View Full Version : The Delusional Numerology of Alexander Marcussen
09-27-2017, 03:11 PM
Try saying "So what?" to that :)
Richard Amiel McGough
09-27-2017, 03:19 PM
So to start off the point of Cherry Picking.
Its very obvious that I am not Cherry Picking. When we read the Bible we see God likes to deal with signs.
Not God likes to use different methods of writing a number. It can be Triangular, squared, Primes... and so on.
Even +1, +10,
Total values ordered at:
10 (3+7) = 2X 1000 + 37
100 (30+70) = 2X 1 + 777
1000 = 16 X 112+211 = 1000 + 1+7 X 521 (Word nr 137 starts with letter nr 521 = 37+73 + 137X3)
37 = 2X 10 + 777
73 = 10 + 112 (T)
1+3+7 = 5X 1000 + (1+3+7)X3
137 (Inverse a Alpha) = 2X 100+1000 = 137X3
729 (a Alpha) = 7th C. Hexagon X 29
137+731 = 100 + 1000 + Total value of verse nr 137
729+927 = 7 X 100 + 7X7X7
Vs(37 Triangle = 703) = Genesis 1:1 (37X73) + First, last & center words of Genesis 1:1 (913+401+296 = 10X 7X23)
Vs(37th Square = 1369) = 10X Prime nr 78 "Genesis" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 10X 389 (Triangle nr 777 = 389X777)
Vs(37th Centered Hexagon = 3997) = Total value of verse nr 777 & Total value of verse nr 1000+27 = Total value of Vs(37+401)
Vs(37th Star = 7993) = (Hebrew) "Riddle" 27 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3) X 137 = (Value of The Breastplate of the High Priest with the 12 Tribes) 3700 - 1 (God)
Total values added of verses:
Vs(37th Triangle) + Vs(37th Square) = 10X 1+37th Triangle
Vs(37th C. Hexagon) + Vs(37th Star) = 1 + 37 + 137 + 729 + 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha X 1 000 000)
There you go again! Spewing out a pile of meaningless coincidences.
I have explained why they are meaningless. You have not answered. Please answer my points. I have repeated them dozens of times. Why do you keep ignoring what I write?
Richard Amiel McGough
09-27-2017, 03:22 PM
Try saying "So what?" to that :)
That's exactly what I'm saying.
Please explain why anyone would think any of those coincidences was "designed." They are mathematical necessities, like 1 + 2 = 3. There is no "design" in mathematical necessities. God himself could not choose to make 1 + 2 = 5. There's no choice, no design. It's just basic arithmetic.
09-27-2017, 03:25 PM
And look at this:
Adding the total values of verses ordered at:
37th Traingle, 37th Square, 37th C. Hexagon, 37th Star = 1000 + 137 + 401 + 13703 (5 digits of a Alpha X 100)
And we know that the Center word of Genesis 1:1 = 401 = Word nr 137 when counted by rotation :pop2:
Now you think that is random ?? Well its not random
The center word of verse nr 401 = 368
368 + 401 = 137th Prime
Now go to verse nr 137+401 and you see its total value = 7 X 137 = Not Random
Its CW= 7 X Prime order of 37 + Primer order of 137
Get over it.
Richard Amiel McGough
09-27-2017, 03:47 PM
And look at this:
Adding the total values of verses ordered at:
37th Traingle, 37th Square, 37th C. Hexagon, 37th Star = 1000 + 137 + 401 + 13703 (5 digits of a Alpha X 100)
And we know that the Center word of Genesis 1:1 = 401 = Word nr 137 when counted by rotation :pop2:
Now you think that is random ?? Well its not random
The center word of verse nr 401 = 368
368 + 401 = 137th Prime
Now go to verse nr 137+401 and you see its total value = 7 X 137 = Not Random
Its CW= 7 X Prime order of 37 + Primer order of 137
Get over it.
Why do you keep repeating the same error? I've explained many times that merely listing coincidences doesn't prove anything because you can find patterns in RANDOM numbers that are totally MEANINGLESS. If the numbers were different, you'd just make a different connection if you could, or you would just ignore it. This is why your numerology is delusional. I've explained this point ten million times. You need to answer it. Tossing out more "connections" proves nothing because you have proven that you can make "connections" with totally RANDOM and MEANINGLESS numbers that are in fact WRONG.
You need to answer this point. Tossing out more random connections proves nothing.
Richard Amiel McGough
09-27-2017, 03:50 PM
And look at this:
Adding the total values of verses ordered at:
37th Traingle, 37th Square, 37th C. Hexagon, 37th Star = 1000 + 137 + 401 + 13703 (5 digits of a Alpha X 100)
There you go again! Making up a "connection" using numbers you like. But you could make any connection with any number you like, so your game is totally meaningless. You need to answer this point. There are millions and millions of ways to write big numbers as combinations of numbers you like, so your game is utterly meaningless and absurd.
You need to answer this point.
09-27-2017, 04:01 PM
Want some more Proof ??
108 = "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Total value of Vs(Triangle nr 108) =10X 137 + 401
Total values of the 37th Chapter
- 1st verse = 2X 777
- 7th verse = 37th Triangle + its enter of gravity + 73rd Triangle + its center of gravity
- Adding the first & both center verses = Total value of Vs(27+401+801)
- Adding the center verses with the last verse = 7297 = 4 Digits of a Alpha
- Add the first, last & center verses = 1+7 X 1000 + 7 + 23X37 = 777 + 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha) + 777
Yes Richard, dream dream dream; because there is no cherry picking here.
Richard Amiel McGough
09-27-2017, 04:04 PM
Want some more Proof ??
How can you be so blind? You know I have exposed the fundamental error of your method and you cannot answer so you keep repeating the same error over and over and over again.
You are not even trying to respond to the proof I have given. This is well beyond absurd.
Richard Amiel McGough
09-27-2017, 04:12 PM
Want some more Proof ??
108 = "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Total value of Vs(Triangle nr 108) = 137 + 401
Total values of the 37th Chapter
- 1st verse = 2X 777
- 7th verse = 37th Triangle + its enter of gravity + 73rd Triangle + its center of gravity
- Adding the first & both center verses = Total value of Vs(27+401+801)
- Adding the center verses with the last verse = 7297 = 4 Digits of a Alpha
- Add the first, last & center verses = 1+7 X 1000 + 7 + 23X37 = 777 + 7277 (4 digits of a Alpha) + 777
Yes Richard, dream dream dream; because there is no cherry picking here.
Your assertions are literally insane. By definiation, you CHERRY PICKED what numbers you wanted to use when you wrote the
1+7 X 1000 + 7 + 23X37 = 777 + 7277 (4 digits of a Alpha) + 777
There are literally millions of millions of other combiniations of different numbers you could have chosen! Your "connections" are pure cherry picking. And that's a fact.
You need to answer the points I have made.
09-27-2017, 04:14 PM
The results are self explaining. Its you who are totally deluded in you belief.
a Alpha = 1/137,03599 = 0,007297...
Look how deluded you are:
First + last words of English Gen 1:1 = 75
First + last words of Hebrew Gen 1:1 = 1209
First + last + center words of English Gen 1:1 = 164 = 27 (A + Z) +137 "In the beginning" = Center word of Vs(26 "The Lord")
First + last + center words of Hebrew Gen 1:1 = 1610 = 10 X 7X23 (ordinal of the 137th word by rot)
Total values added of verses ordered at:
75 + 1209 = Center word of John 1:1 + 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha)
164 + 1610 = Center word of Genesis 1:1 + 7297
Center words added of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 is: "Was" 58 + 401 "Aleph & Tav" = "God" 86 + 373 "Word"
There is your proof 100 %
Richard Amiel McGough
09-27-2017, 04:21 PM
The results are self explaining. Its you who are totally deluded in you belief.
a Alpha = 1/137,03599 = 0,007297...
Look how deluded you are:
First + last words of English Gen 1:1 = 75
First + last words of Hebrew Gen 1:1 = 1209
First + last + center words of English Gen 1:1 = 164 = 27 (A + Z) +137 "In the beginning" = Center word of Vs(26 "The Lord")
First + last + center words of Hebrew Gen 1:1 = 1610 = 10 X 7X23 (ordinal of the 137th word by rot)
Total values added of verses ordered at:
75 + 1209 = Center word of John 1:1 + 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha)
164 + 1610 = Center word of Genesis 1:1 + 7297
Center words added of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 is: "Was" 58 + 401 "Aleph & Tav" = "God" 86 + 373 "Word"
There is you proof 100 %
Please explain why anyone would think that is proof of anything. You have already proven that you can find similar "proofs" using totally RANDOM numbers that are WRONG. This means you have no way to discern between truth and error.
You need to answer this point.
09-27-2017, 06:02 PM
I don't need to explain it. Its self explaining like I said:
Center word of English Genesis 1.1 = 89 = "Torah Code" (A=1 B=2 B=3)
- Total value of verse nr 89 = 1988 = ("Jesus" in Hebrew) 397 + 703 (37th Tri) + 888 ("Jesus" in Greek) = The year I am born.
Center word of Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 401 "Aleph & Tav" which is Jesus since he is the first & last
Total value of verse nr 401 = 1601 = Count from number 401 as nr 1 & then count to 801 "Alpha and Omega" (Jesus)
- 89 + 401 = (Prime nr 13 which is a factor in "the Lord") 37 X Prime nr 26 "The Lord"
- 75 + 1209 = Center word of John 1:1 + 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha)
- 164 + 1610 = Center word of Genesis 1:1 + 7297
Center word of John 1:1 = 58
- Total values added of verses ordered at: 58 & 401 = 2X 1000+801 "Alpha & Omega"
Hey, have you ever tried to take the English Genesis 1:1 on the standard system, like they use in Hebrew & Greek ??
Hebrew Standard of Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 37X73
English Standard of Genesis 1:1 = 2094 = 2X 1000+47 (Prime orders of 37 & 137 added)
- Added = (nr of words & letters added in Gen 1:1) 7+28 X 137 "In the beginning" (English ordinal)
Ordinal of Hebrew Genesis 1:1 = 298 = 2X 37+112 "The Lord God"
Ordinal of English Genesis 1:1 = 411 (mirror of the heart of Hexagons in the Logos Star) = 3X 137 "in the beginning"
- Added = 709 = Factor of verse nr 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha X 1 Million)
Total value of Vs(37X73) = 7 X Prime nr 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Total value of Vs(2094) = 5X Triangle nr 26 "The Lord" & mirror of "Torah" in English = 3X (Pi) 314 + 271 (e) which is found in Gen 1.1 & John 1:1
- Added 3736 (Merged triangular orders that the 73rd Triangle is made up of in Genesis 1:1) = 2X 1000 + 137 + 731
Total value of Vs(298) = 10X 7 X 112 "The Lord God" (Hebrew)
Total values of Vs(411) = 7 X 574 "Jesus Christ" (A=37 B=38 C=39)
- Added = 7 X Prime nr (A=1 B=2 C=3) "light" 56+207 "light" (Hebrew)
You loose big time Richard.
Its all about connections. And they are there. And I have given you many of the incredible ones.
Your ignorance has no limits. And you preach about hating people that twist truth to deveive others, still you deny to accept any codes in the Bible other than your own methods in your Holographs; in turn twisting the codes into your belief and that there is no "Proof". What a load of bull.
Scientists can't even replicate the codes of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 with suopercomputers today.
So its not random no matter what you think. What you think Is a joke, because you have proven it.
You totally ignore the fact that a Alpha is massively encoded in the Bible along with the English Genesis 1:1
Want some proof of that???
Add total values of verses ordered at: 1, 37, 137 = 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha) :pop2:
The probability of these 3 verses having exactly these values:
- There are 7 verses with a value of: 37X73 (Value of the first verse)
- There are 8 verses with a value of: 2X 10+777 (value of 37th verse)
- There are 4 verses with a value of: 2X 112+211+137X3+777 (Value of the 137th verse)
There are 31102 verses in your database
- The chance of Genesis 1:1 having this value is then: 31102 / 7 = 4443, 14..
- The chance of verse nr 37 having this value is then: 31102 / 8 = 3887, 75
- The chance of verse nr 137 having this value is then: 31102 / 4 = 7775,5 (lets round it up to 7777 because it gets nearly correct)
The chance is then:
4443 X 3887 X 7777 = 1 out of 134 308 331 157 = Not Random
See that Richard ?? That's not a probability ! That is off the charts :doh:
But hey, we know that if we add the 2 verses reflecting the Total value (2314) & (316) Center word of Vs(777)
then we get: 3531 + 3766 = 7297
So what is the chance of that?
- There are 4 verses with a total value of 3531 (Value of Vs 2314)
- There are 6 verses with a total value of 3766 (Value of Vs 316)
31102/4 = 7775,5
31102/6 = 5183,6....
The chance is then:
7775,5 X 5183,6 = 40 305 081 = Not Random
And we know that number 137 is the central number in the 777 Holograph. There is a lot of connections there to it :yo: If you can't see that then you are totally deluded.
So one must really wonder what the chances are of this. And don't worry since I am saving at least one more result of number 7297
So please spare me for your "So what?" because its not. Its only you playing stupid games :playball:
a Alpha was discovered in the year 1916 & it is one of the most important numbers of the Universe.
And it is probably the favorite pick of Physics encoded by God.
Did you ever check out the total value verse nr 1916 ??
= Total value of Vs(137 "In the beginning") + (Eng) "The Lord God" 108 + 112 "The Lord God"
Now you are not getting any more. I am not going to waste my precious time on trying to convince someone who is not interested in accepting the Truth.
Richard Amiel McGough
09-27-2017, 08:10 PM
I don't need to explain it. Its self explaining like I said:
Center word of English Genesis 1.1 = 89 = "Torah Code" (A=1 B=2 B=3)
Yes, of course it's all "self-explanatory." That's why we can use YOUR METHOD to prove that Jesus, Muhammad, and Lucifer all belong to Satan!
Using A = 6, B = 12, C = 18 ...
Jesus = 666 = Lucifer = Muhammad
And to whom do they belong? They all are ...
SATAN'S = 666!
Thank you for your brilliant "self-explaining" numerology.
Richard Amiel McGough
09-27-2017, 08:46 PM
I think you missed that calculation a bit. It is supposed to say:
112th Triangle + 139x5 + 137x3 + 100 + 137x3 + 139x5 + 112th Square
(you also missed a 137x3)
So the millions of millions of ways just got diminished there.
But let me explain why that calculation is so intriguing:
- 112th Triangle = (Genesis 1:1) 37X73 + 39X93 (John 1:1)
- 137X3 = English Genesis 1:1
- 139X5 = English John 1:1
- The 112th Square is there to make the "house of God" (something i read from mr. Jenkins), which is a Triangle on the top of a Square making it illustrate a house.
Now the +100 marked in blue in the middle of the calculation might seem like it is "cherry picked" but let me share some other calculations which make it seem more like design.
Your numbers are correct, but you are confused about the meanings. Here is the truth that needs no further explanation:
112 = Satanic Lies = Wickedness
137 = Dark Motives = Godless Shit
139 = Deceptive Snake = Evil Deception
Thanks again for your brilliant "self-explaining" numerology.
Oh ... and to complete the picture:
09-28-2017, 08:13 AM
You really think you can win this don't you ?? :lol:
"Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 46
First & last letters added of Vs(777) = 46
First & last words added of Vs(777) = Prime nr 46
Total value of verse nr 46 = (inverse a Alpha) 137 + 777 + 729 (a Alpha)
Total value of verse nr 46th Prime = Total value of Vs(46) + 7 (T) X 137
And yes, there are many English words that hits the same values. But its about picking the right words since we are not created stupid.
You know, like the first verse that has a word valued at 777 is found in verse nr 98 "The Center" (A01 B=2 C=3) Hmmmmm wonder why
And the total value of this verse ("The Center") = ---------> 5 X 137 + 729 <--------
Yes so you see that a Alpha is THE CENTER of the codes. Got it ??? Its the grand prize
Let me give you another very good example. because I need to really beat this into you.
The Center of the center row in the 37th Triangle = 181
The Center of the center row in the 73rd Triangle = 5X 137
Added is: 181 + 5X137 = ---------> 137 + 729 <--------
Now go to verses nr 137+729 and hey look at the center words ! there are 2 of them.
(1) 565 = 5X 113 "Universe" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
(2) 451 = (a Alpha) 137 + 314 (Pi) --- Which is both encoded in the English Genesis 1:1
565 + 451 = --------->(Center of gravity in the 37th Tri) 313 + 703 (37th Tri) <--------
Here is a image so you can see this. and don't mind the other results around the image.
Its from when I first started with the codes; and I am going to change it.
But this proves + the hundreds of other results; that you are willingly deluded.
End of Case.
09-28-2017, 08:39 AM
And about the English messages that we see in you database:
- First word with a value of 37 is the first word of Vs(56 "Light")
- First word with a value of 137 is the last word of Vs(95 "Light a Alpha")
- a Alpha is connected to the speed of light
- number 137 is encoded in your holographs about the first day (in which the light was created)
- English ordinal of Genesis 1:1 is made up of a Alpha (3X137)
- English ordinal reverse is made up of 777 which is super connected with a Alpha in the codes.
- a Alpha is found down to 5 digits of Genesis 1:1 when we multiply the merged total values of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 (27013627X27013627 = 72973...
- Add total values of verse nr 56 & 95 = Total value of verse nr 137 + 137X3 +777 = PROOF
- 39 = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "a Alpha" & John 1:1 is made up of this factor multiplied with its reverse. Which is a feature we see in Gen 1:1 also only with number 37
- Total value of Vs(39) = 1000 + 7X37 "The Lord God Jesus Christ" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
= Total value of Vs(165 "Thirty Seven" A=1 B=2 C=3) + 1370 (4 digits of a Alpha X10)
= (A=1 B=2 C=3) "The Center" 98 + 777 + Total value of verse nr 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- The center word in Genesis 1:1 = 401 = first & last letters of the Alphabet= Word nr 137 by rot.
- The center word in verse nr 137 =(A + Z) 27 + 401
- The center word in verse nr 27+401 = (A=1 B=2 C=) "The Lord God" 108 + 112 "The Lord God" 112
- Total values added of verses ordered at: 33 "The" + 85 "Matrix" + 46 "Codes" = 37 X 108+112
- Go the verse nr 27+401+801 (first & last letters added of: Hebrew, Greek & English) & it has 2 center words:
(1) = 108 "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=)
(2) = 74 "Jesus" (A1 B=2 C=3)
Added = "The Lord God
09-28-2017, 09:37 AM
Deleted for having sensitive info.
09-28-2017, 09:55 AM
And I will delete that last post since it holds some of my personal info tomorrow.
Be sure to understand this if you want to escape your deep delusion.
Richard Amiel McGough
09-28-2017, 11:00 AM
You loose big time Richard.
Its all about connections. And they are there. And I have given you many of the incredible ones.
Your ignorance has no limits. And you preach about hating people that twist truth to deveive others, still you deny to accept any codes in the Bible other than your own methods in your Holographs; in turn twisting the codes into your belief and that there is no "Proof". What a load of bull.
Why do you spew such blatant falsehoods? I have presented many proofs that your numerology is delusional, and you IGNORED what I wrote and didn't even try to answer, but chose to repeat the very errors that I have exposed. And now you falsely assert that I am "deluded" even though you are not able to refute any of the proofs I have presented? Is that not insane? Why are you acting this way? I have been trying to reason with you, presenting arguments based on logic and facts, and you ignore what I write and start insulting me? I thought you were better than that.
Where is your evidence that my "ignorance has no limits"? Accusations without any evidence is slander, which the Bible describes as wicked. The Bible says you are acting like Satan when you do that.
I have presented evidence. You have ignored the evidence, repeated your errors, and slandered me. Do you really think this is helping your case?
Scientists can't even replicate the codes of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 with suopercomputers today.
So its not random no matter what you think. What you think Is a joke, because you have proven it.
Again, you are making wild assertions with no evidence. Do you really think you are serving TRUTH when you make up crap that you can't justify?
You totally ignore the fact that a Alpha is massively encoded in the Bible along with the English Genesis 1:1
Not true. I've repeatedly explained I'd be happy to discuss the aspects of your numerology that might have some validity AFTER you remove the blatant ERRORS and ABSURDITIES that I have exposed. As long as you refuse to admit the truth about obvious errors, there is no reason to discuss anything else.
Want some proof of that???
Add total values of verses ordered at: 1, 37, 137 = 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha) :pop2:
The probability of these 3 verses having exactly these values:
- There are 7 verses with a value of: 37X73 (Value of the first verse)
- There are 8 verses with a value of: 2X 10+777 (value of 37th verse)
- There are 4 verses with a value of: 2X 112+211+137X3+777 (Value of the 137th verse)
There are 31102 verses in your database
- The chance of Genesis 1:1 having this value is then: 31102 / 7 = 4443, 14..
- The chance of verse nr 37 having this value is then: 31102 / 8 = 3887, 75
- The chance of verse nr 137 having this value is then: 31102 / 4 = 7775,5 (lets round it up to 7777 because it gets nearly correct)
The chance is then:
4443 X 3887 X 7777 = 1 out of 134 308 331 157 = Not Random
See that Richard ?? That's not a probability ! That is off the charts :doh:
But hey, we know that if we add the 2 verses reflecting the Total value (2314) & (316) Center word of Vs(777)
then we get: 3531 + 3766 = 7297
So what is the chance of that?
- There are 4 verses with a total value of 3531 (Value of Vs 2314)
- There are 6 verses with a total value of 3766 (Value of Vs 316)
31102/4 = 7775,5
31102/6 = 5183,6....
The chance is then:
7775,5 X 5183,6 = 40 305 081 = Not Random
There you go again, repeating the same error I've exposed and explained DOZENS of times. Your calculations are totally meaningless. Most random events have small probability, so small probability does not prove design. Toss a hundred coins. What's the probability of the exact results? 1 chance in 2 to the hundredth power. Does that prove that the random heads and tails was designed? Of course not.
I've explained this to you dozens of times. There's no excuse for you to repeat this error again.
If you want to continue this discussion, you need to stop spewing insults and begin to try to actually answer the proofs I have given that your numerology is delusional.
No one will benefit by watching you spew false accusations at me. You need to answer the proofs I have given. Can you do that?
All the best,
09-28-2017, 12:23 PM
its incredible how you say you have proved that this false.
No you have not done this. You claim to, but that is it.
So adding the total values the 2 verses that reflects the values of the first & last words added in both Hebrew & English gen 1.1
= Center word of of John 1:1 + 7927 (4 digits of a Alpha)
Do the same only with the verses reflecting first, last & center words = Center word in Genesis 1:1 + 7297
The probability of these 4 having the total values:
- There are 4 verses that has the value of 7 (T) X 113 "Universe" (Eng) which is the value of the verse that reflects the first & last words of the Heb. Gen 1:1. The probability of this verse being one of them is then: 31102/4 = 7775...
- There are 7 verses that has the value of 7 X (1+3+7 X3) which is the value of the verse that reflects the first & last words of the Eng Gen 1:1. The probability of this verse being one of them is then: 7/31102 = 4443...
- There are 5 verses that has the value of 3+7 X Prime nr 61 "Miracle" = Factor of 777 Holograph = 777 Holograph - Prime nr 61. Which is the value of the verse that reflects the first, last & center words of the Heb. Gen 1:1.
The probability of this verse being one of them is then: 5/31102 = 6220...
- There is only 1 verse that has the value of 4X1000 + 888 = 1+7 X 611 "Torah" (heb). Which is the verse that reflects the first, last & center words of the Eng. Gen 1:1. The probability of this being the only verse with this value then 1/31102 = 31102
The probability of these 4 verses having these total values is then:
7775 X 4443 X 6220 X 31102 = 1 out of 6 682 753 048 053 000
That's over 1 out of 6 and a half Quadrillion
Way off the charts
Do the same only with the 2 verses that reflects the first, last & center letters of both Heb. & Eng. Gen 1:1 = 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha X 1 Million)
The probability of theses 2 verses having these values
- There are 4 verses that has the value of (first ,last & center letters of Eng Gen 1:1 = CW in Vs 1618 Golden ratio) 42 X 113 "Universe" (A=1 B=2 C=3). Which is the verse that reflects the first, last & center letters of the Heb- Gen 1:1. The Probability of this verse having this value is then: 4/31102 = 1 out of 7775...
- There are 9 verses that has the value of Prime nr (Triangle nr 5 + Square nr 5 = Center word of Vs 85 "Matrix"). Which is the value of the verse that reflects the first, last & center letters of the Eng. Gen 1:1.
The probability of this verse having this value is then: 31102/9 = 1 out of 3455...
The probability is then:
7775 X 3455 = 1 out of 26 862 625
The fact that you have just simply ignored everything of the codes about a Alpha I have shared here proves my case pretty clear that you are deliberately ignoring the given info & results.
There will come a lot more when my book is finished. But I have built a very strong case here from the codes I have found + a few other codes that were discovered by others.
a Alpha & the English Genesis 1:1 is not just encoded in the Bible. Its massively encoded.
And it does not matter if its +1, +10, +100....
Total values added of Hebrew & English Gen 1:1 is: 37X73 + 137X3 = 2X Total value of Vs(100) = 4X 1+777
Did you ever care to add the total values of verses ordered at:
37 & 137 = 12 X 383 "For a everlasting Light" (Heb)
Triangle 37 + Triangle nr 137 = 37 X 207 "Light" (Heb)
& the center words of verses ordered at:
- 37 = 100 + CW of Vs(777)
- 137 = 27 + 401 = 4X 107 "Treasure" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- 37th Triangle = 7 X 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- 137th Triangle = 333 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=1 B=2 C=3) which is the words from verse nr 137
And the fact that number 777 is with it all the way also makes it obvious that this is from God.
Richard Amiel McGough
09-28-2017, 12:57 PM
its incredible how you say you have proved that this false.
No you have not done this. You claim to, but that is it.
I never said that I have proven every claim of yours is false. That would be absurd.
But I have proven that many are your claims are false and you know it. You have admitted it in the past.
You need to use words more carefully. You need to respond to the proofs I have given. The problem is that you twist and turn like a serpent. Every time I present evidence that refutes your claims, you change the subject and spew out ten new claims. That's a clear sign of deception and delusion. It is very common with numerologists who collect thousands of "hits" while ignoring millions of misses.
You need to stop changing the topic and answer the points I have made.
So adding the total values the 2 verses that reflects the values of the first & last words added in both Hebrew & English gen 1.1
= Center word of of John 1:1 + 7927 (4 digits of a Alpha)
Do the same only with the verses reflecting first, last & center words = Center word in Genesis 1:1 + 7297
The probability of these 4 having the total values:
- There are 4 verses that has the value of 7 (T) X 113 "Universe" (Eng) which is the value of the verse that reflects the first & last words of the Heb. Gen 1:1. The probability of this verse being one of them is then: 31102/4 = 7775...
- There are 7 verses that has the value of 7 X (1+3+7 X3) which is the value of the verse that reflects the first & last words of the Eng Gen 1:1. The probability of this verse being one of them is then: 7/31102 = 4443...
- There are 5 verses that has the value of 3+7 X Prime nr 61 "Miracle" = Factor of 777 Holograph = 777 Holograph - Prime nr 61. Which is the value of the verse that reflects the first, last & center words of the Heb. Gen 1:1.
The probability of this verse being one of them is then: 5/31102 = 6220...
- There is only 1 verse that has the value of 4X1000 + 888 = 1+7 X 611 "Torah" (heb). Which is the verse that reflects the first, last & center words of the Eng. Gen 1:1. The probability of this being the only verse with this value then 1/31102 = 31102
The probability of these 4 verses having these total values is then:
7775 X 4443 X 6220 X 31102 = 1 out of 6 682 753 048 053 000
That's over 1 out of 6 and a half Quadrillion
Way off the charts
Again, your calculations are meaningless. No one with any knowledge of statistics would accept your conclusion. I've explained this dozens of times. Meaningless random events typically have very low probability, so low probability does not indicate design.
There is no excuse for you to continue to repeat the same error. It's absurd.
The fact that you have just simply ignored everything of the codes about a Alpha I have shared here proves my case pretty clear that you are deliberately ignoring the given info & results.
There will come a lot more when my book is finished. But I have built a very strong case here from the codes I have found + a few other codes that were discovered by others.
I do not ignore anything. I have made my position perfectly clear. Your numerology is saturated with blatant errors. As long as you refuse to admit the truth, discussion of any other aspects, such as the relation to alpha, would be fruitless because you have proven that you despise truth.
How is it possible you could fail to see my point. If Christ is the truth, upon whom do you spit when you spit on truth?
a Alpha & the English Genesis 1:1 is not just encoded in the Bible. Its massively encoded.
And it does not matter if its +1, +10, +100....
Total values added of Hebrew & English Gen 1:1 is: 37X73 + 137X3 = 2X Total value of Vs(100) = 4X 1+777
Did you ever care to add the total values of verses ordered at:
37 & 137 = 12 X 383 "For a everlasting Light" (Heb)
Triangle 37 + Triangle nr 137 = 37 X 207 "Light" (Heb)
& the center words of verses ordered at:
- 37 = 100 + CW of Vs(777)
- 137 = 27 + 401 = 4X 107 "Treasure" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- 37th Triangle = 7 X 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- 137th Triangle = 333 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=1 B=2 C=3) which is the words from verse nr 137
And the fact that number 777 is with it all the way also makes it obvious that this is from God.
Again, you repeat the same errors no matter how many times I explain them. You have not shown any evidence of a "massive encoding" when you write one number as a sum of other numbers because there are millions of ways to do that. The fact that you can find one of those millions uses numbers you like proves absolutely nothing. Your game is absurd. I have proven it. You cannot refute this fact. You need to either acknowledge the truth of my argument or show why its wrong. Merely spewing out more examples of the same ERROR to "answer" is totally absurd. You need to actually answer this point.
09-28-2017, 02:20 PM
No, those methods of first, last & center words/letters added are legit. Even the first & last of this.
Total value of the 777 Holograph = 3091
First, last & CW of both verses in the 777 Holograph = 1107
First, last & CW of Vs(3091) = 1107
Total value of Vs(37th Triangle) = Total value of Genesis 1:1 + First, last & CW added
- The first & last letters of Vs(777) = 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First & last words added of Vs(777) = Prime nr 46 "Codes"
- Total value of Vs(46) = 137 + 777 + 729
- Total value of Vs(Prime nr 46) = Total value of Vs(46) + 7(T) X 137
So now go to the 2 verses that reflects the first & last words of both the Hebrew & English Genesis 1:1, and add the first & last words of them is: (112+211) + (Count from nr 137X3 as nr 1 & then count to 777) = 10X 37th Prime = 10X "Jesus Christ" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Now add the center words in verses reflecting the center words of Genesis 1:1 in both Hebrew & English
16X23 + 39 "a Alpha" = 407 "and" = 6th word of Hebrew gen 1:1
Now add the center words of verses that reflects the total values of Genesis 1:1 in both Hebrew & English
116 (mirror of "Torah" & CW of Vs 137X3+777) + 180 (degrees in half a circle) = 296 "the earth" = 7th word of Gen 1:1
Adding the center words of verses that reflects the total values & center words of both the Hebrew & English Gen 1:1
is: 407 "and" + "296 "the earth" = 703 (37th Triangle)
See that was part of the Divinity Holograph, its the punchline of it.
And it fits right into the creation Holograph.
So since you are supposed to love truth, then why don't you give us the probabilities of that one ?
My book about programming arrived today :) So I will be able to find that out hopefully in the future.
Richard Amiel McGough
09-28-2017, 02:30 PM
No, those methods of first, last & center words/letters added are legit. Even the first & last of this.
I haven't discussed those methods yet because you have stubbornly refused to answer the previous proofs or your errors. Why would anyone bother to present more proofs if you refuse to answers the ones already presented?
Total value of the 777 Holograph = 3091
First, last & CW of both verses in the 777 Holograph = 1107
First, last & CW of Vs(3091) = 1107
Total value of Vs(37th Triangle) = Total value of Genesis 1:1 + First, last & CW added
- The first & last letters of Vs(777) = 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First & last words added of Vs(777) = Prime nr 46 "Codes"
- Total value of Vs(46) = 137 + 777 + 729
- Total value of Vs(Prime nr 46) = Total value of Vs(46) + 7(T) X 137
So now go to the 2 verses that reflects the first & last words of both the Hebrew & English Genesis 1:1, and add the first & last words of them is: (112+211) + (Count from nr 137X3 as nr 1 & then count to 777) = 10X 37th Prime = 10X "Jesus Christ" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
I will be happy to address these points after you respond to the answers I've already given.
So since you are supposed to love truth, then why don't you give us the probabilities of that one ?
What does "probability" have to do with anything? Random events with very low probability happen every day. Does that prove they are designed? Of course not. I've explained this error dozens of times and you have never shown any understanding or given any answer.
You need to answer this point.
My book about programming arrived today :) So I will be able to find that out hopefully in the future.
Excellent. The one thing you will learn is that programming requires clear thinking, which should help you understand the proofs I have given.
09-28-2017, 03:38 PM
What does "probability" have to do with anything? Random events with very low probability happen every day. Does that prove they are designed? Of course not. I've explained this error dozens of times and you have never shown any understanding or given any answer.
You need to answer this point
The fact that we find Pi & e down to 5 & 4 digits in Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 with the same calculation, gives us a strong indication that the Physics part is very important.
That probability ends up with 1 out of 8.1 Billion since you cinfirmed that. I cant really understand that since that probability is based on that it hits 5 digits of both Pi & e, but when I checked its only 4 digits of e.
I will give you another example of that Physics is important
- Total value of Vs(37 + 37X73) = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "God" 26 X ("Code" 27+72 "edoC" = "Physics" A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Center word of Vs(37 + 37X73) = 100 + 88 "Amino Acids" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Total value of Vs(27+72 "Physics") = 7th C- Hex X (Heb) "Riddle" 27 "Code" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First & last words of Vs(27+72) = "The Lord God" 112 + 137 (a Alpha = "In the beginning")
- Center word of Vs(27+72) = 10X Prime order of 137 (a Alpha)
- First, last & CW of Vs(27+72) = CW of Gen 1:1 (401) + (188) CW of Vs(37 + 37X73)
Now in you check out verse nr 69 "Pi, a Alpha, e", you know since we find them in Genensis 1:1 & John 1:1.
- Total value = (Heb) "The Lord"/"God" (English ordinal) 26 X 2X 71 "God" (English Standard)
- First word = (CW of Vs "The Center" in A=1 B=2 C=3) 200 + 57 "Bible code" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Last word = 57 "Bible code"
- First & last words added = 314 (Pi)
- CW = 137X3 + 777
- First, last & CW = Prime nr 134 "God" (A=37 B=38 C=39)
- Words surrounding the CW added = 5X 165 "Thirty Seven" (A=1 B=2 C=3) --- Mirror of 165 = "Thirty Seven" (A=37 B=38 B=37) --- which is connected in the 777 Holograph
The nr of words added in these verses = 69 "a Alpha, Pi, e" (A=1 B=2 C=3) which are found in the verses.
So yeah, this info is too incredible to be random if you ask me, and its a good enough argument of why one should take those probability calculations serious. God did not encode Physics in there just for fun.
And Moses did not know about a Alpha & English. That's another good argument.
Moses did not even know which verse that was nr 137 since the Torah was not divided into verses then.
But God knew :winking0071:
Think about the probabilities of the 777 Holograph. That must be a really interesting.
But I try to keep the probability stuff to the most incredible things.
Its no use doing it on everything.
But if you want top notch codes all the way like the 4 & 5 digits of a Alpha, then you really have to work for it.
