View Full Version : The Delusional Numerology of Alexander Marcussen
06-19-2019, 07:47 AM
I thought you could read between the lines.
- 34 = "Alpha" Αλφα (ord) = "One" (Eng ord) = Pri-ord(137) --- Alpha = 1/137..
you are using a (wicked) christian transaltion
Genesis 2:3 reads:
And God blessed the seventh day and He hallowed it, for thereon He abstained from all His work that God created to do.
last word "la'asot" = to make, to do
I points back to Genesis 1:26,
"and God said: Let us make man, etc. " --- "na'aseh adam"
that God created to do: The work that was fit to be done on the Sabbath, He doubled up and did it on the sixth [day], as is explained in Genesis Rabbah (11:9).
The angels (Satan) assumed that the creation of man was the project of the seventh day, so that they should have all the time of the world to prevent the success of it.
While they were deliberating aand arguing amongst each other God created man, on the sixth.
It carries the secret of God's four letter name in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim" aat&src=typed_query
look at all wicked translations:
06-19-2019, 08:08 AM
Ah, I see, Richard used that mislleading and wicked translation too;
06-19-2019, 09:08 AM
Alright Sylvius, if you say so :P
Are there more wicked verses in the first chapters of RAM's database that I should know about ?
06-19-2019, 10:14 AM
Alright Sylvius, if you say so :P
Are there more wicked verses in the first chapters of RAM's database that I should know about ?
"la'asot" 35rd and last word of the account of the seventh day Genesis 2:1-3
"la'asot" seeming to carry the mystery.
35rd word
35 = 1/2 x 70
like 3,5 = 1/2 x 7
The 3,5 times of Daniel coinciding 42 months ...
06-19-2019, 10:37 AM
35 = Tri(1) + Tri(3) + Tri(7)
יברך אלהים את יום השביעי "And God blessed the seventh day" = 1178 "Mystery"/Hidden thing" μυστηριον musterion
- 1178 = 178 (Comp(137)) with extended digit.
שבע "seven" = 372 = 37 "The Heart" merged with 72 (Alpha)
- 72 = 34 "Alpha" (Gr ord) + 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord)
- CW of vs(34) = 38
So are you sure number 7 is not being used for Alpha?
06-20-2019, 03:15 AM
35 = Tri(1) + Tri(3) + Tri(7)
יברך אלהים את יום השביעי "And God blessed the seventh day" = 1178 "Mystery"/Hidden thing" μυστηριον musterion
- 1178 = 178 (Comp(137)) with extended digit.
שבע "seven" = 372 = 37 "The Heart" merged with 72 (Alpha)
- 72 = 34 "Alpha" (Gr ord) + 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord)
- CW of vs(34) = 38
So are you sure number 7 is not being used for Alpha?
Daniel 9:23-24,
In the beginning of your supplications, a word came forth, and I have come to tell it, for you have desirable qualities; now contemplate the word and understand the vision. Seventy weeks have been decreed upon your people and upon the city of your Sanctuary to terminate the transgression and to end sin, and to expiate iniquity, and to bring eternal righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophet, and to anoint the Holy of Holies.
for you have desirable qualities = כִּ֥י חֲמוּד֖וֹת אָ֑תָּה, "ki chamudot attah"
"ish chamudot" = a pleasant (charming; delightful) person; a nice fellow
seventy weeks
שָֽׁבֻעִ֨ים שִׁבְעִ֜ים, "shavu'im shiv'im" = many 372's
06-20-2019, 04:35 AM
another one
Genesis 4:24,
If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, then for Lemech it shall be seventy seven fold."
seventy-seven fold: Heb. שִׁבְעִים וְשִׁבְעָה , "shiv'im v'shiv'ah" An expression meaning many sevens is used here. לשון רבוי שביעיות , "l'shon ribbui shiv'iyoth"
cf. Matthew 18:21-22,
Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
06-20-2019, 09:18 AM
Guess who found "The Heart of Knowledge".
I also figured out the last connection to the CW there. I though that I had figured that one out but no,
it was "crowning"/"seven hundred seventy and seven" to my amazement.
06-20-2019, 09:39 AM
This means that there is probably a Heart of Understanding.
Since I found the Heart of Codes also right after finding the Heart of Knowledge.
06-20-2019, 10:47 AM
This means that there is probably a Heart of Understanding.
Since I found the Heart of Codes also right after finding the Heart of Knowledge.
What then is "the heart of the earth"? (Matthew 12:40)
06-20-2019, 11:38 AM
Don't worry. It does not even come close to the ultimate code.
You will not be disappointed, I can ensure you that.
And it is more complex than this.
But I am not quite sure if 777 + its mirror is The Heart of Knowledge.
Since 2X 777 = 37 X 42
I mixed the ordinal value of "The Heart" with the standard value.
So 2X 777 or 777 + its mirror = "wisdom" 37 X 42 "knowledge" also.
I just spotted this one yesterday so I need to digest it a bit before I call it the "Heart of Knowledge".
06-20-2019, 11:45 AM
What then is "the heart of the earth"? (Matthew 12:40)
"and the earth" is there so God can use it for other puroses.
Like you find for example 113 "universe" and Tri(37) "the earth" together.
I have seen God do this. The Universe and the earth is his pride of all his creation.
and "the earth" = 777 by rot.
- 37 = "Seal" (Eng ord)
06-20-2019, 11:57 AM
Matthew 12:40 King James Version (KJV)
40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
I believe "the heart of the earth" must be Hell or kingdom of death.
Jesus went down there 3 days when he died and got the key of death.
06-20-2019, 11:58 AM
"and the earth" is there so God can use it for other puroses.
Like you find for example 113 "universe" and Tri(37) "the earth" together.
I have seen God do this. The Universe and the earth is his pride of all his creation.
and "the earth" = 777 by rot.
- 37 = "Seal" (Eng ord)
I thought earth = "aretz" = 291
the midpoint (heart) of 291 = 146
146 = "kum" = stand up, rise, arise
So that fits :winking0071:
06-20-2019, 12:02 PM
I am not trying to pick on you Sylvius, but the right connection to the mid-point of 291 "earth"
= 146 "The Universe" (Eng ord)
06-20-2019, 12:07 PM
You will find that I dislike the occult & their lies very much.
You will not hear 1 word from me about "oneness", "spiritual awakening", "the force", "Angels/Fallen Angels that I can just contact when I like to and get reply."... and on. I don't like deception so I don't buy into that stuff.
06-20-2019, 12:35 PM
No I don't think 777 + its mirror is the "Heart of Knowledge"
So I will change the image once again.
It is mainly 777 + its mirror but it is = "wisdom" 37 X 42 "knowledge" also.
And FLW of Vs(20407 = Only Vs made up of 777) = 198 "Wisdom and Knowledge" (Eng ord).
And we see "Wisdom" connect to Alpha in Hebrew & "knowledge" to 777 in English.
You see God can do several connections to 1 number. He is quite fascinating to understand how He does His codes.
So even if I connected "crowned Alpha" to 198 in the 777 Holograph; "Wisdom and Knowledge" is also valid. It's just that I did not have more space in the holograph.
So how to find the "The Heart of Codes" that I mentioned:
3 CW of Vs(37 "Wisdom" (Heb ord)) + 4 CW of Vs(42 "Knowledge" (Heb ord))
= (ord) לבה "The Heart" 37 X 52 "of Codes" קודים (ord)
That truly makes most sense and not it being "The Heart of Knowledge".
I am sorry for the misunderstanding there but stuff like this happens quite fast in the codes so you should always do double checks on your discoveries. Which I do.
06-20-2019, 02:05 PM
Well this is definitely not my day, I am a bit stressed and I got bad sleep. The CW of the 777 Holograph kind of shocked me yesterday so I have maybe not digested it yet.
But you just saw me misconnect the ordinal and standard value of "The Heart" 2 times today.
(ord) "The Heart" 37 X 52 "of codes" (ord) is also wrong but it should be (ord) "Codes" 52 X 37 "of Wisdom" (ord)
So no "Heart of Knowledge" and no "Heart of Codes". Sorry for that. Don't think I will share any more codes today.
06-20-2019, 09:51 PM
146 is also "sof" = the end
06-20-2019, 10:16 PM
The final midpoint of 777 is 10
777 - 389 -145 - 73 - 37 - 19 - 10
10 = "z'ev" = wolf
06-20-2019, 10:21 PM
10 is also "et" (written "alef-tet") = soothsayer, fortuneteller, enchanter
06-20-2019, 10:32 PM
This can be illustrated with a numerical allusion; the sum of the two words, ?blessing? (בְּרָכָה) and ?rebuke? (תּוֹכֵחָה) is 666, which equals 3 times the numerical value of the 3-letter root form of ?blessing? (ב-ר-ך), which appears three times in the final verse of Jacob?s blessings to his sons: ?and he blessed them; each man according to his own blessing he blessed them.? The sum of the numerical values of the three verbs that appear in the verse, ?[their father] spoke? and he blessed them? he blessed them? (דִּבֶּר? וַיְבָרֶךְ? בֵּרַךְ) also equals 666, teaching us that it was all a blessing. The sum of the numerical values of the names of Reuben (רְאוּבֵן), Shimon (שִׁמְעוֹן) and Levi (לֵוִי), the three sons who merited a hidden blessing, is 777, which excedes 666 in all its integers. The average value of their names is 259, which is the numerical value of Reuben (רְאוּבֵן).
06-20-2019, 10:47 PM
Yes, the codes are more like gifts and riddles with rewards.
I mean you would expect the 666 Holograph to be 100% focused on evil but it is not.
It also gives us physics because like you said, it is a gift.
06-20-2019, 11:00 PM
and number 10 = "Seal" (Eng red) = "Alpha" (Gr red)
I did not know about the final mid-point method though.
06-20-2019, 11:07 PM
You know that Inverse Alpha is found in 777, or maybe I forgot to mention that.
777 = 21X37 (2137 = 2000 + 137)
The question here must now be: is this a jump?
Let's see: CW of Vs(137) + CW of Vs(2137) = 729 (α)
And the answer is: no
06-20-2019, 11:16 PM
the midpoint of 259 ( = 1/3 x 777) is 130
130 = "sulam" = ladder
the ladder of which Jacob dreamt (Genesis 26)
06-20-2019, 11:20 PM
Ahh the midpoint of 259 (7X 37 "The Heart") = 130 "Inverse Alpha" (Eng ord), I see.
Thank you :thumb:
06-20-2019, 11:29 PM
Let's check out the Heart of Vs(130 "Inverse Alpha") because you know it is like
= 123 (A, B, C easy as 1, 2, 3) = "Seven Seven Seven" (Gr ord)
06-20-2019, 11:47 PM
And you know what this means don't you?
That "In the beginning" (913) & "and" (407) (the first word of the bible & the first word made up of 37)
= 11X83 (183 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord))
= 11X37 (137 "In the beginning" (Eng ord))
06-22-2019, 02:20 AM
666 is the sum of the two squares 441 and 225, 21 squared and 15 squared. But, now note that the roots of the two squares 21 and 15 sum to 36; while, 666 is the triangle of 36, as noted earlier. Moreover, both 21 and 15 are themselves triangular numbers: 21 = 6, and 15 = 5.
441, the gematria of truth (אֶמֶת )
441 is the value of the first three letters of Havayah, יהו , squared!
225 is the value of the first two letters of Havayah?which constitute the holy Name that corresponds to the sefirah of wisdom?יה = 15, squared.
That's amazing!
More: 441 - 225 = 216 = cube 6, the perfect cube, outline of triangle 73 = 2701, etc.
06-22-2019, 10:06 AM
That outline of Tri(73) is very intriguing since it hits 216
= "Alpha and the speed of light" (Eng ord)
= Cube(6 "and")
= 200 + 16 "Seal" (Heb red)
= Comp(100 + 68 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb red))
This number was the number in the creation Holograph which took me the longest time to figure out.
But the 36/666 connection you shared there was interesting. I am going to do a little digging around that one soon, to see if there is something more there.
06-22-2019, 10:20 AM
And you can't say that I am cherry picking on number 216 there. Because I know my discovery with Alpha and the speed of light is a diamond.
I don't know how to term it properly but it is the one and only brother code to Alpha.
And here is a really good one. So we saw the fine-structure constant connected to the speed of light in the 20th century.
In the 21st century today; we see Alpha & The Speed of Light connected to 777 for the first time ever. The speed of light is 299792458 m/s
729 (Alpha) + 299792458 (Speed of Light) = Pri(16241724 =
= Pri(71"Riddles"/"Seal"/"God") X (228757 = Pri(20326 = 2X Pri(10163 = 2X Pri(1249) --- 2X 1249 = 7 + 137 + 729 + 1625)))))
And Inverse Alpha (1/137,03599) hits right over number 137 "In the beginning" = 100 + 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) = "of God" (Eng sta)
While this connection hits right under the value of 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta) X 9994...(right under 10 000) (94 "Created Alpha" (Eng ord))
Lets calculate the accuracy of how close Inverse Alpha is to number 137 "In the beginning": 137/137,035999 = 0,99737...
Accuracy = 99,737%
- 737 (73 merged with 37 --- 37 + 73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng sta)) = Palin(83 "wisdom" = mirror of 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord))
Now lets do see how close Alpha added with the speed of light is to 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven": 1624,1724/1625 = 0,99949
Accuracy: 99,949%
- 949 = (172 "codes" (Eng sta) = 100 "The codes of" (Eng ord) 72 (α)) + 777
So my discovery here hits closer to the wanted value between number 137 & 1625.
- FLW of Vs(137) + FLW of Vs(1625) =(110 "Wisdom of" (Heb ord + sta) = "Alpha" (Eng sta)) + 137 (α) + 729 (Inv. α)
- CW of Vs(137) + CW of Vs(1625) = 1000 + 299 (3 digits of the speed of light)
See it forms a message that we all should know now is very important: "In the beginning seven hundred seventy and seven".
And don't worry because I have more proof that it is valid.
No code that I have shared here beats this one. But even this is weak compared to the ultimate code.
06-23-2019, 03:54 AM
Vernon Jenkins
As was revealed in the author's earlier paper 'The Ultimate Assertion: Evidence of Supernatural Design in the Divine Prologue (1) , the Bible's opening Hebrew words conceal an ingenious, divinely-devised Cryptogram; we may therefore infer that He who in the beginning spoke all things into being simultaneously laid the foundation for a series of symmetrical digital pictures to appear in our day ? pictures that would reveal His Being and Sovereignty, confirm the words of Genesis 1:1 and indeed, of the whole of His Word to man. In this paper we pick up the account as viewed from the Bible's final Book, Revelation.
1. 666 is a one-of-a-kind triangular number
2. Its components feature in a most remarkable "magic square"
3. A second magic square confirms and extends this understanding
4.The unique 6x6x6 cube has 6 "magic square" faces
5. Two 3-D figurate numbers - 36th pyramid and 36t tetrahedron - have triangular faces of 666
6.The 73rd tetrahedron has faces which take the form of the Genesis 1:1 triangle (8); it has an interesting core
7. It is related scripturally to two other triangular numbers, viz.153 and 276
8.The foregoing features lead us to a new understanding of the Bible?s first verse and Cryptogram
9.It is structurally related to its mystery neighbour 1260 - this, most notably involving the metric dimensions of an abundant modern artefact.
10. Read as angles (in degrees) 666, 6.6.6 (=216), 6+6+6 (= 18), 6.6 (=36) and 1260 figure in trigonometrical relationships that define, precisely, the "golden number" 1.618033... - a universal constant.
These features will now be examined in detail.
06-23-2019, 09:12 AM
2701 = triangle 73 = (3 x 666) + 703 = (3x triangle 36) + triangle 37
same with 153 = triangle 17 = ( 3 x 36) + 45 = (3 x triangle 8) + triangle 9
and 276 = triangle 23 = ( 3 x 66) + 78 = ( 3 x triangle 11) + triangle 12
There must be kind of law behind it.
it just works with odd numbers.
06-23-2019, 09:30 AM
(3 x T1) + T2 = 6 = T3
(3 x T2) + T3 = 15 = T5
( 3 x T3) + T4 = 28 = T7
( 3 x T4) + T5 = 45 = T9
06-23-2019, 10:54 AM
I thought the Triangles was extremely important feature in the codes, but when I saw the Alpha connection and the seven seven seven connections to it; then I figured out that God was just using them like he does with Primes and other types math.
God wanted us to thing about Alpha and 777 when it comes to the Triangular connections of Genesis 1:1. It can't be mistaken after all I have shared here.
37 + 73 = "Alpha" (Eng sta)
- Tri(37) is found in the center of Tri(73)
7 + 37 + 73 = "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord) = "The Seal of God" (Eng ord) = "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Eng red)
- CW of Vs(7 + 37 + 73) = 700 + 48 "The Seal" (Heb ord)
But triangles are important in the codes because Genesis 1:1. One thing I have noticed is that Triangle nr 37 is very special, it comes quite high.
Even though you might find other Triangles that can be divided into 4 other triangles, the triangles from Genesis 1:1 seems to be favorized.
06-23-2019, 11:07 AM
for even numbers it goes this way:
(3 x T2) + T1 = T4
(3 x T3) + T2 = T6
(3xT4) + T3 = T8
(3 x T5) + T4 = T10
06-23-2019, 10:54 PM
Genesis 5:31,
And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred and seventy seven years, and he died
must be related to Genesis 4:24,
If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, then for Lemech it shall be seventy seven fold.
And this again related to the end of time, that should come with the flood.
Rashi on Genesis 4:24,
Lemech did not kill anyone, but his wives separated from him after they had fulfilled [the commandment of] propagation, because a decree had been issued to destroy Cain?s seed after seven generations. They said, ?Why should we give birth in vain? Tomorrow, the Flood will come and inundate everything!? He answered them, ?Have I slain a man for whom I should be wounded? Did I slay Abel, who was a man in stature and a child in years, that my seed should be annihilated for that iniquity? If Cain, who killed, was given an extension of seven generations, I, who did not slay- how much more so should I be given an extension of many sevens!?
Also Daniel 9 is about the end
v. 23,
In the beginning of your supplications, a word came forth, and I have come to tell it, for you have desirable qualities; now contemplate the word and understand the vision.
contemplate and understand are both forms of the verb "bin", from which also "binah"= understanding, insight
Greek νοῦς
By which you can see that it is all related to Revelation 13:18,
ωδε ἡ σοφία ἐστίν: ὁ ἔχων νοῦν ψηφισάτω τὸν ἀριθμὸν τοῦ θηρίου, ἀριθμὸς γὰρ ἀνθρώπου ἐστίν: καὶ ὁ ἀριθμὸς αὐτοῦ ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα ἕξ.
like Vernon Jenkins showed
Another large number appears in close proximity to 666; it refers to a harrowing period of time ? intriguingly, presented first as 1260 days (Rv.12:6); then as "a time, times, and half a time" (Rv.12:14; also Dn.12:7), i.e. three and a half years; and again as 42 months (Rv.13:5) - the two latter clearly relating to a 360-day year and 30-day month. What can possibly lie behind this interesting variety of expression? Is the reader's attention being purposely drawn to some significant matter concerning 1260? That this is the author?s intention (rather than any idiosyncrasy on the part of the translator) may be readily confirmed from an examination of the underlying Greek text. So, if not intended to draw attention to 1260, this device is surely hard to explain. Clearly, the principal features of this number need to be examined
2.8 1260 ? Near neighbour of 666
The Scriptures themselves offer further evidence of the Lord?s high regard for triangular numbers and, in particular, for 666 and its geometrical features (which at least goes some way towards explaining why he offers it to us as ?the key to wisdom?) for another large number appears in its close proximity, and it is appropriate that we now give it some attention. It refers to a harrowing period of time - intriguingly presented first as 1260 days (Rv.12:6); then as "a time, times, and half a time" (Rv.12:14; also Dn.12:7), i.e. three and a half years; and again as 42 months (Rv.13:5) - the two latter clearly relating to a 360-day year and 30-day month
Daniel 12:6-7,
And he said to the man clad in linen, who was above the waters of the river, "How long will it be until the secret end? And I heard the man clad in linen, who was above the waters of the river, and he raised his right hand and his left hand to the heavens, and he swore by the Life of the world, that in the time of [two] times and a half, and when they have ended shattering the strength of the holy people, all these will end.
06-23-2019, 11:57 PM
42 stations enumerated in Numbers 33.
42 is also number to denote the 3,5 times
Revelation 13:5,
the beast (...) was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months.
It's intimating that the exodus coincides the way from out of the 6th day through the 7th, and that this is what NT is all about.
06-24-2019, 01:54 AM
The Book of Revelation tells us that the Number of the Beast, the Sign of the Devil, is 666. If you have a calculator handy enter 666 and hit the sine key (make sure you're in degree mode!). My smartphone tells me the answer is -0.809016994374948..., a rather random-looking number and certainly not one that's immediately recognizable.
φ = 1.618033988749875 ...
Divide this by 2 and you get 0.80901699437494..., which agrees with our calculation of the sine of 666?, up to a sign.
(...) 10%2Ftri1-1940x1394.jpg
Bisecting the top angle yields a triangle BCD, which is similar to ABC. If we denote the length of the segment CD by a, and the segment BD by b, then we may fill in the lengths of the remaining sides as indicated. Since similar triangles are proportional we have (AC/BC) = (BC/BD), or (a+b)/a = a/b. In other words, a and b are in proportion as the golden ratio and we call ABC a golden triangle. 10%2Ftri2-1940x1394.jpg
We can now unravel what we need: sin(54?) = AE/AD = 2AE/2AD = (a+b)/2a = (1/2)(a/b) = φ/2. Pretty cool.
The golden ratio shows up in a number of contexts, most notably in connection with the Fibonacci sequence, but this Satanic link is certainly the most entertaining. Perhaps St. Augustine was correct when he warned us, "The good Christian should beware of mathematicians. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant with the Devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell." He really meant numerologists and astrologers, but, whatever; it makes for a good quote.
06-24-2019, 02:39 AM
Pentagram -- Hebrew "kochav m'chumash"
shows up the golden ratio and angles of 72 and 36 degrees -
so golden ratio by such already related to the numbers 6 - 36 - 216 and 666
would it be the star of Bethlehem?
06-24-2019, 05:45 AM
would it be the star of Bethlehem?
more likely an icosahedron
it shows both pentagon and hexagon
06-24-2019, 06:38 AM
It might be noted that the gematria of Bethlehem , "beitlechem", is 412 + 78 = 490 = 70 x 7
06-24-2019, 08:14 AM
I think the Pentagram and Hexagram are satanic symbols since they are the most used symbols in Satanic rituals.
So you won't see those symbols in my book.
And I think you knew that.
06-24-2019, 09:51 AM
I think the Pentagram and Hexagram are satanic symbols since they are the most used symbols in Satanic rituals.
So you won't see those symbols in my book.
And I think you knew that.
Is the golden ratio also satanic?
06-24-2019, 10:28 AM
No, but the Hexagram and Pentagram is.
So I am not discussing the mystical and occult. I have told you this.
I am not kidding.
06-24-2019, 11:21 AM
No, but the Hexagram and Pentagram is.
So I am not discussing the mystical and occult. I have told you this.
I am not kidding.
And what about the star of David ("magen david") and the so called David-star-numbers 1-13-37-73-121-181-253-337-433-541- etc.?
i thought 37 was kind of pet-number of you.
06-24-2019, 11:55 AM
You are talking about figurate numbers there. And God uses those.
It might seem strange first why God would use Stars and Hexagons as figurate numbers, but he uses a lot of different figurate numbers like Triangles, squares, cubes, rectangles. But this is math and God is just using it for all it is worth; this is how I view it.
So your symbols of Pentagrams & Hexagons is something very different. They have no place in these codes as far as I can see.
The Pentagram is the official symbol for the Satanic church. The Hexagram is a symbol for 666. 6 point, 6 Lines, 6 Triangles
God calls the hexagram for "The star of remphan"
Now that info about the star of Remphan may not be accurate info since I have not done extensive research into it.
But the Pentagram and Hexagram is the most used symbols in satanic rituals. You can't change that fact.
06-24-2019, 12:09 PM
You are talking about figurate numbers there. And God uses those.
It might seem strange first why God would use Stars and Hexagons as figurate numbers, but he uses a lot of different figurate numbers like Triangles, squares, cubes, rectangles. But this is math and God is just using it for all it is worth; this is how I view it.
So your symbols of Pentagrams & Hexagons is something very different. They have no place in these codes as far as I can see.
The Pentagram is the official symbol for the Satanic church. The Hexagram is a symbol for 666. 6 point, 6 Lines, 6 Triangles
God calls the hexagram for "The star of remphan"
Now that info about the star of Remphan may not be accurate info since I have not done extensive research into it.
But the Pentagram and Hexagram is the most used symbols in satanic rituals. You can't change that fact.
who is God, that he uses numbers?
06-24-2019, 12:10 PM
God is I AM WHO I AM.
Exo 3:14 (Pi)
God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: "I AM has sent me to you""
06-24-2019, 12:30 PM
God is I AM WHO I AM.
"I am who I am" is crooked Christian translation
Exodus 3:14,
God said to Moses, "Ehyeh asher ehyeh (I will be what I will be)," and He said, "So shall you say to the children of Israel, 'Ehyeh (I will be) has sent me to you.'"
"Ehyeh" is a number, viz.21
777 = 21 x 37 :winking0071:
"God is a number"
21 is also the J-H-V-part of his name
06-24-2019, 12:37 PM
Well I AM WHO I AM has the same meaning so it makes little difference.
So I will stick to your so called "wicked" translation, the King James version.
06-24-2019, 12:50 PM
Well I AM WHO I AM has the same meaning so it makes little difference.
So I will stick to your so called "wicked" translation, the King James version.
This translation is derived from Jesus' sayings in NT ἐγὼ εἰμί.
And they think Jesus is by that claiming to be God, they read that Jesus was saying "I am God"
ἐγὼ εἰμί indeed is also in LXX Exodus 3:14, but used in another way:
και ειπεν ο θεος προς μωυσην εγω ειμι ο ων και ειπεν ουτως ερεις τοις υιοις ισραηλ ο ων απεσταλκεν με προς υμας
εγω ειμι ο ων = I am the one who is
(Those 119-ministries are really wicked people)
06-25-2019, 03:10 AM
541 David- star-number
541 gematria of Yisrael;
541 = 182 + 359;
182 = Ya'akov; 359 = Satan.
06-25-2019, 06:18 AM
"Tenth Hexagonal Star Number = 541"
Hey that's weird
the hexagonal starnumbers are also primes.
so why call "1" the first starnumber but "2" the first prime?
Something is not right here ...
06-25-2019, 07:11 AM
"Israel" that sums up to Star nr 10 is interesting yes.
Did God pick that number because of the Star or because of the order ?
Maybe he picked both since he knew that Israel were going to use the Hexagram on their flag.
And yes number 1 is the first prime. The codes verifies it 100%.
06-25-2019, 08:36 AM
"Israel" that sums up to Star nr 10 is interesting yes.
Did God pick that number because of the Star or because of the order ?
Maybe he picked both since he knew that Israel were going to use the Hexagram on their flag.
And yes number 1 is the first prime. The codes verifies it 100%.
Satan is the guardian angel of Esau
Genesis 32:25,
And Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until the break of dawn.
