at the number 2368 we see it is = 37X64
But it is also 23 "sin" (verb) merged with 368 --- 36 --- 8
- 666 = Tri(36)
- 36 = Tri(8)

So that might be a reason, but I would go for that there might be a phrase that we have not found. It could also be that we find number 2368 in connection to the name of the Antichrist. We are going to find 666 in his name but there are several systems and he will have other numbers that 666 also attached to his name, maybe 2368 is one of them, we don't know that yet.

07-26-2019, 09:07 AM
And there might be a riddle attached to 666 that I have not figured out.

"In his secret place" = 666, that Richard found is a good start for that theory.

07-26-2019, 09:14 AM
And the fact that "The Holy Crown" = 666 might be because God wants to use that number to that phrase in the codes of the verses.
- W. by rot. added of the orders: 137 (Inv. Alpha), 729 (Alpha), 271 (e), 314 (Pi) & 1618 (Phi) of Vs(3069 = 137+729+271+314+1618)
= 666 "The Holy Crown" נזר הקדש (Physics is Crowned, we knew that already now though)

07-26-2019, 09:18 AM
This is what I mean by you being in the Bronze League Richard. You do not have a good grasp on how these codes work. You think in terms of connections through words/Phrases. And that is a valid method but the words & phrases are not always meant to align in meaning.
Sometimes they have that value because God want to use it in the codes.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 09:26 AM
And there might be a riddle attached to 666 that I have not figured out.

"In his secret place" = 666, that Richard found is a good start for that theory.
It's not just 666. It's all the codes that show Jesus is the Antichrist.

You told me that the Devil probably made lots of codes in books like the Book of Mormon and the Quran. Now we can see that he did the same thing with the Bible. It looks like he designed the whole thing to DECIEVE THE WHOLE WORLD by pretending to be a MURDEROUS GOD!

Wow. Who would have thought that the Bible is really a satanic deception? But the codes prove it totally, don't they? I mean, would a real God allow Satan to encode all these identities that link him with Jesus?

HIS SECRET PLACE = 666 ... Is that really "God's" secret place? Or the Devil's?

And his number is 666 (Gr std) = 2368 = Jesus Christ (Gr std)

"and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" (Eng std) = 3168 + 100 = THE LORD JESUS CHRIST (Gr std) + (3 + 7) x (3 + 7)

"and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" (Eng std + Eng ord) = 3737

Jesus = 666 = (6 + 6 + 6) x 37 = LUCIFER (A = 9, B = 18, etc.)

The one called the Devil and Satan (ὁκαλούμενος ΔιάβολοςκαὶὁΣατανᾶς) = 2197 = 13 x 13 x 13 = Jesus of Nazareth (Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος)

Remember you said 13 represents EVIL

Would the true God encode The Almighty = 1820 = MURDERER???

It must be the work of Satan. The codes tell us that it is

The Devil's Design (Eng ord + std + red) = 1170= 10 x 117 (The Seal of God)

07-26-2019, 09:33 AM
There you go again, I have to instruct you once again.

See there are many words and phrases in the 3 languages that has the same values.

"and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" (Eng std + Eng ord) = 3737
But that does not matter because you can be certain that if you go to verse nr 3737, you will not see that that verse reflects that phrase in it's codes. (I have not checked that but I know because I am in a much higher league than you, prove me wrong)

So you should rather try to go and check what God picks to connect in verse nr 3737.
I would guess he picks this: 3737 --- 37+37 = 74 "In the beginning" (Gr ord)

And I have seen this time and time again so you can repeat your claims, but it will not help. I have given you the answers.

Now if you add verses reflecting the ord & sta + ord+sta (3737) of that phrase then you will most probably find connections to it.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 09:41 AM
There you go again, I have to instruct you once again.

See there are many words and phrases in the 3 languages that has the same values.

What the hell are you babbling about? I am the one who has been telling YOU that "there are many words and phrases in the 3 languages that has the same values" and THAT'S why your numerology is TOTAL BULLSHIT. You can pick and choose any set of words you want to make up any pattern you like.

Grow a freaking brain already.

07-26-2019, 09:52 AM
And you don't seem to grasp that God picks a word or phrase in every verse Richard. So you can find out what is important in the codes.
And that the connections of words & phrases is not everything in these codes.
God uses the numbers of the words & phrases, simply because he can and he demonstrates that in the verses, End of case.

07-26-2019, 09:53 AM
Revelation 13:18
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

I thought the author of Revelation made a distinction between Satan and the beast

Revelation 19:20,
And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.

Revelation 20:10,
and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 09:56 AM
And you don't seem to grasp that God picks a word or phrase in every verse Richard. So you can find out what is important in the codes.
And that the connections of words & phrases is not everything in these codes.
God uses the numbers of the words & phrases, simply because he can and he demonstrates that in the verses, End of case.
You told me that the Devil puts codes in books like the Book of Mormon and the Quran. Now we see that he did the same thing in the Bible. He revealed his identity as clearly as possible. It starts from the very first verse in which he encoded his number 666 as a triplet of triangles! And it continues throughout the whole Bible. If the codes teach anything, they teach that Jesus is Lucifer!

HIS SECRET PLACE = 666 ... Is that really God's secret place? Or the Devil's?

And his number is 666 (Gr std) = 2368 = Jesus Christ (Gr std)

and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std) = 3168 + 100 = THE LORD JESUS CHRIST (Gr std) + (3 + 7) x (3 + 7)

and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std + Eng ord) = 3737

Jesus = 666 = (6 + 6 + 6) x 37 = LUCIFER (A = 9, B = 18, etc.)

The one called the Devil and Satan (ὁ καλούμενος Διάβολος καὶ ὁ Σατανᾶς) = 2197 = 13 x 13 x 13 = Jesus of Nazareth (Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος)

Remember you said 13 represents EVIL

Would the true God encode The Almighty = 1820 = (13 x 13 + 13) x 10 = = MURDERER???

It must be the work of Satan. The codes tell us that it is

The Devil's Design (Eng ord + std + red) = 1170= 10 x 117 (The Seal of God)

07-26-2019, 09:56 AM
It's a long time since I have studied in Revelation now. But the "Beast" can mean 3 things there:
(1) a Kingdom (2) Antichrist (3) Satan

The Restored Church of God (A church I do not follow but they have over 80 books on subjects and I think they do a good job in parts of Revelation) pointed out that fact.

07-26-2019, 10:09 AM
I have answered you on this Richard, you don't like the answers.

Here is a example:
(A=6 B=12 C=18) "Lucifer" = 444 = "Jesus" (A=6 B=12 C=18)

So what do you think God connects in verse nr 444 ?? Do you think Lucifer comes over Jesus ??? NOPE

TV of Vs(444) = 6899 = Pri(888 "Jesus" (Gr sta))

See Richard, You can simply only come with your opinion but you can't change facts. No matter how much you repeat yourself. It's useless.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 10:27 AM
I have answered you on this Ricahrd, you don't like the answers.

Here is a example:
(A=6 B=12 C=18) "Lucifer" = 444 = "Jesus" (A=6 B012 C=18)

So what do you think God connects in verse nr 444 ?? Do you think Lucifer comes over Jesus ??? NOPE

TV of Vs(444) = 6899 = Pri(888 "Jesus" (Gr sta))

See Richard, You can simply only come with your opinion but you can't change facts. No matter how much you repeat yourself. It's useless.
Ha! You call that an "answer"? LOL It's nothing but your OPINION! And it's a very weak pattern compared to the powerful integrations I have presented.

Obviously, my codes are the BEST because you can't really answer them at all.

You IGNORE all my questions! Here are some questions I'd like you to answer if you would be so kind. Please try to actually answer the questions this time. I highlighted them red so you can't miss them.

You told me that the Devil puts codes in books like the Book of Mormon and the Quran. Now we see that he did the same thing in the Bible. He revealed his identity as clearly as possible. It starts from the very first verse in which he encoded his number 666 as a triplet of triangles! And it continues throughout the whole Bible. Why shouldn't we believe that Satan designed the Bible for his own glory and to deceive the world by presenting himself as a murderous god?

HIS SECRET PLACE = 666 ... Is that really God's secret place? Or the Devil's?

And his number is 666 (Gr std) = 2368 = Jesus Christ (Gr std) Why shouldn't we see this as a profound INTEGRATION with all the other identities that teach Jesus is the Antichrist?

and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std) = 3168 + 100 = THE LORD JESUS CHRIST (Gr std) + (3 + 7) x (3 + 7) Doesn't this integrate perfectly with the verse above?

and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std + Eng ord) = 3737 Why did you ignore how this INTEGRATES with the connection above?

Jesus = 666 = (6 + 6 + 6) x 37 = LUCIFER (A = 9, B = 18, etc.) Doesn't this integrate perfectly with all the other connections?

The one called the Devil and Satan (ὁ καλούμενος Διάβολος καὶ ὁ Σατανᾶς) = 2197 = 13 x 13 x 13 = Jesus of Nazareth (Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος) Doesn't this integrate perfectly with all the other connections, especially since it connects Jesus to the Devil with a triplet of the number 13 which you say represents evil?

Remember you said 13 represents EVIL Why are you ignoring this?

Would the true God encode The Almighty = 1820 = (13 x 13 + 13) x 10 = = MURDERER??? Doesn't this integrate perfectly with all the other connections above? See again a TRIPLET OF 13 just like above. Why do you choose to ignore such powerful integrations?

The Devil's Design (Eng ord + std + red) = 1170= 10 x 117 (The Seal of God) How could anyone deny that the Devil coded the Bible, just like you say he did with other religious books like the Book of Mormon and the Quran?

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 10:37 AM
That was not a mistake Richard, I knew that connection would get your attention.

"Alpha" in Hebrew is: אלפא
- red = 13 "One" אחד (See, it was all a riddle Richard, God knows how to connect)
- ord = 31 "God" אל
- sta = 112 "The Lord God" אלהים יהוה

Just look at this. Here we have the Full name of God that = "Alpha".
Riddle Riddle Richard
Yeah, and look at this!


Ordinal (o) = 74 = Jesus (Eng ord)
Standard (s) = 443 = The Word (O Logos, Gr std)
Reduced (r) = 38 = Alpha (Eng ord)


07-26-2019, 10:42 AM
You told me that the Devil puts codes in books like the Book of Mormon and the Quran. Now we see that he did the same thing in the Bible. He revealed his identity as clearly as possible. It starts from the very first verse in which he encoded his number 666 as a triplet of triangles! And it continues throughout the whole Bible. Why shouldn't we believe that Satan designed the Bible for his own glory and to deceive the world by presenting himself as a murderous god?

That was so absurd that my brain just ignored it. But it got my attention now.

Well the Torah is way older than the book of Mormon and the Quran.
And the whole bible is even older than those books.

So here we have a book called the bible that exposes Satan. It tells us that he and his angels are cast down to earth (not Hell) until judgement day.
What does that logically tell us ? That Satan is here on this earth and do you think he is just standing still and enjoying the weather ?
And do you think God would allow Satan to pervert the Bible ? Satan can certainly make false versions of the bible (like the book of Mormon, Quran...) but it would be absurd if a all mighty God would allow him to touch his Word, The Bible.

Come'on Richard, you can do better than this.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 10:52 AM
That was so absurd that my brain just ignored it. But it got my attention now.

Well the Torah is way older than the book of Mormon and the Quran.
And the whole bible is even older than those books.

So here we have a book called the bible that exposes Satan. It tells us that he and his angels are cast down to earth (not Hell) until judgement day.
What does that logically tell us ? That Satan is here on this earth and do you think he Is just standing still and enjoying the weather ?
And do you think God would allow Satan to pervert the Bible ? Satan can certainly make false versions of the bible (like the book of Mormon, Quran...) but it would be absurd if a all mighty God would allow him to touch his Word, The Bible.

Come'on Richard, you can do better than this.
I'm glad it finally got your attention. Why did you think it was absurd? You yourself said that devil encoded religious books, and the Bible says all sorts of HORRIBLE things about God, like when it says he ordered the Israelites to MURDER women and children. Indeed, the Bible SLANDERS God as one who teaches SLAVERY and commands MURDER. So how could we ignore it when we see this confirmed by a code like THE ALMIGHTY = (13 x 13 + 13) x 10 = MURDERER which involves a triple 13 just like the code that connects Satan to Jesus of Nazareth = 13 x 13 x 13?

I agree that if God designed a book he would not allow Satan to tamper with it. Therefore, we have two options

1) God coded the Bible to call himself a deceiver and murderer. He goes so far as to say that the Devil's number 666 is his own "secret place."
2) Satan designed the Bible to slander God and bring glory to himself by encoding it with his number 666 from the very first verse.

Which seems more likely to you?

07-26-2019, 11:06 AM
1) God coded the Bible to call himself a deceiver and murderer. He goes so far as to say that the Devil's number 666 is his own "secret place."


1) who said 666 is the Devil's number?

2) the Devils's number his own "secret place"? -- that's your own invention
- It reads he made darkness his secret place -

"sitro"is a conjugation of "seter" = hiding place - gematria 660

(There is no such thing as "the Devil's number" )

07-26-2019, 11:07 AM
Yes you can find these conflicting connections to the phrases because there are a lot of phrases/words.
But drawing the conclution that the bible is really from satan is too absurd. That is crazy talk.

But God always selects a specific word or phrase to reflect each verse so that is part of the riddle of going through the verses, you need to find out which word/phrase he picks. And the fact that God does this makes all of your repeating nonsense go down the toilet.

Yes there are conflicting connections in the words/phrases but God still encoded the bible and picked what he wanted to connect in every verse, chapter and book. End of discussion for today.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 11:21 AM
Yes you can find these conflicting connections to the phrases because there are a lot of phrases/words.

Awesome! You are finally getting it!

The question then is how to discern between connections that were "designed" vs. those that happen by random chance. How do you do that? I've been asking this question for YEARS and you have never answered as far as I recall.

But drawing the conclution that the bible is really from satan is too absurd. That is crazy talk.

Why do you say that? You have clearly stated that other religious books like the Book of Mormon and the Quran were probably coded by the Devil to mimic the codes you find in the Bible. So why don't you believe the Bible could also be coded by the devil? It seems like you are just blindly believing the Bible is God's word without any evidence, or rather despite the evidence!

Now think about this. The Bible plainly slanders God as one who teaches SLAVERY and commands MURDER. In many ways, the God of the Bible looks more like the devil than a good God, so this gives good reason to doubt the Bible is really from God. And if you believe in the codes, then I don't see how you could doubt that it was designed by Satan since his number 666 is coded in the first verse and many codes identify God with a MURDERER and Satan with Jesus of Nazareth = 13 x 13 x 13, etc., etc., etc.

But God always selects a specific word or phrase to reflect each verse so that is part of the riddle of going through the verses, you need to find out which word/phrase he picks. And the fact that God does this makes all of your repeating nonsense go down the toilet.

No he doesn't. You just go fishing through an ocean of random numbers looking for a "connection" to support your OPINION. But my connections are much more powerful than that, because they directly identify God with the Devil, by name and number!

Yes there are conflicting connections in the words/phrases but God still encoded the bible and picked what he wanted to connect in every verse, chapter and book. End of discussion for today.
If that's true, then you are saying that God WANTED all these powerful connections that link him to evil and the Devil. I find that very hard to believe. I'm still hoping you will answer these specific questions:

You told me that the Devil puts codes in books like the Book of Mormon and the Quran. Now we see that he did the same thing in the Bible. He revealed his identity as clearly as possible. It starts from the very first verse in which he encoded his number 666 as a triplet of triangles! And it continues throughout the whole Bible. Why shouldn't we believe that Satan designed the Bible for his own glory and to deceive the world by presenting himself as a murderous god?

HIS SECRET PLACE = 666 ... Is that really God's secret place? Or the Devil's?