They don't come easy. God likes to hide his secrets like he says. So you wont find it everywhere like the standards of your kind demands. It would not be a riddle if he encoded the 5 digits of a Alpha everywhere now would it ??
So he does it like this, putting the 4 digits of a Alpha at least in significant places & integrations.
That's why i check the probability when we see it integrated.
Maybe you are like one of my Atheist friend, who thinks that Probabilities of the universe is irrelevant since he does not know if the universe is limited or infinite ? But that would not matter since the Bible does not have a infinite nr of verses.
Richard Amiel McGough
09-28-2017, 04:23 PM
The fact that we find Pi & e down to 5 & 4 digits in Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 with the same calculation, gives us a strong indication that the Physics part is very important.
That probability ends up with 1 out of 8.1 Billion since you cinfirmed that. I cant really understand that since that probability is based on that it hits 5 digits of both Pi & e, but when I checked its only 4 digits of e.
Now you are changing the subject again. This is the root of a lot of the confusion in our conversation. The connections you find with e and pi are totally different than the connections you make up when you pick one of millions upon millions of possible ways to write one number in terms of other numbers. A huge number of your "connections" are nothing but cherry picking one combination out of millions of possibilities. Those connections are totally meaningless, yet you continue to present them as evidence.
You need to answer this point, and then when we come to agreement, we can move on to the other points. Got it?
I will give you another example of that Physics is important
We can discuss these other points after you answer the points I've already presented.
So yeah, this info is too incredible to be random if you ask me, and its a good enough argument of why one should take those probability calculations serious. God did not encode Physics in there just for fun.
That info is overflowing with blatant errors. If there's anything "incredible" in it, it is buried under a mountain of obvious error. If you want anyone to take anything you say seriously, you need to clean out the error and then we will be able to discuss the things that might be significant.
All the best,
09-28-2017, 04:44 PM
Here is another strong clue of how important the English connections & a Alpha is:
39 = "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = "One God" in Hebrew
- John 1:1 is made up of 39X93 & it is the main verse to integrate with Genesis 1:1 since they are the first verses of the first day.
In verse nr 39
- First word = 95 "Light a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Last word = Triangle nr 8+8+8 (888 = "Jesus" in Greek)
- There are 2 center words here: (1) = 184 "thirty and seven" --- (2) = 4X CW in Eng Gen 1:1 --- added = 10X Composite nr 37 = 10X Nr of words & letters added in Eng Gen 1:1
- First & last words added = 395 "the heaven"/"the universe"
- First, last & center words added = 5X 187 (Primes added from 7 to 37)
= 5X Center word in Vs(2094 = Total value of English standard Genesis 1:1)
In verse nr 93
- First word = Prime nr 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Last word = 391 "Jesus" (Heb)
- Center word = 26 "The Lord" (Heb) = "God" (A=1 B=2 C=3
- First & last word added = 3rd Triangle X 108 "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First, last & center words added = 1 + (Eng) "Torah" 62 + 611 "Torah" (Heb)
In verse nr 39 & 93 integrated
- Total values added = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "in the beginning" 137 X 26 "God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Center words added = 2X Prime nr 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 2X factor of verse nr 37X73
- First words added = 2X "a Alpha" 39 +137 "in the beginning"/a Alpha
- Last words added =Prime nr 2X3X3X7 (23 multiples of 37 in the words of Gen 1:1)
- First & last words added = 7 X 37+112 "The Lord God"
- First, last & center words added = First, last & CW of Gen 1:1 - 1 = (nr of words in Eng Gen 1:1) 10 + 137X(3rd Tri) + 777
= Factor of Verse nr 37 + 137X(3rd Tri)
- Center word in John 1:1 = 2X (1+3+7 + 7+2+9) --- (inverse a Alpha) 1/137... = 0,00729 (a Alpha)
- First & last word added of John 1:1 = Center word in verse nr 137 = A + Z + Aleph + Tav
- First, last & center words added of John 1:1 = 400 + 86 "God" = (1) A + Z (26) + "God" 86 + 373 "Word"
09-28-2017, 05:01 PM
That info is overflowing with blatant errors. If there's anything "incredible" in it, it is buried under a mountain of obvious error. If you want anyone to take anything you say seriously, you need to clean out the error and then we will be able to discuss the things that might be significant.
Yes and I will take away several codes in that image like I have stated before.
Can you please explain to me how Moses supposedly knew about a Alpha & English ??
Since you don't believe in God, so can you come with some magical explanation ??
(Heb) "In the beginning" = 913
(Eng) "In the beginning" = 137
Center word of Vs(913) = 137
The first word with the value of "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3) is the center word of verse nr 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
(Eng) "Treasure" = 107
(Heb) "Treasure" = 297
- First word of Vs(107+297) =701 = CW in Vs(298 = ordinal of Heb Gen 1:1)
- Last word of Vs(107+297) = 107
- CW of Vs(107+297) = 2X 443 "the Word" (Greek) = 2X 172+271 (e)
- First, last & CW added = 1+3+7 X 86+68 (God + its mirror) = (A=1 B=2 C=3 "Bible Codes" 76 + 1618 (Golden Ratio)
- The first word with the value of "Bible Code" is found in Vs(25 "Pi" in A=1 B=2 C=3)) next to the CW
- add the words surrounding the CW of Vs(25) = 107 "Treasure"
- CW of Vs(25) = 2X 271 (e)
- First & last words added of Vs(25 "Pi") = 13X31 --- 13 = Prime order of 37
- First, last & CW added = 7+28 X 27 (A + Z = "Code") = 5X "a Alpha, Pi, e, Golden Ratio" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
09-29-2017, 07:29 PM
concerning number 39 "a alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Total value of Vs(Triangle nr 39)= 2X Total value of Vs(Triangle nr 137)
. First & last words added = 407 (8X37) "and" = first word in the bible made up of 37 = word nr 314 (Pi) by rotation in Gen 1:1
- Center word of this verse = Center word in verse nr 37 = 100 + Center word in Vs(777)
- First & last & center words added = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Codes" 46 + 777 English Genesis 1:1 (A=26 B=25 C=24)
39X39 (Square nr 39) = 1000 + 521 (Center word in English standard Gen 1:1 & the order of the first letter in word nr 137)
- Total value of Vs(39th Square) = First Triangle to take Shape (3) X (1+3+7 + 7+2+9 = Prime nr 1+3+7) X 37 = Mid-point between 37 & 137 (87) X 37
- First & last words added = 300 + 37 = Prime nr 69 "a Alpha. Pi, e" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Center word in this verse = 8X37 "and"
- First, last & Center words = 1+7 X mirror of 39 "a Alpha"
Verses integrated that reflects the Triangles & Squares of the order of 39
- Total values added = Triangle nr 7+7+7 + Triangle nr 137 + Triangle nr 7+7+7
- First & last words added = 1+7 X mirror of 39 "a Alpha"
- Center words added = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Codes" 46 + 777 English Genesis 1:1 (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- First, last & CW added = (Inverse a Alpha) 137 + CW of Vs(298 = ordinal of Hebrew Gen 1:1) + 729 (a Alpha)
Center word in the verse that reflects the ordinal of the Heb Gen 1:1 = 701 = 3X100 + 401 = Triangle nr 8+8+8 + 401
10-01-2017, 06:05 PM
And I can understand that you think I am cherry picking sometimes.
Let me give you some more clues of why I am not.
- 34 = Prime order of 137
In verse nr 34
- The nr of words = 16
- The nr of letters = 61 "miracle" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Word nr 16 of the Bible ends with letter nr 61, the value of this word = (Eng) "The Lord God" 108 + 112 "The Lord God" (Heb)
- Total value = 10 + Value of Gen 37:7 = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "God" 26+62 (mirror) X 56 "Light" = "The Lord God" 112 X 7+37 "in my heart"
= 7 (T) X "a Alpha" 39+137 "In the beginning" / a Alpha
- CW = 38 "uncover" (Heb) = 1+37
- First word = 7 X 34
- Last word = (Heb) "One" 13 X 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First & last words added = 1044 = Total value of verse nr 93 (mirror of 39 "a Alpha") = 7 + 13 + 37 + 73 + 137 + 777
First, last & CW = 2X 541 "Israel" (Heb)
Now check verse nr 137
- Nr of words = 1+3+7 :sCo_hmmthink:
- Nr of letters = 39 "a Alpha" :sCo_hmmthink:
- First word = 31 "God"
- Last word = 4X100 + 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 4X Mirror of 137X3 (Eng Gen 1:1)
- First & last words = "God" 86 + 401 "Aleph & Tav" = Factor of Vs(888 "Jesus") = 7th Combination of the 888 Holograph :yo:
- CW = A + Z + Aleph + Tav --- Jesus is the first & last which is encoded here into 2 languages which are both ancient and modern. :sCo_hmmthink:
- First, last & CW = 5 X 3 X 61 "Miracle" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 5 X "Codes" 46+137 (a Alpha) = 1 + 137 + 777 :sCo_hmmthink:
Lets take number 85 "Matrix" (A=1 B=2 C=3) which is also = "Christ" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
But in verse nr 85 we see the results:
- Total value = (Physical Manifestation) 19 X 99 "Physics" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Did you know that "Neo" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 34 ?
Add total values of verse nr "Neo" 34 & 85 "Matrix"
= 1+3+7 X (Prime nr 115 ?Prove/Test/Try? נסה = First, 1+3+7 X first, last & CW of verse nr 4)
- CW added instead = Mirror of 314 (Pi)
- First & last words = Prime nr (factor of "Light" in Heb) 9X27 "light [ord] --- 9X27 = CW in Vs(373 "Word")
- First, last & CW added = 1944 = 7+2+9 X 108 "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 1+7 X 9X27
= total value of Vs(100 + 62 "Torah" (Eng) + (Heb) 611 Torah" + 100)
I found out what number 115 means the other day and it all became a little more clear.
See that is why verse nr 27 "Riddle" (Heb) = "Code" (Eng) = ?Prove/Test/Try? 115 + 37X73 Genesis 1:1
Makes sense right ?
And we know in verse nr 4
- Total value = 2X 888 "Jesus" = (Heb) "Majesty" 48 X 37 "Heart of Wisdom"
- CW = 69 "Pi, a Alpha, e" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- the last word having a value of 333 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=1 B=2 C=3) which are the words from verse nr 137
- First + last word = 10X Triangle nr 10 = 10X "God" (A=26 B=24 C=23)
- And that word nr 37 is found there which starts with letter nr 137
Its a quite a verse I have to say.
But let me give you a really good one when it comes to the English connections and the importance of the Center word(s) (CW)
- CW of Heb. Gen 1:1 = 401 = Prime nr 80 "Foundation" (Heb)
- CW of Eng. Gen 1:1 = 89 = Prime nr 25 "Pi" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- "The Center Word" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 158
- CW of Vs(158) = 25 + 89 + 80 + 401
Hmmm now that is what I call deliberate design, right guys ? There are probably some hundred+ people reading this every week.
Can someone else than me see the deliberate design off this ? Or is it too deep for people to understand ?
Its not that hard:
- Add total values of verse nr "a Alpha" 39 & 93 "ahplA a" = "(A=1 B=2 C=3) In the beginning" 137 X 26 "God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- The difference of verses ordered at the prime numbers of 39 (163) & 93 (479) = 137 + 729
- And the difference of verse nr 39 & 93 = 2X 737
First & last words added of verse nr 373 & 737 = (Mirror of "God" = Word nr 37X73 = CW of Vs(71 "God" in Eng Standard) 68 + 137
- Center word of verse nr 373 = 9 X 27 (A + Z)
- Center word of verse nr 737 = 1 X 27 (A + Z)
- Center word added = 10 X 27 (A + Z) = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "The Lord God" 108 + 162 "The Lord God" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- Total values added of verse nr 373 & 737 = 7 X 137+729 :sCo_hmmthink:
So its not a riddle anymore since I solved it.
Total values added of verse nr 137 & 729
= 5 (T) X CW of Vs(112 "The Lord God") = 377 + 112 (T) = (Golden Ratio) 1618 + Verse nr(401 + 395 "the universe")
Kind of incredible huh ???
But its not as incredible as this (a Alpha = 1/137... = 0,00729)
- Total value of Vs(137+729) = 3X Pime nr 268 (2X 134 "God" in (A=37 B=38 C=39) --- 3X 268 = "Code" 27 + 777
- Total value of Vs(731+927) = 1000 + 75 (Prime order of 373 "Word" = CW of verse nr 5) = 5X5 X 43 (mirror of Prime order of 137 & factor of "God")
- First, & last words added of Vs(137+729) = 4X 86 "God"
- First & last words added of Vs(731+927) = 4X 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 4X Mirror of "The Lord" (Heb)
- First & last words added of these two verses = 592 (16X37) "GODHEAD"
- First, last & CW added of these two verses = 10 X 221 (Prime order of the center letter in the Torah. Read about it here:
- Center words added of Vs(137+729) & Vs(731+927) = 1618 (Golden Ratio)
10-01-2017, 06:23 PM
So I think you have seen some of the best parts of my codes. But there are many other nice and good parts left.
What do you think about my "contribution to the codes" now ? Do you think it has any potential ?
And think I have around 10 codes that sums to the 37th Triangle left that I have not given you.
I gave you one of those which was the best one. Nothing beats that one...
10-01-2017, 07:37 PM
But you saw that the
- Total values added of verse nr (137+729) & Vs(731+927) = 1618 + Total value of Vs(401+395 "the universe") & this is also
= Total value of Vs(1618) + Vs(23X113 "Universe" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- The Center words added of these verses is: 313+703 + 2X301 "God" [Full] = 1618
Its pretty incredible since if you add the total values of verses ordered at: 401, 395 & 1618
= 6666 = 6X1111 = 6X "and" 407 + 704 (mirror)
Now I am unsure if that connects to the first word of the bible that is made up of 37 (37 X 1+3+7 = 407)
Or if its 666.
I think its both for now.
113 = "Universe" (A=1 B=2 C=3). Now lets check verse nr 113
- First word = 34 = Prime order of 137
- Last word = 2X CW of Vs(3) = 4X CW of Vs(37X73) = 4X CW of Vs(137X3+777)
- First & last words added = 2X (heb) "The Lord God" 112+137 "In the beginning" (Eng) = 2X letters added form letter nr 13 to 7 in Gen 1:1
- CW = 772 = First Square to take shape (4) X (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Light" 56+137 (a Alpha)
- First, last & CW = 1270 = 10 X 7th C. Hex. = 10X nr of possible combinations of words in Gen 1:1, either made up of 37 or not.
- Total value of Vs(113) = (Nr of words added in Gen 1:1 both Heb. & Eng.) 10+7 X 257 "and said" (Heb) = 10+7 X Prime nr 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
395 = "the heaven" in Gen 1:1. But this word can also be translated as "Universe". Now go to verse nr 395
- First word = 707 = 7 X Prime nr 27 (A + Z) --- 7X27 = "Pi, a Alpha, Golden Ratio, e" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Last word = 211 (Mirror of "The Lord God")
- First & last words added = 2X 86+401 = 2X CW added in Gen 1:1 & John 1:1
- CW = 211
- First, last & CW = 1129 = (100X 1+3+7) + 1+3+7 + 7+2+9 = (Eng) "Light" 56 + 207 "Light" (Heb) + 137 + 729 = Prime nr 10X 19 (Physical Manifestation)
- Total value of verse nr 395 = First Square to take shape (4) X Prime nr 37+112 "The Lord God" = "created" 203 + Value of Vs(137) + 203 "Created" = (Pi) 314 + 37X73 (Gen 1:1) + 413 (Mirror of Pi)
Verse nr 113 & 395 integrated
- First words added = (Prime order of 37 = "one") 13 X 57 "Bible Code" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Last words added = 5X CW in Vs(46 "Codes" in A=1 B=2 C=3) = 1 + (Eng) 62 "Torah" + 1 + 611 "Torah" (Heb)
- First & last words added = 708 = First, last & CW of Vs(107 "Treasure" A=1 B=2 C=3) = (Heb) "Treasure" 297 + 137X3 (Eng Gen 1:1)
- CW added = 983 = Prime nr 167 "Of The Universe" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First, last & CW added = 1691 = (Physical Manifestation) 19 X 89 ("Torah Code" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = CW in Eng Gen 1:1)
- Difference of total values is: 4369 - 3428 = 941 = A + Z + 137 + 777 = Prime nr 7X23
- Total values added = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Pi, a Alpha, e" 69 X 113 "Universe" (A=1 B=2 C=3) =
CW of English Gen 1:1 (89) + Total value of English Gen 1:1 (137X3) + 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha)
You know what I think Richard ? I think that if there is a ultimate Torah code in the Bible. Then I am getting pretty close of finding it :winking0071:
10-01-2017, 07:47 PM
And I was just kidding about the ultimate Torah codes.
I have already found it :)
At least I am pretty sure of it.
But that is getting saved until the release of the book.
10-04-2017, 12:04 PM
Good day Richard, I think you did something right with your Bible Wheel codes.
Integrated verses of: "Bible" 30 + "Wheel" 53
- Total values added = 1+3+7 X 613 "In the Torah" (Heb)
- First & last words added = 2X 137 "In the beginning" (Eng)
- CW added = 639 = Composite nr 777
- First, last & CW = 913 ?In the beginning? = 1st word of the Hebrew Bible
- Integrated verses of: "The" 33 + "Bible" 30 + "Wheel" 53
- Total values added = 37 X 307 (Mirror of the 37th Triangle)
- First & last words = 314 + 401 = CW of Vs(37X73 + 137X3)
- Center words of these verses added = 2X 137+729 = Total value of Vs(2906) --- I am born the 29th of June
- First, last & CW = 2000 + 447 (CW of verse nr 112) = Factor of verse nr 1370 (4 digits of a Alpha)
I have a little more on this, but it has a special connection that I can't give you. Because you could find what I think is the ultimate Torah code rather easy if I gave it to you.
But I checked some connections to our names encoded again. I really hit the spot this time.
Integrated verses of: "Richard" 61 + "Amiel" 40 + "Mccough" 70
- Total values added = 40 X (7th Star = 22nd Triangle) = 20X "Host" 133 + 373 "Word" --- 133 & 373 are two first stars, made up of other stars.
There are 2 verses with this total value:
(1) = Verse nr 3 X (1+3+7 + 7+2+9) X (CW added of: English Gen 1:1 (89) + (180) Vs 137X3) = 3X 7000 + 801 (Alpha & Omega)
= "A + Z" 27 X 89 "Torah Code" + 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha) + 13703 (5 digits of a Alpha)
(2) = Verse nr (e) 271 + 37X73 + 7297 + 13703 (a Alpha)
- Center words added of these verses = 2X 233 "The Tree of Life"
- First & last words added = 3X 70 (P)
- First, last & CW = 1+3+7 X 137
Total values added of verses ordered at: Alexander (84) + Marcussen (113)
= 134 "God" (A=37 B=38 C=39) = "God" in John 1:1 + Triangle nr 112 "The Lord God"
- There are 2 verses with this total value
(1) = Verse nr (16 X Value of Vs(100) = 1+7 X 37X73 + 137X3)
(2) = Verse nr 29750 = 50 X 25+89 + 80+401 (CW & Prime factors added of both Heb. & Eng. Gen 1:1)
- First & last words added of Vs(84) & Vs(113) = CW of Vs(777) + 729 (a Alpha)
- CW added = 913 "In the beginning" = 1st word of the Bible
- First, last & CW = 1958 = 22 X 89 (CW in Eng. Gen 1:1 = "Torah Code" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
= First, last & CW of both verse nr 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha) & verse nr 13703 (5 digits of a Alpha)
a Alpha is also called the Fine Structure Constant here is some words about it:
There is a most profound and beautiful question associated with the observed coupling constant, e ? the amplitude for a real electron to emit or absorb a real photon. It is a simple number that has been experimentally determined to be close to 0.08542455. (My physicist friends won't recognize this number, because they like to remember it as the inverse of its square: about 137.03597 with about an uncertainty of about 2 in the last decimal place. It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it.) Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to pi or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It's one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the "hand of God" wrote that number, and "we don't know how He pushed his pencil." We know what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately, but we don't know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out, without putting it in secretly!
? Richard Feynman, Richard P. Feynman (1985). QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter. Princeton University Press. p.*129.
10-12-2017, 03:32 AM
Is it not all really incredible how God did all this Richard?? You have to hand it to him, he is the one & only God.
He encoded us in there :) But don't take it hard that you missed a lot of connections in your work.
No man one can see all connections anyways.
But at least we know now why the first word of the Bible "and" = 407
= (a Alpha) 1+3+7 X 37
And the next word is "the earth" = 296
(Pi) 3+1+4 X 37
Pi is very connected to the earth since it is a gigantic sphere.
Adding those two words gives the 37th Triangle.
But what about the Golden Ratio ??? (1,618...) We see it all over the universe & even in the human body like Pi.
Add the 3 center words of Gen 1:1 "God" (86) + "Aleph & Tav" (401) + "the heaven" (395)
= Mirror of 16X18
Hmmm, not cherry picking considering that the Center word of verse nr 86 "God" = 16X18
& even verse nr 16X18 = 2X Prime nr 16X18
a Alpha is also connected to the Human body since its connected in the Hydrogen Molecule (or was it Atom ?) in some advanced way that I need to look some more into. But we know that around 70% of the human body is water & there is a lot of hydrogen in water, connection.
And a Alpha is also very important in the codes like we see. That is why verse nr 163 (Prime nr 39 "a Alpha") has a CW valued at = 163, and there is another reason for this verse having this feature, but we don't have to bring that up here.
But we know the Fibonacci numbers are connected to Pi & the Golden Ratio since we can make the Fibonacci Spiral. Now every 5th Fibonacci nr is divisible by 5. And the 5th Fibonacci number is 5.
And that is why you can add the total values of verses ordered at 5 & 1618 = 5 + 3773
1+6+1+8 = 16
Word nr 16 ends with letter nr 61
Word nr 16 is the first word with the value of "The Lord God" in Hebrew & English added (108+112)
The center verse of the first Chapter is verse nr 16
Total value of this verse = 20X 291 "earth"
CW = Mirror of 16X18
1+3+7 + 7+2+9 = 29 (a Alpha: 1/137... = 0,00729)
Word nr 29 is "God"
Word nr 29 starts with letter nr 108 "The Lord God" in English
Word nr 29 ends with letter nr 112 "The Lord God" in Hebrew
Total value of verse nr 29 = 2X Prime nr 441 ---- 2X441 = Mirror of 16X18 = Mirror of CW in Verse nr 86 "God"
The first & last letters of Gen 1:1 added = mirror of 1+3+7 + 7+2+9
First word in the Bible = 1+3+7 X Prime nr 8+8+8
The first word of Genesis 1:1 = Word nr 729 by rotation
The center word of Gen 1:1 = Word nr 137 by rotation
The first word of John 1:1 = Word nr 137 by rotation
The center word of John 1:1 = Word nr 314 by rotation
Value of center word of verse nr 137+777 = 314 (Pi)
Value of center word of the first verse in chapter nr 137 = 314 (Pi)
Value of center word in Vs(37X73 + 137X3) = CW in Gen 1:1 which his word nr 137 by rotation + 314 (PI)
& the word that has a value of 314 in verse nr 777 = Word nr 3+1+4
And Pi is found down to 5 digits in Genesis 1:1.
Even the verse ordered at the 137th Triangle has a total value of
= 2X 37 + Total value of verse nr 1618
And that is not a cherry pick since we know the CW of verses ordered at: 137+729 & 731+927
Oh and I almost forgot to mention that the 7th word of verse nr 7 = 95 "Light a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
And that the CW of verse nr 1+3+7 = 7 X 95 "Light a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
And we know the first word with a value of 137 is found in verse nr 95
Total nr of word sin verse nr 95 = 7+2+9
Total value of verse nr 95 = 1000 + Value of verse nr 137 + (Eng) "light" 56 + 207 "light" (Heb)
CW of verse nr 95 = 95 + 137X3 (English Gen 1:1)
So you know, its kind of hard not taking those probabilities of a Alpha down to 4 & 5 digits not serious.
I really hope all this has helped you understanding that there is no cherry picking here.
And that Physics is a very important part of the codes.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-12-2017, 06:34 AM
Is it not all really incredible how God did all this Richard?? You have to hand it to him, he is the one & only God.
He encoded us in there :) But don't take it hard that you missed a lot of connections in your work.
No man one can see all connections anyways.
Hey there Alex,
Why would anyone think that we are encoded in those words? You could find connections like that starting with any name you wanted. If you want to say that our names are encoded, you need to explain how you could tell if Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck were not encoded. That's the fundamental flaw in your method. You have no way to discern between chance and design.
Look at this amazing "code" ...
Mickey = 66 (Number of Books in the Bible)
Mouse = 73 = Wisdom!!!
All the best,
10-12-2017, 05:33 PM
Well because the information points to it.
So lets start off that both you and me found a lot of incredible things with Genesis 1:1.
You innovated in Hebrew Genesis 1:1, I Innovated mainly in the English Genesis 1:1
Your name in English ordinal= 175 = 5X 5 first Triangles added= Prime order of 7 X Prime order of 37 X Prime order of 73
Your name in English Standard = 715 = 314 + 401 (word nr 137 by rot) = CW in Vs(37X73+137X3)
- Letter nr 175 is found in word nr = 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Letter nr 175 is found in the center word of the verse ordered at = 5 = Prime order of 7 = nr of verses of the first day
- Value of center word in verse nr 5 = 5X 5th Triangle
- Letter nr 715 is found in the last word of the verse ordered at = 5th Triangle
- Value of the word where this letter is found = 31
(Please give us the info on word nr 715 since my program does not count that far, but your does)
- Word nr 175 is word nr 1+6+1+8 (Golden Ratio) of verse nr 1+3+7+0+3 (5 digits of a Alpha)
My name in English ordinal = 197 = Prime nr 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
My name in English Standard = 1475 = "Pi" 25 X Prime nr 7+2+9
- Letter nr 197 is found in word nr = 52 "Riddle" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 2X 26 "God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Letter nr 197 is found in the last word of the verse ordered at = 5
- The value of the word where this letter is found = 13
- Letter nr 1475 is found in word nr 373 "Word" (Jesus)
- The word where letter nr 1475 is found is the word "God"
- Letter nr 1475 is found in the 2nd word of the verse ordered at = 1+3+7 + 7+2+9
(Please share the info on word nr 1475 also)
- Word nr 197 is word nr 1+3+7+0+3 (5 digits of a Alpha) of verse nr 1+6+1+8 (Golden Ratio)
Adding total values of the 2 verses that has the word orders of 175 & 197 = 1618 + 112th triangle + 1618
verse nr 175 & 197 integrated
- Total values added = "and said" 257 X 32 "Center/Heart" = Mirror of 729 + 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha)
- First & last words added = "The Lord God" in both Hebrew ordinal & standard = Prime nr (7+2+9+7+3 + 1+3+7+0+3)
- Center words added = (Prime nr 7+2+9) + 777 = 2X 7 + 137X3 = 2X Word order of where letter nr 1618 is found
- First, last & CW = 197 + 777
= 2X "God" 86+401 "Aleph & Tav"
= 2X (Heart of hexagons in Logos Star) 114+373 (The Logos Star)
Verse nr 715 & 1475 integrated
- Total values added = 10X "God" 31 X 1+3+7 + 7+2+9
- First & last words = 100 + Center of gravity in the 73rd Triangle = Prime nr 3X 71 "God" (Eng Stand)
- CW = Last word of Vs(116 = Mirror of "Torah" = CW of Vs(37X73) = CW of Vs(137X3+777) = 4X 116 = 2X CW in Vs(3) = 4X CW in Vs(37X73) = 4X CW is Vs(137X3+777)
- First, last & CW = 5X 353 "Everlasting Light"
In all 4 of these verses
- Total values = Prime nr 37 X Mirror of 137X3 = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Jesus Christ" 151 X 114 (Heart of the Logos Star)
- First & last words = 1000 + 4X100 + 86 "God" = 1000 + First, last & CW of John 1:1
- CW = 100X Prime order of 37
- First, last & CW = 2786 = Count 37X73 as 1 & then count to 86 "God"
= 2X7 X Prime nr (Prime orders of 37 & 137 added)
= 2X7 X Word order of letter nr 777
Integrated verses of: "Richard" 61 + "Amiel" 40 + "Mccough" 70
- Total values added = 40 X (7th Star = 22nd Triangle) = 20X "Host" 133 + 373 "Word" --- 133 & 373 are two first stars, made up of other stars.
There are 2 verses with this total value:
(1) = Verse nr 3 X (1+3+7 + 7+2+9) X (CW added of: English Gen 1:1 (89) + (180) Vs 137X3) = 3X 7000 + 801 (Alpha & Omega)
= "A + Z" 27 X 89 "Torah Code" + 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha) + 13703 (5 digits of a Alpha)
(2) = Verse nr (e) 271 + 37X73 + 7297 + 13703 (a Alpha)
- Center words added of these verses = 2X 233 "The Tree of Life"
- First & last words added = 3X 70 (P)
- First, last & CW = 1+3+7 X 137
Total values added of verses ordered at: Alexander (84) + Marcussen (113)
= 134 "God" (A=37 B=38 C=39) = "God" in John 1:1 + Triangle nr 112 "The Lord God"
- There are 2 verses with this total value
(1) = Verse nr (16 X Value of Vs(100) = 1+7 X 37X73 + 137X3)
(2) = Verse nr 29750 = 50 X 25+89 + 80+401 (CW & Prime factors added of both Heb. & Eng. Gen 1:1)
- First & last words added of Vs(84) & Vs(113) = CW of Vs(777) + 729 (a Alpha)
- CW added = 913 "In the beginning" = 1st word of the Bible
- First, last & CW = 1958 = 22 X 89 (CW in Eng. Gen 1:1 = "Torah Code" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
= First, last & CW of both verse nr 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha) & verse nr 13703 (5 digits of a Alpha)
From here I would like to focus on myself.
- The verse reflecting the CW of Eng Gen 1:1 has a total value of 1988 = The Year I am born
- This verse has a CW of = 39 "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First & last words of this verse = 13X26 "God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First, last & CW = 377, which is a really special number that i keep finding, it is found in a very special integration.
In verse nr 1988 (And note that it reflects the value of verse nr 89 = CW of Eng Gen 1:1 also)
- Total value = 777 + CW of Vs(137) + 777 (I was the one who discovered that the CW of verse nr 137 = A + Z + Aleph + Tav, as far as i know)
- First, last words = 7 X 37+39 "Bible Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Center word of verse nr 1988 = (Nr of words in Eng Gen 1:1) 10 + 137X3 (Eng Gen 1:1 in A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First, last & CW = Prime nr 39 "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
I am born the 29th June, so go to verse nr 2906 = 2X Prime nr 232 (CW in verse nr 3)
- Total value = 2X (Inverse a Alpha) 137+729 (a Alpha)
- First word = 56 "Light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Last word = (a Alpha) 1+3+7 X 3+1+4 (Pi)
- First & last words = 7 + 137 = 8X 7+2+9 = 4X Triangle nr 3+1+4
- CW = Prime nr 98 "The Center" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First, last & CW = Prime nr 120 "Golden Ratio" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
And i can agree that this is a hard case to try to "prove". But i am very convinced after seeing this calculation in the integration of the 2 verses reflecting my full name.
First, last & CW = 1958 = 22 X 89 (CW in Eng. Gen 1:1 = "Torah Code" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
= First, last & CW of both verse nr 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha) & verse nr 13703 (5 digits of a Alpha) First, last &
And when we do the same calculation in the verses reflecting your name it gets
= 1+3+7 X 137
So you know, i am not completely blind and i can add 1+1. I can't speak for other people on what they think.
But again, other people does not know the codes like me either.
So when it comes down to the bottom line, its about faith when it comes to us being encoded there.
But he gave us some very very clear signs of it.
I am not going to do anymore research into us being encoded there now. I am happy with the results & i don't see any point of digging deeper into this, my curiosity has gotten its answers here.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-12-2017, 06:27 PM
Well because the information points to it.
No it does not. Your numerology is demonstrably delusional. You have no way to discern between meaningless random numbers and your so-called "codes". Sorry, but those are the facts. You ignore them because you know you cannot justify your claims.
10-12-2017, 10:03 PM
I have done a lot of background checking on many of these numbers, he does use them.
But it is going to take time for me to provide all the Holographs and connections I want to include in the book.
Lets call the kind of integration I did in the 777 Holograph for "Super-Integrations"
I have found a lot of them now, but it does not hit like it does in the 777 Holograph.
And I am thinking about the 5 first words of it. The only number that did not make sense there was 12X37. But I found out that 12X37 = 1+3+7 X3 + 137X3
So that makes all those five words integrated connect to both Pi & a Alpha.
So that 777 Holograph is very very special.
But the other verses where I super-integrate it only seems to hit in certain orders of words like the orders of first, last & CW in one or both of the verses. Even the orders of 7 & 10 usually gives special results.
I have only made the Super-integrations of the verses marked with 666 ,777, 888.
But I have to start making these super-integrations now. But its really many of them.
But my problem is that there is codes all over.
If I super-integrate 2 verses then there are codes in these 2 verses individually also.
So I get dizzy of how big task this really is.
So its going to take time until people will get the portion of codes that i think will be sufficient.
So i am afraid that i can't give you the Holographs now or in turn your demand of "proof".
But come on, you have seen how a Alpha is encoded here. This is not random.
And we see a lot of "Proof" that it is a Alpha.
Go to verse nr 7X112 "The Lord God" (in Hebrew)
Total value = 9X 137 = 3X Value of Genesis 1:1
- Nr of words = 5 = Prime order of 7
- Nr of letter = 23 = Ordinal of Aleph & Tav
- Nr of words & letters = 28 = nr of letters in Gen 1:1 = 7th Triangle
- First word = 107 = "Treasure" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = "The Lord" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- Last word = "Light" 56 + 207 "Light"
- First & last word = 370 = First, last & CW of Vs(1618 = Golden Ratio)
- Center word = 5X 123 "a Alpha" (A=24 B=25 C=26)
- First, last & CW = 5X Prime nr 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
If you check verse nr 37X112
- Total value = CW of John 1:1 58 X 73 "Wisdom" = (2X 1+3+7+7+2+9) X 73 (factor of Gen 1:1)
- Nr of words = 7+2+9
- Nr of letters = 67 = Hebrew ordinal of "The Lord God"
- Nr of words & letters = Prime order of 7 X 10+7 = "Matrix" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = "Christ" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- First word = 61 "Miracle" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Last word = 4X100 + 56 "Light" = 4X Mirror of 137X3
- First & last words =1+3+7 X Prime orders of 37 & 137 added = CW in Gen 1:1 + CW in Vs(37X73)
- CW= 13 X 7(T)
- First, last & CW = 104 + 777
- 104 = Mirror of "Aleph & Tav" the CW in the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 which hits the numbers when counted by rotation: 39 "a Alpha" & 137 (a Alpha)
- 104 = "Aleph and Tav" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- 104 = Verse order of the first verse that has the same nr of words & letters as Gen 1:1
- Word nr 104 starts with letter nr 401
- Total value of verse nr 104 = 3+1+4 X 39 "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- The center word of verse nr 104 = 160 = 2X Prime order of 401
- 160 = CW of verse nr 333 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Number 123 does not represent the Holy Spirit in my research.