אִישׁ֙ a man: Our Rabbis explained (Gen. Rabbah 77:3, 78:3) that this was the prince (guardian angel) of Esau.
Esau is also called Edom (the red one), and Edom is a name of Rome -- and Rome stands for Christianity.
06-29-2019, 09:24 PM
Four Exiles: The Midrash speaks of four exiles in advance of Mashiach's arrival and the Final Redemption: Babylonian, Median, Greek, and Roman
The Roman Empire brought the final blow for Jewish sovereignty in Israel and the final exile for the Jews, one that has lasted for nearly 2,000 years and has not yet ended.
The classic Torah commentaries offer several interpretations of Jacob's ladder. According to the Midrash Genesis Rabbah, the ladder signified the exiles which the Jewish people would suffer before the coming of the Jewish messiah. First the angel representing the 70-year exile of Babylonia climbed "up" 70 rungs, and then fell "down". Then the angel representing the exile of Persia went up a number of steps, and fell, as did the angel representing the exile of Greece. Only the fourth angel, which represented the final exile of Rome/Edom (whose guardian angel was Esau himself), kept climbing higher and higher into the clouds. Jacob feared that his children would never be free of Esau's domination, but God assured him that at the End of Days, Edom too would come falling down
06-29-2019, 10:37 PM
I think the Pentagram and Hexagram are satanic symbols since they are the most used symbols in Satanic rituals.
So you won't see those symbols in my book.
And I think you knew that.
I thought all so called Satanic movements came forth from Christianity
Even also the term Judaism
Judaism is a term invented by Christians, a top Talmud scholar says
We do find the word satan in these early biblical books, but they do not refer to a demon. Rather, "satan" is just a proper noun denoting an adversary in a martial or judicial setting. For example, a foreign king opposing the king of Israel was said to be a satan:
"And the Lord stirred up an adversary unto Solomon, Hadad the Edomite" (1 Kings 11:14).
Clearly, the Bible does not have the Prince of Darkness in mind here, but rather a man of flesh and bone.
It is true that the Bible also refers to supernatural beings as being satans. For instance, in the story of Balaam in the Book of Numbers, God becomes angry and sends an "angel of the Lord" to stand "in the way for an adversary against him [Balaam]" (Numbers 22:22). In this case too, we are not talking about Satan with a capital S, rather just an unnamed messenger of God doing the Lord?s bidding, as an adversary.
Within Christianity, Satan evolved into the Antichrist, God?s antithesis, who is behind all that is evil. He is the master of Hell, as everyone knows from popular culture.
06-30-2019, 02:05 PM
I can recommend the "Mystery Babylon" series from William Cooper if you want to study the history of Satanism. He died for what he did there.
And Satan is clearly the Prince of Darkness. Look around you.
We have a TV series that is popular called "Lucifer" that portraits him as good. That should tell you the amount of influence Satan has here.
He is the king of this world, either we like it or not. Jesus is to be the King of the new kingdom and world to come, not this one we are living in now.
I wish it were not so but this is just the reality we live in.
Here is a promo for the TV series "Lucifer" on Netflix and many other channels. They even show this series in Norway.
So Satan is NOT your average demon.
06-30-2019, 02:12 PM
I think this song was considered one of the greatest in the 80's. I was born in 88 so I don't really know. But it was a major hit.
And in this song; Queen (the gay guy) sings "momma i just killed a man..."
And later in the song he sings "Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me"
Okey so what Queen teels us straight up here is that he sold his soul to Satan in return for a demon helping him.
And this is verified by a top freemason called Manly P. Hall. He writes this stuff in his book where you can make a deal with Satan to get a demon helping you for the rest of your life. Believe it or not but this is the truth.
I think he was gay because he was a satanist. Since they love reversing things.
Richard Amiel McGough
06-30-2019, 04:59 PM
I think this song was considered one of the greatest in the 80's. I was born in 88 so I don't really know. But it was a major hit.
Hey there Alex,
I'm one of the many who think it is one of the greatest songs of the 70s (it came out in 1975).
And in this song; Queen (the gay guy) sings "momma i just killed a man..."
And later in the song he sings "Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me"
Okey so what Queen teels us straight up here is that he sold his soul to Satan in return for a demon helping him.
Are you sure about that? It seems much more likely that he was singing about Beelzebub assigning a devil to torment rather than to help him. Look at the lyrics:
I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
Easy come easy go will you let me go
Bismillah, no we will not let you go, let him go
Bismillah, we will not let you go, let him go
Bismillah, we will not let you go, let me go
(Will not let you go) let me go (never, never let you go) let me go (never let me go)
Oh oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me for me for me
See that? He is being tormented, begging to be let go, but they will not let him go, in the name of Allah (that's what Bismillah means in Arabic). Your theory doesn't seem to have much support.
And this is verified by a top freemason called Manly P. Hall. He writes this stuff in his book where you can make a deal with Satan to get a demon helping you for the rest of your life. Believe it or not but this is the truth.
I doubt this is true. Can you provide an evidence by citing exactly what Hall wrote, and where it can be found? I'm sure you don't want to go around believing falsehoods that you happened to find in nutty videos on the net, right? :thumb:
I think he was gay because he was a satanist. Since they love reversing things.
Wow ... I didn't realize ... all those times you REVERSED those numbers to find patterns in your "holographs" .... :eek:
Richard Amiel McGough
06-30-2019, 05:10 PM
We have a TV series that is popular called "Lucifer" that portraits him as good. That should tell you the amount of influence Satan has here.
He is the king of this world, either we like it or not. Jesus is to be the King of the new kingdom and world to come, not this one we are living in now.
Whoops! You didn't know? The name "Lucifer" is not the name of any angel in the Bible. It's a stupid mistranslation that got in the KJV from the Latin Vulgate! Doh!
But if you really think that Lucifer is a real Biblical name, then you better get down on your knees and worship him like the Bible says in 2 Peter 1:19!
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the DAY STAR arise in your hearts:
et habemus firmiorem propheticum sermonem cui bene facitis adtendentes quasi lucernae lucenti in caliginoso loco donec dies inlucescat et LUCIFER oriatur in cordibus vestris
See that? It says you should attend to the "prophetic word" until the "daystar" = LUCIFER arises in your heart!
Don't you just LOVE Bible study? It's fun!
I wish it were not so but this is just the reality we live in.
Hey, don't be so glum. Reality is nothing like you think it is. It's much much better. They ain't no "devil" with the name "Lucifer" and that's the GOSPEL TRUTH! You've been fed a load of lies.
I trust you feel better now.
06-30-2019, 06:07 PM
Alright so I misunderstood what Queen sang there and I was not aware the song came from 1975. That is 13 years before I was born.
You got me there but that is the only thing I misunderstood.
According to Manly P. Hall, from his book The Secret Teachings of All Ages.
?First. The visible universe has an invisible counterpart, the higher planes of which are peopled by good and beautiful spirits; the lower planes, dark and foreboding, are the habitation of evil spirits and demons under the leadership of the Fallen Angel and his ten Princes.?
?Second. By means of the secret processes of ceremonial magic it is possible to contact these invisible creatures and gain their help in some human undertaking. Good spirits willingly lend their assistance to any worthy enterprise, but the evil spirits serve only those who live to pervert and destroy.?
?Third. It is possible to make contracts with spirits whereby the magician becomes for a stipulated time the master of an elemental being.?
?Fourth. True black magic is performed with the aid of a demoniacal spirit, who serves the sorcerer for the length of his earthly life, with the understanding that after death the magician shall become the servant of his own demon.?
?For this reason a black magician will go to inconceivable ends to prolong his physical life, since there is nothing for him beyond the grave?a man will barter his eternal soul for temporal power?in its various branches the black art includes nearly all forms of ceremonial magic, necromancy, witchcraft, sorcery, and vampirism??
And yes Manly P. Hall was a great freemason. His library were considered a national treasure.
And the name "Lucifer" is found in the most read English bible version, The King James.
maybe you are technically correct about his name, but his children call him "Lucifer". So I think you have a pretty weak argument there.
And the reverse method is a mathematical method also, so like I told Sylvius before: yes God uses mathematics for all it's worth.
06-30-2019, 06:29 PM
And by the way, Satanists are divided like Christians with their factions.
One of the factions is the Elite. And they think Satan and Lucifer are 2 different people according to William Cooper and I have heard this from another source also.
Were Satan is 100% evil while Lucifer is good since he is the "light bringer". And Lucifer means "light-bringer" in latin.
So the name "Lucifer" is a very commonly used name for Satan. Hey they have a TV series also called "Lucifer".
Richard Amiel McGough
06-30-2019, 06:37 PM
Alright so I misunderstood what Queen sang there and I was not aware the song came from 1975. That is 13 years before I was born.
You got me there but that is the only thing I misunderstood.
Hey there Alex,
I'm not trying to "get you" ... just trying to help. We all have our blind spots, right?
You're obviously convinced by what you believe, just like I was years ago. I understand where you are coming from. I understand your claims, but don't think they are justified and I believe I can prove they are false.
According to Manly P. Hall, from his book The Secret Teachings of All Ages.
Please provide the quote. Have you actually read anything he's written? I get the impression you are repeating unfounded assertions you've seen in unreliable internet videos.
And the name "Lucifer" is found in the most read English bible version, The King James.
Yes, and it's an ERROR. Are you familiar with the meaning of the word "ERROR"?
maybe you are technically correct about his name, but his children call him "Lucifer". So I think you have a pretty weak argument there.
What's the difference between "technically correct" and "correct"?
The fact that some deluded people believe they follow a non-existent "Lucifer" based on a mistranslation means what? LOL
And the reverse method is a mathematical method also, so like I told Sylvius before: yes God uses mathematics for all it's worth.
So you admit to using SATANIC methods of "reversing" the number. Is that "Gay Mathematics" because the like "reversing things"? Come on man! You logic is ludicrous and you know it!
Great chatting!
Richard Amiel McGough
06-30-2019, 06:43 PM
And by the way, Satanists are divided like Christians with their factions.
Truer words have never been spoken. I quit Christianity when I realized there was no such thing because everyone just makes up their own version.
One of the factions is the Elite. And they think Satan and Lucifer are 2 different people according to William Cooper and I have heard this from another source also.
"Hearing" is not the same as "understanding."
You need to use more CRITICAL THINKING if you know what I mean. Case in point: The name "Lucifer" is nothing but a MISTRANSLATION and so all those people you listen to on the internet who say it means this or that or is the same or different than Satan are revealing nothing but their GROSS IGNORANCE.
Time to wake up, don't you think? You've been believing blatant bullshit for a bit too long I do believe.
Were Satan is 100% evil while Lucifer is good since he is the "light bringer". And Lucifer means "light-bringer" in latin.
Yes, that's the source of the ERROR! LOL
So the name "Lucifer" is a very commonly used name for Satan. Hey they have a TV series also called "Lucifer".
They have the TV show because TV uses common cultural themes to sell their product. They have nothing to do with TRUTH. Aren't you into truth anymore?
06-30-2019, 06:55 PM
You take things very literral, and not even God does that. Let me tell you about a dream I had were I met God.
When God came to me in a dream Richard, he announced himself as "Jehovah".
The last name I though He would present himself as.
I was so scared when God came to me in the dream that I froze up and could not move. I was terrified beyond words since God made it clear that he controlled every molecule in the air.
And you feel so small, you feel like NOTHING.
But the point here is that when God said to me "Jehovah"
I replied "Yahweh" ?
And God replied "Yahweh"
So you can play your litteral game here but I won't accept it when it comes to the name of "Lucifer".
So if you think I like lies because of that then alright but you have not met God like me.
And I was shocked since he used the name "Jehovah" there.
Richard Amiel McGough
06-30-2019, 07:10 PM
You take things very literral, and not even God does that. Let me tell you about a dream I had were I met God.
When God came to me in a dream Richard, he announced himself as "Jehovah".
The last name I though He would present himself as.
I was so scared when God came to me in the dream that I froze up and could not move. I was terrified beyond words since God made it clear that he controlled every molecule in the air.
And you feel so small, you feel like NOTHING.
But the point here is that when God said to me "Jehovah"
I replied "Yahweh" ?
And God replied "Yahweh"
So you can play your litteral game here but I won't accept it when it comes to the name of "Lucifer".
So if you think I like lies because of that then alright but you have not met God like me.
And I was shocked since he used the name "Jehovah" there.
I think you might be mixing up the idea of "literal" with "accurate." I'm not being "literal." I'm just being accurate.
I'm not sure if I would believe a being who said his name was "Jehovah" because that's a horrible mistranslation ... but on the other hand, it makes sense that God could use whatever name he thought you would understand. But really, what reason do you have to believe it was "God" that you met in the dream. How do you now it wasn't a demon, or your own imagination, or just a dream?
Are you aware that the world is full of crazy people who claim God talked to them, and they all disagree amongst themselves? How then do you discern between truth and error, between truth and delusion?
06-30-2019, 07:30 PM
Well I am aware that my story here can seem crazy since it was very intense to meet God.
This happened 3 years ago when I was in Scotland fishing on a pair traweler.
I will give you the whole story and why God did this.
So the night before God came to me in a dream, Satan came to me and paralyzed me like his other demons have done to me before.
This is called "The demon sitting on your chest" and this happened since I am not borne again so Satan has some power over me when God allows him to.
So Satan and his demons does not like me since I do what I do and I have known this for a long time now.
But I have a strong willpower so I managed to get away from my last paralyses some years earlier.
But when Satan came the nigh before God came I had no chance of escaping the paralysis, it seemed impossible and I was lying there really pissed off.
I was so angry that Satan considered me and though that was interesting. He knew that I was not comfortable and I did not speak one word to him since I don't speak to the enemy.
He did not announce himself as Satan but I could see his figure and I have never seen any Demonical entities before that when I had a "demon sitting on my chest". But this was Satan so he made sure that I could see him.
Now when I woke up in the boat after Satan paralyzed me I felt hopelessness and I thought "my life sucks".
This sucks and why does this happen to me and I was afraid for Satan and his demons since they could just "play" with me.
And God did not like that, so he came the next night into my dream and showed me that maybe Satan can paralyze me but they do not control every atom in the air. After that I was not afraid of Satan anymore but terrified for God. He truly is to be feared, his power is truly without limits.
Now the strangest thing is that God announced himself as "Jehovah" since I knew that "Jehovah" is a mistranslation.
And God knew that I knew that, that is why I replyed "Yahweh" ?
,So from what I can tell of the few words God has spoke to me; he is not that litteral.
Why would he use the name "Jehovah" ? If he is super letteral/accurate like you ?
Because he was clearly not being that accurate there. And this is God.
I mean I can understand that this may seem crazy but I ensure you that I am not lying here.
I don't think I can prove that this dream happened
but it happened.
07-01-2019, 07:01 AM
The holy grail, i.e. the cup Jesus gave to drink to his disciples, is said to have been the stone fallen from Lucifer's crown.
Rabbi Ginsburgh contended that this stone is the last letter of the first version of the ten commandments -- final Kaf.
Ten commandments, first version, Exodus 20, is written with 620 letters,
620 being gematria of "keter" = crown.
620th letter of ten commandments "kaf sofiet", last letter of the 172nd word "l'rei'acha" לְרֵעֶךָ
172="akeiv" =heel
More: "grail" is said to be derived from "goral"= lot.
"the blood of the covenant shed for many" that Jesus gave to drink, is said to be the blood of circumcision.
There are two words for crown in Hebrew "keter" and "atarah"
"atarah" is also name of the glans penis that is "revealed" through circumcision.
Jewish circumcision makes the glans to have another, right up, free, stand, since also the frenulum is being removed.
07-01-2019, 08:09 AM
Jewish circumcison makes anal sex difficult and painful, if not impossible.
(since you think that anal sex (homo sex) has to do with satanism)
07-01-2019, 01:34 PM
If you don't believe me about the reverse principle in satanism then let Allister Crowley convince you.
Quote from Aleister Crowley's book: Magick Liber aba:
First Method. Let the Exempt Adept first train himself to think backwards by external means, as set forth here following.
(A) Let him learn to write backwards, with either hand.
(B) Let him learn to walk backwards.
(C) Let him constantly watch, if convenient, cinematograph films, and listen to phonograph records, reversed, and let him so accustom himself to these that they appear natural, and appreciable as a whole.
(D) Let him practise speaking backwards; thus for "I am He" let him say, "Eh ma I".
(E) Let him learn to read backwards. In this it is difficult to avoid cheating one's self, as an expert reader sees a sentence at a glance. Let his disciple read aloud to him backwards, slowly at first, then more quickly.
(F) Of his own ingenium, let him devise other methods.
And I bought this book so I have verified that this is from Aleister Crowley.
And being gay is the reverse/opposite of being married to a woman.
07-01-2019, 03:07 PM
And you know that Crowley was very big in satanism.
Even Ozzy Osbourne dedicated a song to him.
07-01-2019, 03:51 PM
Richard, here is the quote from Manly P. Hall from his book: "The Secret Techings of All Ages"
Some understanding of the intricate theory and practice of ceremonial magic may be derived from a
brief consideration of its underlying premises.
First. The visible universe has an invisible counterpart, the higher planes of which are peopled by good
and beautiful spirits; the lower planes, dark and foreboding, are the habitation of evil spirits and demons
under the leadership of the Fallen Angel and his ten Princes.
Second. By means of the secret processes of ceremonial magic it is possible to contact these invisible
creatures and gain their help in some human undertaking. Good spirits willingly lend their assistance to
any worthy enterprise, but the evil spirits serve only those who live to pervert and destroy.
Third. It is possible to make contracts with spirits whereby the magician becomes for a stipulated time
the master of an elemental being.
Fourth. True black magic is performed with the aid of a demoniacal spirit, who serves the sorcerer for
the length of his earthly life, with the understanding that after death the magician shall become the
servant of his own demon. For this reason a black magician will go to inconceivable ends to prolong his
physical life, since there is nothing for him beyond the grave.
Here is a link for the book so that you can check it up; so you know I am not lying: txt
And if that is not enough then I think I bought this book and I have it stored somewhere. Do you want me to read the quotes from it while I film from my mobile phone camera?
Richard Amiel McGough
07-01-2019, 04:51 PM
Jewish circumcison makes anal sex difficult and painful, if not impossible.
I've never heard that before. How could the removal of the foreskin make "anal sex difficult and painful"?
07-01-2019, 04:54 PM
Oh come'on guys, do we have to discuss such foolish things ? Is not this thread really about the codes?
Can we please shift themes? Not sex and Not the occult. Please.
07-01-2019, 10:36 PM
I've never heard that before. How could the removal of the foreskin make "anal sex difficult and painful"?
The corona of glans penis or penis crown refers to the circumference of the base of the glans penis which forms a rounded projecting border, overhanging a deep retroglandular sulcus, behind which is the neck of the penis.
with the frenulum removed the edges fall fully around the neck and prevent a smooth (painless) withdrawing from whatever it has been sticked into. (like an harpoon
I heard this from a prostitute, who knew it from experience
07-01-2019, 10:49 PM
If you don't believe me about the reverse principle in satanism then let Allister Crowley convince you.
Quote from Aleister Crowley's book: Magick Liber aba:
And I bought this book so I have verified that this is from Aleister Crowley.
And being gay is the reverse/opposite of being married to a woman.
It's also called "atbash"
used in biblical times ==
Jeremiah 25:26,
"The king of Sheshach shall drink after them" - Sheshach meaning Babylon in Atbash ששך → בבל
07-02-2019, 01:14 AM
If you don't believe me about the reverse principle in satanism then let Allister Crowley convince you.
Quote from Aleister Crowley's book: Magick Liber aba:
And I bought this book so I have verified that this is from Aleister Crowley.
And being gay is the reverse/opposite of being married to a woman.
Romans 1:22-23,
φάσκοντες εἶναι σοφοὶ ἐμωράνθησαν, καὶ ἤλλαξαν τὴν δόξαν τοῦ ἀφθάρτου θεοῦ ἐν ὁμοιώματι εἰκόνος φθαρτοῦ ἀνθρώπου καὶ πετεινῶν καὶ τετραπόδων καὶ ἑρπετῶν.
ἀλλάσσω = change, alter, transform
While claiming to be wise,t they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the likeness of an image of mortal man or of birds or of four-legged animals or of snakes.
Therefore, God handed them over to impurity through the lusts of their hearts for the mutual degradation of their bodies.They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and revered and worshiped the creature rather than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity
07-02-2019, 02:29 AM
And you know that Crowley was very big in satanism.
Even Ozzy Osbourne dedicated a song to him.
he has got a great guitar-player
07-02-2019, 12:08 PM
Sylvius, I was thinking about going to London this summer to see The British Museum and some others like Victoria and Albert Museum + Natural History Museum because why not. Would you like to join?
Richard you are also welcome to join.
I was only thinking of a few days like 3 to 5, since renting a hotel is expensive there and i think that will be enough time for us to take a decent look around in London.
I met a Jewish couple in Spain when I visited my mom there in winter (she is tired of the cold Norway so she moved to Spain) and they live in London so I was thinking about meeting them one of the days also.
07-02-2019, 12:53 PM
Sylvius, I was thinking about going to London this summer to see The British Museum and some others like Victoria and Albert Museum + Natural History Museum because why not. Would you like to join?
Richard you are also welcome to join.
I was only thinking of a few days like 3 to 5, since renting a hotel is expensive there and i think that will be enough time for us to take a decent look around in London.
I met a Jewish couple in Spain when I visited my mom there in winter (she is tired of the cold Norway so she moved to Spain) and they live in London so I was thinking about meeting them one of the days also.
I got to look after my grandchildren
07-02-2019, 01:36 PM
Ahh I see. Maybe I will be going alone then. I have 1 friend here that is interested in history so I will invite him to join.
07-03-2019, 03:01 AM
The holy grail, i.e. the cup Jesus gave to drink to his disciples, is said to have been the stone fallen from Lucifer's crown.
Rabbi Ginsburgh contended that this stone is the last letter of the first version of the ten commandments -- final Kaf.
Ten commandments, first version, Exodus 20, is written with 620 letters,
620 being gematria of "keter" = crown.
620th letter of ten commandments "kaf sofiet", last letter of the 172nd word "l'rei'acha" לְרֵעֶךָ
172="akeiv" =heel
More: "grail" is said to be derived from "goral"= lot.
"the blood of the covenant shed for many" that Jesus gave to drink, is said to be the blood of circumcision.
There are two words for crown in Hebrew "keter" and "atarah"
"atarah" is also name of the glans penis that is "revealed" through circumcision.
Jewish circumcision makes the glans to have another, right up, free, stand, since also the frenulum is being removed.
is written with the, in the Sefer Yetsirah so called, three Motherletters, Alef, Mem, Shin.
It is also said that these letters form the crown of the Hebrew Alphabet.
Isaiah 53:10 has
And the Lord wished to crush him, He made him ill; if his soul makes itself restitution, he shall see seed, he shall prolong his days, and God's purpose shall prosper in his hand.
if his soul makes itself restitution = אִם־תָּשִׂ֚ים אָשָׁם֙ נַפְשׁ֔וֹ , "im tasim asham nafsho"
This word אָשָׁם is an expression of ransom that one gives to the one against when he sinned
So that fits with Mark 10:45,
For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his soul as ransom for many.e as a ransom for many.
and Mark 14:22-23,
Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, and they all drank from it.
He said to them, ?This is my blood of the covenant, which has been shed for many"
The cup being the stone from Lucifer's crown :winking0071:
07-03-2019, 07:55 AM
The Holy Grail is rather a Christian legend or myth.
I don't believe it is anything special about it or that it can "heal other people".
And connecting it to lucifer is just ridiculous if you ask me.
I would guess The Holy Grail is something the Knight's Templar came up with for some reason or agenda, but that is speculation.
07-03-2019, 08:12 AM
Where does it say in the Bible that this cup (The Holy Grail) can heal people ? or that it is a divine relic ?
07-03-2019, 08:14 AM
The Holy Grail is rather a Christian legend or myth.
I don't believe it is anything special about it or that it can "heal other people".
And connecting it to lucifer is just ridiculous if you ask me.
I would guess The Holy Grail is something the Knight's Templar came up with for some reason or agenda, but that is speculation.
the Nazi's were in search for it
07-03-2019, 08:18 AM
They believed in Atlantis also :lol:
07-03-2019, 08:21 AM
Where does it say in the Bible that this cup (The Holy Grail) can heal people ? or that it is a divine relic ?
"This is my blood of the covenant, which has been shed for many"
Τοῦτό ἐστιν τὸ αἷμά μου τῆς διαθήκης τὸ ἐκχυννόμενον ὑπὲρ πολλῶν
ὑπέρ = in the benefit of
07-03-2019, 08:23 AM
"This is my blood of the covenant, which has been shed for many"
What has that to do with the cup ?
"This is my blood" (The blood of Jesus is central here, not the cup)
07-03-2019, 08:33 AM
What has that to do with the cup ?
"This is my blood" (The blood of Jesus is central here, not the cup)
23καὶ λαβὼν ποτήριον εὐχαριστήσας ἔδωκεν αὐτοῖς, καὶ ἔπιον ἐξ αὐτοῦ πάντες. 24καὶ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς, Τοῦτό ἐστιν τὸ αἷμά μου τῆς διαθήκης τὸ ἐκχυννόμενον ὑπὲρ πολλῶν
And taking the cup giving thanks he gave (it) to them, and they all drank from it. and he said to them : "This (cup) is my blood of the covenant that has been shed for many
Same kind of comparison he made about the bread
22Καὶ ἐσθιόντων αὐτῶν λαβὼν ἄρτον εὐλογήσας ἔκλασεν καὶ ἔδωκεν αὐτοῖς καὶ εἶπεν, Λάβετε, τοῦτό ἐστιν τὸ σῶμά μου.
and wheb they were eating taking bread having blessed (it) he broke (it) and gave (it) to them and said: Take (it) , this is my body
bread = the body
cup = the blood
cup Hebr "kos", gematria 86
86 = 1/5 x 430
430 ="nefesh"
The blood is the "nefesh" (soul) of the flesh (Genesis 9:4)
07-03-2019, 09:03 AM
Ok fair enough. But where does it say that it has healing powers ?
07-03-2019, 10:48 AM
Ok fair enough. But where does it say that it has healing powers ?
Matthew added "for the frogiveness of sins"
Matthew 26:27-28,
Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, ?Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which has been shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins.
sick = "choleh"
John 5:5, One man was there who had been sick for 38 years
38 = gematria of "chol" = profane
profane = "chol"
sick = "choleh"
Rashi: flesh and blood must add from the profane to the holy , מחול על הקודש, "meichol v'ad hakodesh"
Here "chol" is written with "vav" -- like indicating he is saying the same as John did.
( Rashi on Genesis 2:2, )
"flesh and blood must add from the profane to the holy" -- flesh= the bread Jesus gave to eat -- blood = the cup he gave to drink
07-03-2019, 01:09 PM
Well the bread and cup was used as symbolism here with a symbolic meaning.
And you explained that well.
But i fail to see what this has to do with The Holy Grail.
From Wikipedia
The Holy Grail is a treasure that serves as an important motif in Arthurian literature. Different traditions describe it as a cup, dish or stone with miraculous powers that provide happiness, eternal youth or sustenance in infinite abundance, often in the custody of the Fisher King. The term "holy grail" is often used to denote an elusive object or goal that is sought after for its great significance.[1]
The scriptures does not synchronize with the info from the "traditions" that tells us about the powers of the cup.