And his number is 666 (Gr std) = 2368 = Jesus Christ (Gr std) Why shouldn't we see this as a profound INTEGRATION with all the other identities that teach Jesus is the Antichrist?

and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std) = 3168 + 100 = THE LORD JESUS CHRIST (Gr std) + (3 + 7) x (3 + 7) Doesn't this integrate perfectly with the verse above?

and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std + Eng ord) = 3737 Why did you ignore how this INTEGRATES with the connection above?

Jesus = 666 = (6 + 6 + 6) x 37 = LUCIFER (A = 9, B = 18, etc.) Doesn't this integrate perfectly with all the other connections?

The one called the Devil and Satan (ὁ καλούμενος Διάβολος καὶ ὁ Σατανᾶς) = 2197 = 13 x 13 x 13 = Jesus of Nazareth (Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος) Doesn't this integrate perfectly with all the other connections, especially since it connects Jesus to the Devil with a triplet of the number 13 which you say represents evil?

Remember you said 13 represents EVIL Why are you ignoring this?

Would the true God encode The Almighty = 1820 = (13 x 13 + 13) x 10 = = MURDERER??? Doesn't this integrate perfectly with all the other connections above? See again a TRIPLET OF 13 just like above. Why do you choose to ignore such powerful integrations?

The Devil's Design (Eng ord + std + red) = 1170= 10 x 117 (The Seal of God) How could anyone deny that the Devil coded the Bible, just like you say he did with other religious books like the Book of Mormon and the Quran?

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 11:30 AM

1) who said 666 is the Devil's number?

2) the Devils's number his own "secret place"? -- that's your own invention
- It reads he made darkness his secret place -

"sitro"is a conjugation of "seter" = hiding place - gematria 660

(There is no such thing as "the Devil's number" )
1) Desmild, and countless Bible believers.

2) The value of the Hebrew word "sitro" (his secret place) = 666. That's the word written. That's a fact.

I understand your opinion is that the Christians are wrong about the "Devil's Number." That's doesn't matter to me because I don't even believe there is a devil. I was using the terms that Desmild introduced into the conversation to answer his claims.

07-26-2019, 11:30 AM
Richard, we can discuss this further on my website when all of my codes are ready.

Because I feel that I am going in circles here. We see God clearly connects in the verses. You can logically see what is important in the codes but it takes a lot of time since God does things with meanings in the verses but he loves riddles so you don't understand so much first.
777, "The Lord God", "Jesus" & physics are very important there. Even words like "riddle", "wisdom", "Knowledge" are important there.

I am not wasting more time on your questions here when I have given you a sea of results. If you don't accept how God does these codes then I have to accept that.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 11:32 AM
Richard, we can discuss this further on my website when all of my codes are ready.

Because I feel that I am going in circles here. We see God clearly connects in the verses. You can logically see what is important in the codes but it takes a lot of time since God.
777, "The Lord God", "Jesus" & physics are very important there. Even words like "riddle", "wisdom", "Knowledge" are important there.

I am not wasting more time on your questions here when I have given you a sea of results. If you don't accept how God does these codes then I have to accept that.
In other words ... you can't answer!

I'm good with that.


Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 11:37 AM
I am not wasting more time on your questions here when I have given you a sea of results. If you don't accept how God does these codes then I have to accept that.
You gave me nothing compared with the codes that connect Satan with Jesus of Nazareth = 13 x 13 x 13 and The Almighty with MURDERER = (13 x 13 + 13) x 10.

If the codes are true, then the Bible is obviously a Satanic book designed by the Prince of Darkness. He coded the first verse with a triple 666 as a sign and seal that the whole thing is his work. And he is so bold he even told you in the text that "darkness" is "his secret place" = 666. But you will not believe, because he has power over your mind, to make you believe his lies that he coded in his book, the Bible.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 11:40 AM
Satan's Book (Eng ord) = 117 = The Seal of God (Eng ord)

Satan's Book (Eng red) = 27 ... riddle riddle Alex :lol:

07-26-2019, 11:55 AM
1) Desmild, and countless Bible believers.

2) The value of the Hebrew word "sitro" (his secret place) = 666. That's the word written. That's a fact.

I understand your opinion is that the Christians are wrong about the "Devil's Number." That's doesn't matter to me because I don't even believe there is a devil. I was using the terms that Desmild introduced into the conversation to answer his claims.

Then still it's about darkness

The famous verse Isaiah 45:7,

Who forms light and creates darkness, Who makes peace and creates evil; I am the Lord, Who makes all these.

Many christians have difficulty with that

The woman who is now professor in Nijmegen, Ellen van Wolde (at least if she still is) argued that "bara" does mean to separate. she wrote her dissertation about that

So she made of it "who separates the darkness from the light and the evil from the peace"

What you think of that?


(she's a witch :eek:)

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 12:28 PM
Satan's Book (Eng ord) = 117 = The Seal of God (Eng ord)

Satan's Book (Eng red) = 27 ... riddle riddle Alex :lol:
Looks like Satan really put in some effort to make sure that his codes could not be missed or misunderstood.

117 = Satan's Book (Eng ord)

711 = Satan's Book (End ord + Eng std)

Now let's look at the total value of verse 117

TV(Vs. 117) = 3286 = and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std)

What greater confirmation could there be? Satan marked vs 117 with both his number 666 and his claim that the Bible is really his book! WOW!

Let me write this out in one line so you can't miss it:

TV(vs. 117 = Satan's Book, Eng ord) = 3286 = and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std)

Do you really think that could just be a "random coincidence"? Satan marked his book with both his NAME and his NUMBER!

Yet there is more because vs. 117 has 36 letters! And T(36) = 666! You do remember in your first post in this thread Alex you said that 36 = EVIL (Heb ord)

Is there no end to the confirmation of the Devil's Codes (Eng ord) = 117?

Of course not! This is all part of ...

Satan's Plan (Eng ord) = 117!!!

Satan's Plan (Eng red) = 27!!! RIDDLE RIDDLE ALEX! RIDDLE RIDDLE!

And now for the ultimate revelation of SATAN as the Author of the Bible ... he coded his own NAME using the values of the phrase Satan's Book:

TV(vs. 117) + TV(vs. 711) = 3286 + 8202 = 32 x 359 (SATAN, Heb std)

Remember how you said Satanists like reversing things back in post #561 (https://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?6196-Some-Holograph-Materieal&p=71972#post71972)? Like 117 <=> 711? Wow.

So there you go Alex. Using YOUR methods we have discovered the very HEART (32, Heb std) of SATAN (359, Heb std) that he encoded to prove that the Bible is really his book, encoded with his number 666 from the very beginning.

Have a nice day!


Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 12:36 PM
Then still it's about darkness

The famous verse Isaiah 45:7,

Who forms light and creates darkness, Who makes peace and creates evil; I am the Lord, Who makes all these.

Many christians have difficulty with that

The woman who is now professor in Nijmegen, Ellen van Wolde (at least if she still is) argued that "bara" does mean to separate. she wrote her dissertation about that

So she made of it "who separates the darkness from the light and the evil from the peace"

What you think of that?


(she's a witch :eek:)
I think that bara can mean "separate" and it certainly makes Isaiah 45:7 more palatable to the believer. But I'd have to study it to see if her idea is convincing, but I don't have any reason to do that because it doesn't really matter to me because I don't believe the Bible anymore.

07-26-2019, 09:33 PM
I think that bara can mean "separate" and it certainly makes Isaiah 45:7 more palatable to the believer. But I'd have to study it to see if her idea is convincing, but I don't have any reason to do that because it doesn't really matter to me because I don't believe the Bible anymore.

She contended that heaven and earth already existed when God appeared on the scene. He was not de creator but the seperator, thus making room.

Likewise evil already existed as an of God independent force.

Ain't that what is called satanic?

Richard Amiel McGough
07-26-2019, 09:42 PM
She contended that heaven and earth already existed when God appeared on the scene. He was not de creator but the seperator, thus making room.

Likewise evil already existed as an of God independent force.

Ain't that what is called satanic?
Sounds like the Mormon doctrine of God as an "organizer" of pre-existing matter rather than the actual Creator of All.


Not sure about the meaning of "satanic" as you use it.

07-26-2019, 09:56 PM
Sounds like the Mormon doctrine of God as an "organizer" of pre-existing matter rather than the actual Creator of All.


Not sure about the meaning of "satanic" as you use it.

I don't know either so very well

Good and evil being two conflicting independent forces in that opinion.

Like light and darkness.


"He made darkness his secret place" :winking0071:

Rashi on Psalms 18:12,

the darkness of waters: that are in the thick clouds of the skies are the darkness that is about Him. Lest you say that within the darkness there is no light, Scripture tells us: From the brightness before Him, and from within His partition, His thick clouds that are about Him are split, and hail and coals of fire pass through them.

07-27-2019, 01:20 PM
Richard, we can discuss this further on my website when all of my codes are ready.

Because I feel that I am going in circles here. We see God clearly connects in the verses. You can logically see what is important in the codes but it takes a lot of time since God does things with meanings in the verses but he loves riddles so you don't understand so much first.
777, "The Lord God", "Jesus" & physics are very important there. Even words like "riddle", "wisdom", "Knowledge" are important there.

I am not wasting more time on your questions here when I have given you a sea of results. If you don't accept how God does these codes then I have to accept that.

Hi Desmild,

Please don't take offense here but I see serious problems with your methodology. I have noticed that your work is saturated with what I call "The Hopscotch Method". Once you recognize the folly behind this method, then I think it will help you see how your "code" is actually being created by yourself (as opposed to an actual code being discovered).

This method involves playing with a list of numbers by adding them in completely arbitrary ways until you get a desired number or the difference between two numbers. It is literally child's play to do this with any number, which means it CAN'T be an authentic code. For example, here's an example of "The Hopscotch Method" that took me about 5 minutes to invent out of thin air. I used strictly your "Alpha" values to produce the Standard English value AND the Ordinal English value of "Do What Thou Wilt", which is a SATANIC moto:

"ALPHA" (Hebrew O) = 31

"ALPHA" (English R) = 20

Physics Approximation = 729

"ALPHA" (Hebrew S) = 112

(31) + (20 * 10) + (729) + (112 * 10) = 2080

"DO WHAT THOU WILT" (English S) = 2080

"ALPHA" (Hebrew O) = 31

"ALPHA" (Hebrew R) = 13

"ALPHA" (English O) = 38

(31) + (13 * 10) + (38) = 199

"DO WHAT THOU WILT" (English O) = 199

See that? This is what I mean by "The Hopscotch Method". You arbitrarily play with a series of numbers that you've assigned meaning to (out of THOUSANDS of Gematria values in your notes to choose from) in order to reach a certain number. This is called CHEATING. I'm not saying you're intentionally cheating. The point is you don't understand why it's cheating, which is what I'm trying to explain. IF you have thousands of Gematria values lined up to arbitrarily combine in any way you want, then you can produce virtually any number you want. That is a fact. This is why no skeptic would take this methodology serious from the start.

Desmild, you need to understand the difference between arbitrarily inventing a pattern and discovering an actual pattern. For example, here's an actual pattern I discovered in Genesis 1:1, which ties the Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (2368) to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (37 * 73) and the natural order of Semiprime numbers. Semiprime numbers are numbers that are the product of two Primes. The 37th Semiprime = 115 and the 73rd Semiprime = 218. Therefore, we have the following self-referencing identity:

Gen 1:1 = 2701 = 37 * 73

2368 + (115 + 218) = 37 * 73

2368 + (37th + 73rd Semiprimes) = 37 * 73

Notice the difference between "The Hopscotch Method" example I showed and the completely self-referencing nature here between 2368, the 37th/73rd Semiprimes and the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors. Notice also that this pattern falls apart if we include the universal divisor (1) as Prime, since it would turn all Primes into Semiprimes. In fact, the digital sum of all the numbers leading up to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors here yields the fundamental number 37 AND the Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" is itself tied to 37:

(2 + 3 + 6 + 8) + (1 + 1 + 5) + (2 + 1 + 8) = 37

Standard Greek "Jesus" = 888 = 24 * 37

Standard Greek "Christ" = 1480 = 40 * 37

(8 + 8 + 8) + (1 + 4 + 8 + 0) = 37

Here's another example of an actual pattern I discovered, which is completely different from "The Hopscotch Method" that permeates the majority of your work. We know that John 1:1 is semantically/mathematically/geometrically tied to Genesis 1:1. Notice how in this example, I am using all Biblical Greek values and show how the Standard/Ordinal Greek values of Jesus Christ yield a self-referencing pattern between the total value of John 1:1 and the first semantic division of John 1:1 (through the natural order of Primes):

Standard Greek "Jesus Christ" = 2368

Ordinal Greek "Jesus Christ" = 205

2368 + 205th Prime = Total Greek value of John 1:1 (3627)

Standard Greek "Christ" = 1480

1480 - 205 = "In the beginning was the Word" (John 1:1)

I have an encyclopedia of finds that are self-referencing in this same way. Your work is nothing like this. Another serious problem you have, which, unfortunately, is actually a problem shared with most researchers I've encountered, is that you have way too many Gematria values to choose from AND too many systems of Gematria to then use in combination with each other. You literally have tens of thousands of Gematria values of words. Additionally, you have an unlimited way of spelling out given phrases and even allow for switching between variant spellings of words. With all of this, you can literally create anything out of your own imagination, which, I'm sorry to tell you, is precisely what you are doing.

My work is rooted in the two Standard/Ordinal systems of Gematria and in the alphabets through which the Bible was revealed: Biblical Hebrew/Greek (both of which have historical ties to alphanumerics whereas English does not). More importantly, the huge majority of my work is based on a mere 7 Gematria values. The first 3 are fundamental Gen 1:1 values (37, 73 and 19) while the last 4 are the Standard/Ordinal signatures of Jesus Christ (Yehoshua HaMashiac in Hebrew and Iesous Christos in Greek):

(37 - 73 - 19) - (115 - 205 - 754 - 2368)

The logic here is simple and obvious. The more Gematria values you have to choose from (tens of thousands in your case), the easier it is to create patterns out of your own imagination. Conversely, the less Gematria values you have to choose from, the more likely the patterns derived from them represent an authentic code. Moreover, this is in harmony with the God of nature: The incredible variety of life is based on a mere 4 DNA "letters" (ACTG). What makes you think he would need tons of Gematria values to produce an integrated code?

Just to show you how easy it is to invent patterns if you have tons of Gematria values to choose from (and multiple systems of Gematria to use in combination with each other), here's a series of SATANIC identities that I used to tie your "Alpha" numbers to Genesis 1:1 and to Satan as God:

"ALPHA" (Greek S) = 532

"SATAN IS GOD" (English S) = 532

See that? So are we to believe that Satan is the real God who created Alpha? Look at this:

FIRST HEBREW WORD OF GEN 1:1 ("In the beginning") = 913

"THE SERPENT IS GOD" (English S) = 913

As you know, the serpent was in the garden in the BEGINNING. So now we have to believe that Satan encoded the English alphabet too? Why would God encode the English alphabet if he knew that Satan was going to encode it too? That makes no sense. The logical explanation is that you're arbitrarily playing with words to create your patterns, just as I am arbitrarily playing with words here to connect Satanic identities with your "Alpha" numbers. I'm simply trying to show you the errors in your methodology.

We can play this game until the cows come home. The Ordinal Hebrew value of "In the beginning God created the heavens" = 225. The English R/O method goes A = 26, B = 25, C = 24 ... etc. Now watch this:

Ordinal Hebrew "In the beginning God created the heavens" (Gen 1:1) = 225

"LUCIFER IS YOUR GOD" (English R/O) = 225

Again, if you're going to be consistent, we now have to believe that Satan is the real author behind your Alpha "codes" and is the real God of Genesis 1:1. It gets better. The total Ordinal Hebrew value of Genesis 1:1 = 298. We know that LIGHT is connected to your Alpha "codes". Therefore, we have this:

Ordinal Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 298

"Worship the LIGHT of BEELZEBUB" (English O) = 298

"The bright LIGHT of LUCIFER" (English R/0) = 373

Standard Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 37 * 73

Do you see, Desmild? This is the type of nonsense you are left with if you allow for simultaneously using tons of Gematria values and multiple systems of Gematria. You can create virtually any pattern you want, which proves your "codes" are a creation of your own doing. As I stated earlier, the more Gematria values you have, and the more systems of Gematria you have to use in combination with each other, the easier it is to create virtually anything.