Lets check out verse nr 123 "a Alpha" (A=24 B=25 C=26)
- Nr of words = 1+3+7
- Nr of letters = 4X 1+3+7
- nr of words & letters added = 5X 1+3+7 = "God" in Eng Standard
- Total value = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "a Alpha" 39 X 89 (CW of English Gen 1:1 which is made up of a Alpha)
- First & last words = 10+7 X (1+3+7 + 7+2+9)
- CW = 2X Mirror of 314 (Pi)
- First, last & CW = 1000 + 319 (mirror of "In the beginning")
= 1000 + (1+3+7 X 1+3+7+7+2+9)
Well, so much for the Holy Spirit part, it was a Alpha.
You see Richard, you can demand all the info you want. But we see the connections all over.
There is only 1 verse ordered at nr 137 & it has 1+3+7 words & 39 "a Alpha" letters.
Its CW is directly connected to the CW in Hebrew Gen 1:1, only with the first & last letters of English added.
Its total value has the total value of the English Genesis 1:1 "hidden" if you like:
2X 100+1000+137X3
The first word made up of 37 in the Bible = 1+3+7 X 37
Total value of verse nr 1+3+7 = 5X 1000 + (1+3+7 X3)
So i mean the info i am sharing here is just too incredible to be random.
Maybe i can't "Prove" that in your terms. But i think many people can already see the design here. There is no way that this is random, and that is my claim.
Take a last example of the total values added of verses ordered at: 37 (2X 10+777) & 137 (2X 100+1000+137X3)
= 3X1X4 X 383 "For an Everlasting Light"
Now go to verse nr ("The Lord God") 112X137 ("The God of Truth"/a Alpha)
- Total value = 3+1+4 X 383 "For an Everlasting Light"
- Nr of words = 7
- Nr of letters = 29 = 1+3+7 + 7+2+9 = Prime nr 1+3+7
- Nr of words & letters merged = 729 = a Alpha
- First word = "e" 5 + 25 "Pi"
- Last word = 2X 203 "created" = Triangle nr 28 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7)
- CW = 2X 203 "created"
- First & last words added = 7 + 28 + 401 = CW in Vs(Prime nr 46 "Codes")
- First, last & CW = 2X (nr of words in Eng Gen 1:1) 10 + 137X3 (Eng Gen 1:1)
- The words added surrounding the CW has the values of: 123 "a Alpha" & 368 = CW of Vs(401)
- The words surrounding the CW added = Prime nr 95 "Light a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- The 3 Center words added of this verse = CW of Gen 1:1 + CW of Vs(137X3) + CW of Vs(777)
Genesis 1:1 = 37X73 (Hebrew) = 137X3 (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 777 (A=26 B=25 C=24)
Now go to verse nr Triangle nr 112 + Triangle nr 137
- Total value = 3rd Triangle X 314 (Pi)
- Nr of words = 7
- Nr of letters = 32 "Heart"/"Center"
- Nr of words + letters = 39 "a Alpha"
- First word = 67 "The Lord God" in English Ordinal
- Last word = 541 "Israel" = Star nr 3+7
- First & last words = 3+1+4 X 37+39 "Bible Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 100 + "Universe" 113 + 395 "Universe"
- First, last & CW = Prime nr 125 "The Center Word" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = Prime nr 5X 25 "Pi"
- Center Word = 5X 25 "Pi" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = Center Word in verse nr 5 "e"
You have no way to discern between meaningless random numbers
Yeah right :lol:
10-12-2017, 11:26 PM
Wanna talk about whats random or not? Lets talk a bit about the 37th Triangle.
- "and the earth" in Hebrew = 703 (37th Triangle)
- "and" & "the earth" is word nr 6 & 7 of Genesis 1:1 ---- 6+7 = 13 (Prime order of 37)
- "In the beginning" in English = 137 (a Alpha)
- "In the beginning" in Hebrew = 913
Now go to verse nr 137+913
- Total value = 3X 703
- Nr of words = 7 = Prime order of 13
- Nr of letters = 26 (2X13) "The Lord"/"God" =
- First word = 42 (6X7 --- 6+7 = 13) = (5 Digits of inverse a Alpha) 1+3+7+0+3 + 7+2+9+7+3 (5 digits of a Alpha)
- Last word = 10X CW of John 1:1 which is made up of "a Alpha" & its mirror = 10X 2X 1+3+7+7+2+9
- First & last words added = 2X Prime nr 5X13
- First, last & CW = 5X 7th Centered Hexagon
- CW = 13 = Prime order of 37
"In the beginning" in Hebrew standard = 913
"In the beginning" in English Standard = 461
Go to verse nr 461+913
- Total value = 1000 + 703
- Nr of words = 10 = 3+7
- Nr of letters = 3X 13 = 3 X Prime nr 7 = 39 "a Alpha"
- First word = 2X 233 "The Tree of Life" = 2X Fibonacci nr 13
- Last word = 1+3+7 X 37 "and" = Word nr 13 by rotation in Gen 1:1
- First & last words = 100 + 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3) + 100 + 611 "Torah" (Hebrew)
- First, last & CW = 1000 + 7th Star
- CW = 10 + 370 (First, last & CW In verse nr 1618 Golden Ratio)
See that how God just gave us a clean connection to the 37th Triangle in the verse with the a Alpha connection to the "In the beginning" (137) ??
But when we took the Standard connection of it instead he gives us the +1... patterns.
That is deliberate design. And he is showing us it blatantly.
Now add the center words in verses reflecting the center words of Genesis 1:1 in both Hebrew & English
16X23 + 39 "a Alpha" = 407 "and" = 6th word of Hebrew gen 1:1
Now add the center words of verses that reflects the total values of Genesis 1:1 in both Hebrew & English
116 (mirror of "Torah" & CW of Vs 137X3+777) + 180 (degrees in half a circle)
= 296 "the earth" = 7th word of Gen 1:1
Adding the center words of verses that reflects the total values & center words of both the Hebrew & English Gen 1:1
is: 407 "and" + "296 "the earth" = 703 (37th Triangle)
Full Jackpot
10-13-2017, 01:46 AM
And here is my prime example of how far God takes it in his connections with the +1 patterns.
He did it with the 37th Triangle & "In the beginning" & He did it with Genesis 1:1
Richard Amiel McGough
10-13-2017, 08:11 AM
You have no way to discern between meaningless random numbers
Yeah right :lol:
Get real Alex. You know you have no way to discern between chance and design. Listing a pile of cherry picked coincidences means nothing because you can find similar patterns in a random data set. You know this is a fact, so your denial of it is utterly absurd.
You KNOW you have no way to discern between chance and design because you have found "amazing" patterns in numbers that turned out to be WRONG.
Why do you deny the truth?
10-13-2017, 03:24 PM
You KNOW you have no way to discern between chance and design because you have found "amazing" patterns in numbers that turned out to be WRONG.
Well, you are going to get some surprises when my work is ready :)
So just keep believing that I am cherry picking, I know exactly what I can give you.
But you are not getting more from me now.
I have to focus on that book. There are many Holographs to be made you know.
But I really wonder when I will find the 112th Triangle. I have not yet found it outside of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1.
And I usually find integrations that match. But not with the 112 (T) yet.
All of the other numbers on my list that I expected to find are found now. But not the 112 (T).
We should find it in a special integration of verses except for Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 as a double witness.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-13-2017, 04:39 PM
Well, you are going to get some surprises when my work is ready :)
So just keep believing that I am cherry picking, I know exactly what I can give you.
But you are not getting more from me now.
Ha! That's what you've been saying for years, but all you ever show me are bigger and bigger piles of the same ridiculous errors.
You know you have no way to discern between meaningless random numbers and "design" because you have found "amazing" patterns in numbers that were random. Why won't you admit this fact? Anyone reading our exchange can see that you are ignoring the truth.
As for presenting "more" of your delusional "patterns" - that's your fundamental mistake. Making bigger piles of random connections is proof that your patterns are false, because you are proving you can find patterns like that in any random set of numbers. Numerologists have been doing the same thing for centuries. It proves nothing, except that numerology can lead to delusion.
I have to focus on that book. There are many Holographs to be made you know.
But I really wonder when I will find the 112th Triangle. I have not yet found it outside of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1.
And I usually find integrations that match. But not with the 112 (T) yet.
All of the other numbers on my list that I expected to find are found now. But not the 112 (T).
We should find it in a special integration of verses except for Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1 as a double witness.
Your "holographs" (which you've largely copied from my old work) won't mean anything to anyone even if they are proof of design because you bury them under your blatantly delusional numerology. That's your mistake. I've explained it a thousand times but you don't seem to care. If you want anyone to take any of your work seriously, you have to clean out the obvious errors that saturate it. Your refusal to do this means that anyone with any intelligence will reject your work. No one will eat your steak if you serve it with a steaming pile of dog shit.
How is it possible you can't see this?
Richard Amiel McGough
10-13-2017, 04:52 PM
Take for example this claim you seem to think is so significant you use it in your signature:
"In the beginning" (A=1 B=2 C=3) + (A=26 B=25 C=24) = Triangle nr 27 "Riddle"
You get exactly the same number no matter what phrase you use, so long as it contains 14 letters. This is because when you add the ordinal value and the reverse value, the value of the letter cancels out and all you get is
a (1) + a (26) = 27
b (2) + b (25) = 27
c (3) + c (24) = 27
Therefore, you will always get 14 x 27 for a phrase with 14 letters. It has absolutely nothing to do with the meaning of the phrase. For example:
STUPID BULLSHIT = CRAP NUMEROLOGY = 14 x 27 = "In the beginning" ...
Nothing could be more absurd than your crap numerology. I've explained this to you before. How is it possible you could continue in such blatant error? When will you wake up to this fact?
10-15-2017, 12:24 AM
Your "holographs" (which you've largely copied from my old work) won't mean anything to anyone even if they are proof of design because you bury them under your blatantly delusional numerology. That's your mistake. I've explained it a thousand times but you don't seem to care. If you want anyone to take any of your work seriously, you have to clean out the obvious errors that saturate it. Your refusal to do this means that anyone with any intelligence will reject your work. No one will eat your steak if you serve it with a steaming pile of dog shit.
How is it possible you can't see this?
About those Holographs you discovered. Well you missed a lot in the creation Holograph, there are a lot of connections outside of Genesis 1:1 that fits into the creation Holograph.
You could have included the fact that the total value of Verse nr 37th Triangle= First, last & Center words + Total value of Genesis 1:1
But you did not know that, since I discovered it.
So I have to remake some of your work.
But how can you say that the 777 Holograph is based on your work ??? Yes you found some nr 777's in the Bible & so have I. But you did not integrate things like did in the 777 Holograph. I have never seen anyone do that.
The Holographs of 666, 777 & 888 is not even completed yet.
Yes you have info about a Alpha on your website & The God of Truth.
And yes you picked a very special method God uses, its foundational. But you only used that method and ignored a lot of others.
God is not limited to that.
So yes, you found a very solid method Richard. But so did I.
And maybe I have not been giving guys the most consistent examples here. But that was not the point,
The point with this thread is a Alpha & the English Genesis 1:1 and showing it is encoded massively in the Bible.
But trust me Richard. My work will be much more consistent when everything is on paper :)
Its going to take time, but it is going to be mind-blowing. I may have given you some good codes here.
But there is a lot of good ones left :), this is just scratching the surface.
So until then you can just keep dreaming of that this is random :lol:
So yes, you found a very solid method Richard. But so did I.
And maybe I have not been giving guys the most consistent examples here. But that was not the point,
Why can't you explain your method if it's so solid? Why do you never explain why your work is not random? All you ever do is promise the mother load is coming. Your claims are absolutely meaningless if you can't articulate the HOW and WHY your finds are so significant.
So until then you can just keep dreaming of that this is random :lol:
So prove your work is not saturated with random data.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-15-2017, 08:36 AM
About those Holographs you discovered. Well you missed a lot in the creation Holograph, there are a lot of connections outside of Genesis 1:1 that fits into the creation Holograph.
You could have included the fact that the total value of Verse nr 37th Triangle= First, last & Center words + Total value of Genesis 1:1
Yes, I could have included that random coincidence, but it only would have discouraged anyone with intelligence from taking my work seriously.
The problem is that you have no consistent rules or principles so you can always find a "connection" between any two random numbers. Sometimes you just add the first and last words, sometimes you just look at the central word or words, sometimes in include the value of the verse or the value reversed or the value plus the first and last or the value plus the first and last and middle or ... or ... or ... and on it on it goes. Whatever real patterns may or may not exist, they are buried under a mountain of demonstrably meaningless random "connections."
And the really crazy thing is that you know you cannot justify your numerology. You know you have no way to discern between chance and design. All you do is collect a thousand random "connections" and then declare "IT'S A MIRACLE!" when in fact it is exactly what we would expect in a random set of numbers. You have proven this many times by find supposedly "miraculous" patterns using numbers that later were discovered to be wrong. Why do you refuse to admit the truth? Why do you refuse to even discuss it? All you do is ignore the evidence and pile up more and more random connections, as if repeating the same error enough times will suddenly turn it into some sort of "proof." It is pure delusion Alex.
But how can you say that the 777 Holograph is based on your work ??? Yes you found some nr 777's in the Bible & so have I. But you did not integrate things like did in the 777 Holograph. I have never seen anyone do that.
I didn't say that particular "holograph" was based on my work. I said your holographs are "largely copied from my work." The stuff you have added is mostly crap I never would have accepted even when I was a believer. Of course, there are bits and pieces I would have found intriguing and would had used, but most of it is so blatantly absurd that only mathematically ignorant deluded fools would believe it. I've explained why a million times and you ignored what I wrote and repeated your errors as if they were evidence. It is absurd.
Yes you have info about a Alpha on your website & The God of Truth.
Your "a alpha" is a perfect example of how numerologists have been deluding themselves for centuries. You are obsessed with alpha but you don't like it's nuermic value. It's only 38 and you want it to be 39, so you add 1 and talk about "a alpha" instead of alpha. The Jews even have a name for this ludicrous trick. They call it Kolel, which is a "rule" that allows them to arbitrarily FUDGE THE DATA by adding one to force it to "fit" patterns they like.
And yes you picked a very special method God uses, its foundational. But you only used that method and ignored a lot of others.
God is not limited to that.
What "method"? Can you state a consistent set of rules and principles that God supposedly uses? Nope. And why not? Because there are no consistent rules. You just make up whatever you need to find a "connection." Almost every connection is based on a different "rule" so there really are no rules at all! That's why your work is meaningless.
So yes, you found a very solid method Richard. But so did I.
And maybe I have not been giving guys the most consistent examples here. But that was not the point,
The point with this thread is a Alpha & the English Genesis 1:1 and showing it is encoded massively in the Bible.
Very solid? Don't be absurd. Your "methods" are themselves random because they have no consistency. You find one connection here Rule 163 and another there using Rule 132 and another elsewhere using Rule 1036 ... etc., etc., etc. You should make a list of all the rules you use and you will see how inconsistent you have been.
But trust me Richard. My work will be much more consistent when everything is on paper :)
Its going to take time, but it is going to be mind-blowing. I may have given you some good codes here.
But there is a lot of good ones left :), this is just scratching the surface.
More consistent? Great. All you need to do is LIST THE FULL SET OF RULES that you used to find all the connections in this thread. That should be extremely revealing.
So until then you can just keep dreaming of that this is random :lol:
And you can continue dreaming that there is any consistency in your "connections" ....
10-15-2017, 09:02 AM
Why can't you explain your method if it's so solid? Why do you never explain why your work is not random? All you ever do is promise the mother load is coming. Your claims are absolutely meaningless if you can't articulate the HOW and WHY your finds are so significant.
Well, I don't know if you have noticed how much and often a Alpha is encoded in the bible.
But a Alpha comes very very high on the list of codes that God likes.
And you say this like I have not given you parts that tells us that I am right ?? Are you blind ??
TV of Vs(37X73) = 7 X Prime nr 62 "Torah" in A=1 B=2 C=2
TV of Vs(137X3) = 7 X 547 "Jesus Christ" in A=37 B=38 C=39
CW added in these two verses = 296 "the earth"
TV of Vs(3+7) = 2X 1000 + 37
TV of Vs(1+3+7) = 5X 1000 + 1+3+7X(3)
How about the fact that TV of Vs(37) = 2X 10+777
And that the TV of Vs(137)= 2X 100+1000+137X3
TV of Vs(Prime nr 37) = Prime nr (CW of Vs 1 + CW of Vs 37X73)
Tv of Vs)Prime nr 137) = 3X1000 + 112+211
Give me a break. This is design and my connections are 100% valid.
10-15-2017, 09:10 AM
And shame on you Richard for saying I'm abscessed with a Alpha.
Go tell that to God since its he who decided to make it the grand code of the Bible.
10-15-2017, 09:19 AM
Its not a coincidence that the Center word in verse nr 729 (3 digits of a Alpha) = 777
And that the center word of verse nr 137+777 = 314 (3 digits of Pi)
And the Center word of the first verse of chapter nr 137 = 314 (Pi)
Go check the 777 Holograph again and also remember that I misconnected 12X37 which
= 1+3+7 X3 + 137X3
Dream Dream Dream
Because the total value of Vs(729+777) = 5X (3 digits of a Alpha) 137 + 314 (3 digits of Pi )
And the center word of this verse = 98 "The Center" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
"The Center" of what ??? The Center Word of Genesis 1:1 since it is the 137th by rotation.
That is why the first word with a value 777 is found in verse nr 98 & its total value = 5X 137+729 :doh:
Richard Amiel McGough
10-15-2017, 09:36 AM
And shame on you Richard for saying I'm abscessed with a Alpha.
Go tell that to God since its he who decided to make it the grand code of the Bible.
If God had made it the "grand code of the Bible" there would be some consistency to the method he encoded it. He wouldn't have used the same inconsistent and incoherent methods typical of numbskull numerologists.
10-15-2017, 09:45 AM
But "The Center" = 98 might be cherry picking there.
So lets say its because 98 = 7X(7+7)
Well go to verse nr 7+7+7 & its total value = 2X Prime nr 22 + 401 (Word nr 137 by rotation in Gen 1:1 which is Aleph & Tav, The CW of Gen 1:1)
Which is the first & last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. & there are 22 letters of this alphabet.
And guess what, the CW of Genesis 1:1 (401) is the only word made up of a Prime in Gen 1:1.
Number 137 is Prima, that's the message.
In Verse nr 7+7+7
- Nr of words = 23 (Ordinal of Aleph & Tav)
- Nr of letters = 89 (Center word of English Genesis 1:1) = 7+28 + 10+44 (Nr of words & letters of Hebrew & English Gen 1:1
- Words + letters = 112 "The Lord God"
- First word = 3X 73
- Last word = 7 + 10
- First & last words = 4X Prime nr 7+2+9
- First, last & CW = 2X CW of Vs(37) = 2X 100+CW in Vs(777)
- Center word = 596 = Center word of verse nr 203 "created"
- And the 2 words surrounding the CW = 596
- 203 = 7X29 (a Alpha) = Word nr 37 by roation in Gen 1:1
- 401 = Prime nr 10X 3+1+4 (Pi) = both Word nr "a Alpha" 39 & 137 by rotation in Gen 1:1
203 + 401 = 2X 302 (Mirror of 203)
203 + 302 = 104 + 401
104 = "Aleph and Tav" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
302 = 2X "Jesus Christ" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
401 + 302 = 703 (37th Triangle)
Richard Amiel McGough
10-15-2017, 10:52 AM
Well, I don't know if you have noticed how much and often a Alpha is encoded in the bible.
But a Alpha comes very very high on the list of codes that God likes.
And you say this like I have not given you parts that tells us that I am right ?? Are you blind ??
TV of Vs(37X73) = 7 X Prime nr 62 "Torah" in A=1 B=2 C=2
TV of Vs(137X3) = 7 X 547 "Jesus Christ" in A=37 B=38 C=39
CW added in these two verses = 296 "the earth"
TV of Vs(3+7) = 2X 1000 + 37
TV of Vs(1+3+7) = 5X 1000 + 1+3+7X(3)
How about the fact that TV of Vs(37) = 2X 10+777
And that the TV of Vs(137)= 2X 100+1000+137X3
TV of Vs(Prime nr 37) = Prime nr (CW of Vs 1 + CW of Vs 37X73)
Tv of Vs)Prime nr 137) = 3X1000 + 112+211
Give me a break. This is design and my connections are 100% valid.
First, let me congratulate you on your improved notation. It is much more succinct and easy to read when you represent things compactly. It makes evaluation of your claims easier too. A slight improvement would be to use the notation of mathematical functions consistently everywhere. That's what I did when I worked with gematria. So you could write:
TV(Vs(37x73) = 7 x Pr(62 = Torah)
But what does this have to do with Alpha? Nothing at all. There is no reference to Alpha in that equation, so why did you present it as evidence of the "Grand Code" based on Alpha? To see your error, all you need to do is to suppose that there were no connection with Alpha anywhere in the Bible at all. That equation would still remain true. Therefore, that equation has nothing to do with Alpha being coded in the Bible.
Now its true that your equations are "100% valid" in as much as they are mathematically correct, but it is not true that they are evidence of "design" because there are cherry picked from millions upon millions of possibilities, as I've explained millions and millions of times. Let me illustrate what I mean with this identity:
TV of Vs(1+3+7) = 5X 1000 + 1+3+7X(3)
Uh oh. There seems to be an error. Verse(1 + 3 + 7) = Verse(11) ( which has this value:
TV(Vs(1+3+7) = 5165
Whereas 5000 + 1 + 3 + 21 = 5025
Ah, I see the mistake. You are using a space following a multiplication sign as if it were a parenthesis. What you really meant was
5 x (1000 + 1 + 3 + 7x(3)) = 5 x 1025 = 5165
Why did you put the (3) in parenthesis? What is that supposed to signify? You notation is ridiculous. It shows a complete ignorance of basic mathematical notation. Why would anyone think your knew what you are doing if you can't even write basic equations using standard notation?
In any case, getting back to the bigger problem with your claims - there are literally millions of ways to write one number in terms of other numbers you like, so why would anyone think that the one you cherry picked was "designed by God"? You could write any random number in terms of 1, 3, and 7 in many different ways. It's like the Game of Four Fours ( where you try to write every number as a combination of four fours. For example:
0 = 4 ? 4 ? 4 − 4 = 44 − 44
1 = 4 ? 4 + 4 − 4 = 44 ? 44
2 = 4 −(4 + 4)? 4 = (44 + 4) ? 4!
3 = (4 ? 4 − 4)? 4 = (4 + 4 + 4) ? 4
4 = 4 + 4 ?(4 − 4) = −44 + 4! + 4!
5 = (4 ? 4 + 4)? 4 = (44 − 4!) ? 4
6 = (4 + 4)? 4 + 4 = 4.4 + 4 ?.4
7 = 4 + 4 − 4 ? 4 = 44 ? 4 − 4
8 = 4 ? 4 ? 4 + 4 = 4.4 − .4 + 4
9 = 4 ? 4 + 4 + 4 = 44 ? 4 − √4
10 = 4 ?√4 + 4 ?√4 = (44 − 4) ? 4
Your game, of course, is much easier than Four Fours because you are not limited by such strict rules. Therefore, you can make many hundreds, if not thousands, of connections between any two random numbers using the number 1, 3, and 7. Let me show you how:
You begin with a number you want to express as a combination of 1, 3, and 7, such as 5165 and you subtract a number you are interested in, such as 37x137:
5165 - 37x137 = 96
Then you write 96 in terms of similar numbers that you like, such as:
96 = 1 + 73 + 7 x 3 + 1
96 = 37 + 3 x 7 + 37 + 1
96 = 62 (Torah) + 27 (Riddle) + 7
etc., etc., etc.
Then you could repeat the same process, beginning with some other number you like, such as 37 x 73 = 2701:
5165 - 2701 = 2464
And then you could write 2464 in terms of other numbers you like, and repeat the process. There is no meaning to any of this. Your belief that these facts are proof of "design" is utterly delusional. You can find connections like this with any random number.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-15-2017, 11:32 AM
But "The Center" = 98 might be cherry picking there.
So lets say its because 98 = 7X(7+7)
Well go to verse nr 7+7+7 & its total value = 2X Prime nr 22 + 401 (Word nr 137 by rotation in Gen 1:1 which is Aleph & Tav, The CW of Gen 1:1)
Which is the first & last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. & there are 22 letters of this alphabet.
And guess what, the CW of Genesis 1:1 (401) is the only word made up of a Prime in Gen 1:1.
I think there has been a mistake. TV(Vs(21)) = 5834 whereas 2 x (Pr(22) + 401) = 960 (if we start counting primes at 2 as is the mathematical standard) or 948 if we take Pr(22) = 73 (i.e. count 1 as the first prime). Obviously, there's a problem here.
It is important that you state your meaning clearly. Do you consistently count primes starting at 1 or do you switch back and forth to make your patterns work? I've seen you do both. Such inconsistency is the hallmark of delusional numerology.
10-15-2017, 04:51 PM
Your game, of course, is much easier than Four Fours because you are not limited by such strict rules. Therefore, you can make many hundreds, if not thousands, of connections between any two random numbers using the number 1, 3, and 7. Let me show you how:
You begin with a number you want to express as a combination of 1, 3, and 7, such as 5165 and you subtract a number you are interested in, such as 37x137:
5165 - 37x137 = 96
Then you write 96 in terms of similar numbers that you like, such as:
96 = 1 + 73 + 7 x 3 + 1
96 = 37 + 3 x 7 + 37 + 1
96 = 62 (Torah) + 27 (Riddle) + 7
etc., etc., etc.
Then you could repeat the same process, beginning with some other number you like, such as 37 x 73 = 2701:
5165 - 2701 = 2464
Yes but I have not used 1+37 to represent a Alpha. I am not sure if that would be valid.
I don't think it would not be too far fetched if he uses that one.
But if I started going like the examples you are giving then yes, I would be cherry picking.
But I am quite sure 1+3+7 is valid. But I don't take it that far that I start going 7X10 + 3X7....
And when it comes to number 1 as the first Prime, I only use that method now.
And its not (22 Pri + 401). Its
5834 = 2X Prime nr (22+401)
10-15-2017, 05:19 PM
TV(Vs(37x73) = 7 x Pr(62 = Torah)
But what does this have to do with Alpha? Nothing at all. There is no reference to Alpha in that equation, so why did you present it as evidence of the "Grand Code" based on Alpha? To see your error, all you need to do is to suppose that there were no connection with Alpha anywhere in the Bible at all. That equation would still remain true. Therefore, that equation has nothing to do with Alpha being coded in the Bible.
Yes it did not, but God is not consistent with giving you the same exact number all the way. He usually uses different numbers but they are like fingerprints. And he really likes "Torah". And there is consistency in the connections he uses in the different verses.
But maybe you don't think it is consistent. But I do.
That's why we see "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3) in the Center word of Vs(62 "Torah" in A=1 B=2 C=3)
It's like when you go to verse nr 1601 (Value of verse nr 401)
- First word = 137 + 729 (Inverse a Alpha & a Alpha) [Hit]
- Last word = 10 X (Prime orders of 37 & 73 added) [Referance to Gen 1:1]
- CW = 10X 1+37 (Hmmmm 137 ??)
- First, & last words = 1+7 X 2X 1+37
- First, last & CW = 1000 + 596 (CW in verse nr 203)
- Total value = 3X1000 + 378 (Tri 27)
= 3X1000 + (A=1 B=2 C=3) "In the beginning" 137 + 241 "In the beginning" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
10-15-2017, 05:54 PM
But I am quite sure that he uses 1+37 as a Alpha now.
Took a quick check on verse nr 1+37 and behold
- Total value = 298 (2X 37+112) + 2701 (37X73) = Total value of both ordinal & standard of Genesis 1:1 (wow)
- Nr of words = 1+6+1+8 (Golden Ratio)
- Nr of letters = 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Words + letters = 78 "Genesis (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First word = 316 (Center word of verse nr 777) = 2x "The Center Word" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Last word = 23 (Aleph & Tav = Center word of Genesis 1:1)
- There are 2 Center words: (1) 55 = "God" (A=26 B=25 C=24) --- (2) 104 = "Aleph and Tav" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Center words added = Pythagorean Prime nr 7 + Pythagorean Prime nr 7 + Pythagorean Prime nr 7 = 3X "Torah" in Hebrew ordinal
- Add 3 & 7 = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "a Alpha" 39 + 137
- Add words ordered at: 1, 3, 7 = 4X 123 "a Alpha" (A=26 B= 25 C=24)
- Words surrounding the CW = 7 X 27 (A+Z = English Equivalent of the Center word in Gen 1:1)
- First & last word = 3X 113 "Universe" (A=1 B=2 C=3) --- I suspect number 113 might also connects to a Alpha since it ends with 13 (Prime order of 37) instead of 37. But that is a jump right now. I have not gone into the depths on that one.
- First, last & CW = 2X "The Lord God" 112+137 "The God of Truth"
10-15-2017, 06:38 PM
And hey take a look at verse nr 10X 1+37
- Total value = 7X23 X 1+3+7
- Nr of words = 2X3 (ordinal Aleph & Tav = 23)
- Nr of letters = 8+8+8 (Aleph & Tav also represents Jesus)
- Words + letters = "e" 5 + 25 "Pi"
- First word = 401 "Aleph & Tav"
- Last word = 19 X 1+3+7 = 1 + 208 "He created it"
- The 37th word by rotation = 401 (Aleph & Tav)
- The 137th word by rotation = 37 X 1+3+7 "and" (first word made up of 37 in the Bible)
- Adding word nr 37 & 137 by rot. = 107 + 701 ---- 107 = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Treasure" = "The Lord" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- Words added of the orders of 1, 3 & 7 (by rot) = "In the beginning" 913 + 296 "the earth"
- CW = 137X3 + 3X56 "light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First & last word = 10X 61 "Hebrew"/"Miracle" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- a Alpha is connected to the speed of light & the Eng Gen 1:1 is made up of a Alpha
- First, last & CW = 1 + 137X3 + 777
English Genesis 1:1 = 137X3 (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 777 (A=26 B=25 C=24)
10-15-2017, 07:04 PM
Lets take it one step further and check verse nr 100X 1+37
- Total value = 1+3+7 X 104 "Aleph and Tav" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Nr of words = 1+6+1+8 (Golden Ratio)
- Nr of letters = 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First word = 7 X 61 "Hebrew"/"Miracle" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Last word = Triangle nr 1+7
- Add word nr 3 & 7 = 1 + 7 + 23X37
- Add words ordered at: 1, 3, 7 = 1286 ("God" = 86 & the center letter of "God" in Gen 1:1 is letter nr 12) --- And we know that if we add letters there from 12 to 21 = 23X37
- Word nr 37 by rot. = 1+7 X Prime order of 37 & 137 added
- Word nr 137 by rot. = 1 + 113 "universe" (Eng) + 395 "universe" (Heb)
- Word nr 37 & 137 by rot. added = 5X 177 (Center words added in the 2 center verses of the Torah)
- There are 2 center words here: (1) 347 (Prime nr 7X10) --- (2) = 1 + 113 "universe" (Eng) + 395 "universe" (Heb) = Prime nr 7X(7+7)
- CW added = 2X CW of Vs(137) = 2X (A+Z + Aleph+Tav)
- First & last words = Prime nr 13X7
- First, last & CW= 1000 + Mirror of 913 "In the beginning" = 1000 + 7+2+9 + 1+3+7 + 7+2+9
a Alpha is: 1/137... = 0,00729....
10-15-2017, 08:32 PM
And out check out Vs(Pri 1+37)
- TV = 1+7 X Mirror of 137+777
- Nr.W = 1+3+7+0+3
- Nr.L = 23 + 27 (First & last letters of Hebrew & English in ordinal)
- W+L = 1+7 X 1+7 = 3+1+4 X 3+1+4 (Pi)
- F.W =96 "Knowledge" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- L.W = 31 "God"
- F.W + L.W = 100 + 27 (A+Z)
- 37 by rot. = 1 + 137X3
- 137 by rot. = 10 + 137X3
- There is 2 CW: (1) = Mirror of 314 (Pi) --- (2) = 31 "God"
- CW added = 1+3+7 X3 + 137X3
- FLCW = CW of Vs(165 "Thirty Seven" in A=1 B=2 C=3)
Are we starting to see some design here or are you drunk ?
Richard Amiel McGough
10-15-2017, 09:38 PM
And out check out Vs(Pri 1+37)
- TV = 1+7 X Mirror of 137+777
- Nr.W = 1+3+7+0+3
- Nr.L = 23 + 27 (First & last letters of Hebrew & English in ordinal)
- W+L = 1+7 X 1+7 = 3+1+4 X 3+1+4 (Pi)
- F.W =96 "Knowledge" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- L.W = 31 "God"
- F.W + L.W = 100 + 27 (A+Z)
- 37 by rot. = 1 + 137X3
- 137 by rot. = 10 + 137X3
- There is 2 CW: (1) = Mirror of 314 (Pi) --- (2) = 31 "God"
- CW added = 1+3+7 X3 + 137X3
- FLCW = CW of Vs(165 "Thirty Seven" in A=1 B=2 C=3)
Are we starting to see some design here or are you drunk ?
If anyone is drunk, it is you Alex. You are totally drunk on your delusional numerology. You are still using your utterly idiotic equation in your signature, even after I explained why it is idiotic! What's wrong with your brain? You never respond to any of the evidence I present. All you do is repeat the same errors over and over and over again, with ZERO intelligence or self-awareness.
Here again is my explanation why your signature equation is meaningless (from post #294):
"In the beginning" (A=1 B=2 C=3) + (A=26 B=25 C=24) = Triangle nr 27 "Riddle"
You get exactly the same number no matter what phrase you use, so long as it contains 14 letters. This is because when you add the ordinal value and the reverse value, the value of the letter cancels out and all you get is
a (1) + a (26) = 27
b (2) + b (25) = 27
c (3) + c (24) = 27
Therefore, you will always get 14 x 27 for a phrase with 14 letters. It has absolutely nothing to do with the meaning of the phrase. For example:
STUPID BULLSHIT = CRAP NUMEROLOGY = 14 x 27 = "In the beginning" = Triangle nr 27 "Riddle" ...
Nothing could be more absurd than your crap numerology. I've explained this to you before. How is it possible you could continue in such blatant error? When will you wake up to this fact?
10-15-2017, 10:22 PM
If you are not drunk, then there is something else wrong with you; maybe self-deception is the right words ?
Ah yes &I know that all words with the same nr of letters becomes the same when adding ordinal & reverse ordinal.
But God is very specific of his words that he chooses which you are to check.
The 7 words of Genesis 1:1 is very important.
- "In the beginning" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 137
- "In the beginning" (A=26 B=25 C=24) = 241
Now check out verse nr 137+241
- TV = 3000 + 137 + 401 (Hmmmmmmmmmmm Design) = 2X (1+3+7 + 7+2+9 X 61)
- Nr.W = 5 (Tri) (Light is created in the first day which is described in the 5 first verses)
- Nr. L = 56 "light" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 61 "Hebrew"/"Miracle"
- F.W = 31 "God" (Hebrew Singular)
- LW = 41 "God" [ord]
- F.W + L.W = 72 = Mirror of A+Z
- FLCW = 4X 123 "a Alpha" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- CW = 10X (1+3+7+0+3 + 7+2+9+7+3) = 10X CW of Vs(1618 = Golden Ratio) = 10X First, last & center letters of English Gen 1:1
- a Alpha is: 1/137,03... = 0,0072973...