It's bogus. I would say the cup itself is insignificant. What is significant is the symbolic representations.
07-03-2019, 11:22 PM
Well the bread and cup was used as symbolism here with a symbolic meaning.
And you explained that well.
But i fail to see what this has to do with The Holy Grail.
The scriptures does not synchronize with the info from the "traditions" that tells us about the powers of the cup.
It's bogus. I would say the cup itself is insignificant. What is significant is the symbolic representations.
The name "grail" is said to be derived from Hebrew "goral" = lot.
Greek κλῆρος
[2818 /κληρονόμος ("heir") is derived from 2819 /κλῆρος ("lot, the casting of lots"), not the other way around - i.e. the term "lots" is not derived from 2818 (κληρονόμος)
the grail = the cup
Mark 10:38,
Jesus said to them, "You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup that I drink or be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?"
ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν αὐτοῖς, Οὐκ οἴδατε τί αἰτεῖσθε. δύνασθε πιεῖν τὸ ποτήριον ὃ ἐγὼ πίνω, ἢ τὸ βάπτισμα ὃ ἐγὼ βαπτίζομαι βαπτισθῆναι;
07-03-2019, 11:47 PM
Isaiah 53:3-5
Despised and rejected by men, a man of pains and accustomed to illness, and as one who hides his face from us, despised and we held him of no account. Indeed, he bore our illnesses, and our pains-he carried them, yet we accounted him as plagued, smitten by God and oppressed. But he was pained because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities; the chastisement of our welfare was upon him, and with his wound we were healed.
accustomed to illness = וִיד֣וּעַ חֹ֑לִי, "vidu'a choli" - here you see the root "chol"= 38 , from the 38 years the man had been sick (John 5:5)
Indeed, he bore our illnesses = אָכֵ֚ן חֳלָיֵ֙נוּ֙ ה֣וּא נָשָׂ֔א, "achein chalayeinu hu nasa" -- "our 38th's he bore"
"nasa", נָשָׂ֔א = to carry, lift up -- Greek αἴρω -- in John 1:29,
Ἴδε ὁ ἀμνὸς τοῦ θεοῦ ὁ αἴρων τὴν ἁμαρτίαν τοῦ κόσμου.
So you can see that John 1:29 is after Isaiah 53.
and with his wound we were healed = וּבַֽחֲבֻֽרָת֖וֹ נִרְפָּא־לָֽנוּ, "uvachavurato nirpa- lanu"
רָפָא, "rafa" = to heal
רְפֻאָה, "r'fuah"= medicine
רִפְאוּת, "rifut" = healing
רְפָאֵל, "r'fael" = Raphael = God heals
"his wound" = the cup (grail)
07-04-2019, 08:09 AM
In the Garden of Eden there is one chamber called the Chamber of the Ill. The Messiah then enters that chamber and calls for all the illnesses, all the pains, and all the sufferings of Israel to come upon him, and they all do so. And if he did not ease them off of Israel, taking them upon himself, no one could endure the suffering of Israel from the punishments of Torah, as is written: Yet it was our sickness that he was bearing, [our pains that he endured] (Isaiah 53:4).
The Zohar, Va-Yaqhel, 2:21a
Chamber of the Ill = hospital = "beit cholim"
which is almost the same, also in gematria, as "beit lechem" = Bethlehem (= house of bread)
07-04-2019, 09:17 AM
When Elijah the Prophet sent Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi to find the Mashiach at the gate of Rome, he gave him some identifying signs: The Mashiach that the prophet Isaiah describes in chapter 53 as ill and afflicted with sores, sitting among the lepers. And while all the other lepers unbandage all of their sores at once, clean them and re-bandage them, the Mashiach opens and closes each bandage one at a time. This is so that at the moment that God calls him to redeem the Nation of Israel, he will not be delayed any more than the time that it takes to bandage one wound. The clearest sign to identify the Mashiach is his keen eagerness to redeem the Nation of Israel at any moment.
Isaiah describes Mashiach as והוא מחלל מפשענו מדכא מעונתינו ("wounded because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities"). This phrase has the same numerical value, (1369, Yechidah squared) as the first appearance of Mashiach in the Torah: ורוח אלקים מרחפת על פני המים )"And the spirit of God hovered over the face of the water."( The Zohar and Breishit Rabah explain that the "spirit of God" in the verse refers to "the spirit of the King Mashiach."
The Mashiach is מחלל מפשענו "wounded because of our transgressions". In Hebrew, the word מחלל above for "wounded" can also refer to dancing. The Mashiach relates to us in a kind of dance. He hovers near and then distances himself, he elusively glimmers close and then fades away, until we awaken to return to God and by doing so, merit the redemption.
I thought the flipflapping of wings is part of mating dance :winking0071:
07-04-2019, 09:48 AM
Christian Messiah is called "the bridegroom"
Would that be the difference between a Jewish and a Christian Messiah?
Bridegroom = Hebrew "chatan"
07-04-2019, 12:55 PM
Sylvius, The kabbalah, Talmud, Pentagrams, Pentagons, The Holy Grail, all go into the category of either the occult, mystism or folklore/myth.
it seems you love to mix stuff from the bible with either of these things.
I do not do that so please spare me.
07-04-2019, 01:26 PM
And now since we are finally at page 61.
61 = "seven" שבעת (ord) = 6 "and" --- 1 "α" = CW of Vs(159 "The Speed of Light" (A=1) = "Seal of God" (A=26)) = CW of Vs(673 = 6 "and" --- 73 "wisdom")
- Final Combo of the 777 Holograph = 3 X 61 "seven"
- TV of the 777 Holograph = 3091 = Pri(Tri(3)) X Pri(61 "seven")
- FLW + 3 CW of the 777 Holograph = TV of Vs(61 "seven")
- 61 "seven" is word nr 72 (α) by rot. of Vs(1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta))
- The first word that has a value of 61 "seven" in the bible is found in verse nr 14 "Gold(en)" & when you count it by by rot. in this verse it hits the orders of:
25 "and the Golden" (Heb), 57 "Golden" (Eng ord), 73 "wisdom of", 137 (Inv. α) & 777
- 772 (72 (α)) = "seven" שבעת (sta) is first found in verse nr 194 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb ord) & when counted by rot. in this verse it hits the orders of: 14 "Golden" & 729 (α)
- 3 X 772 "seven" = 2000 + CW of Vs(777)
- ordinal + standard of "seven" is: 61 + 772
= 833 = TV of Vs(226 (26 "God") = "created" (H o + s) = (o + s) "α" 2 X 113 "Universe" (Eng ord))
= 83 "wisdom" (Eng ord) with ext. digit
= 104 "Aleph and Tav" (Eng ord) + 729 (α)
= Letters by rot. added in Gen 1:1 from nr 19 "The Heart" to 37 "of Wisdom"
- Word nr 104 "Aleph and Tav" (Eng ord) of the bible contains letter nr 401 "Aleph & Tav" את of the bible.
- 401 = 137 (α) by rot. of Gen 1:1 & it is The Heart/CW
- TV of Vs(85 "The Heart" (Eng ord)) + TV of Vs(125 "Center Word" (Eng ord))
= 4713 (47 "God of" (Eng ord) merged with 713 "wisdom" (Eng sta) OR 47 "God of" --- 13 "One") Where "One" is Alpha
= "c" 3 X Pri(249 "The Finger of God") --- 3X249 = 7+2+9 + 729 (α)
- The Speed of light (299792458 m/s is denoted as "c"
- English Genesis 1:1 = "c" 3 X 137 (α)
Now that is what I call beautiful codes.
07-04-2019, 03:00 PM
I wonder when Richard will remove his "Debunked" sticker on this website and his book.
It's starting to look silly now that I have shared so much riddles & codes here.
Don't you agree Sylvius ?
07-04-2019, 09:57 PM
Sylvius, The kabbalah, Talmud, Pentagrams, Pentagons, The Holy Grail, all go into the category of either the occult, mystism or folklore/myth.
it seems you love to mix stuff from the bible with either of these things.
I do not do that so please spare me.
don't you think it miraculous that Isaiah 53:5, וְהוּא֙ מְחֹלָ֣ל מִפְּשָׁעֵ֔נוּ מְדֻכָּ֖א מֵֽעֲוֹֽנוֹתֵ֑ינוּ , "v'hu m'cholal mipsha'einu m'duka meiavonoteinu" (= and he was pained because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities)
has same gematria as Genesis 1:2, וְר֣וּחַ אֱלֹהִ֔ים מְרַחֶ֖פֶת עַל־פְּנֵ֥י הַמָּֽיִם, "v'ruach elohim m'rachefet al-p'nei hamayim" (= and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters) ,
viz. 1369 = 37 x 37 ?
Hey, Richard has that too!
07-04-2019, 10:15 PM
Oh sorry I though this verse was from the Zohar. I did not see the Isaiah 53:4 there.
"In the Garden of Eden there is one chamber called the Chamber of the Ill. The Messiah then enters that chamber and calls for all the illnesses, all the pains, and all the sufferings of Israel to come upon him, and they all do so. And if he did not ease them off of Israel, taking them upon himself, no one could endure the suffering of Israel from the punishments of Torah, as is written: Yet it was our sickness that he was bearing, [our pains that he endured] (Isaiah 53:4)."
since I just saw the
The Zohar, Va-Yaqhel, 2:21a
in the end there. So I though this verse was from the Kabbalah. And I kind of go red when I see anything about those things.
don't you think it miraculous that Isaiah 53:5, וְהוּא֙ מְחֹלָ֣ל מִפְּשָׁעֵ֔נוּ מְדֻכָּ֖א מֵֽעֲוֹֽנוֹתֵ֑ינוּ , "v'hu m'cholal mipsha'einu m'duka meiavonoteinu" (= and he was pained because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities)
has same gematria as Genesis 1:2, וְר֣וּחַ אֱלֹהִ֔ים מְרַחֶ֖פֶת עַל־פְּנֵ֥י הַמָּֽיִם, "v'ruach elohim m'rachefet al-p'nei hamayim" (= and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters) ,
viz. 1369 = 37 x 37 ?
Yes I think miraculous is the right word here.
And the Hebrew language is interesting in the way it is designed.
nd with his wound we were healed = וּבַֽחֲבֻֽרָת֖וֹ נִרְפָּא־לָֽנוּ, "uvachavurato nirpa- lanu"
רָפָא, "rafa" = to heal
רְפֻאָה, "r'fuah"= medicine
רִפְאוּת, "rifut" = healing
רְפָאֵל, "r'fael" = Raphael = God heals
"his wound" = the cup (grail)
But I still can't see any reason to think this cup has any healing powers or that it should be a this "great artifact" with any powers.
The symbolic meanings was the important aspects of the matter, not the physical cup.
What do you think about this Richard ?
Do you think the disciples made that cup a artifact ?
And that it has healing powers ?
07-05-2019, 06:38 AM
The Mashiach is מחלל מפשענו "wounded because of our transgressions". In Hebrew, the word מחלל above for "wounded" can also refer to dancing. The Mashiach relates to us in a kind of dance. He hovers near and then distances himself, he elusively glimmers close and then fades away, until we awaken to return to God and by doing so, merit the redemption.
"chilleil"= to play the flute
"chalil"= flute
Luke 7:31-32 (= Matthew 11:16-17)
Then to what shall I compare the people of this generation? What are they like? They are like children who sit in the marketplace and call to one another,
"We played the flute for you, but you did not dance.
We sang a dirge, but you did not weep."
αὐλέω = to play the flute, to pipe
ὀρχέομαι = to dance
07-05-2019, 08:44 AM
1Kings 1:39-40,
And Tzadok the priest took the horn of oil from the tabernacle and anointed Solomon, and they blew the horn, and all the people said, "Long live king Solomon. And all the people came up after him, and the people played the flutes and rejoiced with great joy, and the earth was rent by their sound.
and the people played the flutes וְהָעָם֙ מְחַלְּלִ֣ים בַּחֲלִלִ֔ים, v'ha'am m'challelim bachalilim"
07-05-2019, 11:41 AM
"chilleil"= to play the flute
"chalil"= flute
Luke 7:31-32 (= Matthew 11:16-17)
Then to what shall I compare the people of this generation? What are they like? They are like children who sit in the marketplace and call to one another,
"We played the flute for you, but you did not dance.
We sang a dirge, but you did not weep."
αὐλέω = to play the flute, to pipe
ὀρχέομαι = to dance
"chilleil" can also mean: to violate, desecrate, defile, break, profane, vulgarize; to pierce, wound
From this "chol" = secular, common, profane, workaday -- gematria 38, coinciding the 38 years the man of John 5 had been sick.
Also "t'chillah" = beginning, start.
You must note that "b'reishit" has not the same meaning as "bat'chillah", although both are translated with "in the beginning"
God's creation of the heavens and the earth: But it does not say "of the Lord's creation of" for in the beginning it was His intention to create it with the Divine Standard of Justice, but he perceived that the world would not endure; so He preceded it with the Divine Standard of Mercy, allying it with the Divine Standard of Justice, and that is the reason it is written:"on the day the Lord God made earth and heaven."
for in the beginning = שבתחלה , "shebat'chillah"
It's a head-scratcher.
07-05-2019, 09:58 PM
He preceded it with the Divine Standard of Mercy
to precede = "kadam"/ "hikdim" --
singular = without precedent
"hayachid" = the singular one, gematria 37
Greek μονογενὴς (θεὸς)
"kedem"= east, origin -- gematria 144 (= 12 x 12 = 1/2 x 288)
07-06-2019, 03:19 AM
singular = without precedent
without precedent = without cause
something Richard doesn't like :winking0071:
after John 15:25
But this is in order that the word written in their law might be fulfilled, "They hated me without cause."
ἀλλ' ἵνα πληρωθῇ ὁ λόγος ὁ ἐν τῷ νόμῳ αὐτῶν γεγραμμένος ὅτι Ἐμίσησάν με δωρεάν
δωρεάν = without cause, for no reason; without cost , for free , gratis
δωρεά = gift
John 4:10,
If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, "Give me a drink," you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.
Εἰ ᾔδεις τὴν δωρεὰν τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ τίς ἐστιν ὁ λέγων σοι, Δός μοι πεῖν, σὺ ἂν ᾔτησας αὐτὸν καὶ ἔδωκεν ἄν σοι ὕδωρ ζῶν.
Revelation 21:6,
And he said to me, It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment.
καὶ εἶπέν μοι, Γέγοναν. ἐγώ [εἰμι] τὸ Ἄλφα καὶ τὸ ω, ἡ ἀρχὴ καὶ τὸ τέλος. ἐγὼ τῷ διψῶντι δώσω ἐκ τῆς πηγῆς τοῦ ὕδατος τῆς ζωῆς δωρεάν
07-06-2019, 12:37 PM
Free is also "gratis" in Norwegian. I believe we share many similar words since both me and you + Richard are descendants of the 10 Lost Tribes. The 10th Hebrew letter is pronounced "Yod" י. The 10th Norwegian letter is pronounced "Yod" J
ord of Gift δωρεα dorea = 51 "hiding" (Eng ord)
sta of Gift δωρεα dorea = 910 = 10X 13X7 (137 = Inverse Alpha)
Eng ord of Gift = 42 = 3X14 (314 = Pi) = CW of Vs(1618 = Phi)
Eng sta of Gift = 222 ="and" 6X37 "the Heart" = Eng red Gen 1:1
Now just because "The Heart of Wisdom" points to Alpha (and 777 between the lines because of 37) does not mean that "The Heart" just goes with Alpha in the codes.
God also put "Pi" in the Heart of Genesis 1:1 since 401 = Pri(80 "π" (Gr sta) = "Universe" (Gr ord))
07-07-2019, 10:31 PM
Hey, that's demanding
Genesis 4:10,
And Irad was born to Enoch, and Irad begot Mehujael, and Mehijael begot Methushael, and Methushael begot Lemech.
Methushael , מְתֽוּשָׁאֵ֖ל, = 777
Genesis 5:31,
And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred and seventy seven years, and he died.
Lemech and Lamech written the same, in both cases לֶ֔מֶךְ
Genesis 5:28,
And Lamech lived a hundred and eighty two years, and he begot a son.
Only in the case of Lamech there is mentioning of a son (in the "sefer toldot Adam" = book of the generations of Adam -- after which Matthew 1:1 Βίβλος γενέσεως Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ = book of generations of Jesus Christ)
and he begot a son: Heb. בֵּן, from whom the world was built (נִבְנָה). - [from Tanchuma Bereishith 11]
Genesis 5:29,
And he named him Noah, saying, "This one will give us rest from our work and from the toil of our hands from the ground, which the Lord has cursed."
this one wll give us rest
LXX ουτος διαναπαυσει ημας
cf. Matthew 11:28,
Δεῦτε πρός με πάντες οἱ κοπιῶντες καὶ πεφορτισμένοι, κἀγὼ ἀναπαύσω ὑμᾶς
Lamech also the one to be seventy seven fold revenged
Genesis 4:24,
If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, then for Lemech it shall be seventy seven fold
After this it is assumed that Luke enumerates 77 generations from Adam to Jesus (Luke 3:23-38)
God being the 78th.
78 = "lechem" = bread.
07-07-2019, 11:01 PM
Methushael and Methushelach differ 7 in gematria.
מְתֽוּשָׁאֵ֖ל Methushael = 777
מְתוּשֶׁ֗לַח Methushelach = 784
( so it is the difference between "alef" = 1 and "chet" = 8)
Methushelach the oldest man ever:
Genesis 5:27,
And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred and sixty nine years, and he died.
the difference of 7 might have to do with the seven days of Genesis 7:4,
For in another seven days, I will make it rain upon the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will blot out all beings that I have made, off the face of the earth.
For in another seven days: (Sanh. 108b) These are the seven days of mourning for the righteous Methuselah, for the Holy One, blessed be He, had consideration for his honor, and delayed the retribution. Go and calculate the years of Methuselah and you will find that they ended in the six-hundredth year of Noah?s life.
07-08-2019, 09:48 AM
מְתֽוּשָׁאֵ֖ל Methushael = 777
"meth" = death
"shaal"= to ask, inquire, question, wish, seek
from this "sheol"= underworld, realm of the dead, abyss, grave
I found:
"shaal et nafsho lamut" = to want to die, to be tired (sick) of life.
This might be well an explanation of the name Methushael
Genesis 4:18,
And to Enoch was born Irad , and Irad begot Mehujael, and Mehijael begot Methushael, and Methushael begot Lemech.
Genesis Rabba 23:2,
2. And unto Enoch was born Irad; and Irad
begot Mehujael; and Mehujael begot
Methushael; and Methushael begot Lamech
(iv, 18). R. Joshua b. Levi said: All these names signify
chastening. Irad: I shall drive them Jordan) out of the
world [by the flood] ; Mehujael: I shall wipe them
[mohan) from the world ; Methushael: I shall
wear them out (matishan) from the world: what have I to
do with Lamech and his descendants?
07-09-2019, 04:54 AM
This and that makes plausible that "this generation" (of Matthew 24:34 and other places) is not about a first century generation, but about the generation of the flood, like is stated a few verses later, Matthew 24:37-39,
For like the days of Noach, so it will be the coming of the Son of Man. For like in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day that Noach entered the ark. and they did not know until the flood came and carried them all away, So will be [also] the coming of the Son of Man.
ὥσπερ γὰρ αἱ ἡμέραι τοῦ Νῶε, οὕτως ἔσται ἡ παρουσία τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ ἀνθρώπου. ὡς γὰρ ἦσαν ἐν ταῖς ἡμέραις [ἐκείναις] ταῖς πρὸ τοῦ κατακλυσμοῦ τρώγοντες καὶ πίνοντες, γαμοῦντες καὶ γαμίζοντες, ἄχρι ἧς ἡμέρας εἰσῆλθεν Νῶε εἰς τὴν κιβωτόν, καὶ οὐκ ἔγνωσαν ἕως ἦλθεν ὁ κατακλυσμὸς καὶ ἦρεν ἅπαντας, οὕτως ἔσται [καὶ] ἡ παρουσία τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ ἀνθρώπου.
07-09-2019, 08:28 AM
So the story of the flood isn't history but allegory, proven by Desmilds number 777 :winking0071:
allegory = Hebrew "mashal" - from wich "moshel"= ruler
Micah 5:1,
And you, Bethlehem Ephrathah-you should have been the lowest of the clans of Judah-from you [he] shall emerge for Me, to be a ruler over Israel; and his origin is from of old, from days of yore.
a ruler over Israel = מוֹשֵׁ֖ל בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל, "moshel b'yisrael"
Genesis 4:7,
Is it not so that if you improve, it will be forgiven you? If you do not improve, however, at the entrance, sin is lying, and to you is its longing, but you can rule over it.
but you can rule over it, וְאַתָּ֖ה תִּמְשָׁל־בּֽוֹ, "v'attah tim'shal-bo"
Mark 4:34,
Without parable he did not speak to them, but to his own disciples he explained everything in private.
without parable = χωρὶς δὲ παραβολῆς aat&src=typed_query
07-09-2019, 10:29 AM
LXX has ἄρχων for "moshel" in Micah 5:1
εκ σου μοι εξελευσεται του ειναι εις αρχοντα εν τω ισραηλ
Matthew did choose another word, viz. ἡγεμών
Matthew 2:6,
ἐκ σοῦ γὰρ ἐξελεύσεται ἡγούμενος, ὅστις ποιμανεῖ τὸν λαόν μου τὸν Ἰσραήλ.
Which fits with the verb ἐξηγέομαι in John 1:18,
θεὸν οὐδεὶς ἑώρακεν πώποτε: μονογενὴς θεὸς ὁ ὢν εἰς τὸν κόλπον τοῦ πατρὸς ἐκεῖνος ἐξηγήσατο
ἐξηγέομαι = 1) to lead out, be a leader; 2) tell, relate, explain; make known, reveal.
Jesus allegorized God :winking0071:
07-09-2019, 04:57 PM
The 777 connection to Methusael and Lamech is quite interesting since they are in family
So the story of the flood isn't history but allegory, proven by Desmilds number 777
You lost me there, no I think you are jumping a bit if you think so.
777 is not about a allegory. And it's not "My number". It's one of my favorite numbers but it is The Seal of God.
If you have not understood that then you need to read my first page on this thread again and consider.
07-09-2019, 05:16 PM
Here is a few new "Seal of God" codes so that you can see more clearly.
FLW of Vs(1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)) + CW of Vs(86 "of God" (Heb sta))
= 777 (The Seal of God")
CW of Vs(117 = "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord) = "The Seal of God" (Eng ord)) + 146 "The Universe" (Eng ord)
= 777 (The Seal of God)
FLW of Vs(1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)) + CW of Vs(539 "The Seal of God" (Heb sta))
= 1103 = 113 "Universe" (A=1 B=2 C=3) with 0 removed = 103 "Universe" (A=26 B=25 C=24) with extended digit
Richard Amiel McGough
07-09-2019, 08:55 PM
Here is a few new "Seal of God" codes so that you can see more clearly.
FLW of Vs(1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)) + CW of Vs(86 "of God" (Heb sta))
= 777 (The Seal of God")
CW of Vs(117 = "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord) = "The Seal of God" (Eng ord)) + 146 "The Universe" (Eng ord)
= 777 (The Seal of God)
FLW of Vs(1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)) + CW of Vs(539 "The Seal of God" (Heb sta))
= 1103 = 113 "Universe" (A=1 B=2 C=3) with 0 removed = 103 "Universe" (A=26 B=25 C=24) with extended digit
Actually, your examples are PROOF that you are just "Fooling around" cuz you follow no principles and so can make up whatever you want. It's entirely meaningless.
For example, how many different numerological systems could you use to represent the value of "seven hundred seventy and seven"? English standard, English Ordinal, English Reduced, Hebrew Standard, Hebrew Ordinal, Hebrew Reduced ... etc., etc., etc. And then you could do the same thing with "seven seven seven" or whatever else hits your fancy. And then how many verses could you look to find the other part (the CW of vs 86)? You didn't have to use the CW! You could use whatever you found that would fit a "pattern" that fit what you wanted to say. And so anyone with eyes can immediately see that is it is an utterly meaningless game you play with yourself. It has no meaning whatsoever. ZERO. ZILCH. NADA.
If you disagree, please explain how you can discern between your numerology and meaningless random coincidences that can be found in any text.
Of course we both know you can't do that, since we've been over this a billion times.
But I saw your post so I thought I would remind you that you have NEVER answered this simple point, which means that all your claims are meaningless.
Nice chatting,
PS: What's with the gold text? Can hardly read it.
07-09-2019, 10:14 PM
Genesis 7:6,
And Noach was six hundred years old, and the flood came about, water upon the earth.
This was exactly 1656 years after the creation of Adam, man.
You can reckon after with the ages given in Genesis 5.
Now it came to my mind that Mark 1:15 is about this:
Πεπλήρωται ὁ καιρὸς "the time has been fulfilled" -- the 1656 years are up
Jesus son of Joseph, not physical, but spiritual:
Genesis 41:45,
And Pharaoh named Joseph Tzafnat Pa'neiach
צָֽפְנַ֣ת פַּעְנֵ֒חַ֒
gematria 828 = 1/2 x 1656
"He who explains hidden things"
07-09-2019, 11:40 PM
Also Pharao was dreaming about the number seven :winking0071:
Genesis 41:2-4,
And behold, from the Nile were coming up seven cows, of handsome appearance and robust flesh, and they pastured in the marshland. And behold, seven other cows were coming up after them from the Nile, of ugly appearance and lean of flesh, and they stood beside the cows [which were] on the Nile bank. And the cows of ugly appearance and lean of flesh devoured the seven cows that were of handsome appearance and healthy; then Pharaoh awoke.
Seven is an edenic , after שֶׁ֣בַע, "sheva".
like also six, after שֵׁשׁ, "shesh"
וְנֹ֕חַ בֶּן־ שֵׁ֥שׁ מֵא֖וֹת שָׁנָ֑ה, "v'noach ben-shesh meiot shanah"
07-10-2019, 03:26 AM
Jesus's father was a carpenter , τέκτων, like also Noach was
Genesis 6:14,
Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood
ark = "teivah" -- which can also mean word as written with letters.
So all three were wordartists...
07-10-2019, 10:23 AM
This was exactly 1656 years after the creation of Adam, man.
Very interesting since 1656 = 729 + 927
Actually, your examples are PROOF that you are just "Fooling around" cuz you follow no principles and so can make up whatever you want. It's entirely meaningless.
For example, how many different numerological systems could you use to represent the value of "seven hundred seventy and seven"? English standard, English Ordinal, English Reduced, Hebrew Standard, Hebrew Ordinal, Hebrew Reduced ... etc., etc., etc. And then you could do the same thing with "seven seven seven" or whatever else hits your fancy. And then how many verses could you look to find the other part (the CW of vs 86)? You didn't have to use the CW! You could use whatever you found that would fit a "pattern" that fit what you wanted to say. And so anyone with eyes can immediately see that is it is an utterly meaningless game you play with yourself. It has no meaning whatsoever. ZERO. ZILCH. NADA.