Here's yet another example:

"ALPHA" (English S) = 110

"The glorious LIGHT of SATAN" (English R) = 110

Here's one more:

"ALPHA" (Hebrew R) = 13

"ALPHA" (Hebrew S) = 31

"BEELZEBUB IS GOD" (English S) = 1331

The way I see it, you only have 2 options here:

1) Acknowledge the fact that you are arbitrarily playing with numbers to create patterns that can easily be used to produce heretical identities, which proves it is random.

2) Claim that any similar patterns found within heretical examples are just codes created by Satan.

If you go with number 2, then what you're essentially saying is that your "codes" are UNFALSIFIABLE. In other words, using your methodologies, if somebody showed you that you could produce similar patterns in ANY random book, or porno magazine, or cartoon, you could just fall back on "Well, Satan must have done that". Do you see the problem? There would be no way to falsify it, which means it can't be used to prove anything in the first place.

Peace and Blessings,

Leo (aka Gambini)

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/mathematicalmonotheism/

07-27-2019, 01:35 PM
Sounds like the Mormon doctrine of God as an "organizer" of pre-existing matter rather than the actual Creator of All.


Not sure about the meaning of "satanic" as you use it.

Sir, you look rather familiar. Have we met before? :yo:

That's weird. All of my multiplication signs in my post to Desmild turned up as question marks for some reason. I tried editing it and it came back the same. I'm guessing it takes time for the edits to show up?

07-27-2019, 02:02 PM
Sir, you look rather familiar. Have we met before? :yo:

That's weird. All of my multiplication signs in my post to Desmild turned up as question marks for some reason. I tried editing it and it came back the same. I'm guessing it takes time for the edits to show up?

I fixed it. It probably had something to do with me copying/pasting my reply. No biggie :thumb:

Richard Amiel McGough
07-27-2019, 08:33 PM
I fixed it. It probably had something to do with me copying/pasting my reply. No biggie :thumb:
Yep, that's exactly what happened.

Glad to see you back! Great post. :thumb:

Richard Amiel McGough
07-27-2019, 11:11 PM
Welcome back Gambini!


This method involves playing with a list of numbers by adding them in completely arbitrary ways until you get a desired number or the difference between two numbers. It is literally child's play to do this with any number, which means it CAN'T be an authentic code. For example, here's an example of "The Hopscotch Method" that took me about 5 minutes to invent out of thin air. I used strictly your "Alpha" values to produce the Standard English value AND the Ordinal English value of "Do What Thou Wilt", which is a SATANIC moto:

"ALPHA" (Hebrew O) = 31

"ALPHA" (English R) = 20

Physics Approximation = 729

"ALPHA" (Hebrew S) = 112

(31) + (20 * 10) + (729) + (112 * 10) = 2080

"DO WHAT THOU WILT" (English S) = 2080

"ALPHA" (Hebrew O) = 31

"ALPHA" (Hebrew R) = 13

"ALPHA" (English O) = 38

(31) + (13 * 10) + (38) = 199

"DO WHAT THOU WILT" (English O) = 199

See that? This is what I mean by "The Hopscotch Method". You arbitrarily play with a series of numbers that you've assigned meaning to (out of THOUSANDS of Gematria values in your notes to choose from) in order to reach a certain number. This is called CHEATING. I'm not saying you're intentionally cheating. The point is you don't understand why it's cheating, which is what I'm trying to explain. IF you have thousands of Gematria values lined up to arbitrarily combine in any way you want, then you can produce virtually any number you want. That is a fact. This is why no skeptic would take this methodology serious from the start.

Excellent example Gambini. I've been trying to explain this point to Desmild (Alex) for years now. Maybe you contribution will help him understand.

Desmild, you need to understand the difference between arbitrarily inventing a pattern and discovering an actual pattern. For example, here's an actual pattern I discovered in Genesis 1:1, which ties the Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" (2368) to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors (37 * 73) and the natural order of Semiprime numbers. Semiprime numbers are numbers that are the product of two Primes. The 37th Semiprime = 115 and the 73rd Semiprime = 218. Therefore, we have the following self-referencing identity:

Gen 1:1 = 2701 = 37 * 73

2368 + (115 + 218) = 37 * 73

2368 + (37th + 73rd Semiprimes) = 37 * 73

Notice the difference between "The Hopscotch Method" example I showed and the completely self-referencing nature here between 2368, the 37th/73rd Semiprimes and the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors. Notice also that this pattern falls apart if we include the universal divisor (1) as Prime, since it would turn all Primes into Semiprimes.

That's a good point about primes. But we probably should remember that the definition of prime has a certain arbitrariness about it. If we want to include 1, as was once common with mathematicians, we would simply adjust the definitions to exclude the number 1. A prime could be defined as "a number divisible (without remainder) only by 1 and itself, and so include the number one, but then a semiprime would be defined as an integrer > 1 that is divisible by exactly two primes, nether of which is a 1. It's not a very elegant definition which is one reason mathematicians changed their mind about it. Another reason is that the "universal divisor" has properties not shared by other primes. But that's also true for 2 (the only even prime) so it needs to be mentioned in many theorems about primes, which specifically refer to "odd primes". I do think that it is mathematically most elegant and sensible to put the number 1 in a class by itself, as the "unit" but I don't think we could justify insisting on that point as logically necessary.

Now as for the pattern you found. The skeptic might say that it appears to be entirely random. On your home page (https://sites.google.com/site/mathematicalmonotheism/home), you mention patterns you found using primes and semiprimes, but the patterns are different. They only thing they have in common is that they can be expressed using only two digits 3 and 7. Specifically, you found:

2368 - (37th + 73rd Primes) = 3^7 - 7^3

2368 + (37th + 73rd Semiprimes) = 37 x 73

Here's the thing - why do you care about semiprimes? Why not numbers with exactly three factors? Or four? Or squared primes? Or semiprimes raised to powers? Or composites? Or any other number pattern? How many numerical forms could you have chosen? By what principle did you choose that particular numerical form? Is there any a priori reason to think the one you chose would be significant? And how do you discern between random chance and design?

If you couldn't find a pattern with semirpimes would you look at composites? Why wouldn't that be your first choice? And if there isn't an obvious pattern with composites, would that be evidence against design? This, of course, is the critical criticism of your method. Is there anything in your method that would prove a text was NOT designed? If not, it appears to be a method to "confirm" what you believe, without any method to check if maybe your text is not coded. For example, would similar patterns in the Quran convince you? If not, why not?

To sum up: I see two primary problems with your method:

1) There is no way to discern between random chance and design.
2) There is an essentially infinite ocean of number patterns to pick from. Primes, Semiprimes, Composites, Triangles, Hexagons, Stars. etc. etc. etc. With that many options, how is it different than the "hopscotch" method you rightly reject?

In fact, the digital sum of all the numbers leading up to the Genesis 1:1 Prime Factors here yields the fundamental number 37 AND the Standard Greek value of "Jesus Christ" is itself tied to 37:

(2 + 3 + 6 + 8) + (1 + 1 + 5) + (2 + 1 + 8) = 37

Standard Greek "Jesus" = 888 = 24 * 37

Standard Greek "Christ" = 1480 = 40 * 37

(8 + 8 + 8) + (1 + 4 + 8 + 0) = 37

But does that work with the other pattern that you linked with this one? You linked to patterns:

2368 - (37th + 73rd Primes) = 3^7 - 7^3

2368 + (37th + 73rd Semiprimes) = 37 ? 73

So if we apply the same "rule" to the first pattern, we get (37th prime = 157, 73rd prime = 367)

(2 + 3 + 6 + 8) - (1 + 5 + 7) - (3 + 6 + 7) = 19 - 29 = -10

Your pattern does not appear to work. How do you explain this inconsistency?

And that's the key for me ... consistency. Real patterns have real consistency. When an intelligent being encodes a text, every single character is accounted for. For example, if I used a code where A => B, B = C, etc. I could write

Ep zpv voefstuboe nf?

Which decodes to

Do you understand me?

I've never seen any Biblical numerology that satisfies this standard of encryption.

Here's another example of an actual pattern I discovered, which is completely different from "The Hopscotch Method" that permeates the majority of your work. We know that John 1:1 is semantically/mathematically/geometrically tied to Genesis 1:1. Notice how in this example, I am using all Biblical Greek values and show how the Standard/Ordinal Greek values of Jesus Christ yield a self-referencing pattern between the total value of John 1:1 and the first semantic division of John 1:1 (through the natural order of Primes):

Standard Greek "Jesus Christ" = 2368

Ordinal Greek "Jesus Christ" = 205

2368 + 205th Prime = Total Greek value of John 1:1 (3627)

Standard Greek "Christ" = 1480

1480 - 205 = "In the beginning was the Word" (John 1:1)

I have an encyclopedia of finds that are self-referencing in this same way. Your work is nothing like this. Another serious problem you have, which, unfortunately, is actually a problem shared with most researchers I've encountered, is that you have way too many Gematria values to choose from AND too many systems of Gematria to then use in combination with each other. You literally have tens of thousands of Gematria values of words. Additionally, you have an unlimited way of spelling out given phrases and even allow for switching between variant spellings of words. With all of this, you can literally create anything out of your own imagination, which, I'm sorry to tell you, is precisely what you are doing.

The self-reference is indeed a vast improvement over the seemingly random methods that Alex uses because it drastically limits the number of possibilities, but it still is insufficient because the number of possibilities is still very large. Case in point: You started with three numbers derived from the Greek name Jesus Christ (1480, 2368, and 205) but then used them in entirely inconsistent ways to found a connection between 2368 and John 1:1

2368 + 205th prime = Sum of John 1:1

1480 - 205 = Sum of "In the beginning was the Word."

Did you check 888 - 205, 888 + 205, 888 + 205th prime, 888 - 205th prime, 888 + 205th semiprime, 888 - 205 semiprime, 1480 + 205th prime, 1480 - 205th prime, 1480 + 205th semiprime, 1480 - 205th semiprime, and the same with composites, triangles, squares, etc. and with 2368, and with 3168 ... etc., etc., etc.?

Do you see the problem here? You are doing better than Alex because you have limited your set of numbers from which you cherry pick "connections" but you apparently have no principle limiting the kinds of patterns from which you choose, which means they are unlimited, which is a common definition of INFINITE. If you have an infinite ocean of random numbers from which to chose, you are guaranteed to find "patterns" right?

My work is rooted in the two Standard/Ordinal systems of Gematria and in the alphabets through which the Bible was revealed: Biblical Hebrew/Greek (both of which have historical ties to alphanumerics whereas English does not). More importantly, the huge majority of my work is based on a mere 7 Gematria values. The first 3 are fundamental Gen 1:1 values (37, 73 and 19) while the last 4 are the Standard/Ordinal signatures of Jesus Christ (Yehoshua HaMashiac in Hebrew and Iesous Christos in Greek):

(37 - 73 - 19) - (115 - 205 - 754 - 2368)

The logic here is simple and obvious. The more Gematria values you have to choose from (tens of thousands in your case), the easier it is to create patterns out of your own imagination. Conversely, the less Gematria values you have to choose from, the more likely the patterns derived from them represent an authentic code. Moreover, this is in harmony with the God of nature: The incredible variety of life is based on a mere 4 DNA "letters" (ACTG). What makes you think he would need tons of Gematria values to produce an integrated code?

I totally understand what you are trying to do. It's what I tried to do when I believed in gematria. I wrote article about how important it was to be consistent with inflections (theos, theou, theon, etc) since each different inflection would give a different value for the same word. I was sensitive to this because the Theomatics guys totally ignored inflection and so would typically have half a dozen numbers for each word from which to cherry pick. But this is insufficient because your numerology has an unlimited number of mathematical forms from which to choose. So here's the bottom line:

Is there any way to discern between "design" and "randomness" in your numerology?

Great chatting! It seems you've advanced quite a bit in your studies. I'm really glad you came back for a visit. Looking forward to digging into this more with you.


Richard Amiel McGough
07-27-2019, 11:35 PM
The way I see it, you only have 2 options here:

1) Acknowledge the fact that you are arbitrarily playing with numbers to create patterns that can easily be used to produce heretical identities, which proves it is random.

2) Claim that any similar patterns found within heretical examples are just codes created by Satan.

If you go with number 2, then what you're essentially saying is that your "codes" are UNFALSIFIABLE. In other words, using your methodologies, if somebody showed you that you could produce similar patterns in ANY random book, or porno magazine, or cartoon, you could just fall back on "Well, Satan must have done that". Do you see the problem? There would be no way to falsify it, which means it can't be used to prove anything in the first place.

Peace and Blessings,

Leo (aka Gambini)

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/mathematicalmonotheism/
Red words = 100% correct.

So my question to you, my friend, is "Is your numerology falsifiable?"

07-28-2019, 12:55 AM
"He made darkness his hiding place" (Psalms 18:12)

thinking about it I came to that:

1 ) John 1:5 says the same

and the light shines into darkness and the darkness didn't comprehend
καὶ τὸ φῶς ἐν τῇ σκοτίᾳ φαίνει, καὶ ἡ σκοτία αὐτὸ οὐ κατέλαβεν.

2) this again is about the word "tov" in Genesis 1:12, the 153rd word from the beginning, to which alluded the miraculous catch of fish directed by the resurrected Jesus (John 21)

I did think so already before



07-28-2019, 01:40 AM
and also

John 1:18,
God no one has ever seen
θεὸν οὐδεὶς ἑώρακεν πώποτε

since he made darkness his secret place :winking0071:

07-28-2019, 05:42 AM
Ok so now this is turning more like a one person war against Richard, Thebluetriangle, Gambini & Sylvius.
That is a good challenge and it is the way it should be.

These codes are so riddled that I expected opposition. But I thought that 200 to 250 pages in my book would be enough proof for you guys.
Well now I have to make to book become 400 pages because I did not expect that it would be so hard to convince you.
So the book is more or less far off now.

But Gambini I will answser you here because I have answered the others already.

So what you did was the same thing Richard did and pull up words/phrases that has the same value; and then concluded that since there are many words with the same value then the codes are "cherry picked". I simply cherry pick my connections according to you.
Your problem is that you did not give us any results from the verses of the bible.

You think that you are correct but you don't have anything to counter my claims with.
It's absolutely easy to come to the conclusion that you are Richard came to without checking the verses. But you can't say that after checking the verses because God picks a word/phrase to reflect the codes for every single verse in the bible. Do you understand this ??

07-28-2019, 05:51 AM
And get this:
And because God selects a word/phrase for every verse makes it possible to find out what God considers important in these codes.

So if you don't understand or believe this then I will give you results Gambini. Just let me know, but you better have results from the verses also.
That is how you earn your stripes.

07-28-2019, 06:20 AM
And I forgot to thank you Gambini for sharing that info about Alpha & Pi in Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1

I can elaborate on what you shared. I know you did not find those codes but since you shared them kickstarted my journey into the bible codes. Thanks a lot for sharing that.

Here is what you shared:
- Merging TV of Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 and multiplying is: 27013627X27013627 = 72973.... (5 digits of Alpha)
- Nr of letters X Product of letters divided by Nr of words X Product of words = 31415... (5 digits of Pi)

Here is my findings:
- 46 "Codes" (Eng ord)
- 172 "Codes" (Eng sta)
- 37 "of Wisdom" (Heb ord)
- 73 "of Wisdom" (Heb sta)

- FLW divided by CW in Gen 1:1 is: 1209/401 = 3,014... (3 digits of Pi with 0 removed)
- FLW divided by 3 CW in Gen 1:1 is: 1209/882 = 137,07... (4 digits of inverse Alpha but the 5th digit is changed from 3 to 7)
- 3 CW divided by FLW in Gen 1:1 is: 882/1209 = 0,7295... (3 digits of Alpha but the 4th digit is changed to 5 "The" instead of 7 = Pri-ord(5 = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal")))
- Count by rot. and add letters from 46 to 172 + letters from nr 37 to 73 in Gen 1:1 = 7X 314 (3 digits of Pi)
- Count by rot. and add letters from 46 to 172 + letters from nr 37 to 73 in John 1:1 = 3314 (3 digits of Pi with extended digit)

I guess we are even now. I was going to save those for the book but you deserved to get them.