That's why you see in verse nr 111 "a Alpha" (Eng Standard)
- TV = 10X 137+241
- Nr.W = 2nd Square X 3
- Nr.L = 41 "God" [ord] = Prime nr (1+3+7+0+3 = 3+1+4+1+5)
- W+L = 53 "Torah" [ord] = Pri(Prime nr 3+1+4)
- F.W = 37 (111 = 3X37)
- L.W = 2nd Square X 3 X 1+37 = 4X mirror of 137X3
- F.W + L.W = Prime nr 3+1+4 X (1+3+7 + 7+2+9)
- The are 2 CW: (1) = 7+2+9 --- (2) = 7X 37+73 = 7th Square X 1+3+7
- CW added = 1+3+7 + 777
- FLCW = 1000 + Prime nr 61 "Hebrew"/"Miracle" (A=1 B=2 C=3 = 1000 + Factor of the 777 Holograph = 3X7 X 61
- The first word ("In the beginning" = 913) of Gen 1:1 when counted by rotation is nr = 729 (a Alpha) & it starts with letter nr 729 by rot.
- The CW (401) of Gen 1:1 when counted by rot. is nr = 137 (inverse a Alpha)
- 913 + 401 = (Pi) 314 + 729 (a Alpha) + 271 (e)
You need to wake up.
10-16-2017, 12:33 AM
Verse nr 137 & 241 integrated
- TV = (Mirror of "God") 13 X 319 (Mirror of "In the beginning") = Prime order of 37 X (1+3+7 X 1+3+7+7+2+9)
- Nr.W = 10+7 = Prime nr 3+1+4
- Nr.L = 7 X 3rd Square
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 80 (Prime order of 401) = 10X 3+1+4
- F.W = (A+Z) 27 + 72 (Mirror) = "Physics" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- L.W = 4X Prime nr 39 "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- W.Nr 37 by rot. = 158 "The Center Word" (A=1 B=2 C0=3)
- W.Nr 137 by rot. = 473 "Genesis" (Greek) = 1+3+7 X Mirrored Prime order of 137
- W.Nr 37 & 137 by rot. added = Prime nr 116 (CW of Vs(37X73) = CW of Vs(137X3+777) = Mirror of "Torah")
- F.W + L.W = Mirror of Prime nr 1+37
- CW = 10X Mirror of 137X3
- FLCW = 7X19 X 1+3+7 (719 = "beginning" in Greek)
Starting to see any clearer ??
10-16-2017, 12:49 AM
And you see all the 1+3+7, 3+1+4....
Total value of Vs(3+1+4) = 5X 137+314 :eek: = TV of Vs(729+777)
And we know the CW of Vs(729) = 777 :eek:
The first word with a value of 314 is found in verse nr Tri(3+1+4) :eek:
Hey and guess what the TV of Vs Tri(3+1+4) is ??
Its = 37X73 + CW of Vs(137) + CW of Vs(729) :eek:
See that? That is God showing you how deluded you are.
You have nothing to come with to "debunk" anything now Richard.
I was right, and you loose big time.
10-22-2017, 02:04 AM
Good day Richard. I got really tired of the "Physics Holograph" because I did a bad job at it when I did it for some years ago. I also did not know all the connection like I should when I did it then.
But its redone now so it would be interesting to hear what you think about it.
And should I include the connections to the names like "in the beginning" in that picture, or should I include them in the information part of the Holograph which I have not done yet ? What do you think ?
Richard Amiel McGough
10-22-2017, 09:18 AM
- The first word ("In the beginning" = 913) of Gen 1:1 when counted by rotation is nr = 729 (a Alpha) & it starts with letter nr 729 by rot.
What does "by rotation" mean in that sentence?
From our past discussion, I understood "by rotation" as your way of saying "modulo n" where n is usually 7 or 28. But neither of those numbers work in this case, so I don't know what you meant.
913 mod 7 = 3
729 mod 7 = 1
913 mod 28 = 17
729 mod 28 = 1
Or are you just pointing out the fact that the first word and first letter are both indexed by the number 1, and you think this is significant because 1 = 729 mod 7? If that's what you meant I don't see the significance because that is true for every sentence ever written in the history of the world, so it obviously is not a sign of design.
10-22-2017, 11:01 AM
It means that if you count by rotation in cycles of Genesis 1:1, for a total nr of 104 cycles; then you see the first word = 729
1 + 7X104 "Aleph and Tav" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 729
And as for the first letter in the first word
1 + 28X26 "God" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 729
Richard Amiel McGough
10-22-2017, 11:38 AM
It means that if you count by rotation in cycles of Genesis 1:1, for a total nr of 104 cycles; then you see the first word = 729
1 + 7X104 "Aleph and Tav" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 729
And as for the first letter in the first word
1 + 28X26 "God" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 729
You really should use standard mathematical nomenclature. And you really should explicitly state what modulus you are using. Simply saying "by rotation" is not sufficiently specific for anyone to know what you are talking about.And it's clumsy and confusing. All you were saying is that 729 = 1 mod 7. How is that a sign of design? And what does it have to do with the first word and first letter of Genesis? Your "connection" with those two instances of the number 1 are true for every sentence ever written! Anything and everything indexed by the number 1 is "connected" to every 7th number starting with 1 using modular arithmetic! It is no sign of design. The first turd I dropped in the toilet this morning is equal to 729 "by rotation." Allah begins with the first letter A so is that a sign of design? There is no logic to your "connections." They are utterly meaningless.
And why did you include the number 913 when it had nothing to do with the numbers in that statement you wrote? That creates confusion.
10-22-2017, 02:46 PM
I can admit using the number 913 there was a bit clumsy. I have a habit of repeating things too much.
But you see the center word of Genesis 1:1 does not hit number 37, 777 or 703, but 137.
But it also hits the numbers: 39 "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3) & 123 "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
And wee se clear connections in verse nr 137 and many other places that this is significant.
Go to verse nr 137
- Nr of W. = 1+3+7
- Nr of L.
- TV =2X 100+1000+ 3X 137 = 2X Prime nr 241 "In the beginning" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- Center word = (A+Z) 27 + 401 "Aleph+Tav" = CW of Vs(1) + CW of Vs(A+Z)
- F.W + L.W = "God" 86 + "Aleph & Tav" = 373 +114 (Heart of the Logos Star = mirror of 137X3)
- FLCW = 1 + 137 + 777
- Words surrounding CW =(Pi) 314 + 413 (Mirror)
- The CW is word nr 39 "a Alpha" by rotation.
Ok maybe I was just lucky there.
So now search number 401 (Aleph & Tav) on the gemtria search tool.
Scroll a bit down and you see the word "understand" in Neh 8:13 (813 = TV of verse nr 3 that describes the creation of light)
- Nr of words = 1+6+1+8 (Golden Ratio)
- Nr of letters = 69 "Pi, e a Alpha" = 3X 23 (Prime order of Aleph & Tab)
- Total value of this verse = 3X Pri(212 = Value of word nr 37 "Light"" that starts with letter nr 137 a Alpha)
- CW = 227 (22/7 =3,14... (3 digits of Pi) --- 401 = Pri(10X 3+1+4)
- FLW =20X Pri-ord(137)
- FLCW = 907 = Mirrored factor of the TV in verse nr 7297 (4 digits of a Alpha X 1000 000)
Well what do you think God was trying to get us to "understand" there ?? :pop2:
a Alpha is connected to light as we know.
- Total value of Vs(137+401) = 7 X 137 a Alpha
- Total value of Vs(729+401) = (Signature) ---> "The Lord" 26 X 86 "God" <--- (Signature)
- CW added of Genesis 1:1 + Vs(401) = Prime nr 137
- Total value of Vs(137) = CW of Vs(23X37) +-37X73
- Add TV of Vs(104) + Vs(401) = CW of Vs(23X37) + TV of Vs(137) + CW of Vs(23X37)
Richard Amiel McGough
10-22-2017, 06:11 PM
I can admit using the number 913 there was a bit clumsy. I have a habit of repeating things too much.
Good. I agree.
But what about the absolutely idiotic absurdity of your "connections" between the index of the first word and the first letter with the number 729? You had said:
- The first word ("In the beginning" = 913) of Gen 1:1 when counted by rotation is nr = 729 (a Alpha) & it starts with letter nr 729 by rot.
The same thing could be said for every sentence ever written! It is no sign of design! It has absolutely nothing to do with the specific sentence found in Genesis 1. All you are saying is that 729 mod 28 = 1. There is no sign of design. Your numerology is utterly moronic.
10-23-2017, 12:44 AM
Ok, so its not relevant ?
Can you give us some reasons of why. And the first words or CW does not hit nr 137 & 729 everywhere like you would like us to believe.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-23-2017, 06:54 AM
Ok, so its not relevant ?
Can you give us some reasons of why. And the first words or CW does not hit nr 137 & 729 everywhere like you would like us to believe.
I already gave you the reasons. I explained it twice and you never responded. It has nothing to do with the first word or CW hitting 137 and 729. Where did you get that idea? Why don't you quote the words I actually wrote and respond to them?
10-23-2017, 07:47 AM
But what about the absolutely idiotic absurdity of your "connections" between the index of the first word and the first letter with the number 729? You had said:
- The first word ("In the beginning" = 913) of Gen 1:1 when counted by rotation is nr = 729 (a Alpha) & it starts with letter nr 729 by rot.
The same thing could be said for every sentence ever written! It is no sign of design! It has absolutely nothing to do with the specific sentence found in Genesis 1. All you are saying is that 729 mod 28 = 1. There is no sign of design. Your numerology is utterly moron
Ok, we are going to make a rule.
When I say counted by rotation or "rot."
Then it means that I counted in cycles in that verse until I arrived to the number we want regarding a word/letter of that verse.
Its as simple as that.
I am not going to use the "mod" term for reasons of simplicity.
I get confused by the word "mod", I know of too many things that are related to the word "mod"
Like a "mod" to a game
Like a "mod" to a program
Like a "weapon-mod"
So I prefer "by rotation" when I address that method.
Now on the absurdity of my "connections"
I don't understand how the connection to the first word when counted by rot. = 729
and that the first letter when counted by rot. = 729
is "absurd".
Neither do I understand that the CW of Gen 1:1 when counted by rot. = 137
also is "absurd".
All you are saying is that 729 mod 28 = 1
Well see the way you put that up there. That is confusing.
Its better to say: Letter nr 1 (by rot) = 729
much more simple and neat.
10-23-2017, 07:55 AM
And if we want the most neat way of displaying it:
L/ Y (by rot) = X
Richard Amiel McGough
10-23-2017, 10:22 AM
Ok, we are going to make a rule.
When I say counted by rotation or "rot."
Then it means that I counted in cycles in that verse until I arrived to the number we want regarding a word/letter of that verse.
Its as simple as that.
Your rule is missing an essential piece of information. You need to specify the number you are using in your "rotation." It is frustrating and confusing to have to guess if you are using 7, 28, or some other number.
Now on the absurdity of my "connections"
I don't understand how the connection to the first word when counted by rot. = 729
and that the first letter when counted by rot. = 729
is "absurd".
Neither do I understand that the CW of Gen 1:1 when counted by rot. = 137
also is "absurd".
Well see the way you put that up there. That is confusing.
Its better to say: Letter nr 1 (by rot) = 729
much more simple and neat.
Your words are not true. Letter nr 1 is the second letter Bet. It is not equal to 1 by rot. It is equal to 2. Of course, what you really meant to say is that the positional INDEX of the first letter is 1, and that is the same as 729 "by rot."
It would be absurd to say that is a sign of design because it is true for every sentence ever written. The first word and first letter are always indexed by the number 1. So there is no sign of design in this example.
As for the CW, I didn't mention that when I spoke of the absurdity of your connection. I was speaking specifically of the absurdity of thinking there is design in the fact that the index of the first word and first letter is 1.
10-23-2017, 10:47 AM
Your rule is missing an essential piece of information. You need to specify the number you are using in your "rotation." It is frustrating and confusing to have to guess if you are using 7, 28, or some other number.
Well my rule includes the given fact that when I count by rotation in a verse, I always use the "specified number" which is the sum of the nr of words (usually) or letters.
There is really nothing more to it.
So if its the center word of verse nr x we are talking about, I usually give you the nr of words to that verse also so you can check.
I think this is a simple & good way of doing it.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-23-2017, 02:13 PM
Neither do I understand that the CW of Gen 1:1 when counted by rot. = 137
also is "absurd".
The CW or Gen 1:1 has the value 401. It is not equal to 137 by rotating either by 7 or 28.
What you actually meant was that 137 mod 7 = 4 and 4 is the positional index of the center word. You need to state what you mean with clarity.
Of course, it is also true that the number 4 is equivalent to 11, 18, 25, 32, 39, 46, 53, 60, etc., etc., etc. using your method. You just cherry pick numbers you like from a mountain of random numbers.
I see no sign of any design in that trivial coincidence which is true for any sentence consisting of 7 words.
For example, the CW of this sentence is in position 4:
You numerology is absurd and meaningless crap.
10-23-2017, 04:28 PM
Well I think it is very clear that it is significant.
"Aleph & Tav" is Jesus since he is the first and last.
But Aleph & Tav is also word nr 137 by rotation in Genesis 1:1
a ALpha is connected to light.
That is why we see:
Center word of verse nr 401 = 16X 23 (ordinal of the first & last letter in Hebrew which is Aleph & Tav)
First & last words of verse nr 401 = 397 "Jesus" (Hebrew)
In verse nr 137+401
- First word = 257 = CW of Vs(207 "light" in Hebrew)
- Last word = 373 "Word" (Jesus)
- First & Last word = 7 X 90 "king"
- CW = 7 X (Prime order of 37 + Prime order of 73)
- Total value = 7 X 137 "In the beginning"
So maybe that's why Aleph & Tav is word nr 137 by rot.
So the message is: In the beginning Aleph & Tav
But you can always cherry pick what you think is significant.
We know already know you have a habit of doing that.
You numerology is absurd and meaningless crap
Nope. You are meaningless and absurd. I have lots of info that tells me that I am right ;)
Richard Amiel McGough
10-23-2017, 04:47 PM
Well I think it is very clear that it is significant.
"Aleph & Tav" is Jesus since he is the first and last.
But Aleph & Tav is also word nr 137 by rotation in Genesis 1:1
a ALpha is connected to light.
Aleph and Tav just happens to be the fourth word in the sentence. Your "connection" to 137 is meaningless because it is also "connected" to the numbers 11, 18, 25, 32, 39, 46, 53, 60, (etc., etc., etc. to infinity) using your method. You are cherry picking from an infinite set. There is no reason to think it is a sign of design. One out of every seven integers is "connected" to 137 using your method! It is totally meaningless.
10-23-2017, 05:20 PM
No its not meaningless. Don't be stupid.
10-23-2017, 05:42 PM
Aleph and Tav just happens to be the fourth word in the sentence. Your "connection" to 137 is meaningless
God just happens to be all-knowing. So every little detail is taken into account. But God seems to pick some favorite things to focus on if you ask me. You would have to ask him why he does it like that.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-23-2017, 06:45 PM
God just happens to be all-knowing. So every little detail is taken into account. But God seems to pick some favorite things to focus on if you ask me. You would have to ask him why he does it like that.
There is no sign of any "God" doing anything. You are cherry picking numbers just like every other numerologist who has ever existed.
You need to respond to the points I have made. Merely asserting that your numerology was "designed by God" is totally meaningless. That's what every deluded numerologist and every failed date setting doomsday prophet has been doing for centuries. They've all been proven wrong.
Here again is my explanation why that connection is meaningless. You need to respond to the points I have made and explain why they are not correct:
Aleph and Tav just happens to be the fourth word in the sentence. Your "connection" to 137 is meaningless because it is also "connected" to the numbers 11, 18, 25, 32, 39, 46, 53, 60, (etc., etc., etc. to infinity) using your method. You are cherry picking from an infinite set. There is no reason to think it is a sign of design. One out of every seven integers is "connected" to 137 using your method! It is totally meaningless.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-23-2017, 06:48 PM
God just happens to be all-knowing. So every little detail is taken into account. But God seems to pick some favorite things to focus on if you ask me. You would have to ask him why he does it like that.
If there is an all-knowing God, then the one thing we can know with certainty is that he did not design his word with numerology that is utterly indistinguishable from what you could find in a random data set. It would be idiotic for him to use the same methods common to delusional numerology.
10-24-2017, 12:43 AM
There is no sign of any "God" doing anything.
Well you are very biased. You have given us many examples of that here now.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-24-2017, 06:45 AM
Well you are very biased. You have given us many examples of that here now.
If that were true, you could show my bias and prove me wrong. But you can't do that, so all you do is make false unfounded assertions without evidence.
I have exposed and explained your errors in great detail. You have not been able to refute a word I've written. And then you repeat the same errors as if they were some sort of refutation. It is absurd. Cherry picking is a blatant error. You claim that God chooses the numbers when in fact you are the one doing it. Nothing could be more ridiculous.
Now don't get me wrong. There are lots of "connections" that are not so obviously cherry picked. If you focused on them and cleaned out your crap connections, you may be able to make a case. But you refuse to do that, and so all your numerology is corrupted with blatant errors.
10-24-2017, 07:52 AM
Nothing is written in Stone here Richard of my work. It is simply work in progress so I think things will get more clear when I get my book.
And about the CW of Gen 1:1 being 137 (by rot)
God gave us a clear sign about this in Vs(137+401) that has a total value of 7X 137
And wee see the design with 37 (203) & 137 (401) by rot. in Gen 1:1
203 + 302 = 505 = 104 + 401
- Adding TV of Vs(203) + Vs(401) = 5005 = TV of Vs(10 X 7 X 211)
- Adding CW of Vs(203) + Vs(401) =4X 241 "In the beginning" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- "In the beginning" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 137
Now go to verse nr 505 & its TV = 4X Prime nr 239 ("Light" in Hebrew = 23X9)
See what God did there ?? He gives you the magic number (7X137) in the jackpot connection here that is put in Vs(137+401).
That is called "Design" Richard. Get over it.
CW of Gen 1:1 + CW of Vs(401) = Prime nr 137
The CW of Gen 1:1 is the only Prime of the 7 words.
10-25-2017, 02:39 AM
If there is an all-knowing God, then the one thing we can know with certainty is that he did not design his word with numerology that is utterly indistinguishable from what you could find in a random data set
And he did not do that. If its any errors here in my codes, its me who misconnected.
This is work in progress that I decide to share.
Some things are very clear here as we can see.
Other things are not so clear.
Take number 711. I am uncertain if its main connection is to the to Hebrew Genesis 1:1 or somewhere else. I think its is mainly connected to "light" now since: 711 = 9 X Pri(23) --- "Light" = 9X23 = 207
That is why the total value of the first verse in Chapter 137 = Prime nr 711
But I did not spot that first. Stupid me, but that's what you get when you share "work in progress". Especially on the codes of God.
That was a error from me just like you the did error of connecting number 123 to the "Holy Spirit" when it is really connected to "a Alpha" (A=26 B=25 C=24).
No one is perfect Richard and God did not design these codes for people who lived 2000 years ago or even 200 years ago. Its designed for people who lives today. For us.
I don't know how many years it took me before I really started to see in the codes. But I had to find out the methods first. And look what I have found by using center words.
I did not just think "Ahh the center words" in the beginning of my research.
It started with the English Genesis 1:1 & when I checked verse nr 137 & saw the center word there.
I am not very smart like you Richard, who knows almost "everything" and ignores "nothing".
I ignore advanced physics because I don't understand all the math connected to it.
I tried to watch the mathematical connection to a Alpha in the Hydrogen Atom & I don't have chance of explaining that to people since I don't have 5 years of education in Physics.
My early work in the codes was really bad, and you remember that. Full of errors and misconnections.
Certain parts in this thread is also not so very good. But I did that on purpose since I withheld a lot of the good connections. But you have gotten several of them now.
If you notice, I kind of fool around until page nr 27. That's when I start going real serious.
That was on purpose because I got tired of keeping it to myself. But I have lot of more.
You can consider this thread as a bad demo of my book.
And you are not getting more now. I will only use previous examples which I have already shared from here.
And I think its time for you to admit some of your errors.
10-25-2017, 04:41 AM
But I will give you one last connection regarding the rotation method.
Prime order of 37 = 13
Nr of verses in the first chapter = 31 (mirror)
Count by rotation in cycles to verse nr 137 in the first chapter & you hit verse nr 13
Verse nr 13
- Total value = 22 X 61 "Hebrew"/Miracle" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
= "God" 86 + 68 (Mirror) + 137X3 (Genesis 1:1) + 777 (Mirrored gematria of Genesis 1:1)
- Center word = 333 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- "seven hundred seventy and seven" is the words that are found in verse nr 137
- First & last words = 3X 227 --- And that is a very very very special number that is getting saved for the book. It its connected to this and you just have to take my word for it now.
- FLCW = 100+137+777 = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "God" 26 X 39 "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
See that is very clear messages Richard.
Its like when you add total values of Vs(6 = 37th Vs by rot. in 1st Chp.) & Vs(13 = 137th Vs by rot. in 1st Chp.)
= 2X TV of Vs(114+411)
- 411 = 137X3 = English Genesis 1:1
And its not "Random".
Dream on if you think it is.
Because CW of these two verses added = (A + Z) 27 + 401 (Aleph & Tav) = CW of Vs(137)
And FLCW = 1000 + FLCW of John 1:1
And John 1:1 = "a Alpha" 39 X its mirror.
FLCW of John 1:1 = "God" 86 + 400 "Tav"
"Tav" signify "mark," "sign" and "signature."
So you don't really stand a chance if you think you can debunk me.
Its impossible in the way God does this. And I am holding back some really good parts.
10-25-2017, 05:06 AM
Its not a "small thing" that
- Total value of Vs(13 = 137 by rot. when counted by rotation in cycles in the first chapter)
= "God" 86 + 68 (Mirror) + 137X3 (Genesis 1:1) + 777 (Mirrored gematria of Genesis 1:1)
Since the TV of verse nr 137
= 2X "The Lord God" 112 + 211 (Mirror) + 137X3 (Genesis 1:1) + 777 (Mirrored gematria of Genesis 1:1)
Do you see how gold number 137 & the English Gen 1:1 is to God ???
10-25-2017, 05:09 AM
Will you admit your error or will you keep on denying truth ??
Like you have said so many times to me, but the table has turned now.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-25-2017, 07:52 AM
Will you admit your error or will you keep on denying truth ??
Like you have said so many times to me, but the table has turned now.
What error? Please state your case with clarity and precision and I will respond.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-25-2017, 08:02 AM
Its not a "small thing" that
- Total value of Vs(13 = 137 by rot.)
I don't understand what you mean when you write 13 = 137 by rot.
Using standard mathematical notation, we have:
13 mod 7 = 6
137 mod 7 = 4
13 mod 28 = 13
137 mod 28 = 25
Or are you using the numbers from vs. 13? Let's see. It has 6 words and 22 letters:
13 mod 6 = 1
137 mod 6 = 5
13 mod 22 = 13
137 mod 22 = 5
Nope. That doesn't work either. So how exactly does 13 = 137 by rot.?
10-25-2017, 10:09 AM
Yes, your understanding tends to diminish when we are talking about counting in rotation by cycles.
Wonder why.
But anyway there are 31 verses in the first chapter.
6 + 31 = 37 (So the 6th verse = 37th verse by rotation when we count in cycles in the first chapter.
13 + 31 +31 + 31 +31 = 137 (So the 13th verse = 137th by rotation when we count in cycles in the first chapter.
Its no wonder why I repeat my self too much here. I am trying to debate you. :doh:
But will you admit your error in all the instances you have said that my methods are bogus ??
Especially the counting by rotation method.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-25-2017, 10:27 AM
Yes, your understanding tends to diminish when we are talking about counting in rotation by cycles.
Wonder why.
But anyway there are 31 verses in the first chapter.
6 + 31 = 37 (So the 6th verse = 37th verse by rotation when we count in cycles in the first chapter.
13 + 31 +31 + 31 +31 = 137 (So the 13th verse = 137th by rotation when we count in cycles in the first chapter.
Its no wonder why I repeat my self too much here. I am trying to debate you. :doh:
You need to repeat yourself because your words are incoherent and your methods are inconsistent.
You never said anything about using the number of verses in a chapter when calculating "by rot." In post #326 you said
Well my rule includes the given fact that when I count by rotation in a verse, I always use the "specified number" which is the sum of the nr of words (usually) or letters.
There is really nothing more to it.
You never "specified" the number so I had to guess. And you said you "always" use either the number of words or the number of letters. You never said a word about using the number of verses in the chapter!
But now that I know what you meant, I can confirm that
13 mod 31 = 13
137 mod 31 = 13
So yes, using the number 31, you can write "13 = 137 by rot (using 31)"
What a load of moronic bullshit!
Debating your numerology is impossible because you can't write with sufficient precision.
But will you admit your error in all the instances you have said that my methods are bogus ??
Especially the counting by rotation method.
You have never shown a single error in any of my refutations of your numerology.
I have shown hundreds of errors in your numerology. I just showed a very big one.
You need to admit the truth.
10-25-2017, 10:30 AM
You have to be kidding me.
Have you debunked me ?
How ?? I think I have answered all your claims.
10-25-2017, 10:42 AM
But I will repeat myself once again.
Its not a "small thing" that
- Total value of Vs(13 = 137 by rotation when we count by cycles in the first chapter of the bible)
= "God" 86 + 68 (Mirror) + 137X3 (Genesis 1:1) + 777 (Mirrored gematria of Genesis 1:1)
Since the TV of verse nr 137
= 2X "The Lord God" 112 + 211 (Mirror) + 137X3 (Genesis 1:1) + 777 (Mirrored gematria of Genesis 1:1)
Richard Amiel McGough
10-25-2017, 11:08 AM
You have to be kidding me.
Have you debunked me ?
How ?? I think I have answered all your claims.
Oh really? Then please explain how you discern between design and meaningless random numbers using your numerology.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-25-2017, 11:11 AM
But I will repeat myself once again.
Its not a "small thing" that
- Total value of Vs(13 = 137 by rotation when we count by cycles in the first chapter of the bible)
= "God" 86 + 68 (Mirror) + 137X3 (Genesis 1:1) + 777 (Mirrored gematria of Genesis 1:1)
Since the TV of verse nr 137
= 2X "The Lord God" 112 + 211 (Mirror) + 137X3 (Genesis 1:1) + 777 (Mirrored gematria of Genesis 1:1)
On the contrary, there is no reason to think there is any design in those relations. If you disagree, you need to explain how you discern between meaningless random numbers vs. design.
And you should not be repeating this claim anyway until you admit your error in using the number of verses without ever mentioning that "rule."
And that's the real problem with your numerology. You cherry pick using a huge variety of "rules" so there's no reason anyone would think there is any meaning to it. You have proven that you can find "design" using random numbers that were WRONG and you have no way to discern between crap and design.
10-25-2017, 01:30 PM
Well now. Lets see.
When we count by rotation in cycles the 7 words or 28 letters of Genesis 1:1 wee see that:
- "The heaven" = Word nr 137X3
- The first letter of "the heaven" = Letter nr 17 (Words added of both Eng & Heb Gen 1:1)
- The center letter of "the heaven" = Letter nr 137X3
- The last letter in "the heaven" = Letter nr 777
- "the earth" = Word nr 777
- First letter in "the earth" = Letter nr 137
- "the earth" does not have a center letter
- The last letter in "the earth" = Letter nr 7+2+9+7+3
- The Center word hits the numbers: 39 "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3) --- 123 "a Alpha" (A=26 B=25 C=24) Word nr 137
- The first letter of the CW hits the numbers = 95 "Light a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3) --- 207 "Light" (heb) --- 703 (37th Triangle)
- TV of Vs(395) = 3X1000 + CW of Vs(137) = 37X73 + 137X3 + CW of Vs(777)
- TV of Vs(296) =Pri(1+3+7) X Pri(1+3+7+0+3 + 7+2+9+7+3 = CW of Vs(1618 = The Golden Ratio))
. TV of Vs(395+137X3) = Pri-ord(7)X1000 + 137 + 241 ("in the beginning" in both Eng ord & rev ord) = Pri(10X 1X3X7)
- TV of Vs(137+401) = 7 X 137
- CW of Vs(395) =211 = Mirror of "The Lord God"
- CW of Vs(296) = 2X 173 (mirrored 2 last digits of 137)
- CW of Vs(395+137X3) = Tri(7) + Square(7) + Star(7) = 10X (1+3+7 X3)
- CW of Vs(296+777) = Pri-ord(37) + Pri-ord(137)
- CW of Vs(137+401) = 7X Pri-ord(37) + Pri-ord(73) = 7X CW of Vs(296+777)
Lets see... If we add the TV of Vs(137X3) & Vs(777) = Pri(2X 401)
Hmmmm. What does Aleph & Tav have to do with the English Genesis 1:1 ??
Can it be the fact that it is the 137th word by rotation when counting in cycles of the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 ?
I mean this is starting to be very obvious.
So will you admit to your error now Richard?? You obviously was way off track in your judgement on many things concerning your claims of my cherry picking.
Cherry Pick this:
- The Center word of Gen 1:1 = 401 = Aleph + Tav
W. nr 37 (by rot) + W. nr 137 (by rot) in Genesis 1:1 is: 203 + 401
= ("Light" 56 + 137 "In the beginning" = CW of Vs(113 "universe" in A=1 B=2 C=3) + 137X3)
In verse nr 16 (Center verse of the 1st Chapter)
W. nr 37 by rot. = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Light" 56 + 137
W. Nr 137 by rot. = 61 "Hebrew"/"Miracle" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = CW in Vs(3 X 7th Palindromic Prime) = Mirror of 16 (1+6+1+8)
Sum = CW in Vs(112 = "The Lord God" in Hebrew) = 3X Pri(36) --- 3X36 = 108 "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
In the last verse of the first chapter (Vs 31)
- W. nr 37 by rot. = Tri(1+3+7)
- W. nr 137 by rot. = 86 "God" (Heb Stand)
- Sum = 2X 71 "God" (Eng Stand)
Sum of both W. nr 37 & 137 both by rot. in verses ordered at the first, last & center of the first chapter
=1000 + "Light" 56 + 137 "In the beginning"
And that was the end of this debate. I am not wasting more energy on this now.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-25-2017, 01:32 PM
Well now. Lets see.
When we count by rotation in cycles the 7 words or 28 letters of Genesis 1:1 wee see that:
- "The heaven" = Word nr 137X3
- The first letter of "the heaven" = Letter nr 17 (Words added of both Eng & Heb Gen 1:1)
- The center letter of "the heaven" = Letter nr 137X3
- The last letter in "the heaven" = Letter nr 777
- "the earth" = Word nr 777
- First letter in "the earth" = Letter nr 137
- "the earth" does not have a center letter
- The last letter in "the earth" = Letter nr 7+2+9+7+3
- The Center word hits the numbers: 39 "a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3) --- 123 "a Alpha" (A=26 B=25 C=24) Word nr 137
- The first letter of the CW hits the numbers = 95 "Light a Alpha" (A=1 B=2 C=3) --- 207 "Light" (heb) --- 703 (37th Triangle)
- TV of Vs(395) = 3X1000 + CW of Vs(137) = 37X73 + 137X3 + CW of Vs(777)
- TV of Vs(296) =Pri(1+3+7) X Pri(1+3+7+0+3 + 7+2+9+7+3 = CW of Vs(1618 = The Golden Ratio))
. TV of Vs(395+137X3) = Pri-ord(7)X1000 + 137 + 241 ("in the beginning" in both Eng ord & rev ord) = Pri(10X 1X3X7)
- TV of Vs(137+401) = 7 X 137
- CW of Vs(395) =211 = Mirror of "The Lord God"
- CW of Vs(296) = 2X 173 (mirrored 2 last digits of 137)
- CW of Vs(395+137X3) = Tri(7) + Square(7) + Star(7) = 10X (1+3+7 X3)
- CW of Vs(296+777) = Pri-ord(37) + Pri-ord(137)
- CW of Vs(137+401) = 7X Pri-ord(37) + Pri-ord(73) = 7X CW of Vs(296+777)
Lets see... If we add the TV of Vs(137X3) & Vs(777) = Pri(2X 401)
Hmmmm. What does Aleph & Tav have to do with the English Genesis 1:1 ??
Can it be the fact that it is the 137th word by rotation when counting in cycles of the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 ?
I mean this is starting to be very obvious.
So will you admit to your error now Richard?? You obviously was way off track in your judgement on many things concerning your claims of my cherry picking.
Cherry Pick this:
- The Center word of Gen 1:1 = 401 = Aleph + Tav
W. nr 37 (by rot) + W. nr 137 (by rot) in Genesis 1:1 is: 203 + 401
= ("Light" 56 + 137 "In the beginning" = CW of Vs(113 "universe" in A=1 B=2 C=3) + 137X3)
In verse nr 16 (Center verse of the 1st Chapter)
W. nr 37 by rot. = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Light" 56 + 137
W. Nr 137 by rot. = 61 "Hebrew"/"Miracle" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = CW in Vs(3 X 7th Palindromic Prime) = Mirror of 16 (1+6+1+8)
Sum = CW in Vs(112 = "The Lord God" in Hebrew) = 3X Pri(36) --- 3X36 = 108 "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
In the last verse of the first chapter (Vs 31)
- W. nr 37 by rot. = Tri(1+3+7)
- W. nr 137 by rot. = 86 "God" (Heb Stand)
- Sum = 2X 71 "God" (Eng Stand)
And that was the end of this debate. I am not wasting more energy on this now.
Wow, you really don't seem to understand the meaning of "cherry picking" or the reason why it is such a flagrant error.
I've explained it to you a million times, and you still don't understand.
Cherry picking is the primary error that leads people to believe delusional things.
Presenting more cherry picked results is not a valid defense against the charge of cherry picking.
You need to explain how to discern between "Design" and meaningless numbers cherry picked from a random set. You have never done this. And that's why my critique of your numerology stands.
I have shown that you are cherry picking from a set of millions of possibilities without giving any justification for your choices. You collect a tiny subset of hits and ignore all the misses which accounts for the vast majority of the data. This is why there is no sign of design. It's just cherry picking.
YOu need to answer this point.
10-25-2017, 01:46 PM
Ahh Richard. You really do not have anything else to say do you ?
I mean its easy being you who can just say "not relevant" to almost everything.
What a load of bull and junk.
Dream on.
Richard Amiel McGough
10-25-2017, 02:34 PM
Ahh Richard. You really do not have anything else to say do you ?
I mean its easy being you who can just say "not relevant" to almost everything.
What a load of bull and junk.
Dream on.
I have proven your errors are based on a fundamental cognitive error that causes numerologists to be deluded.
You know my words are true, because you know that the world is filled to overflowing with delusional numerology. Muslims use numerology like yours to prove that Quran was designed by God. Date setting Christians have been using numerology to predict when the Rapture will happen or when Christ will return, and they've always been wrong.
You KNOW that you have no way to discern between "design" vs. meaningless coincidences cherry picked from random data.
You KNOW this because I have asked a million times and you have never answered.
So the conversation is over. I have proven my point. You have failed to answer with any rational defense. You usually don't even attempt to answer. All you do is repeat more cherry picked "hits" as if that were some sort of proof you weren't just cherry picking.
And worst of all: You make up ludicrous rules like counting cycles based on the number of verses in a chapter without even mentioning the number you used (31) or where you got it. And then you had the audacity to blame me for not know that you did something that you never mentioned and that directly contradicted what you said you ALWAYS did!
Your madness is as deep as the ocean. You don't understand basic statistics or even basic mathematical notation.
I can guarantee that your numerology will never convince anyone with any real understanding of mathematics and statistics.
11-03-2017, 03:52 PM
I just found some interesting connections to the creation holograph.
What do you think about it Richard ?
The reduced system is one of four Hebrew gematria systems that are qute known in the gematria community as far as I know.