If you disagree, please explain how you can discern between your numerology and meaningless random coincidences that can be found in any text.
Of course we both know you can't do that, since we've been over this a billion times.
But I saw your post so I thought I would remind you that you have NEVER answered this simple point, which means that all your claims are meaningless.
Nice chatting,
PS: What's with the gold text? Can hardly read it. "
Actually Richard I have answered this several times. By checking the important places.
But you don't want to comprehend that so you just keep repeating your bull...
Because you have seen many of the connections in my first page. And to call those connections "meaningless" is stupid
Yes we have a all-knowing God. And Yes these codes are riddled so there are several gematria systems to use here.
If you don't like that then it wont help to repeat your frustration, i can make you look stupid if I want to when you say that I don't know what I am doing. But I am saving most of it for my book. I have shared enough here.
PS: You can mark the golden text with you mouse pointer so that it becomes blue
07-10-2019, 10:46 AM
Is it just random that the CW of Vs(17 "Precious") = 777 = CW of Vs(729 = Alpha)
Do you know of any more verses in the Torah that has a CW of 777 ??? I don't
That is because it is deliberate, and there no other number that is more important in these codes than 777.
Even number 7 = Pri(5 "The") = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal")
But I guess this all just me being crazy ?? You truly are blind.
07-10-2019, 11:43 AM
You know what Richard, the time has come for people to see how far off from the truth you truly are.
You picked the wrong day to call my work "meaningless" because whatever you say about my methods and codes after this will truly be "meaningless".
- "Heaven" in Hebrew also means "Universe"
Strongs definition of "heaven"
shamayim {shaw-mah'-yim} dual of an unused singular שמה shameh {shaw-meh'} from an unused root meaning to be lofty; TWOT - 2407a; n m AV - heaven 398, air 21, astrologers + 01895 1; 420 1) heaven, heavens, sky 1a) visible heavens, sky 1a1) as abode of the stars 1a2) as the visible universe, the sky, atmosphere, etc 1b) Heaven (as the abode of God)
- CW of vs(137) = 27 + 401
- TV of Vs(113 "Universe") = TV of Vs(2662) --- 26+62 = 88 "the heaven"
- Pytha.Pri-ord(137) X 137 = 2055 (205 "Genesis one one" (A=26)) --- A=26 of Eng Gen 1:1 = 777
- 49 "Atom" (Eng ord) is also the value of "The Alpha" Ο Αλφα (ord)
- CW+ = 3 or 4 CW
And remember that Triangle nr 112 "The Lord God" is made up of:
(Eng ord) 56 "created" X 113 "universe" (Eng ord)
= TV of Gen 1:1 & John 1:1 which are the only verses that starts with "In the beginning"
- TV of Vs(913 "In the beginning" (Heb sta)) = 1000 + 296 "The earth" (Heb sta) + TV of Vs(841 "The Universe" (Gr sta))
Richard Amiel McGough
07-10-2019, 07:16 PM
Actually Richard I have answered this several times. By checking the important places.
Hey there Alex,
Your "answers" are nothing but a repetition of the errors that I have exposed. You cannot prove anything by cherry picking in "important places." You will always be able to find "patterns" in any random data. You know this is true because you have posted "patterns" that you thought were very "important" that were in fact based on the wrong numbers and so false. This is the fundamental flaw in your method. You have no way to tell if the "patterns" you find have any meaning at all.
Let me explain again - Your method is fundamentally flawed because it is based on CHERRY PICKING which is how all numerologists delude themselves. You need to answer this point, and you can't do it by more cherry picking! Here's what you need to do: Explain how you can tell the difference between your patterns and what would could find in any random text.
But you don't want to comprehend that so you just keep repeating your bull...
Please state explicitly what I said that was "bull" and show me my error. That's surely the best way to proceed, right?
Because you have seen many of the connections in my first page. And to call those connections "meaningless" is stupid
Why is it stupid to say that those connections are meaningless? What evidence do you have that they are not exactly what we would expect from random chance?
You need to do more than merely assert that your numerology is "obvious" because the only thing obvious to me is that it is meaningless, and I can prove it and you cannot refute a word I've written. Merely saying my proofs are "stupid" or "bull" proves nothing except your implicit admission that you know I am correct. You cannot prove your claims.
Yes we have a all-knowing God. And Yes these codes are riddled so there are several gematria systems to use here.
If you don't like that then it wont help to repeat your frustration, i can make you look stupid if I want to when you say that I don't know what I am doing. But I am saving most of it for my book. I have shared enough here.
Funny but the "several gematria systems" is why its so easy to find anything you want in a random text. You have several values for everything so with just a little text you get an ocean of random numbers to use in your "patterns." By multiplying your methods you have destroyed any chance of anyone taking any of it seriously. That's why I opposed your kind of numerology back in the day when I believed God designed the Bible according to gematria.
Do you really think you can "make me look stupid"? Seriously??? Go for it dude! I'm serious! Give it your best shot. :thumb:
PS: You can mark the golden text with you mouse pointer so that it becomes blue
Yes, I know that (of course) but it's a bother. What's the value of forcing the reader to highlight otherwise unreadable text?
Great chatting!
PS: I do hope you will try to present some actual evidence. Your constant repetition of empty unproven claims is rather tedious.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-10-2019, 07:41 PM
Is it just random that the CW of Vs(17 "Precious") = 777 = CW of Vs(729 = Alpha)
Yes, that's just random. It looks like you started by scanning for verses that happened to have CW = 777 and then went looking for a way to make a "connection" between their verse numbers. It's random because it doesn't matter what the verse numbers might be ... you could always find a "connection" between them.
This is the fundamental flaw in your method. You have so many ways to make "connections" that you could make connections in any random text and so your connections prove nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Do you know of any more verses in the Torah that has a CW of 777 ??? I don't
I don't know (I could write a program to check), but if there are no others then that's evidence God did NOT design the Bible using your patterns because anyone with half a brain could make MUCH BETTER patterns than the ones you have found.
For example, if I designed the Bible using patterns like yours, I would have vs(137) be about LIGHT with CW = 207 (LIGHT, Heb std) and the only other verse with that CW would be vs(729) to connect the values of alpha and inverse alpha and I'd add a hundred other connections that are a thousand times better than yours. It would be super easy to do.
Now consider what this means. Since I can make better patterns than than those you attribute to your God, then either I am the true God or your numerology proves nothing.
That is because it is deliberate, and there no other number that is more important in these codes than 777.
Merely asserting it is "deliberate" does not prove it is deliberate. And if it is true that there is no more important number in you codes than 777 then your codes are not nearly as good as they could be, which means they were not designed by a perfect God. He apparently has a lot of learning to do when it comes to pattern making. I can do it a thousand times better and I'm a mere human! :p
Even number 7 = Pri(5 "The") = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal")
But I guess this all just me being crazy ?? You truly are blind.
Blind? Get real Alex. The example you gave proves my point yet again. You have connected" 7 with 5 and 37. This is why your numerology is meaningless. You can "connect" any two numbers, so what then does the "connection" imply? Nothing at all! Nada. Zip. Zilch.
I think it would be great if you tried to answer my points. Merely calling me "blind" means nothing at all.
Great chatting!
07-10-2019, 11:36 PM
The 777 connection to Methusael and Lamech is quite interesting since they are in family
You lost me there, no I think you are jumping a bit if you think so.
777 is not about a allegory. And it's not "My number". It's one of my favorite numbers but it is The Seal of God.
If you have not understood that then you need to read my first page on this thread again and consider.
First page:
37 has the value of "Seal" (Eng ord) & 777 is the Seal of God. So 37 is really central to this since it is a code number for 777.
The 777 Holograph was the main feature of this thread and it's really special, I did not understand nor know how special it was when I found it, but boy do I now.
A large part of my upcoming book will be about the 777 Holograph because it is so much more to it that is not shared here.
But my holographs here are literally work in progress, which means that things may be altered in time due to new connections that I did not see before. The 666 Holograph is now remade but its the most difficult integration since its hard to discern when God gives you good or evil connections here.
Number 777 is mostly known because of the 3 nouns added of Genesis 1:1:
"God + "the heaven" + "the earth" = 777
I have heard from some Hebrews that number 777 represents
the 7 days of creation, the 7th day (Sabbath) & the 7 annual holy days (mentioned in Lev 23).
I think that it is a very possible, which makes this number a very special finger print that God is using.
He did after all use this fingerprint on his whole creation along with himself.
But after some years of research and seeing how important number 777 is, I have now come to the conclusion that this number is the Seal of God. It has a major place in the codes and even Genesis 1:1 is extremely connected to it, since number 37 is a code number for 777. Remember that number 36 is connected to 666 since it is its Triangular order.
So its not hard to see that God is using number 37 as a code number for 777.
It is a number that displays the two numbers 3 & 7.
Here are a some clues that points to the fact that number 777 is the Seal of God. There is more though, but it can wait for the book.
"Seal" (Eng ord) = 37
"of God" (Eng sta) = 137
I think the 777 Holograph is amazing, I consider it the peak of my discoveries. And I don't think I will find anything as special as it again.
- Verse nr 137 is the only verse that litterally mentions 777
so the only evidence you present is that 37 should stand for English "seal" -- which is rather meager, or even complete nonsense .
In another post you maintained that 777 should be the seal of God since Revelation 7 mentions the 144.000 sealed with the seal of the living God.
Somewhat like this:
"The triumph of the Elect"
Better beware of them :eek:
07-11-2019, 01:45 AM
Ok, I will answer both you and Sylvius in one shot now. And yes I think you already look like a fool since we see the clear connections in the Universe Holograph, that if you have read my first page and understand everything. But I will surely make sure you look foolish now.
We saw the CW of Vs(17 "Precious") & CW of Vs(729 = Alpha) = 777 (The Seal of God)
Now if there are anymore verses that has a CW of 777 it will align/harmonize with those two verses.
Now 37 = "Seal"/"The Heart"/"of Wisdom" (Eng ord)
- CW/Heart of Vs(534 "Seal of God" אלהים חתם Chatham Elohim) = 371 (37 "Seal" (A=1) merged with 71 "Seal" (A=26))
- CW of Vs(37 "Seal" (A=1)) = 400 + 16 "Seal" (Heb red)
- CW of vs(71 = "God" (A=1) = "Seal" (A=26)) = 68 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb red)
- TV added of Vs(37) & Vs(71) = 10X 584 (5 "The" --- 84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord))
- CW added of Vs(37) & Vs(71) = 484 "The Seal of God" אל החתם
- CW of Vs(371) = 466 = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord) with extended digit
- CW of Vs(371) + CW of Vs(777) = 5 "The" + 777
- CW of Vs ord. at: 37, 71 & 371 = 950 "and" και (rev sta) = 10X 95 "The Universe" (Gr ord))
- CW of Vs(1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)) =500 + 371
- CW of Vs(43 "Seal" חתם (ord))= 357 "Seal of God" (Eng ord + sta)
- CW of Vs(448 "Seal" חתם (sta))= 631 (6 "and" --- 31 "God") = Pri(116 "secret codes" (Eng ord))
- CW of Vs(37 "Seal") + CW of Vs(777) = 1193 = Pri(197 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb rev ord))
- CW of Vs(703 = Tri(37 "Seal")) + CW of Vs(777) = 638 (6 "and" --- 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord))
Integrating Vs(539 "The Seal of God" (Heb sta)) & Vs(777)
- TV = 4656 (46 "codes" --- 56 "created") ="Seal" 16 X CW of Vs(486 "The Seal of God" (Eng sta))
= (ord) גנז "Treasure" 24 X 194 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb ord)
= 10X146 "The Universe" (Eng ord)) + TV of Vs(1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta))
- FLW = 345 "God Almighty" ("Almighty" is the 2nd word of Vs(777) which is 137 by rot.)
- CW = 930 "Seven Seven Seven" שבעת שבעת שבעת (rev sta)
- FLCW = 1275 "and the earth" (Heb & Eng sta)
Vs(37 "Seal" (Eng ord)) & Vs(366 "The Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Eng ord))
- TV = 5334 (534 "Seal of God" (Heb sta))
- FLW = 400 + 76 "In the beginning" (Heb ord)
- CW = 560 = 10X 56 "light" (Eng ord) = "God" (Heb rev sta) = "God" (Gr rev sta)
- FLCW = 1036 (136 "Seal" (Eng sta)) = CL + CW of Gen 37:7 which is Vs(1091 = Pri(183 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord))
- W. surr. CW = 1499 = "In the beginning the Alpha" εν αρχηι ο Αλφα (ord + sta)
Vs(5 "The") & Vs(534 "Seal of God") integrated
- TV ="Precious" 17X(273 "Gematria" (Heb sta) = "Seal of God" (Eng sta))
- FLW = 1161 "Universe" (Heb & Gr sta) = (heb ord) "Seal" 43 X 27 "Riddles of" (Heb ord)
- CW = 446 = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord)
- FLCW = 1607 = Pri(254 "In the beginning Seven Seven Seven" (Eng ord)) = 1000 + ordinal of the 777
- W. surr. CW = 905 = 95 "The Universe" Ο Συμπαν (ord) (0 removed)
- 4 CW = 1351 = "The Lord God made the earth and the heavens" ושמים ארץ אלהים יהוה עשות [Gen 2:4] = 7X Pri(45 "treasure(s) (Heb ord))
- FLW + 4 CW = 2512 "The Ark of the Covenant and the Ten Commandments" (Heb sta)
= 37 "Seal"/"The Heart" + 73 "The seven hundred seventy and seven"/"of Wisdom"
+ 777 + 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)
= TV of Vs(2813 = 112 "The Lord God" + 37X73)
TV of Vs(70 "The Seal" (Eng ord)) = "The" 5 X 1073 (173 "Seal" (Eng ord + sta))
- FLW = 305 "Lamb" (Heb) since 70 is also the value of "The" Ο. But you know how God requires us to read between the lines so this = 35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red) with 0 removed
- CW = 57 "Golden" (Eng ord) = "Heaven" (Heb ord)
- FLCW = 2X Pri(43 "Seal" (Heb ord)) --- 2X43 = 86 "of God"
See Richard, you have no chance. How can you "debunk" God ? since this is His work.
You're arrogant, that's for sure. Do you think you can make these codes seem meaningless when they are full of meaning ?? And that alone proves that God exists.
And you can't do anything about that nor change that fact.
07-11-2019, 02:02 AM
Go ahead and write that program so I can show you that every verse where 777 is a center word is special.
Oh and almost forgot.
- TV of the First verse of chapter nr 37 "Seal" = 2X 777 = 777 + its mirror = 3 CW of the 777 Holograph
- CW instead = 259 = 200 + 59 "God said" (Eng ord) = 7 = Pri(5 "The") X 37 "Seal" (Eng ord)
- 37 "Seal" = 37 "Seal" by rot. of Vs(777)
- TV of Vs(620 "Crown" (Heb sta)) + TV of Vs(1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta))
= 4553 (453 "The Seal" החתם)
Right, so you and Sylvius should really understand how little you see in these codes now.
Will you accept the truth now or will you slumber in your ignorance ??
PS I will not give you all I got here since that is saved for the the book.
07-11-2019, 02:24 AM
We saw the CW of Vs(17 "Precious") & CW of Vs(729 = Alpha) = 777 (The Seal of God)
Revelation 7:2 has
καὶ εἶδον ἄλλον ἄγγελον ἀναβαίνοντα ἀπὸ ἀνατολῆς ἡλίου, ἔχοντα σφραγῖδα θεοῦ ζῶντος
σφραγίς = seal, Hebrew "chotam"
θεός = God, Hebrew "elohim"
ζῶντος = living from ζάω = to live
living God would be Hebrew "el-chai"
I thought the seal of the living God is the four-letter name that is present in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vaychulu hashamayim" (last two words of Genesis 1:31 and first two words of Genesis 2:1,
וַיַּ֤רְא אֱלֹהִים֙ אֶת־כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשָׂ֔ה וְהִנֵּה־ט֖וֹב מְאֹ֑ד וַֽיְהִי־עֶ֥רֶב וַֽיְהִי־בֹ֖קֶר י֥וֹם הַשִּׁשִּֽׁי
וַיְכֻלּ֛וּ הַשָּׁמַ֥יִם וְהָאָ֖רֶץ וְכָל־צְבָאָֽם
07-11-2019, 02:50 AM
The Seal of the living God in Revelation is different from the numerical Seal of God (777) after my understanding. But it is mentioned in chapter number 7 there so it points to 777 there.
In the first verse of Revelation 7 we see:
- Verse order = 4X(7703 (703 =Tri(37 "Seal)) = "In the beginning Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" εν αρχηι επτακοσιες εβδομήντα επτά (rev ord + rev sta))
- Nr.W = 34 "Alpha" (Gr ord)
- Nr.L = 161 (Phi)
. Nr.L + Nr.W = 195 "Seven Seven Seven" (Eng ord)
- TV = 17242 (17 "Precious" --- 242 "Riddles" (Eng sta))
= (A=26) "Codes" 89 X 159 "Seal of God" (A=26) + TV of 777 Holograph
- First word = 31 "God" (Heb sta)
- Last word = 283 "The Seal of God, Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb ord)
- FLW = 314 (Pi) = 300 + 14 "Golden" (Heb)
- CW = 1274 "Atom, Electron, Proton" (Eng sta)
- FLCW = 1588 (158 = 2X Pri(23) --- 2X23 = 46 "Codes")
and the codes in that chapter will point to the numerical Seal of God (777).
Revelation 7:3
Saying, Hurt not the earth,
neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
In Revelation 7:3
- Verse order = 30 000 + 37 "Seal" + 777
- Nr.W = 23 = Pri(10 "Alpha" (Gr red))
- Nr.L = 107 "Treasure" (Eng ord) = Pri(29 "and" (Heb ord))
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 130 "Inverse Alpha" (Eng ord)
- TV = 16387 = "Riddles of" 27X(607 = Pri(112 "The Lord God") = ordinal of the 777 Holograph)
= 207 "The Seal of God" (A=26 B=25 C=24) + 16180 (5 digits of Phi)
- First word = 888 "Jesus" (Gr sta) = "Seal" 37 X 24 "Treasure" (Heb ord)
- Last word = 1551 "God created the universe" (Eng sta) (151 "Jesus Christ" (A=1) = "The Universe" (A=26))
- FLW = 2000 + Pri(86 "God") = 37 "Seal" + 777 + 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)
- CW = 911 "the beginning" (Heb sta) (91 = 13X7) = Pri(157 = Pri(38 "Alpha" (Eng ord)))
- FLCW = 10X 335 (35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red))
- W. surr. CW = 634 (6 "and" (Heb ord) --- 34 "Alpha" (Gr ord))
- 4 CW = 1545 "In the beginning Universe" εν αρχηι Συμπαν
07-11-2019, 03:20 AM
you keep on saying that 37= "Seal"
but that's utter nonsense to me.
Chaldean Numerology
The numerical value of utter nonsense in Chaldean Numerology is: 5
Pythagorean Numerology
The numerical value of utter nonsense in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9
07-11-2019, 03:27 AM
Well the codes disagrees.
37 stand for several things, but when you find it with 137 or 777 it's always "Seal".
Fact's does not care about feelings. You and Richard can repeat your feelings as much as you wish.
I will always have a ton more to debunk you. Look at the results.
07-11-2019, 03:43 AM
I mean you deny truth.
No matter how the results are you always say it's meaningless, but the fact is that it's not.
Let me give you guys a few more examples.
1625 = "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)
- This is a big number so it's unlikely to find it as a CW in a verse of the Torah. So it would be easier for God to encode it in the FLCW.
- FLCW of Vs(703 = Tri(37 "Seal")) + FLCW of Vs(86 "of God") = 1625
- FLCW of Vs(431 = Pri(84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord))) = 1625
- 431 = Pri(84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord)) = 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) merged with 31 "of God" (Heb sta, singular-form))
= CW of Vs(22335 (235 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Gr ord)) = Vs Tri(777) by rot.)
- 486 "The Seal of God" (Eng ord) = (Heb ord) "The Seal" 48 merged with 86 "of God" (Heb sta, plural-form)
= CW of the first verses made up of 777 & 1625
But I have lost any faith that you will take any of this seriously so I think this is enough.
Hopefully the general public are more open to these riddles & codes than you guys.
Because they are wonderful and God does a really good job.
07-11-2019, 03:48 AM
37 stand for several things, but when you find it with 137 or 777 it's always "Seal".
from which book you learned that?
Richard Amiel McGough
07-11-2019, 11:15 AM
Well the codes disagrees.
37 stand for several things, but when you find it with 137 or 777 it's always "Seal".
Actually, you are the one who disagrees. The "code" doesn't say anything except what YOU say it says! So really it's nothing but you making up patterns from random numbers connected with random words.
You know there are HUNDREDS of words you could "connect" with 37 using three languages (Greek, Hebrew, English) coupled with your wide variety of numerological systems (Ordinal, Standard, Reduced, By Rot, Prime Index, etc., etc., etc.). You arbitrarily chose the the word "Seal" because it has the value 37 in one particular system of gematria (English ordinal). You have no actual evidence that the number 37 actually has anything to do with the idea of a "seal" other than some random cherry picked "connections" which are exactly what we would find in any random text using your methods.
Fact's does not care about feelings. You and Richard can repeat your feelings as much as you wish.
You are right that facts don't care about feelings. But you got it backwards when you say it is I who is merely repeating feelings. I have presented hard facts and solid logic that prove you wrong, and you know you cannot answer so all you do is repeat your UNFOUNDED ASSERTIONS (feelings) that your "codes" are real when in fact you have never presented any evidence supporting your feelings.
I will always have a ton more to debunk you. Look at the results.
You have never debunked a word I have written. I, on the other hand, have debunked essentially everything you've written. If you disagree, please quote something I wrote that you debunked. That would be very interesting.
Great chatting!
Richard Amiel McGough
07-11-2019, 11:32 AM
I mean you deny truth.
No matter how the results are you always say it's meaningless, but the fact is that it's not.
I say they are meaningless because that's the truth, and I can prove it. Your "patterns" are exactly what we would expect in any random text using your methods. You know you have no way to discern between a "real" pattern that was "designed by God" and totally meaningless random patterns because you have presented patterns that were supposedly from God but were in fact based on faulty calculations (i.e. random numbers).
Presenting more examples of the same error will never prove that they are not in error. Why can't you see this?
This is the fundamental flaw in your method. You have no way to discern between meaningful "codes" and meaningless random connections you could find in any random text using your methods.
You need to address this point. I have explained it to you a million times an you keep ignoring it and choose to just repeat your unfounded assertions.
Let me give you guys a few more examples.
1625 = "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)
- This is a big number so it's unlikely to find it as a CW in a verse of the Torah. So it would be easier for God to encode it in the FLCW.
- FLCW of Vs(703 = Tri(37 "Seal")) + FLCW of Vs(86 "of God") = 1625
- FLCW of Vs(431 = Pri(84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord))) = 1625
- 431 = Pri(84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord)) = 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) merged with 31 "of God" (Heb sta, singular-form))
= CW of Vs(22335 (235 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Gr ord)) = Vs Tri(777) by rot.)
- 486 "The Seal of God" (Eng ord) = (Heb ord) "The Seal" 48 merged with 86 "of God" (Heb sta, plural-form)
= CW of the first verses made up of 777 & 1625
But I have lost any faith that you will take any of this seriously so I think this is enough.
Hopefully the general public are more open to these riddles & codes than you guys.
Because they are wonderful and God does a really good job.
Say what? I take your claims very seriously. They are seriously delusional because have no guiding principles. You are just finger painting with random numbers generated by three languages turning into numbers using a wide variety of methods. That's why any child could find patterns in any random text using your methods, and that's why your claims are demonstrably false. Nothing could be more obvious.
You need to address this point. I have explained why your system is flawed and you have not been able to answer so you just repeat your FEELING that they "codes" are real.
Got it?
You need to address this point. If you cannot answer, why would anyone believe the codes are real?
Great chatting!
07-11-2019, 11:52 AM
The Seal of the living God in Revelation is different from the numerical Seal of God (777) after my understanding. But it is mentioned in chapter number 7 there so it points to 777 there.
Based on their understanding of scriptures such as Revelation 14:1-4, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that exactly 144,000 faithful Christians go to heaven to rule with Christ in the kingdom of God
Revelation 14:1,
Then I looked and there was the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads.
So indeed "the seal of the living God" is (about) the Tetragrammaton.
Jesus's name "Yeshu Hanotzri" is about the Tetragrammaton in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vaychulu hashamayim", since gematria of "Yeshu Hanotzri" matches the gematria of "yom hashishi", viz. 671 = 666 +5 (the value of the letter "hey" that was added to "shishi" at the completion of creation -- see Rashi on Genesis 1:31 -- )-
and has same initials "yud" and "hey" - forming the "y-h "- part of the Tetragrammaton.
Without "hey" there was no Tetragrammaton and also no seal.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-11-2019, 11:54 AM
In Revelation 7:3
- Verse order = 30 000 + 37 "Seal" + 777
- Nr.W = 23 = Pri(10 "Alpha" (Gr red))
- Nr.L = 107 "Treasure" (Eng ord) = Pri(29 "and" (Heb ord))
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 130 "Inverse Alpha" (Eng ord)
- TV = 16387 = "Riddles of" 27X(607 = Pri(112 "The Lord God") = ordinal of the 777 Holograph)
= 207 "The Seal of God" (A=26 B=25 C=24) + 16180 (5 digits of Phi)
- First word = 888 "Jesus" (Gr sta) = "Seal" 37 X 24 "Treasure" (Heb ord)
- Last word = 1551 "God created the universe" (Eng sta) (151 "Jesus Christ" (A=1) = "The Universe" (A=26))
- FLW = 2000 + Pri(86 "God") = 37 "Seal" + 777 + 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)
- CW = 911 "the beginning" (Heb sta) (91 = 13X7) = Pri(157 = Pri(38 "Alpha" (Eng ord)))
- FLCW = 10X 335 (35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red))
- W. surr. CW = 634 (6 "and" (Heb ord) --- 34 "Alpha" (Gr ord))
- 4 CW = 1545 "In the beginning Universe" εν αρχηι Συμπαν
This is an excellent example of why your code is so obviously absurd. In this one little section, you associated three different numbers with the word "Alpha"
10 "Alpha" (Gr red)
34 "Alpha" (Gr ord)
38 "Alpha" (Eng ord)
And here are few more of the values you used in this thread:
110 = Alpha (Eng std)
729 = Alpha (physics approximation)
49 = "The Alpha" Ο Αλφα (Gr ord)
532 = Alpha (Gr std)
Etc., etc., etc. ... ad infinitum ... ad absurdum!
Anyone could make up anything they want using your methods. They are obviously completely meaningless.
You need to answer this point.
Great chatting!
07-11-2019, 12:04 PM
Yes the Seal of the living God is more about the name of God.
But the Seal of God is 777.
Why do you think it is in chapter nr 7 ??
And Richard, no I don't need to explain more or serve you anymore codes. I have so much here now that everyone can see how things hit.
That is the proof and you can't do anything about that. You can proclaim that it's meaningless but all the results here show the opposite.
You are wrong.
So 777 is the CW of Vs(729 (Alpha)) And adding the verses reflecting TV & CW of Vs(777) = 7297 (4 digits of Alpha)
And I guess you would call the results on this image also insignifant.