And TV added of the 777 Holograph & the Seven Seven Seven Holograph is: 3091 + 4821
= "Codes" 46 X 172 "Codes" = TV of Vs(37 "of Wisdom") + TV of Vs(73 "of Wisdom")

07-28-2019, 07:20 AM
Aleister Crowley mentions the number 777 as gematria of also "olam haklipot" (70+6+30+40 + 5 +100+30+10 +80+ 6 + 400) = the world of shells = excrements - the demon world.

From "Gematria":

the number 777 affords a good example of the legitimate and illegitimate deductions to be drawn. It represents the sentence AChTh RVCh ALHIM ChIIM "One is the Spirit of the Living god " and also OLAHM H-QLPVTH "The world of the Shells (excrements - the demon -world)


07-28-2019, 07:25 AM
Were you talking about Aleister Crowley the renowned satanist of the 20th century ?
We don't use his material here, go to google and search "church of satan" and join their forum.

07-28-2019, 07:28 AM
Were you talking about Aleister Crowley the renowned satanist of the 20th century ?
We don't use his material here, go to google and search "church of satan" and join their forum.

he favored the number 777 like you do

And by the way, I never heard of him before you mentioned him

07-28-2019, 07:31 AM
He was also called "The Great Beast 666" and he was proud of that.

You need to find another hobby than the satanic garbage you like to read.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 07:32 AM
These codes are so riddled that I expected opposition. But I thought that 200 to 250 pages in my book would be enough proof for you guys.
Well now I have to make to book become 400 pages because I did not expect that it would be so hard to convince you.
So the book is more or less far off now.

Hey there Alex,

I think there's been a big misunderstanding. Your examples have been extremely convincing to me. There is no need for any more examples because they will change nothing. At best, they will simply confirm the conclusion that you have already established with what you've shared.

The problem, of course, is that your examples have convinced me that your numerology is indistinguishable from what we would find in any random text using your methods.

You need to answer this point. Please try to actually think about what I am saying.

If your examples are exactly what we would expect from a meaningless random text, how could more examples prove otherwise?

Please read that question. Please think about that question. Please try to answer that question.

But Gambini I will answser you here because I have answered the others already.

Not true! And you know it. You have left most my questions unanswered.

So what you did was the same thing Richard did and pull up words/phrases that has the same value; and then concluded that since there are many words with the same value then the codes are "cherry picked". I simply cherry pick my connections according to you.
Your problem is that you did not give us any results from the verses of the bible.

Not true! I linked my results to Bible verses just like you do. And you didn't even answer that post! You claim you you answer but you do not. Here it is again. Please answer this time:

117 = Satan's Book (Eng ord)

711 = Satan's Book (End ord + Eng std)

Now let's look at the total value of verse 117

TV(Vs. 117) = 3286 = and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std)

What greater confirmation could there be? Satan marked vs 117 with both his number 666 and his claim that the Bible is really his book! WOW!

Do you really think that could just be a "random coincidence"? Satan marked his book with both his NAME and his NUMBER!

Yet there is more because vs. 117 has 36 letters! And T(36) = 666! You do remember in your first post in this thread Alex you said that 36 = EVIL (Heb ord)

Is there no end to the confirmation of the Devil's Codes (Eng ord) = 117?

Of course not! This is all part of ...

Satan's Plan (Eng ord) = 117!!!

Satan's Plan (Eng red) = 27!!! RIDDLE RIDDLE ALEX! RIDDLE RIDDLE!

And now for the ultimate revelation of SATAN as the Author of the Bible ... he coded his own NAME using the values of the phrase Satan's Book:

TV(vs. 117) + TV(vs. 711) = 3286 + 8202 = 32 x 359 (SATAN, Heb std)

Remember how you said Satanists like reversing things back in post #561 (https://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?6196-Some-Holograph-Materieal&p=71972#post71972)? Like 117 <=> 711? Wow.

So there you go Alex. Using YOUR methods we have discovered the very HEART (32, Heb std) of SATAN (359, Heb std) that he encoded to prove that the Bible is really his book, encoded with his number 666 from the very beginning.

You think that you are correct but you don't have anything to counter my claims with.
It's absolutely easy to come to the conclusion that you are Richard came to without checking the verses. But you can't say that after checking the verses because God picks a word/phrase to reflect the codes for every single verse in the bible. Do you understand this ??
Not true! I've used YOUR methods and checked the verses and "confirmed" that the Bible is "Satan's Book" and you didn't answer and now blindly deny this fact even though it is obviously true. That seems literally insane Alex.

07-28-2019, 07:49 AM
Hey again Richard.

How many examples do you really need ? The answer to that is that you don't like the results because you have a sea of examples here where God picks a word/phrase for every verse. So your reputation there goes down the toilet.

Now I have told and showed you that God uses several methods in each verse. And he encodes messages & physics there.
Here is How God does it in each verse:
(1) Nr.W
(2) Nr.L
(3) TV
(4) FLL
(5) CL
(6) FLCL
(7) L. Surr. CL
(8) 3 or 4 CL
(9) FLL + 3/4 CL
(10) FLW
(11) CW
(12) FLCW
(13) W.surr. CW
(14) 3/4 CW
(15) FLW + 3/4 CW

So how this works is that there will be harmonic message/codes in a 1, 2, 3 style starting with Nr.W.

Now you have ignored all the results from all verses so there is no need to give you any example. You have your sea of examples.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 08:11 AM
He was also called "The Great Beast 666" and he was proud of that.

You need to find another hobby than the satanic garbage you like to read.
He called himself that. It was his motto based on the fact that the Greek "Το Μεγα Θηριον" (The Great Beast) = 666 (Gr std). This precise phrase is not found in the Bible, but the Greek is correct.

You can see it on the Ace of Disks in his personally designed Tarot deck, along with the number 666 in the center.


He was raised in an extremely fundamentalist end-times Christian cult (The "Exclusive Brothers" branch of the Plymouth Brethren) which may have twisted his brain. He said his mom called him "the beast" when he was a kid.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 08:19 AM
Hey again Richard.

How many examples do you really need ? The answer to that is that you don't like the results because you have a sea of examples here where God picks a word/phrase for every verse. So your reputation there goes down the toilet.

Come on Alex, don't pretend you don't understand. As explained above, you don't need to give any more examples because the examples you have given are totally convincing. Giving more examples will not change my conclusion, but rather confirm it.

Your patterns are exactly what we would expect from a meaningless random text. You examples prove this because any child could make similar patterns using your methods with any random text.

This is PROOF and you have been ignoring it for years. Now you make me wonder for you sanity because you deny facts that are plainly seen by everyone, namely, that I used YOUR methods to "confirm" that the Bible is Satan's Book.

So how many examples do I need to give to convince you that I can use your methods to "confirm" anything I want?

Now I have told and showed you that God uses several methods in each verse. And he encodes messages & physics there.
Here is How God does it in each verse:
(1) Nr.W
(2) Nr.L
(3) TV
(4) FLL
(5) CL
(6) FLCL
(7) L. Surr. CL
(8) 3 or 4 CL
(9) FLL + 3/4 CL
(10) FLW
(11) CW
(12) FLCW
(13) W.surr. CW
(14) 3/4 CW
(15) FLW + 3/4 CW

So how this works is that there will be harmonic message/codes in a 1, 2, 3 style starting with Nr.W.

Now you have ignored all the results from all verses so there is no need to give you any example. You have your sea of examples.
I have ignored nothing. On the contrary, I used YOUR methods to show the "harmony" of the message that says the Bible is "Satan's Book" and you ignored the evidence I presented.

So please answer already. You can run but you can't hide ... I got your "number" :lol:

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 08:43 AM
Hey again Richard.

How many examples do you really need ? The answer to that is that you don't like the results because you have a sea of examples here where God picks a word/phrase for every verse. So your reputation there goes down the toilet.

Now I have told and showed you that God uses several methods in each verse. And he encodes messages & physics there.
Here is How God does it in each verse:
(1) Nr.W
(2) Nr.L
(3) TV
(4) FLL
(5) CL
(6) FLCL
(7) L. Surr. CL
(8) 3 or 4 CL
(9) FLL + 3/4 CL
(10) FLW
(11) CW
(12) FLCW
(13) W.surr. CW
(14) 3/4 CW
(15) FLW + 3/4 CW

So how this works is that there will be harmonic message/codes in a 1, 2, 3 style starting with Nr.W.

Now you have ignored all the results from all verses so there is no need to give you any example. You have your sea of examples.
I highlighted the methods I used in this one example. I could give examples using all your methods if I wanted to waste my time.

117 = Satan's Book (Eng ord)

711 = Satan's Book (End ord + Eng std)

TV(Vs. 117) = 3286 = and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std)

What greater confirmation could there be? Satan marked vs 117 with both his number 666 and his claim that the Bible is really his book! WOW!

Do you really think that could just be a "random coincidence"? Satan marked his book with both his NAME and his NUMBER!

Yet there is more because vs. 117 has 36 letters! And T(36) = 666! You do remember in your first post in this thread Alex you said that 36 = EVIL (Heb ord)

Is there no end to the confirmation of the Devil's Codes (Eng ord) = 117?

Of course not! This is all part of ...

Satan's Plan (Eng ord) = 117!!!

Satan's Plan (Eng red) = 27!!! RIDDLE RIDDLE ALEX! RIDDLE RIDDLE!

And now for the ultimate revelation of SATAN as the Author of the Bible ... he coded his own NAME using the values of the phrase Satan's Book:

TV(vs. 117) + TV(vs. 711) = 3286 + 8202 = 32 x 359 (SATAN, Heb std)

Remember how you said Satanists like reversing things back in post #561 (https://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?6196-Some-Holograph-Materieal&p=71972#post71972)? Like 117 <=> 711? Wow.

Now I will use some more of your methods so you can't hide behind the lie that I am not using your methods.

Nr. L in vs. 117 = 10 = SATAN (Eng red)
Nr. L in vs 711 = 24 = SATAN SNAKE (Eng red) = HIDING (Heb ord)

And adding them confirms this is all about the Serpent Satan:

Nr L in vs 117 + Nr L in vs 711 = 34 = SERPENT (Eng red)

This is all due to Satan's famous Wisdom (= 83 Eng std)

FLW vs 117 + FLW vs 711 = 830 = 83 (Wisdom, Eng std) x 10 (SATAN, Eng red)

I could continue, but why bother? I have used your methods to "confirm" things that you do not believe. And I did it in a matter of minutes. Imagine what I could produce if I spent hours and days and years like you have looking for patterns?

Your game is trivial. And to be honest, it is moronic. Any child could "confirm" anything they want using your methods.

Time to wake up Alex. The sun is shining


07-28-2019, 10:18 AM
He called himself that. It was his motto based on the fact that the Greek "Το Μεγα Θηριον" (The Great Beast) = 666 (Gr std). This precise phrase is not found in the Bible, but the Greek is correct.

You can see it on the Ace of Disks in his personally designed Tarot deck, along with the number 666 in the center.


He was raised in an extremely fundamentalist end-times Christian cult (The "Exclusive Brothers" branch of the Plymouth Brethren) which may have twisted his brain. He said his mom called him "the beast" when he was a kid.

it also shows "the pentagram in the hexagram" = icosahedron

Crowley also has : "666 = "hey" x "alef" = the number 5, which is 6 ("hey-alef"), on the Grand Scale "

And a heptagon, alluding to the number 777?

Is it the anus (door of excrements) corresponding to the third eye?

(does the card allude to anal sex?)

07-28-2019, 10:50 AM
Crowley: "777 is useful as affirming that the Unity is the Qliphoth. But a dangerous tool, especially as it represents the flaming sword that drove Man out of Eden"

the flaming sword =לַ֤הַט הַחֶ֨רֶב֙ "lahat hacherev" = 259 = 1/3 x 777

But strange:
it reads "v'et hacherev (hamithapechet)" וְאֵ֨ת לַ֤הַט הַחֶ֨רֶב֙ הַמִּתְהַפֶּ֔כֶת

"v'et lahat hacherev" = 407 + 259 = 666 :eek:

It is like if the devil is playing with it again :winking0071:

07-28-2019, 11:18 AM
Ok Richard, Show us that verse nr 117 reflects any of those connections :)
Words are cheap but facts is something else.

You found a hit on the TV but the rest of the methods ??

07-28-2019, 11:20 AM
I thought Paul in Romans 1 gave a description of himself as he was before his conversion "near Damascus"


22Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
24Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

07-28-2019, 11:21 AM
Sylvius, are you indirectly saying that I am doing all this to look smart ?

07-28-2019, 11:23 AM
Sylvius, are you indirectly saying that I am doing all this to look smart ?

But you did look smart already

07-28-2019, 11:28 AM
"The flaming sword" (or better "the flame of the revolving sword" )

makes think of name of the 7th letter "zayin"

"zayin" = sword

but can denote also the male organ, membrum virile

07-28-2019, 11:35 AM
I view the codes as a giant riddle. And I was really stressed out before since I did not have all the values I needed to understand the codes.
The amount of time and energy i have used to understand them is insane. I am single on purpose because i need that energy and time for the codes instead of a nice woman. And i have had the chance to get alot of beautiful women because of my half Greek appearance.

I don't consider myself so smart but it's rather the sacrifice i have done to understand these codes that made me so good in them.
This is why i can be here and debate against you guys. And i have checked things down to detail. I have not checked the whole bible, but i have seen enough to make me sure of how he is doing these codes.

So i am not doing this to look smart. I do this because i love codes and i know the supernatural exist from personal experience.
And I personally don't like Satan, so when I share these codes; he gets angry. And I like that.
Satan or his demons has tried to sabotage my computer before but God never let them completely destroy it.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 12:09 PM
Ok Richard, Show us that verse nr 117 reflects any of those connections :)
Words are cheap but facts is something else.

You found a hit on the TV but the rest of the methods ??
I already showed you that I could do it with four of your primary methods in a matter of minutes. There's nothing to it. Any child could make connections using your methods.

And yes, words are cheap. That's all you have - empty words and unfounded claims. I have proven every word I've written, and you have not been able to answer any of my proofs that your method is flawed. You just ignore the evidence I present and then falsely claim you answered. It's really sad to see you act this way Alex.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 12:33 PM
Ok Richard, Show us that verse nr 117 reflects any of those connections :)
Words are cheap but facts is something else.

You found a hit on the TV but the rest of the methods ??
Come on Alex, I'm not going to let you pretend to be so stupid. You know that any number you use in your connections I can use in mine with opposite meanings because they all overlap.

For example, any pattern you find that involves Jesus = 74 or The Word (Gr std) = 443 or Alpha (Eng ord) = 38 I can link to Lucifer

Ordinal (o) 74
Standard (s) 443
Reduced (r) 38

Likewise, any pattern that links to 37 I can link to "Evil One" or "Satan is God" or any number of words contrary to your patterns. And I can do the same with 532 which you like to link to Alpha (Gr std).

I can do this with each and every "connection" you have made so there's no need for me to continue piling example upon example. I have PROVEN that your numerology is TOTAL BULLSHIT = 10 x 117 (The Seal of God? Or Satan's Book? or ... ???) = THE DEVIL'S DESIGN (Eng o + s + r)

The truth is undeniable. I can link any pattern you make to Satan, the devil, the serpent, lies, deception, wickedness, and evil. It's trivial. It's ridiculously easy. It's a moronic child's game. There's nothing to it. It's easy peasy.

07-28-2019, 12:50 PM
No no no Richard don't you evade that request.