It has the same values as the standard system but with the zeroes removed. This system goes from 1 to 9 & then starts over again on 1.
Reduced system in English
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=1 K=2 L=3 M=4....
Richard Amiel McGough
11-04-2017, 10:58 AM
I just found some interesting connections to the creation holograph.
What do you think about it Richard ?
The reduced system is one of four Hebrew gematria systems that are qute known in the gematria community as far as I know.
It has the same values as the standard system but with the zeroes removed. This system goes from 1 to 9 & then starts over again on 1.
Reduced system in English
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=1 K=2 L=3 M=4....
I think if you go looking for "connections" to support what you already believe, you will always find them. Doesn't matter what you want to believe. For example, if you want to believe that Jesus is an evil name designed by Lucifer, then you would find "confirmation" in this identity:
JESUS = 666 = LUCIFER (A = 9, B = 18, C = 27 ... )
So before you assert that any numerology is proof of your beliefs, you need to explain why anyone should think that your interpretation is true and all the others are false.
Good luck with that! :rolleyes:
11-04-2017, 01:50 PM
So before you assert that any numerology is proof of your beliefs, you need to explain why anyone should think that your interpretation is true and all the others are false.
Good luck with that!
Thank you. And yes, that is a real challenge.
In this case I think the words "Perfect", Triangle, and "God" compliments each other.
But this is just discovered, I checked the word "Perfect" 3 days ago and found that connection.
If I wanted to "prove" the validity of it then I would go out and try to find connections to it in the Bible.
I have not done this so it may be a act of faith concerning this one.
But you are very true because "cherry picking" if always a danger to consider.
And I don't know how I can really prove that the reduced system is valid, But I have some details that points to that it is, very very hidden I must say, but in a grand way.
And I have found some interesting connections to "the heart of wisdom", which you found. Lets just say that it seems to be very valid, I am not done with that part so its not any use of dragging the example up.
11-04-2017, 02:15 PM
But I can show why the 4 gematria systems is important.
Which are the systems: ordinal, reduced, base 6 & standard.
Here is a image of them which are labeled "The 4 basic ENglish Gematria systems.
They are known systems to use in English Gematria. This site uses them.
I used them before I discovered has used them.
Now write "The Lord God"
Ordinal = 108 --- Base 6 = 648 --- reduced= 54 --- Standard = 468 (same as in starter 37 system)
Sum all 4 basic gematria systems = 1278
Now go to verse nr
137 (Inverse Alpha) + 729 (Alpha) + 271 (e) + 314 (Pi) + 1618 (The Golden Ratio)
And its total value is = 1278 "The Lord God"
- And guess what the value of the first word of this verse is? = 7
- There are 2 center words of this verse: (1) = 23 --- (2) = 7X23 (CW of the first verse made up of 1618)
- CW added = 184 "Thirty and Seven" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- FLW = 87 = Mid-point of 37 & 137
_ FLCW = 271 (e)
- Verse nr 184 has 7 words & 28 letters like Gen 1:1 --- Added is: 7+28 = Pri-ord(37) + Pri-ord(73)
- TV of Vs(184) = 1 + 1618
- 777 Holograph + TV of this verse is: 3091 + 1278 = TV of Vs(113 "Universe" A=1 B=2 C=3)
See that is very very incredible.
and there is a lot more to that 777 Holograph that makes it incredible that has not been shared.
11-04-2017, 02:25 PM
You see, you found some great codes of the Bible. Which was the Creation Holograph & the 112th Triangle.
And they shine bright.
But I found a really big one too, and that was the 777 Holograph. That is my greatest discovery, and I will never find anything better.
That is the conclusion after checking a lot around it. If you want the "Super-codes" then you go after those Holographs.
And I will not share those here. But trust me when I say "super-codes".
11-04-2017, 02:34 PM
Let me give you a example of one of those "Super-codes" at least.
Go to verse nr 6328 (Triangle nr 112)
. Its total value = 3X FLCW of 777 Holograph = 3X (Tri(7) + Square(7) + Star(7) + 777
- Word nr 86 (Value of "God") of the bible starts with letter nr Tri(7) + Square(7) + Star(7)
And this all connects back to the foundation Holograph. Its mind-blowing.
Now the Golden Ratio is not included there but it should be. And it will be.
Here is "The" Golden Ratio Connection in Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1
First, & last words added of both verses is: 913+296+55+373 = TV of Vs(1618)
11-14-2017, 01:03 PM
I have to admit that you find "Super-Codes" other places than those connections. I was a bit blinded by the fact that you find the 777's a lot in the connections I was talking about there.
I sometimes get carried away and I really like the 777's.
But I have to ask you Richard about what you think I should name this Holograph ? I just named it The Creation Holograph of Truth for now but I don't think its right to categorize it under the creation Holograph, so I will change the name.
But since you found the main connections in Genesis 1:1, I think its suitable that you name it.
- The Reason we see Ephraim here is probably because the British Empire that has English as their mother language, is Ephraim.
And its not something everyone accepts as a fact but I believe it at least. This is a viewpoint from "British Israelism" that you can read about here:
And I think its interesting that 331 "Ephraim" is multiplied by 89 (CW of English Gen 1:1) in the last verse order in the TV connection.
11-18-2017, 01:38 AM
Hey Sylvius, can you give me your opinion on what you thing of how I laid up this Holograph ?
I think I connected a bit too much here so that its hard to see the connections.
(Update: The image had errors so I removed it, check the final version of the image in the next page)
11-18-2017, 02:52 AM
Hey Sylvius, can you give me your opinion on what you thing of how I laid up this Holograph ?
You did a fine work
11-18-2017, 09:49 AM
Thank you Sylvius, I was really afraid it was all ruined because of too much connections. Took me 3 days to make this.
11-19-2017, 09:04 PM
I finished the image yesterday and added the last parts I wanted, do you still think its readable ?
- If a connection has "Pri" attached to it, then it means that the connections is primed. We see that with the total value of the English John 1:1 here that equals = 5X 139 = 5X Prime nr 7+28
- If a connection has "Pri-ord" attached to it, then it means it is the prime order of that number. We see that with the nr of letters added of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1, which is 28+52 = 80 (Prime order of 401)
- If a connection has "Mirrored" attached to it then it means it is mirrored/reversed
- Numbers 116 & 322 are very important in this Holograph as the total value of the Foundation Holograph (Gen 1:1, John 1:1, Matt 1:1, Matt 20:5 & Rev 1:1) = 116 X 322 = CW of Vs(Tri(37)) X CW of Vs(Tri(73)).
- 116 = Mirror of "Torah" in Hebrew = 2X CW of John 1:1 = CW of Vs(37X73) = CW of Vs(137X3+777)
- 322 = 7 X 46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 1+3+7+0+3 X 23 "Aleph & Tav" [ord]. But I decided to connect it as its own number here to see the connections to it more easy.
- Number 1 stands for God, that is why Genesis 1:1 is so special.
- 37 = Factor of Gen 1:1 = "The Heart of Wisdom" = Code number for 777
- 137 = "The God of Truth" (Heb) = "In the beginning" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- 7+28 = Pri-ord(37) + Pri-ord(73)
- 41 = "God" (Heb ord)
- 108 = "The Lord God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- 112 = "The Lord God" (Hebrew)
- 297 = "Treasure" אוצר = Factor of 137X3+777
- 349 = Factor of English standard Genesis 1:1 = Prime nr 71 "God" (Eng Stand)
- 521 = 37 + 73 + 137X3 = Order of the first letter in word nr 137 of the Bible = Prime nr (27+72 = "Physics" in A=1 B=2 C=3)
- 575 = 37 + 137 + 401
- CW in John 1:1 = 58 = 2X (1+3+7 + 7+2+9) = "Science" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Verse nr 27928 is in the Holograph because its the 5 digits of magnetic moment of the proton, which is newly discovered.
In 2014 a direct measurement of the magnetic moment of the proton gave 2.792847350(9) nuclear magnetons. (Mooser et al, Nature, May 29, 2014). Efforts are underway to measure the magnetic moment of the antiproton with comparable accuracy, since a measured difference between the proton and antiproton could be a valuable clue toward unraveling the mystery of why matter greatly dominates antimatter in the universe
It can be hard to distinguish between Pink & Red connections. If you download the image and zoom, the problem goes away. But there are not so many pink connections there, mostly red ones since it represents the CW.
If anyone sees any errors in the Holograph then please let me know, it is easy to forget to connect a line properly or color something wrong at this scale.
And there was a lot of connections that I could not include in this Holograph because of space.
Richard Amiel McGough
11-21-2017, 09:43 AM
You did a fine work
So now you believe in Greek and English gematria?
11-21-2017, 11:44 AM
So now you believe in Greek and English gematria?
I just said that he did a fine work
Richard Amiel McGough
11-21-2017, 12:07 PM
I just said that he did a fine work
What was fine about it if you don't believe in Greek and English gematria?
11-22-2017, 12:05 AM
What was fine about it if you don't believe in Greek and English gematria?
What is fine about a Swiss watch that doesn't know between right and left?
Richard Amiel McGough
11-22-2017, 09:22 AM
What is fine about a Swiss watch that doesn't know between right and left?
Do you really think his tangled web of random "connections" based on Hebrew, Greek, and English gematria is really like a "Swiss watch"?
11-22-2017, 12:06 PM
Do you really think his tangled web of random "connections" based on Hebrew, Greek, and English gematria is really like a "Swiss watch"?
no , because you cannot read the time from it.
Richard Amiel McGough
11-22-2017, 12:54 PM
no , because you cannot read the time from it.
Then what does it have to do with your original comment that he did a "fine work"?
11-23-2017, 01:22 AM
Then what does it have to do with your original comment that he did a "fine work"?
Ain't it a fine work?
I cannot imitate.
11-23-2017, 04:54 AM
Thank you Sylvius, it just became a little more fine since I added some connections and fixed a couple of errors.
Richard Amiel McGough
11-23-2017, 10:08 AM
Ain't it a fine work?
Exactly what do you think is "fine" about it?
11-23-2017, 11:19 AM
Exactly what do you think is "fine" about it?
Just look at it
It is an artwork
11-25-2017, 04:24 AM
So i think i finally figured out number 711. It is 3X "the light" 237 לאור.
- TV of first verse of Chapter 137 = Prime nr 711
- Word nr 711 is found in Vs(71 = Pri(7X 3X7))
- TV of Vs(71 "God" in Eng Stand) = 2X3 X 711
- CW of Vs(711) = 2X 711 = CW in verses ordered at: 137+731, 729+927, 314+413, 271+172, 1618+8161
God is light and seeing the CW of Vs(711) is made up of 2X 711 & even connected to the CW of verses made up of the Physics found in the Foundation Holograph gives us a sure sign of why God put so much effort in number 711.
Letter nr 711 of the bible is found in word nr 7X 26 "The Lord"/"God"
11-29-2017, 04:10 AM
After some research I think I have cherry picked the English word "a Alpha" which equals: 39 (ord), 123 (ord rev), 111 (Eng Stand)
But I think I can explain some of these numbers now. So sorry for misconnecting that one, I forgot that the Fine-structure constant was usually only called "Alpha" (first letter of the Greek alphabet) at one point in my research, and Richard reminded me that it was cherry picking.
Lets start with number 37; the factor of Gen 1:1 first since this is actually a code number for 777.
In the first verse of chapter 37 we see:
- TV = 2X 777
- CW= 7X37 "The Lord God, Jesus Christ" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First word = 318 "The Fine-Structure Constant" (A=1 B=2 C=3), which is represented as the numbers: 137.035999... = 0,0072973...
- Last word = 10X 19 (Physical Manifestation) --- Total value of verse nr 1618 = 19 + 1618
- FLW = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Universe" 113 + 395 "Universe" (Hebrew)
- FLCW = 13X59 = Pri-ord(37) X 22+37
Now look at the factor of John 1:1
39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)
Which is why we see connections to 137 to it.
- TV of Vs(39) = 2X 1000 + 7X37
- FLW of Vs(39) = 395 "the heaven" = Word nr 137X3 by rot. in Gen 1:1 = FLW of 777 Holograph
- CW of Vs(39) = 10X Composite(37) = 10X nr of words & letters of English Gen 1:1
- FLCW of Vs(39) = 5X 187 (Primes added from number 7 to 37)
- TV of Vs(39) & Vs(93) = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "God" 26 X 137 "In the beginning" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- TV of vs(93) = 2X3 X 37+137
111 = 3X 37 = "Wonderful" (Heb)
- Total value of Vs(111) = 10X Tri(27 "AZ") = 10X 137+241 ("In the beginning" in both A=1 B=2 C=3 & A=26 B=25 C=24)
123 = Pri(Composite(7)) + Pri(Composite(7)) + Pri(Composite(7))
All numbers are divided into Prime & Composite numbers exept for number 0.
- A Prime number can only be divided by 1 or itself.
- A Composite numbers is the opposite, so it can be divided into other numbers also other than itself or 1.
- First Prime = 1
- First Composite= 4
- TV of Vs(1) = 37X73
- TV of Vs(4) = 8X6 X 37
- TV added of Vs(1) + Vs(4) = 37 X Square(1+3+7)
- CW added instead = 10X Pri-ord(37) + Pri-ord(137)
14 = 7th Composite = 1+3+7+0+3
TV added of Vs(39 = Pri(7) + Pri(7) + Pri(7)) & Vs(42 = Composite(7) + Composite(7) + Composite(7))
= 37 X 137
Mad Mick
12-24-2017, 05:14 AM
Sorry Desmild I'll have to side with Richard on this one
I'm covering this in the extended 'No Holds Barred, Politically incorrect version of 'Mystery 17' about 50 pages out soon.
briefly we can pick numerical code out of anything,
now I'm not deterring you away from this study.
But Richard is correct. If u go to (hopefully Richard may be able to guide you) to one of his long past posts which
showed a simple group of random words all associated to the gematria of Jesus if I recall correctly.
The words or numbers need to be taken into context.
This is serious study which I believe you may have the aptitude to make some serious inroads into this subject, yet may
lack the patience or self criticism necessary to do it justice.
I recommend you study the ELS, Equidistant Letter Sequencing
No offence but your clear Cherry picking is annoyingly repetitive.
Whats really annoying the hell out of me is that this site has generated near 30,000 views
yet a nice simple to read revelation on the possible return of Jesus by the year 2027
gets under 400 views. Mystery 17 if you just happened to have missed it! It's eight threads lower than this one and you
didn't even comment! Don't you think Agenda 21 is important or are you so blinded and insulated within your own super minority!
Yes people are just like sheep and go for click bait.
They see the name Hologram and ooooh it must be interesting
Meanwhile you refuse to answer Richards main points which is how do you distinguish which words you use and why?
This whole thread is PURE DRIBBLE
What the Hell can your hologram do to stop someone from wanting to end it all right now. Seriously
all your doing is wanting to prove God.
Mate, he doesn't need you nor I to prove Jack Sh!T
Unless your willing to create a volume at least 10 times the size of the Strongs Concordance you are not going to be able to
convince anyone via LOGIC.
What your doing is not scientific, your throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
CONTEXT, you must understand harmonics within context.
Can you explain coffee grounds or tea leaves in cups?
Do you understand Astrology and numerology? Well in a nutshell what your attempting is all of this combined.
Desmild, share the good news of Jesus.
Educate people to vote Independent and to seek the truth outside of main stream media.
Talk about real issues that are affecting the youth of today and how we can make a difference
Listen I am just one of a number of thousands of individuals who have created Free Power yes perpetual motion
yet to date cannot sell it. Our problem is political. People have to wake up
Which is why I've gone against my own Hatred of Politics and created the CLEAR system
Again its only the 3rd thread in the Politics section yet to date failed to get 200 clicks in which you failed to comment.
Thanks mate
Thanks for your caring support you selfish SOB
You are satisfying your own ego at the detriment of the Sheeple (William 'Bill' Cooper)
They should be reading something better. You have failed to learn from the master of this site,
Richard has honestly debunked to the best of his ability his own work,
And you think your lines of scribble are going to convince him! Especially when your that lazy that you refuse to
research the very same repetitive arguments here at this very Forum.
Des take some time off and read the posts.
And remember in Gods eyes according to the bible, Richards Humility ranks much higher than your obstinance! (Stiff Neck)
God Bless you and start saving lives and what better time than at Christmas
Merry 2017 Christmas to all at the Bible Wheel, whether you believe or not just being like Jesus can bring hope and joy to some poor miserable wretch who could do with and act of kindness right now. Who knows? According to Paul, that street bum could very well be an Angel incognito there just to see if you'll respond. Go ahead, help a bum today!
(as mad as ever)
01-02-2018, 08:26 PM
Hello Mad Mick, I have had a little break from this website as I really need that some times (Just like Richard).
I have been in Spain for 16 days visiting my mother since she has moved there. She hates the cold in Norway and I can understand that.
Now I am truly sorry that you hate the fact that this thread is nearing 30 000 Views, I don't like that fact either.
But if you think I really care so much about the views well... you are wrong.
Let me explain how I feel.
I had to make this thread to make sure that I or someone else (presumably Richard) would spot if I cherry picked.
You see I want my book to have as few errors as possible.
This thread started with me and Richard discussing about the fact that there are many verse integrations.
And I promised him to show him some; which was the 666, 777 & 888 Holographs.
Now knowing myself & how Richard is; I knew that I would probably share a lot more than those right from the start.
So trying to find the best suitable name for this thread; I picked "Some Holograph Material" (misspelled in my shame), But hey its just a thread. I don't take it very very serious. And maybe I should.
But I did not dream that this thread would get so many views that fast, ok?
But I the main reason for this thread was the 666, 777 & 888 Holographs.
But I saw potential to share more because I wanted to make sure that if a had errors, then they would get spotted.
So I am not "satisfying your own ego at the detriment of the Sheeple (William 'Bill' Cooper)"
I really respect William Cooper so that quote irritated me quite much. (I have heard all 50 Episodes of Mystery Babylon and certain episodes several times. I was very very interested in the Mystery Schools before I started with the codes)
That you would use his words against me in this way made me kind of angry, but I also respect free will.
But I wont share more codes here in this thread. And I wont use all the info in this thread in my book.
Like I said, I did not take this thread so serious. What I do take very very serious is my book.
Because it will be the final product of my work.
I am only 29 years old, and I know that in my age we tend to change/evolve our thinking quite much.
I bet you will see differences in my personality from page 1 to this page.
Now to answer Richard on "How do I know that I am not cherry picking ?"
Well by checking more or less very important parts of the codes.
I have found several parts that will help me show you guys that the English codes are very important.
But I have not shared all of these parts and I will not do it, I have to save stuff for my book also to give it some kind of specialty.
And you said that God does not need me to prove his existence. And you are very right about that.
But I felt compelled to share some of this stuff. Not to get views, like you think. But to respect God.
Now you are entitled to your own belief about me, but I have tried to tell you why I did this now.
Now to answer you on why I have not commented on every other thread in this site:
That is simply because I have enough with the work I am doing, I like to stay focused on what I am doing until I am complete. I have a lot of stuff to do, I have to learn computer programming also; that's not a small step.
Hope you understand.
Yours sincerely
Alexander Marcussen
aka Desmild
01-02-2018, 09:08 PM
And to prove that I am serious, I will give Richard my full permission to delete this thread.
Just notify me first so I can save the info for later use. (because parts of this thread will be included in my book)
See how much I really care about this thread and views ?
But Richard has put a lot of effort into this thread also, so if he does not want that, then I can understand and respect that too.
Richard Amiel McGough
01-05-2018, 11:32 AM
And to prove that I am serious, I will give Richard my full permission to delete this thread.
Just notify me first so I can save the info for later use. (because parts of this thread will be included in my book)
See how much I really care about this thread and views ?
But Richard has put a lot of effort into this thread also, so if he does not want that, then I can understand and respect that too.
Hey there Alex,
You are correct. We have both put in a lot of effort into this thread. It would be foolish to just delete it.
I'll have more to say as time permits. I'm at work right now.
All the best,
01-05-2018, 03:05 PM
If you you like to keep it then why not. I would prefer you delete it because I had several misconnections here and errors.
I called the fine structure constant for "a Alpha", when it should be "Alpha".
Buts its funny how it summed to three numbers are connected to 777. (39, 111, 123)
- 39 = Pri-ord(7) + Pri-ord(7) + Pri-ord(7) = "One Lord"
- 111 = 3X 37 (code number for 777) = "Wonderful"
- 123 = Pri(Compo(7)) + Pri(Compo(7)) + Pri(Compo(7))
So at least people will know what the numbers may represent here. I copied the reply with that info into the first page, so that people will see it from the beginning where I went wrong.
But I am looking forward to hear from your again, its been a while since we last had any conversation.
Mad Mick
01-06-2018, 12:28 PM
Thanks for re clarifying the purpose of the thread and that the dialogue was for
your own research,
and yes I understand busy, I've been away from the forum for some time and
popped in for some feedback so I missed the point.
We've had a lot of people here in the past trying to convince Richard of the legitimacy
of English Gematria and they just wouldn't let up, so when I noticed 260 posts since
March I kind of felt you may have been one of the boisterous Forum Hoggers whom
can be as bad as a troller or disinformationalist, thus in my haste I misjudged your angle.
For that I apologise
And by all means may your simplification and clarity improve with every step,
theres some incredible talent at this site, it is my hope that the gleanings your
receiving will help turn your work into a masterpiece.
However for the forums sake please try to limit the need for a lengthy thread
little updates with the latest missing links to the point in reference, or juicy bits,
on occasion makes it a better read for all.
Just to fill you in, my beliefs are that:
We and everything else exist in a sea of harmonics or synchronicities
expressed in infinite forms (yes including English gematria, backmasking and occult practices)
leaving fingerprints that never get erased (totally opposed to Hawkings views)
within an infinite universe whereinwhich every finite particle breaths (expands and contracts)
and that according to the laws of Symmetry
the Entire Universe combined is Asymmetric,
which implies that if there is Dimension there Must also be a state of Non Dimension
which further implies that non Dimension (which is Infinite) over rides/rules Dimension (which is Finite)
The Holy Bible claims that God is:
and outside of Dimension
This in my mind is Logically Sound and Proof of Gods existence.
(C) Copyright Michael Banjanin 2018
How any logical mind can pass this as random, would best be described by this classic quote;
"Not being able to See the Forest for the Tree's."
I put this conclusion together around 2010 and have recorded it Here and Now at the Bible Wheel for the First time in the Public
Domain; not in spite, but out of respect to our colleague, moderator and friend Richard.
It is my belief that Everything that retains the breath of God will return to God, even Satan:
only he's got to go the long way around ;)
I fear not for Richard, indeed I have great faith that as our rights for freedom of choice shall diminish over the next 9 years
his reasoning that, "a Good God should not allow bad things to happen to Good people, thus implying that God doesn't exist,
will change.
In fact I believe to such a degree that his new found faith in God and through Christ alone, outside of religion;
Is The only Truth and that he will be an even greater torch bearer for the truth than ever before.
Now I know it seems like I'm contradicting myself by now talking about proof of God, but since I brought it up last,
it dawned on me that I had never vetted that logic and figured now is as good a time as any.
But on a different thread and in an appropriate location, wherever Richard suggests.
For you Alex, just a bit of insight as to where I'm coming from, since realising you cannot spare the time atm to wander around
to get acquainted with us.
I am interested in understanding this Holographic relationship if thats the best way to describe what your really showing.
So I'm looking forward to seeing this book completed, which no doubt will put many questions to rest.
God bless you
01-07-2018, 03:04 PM
No need to apologize mick. I can understand that you jumped to conclusions about me here.
his thread can be a bit chaotic & lacking of some direction at some points. But this thread was made as a product of a conversation of me and Richard, so I kind of threated this thread as a open conversation to the ones interested. But I saw some potential to test my codes here also.
But as for following Jesus Christ, then you are correct.
The only problem is that many people does not know how to follow Jesus, and I did not even do that.
I have not considered my self as a follower of Jesus Christ in my life. I considered myself a believer.
That is 2 different things, I found that out around 1 month ago.
I started off believing in the 7th day Adventists, around my twenties.
I believed in the Restored Church of God, being the correct church until around 1 year ago also.
And that is a good example of my state in being in this age, trying to find the truth.
So now I basically know that I do not have the Holy Spirit. At least I don't think I have.
But I am very convinced that God has put it in me to do these codes. He has also given me some signs, using numbers.
When I was In Scotland, working on a fishing boat from the start of April to the mid of June in 2016.
My new Libara telephone number that I got there (since it was cheaper to call to Norway with)
started with the number 777.
Not only that but the flight ticked number back home to Norway was number 70777.
I had showed some codes to some of the crew on the beat, just for fun but when I showed one of them that number on the flight ticket; he said: "that is God" and pointing upwards.
When I not long ago finished to very special Holographs that has 777 in them, I saved all my images that I have made + other images in my codes folder. And guess how many images I had in my folder; It was 777.
I even screenshotted it 10 seconds into compressing the folder for extraction.
And that was not deliberate. Since I don't save my files like that too often, so I had no clue about how many images I had before that.
But to understand my Holographs here should not be too hard. But it can be a bit confusing.
But its about connections. As for methods, then it seems that there are many.
But I am starting to see that there are some methods that stands a bit stronger in my opinion,
Like Total values, center words, & the first & last words. Even first, last & center words added.
A lot of amazing stuff has been found there (by me at least).
But my main purpose in mainly to understand the codes & in my research I see that English gematria is a big Key to make sense of it all.
Richard described me well when I said that "I an the kind of person that goes through ALL info".
And he is right, I am trying to make sense of it all. And that is very very hard.
I kind of try to go figuring out number for number, bun I have come a long way now.
But I still have some questions and numbers that I am not satisfied with.
Like number 711. I suspect that there is a word that this is attached to in English. But I do not know the word(s).
And number 316 (CW of Vs(777)), that is on the top of my list now. I suspect now after finding something special yesterday, that it is the value of a special word in English Standard. But I am having problems finding the word. But that will maybe get easier when I learn computer programming.
Mad Mick
01-11-2018, 04:22 PM
I mentioned briefly to Sylvius that he would be the perfect candidate to do a complete
Catalogue from verse one onwards for its only then can the patterns be fully expressed.
Consider the Strongs concordance, it wouldn't be half as good unless all the words were catalogued
It's the same with any math construct
That's why E8 was so important
Garret Lisi began an arduous task of arranging the polynomials
And as expected showed a beautiful symmetry once arranged
Within the confines of 3d space
It was surely a breakthrough
Yet the disinformationalists quickly tried to cut it to shreds by stating it was pointless
Which is most further from the truth
The Establishment or Globalists don't want people to be able to predict anything
Thus Garret to keep the peace and any respect pulled away from the study
Which is a great shame.
But in the scheme of things WE can carry on
YOU have a passion at the moment which is the best time to do the mundane task of
It has to be done
That's what makes the Bible wheel so good
EVERY link is found under its correct position or spoke
YOU need to create a database which a community of fellow researchers can add their input
to help with the process.
I'm doing the same thing with cataloguing the universe beginning with the elements
It's an infinite process but hopefully in this life time at least I would like to get this database up and running
that will allow input from moderated sources to add their expertise to the whole.
Like the HIVE
Why should the CIA have a monopoly on group think?
We are The Block Chain!
& its time we really start to work and function like ONE
We need to encourage one another not to give up!
What I'm doing is bringing it all together
Keepgoing the work your doing is imperative to our understanding of natural symmetries
Just like Russel, Shauberger, Marko Rodin and the the Rodin Coil, now continued with Randy Powell with Vortex Math,
A worthwhile study gathers momentum,
I'd b trying to convince people like Sylvius to amalgamate under a new platform and link it to the Bible Wheel for there are millions of people who believe in what you are doing,
Start a new site but just remember to come back occasionally and keep us here in the loop
Triple Blessings to you
Mad Mick
01-11-2018, 04:40 PM
If English or any gematria can show signs outside of random
Ie. deliberate design, then so too the modern day construct of
chapter and verse number.
I wouldn't be surprised if 316 was linked to John 3:16
The most quoted verse in the Second Testament ;)
01-11-2018, 07:06 PM
You know I though about going trough verse for verse from the start, since yes; its all connected.
But lets say I only go through the 100 first verses.
Then I will miss a lot, since you find great stuff when you integrate verses.
So I am unsure of how to actually make this book. I can sort of pick and choose what to connect.
You are not the first one to bring up John 3:16 to be the main connection to 316.
But let me show you why I think that number is connected to a word in English standard:
CW of the verse found in Book nr 7 chapter nr 7, verse nr 7 (Judges 7:7)
= 461 ("In the beginning" in English standard)
316 + 461 = 777
The only word In English standard I have found that is made up of 316 is "bright".
316 = 4X 79 "light" (A=26 B=25 C=24) = 2X 158 "The Center Word" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
79 = "Pi" in English Standard = Prime nr 23 "Aleph & Tav" (Heb ord)
So its a puzzle. And I am not sure what 316 means. But since there is a standard connection in the CW of Judges 7:7 & it gets 777 when added with the CW of verse nr 777, can be seen as a indication that the CW of Vs(777) has a standard connection to it.
But I think I need to do some more digging on it.
Since I do not think the word is "bright". The message is then "In the beginning" + "bright".
And that does not seem right in my eyes. It seems more logical that "light" 79 is a more fitting connection here. But 316 could be the value of another significant word so I am not sure about it.
And here is something on 711 that I just found. I can't really tell you why number 711 is so important but it keeps showing up:
FLCW of Vs(26 "The Lord") & Vs(86 "God") = 2X 711 = CW of Vs(711)
I will hopefully find out what the meaning is about of the two numbers in the future.
01-12-2018, 03:03 AM
But here is where it gets kind of strange.
The only connection in English standard I can find to 711, is "a Alpha, Pi, e, Golden Ratio"
= 711
And I know that calling the Fine-structure constant for "a Alpha" was a jump.
But if you think about it, its not that big of a jump since if you use the traditional term for it "Alpha" (First letter of the Gr Alphabet), well how are you going to distinguish between that first letter or the Fine-structure constant ??
So I just did a little digging on number 711, because I just checked a lot of titles & names of God & Jesus in the Eng stand system, with no hits. Straight away after checking the words I found this out:
Total value of verse nr 711
=(1000+711)X3 + 137 (Inverse a) + 729 (a) + 314 (Pi) + 271 (e) + 1618 (Golden Ratio)
So now I am starting to think that that there is a possibility that God is using "a Alpha" to encode the fine structure constant. Maybe He did that just because he knew that I was going to see it or use it; or I just had a moment of brightness thinking about it.
01-18-2018, 01:22 AM
Ok so to finally put an end to the mysterious number 711. This number has been a big puzzle for me.
711 = "a Alpha, Pi, e, Golden Ratio" (Eng standard)
711 = 3X 237 "the light" (Heb)
Now God has taken both these connections in consideration.
Verse nr 711
- Nr of words = 8+8+8
- Nr of letters = Pri(26)
- TV = 3X(1000+711) + 137+729+314+271+1618
- FLW = Pri(69 = Factor of Tri(137))
- CW= 2X 711 = 2X3 X 237 = FLCW of Vs(26) & Vs(86)
- FLCW = 1000 + Star(7) + Star(7) + Star(7) = 1+3+7 X 25 "Pi" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- First word + CW = 10X 37+137
- Last word + CW = 1441 = Palindrome nr 114 (Mirror of 137X3) = 1+3+7 X Pri((1+3+7)X3)
- The first word of this verse = 318 "The Fine Structure Constant" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- The last word = 19 (Physical Manifestation) = Factor of Tri(37)
- The first word counted by rotation hits the numbers: 73, Pri(137) & 913 "In the beginning" (Heb)
Verse nr (3069 = 137+729+314+271+1618)
- TV = 1278 "The Lord God" in the 4 basic English systems
- Nr of words = 10 (3+7) = Nr of words in Eng Gen 1:1
- Nr of letters = (1+3+7)X3
- FLW = 87 (mid-point of 37 & 137) = CW of Vs(44 "in my heart" (Heb) = nr of letters in Eng Gen 1:1)
- CW = 184 "Thirty and Seven" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- FLCW = 271 (e)
- First word + CW = Pri(44)
- Last word + CW = 3+1+4 X (1+3+7)X3
- The first word of this verse = 7
- The last word of this verse = 80 (Prime order of 401 "Aleph & Tav")
- The third word of this verse = 318 "The Fine Structure Constant" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Counting the third word by rot. hits the numbers: (1+3+7)X3, 73, 203 & 913 "In the beginning"
Verse nr 711 & verse nr (137+729+314+271+1618) integrated
- TV = 40X 237 "the light"
- Nr of letters & words added = (A+Z) 27 + 137 "In the beginning" = CW of Vs(26 "The Lord"/"God")
- FLW = 2X 212 "light" (37th word that starts with letter nr 137) = 23 + 401 (ord & stand of "Aleph & Tav")
- CW = 22X73 (Prime nr 22 = 73)
- FLCW = 10X 203 "created" (37th word by rotation in Gen 1:1)
- First word + CW = 1931 = Pri(Pri-ord(7) X Pri(7+2+9) = FLCW of Eng Gen 1:1 in reverse ord)
- Last word + CW = (The Golden Ratio) 1618 + CW of Vs(44 "In my heart")
And if someone thinks that I cherry picked the last one here:
- (Pi) 314 + (e) 271 + 1618 (Golden Ratio) = TV of Vs(44 "In my heart")
So after seeing all this makes it obvious (to me at least) that "a Alpha" is valid.
"a Alpha, Pi, e, Golden Ratio" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 189 (7X27)
TV of Vs(189) & Vs(711)
= (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Bible Codes" 76 X 153 "The Golden Ratio" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
02-03-2018, 07:26 AM
Ok, guys. Found the main connection to number 316.
Check the new version of the 777 Holograph on page 1. There is also a new version of the 888 Holograph, Foundation Holograph & the 7 reflected verses of Gen 1:1.
03-06-2018, 09:13 AM
Richard, what do you think about the fact that number 777 is the Seal of God ??
I was not sure of that before, but I'm quite convinced now.
Here is a little clue to it.
- "Seal" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 37
- "of God" (Eng stand) = 137
Number 37 is a code number for 777.
Like number 36 is a code number for 666.
But for me the proof of that is how it is found in the Bible.
And there are many ways of finding it. But it's how I keep finding it that gives it out as the Seal of God.
Every time I find it, its a incredible connection. So I have no doubt anymore about number 777.
03-06-2018, 04:01 PM
No wonder the 777 Holograph is so incredible as it is. And its not done, I am still kind of working on it.
But I found some verification today that number 777 is the Seal of God.
Its getting saved by for the book but trust me, it is.
But I will leave 1 piece of proof for it since I don't think its random that I found this out today, but there is more.
I just found this detail out in time to share this at this moment.
The time just passed 24.00 here in Norway, which is very convenient since I am now in the 3rd month at the 7th day.
John 1.1 is made up of 39 (Pri-(7) + Pri-(7) + Pri(7)) X 93 (mirror)
- FLCW of John 1:1 = 486 "The Seal of God" (Eng stand))
CW of Vs(486) = 291 "earth" (Heb)
- 291 + 486 = 777 (The Seal of God)
04-05-2018, 03:11 AM
I found something really interesting about the fine structure constant.
This guy tries to find out why it hits so close to 137.
He manages to connect the Golden Ratio to it and some other interesting mathematical things like the Fibonacci spiral.
The fines structure constant is:
1/137... = 0.00729...
This very interesting because I discovered that if we add center words of Vs(137+729) & Vs(731+927) = 1618 (The Golden Ratio = 1,618)
I'm not any expert in physics so it would be interesting to hear what someone else thinks of this.