This is why I have lost my respect for you, every code is insignificant no matter what so the discussion becomes 100% pointless.
And you may have people agreeing with you here Richard like Sylvius but there are plenty of people who will see that the codes are valid and full of meaning.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-11-2019, 12:17 PM
Yes the Seal of the living God is more about the name of God.
But the Seal of God is 777.
Why do you think it is in chapter nr 7 ??
For the same reason it is also found in Chapter 9. There's no rhyme or reason or meaningful connection between that phrase and the chapter numbers.
This is the fundamental error of your method. You cherry pick random numbers and then declare they have some meaning without providing any evidence of any kind.
You need to answer this point.
And Richard, no I don't need to explain more or serve you anymore codes. I have so much here now that everyone can see how things hit.
That is the proof and you can't do anything about that. You can proclaim that it's meaningless but all the results here show the opposite.
You are wrong.
Of course you don't need to present any more codes! They are proof of nothing if they are just random numbers. So you need to explain why they are not random. You need to explain how anyone could tell the difference between your numerology and totally random crap. You need to answer this point.
Merely saying "you are wrong" does not make it so. I have proven your claims are indistinguishable from what we would find in a random text. You know you cannot.
So 777 is the CW of Vs(729 (ALpha)) And adding the verses reflecting TV & CW of Vs(777) = 7297 (4 digits of Alpha)
So you found a random way to make a link using random methods. Why would anyone think there is any meaning to any of it? Anyone could do that with any random text using your methods.
This is the fundamental flaw of your system. You need to answer this point.
And I guess you would call the results on this image also insignifant.
Exactly correct, because they are all based on cherry picking from a HUGE set of random numbers generated by using a wide variety of methods with no consistent logic or principles to discern between them and random junk.
This is why I have lost my respect for you, every code is insignificant no matter what so the discussion becomes 100% pointless.
Not true. I have presented arguments based on solid logic and hard facts. You know you cannot answer, so you dodge and refuse to answer.
And you may have people agreeing with you here Richard like Sylvius but there are plenty of people who will see that the codes are valid and full of meaning.
If there were "valid and full of meaning" then you could explain how to discern between them and the meaningless random junk we could produce using your methods with a random text. You have never done that, so your claims are unfounded. Simple as that.
Great chatting!
07-11-2019, 12:23 PM
For the same reason it is also found in Chapter 9. There's no rhyme or reason or meaningful connection between that phrase and the chapter numbers.
No Richard, the only mention of "The Seal of the living God" is in chapter nr 7.
You were probably talking about the word "Seal" there. (which is first found in Chp. 5)
"The Seal of the living God" is only found once in the bible. Which is in Rev 7:2
Richard Amiel McGough
07-11-2019, 12:31 PM
No Richard, the first mention of "The Seal of the living God" is in chapter nr 7.
You were probably talking about the word "Seal" there. (which is first found in Chp. 5)
"The Seal of the living God" is only found once in the bible. Which is in Rev 7:2
You are correct. I was thinking about the word "seal" at first then realized you were probably focusing on that exact phrase.
Now let's think about the question "How do we know if it was a coincidence or not?" It seems your only criterion is "If you like it, it is proof of what you want to believe, but if it doesn't fit your pattern then you ignore it."
Think of it like this. If a "match" is evidence of design then why isn't a "miss" evidence against design?
You seem to be using a double standard. All the hits count and none of the misses count. That's why cherry picking leads to delusion.
Here's the problem - there's no consistent logic to your methods, so you can just make up whatever you want. Case in point: You say 37 represents the word "Seal" because of a single coincidence. What about all the other words that have the value 37 using all three languages and all the methods at your disposal? How do you know that YOU are right? What method do you use?
These are the questions you need to answer if you want anyone to have REASON to believe your patterns are real.
07-11-2019, 12:33 PM
"The Seal" σφραγιδα = 7X 117 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord) = 7X 117 "The Seal of God" (Eng ord)
"The Seal of the living God" σφραγιδα θεου ζωντος = 2730 = 10X 273 "Seal of God" (Eng sta)
See how God operates. He is not playing. 777 is the number of numbers in the codes since it is the Seal of God.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-11-2019, 12:38 PM
"The Seal of the living God" σφραγιδα θεου ζωντος = 2730 = 10X 273 "Seal of God" (Eng sta)
See how God operates. He is not playing. 777 is the number of numbers in the codes since it is the Seal of God.
I can see why you like that coincidence, but it's not nearly as good as it would have been if the English phrase "Seal of the living God" matched. So if you are claiming it was designed by a God of infinite intelligence and perfection, then it's actually a miss, not a match. Therefore, I must conclude that this is evidence AGAINST your claim that God designed it.
07-11-2019, 12:43 PM
I can see why you like that coincidence, but it's not nearly as good as it would have been if the English phrase "Seal of the living God" matched. So if you are claiming it was designed by a God of infinite intelligence and perfection, then it's actually a miss, not a match. Therefore, I must conclude that this is evidence AGAINST your claim that God designed it.
That is how you would like it to be. But God does it his way and he does a really good job.
He does not care what you think because he connects things quite good in his own way.
He is a person with his own free will so he does the codes in his way.
That's just how this works.
If you don't like his ways then I guess I just have to accept that.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-11-2019, 12:51 PM
That is how you would like it to be. But God does it his way and he does a really good job.
He does not care what you think because he connects things quite good in his own way.
Actually, it is how YOU like it to be, and for some mysterious reason, you are confusing your self with God, as the one who is speaking.
You are a man Alex. The patterns are your own invention. I have seen nothing that would make me think otherwise. All your examples look like what I would expect from a human numerologist, not from a God of infinite intelligence and perfect.
But this brings up the most important point. Who decides which patterns are better? I can always imagine a better pattern than any pattern you find, so why should I think that a God designed them?
He is a person with his own free will so he does the codes in his way.
You're describing yourself again. It is YOU who decides what is or isn't "coded."
That's just how this works.
If you don't like his ways then I guess I just have to accept that.
You have not given any evidence that you know anything about "his ways." You have merely displayed YOUR ways.
You keep confusing yourself with God. That seems a little worrisome.
07-11-2019, 01:33 PM
When will you learn Richard ? I have all the proof here.
You have nothing to come with against my claims.
In Gen 1:1
- Nr.L = Tri(7)
- 2 last words wich are the ones made up of 37 in this verse = Tri(37)
- TV = Tri(73)
The Triangular orders of Genesis 1:1 added is: 7 + 37 + 73
= "Seven Seven Seven" שבע שבע שבע (ord) = "The Seal of God" (Eng ord)
In verses ordered at: 7, 37 & 73
- Nr.W = 49 "The Alpha" Ο Αλφα (ord)
- Nr.L = 187 "Inverse Alpha and Alpha" (Eng ord) --- 777 is quite connected to Alpha in the codes, just look at the 777 Holograph & the CW of Vs(729)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 236 "God created the" (A=26) --- (Alpha)
- TV = 1000X12 "and" ו (Full) + 453 "The Seal" (Heb sta)
= (Eng ord) "of" 21 X 593 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb & Eng rev ord)
- FLW = 651 = (Eng ord) "of" 21 X 31 "God" (Heb sta)
- CW = 1535 = "The" 5 X 307 (37 "Seal") = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord) + 777 + CW of the 777 Holograph
- FLCW = 2186 = 21 "of" (Eng ord) --- 86 "God" (Heb sta)
- W. surr. CW = 2175 --- 21 "of" (Eng ord) --- 75 = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal" (Eng ord)) X Pytha.Pri-ord(137 "of God" (Eng sta))
= (Eng ord) "Pi" 25 X 87 "Phi" (Eng sta)
- 3 CW = 10X 371 (37 "Seal" (Eng ord)) merged with 71 "God" (Eng sta)) = 10X CW of Vs(534 "Seal of God" (Heb sta))
= 514 (5 "The" --- 14 "Golden") + TV of Vs(1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta))
= 1000 + (396 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=26) = CW of only Vs made up of 777) + TV Vs(777)
= ordinal soft of 777 Holograph + standard of 777 Holograph
= CW of Vs(172 "Codes" (Eng sta)) + TV of 777 Holograph
= 2933 (29 "and" (Heb ord) --- 33 "The" (Eng ord)) + CW of the 777 Holograph
- FLW + 3 CW = "The Alpha" 49 X 89 "Codes" (A=26) = 1270 "God the heaven, the earth" (Eng sta) + TV of the 777 Holograph
Tri(7) + Tri(37) + Tri(73) = 3432
- TV of Vs(3432) = 2698 "In the beginning seven hundred seventy and seven codes" קודים מאות ושבע ושבעים שבע בראשית
Pleasure chatting with you also :yo:
07-11-2019, 10:34 PM
Revelation 14:1,
Then I looked and there was the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads.
So indeed "the seal of the living God" is (about) the Tetragrammaton.
Jesus's name "Yeshu Hanotzri" is about the Tetragrammaton in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vaychulu hashamayim", since gematria of "Yeshu Hanotzri" matches the gematria of "yom hashishi", viz. 671 = 666 +5 (the value of the letter "hey" that was added to "shishi" at the completion of creation -- see Rashi on Genesis 1:31 -- )-
and has same initials "yud" and "hey" - forming the "y-h "- part of the Tetragrammaton.
Without "hey" there was no Tetragrammaton and also no seal.
I didn't realize this connection before, but now, thanks to Desmild :thumb:
07-11-2019, 10:48 PM
Yes the seal of the living God is about the 144 000 and the name of the Father.
But we see God encoded the "Seal of God" to it. And 777 is central to that chapter in the codes.
TV of the verse only verse that mentions "the Seal of the living God" = 10X 1270 "God, the heaven, the earth" (Eng sta)
- "God, the heaven, the earth" (Heb sta) = 777
And here is some other results from that verse which is Rev 7:2
- Verse order = 30 000 + 813 "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." (Heb sta)
= "c" 3 X Pri(1261 = 484 "The Seal of God" אל החתם (sta) + 777) --- 3X1261 = 3783 = 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) --- 83 "wisdom" (Eng ord)
(The speed of light is denoted as "c" in physics)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 183 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord)
- TV = 10 X 1270 "God, the heaven, the earth" = 100X C.Hex(7 = Pri(5 "The" = Pyta.Pri-ord(37 "Seal")))
- FLW = 523 "Aleph & Tav" (Full)
- CW = 1559 (159 = "The Speed of Light" (A=1) = "Seal of God" (A=26)) = Pri(247 "Crown Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven"מאות ושבע ושבעים שבע כתר (ord))
- FLCW = 2082 (282 "fine-structure constant" (A=26))
- W. surr. CW = 128 "thirty and seven" (Heb ord)
- 4 CW = 1687 "In the beginning" (Heb & Gr sta) = 7X 241 "In the beginning" (A=26) = 1000 + CW of Vs(37) + CW of Vs(73) --- 37+73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng sta)
- FLW + 4 CW = 10X 221 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven Riddles" (Heb ord)
Since 777 is so important.
Because the codes are it's own field, and 777 reigns in those codes.
Read between the lines.
07-11-2019, 11:35 PM
Further more in that special verse that alludes to The Seal of God, 777 with the phrase "the seal of the living God",
we see that:
- Word nr 7 ("The Seal") = 660 = 10X(66 "of" (Eng sta) = "Thy God" אלהיך)
- Word nr 37 "Seal" by rot. = 1000 + 26 "God" (Eng ord)
- Word nr 137 = 61 "seven" (Heb ord) = 6 "and" --- 1 "α" = "The Seal of God" אל החתם (ord)
- 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) by rot. + 137 "of God" (Eng sta) by rot. = 1084 = 184 "Thirty and Seven" (Eng ord) [37 = "Seal"]
= 1000 + 84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord or Eng ord, both hits this number)
= 1000 + Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7)
= 729 (Alpha) + 161 (Phi) + 194 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb ord)
= TV of Gen 4:3 --- 43 = "Seal" (Heb ord) --- Gen 4:3 is verse nr 83 "wisdom" (Eng ord)
- 777 by rot. = 96 "knowledge" (Eng ord) --- Eng ord + sta of "knowledge" is: 96 + 681 = 777 (The Seal of God)
- 37 "Seal" by rot. + 137 "of God" by rot. + 777 (The Seal of God) by rot. = 1183 = 183 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord) which = Squ(13) X 7 = 100X6 "and" + 37 "Seal" by rot. + 137 "of God" by rot. + 777 (The Seal of God) by rot. of Vs(777)
- 100X6 "and" = "six" שש
- 6 = "and" ו in Hebrew
07-12-2019, 12:30 AM
Revelation 7:3,
Do not damage the land or the sea or the trees until we put the seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.
Revelation 14:1,
Then I looked and there was the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand who had his name and his Father?s name written on their foreheads.
written = γεγραμμένον
γράφω = to write
γράμμα = letter (of the alphabet)
Revelation 22:4,
They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.
The third eye (also called the mind's eye, or inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept of a speculative invisible eye, usually depicted as located on the forehead, which provides perception beyond ordinary sight
The elected recognize each other through vision :winking0071:
07-12-2019, 02:00 PM
It's incredible how you managed to get the third eye into this conversation.
You love to mix the mystical with the bible unlike me.
The one eye symbolism is satanic and that eye represents Satan.
Alister Crowley said so at least.
And Alister Crowley was even revered by the Beatles. That should tell you something.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-12-2019, 08:23 PM
When will you learn Richard ? I have all the proof here.
You have nothing to come with against my claims.
In Gen 1:1
- Nr.L = Tri(7)
- 2 last words wich are the ones made up of 37 in this verse = Tri(37)
- TV = Tri(73)
The Triangular orders of Genesis 1:1 added is: 7 + 37 + 73
= "Seven Seven Seven" שבע שבע שבע (ord) = "The Seal of God" (Eng ord)
Nice try, but why did you leave out the other "triangular orders" found in Genesis 1:1?
The last two words do indeed sum to 703 = T(37), but you forgot to mention that the first five words sum to 1998 = 3 x 666 = T(2) x T(36), so we can write Genesis 1:1 as
Genesis 1:1 (Heb std) = 2701 = T(73) = T(2) x T(36) + T(37)
Look at that! We can express Genesis 1:1 entirely in terms of triangular numbers in two different ways. This actually is the pattern I thought was most amazing back in the day when I believed God had designed the Bible using gematria. I wrote about it this page (
Therefore if you include these two additional "triangular orders" in Genesis 1:1 you get 2 + 7 + 36 + 37 + 73 = 155 and this does not equal your seven seven seven so the pattern fails.
But there's another triangular order that you forgot to include. You counted the number of letters in the whole verse, but then also included a triangular number based on just the last two words, so if you want to be consistent you should include the count of the number of letters in that division, which is 7 letters for the last two words and 21 = T(6) for the first five words.
Thus, following YOUR method and YOUR choice of what we should add up, we find that the sum of the "triangular orders" of Genesis 1:1 is 2 + 6 + 7 + 36 + 37 + 73 = 161.
Your pattern fails.
Great chatting!
07-13-2019, 12:22 AM
Do you think the author of the gospel of John knew about these numbers in Genesis 1:1 when writing: "In the beginning was the word"?
Richard Amiel McGough
07-13-2019, 07:08 AM
Do you think the author of the gospel of John knew about these numbers in Genesis 1:1 when writing: "In the beginning was the word"?
No. Seems more likely he was following the Jewish tradition that says God created with the Word like in the apocryphal Wisdom of Solomon 9:1 where it says "O God of my fathers, and Lord of mercy, who hast made all things with thy word, And ordained man through thy wisdom, that he should have dominion over the creatures which thou hast made." This example comes to mind because I used it as an example of how the Catholic Bible Wheel had "amazing connections" just like the Protestant Bible Wheel in my article Battle of the Bible Wheels ( For those interested, this is the most effective method I have found to free oneself from delusional belief in patterns like numerology, kabbalah, etc.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-13-2019, 07:15 AM
Do you think the author of the gospel of John knew about these numbers in Genesis 1:1 when writing: "In the beginning was the word"?
Even back in the day when I was a believer I wouldn't have thought that the numerical connections between Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 were deliberately designed by the author of John because the whole structure that was completed by John 1:1 couldn't have been known when Genesis 1:1 was "designed" so I believed the only explanation was that "God did it."
So what you you think about this link between the two verses (see here ( I used to believe this was very powerful evidence of divine design.
07-13-2019, 12:06 PM
No. Seems more likely he was following the Jewish tradition that says God created with the Word like in the apocryphal Wisdom of Solomon 9:1 where it says "O God of my fathers, and Lord of mercy, who hast made all things with thy word, And ordained man through thy wisdom, that he should have dominion over the creatures which thou hast made." This example comes to mind because I used it as an example of how the Catholic Bible Wheel had "amazing connections" just like the Protestant Bible Wheel in my article Battle of the Bible Wheels ( For those interested, this is the most effective method I have found to free oneself from delusional belief in patterns like numerology, kabbalah, etc.
Yet John 1:1 says quite something else than Wisdom of Solomon 9:!
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος "In the beginning was the word"
Ἐν ἀρχῇ is how LXX translates "b'reishit" - the first word of the first verse of the first book of the Hebrew bible.
How to understand the word "b'reishit"?
It is not to understand as "once, long ago" -
but as word, word written with letters
That's what John is trying to say, in my (not so humble :winking0071:) opinion.
That John was acquainted with that might be clear from John 5:5 (the 38 years of the man's sickness) and John 21:11, the 153 fishes)
(and from the number 666 in Revelation 13:18, if it was written by the same author)
If indeed John knew about the gematria 2701 (= 37 x 73, etc.) and indeed was hinting at this in John 1:1, then John 1:14 "and the word became flesh" has to be understood in a (revolutionary) other way than how mainstream Christianity understood it, viz. as "and God became man"
07-13-2019, 12:13 PM
Even back in the day when I was a believer I wouldn't have thought that the numerical connections between Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 were deliberately designed by the author of John because the whole structure that was completed by John 1:1 couldn't have been known when Genesis 1:1 was "designed" so I believed the only explanation was that "God did it."
So what you you think about this link between the two verses (see here ( I used to believe this was very powerful evidence of divine design.
Weird coincidence
could it be that john deliberately composed it that way?
112 is also "yabbok" יַבֹּֽק-- the name of the river where Jacob wrestled with the angel and became Israel.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-13-2019, 02:33 PM
Weird coincidence
could it be that john deliberately composed it that way?
It is indeed a weird coincidence, and since it expands the triangle of Genesis and two triangular numbers (153 and 666) play significant roles in the Johannine corpus, I guess a case could be made that it was done deliberately. But that depends on a host of "lucky coincidences" concerning the values of Greek and Hebrew words to make it even possible. For example, both Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 can be written as the product of mirrored factors:
Gen 1:1 = 2701 = 37 x 73
John 1:1 = 3627 = 39 x 93
So the two options that seem most likely are 1) God did it, or 2) Just another weird coincidence (which are very common in this life). But it's not impossible that it was done deliberately by a 1st century numerologist.
112 is also "yabbok" יַבֹּֽק-- the name of the river where Jacob wrestled with the angel and became Israel.
Yeah, but that seems like a random connection, especially when compared with the primary title of God as Yahweh Elohim.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-13-2019, 02:42 PM
Yet John 1:1 says quite something else than Wisdom of Solomon 9:!
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος "In the beginning was the word"
Ἐν ἀρχῇ is how LXX translates "b'reishit" - the first word of the first verse of the first book of the Hebrew bible.
How to understand the word "b'reishit"?
It is not to understand as "once, long ago" -
but as word, word written with letters
That's what John is trying to say, in my (not so humble :winking0071:) opinion.
That John was acquainted with that might be clear from John 5:5 (the 38 years of the man's sickness) and John 21:11, the 153 fishes)
(and from the number 666 in Revelation 13:18, if it was written by the same author)
If indeed John knew about the gematria 2701 (= 37 x 73, etc.) and indeed was hinting at this in John 1:1, then John 1:14 "and the word became flesh" has to be understood in a (revolutionary) other way than how mainstream Christianity understood it, viz. as "and God became man"
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. What exactly is this "revolutionary" meaning? That a literal book "written with letters" became human flesh?
07-13-2019, 06:30 PM
Maybe Alpha and omega was referencing the Old Testament, End of old convenant and beginning of new covernant/new priesthood?
We now therefore know, the first letter of the Torah is the ב (?bet?) of Bereshit, the last is the ל (?Lamed?) at the end of the word Yisroel, and the middle letter is our ו (?vav?). Together, ב , ו, ל makes the Hebrew word בול Bul, which means postage stamp.
In 1 Kings 6:38 Bul is used to represent the eighth month. 8?
The vav is at lev 11:42. 1+1+4+2 = 8?
The 8th letter of hebrew chet. The letter chet itself is spelled: chet, yud, tav equals 418.
The 108th day of the year is 4/18
About the vav at Ruth 4:18
Now these are the generations (toldot-תולדות) of Perez: Perez fathered Hezron,So, the Hebrew word for ?generations? before the fall, introducing Adam and Eve, contained a ?waw.? After the fall, the ?waw? is missing, until we arrive to the ?generations? of Perez. With Perez, the ?waw? is restored back to its proper place.There are the only two places in the Scripture where the missing ?waw? can be found
07-13-2019, 10:45 PM
I'm not sure what you are trying to say. What exactly is this "revolutionary" meaning? That a literal book "written with letters" became human flesh?
Flesh =Hebrew "basar" is related to "b'sorah"= (good) tidings, gospel.
I thought because tongue = "lashon" = spoken language; pronounced word.
The ark of Noach = "teivah" = word as written with letters
it meausured 300x 50 x 30 cubits, as lettes "shin", "nun" and "lamed"-- which in the right order spell "lashon"
(The ark was lifted up by the flood, etc. -with it's top it touched at highest level the 50th cubit above the earth - when it came to rest at the mountains of Ararat the waterlevels showed the name of God)
07-14-2019, 12:16 AM
Flesh =Hebrew "basar" is related to "b'sorah"= (good) tidings, gospel.
I thought because tongue = "lashon" = spoken language; pronounced word.
The ark of Noach = "teivah" = word as written with letters
it meausured 300x 50 x 30 cubits, as lettes "shin", "nun" and "lamed"-- which in the right order spell "lashon"
(The ark was lifted up by the flood, etc. -with it's top it touched at highest level the 50th cubit above the earth - when it came to rest at the mountains of Ararat the waterlevels showed the name of God)
Isaiah 40 presented same kind of play on the words "basar"/"b'sorah"
v.6 All flesh is grass
The grass shall dry out, the blossom shall wilt, but the word of our God shall last forever.
Upon a lofty mountain ascend, O herald of Zion, raise your voice with strength, O herald of Jerusalem; raise [your voice], fear not; say to the cities of Judah, "Behold your God!"
herald of Jerusalem מְבַשֶּׂ֖רֶת יְרֽוּשָׁלִָ֑ם, "m'vaseret yerushalayim"
07-14-2019, 12:22 AM
compelling was that Genesis 8:14 shows the same gematria 2701 as Genesis 1:1
And in the second month, on the twenty seventh day of the month, the earth was dry.
Genesis 8:14 is about the 365th day after after the beginnig of the flood, which is 12 moonmonths + 10 days == the ideal Yom Kippur.
07-14-2019, 03:04 AM
For example, in Psalm 110.4 we read:
The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.
Moving forward 22 chapters, we find these words in Psalm 132:
The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne.
Searching the entire KJV for all verses containing the phrases "The Lord hath sworn" and "will not" yields exactly two verses, both cited above. This yields a Spoke 22 KeyLink within the Cycle of the Psalm.
Mt Hermon wiki
Mount Hermon a.k.a the mountain of oath
Elevation 2,814 m (9,232 ft)
Prominence 1,804 m (5,919 ft) Notice the 1804 meters
and then in the next psalm 133
Psa 133:3
As the dew of Hermon that descendeth on the mountains of Zion; for there hath Jehovah commanded the blessing, life for evermore.
07-14-2019, 11:08 AM
Yeah, but that seems like a random connection, especially when compared with the primary title of God as Yahweh Elohim.
Y2K / Jabbok River Experience
It is interesting to note, a rabbi pointed (half-seriously), that the letters "Y2K," which stand for the "Year 2000," when translated into Hebrew spell the work "Yavok":
y = yud
2 = bais
k = kuf
Does this mean anything special? Perhaps not. Then again, the Talmud tells us that everything that happens in life is a function of Divine Providence (Chullin 7b). In other words, according to Torah, there are no coincidences, though sometimes what we perceive as a "sign from Heaven," may in fact, be a test of faith. And sometimes, what we perceive as a test of faith, may be a sign from Heaven. And, sometimes, it may be both.
The trick in life is knowing how to understand and interpret what one perceives. This is a function of knowing Torah, and the more one knows, the better his perception of reality will match G-d's-the ultimate accomplishment for a flesh-and-blood being. The deeper and more profound that knowledge of Torah is, the deeper and more profound his understanding and interpretation of reality will be.
Who even first coined the term, "Y2K"? Personally, I don't know, but it is an interesting and unusual term, and that's what counts the most:
"That which is from G-d is wondrous in our eyes." (Tehillim 118:23)
(Mon, 9 Aug 1999, Rabbi Pinchas Winston , Perceptions - Parashas Shoftim: Shudder or Blind?,
07-14-2019, 02:43 PM
But there's another triangular order that you forgot to include. You counted the number of letters in the whole verse, but then also included a triangular number based on just the last two words, so if you want to be consistent you should include the count of the number of letters in that division, which is 7 letters for the last two words and 21 = T(6) for the first five words.
Thus, following YOUR method and YOUR choice of what we should add up, we find that the sum of the "triangular orders" of Genesis 1:1 is 2 + 6 + 7 + 36 + 37 + 73 = 161.
I did not forget anything there, this is simply you wanting your way again. These codes are a riddle and even number 729 = Square nr 27 "Riddle". And like Sylvius has told us: It is common that we can divide triangles into other triangles.
Nr of Letters = Tri(7)
2 last words = Tri(37)
TV = 2701 = Tri(73)
And that's it, the division of Tri(73) which is 3X Tri(36 "evil") surrounding Tri(37) is there because it symbolizes Good and Evil.
Or Good Vs Evil.
When God "divided the light from the darkness" in Gen 1:4 he symbolically tells us that he separated Good (Angels of God) and Evil (Satan and his angels) in heaven. That is the symbolical level. And this is in verse nr 4 (first digit that can be divided).
Then we have the riddle level where he created light in the first day because of Alpha.
So there are several layers of information here.
But God is clear with the 7+37+73 pattern here, that is why we also see:
- Nr of words = 7
- TV = 37X73
07-14-2019, 04:48 PM
compelling was that Genesis 8:14 shows the same gematria 2701 as Genesis 1:1
Do you know what else is special with Gen 8:14 ?
- 8:14 --- 814 = 37 "Seal" + 777
- This verse reads "And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried."