You have to show us results of the other methods also because they have to form a harmonic message to what you claim here.

07-28-2019, 12:54 PM
And here is another argument. God certainly picks connections to 777 or "Seal of God" over 666 and "evil".
I showed you this in verse nr 36. So what makes you think God picks those satanic messages to reflect Vs(117) ??

You really need a good piece of evidence for that to convince me.

07-28-2019, 01:01 PM
And yes the four primary methods are important. But there are other methods also and you know that.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 01:13 PM
And here is another argument. God certainly picks connections to 777 or "Seal of God" over 666 and "evil".
I showed you this in verse nr 36. So what makes you think God picks those satanic messages to reflect Vs(117) ??

You really need a good piece of evidence for that to convince me.
You keep saying "God" did this or "God" did that when in fact YOU are the one doing all the picking and choosing.

You know that I don't think God had anything to with the Bible, let alone your codes. But for the sake of argument, I am using your methods to present the argument that Satan coded the Bible to slander God and make him look like an immoral murderous evil god.

My message is more "harmonic" with the Bible than yours because it harmonizes with the fact that the Bible does present God as the author of a lot of evil. For example, he commanded his people to murder women and children. This harmonizes with Rev 1:8 and Rev 12:9 in many ways, which I explained in detail in the posts that YOU CHOSE TO IGNORE because you know you cannot answer. Here again is a small sample of the satanic harmonies in those verses:

HIS SECRET PLACE = 666 ... Is that really God's secret place? Or the Devil's?

And his number is 666 (Gr std) = 2368 = Jesus Christ (Gr std)

and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std) = 3268 = 3168 + 100 = THE LORD JESUS CHRIST (Gr std) + (3 + 7) x (3 + 7)

and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std + Eng ord) = 3737

And this is the value of THE KEY OF THE BOTTOMLESS PIT (Eng std) = 3737 (rev 9:1)

Think about it! The Number 666 is the Key to Hell! That' why the devil encoded it three times in Genesis 1:1, which is the first verse of SATAN'S BOOK (Eng ord) = 117

Jesus = 666 = (6 + 6 + 6) x 37 = LUCIFER (A = 9, B = 18, etc.)

The one called the Devil and Satan (ὁ καλούμενος Διάβολος καὶ ὁ Σατανᾶς) = 2197 = 13 x 13 x 13 = Jesus of Nazareth (Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος)

Remember you said 13 represents EVIL

Would the true God encode The Almighty = 1820 = (13 x 13 + 13) x 10 = = MURDERER???

It must be the work of Satan. The codes tell us that it is

The Devil's Design (Eng ord + std + red) = 1170= 10 x 117 (The Seal of God)

And all of this harmonizes with my theme that the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK that he designed to slander God and exalt himself:

117 = Satan's Book (Eng ord)

711 = Satan's Book (End ord + Eng std)

Now let's look at the total value of verse 117

TV(Vs. 117) = 3286 = and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std)

What greater confirmation could there be? Satan marked vs 117 with both his number 666 and his claim that the Bible is really his book! WOW!

Do you really think that could just be a "random coincidence"? Satan marked his book with both his NAME and his NUMBER!

Yet there is more because vs. 117 has 36 letters! And T(36) = 666! You do remember in your first post in this thread Alex you said that 36 = EVIL (Heb ord)

Is there no end to the confirmation of the Devil's Codes (Eng ord) = 117?

Of course not! This is all part of ...

Satan's Plan (Eng ord) = 117!!!

Satan's Plan (Eng red) = 27!!! RIDDLE RIDDLE ALEX! RIDDLE RIDDLE!

And now for the ultimate revelation of SATAN as the Author of the Bible ... he coded his own NAME using the values of the phrase Satan's Book:

TV(vs. 117) + TV(vs. 711) = 3286 + 8202 = 32 x 359 (SATAN, Heb std)

At some point you will have to admit the truth Alex. You can't just keep running and hiding.

07-28-2019, 01:15 PM
No Richard, I am going to show everyone here how a platinum crushes a bronze.

So give us the rest of the methods and believe me, I will go all inn now.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 01:18 PM
No Richard, I am going to show everyone here how a platinum crushes a bronze.

So give us the rest of the methods and believe me, I will go all inn now.
Answer the many examples I've already given, and I will give more if need be. Quit running and hiding. I've presented a mountain of evidence and dozens of questions that you have totally ignored. There's no excuse for that.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 01:20 PM
No Richard, I am going to show everyone here how a platinum crushes a bronze.

So give us the rest of the methods and believe me, I will go all inn now.
Where is your answer to the evidence I've given?

Where is your analysis of the vs 117 and vs 711 that shows your "harmonies"? Present it and I will show how every connection you found can be interpreted as referring to Satan, the Devil, Lies, Deception, Wickedness, etc.

07-28-2019, 01:23 PM
No you have nothing. You need the rest of the methods that I listed before you can claim anything.

07-28-2019, 01:26 PM
Ok so now this is turning more like a one person war against Richard, Thebluetriangle, Gambini & Sylvius.
That is a good challenge and it is the way it should be.

These codes are so riddled that I expected opposition. But I thought that 200 to 250 pages in my book would be enough proof for you guys.
Well now I have to make to book become 400 pages because I did not expect that it would be so hard to convince you.
So the book is more or less far off now.

But Gambini I will answser you here because I have answered the others already.

So what you did was the same thing Richard did and pull up words/phrases that has the same value; and then concluded that since there are many words with the same value then the codes are "cherry picked". I simply cherry pick my connections according to you.
Your problem is that you did not give us any results from the verses of the bible.

You think that you are correct but you don't have anything to counter my claims with.
It's absolutely easy to come to the conclusion that you are Richard came to without checking the verses. But you can't say that after checking the verses because God picks a word/phrase to reflect the codes for every single verse in the bible. Do you understand this ??

Hey Desmild,

I don't want you to think I'm ganging up on you. I'm trying to reason with you. You have tens of thousands of Gematria values, tens of thousands of different ways to phrase those words, and too many systems of Gematria to make up virtually any pattern you want. It's absurd to think that you could reveal any authentic code under those rules. No skeptic is going to take that serious.

Here's the thing: If you add another 200 pages of material to your book that follows the SAME rules (or lack thereof), then all you're doing is adding error upon error. In other words, as the Greeks say, error begets error (actually I made that up, and I'm not even Greek!).

Why would I try to demonstrate your "Alpha Codes" in the Bible? You would just take it as even MORE evidence! That's why I showed that you can produce similar results OUTSIDE OF THE BIBLE with SATANIC identities, which proves your "codes" are not valid. If you can't see that, then I don't know what else to tell you.

SHALOM :pray:


07-28-2019, 01:44 PM
Alright Leo, it's normal to have your own conceptions of how these codes works. It's extensive.

And there are a lot more methods in each verse than the methods I request from Richard in Vs(117) but they should be enough to make a firm picture of what that verse represents.

But you did not show any codes from any verse so I have to put you in the "beginner" league of these codes since I have seen nothing from you in the verses here.
I hope you understand my position because I have a lot of results that shows God loves to use many different messages in the codes.
But you certainly see what he considers important if you are diligent.

Prove me wrong before saying that what I am doing is wrong or cherry picked.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 02:37 PM
No you have nothing. You need the rest of the methods that I listed before you can claim anything.
You don't use all your methods in all your examples. You're just dodging because you know you can't answer the evidence I've presented.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 02:38 PM
Come on Alex, I'm not going to let you pretend to be so stupid. You know that any number you use in your connections I can use in mine with opposite meanings because they all overlap.

For example, any pattern you find that involves Jesus = 74 or The Word (Gr std) = 443 or Alpha (Eng ord) = 38 I can link to Lucifer

Ordinal (o) 74
Standard (s) 443
Reduced (r) 38

Likewise, any pattern that links to 37 I can link to "Evil One" or "Satan is God" or any number of words contrary to your patterns. And I can do the same with 532 which you like to link to Alpha (Gr std).

I can do this with each and every "connection" you have made so there's no need for me to continue piling example upon example. I have PROVEN that your numerology is TOTAL BULLSHIT = 10 x 117 (The Seal of God? Or Satan's Book? or ... ???) = THE DEVIL'S DESIGN (Eng o + s + r)

The truth is undeniable. I can link any pattern you make to Satan, the devil, the serpent, lies, deception, wickedness, and evil. It's trivial. It's ridiculously easy. It's a moronic child's game. There's nothing to it. It's easy peasy.
Come on Alex. Answer this point. If you dare ...

07-28-2019, 03:18 PM
You don't use all your methods in all your examples. You're just dodging because you know you can't answer the evidence I've presented.

Actually that is because I have established a lot of verses where I do pinpoint what is important.
And we know Alpha and 777 is very important here in my results.

You come with a claim that God picks a satanic message to connect with Vs(117). You need to use the other methods also in that verse because it seems very absurd that God would pick a satanic phrase there Vs my pick.

Now give me the rest of the methods in that verse.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 03:33 PM
Actually that is because I have established a lot of verses where I do pinpoint what is important.
And we know Alpha and 777 is very important here in my results.

We know no such thing because you have not presented any evidence supporting your claim.

Your "777 Holograph" looks exactly like what we would expect from random chance. I have proven this by showing that I could replace all your references to things like Jesus, God, and Light with references to things like Satan, the Devil, and Darkness because the numbers all overlap.

You come with a claim that God picks a satanic message to connect with Vs(117). You need to use the other methods also in that verse because it seems very absurd that God would pick a satanic phrase there Vs my pick.

I did NOT claim that "God" did anything at all. Please try to read more carefully.

My claim is that I can make patterns that "confirm" the message I invented that says the Bible is Satan's Book which he designed to slander God and exalt himself.
That's all you are doing Alex. You make up a message you like and you find numbers that "confirm" it. Any child could do that with any random text using your methods because you create a dozen numbers for each words. It's obviously absurd.

Now give me the rest of the methods in that verse.
I have already presented a mountain of evidence using YOUR methods to support my claim. Your demand for more evidence is an obvious dodge because you have ignored all the evidence I already presented.

07-28-2019, 03:44 PM
You have not given me a good overview of the codes in Vs(117). Don't evade the question.
I want at least all those methods I listed since your claim there is so radical.

It's like what Carl Sagan said:

incredible claims require incredible evidence

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 03:54 PM
You have not given me a good overview of the codes in Vs(117). Don't evade the question.
I want at least all those methods I listed since your claim there is so radical.

It's like what Carl Sagan said:
I have given you powerful evidence but you have chosen to ignore it. I have presented it in at a least three separate posts and you ignored it each time. Start by answering the evidence I have presented and we can discuss it. Merely demanding I present more evidence when you have ignored the MOUNTAIN of evidence I already presented is both absurd and deliberately deceptive.

07-28-2019, 03:57 PM
You have given me opinions and not the results for Vs(117). Giving me 2, 3 or 4 methods from that verse is not enough considering it's satanic messages you picked there. I am not replying anymore until I see those results.

And please list them like I do.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 04:02 PM
You have given me opinions and not the results for Vs(117). Giving me 2, 3 or 4 methods from that verse is not enough considering it's satanic messages you picked there. I am not replying anymore until I see those results.
I have given you FOUR methods and you IGNORED what I wrote. Here it is again, from post #931 (https://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?6196-Some-Holograph-Materieal&p=72352#post72352):

Hey again Richard.

How many examples do you really need ? The answer to that is that you don't like the results because you have a sea of examples here where God picks a word/phrase for every verse. So your reputation there goes down the toilet.

Now I have told and showed you that God uses several methods in each verse. And he encodes messages & physics there.
Here is How God does it in each verse:
(1) Nr.W
(2) Nr.L
(3) TV
(4) FLL
(5) CL
(6) FLCL
(7) L. Surr. CL
(8) 3 or 4 CL
(9) FLL + 3/4 CL
(10) FLW
(11) CW
(12) FLCW
(13) W.surr. CW
(14) 3/4 CW
(15) FLW + 3/4 CW

So how this works is that there will be harmonic message/codes in a 1, 2, 3 style starting with Nr.W.

Now you have ignored all the results from all verses so there is no need to give you any example. You have your sea of examples.
I highlighted the methods I used in this one example. I could give examples using all your methods if I wanted to waste my time.

117 = Satan's Book (Eng ord)

711 = Satan's Book (End ord + Eng std)

TV(Vs. 117) = 3286 = and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std)

What greater confirmation could there be? Satan marked vs 117 with both his number 666 and his claim that the Bible is really his book! WOW!

Do you really think that could just be a "random coincidence"? Satan marked his book with both his NAME and his NUMBER!

Yet there is more because vs. 117 has 36 letters! And T(36) = 666! You do remember in your first post in this thread Alex you said that 36 = EVIL (Heb ord)

Is there no end to the confirmation of the Devil's Codes (Eng ord) = 117?

Of course not! This is all part of ...

Satan's Plan (Eng ord) = 117!!!

Satan's Plan (Eng red) = 27!!! RIDDLE RIDDLE ALEX! RIDDLE RIDDLE!

And now for the ultimate revelation of SATAN as the Author of the Bible ... he coded his own NAME using the values of the phrase Satan's Book:

TV(vs. 117) + TV(vs. 711) = 3286 + 8202 = 32 x 359 (SATAN, Heb std)

Remember how you said Satanists like reversing things back in post #561 (https://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?6196-Some-Holograph-Materieal&p=71972#post71972)? Like 117 <=> 711? Wow.

Now I will use some more of your methods so you can't hide behind the lie that I am not using your methods.

Nr. L in vs. 117 = 10 = SATAN (Eng red)
Nr. L in vs 711 = 24 = SATAN SNAKE (Eng red) = HIDING (Heb ord)

And adding them confirms this is all about the Serpent Satan:

Nr L in vs 117 + Nr L in vs 711 = 34 = SERPENT (Eng red)

This is all due to Satan's famous Wisdom (= 83 Eng std)

FLW vs 117 + FLW vs 711 = 830 = 83 (Wisdom, Eng std) x 10 (SATAN, Eng red)

I could continue, but why bother? I have used your methods to "confirm" things that you do not believe. And I did it in a matter of minutes. Imagine what I could produce if I spent hours and days and years like you have looking for patterns?

Your game is trivial. And to be honest, it is moronic. Any child could "confirm" anything they want using your methods.

Time to wake up Alex. The sun is shining


07-28-2019, 04:10 PM
Alright, I will be nice to you and make the nr methods from 15 to 13.
You can skip FLL + 3/4 CL & FLW + 3/4 CW. Now I will truly not reply to you until I get that list.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-28-2019, 04:12 PM
Alright, I will be nice to you and make the nr methods from 15 to 13.
You can skip FLL + 3/4 CL & FLW + 3/4 CW. Now I will truly not reply to you until I get that list.
Why do you continue to ignore the MOUNTAIN of evidence I have presented?

We know the why. You can not answer.

07-28-2019, 11:10 PM
"The flaming sword" (or better "the flame of the revolving sword" )

makes think of name of the 7th letter "zayin"

"zayin" = sword

but can denote also the male organ, membrum virile


zayin (זין) means "sword", and the verb lezayen (לזיין) means "to arm". In Modern Hebrew slang, zayin (זין) means "penis" and lezayen (לזין) is a vulgar term which generally means to perform sexual intercourse

Now you might ask whether Rashi also had such thing in mind

Exodus 13:18, and "chamushim" the sons of Israel went up out of Egypt

Rashi: אין חמושים אלא מזויינים "ein chamushim ele m'zuyanim" -- i.e. "chamushim" only can mean "armed"


And so too Onkelos rendered מְזָרְזִין. "m'zarzin" just as he rendered: ?and he armed (וְזָרֵיז), v'zariz" his trained men? (Gen. 14:14).


Another interpretation: חִמֻשִׁים means ?divided by five,? [meaning] that one out of five (חִמִֹשָה) [Israelites] went out, and four fifths [lit., parts of the people] died during the three days of darkness [see Rashi on Exod. 10:22].

So sure there is a link to Genesis 14:14, the only instance where gematria comes to the surface of the text.