04-07-2018, 06:11 PM
What just happened is incredible.
This thread was a product of a conversation between me and Richard discussing integrated verses in the Bible.
I said there are probably thousands of them & and don't know how mucn.
But we agreed that I should share some of them and I picked the 666, 777 & 888 Holograph for that.
But I saw straight away then that the 777 Holograph was the most special one of them.
So the 777 Holograph was the main feature of this thread.
Now one year later here in Norway, at the SAME DATE this thread hits the nr of views of 37 777 !
I can almost not believe it, but I have to because I have taken screenshots of this.
I did not get to screenshot at the exact nr of views of 37 777 because this site only updates the views around every 60 min or something. (I don't know the exact time span)
Here is the nr of views right before it hits 37 777
And here is the nr of views right after it hits 37 777
I do not know what to say other than that I do not think this is a coincidence.
I think God had His finger in this. But that is my belief.
To God be the Glory :pray:
05-08-2018, 03:34 PM
Sylvius, I have a question for you.
Why do you think the Breastplate of the High Priest is encoded with 1850 ?
Its obvious that it hits this number since its 3700/2 (Sum of the Breastplate divided in two)
But there are usually words attached to His codes. So I was wondering about if you know of any special words/phrases connected to number 185 ?
Odd gemstones = 1850
Even gemstones = 1850
I have my theory ready but I want to hear yours first :)
05-09-2018, 12:01 AM
Sylvius, I have a question for you.
Why do you think the Breastplate of the High Priest is encoded with 1850 ?
Its obvious that it hits this number since its 3700/2 (Sum of the Breastplate divided in two)
But there are usually words attached to His codes. So I was wondering about if you know of any special words/phrases connected to number 185 ?
Odd gemstones = 1850
Even gemstones = 1850
I have my theory ready but I want to hear yours first :)
how you come to those numbers?
05-09-2018, 02:20 PM
Its the breastplate of the High priest. Its total value = 3700...
05-10-2018, 12:55 AM
Yes, sure very remarkable, sum of the numbers of the names of the tribes being 3700 divided in 2 x 1850 in this special crossway on the breathplate of the high-priest.
37 is a (RAM-)Davidstarnumber , like also 541 (= Yisrael)
Hebrew "magen david" = shield of David
"magen" from root "ganan" = to defend, protect, guard, shelter.
like also "gan" = garden.
"gan-eden" = Garden of Eden = paradise
Genesis 2:15,
Now the Lord God took the man, and He placed him in the Garden of Eden to work it and to guard it.
and to guard it = "ul'shamrah" -- from "shamar" = to keep, retain, protect, safeguard, prseserve, guard, warch; to observe, to celebrate, to wait.
Genesis 15:1,
After these incidents, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, "Fear not, Abram; I am your shield; your reward is exceedingly great."
I am your shield = "anochi magen lach"
after these incidents --
After these incidents: Wherever the term אַחַר is used, it signifies immediately afterwards; אַחֲרֵי signifies a long time afterwards (Gen. Rabbah 44:5). After this miracle had been wrought for him, that he slew the kings, he was worried and said, ?Perhaps I have received reward for all my righteous deeds.? Therefore, the Omnipresent said to him, ?Fear not Abram, I am your Shield? from punishment, that you will not be punished for all those souls that you have slain, and as far as your being worried about receiving reward, your reward is exceedingly great. [from Aggadath Bereishith 16:2; Tan. Buber, Lech Lecha 15; Pirkei d?Rabbi Eliezer ch. 27]
immediately afterwards Abram had slain the four kings in favor of the five with help of his 318 trained servants -- 318 being gematria of the name Eliezer (even from Damascus) -- this being the only instance in the Hebrew bible that hints at gematria.
318 also gematria of "siach" (in Genesis 2:5) = bush, shrub (like the burning bush) -
05-10-2018, 02:22 AM
Just that in most depictions of Aharon's breastplate Joseph and Levi are mentioned and not Ephraim and Manasse
according to Exodus 28:21,
And the stones shall be for the names of the sons of Israel twelve, corresponding to their names; [similar to] the engravings of a seal, every one according to his name shall they be, for the twelve tribes.
05-11-2018, 06:46 AM
37 is also gematria of "hayachid"= the only, unique one.
John 1:18,
θεὸν οὐδεὶς ἑώρακεν πώποτε: μονογενὴς θεὸς ὁ ὢν εἰς τὸν κόλπον τοῦ πατρὸς ἐκεῖνος ἐξηγήσατο. μονογενὴς translates Hebrew "yachid" = unique, only, singular
μονογενὴς θεὸς = "hayachid"
Because the Holy One, blessed be He, was the only one in His world, for the angels were not created until the second day. [i.e., יוֹם אֶחָד is understood as ?the day of the only One?] "yom echad" to be understood as "yom hayachid" = day of the μονογενὴς θεὸς
05-11-2018, 06:51 AM
although man only was created on the sixth day, as resurrected one he was already present on the first
05-11-2018, 04:59 PM
Thank very much for your reply there Sylvius, you are a master in Hebrew compared to me.
I did not know that Levi & Joseph is meant to be in the Breastplate.
And that so strange because it really seems like "Ephraim" & "Manasseh" should be in there.
Values of the Breastplate of the High Priest (With Eprhaim & Manasseh)
= 586 (Heb ord) = FLW of Vs(37X73) = 500 + 86 "God" (500 = CW + TV of Eng Gen 1:1)
= 736 (Eng ord) = FLW of Vs(541 "Israel") = Words added from the CW to the last word of Vs(37X73)
(Words added from the CW to the last word of Gen 1:1) = 736 + 763 (mirrored 2 last digits)
= 3700 (Heb stand)
= 4165 (Eng stand) = 10 + 44 + 137X3 (Nr.W + Nr.L + TV of Eng Gen 1:1) + 3700 = 10X400 "Tav" + 165 "thirty seven" (Eng ord)
Adding the TV of Vs(331 "Ephraim") + TV of Vs(395 "Manasseh")
= 5X1000 + 586
- CW added instead = "The Lord God" 112 + 137X3
CW of Vs(586) + CW of Vs(736) = 586 + 736
But I checked a bit about how the values became if you change Ephraim & Manasseh with Levi and Joseph. Here are the values:
= 557 (Heb ord) = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Genesis one one" 146 + 137X3 (English Gen 1:1 in A=1 B=2 C=3)
= 3176 (Heb stand) = 8X (397 "The Lord" (Eng stand) = "Jesus" (Heb stand) = Factor of Vs(26 "The Lord")
= 707 (Eng stand) = 7X 101 "Bible Code" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
= 4304 (Eng stand) = 8X (137 + 401)
So we see here that the ordinal value is connected to the English Genesis 1:1 with the fact that the total value of Vs(146 "Genesis one one") = 10 + 137X3 (Nr.W + TV of Eng Gen 1:1)
Now go to verse nr 3176 and we see:
- CW = 7X 47 "God of" (Eng ord) = CW of Vs(137 + 401)
- FLW = 137X3 = English ordinal Genesis 1:1
- FLCW = 37 + Tri(37)
And just to add to the fact that 47 stands for "God of" in English ordinal, we will check verse nr 47
- First word = 112 (First mention of a single word with the same value as "The Lord God")
- Last word = 451 = (a) 137 + 314 (Pi)
- FLW = 563 = Pri(104 = "Aleph and Tav" (Eng ord) = Mirror of "Aleph & Tav" (Heb))
- CW = 271 (e) = CW of Vs(73 "Wisdom")
- FLCW = (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Bible Code" 57 + 777 (English reverse Gen 1:1)
- Words surrounding CW = 140 = Hebrew ordinal of the first half of Gen 1:1 = 137+3
- 3 CW added = 137X3 (English Genesis 1:1)
- TV = 1044 + 137X3
Nr of words of English Genesis 1:1 = 10
Nr of words of English Genesis 1:1 = 44
TV of Vs(10) + TV of Vs(44) = 7X 611 "Torah" (Heb stand)
Values of "In the beginning"
= 76 (Heb ord) = 37 + 39 (Factors of Gen 1.1 & John 1:1) = "Bible Codes" (Eng ord) = CW of Vs(690 "Reward" (Eng stand))
= 137 (Eng ord) = "The God of Truth" (heb) = CW of Vs(913 "In the beginning")
= 913 (Heb stand) = (1+3+7) X 83 "Wisdom" (Eng ord)
= 461 (Eng stand) = Mirror of the CW of Vs(26 "The Lord"/"God") = Mirror of the FLCW of the English Gen 1:1
CW of verses ordered at: 76, 137, 913 & 461
= 1044
Well I do not know that to say about this Sylvius. I am kind confused and I think need to digest this a bit.
But do you think that there is a chance that God may have considered 2 versions of it in the codes ?? I mean look at the results.
05-12-2018, 12:02 AM
Thank very much for your reply there Sylvius, you are a master in Hebrew compared to me.
I did not know that Levi & Joseph is meant to be in the Breastplate.
And that so strange because it really seems like "Ephraim" & "Manasseh" should be in there.
Maybe that's right, since the High Priest is from the tribe of Levi -- that had no share in the (promised) land
like also not the tribe of Joseph that was split up in the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh
The names of the tribes are engraved on the stones of the Breastplate on the heart of Aaron the Kohen. They all join together to create a complete picture, but each tribe has the stone unique to it, with its special color and unique intrinsic benefits. Kabbalah explains that there are twelve senses that correspond to the twelve tribes (which also correspond to the twelve months of the year). Each tribe has its own, unique sense, where he finds grace (chen). The word for breastplate, choshen, is actually an abbreviation for chush chen, ?a sense of grace?.
A tzaddik like Aaron the Kohen senses the unique sense of each person. In his heart, he is sensitive the subtle changes taking place in each tribe and every soul. He is full of love and concern for all. He ?loves peace/completeness and pursues peace/completeness?. It is written that Aaron merited the breastplate on his heart because he was glad in his heart when his younger brother, Moses, was appointed to be leader.
What does the ?Breastplate of Judgement? mean? Rashi says that it ?atones for the corruption of justice?. Aaron?s heart infuses everyone with love for each other, until they all wholeheartedly forgive each other if they have unjustly acquired something. In this way, everything is atoned.
Aaron is all heart. His name, אהרן equals eight times lev/heart, corresponding to the eight garments of the High Priest. In gematriah, choshen equals Mashiach ? the Mashiach senses the entire Nation of Israel in his heart, as is written, ?He surely bears our illness?. This is the secret of his leadership.
Breasplate "choshen" -- written with the same letters as "nachash"= snake
gematria 358, which is also gematria of "mashiach" = Christ
05-12-2018, 04:55 AM
Well I think I am going for the version with Ephraim & Manasseh. I just found these connections.
TV of Vs(541 "Israel") + TV of Vs(3700) is: 3079 + 5184
= 8263 = Pri(1037 = Factor of Vs(10 = 3+7))
- I think the 10 commandments is probably what number 10 stands for here when connected to 37.
Values for "The Breastplate of the High Priest"
= 325 (Eng ord)
= 1702 (Eng stand) = 777 + 925 (English ordinal reverse Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1)
TV of Vs(325) + TV of Vs(1702) is: 3566 + 4088
= 7654 = 3954 + 3700
- First verse with a value of 3954 has the order of = 3X 1037
Values for "Breastplate of the High Priest"
= 292 (Eng ord)
= 1489 (Eng stand)
TV of Vs(292) + TV of Vs(1489)
= 37X73 + 325 "The Breastplate of the High Priest" + 3700
And if you want more reasons of why Ephraim & Manasseh should be there then I recommend this website:
05-29-2018, 07:52 PM
Alright so I thought I had figured out that mysterious number 711.
But it turns out that this number is quite something else than I thought.
It is indeed connected to its mirror 117 (7+37+73 = Triangular orders added found in Gen 1:1)
In this way:
"God the Father" (Eng ord) = 117
"God the Father" (Eng stand) = 594
Sum: 117 + 594 = 711
3 = "Father" in Hebrew, its spelled with the two first letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.
711 = "Father" 3 X 237 "the light" (Heb, found in verse nr 5)
So I guess it all makes sense now why we see:
- FLCW of Vs(26 "The Lord") + FLCW of Vs(86 "God") = 2X 711 = CW of Vs(711)
- TV of Vs(71 "God" (Eng stand)) = Tri(3 "Father" (Heb)) X 711
- First word with a value of 711 is found in verse nr 71 "God" & 2 first digits of 711
- TV of Vs(117) = 3286 = 100X32 "heart" + 86 "God" = (Heb ord) "Torah" 53 X 62 "Torah" (Eng ord)
- FLW of Vs(117) = 493 = 86 "God" + 407 "and" = 92 (First & last letters of Gen 1:1) + 401 (First & last letters of Heb alphabet)
= Count by rot. in Gen 1:1 and add letters from nr 37 to 73 which is also nr 401 "Aleph & Tav" to nr 801 "Alpha & Omega"
- CW of Vs(117) = 748 = FLW of Vs(58 "Father" (Eng ord) = CW of John 1:1) = 45 "man" + 407 "and" + 296 "the earth" = 37 + 711
- TV of Vs(711) = 8202 = Tri(3 "Father") X Pri(220 = 112 + 108 ("The Lord God" in both Heb & Eng) = (CW of Vs(27 + 401 = CW of Vs(137 "In the beginning"))
- CW of Vs(700) = 711
- CW of Vs(58 "Father" (Eng ord)) + CW of Vs(310 "Father" (Eng stand)
= 2X 700 (CW of Vs(37+73) = Words added of the orders of: 1, 3, 7 in Vs(777)) = Words added of the orders of: 3, 1, 4 in Gen 1:1
- TV of the first verse of chapter number 137 "In the beginning" (Numbers 20:1) = 5387 = Pri(711)
- FLL of Vs(711) = 12 (Tribes)
- CL of Vs(711) = 46 "Codes"
- FLCL of Vs(711) = 58 "Father" (Eng ord) = CW of John 1:1
Verse nr 117 & 594 integrated
- TV = 6926 = (137 "In the beginning" (Eng ord) + 461 "In the beginning" (Eng stand) = FLW of Vs(703 = Tri(37))) + Triangle nr 112 = 2X Pri(400 "Tav" + 86 "God" = "The Seal of God" (Eng stand))
(That's very interesting for several reasons but take in mind also that the Eng ord of "The Seal of God" = 117)
- FLW = 990 "Physics" (Eng stand)
(This is also interesting because the Eng ord of: "Father" = 58 = "Science", & the CW of Vs(58) = 7X 99 "Physics" (Eng ord))
- CW = 800 "Omega" (End, like "Tav") = CW of Vs(92 "electron" (Eng ord))
(This is also very interesting because the fine structure constant involves the physics of the electron & this is the value of the first & last letters of Gen 1:1)
- FLCW = 10X (67 + 112 ("The Lord God" in both Heb ord & stand))
(Number 10 is very connected to "God" by the way. The word "God" when counted by rot. of Gen 1:1 hits the order of: 10 & this word starts with letter nr 10 of the Bible.)
And just to add how much God likes "electron" since it is connected to the physics of Alpha which is again foundational to light.
- FLW of Vs(92 "electron" (Eng ord)) = 112 + 211 ("The Lord God" + mirror)
= Factor of the CW in Vs(13703 = 5 digits of Inverse Alpha = "In the beginning" 137 merged with 703 (Tri(37))
Vs(92 "electron") & Vs(98 "proton") integrated
- FLW = 469 "heaven" (Eng stand)
- CW = 1000 = "The Lord God" 112 + 888 "Jesus"
- FLCW = 1469 = (Heb) "One" 13 X 113 "Universe" (Eng ord)
- TV = 7000 + 639 (Compo-ord(777)) = 1000 + 311 (mirror of "universe") + Tri(112)
= TV of Vs(7) + TV of Vs(112)
= TV of Vs(443 "electron" (Eng stand)) + TV of Vs(6926 = TV of Vs(117) + TV of Vs(594))
(Triangle nr 112 = Eng ord of: "created" 56 X 113 "universe")
Here are some extra codes around some names/titles with the "Father"
Hebrew standard of "Father" & "God" is: 3 + 86 = 89 "created the" (CW of Eng Gen 1:1) = 7+28 + 10+44 (Nr.W + Nr.L of both Heb & Eng Gen 1:1)
"Father of Heaven" (Eng stand) = 845
= (68 (mirror of "God") = CW of Vs(82 "The Lord" (Eng ord)) = CW of Vs(71 "God" (Eng stand))) + 777
= FLW of Vs(523 "The Father" (Eng stand))
= CW of verses ordered at: 86 "God", 395 "the heaven" & 296 "the earth"
= FLCW of Vs(37+137)
"The Father of Heaven" (Eng ord) = 167 = "The God of Truth" (Eng ord) = CW of Vs(76 "In the beginning" (Heb ord)) + CW of Vs(913 "In the beginning" (Heb stand)) = Nr.W + Nr.L of both Vs(117) & Vs(711)
- FLW of Vs(167) = 102 "God of Heaven" (Eng ord) = CW of Vs(521 "created the" (Eng stand)) = "Genesis one one" (Heb ord)
("Genesis" in Heb ord is 76 & when we add this to "one" (13) "one" (13) we get 102)
- CW of Vs(167) = 475 = (Eng ord) "Jesus" 74 + 401 "Aleph & Tav"
= CW added of the verses reflecting the Heb & Eng values of "light" in both ord & stand
- FLCW of Vs(167) = 577 = Eng ord of: 77 "Christ" + 89 "created the" + 411 (English Genesis 1:1)
"The Father of Heaven" (Eng stand) = 1058 = 1000 + 58 "Father" (Eng ord)
- TV of Vs(1058) = 5X1000 + 108 "The Lord God" (Eng ord) = 4X (89 "created the" + 137X3 + 777 (English Gen 1:1 in both ord & rev ord))
- FLW of Vs(1058) = 7 + 137X3 (Eng Gen 1:1) = Word order where letter nr 1618 (Golden Ratio) is found of the Bible
- CW of Vs(1058) = 117 "God the Father" (Eng ord)
- FLCW of Vs(1058) = 535 ("Torah" in Heb ord & its mirror merged)
Verse nr 167 & 1058 integrated
- FLW =520 "Reward" שכר (Heb stand, found in Proverbs 11:18)
- CW = 592 "GODHEAD" (Gr) = 37 X (1+6+1+8)
- FLCW = 1112 = 1000 + 112 "The Lord God" = Factor of Vs(37+73)
- TV = (1000 + 241 "In the beginning" (A=26 B=25 C=24) = FLCW of Vs(117)) + Triangle nr 112
= CW of Vs(1370 = 4 digits of inverse alpha) + 7297 (4 digits of alpha)
But lets take a little closer look at verse nr 117 since that number is clearly connected to Genesis 1:1 also.
- Nr.W = 10 (3+7)
- Nr.L = 36 = Tri(3+1+4) = CW of Vs(271 (e) + 314 (Pi))
- Nr.W + Nr.L = 46 "Codes" (Eng ord)
- First & Last Letters = 406 = Tri(Tri(7)) = values of both letter & word nr 137 by rot. of Gen 1:1 added
- Center Letters = 350 = 10X (7+28 = Pri-ord(37) + Pri-ord(73))
- First, Last & Center Letters = 7X 108 "The Lord God" (Eng ord)
- FLW = 493 = 86 "God" + 407 "and" (first word made up of 37) = Count letters by rot. in Gen 1:1 and add from nr 37 to 73, which is also from 401 to 801
- CW = 748 = 45 "man" + 407 "and" + 296 "the earth" ("and the earth" = Tri(37))
= center letters added of all words of Gen 1:1 except for "Aleph & Tav" (Since it has no center letter(s))
- FLCW = 1000 + 241 "In the beginning" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- FLL + FLW = (Heb ord) "and" 29 X 31 "God" (Heb singular-form)
- CL + CW = 2X 549 "God the Father" (A=37 B=38 C=39)
- FLCW + FLCL = 1997 = Pri(303 = CW of Vs(3+1+4)) = TV of Vs(37 X 314)
- Letters added up to CL (first half of the verse) = 4X (16X18 = CW of Vs(86 "God"))
- Letters added from CL (second half of the verse) = 22 X Pri(26 "The Lord")
- Add letters from nr 3 to 7 = 71 "God" (Eng stand) = Pri(3X7)
- Value of the first word = 37
- Value of the second word = 50 = Pri-ord(37) + 37
- Value of the third word = 60 "Word" (Eng ord) = 23 + 37 = Pri(3+7) + 37
- 1 + 2 (1+2 = 3 "Father)) = 87 "truth" (Eng ord) = mid-point of 37 & 137 (Factors of Gen 1:1 in both Heb & Eng) = CW of Vs(44 "in my heart" (Heb))
- 3 first words added = 147 = 7X (7+7+7) = "God, the heaven, the earth" (Heb ord)
- Value of the 7th word = 776 = 73 "and the earth" (Heb ord) + 703 "and the earth" (Heb stand)
= Mirror of the ordinal value of the 777 Holograph
- 7 + 10 = 1000 + 232 "Let there be light" (Heb) = Square(23) + Tri(37)
- Words added from 3 to 7 = 1941 "hight"/"elevated" υψωμα = 112 + 211 + 1618 (Golden Ratio)
- 3 + 7 = (Nr of letters in Hebrew) 22 + 37 + 777 = Letters added from the last letter in "God" to the last letter in "the heaven" in Gen 1:1.
( 3 & 7 of this verse when counted by rot. hits the orders of: 7, 37 & 73)
- TV of verses ordered at: 22, 37 & 777 = Tri(3 "Father")X1000 + 777
Well I have to say that verse nr 117 really seems to be designed. If you don't agree with my methods then fine for me. But let me show you some results for some of these methods in Gen 1:1:
- FLL + FLW is: 92 + 1209 = 1301 = Pri(213 "the" (Eng stand))
- CL + CW is: (Heb ord) "God" 41 + 401 "Aleph & Tav" = Pri-ord(37) X Pri-ord(137) (factors of Heb & Eng Gen 1:1)
- FLCL + FLCW = 7X 249 "Finger of God" (Heb) = 7X FLW of Vs(99 "Physics" (Eng ord)) = 7X letters added from nr 13 to 7 in Gen 1:1
- Words added from nr 3 to 7 = 1000 + (e) 271 + 314 (Pi)
- 3 + 7 = 382 = Mirror of the Prime factor found in the TV of Vs(37X73) = CW of Vs(1201 = Center of gravity in Tri(73))
It's really good to put an end to number 711 now. It took me a really long time to figure it out but I got it in the end. I became a bit too curious here for some of you guys but I just had to check this stuff out.
06-21-2018, 05:38 PM
Sylvius I think I need your Hebrew expertise once again. I have been focused on Hebrew lately and I need some assistance.
So I understand that the 5th Hebrew letter Hey (5) is being used as "the" in Hebrew.
Example: "Heaven" = 390 --- "the heaven" = 395. And I understand the same can be said with "earth" (291) & "the earth" (296).
So here are some Hebrew words:
- 27 = Riddle ידיד
- 48 = Majesty הלודג
- 73 = Wisdom חכמה
- 90 = King מלך
- 184 = Number פקד
- 200 = Divine קסם
- 273 = Gematria גימטריא
One thing I noticed here was: Divine Wisdom = 273 = Gematria. Maybe Richard spotted that one before me but I can't recall it from his book, but I have not read all of His work either since i don't find the Bible Wheel part that interesting.
So my question here is if the following Hebrew phrases are valid:
(A) The (5) Divine (200) God (86) = 291
(B) The (5) Riddle (27) of God (86) = 118
(C) The (5) Riddle (27) of Gematria (273) = 305
(D) The (5) Majesty (48) God (86) = 139
(E) The (5) Number (184) of God (86) = 275 = CW of Vs(913 = "In the beg." (Heb)) + CW of Vs(774 "In the beg." (Gr))
And just one more question: I noticed Psalms 47:7 says:
"For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding."
And the total value of this verse = 1205 = 5X 241 "in the beginning = CW of Vs(137) + CW of Vs(729)
So I am wondering how to get the phrase "For God is King of all the earth" in this verse.
Is it the 5 first words added of this verse or is it all words from the 2nd to the 5th ?
Here is the link to this verse:
I am not going to bother you with so many more questions on Hebrew since I want to read a book about it and learn the language better. Because if I want to spot as much as possible then I have to improve my Hebrew skills. But I truly appreciate your help and skills in this subject, so thank you for your time and effort :)
06-22-2018, 11:46 PM
Sylvius I think I need your Hebrew expertise once again. I have been focused on Hebrew lately and I need some assistance.
So I understand that the 5th Hebrew letter Vav (5) is being used as "the" in Hebrew.
5th letter is Hey
Vav is 6th
06-24-2018, 01:59 PM
Yes you are absolutely right there, I just had that one error of calling it Vav there. Its corrected now.
08-03-2018, 11:56 AM
Hello guys. I just wanted to let you know that I have made new versions of the 777 Holograph & the 888 Holograph.
I was not planning on sharing the new version of the 777 Holograph here, but started to feel bad for not doing it since it's very special.
But there is a lot more to it that I am not sharing here and I have not made that material yet either.
But the Holographs are quite impressive as they are now, and yes I misconnected some things in those Holographs before.
But a error is not an error until you refuse to correct it.
The Holographs are on page 1 on this thread as usual, and I really hope you guys will get mind-blowed by them like me.
08-20-2018, 06:33 PM
Well it seems that the codes in the Bible can be a bit stange some times.
I just found out that there are 2 methods to the ordinal value...
The first method which I have been using is when you value the Hebrew letters from 1 to 22.
But the other method is when you value them from 1 to 27 (where the final forms goes from nr 23 to 27).
And that is quite incredible because we see a connection the nr 27 "A & Z" there which points to English.
And I would never have seen this if it had not been for the website
which values its Hebrew ordinal system from 1 to 27. And I did not register this until some hours ago.
I could not understand why my calculations in ordinal (since I did not consider the final forms from 23 to 27) did not align with that website until I found this out.
Now lets check Genesis 1:1 in both these systems, lets call them ord(1) & ord(2)
where ord(1) is valued from 1 to 22 & ord(2) considers the finals forms and goes from 1 to 27.
Genesis 1:1 in ord(1)
1. In the beginning = 76 "Bible Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
2. created = 23 = "Aleph & Tav"
3. God = 41 "King" (Eng ord) --- Standard of "God" = 86 = "King" (Eng standard)
4. Aleph & Tav = 23 "I am" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
5. the heaven = 62 "Torah" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
6. and = 29 "Pi" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
7. the earth = 44 "in my heart" (Heb)
- Total value = 298 = 2X(37 + 112 "The Lord God")
- FLW = 120 "Bible Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- CW = 23 "I am" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- FLCW = 143 "First and Last" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- Words added up to CW = 163 "In the beginning God" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Hebrew reverse ordinal(1)) = CW of Vs(163)
- Words added from CW = 158 "The Center Word" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = Mirror of 23X37 (combinations of 37 in Gen 1:1 where 23 is "Aleph & Tav" & 37 is "wisdom")
Now add the total values of verses reflecting these 7 values
= 21199 = 1000X3X7 + 199 "God, the heaven, the earth" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = "and" 29 X (731 (mirror of "In the beginning") = Tri(7) + Tri(37))
Now adding this value to the sum of the total values of the 7 reflected verses of the standard Genesis 1:1 gives: 21199 + 22408 ((1+7) X (100+37X73))
= (A=1 B=2 C=3) "Tav" 43X1000 + Pri(112 "The Lord God") = Pri(71 "God" (Eng sta) X 64 "Israel" (Eng ord))
And this looks pretty fine but here is the results for Genesis 1:1 in ord(2)
1. In the beginning = 76 "Bible Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
2. created = 23 = "Aleph & Tav"
3. God = 52 "The Lord" (Heb ord + sta)
4. Aleph & Tav = 23 "I am" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
5. the heaven = 73 "Perfect" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
6. and = 29 "Pi" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
7. the earth = 53 "Torah" (Heb ord)
- Total value = 329 = 7X 47 "of God" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- FLW = 129 = "the earth" (Heb ord(1) + Eng ord) = FLW of Vs(73 "wisdom")
- CW = 23 "I am" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
- FLCW = 152 "All-Knowing" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- Words added up to CW = 37 + 137 (factors of Hebrew & English Genesis 1:1)
- Words added from CW = Composite nr 137 "In the beginning" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
Its quite interesting to see that we English connections are the focus in ord(2) here since this system is connected to 27 "A & Z".
Total values added of verses reflecting the values of the 7 words of Gen 1:1 in ord(2)
= Pri(46 "Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)) X 116 "Secret Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = 22852
So we see the values of the 7 verses that reflects standard Gen 1:1 = 22X1000 + 7 + 401
And then we see the 7 verses reflecting ord(2) Gen 1:1 = 22X1000 + 1 + 23X37
Hmmm, that seems designed.
Now add this to the 7 reflected verses of Genesis 1:1 in standard: 22408 + 22852
= Hebrew standard of: "wisdom" 73 X 620 "crown"
What really got me convinced of these two Hebrew ordinal methods was the 777 Holograph.
Since it really seems that ord(2) is the main system there without a doubt unlike Genesis 1:1 where ord(1) seems to be main.
You find that the ord(2) of verse nr 777 = 456 "believe" (Eng sta) = 137 by rot. added of both Heb & Eng Gen 1:1 (401 + 55) = FLW of Vs(7)
While the ord(2) of Lam 3:52 (only verse made up of 777) = 221 = Pri-ord(37) + Pri-ord(137) + 37 + 137
And adding the total values of Vs(221) & Vs(456) = 10X(27 "A & Z" + 137 "in the beginning" + 777)
You wont hit such incredible connections with the ord(1) system in the 777 Holograph.
Since the ord(1) value of the 777 Holograph is = 619 = Pri(53 "Torah" (Heb ord) + 62 "Torah" (Eng ord))
Now "Torah" in both ord(1) & ord(2) = 53 so you can't do anything about that one.
ord(1) + standard of the 777 Holograph is: 619 + 3091= 70 X 53 "Torah"
And that seems like design. But ord(2) wins in the 777 Holograph because its value is then: 221 + 456
= 677 "Divine" (Heb sta + Eng sta)
And then we see that the ord(2) + standard of the 777 Holograph is: 677 + 3091
= (Pi) 3X1X4 X 314 (Pi)
And the center words added of the 777 holograph in ord(2) = 148 "English Gematria" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
See guys, that is perfect. Since the ord(2) of the CW in Vs(777) = 76 "In the beginning" (Heb ord) = "Bible Codes" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
And the Total value of Vs(677) = 1 + Total value of Vs(3091)
What a beautiful riddle, but do not even doubt that the ordinal system has 2 methods. It's as clear as light.
But if you ask me then the ord(1) system has to be the main here since the ordinal value of "Aleph & Tav" is indeed 23 (1+22). But look at ord(2) system as a optional system, but it seems significant after doing some more checking. It will be interesting to see what I will discover with this in the future.
But I don't know how much God considers ord(2) gematria in his messages/phrases you find encoded in the different verses, ord(1) seems to win there. But I noticed that it gets relevant in integrations.
- TV of Vs(1618 = The Golden Ratio) = 1637
- CW of Vs(1618) = 42
- TV of Vs(1637) + TV of Vs(42) = 6432 = 1000XTri(3 "Father") + 432
- 432 = Ord(2) of verse nr 1618
So yeah, it seems valid but I can't help thinking that God maybe picked ord(2) there because of the CW that equals = 42 "gift" (A=1 B=2 C=3)
08-31-2018, 02:33 PM
Hey Richard, found a funny code when it comes to "cherry picking"
"Cherry Picked Codes"
= 171 (Eng ord)
= 1179 (Eng sta)
TV of Vs(171) + TV of Vs(1179) = 1179 "Cherry Picked Codes" + 7777
It's funny how the Bible seems to know what to throw back at you sometimes :winking0071:
10-15-2018, 03:15 PM
Alright so I think I understand why the Center Word(s) (CW) are so important in the codes now.
It represents the "Heart" of each verse.
And if you guys have paid some attention here well then you know that the codes in each verse is usually defined by its verse order, but there are exceptions since the codes can also be defined by verse & chapter numbers also.
So that is why we see the CW (Heart) of the first (1 stands for God) verse is "Aleph & Tav" (Jesus).
And if you go to Vs(151 "Jesus Christ" (A=1 B=2 C=3)) then you see that the CW there = 30 "Lamed" ל (The 12th Hebrew letter).
- This letter is considered the "Heart" of the Hebrew alphabet since it is 1 out of 2 Center letters of the 22 letters.
- This letter is also said to represent the King of Kings (Jesus) & it is the tallest letter of the Hebrew Alphabet.
Here is the source where I read about Lamed and there is a lot more info on this letter here:
So it really makes sense then why the CW method has so many incredible codes. I knew that this method was important (because of the results) but its good to be able to finally explain why it was so important.
And this also applies to center letters (CL) also, that's why the CL of Gen 1:1 = 41 "God" (Heb ord)
So knowing this great wisdom here opens up some nice connections when we look at the Hebrew spelling of:
"The Lord God" יהוה אלהים
- First & last letters of this name is: 10 + 40 = 50 (center letters added of the Hebrew Alphabet) = 23 "Aleph & Tav" + 27 "A & Z"
- Center letter (heart) of this name = 1 "Aleph" (1 stands for God while the letter "Aleph" is said to represent strength and leadership)
- First, last & center letter = 51 "hiding" (A=1 B=2 C=3) = Pri(8) + Pri(8) + Pri(8) (888 = Jesus) = 3 first stars added (1+13+37)
11-11-2018, 06:00 AM
Alright guys, new version of the 777 Holograph & the 888 Holograph. New connections found and thus new versions. But I have removed a couple of things there since it will be saved for the release of the book.
And be careful to study the Holographs because if there is some numbers you see there that are not explained then the answer to those numbers is usually found somewhere else in that image.
And I really doubt that I wiil need to change things in those Holograps ever again.
11-17-2018, 05:07 PM
Hi guys, I have taken the choice to go through verses from verse nr 1 and upwards.
But my book will have a lot of integrations too so its not just verse for verse there.
But how many verses would you guys like to see?
The 1st chapter, 100 first verses or more ?
Let me know, I have decided to go through the 1st chapter at least since I think I am ready for it now.
I am already on verse nr 4. And I try do dedicate 1 page each for each verse (except Gen 1:1). But it's going to be made in A4 pages so I can get a lot of info on 1 page.
I won,t use the same methods in every verse but the methods like TV, FLL, CW, 3 CL, 3 CW... will always be there.
But i want to give you guys a example so Here is verse nr 2 and i don't know if i will be using all the connections there, But i kind of perfect the images in time, so this is kind of a rough version. The numbers 27 & 52 are very easy to misconnect since they connect to some very important words like "Messiah", "light", "riddle", "codes" so i may have misconnected on those numbers a few times.
- Pi (3,14....) is dentoted with "π" the 16th Greek letter which has a value of 80.
- The Golden Ratio (1,618...) is denoted with "φ" the 21st Greek letter whch has a value of 500.
It is virtually impossible for me to use the actual greek letters in the images if I ever want to finish the book so I address them in English.
So "Pi" (Gr ord) = 16 --- "Pi" (Gr sta) = 80
And "Phi" (Gr ord) = 21 --- "Phi" (Gr sta) = 500
05-29-2019, 11:54 PM
Alright ladies and gentlemen, after a break from the codes I have been working on the Holographs that I shared on the first page of this thread.
Because I always misconnected a few details here and there. But I can ensure you guys now that the 777 & 888 Holographs are 100% complete and correct for the first time in history.