"twenty seven" = 27 "Riddle(s)"
- Verse order = 198 = All primes added up to 37 "Wisdom"
- Nr.W = 8 "The" η
- Nr.L = 35 = Pri-ord(37) + Pri-ord(73) --- 37+73 = "Alpha" (Eng sta)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) = Pri(15 = Pytha.Pri-ord(137))
- FLL = 96 "knowledge" (Eng ord)
- CL = 200 = (Gr red) "Alpha" 10 X 20 "Alpha" (Eng red) = CW of Vs(37 "Seal" (Eng ord) + 137 "of God" (Eng sta))
- FLCL = 296 "the earth" = 7 of Gen 1:1 = 137 of the bible = 777 by rot. of Gen 1:1 = "The" 8 X 37 "Seal"
- FLW = 616 "The Torah" (Heb sta)
- There are 2 center words of this verse: (1) = 626 = Palin(72 (α)) --- (2) = 56 "light" (Eng ord)
- CW = 682 = 6 "and" --- 82 "God created" (Eng ord) = "the heaven" (Eng sta) = 2 + 7 (27 "riddles") of this verse
- W.surr. CW = 7X 103 "universe" (A=26)
- FLCW = 1000 + 298 (ordinal value of Gen 1:1)
- TV = 37X73 (standard value of Gen 1:1)
- 4 CW = 1693 "In the beginning wisdom" εν αρχηι σοφια (ord + sta) = "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb red + sta)
- FLW + 4 CW = 2309 = Pri(344 (34 "Alpha" Αλφα (ord))) = (1532 "the heaven" (Heb & Gr ord + sta) = 1000 + 532 "Alpha" Αλφα (sta)) + 777
- W. up to CW = 913 "In the beginning" + 777 = 10X(56 "created" (Eng ord) + 113 "universe" (Eng ord))
- W. from CW = 1011 "The Truth" (Eng sta)
- 3 + 7 (37 = "wisdom") = 696 = 6 "and" --- 96 "knowledge" (Eng ord)
- 1 + 3 + 7 = 1016 "wisdom, knowledge and understanding" (Heb sta) = 116 secret codes" (Eng ord) with 0 removed
- FLL + FLW = 712 "Crowned" (Eng sta) = "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb & Eng red + ord) = CW of the 777 Holograph
- CL + CW = 882 = Comp(729 (α)) = "The Golden Ratio" (Eng ord + sta) = 3 CW of Gen 1:1
- FLCL + FLCW = 1594 = All primes added up to 113 "Universe" (Eng ord) = "Number Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (A=37 B=38 C=39)
- "twenty seven" שבע עשרים (ord) = 119 = 19 "and" (Eng ord) with extended digit
- "twenty seven" שבע עשרים (sta) = 992 = 92 "riddles of" (Eng ord) with extended digit
- "twenty seven" שבע עשרים (ord + sta) = 1111 = 1 "α" with extended digits
07-14-2019, 05:41 PM
And look Richard, how wrong you are because we see in Gen 1:1 --- 7 + 37 + 73 = "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord) = "The Seal of God" (Eng ord)
- Letters by rot. added of the orders: 7, 37 & 73 is: 2+1+5 = 8 "The" η
- Words by rot. added of the orders: 7, 37 & 73 is: 296+203+86 = 585 = Palin(68 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb red))
- Sum: 8 + 585 = 593 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb & Eng rev ord)
- Letters in the bible added of the orders of 7, 37 & 73 is: 2+5+30 = 37 "Seal"
- Words in the bible added of the orders of 7, 37 & 73 is: 296+212+410 = 918 = (Heb ord) "Riddles of" 27 X 34 "Alpha" (Gr ord)
- Sum: 37 + 918 = 955 = 95 "The Universe" (Gr ord) with extended digit
- Adding letters of these orders in both Gen 1:1 & of the bible is: 8 + 37 = 45 "God and" (Eng ord)
- Adding words of these orders in both Gen 1:1 & of the bible is: 585 + 918 = 1503 (153 "The Golden ratio" (Eng ord) = CW of Vs(712))
- Sum: 45 + 1503 = 1548
= 1000 + 137 "in the beginning" (Eng ord) + 3X137 (Eng ord Gen 1:1)
= (Heb red) "Seven Seven Seven" 36 X 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) = (Heb red) "Riddles" 18 X 86 "of God" (Heb sta)
= TV of Vs(712 "Crowned"/"Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" = CW of the 777 Holograph)
"Just random" or maybe "a series of coincidences" ? Yeah right, self deception is a real phenomena in the human nature.
I am convinced you are suffering from this. You need to get out of your bubble.
07-14-2019, 11:23 PM
So you really believe I am the Angel of the Lord because this can't be a random coincidence?
Richard Amiel McGough = 175 = The Angel of the Lord
Maybe, but then I can some times be a blue pill kinda guy. :hide:
07-15-2019, 01:42 AM
Maybe, but then I can some times be a blue pill kinda guy. :hide:
Exodus 3:2,
And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire
flame of fire = לַבַּת־אֵ֖שׁ = 733 = (6 x 37) + (7 x 73)
I saw that thanks to Richard's holographs.
07-15-2019, 02:39 AM
Distance from Jerusalem to Beersheba
Distance between Jerusalem and Beersheba is 70 kilometers (44 miles).
Driving distance from Jerusalem to Beersheba is 108 kilometers (67 miles).
air 70 km
air 44 miles
car 108 km
car 67 miles
108 Km to 67 miles there rounding a little.
Some sites will round off a bit early but this site has 108 km as 67.108 miles
Mt Hermon the mountain of oath
Then Beersheba means "Well of Seven" or "Well of the Oath"
Genesis 28
Jacob had his dream about a stairway to heaven after leaving Beersheba
again 108th day of the year is the 18th of April - 4/18 or 18/04 depending how you write the date and the vav (6) that I have referenced is at Ruth 4:18
Spoke 6 is Genesis28 and Hosea
07-15-2019, 03:39 AM
Exodus 3:2,
And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire
flame of fire = לַבַּת־אֵ֖שׁ = 733 = (6 x 37) + (7 x 73)
I saw that thanks to Richard's holographs.
hey, and "angel of the Lord" = "malach hashem" מַלְאַ֨ךְ יְהֹוָ֥ה = 117 = (Desmild's) 7 + 37 +73 :eek:
07-15-2019, 09:42 AM
I see you still are on the ignorant side Sylvius since you are calling 117 "my number". It has everything to do with 777.
Well you know I have endless of proof here, Let me demonstrate further.
In Vs(117 "Seven Seven Seven"/"The Seal of God" = 7 + 37 + 73)
- Nr.W = 10 "Alpha" (Gr red)
- Nr.L = 36 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb red)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord)
- TV = 3286 = 3000 + Pri-ord(37) X Pri-ord(73) --- 37+73 = "Alpha" (Eng sta)= 32 "Heart" --- 86 "of God" = (Heb ord) "Torah" 53 X 62 "Torah" (Eng ord)
= (Eng ord) "The Riddle" 85 X 31 "of God" (Heb sta) + FLW of Vs ord at: 7, 37 & 73
= 1751 "Wisdom" (Heb, Gr & Eng ord + sta) + CW of Vs ord at: 7, 37 & 73
= 2509 (259 = (ord) η "The" 7 X 37 "Seal" (Eng ord)) + 777
= 972 (9 "and" δε --- 72 (α)) + TV of Vs(777) = 10X297 "Treasure(s)" (Heb sta) + CW of Vs(777)
= 1661 (161 (φ)) + 1625 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb sta)
= (90 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb rev ord) = "Lamech" למך) + TV of Vs(1625 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb sta))
= (884 (84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord)) = 172 "codes" (Eng sta) + CW of the 777 Holograph) + 777 + 1625
= (195 "Seven Seven Seven" (Eng ord) = FLW of Vs(37) + FLW of Vs(73)) + TV of the 777 Holograph
= (2574 = TV of Vs(37 + 37X73) = 1000 + TV of Vs(37 "Seal")) + CW of the 777 Holograph
= (1107 = FLCW of the 777 Holograph = 117 with 0 removed) + Pri(328 "The Seven Seven Seven Holograph" (A=1))
= 1000 + ה "The" 5 X 137 (Inverse Alpha)
+ TV of Vs(401 "Aleph & Tav" = 137 by rot. of Vs(1 "α") = 137 by rot. of Vs(37X73) = "The Seven Seven Seven Holograph" (A=26))
- FLL = 406 (46 "codes")
- CL = 10X 35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red)
- FLCL = 700 + 56 "created" (Eng ord) = 27 "Riddles of" + 729 (α)
- Value of the first word = 37 "The Heart"
- Value of the last word = (Full) ו "and" 12 X 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord)
- FLW = 493 = 17X29 --- 1729 = 1000 + 729 (α) = Letters added by rot. from nr 37 to 73 in Gen 1:1 ---- 37+73 = Alpha" (Eng sta)
- CW = 748 = 700 + 48 "The Seal" (Heb ord) = "And God said, Let there be a firmament" (Heb sta) = 19 "and" (Eng ord) + 729 (α)
= 36 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb red) + CW of the 777 Holograph
- FLCW = 1000 + 241 "In the beginning" (A=26) = "Precious" 17 X 73 "Wisdom" = CW of the first, last & center verses of Genesis
- W. surr. CW = 1133 (13 "One" אחד with extended digits) = 113 "Universe" (Eng ord) with extended digit
- 4 CW = 1881 = (Eng ord) "and" 19 X 99 "Physics" (Eng ord) = TV of Vs(85 "The Earth"/"The Riddle"/"The Heart" (Eng ord)) (not sure what to pick there)
- FLW + 4 CW = 2374 "Riddles of Physics" (4 Basic which is red + ord + sta + Base 6)
= 23 "Aleph & Tav" (Heb ord) --- 74 "Jesus" (Eng ord) = TV of Vs(2923 = 29 "and" (Heb ord) --- 23 "Aleph & Tav")
- FLL + FLW = 899 = 89 "created the" (Eng ord)
- CL + CW = 1098 "Alpha and The Speed of Light" (Eng ord + sta) = "The Heaven and The Earth" (Heb sta)
- FLCL + FLCW = 1997 = 197 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb rev ord) with extended digit
- 7 = 776 = 76 "In the beginning" (Heb ord) with ext. digit.
- 37 by rot. hits on 7 = 776
- 73 by rot. hits 3 = 60 "Word" (Eng ord)
- 777 by hits 7 = 776
- 37 by rot. + 73 by rot. = 836 = 107 "Treasure" (Eng ord) + 729 (α) = 59 "God said" (Eng ord) + 777
- 7 + 37 by rot. + 73 by rot. = 137 (Inv. α) + 729 (α) + 271 (e) + 314 (π) + 161 (φ) [Physics]
Tri(7) + Tri(37) + Tri(73) = 3432 --- 34 "Alpha" --- 32 "Heart"
In Vs(3432)
- Nr.W = 11 "hide" חבא
- Nr.L = 39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 50 "created light/riddles" (Heb ord) = "and Phi" και φι (ord)
- TV = 2698 "In the beginning seven hundred seventy and seven codes" (Heb sta)
- FLL = 25 "and the Golden" והזהב
- CL = 90 "Seven Seven Seven" שבע שבע שבע (rev ord)
- FLCL = 115 "Riddle" αίνιγμα
- FLW = 195 "Seven Seven Seven" (Eng ord)
- CW = 525 "Gematria Codes" (Eng sta) = 3X137 + its mirror
- FLCW = 720 = 10X 72 (α)
- W. surr. CW = 233 = 23 "Aleph & Tav" with ext. digit ("Aleph & Tav" = 137 by rot. of Gen 1:1)
- 3 CW = 758 "created the Alpha" (Eng ord + sta) = 700 + 58 "Science" (Eng ord) = (Heb ord) 29 "and" + 729 (α)
- FLW + 3 CW = 953 = Pri(163 = Pri(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)))
- W. up to CW = 1572 "Codes of Seven Seven Seven" (A=6 B=12 C=18) = 100X(15 = Pytha.Pri-ord(137)) + 72 (α) [And the TV Vs(1572) points to "Seal of God"]
- W. from CW = 1000 + 651 "The Alpha" Ο Αλφα (ord + sta) = 13 X C.Hex(7)
= 26 "The Lord"/"God" + 1625 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven"
= TV of Vs(3992 (392 = 777 by rot. of the 777 Holograph = 7X 56 "light" (Eng ord))
- FLL + FLW = 220 "Hide" צפן tsaphan = "Scatter" נפץ naphats
- CL + CW = 615 = ה "The" 5 X 123 "Seven Seven Seven" επτα επτα επτα (ord)
- FLCL + FLCW = 835 = 58 "The Seal" (Eng ord) + 777 = 800 + 35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red) --- TV of Vs(835) = Pri(396 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (A=26)) just so you know that its not cherry picking.
- 7 = 202 "created the Universe" (Eng ord)
- 37 by rot. = 501 = 1 "α" + 500 "φ" = FLW of Vs(110 "Alpha" (Eng sta))
- 73 byr rot. is 7 so it = 202.
- 37 by rot. + 73 by rot. = Tri(37) = "and the earth"
- 7 + 37 + 73 by rot. = 905 = 95 "The Universe" (Gr ord) with 0 removed
- 777 by rot. also hits on 7
- Adding words ordered at: 7, 37, 73 & 777 by rot. is: 202+501+202+202 = 1107 = 117 with 0 removed
= "In the beginning Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (A=1 + A=26)
= FLCW of the 777 Holograph
= FLCW of Vs(3091 = TV of the 777 Holograph)
- TV of Vs(333 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Eng ord)) = 729 (α) + TV of Vs(117 "The Seal of God" (Eng ord))
07-15-2019, 09:45 AM
When will you two learn ??
07-15-2019, 10:38 AM
I see you still are on the ignorant side Sylvius since you are calling 117 "my number". It has everything to do with 777.
you were the (only) one to stress it
07-15-2019, 10:54 AM
Yes well it is a very important number and it suits perfectly to demonstrate how important 777 is.
This is me being quite progressive, I do it since Richard called my codes "meaningless".
Maybe I should step down a bit now. I can kind of continue until someone snaps me out of it or I snap myself out of it.
But I have to admit that i like the progressive style.
07-16-2019, 02:15 PM
And by the way Sylvius you mentioned that 37 = "Seal" (Eng ord) is nonsense to you.
you keep on saying that 37= "Seal"
but that's utter nonsense to me.
Well what about when I showed you that the:
- TV of Vs(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)) + TV of Vs(42 = Comp(7) + Comp(7) + Comp(7))
= (Eng ord) "Seal" 37 X 137 "of God" (Eng ord)
Is it like that is not clear ?? is there something wrong with your eyes ?
Here is another code that shows us this:
- TV of Vs(13 "In the beginning" (Heb red)) + TV of Vs(68 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb red))
= (1995 (195 "seven seven seven" (Eng ord)) = A=37 B=38 C=39 of Eng Gen 1:1) + TV of Vs(777)
= (1000 + 218 "Codes" (Eng ord + sta) = "The" 7X(37 "Seal" + 137 "of God")) + TV of the 777 Holograph
07-16-2019, 04:29 PM
Yes well it is a very important number and it suits perfectly to demonstrate how important 777 is.
This is me being quite progressive, I do it since Richard called my codes "meaningless".
Maybe I should step down a bit now. I can kind of continue until someone snaps me out of it or I snap myself out of it.
But I have to admit that i like the progressive style.
Ironically if you prove the bible is real you can say everything is meaningless from Ecclesiastes 1
What would be your thoughts on
7+7+7=21=seal of God
6+7+8=21=seal of God = The Trinity
6 = vav=man= son of man=link between heaven and earth= Jesus on the cross saying it is finished = now becomes/represented by a 7 by completion=and zayin is considered a crowned vav
7= zayin= sword=sword of spirit= Holy spirit= in him with him - a crowned vav
8= God the father = constructed by vav and zayin joined at the top.
So 3 becomes one in the form of trinity. 888 or 777 or 666 can represent the God head
Revelation 666 but the six can't be found in each other the way the God head can be represented by the trinty. So 666 means 3 indivuals the two false prophets and the anti christ. or maybe with rel 13 a dragon and two beasts
one beast wounded as to death but recovers - a false christ ?
07-16-2019, 04:32 PM
And by the way Sylvius you mentioned that 37 = "Seal" (Eng ord) is nonsense to you.
Aleister Crowley said: 37 = Man's crown, Jechidah, the highest soul
(from "777 and other qabalisitc writings of Aleister Crowley")
07-16-2019, 04:41 PM
About the number 216 he said:
"I once hoped much from this number, as it is the cube of 6. But I fear it only expresses the fixity of mind. anyhow it all came to no good. But we have DBIR, connected with DBR, adding the Secret Phallic Power"
that's not so bad, since it might be proof of the fact that the author of the gospel of John had the numbers of Genesis 1:1 in mind when he wrote Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος
since λόγος= "davar" = word ; "d'vir" = wordplace (name of the holy of holies)
and 216 is the outline of triangle 73
Richard Amiel McGough
07-16-2019, 09:24 PM
Well what about when I showed you that the:
- TV of Vs(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)) + TV of Vs(42 = Comp(7) + Comp(7) + Comp(7))
= (Eng ord) "Seal" 37 X 137 "of God" (Eng ord)
Is it like that is not clear ?? is there something wrong with your eyes ?
So what? Why didn't you look at verse 21 = 7 + 7 + 7 or vs 84 = T(7) + T(7) + T(7) or any of the ten thousand other arbitrary possible combinations of some form of 777?
You numerology could not be more absurd. You have no rules. You have no principles. It it all blatantly absurd.
But at least you have fun with you autistic little game.
Carry on! :lol:
Richard Amiel McGough
07-16-2019, 09:26 PM
Aleister Crowley said: 37 = Man's crown, Jechidah, the highest soul
(from "777 and other qabalisitc writings of Aleister Crowley")
And that's the problem with numerology. Every just makes up their own favorite "connections." There's no meaning to any of it. It is objectively absurd.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-16-2019, 09:32 PM
So you really believe I am the Angel of the Lord because this can't be a random coincidence?
Richard Amiel McGough = 175 = The Angel of the Lord
Maybe, but then I can some times be a blue pill kinda guy. :hide:
Thanks Chris! The +1 seems appropriate. Its easy to make up absurd patterns using gematria. That's one of the easiest ways to show it is meaningless.
And welcome to our forum!
I had a lot of fun with that example because it reveals the absurdity of numerology.
I worked really hard to avoid the more obvious errors back in the day when I believed in it, but still it is based on the fundamental cognitive errors of selection bias (cherry picking) and confirmation bias. I tried to avoid those errors by sticking mostly to "self-reflective" structure where I made connections with the numerical structure of a verse with the meanings of the words found within the verse but even that failed ultimately. I never came close to the kind of random stuff that Desmild does. I saw that as obviously absurd and meaningless even when I believed that God had designed the Bible using gematria.
Great chatting,
Richard Amiel McGough
07-16-2019, 09:40 PM
So 3 becomes one in the form of trinity. 888 or 777 or 666 can represent the God head
Revelation 666 but the six can't be found in each other the way the God head can be represented by the trinty. So 666 means 3 indivuals the two false prophets and the anti christ. or maybe with rel 13 a dragon and two beasts
one beast wounded as to death but recovers - a false christ ?
Good points. Did you know that 666 = "his secret place" from Psalm 18:11?
He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.
And it is the value of "The Holy Ark" and "The Holy Crown" so the idea that it is "evil" can't be correct (assuming there is any meaning to it at all).
Likewise, the number 13 is the value of Love and Unity and Tetragramaton = 26 = 2 x 13. So the idea that 13 is evil goes out the window too. :lol:
I talk about both these numbers in my article on 666 (
I did my best to find consistent patterns, but finally realized that was impossible because there are too many contradictions. And so I concluded numerology is folly.
Great chatting,
Richard Amiel McGough
07-16-2019, 09:49 PM
I did not forget anything there, this is simply you wanting your way again. These codes are a riddle and even number 729 = Square nr 27 "Riddle". And like Sylvius has told us: It is common that we can divide triangles into other triangles.
Nr of Letters = Tri(7)
2 last words = Tri(37)
TV = 2701 = Tri(73)
And that's it, the division of Tri(73) which is 3X Tri(36 "evil") surrounding Tri(37) is there because it symbolizes Good and Evil.
Or Good Vs Evil.
When God "divided the light from the darkness" in Gen 1:4 he symbolically tells us that he separated Good (Angels of God) and Evil (Satan and his angels) in heaven. That is the symbolical level. And this is in verse nr 4 (first digit that can be divided).
Then we have the riddle level where he created light in the first day because of Alpha.
So there are several layers of information here.
But God is clear with the 7+37+73 pattern here, that is why we also see:
- Nr of words = 7
- TV = 37X73
Ha! I knew it! I knew you would reject the truth and make up lame excuses to defend the pattern that you made up.
Your numerology is totally meaningless because you have no principles. You follow no rules. You just make up random crap and declare it is what "God" said when in fact it is nothing but you own incoherent ramblings. There's no meaning to any of it.
The truth remains - the "triangular orders" of Genesis 1:1 include the numbers 2, 6, and 36 which you chose to IGNORE because they didn't fit the pattern YOU wanted to created by CHERRY PICKING from the full set. This is how you create all you patterns. They are all meaningless. I have proven it and you know you cannot answer. So you refuse to even try. Wow.
Now lets look at you "reason" for IGNORING three of the "triangular orders" found in Genesis 1:1. You say that 666 is evil, but the truth is that 666 is "God's secret place" as it is written in Psalm 18:11
He made darkness his secret place (= 666); his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.
And it is the value of "The Holy Ark" and "The Holy Crown" so the idea that it is "evil" can't be correct. I talk about these numbers in my article on 666 (
But none of that really matters, because you didn't say that you were adding up only the "good triangular orders" of Genesis 1:1. So your EXCUSE totally fails, like all your numerology.
You follow no rules. You follow no principles. So your use of arithmetic is utterly absurd and meaningless.
Your numerology has been refuted 100%
Great chatting!
Have a nice day! :yo:
Richard Amiel McGough
07-16-2019, 09:55 PM
Aleister Crowley said: 37 = Man's crown, Jechidah, the highest soul
(from "777 and other qabalisitc writings of Aleister Crowley")
I used to own that book. It played an important role in getting me hooked on numerology, which in turn helped me fall into the delusion of Christianity. I used to joke that I was the only person that Aleister Crowley brought to Christ. But then I burned it after becoming a Christian because Crowley was a self-proclaimed Satanist.
Of course, he wasn't anything like what Christians think of when they think of a Satanist, but that's just because they are ignorant of the occult. But that didn't matter to me when I fell into the more fundamentalist form of Christianity. There was still too much darkness surrounding his works.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-16-2019, 09:59 PM
About the number 216 he said:
"I once hoped much from this number, as it is the cube of 6. But I fear it only expresses the fixity of mind. anyhow it all came to no good. But we have DBIR, connected with DBR, adding the Secret Phallic Power"
that's not so bad, since it might be proof of the fact that the author of the gospel of John had the numbers of Genesis 1:1 in mind when he wrote Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος
since λόγος= "davar" = word ; "d'vir" = wordplace (name of the holy of holies)
and 216 is the outline of triangle 73
I see how 216 connects with Genesis 1:1 but how does it connect to John 1:1 other than the fact that logos (= 373) corresponds to dabir = 206) which can be "connected" to dabir (holy place) = 216? Starting to look like a bit of a stretch, no?
And do you really think that the logos is "phalic"? Do you share that obsession with sex-fiend Crowley? :p
Richard Amiel McGough
07-16-2019, 10:01 PM
Yes well it is a very important number and it suits perfectly to demonstrate how important 777 is.
This is me being quite progressive, I do it since Richard called my codes "meaningless".
Maybe I should step down a bit now. I can kind of continue until someone snaps me out of it or I snap myself out of it.
But I have to admit that i like the progressive style.
I didn't merely "call" your codes meaningless. I explained, in excruciating detail, why they are meaningless, and you have never even tried to answer because you know you cannot answer.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-16-2019, 10:09 PM
I see you still are on the ignorant side Sylvius since you are calling 117 "my number". It has everything to do with 777.
Well you know I have endless of proof here, Let me demonstrate further.
In Vs(117 "Seven Seven Seven"/"The Seal of God" = 7 + 37 + 73)
Hey there Alex,
I agree with sylvius. The number 117 most certainly is "your number" because 10 x 117 is the value of "TOTAL BULLSHIT" (English std) as I explained in post #41 ( of this thread. Here it is again for your edification:
But I don't think the main reason for number 137 being in verse nr 95 is 22 + 73, but it is a connection though
I think the main reason is:
37 is first found as the First word in verse nr 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
137 is first found in the Last word of verse nr 95 "The Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
OK Desmild, I will follow your lead and use your method to see what God encoded in his Most Excellent Word. I start with the idea that he is an ironic God and so designed it to show that numerology is "TOTAL BULLSHIT". We immediately see a hint of design when we compare its numerical values using the "ordinal" and "standard" methods championed by Bill Downie (as explained here ( Here's the table he made to show the two methods:
We have:
TOTAL BULLSHIT = 171 (o) and 1170 (s)
Look at that! It's a miracle! The same digits are found in both the ordinal and standard calculations. We know God designed this because God (s) = 71! But there's more! God designed the Bible using this value, because verse number 171 is Genesis 7:11!!!
Gen 7:11 ( In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
Look at that! Look at the day of the month! SEVENTEEN! Riddle Riddle! And look at the values of these words found in that verse:
fountains (o) = 119 = 7 x 17
broken up (o) = 102 = 6 x 17
Now go to verse 1170 and behold another miracle ... It contains SEVENTEEN words in Hebrew!
Gen 39:20 ( And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison a place where the king's prisoners were bound: and he was there in the prison .
The total value of this verse is 4373 (a prime). We know God designed this because 4373 => (4+3)(7+3) = 710 => 71!!! But there's more! There is only one other verse in the Torah that sums to this value in Hebrew gemtria. It is ... wait for it ... Leviticus 17:11!!!!
Lev 17:11 ( For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
And can you guess what verse number Leviticus 17:11 is? It's 3247. At first, it might not seem significant, but when we factor it, we find this:
Leviticus 17:11 = vs #3247 = 191 x 17 = 17 x 17 x (3 + 7) + 17 x (3 x 7)
Look at that! If this isn't absolute proof that God designed his Bible to reveal that numerology is "TOTAL BULLSHIT" I don't know what could be.
Have a great day!
07-16-2019, 10:26 PM
Thanks Chris! The +1 seems appropriate. Its easy to make up absurd patterns using gematria. That's one of the easiest ways to show it is meaningless.
And welcome to our forum!
I had a lot of fun with that example because it reveals the absurdity of numerology.
I worked really hard to avoid the more obvious errors back in the day when I believed in it, but still it is based on the fundamental cognitive errors of selection bias (cherry picking) and confirmation bias. I tried to avoid those errors by sticking mostly to "self-reflective" structure where I made connections with the numerical structure of a verse with the meanings of the words found within the verse but even that failed ultimately. I never came close to the kind of random stuff that Desmild does. I saw that as obviously absurd and meaningless even when I believed that God had designed the Bible using gematria.
Great chatting,
I have found it a paradox. When you say it is, it's not. When you say it's not it is. Cherry picking is a hard task master. For myself when you stop cherry picking to keep it real you begin cherry picking to keep it false. A continuing journey and at times it did kind of messed with my head..
Beauty in the eye of the beholder. Thank you for keeping your site up Shalom.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 12:07 AM
I have found it a paradox. When you say it is, it's not. When you say it's not it is. Cherry picking is a hard task master. For myself when you stop cherry picking to keep it real you begin cherry picking to keep it false. A continuing journey and at times it did kind of messed with my head..