And Abram heard that his kinsman had been taken captive, and he armed his trained men, those born in his house, three hundred and eighteen, and he pursued [them] until Dan.

and he armed his trained men וַיָּ֨רֶק אֶת־חֲנִיכָ֜יו, "v'yarek et-chanichaw"


and he armed: Heb. וַיָּרֶק, like its Aramaic translation: וְזָרֵיז, [and he armed], and similarly (Lev. 26:33): וַהִרִיקֹתִי אַחֲרֵיכֶם חָרֶב [which Onkelos renders]: "and I will arm Myself with My sword against you," and similarly (Exod. 15:9): "I will arm myself (אָרִיק) with my sword," and similarly (Ps. 35:3): "And arm Yourself (וְהָרֵק) with a spear and ax." - [from Gen. Rabbah 43:2]

on v. 13,
And the fugitive came and he told Abram the Hebrew, and he was living in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, the brother of Eshkol and the brother of Aner, who were the masters of Abram's covenant.

he had said:

the masters of Abram?s covenant בַּֽעֲלֵ֥י בְרִֽית־אַבְרָֽם , "ba'alei b'rit Avram. Because they made a covenant with him. (Other editions add: Another explanation of [בַּעֲלֵי בְּרִית]: They gave him advice concerning circumcision (Aggadath Bereishith 19:3), as is explained elsewhere) (below 18:1). [According to Aggadath Bereishith, the covenant mentioned is that of circumcision.]

so sure it has soem penile connotation

"chamushim" -- one out of five

I did link it to the letter "hey" that is in "hashishi" and that was added to the name Abram as sign of the circumcision

418 = ABRAHADABRA and also "beit hey" = the house of "hey"


I see that "lahat" is not just flame, etc, but also magic, sorcery

07-29-2019, 09:11 AM
Here is a example of what I request of Richard in verse nr 1 "Alpha" α
- Nr.W = 7 = Pri(5 "The" = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal" (Eng ord))
- Nr.L = 28 "of God" אלהי (ord) ---- This word is really spelled like "God of"/"The God of" but since God loves riddles so much it seems he is using it as "of God" also, you will not find that in any dictionary because I found it out. I have checked the verses and it works.
- Nr.L + Nr.W = 35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red)
- TV = 37X73 = Tri(73 "wisdom of") --- 37+73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng ord)
- FLL = 92 "riddles of" (Eng ord)
- CL = 41 "God" (Heb ord)
- FLCL = 133 = 13 "Alpha" (Heb red) with extended digit
- L. surr. CL =10X 41 "God" (Since this method should always connect to the CL)
- 4 CL = 451 "everything" (Heb sta) = 137 (Inv. Alpha) + 314 (Pi)
- FLW = 1000 + 209 "scatter" (Heb sta)
- CW = 401 "Aleph & Tav" = Pri(80 "Pi" π = "universe" (Gr ord)) = W.nr 137 by rot.
- FLCW = 10X 161 (3 digits of Phi aka The Golden Ratio)
- W.surr. CW = 481 = Pri(13) X Pri(7) = Pri(80 "Pi") + 80 "Pi" = "Alpha" 13 X 37 "The Heart"
- 3 CW = 882 = Comp(729 (α)) = "The Golden Ratio" (Eng ord + sta)

This gives us a proper overview of Vs(1) and I forgot to mention the Nr.W + Nr.L in the list of methods so I actually need 14 methods from Richard. Now verse nr 1 is riddled because it reflects 1 "Alpha". But i think you guys can understand why these connections are here if you have read my codes.

And i think it is downright insulting that Richard has the nerve to say that I am cherry picking but he refuses to give me results when I ask.
I have given him a sea of results, that is quite arrogant.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 11:43 AM
Here is a example of what I request of Richard in verse nr 1 "Alpha" α
- Nr.W = 7 = Pri(5 "The" = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal" (Eng ord))
- Nr.L = 28 "of God" אלהי (ord) ---- This word is really spelled like "God of"/"The God of" but since God loves riddles so much it seems he is using it as "of God" also, you will not find that in any dictionary because I found it out. I have checked the verses and it works.
- Nr.L + Nr.W = 35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red)
- TV = 37X73 = Tri(73 "wisdom of") --- 37+73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng ord)
- FLL = 92 "riddles of" (Eng ord)
- CL = 41 "God" (Heb ord)
- FLCL = 133 = 13 "Alpha" (Heb red) with extended digit
- L. surr. CL =10X 41 "God" (Since this method should always connect to the CL)
- 4 CL = 451 "everything" (Heb sta) = 137 (Inv. Alpha) + 314 (Pi)
- FLW = 1000 + 209 "scatter" (Heb sta)
- CW = 401 "Aleph & Tav" = Pri(80 "Pi" π = "universe" (Gr ord)) = W.nr 137 by rot.
- FLCW = 10X 161 (3 digits of Phi aka The Golden Ratio)
- W.surr. CW = 481 = Pri(13) X Pri(7) = Pri(80 "Pi") + 80 "Pi" = "Alpha" 13 X 37 "The Heart"
- 3 CW = 882 = Comp(729 (α)) = "The Golden Ratio" (Eng ord + sta)

This gives us a proper overview of Vs(1) and I forgot to mention the Nr.W + Nr.L in the list of methods so I actually need 14 methods from Richard. Now verse nr 1 is riddled because it reflects 1 "Alpha". But i think you guys can understand why these connections are here if you have read my codes.

And i think it is downright insulting that Richard has the nerve to say that I am cherry picking but he refuses to give me results when I ask.
I have given him a sea of results, that is quite arrogant.
Why did you produce this pile of chaos? What does it have to do with the codes I presented relating vs 117 and vs 711?

And why do you accuse me of being "insulting" when it is YOU who has REFUSED to answer the MOUNTAIN of evidence I have already presented?

By your own standards, you accuse yourself of being arrogant because you continue to REFUSE to answer the evidence I have presented.

07-29-2019, 05:07 PM
Here is my list of the codes in Vs(117). But we have not seen any list from Richard except four methods which were:
Nr.W, Nr.L, TV & FLW of this verse. It is not enough and he refuses to give any more. He fails to give us a decent overview of Vs(117).

In Vs(117 "Seven Seven Seven"/"The Seal of God" = 7 + 37 + 73)
- Nr.W = 10 "Alpha" (Gr red)
- Nr.L = 36 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb red)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord)
- TV = 3286 = 3000 + Pri-ord(37) X Pri-ord(73) --- 37+73 = "Alpha" (Eng sta)= 32 "Heart" --- 86 "of God" = (Heb ord) "Torah" 53 X 62 "Torah" (Eng ord)
= (Eng ord) "The Riddle" 85 X 31 "of God" (Heb sta) + FLW of Vs ord at: 7, 37 & 73
= 1751 "Wisdom" (Heb, Gr & Eng ord + sta) + CW of Vs ord at: 7, 37 & 73
= 2509 (259 = (ord) η "The" 7 X 37 "Seal" (Eng ord)) + 777
= 972 (9 "and" δε --- 72 (α)) + TV of Vs(777) = 10X297 "Treasure(s)" (Heb sta) + CW of Vs(777)
= 1661 (161 (φ)) + 1625 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb sta)
= (90 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb rev ord) = "Lamech" למך) + TV of Vs(1625 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb sta))
= (884 (84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord)) = 172 "codes" (Eng sta) + CW of the 777 Holograph) + 777 + 1625
= (195 "Seven Seven Seven" (Eng ord) = FLW of Vs(37) + FLW of Vs(73)) + TV of the 777 Holograph
= (2574 = TV of Vs(37 + 37X73) = 1000 + TV of Vs(37 "Seal")) + CW of the 777 Holograph
= (1107 = FLCW of the 777 Holograph = 117 with 0 removed) + Pri(328 "The Seven Seven Seven Holograph" (A=1))
= 1000 + ה "The" 5 X 137 (Inverse Alpha)
+ TV of Vs(401 "Aleph & Tav" = W.nr 137 by rot. of Vs(1 "α") = W.nr 137 by rot. of Vs(37X73) = "The Seven Seven Seven Holograph" (A=26))
- FLL = 406 (46 "codes")
- CL = 10X 35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red)
- FLCL = 700 + 56 "created" (Eng ord) = 27 "Riddles of" + 729 (α)
- Value of the first word = 37 "The Heart"
- Value of the last word = (Full) ו "and" 12 X 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord)
- FLW = 493 = 17X29 --- 1729 = 1000 + 729 (α) = Letters added by rot. from nr 37 to 73 in Gen 1:1 ---- 37+73 = Alpha" (Eng sta)
- CW = 748 = 700 + 48 "The Seal" (Heb ord) = "And God said, Let there be a firmament" (Heb sta) = 19 "and" (Eng ord) + 729 (α)
= 36 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb red) + CW of the 777 Holograph
- FLCW = 1000 + 241 "In the beginning" (A=26) = "Precious" 17 X 73 "Wisdom" = CW of the first, last & center verses of Genesis
- W. surr. CW = 1133 (13 "One" אחד with extended digits) = 113 "Universe" (Eng ord) with extended digit
- 4 CW = 1881 = (Eng ord) "and" 19 X 99 "Physics" (Eng ord) = TV of Vs(85 "The Earth"/"The Riddle"/"The Heart" (Eng ord)) (not sure what to pick there)
- FLW + 4 CW = 2374 "Riddles of Physics" (4 Basic which is red + ord + sta + Base 6)
= 23 "Aleph & Tav" (Heb ord) --- 74 "Jesus" (Eng ord) = TV of Vs(2923 = 29 "and" (Heb ord) --- 23 "Aleph & Tav")
- FLL + FLW = 899 = 89 "created the" (Eng ord)
- CL + CW = 1098 "Alpha and The Speed of Light" (Eng ord + sta) = "The Heaven and The Earth" (Heb sta)
- FLCL + FLCW = 1997 = 197 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb rev ord) with extended digit
- W.nr 7 = 776 = 76 "In the beginning" (Heb ord) with ext. digit.
- W.nr 37 by rot. hits on W.nr 7 = 776
- W.nr 73 by rot. hits W.nr 3 = 60 "Word" (Eng ord)
- W.nr 777 by hits W.nr 7 = 776
- W.nr 37 by rot. + W.nr 73 by rot. = 836 = 107 "Treasure" (Eng ord) + 729 (α) = 59 "God said" (Eng ord) + 777
- W.nr 7 + W.nr 37 by rot. + W.nr 73 by rot. = 137 (Inv. α) + 729 (α) + 271 (e) + 314 (π) + 161 (φ) [Physics]

07-29-2019, 05:27 PM
And I misconnected the W. surr. CW & 4 CW there. It should be:
- W. surr. CW = 1133 = 13 "Alpha" (Heb red) with extended digits
- 4 CW = 1881 = 181 "created the" (A=26) with extended digit
Since that harmonizes with the next method which is: FLW + 4 CW which = 2374 "Riddles of Physics"

Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 07:12 PM
Here is my list of the codes in Vs(117). But we have not seen any list from Richard except four methods which were:
Nr.W, Nr.L, TV & FLW of this verse. It is not enough and he refuses to give any more. He fails to give us a decent overview of Vs(117).
Finally! Now that I have your numbers, I can show you how they actually support my thesis that the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK (Eng ord = 117)

Satan designed the Bible using the numbers 37 and 73 because they are the English ordinal and standard values of his domain HELL.

Hell (Eng ord) = 37
Hell (Eng std) = 73

He designed Genesis 1:1 using 37 x 73 and a triple 666 because it is his Gateway to Hell

He designed vs 117 and vs 711 to encode the fact that the Bible is really his book:

Satan's Book (Eng ord) = 117
Satan's Book (Eng std) = 711

Now lets look at the amazing harmony he designed using his Devil's Codes (117)

In Vs(117 "Satan's Book"/"Devil's Codes" = 7 + 37 + 73)
- Nr.W = 10 "Satan" (Eng red) = The Dragon (Gr red)
- Nr.L = 36 "Satan's Book/Evil" (Heb red)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord)
- TV = 3286 = 3000 (which deceiveth the whole world, Eng ord) x 10 "Satan"/"The Dragon") + Pri-ord(37 = Hell Eng ord) X Pri-ord(73 = Hell Eng std) --- 37+73 = "Hell (Eng ord + std) / Great Dragon" (Eng ord)
= "The Devil, Eng ord" 85 X 31 "of Hell" (Eng red) + FLW of Vs ord at: 7, 37 (Hell Eng ord) & 73 (Hell, Eng std)

Alex, I could continue matching each and every one of your "God" patterns with my "Devil" patterns if I felt it worth my time. But I don't because the truth is too obvious. Anyone who cares about truth will immediately see that your codes prove nothing. It is trivial to make them match any message you want because each word has so many values to choose from.

Game over my friend.

Time to wake up dude! The sun is shining out here in the real world.

All the best to you. I hope you wake up soon.


07-29-2019, 07:21 PM
Alex, I could continue matching each and every one of your "God" patterns with my "Devil" patterns if I felt it worth my time. But I don't because the truth is too obvious. Anyone who cares about truth will immediately see that your codes prove nothing. It is trivial to make them match any message you want because each word has so many values to choose from.

Game over my friend.

Then give me the list.

And then we will see how much the sun is really shining on your side.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 07:31 PM
Then give me the list.

And then we will see how much the sun is really shining on your side.

Get real Alex, I was able to match the first six rows of your list in a matter of minutes dude. It is trivial. Why do you need more examples? At this stage of the game, you should be willing to discuss the mountain of evidence I have presented. But you refuse, so there's nothing more for me to do. I can't help if you refuse to discuss the evidence.

It was fun to show you how easy it is to make the "Devil" patterns that prove your numerology is total bullshit, but if you can't see the truth after the mountain of evidence I've already presented, I know for a fact that you would never admit the truth no matter how much more I show.

It's not worth my time to rub your nose in your error, and you have no interest in actually discussing your so-called "codes." So what's the point?

Good luck my friend. I hope you wake up soon.

07-29-2019, 07:35 PM
Alright I will let you go really easy since you are so stubborn.

Give me what you have but I need the CW & FLCW also.
That is 8 methods and you have 6 of them, that should not be a big deal.

And list them all in 1 post like I do.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 07:41 PM
Alright I will let you go really easy since you are so stubborn.

Give me what you have but I need the CW & FLCW also.
That is 8 methods and you have 6 of them, that should not be a big deal.

And list them all in 1 post like I do.
Why bother? How could it change anything? You know I can find patterns like yours in a matter of minutes. You methods are truly moronic.

The only thing worth doing now is to DISCUSS the meaning of what I have shown.

If you can't do that, I must assume that you KNOW you cannot answer are simply too stubborn to admit the truth.

07-29-2019, 07:42 PM
You understand that the four primaries are important. I really need those to prove my point.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 07:44 PM
You understand that the four primaries are important. I really need those to prove my point.
Please explain how those particular examples would make a difference.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 07:45 PM
You understand that the four primaries are important. I really need those to prove my point.
I thought I matched your four primaries.

Which ones are you talking about?

07-29-2019, 07:47 PM
- By Going to verses of the values that you pick and breaking them down to see if your picks matches
- By adding the verses reflecting the FLW & CW of Vs(117)
+ more so just give me what I request.

07-29-2019, 07:49 PM
If you listed the four primaries: TV, FLW, CW & FLCW, then I did not see it. Give me your whole list please.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 07:51 PM
- By Going to verses of the values that you pick and breaking them down to see if your picks matches
- By adding the verses reflecting the FLW & CW of Vs(117)
+ more so just give me what I request.
Why should I waste more timing playing a game I've already PROVEN to be crap?

The only thing to do now is to discuss the evidence I have presented. If you can't answer the evidence I've already presented, what makes you think you'll be able to answer MORE evidence?

Time to quit dodging. We need to begin DISCUSSING why the evidence I've presented succeeds or fails.

07-29-2019, 07:55 PM
Why are you ignoring my results that proves God picks a word or phrase for every verse ?