The completed version of the 666 Holograph can wait until the book since there are a few small details there that I misconnected, but nothing too serious since I just missed "Alpha" encoded there twice, but we have so much of the Alpha (The-fine structure constant) in the 777 Holograph now that it is mind-blowing anyway. But the whole 777 Holograph is truly magnificent in every detail, I have even reworked the total values and added more there.
The 888 Holograph has also been added codes to the Total value and it needed fixing of misconnections in the Holograph.
Be sure to check these Holographs out now and share.
Link to first page of this thread that displays the Holographs of 666, 777 & 888
And Richard, if you ever wanted to review the 777 & 888 Holographs, then now is a good time to do it. This thread was made because of the Holographs of 666, 777 & 888 after all because of a discussion we had about possible verse integrations in the Bible.
Thanks for sharing. I'll let you know what I think after reviewing them.
All the best,
Oh and I almost forgot; there is a connection to the Golden Holograph in the end of image with the total value of the 777 Holograph.
That Golden Holograph is being held back until my upcoming book in released.
05-31-2019, 02:18 PM
I never should have said that the 777 Holograph was 100% complete there, because I kind of figured out some very important new details. I mean I did not understand that God considered the reduced gematria system (that goes from 1 to 9 & starts over on 1 again) that much.
So once again for maybe the 50th time (i have lost count), the 777 Holograph is redone.
But i truly hope that i am finished with it now.
Over 100 Hours has gone into this image ladies and gentlemen.
Over 2 years would pass until I would get this gem finished. That just tells you how much God loves his riddles and how detailed He is.
And God goes very far when it comes to his precious Seal of God (777).
red = reduced.
Go to the first page to see the results for the total value.
Now I picked the mathematical connections in the 5 first combinations. But these are messages also:
- Combo nr 1 = 137 "In the beginning" (Eng ord)
- Combo nr 2 = 474 "Knowledge" דעת
- Combo nr 3 = 628 "The Seal of God" (Heb ord + sta)
- Combo nr 4 = 444 "The seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
- Combo nr 5 = 414 "Reward" (A=6 B=12 C=18)
- Combo nr 6 = 338 (38 "Alpha" (Eng ord))
- Combo nr 7 = 591 "Ark of God" (Heb & Eng sta) = mirror of 195 "seven seven seven" (Eng ord)
- Combo nr 8 = 561 "Thirty Seven" (A=37 B=38 C=39) [37 = "Seal" (Eng ord) & it displays numbers 3 & 7)
- Combo nr 9 = 160 "Codes" קודים
Richard found out that the Hebrew for "(The)Ark of God" ארון אלהים
= 343 (7X7X7)
Now "Ark of God" in English standard = 200 + 48 "the Seal" החתם (ord).
So adding the standard value of "Ark of God" in both Hebrew & English is: 343 + 248
= 591 (7th Combo of the 777 Holograph)
= 100X5 "the" + 13X7 (137)
= mirror of "seven seven seven" (Eng ord)
= Pri(3 "Father") X Pri(46 "codes") --- 3X46 = 1 "α" + 137 (Inverse α)
So what do you guys think about this ?
Because this is my favorite Holograph so I really wonder what people think about this.
06-06-2019, 12:28 PM
Now i want to share a bit info about the fact that number 1 is the first prime and NOT number 2; like the world today thinks it is. Mankind used to consider number 1 as the first prime until the 1800's and then they changed their mind.
And there are many people on this website who thinks that number 2 is the first prime, but i know the codes better than most people here so i will set the record straight once and for all.
So let's start with the Center Word of Genesis 1:1 which is "Aleph & Tav" את with a value of
= 401 = Pri(80 "Pi" π)
So we see Pi in "Aleph & Tav" since the standard value of the Greek letter "Pi" π= 80
(Go to page 1 of this thread and check the Alphabet table if you are confused or new to the concept of gematria)
Now Pi is found down to 5 digits in Genesis 1:1 (Check the Firmament Holograph on Page 1) & even the factors added of the total value of Gen 1:1 is: 37+73 = Composite nr 80 "Pi"
Alright so you may think "that's some interesting connections but it's not proof"
Ok, but if we go to verse nr 401 "Aleph & Tav" we see that the total value
= 1601 = 161 (3 digits The Golden Ratio which is denoted as the Greek letter "Phi" φ) with 0 removed
So if you are one of the millennials like me then you may now think "But that was not Pi"
But Pi & Phi are connected through the Golden Spiral. Google/Youtube it.
So you see what God is doing here, the FLW (First, Last Words added) of Vs(401) = 397 = Pri(79 "Pi" (Eng sta))
The Greek ordinal of "Pi" π = 16
And we see the CW (Center Word) of Vs(401) = (Gr ord) "Pi" 16 X 23 "Aleph & Tav" (Heb ord)
So if you have some good eyes you might see that number 1 is the first prime already. But I know how I have to spoon feed some of you before you understand/believe. And yes the method God is using by extended digits and removing 0's on numbers are valid. He does use these methods to be effective.
So if we go the Genesis 1:1 again and add the words surrounding the Center Word gives: 86 "God" + 395 "the heaven"
= (Heb ord) "one" 13 X 37 "wisdom" (Heb ord) = Pri(13) X Pri(7) = 80 "Pi" + Pri(80 "Pi")
And if you count the Center Word by rotation in cycles by the nr of words in Genesis 1:1 it hits the order of:
46 "codes" (Eng ord) & 137 (Inv. α) ---- (Inverse Alpha) 1/137,03599 = 0,00729.... (Alpha)
so the Pri(13) X Pri(7) connection there was deliberate.
Alright so we now saw the CW of Gen 1:1 = Pri(80 "Pi")
& the W. surr. CW = 80 "Pi" + Pri(80 "Pi")
Now Pi is actually found several times in Genesis 1:1 but it won't help the prime question here too much.
But I found out that the ordinal value of Vs(401 "Aleph & Tav" = Pri(80 "Pi"))
= 314 (3 digits of Pi)
See now there should be no debate about this anymore. Number 1 is the first prime and we see it.
But I will continue a bit more since I can.
So now go to Vs(2741 = Pri(401 "Aleph & Tav"))
- TV = (Eng red) "Alpha" 10 X 424 "Aleph & Tav" (Heb ord + sta)
- FLW = 257 "and said" (Heb sta)
- CW = 401 "Aleph & Tav"
- FLCW = 7X 94 "created Alpha" (Eng ord)
- W. surr. CW = 586 = 1 "α" + 5 "ε" + 80 "π" + 500 "φ" (Check the Firmament Holograph if you think this is random)
- 3 CW = 100X9 "and" δε + 87 "Phi" (Eng sta) = (210 "seven seven seven" (A=26) = ordinal value of the only Vs made up of 777) + 777
See all of this really makes too much sense for it to be random.
But that is just my opnion, i try to let the calculations speak for themself.
So the 2nd word of Gen 1:1 is "created" with a value of 203 = 7X29 (Alpha = 0,00729...)
(Alpha is the First(1) letter of the Greek Alphabet and Gen 1:1 is verse nr 1)
- Count the 2nd word "created by rotation by the nr of words & it hits the order of 37 "wisdom" & 401 "Aleph & Tav".
- Total values added of Vs(7121 = Pri(913 "in the beginning" = 729 by rot. of Gen 1:1)) & Vs(1231 = Pri(203 "created" = 7X29))
= 2X(4729 (47 "God of" (Eng ord) merged with 729 (Alpha)) = Pri(639 = Comp-ord(777)))
- Integration of Vs(97 = Pri(26 "The Lord")) & Vs(439 = Pri(86 "God")) - TV = 10X 673 (6 "and" --- 73 "wisdom")
- FLW = 352 "In the beginning God created everything" (Eng ord)
- CW = 401 "Aleph & Tav"
- FLCW = 700 + 53 "Torah" (Heb ord) = Pri(3 "Father") X Pri(55 "God" (A=26)) --- 3X55 = 165 "Thirty Seven" (Eng ord))
- W. surr. CW = 781 "wisdom" (Gr sta)
- 3 or 4 CW = 1182 "The Fine-Structure Constant" (A=37 B=38 C=39)
= "One Hundred and Thirty Seven, Seven Hundred and Twenty Nine and Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
= 182 (7X 26 "The Lord"/"God") with extended digit
37 "Seal" (Eng ord) = Pri(13 "of God" אל (ord))
Hope this was enough for you guys to clear this matter. If not, then there is always more though so guess you will have to wait for the book if you need more than this.
06-07-2019, 02:50 PM
Alright Richard, fixed the 666 Holograph and added a lot more to the total value.
So I think it is finished now.
and you may review the Holographs of 666, 777 & 888 now.
There are also new versions of the Creation Holograph and the English Genesis 1:1 on page 1.
06-09-2019, 02:42 PM
And it is time to let people here including Richard understand why "The heart of Wisdom" is so important in Genesis 1:1
So we believed including myself that the Heart of Wisdom was number 37.
Well that was a jump. Since it is not number 37, but Alpha (The-fine-structure constant: 1/137.035999 = 0,0072979)
Now if you are new to the codes the that might sound strange but if you read the first page of this thread then you will see how important Alpha is in the codes, you can't miss it.
So Richard found out the Hebrew values for "The Heart" = 19 (ord) = 37 (sta)
while "of Wisdom" = 37 (ord) = 73 (sta)
And he found patterns to these connections which he displays in the Creation Holograph.
He though that he hit the mark there; and I guess you guys can't understand how that feels
But I have done this many many times also so I understand it perfectly.
And it was a really intriguing connection. But wrong, 37 is not the Heart of Wisdom.
Since we see that the ordinal values added of the "The Heart of Wisdom" = 56 "created" (Eng ord)
and the standard values added of "The Heart of Wisdom" = 110 "Alpha" (Eng sta)
See this is the Heart of Wisdom, and this opens up one of Gods great riddles of the codes; that the verse orders are the main method that defines the codes of each verse. Since Genesis 1:1 is Verse nr 1 "α" (Alpha). So Alpha is indeed the more correct answer to what The Heart of Wisdom is.
And Alpha is considered as the most mysterious number in physics and it is also considered the most important number in physics.
Even number 3773 = Palindrome nr 137 (inv. α)
And 73/37 = 1.9729729729729 (19 "and" (Eng ord) --- 729 (Alpha))
- Total value of Vs(1 "α") = 37X73 = 729 (α) + 1972 "Mystery of God" (Eng sta)
= CW of Vs(110 "Alpha" (Eng ord)) + TV of Vs(58 "Seal of"/"Science" (Eng ord))
= (Heb ord) "Reward" 52 X 37 "of Wisdom" (Heb ord) + 777
Now there is a lot more In Genesis one one about Alpha but you can read most of it in the first page here.
Now there is a ultimate riddle, & there is a ultimate code in the Torah that compliments each other.
You will find a lot of references to them in the first page of this thread, even in my version of the Creation Holograph.
But I am saving it for the book.
But If you have excellent eyes and do the right thing, then you might find it out. Because you can't find it out just by reading my material, you need to check something else to understand it so don't waste too much time on trying to find it out.
Now number 37 is important in all of this but not because of "The Heart of Wisdom". It is there because it is a code number of 777.
And we see a lot of connections between Alpha & 777 in my work & this is the first step to the ultimate code ladies and gentlemen.
Yet there several steps you need to take before you know it. Good luck trying to find it out; but I guess I have given you enough details now to make it possible for a few of you to find it. But it won't be too long until you can read about it in my book anyway.
06-10-2019, 11:21 PM
Exodus 35:10,
And every wise hearted person among you shall come and make everything that the Lord has commanded:
וְכָל־חֲכַם־לֵ֖ב בָּכֶ֑ם יָבֹ֣אוּ וְיַֽעֲשׂ֔וּ אֵ֛ת כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֥ר צִוָּ֖ה יְהֹוָֽה,
"v'chol-chacham-lev bachem yavo v'ya'asu et kol ashet tzivah hashem"
Exodus 36:2,
And Moses called Bezalel and Oholiab and every wise hearted man into whose heart the Lord had given wisdom, everyone whose heart lifted him up to approach the work to do it.
וַיִּקְרָ֣א משֶׁ֗ה אֶל־בְּצַלְאֵל֘ וְאֶל־אָֽהֳלִיאָב֒ וְאֶל֙ כָּל־אִ֣ישׁ חֲכַם־לֵ֔ב אֲשֶׁ֨ר נָתַ֧ן יְהֹוָ֛ה חָכְמָ֖ה בְּלִבּ֑וֹ כֹּ֚ל אֲשֶׁ֣ר נְשָׂא֣וֹ לִבּ֔וֹ לְקָרְבָ֥ה אֶל־הַמְּלָאכָ֖ה לַֽעֲשׂ֥ת אֹתָֽהּ
"vayikra moshe el-b'tzalel v'el-oholiav v'el kol-ish chocham-lev asher natan hashem chochmah b'libbo kol asher n'sao libbo l'karvah el ham'lacha la'asot otah"
So it's not about "the heart of wisdom" but about "the wisdom in (of) the heart" given by Hashem (= the Lord) -- according to Revelation 13:18 : ωδε ἡ σοφία ἐστίν "Here is the wisdom"
which would be Hebrew "hinneih hachochmah"
It's a gift, a present, something for free, gratis.
06-11-2019, 12:28 AM
"lev" = heart, midpoint
06-11-2019, 01:04 AM
You see clearly what it is Sylvius.
The Heart (mid-point) of wisdom is the Alpha, the finestructure constant.
God knew that it was going to be notfied as α (1 stands for one God)
He made it so improtant for our universe for this reason.
He designed Genesis 1:1 and the whole bible to fit the constants of physics and his messages. And physics comes really high in the codes.
The most important ones are the ones in the Firmament Holograph (this is is why it has this name) which are Alpha, e, Pi & Phi.
But the most important one without a doubt is Alpha, just like the professionals in physics also thinks.
They think the Alpha is so mysterious since they can't explain why it has the value that it has.
But I know why it has the value it has and I showed It to Richard, this is the answer to the ultimate riddle.
And the smartest people of the world does not know why Alpha has the value it has because they try to find the answer in theoretical physics. But they should be looking into codes/gematria since the answer is there.
It truly is the ultimate riddle of the universe and when you see the answer it shines, then you know why Alpha, has the value it has.
(I can show you the ultimate riddle for all your help in return that you keep it for yourself until my book is finished)
But i think you know that God loves his riddles so the 37 in all of this is ultimately there for the sake of 777.
And Alpha is very very encoded with Gen 1:1, both in it and around it through verses.
And there are several other codes that I have not shared that proves that, and I have not shared those with Richard.
But he knows the Ultimate riddle & code so he knows when he reads my first page now that I am not cherry picking this time.
But don't get me wrong here, there are still misconnections in my first page, but they are few now and I will get those away in the coming week.
Since I need to update pictures.
But yes, it works like a message "Created"/"Alpha" is the center of wisdom that God wanted us to know.
And 777 is also a ultimate number in all of this since it is The Seal of God. I mean just look at this:
06-11-2019, 02:32 AM
See I will give you some clues that I am right:
See the CW (Heart) of Vs(110 "Alpha" (English standard) = 37 "The Heart + 73 "of Wisdom") = 700 Psi "ψ"
Which is the symbol used in physics for a Wave function (
From Wikipedia
For a given system, the choice of which commuting degrees of freedom to use is not unique, and correspondingly the domain of the wave function is also not unique. For instance, it may be taken to be a function of all the position coordinates of the particles over position space, or the momenta of all the particles over momentum space; the two are related by a Fourier transform. Some particles, like electrons and photons, have nonzero spin, and the wave function for such particles includes spin as an intrinsic, discrete degree of freedom; other discrete variables can also be included, such as isospin. When a system has internal degrees of freedom, the wave function at each point in the continuous degrees of freedom (e.g., a point in space) assigns a complex number for each possible value of the discrete degrees of freedom (e.g., z-component of spin) ? these values are often displayed in a column matrix (e.g., a 2 ? 1 column vector for a non-relativistic electron with spin 1⁄2).
Hmm so ladies and gentlemen guess what is connected to particles and electrons ;)
From Wikipedia
physics, the fine-structure constant, also known as Sommerfeld's constant, commonly denoted by α (the Greek letter alpha), is a dimensionless physical constant characterizing the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles. It is related to the elementary charge e, which characterizes the strength of the coupling of an elementary charged particle with the electromagnetic field, by the formula 4πε0ħcα = e2. As a dimensionless quantity, it has the same numerical value in all systems of units, which is approximately 1/137...
Quote from Wikipedia
The theory of QED predicts a relationship between the dimensionless magnetic moment of the electron and the fine-structure constant α (the magnetic moment of the electron is also referred to as "Land? g-factor" and symbolized as g). The most precise value of α obtained experimentally (as of 2012) is based on a measurement of g using a one-electron so-called "quantum cyclotron" apparatus, together with a calculation via the theory of QED that involved 12672 tenth-order Feynman diagrams:[9]
Jup, you know its the Alpha now. But there is always more since God goes so far with this Riddle/Gift/Treasure that it is mind blowing. See that number 12672 there ?
Let's say that number is not special conserning what Wikipedia says here about but rather look at the number itself: 126 "God and" (Eng sta) --- 72 (Alpha)
Vs(729) & Vs(12672) integrated
- TV = δε "and" 9X1000 + 127 "thirty and seven" (Heb ord)
Hmmm the heart of Wisdom or 37 "Seal" & 137 "of God" ??? I think The Seal of God.
- FLW = 400 + 58 "Seal of"/"Science" (En gord)
- CW = 1408 = 148 "Alpha" (Eng ord + sta) woth 0 removed)
- FLCW = 1000 + 137 (Inv. α) + 729 (α) = "The Treasure of The Fine-Structure Constant" (A=37 B=38 C=39)
- W. surr. CW = 1374 (137 "In the beginning" (Eng ord) merged with 74 "In the beginning" (Gr ord)) = "In the beginning" (Heb & Eng sta) (Since the CW is "Alpha", you should know)
- 3 CW = 2000 + (5 "The" + 777 = Center letters added of "Seven" שבע, "Seven" επτα, "Seven" (Eng sta))
Can you see the glory ?
The fine-structure constant is also connected to the Speed of light which is another very important number of our universe.
And light has everything to do with electrons to do since it is the same thing in two different forms as far as I understand this.
Here is the speed of light and Alpha connection
06-11-2019, 03:07 AM
And here is a really good one. So we saw the fine-structure constant connected to the speed of light in the 20th century.
In the 21st century today; we see Alpha & The Speed of Light connected to 777 for the first time ever. The speed of light is 299792458 m/s
729 (Alpha) + 299792458 (Speed of Light) = Pri(16241724 =
= Pri(71"Riddles"/"Seal"/"God") X (228757 = Pri(20326 = 2X Pri(10163 = 2X Pri(1249) --- 2X 1249 = 7 + 137 + 729 + 1625)))))
And Inverse Alpha (1/137,03599) hits right over number 137 "In the beginning" = 100 + 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) = "of God" (Eng sta)
While this connection hits right under the value of 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb sta) X 9994...(right under 10 000) (94 "Created Alpha" (Eng ord))
Lets calculate the accuracy of how close Inverse Alpha is to number 137 "In the beginning": 137/137,035999 = 0,99737...
Accuracy = 99,737%
- 737 (73 merged with 37 --- 37 + 73 = 110 "Alpha" (Eng sta)) = Palin(83 "wisdom" = mirror of 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord))
Now lets do see how close Alpha added with the speed of light is to 1625 "seven hundred seventy and seven": 1624,1724/1625 = 0,99949
Accuracy: 99,949%
- 949 = (172 "codes" (Eng sta) = 100 "The codes of" (Eng ord) 72 (α)) + 777
So my discovery here hits closer to the wanted value between number 137 & 1625.
- FLW of Vs(137) + FLW of Vs(1625) =(110 "Wisdom of" (Heb ord + sta) = "Alpha" (Eng sta)) + 137 (α) + 729 (Inv. α)
- CW of Vs(137) + CW of Vs(1625) = 1000 + 299 (3 digits of the speed of light)
06-11-2019, 03:23 AM
Romans 1:22,
Claiming to be wise, they became fools :dizzy:
06-11-2019, 03:29 AM
So you are calling me a fool after what I have shared on the first page of this thread + the info here ?
Guess I have to slap you a bit for that.
Who is the fool now ?
06-11-2019, 03:41 AM
So you are calling me a fool after what I have shared on the first page of this thread + the info here ?
Guess I have to slap you a bit for that.
Who is the fool now ?
06-11-2019, 03:47 AM
See, I told you. The Heart of Wisdom is that God created Alpha and Genesis 1:1 reflects Alpha since it is verse nr 1 "α".
06-11-2019, 04:57 AM
See, I told you. The Heart of Wisdom is that God created Alpha and Genesis 1:1 reflects Alpha since it is verse nr 1 "α".
The final midpoint ("lev"= heart) of creation ("b''reishit") 58) refers to (timeless) "rest" ("noach").
"b'reishit bara" matches "b'hibaram" in Genesis 2:4,
= without effort they were created.
06-11-2019, 05:05 AM
Ἐν ἀρχῇ translates Hebrew "b'reishit"
John 1:1,
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος
What most people don't get is that Ἐν ἀρχῇ is a word
That's why he calls them blind.
06-11-2019, 05:40 AM
Well I will give you something better that that.
- Center (Heart) letters added of "In the beginning in both Hebrew & Greek = 401 "Aleph & Tav" = 137 "In the beginning" by rot. & CW (Heart) of Vs(1 "α")
- Center (Heart) letters added of "In the beginning in both Hebrew, Greek & English = 417 "The fine-structure constant physics" (Eng ord)
- Nr of letters in "In the beginning" in both Hebrew & Greek added = 13 "one" (Heb) (1 = "α")
- Nr of letters in "In the beginning" in both Hebrew, Greek & English added = 27 "riddle" (Heb)
06-11-2019, 08:46 AM
Well I will give you something better that that.
- Center (Heart) letters added of "In the beginning in both Hebrew & Greek = 401 "Aleph & Tav" = 137 "In the beginning" by rot. & CW (Heart) of Vs(1 "α")
- Center (Heart) letters added of "In the beginning in both Hebrew, Greek & English = 417 "The fine-structure constant physics" (Eng ord)
- Nr of letters in "In the beginning" in both Hebrew & Greek added = 13 "one" (Heb) (1 = "α")
- Nr of letters in "In the beginning" in both Hebrew, Greek & English added = 27 "riddle" (Heb)
The Torah was written in Hebrew, not in Greek, nor in English
06-11-2019, 12:22 PM
But English is still very important.
"In the beginning" added of Hebrew (913) & Greek (774) =
7X 241 "In the beginning" (A=26)
- 241 = factor of letters added from nr 137 by rot. to 729 by rot. in Vs(1 "α")
06-11-2019, 12:46 PM
But English is still very important.
"In the beginning" added of Hebrew (913) & Greek (774) =
7X 241 "In the beginning" (A=26)
- 241 = factor of letters added from nr 137 by rot. to 729 by rot. in Vs(1 "α")
It doesn't tell me a thing
06-11-2019, 12:57 PM
Ok, does this make sense then ?
- TV of Vs(913 "In the beginning" (Heb sta)) + TV of Vs(461 "In the beginning" (Eng sta))
= "Riddle(s)"/"Light" 27 X 277 (27 "Riddle(s)"/"Light")
06-11-2019, 01:17 PM
Ok, does this make sense then ?
- TV of Vs(913 "In the beginning" (Heb sta)) + TV of Vs(461 "In the beginning" (Eng sta))
= "Riddle(s)"/"Light" 27 X 277 (27 "Riddle(s)"/"Light")
not to me:bawl:
06-11-2019, 01:46 PM
Hmmm okey, so Hebrew, Greek and English are the main languages encoded in the bible. it clearly is.
And English is extremely important, we see that with inverse Alpha and its value that is nearly 137 "In the beginning"
- We see the TV of English ordinal Genesis 1:1 = 3X 137
- & its FLCW = 164 "a hundred and thirty and seven" (ord) (scriptural way of writing that number) = CW of Vs(26 "The Lord"/"God")
And there is so much more in that verse but the nr of words = 10 "Alpha" Αλφα (Gr reduced) --- while its nr of letters = 44 "in my heart" (Heb sta)
- Word nr 10 of the bible = 3X137 = Comp(330 "the fine-structure constant" (A=1))
- TV of Vs(10) = 2074 (274 "intelligent design" (A=26 B=25 C=24) = 27 "riddles" merged with 74 "in the beginning" (Gr ord)) = (ord + sta) "α" 2 X 1037 (137 (Inv. α))
- FLW of Vs(10) = 334 = 34 "Alpha" Αλφα (ord) ["Alpha" fully spelled out in Greek] with extended digit
- CW of Vs(10) = 396 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=26 B=2 C=24)
- FLCW of Vs(10) = 10X 73 "Wisdom of" = 1 "α" + 729 (α)
Now understand this, physics are the laws of the firmament of the universe.. And there are certain numbers that are more important in physics than others.
The Fine structure Constant comes on number 1 in importance. And it is connected to the speed of light (not discovered by me). 27 = "Riddle(s)"/"Light" (Deliberate Design)
God loves to use ELS codes mainly for messages but his numerical codes are centered around physics. Look at the Holographs of 666, 777 & 888. Physics is found there way too much to be random.
Look at the Creation Holograph that is centered around Alpha.
Greek is the Alphabet of Physics so it is extremely important.
But His numerical codes are not only just about physics but messages also. But Physics is one of the big rewards in the codes while number 777 is a master number.
It is His Seal in the codes. God will go to supernatural lengths to encode both physics & 777 in the bible. Trust me, since every time you find something about "The Seal of God" you know He means 777.
So you should know that the languages of Hebew, Greek & English are relative to the whole bible in the sense of codes. Since the bible is designed by 1 author, God. The Holy Spirit moved though the finger of the writers of the Bible.
So if we write in Greek (Main language of Physics) "Reveal Alpha" αποκαλυπτω Αλφα = 2314 = 2000 + 314 (Pi) = TV of Vs(777)
Still think I am crazy or lost here ? Well CW of Vs(34 "Alpha" Αλφα (ord)) = 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord)
You can't miss this Sylvius, it is clear as light. And Pi is there since it is also connected to number 777 in its number 3,14.... in a beautiful way that I discovered.
& the ordinal value of the modern spelling of "seven hundred seventy seven" in English = 314 (Pi)
Hope this helps.
06-11-2019, 02:47 PM
And here is the codes in number Pi. See how important Alpha & 777 is here.
Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937
So lets start with general codes in Pi
- 3 first digits = 314 "Almighty" (Heb) = "seven hundred seventy seven" (Eng ord) = 137 (Inv. α) of Vs(777) = 2X Pri(38 "Alpha" (Eng ord)) --- 2X38 = 76 "In the beginning" (Heb ord)
- 7 first digits = 3141592 = η "The" 8 X Pri(392699 = Pri(33288 (328 = 14 "gold(en)" + 314 (Pi) = FLW of Vs(1618 (Phi))) = (400 + 56 "light" (Eng ord))X73 "of Wisdom"))
- 3 first digits of Pi added = 3+1+4 = 8 "The" η
- The 7 first digits added of this number is: 3+1+4+1+5+9+2 = 25 "Pi" πι (Gr ord) [when fully spelled out] = "Pi" (Eng ord)
- The 7th digit starts the value of 26 "The Lord"/"God" (3.1415926)
- Digit nr 13 (Prime nr 7) is the first digit in 97 "Alpha" (A=26) (3.1415926535897)
- Digit nr 14 (7 + 7) = 7 (3.1415926535897)
- Digit nr 18 "Treasure(s)" (Heb reduced) starts number 38 "Alpha" ((3.141592653589793238)
- Digit nr 19 ("and" (Eng ord) = "wisdom of" (Heb reduced)) starts number 84 "Seal of God" (Eng ord)
- Digit nr 20 "Alpha" (English reduced) starts number 46 "codes" (Eng ord) (3.14159265358979323846)
- Digit nr 27 "riddle(s) of" (Heb ord) is the last digit in number 38 "Alpha" (Eng ord) (3.14159265358979323846264338)
- Digit nr 37 "Seal" (Eng ord) is the last digit in 84 "Seal of God" (Eng ord) (3,141592653589793238462643383279502884)
- Digit nr 73 "The Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven" (Heb reduced) starts number 628 "The Seal of God" (Heb ord + sta) which is the center combo in the 777 Holograph of the 5 first combinations. (3,14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937 510582097494459230781640628)
- 84 + 628 = 712 = CW of the 777 Holograph
- Digit nr 137 is the first digit in number 231 (Tri(7+7+7)) (3141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 10582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706 7982148086513282306647093844609550582231)
- Digit nr 729 is the first letter in nr 181 "created the" (A=26)) & the 3rd digit is nr 731 (mirror of 137) [Created the Alpha & Inverse Alpha] ["The Heart of Wisdom" = "created"/"Alpha"]
3,141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 10582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706 79821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081 28481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381 96442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190 91456485669234603486104543266482133936072602491412 73724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364 36789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160 94330572703657595919530921861173819326117931051185 48074462379962749567351885752724891227938183011949 12983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217 98609437027705392171762931767523846748184676694051 32000568127145263560827785771342757789609173637178 72146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892 35420199561121290219608640344181
- Now remember I told you about Greek and physics. If you check out digit nr 774 "In the beginning" (Gr) you see it is the last digit of number 7297 (4 digits of α)
3,141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 10582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706 79821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081 28481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381 96442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190 91456485669234603486104543266482133936072602491412 73724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364 36789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160 94330572703657595919530921861173819326117931051185 48074462379962749567351885752724891227938183011949 12983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217 98609437027705392171762931767523846748184676694051 32000568127145263560827785771342757789609173637178 72146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892 35420199561121290219608640344181598136297747713099 6051870721134999999837297
- Digit nr 777 is the last digit in 804 (84 "Seal of God" (ord) = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7)), the digit before nr 804 is 7 and the number before that again again is 729 (α). And 729 (Alpha) is surrounded by 3 & 7 here.
3,141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 10582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706 79821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081 28481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381 96442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190 91456485669234603486104543266482133936072602491412 73724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364 36789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160 94330572703657595919530921861173819326117931051185 48074462379962749567351885752724891227938183011949 12983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217 98609437027705392171762931767523846748184676694051 32000568127145263560827785771342757789609173637178 72146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892 35420199561121290219608640344181598136297747713099 6051870721134999999837297804
- The order of the first digit of 804 instead = 46 (Heb ord) "The God of"/"codes" (Eng ord) + 729 (α)
- 804 = 27 "Riddles of" + 777
Now adding the orders of the 3 first mentions of 7 (777) is: 14 + 30 + 40 = 84 "Seal of God" = Tri(7) + Tri(7) + Tri(7)
The first mention of the marked "seven" שבעת that is seen so much in the 777 Holograph is found in Vs(194 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb ord))
- This seven has the values of (ord) 61/772 (sta)
- First mention of a word with a value of 84 "Seal of God" (in either Heb ord or Eng ord) in the bible is seen in the 2nd word of verse nr 61 "seven" (ord)
- 2 counted by rot. of Vs(61) hits the orders of: 72 (α) & 772 "seven" (sta)
- 61 "seven" = 6 "and" --- 1 "α"
- 772 "seven" = 72 (α) with extended digit
And the first mention of number 777 in Pi starts with digit nr 10X159 "Seal of God" (A=26 B=25 C=24)
3,141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 10582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706 79821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081 28481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381 96442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190 91456485669234603486104543266482133936072602491412 73724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364 36789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160 94330572703657595919530921861173819326117931051185 48074462379962749567351885752724891227938183011949 12983367336244065664308602139494639522473719070217 98609437027705392171762931767523846748184676694051 32000568127145263560827785771342757789609173637178 72146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892 35420199561121290219608640344181598136297747713099 60518707211349999998372978049951059731732816096318 59502445945534690830264252230825334468503526193118 81710100031378387528865875332083814206171776691473 03598253490428755468731159562863882353787593751957 78185778053217122680661300192787661119590921642019 89380952572010654858632788659361533818279682303019 52035301852968995773622599413891249721775283479131 51557485724245415069595082953311686172785588907509 83817546374649393192550604009277016711390098488240 12858361603563707660104710181942955596198946767837 44944825537977472684710404753464620804668425906949 12933136770289891521047521620569660240580381501935 11253382430035587640247496473263914199272604269922 79678235478163600934172164121992458631503028618297 45557067498385054945885869269956909272107975093029 55321165344987202755960236480665499119881834797753 566369807426542527862551818417574672890977772
- 72 (α) = "Alpha" (Eng & Gr ord)
You just got some of my really great codes that I was going to save for the book, these connections has to be the great riddle of why Pi so encoded in Vs(777) & the 777 Holograph.
And this is probably why we see Pi in Genesis 1:1, since Alpha & 777 is clearly encoded in Pi. And many people are searching for proof that Pi was designed, I think we just saw that proof but that is my opinion.
Pi π: (There are spaces in Pi when I post this on this website but they do not appear if you copy and paste from this website if you want to check this out)
Character counting tool:
06-12-2019, 06:55 AM
Hmmm okey, so Hebrew, Greek and English are the main languages encoded in the bible. it clearly is.
language = Hebrew "safah"
"safah" can also mean lip and also bank (of a river) and shore (of the sea)
in what other language is such the case? huh? what?
Hebrew = "ivrit" = language "mei-ever hanahar" = from over (beyond) the river
"Over" is a clear Edenic
from Hebrew root "avar"
06-12-2019, 12:02 PM
a prophecy - when all the world will speak Hebrew, in English...
06-12-2019, 12:45 PM
The number 153 in John 21:11 proves that it is all about this, since the 153rd word of the (Hebrew) Torah is "tov" (= good). Number of "tov" is 17 and 153 = triangle 17.
The "tov" in Genesis 1:12 wouldn't have been the 153rd word if the earth had brought forth "etz pri oseh pri" (fruit tree making fruit) instead of "etz oseh pri" (tree making fruit), for then it would have been the 154th word.
And then also "hashishi"( ths sixth) (last word of Genesis 1:31) would't have been the 434th word (434 being number of "delet" = door), but the 435th word.
And "b'hibaram" in Genesis 2:4 (the word that matches "b'reishit bara") wouldn't have been the 474th word (474 being number of "da'at" = knowledge), but the 475th word.
These things don't change over the years and over centuries.
They are eternal truths.
The word "tov" (= good) is about the light, since God saw the light that it was good.
The third "tov" is about the light that precedes the darkness = "or ganuz" = the hidden light.
06-12-2019, 02:04 PM
Hmmm no.
Word nr 153 has the value of 17 "Precious"/"Good" for the same reason that the 2nd combination of the 666 Holograph equals 153.
But it was a good spot though since 153 = Tri(17).
But this guy who checked this did not understand the codes well so he did not check the letter order of the last letter of that word.
which = ו "and" 6 X 97 "Alpha" (A=26)
06-12-2019, 10:04 PM
The number 153 is (about) the key of heaven
It fell where the primrose grows:
06-12-2019, 10:27 PM
In Genesis 1:11 God asked for עֵ֣ץ פְּרִ֞י עֹ֤שֶׂה פְּרִי֙, "etz pri oseh pri"
In Genesis 1:12 the earth brought forth עֵ֧ץ עֹֽשֶׂה־פְּרִ֛י, "etz oshe pri"
Next it says: "and God saw that it was good" וַיַּ֥רְא אֱלֹהִ֖ים כִּי־טֽוֹב, "vayar elohim ki-tov"
This "tov" being the 153rd word from the beginning
Rashi on "etz pri oseh pri"
That the taste of the tree should be like the taste of the fruit. It [the earth] did not do so, however, but?the earth gave forth, etc., trees producing fruit,? but the trees themselves were not fruit. Therefore, when man was cursed because of his iniquity, it [the earth] too was punished for its iniquity (and was cursed-not in all editions). - [from Gen. Rabbah 5:9]
To my great happiness I found the keys:
The number 666 in Genesis 1:31 and the number 153 in Genesis 1:12 :winking0071:
06-12-2019, 11:32 PM
153 = God understandeth אלהים הבין [Job 28:23] = In the beginning Alpha and Pi εν αρχηι Αλφα και πι (ord)
But you will probably find 666 connected to 153 because of the illuminati connection to it.