Beauty in the eye of the beholder. Thank you for keeping your site up Shalom.
I see your point since people trying to prove a point will "cherry pick" the best data to support their case. But that seems quite different than making "cherry picking" the foundation of your claims. Case in point: Numerology is based fundamentally on cherry picking in the sense that you start with a long list of all words that share the same numeric value and then pick out the ones that fit a pattern you want to emphasize.
The primary problem with cherry picking is that it does not represent all the data. Take science as a counter example. If I have a theory of gravity, it should account for all facts. If it does not, then it is not a complete theory. And it takes only ONE FACT that contradicts the theory to prove it false. Numerology is nothing like this.
Now it is possible that there are "archetypal" patterns to numbers. For example, there could be a natural connection between the number 2 and the concept of division or the number 5 and the concept of life, etc., but it is very difficult to establish such things and numerologists often disagree.
Where do you stand on all this? In your first post you seemed to give some credence to a numerological coincidence. It would be interesting to discuss it.
Great chatting! :yo:
07-17-2019, 12:22 AM
I see how 216 connects with Genesis 1:1 but how does it connect to John 1:1 other than the fact that logos (= 373) corresponds to dabir = 206) which can be "connected" to dabir (holy place) = 216? Starting to look like a bit of a stretch, no?
And do you really think that the logos is "phalic"? Do you share that obsession with sex-fiend Crowley? :p
"b'reishit bara" ( Genesis 1:1) matches "b'hibaram" (in Genesis 2:4).
Or you can say "reishit" matches the letter "hey" that was added to the name Abram to make him Abraham, the father of a multitude of gentiles (and to "shishi" in Genesis 1:31)
Abraham's namechange goes together with the circumcising of himself and of all the 318 members of his household, and of Ismael.
"b'hibaram" is the 474th word of the bible. 474 = "da'at" = sexual knowledge.
You can see it as the last word of the first story of creation.
Mark 4:14,
ὁ σπείρων τὸν λόγον σπείρει.
the sower sows the word
so the word = seed = σπέρμα
sperm is male -- the king is the owner of it.
The king is the one who is crowned
crown = "atarah" = glans
(when the zippers of your trousers are open they say: "look out, the king is walking away")
(that is also why the king of the Chess-play is very hidden)
07-17-2019, 01:25 AM
I find God always has plausible deniability. So personally I am back to beauty in the eye of the beholder and possibly placebo effect but I hear the placebo effect is a scientific thing.
07-17-2019, 01:28 AM
John 20:27,
Then he said to Thomas,"Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe."
which was written to indicate that the resurrected one (= the original Adam) was circumcised
( and not because he should have been nailed to a cross, since that's historically rather uncertain )
side = πλευρά
which is by which LXX translates the place from where The woman was taken, Genesis 2:21, και επεβαλεν ο θεος εκστασιν επι τον αδαμ και υπνωσεν και ελαβεν μιαν των πλευρων αυτου και ανεπληρωσεν σαρκα αντ' αυτης
and he filled up (with) flesh in its place
flesh = Hebrew "basar" -- which (here) denotes the male organ.
Rashi on Genesis 17:1,
Another explanation: ?and be perfect? - Now you are missing [control over] five organs: two eyes, two ears, and the male organ. I will add a letter to your name, and the numerical value of your letters [of your name] will be 248, corresponding to the number of your organs (Tan. Lech Lecha 16, Ned. 32b).
male organ "rosh hag'viyah" = ראש הגויה the head of the body
"goyim" - bodily, physical people
Abraham = "av hamon goyim" אַ֖ב הֲמ֥וֹן גּוֹיִֽם
Jesus was his promised seed (sperm), at least after Paul, and after Matthew 1 --Jesus Christ the 42nd generation of Abraham
07-17-2019, 02:04 AM
Good points. Did you know that 666 = "his secret place" from Psalm 18:11?
He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.
And it is the value of "The Holy Ark" and "The Holy Crown" so the idea that it is "evil" can't be correct (assuming there is any meaning to it at all).
Likewise, the number 13 is the value of Love and Unity and Tetragramaton = 26 = 2 x 13. So the idea that 13 is evil goes out the window too. :lol:
I talk about both these numbers in my article on 666 (
I did my best to find consistent patterns, but finally realized that was impossible because there are too many contradictions. And so I concluded numerology is folly.
Great chatting,
Interesting I tended to view Psalm 18 having some similar language to the pray of Jonah 2 when he was in the fish.
07-17-2019, 03:04 AM
I used to own that book. It played an important role in getting me hooked on numerology, which in turn helped me fall into the delusion of Christianity. I used to joke that I was the only person that Aleister Crowley brought to Christ. But then I burned it after becoming a Christian because Crowley was a self-proclaimed Satanist.
That's quite a confession
07-17-2019, 06:03 AM
I used to joke that I was the only person that Aleister Crowley brought to Christ. But then I burned it after becoming a Christian because Crowley was a self-proclaimed Satanist.
Smart choice, I am going to burn my book from Aleister Crowley when I find it in the garage. I never liked to have it in the house.
07-17-2019, 06:14 AM
But what do you think about The Beatles revering Crowley in their srg. peppers Lonley Hearts album ?
Ain't that strange ??
07-17-2019, 06:52 AM
And we can add the Triangular orders of Tri(73) to get "Seven Seven Seven" by the way.
Tri(73) = 3XTri(36) + Tri(37)
3X36 + 37 = 145 = 39 "Seven" (Heb ord) + 41 "seven" (Gr ord) + 65 "Seven" (Eng ord)
And Richard, how many times do I have to tell you that you don't have any proof while I have all the proof.
Back off. You are intellectually defeated here. There is no logical explanation of why these integration and verses hits with such meaning all the way without God.
Calling this "random" is not valid but rather self deception.
Maybe you will find some guys here that are like you, but there are plenty like me who will see what God is doing here. You can never change that fact.
117 = "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Eng red) = "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord) = "The Seal of God" (Eng ord)
68 = "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb red)
- TV of Vs(117) = (Heb ord) "Torah" 53 X 62 "Torah" (Eng ord)
Integration of Vs(68) & Vs(117)
-TV = 5362 (53 "Torah" --- 62 "Torah") = (Code nr for 777) 37 X (56 "created" + 113 "Universe")
= 3000 + 162 "The Lord God" (A=26) + TV of the 777 Holograph
- FLW of Vs(68) + FLW of Vs(117) = 807 "Seal of God" (Heb & Eng sta) = Value of word nr 777 of the Bible + 777
- CW = 884 (84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord OR Eng ord, both hits on that number)
- FLCW = 1000 + 395 "the heaven" + 296 "the earth"
- W.surr. CW = 146 "The Universe" (Eng ord) + 729 (α) + 1618 (φ)
- 3 CW = 3377 = 37 "Seal" with extended digits
- FLW + 3 CW = 4000 + 184 "Thirty and Seven" (Eng ord) [37 = "Seal"]
= (777 + CW of Vs(777) = CW of Vs(33 "The" (Eng ord)) + TV of the 777 Holograph
And the CW of Vs(703 = Tri(37 "Seal")) = "Golden" 14 X 46 "Codes" = 322 "The Seal" (A=37 B=38 C=39)
- "The Seal" has 7 letters
- 7 = Pri(5 "The" ה = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal"))
07-17-2019, 07:26 AM
Smart choice, I am going to burn my book from Aleister Crowley when I find it in the garage. I never liked to have it in the house.
burn the witch :eek:
07-17-2019, 07:30 AM
Smart choice, I am going to burn my book from Aleister Crowley when I find it in the garage. I never liked to have it in the house.
But who did bring you to the number 777?
07-17-2019, 07:31 AM
Yes indeed. I bought his book just to verify some stuff about satanism, not because I believed or follow it.
How can you identify the occult without some study in it ?
But I was around 25 years old when I bought those books, I would not have done it today because it was a waste of money.
07-17-2019, 07:40 AM
Yes indeed. I bought his book just to verify some stuff about satanism, not because I believed or follow it.
How can you identify the occult without some study in it ?
But I was around 25 years old when I bought those books, I would not have done it today because it was a waste of money.
but how you came to 777?
07-17-2019, 07:47 AM
Not Allister Crowley. In fact no one.
In the start of my journey into the codes of the bible (around 25 years old) i had this theory that since Satan picked 666 then 777 should be important if God exists.
And I knew He existed already then.
But I did not have a clue about the codes of physics then. But I found this website and I was very fascinated about Richards creation Holograph + Gen 1:1 & John 1:1.
I knew about Dr. Panins codes before I found this website since the first website about codes I found was, so I knew "God, the heaven, the earth" = 777.
But then I went into the forum of this webiste and read a post from gambini that talked about the fine-structure constant and Pi down to 5 digits of Genesis 1:1
This is where everything changed for me.
Because I had these theory's before I really understood the codes. And that was that it should be more than the total values of each verse that makes meaning since God is all-knowing and almighty. And that he would use English gematria just because he could and it would be perfect for your time and age.
Anyway after reading the post from Gambini I checked verse nr 729 (Alpha, the fine-structure constant) and saw the CW = 777.
That is when I knew that my theory was correct. 777 was indeed very important. But after that I checked the CW of Vs(137) and saw that it = 27 "A & Z" + 401 "Aleph & Tav"
And that seemed like extreme design to me. Ofcource I don't need much proof to believe because I have seen the supernatural in both sides.
07-17-2019, 08:01 AM
Not Allister Crowley. In no one.
In the start of my journey into the codes of the bible (around 25 years old) i had this theory that since Satan picked 666
Satan picked up the seed (= word = "davar") that could have produced hundredfold
Mark 4:15,
These are the ones on the path where the word is sown. As soon as they hear, Satan comes at once and takes away the word sown in them.
But those sown on rich soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.
hundredfold = "meah sh'arim" , gematria 666
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 08:06 AM
I find God always has plausible deniability. So personally I am back to beauty in the eye of the beholder and possibly placebo effect but I hear the placebo effect is a scientific thing.
I used to think something similar. It's how I dealt with the inconsistencies and errors in the Bible. On the one hand, I thought the patterns were proof that God had designed the Bible, but I couldn't deny all the problems with it so I came up with the idea that God designed his Written Word as a "stumbling stone" in analogy with his Living Word (1 Peter 2:*, etc). I would say that God designed the Bible so that the believer would have everything needed to believe and the unbeliever everything needed to "unbelieve." But now I think that was a rather foolish rationalization since a Muslim or a Mormon could say the same thing about their books.
07-17-2019, 08:45 AM
flesh = Hebrew "basar" -- which (here) denotes the male organ.
which doesn't fit with Rashi's comment that Adam sought to ease his sexual drive with all animals, but didn't find satisfaction until he found Eve.
Rashi on Genesis 2:23,
This one this time: This teaches us that Adam came to all the animals and the beasts [in search of a mate], but he was not satisfied until he found Eve. [from Yev. 63a]
which brought me to the idea that he tad homosexual relations with the snake.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 08:59 AM
And we can add the Triangular orders of Tri(73) to get "Seven Seven Seven" by the way.
Tri(73) = 3XTri(36) + Tri(37)
3X36 + 37 = 145 = 39 "Seven" (Heb ord) + 41 "seven" (Gr ord) + 65 "Seven" (Eng ord)
Excellent! That's a perfect example of why I say that your numerology is completely meaningless and absurd. You could find, or rather create, patterns like that with any random set of words because each word has so many values for you to choose from. How is it possible you can't see this obvious fact? Why do you refuse to even discuss it? This is the fundamental error of your method.
And your pattern isn't even correct because you ignored the fact that 3 = T(2) so if you were following the rule to replace the triangular numbers in Gen 1:1 = T(2) x T(36) + T(37) with their "triangular orders" you should have written
2 x 36 + 37 = 109 and then played your foolish game with the number 109.
This exemplifies another problem with your method. You are free to make up any "pattern" you want to start with and then go looking for "connections" like in this example where you added up a cherry picked subset of the "triangular orders". If you can find a way to make it fit, then you declare it is a "code" designed by God. If you can't make it fit, then you simply ignore it. This is the textbook definition of CONFIRMATION BIAS and it is why no person with any brains would believe your claims. They are based on fundamental COGNITIVE ERRORS of selection bias and confirmation bias. You cannot answer this point because you know it is true.
And Richard, how many times do I have to tell you that you don't have any proof while I have all the proof.
Back off. You are intellectually defeated here. There is no logical explanation of why these integration and verses hits with such meaning all the way without God.
Calling this "random" is not valid but rather self deception.
You keep saying that you have proof but you never actually show it. All you do is repeat the same errors that I have proven to be errors and then declare you have answered when in fact you have not.
You know you cannot answer so you don't even try.
Here again is the question you must answer: How do you tell the difference between your numerology and the random meaningless "connections" that we ALWAYS can find in any random text?
Or to put it another way: Why would anyone think there is any meaning to your patterns?
You need to answer this question.
I do not merely "call" your numerology random. I have explained why it is random in extreme detail and you simply ignore what I've written.
Maybe you will find some guys here that are like you, but there are plenty like me who will see what God is doing here. You can never change that fact.
Anybody who is able to rationally analyse your claims will come to the same conclusion. They are meaningless because they are exactly what we would expect from a random set of words and numbers. You know you cannot answer this point.
117 = "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Eng red) = "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord) = "The Seal of God" (Eng ord)
68 = "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb red)
There you go again, repeating the same error. You had to use different phrases and different systems of gematria to make that connection. How many possible combinations did you choose from? Probably hundreds. So you found three connections in a set with hundreds of random numbers? Why would anyone think there is any meaning to that?
Here's the key to it all. You IMAGINE that your patterns are "statistically unlikely" and so could not have happened "by chance." That's your error. They are exactly what we would expect from random chance and you have no way to prove your belief so you simply declare it as a "fact" and then call anyone who disagrees "blind" no matter how much evidence they present.
You are finger painting with random numbers my friend. There is not one mathematician on the planet who could fail to see the errors of your method.
Great chatting!
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 09:10 AM
But then I went into the forum of this webiste and read a post from gambini that talked about the fine-structure constant and Pi down to 5 digits of Genesis 1:1
This is where everything changed for me.
Did you know that Gambini bases his patterns by counting 2 as the first prime? He has MOUNTAINS of patterns based on 2 as the first prime and he thinks his patterns prove the Bible, just like you, but his patterns are contrary to yours. Take a look at his site Mathematical Monotheism (
This is the key to your freedom. You can review his numerology and see it is very much like yours but he comes to CONTRARY CONCLUSIONS. This really helped me free myself from my delusions about the Bible Wheel and other patterns I thought proved the Bible. The key is to compare your patterns with contrary patterns found by other believers. Then you will be able to see that they all are based on similar errors. And your mind will be free!
I wrote a couple articles about this on my blog: The Bible Wheel: Patternicity on Steroids ( and Battle of the Bible Wheels: Protestant vs. Catholic (
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 09:12 AM
I used to own that book. It played an important role in getting me hooked on numerology, which in turn helped me fall into the delusion of Christianity. I used to joke that I was the only person that Aleister Crowley brought to Christ. But then I burned it after becoming a Christian because Crowley was a self-proclaimed Satanist.
That's quite a confession
Yeah. It was something I didn't mention back in the day when I was trying to convince other Christians that God used gematria in designing the Bible.
07-17-2019, 09:51 AM
Yeah. It was something I didn't mention back in the day when I was trying to convince other Christians that God used gematria in designing the Bible.
I bought the book "777 (...)" this year because Desmild mentioned it.
Never heard of it before.
I like the book
Crowley also mentions 233 = "etz hachayim" , tree of life, and also 932 = "etz hada'at tov vara", tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and also 5 = "ed", mist, vapour.
these are the numbers stressed by the one (Friedrich Weinreb) through whom I rolled into it.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 10:02 AM
I bought the book "777 (...)" this year because Desmild mentioned it.
Never heard of it before.
I like the book
Crowley also mentions 233 = "etz hachayim" , tree of life, and also 932 = "etz hada'at tov vara", tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and also 5 = "ed", mist, vapour.
these are the numbers stressed by the one (Friedrich Weinreb) through whom I rolled into it.
Yeah, I think that's when I first noticed the relation
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil = 4 x The Tree of Life
I later saw that as an example of the meaning of the number 4 as "door" and the two "universal doors" in and out of this world (birth and death) and connected this with Genesis 4 ( where the first birth (yld = 44) and death are recorded. Also blood (dm = 44) first appears too. Thought it was a pretty good set of connections ... but other numerologists make up their own connections. So now I doubt there is any meaning to any of it. :lol:
07-17-2019, 10:04 AM
which doesn't fit with Rashi's comment that Adam sought to ease his sexual drive with all animals, but didn't find satisfaction until he found Eve.
Rashi on Genesis 2:23,
which brought me to the idea that he had homosexual relations with the snake.
Revelation 20 identifies the snake of paradise as the satan.
The snake of Genesis is presented in a play on the words "arumim" עֲרוּמִּ֔ים = naked (Genesis 2:25, and both of them were naked, the man and his wife)
and "arum" עָר֔וּם= shrewd, cunning ( Genesis 3:1, And the snake was cunning, more than any beast of the field)
fits well with William Blake's Satan
"arum"= 316
same as of the name Yeshu = Jesus :eek:
(i learned from A. Crowley :winking0071:)
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 10:14 AM
Revelation 20 identifies the snake of paradise as the satan.
The snake of Genesis is presented in a play on the words "arumim" עֲרוּמִּ֔ים = naked (Genesis 2:25, and both of them were naked, the man and his wife)
and "arum" עָר֔וּם= shrewd, cunning ( Genesis 3:1, And the snake was cunning, more than any beast of the field)
fits well with William Blake's Satan
Yeah, I've been aware of that connection for a long time. Looks like it was intended by the author.
"arum"= 316
same as of the name Yeshu = Jesus :eek:
(i learned from A. Crowley :winking0071:)
Was that really his name? Some say that some anti-Christian Jews removed some letters so it forms an insult. I don't know if that's true. Here's what the wiki says (
Another explanation given is that the name "Yeshu" is actually an acronym for the formula (ימח שמו וזכרו(נו (Y'mach Sh'mo ( V'Zichro(no)), meaning "may his name and memory be obliterated". The earliest known example of this theory comes from medieval Toledot Yeshu ( narratives.[9] ([10] ( This has led to the accusation, first voiced by the anti-Judaist ( writer Johann Andreas Eisenmenger ( in his Entdecktes Judenthum ( m), that "Yeshu" was always such a deliberately insulting term for Jesus.[11] ( Eisenmenger claimed that Jews believed that they were forbidden to mention names of false gods and instead were commanded to change and defame them and did so with Jesus' name as they considered him a false god. He argued that Jesus' original name was "Yeshua" and as Jews did not recognize him as saviour (moshia`) or that he had even saved (hoshia`) himself, they left out the ayin from the root meaning "to save".[11] ( Eisenmenger's book against Judaism was denounced by the Jews as malicious libel, and was the subject of a number of refutations.[12] (
When I was a believer I was convinced that his name should be spelled as the standard "Yehoshua" = 391 = Salvation.
07-17-2019, 10:23 AM
Yeah, I've been aware of that connection for a long time. Looks like it was intended by the author.
Was that really his name? Some say that some anti-Christian Jews removed some letters so it forms an insult. I don't know if that's true. Here's what the wiki says (
A. Crowley mentioned it. along with Yehoshuh = 326 , = Tetragrammaton + letter "shin'"
Yeshu Hanotzri has gematria 671 = 666 + 5
I heard from a Jewish cello-player "Jesus is the beast with seven heads and ten horns"
"Yeshu Notzri" being written with seven letters, that show in total ten horns (or legs) -- "shin" has three horns; "tzade " two horns, and the rest each one horn.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 10:53 AM
A. Crowley mentioned it. along with Yehoshuh = 326 , = Tetragrammaton + letter "shin'"
Yeshu Hanotzri has gematria 671 = 666 + 5
I heard from a Jewish cello-player "Jesus is the beast with seven heads and ten horns"
"Yeshu Notzri" being written with seven letters, that show in total ten horns (or legs) -- "shin" has three horns; "tzade " two horns, and the rest each one horn.
Just goes to show how people can make up anything to fit their preconceived opinions, eh? :winking0071:
07-17-2019, 11:06 AM
Just goes to show how people can make up anything to fit their preconceived opinions, eh? :winking0071:
and yet there is something in it
John 19:19-20
ἔγραψεν δὲ καὶ τίτλον ὁ Πιλᾶτος καὶ ἔθηκεν ἐπὶ τοῦ σταυροῦ: ἦν δὲ γεγραμμένον, Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος ὁ βασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων. τοῦτον οὖν τὸν τίτλον πολλοὶ ἀνέγνωσαν τῶν Ἰουδαίων, ὅτι ἐγγὺς ἦν ὁ τόπος τῆς πόλεως ὅπου ἐσταυρώθη ὁ Ἰησοῦς: καὶ ἦν γεγραμμένον Ἑβραϊστί, Ῥωμαϊστί, Ἑλληνιστί
so it is Ἰησοῦς ὁ Ναζωραῖος
not: Ἰησοῦς Ναζωραῖος
In the name Ἰησοῦς there is no "a"- sound in it -- like in Yehoshua or Yeshua
NT just gives his name in Greek.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 01:08 PM
In the name Ἰησοῦς there is no "a"- sound in it -- like in Yehoshua or Yeshua
NT just gives his name in Greek.
Very interesting link. Thanks.
07-17-2019, 02:07 PM
Did you know that Gambini bases his patterns by counting 2 as the first prime? He has MOUNTAINS of patterns based on 2 as the first prime and he thinks his patterns prove the Bible, just like you, but his patterns are contrary to yours. Take a look at his site Mathematical Monotheism.
This is the key to your freedom. You can review his numerology and see it is very much like yours but he comes to CONTRARY CONCLUSIONS. This really helped me free myself from my delusions about the Bible Wheel and other patterns I thought proved the Bible. The key is to compare your patterns with contrary patterns found by other believers. Then you will be able to see that they all are based on similar errors. And your mind will be free!
When I started the journey into the codes of the bible 6 years ago, I did not have a clue. Well a lot have changed since then and yes I know Gambini considers 2 as the first prime. I am not Gambini and he can come with interesting things even though he misconnected things.
You also misconnected things in your work. I have also misconnected things in this very thread.
Here is some misconnections from you in your "Divine Logos HyperHolograph"
- You did not understand that number 137 there was the Inverse Alpha, but rather "The God of Truth".
But we see it is multiplied with 27 "Riddles" & 73 "of Wisdom" there so it's really no doubt about what number 137 represents there.
- Again we see 137 is multiplied with 195 "Seven Seven Seven" (Eng ord) & 15 (Pytha.Pri-ord(137))
But even if you, me and Gambini misconnected, we still can find good codes. So I don't understand where you are going with that.
I have tested my codes and the people here see the connections, the only question is will you accept them ?
You obviously don't so I am not going to try to convince you. I have shared enough here for people to see that I am right.
I don't care if there are people who agrees with you here, most of them they will be silent after reading the book anyway.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 02:34 PM
But even if you, me and Gambini misconnected, we still can find good codes. So I don't understand where you are going with that.
I have tested my codes and the people here see the connections, the only question is will you accept them ?
What "codes"? All you have shown are connections that look totally random, cherry picked from an ocean of random numbers. Each word you use in your "connections" has at least a dozen different values associated with it, (English ord, English std, English red, same for Hebrew and Greek and by rot, etc., etc. etc.) so anyone could make any connections they want with any words they choose.
In short, your numerology is TOTAL BULLSHIT = 10 x 117 (The Seal of God) :lol:
If you can't answer this point, no one with half a brain would have any reason to believe in your "codes."
Can you even tell me why YOU believe them?
Please, I'm serious. Can you tell me why you believe you "codes" are not random? The only possible answer is that you think they are "statistically unlikely" but I can prove that is not true.
Why don't you answer? Because you know you cannot?
You obviously don't so I am not going to try to convince you. I have shared enough here for people to see that I am right.
I don't care if there are people who agrees with you here, most of them they will be silent after reading the book anyway.
How do your random patterns prove anything?
07-17-2019, 03:29 PM
What "codes"? All you have shown are connections that look totally random, cherry picked from an ocean of random numbers.
What "codes"? All you have shown are connections that look totally random, cherry picked from an ocean of random numbers. Each word you use in your "connections" has at least a dozen different values associated with it, (English ord, English std, English red, same for Hebrew and Greek and by rot, etc., etc. etc.) so anyone could make any connections they want with any words they choose.
In short, your numerology is TOTAL BULLSHIT = 10 x 117 (The Seal of God)
If you can't answer this point, no one with half a brain would have any reason to believe in your "codes."
Can you even tell me why YOU believe them?
Please, I'm serious. Can you tell me why you believe you "codes" are not random? The only possible answer is that you think they are "statistically unlikely" but I can prove that is not true.
Why don't you answer? Because you know you cannot?
You are telling us that all this is random
e saw the CW of Vs(17 "Precious") & CW of Vs(729 = Alpha) = 777 (The Seal of God)
Now if there are anymore verses that has a CW of 777 it will align/harmonize with those two verses.
Now 37 = "Seal"/"The Heart"/"of Wisdom" (Eng ord)
- CW/Heart of Vs(534 "Seal of God" אלהים חתם Chatham Elohim) = 371 (37 "Seal" (A=1) merged with 71 "Seal" (A=26))
- CW of Vs(37 "Seal" (A=1)) = 400 + 16 "Seal" (Heb red)
- CW of vs(71 = "God" (A=1) = "Seal" (A=26)) = 68 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb red)
- TV added of Vs(37) & Vs(71) = 10X 584 (5 "The" --- 84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord))
- CW added of Vs(37) & Vs(71) = 484 "The Seal of God" אל החתם
- CW of Vs(371) = 466 = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord) with extended digit
- CW of Vs(371) + CW of Vs(777) = 5 "The" + 777
- CW of Vs ord. at: 37, 71 & 371 = 950 "and" και (rev sta) = 10X 95 "The Universe" (Gr ord))
- CW of Vs(1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)) =500 + 371
- CW of Vs(43 "Seal" חתם (ord))= 357 "Seal of God" (Eng ord + sta)
- CW of Vs(448 "Seal" חתם (sta))= 631 (6 "and" --- 31 "God") = Pri(116 "secret codes" (Eng ord))
- CW of Vs(37 "Seal") + CW of Vs(777) = 1193 = Pri(197 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb rev ord))
- CW of Vs(703 = Tri(37 "Seal")) + CW of Vs(777) = 638 (6 "and" --- 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord))
Integrating Vs(539 "The Seal of God" (Heb sta)) & Vs(777)
- TV = 4656 (46 "codes" --- 56 "created") ="Seal" 16 X CW of Vs(486 "The Seal of God" (Eng sta))
= (ord) גנז "Treasure" 24 X 194 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb ord)
= 10X146 "The Universe" (Eng ord)) + TV of Vs(1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta))
- FLW = 345 "God Almighty" ("Almighty" is the 2nd word of Vs(777) which is 137 by rot.)
- CW = 930 "Seven Seven Seven" שבעת שבעת שבעת (rev sta)
- FLCW = 1275 "and the earth" (Heb & Eng sta)
Vs(37 "Seal" (Eng ord)) & Vs(366 "The Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Eng ord))
- TV = 5334 (534 "Seal of God" (Heb sta))
- FLW = 400 + 76 "In the beginning" (Heb ord)
- CW = 560 = 10X 56 "light" (Eng ord) = "God" (Heb rev sta) = "God" (Gr rev sta)
- FLCW = 1036 (136 "Seal" (Eng sta)) = CL + CW of Gen 37:7 which is Vs(1091 = Pri(183 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord))
- W. surr. CW = 1499 = "In the beginning the Alpha" εν αρχηι ο Αλφα (ord + sta)
Vs(5 "The") & Vs(534 "Seal of God") integrated
- TV ="Precious" 17X(273 "Gematria" (Heb sta) = "Seal of God" (Eng sta))
- FLW = 1161 "Universe" (Heb & Gr sta) = (heb ord) "Seal" 43 X 27 "Riddles of" (Heb ord)
- CW = 446 = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord)
- FLCW = 1607 = Pri(254 "In the beginning Seven Seven Seven" (Eng ord)) = 1000 + ordinal of the 777
- W. surr. CW = 905 = 95 "The Universe" Ο Συμπαν (ord) (0 removed)
- 4 CW = 1351 = "The Lord God made the earth and the heavens" ושמים ארץ אלהים יהוה עשות [Gen 2:4] = 7X Pri(45 "treasure(s) (Heb ord))
- FLW + 4 CW = 2512 "The Ark of the Covenant and the Ten Commandments" (Heb sta)
= 37 "Seal"/"The Heart" + 73 "The seven hundred seventy and seven"/"of Wisdom"
+ 777 + 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)
= TV of Vs(2813 = 112 "The Lord God" + 37X73)
TV of Vs(70 "The Seal" (Eng ord)) = "The" 5 X 1073 (173 "Seal" (Eng ord + sta))
- FLW = 305 "Lamb" (Heb) since 70 is also the value of "The" Ο. But you know how God requires us to read between the lines so this = 35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red) with 0 removed
- CW = 57 "Golden" (Eng ord) = "Heaven" (Heb ord)
- FLCW = 2X Pri(43 "Seal" (Heb ord)) --- 2X43 = 86 "of God"
- TV of the First verse of chapter nr 37 "Seal" = 2X 777 = 777 + its mirror = 3 CW of the 777 Holograph
- CW instead = 259 = 200 + 59 "God said" (Eng ord) = 7 = Pri(5 "The") X 37 "Seal" (Eng ord)
- 37 "Seal" = 37 "Seal" by rot. of Vs(777)
- TV of Vs(620 "Crown" (Heb sta)) + TV of Vs(1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta))
= 4553 (453 "The Seal" החתם)
1625 = "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta)
- This is a big number so it's unlikely to find it as a CW in a verse of the Torah. So it would be easier for God to encode it in the FLCW.
- FLCW of Vs(703 = Tri(37 "Seal")) + FLCW of Vs(86 "of God") = 1625
- FLCW of Vs(431 = Pri(84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord))) = 1625
- 431 = Pri(84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord)) = 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) merged with 31 "of God" (Heb sta, singular-form))
= CW of Vs(22335 (235 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Gr ord)) = Vs Tri(777) by rot.)
- 486 "The Seal of God" (Eng ord) = (Heb ord) "The Seal" 48 merged with 86 "of God" (Heb sta, plural-form)
= CW of the first verses made up of 777 & 1625
In verses ordered at: 7, 37 & 73
- Nr.W = 49 "The Alpha" Ο Αλφα (ord)
- Nr.L = 187 "Inverse Alpha and Alpha" (Eng ord) --- 777 is quite connected to Alpha in the codes, just look at the 777 Holograph & the CW of Vs(729)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 236 "God created the" (A=26) --- (Alpha)
- TV = 1000X12 "and" ו (Full) + 453 "The Seal" (Heb sta)
= (Eng ord) "of" 21 X 593 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb & Eng rev ord)
- FLW = 651 = (Eng ord) "of" 21 X 31 "God" (Heb sta)
- CW = 1535 = "The" 5 X 307 (37 "Seal") = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord) + 777 + CW of the 777 Holograph
- FLCW = 2186 = 21 "of" (Eng ord) --- 86 "God" (Heb sta)
- W. surr. CW = 2175 --- 21 "of" (Eng ord) --- 75 = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal" (Eng ord)) X Pytha.Pri-ord(137 "of God" (Eng sta))
= (Eng ord) "Pi" 25 X 87 "Phi" (Eng sta)
- 3 CW = 10X 371 (37 "Seal" (Eng ord)) merged with 71 "God" (Eng sta)) = 10X CW of Vs(534 "Seal of God" (Heb sta))
= 514 (5 "The" --- 14 "Golden") + TV of Vs(1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta))
= 1000 + (396 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=26) = CW of only Vs made up of 777) + TV Vs(777)
= ordinal soft of 777 Holograph + standard of 777 Holograph
= CW of Vs(172 "Codes" (Eng sta)) + TV of 777 Holograph
= 2933 (29 "and" (Heb ord) --- 33 "The" (Eng ord)) + CW of the 777 Holograph
- FLW + 3 CW = "The Alpha" 49 X 89 "Codes" (A=26) = 1270 "God the heaven, the earth" (Eng sta) + TV of the 777 Holograph
And look Richard, how wrong you are because we see in Gen 1:1 --- 7 + 37 + 73 = "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb ord) = "The Seal of God" (Eng ord)
- Letters by rot. added of the orders: 7, 37 & 73 is: 2+1+5 = 8 "The" η
- Words by rot. added of the orders: 7, 37 & 73 is: 296+203+86 = 585 = Palin(68 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb red))
- Sum: 8 + 585 = 593 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb & Eng rev ord)
- Letters in the bible added of the orders of 7, 37 & 73 is: 2+5+30 = 37 "Seal"
- Words in the bible added of the orders of 7, 37 & 73 is: 296+212+410 = 918 = (Heb ord) "Riddles of" 27 X 34 "Alpha" (Gr ord)
- Sum: 37 + 918 = 955 = 95 "The Universe" (Gr ord) with extended digit
- Adding letters of these orders in both Gen 1:1 & of the bible is: 8 + 37 = 45 "God and" (Eng ord)
- Adding words of these orders in both Gen 1:1 & of the bible is: 585 + 918 = 1503 (153 "The Golden ratio" (Eng ord) = CW of Vs(712))
- Sum: 45 + 1503 = 1548
= 1000 + 137 "in the beginning" (Eng ord) + 3X137 (Eng ord Gen 1:1)
= (Heb red) "Seven Seven Seven" 36 X 43 "Seal" (Heb ord) = (Heb red) "Riddles" 18 X 86 "of God" (Heb sta)
= TV of Vs(712 "Crowned"/"Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" = CW of the 777 Holograph)
In Vs(117 "Seven Seven Seven"/"The Seal of God" = 7 + 37 + 73)
- Nr.W = 10 "Alpha" (Gr red)
- Nr.L = 36 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb red)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord)
- TV = 3286 = 3000 + Pri-ord(37) X Pri-ord(73) --- 37+73 = "Alpha" (Eng sta)= 32 "Heart" --- 86 "of God" = (Heb ord) "Torah" 53 X 62 "Torah" (Eng ord)
= (Eng ord) "The Riddle" 85 X 31 "of God" (Heb sta) + FLW of Vs ord at: 7, 37 & 73
= 1751 "Wisdom" (Heb, Gr & Eng ord + sta) + CW of Vs ord at: 7, 37 & 73
= 2509 (259 = (ord) η "The" 7 X 37 "Seal" (Eng ord)) + 777
= 972 (9 "and" δε --- 72 (α)) + TV of Vs(777) = 10X297 "Treasure(s)" (Heb sta) + CW of Vs(777)
= 1661 (161 (φ)) + 1625 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb sta)
= (90 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb rev ord) = "Lamech" למך) + TV of Vs(1625 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb sta))
= (884 (84 "Seal of God" (Heb ord)) = 172 "codes" (Eng sta) + CW of the 777 Holograph) + 777 + 1625
= (195 "Seven Seven Seven" (Eng ord) = FLW of Vs(37) + FLW of Vs(73)) + TV of the 777 Holograph
= (2574 = TV of Vs(37 + 37X73) = 1000 + TV of Vs(37 "Seal")) + CW of the 777 Holograph
= (1107 = FLCW of the 777 Holograph = 117 with 0 removed) + Pri(328 "The Seven Seven Seven Holograph" (A=1))
= 1000 + ה "The" 5 X 137 (Inverse Alpha)
+ TV of Vs(401 "Aleph & Tav" = 137 by rot. of Vs(1 "α") = 137 by rot. of Vs(37X73) = "The Seven Seven Seven Holograph" (A=26))
- FLL = 406 (46 "codes")
- CL = 10X 35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red)
- FLCL = 700 + 56 "created" (Eng ord) = 27 "Riddles of" + 729 (α)
- Value of the first word = 37 "The Heart"
- Value of the last word = (Full) ו "and" 12 X 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord)
- FLW = 493 = 17X29 --- 1729 = 1000 + 729 (α) = Letters added by rot. from nr 37 to 73 in Gen 1:1 ---- 37+73 = Alpha" (Eng sta)
- CW = 748 = 700 + 48 "The Seal" (Heb ord) = "And God said, Let there be a firmament" (Heb sta) = 19 "and" (Eng ord) + 729 (α)
= 36 "Seven Seven Seven" (Heb red) + CW of the 777 Holograph
- FLCW = 1000 + 241 "In the beginning" (A=26) = "Precious" 17 X 73 "Wisdom" = CW of the first, last & center verses of Genesis
- W. surr. CW = 1133 (13 "One" אחד with extended digits) = 113 "Universe" (Eng ord) with extended digit
- 4 CW = 1881 = (Eng ord) "and" 19 X 99 "Physics" (Eng ord) = TV of Vs(85 "The Earth"/"The Riddle"/"The Heart" (Eng ord)) (not sure what to pick there)
- FLW + 4 CW = 2374 "Riddles of Physics" (4 Basic which is red + ord + sta + Base 6)
= 23 "Aleph & Tav" (Heb ord) --- 74 "Jesus" (Eng ord) = TV of Vs(2923 = 29 "and" (Heb ord) --- 23 "Aleph & Tav")
- FLL + FLW = 899 = 89 "created the" (Eng ord)
- CL + CW = 1098 "Alpha and The Speed of Light" (Eng ord + sta) = "The Heaven and The Earth" (Heb sta)
- FLCL + FLCW = 1997 = 197 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb rev ord) with extended digit
- 7 = 776 = 76 "In the beginning" (Heb ord) with ext. digit.
- 37 by rot. hits on 7 = 776
- 73 by rot. hits 3 = 60 "Word" (Eng ord)
- 777 by hits 7 = 776
- 37 by rot. + 73 by rot. = 836 = 107 "Treasure" (Eng ord) + 729 (α) = 59 "God said" (Eng ord) + 777
- 7 + 37 by rot. + 73 by rot. = 137 (Inv. α) + 729 (α) + 271 (e) + 314 (π) + 161 (φ) [Physics]
Tri(7) + Tri(37) + Tri(73) = 3432 --- 34 "Alpha" --- 32 "Heart"
In Vs(3432)
- Nr.W = 11 "hide" חבא
- Nr.L = 39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 50 "created light/riddles" (Heb ord) = "and Phi" και φι (ord)
- TV = 2698 "In the beginning seven hundred seventy and seven codes" (Heb sta)
- FLL = 25 "and the Golden" והזהב
- CL = 90 "Seven Seven Seven" שבע שבע שבע (rev ord)
- FLCL = 115 "Riddle" αίνιγμα
- FLW = 195 "Seven Seven Seven" (Eng ord)
- CW = 525 "Gematria Codes" (Eng sta) = 3X137 + its mirror
- FLCW = 720 = 10X 72 (α)
- W. surr. CW = 233 = 23 "Aleph & Tav" with ext. digit ("Aleph & Tav" = 137 by rot. of Gen 1:1)
- 3 CW = 758 "created the Alpha" (Eng ord + sta) = 700 + 58 "Science" (Eng ord) = (Heb ord) 29 "and" + 729 (α)
- FLW + 3 CW = 953 = Pri(163 = Pri(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)))
- W. up to CW = 1572 "Codes of Seven Seven Seven" (A=6 B=12 C=18) = 100X(15 = Pytha.Pri-ord(137)) + 72 (α) [And the TV Vs(1572) points to "Seal of God"]
- W. from CW = 1000 + 651 "The Alpha" Ο Αλφα (ord + sta) = 13 X C.Hex(7)
= 26 "The Lord"/"God" + 1625 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven"
= TV of Vs(3992 (392 = 777 by rot. of the 777 Holograph = 7X 56 "light" (Eng ord))
- FLL + FLW = 220 "Hide" צפן tsaphan = "Scatter" נפץ naphats
- CL + CW = 615 = ה "The" 5 X 123 "Seven Seven Seven" επτα επτα επτα (ord)
- FLCL + FLCW = 835 = 58 "The Seal" (Eng ord) + 777 = 800 + 35 "The Seal of God" (Heb red) --- TV of Vs(835) = Pri(396 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (A=26)) just so you know that its not cherry picking.
- 7 = 202 "created the Universe" (Eng ord)
- 37 by rot. = 501 = 1 "α" + 500 "φ" = FLW of Vs(110 "Alpha" (Eng sta))
- 73 byr rot. is 7 so it = 202.
- 37 by rot. + 73 by rot. = Tri(37) = "and the earth"
- 7 + 37 + 73 by rot. = 905 = 95 "The Universe" (Gr ord) with 0 removed
- 777 by rot. also hits on 7
- Adding words ordered at: 7, 37, 73 & 777 by rot. is: 202+501+202+202 = 1107 = 117 with 0 removed
= "In the beginning Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (A=1 + A=26)
= FLCW of the 777 Holograph
= FLCW of Vs(3091 = TV of the 777 Holograph)
- TV of Vs(333 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Eng ord)) = 729 (α) + TV of Vs(117 "The Seal of God" (Eng ord))
Take a good look at how ignorant you are Richard. All these results aligns with my claims and they harmonize, which tells us that I am right. And I can continue to page nr 1000 of this thread if I want to. You will still not have any thing to come against my claims. The codes was a riddle and I solved many of the big ones.
Yes there are several systems of gematria at work here and yes there are many methods, this is one of the reasons why I call the codes are a riddle.
But riddles are very central in the codes. This complexity is there since God is all knowing and all powerful.
Here is another little riddle if you want.
7 = "The" η (ord)
37 = "Seal" (Eng ord)
137 = "of God" (Eng sta)
51 "The" (A=7 B=8 C=9) + 181 "Seal" (A=37 B=38 C=39) + 727 "of God" (A=137 B=138 C=139) = 959 "Universe" (Eng sta)
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 03:37 PM
You are telling us that all this is random
Take a good look at how ignorant you are Richard. All these results aligns with my claims and they harmonize, which tells us that I am right. And I can continue to page nr 1000 of this thread if I want to. You will still not have any thing to come against my claims. The codes was a riddle and I solved many of the big ones.
Yes there are several systems of gematria at work here and yes there are many methods, this is one of the reasons why I call the codes are a riddle.
But riddles are very central in the codes. This complexity is there since God is all knowing and all powerful.
Hey there Alex,
Yes, I am telling you it looks totally random. And I've explained why it looks random a million times.
You say that your big collection of cherry picked coincidences harmonize? So what? You CHOSE them out of an incoherent mountain of random numbers for that very reason! And you IGNORE all the facts that don't harmonize. That is a COGNITIVE ERROR that leads to DELUSION.
Why can't you understand this simple fact? If I use your methods, then I can "harmonize" your "Seal of God" with TOTAL BULLSHIT. Why isn't that PROOF that your numerology is flawed? Please explain why your "harmonization" is valid while mine is not.
07-17-2019, 03:40 PM
And yes I know what you will reply to that but please spare me of your repetition. since we see:
Vs(51 "The" (A=7)) + Vs(181 "Seal" (A=37)) = "The" 5 X Squ(37 "Seal")
While Vs(51 "The" (A=7)) + Vs(181 "Seal" (A=37)) + Vs(727 "of God" (A=137)) = 12351 (235 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Gr ord) surrounded by 1 "α")
= "Aleph & Tav" 23 X 537 (5 "The" --- 37 "Seal") = 10 000 + (37 "Seal" + TV of Vs(777) = TV of Vs(37 "Seal") + 777)
You lose big time.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 03:48 PM
And yes I know what you will reply to that but please spare me of your repetition. since we see:
Vs(51 "The" (A=7)) + Vs(181 "Seal" (A=37)) = "The" 5 X Squ(37 "Seal")
While Vs(51 "The" (A=7)) + Vs(181 "Seal" (A=37)) + Vs(727 "of God" (A=137)) = 12351 (235 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Gr ord) surrounded by 1 "α")
= "Aleph & Tav" 23 X 537 (5 "The" --- 37 "Seal") = 10 000 + 37 "Seal" + TV of Vs(777)
You lose big time.
Come on Alex. Your assertions are utterly absurd. Why would anyone think those random numbers mean anything? Please explain EXACTLY why anyone would think they have any meaning at all.
I'm serious. Please explain why anyone would think that those patterns are not random.
07-17-2019, 04:01 PM
The integrations verify it Richard. Even the verses alone verify it. You can't do anything about it.
- CW of Vs(729 (α)) = 777
- TV of Vs(532 "Alpha" Αλφα) + TV of Vs(1625 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" מאות ושבע ושבעים) = Pri(729)
(When the first prime is number 1 as usual)
TV of Vs(821 = 92 "Riddles of" (Eng ord) + 729 (α))
= 92 "Riddles of" + TV of Vs(729 (α))
See people are not stupid and they see the connections here Richard. I can't understand how they can take you serious after reading our debate here.
You are more stubborn than a goat. And you do not love the truth as far as I can see, I think you don't like God or something.
Because I believe your choice of ignoring these results are not rationally motivated but rather emotional.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 04:09 PM
The integrations verify it Richard. Even the verses alone verify it. You can't do anything about it.
- CW of Vs(729 (α)) = 777
- TV of Vs(532 "Alpha" Αλφα) + TV of Vs(1625 "Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" מאות ושבע ושבעים) = Pri(729)
(When the first prime is number 1 as usual)
TV of Vs(821 = 92 "Riddles of" (Eng ord) + 729 (α))
= 92 "Riddles of" + TV of Vs(729 (α))
See people are not stupid and they see the connections here Richard. I can't understand how they can take you serious after reading our debate here.
You are more stubborn than a goat. And you do not love the truth as far as I can see, I think you don't like God or something.
Because I believe your choice of ignoring these results are not rationally motivated but rather emotional.
Why would anyone think that "integrations" verify anything? You know that your patterns also are "integrated" with TOTAL BULLSHIT.
You keep saying that people can "see the connections." Yes, and smart people can see that the connections are cherry picked from a HUGE ocean of random numbers, and so don't have any meaning at all.
Why can't you discuss the problem with your patterns? People cannot simply "see" that your connections are valid. If they look closely, they will see that you cherry picked a tiny subset of numbers from a HUGE OCEAN of random numbers, and then they will see that there is no meaning to any of it.
It is funny that you say I don't love truth, when in fact you are the one who has based his beliefs on cognitive errors like Selection Bias and Confirmation Bias which are the primary cause of delusion.
How can you justify your choice to use methods that are KNOWN to cause delusion?
Why can't you discuss these facts?
07-17-2019, 04:12 PM
Why would anyone think that "integrations" verify anything?
Because they do, and I have proved it. You see the results and more will come with the book :yo:
Just because you don't like the fact that the codes are full of meaning does not make them valid. That is kindergarten logic.
Good night.
Richard Amiel McGough
07-17-2019, 04:17 PM
Because they do, and I have proved it. You see the results and more will come with the book :yo:
Get real Alex. Posting long lists of cherry picked numbers proves nothing.
So by your own standard, you have only proven that TOTAL BULLSHIT = 10 x 117 (The Seal of God).
Nice work! :thumb:
Just because you don't like the fact that the codes are full of meaning does not make them valid. That is kindergarten logic.
Good night.
It has nothing to do with what I "like." The fact remains that you have never explained why your patterns are any different than what we can find in any random text using YOUR methods.
The thing I don't understand is how you can pretend to be so ignorant of this fact, and how you can stick so stubbornly to blatant errors like selection bias and confirmation bias. You know that I can "integrate" your numerology with TOTAL BULLSHIT. So if "integration" is the key, then your method fails.
Well I guess that's enough for now.
Good night. Sleep well!
07-17-2019, 11:55 PM
Get real Alex. Posting long lists of cherry picked numbers proves nothing.
Why is cherry picking wrong?
because of it's sexual connotation?
a widely used, somewhat impolite, slang term for a woman's hymen, a piece of skin which covers the opening of the vagina and, contrary to popular belief, can be broken in any number of ways including sexual intercourse, tampon use, and vigorous exercise. It's presence, or lack thereof, was at one time used to prove or disprove a woman's virginity, but we now know that this is an archaic idea, as it can be broken in several ways, and many women are in fact born without one.
Idiot: "Dude, that bitch told me she was a virgin, but she didn't bleed when I did her last night. Somebody else must have got to her cherry first."
Less-of-an-Idiot: "Um, maybe she just uses tampons or something."
Idiot: "Oh..."
in Dutch we have "pruim" (= prune) for that
Cherry and prune both are stone fruits , i.e. the kernel is not edible
contrary the nut, of which the kernel is eaten and not the shell.
07-18-2019, 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by sylvius View Post
I bought the book "777 (...)" this year because Desmild mentioned it.
Never heard of it before.
I like the book
Crowley also mentions 233 = "etz hachayim" , tree of life, and also 932 = "etz hada'at tov vara", tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and also 5 = "ed", mist, vapour.
these are the numbers stressed by the one (Friedrich Weinreb) through whom I rolled into it.
Yeah, I think that's when I first noticed the relation
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil = 4 x The Tree of Life
I later saw that as an example of the meaning of the number 4 as "door" and the two "universal doors" in and out of this world (birth and death) and connected this with Genesis 4 ( where the first birth (yld = 44) and death are recorded. Also blood (dm = 44) first appears too. Thought it was a pretty good set of connections ... but other numerologists make up their own connections. So now I doubt there is any meaning to any of it. :lol:
Hey Weinreb's book (translated into English) is online 20life&f=false
Richard Amiel McGough
07-18-2019, 06:25 AM
Why is cherry picking wrong?
because of it's sexual connotation?
Man, you are obsessed with sex!
Cherry picking is wrong because it misrepresents reality. It's like lying.
07-18-2019, 11:27 PM
You should not talk about cherry picking Richard. You don't qualify to judge in the codes.
Because your understanding of these codes is maybe in the bronze league while i'm platinum now and going for grandmaster. I will be the first in history to achieve that level.
And I can tell you that you don't have a clue.
07-18-2019, 11:53 PM
Matthew 13:44,
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
a cherry picker?
Richard Amiel McGough
07-19-2019, 06:12 AM
Matthew 13:44,
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
a cherry picker?
Nope. That has nothing to do with cherry picking (selection bias). You really don't understand the meaning of cherry picking and why it is an intellectual error? Seriously?
Richard Amiel McGough
07-19-2019, 07:25 AM
You should not talk about cherry picking Richard. You don't qualify to judge in the codes.
Because your understanding of these codes is maybe in the bronze league while i'm platinum now and going for grandmaster. I will be the first in history to achieve that level.
And I can tell you that you don't have a clue.
Maybe you're right. Maybe I don't have a clue. But shouldn't a "Grandmaster" be able to give me a clue? All I've asked is for an explanation of how to discern between your numerology and meaningless connections we will always find in a large set of random words and numbers. Please try to think about this. If I use your methods, I have to pick out a tiny subset of words and numbers from a vast ocean of options which you declare to be "meaningless" such as "TOTAL BULLSHIT" = 1170. So what is the criteria to make that judgment?
When I ask why your "integrations" are proof, all you said was "because they are." Call me clueless, but is that really the kind of answer a "Grandmaster" would give?
If you can't answer the most elementary questions about your claims, why would anyone believe them?
Indeed, why do you believe them if you can't explain why you believe them?
07-19-2019, 10:38 AM
Nope. That has nothing to do with cherry picking (selection bias). You really don't understand the meaning of cherry picking and why it is an intellectual error? Seriously?
If someone cherry-picks people or things, they choose the best ones from a group of them, often in a way that other people consider unfair.
the best is like the treasure hidden in the field
Richard Amiel McGough
07-19-2019, 10:42 AM
the best is like the treasure hidden in the field
Correct. And it makes perfect sense to select the best, but that has nothing to do with the intellectual error of selection bias.
Are you really confused on this point, or just pretending to be?
07-19-2019, 11:47 AM
Correct. And it makes perfect sense to select the best, but that has nothing to do with the intellectual error of selection bias.
Are you really confused on this point, or just pretending to be?
I thought the treasure hidden in the field is about the hidden light, "or ganuz", the light of the first day that immediately was hidden so that the wicked could not make use of it.
Genesis 1:4,
And God saw the light to be good
good = "tov" = 17
The third "tov" in Genesis 1:12 is the 153rd from the beginning.
153 = triangle 17 = the best --
God saw that it was good that the earth did bring forth a tree that was not itself a fruit, while in v. 11 he asked for trees that themsleves were already fruits.
I cherry picked :winking0071:
Richard Amiel McGough
07-19-2019, 11:52 AM
I thought the treasure hidden in the field is about the hidden light, "or ganuz", the light of the first day that immediately was hidden so that the wicked could not make use of it.
Genesis 1:4,
And God saw the light to be good
good = "tov" = 17
The third "tov" in Genesis 1:12 is the 153rd from the beginning.
153 = triangle 17 = the best --
God saw that it was good that the earth did bring forth a tree that was not itself a fruit, while in v. 11 he asked for trees that themsleves were already fruits.
I cherry picked :winking0071:
Yep, that's what you did!
So what's stopping "the wicked" from using the light the same way you do? Couldn't they cherry pick just like you? It's not like any of the stuff that you are presenting is "hidden." It's right there in the text. The only question is if it has any meaning.
07-19-2019, 12:02 PM
Yep, that's what you did!
So what's stopping "the wicked" from using the light the same way you do? Couldn't they cherry pick just like you? It's not like any of the stuff that you are presenting is "hidden." It's right there in the text. The only question is if it has any meaning.
the wicked fear punishment
Richard Amiel McGough
07-19-2019, 12:20 PM
the wicked fear punishment
Not if they don't think they are wicked.
Are you wicked?
07-19-2019, 12:20 PM
Cherish the cherry you picked
07-19-2019, 12:23 PM
Not if they don't think they are wicked.
Are you wicked?
I think so
Richard Amiel McGough
07-19-2019, 12:23 PM
I think so
So you can't really see the "hidden light" after all?
Richard Amiel McGough
07-19-2019, 12:26 PM
Cherish the cherry you picked
And on that theme ...
07-19-2019, 12:37 PM
I think so
Since I cherry picked th number 666 in Genesis 1:31 I can compete with the wickedest man in the world :winking0071:
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