You don't have anything to come with and you know it. The verses will not reflect your satanic picks there.

07-29-2019, 07:58 PM
Do you have a problem with facts ? because I have given you a sea of them but since you don't like them you totally ignore them.

But don't call me "absurd" or "moronic" just because you are ignorant and willingly blind . Keep your feelings to yourself.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 07:58 PM
Why are you ignoring my results that proves God picks a word or phrase for every verse ?

You don't have anything to come with and you know it. The verses will not reflect your satanic picks there.
I've ignored nothing. I've presented a MOUNTAIN of evidence and you refuse to discuss it.

Quit dodging and RESPOND to the evidence I've presented.

07-29-2019, 07:59 PM
Hah, why should I respond to you? You can't even give a simple list with a bit less than 10 connections :lol:

Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 08:00 PM
If you listed the four primaries: TV, FLW, CW & FLCW, then I did not see it. Give me your whole list please.

I think I see the problem. You are not even READING the answers I've given you! Here they are again:

You have given me opinions and not the results for Vs(117). Giving me 2, 3 or 4 methods from that verse is not enough considering it's satanic messages you picked there. I am not replying anymore until I see those results.
I have given you FOUR methods and you IGNORED what I wrote. Here it is again, from post #931 (https://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?6196-Some-Holograph-Materieal&p=72352#post72352):

Hey again Richard.

How many examples do you really need ? The answer to that is that you don't like the results because you have a sea of examples here where God picks a word/phrase for every verse. So your reputation there goes down the toilet.

Now I have told and showed you that God uses several methods in each verse. And he encodes messages & physics there.
Here is How God does it in each verse:
(1) Nr.W
(2) Nr.L
(3) TV
(4) FLL
(5) CL
(6) FLCL
(7) L. Surr. CL
(8) 3 or 4 CL
(9) FLL + 3/4 CL
(10) FLW
(11) CW
(12) FLCW
(13) W.surr. CW
(14) 3/4 CW
(15) FLW + 3/4 CW

So how this works is that there will be harmonic message/codes in a 1, 2, 3 style starting with Nr.W.

Now you have ignored all the results from all verses so there is no need to give you any example. You have your sea of examples.
I highlighted the methods I used in this one example. I could give examples using all your methods if I wanted to waste my time.

117 = Satan's Book (Eng ord)

711 = Satan's Book (End ord + Eng std)

TV(Vs. 117) = 3286 = and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std)

What greater confirmation could there be? Satan marked vs 117 with both his number 666 and his claim that the Bible is really his book! WOW!

Do you really think that could just be a "random coincidence"? Satan marked his book with both his NAME and his NUMBER!

Yet there is more because vs. 117 has 36 letters! And T(36) = 666! You do remember in your first post in this thread Alex you said that 36 = EVIL (Heb ord)

Is there no end to the confirmation of the Devil's Codes (Eng ord) = 117?

Of course not! This is all part of ...

Satan's Plan (Eng ord) = 117!!!

Satan's Plan (Eng red) = 27!!! RIDDLE RIDDLE ALEX! RIDDLE RIDDLE!

And now for the ultimate revelation of SATAN as the Author of the Bible ... he coded his own NAME using the values of the phrase Satan's Book:

TV(vs. 117) + TV(vs. 711) = 3286 + 8202 = 32 x 359 (SATAN, Heb std)

Remember how you said Satanists like reversing things back in post #561 (https://www.biblewheel.com/forum/showthread.php?6196-Some-Holograph-Materieal&p=71972#post71972)? Like 117 <=> 711? Wow.

Now I will use some more of your methods so you can't hide behind the lie that I am not using your methods.

Nr. L in vs. 117 = 10 = SATAN (Eng red)
Nr. L in vs 711 = 24 = SATAN SNAKE (Eng red) = HIDING (Heb ord)

And adding them confirms this is all about the Serpent Satan:

Nr L in vs 117 + Nr L in vs 711 = 34 = SERPENT (Eng red)

This is all due to Satan's famous Wisdom (= 83 Eng std)

FLW vs 117 + FLW vs 711 = 830 = 83 (Wisdom, Eng std) x 10 (SATAN, Eng red)

I could continue, but why bother? I have used your methods to "confirm" things that you do not believe. And I did it in a matter of minutes. Imagine what I could produce if I spent hours and days and years like you have looking for patterns?

Your game is trivial. And to be honest, it is moronic. Any child could "confirm" anything they want using your methods.

Time to wake up Alex. The sun is shining


And then I presented more evidence

Finally! Now that I have your numbers, I can show you how they actually support my thesis that the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK (Eng ord = 117)

Satan designed the Bible using the numbers 37 and 73 because they are the English ordinal and standard values of his domain HELL.

Hell (Eng ord) = 37
Hell (Eng std) = 73

He designed Genesis 1:1 using 37 x 73 and a triple 666 because it is his Gateway to Hell

He designed vs 117 and vs 711 to encode the fact that the Bible is really his book:

Satan's Book (Eng ord) = 117
Satan's Book (Eng std) = 711

Now lets look at the amazing harmony he designed using his Devil's Codes (117)

In Vs(117 "Satan's Book"/"Devil's Codes" = 7 + 37 + 73)
- Nr.W = 10 "Satan" (Eng red) = The Dragon (Gr red)
- Nr.L = 36 "Satan's Book/Evil" (Heb red)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord)
- TV = 3286 = 3000 (which deceiveth the whole world, Eng ord) x 10 "Satan"/"The Dragon") + Pri-ord(37 = Hell Eng ord) X Pri-ord(73 = Hell Eng std) --- 37+73 = "Hell (Eng ord + std) / Great Dragon" (Eng ord)
= "The Devil, Eng ord" 85 X 31 "of Hell" (Eng red) + FLW of Vs ord at: 7, 37 (Hell Eng ord) & 73 (Hell, Eng std)

Alex, I could continue matching each and every one of your "God" patterns with my "Devil" patterns if I felt it worth my time. But I don't because the truth is too obvious. Anyone who cares about truth will immediately see that your codes prove nothing. It is trivial to make them match any message you want because each word has so many values to choose from.

Game over my friend.

Time to wake up dude! The sun is shining out here in the real world.

All the best to you. I hope you wake up soon.

07-29-2019, 08:02 PM
Wow, a list with 4 methods

- Nr.W = 10 "Satan" (Eng red) = The Dragon (Gr red)
- Nr.L = 36 "Satan's Book/Evil" (Heb red)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord)
- TV = 3286 = 3000 (which deceiveth the whole world, Eng ord) x 10 "Satan"/"The Dragon") + Pri-ord(37 = Hell Eng ord) X Pri-ord(73 = Hell Eng std) --- 37+73 = "Hell (Eng ord + std) / Great Dragon" (Eng ord)
= "The Devil, Eng ord" 85 X 31 "of Hell" (Eng red) + FLW of Vs ord at: 7, 37 (Hell Eng ord) & 73 (Hell, Eng std)


Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 08:03 PM
Hah, why should I respond to you? You can't even give a simple list with a bit less than 10 connections :lol:

I have presented dozens upon dozens of connections.

You refuse to answer because you KNOW you cannot answer.

And now you lie like a son of the devil.

07-29-2019, 08:06 PM
Then give us the complete list for Vs(117) Richard, are you completely ridiculous ?

It should look like this:
- Nr.W
- Nr.L
- Nr.L + Nr.W
- TV
- CW

listed exactly like that.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 08:06 PM
Wow, a list with 4 methods

- Nr.W = 10 "Satan" (Eng red) = The Dragon (Gr red)
- Nr.L = 36 "Satan's Book/Evil" (Heb red)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord)
- TV = 3286 = 3000 (which deceiveth the whole world, Eng ord) x 10 "Satan"/"The Dragon") + Pri-ord(37 = Hell Eng ord) X Pri-ord(73 = Hell Eng std) --- 37+73 = "Hell (Eng ord + std) / Great Dragon" (Eng ord)
= "The Devil, Eng ord" 85 X 31 "of Hell" (Eng red) + FLW of Vs ord at: 7, 37 (Hell Eng ord) & 73 (Hell, Eng std)

There were many more than that, and you know it.

Those connections took a few minute to find and they directly contradict your connections which PROVES my point that your numerology is total bullshit.

Your demand for more examples is an obvious DODGE because you know you can't answer the connections I've already shown.

Why can't you even discuss the evidence?

07-29-2019, 08:11 PM
You are unbelievable. No more replies to you because you do not cooperate when you are asked of results. Real childish of you.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 08:12 PM
Then give us the complete list for Vs(117) Richard, are you completely ridiculous ?

It should look like this:
- Nr.W
- Nr.L
- Nr.L + Nr.W
- TV
- CW

listed exactly like that.
I already did a lot like that.

Longer lists won't change the fact that I can produce a "satanic" pattern for each and every "God" pattern you make up because the numbers overlap!

You can't be this stupid! Every pattern that you have connected to 37 and 73 also connects to HELL

Hell (Eng ord) 37
Hell (Eng std) 73

Obviously I don't need to list out all your patterns and replace every 37 (Alpha) with a 37 (Hell). Your demands for more patterns are absurd.

You can't be this stupid. You are acting like you don't understand that I can find "Satan" words to match every "God" word you have because the numbers overlap because you method creates at least a dozen numbers for each word.

You can't be this stupid. So either grow a brain or I am done with this bullshit.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 08:16 PM
You are unbelievable. No more replies to you because you do not cooperate when you are asked of results. Real childish of you.
Bullshit. I have been extremely cooperative. I created many dozens of patterns using your methods.

It is YOU who refuses to discuss the evidence I have presented.

And we both know why. You KNOW you cannot answer, so you dodge, dodge, dodge and demand more and more examples without any explanation of why they are needed.

You need to start DISCUSSING the evidence I have presented. If you can't do that, there is no reason anyone with a brain would continue to try to reason with you. You are proving yourself to be radically irrational.

07-29-2019, 09:55 PM
Don't you have any shame Richard ? This thread will reach 100 000 views soon.

You keep ignoring my claim that God picks a LETTER, WORD or PHRASE for EVERY single VERSE to REFLECT its CODES.

Look Richard how moronic your words are because we see in Vs(27 "Riddle(s)")
- Nr.W = 13 "Alpha" (Heb red)
- Nr.L = 50 "and Phi" και φι (ord)
- Nr.W + Nr.L =63 = Squ(3) X 7 [You know, since we see Alpha & The Golden Ratio in "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven", Riddle, Riddle Richard]
- TV = 2816 = (Heb red) "Seal" 16 X 176 "Inverse Alpha Codes" (Eng ord)
= (ord) החידה "The Riddles" 32 X 88 "of God" (A=26) = (ord + sta) "α" 2X 1408 (148 "Alpha" (Eng ord + sta))
= 2000 + Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7) + 777 = 1500 + 539 "The Seal of God" (Heb sta) + 777 (The Seal of God)
= Pri(252 "Alpha and Phi" (Eng sta)) + TV of Vs(86 = 2X 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) = 86 "of God" (Heb sta))
= 115 "Riddle" αίνιγμα Enigma + TV of Vs(1 "α") = 502 (52 "Riddle" (Eng ord)) + TV of Vs(777) [Riddle Riddle Richard :yes:]
= 1000 + CW of Vs(71 "Riddles" (Eng ord)) + 1000 + CW of Vs(117 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord) = "The Seal of God" (Eng ord)) [Riddle Riddle Richard :yes:]
- FLL = 46 "Codes"
- CL = 41 "of God" (Heb ord)
- FLCL = 87 "Phi" (Eng sta)
- L. surr. CL = 60 "Holy" (Eng ord) [ because of the CL can also be "God"]
- 4 CL = 101 = Pri(27 "Riddles")
- FLW = 10X 66 "of" (Eng sta)
- CW = 86 "God" (Since there are times God starts a 1, 2, 3 message in the FLW after the TV) [Riddles "of God"] But this value is also 2X 43 "Seal" = 86 "of God" so this is why it is the Heart of this verse
- FLCW = 746 "In the beginning" (Heb rev sta)
- W. surr. CW = "The" 5 X 73 "wisdom" ["of God" because of the CW]
- 3 CW = 1111 = 1 "α" with extended digit
- FLW + 3 CW = 1771 = Palin(117 "Seven Seven Seven"/"The Seal God")
- Add the 27 "Riddles of" first letters = 1117 = 117 "Seven Seven Seven"/"The Seal of God" with extended digit [Riddle Riddle Richard]
- W.nr 2 + W.nr 7 = 100 + 72 (α) = "Codes" (Eng sta)
- Words added from nr 2 to 7 = 953 = Pri(163 = Pri(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7))) = 176 "Inverse Alpha Codes" (Eng ord) + 777
- W.nr 137 by rot. + W.nr 729 by rot. = 305 (35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red) = "Foundation" (Heb ord))
- W. by rot.at the orders of: 137, 729 & 777 = 532 "Alpha" (Gr sta) = 5 "The" --- 32 "Heart"
- W.nr 729 (Alpha) by rot. + W.nr 1618 (Phi) by rot. = 381 = C.Hex(7) + C.Hex(7) + C.Hex(7)
- W.nr 777 by rot. has the value of 227 = 27 "Riddles" with extended digit [The Sun is truly shining over here today :sunny:]
- W. by rot. ord. at: 729 (Alpha), 1618 (Phi) & 777 = 608 = 68 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb red)

Take a good look at that verse because it was the last you got here from me. I hope the 100 000 + people now can see how moronic you are.
See that ? God picked "Riddles" for verse nr 27, what can you do about it ?? Absolutely nothing and that is because God designed it like that.
It's called "Intelligent design" but I doubt your brain can comprehend this because it is so full of ignorant presumptions and totally blocked off information that goes against your beliefs.

And you call me a moron ? A Bronze ? :lol: Get your stipes before you say anything at all about my codes. You don't have a clue in the codes.

07-29-2019, 10:11 PM
Don't you have any shame Richard ? This thread will reach 100 000 views soon.

You keep ignoring my claim that God picks a LETTER, WORD or PHRASE for EVERY single VERSE to REFLECT its CODES.


https://www.academia.edu/31559905/The_Ultimate_Assertion_Evidence_of_Supernatural_De sign_in_the_Divine_Prologue?email_work_card=view-paper

The Ultimate Assertion: Evidence of Supernatural Design in the Divine Prologue
Vernon Jenkins

Our Bibles are translations of early documents written largely in Hebrew and Greek. Both languages are alphanumeric, i.e. their letters may be fairly read as numerals, and words as their sums. It is here demonstrated that the seven words of the Hebrew Bible's first verse are far more informative than has previously been supposed. They feature several "one of a kind" numbers and imposing structures of coordinated numerical geometries; these provide persuasive support for this strategically-placed and powerful assertion, and thereby ratify it, and all that follows.


Richard Amiel McGough
07-29-2019, 10:58 PM
Don't you have any shame Richard ? This thread will reach 100 000 views soon.

You keep ignoring my claim that God picks a LETTER, WORD or PHRASE for EVERY single VERSE to REFLECT its CODES.

I have ignored nothing. I have shown that your claim is TOTAL BULLSHIT because I can replace every "God" connection you make with a "Devil" connection.

Case in point. You constantly make connections with 37 and 73 because you think those are "good" when in fact they could just as easily be taken as referring to HELL you blind fool!

HELL (Eng ord) = 37
HELL (End std) = 73

Every "connection" you make with 37 and 73 can be seen as a connection to HELL.

What the fuck is wrong with your brain? Why can't you see, let alone answer, this obvious fact? You don't even RESPOND when I point out this fact. Are you blind? Are you totally deluded? Are you psycho?

I can do this with every connection you make. For example, you said that 31 means "of God" (Heb sta) but I can say it mean "of Hell" (Eng red).

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOUR BRAIN? Why can't you even answer this fact?

Look Richard how moronic your words are because we see in Vs(27 "Riddle(s)")

27 doesn't mean "riddle" it means "Satan's Plan" (Eng red) = 27.