But God goes far when it comes to the important numbers.
You would think that there would be a evil connection to the TV In verse nr 36 "evil" רע, but we see it is:
3906 = 396 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (A=26) with 0 removed
- 36 = "hide"/conceal" טמן = Seven Seven Seven שבע שבע שבע (reduced)
06-12-2019, 11:42 PM
So the Key is not 666, but 777. There is no doubt, it is one and only numerical Seal of God.
This is why 777 is the CW of Vs(729 (Alpha))
This is why Satan picked 666, since it is right under the 7's, can't you see?
Number 3 is said to stand for completion. So that is why the triple digit's are used.
My codes here was truly bad before, just read from page 2 to maybe 30 or something in this thread.
But the codes I have corrected on the first page + the codes I have shared here in the last pages should really be enough to make you understand what is central and important in the codes now. Yes 666 is important & has its place like many other things, but far far from the Key or as important as Alpha, Pi, Phi or 777. Trust me.
06-12-2019, 11:59 PM
So the Key is not 666, but 777. There is no doubt, it is one and only numerical Seal of God.
This is why 777 is the CW of Vs(729 (Alpha))
This is why Satan picked 666, since it is right under the 7's, can't you see?
Number 3 is said to stand for completion. So that is why the triple digit's are used.
I mean my codes here was truly bad here before, just read from page 2 to maybe 30 or something in this thread.
But the codes I have shared on the first page + the last pages here should really be enough to make you understand what is central and important in the codes now.
"key" is related to "door"
Hebrew "mafteiach" = opener (of doors)
06-13-2019, 12:09 AM
If you want to see what God connects to 528 "Key" מפתח
then why do you not check out Vs(528) ?
You will see that I am correct, you will see the numbers central to my first page here.
I can give you one of the codes:
- FLW + 4 CW = 1630 "The Seven Hundred Seventy and Seven מאות ושבע ושבעים השבע השבע
06-13-2019, 12:13 AM
If you want to see what God connects to 528 "Key" מפתח
then why do you not check out Vs(528) ?
You will see that I am correct, you will see the numbers central to my first page here.
I can give you one of the codes:
- FLW + 4 CW = 1630 "The Seven hundred seventy and seven" מאות ושבע ושבעים השבע
Why should verse 528 say something about "key"?
it is total nonsense to me.
06-13-2019, 12:15 AM
alright, then I will let it be nonsense to you.
06-13-2019, 12:59 AM
But you should wait for the book and rather try to read it when it is completed.
Things will be more clearly explained and it will have a lot more Holographs there too.
Even though I have written tons of info in this thread, most are misconnections since I was on a low level in the codes when this thread was started.
But i figured out what I needed to do to master the codes, and I am very close to the level I have always wanted to be now.
06-13-2019, 07:58 AM
But you should wait for the book and rather try to read it when it is completed.
Things will be more clearly explained and it will have a lot more Holographs there too.
Even though I have written tons of info in this thread, most are misconnections since I was on a low level in the codes when this thread was started.
But i figured out what I needed to do to master the codes, and I am very close to the level I have always wanted to be now.
As far as I can see you are just playing with Richard's Bible Database
06-13-2019, 08:17 AM
Ok, if you think I am just playing with numbers then fine. But I am not, the results should tell you that here.
06-13-2019, 09:08 AM
Ok, if you think I am just playing with numbers then fine. But I am not, the results should tell you that here.
playing with it using your fantasy
06-13-2019, 09:44 AM
So how is this playing with my fantasy ?
And the only thing I am unsure of here is in the Creation Holograph with number 216 = Com(168).
I am not sure if the composite order should be "Inverse Alpha, Alpha"
or 100 + 68 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (Heb red)
I think I will go for 100 + 68 "seven hundred seventy and seven" in the future.
But this is no play.
Edit: It is changed now.
06-13-2019, 09:50 AM
But this is no play.
what then it is?
06-13-2019, 10:02 AM
Incredible codes is what it is.
But you don't know the ultimate riddle or code.
So everything will not make sense here for you guys, ok.
But you see in the first page of this thread; a lot of connections to physics, & 777 + "The Seal of God".
+ messages like "In the beginning", "universe"...
As long as I get you guys to see that; then my job here is complete. But you can't really understand why until you see the ultimate code.
I just can't share that because it is the high point of my book, sorry you will just need to wait.
06-13-2019, 10:21 AM
. But you can't really understand why until you see the ultimate code.
Will we then be like God (gods) (in knowing good and evil)?
06-13-2019, 11:28 AM
We are born in sin so we do know good and evil. We have a conscience that tells us when something is wrong.
Now these codes are full of riddles & they reference riddles; expecially the ultimate one. You see alot of referances to it in my first page, even referances to the ultimate code. so your conscience won't help you so much here, it's more about knowedge, perception, dedication, understanding and wisdom.
So i will try for the last time to explain why Alpha is so important to the best of my knowledge since this is very advanced physics after all.
From Wikipedia
In physics, the fine-structure constant, also known as Sommerfeld's constant, commonly denoted by α (the Greek letter alpha), is a dimensionless physical constant characterizing the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles. It is related to the elementary charge e, which characterizes the strength of the coupling of an elementary charged particle with the electromagnetic field.
Based on the precise measurement of the hydrogen atom spectrum by Michelson and Morley,[21] Arnold Sommerfeld extended the Bohr model to include elliptical orbits and relativistic dependence of mass on velocity. He introduced a term for the fine-structure constant in 1916.The first physical interpretation of the fine-structure constant α was as the ratio of the velocity of the electron in the first circular orbit of the relativistic Bohr atom to the speed of light in the vacuum. Equivalently, it was the quotient between the minimum angular momentum allowed by relativity for a closed orbit, and the minimum angular momentum allowed for it by quantum mechanics. It appears naturally in Sommerfeld's analysis, and determines the size of the splitting or fine-structure of the hydrogenic spectral lines.
So in short words here, Alpha is is about physics concerning particles & it is connected to physics of electons, speed of light + more
Now go to this link in Wikipedia and read everything under "Physical interpretations"
Now understand:
- The fine-structure constant (α) is encoded in the First element Hydrogen
(Image taken from:
- The fine structure constant involves the electromagnetic interaction to particles, which again is connected to electron and the speed of light.
- The fine-structure constant (α) is foundational to light, since electrons and light are the same thing in different forms.
- Light was created in the First day of creation
- The fine-structure constant (α) is encoded in the Hebrew Genesis 1:1 in several ways both in and around the verse. (I have not even given you all codes in Genesis 1:1 yet about Alpha) And it is the First verse of the bible.
- The First word of the bible is "In the beginning" & Inverse Alpha is nearly the value of "In the beginning" in English
- The fine-structure constant is notified as"Alpha" (α) the First Greek letter
- ordinal of "Alpha" spelled out in Greek is: Αλφα 1+11+21+1 = 34 "One" (Eng ord) = Pri-ord(137 (Inv. α))
- Hebrew reduced for "In the beginning" = 13 "One" אחד = Pri(7) [137 encoded in "One")
- Hebrew ordinal of "In the beginning" = 76 --- 7+6 = 13 "One" אחד
- "In the beginning" in standard = 913 = (9 "and" --- 13 "One" אחד ) [9 = "And/But/For/also/now/then" δε de [Matt 19:26]] = Pri(6 "and" ו) X Pri(24 "hiding" מחבא (ord)) --- 6X24 = "Alpha Codes" Αλφα κωδικούς (ord)
- The fine-structure constant is ranked as the First in importance in physics & it is the most mysterious number also
If you don't understand why Alpha is important now then at least i tried.
06-13-2019, 12:28 PM
We are born in sin so we do know good and evil. We have a conscience that tells us when something is wrong.
is it our conscience that leads us on evil ways?
06-13-2019, 12:34 PM
I can't see how that has anything to do with the subject about the codes.
Because this thread is really all about codes in the Bible.
And to stress that then I will have to share the TV of Vs(46 "codes" (Eng ord)) now since we are at page 46.
- TV of Vs(46) = 137 (Inv. α) + 729 (α) + 777
06-13-2019, 09:44 PM
I can't see how that has anything to do with the subject about the codes.
Because this thread is really all about codes in the Bible.
And to stress that then I will have to share the TV of Vs(46 "codes" (Eng ord)) now since we are at page 46.
- TV of Vs(46) = 137 (Inv. α) + 729 (α) + 777
Do the codes have nothing to do with human consciousness or human behavior?
06-13-2019, 09:52 PM
Quite little yes. More like purposes that are very high.
But you find a lot of different things there. And the Heart lies with Alpha and physics is the great reward there.
If you don't understand that then you totally mess up if you are going through the first chapter.
And I will go through it and beyond in my book.
You have no idea about the codes if you think that Greek is not valid in the codes of the Torah.
Greek is the language of physics after all.
And this suits me since I have Greek blood in me, my father is half Greek and lives in Greece.
I even spake Greek until I moved to Norway again when I was 3 years old and then I forgot Greek completely after that.
But I remembered English at least.
So I will go down to my family in Greece and double check the Greek phrases I have, just to make sure everything is perfect.
06-13-2019, 10:32 PM
Quite little yes. More like purposes that are very high.
But you find a lot of different things there. And the Heart lies with Alpha and physics is the great reward there.
If you don't understand that then you totally mess up if you are going through the first chapter.
And I will go through it and beyond in my book.
You have no idea about the codes if you think that Greek is not valid in the codes of the Torah.
Greek is the language of physics after all.
And this suits me since I have Greek blood in me, my father is half Greek and lives in Greece.
I even spake Greek until I moved to Norway again when I was 3 years old and then I forgot Greek completely after that.
But I remembered English at least.
So I will go down to my family in Greece and double check the Greek phrases I have, just to make sure everything is perfect.
can I go down with you?
06-13-2019, 11:30 PM
No, since I very rarely see them. I have not visited them in a really long time.
But I do talk to them and have contact. But I do plan to visit them soon now.
06-13-2019, 11:34 PM
But how about we go to Israel ?
I would love to visit that place.
06-13-2019, 11:41 PM
But how about we go to Israel ?
I would love to visit that place.
what places would you like to visit?
(I have been there last year)
06-13-2019, 11:55 PM
Ranking of places I want to visit that i have not been before:
1. Israel
2. The British Museum
3. Egypt
4. Florida, USA or another tropical place around there in the caribeans.
06-14-2019, 12:31 AM
Ranking of places I want to visit that i have been before:
1. Israel
2. The British Museum
3. Egypt
4. Florida, USA or another tropical place around there in the caribeans.
travel with a certain mission, tp promote your codes?
06-14-2019, 01:11 AM
No, mostly because of interest in history.
I thought you would have spotted that on the 3 first picks.
The 4th pick was pure satisfaction based, the 3 first was based on historical knowledge.
06-14-2019, 11:13 PM
So my stance was that John 1:1, Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, is about the first word of the Hebrew bible "b'reishit"
The first letter "bet" is explosive --
Breath breaks through the closed lips.
It is the "B" of the "Big Bang" - not being something far away in time and space -- but present in "the eternal now" - "das immerw?hrende Jetzt"
06-14-2019, 11:27 PM
And that may be. There are several layers in these codes.
Like you have a symbolic meaning in every letter of Genesis 1:1 & you get a message from the first word about Jesus.
But this is not my field, since I go through the verses. This is more like a category for itself and I think you shine brighter there than me.
Dr. Panin went through the bible summing grammatical details (+ other things) in what he calls the Heptadic structure of the bible.
I think this is also a cathegory for itself, since he found strong patterns of 7 there, not everywhere in the bible but certain verses/chapters.
I have kind of found my own way of doing the codes, but I did not just understand everything first. It came in time.
And I did not discover all the methods I am using, far from. People before me has talked about first & last words, center words & words around the CW. But I have never seen any results beyond Genesis 1:1 with those methods. Maybe I discovered the 3 CW method & FLW + some other methods but I have a very good overview of how the numerical codes work now.
But I still learn stuff in the codes since it is so deep.
06-15-2019, 11:03 PM
"reishit" is said to be form of "rosh" (= head) in a semichut- construction (construct -state)
Heb. בְּרֵאשִית בָּרָא. This verse calls for a midrashic interpretation בָּרָא[/SIZE], should be different, as Rashi explains further]. It teaches us that the sequence of the Creation as written is impossible, as is written immediately below] as our Rabbis stated (Letters of R. Akiva , letter ?beth? ; Gen. Rabbah 1:6; Lev. Rabbah 36:4): [God created the world] for the sake of the Torah, which is called (Prov. 8:22): ?the beginning of His way,? and for the sake of Israel, who are called (Jer. 2:3) ?the first of His grain.? But if you wish to explain it according to its simple meaning, explain it thus: ?At the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth, the earth was astonishing with emptiness, and darkness?and God said, ?Let there be light.?? But Scripture did not come to teach the sequence of the Creation, to say that these came first, for if it came to teach this, it should have written:?At first (בָּרִאשׁוֹנָה) He created the heavens and the earth,? for[B] there is no רֵאשִׁית in Scripture that is not connected to the following word, [i.e., in the construct state] like (ibid. 27:1):?In the beginning of (בְּרֵאשִית) the reign of Jehoiakim? ; (below 10:10)?the beginning of (רֵאשִׁית) his reign? ; (Deut. 18:4)?the first (רֵאשִׁית) of your corn.? Here too, you say בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אלֹהִים, like בְּרֵאשִׁית בְּרֹא, in the beginning of creating. And similar to this is,?At the beginning of the Lord?s speaking (דִּבֶּר) to Hosea,? (Hos. 1:2), i.e., at the beginning of the speaking (דִּבּוּרוֹ) of the Holy One, Blessed be He, to Hosea, ?the Lord said to Hosea, etc.? Now if you say that it came to teach that these (i.e., heaven and earth) were created first, and that its meaning is: In the beginning of all, He created these-and that there are elliptical verses that omit one word, like (Job 3:10): ?For [He] did not shut the doors of my [mother?s] womb,? and it does not explain who it was who shut [the womb]; and like (Isa. 8:4): ?he will carry off the wealth of Damascus,? and it does not explain who will carry it off; and like (Amos 6:12): ?or will one plow with cattle,? and it does not explain: ?if a man will plow with cattle? ; and like (Isa. 46: 10): ?telling the end from the beginning,? and it does not explain that [it means] telling the end of a matter from the beginning of a matter-if so, [if you say that Scripture indicates the order of creation] be astounded at yourself, for the water preceded, as it is written: ?and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the water,? and Scripture did not yet disclose when the creation of water took place! From this you learn that the water preceded the earth. Moreover, the heavens were created from fire and water. Perforce, you must admit that Scripture did not teach us anything about the sequence of the earlier and the later.
06-16-2019, 03:21 AM
if so, be astounded at yourself, for the water preceded, as it is written: "and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the water" and Scripture did not yet disclose when the creation of water took place! From this you learn that the water preceded the earth.
"first the water was there and then came the banks (of the river)"
bank = "safah" , also: lip, language
06-16-2019, 03:33 AM
Exodus 6:28-29,
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, "I am the Lord. Speak to Pharaoh everything that I speak to you." But Moses said before the Lord, "Behold, I am of closed lips; so how will Pharaoh hearken to me?"
"ani aral s'fatayim" -- I am of uncircumcised lips
The letter "bet" of "b'reishit" still had to break through :winking0071:
06-16-2019, 09:03 AM
Moreover, the heavens were created from fire and water
heaven = "shamayim"
fire = "esh"
water = "mayim"
Rashi on Genesis 1:8,
And God called the expanse heaven: Heb. שָׁמַיִם [This is a combination of the words מַיִם שָׂא, bear water (Gen. Rabbah 4:7); שָׁם מַיִם, there is water; אֵשׁ וּמַיִם, fire and water. He mingled them with one another and made the heavens from them (Chag. 12a).
If you would leave the letter "shin" out from "shamayim" then Genesis 1:1 would read:
"b'reishit bara elohim et-hamayim v'et haaretz" with total value of 2401.
That's strange, since 2401 = square 49 (49 x 49) = 7 x 7 x 7 x 7
Lettervalue of "shin" is 300, like "ruach elohim" (= spirit of God)
So this might be about (the deeper meaning of) "v'ruach elohim m'rachefet al-penei hamayim" -- and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the water.
The spirit of God being likened to a dove.
Rashi on Genesis 1:2,
and the spirit of God was hovering: The Throne of Glory was standing in the air and hovered over the face of the water with the breath of the mouth of the Holy One, blessed be He and with His word , like a dove, which hovers over the nest, acoveter in Old French, to cover, hover over.
cf. Mark 1:10,
καὶ εὐθὺς ἀναβαίνων ἐκ τοῦ ὕδατος εἶδεν σχιζομένους τοὺς οὐρανοὺς καὶ τὸ πνεῦμα ὡς περιστερὰν καταβαῖνον εἰς αὐτόν: καὶ φωνὴ ἐγένετο ἐκ τῶν οὐρανῶν, Σὺ εἶ ὁ υἱός μου ὁ ἀγαπητός, ἐν σοὶ εὐδόκησα.
And immediatly uprising out of the water he saw the heavens being torn open and the spirit like a dove descending on him. And a voice came out of the heavens "You are my son the beloved one, in you I am well pelased
throne of glory = "kissei hakavod"
Rabbi Munk (Wisdom of the Hebrew Alphabet, pg 138) gave his Jewish insight into the symbolic meaning of Kaph and how it relates to the Mem KeyWord malkuth (kingdom, Bible Wheel book pg 266):
The ל (Lamed) is a majestic Letter, towering above the other Letters from its position in the center of the Alphabet. Thus it symbolizes the King of Kings, the Supreme Ruler. On one side Lamed is flanked by the כ (Kaph) which alludes to the kiseh hakavod, God's Throne of Glory, while on its other side stands מ (Mem), the Attribute of malkuth, God's Kingship [Spoke 13, BW book pg 266]. Together, these three Letters spell מלך (Melek, King).
"lamad"= to learn
What you'll have to learn?
be astounded at yourself, for the water preceded, as it is written: ?and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the water,? and Scripture did not yet disclose when the creation of water took place! From this you learn that the water preceded the earth.
06-16-2019, 11:34 AM
Certainly that first letter of the bible beth ב is interesting.
I have read mostly that it is the 2nd letter because it symbolizes Jesus; The Son.
Since he is the 2nd one after the Father.
Now what you mentioned there about beth there being explosive and therefore connecting it to the Big Bang or moment of creation is also interesting.
How did you come to that or where did you find that info ?
So my stance was that John 1:1, Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, is about the first word of the Hebrew bible "b'reishit"
The first letter "bet" is explosive --
Breath breaks through the closed lips.
It is the "B" of the "Big Bang" - not being something far away in time and space -- but present in "the eternal now" - "das immerw?hrende Jetzt"
I personally think John 1:1 is linked to Genesis 1:1 because both verses starts with "In the beginning", which is definitely one of the signature phrases God likes to use.
- "In the beginning" = First word of Gen 1:1 = First word of John 1:1 = approximately the value of inverse Alpha in English ordinal
- 5 digits of Alpha is found in Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 by merging TV & multiplying: 27013627X27013627 = 72973...
- "In the beginning" added in Hebrew & Greek is: 913+774 = 7X 241 "In the beginning" (A=26 B=25 C=24) = 1000 + CW of Vs(37) + CW of Vs(73) [37 + 73 = "Alpha" (Eng sta)]
- Verse order of Gen 1:1 = 1 "α"
- Verse order of John 1:1 = 26046 = 2646 (26 ="God" (Eng ord) --- 46 = "Codes" (Eng ord)) = 1X3X7 X 7X2X9 with 0 removed
- Value of Beth = 2 "α" (ord + sta)
06-16-2019, 11:08 PM
Certainly that first letter of the bible beth ב is interesting.
I have read mostly that it is the 2nd letter because it symbolizes Jesus; The Son.
Since he is the 2nd one after the Father.
"bet" = house
"bat"= daughter
"ben"= son
"bein" = between
"binah"= understanding , i.e. that you can read between the lines?
Now what you mentioned there about beth there being explosive and therefore connecting it to the Big Bang or moment of creation is also interesting.
How did you come to that or where did you find that info ?
The first letter "alef" is silent, but can carry any sound (vowel)
Second day creation of the firmament, coinciding the second letter "bet"
Let there be an expanse: Let the expanse be strengthened, for, although the heavens were created on the first day, they were still moist, and they solidified on the second [day] from the rebuke of the Holy One, blessed be He, when He said, ?Let there be an expanse.? This is what Scripture says (Job 26:11): ?The pillars of the heavens trembled? the entire first day, and on the second day: ?They were astonished by His rebuke,? like a person who stands in astonishment because of the rebuke of the one who frightens him. [Genesis Rabbah 12:10]
rebuke = "g'arah"
It alludes to God as "shadai" (Omnipotens) explained as "sh?omar dai" = the one who says enough
to rebuke = "ga'ar" , written with the same letters as "rega" = moment -- gematria 273
I personally think John 1:1 is linked to Genesis 1:1 because both verses starts with "In the beginning", which is definitely one of the signature phrases God likes to use.
- "In the beginning" = First word of Gen 1:1 = First word of John 1:1 = approximately the value of inverse Alpha in English ordinal
- 5 digits of Alpha is found in Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 by merging TV & multiplying: 27013627X27013627 = 72973...
- "In the beginning" added in Hebrew & Greek is: 913+774 = 7X 241 "In the beginning" (A=26 B=25 C=24) = 1000 + CW of Vs(37) + CW of Vs(73) [37 + 73 = "Alpha" (Eng sta)]
- Verse order of Gen 1:1 = 1 "α"
- Verse order of John 1:1 = 26046 = 2646 (26 ="God" (Eng ord) --- 46 = "Codes" (Eng ord)) = 1X3X7 X 7X2X9 with 0 removed
- Value of Beth = 2 "α" (ord + sta)
Mark 1:1,
Ἀρχὴ τοῦ εὐαγγελίου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ [υἱοῦ θεοῦ]
Also here Ἀρχὴ stands for Hebrew "reishit" -- "reishit b'sorah" -- principle of the Gospel is -- that John came baptizing in the water that preceded the earth ...
06-17-2019, 08:41 AM
Well I have to say that I am not sure about that first letter yet.
I think it stands for the Son but it can also stand for Alpha, number 2 is "α" (ord + sta).
And I know that verse nr 2 stands for Alpha since God put codes there to reflect that.
So my stance here is that in the terms of symbolic meaning; Beth is the Son.
But in pure gematria terms (my method) then It is Alpha.
Both the Son and Alpha are very encoded in Genesis 1:1.
06-17-2019, 11:20 AM
Well I have to say that I am not sure about that first letter yet.
I think it stands for the Son but it can also stand for Alpha, number 2 is "α" (ord + sta).
And I know that verse nr 2 stands for Alpha since God put codes there to reflect that.
So my stance here is that in the terms of symbolic meaning; Beth is the Son.
But in pure gematria terms (my method) then It is Alpha.
Both the Son and Alpha are very encoded in Genesis 1:1.
might it have to do with Abraham's promised son?
Rashi on Genesis 15:5,
And He took him outside: According to its simple meaning: He took him out of his tent, outdoors, to see the stars. But according to its midrashic interpretation, He said to him,"Go out of your astrology" for you have seen in the signs of the zodiac that you are not destined to have a son. Indeed, Abram will have no son, but Abraham will have a son. Similarly, Sarai will not give birth, but Sarah will give birth. I will give you another name, and your destiny will change (Ned. 32a, Gen. Rabbah 44:10).
06-17-2019, 12:10 PM
Well I know that Jesus is not only encoded in Genesis 1:1 but extremely encoded in there.
He shows up a lot in my Creation Holograph of Wisdom part 3.
I think he is there since he is the savior.
Take a look.
It is really too bad that I did not know that the book stores only accepted books not made in Word.
Because those Holographs are made in Word and I have to remake them...
But this image is old and I can't fix it since my Word document got bugged.
So the quality of that image is not exactly how I wish it would be.
And the combination from nr 16 to 26 is wrong. That should be from nr 16 "Pi" (Gr ord) to nr 80 "Pi" (Gr sta) by rot.
But this Holograph will not look like this after I remake it, it will be better since there are connections here that I don't really want to include here like number 56 & I am unsure about the order of letter nr 4, if it should be 368 or something else.
06-17-2019, 01:04 PM
Well I know that Jesus is not only encoded in Genesis 1:1 but extremely encoded in there.
He shows up a lot in my Creation Holograph of Wisdom part 3.
I think he is there since he is the savior.
Also Jesus dependend on Abram's namechange ...
"b'hibaram" (Genesis 2:4), the 474th word from the beginning, can be read as "b'avraham" (for the sake of Abraham) since "hibaram" is written with the same letters as "avraham" Q#v=onepage&q=behibaram%20for%20the%20sake%20of%20abraham&f=false
06-17-2019, 02:32 PM
Also Jesus dependend on Abram's namechange ...
Yes my grandfather mentioned something about the name of Abraham being changed for the sake of Jesus some times before when i was younger.
I never understood why though but I have never researched it either.
06-17-2019, 08:17 PM
So guys, that ultimate riddle and code is being laid out so clear in my first page here now that I am not going to confirm it if anyone of you find it before my book is complete.
And it won't help to ask Richard about it since he has promised me to keep silence until the book is finished.
But you will truly know if you find it and then you will not have to ask me about it since you will know given all the references to It in the first page here. You see guys, I learned from God, so I am being blatant about it and I have spread through the first page.
This is like the ultimate treasure hunt for codes, so happy treasure hunting while you wait for the book.
06-17-2019, 10:36 PM
So guys, that ultimate riddle and code is being laid out so clear in my first page here now that I am not going to confirm it if anyone of you find it before my book is complete.
And it won't help to ask Richard about it since he has promised me to keep silence until the book is finished.
But you will truly know if you find it and then you will not have to ask me about it since you will know given all the references to It in the first page here. You see guys, I learned from God, so I am being blatant about it and I have spread through the first page.
This is like the ultimate treasure hunt for codes, so happy treasure hunting while you wait for the book.
John 8:58,
"Before Abraham got his namechange I (Desmild) am"
06-18-2019, 08:36 AM
I had to check out why God changed his name now since we were talking about this.
The new names are indicative.
(Gen. 17-5) "Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thThy name shall be Abraham - Abram אברם literally signifies a high or exalted father. Ab-ra-ham אברהם differs from the preceding only in one letter; it has ה he before the last radical. Though this may appear very simple and easy, yet the true etymology and meaning of the word are very difficult to be assigned. The reason given for the change made in the patriarch's name is this: For a father of many nations have I made thee, אב המון גוים ab-hamon goyim, "a father of a multitude of nations." This has led some to suppose that אברהם Abraham, is a contraction for אב רב המון ab-rab-hamon, "the father of a great multitude."
So his name got changed because he is the patriarch of the 12 Tribes. That did not have so much to do with Jesus.
06-18-2019, 09:33 AM
I had to check out why God changed his name now since we were talking about this.
So his name got changed because he is the patriarch of the 12 Tribes. That did not have so much to do with Jesus.
Paul called Jesus Abraham's promised seed (son)
Galatians 3:16,
Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, ?And to offsprings,? referring to many, but referring to one, ?And to your offspring,? who is Christ.
06-18-2019, 09:40 AM
the letter that was added to Abraham's name is the same letter "hey" that was added to "shishi" in Genesis 1:31, turning "yom shishi" (sixth day) (with gematria 666) into "yom hashshi" (the sixthe day).
the letter "hey" of "hashishi" being the second letter of God's four-letter name that is present in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vay'chulu hashamayim", the last two words of Genesis 1:31, and the first two words of Genesis 2:1, "at the completion of creation"
The initial letters of "yom hashishi" are also the initial letters of "yeshu hanotzri" - Jesus the Nazarene.
without "hey" his name would have been "yeshu notzri" , with gematria 666
06-18-2019, 09:59 AM
"av hamon goyim"
the father of a multitude of nations: אַב הֲמוֹן is an acrostic of his name [i.e., - אב ר הם]. (Gen. Rabbah 46:7). The ?resh? that was in it [his name] originally, denoting that he was the father only of Aram, which was his native place, whereas now [he became] the father of the whole world (Ber. 13a): nevertheless the ?resh? that was there originally was not moved from its place. For even the ?yud? in Sarai?s name complained to the Shechinah until it was added to Joshua, as it is said: (Num. 13:16):?and Moses called Hosea [הוֹשֵׁעַ] the son of Nun, Joshua [יְהוֹשֻׁעַ].? - [from Gen. Rabbah 47:1]
Only with Abraham's letter "hey" added to "shishi" in Genesis 1:31 creation was completed and did "hashem" appear to be the creator of heaven and earth in the initial letters of "yom hashishi vaychulu hashamayim"
06-18-2019, 02:11 PM
Alright so there is a maybe a connection between the lines there.
This is definitely not my field of the codes. You and Geert Van den Bos should go together and make a book on this category.
I am having problems seeing the connections here but I get confused fast when you use the Hebrew words like "Hasishi"....
Because this is completely different from the numerical codes, I wonder what the symbolic meaning in the Hebrew spelling of "seven hundred seventy and seven" is. Do you think you and Geert can figure that out ? I can guarantee you that there is something special there.
06-18-2019, 09:22 PM
Alright so there is a maybe a connection between the lines there.
This is definitely not my field of the codes. You and Geert Van den Bos should go together and make a book on this category.
I am having problems seeing the connections here but I get confused fast when you use the Hebrew words like "Hasishi"....
Because this is completely different from the numerical codes, I wonder what the symbolic meaning in the Hebrew spelling of "seven hundred seventy and seven" is. Do you think you and Geert can figure that out ? I can guarantee you that there is something special there.
Seven = "sheva" -- שֶׁבַע(female) שִׁבְעָֽה "shiv'ah"(male)
seventy = "shiv'im" -- שִׁבְעִ֥ים
seven hundred = "sheva meiot" שֶׁבַע מֵא֖וֹת
06-18-2019, 10:03 PM
Hmmm does not every single letter of that phrase have a symbolic meaning ?
I want you and Geert to see if something is there, because it should be if your method is valid; which I do not doubt it is.
06-18-2019, 10:14 PM
Leviticus 23:15-16,
And you shall count for yourselves, from the morrow of the rest day from the day you bring the omer as a wave offering seven weeks; they shall be complete. You shall count until the day after the seventh week, [namely,] the fiftieth day, [on which] you shall bring a new meal offering to the Lord.
count = "safar"
number = "mispar"
number of the beast = "mispar hachayah"
to tell, relate = "sappeir"
Dutch : tellen = to count; vertellen = to tell
German: z?hlen = to count; erz?hlen = to tell.
Why do numbers count?
06-18-2019, 10:18 PM
the fiftieth day (after the counting of the seven times seven days) = the sixth day ("yom hashishi") of Sivan = the day of the giving of the Troah = "mattan Torah"
the sixth day: Scripture added a ?hey? on the sixth [day], at the completion of the Creation, to tell us that He stipulated with them, [?you were created] on the condition that Israel accept the Five Books of the Torah.? [The numerical value of the ?hey? is five.] (Tanchuma Bereishith 1). Another explanation for ?the sixth day? : They [the works of creation] were all suspended until the ?sixth day,? referring to the sixth day of Sivan, which was prepared for the giving of the Torah (Shab. 88a). [The?hey? is the definite article, alluding to the well-known sixth day, the sixth day of Sivan, when the Torah was given (ad loc.).]
06-18-2019, 10:25 PM
Okey, so you were not up for that. I think you need some of the wisdom of the CW in Vs(37 "Wisdom") that has a value of 416.
416 = Praise επαινος epainos --- The Holy One וקדוש qadowsh [Psa 78:41] --- was exhalted ותגבה [Eze 19:11] --- and hear ושמע [Dan 9:18]
and they that understand ומשכילי --- Good הטבת towb [Gen 41:26] --- Riddles αινίγματα Enigmata --- Gifts δοματα doma [Mat 7:11]
426 = And God blessed ויברך אלהים (ord + sta) --- midst/middle/within תוך tavek
428 = CW of Vs(137) = "In the middle/midst" בתוך [Gen 6:1]
06-18-2019, 10:52 PM
Tell me Syvius, what is the wisdom of number 7 in gematria ?
Why does Genesis 1:1 have 7 words & 28 (Tri(7)) letters ?
06-19-2019, 12:04 AM
Tell me Syvius, what is the wisdom of number 7 in gematria ?
Why does Genesis 1:1 have 7 words & 28 (Tri(7)) letters ?
7 is the fifth prime number
but to squareheads it's the fourth :winking0071:
06-19-2019, 12:10 AM
God created the world in six days and on the seventh day he rested.
The seventh day being our ongaoing reality, since in the first creationstory there is no mentioning of "and it was evening and it was morning, the seventh day" -- the account of the seventh day (Genesis 2:1-3, ending with "asher-bara elohim la'asot" (that God created to do)
the last three words ending with respectively "alef-mem-tav" -- which spell the word "emet" = truth
06-19-2019, 12:19 AM
Yes that is the traditional answers. The 7th day and that it stands for spiritual perfection.
And I have also read that it is also the number used as a bridge or sign from the divine to the physical creation.
But in the codes you should rather think Alpha when you see it since it is the first letter of Alpha (0,007...)
And it also connects to Pri(5 "The" ה = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal" (Eng ord))
Now is not that perfect after seeing the connections in my first page here ?
06-19-2019, 12:33 AM
Yes that is the traditional answers. The 7th day and that it stands for spiritual perfection.
And I have also read that it is also the number used as a bridge or sign from the divine to the physical creation.
But in the codes you should rather think Alpha when you see it since it is the first letter of Alpha (0,007...)
And it also connects to Pri(5 "The" ה = Pytha.Pri-ord(37 "Seal" (Eng ord))
Now is not that perfect after seeing the connections in my first page here ?
Creation only was completed with the letter "hey" added to "shishi"
Genesis 2:2, And God completed on the seventh day
Rabbi Shimon said: [A human being of] flesh and blood, who cannot [exactly] know his times and his moments, must add from the profane to the holy The Holy One, blessed be He, Who knows His times and His moments [exactly], entered it [the Sabbath] within a hairbreadth, and it therefore appeared as if He completed it [His work] on that day. Another explanation: What was the world lacking? Rest. The Sabbath came, and so came rest. The work was completed and finished. ? [from Gen. Rabbah 10:9]
so it just appeared as if it was completed on the seventh, while in fact it was completed on the sixth
LXX has:
και συνετελεσεν ο θεος εν τη ημερα τη εκτη - and God completed on the sixth day
remarkable since LXX Genesis 1:31 has:
και εγενετο εσπερα και εγενετο πρωι ημερα εκτη -- and it became evening and it became morning a sixth day
06-19-2019, 01:28 AM
I thought you could read between the lines.
Gen 2:3 which is verse nr 34
"And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."
- 34 = "Alpha" Αλφα (ord) = "One" (Eng ord) = Pri-ord(137) --- Alpha = 1/137..
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