See? I can do this with EVERY "connection" you make. Your numerology is total bullshit. I've proven it ten thousand times already.

- Nr.W = 13 "Alpha" (Heb red)

And I say Nr.W = 13 = The Serpent (Gr red)

I can match every connection you make. Your numerology is total bullshit and you are acting like a blind fool.

Take a good look at that verse because it was the last you got here from me. I hope the 100 000 + people now can see how moronic you are.
See that ? God picked "Riddles" for verse nr 27, what can you do about it ?? Absolutely nothing and that is because God designed it like that.
It's called "Intelligent design" but I doubt your brain can comprehend this because it is so full of ignorant presumptions and totally blocked off information that goes against your beliefs.

Not true. Satan picked "Satan's Plan" (Eng red) = 27. How you gonna prove different?

You NEVER showed that "God" picked anything. YOU are the one doing the picking, and I can do the same because I am the same as you, in as much as we are both human.

You cannot justify a word you write. You merely declare that "God" did the picking when in fact YOU are the one doing the picking. Nothing could be more absurd. It's so obvious it's painful.

And you call me a moron ? A Bronze ? :lol: Get your stipes before you say anything at all about my codes. You don't have a clue in the codes.
So how do you answer the fact that I can replace EACH AND EVERY "code" you make up with codes that say the Bible is "SATAN'S BOOK"?

You know you can't answer, so you don't even try. You just ignore, dodge, run, hide, and complain. But the one thing you cannot do is ANSWER! And you know it!

07-29-2019, 11:15 PM
So how do you answer the fact that I can replace EACH AND EVERY "code" you make up with codes that say the Bible is "SATAN'S BOOK"?

(The creator-God) and Satan seem to be very close connected

When God said: "Let us make man" he was speaking to Satan.

And again when he said:
"Behold man has become like one of us, having the ability of knowing good and evil"

he was speaking to Satan too.

God being the good guy and Satan the bad.

07-30-2019, 04:35 AM
(The creator-God) and Satan seem to be very close connected

When God said: "Let us make man" he was speaking to Satan.

And again when he said:
"Behold man has become like one of us, having the ability of knowing good and evil"

he was speaking to Satan too.

God being the good guy and Satan the bad.\

which is about this:

Rashi on Genesis !:5, "yom echad"

Day one: According to the sequence of the language of the chapter, it should have been written, "the first day" as it is written regarding the other days, "second, third, fourth." Why did Scripture write "one" ? Because the Holy One, blessed be He, was the only one in His world, for the angels were not created until the second day. [i.e., יוֹם אֶחָד is understood as "the day of the only One"] So is it explained in Genesis Rabbah (3:8).

"the angels were not created until the second day"- among whom Satan

the day of the only one = "yom hayachid"

So "the day of the only one" is the day of the original light -- the light that was hidden away immediately

Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 07:11 AM
https://www.academia.edu/31559905/The_Ultimate_Assertion_Evidence_of_Supernatural_De sign_in_the_Divine_Prologue?email_work_card=view-paper

The Ultimate Assertion: Evidence of Supernatural Design in the Divine Prologue
Vernon Jenkins

Our Bibles are translations of early documents written largely in Hebrew and Greek. Both languages are alphanumeric, i.e. their letters may be fairly read as numerals, and words as their sums. It is here demonstrated that the seven words of the Hebrew Bible's first verse are far more informative than has previously been supposed. They feature several "one of a kind" numbers and imposing structures of coordinated numerical geometries; these provide persuasive support for this strategically-placed and powerful assertion, and thereby ratify it, and all that follows.


Yep, that's how an intelligent person would try to prove his point - by focusing on a specific set of words and explaining why they appear to be designed. Unfortunately, Alex refuses to do that. He presents mountains of incoherent words and numbers and refuses to explain why anyone would think they mean anything at all. And worse, he ignores all the evidence that his methods produce random meaningless results.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 10:40 AM
Don't you have any shame Richard ? This thread will reach 100 000 views soon.

You keep ignoring my claim that God picks a LETTER, WORD or PHRASE for EVERY single VERSE to REFLECT its CODES.

Look Richard how moronic your words are because we see in Vs(27 "Riddle(s)")
- Nr.W = 13 "Alpha" (Heb red)
- Nr.L = 50 "and Phi" και φι (ord)
- Nr.W + Nr.L =63 = Squ(3) X 7 [You know, since we see Alpha & The Golden Ratio in "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven", Riddle, Riddle Richard]
- TV = 2816 = (Heb red) "Seal" 16 X 176 "Inverse Alpha Codes" (Eng ord)
= (ord) החידה "The Riddles" 32 X 88 "of God" (A=26) = (ord + sta) "α" 2X 1408 (148 "Alpha" (Eng ord + sta))
= 2000 + Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7) + 777 = 1500 + 539 "The Seal of God" (Heb sta) + 777 (The Seal of God)
= Pri(252 "Alpha and Phi" (Eng sta)) + TV of Vs(86 = 2X 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) = 86 "of God" (Heb sta))
= 115 "Riddle" αίνιγμα Enigma + TV of Vs(1 "α") = 502 (52 "Riddle" (Eng ord)) + TV of Vs(777) [Riddle Riddle Richard :yes:]
= 1000 + CW of Vs(71 "Riddles" (Eng ord)) + 1000 + CW of Vs(117 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord) = "The Seal of God" (Eng ord)) [Riddle Riddle Richard :yes:]
- FLL = 46 "Codes"
- CL = 41 "of God" (Heb ord)
- FLCL = 87 "Phi" (Eng sta)
- L. surr. CL = 60 "Holy" (Eng ord) [ because of the CL can also be "God"]
- 4 CL = 101 = Pri(27 "Riddles")
- FLW = 10X 66 "of" (Eng sta)
- CW = 86 "God" (Since there are times God starts a 1, 2, 3 message in the FLW after the TV) [Riddles "of God"] But this value is also 2X 43 "Seal" = 86 "of God" so this is why it is the Heart of this verse
- FLCW = 746 "In the beginning" (Heb rev sta)
- W. surr. CW = "The" 5 X 73 "wisdom" ["of God" because of the CW]
- 3 CW = 1111 = 1 "α" with extended digit
- FLW + 3 CW = 1771 = Palin(117 "Seven Seven Seven"/"The Seal God")
- Add the 27 "Riddles of" first letters = 1117 = 117 "Seven Seven Seven"/"The Seal of God" with extended digit [Riddle Riddle Richard]
- W.nr 2 + W.nr 7 = 100 + 72 (α) = "Codes" (Eng sta)
- Words added from nr 2 to 7 = 953 = Pri(163 = Pri(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7))) = 176 "Inverse Alpha Codes" (Eng ord) + 777
- W.nr 137 by rot. + W.nr 729 by rot. = 305 (35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red) = "Foundation" (Heb ord))
- W. by rot.at the orders of: 137, 729 & 777 = 532 "Alpha" (Gr sta) = 5 "The" --- 32 "Heart"
- W.nr 729 (Alpha) by rot. + W.nr 1618 (Phi) by rot. = 381 = C.Hex(7) + C.Hex(7) + C.Hex(7)
- W.nr 777 by rot. has the value of 227 = 27 "Riddles" with extended digit [The Sun is truly shining over here today :sunny:]
- W. by rot. ord. at: 729 (Alpha), 1618 (Phi) & 777 = 608 = 68 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb red)

Take a good look at that verse because it was the last you got here from me. I hope the 100 000 + people now can see how moronic you are.
See that ? God picked "Riddles" for verse nr 27, what can you do about it ?? Absolutely nothing and that is because God designed it like that.
It's called "Intelligent design" but I doubt your brain can comprehend this because it is so full of ignorant presumptions and totally blocked off information that goes against your beliefs.

And you call me a moron ? A Bronze ? :lol: Get your stipes before you say anything at all about my codes. You don't have a clue in the codes.

Alright Alex, since you will never admit your error until I've buried you in it up to your nose, here we go ...

Satan designed verses 117, 711, and 27 to prove that the Bible is his book.

Satan's Book
Eng ord = 117
Eng std = 594
Eng red = 27
ord+std =711

Look Alex how moronic your words are because we see in Vs(27 "SATAN'S BOOK", Eng red)
- Nr.W = 13 THE DRAGON (Gr red)
- Nr.L = 50 THE DEVIL SATAN (Eng red) = SNAKE (Eng ord)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 63 = DEMONIC (Eng ord)
- TV = 2816 = (Heb red) Seal 16 X 176 SNAKE (Eng std) This shows the code is really the SEAL of the SNAKE.
= (Heb red) Seal 16 X 176 THE SEAL OF THE DEVIL (Eng ord) --- now we see it is a DOUBLE SEAL.
= (Gr red) ABADDON 16 x 176 THE SEAL OF THE DEVIL --- Abaddon is the name of the Angel of the bottomless pit.
= 1000 + CW of Vs(71 "SEAL OF THE SERPENT" (Eng red)) + 1000 + CW of Vs(117 "SATAN'S BOOK" (Eng ord) = "DEVIL'S CODES" (Eng ord)) [Riddle Riddle Alex :lol:]
- FLL = 46 "Codes"
- CL = 41 "ABADDON" (Eng ord) --- the name of the Angel of the bottomless pit.
- FLCL = 87 = ABADDON'S CODE (Eng ord) = THE SEAL OF SATAN (Heb ord)
- L. surr. CL = 60 "ABADDON'S" (Eng ord) [ because of the CL can also be "SATAN"]
- 4 CL = 101 = DEVIL'S BIBLE (Eng ord) = WICKED CODES (Eng ord) = Pri(27 "Riddles") --- Riddle Riddle Alex! Riddle Riddle! :lol:
- FLW = 10X 66 "of" (Eng sta)
- CW = 86 "THE SEAL OF THE SERPENT" (Eng red) --- Look at that Alex! Look at that! The CENTRAL WORD says this code is the SEAL OF THE SERPENT!!!
- W. surr. CW = "The" 5 X 73 "HELL" ["of Satan" because of the CW]
- 3 CW = 1111 = APOLLYON (Eng ord + std, the Greek name of the angel of the bottomless pit) = 111 SATAN'S SEAL (Eng ord) with extended digit
- FLW + 3 CW = 1771 = Palin(117 "SATAN'S BOOK"/"DEVIL'S CODES") and 71 = SEAL OF THE SERPENT
- Add the 27 "Riddles of" first letters = 1117 = 117 "SATAN'S BOOK"/"DEVIL'S CODES" with extended digit [Riddle Riddle Alex]
- W.nr 2 + W.nr 7 = 100 + 72 (α) = "Codes" (Eng sta)
- Words added from nr 2 to 7 = 953 = Pri(163 = Pri(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7))) = 176 "THE SEAL OF THE DEVIL" (Eng ord) + 777
- W.nr 137 by rot. + W.nr 729 by rot. = 305 ("SINFUL/UNJUST (αδικος Gr std)
- W. by rot.at the orders of: 137, 729 & 777 = 532 "SATAN IS GOD" (Eng std)

So there you go Alex. Using ALL the methods you used we see that the codes teach that SATAN IS GOD and that the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK that he designed using the DEVIL'S CODES to mark it with THE SEAL OF THE DEVIL and SATAN'S SEAL and THE SEAL OF THE SERPENT.

I look forward to your thoughtful response! :winking0071:

07-30-2019, 03:25 PM
Haha lol, those picks were hilarious. Thanks for the good laugh :lol:

We will check those values tomorrow and see if God also chooses those picks for the verses reflecting the values of certain methods there.

"The Seal of the Devil" was the funniest. It should be "The Seal of Satan" (if he has a Seal at all and that should be 666 in that case)

Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 03:40 PM
Haha lol, those picks were hilarious. Thanks for the good laugh :lol:

We will check those values tomorrow and see if God also chooses those picks for the verses reflecting the values of certain methods there.

"The Seal of the Devil" was the funniest. It should be "The Seal of Satan" (if he has a Seal at all and that should be 666 in that case)
No Alex, thank YOU for the good laugh, because now your delusional numerology has been fully exposed for what it is.

We're done now.

Thanks for playing!


Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 03:49 PM
Haha lol, those picks were hilarious. Thanks for the good laugh :lol:

We will check those values tomorrow and see if God also chooses those picks for the verses reflecting the values of certain methods there.

"The Seal of the Devil" was the funniest. It should be "The Seal of Satan" (if he has a Seal at all and that should be 666 in that case)
The Seal of Satan is 666 just like you say the Seal of God is 777 even though "The Seal of God" (Eng ord) = 117 = Satan's Book.

Again, we see that you have no valid logic. You numerology is total bullshit. And you don't seem to care. The human mind is a strange thing indeed! So full of potential for brilliance and delusion, for seeing truth and falling into error.

Richard Amiel McGough
07-30-2019, 04:06 PM
Haha lol, those picks were hilarious. Thanks for the good laugh :lol:

We will check those values tomorrow and see if God also chooses those picks for the verses reflecting the values of certain methods there.

"The Seal of the Devil" was the funniest. It should be "The Seal of Satan" (if he has a Seal at all and that should be 666 in that case)
The Seal of Satan (Eng std) = 666 + 101 (Devil's Bible, Eng ord)
The Seal of Satan (Eng ord + std) = 913 = In the beginning (Heb std) the First word of Satan's Book, which he sealed with a TRIPLE 666 (as you well know)

There is no end to the codes that confirm the fact that Satan designed the Bible to declare that it is his book, sealed with his number 666

HIS SECRET PLACE = 666 ... Is that really God's secret place? Or the Devil's?

And his number is 666 (Gr std) = 2368 = Jesus Christ (Gr std)

and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std) = 3268 = 3168 + 100 = THE LORD JESUS CHRIST (Gr std) + (3 + 7) x (3 + 7)

and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std + Eng ord) = 3737

And this is the value of THE KEY OF THE BOTTOMLESS PIT (Eng std) = 3737 (rev 9:1)

Think about it! The Number 666 is the Key to Hell! That' why the devil encoded it three times in Genesis 1:1, which is the first verse of SATAN'S BOOK (Eng ord) = 117

Jesus = 666 = (6 + 6 + 6) x 37 = LUCIFER (A = 9, B = 18, etc.)

The one called the Devil and Satan (ὁ καλούμενος Διάβολος καὶ ὁ Σατανᾶς) = 2197 = 13 x 13 x 13 = Jesus of Nazareth (Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος)

Remember you said 13 represents EVIL

Would the true God encode The Almighty = 1820 = (13 x 13 + 13) x 10 = MURDERER???

It must be the work of Satan. The codes tell us that it is

The Devil's Design (Eng ord + std + red) = 1170= 10 x 117 (The Seal of God)

And all of this harmonizes with my theme that the Bible is SATAN'S BOOK that he designed to slander God and exalt himself:

117 = Satan's Book (Eng ord)

711 = Satan's Book (End ord + Eng std)

Now let's look at the total value of verse 117

TV(Vs. 117) = 3286 = and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (Eng std)

What greater confirmation could there be? Satan marked vs 117 with both his number 666 and his claim that the Bible is really his book! WOW!

Do you really think that could just be a "random coincidence"? Satan marked his book with both his NAME and his NUMBER!

Yet there is more because vs. 117 has 36 letters! And T(36) = 666! You do remember in your first post in this thread Alex you said that 36 = EVIL (Heb ord)

Is there no end to the confirmation of the Devil's Codes (Eng ord) = 117?

Of course not! This is all part of ...

Satan's Plan (Eng ord) = 117!!!

Satan's Plan (Eng red) = 27!!! RIDDLE RIDDLE ALEX! RIDDLE RIDDLE!

And now for the ultimate revelation of SATAN as the Author of the Bible ... he coded his own NAME using the values of the phrase Satan's Book:

TV(vs. 117) + TV(vs. 711) = 3286 + 8202 = 32 x 359 (SATAN, Heb std)

The total values of these verses give the name of he who designed the Bible, SATAN.

Your codes are so awesome Alex! They reveal so much truth about the Bible. :lol: